
Exploring the Charms of Spain: A Travelogue Spain, a country steeped in rich history and vibrant culture, is a dream destination for travelers seeking an authentic European experience. From its bustling cities to its serene countryside, Spain offers a captivating tapestry of sights, sounds, and flavors that are unique to this Mediterranean gem.Madrid, the capital, is a vibrant city that pulses with life. The Prado Museum, one of the world's finest art galleries, is a must-visit for art lovers. Here, one can admire masterpieces by Goya, Veláz quez, and other renowned Spanish artists. The city's bustling streets are also home to a range of restaurants serving up delicious Spanish cuisine, from tapas to paella.From Madrid, it's an easy journey to the enchantingcity of Barcelona. Here, the iconic La Sagrada Familia cathedral, designed by Antoni Gaudi, is a sight to behold. This unfinished masterpiece of modern architecture soars skyward, its unique forms and intricate details captivating visitors. Barcelona's bustling El Raval district is a mazeof narrow streets filled with lively tapas bars and charming shops.The Spanish coast is another draw for travelers. The Balearic Islands, with their crystal-clear waters andidyllic beaches, are a paradise for sunseekers. The island of Mallorca, in particular, offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure, with its stunning coastline, ancient villages, and charming markets.For those seeking a more cultural immersion, Andalusia, in the south of Spain, is a must-visit. Here, the cities of Seville and Granada are home to a rich Moorish heritage, evident in their captivating mosques and fortresses. The Alhambra Palace in Granada is a particularly stunning example of Moorish architecture, its intricate details and lush gardens a testament to the skill and vision of its builders.Traveling in Spain is not just about sightseeing; it's an experience that involves all the senses. The aroma of fresh tapas wafting through the air, the sound of guitars strumming in the background, and the feel of the warmMediterranean sun on your skin all contribute to the unique Spanish experience.In conclusion, Spain is a country that offers something for everyone, whether you're a history buff, an art lover, a foodie, or simply seeking a relaxing beach holiday. Its rich tapestry of culture, history, and beauty ensures that every visitor will find something to cherish and remember. So, pack your bags, put on your sunhat, and embark on a journey to explore the charms of Spain.**探索西班牙的魅力:一次旅行记录**西班牙,这个沉浸在丰富历史和生动文化中的国家,是寻求地道欧洲体验的旅行者梦寐以求的目的地。

环球之旅英语怎么说环球之旅英语怎么说A round-the-world triptravel around the world环球之旅相关英语词汇trip/travel/journey/tour 旅行go sightseeing 观光exotic country 异国plan 计划around-the-world balloon trip 乘气球环球飞行organized tour 组团旅游环球之旅相关英语句子The liner is making a round-the-world trip.客轮正在做环球航行。
Those days went by the board when I could go and travel around the world. 那种可以去环球旅游的日子已经离我一去不复返了。
This author romanced his trip to an exotic country.这位作者吹嘘了他的异国之旅。
The loss of his savings dashed his plan for a trip round the world.他的积蓄丢失了,这使他作环球旅行的计划成了泡影。
Soon as he gets back from his around-the-world balloon trip.他的乘气球环球之旅一结束马上就来。
We're planning to travel round the world.我们正计划做一次环球旅行。
He set out a round-the-world trip a small boat. 他乘一只小船开始了环球旅行。

西班牙的旅行简介英文作文英文:I recently had the opportunity to travel to Spain, and it was an amazing experience. Spain is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. I visited several cities, including Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville.Madrid is the capital of Spain and is known for its beautiful architecture and museums. I visited the Prado Museum, which has an incredible collection of European art, including works by Goya and Velázquez. I also went to the Royal Palace of Madrid, which is a stunning example of Baroque architecture.Barcelona is a vibrant city with a unique culture. I visited the famous Park Güell, which was designed by Antoni Gaudí and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I also went to La Sagrada Familia, which is a massive basilicathat has been under construction since 1882.Seville is a charming city with a rich history. Ivisited the Alcázar of Seville, which is a beautifulpalace that was originally built by the Moors. I also wentto the Seville Cathedral, which is the largest Gothic cathedral in the world.Overall, my trip to Spain was unforgettable. I loved experiencing the different cultures and seeing theincredible architecture and art. I also enjoyed trying the local food and wine, such as paella and Rioja wine.中文:我最近有机会去了西班牙旅行,这是一次非常棒的经历。

10天西班牙行程英文版Sure, here is a sample 10-day itinerary for a trip to Spain:Day 1: Arrival in Madrid。
Explore the city center, visit Puerta del Sol and Plaza Mayor。
Visit the Prado Museum to see famous artworks。
Day 2: Madrid。
Tour the Royal Palace and its beautiful gardens。
Enjoy some tapas at local bars and restaurants。
Day 3: Madrid to Toledo。
Day trip to the historic city of Toledo, known for itsmedieval architecture and El Greco's artwork。
Day 4: Madrid to Seville。
Travel to Seville, visit the Alcazar and the Seville Cathedral。
Enjoy a traditional Flamenco show in the evening。
Day 5: Seville。
Explore the charming neighborhood of Santa Cruz。
Visit the Plaza de España and the Metropol Parasol。
Day 6: Seville to Granada。
Travel to Granada and visit the Alhambra, a stunning Moorish palace complex。
Wander through the historic Albaicin quarter。

去西班牙旅游英语作文篇一:关于旅游的英语作文【关于旅游】itisexcitingtovisitdifferentplaces.asyoutravel,youwillseebeautifulsceneries typicaloftheregion.Besides,youcanmeetandmakefriendswithpeopleofdiffer entcolorsandraces.Finally,youcangettoknowthecustomsandlivinghabitsoft helocalpeople.Todaypeoplearesofondoftravelingthattourismhasbecomeon eofthefastergrowingindustriesinmostcountries. Themainreasonwhypeopletravelis,perhaps,forpleasure.Forexample,having workedhardthroughouttheweekdays,peoplewillfindawidenedtriptothenear bymountainsorbeachesarealrelaxation.Foranotherexample,spendinganann ualholidaytravelingabroadisanespeciallysatisfying experienceforthosewhodonothavemuchofanopportunitytobeawayfromthei rhomelands.whenpeoplereturnfromtheirtravel,theywillgenerallyfeelfresha ndenergetic,readytoworkharder. Travelingisalsooneofthebestmeansforlearning.Youmayhavereadorheardab outsomethingbutyoucannevergetanaccuratepictureofituntilyou seeitforyourself.Seeingisbelieving.Furthermore,ifyouareacareful observer,youcanlearnmuchduringyourtravelaboutthegeography,biology,an dhistoryoftheplacesyouvisit.nomatterhowwelleducatedyouare,thereisalwaysalotforyoutolearnthroughtraveling.Theknowledgeacquiredfrom travel,asyouwillhavefoundinyourlife,isnolessvaluablethanthatfromanyinfl uentialreferencebook.【游记】ispendmostofthetimeathomeduringthissummervacation.wheniwasathome, idohomeworkbymyself,andhelpmyparentswiththehousework.Butthemost memorabletimeinthissummeriswhenitravelinYellowRiverForestPark. iwenttovisittheYellowRiverForestParkinJulytogetherwiththreeofmyclassdozeoffallthetimeandatsometime.inearlystruckmyheadonthechairinthefron tofme.afterthreehours'journeybybuswefinallygottothepark.Buttomywhichwerequietnormalthings. comparedwiththemyschoolistayedinherewasverynoisyandmessy. ThoughtheparkisbesidetheYellowRivertheairisstillalittlesmellybecausethe rearealotofanimalssuchashorsescocksandsoonherewhichmakelotsofwastes everydaywhilefewpeoplecleanthem.inawordtheparkisnotsogoodasihadexp ectedandifeltunsatisfiedaboutit.ilovetraveling.Travelingnotonlybroadensmyhorizonsbutalsoopensmyeyest otheworld.what'smore,itrefreshesme.Youcangotodisneylandandexpe riencewhatit'sliketobe“achildagain!”Youcanvisitoneofthe“sevenwon dersoftheworld,”suchastheGrandcanyonandfeelthemagnificenceofnature! Youcantastethe“magical”icewateronaglacier,whichcanhelpyoubecomemorebeautifulandmakeyoulivelonger.Justforgetalltriflesandburdensthatyouha veinyourmind.Experienceisatypeoflivingknowledge.You'llbesuretoe xperiencemanynewthingswhentraveling.Youdon'tevenneedatourgui deifyoulongformorefreedom.Justdon'tforgettobringyourbackpack! Travelisaverygoodmeansofbroadeningaperson'sperspective. Travelmayrelieveapersonofboredomandgloom. Travelerscanchoosedifferentmodesoftransportationwhichhaveadvantagesa nddisadvantages.[范文]Travelisaverygoodmeansofbroadeningaperson'sperspective.[p? 9;spektiv]itmakesyoucomeintocontactwithdifferentcultures,meetpeopleofdifferentcolors.Travellingmuch,youwillnotonlyeichyourknowledgeandexperiences,butalsobeawareofthemagicofnature. Travelmayalsorelievepersonofboredom.Travelbringsyouenjoymentandattr action.itgivesyouapleasantexperience,whichwilldisperse[dis'p?:s]vt.使散开;分散;传播yourboredomandmakeyouforgetwhateverannoysyou.Travelbroadensyour ter,youmaygooverthesememoriesandenjoyyourpastexperiences. whichtransportationwouldyouliketochoose? airplanesarethefastestbutalsothemostexpensive.Busesandtrainsarelessexpensive,buttheysoonmakeyoufeeluncomfortable.Shipsprovideyouwithcomfortunle ssyougetseasick.mostpeoplecanaffordtravelingbybicycle,which,althoughslow,canlimberupyourmusclesandgetyouclosertonature. ilovetraveling.Travelingnotonlybroadensmyhorizonsbutalsoopensmyeyest otheworld.what'smore,itrefreshesme.旅游不单是一种兴趣,还是一门学问,快乐的旅途是你终生难忘的回忆。

西班牙旅游的英语作文Traveling to Spain。
Spain is a beautiful and diverse country located in the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. It is known for its rich history, stunning architecture, delicious cuisine, and vibrant culture. I had the opportunity to visit Spain last summer, and it was truly an unforgettable experience.My journey began in the capital city of Madrid. As soon as I arrived, I was immediately captivated by the bustling energy and grandeur of the city. The streets were lined with beautiful buildings, and the plazas were filled with lively locals and tourists alike. I made sure to visit the famous Prado Museum, which houses an incredible collection of European art, including works by Goya, Velázquez, and El Greco. I also took a stroll through the stunning Retiro Park, a peaceful oasis in the heart of the city.From Madrid, I traveled south to the city of Seville.This charming city is known for its rich Moorish heritage and stunning architecture. I was in awe as I wandered through the narrow streets of the historic Santa Cruz neighborhood, taking in the beautiful white-washedbuildings and colorful ceramic tiles. I also had the opportunity to visit the Alcázar of Seville, a breathtaking royal palace with lush gardens and intricate Islamic architecture.Next, I made my way to the coastal city of Barcelona. This vibrant and cosmopolitan city is famous for its unique blend of Gothic and modernist architecture. I spent hours wandering through the streets of the Gothic Quarter, marveling at the stunning cathedrals and charming plazas. Of course, no visit to Barcelona would be complete without seeing the iconic Sagrada Familia, the unfinished masterpiece of Antoni Gaudí. The sheer beauty andcreativity of this architectural marvel left me speechless.After exploring the bustling cities, I decided to take a break and relax in the beautiful Balearic Islands. I spent a few days soaking up the sun on the pristine beachesof Mallorca and exploring the charming villages of Menorca. The crystal-clear waters and picturesque landscapes were truly a sight to behold.Finally, I made my way to the southern region of Andalusia, where I had the opportunity to visit the stunning Alhambra in Granada. This ancient fortress and palace complex is a true masterpiece of Islamic architecture, with its intricate carvings, beautiful gardens, and stunning views of the surrounding mountains.Throughout my journey, I was constantly amazed by the warmth and hospitality of the Spanish people. Whether I was enjoying a delicious paella in Valencia or sipping on a glass of sangria in a local tapas bar, I always felt welcomed and embraced by the vibrant culture of Spain.In conclusion, my trip to Spain was a truly enriching and unforgettable experience. From the bustling streets of Madrid to the stunning architecture of Barcelona and the serene beaches of the Balearic Islands, Spain has so much to offer. I will always cherish the memories of my time inthis beautiful and diverse country, and I hope to return again soon. If you ever have the chance to visit Spain, I highly recommend it – you won't be disappointed.。

Introduce SpainWidely known for Flamenco music and dance, bull-fights, fantastic beaches and lots of sunshine, Spain has to offer much more than that. It is a fascinating country to know and to know more about it.1. HistoryThe Kingdom of Spain was created in 1492 with the unification of the Kingdom of Castile and the Kingdom of Aragon. In this year it was also the first voyage of Christopher Columbus to the New World, beginning the development of the Spanish Empire. The Inquisition was established and Jews and Muslims who refused to convert were expelled from the country.For the next three centuries Spain was the most important colonial power in the world. It was the most powerful state in Europe and the foremost global power during the 16th century and the greater part of the 17th century. Spanish literature and fine arts, scholarship and philosophy flourished during this time. Spain established a vast empire in the Americas, stretching from California to Patagonia, and colonies in the western Pacific. Spain's European wars, however, led to economic damage, and the latter part of the 17th century saw a gradual decline of power under an increasingly neglectful and inept Habsburg regime. The declineculminated in the War of Spanish Succession, which ended with the relegation of Spain from the position of a leading western power, to that of a secondary one, although it remained the leading colonial power.Following a period of growing political instability in the early 20th century, in 1936 Spain was plunged into a bloody civil war. The war ended in a nationalist dictatorship, led by Francisco Franco which controlled the Spanish government until 1975. Spain was officially neutral during World War II, although many Spanish volunteers fought on both sides. The post-war decades were relatively stable,and the country experienced rapid economic growth in the 1960s and early 1970s. The death of Franco in 1975 resulted in the return of the Bourbon monarchy headed by Prince Juan Carlos. While tensions remain (for example, with Muslim immigrants and in the Basque region), modern Spain has seen the development of a robust, modern democracy as a constitutional monarchy with popular King Juan Carlos, one of the fastest-growing standards of living in Europe, entry into the European Community, and the 1992 Summer Olympics.2.MadridThe capital of Spain since 1562 is located at the geographic center of the Iberian Peninsula. Because of its central location and high altitude, the climate of Madrid is characterized by warmdry summers and cool winters.Madrid is a city of great monuments. Among its highlights are the medieval centers dating back to the Habsburg Empire and the Prado Museum.But Madrid is not just a cultural destination. It is also a lively metropolis with many pubs, cafes, discotheques and nightclubs open late into the night. Don't be surprised if you get stuck in a traffic jam at four in the morning, and the people you meet are not necessarily going off to work....3.BarcelonaBarcelona, located at the Mediterranean Sea in the very north of the Spanish coast, is certainly the most cosmopolitan and economically most active city in this country.It has always proved its will to be modern, to follow the latest international tendencies or be ahead of them. To the tourist this is evident especially in its architecture, which so well reflects the general approach to life in this always pulsating city.Of course, Barcelona has an old history, and there are monuments of Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance periods or still before, but most characteristic is what has been built during the last, say, 100 years.Barcelona has been a center of Modernist architecture and isdistinguished especially by the works of genial Antonin Gaudi, who together with his great contemporaries gave new and exciting looks to it, but has remained since then at the top of modernity.4.LiteratureThe term Spanish literature refers to literature written in the Spanish language, including literature composed in Spanish by writers not necessarily from Spain.Due to historic, geographic and generational diversity, Spanish literature has known a great number of influences and it is very diverse. Catalan literature, Basque literature and Galician literature, etc.Miguel de Cervantes is probably Spain's most famous author and his Don Quixote is considered the most emblematic work in the canon of Spanish literature and a founding classic of Western literature.5.Tomato FightSurely the worlds' biggest food-fight: every year around 30, 00 people descend on the Spanish town of Bunzl (in the Valencia region of Spain) to throw more than 240,000 pounds of tomatoes at each other.The festival on the last Wednesday of August is called 'the Tomcatting' and is basically a town-wide tomato fight. It is thoughtthe tradition began in 1945 when a fight erupted among two young members of a carnival crowd.s FallsLas fall is undoubtedly one of the most unique and crazy festivals in Spain. Las Falls literally means "the fires" in Valencian. The focus of the fiesta is the creation and destruction of pinots(“puppets” or “dolls”), which are huge cardboard, wood, paper-Mache and plaster statues.A popular theme is poking fun at corrupt politicians and Spanish celebrities. The pinots remain in place until March 19th, the day known as the burning. Starting in the early evening, young men with axes chop cleverly-hidden holes in the statues and stuff them with fireworks. The crowds start to chant, the streetlights are turned off, and all of the pinots are set on fire at exactly 12am (midnight).7.Bull FightingBullfighting is a Spanish national treasure. Bullfighting season is March to October, bullfighting season, every Thursday and held two games each Sunday. Such as well festival and national celebration, then can see every day.8.SportsSport in Spain has been dominated by football since the early20th century. The country's national football team won the UEFA European Football Championship in 1964 and 2008 and the FIFA World Cup in 2010.Basketball, tennis, cycling, handball, motorcycling and, lately, Formula One are also important due to the presence of Spanish champions in all these disciplines.What a Corrode is about●If you are not familiar to Corrodes, you will find here listedchronologically everything that happens. So you may decide by yourself if you want to see one when you are visiting Spain.A Corrode starts with the pastille, with everybody involved inthe bullfight entering the ring and presenting him to the public.Two Alguacilillos, on horse's back, direct themselves to the presidency and symbolically ask for the keys to the "Puerto de los toiles". Behind that door there are the bulls.●With the door being opened and the first bull entering the ringthe spectacle starts. It consists of three parts, called trios, being separated by horn-signals. There are three toreros in each Corrode, by the way, and each will have to to rear two bulls.●In the first trio the bullfighter uses the capote, a quite largerag of purple and yellow color. Now enter two picadors, on horse's back and armed with a sort of lance.●The second part is la suite de banderoles. Three banderilleroshave to stick a pair of banderoles into the attacking bull's back.●In the final "suite supreme" the bullfighter uses the mullet,a small red rag. He has to show his fauna, his maturity to dominatethe bull, and to establish an artistically symbiosis between man and beast.Flamenco is a genuine Spanish art, and to be more exact is a genuine Southern Spanish art. It exists in three forms: Canted, the song, Bailee, the dance, and Guitars, guitar playing. The first real reference to Flamenco in literature is in the "Carats Maracas" of Cad also, in 1774. Its birthplace was most probably where, between 1765 and 1860, the first Flamenco-schools were created: Cádiz, Jerez de la Front era and Tirana in Seville.In this epoch Flamenco dance started to establish a firm position in the ballrooms .Early Flamenco seems to have been purely vocal accompanied only by the rhythmic clapping of hands, toque de Palmas. It was left to dedicated composers, as Julian Arcs, to introduce guitar playing.Mass media has brought Flamenco to the world stage, but from the very beginning, Flamenco was always an extremely intimate art form and remains so to this day.When you listen to authentic Flamenco by the moonlight in the Southof Spain, you will be enchanted by the intensely romantic Latin spirit of this vigorously sensual spectacle. Let it stir your spirit as you capture the true essence of Spanish culture and pride. GastronomySince Philip II made Madrid the capital of Spain, recipes and culinary influences from all regions of the country have entered its kitchen. Today it is practically impossible to say which dishes are original and which are imported. Today Madrid offers more a Spanish than a regional kitchen.The dishes that are called madrilène in Spain are mainly hotpots, such as the well-known Coccid Madrilène made with locally grown (chick) peas. Among regional specialties are the delicious asparagus from Harangues and the very typical Soap de Aja, a garlic soup. There are many dishes made from lamb and veal, but perhaps rather surprisingly considering its geographic location -- Madrid is a real paradise for lovers of fish and seafood. It has the second biggest fish market in the world (behind Tokyo), and in shops as well as in many restaurants, you will find an ample selection of culinary delights of exceptional quality and extraordinary variety. Ideally fitting, and to compliment such meals are the young and aromatic wines of the region, Vinos de Madrid. To finish your dinner in a very typical way, try a cup of Amistad de Chinch on, anisetteor schnapps。

游玩西班牙作文英语I went to Spain last summer and it was an amazing experience. The weather was so nice and the people were really friendly. I loved walking around the streets and taking in all the beautiful architecture.One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. It was absolutely breathtaking. The intricate details and the sheer size of the building were just stunning. I also enjoyed exploring the city and trying out different types of tapas.I also spent some time in Madrid, where I visited the Prado Museum. I'm not usually a big fan of art museums, but I was really impressed by the collection there. The paintings were so vibrant and full of life. I also took a day trip to Toledo, which was like stepping back in time with its narrow streets and medieval architecture.The food in Spain was also a big part of the experiencefor me. I tried paella for the first time and it was delicious. I also couldn't get enough of the churros and chocolate. And of course, the sangria was always flowing.Overall, my trip to Spain was one I'll never forget. It was a perfect mix of sightseeing, relaxation, and indulging in the local culture. I can't wait to go back and explore more of this beautiful country.。

英语作文西班牙旅游I have always been fascinated by the rich history and vibrant culture of Spain.我一直对西班牙丰富的历史和充满活力的文化深感着迷。
The thought of exploring ancient castles, indulging in delectable cuisine, and experiencing the lively atmosphere of flamenco dancing fills me with excitement.想象探索古老的城堡、品尝美味的美食,以及体验弗拉明戈舞的热烈氛围让我充满了兴奋。
During my trip to Spain, I would first visit the capital city of Madrid. Known for its stunning architecture and lively street life, Madrid offers a perfect blend of traditional and modern attractions.在我前往西班牙的旅程中,我首先会去参观首都马德里。
I would explore the iconic Plaza Mayor, stroll through the expansive Retiro Park, and immerse myself in the art at the renowned Prado Museum.我会探索标志性的马约尔广场,在广阔的雷蒂罗公园漫步,还会沉浸在著名的普拉多博物馆的艺术氛围中。
Of course, no trip to Madrid would be complete without savoring the delicious tapas and enjoying the vibrant nightlife, where locals and tourists come together to dance and socialize.当然,没有品尝美味的小吃和享受充满活力的夜生活的马德里之行是不完整的,当地人和游客聚在一起跳舞和社交。

Thank you for your attention!
• Barcelona and Real Madrid are the most successful Spanish clubs, in both the national league and continental competitions.
Spain one of the world’s most popular tourist destination. owing to its climate, location, culture and facilities.
• In 2010, Spain dropped to the fourth most visited country in the world after France, the United States and China with 53 million visitors.
• Spain's tourism direct industry GDP was €62.1 billion ($81.8 billion) in 2010 according to the World Travel and Tourism Council, the fifth highest tourism direct industry GDP.
Its include the Pyrenees, the Sistema Central, the Sistema Ibérico and Sierra Nevada
Sport Tourism, Football
• Football is the most popular sport in Spain. • Modern football was introduced to Spain in the late 19th century by a combination of mostly British immigrant workers, visiting sailors and Spanish students coming from Britain.

西班牙95%以上的人口居住在城市,所以人口分布极不均 匀。70%为西班牙人,官方语言为西班牙语。西班牙语是 国际一大语种,是国际通用语和联合国六大语种之一。 西班牙人96%信奉天主教。
Cultural environment:
More than 95% of the population living in cities in Spain, so the uneven distribution of population. 70% of spaniards, the official language is Spanish. Spanish is a major international languages, is the international language and the one of six languages. The spaniards 96% Catholic.
西班牙人在节日期间举行露天音乐会、化妆舞会、宗教游行、施放 烟火、歌舞表演、斗牛等活动,全民出动、尽情狂欢。西班牙人还 常常利用节日“搭桥”休假,其中在圣周期间、7-8月份、圣诞节和新 年期间等西班牙人纷纷外出休假,这一期间西班牙几乎所有公路都 车满为患,在机场、车站、码头、海边等场所则人满为患,几乎无 人办公,全国处于“瘫痪”状态。除此以外,每个自治区、每个省、 每个城镇都有自己的守护神节。
西班牙之旅 Travel to Spain
swe15048 Ai Lechao
西班牙全称西班牙王国,是一个位于欧洲 西南部的国家,与葡萄牙同处于伊比利亚 半岛。
Full name kingdom of Spain, Spain is a country of southwest Europe, in the Iberian peninsula with Portugal .
西班牙旅游 英语课件

• Things you need to do before you leave
2. Get your Passport and Visa Early
Make sure you have a passport that will be valid for 6 months after your program ends. Once that’s settled, apply for your visa as soon as you can. Some visas will take time to process and it’s important to leave time for any complications.
•Total Food Budget Per Day: 15-40€ [ (if you eat lunch
from a supermarket you can eat even cheaper).
Entrance to Attractions Budget:
Museums and art galleries can vary greatly from completely free to about 10€. If you plan on visiting a lot of museums, you may be interested in a Spain Discount Card. But make sure you are getting your money's worth!
•Metro and City Buses: Travel within cities in Spain is cheap. A bus or metro ticket rarely costs more than 1€ and there are usually saver tickets that can make them even cheaper.

西班牙旅游英语作文Traveling to Spain is a dream for many people around the world. 西班牙是一个梦想的目的地,拥有迷人的文化、美食和风景。
One of the main reasons people are drawn to Spain is its rich history and vibrant culture. 西班牙拥有悠久的历史和丰富多彩的文化,吸引着许多游客。
Wandering through the streets of cities like Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville, one can feel the energy and passion that flows through the country. 在马德里、巴塞罗那和塞维利亚等城市的街道漫步,人们可以感受到这个国家的活力和激情。
The architecture in Spain is also a major draw for tourists. 而西班牙的建筑也是吸引游客的重要原因。
From the stunning Sagrada Familia in Barcelona to the historic Alhambra in Granada, each city in Spain offers a unique architectural experience. 从令人惊叹的巴塞罗那圣家堂到格拉纳达历史悠久的阿尔罕布拉宫,西班牙的每个城市都提供独特的建筑体验。
Of course, no discussion about Spain would be complete without mentioning the delicious food and wine. 当然,谈到西班牙,不得不提到美味的食物和葡萄酒。
Spanish cuisine is known for its fresh ingredients, bold flavors, and rich culinary history. 西班牙的美食以新鲜的食材、浓烈的味道和丰富的烹饪历史而闻名。

西班牙的旅行简介英文作文英文:I have been fortunate enough to travel to Spain several times and each trip has been a unique and unforgettable experience. Spain is a country rich in culture, history,and beauty. From the stunning architecture to the delicious food, there is something for everyone in this beautiful country.One of my favorite places to visit in Spain is Barcelona. The city is home to some of the most incredible architecture in the world, including the famous works of Antoni Gaudi such as the Sagrada Familia and Park Guell.The city also has a vibrant nightlife and delicious cuisine, with tapas being a must-try for any visitor.Another must-see destination in Spain is Madrid. The capital city is full of historic landmarks such as theRoyal Palace and the Prado Museum. The city also has alively atmosphere, with plenty of bars and restaurants to explore. One of my favorite things to do in Madrid is to visit the Mercado de San Miguel, a bustling market filled with delicious food and drinks.Of course, no trip to Spain would be complete without a visit to the beaches. The southern coast of Spain, known as the Costa del Sol, is home to some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The crystal-clear waters and soft sand make for the perfect beach day, and there are plenty of beachside restaurants and bars to enjoy.Overall, Spain is a country that has something for everyone. Whether you are interested in history, culture, food, or just relaxing on the beach, Spain is the perfect destination.中文:我有幸多次去过西班牙,每一次旅行都是一次独特而难忘的经历。

Introduction to SpainSpain, a vibrant and diverse country located in the southwestern corner of Europe, is a land rich in history, culture, and natural beauty. With its captivating cities, breathtaking landscapes, and delicious cuisine, Spainoffers travelers an immersive and memorable experience.The country's capital, Madrid, is a vibrant metropolis that showcases Spain's modern side. The city is famous for its lively atmosphere, bustling streets, and diverse cultural offerings. The Royal Palace, a magnificent structure in the heart of the city, is a testament toSpain's rich royal history. Madrid is also renowned for its museums and galleries, including the Prado Museum, which houses an extensive collection of European art.Barcelona, located on the Mediterranean coast, is another must-visit destination in Spain. This vibrant city is known for its unique architecture, lively street life, and vibrant cultural scene. The Gothic Quarter, filled with narrow lanes and ancient buildings, is a must-see for history buffs. The city's beaches are also a popular attraction, drawing tourists from all over the world.Spain's diverse landscapes are another highlight of the country. From the mountainous regions of the north to the sunny beaches of the south, Spain offers a range of natural wonders that are sure to captivate any traveler. The Sierra Nevada, a snow-capped mountain range in the south, is a popular destination for skiing and hiking. The Andalusian coastline, with its white-sand beaches and clear blue waters, is a paradise for sun-seekers.Spanish cuisine is another aspect that cannot be overlooked. From tapas to paella, Spanish food is a delicious blend of flavors and textures that will tantalize the taste buds. The country's love of food is evident in the countless restaurants and cafes that dot the landscape, offering a range of culinary experiences for travelers to enjoy.In addition to its cultural and natural attractions, Spain is also famous for its lively festivals and celebrations. The Spanish people are known for their passion and joy, which is reflected in the countless festivals and celebrations that take place throughout the year. From the flamenco dances of Andalusia to thebullfights of Madrid, these events offer travelers a unique insight into Spanish culture and tradition.In conclusion, Spain is a country that offers an immersive and memorable experience for travelers. Itsvibrant cities, breathtaking landscapes, delicious cuisine, and lively festivals make it a must-visit destination for anyone seeking a unique and enriching travel experience. Whether you're interested in history, culture, nature, or food, Spain has something to offer every traveler.**西班牙介绍**西班牙,这个位于欧洲西南部的充满活力的多元国家,以其丰富的历史、文化和自然美景而闻名。

西班牙旅行英文作文I recently took a trip to Spain and it was anincredible experience. The country is full of vibrant culture, delicious food, and beautiful sights.One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. This stunning basilica was designed by the famous architect Antoni Gaudi and is still under construction to this day. The intricate details and unique architecture of the building left me in awe.Another unforgettable experience was trying the local cuisine. From paella to tapas, every dish was bursting with flavor. I especially enjoyed trying the fresh seafood, which was some of the best I've ever had.While in Madrid, I visited the Prado Museum and was blown away by the extensive collection of art. From classic works by Velazquez and Goya to modern pieces, there was something for everyone to appreciate.One of the most memorable moments of my trip was attending a flamenco show. The passion and energy of the dancers and musicians was contagious, and I couldn't help but get swept up in the excitement.Overall, my trip to Spain was an incredible adventure filled with unforgettable experiences. I can't wait to go back and explore more of this amazing country.。

西班牙旅游英文作文I recently went on a trip to Spain and it was amazing. The food there is so delicious, especially the paella and the tapas. I also loved the beautiful beaches and the warm weather. The people are so friendly and welcoming, and I felt right at home.The architecture in Spain is stunning. I visited the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona and I was blown away by its beauty. The details and the intricate designs are just incredible. I also went to the Alhambra in Granada and it was like stepping back in time. The history and the stories behind these buildings are so fascinating.One of the highlights of my trip was watching a flamenco show. The passion and emotion in the dancers' movements were so captivating. I could feel the energy in the room and it was an experience I will never forget. The music and the costumes were also so vibrant and lively.I also had the chance to visit some of the famous museums in Spain. The Prado Museum in Madrid has an impressive collection of art, including works by Goya, Velazquez, and El Greco. I spent hours wandering through the galleries, taking in all the masterpieces.Overall, my trip to Spain was unforgettable. The culture, the food, the people, and the sights all made it an incredible experience. I can't wait to go back and explore more of this beautiful country.。

去西班牙旅游英文作文I just came back from a trip to Spain and it was amazing! The food there is so delicious, especially the paella and tapas. I also loved exploring the beautiful architecture in cities like Barcelona and Madrid.The weather in Spain was perfect for my trip. It was sunny and warm every day, which made it ideal for sightseeing and enjoying the beaches. I even got to experience some traditional Spanish festivals during my visit, which was a lot of fun.One of the highlights of my trip was visiting the Alhambra in Granada. The palace and fortress complex is absolutely stunning and has such a rich history. I also enjoyed learning about the art and culture of Spain, from flamenco dancing to the works of famous artists like Picasso and Gaudi.The people in Spain were so friendly and welcoming. Ihad some great conversations with locals and learned a lot about their way of life. It was also interesting to see how proud they are of their heritage and traditions.I can't wait to go back to Spain and explore more of this beautiful country. There's still so much I want to see and do, from visiting the famous museums to trying more delicious Spanish dishes. Overall, it was an incredible experience and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for a memorable vacation.。
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(旅游英语)环球之旅—西班牙Origins and History of Bullfighting西班牙斗牛历史由来以久。
Bullfighting is certainly one of the best known,although at the same time the most controversialSpanish popular customs.This Fiesta could not existwithout the Toro Bravo(happiness, joy,欢呼,喝彩), aspecies of bull from an archaic(古代的,古老的) bloodline(血统;家族) that is conserved(保留,沿袭) only in Spain.Many civilizations revered(尊敬,崇拜) these bulls. The bull-cultus(拜牛祭祀)on the Greek island Creta is quite well-known. The Bible tells of bulls being sacrificed(献祭,供奉) in honour of the divine(神的;天赐的) justice(公平;公正).Bulls played an important part in the religious ceremonies(宗教仪式) of Iberian(居住在外高加索的古伊比利亚人) tribes living in Spain during prehistoric(史前的,原始的) times.The origins of the Plaza (bullring,斗牛场) are probably not the Romanamphitheaters(古罗马的圆形剧场, 竞技场) but the Celtic-Iberian(凯尔特-伊比利亚人的) temples where ceremonies were held. In the province of Soria(索里亚,西班牙地名), near Numancia(奴曼西亚,西班牙地名), one such temple is preserved and it is supposed that bulls were sacrificed to the Gods here.While the cult worship (顶礼膜拜)of the bull goes back to the Iberians,it was the Greek and Roman influences that converted(皈依,劝说相信某一特定宗教、信仰或信念) it into a spectacle(公开表演或展示).During the middle ages(中世纪;中古时代) it was a diversion(娱乐,消遣) for the aristocracy(贵族) to rear ( rise on the hind legs,直立在马上) on horseback. This was called suerte de cañas(西班牙贵族站立在马背上骑马的活动). In the 18th century this tradition was more or less abandoned (被放弃的,被抛弃的) and the poorer population invented the bullfight on foot.Francisco Romero was a key-figure in laying the rules(lay the rules 制订规则) for this new sport. For its fans La Corrida (西班牙语,斗牛) is of course more of an art than a sport, as well as being the challenge of man fighting against beast (n. 野兽). It is an archaic (古老的,陈旧的) tradition that has survived in Spain.What a Corrida is aboutIf you are not familiar with Corridas, you will find listed herechronologically (adv. 按年代顺序排列地) everything that happens. So you may decide by yourself if you want to see one while you are visiting Spain.A Corrida starts with the paseillo ([西]斗牛赛的最早形式), when everyone involved in the bullfight should Array enter the ring (斗牛场) and present themselves to thepublic. Two Alguacilillos ([西]matadors trainee,新手斗牛士), on horseback, direct themselves to the presidency(当时的国王) and symbolically (adv.象征性地) ask for thekeys to the "puerta de los toriles" ([西]传说中的圣城). Behind that door are the bulls.With the door being opened and the first bull entering the ring thespectacle begins. It consists of three parts, called tercios ([西]整个斗牛赛分三环节), each being separated by horn-signals. There are three toreros (徒步的斗牛士) in each Corrida, by the way, and each will have to rear two bulls.In the first tercio the bullfighter uses the capote ([西]紫黄色的斗牛布), a large rag of purple and yellow coloring. Next, two picadors (骑马的斗牛士) enter on horseback each armed with a type of lance (n. 标枪,长矛).The second part is la suerte de banderillas. Three banderilleros haveto stick a pair of banderillas ([西]斗牛士用来刺牛的矛) into the attacking bull's back.In the final "suerte suprema" the bullfighter uses the muleta (一种红色的斗牛布), a small red rag. He has to show his faena ([西]斗牛士在击杀牛前炫示技能的劈刺动作), his mastery to dominate (v. 控制、支配) the bull, and to establish an artificial (adj.人造的, 虚假的) relationship between man and beast. The Corrida ends with the torero (徒步的斗牛士) killing the bull with his sword (n. 剑).I think you will agree what a wonderful and exciting country Spain is,so diversified (adj.多样变化的, 形形色色的), steeped (steep v. 泡, 浸; 笼罩)in history and very culturally special, peaceful and tranquil (adj. free from anxiety, tension, or restlessness宁静的;镇定的), laid back with its superb (adj.美好的, 极好的) climate and sun-drenched (drench v.湿透) beaches and crystal clear (adj. absolutely clear;极其透明的;清澈的) waters beckoning (beckon v. 引诱,诱惑) you to sample them for yourself.The people are so friendly, leaving 007 with such wonderful memoriesand treasures in my mind that now I can share with you. Spain is one of 007 top destinations and would recommend visiting this country to anybody. Please email me for any more information on anything whatsoever (pron.无论如何).Now I want to tell you about the Flamenco dance (佛来明哥舞风格,是安达鲁西亚吉普赛人的一种强劲的、常伴随有即兴节奏的舞蹈风格) in a little more detail, as this is such a wonderful sight to see. The music will haunt (v. come to mind continually; 时常萦绕心头) you for many years to come with lasting (adj.持久的, 永久的, 永恒的) memories.FlamaencoFlamenco is a genuine (adj. 真的,正品的,非伪造的)Spanish art, and to be more exact is a genuine SouthernSpanish art. It exists in three forms: Cante, the song, Baile,the dance, and Guitarra, guitar playing.Gypsies (吉卜赛人) are very often named as thefathers of Flamenco, and at the very least, we can be surethat they played an important part in its creation. However,the popular songs and dances of Andalusia also influenced early Flamencoconsiderably (adv.相当地).(Gypsy: A member of a nomadic people that arrived in Europe inmigrations from northern India around the 14th century, now also living in NorthAmerica and Australia. Many Gypsy groups have preserved elements of theirtraditional culture, including an itinerant existence, tribal organization, and theRomany language.吉卜赛人:大约在14世纪从北印度移民到欧洲的游牧民族的一支,现在在北美和澳大利亚也有分布。