
• A Brief Outline of British Literature History•1. Medieval Literature (5 A.D. -1485) (中世纪文学)Geoffrey Chaucer (1340—1400 )2. The English Renaissance (1500-1625) (文艺复兴时期文学)Thomas More (1478—1535)Edmund Spenser(1552—1599)Christopher Marlowe(1564—1593)Francis Bacon (1561—1626)William Shakespeare (1564—1616)3. The Seventeenth century (17th century)( 17 世纪文学)John Milton (1608—1674)John Donne (1572—1631)John Bunyan (1628—1688)4. English Enlightenment and neo-Classicism (17th century -18th century ) (英国启蒙运动和新古典主义文学)Alexander Pope (1688—1744)Jonathan Swift (1667—1745)Daniel Defoe (1660—1731)Henry Fielding (1707—1754)5. Romanticism in England (1798-1832) (浪漫主义时期文学)Robert Burns (1759—1796)William Blake (1757—1827)William Wordsworth (1770—1850)Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772—1834)George Gordon Byron(1788—1824)Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792—1822)John Keats (1795-1821)6. English Realism (1830s-1918) (现实主义时期文学) /Victorian Age (1832—1901) Robert Browning (1821—1889)Alfred Tennyson ( 1809—1892)Jane Austen (1775—1817)The Bronte SistersCharles Dickens (1812—1870)William Makepeace Thackeray (1811—1863)Thomas Hardy (1840—1928)Joseph Conrad ( 1857—1924)Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)7. Modernism (1918-1945) (现代主义文学)T.S. Eliot (1888—1965)William Butler Yeats (1865—1939)James Joyce (1882—1941)Virginia Woolf (1882—1941)D.H. Lawrence (1885—1930)••1. Medieval Literature (5 A.D. -1485) (中世纪文学)Beowulf《贝奥武夫》: the national epic of the English people.romance (浪漫传奇):the most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England Theme: loyalty to king and lordKing Arthur and his knights of the Round Table《亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士》Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》★Geoffrey Chaucer (1340-- 1400)Literary Position: The father of English poetryMasterpiece: The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》(Old English)Literary Achievements: Heroic couplet (英雄双韵体)2. The English Renaissance (1500-1625) (文艺复兴时期文学)The word “Renaissance” means revival(复活). The term originally indicates a revival of classical (Greek and Roman) arts and sciences after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism(蒙昧主义). Humanism: the essence of RenaissanceEdmund Spenser (1552-- 1599): "the poets' poet"Masterpiece :The Faerie Oueene《仙后》Thomas More (1478-1535)Masterpiece: Utopia(乌托邦)Christopher Marlowe (1564--1593): most gifted of the "University Wits"(大学才子派). Masterpiece: The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus. 《浮士德博士的悲剧》★Francis Bacon (1561-1626 )Literary Position:—the founder of modern science in England;—one of the earliest essayist(散文家)in English languageMasterpiece : Essays《论说文集》Of Studies (论读书)★William Shakespeare(1564—1616)Literary Position:·“not of an age, but for all time”,·the greatest giant of English language and poetic form,·one of the founders of realism in world literature,·o ne of the greatest writers in the world’s literature.Literary Achievements:38 plays (comedies(喜剧), histories(历史剧), tragedies(悲剧), tragicomedies/romances(悲喜剧)2 narrative poems154 sonnets (Sonnets 1-126 addressed to a young man, Sonnets 127-152 addressed to “Dark Lady”, Sonnets 153-154 addressed to Cupid, the God of love in Greekmythology )Plays(4 periods)1. First period (1592-1594): His apprenticeship in plays.Historical plays: King Henry VI《亨利六世》, Richard Ⅲ《查理三世》Comedies: Love’s Labour’s Lost 《爱的徒劳》2. Second period (1595-1600): Mature period, a marked increase in the knowledge of humanismRomeo and Juliet《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(4大喜剧):A Midsummer Night’s Dream《仲夏夜之梦》The Merchant of Venice《威尼斯商人》As You Like It《皆大欢喜》Twelfth Night《第十二夜》3. Third period (1601-1608): Flourishing period, a period of gloomy and depression(4大悲剧):Hamlet《汉姆雷特》Othello《奥赛罗》King Lear《李尔王》Macbeth《麦克白》4. Fourth period (1608-1612): The period of romantic drama in the form of tragicomediesReconciliation plays: The Winter’s Tale《冬天的童话》, The Tempest《暴风雨》3. The Seventeenth century (17th century)( 17 世纪文学) Historical background1. The English revolution(英国革命)and the Restoration(王朝复辟).·Causes: the conflict between the monarch and Parliament; the persecution of the Puritans2. The bourgeois Dictatorship and the Restoration·Glorious Revolution—a bloodless revolution·The constitutional monarchy.★John Milton (1608—1674)Literary Position·A master of the Blank verse·The greatest English revolutionary poet of the 17th century·One of the greatest poets of the English languageLiterary AchievementsPoems·Paradise Lost《失乐园》(1667): his masterpiece——The greatest epic in English literature.·Paradise Regained (1671) 《复乐园》·Samson Agonistes (1671) 《力士参孙》Paradise Lost《失乐园》—John Milton 1. Introduction·Long epic in 12 books·Written in blank verse·Based on Genesis《创世纪》in the Old Testament·Dramatizes the Biblical account of humanity’s banishment.2. Theme—Milton’s aimed purpos e: “justify the ways of God to man”(昭示天道对人的公正)—Real purpose: Challenge the restored monarch·God — tyrannical, represents the king·Satan — rebelling against monarch·Love between Adam and Eve — human pursuit for happiness, the spirit of Renaissance3. Writing features—Milton style: Sonority洪亮, Eloquence雄辩, Majesty尊严, Grandeur壮美·The blank verse·Long and involved sentences★John Donne (1572-1631)Literary Position—founder of Metaphysical School(玄学派)—the greatest of the metaphysical poets.Literary AchievementsSongs and Sonnets 《歌与十四行诗》The Flea《跳蚤》Holy Sonnets《圣十四行诗》: Holy Sonnet 10Features of metaphysical poetry:—conceits(奇喻)—strange paradoxes(悖论)—far-fetched (牵强的)imageryJohn Bunyan (1628-1688):Masterpiece: The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》4. English Enlightenment and neo-Classicism (17th century -18th century )(英国启蒙运动和新古典主义文学) (1688-1798)Historical Background1. Comparatively peaceful development under the constitutional monarchy·A compromise between Tory and Whig·The leading navel power in Europe2. The Industrial Revolution 工业革命·Unprecedented technical innovations·Rapid growth of industry and commerceThe EnlightenmentAn intellectual movement in Europe began in the late 17th and 18th centuries and ended with the French revolution of 178918th century : Age of Reason/ Age of Enlightenment1. Importance—a lasting heritage for the 19th and 20th century—it marked a key stage in the decline of the church and the growth of modern secularism(世俗主义)—it served as the model for political and economic liberalism.2. The development of Poetry: neo-Classicism 新古典主义3. Characteristic of neo-Classicism1). Emphasizing reason rather than emotion, form rather than content.2). Didactic and satirical3). Heroic Couplet (英雄双韵体)4). Town poetry writing for the rising bourgeoisieAlexander Pope (1688-1744)Literary Position—an outstanding enlightener—The greatest and the most important representative of the English classical poetry.★The Rise of FictionDaniel DefoeJonathan SwiftHenry Fielding ※ FictionThe mainstream of 18th century literature, & The rise and growth of realistic novel —the most prominent achievement of 18th century English literature★Daniel Defoe (1660-1731)Literary Position—Father of English novelLiterary Achievements:—— Robinson Crusoe (1719)《鲁宾逊漂游记》·Defoe’s masterpiece·The first English novel in a real sense·The first English realistic novelRobinson Crusoe—Daniel Defoe 1. Theme:—to sing the praises of human labor—to celebrate the strength of human rational will to conquer the natural environment—to beautify colonialism & Negro slavery2. Plot:run away from home → become a sailor → a planter in Brazil → to an uninhabited island because of shipwreck → made a living there all by himself → save a negro named Friday who became his servant → back to England → visit the remote island again and Friday was killed3. Robinson Crusoe’s characterization:typical of the rising English bourgeois class, practical, diligent, a restless curiosity to know more about the world and a desire to prove individual power in the face of social and natural challenges; shrewd, care about money and good at managing; courageous and intelligent to overcome all kinds of obstacles★Jonathan Swift (1667-1745)Literary Position—one of the greatest masters of English Prose—a master satirist(讽刺作家)Style of Swift’s prose:simple, clear and vigorous. His famous saying“Proper words in proper places, makes the true definition of a style” influenced a lot later writers.Literary AchievementsBooks·The Battle of Books《书籍之战》·A Tale of Tub 《一个桶子的故事》·Guliver’s Travels《格列佛游记》——his masterpiece: a satire on the whole English society of the 18th century. Pamphlets·The Draper’s Letters《一个布商的书信》·A Modest Proposal《一个温和的建议》——(A Modest Proposal for Preventing the Children of Poor People in Ireland from Beinga Burden to Their Parents)Guliver’s Travels《格列佛游记》—Jonathan Swift Plot:Part I: A Voyage to LilliputPart II: A Voyage to BrobdingnagPart III: A V oyage to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib, Luggnagg and JapanPart IV: A V oyage to the Country of the HouyhnhnmsHenry Fielding (1707-1754)Literary Achievements·The History of Tom Jones, A Founding 《弃儿汤姆·琼斯》Literary Position·—The founder of English realistic novel-setting up the theory of realism in literary position.5. Romanticism in England (1798-1832) (浪漫主义时期文学)Pre-Romanticism: Latter half of the 18th centuryRobert BurnsWilliam Blake 1. Romantic revival·A strong protest against the bondage of Classicism (=Formalism)·A recognition of the claims of passion and emotion.2. Representatives·Robert Burns (1759-1796) 罗伯特·彭斯·William Blake (1757-1827) 威廉·布莱克★Robert Burns (1759-1796)Literary position—the national poet of Scotland—A poet of the peasants, a poet of the peopleLiterary AchievementsPoems chiefly in the Scottish Dialect《苏格兰方言诗集》A Red, Red Rose《一朵红红的玫瑰》,Auld Long Syne《昔日时光》A Man's A Man for A‘ That".《无论何时都要保持尊严》My Heart ’s in the Highlands《我的心在高原》.Theme·Love and friendship·The natural beauty of his native Scotland·The life and label of the common people·The patriotism of his compatriots and their struggle for libertyFeatures of his poetryScottish dialect★William BlakeLiterary Position—a Pre-Romantic or a forerunner(先驱)of the Romantic poetry of the 19th century Literary Achievements:Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》Songs of Experience《经验之歌》Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》·Written for children, express the poet’s delight in life.·a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world without evils and sufferingsTo depict the happy condition of a child before it knows anything about the pains of experience.·Simple without being naïve, childlike without being childish, innocent, everything seems to be in harmony.e.g. The Lamb《羔羊》Songs of Experience《经验之歌》·Much mature work·The atmosphere is no longer sunny but sad and gloomy.·Presenting a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone.e.g. The Tiger《老虎》The Age of Romanticism (1798-1832)Political and social factors1. The American and French revolution: an upsurge of national liberation and democraticmovementsAmerican revolution (1775-1783)—The formation of the independent United States.French revolution of 1789—“Liberty, equality and fraternity”2. The Industrial RevolutionIntellectual Background--Shift from emphasis on reason to instinct and emotionGeneral characteristic features (style)1.Subjectivism2.Spontaneity3.Singularity4.Simplicity: everyday language spoken by the rustic people5. A dominating note of melancholy6. A freer verse form★ Romantic Poetry1. Lake poets (湖畔派诗人)—the passive or escapist romanticists: Wordsworth, Coleridge,Southey—detesting the real world, escaping from the reality.2. Revolutionary poets(革命派诗人)—(Active or radical) romanticists:Byron, Shelley, Keats—striving to strengthen man’s will to live and raise him up against the darkness in the world.Lake Poets (湖畔派诗人)William WordsworthSamuel Taylor ColeridgeRobert Southey ★William Wordsworth (1770-1850)Literary Position—Poet Laureate 桂冠诗人(1843)—the best and the most famous romantic poet—A great poet of natureLiterary AchievementsLyrical Ballads (1798) 《抒情歌谣集》:The Prelude (1850) 《序曲》:—Wordsworth’s autob iographical poem.Major works:I wondered lonely as a cloud 《我好似一朵流云独自漫游》Lucy Poems 《露西》The Solitary Reaper 《孤独的收割女》Major concern1. Nature2. The life of ordinary peoplePoetic features—Simplicity and purity of his language.Lyrical Ballads (1798)《抒情歌谣集》—William Wordsworth1. Written by Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge2. Marked the break with the conventional poetic tradition of 18th century classicism, and thebeginning of romanticism in English poetry3. The preface serves as the manifesto of the English romantic movements in poetry.4. The principle of poetry: “All good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling.”——“所有好诗都是强烈感情的自然流露.”—William Wordsworth ★Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834)Literary position—Poet, critic, and philosopher of Romanticism.Literary Achievement·The Rime of the Ancient Mariner(1798)《古舟子吟》·Kubla Khan (1816)《忽必烈汗》Robert Southey (1774-1843)Revolutionary Poets (革命派诗人)George Gordon ByronPercy Bysshe ShelleyJohn Keats ★George Gordon Byron (1788—1824)Lifeborn in a noble familyinherited the baronial titlegraduated from Cambridge Universityentered House of Lordsstrongly criticized by those conservatives and at last left Englandstayed in Italy and then Greecedied in Greece at 36Literary Position—one of the most excellent representatives of English Romanticism.—His literary career was closely linked with the struggle and progressive movements of his age. Major Works·Child Harold’s Pilgrimage《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》—One of his most readable books·Don Juan《唐璜》—His masterpieceByronic Heroes—The men with fiery and unbending will express the poet’s own ideal of freedom.— The men who rise against tyranny and injusticeDon Juan 《唐璜》—George Gordon Byron 1. Hero of the long poem:Don Juan, a Spanish young man born in a noble family; strange adventures he has experienced (Greece, Turkey, Russia and England);2. A panorama of the whole Europe and a strong satire★Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792—1822)Literary Position—The great poet of revolutionary romanticism in England.—The most wonderful lyric poet England has ever producedMajor Works·Prometheus Unbound《解放了的普罗米修斯》—lyrical drama·Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》Artistic Features— Lyrics intensity·Lyrics on politics·Lyrics on nature·Lyrics on love— Revolutionary ardency— Optimistic idealism—Image(意象)& symbol(象征)Ode to the West Wind《西风颂》—It made Shelley the greatest English lyrical poet, and is the lyric of lyrics.1. Main ideaThe old world must go, a new word must come with the Spring, laden with fresh sweet promises for suffering humanity.2.1). Stanza ⅠWest wind is·Blowing over the land·Driving dead leaves away·Carrying the seeds to wintry bed so that they would grow up next year.·Both a destroyer and preserver—A destroyer of old, useless, decaying things, such as dead leaves.—A preserver of new, life-going things, such as seeds.2). Stanza ⅡWest wind is·Sweeping in the sky·Gathering the loose clouds·Preparing a storm with black rain, lightening and hail·Calling the dirge of the dying year3). Stanza ⅢWest wind is·Moving across the sea·From the Mediterranean to the Atlantic Ocean·Becoming stronger and stronger·Even frightening the sea vegetation4). Stanza ⅣThe poet compares “I” to and with the west wind·“if”s·Poetic inspiration·The poet’s personality5). Stanza ⅤThe poet’s wishes·To share the spirit of the west wind·To use his poem to quicken a new birth and awaken the earthThe poet’s prophecy·If winter comes, can spring be far behind?3. West wind: A symbol·Strength, power·Change of season·Approaching revolution·The poet’s personality·The poetic inspiration·A revolutionary spirit·The destroyer of the old world·the preserver of the new world·Hope for the new life★John Keats (1795—1821)Literary AchievementShort Poems—of the numerous short poems by Keats, the most important are his sonnets and odes.·Ode on Melancholy《忧郁颂》·Ode to Nightingale《夜莺颂》·Ode to Autumn《秋颂》·Ode on a Grecian Urn《希腊古瓮颂》Features1. A clean split with 18th century classicism.Byron & Shelley: attempted to remold the contemporary society with both poetry andpolitical action.Keats: restricted his application of the principle of liberty to the sphere of Art.2. Beauty in truth, truth in beauty. (美即现实,现实即美)Keats found beauty in nature, in literature, esp. poetry, and in human struggle for liberty.6. English Realism (1830s-1918) (现实主义时期文学) /The Victorian Age(1832—1901)Charles DickensWilliam Makepeace ThackerayThe Brontë Sisters Historical background1. The Victorian Age—First Period (1832-1848): a time of social unrest—The mid-Victorian Period (1848-1870): The heyday of the Victorian Age—The last period: (1870-1901): The decay of Victorian values2. The end of poetry poem3. The rise of novels—Novel: dominant literary genreCritical Realism1. Appeared in 19th century and flourished in 1840s and early 50s2. RepresentativesCharles DickensThackerayThe Brontë Sisters3. Basic characteristicsTo expose and criticize the evil and injustice of capitalist societyTo satirize the ruling classes and show sympathy for the common peopleEssentially democratic and humanistic attitudeAiming at social reform rather than revolution.★Charles Dickens (1812—1870)Literary Position— The greatest and outstanding representative of English critical realismLiterary Achievements: Three periods—The 1st period (1836-1841): Naïve optimism, “Virtue will triumph in long run.”·Sketches By Boz 《博兹特写集》·The Pickwick Papers 《匹克威克外传》·Oliver Twist 《雾都孤儿》·Nicholas Nickleby《尼古拉斯·尼克尔贝》·The Old Curiosity Shop 《老古玩店》—The 2nd period (1842-1850): period of excitement and irritation, his naïve optimism about capitalism was profoundly shaken.·American Note《美国札记》·Martin Chuzzlewit《马丁·朱述儿维特》·Dombey and the Son《董贝父子》·David Copperfield 《大卫·科波菲尔》—The 3rd period (1851-1870): a Period of steadily intensifying pessimism, his loss of hope for English bourgeois·Bleak House 《荒凉山庄》·Hard Times《艰难时世》·Little Dorrit《小杜丽》·A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》·Great Expectation 《远大前程》/《孤星血泪》·Our Mutual Friend《我们共同的朋友》Features of Dickens's Novels·Character Sketches & Exaggeration( grotesque characters)·Broad Humor & Penetrating Satire·Complicated & Fascinating Plot·The Power of ExposureWilliam Makepeace Thackeray (1811-1863)Literary Position·One of the outstanding representatives of English critical realism.·A great satiristLiterary Achievements·Vanity Fair《名利场》——his masterpiece·★The Brontë Sisters·Charlotte Brontë—Jane Eyre《简·爱》·Emily Brontë—Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》·Anne Brontë—Agnes Grey《艾格尼斯·格雷》Themes of Jane Eyre—The criticism of the bourgeois system of education—Jane Eyre, the heroine of the novel, maintains that women should have equal rights with men.★Jane Austen (1775-1817)Literary Position—The first important English woman novelist—One of the greatest novelists of the 19th and 20th centuriesLiterary AchievementsSix Novels·Northanger Abbey《诺桑觉寺》·Sense and Sensibility 《理智与情感》·Pride and Prejudice 《傲慢与偏见》·Mansfield Park 《曼斯菲苑林》·Emma 《艾玛》·Persuasion 《劝导》Writing Characteristics— Chief interestsThe relationship between men & women in love— Artistic features·Subtlety of observation 细致入微的观察·Depth of psychological penetration 深刻的心理分析·Delicacy of touch 细腻的笔触Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》——Jane Austen’s best-known novel 1. Theme—Love and marriage—Darcy’s pride against Elizabeth’s prejudice2. Feature—Irony·Verbal irony in dialogue and situation·Dramatic irony—Witty and delightful dialoguesThe Victorian Poets(维多利亚诗人)Lord Alfred TennysonRobert BrowningMatthew Arnold"The Big Three"★Lord Alfred Tennyson (1809-1892)Literary Position—Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人)—The representative or spokesperson of the ageLiterary AchievementsIn Memoriam A. H. H 《悼念》—131 short poems—as a lament (哀悼)for the death of his friend Hallam—a discussion of the relations between religion and scienceeg. Break Break Break 《溅吧,溅吧,溅吧》★Robert Browning (1812-1889)Literary Position—The most innovative poet of the AgeLiterary Achievements—dramatic monologue (戏剧独白)(his contribution to English poetry)e.g. My Last Duchess 《我的公爵夫人》★Matthew Arnold (1822-1888)Literary Position—a poet and a literary criticMajor Works :Dover Beach 《多佛海滩》—Challenges to the validity of long-standing theological and moral precepts have shaken the faith of people in God and religion★Thomas Hardy (1840—1928)Literary Position—the last important novelist and poet of the 19th century—a naturalistic(自然主义的)and a critical realist writer※ Wessex Novel—The novels describing the characters and environment·Romances and Fantasies罗曼史与幻想·Novels of ingenuity爱情与阴谋故事·Novels of character and environment性格和环境小说(大多为悲剧)Literary Achievements—6 “Wessex novels”·Under the Greenwood Tree《绿荫下》·Far From the Madding Crowd 《远离尘嚣》·The Return of the Native 《还乡》·The Mayor of Casterbridge 《卡斯特桥市长》·Tess of the D’Urbervilles 《德伯家的苔丝》·Jude the Obscure 《无名的裘德》Characteristics of Hardy’s Novels▪1)determinism/fatalism(宿命论)▪2) naturalism(自然主义)▪3)symbolism(象征主义).Modernist dramatistsOscar WildeGeorge Bernard ShawAestheticismOscar Wilde Aestheticism (唯美主义)A literary and artistic tendency of the late 19th centuryPre-Raphaelites — the predecessorSlogan:Art for Art’s Sake为艺术而艺术Art is self-sufficient and need no moral or practical purpose. The pursuit and enjoyment of beauty is the chief purpose of life.A kind of escapism (逃避主义) in essence.★Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)Literary Position—A spokesman for Aestheticism(唯美主义)Literary AchievementsThe Picture of Dorian Gray《道林·格雷画像》The Importance of Being Earnest《认真的重要性》– his masterpieceWriting Feature—Witty paradoxes and epigrams in the dialogue—Cleverly constructed plotsThe Importance of Being Earnest《认真的重要性》—Oscar Wilde1. three-act play2. Major characters:—John (Jack) Worthing: a double identity·Jack: a very serious and upright young man in the country·Ernest: a dandy pursues a life of pleasure in the city of London.3. Name “Ernest”—A wordplay (pun) upon Earnest-seriousness —Beneath the frivolity there lies seriousness.★George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)Life·Born in Dublin, Ireland·Mother: a talented musician·Fabian Society (费边社)·Negative about the theory of “Art for Art’s Sake”Literary Position—An outstanding realistic dramatist and satirist— It was Shaw who gave English drama a new lease of life.— In 1925 he received the Nobel Prize for literature.Literary Achievements·Widowers' Houses《鳏夫的房产》·Mrs. Warren’s Profession《华伦夫人的职业》·Arms and the Man 《武器与武士》·Candida 《康蒂妲》·Major Barbara 《巴巴拉少校》·Pygmalion《卖花女》·Heartbreak House 《伤心之家》·The Apple Cart 《苹果车》·Too True to be Good 《真像毕露》Subjects concern·Slum landlordism—(Widowers' Houses) ·Prostitutes and prostitution—(Mrs. Warren’s Profession)·Attack on Victorian conventions, such as home, romantic love, military glory, and idealism—(Arms and the Man) ·Inequality between social classes and censure of middle class morality—(Pygmalion) ·Pre-war spiritual poverty in Europe and the shallow Victorian work ethic—(Heartbreak House) Features of writing·Witty remarks, surprise, and paradox·Caricature(讽刺画,漫画) types·The rich suggestive classic myths as underpinning metaphors·Poignant satirePygmalion《卖花女》——George Bernard Shaw —This play…·Based on classical myth·plays on the complex business of human relationships in a social world·A satire on middle-class morality★Joseph Conrad (1857-1924)Literary Position—one of the greatest novelists in the English language—a forerunner of modernismLiterary AchievementsThe Nigger of the "Narcissus"《水仙号上的黑家伙》Lord Jim《吉姆老爷》Heart of Darkness《黑暗之心》Heart of Darkness《黑暗之心》1. The double meaning of Heart of DarknessAfrican hinter land and colonizers’ dark side2.Features : narrative structure(叙事结构)a lot of symbolism (大量象征手法)3. Themes: Conrad bitterly satirizes the inhumanity of imperialism and colonialism.7.Modernism (1918-1945) (现代主义文学)Poets:T. S. Eliot (1888-1865)William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)★T. S. Eliot (1888-1865)Literary Position—a leader of the modernist movement in English poetry—a great innovator of verse technique—He profoundly influenced 20th century English poetry between World War I and II.—In 1948 he was awarded the Nobel Prize.Literary AchievementsThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock《阿尔弗雷德·普罗弗洛克的情歌》—The first masterpiece of modernism in English·The Hollow Men《空心人》—An impressive picture of the spiritual and emotional aridity of modern men·The Waste Land《荒原》—A landmark in English poetry, ending the Romantic period signifying the emergence of Modernism. It gave a picture of the spiritual ruins of Europe shortly after the end of World War I, and expressed the disillusionment of a generation of intellectuals. Poetry techniques:ImagesSymbolsliterary allusions(典故)/references(文献)★William Butler Yeats (1865-1939)Literary Position·one of the twentieth century's key English-language poetsThe l eader of the “ Irish Renaissance ”(爱尔兰文艺复兴运动)·Awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1923·“The greatest poet of our time—certainly the greatest in this language.”——T.S. EliotMajor Works·The Wild Swans as Coole《库勒的野天鹅》·The Winding Stair《旋梯》·The Tower《塔》Poetry Concern—His early poetry·Romanticism, sometimes with elements of mysticism·Often dealt with Irish themes—Later poetry·Powerful and mature·Realistic, symbolic and visionary(幻想的)Modern Novelists。

英国文学简史Part one: Early and Medieval English LiteratureHistorical Background1.When does early and medieval period refer to?“Early” here means English literature in primitive and slavery society. “Medieval” means English literature in feudal England before the Renaissance.2. What main events happened during this period?Roman conquestEnglish conquestNorman conquestLiterature Achievements in old English period1.two groups of English poetry in Anglo-Saxon period. The first group was the pagan poetry represented by Beowulf, the second was the religious poetry represented by the works of Caedmon and Cynewulf.2. In the 8th century, Anglo-Saxon prose appeared. The famous prose writers of that period were Venerable Bede and Alfred the Great.Venerable Bede : is the first scholar and chronicler in England. The most important works : The Ecclesiastical History of the English People.Alfred the Great : started the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.BeowulfI.Definition of epic:an extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero.II.Story of Beowulf : P3-4Questions :1.setting :2. characters:3.plotIII. Some important points“Beowulf” is a folk legend brought to England by Anglo-Saxons from their continental homes. However it also reflected the features of the tribal society in Britain. Originally Beowulf, the great epic, was in oral form and it must be a collective creation.Beowulf in the epic is a legendary figure. In formal history you can not find a man named Beowulf.IV. Artistic features of “Beowulf’’1. Using alliterationDefinition of alliteration: Words beginning with the same consonants alliterate with each other within each line. Each line of verse may contain an indefinite number of words or syllables but generally has four stresses, with a pause between the second and the third stresses.Some examples on P42. ·Using metaphor and understatementDefinition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas. You may findsome examples on P5Literary Features of the Anglo-Saxon Period1) secular(非宗教的) poetry,non religious poems but with Christian coloring;2) created collectively and orally;3) based on history, legend or events of the time;4) for entertainment;5) unknown writers, written down by the monks in the 10th centuryLiterature achievement in Middle English Period1.Romance: ( for noble )2.Ballads: ( folk literature) (oral)( for English people)3. Poetry:1) William Langland (popular literature)2) Chaucer ( the founder of English literature)1.Romance:It is the most prevailing kind of literature in England on feudal period. It is a long composition, in verse or in prose. It describes the life and adventures of a noble hero. The central theme is loyalty to king and Lord. The code of manners and morals of a knight is Chivalry. The most important romance is king Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.2. Ballads:a.It is the most important form of English folk literature.b.It is a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas with the second and fourthline rhymed.c.It is a literature of common people,( mainly the literature of the peasants)from them one is able to understand the outlook of the English common people in feudal society.d.It flourished in England in the 15th century.e.The most important ballads in England are Robin Hood .3. PoetryWilliam Langland:a. life:b. content:1.attack on the corruption of the rich and the wickedness of clergy2.the political situation of the time3.search for truth4. attack on the seven Deadly Sins:(pride, lechery (色欲),envy, wrath, Avarice, glutton, sloth)c. Social significance:1.a classic of popular literature2.kindled the toiling people’s sense of human dignity and equality before God3.arousing revolutionary sentimentd. artistic features:1.It is written in the form of a dream vision.2.It is an allegory which relates truth through symbolism. But in the main, it is a realistic picture of medieval England.3. The poem uses satire in his description of social abuses caused by the corruption4.The poem is written in alliteration.nguage style: lively speech of the countryside , blunt and unpolished words.Geoffrey ChaucerI. His lifeII. Literary career: 3 stagesIII. His works:a.Troilus and Criseydeb.The Canterbury TalesIV. His Contributions:♦I. His Life♦Born in a wine merchant’s family♦Trip to the continent on diplomatic missions,two of which took him to Italy♦Buried in Westminster Abbey, the poets’ corner♦Political background:relation with John of Gaunt♦II. Literary Career:♦French period:The Book of the Duchess♦Italian period: works adapted from the Italian: Troilus and Criseyde♦English period: The Canterbury TalesHe reached maturity and was free from dominant foreign influence.♦III. His works:♦The Book of the Dutchess 《公爵夫人之书》♦The House of Fame《声誉之堂》♦The Parliament of Fowls《百鸟议会》♦The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》♦Troilus and Criseyde 《特罗勒斯和克莱西》Troilus and Criseyde♦It is based on a poem by Boccaccio, his longest poem, written in the rhymed royal(君王体)(a seven-line stanza in iambic pentameter rhyming ababbcc.)The Canterbury Tales♦Questions :1. the organization of the book( the relationship between the general prologue and each tale)2.The main features of Chaucer’s narration3.The image of Wife of Bath♦Basic informationform: most of the tales are written in heroic coupletsetting: Tabard Inncharacters: types of literature: courtly romance, folk tale.,beast fable, story of travel and adventure, saint’s life, allegorical tale, sermon, alchemical account.Language: Middle English, vivid, exact, word- picturesLength: planned to be 120 stories. The General prologue,20 complete tales, 4 fragments, separate prologues to each tale with links, comments,quarrels ,etc. in between.Arrangement: linked through the host’s comments and prologue.two ways: the personality of the host affords a clear string of connection from the 1st to the last tale. There is an intimate connection between the tales and prologue.Typical characters: almost all medieval figures from different sides of life except noble and serfs.Character of the wife of Baththe owner of a cloth factory, light-hearted, merry,somewhat vulgar and talkative. a lengthy account of her feelings about marriage.♦The Canterbury Tales’ significancereflection of his times--- a panoramic view of his contemporary life; reflection of his humanist idea---- he exposed the evils of the church, the corruption of the upper class, praise man’s intellect and love; he affirms men and women’s right to pursue thei r happiness and oppose the dogma of asceticism preached by church.♦IV. Chaucer’s contributions:a.Forerunner of humanismb.The first realistic writerc.Father of English poetryd.Master of the English languagePart Two: The English RenaissanceHistorical BackgroundRenaissance and HumanismMain literary form:poetry Edmund Spencerdrama: most important William Shakespeareessay: (prose) Francis BaconThe English Renaissance1. Renaissance in Europea. It began in the 14th century in Italy.b. nature: a cultural and intellectual movementc. content: there arose a current for the study of Greek and Latin authors; ageneral dissatisfaction at the catholic and feudal ideas.d. two striking features: curiosity for classical literatureinterest in the activities of humanityII. Historical BackgroundThe establishment of Tudor Dynasty(1485-1603)Religious ReformationThe establishment of ProtestantismCommercial expansion abroadThe war with Spain(English bourgeoisie fought for existence and power)III. Renaissance and HumanismHumanisma.Nature: a literary and philosophical system of thought which attempt to placethe affairs of mankind at the center of its concerns.b.Origin: in Italyc.Source: based on a new reading of Greek and Roman literature, and anaffirmation of the importance of Platonic philosophy and reinterpretation of the writings of Aristotle.d.Idea: It took the life of man in the presence as a major interest.e.Humanism was one of the most important factors giving rise to theRenaissance. It is an attitude rather than a philosophy.The main traits of the Renaissance Literaturea. Its chief characteristic is the expression of secular values with man instead ofGod as the center of the universe.b. It emphasizes the dignity of man, affirms and eulogizes the value of man.c. It advocates the full expression of individualism and the fulfillment of one’sabilities against the despotic rule of the feudalism.d. It affirms the delight of eart hly achievement as well as men’s desire for happiness and pleasure.PoetryI.Two poets before the Elizabethan Age:Thomas Wyatt; Henry Howard , Earl of Surreya. sonnet: an exact form of poetry in 14 lines of iambic pentameter rhymed, introduced to England from Italy by Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey.b. Surrey: the first English blank verse, the form of poetry to be later masterly handled by Shakespeare and Milton.Two poets before the Elizabethan Agec. the songs and sonnets by Wyatt and Surrey was the first anthology of English lyric poems.II.Two poets of the Elizabethan Age1. Philip Sidneya. life: well-known as a poet and critic of poetry. He is Spencer’s friend. Spencerwrote Shepherd’s Calendar to dedicate to him. He was a c ourtier, a scholarand soldier.b. his collection of love sonnets:Astrophel and Stellac. criticism:Apology for Poetry: represent the spirit of literary criticism of the Renaissance.2. Edmund Spencera. life : a minor noble family, good education, the Poet’s poet ,buried inWestminster Abbey.b. works:1) The Shepherds’ calendar2) Amorettia sequence of 88 sonnets, containing Spencer’s love poems to his future wife,Elizabeth Boyle.Question: what are most famous Sonnet sequences of the Elizabethan Age?3) Masterpiece : Faerie QueenPlanned in 12 books but only 6 finished.Content: In the epic each hero or heroine represents a virtue. In the course of their trials, they come to fully embody that virtue. The virtues areHoliness, Temperance, Chastity, Friendship, Justice, and Courtesy.Form: allegoryLanguage: has sweet melody and its lines are very musicalVerse form: “Spenserian Stanza”Spenserian Stanza: First eight lines are iambic pentameter and ninth has twomore syllables, rhyming ababbcbcc.theme: 1)nationalism 2) humanism 3) PuritanismInfluence: used by all the later poets, especially imitated by the romantic poets of the 19th century.( Byron, Shelley, Keats)Everything in the story has two levels — as part of the story and as part of the allegory, or symbolic meaning. This can be seen in Book I, which summarizes the whole poem. As a Romantic adventure, this is the story of the Redcrosse Knight and Lady Una searching for Una’s parents, who are trapped by a dragon. The knight kills the dragon and so wins the right to be the lady’s husband. As a spiritual allegory, this is the story of a soul’s encounter with the seven deadly sins, its separation from and reunion with the one faith, and its final salvation by divine grace.c. school-belong: like Lyly and Sidney, Spencer was a court poet.d. position: as a model of poetical art among the Renaissance English poets, the 1stto make English the natural music in poetry.ProseI. Biblea)Translation of Bible: the first complete English Bible was translated by JohnWycliffe(1324-1384), the morning star of the Reformation, and his followers.( from Latin to English)b)The authorized version of Bible: translated under the auspice of James I in1611 and so it was called the King James Bible. This version is simple and dignified in language.( modern English has been fixed and confirmed.)II.The greatest humanist: Thomas Morea.w as born in a middle-class family. humanist leader of the early 16th century,a scholar, master of Latin, witty talker, music lover, great thinker; once LordChancellor; beheaded on a false charge of treason.b.MasterpieceUtopia in 1516(in Latin) translated into English in 1551.Form: a conversation between More and a returned voyager.Comment :a. He is a far-sighted thinker, living on the eve of the bourgeois revolution.b. More was the first to see the relation between wealth and poverty and tobring up the ideal of communist society. He was one of the forerunner of modern socialist thought.Question:What is More’s Limitation?III.Bacon( the most important prose writer)Sir Francis Bacon was an English writer, philosopher and statesman and was educated in Cambridge. When he was fourteen, Bacon finished his education and went to Paris. In the French capital, he began to know humanism.In 1584, Francis Bacon was elected for the House of Commons and started his political career. Bacon advised for the union of England and Scotland and suggested ways to deal with Roman Catholics. For all these he had done, he was given the title of knight in 1603. By the time of James I, he was named as Lord Chancellor in 1618. In 1621, he was accused by Parliament and they said that he had accepted bribes. For this reason his political career ended.Drama:1. Three kinds of drama:a. the Miracle play: it is the root of English drama. It is based on Bible stories. Miracles were first performed in the church.b. the Morality play: It presents the conflict of good and evil with allegorical personages such as Mercy, Peace, Hate, Fally, etc.)( eg: Everyman)c. the Interlude: a short performance during the break.( eg: the play of the weather)2. Two influences on Elizabethan Drama1) influence from the classics. (Greek and Latin drama)2) influence from the popular drama.3. Gammer Gurton’s needle is the first English comedy, describing a quarrel over the loss of a needle.Gorboduc is the first English tragedy.The morality play Everyman at the end of 15th century makes the beginning of modern English drama.4. The London theatre and the audience5. playwrights:a. the university wits: they are Lily, Peele, Marlowe, Greene, Lodge and Nash, etc.The most influential is Marlowe. They had studied at the Universities of Oxford or Cambridge and then set up as professional writers, selling their learning and their “ wits” to the London public of playgoers and reading public as well.b. Marlowec. Shakespeared. Ben Jonsonb. MarloweWorks: (tragedies)Doctor Faustus( for knowledge)Tamburlaine ( based on a German Legend, ambition)Jew of Malta ( greed for wealth)Themes of his plays:scorn of orthodox creedspraise of individuality , freed from the restraints of medieval dogmas and law. Position and achievements:He was the predecessor of ShakespeareHe was the greatest pioneer of English drama.His two achievements: 1) He first made blank verse (unrhymed iambic drama),the principal instrument of English drama.2) He replaced the stilted heroes of drama in the past by men of vitality and passion. He created the Renaissance hero for English drama. ShakespeareLife :Four periods in play- writingHis comediesHis tragediesHistorical playsPoetical worksFeatures of Shakespeare’s dramaFour periods in play-writing1st period:Features:a) It’s Shakespeare’s early experimental period. It is marked by youthfulness and rich imagination.b) by extravagance of languagec) by the frequent use of rhymed couplets with blank versed) He looked down upon the world as a just one. Justice would eventually win in the end.e) Love, faith, work and duty were the four elements that made the world right.Works: P 582nd period:Features:a)He worked as a master in play writingb)It was a period of rapid growth and development of his artistic power.c)He had a keen insight into human nature, great power of expression andgenius for constructing a play.d)This period belongs to his best history plays.Works: P603rd period:features:a)The period of gloom and depressionb)He was concerned with deposit matters of human life.c)He grew in experience, in vision and in sympathyd)His belief and trust in mankind had been shattered.e)He produced his four greatest tragedies.Works: P624th period:features:a) a period of unrealistic compromise and fantasyb) a period of restored serenity and tolerant resignationc)He sounds again a note of calm and hope and serene wisdom.d)His latest plays including Tempest have happy endings.Works:P63His comediesShakespeare wrote his comedies in his early period. In these plays he portrayed the young people who had just freed themselves from the feudal fetters. He sang of their youth, their love and ideal of happiness. The heroes and heroines were sons and daughters of the Renaissance. They trust not in God or King but in themselves.Two groups of characters:Women characters:16 comedies together. His main comedies are: Merchant of Venice; AMidsummer Nigh t’s Dream; As you like it; Twelfth Night.His tragediesShakespeare’s great tragedies are associated with a period of gloom and sorrow in his life. During this period, England witnessed a general unrest, and social contradictions became very sharp. What ca used the writer’s personal sadness is unknown to us. It is generally attributed to the political misfortune of his friend and patron, Earl of Essex, who was killed by the Queen.Shakespeare wrote 11 tragedies. His main tragedies are: Hamlet; Othello; King Lear; Macbeth. All these plays express a profound dissatisfaction with life.They show the struggle and conflicts between good and evils, between justice and injustice. In these plays, the writer Shakespeare condemns the dark andevil society.Historical playsShakespeare’s historical plays are political plays. The principal idea of these plays is the necessity for national unity under one sovereign. At his time, this idea was anti-feudal in nature; and it summed up the general opinion of the rising bourgeo isie in Shakespeare’s own day. Among Shakespeare’s 10 historical plays, Henry IV and Henry V are two remarkable plays.Shakespeare’s poetical worksVenus and Adonis ; Lucrece are two long narrative poems.The bulk of Shakespeare's sonnets were written between 1593 and 1598. Each line of a sonnet is in iambic pentameter, and the rhyme scheme is abab cdcd efef gg. His 154 sonnets seem to fall into two series:One series are addressed to W. H, evidently a patron, and the other addressed to "dark lady" who played the poet false. For depth of sentiment, for mastery of diction, for perfection of finish, they are among the most excellent of Elizabethan poetry.Features of Shakespeare’s dramaa) progressive significance of his themeb) successful character portrayalc) master hand in constructing playsd) the ingenuity of his poetrye) mastery of English languageBen JonsonI.Introduction:Poet, critic, poet’s laureate; Successor of Shakespeare. He was the greatest writers of comedy after Shakespeare.II.His plays:1)His plays are written according to “ humors ”. Every character in hiscomedies personified a definite humor, so his characters are like caricature.2)His plays were not deep but had much surface energy.3)His masterpieces are Velpone and The AlchemistIII. His contribution:a) humorb) forerunner of classicismEnglish Literature in the seventeenth CenturyI .Social Backgroundthe English Revolution and the RestorationII. Literary characteristics:1. literature of the Revolution periodPuritan literature period is different from the literature of Elizabethan period in the following aspects:1) Elizabethan literature had a marked unity and the feeling of patriotism anddevotion to the Queen, but in the Revolution Period,all this was changed, the king became the open enemy of the people, and the country was divided by the struggle for political and religious liberty. So literature was as divided in spirit as were the struggling parties.2) Elizabethan literature was generally inspiring. It throbbed with youth andhope and vitality.Literature in the Puritan Age expressed age and sadness.Even its brightest hours were followed by gloom and pessimism.3) Elizabethan literature was intensely romantic.The romantic spirit sprangfrom the heart of youth.People believed all things, even the impossible.But in literature of the Puritan period, we cannot find any romantic ardor.2.The main literary form of the period was poetry.Among the poets, Milton was the greatest. Besides him, there were two other groups of poets, the Metaphysical Poets and the Cavalier Poets.3. Puritanism was the religious doctrine of the revolutionary bourgeoisie during this period. It preached thrift, sobriety, hard work, but with very little extravagant enjoyment of the fruits of labor. Worldly pleasures were condemned as harmful. This was precisely the outlook needed by the bourgeoisie for the accumulation of capital.Though there were many clever men in England during the latter half of the seventeenth century, there were only two minds which possessed the imaginative faculty in a very eminent degree. One of these minds produced the Paradise Lost, the other The Pilgrim's ProgressJohn Bunyan(约翰·班扬)1.life:son of a tinker. After receiving his early education at the Bedford grammar school ,he followed his father’ s trade. Later, He joined a Baptist society and became a preacher. Soon he became active both in preaching and writing. After restoration, he was arrested and kept in prison for preaching. He was the chief puritan writer to participate in the struggle against the corrupt fedual-aristocratic regimes of charlies II and James II after John Milton.2.Works: Pilgrim’s Progress<<天路历程>>Bunyan’s most important work and one of the most popular books in the English languages, was written in the form of an allegory.Allegory(寓言)It loosely describes any writing in verse or prose that has a double meaning.This fictional literary narrative acts as an extended metaphor in which persons, abstract ideas, or events represent not only themselves on the literal level, but also stand for something else on the symbolic level. An allegorical reading usually involves moral or spiritual concepts that may be more significant than the actual, literal events described in a narrative.It is a prose narrative symbolically concerning the human soul’s pilgrimage through temptation and doubt to reach salvation.Other important allegorical works inclu de Spencer’s Faerie Queen and Swift’s Gulliver’s travels.Pilgrim’s ProgressI. life:Milton is the greatest writer of the seventeenth century. Mastering the ancient languages and literature : Greek, Latin;“ the lady of the Christ” “ spokesman of the Revolution”. Milton was sent to Christ’s college, Cambridge, where he acquired a good knowledge of Latin. He was famous for his personal beauty and strictness of his life and was nicknamed “ the lady of the Christ’s”.II. literary career:a) up to 1641( First period)He was greatly influenced by humanism and the spirit of Elizabethan Age. His important poem is Lycidas, a pastoral elegy on the death of a college mate. b) From 1641 to 1654( second period)He wrote no poems but political essays and pamphlets.Areopafitica called for freedom of press. (prose)“ Defence of the English people”“ Second Defence of the English people”Pamphlets on marriagec) From 1655 to 1671( third period)Paradise Lost ( masterpiece)Paradise RegainedSamson AgonistesIII. works:a. Paradise Lost:epic in 12 books, written in blank versesource: old Testamenttheme: a revolt against God’s authoritythe fall of men ; man’s disobedience and the loss of paradise; thepowers of man; craving for knowledgeimage: Satan1) the real hero of the poem2) He is a very firm revolt against God and makes man revolt against God3) Though defeated he won the respects of his angles.4) He is the spirit questioning the authority of God.b. Samson Agonistespoetical drama, modeled on the Greek tragedies, from the “ Book of Judges” in Old Testament”.Common between Samson and MiltonJohn MiltonIV. Features of Milton’s poetry:a. Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century. He was also anoutstanding political pamphleteer of the revolution period. He dedicated himself to the revolutionary cause. He made a strong influence on the laterEnglish poetry. Every progressive English poet since Milton has drawn inspiration from him.b. Milton is a great stylistHis poetry has a grand style. That is because he made a life-long study of classical and Biblical literature. His poetry is noted for sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.c. Milton is a great master of blank verse.He is the glorious pioneer to introduce blank verse into non-dramatic poetry. He has used it as the main tool in his masterpiece “ Paradise Lost”. His blank verse is rich in every poetic quality and never monotonous.d. Milton wrote the greatest epic in English literature. He made a strong influenceto later English poetry.V. Exercise:How do you understand these plots?1. God was surrounded by his angles, who never think of expressing anyopinions of their own.2. Satan and his followers freely discuss all issues in council. Why did Miltondesign the plots in such a way? Based on the text of Paradise Lost, how do you think Milton would justify his alterations of and additions to the Bible, given the fact that he was a devout Christian?Answer: It seems that Milton writes this epic to "justify the ways of God to men", but actually, it is not. God is depicted as a despot. This contradiction can be explained by the fact that Milton is a devout Christian, a Puritan, on one hand, and a fervent revolutionary, Republican, on the other. So we may say, that Milton's original purpose might be "to justify the ways of God to men", but it turns out to be an eloquent expression of the revolutionary spirit of the English bourgeois revolution, a call to resist tyranny and to continue the fight for freedom. Herein lies the significance of the work.3.Satan is the most well-developed character in Paradise Lost. Is he asympathetic character?Answer: One reason that Satan is easy to sympathize with is that he is much more like us than God or the Son are. As the embodiment of human errors, he is much easier for us to imagine and empathize with than an omniscient deity. Satan’s character and psychology are all very human, and his envy, pride, and despair are understandable given his situation. But Satan’s speeches, while undeniably moving, subtly display their own inconsistency and error.When Satan first sees Earth and Paradise in Book III, he is overcome with grief.His description of his situation is eloquent; his expression of pain is moving.Perhaps we pity Satan as he struggles to find his new identity while reflecting on his recent mistakes. Likewise, his feeling of despair resonates with feelings that all human beings undergo at some point. However, Satan’s despair becomes fuel for his ever-increasing evil, rather than the foundation for repentance. His anger and irrationality overcomes him, and he resolves to。

最全面英国文学史知识点总结英国文学史I. Old English Literature & The Late Medieval Ages<Beowulf>贝奥武夫:the national epic of the Anglo-SaxonsEpic: long narrative poems that record the adventures or heroic deeds of a hero enacted in vast landscapes. The style of epic is grand and elevated.Artistic features:1. Using alliterationDefinition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound(头韵)Some examples on P52. Using metaphor and understatementDefinition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideasGeoffery Chaucer 杰弗里·乔叟1340~1400(首创“双韵体”,英国文学史上首先用伦敦方言写作。
约翰·德莱顿(John Dryden)称其为“英国诗歌之父”。
)The father of English poetry.writing style: wisdom, humor, humanity.① <The Canterbury Tales>坎特伯雷故事集:first time to use ‘heroic couplet’(双韵体) by middle English②<Troilus and Criseyde>特罗伊拉斯和克莱希德③ <The House of Fame>声誉之宫Medieval Ages’ popular Literary form: Romance(传奇故事)Famous three:King ArthurSir Gawain and the Green KnightBeowulfII The Renaissance PeriodA period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.Renaissance: the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.Three historical events of the Renaissance – rebirth or revival:1. new discoveries in geography and astrology2. the religious reformation and economic expansion3. rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureThe most famous dramatists:Christopher MarloweWilliam ShakespeareBen Johnson.1. Edmund Spenser埃德蒙·斯宾塞1552~1599(后人称之为“诗人的诗人”。


英美文学史期末复习笔记英国美国1.伊丽莎白时期的文学 1.殖民地时期文学2.17世纪和18世纪的文学 2.浪漫主义文学3.浪漫主义时期 3.现实主义文学4.维多利亚时期 4.自然主义文学5.20世纪的小说与诗歌 5.20世纪20年代的诗歌与小说6.二战后的诗歌 6.二战后的诗歌与小说7.二战后的小说7.美国戏剧梳理8.少数族裔文学1.Definition of epicAn epic is a long narrative poem.2.Geoffrey Chaucer(1340-1400)杰弗里。
乔叟the father of English poetry(literature) 英国文学之父the heroic couplet 英雄双韵体:a verse unit consisting of two rhymed(押韵)lines in iambic pentameter(五步抑扬格)AA BB CC DD EE代表作:The Canterbury Tales 坎特伯雷的故事(英国文学史的开端)文艺复兴时期The Renaissance(1500-1660)1.the definition of RenaissanceRenaissance first rose in Italy in the 14th century and came to a flowering in the 15th and then in the 16th century it spread to other countries, notably France and thence to Germany and England and Spain and the other countries.核心:humanism :admire human beauty and human achievement.文艺复兴三杰:达芬奇,米开朗琪罗,拉斐尔2.William Shakespeare(1564-1616)He is actor, playwright;totally 37 playsFour great tragedies:Hamlet (哈姆雷特)Othello(奥赛罗)King Lear(李尔王)Macbeth(麦克白)Four great comedies:The Merchant of Venice 《威尼斯商人》A Midsummer Night’s Dream 《仲夏夜之梦》As You Like It 《皆大欢喜》Twelfth night 《第十二夜》Ben Johson dedicated a poem in praise of him:“…Soul of the age.He was not of an age, but for all time”.3.Sonnet(十四行诗)Sonnet is a lyric poem comprising 14 rhyming lines of equal length: iambic(抑扬格的) pentameters(五步格诗)in English. The English sonnet (also called the Shakespearen sonnet after its foremost practitinoner) comprises three quatrains (四行诗)and a final couplet(对句),rhyming ababcdcdefef. An important variant of this is the Spenserian sonnet (introduced by Elizabethan poet Edmund Spenser ), which links the three quatrains by rhyme, in the sequence ababbabccdcdee. In either form, the turn comes with the final couplet, which may sometimes achieve the neatness of an epigram.4.metaphysical poetry(玄学派诗歌)The term “metaphysical poetry”is commonly used to name the work of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.Metaphysical poets tried to break away from the conventional fashion of the Elizabethan love poetry. The name given to a diverse group of 17th-century English poets whose work is notable for its ingenious (精致的)use of intellectual and theological concepts in surprising conceits(幻想), strange paradoxes, and far-reaching imagery, argumentative abruptness of rhythm and tone distinguishes his style from the conventions of Elizabethan love lyrics. T.S Eliot and others revived their reputation, stressing their quality of wit, in the sense of intellectual strenuousness and flexibility rather than smart humor.Its main features:①the diction is simple②The imagery is drawn from the actual life③The form is frequently that of an argument with the poet’s beloved, with God, or with himself.5.John Donne(1572-1631)View of poetry: A blend of emotion and intellectual ingenuity, characterized by conceit or "wit".The most striking feature of Donne’s poetry is its tang of reality, in the sense that it seems to reflect life in a real rather than a poetical world.Special features: Conceits;wit;imagery;dramatic and conversational style.代表作:the flea《跳蚤》6.Francis Bacon(1561-1626)He is the precursor of materialism英国唯物主义的始祖(马克思和恩格斯语);also the founder of modern science;the first British essayist.作品:Essays《随笔》(of studies is the most famous one of them)7.John MiltonDefense for the English People为英国人辩护;blank verse 素体诗作品:Paradise Lost失乐园Paradise Regained复乐园18世纪的启蒙主义文学1.the definition of enlightenmentA general term applied to the movement of intellectual liberation that develop in Western Europe from the late 17th Century to the late 18th century.(the period is often called the Age of Reason), especially in France and Switzerland.The enlightenment culminated(使达到顶峰) with the writings of Jeans-Jacques Rousseau and the Encyclopedia(百科全书), the philosophy of Immanuel(以马内利,基督的别称) Kant, and the political ideas of the American and French Revolutions while the forerunners in science and philosophy included Bacon, Descartes, Newton, and Locke. Its central idea was the need and the capacity of human reason to clearaway ancient superstition, prejudice, dogma and injustice.Literary features:①Classicism: As a critical term, classicism is a body of doctrine thought to be derived from or to reflect the qualities of ancient Greek and Roman culture, particularly in literature, philosophy, art, or criticism. Classicism stands for certain definite ideas and attitudes, mainly drawn from the critical utterances of the Greek and Romans or developed through an imitation of ancient art and literature. ②Neoclassicism:it emphasized the classical artistic ideals of order, logic, proportion, restrained emotion, accuracy, good taste and decorum.③Sentimentalism came into being as the result of a bitter discontent among the enlightened people with social reality.4 Pre-romanticism: In the latter half of the 18th century, a new literary movement arose in Europe, called the Romantic Revival. It was marked by a strong protest against the bondage of Classicism, by a recognition of the claims of passion and emotion, and by a renewed interest in medieval literature. In England this movement showed itself in the trend of Pre-romanticism.Gothic novel is its most manifest expression.2.John Locke(1632-1704)one of the most influential of Enlightenment thinkers ;considered one of the first of the British empiricists经验主义者, following the tradition of Francis Bacon; best known for his satirical verse and for his translation of Homer《荷马史诗》;He is the third most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations,after Shakespeare and Tennyson.3.Daniel Defoe(1661-1731)代表作:The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (英国文学史第一部小说)Moll Flanders《摩尔. 佛兰德斯》Robinson Crusoe celebrates the 18th-century Western civilization’s material triumphs and the strength of human rational will to conquer the natural environment. Robinson, apparently, is cast as a typical 18th-century middle-class tradesman, the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist.The hero is practical, diligent, shrewd, courageous and intelligent to overcome all kinds of obstacles. In another sense, Robinson is Everyman struggling to master nature.This novel is the representative of the English bourgeoisie at the earlier stages of its development.4.Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)乔纳森.斯威夫特作品:Gulliver’s Travels《格列佛游记》A Tale of a Tub 《木桶的故事》The Battle of Books 《书战》A Modest Proposal 《一个小小的建议》His writing features : Swift defines a good style as “proper words in proper places”. His language is always precise, simple, clear, vigorous as well as economical and concise.He is also a master satirist.5.Henry Fielding(1707-1754)The father of modern fiction(现代小说之父)代表作:《约瑟夫·安德鲁》Joseph Andrews《汤姆·琼斯》Tom Jones6.Oliver Goldsmith’s(1730-1774)代表作:The Vicar of Wakefield威克菲尔德的牧师The Deserted Village 荒村浪漫主义时期English Romanticism(1798-1830)1.the definition of RomanticismIt is generally said to have began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth & Coleridge’s Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌谣集》and to have ended in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill《改革法案》in the Parliament. English Romanticism is a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason. The French Revolution of 1789-1794 and the English Industrial Revolution exert great influence on English Romanticism.Romanticists show in their works their profound dissatisfaction with the social reality and their deep hatred for any political tyranny, economic exploitation and any form of oppression, feudal or bourgeois. In the realm of literature, they revol t against reason, rules, regulation, objectivity, common senses, etc. and emphasize the value of feelings, intuition, freedom, nature, subjectivism, individuality, originality, imagination, etc.2.two schools of Romanticism①The lake poets湖畔派诗人(escapist romanticists):William Wordsworth华兹华斯, Samuel Taylor Coleridge柯勒律治and Robert Southey骚塞.They three were known as Lake Poets because they lived and knew one another in the last few years of the 18th century in the district of the great lakes in Northwestern England.②The Satanic school撒旦派(active romanticists):Byron, Shelly, and Keats.3.William Blake(1757-1827)十九世纪英国浪漫派诗人、画家、雕刻家作品:Songs of Experience《经验之歌》Songs of Innocence《天真之歌》The Marriage of Heaven and Hell《天堂与地狱的婚姻》The Chimney Sweeper《扫烟囱的孩子》The Lamb《羊羔》4.Robert Burns(1759-1796)(苏格兰著名农民诗人)作品:“A Red, Red Rose”《红红的玫瑰》5.William Wordsworth(1770-1850)He focused on the nature, children, the poor, common people, in his poem, he aimed at simplicity and purity of the language, so he used ordinary words to express his personal feelings.1843年获得桂冠诗人(Laureate)称号代表作:The Daffodils《水仙花》The Solitary Reaper《孤独的收割者》6.George Gordon Byron(1788-1824)Influence:(to world)Byron has enriched European poetry with an abundance of ideas, images, artistic forms & innovations. He stands with Shakespeare & Scott among the British writers who exert the greatest influence over the mainland of Europe.(to china)His revolutionary zeal and democratic ideals, as shown in his stirring lyricThe Isles of Greece and Childe Harold, strongly impressed the Chinese youth who were then waging struggles to overthrow the old feudal system.代表作Don Juan《唐璜》, 1818-1823When we two parted《当我们分手》She walks in beauty《她走在美的光彩中》Byronic hero:a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. With immense superiority in his passions and powers,unconquerable wills and inexhaustible energies.(fiery passions unbending will, ideal of freedom, against tyranny(专制统治)and injustice, lonely fighters individualistic ends)7.Percy Bysshe Shelley(1792-1822)代表作:Ode To The West Wind《西风颂》Queen Mab 《麦布女王》8.John Keats(1795—1821)代表作:Ode to An Nightingale《夜莺颂》(“美即是真,真即是美”Beauty is truth, truth is beauty.是他的著名诗句。

English Literature 英国文学史笔记The Development of English LiteratureFrom the academic angle, English literature can be divided into seven periods:1. Early and Medieval English literature;2. The English Renaissance;3. The 17th C. – The Period of Revolution and Restoration;4. The 18th Century –The Age of Enlightenment5. Romanticism in England in the 1st half of the 19th century;6. The Victorian Age;7. The 20th Century Literature –Modernism and Post-ModernismChapter1 Literature of Old and Medieval Period(449—1485)1) Anglo-Saxon Period /Old English Period (449-1066)The main literary contribution of this period is the Epic, and its masterpiece is the national epic The Song of Beowulf, which is a long poem of 3182 lines about the deeds of the Teutonic (条顿)hero Beowulf in the 6th century. It is the oldest poem in the English language and the oldest surviving epic in Anglo-Saxon literature.2)The Anglo-Norman Period /Middle English Period (1066-1485)The literature of this period is greatly influenced by the Norman Conquest (1066). After the conquest, the customs and ideals known as chivalry was introduced by the Normans into England and can be reflected in literature, such as the knightly code, the romantic interest in women , tenderness and reverence paid to Virgin Mary etc.. The prevailing form of literature in the Feudal England was Romance (传奇,骑士文学).The most famous Romance was Sir Gawain and the Green Knight.㈠Definitions of Literary Terms1. Couplet(对句): a couplet is two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme.2. Iambic pentameter: each line has five feet of iambs; in each foot, there is an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable.3.Heroic Couplet(英雄偶句/双韵体): two consecutive lines of rhymed poetry in iambic pentameter. (an iambic pentameter couplet). The form was introduced into English by Geoffrey Chaucer and was widely used subsequently, reaching a height of popularity in the works of Alexander Pope.4. Blank Verse(无韵体,素体诗): unrhymed iambic pentameter.5. Epic(史诗): A long narrative poem on the adventures and great deeds of heroes.6. Frame story: a narrative that provides the framework within which a number of different stories, which may or may not be connected, can be told. (The Canterbury Tales isa collection of stories in a frame story)7. Romance: A tale in verse, embodying the life and adventures of knights. The content of Romance was usually about love, chivalry and religion.㈡Geoffrey Chaucer (about1340—1400) 杰弗里•乔叟“The Founder (Father) of English poetry‖A Londoner of bourgeois origin, the most important and influential poet in medieval England, established English as a courtly language. Geoffrey’s Chaucer’s works are often categorized in three chronological periods (the French period, the Italian period and the English period).Ⅰ.Chaucer’s Contributions①. He introduced from French the ―heroic couplet‖ to English poetry.②. He is the first important poet to write in the current English language.③. Chaucer did much in making the dialect of London the foundation for modern English language.Ⅱ.Geoffrey Chaucer’s famous work :The Canterbury Tales (1387—1400)《坎特伯雷集》an unfinished series of stories told by a group of pilgrims(about 29), who came from all layers of society(a knight, a prioress, a plowman, a merchant, a clerk, the wife from Bath, etc.), journeying from London to the shrine of St. Thomas Becket at Canterbury. ―The General Prologue‖ told us Chaucer intended that each pilgrim should tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two tales on the way back. But Chaucer had actually completed only 23 stories.Scholars are uncertain about the order of the tales, and The Canterbury Tales has been passed down in several handwritten manuscripts.Ⅲ. Other works:1)The French period (to 1372): Book of Duchess (1369) 《公爵夫人之书》2)The Italian period (1372—1385): House of Fame (1379—1384) 《声誉之宫》The Parliament of Fowls (1377—1382) 《百鸟会议》The Legend of Good Women 《贤妇传说》Troilus and Criseyde (1382—1385) 《特洛伊罗斯与克丽西达》3)The English period (1387—1400): The Canterbury Tales (1387—1400) Chapter 2 Literature of English Renaissance(1485—1616)The Renaissance as a cultural movement embraced all Western Europe roughly from the 14th century to the 17th century. It first sprang in Florence of Italy and then spread to the rest of Europe (to Germany and Spain and England). ―Renaissance‖, French for ―rebirth‖, refers to the revival of interest in ancient Roman and Greek culture.During this period, the classical arts and learning were discovered again and widely studied , so the term Renaissance originally indicated a revival of classical (Roman and Greek) arts and learning after the dark ages of medieval obscurantism , it also marked the beginning of bourgeois revolution .In the Renaissance period, scholars and educators called themselves humanists and began to emphasize the capacities of the human mind and the achievements of human culture, in contrast to the medieval emphasis on God and contempt for the things of this world. So humanism became the keynote of the English Renaissance. And the greatest humanist is Thomas More, the author of Utopia. The representatives in literature are Shakespeare and Bacon. The former has the greatest contribution in drama an d sonnets while the latter’s essays are condensed and witty.代表人物:1) Thomas More(1478—1535)托马斯•莫尔Utopia 乌托邦2) Thomas Wyatt 托马斯•怀亚特He introduced sonnet into English literature引入十四行诗的第一人sonnet(十四行诗):form of poetry intricately rhymed(间隔押韵) in 14 lines iambic pentameter3) Edmund Spenser(1522—1599)埃德蒙•斯宾塞“the poet’s poet”(诗人中的诗人) English poet whose long allegorical poem(寓言性浪漫史诗) The Faerie Queene 《仙后》is one of the greatest in the English language. It was written in what cameto be called the Spenserian stanza.Spenserian stanza:A nine-line stanza with the following rhyme scheme: ababbcbcc. The first eight lines are written in iambic pentameter. The last line is written in iambic hexameter4) Christopher Marlowe (1564—1593)克里斯托弗•马洛“the most gifted writer of the University Wits”“the forerunner of English drama”“The Father of English Tragedy” (one-man tragedy) The greatest pioneer of English drama who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama.blank verse(无韵体:不押韵的五步抑扬格) 是十六世纪英国戏剧的主要表现形式。

(一)各个时期的文学创作术语中世纪文学时期Medieval Literature英雄双韵体the heroic couplet【特点】两行两行押韵,也被称作五步抑扬格iambic pentameter【创始人】杰弗里·乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer文艺复兴时期Renaissance十四行诗sonnet【特点】1韵律:一行隔一行押韵一节中的最后一行又与下一节的第一行押韵第四节只有两行独自押韵,一共十四行。
例一:abab bcbc cdcd ee例二:abab bcbc efef gg 2行数:十四行【创始人】威廉·莎士比亚William Shakespeare斯宾塞诗体Spenserian【特点】1韵律:韵律复杂,具有音乐性2行数:每节九行【创始人】埃德蒙·斯宾塞Edmund Spenser 素体诗blank verse没有押韵道德剧Morality Play神秘剧Mystery Play奇迹剧Miracle Play抑扬格四音步iambic tetrameter书信体意识流stream of consciousness(二)各种荣誉称谓"之父"称号Title作家主要作品时代流派英国诗歌之父Father of English Poetry杰弗里·乔叟Geoffrey Chaucer坎特伯雷故事集The Canterbury TalesMedieval Literature 十四世纪英国小说之父Father of English Novels丹尼尔·笛福Daniel Defoe鲁宾逊漂流记The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson CrusoeEnlightenment 18世纪Realistic西欧历史小说之父The Father of Western European Historical Novel沃尔特·司各特Walter Scott密得洛西恩监狱The Heart of MidlothianRealistic Literature十九世纪Romanticism桂冠诗人Poet Laureate约翰·德莱顿John Dryden阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生Alfred Tennyson【作品】记忆方式伊诺克·阿登。

英国文学史复习资料整理篇一:英国文学史复习资料整理(1)? historical background: the making of BritainA. Briton (Celtic tribes)B. the Roman Conquest---Roman Briton1thJulius CaesarA.D.43ClaudiusC. mid-5thAnglo-Saxons (Angles, Saxons, Jutes)Anglo-Saxon periodD. Danish invasionlate 8th, Daneslate 9th, Alfred the Greatthe literaturethe literature of this period falls naturally isto two divisions—pagan and Christianpagan represents the poetry which the Anglo-Saxons probably brought with them in the form of oral sagasChristian represents the writings developed under teaching of the monks..All of the earliest poetry of England was copied by the monks, and seems to have been more or less altered to give it a religious coloring.The angles, an important Teutonis tribe, furnished the name for the new home, which was called Angle-land afterward shortened into England. The language spoken by these tribes is generally called Anglo-Saxon or Saxon.Literary term★ Epic: a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down.(examples: Iliad, Odyssey, Chanson de Roland)2. Beowulf– national epic★ the longest and most monument of A-S poems★ the oldest surviving epic in British literature.? oral form (6th), earliest written record (7th or 8th)? set in Denmark and SwedenBeowulf1. 3183 lines2. contents:Beowulf centers on the narration of the exploits of the heroic figure beowulf.3 adventuresMonster---GrendelGrendel’s motherfiery dragonTheme: primitive peo ple’s struggle against hostile forces of the natural world under a wise and mighty leader.Beowulf is not simply a man of great military prowess but he is forever eager to help others in distress and in his last adventure with the dragon he shows himself a worthy leader ready to sacrifice his own life for the welfare of his people.Features:*part-historical and part legendary*heathen tribal society, feudal elements, Christian coloring*A-S or old English; alliteration metaphorIn the year 1066, at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons.Brought to England is remarkable for its bright, romantic tales of love and adventure.England literature is also a combination of French and Saxon elements.The three chief effects of the conquest were1. the bringing of Roman civilization to England2. the growth of nationality a strong centralized government, instead of the loose union of Saxon tribes3. the new language and literature were proclaimed in Chaucer1the Norman conquest accelerated the development of feudalism.? on land: the ruling class possessed large tracts of land? on society: distinct class division, miseries of peasants? on language: scholar wrote in French and Latin; eiched English.The developmentof romance and knights’ legends★ Romance: A long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble man. The central character is the Knight, who has a noble birth, is skillful in the use of weapon and devotes to the church or King. The rules governing the manners and morals of a knight are known as chivalry.? Themes of romance:the matter of Britain— king Arthur and his knights of the Round Table (Arthurian romances) the matter of France— Charlemagne and his knights (Chanson deRoland)the matter of Rome— from the Trojan War to Alexander the GreatKing Arthur:*historical figure of Celts; mythological figure in Welsh literature;*legendary hero in ? Geoffery of Monmouth: “History of the Kings of Britain” ?Layamon:“Brut”? Sir Tomas Malory: “Le Morte D?Arthur”? Anglo-Saxon? Later legends about a hero named Arthur were placed in this period of violence. The invaders were variously Angles, Saxons, Frisians, Jutes, but were similar in culture and eventually identified themselves indifferently as Angles or Saxons.The most outstanding single romance on the Arthurian legend—―Sir Gawain and the Green Knig ht‖ (four sections)a.The fight between Sir Gawain and the Green Knight at King Arthur?s Christmas feast.b. Gawain?s adventures on the way to find the Green Knight of the Green Chapel篇二:英国文学史及选读__复习要点总结《英国文学史及选读》第一册复习要点1. Beowulf: national epic of the English people; Denmark story; alliteration, metaphors and understatements (此处可能会有填空,选择等小题)2. Romance (名词解释)3. “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight”: a famous roman about King Arthur’s story4. Ballad(名词解释)5. Character of Robin Hood6. Geoffrey Chaucer: founder of English poetry; The Canterbury Tales (main contents; 124 stories planned, only 24 finished; written in Middle English; significance; form: heroic couplet)7. Heroic couplet (名词解释)8. Renaissance(名词解释)9.Thomas More——Utopia10. Sonnet(名词解释)11. Blank verse(名词解释)12. Edmund Spenser“The Faerie Queene”13. Francis Bacon “essays” esp. “Of Studies”(推荐阅读,学习写正式语体的英文文章的好参照,本文用词正式优雅,多排比句和长句,语言造诣非常高,里面很多话都可以引用做格言警句,非常值得一读)14. William Shakespeare四大悲剧比较重要,此外就是罗密欧与朱立叶了,这些剧的主题,背景,情节,人物形象都要熟悉,当然他最重要的是Hamlet这是肯定的。

英国文学笔记整理英国文学史考试要点听课笔记(2006)1、it is ―Beowulf‖,the national epic of the English people.《贝奥武夫》(Beowulf),又译贝奥武甫,完成于西元八世纪,约750年左右的英雄叙事长诗,长达3000行。
Features of ―Beowulf‖:The most striking feature i n its poetical form is the use of alliteration. Other features of ―Beowulf‖ are the use of metaphors and of understatements.本诗原以西撒克逊方言写成,押头韵而不押尾韵,用双字隐喻而不用明喻。
全诗内容分为两部分:第一部分描叙丹麦霍格国王(King Hrothgurs)宏伟的宫殿,在前后十二年中,半人半魔的妖怪格兰戴(Grendel)每晚出没捉食霍格的战士。

I. Multiple Choice – 2 points eachII. Matching – 1 point eachIII. Literary Terms – 4 points eachAllegory (寓言p64)is aliterary device that uses symbols, characters, and actions to represent truths about human existence. When these symbols, characters, or actions are used together, it creates an extended comparison that gives a message about the real world. Pilgrim’s Progress is an example.是一种文学手段,它使用符号、人物和行为来代表关于人类存在的真理。
Sonnet (十四行诗 p27)A 14-line poem with a definite rhyme scheme and meter. Shakespeare wrote 154 of these kinds of poems.一首十四行诗,有明确的韵脚和韵律。
Soliloquy (独白)An extended speech by one person that reveals their inner thoughts, feelings, or intentions. The character is usually alone, and the purpose is to reveal inner thoughts to the audience.一个人的演说,揭示他们内心的想法、感情或意图。

名词解释1.Philosophy:The word “” is Greek for “love of wisdom” and has come to mean a systematic search for answerto life’s great questions.(哲学定义)2.Rationalism:Ancient Greeks believe that some universal truth has always existed and that reason is theprimary source of knowledge.(理性主义定义)3.Idealism:Human senses provide inexact concepts of things; only human reason can give us true knowledgeabout the world.(柏拉图Plato)(理念论/唯心主义定义)4.The Renaissance:The French word “renaissance” means “rebirth” in English. It refers to the rebirth ofknowledge in Europe, particularly the rediscovery of the Greco-Roman texts.(持续300年)(文艺复兴定义) 5.Magna Carta: The barons wrote the famous document called the Magna Carta, which they forced John toaccept on June 15, 1215 at Runnymede. This Magna Carta, also called the Great Charter, was designed to obtain public liberties and to control the king’s power.(大宪章定义)6.Puritan:The term “Puritan” comes from the desires of these English Christians to “purify” the AnglicanChurch by removing all traces of Roman Catholicism.(清教徒定义)7.Industrial Revolution(简称I.R): During the latter half of 18th century, a rapid series of changes began,especially in the field of manufacturing. There were so many new inventions the whole process is often described as ~~(工业革命定义)8.The factory of the world:British was once called~~~~~, because the Industrial Revolution promoted itsdevelopment of production.(世界工厂定义)9.The Enclosure Movement: In the end of 15th century, the cloth industry increased the value of wool. Raisingsheep became more profitable. Large areas of lands were often fenced by landlords without any warning to the peasants. This process is called~~~(圈地运动定义)10.Boston Massacre: On Mach 5, 1770, angry Boston citizens died and eight were wounded. Dubbed the“Boston Massacre”, the incident was regarded as proof of British tyranny.(波士顿惨案内容)(美国革命序曲) 11.1the Declaration of Independence: On July 4, 1776 the Second Continental Congress officially declaredindependence and formed the United States of America by adopting the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia. The document declared that “all men are created equal” and are “ endowed by their creator” with certain “ inalienable rights” including “life ,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”.(独立宣言定义)12.checks-and-balances: The US Constitution also provided for checks-and-balances between the three branchesof government. Executive Branch—the president行政权—总统Legislative Branch—the Congress立法权—国会Judicial Branch—the U.S. Supreme Court司法权—最高法院Each branch was given powers and duties that ensured that the other branches would not have too much power.(三权分立,分权制衡定义)13.the New Deal: Roosevelt’s program of “Relief, Recovery and Reform” was popularly known as “the NewDeal”, a program that significantly and dramatically increased the national government’s intervention in the economy.(罗斯福新政定义)14.Prohibition: The 18th Amendment to the Constitution(1919) is known as “Prohibition”, because it prohibitedthe sale of alcoholic beverages in the United States.(禁酒法令定义)15.Cold War:The “Cold War”, a term popularized by Winston Churchill in 1946, means alternative forms ofwarfare that rely on limited violence and ideological, economic and political methods.(美苏冷战定义)16.Mayflower: In 1620, a group of 132 Separatists (Puritans who had “separated” or left the Church of England)boarded the Mayflower and sailed for Virginia. The Mayflower was blown off course and landed in what is now Massachusetts, far to the north of Virginia.(五月花)简答、填空、选择1.What role did Winston Churchill play in World War II? (丘吉尔在二战中起到什么作用?)⑴He played the important role in World War II.⑵In 1941, he led the country through the miracle of Dunkirk, that was 338000 allied solders’ evacuation to Britain.⑶In 1943, he met Stalin and Roosevelt at Teheran Conference and decided to open the Second Battlefield West Europe.⑷In 1945, he proposed to fight against the Japanese Army till the end of the war.2.Why did I.R firstly take place in Britain?(工业革命首先在英国爆发的原因?)There are four prerequisites.4个先决条件Firstly, the accumulation of original capital.资本的原始积累Second, the development of capitalistic farming.资本主义农业取得发展Third, the appearance of free labor reserve.自由劳动力的出现Fourth, the expansion of markets, domestic and foreign.国内外市场的扩张3.New York为什么叫Big Apple?New York’s nickname is “the Big Apple”, a phrase used by jazz musicians to explain the ultimate in achievement, size and excitement.4.The first major Greek philosopher was Thales. Thales claimed that Nature is rational. He asked, “From whatdo all things come and to what do all things return?”(泰勒斯)5.Furthermore,this was the origin of metaphysics, the philosophical study which probes the nature of realityitself.形而上学6.数学家Pythagoras explained the entire natural world with numbers.(提出数字3)3=1(unity)+2(diversity)Three elements of Universe------earth, ocean, heavenThree elements of World ------animals, plants, mineralsThree elements of Gods ------Jupiter, Neptune, PlutoThree elements of Goddess ------Fate, Revenge, Beauty早期基督教教义Trinity (三位一体)人类3个indispensables------body, soul, spirit7.赫拉克利特Heraclitus is remembered because he introduced the concept of change as the onlyunchanging reality in the universe.He compared life to a flowing river:A person cannot step into the same river twice.8.德谟克利特Democritus. He argued that everything in the universe obeys the laws of necessity(必然性法则).9.观点:机械论His mechanistic view of the world was accepted by western thinkers as early as the 16thcentury.10.“Atom” means “uncuttable”(原子→不可分割)11.At the time when Chinese scholars, Confucians and Taoists, were concerned with social relationships andhuman harmony with the natural world, Greek philosophers were arguing about what Nature itself was.12.Athens was famous for its writers, architects, sculptors, thinkers and sports contests, including the originsof the modern-day Olympic Games.(雅典,奥林匹克发源地)13.Socrates→Lived in Athens.(苏格拉底,雅典人)One thing only I know, and that is that I know nothing.He distinguished between two types of knowledge: inner knowledge and empirical knowledge.Inner指each person has Virtue which is not learned through the physical sense.Another major contribution was his question-and-answer technique.14.Aristotle亚里士多德If Plato’s motto was “Mind over Matter”, then Aristotle’s motto was “Matter over Mind”.Aristotle founded the science of logic. His method is called a syllogism which argues from a general principle to a specific examples:General Principle: All men are mortal.Connection: I am a man.Deductive Conclusion: I am mortal.15.牛顿运动定律Newton’s laws of motion explained all visible motions,from those of stars to those of tinypebbles.16.培根Bacon, a British statesman and writer, wrote the first description of the modern scientific method.“Of studies”, “Essays”17.笛卡尔Descartes has also been called the father of modern Rationalism and the father of modern westernphilosophy.(近代理性主义之父,近代西方哲学之父)I think; therefore, I am.我思故我在。

英国文学笔记总结English LiteratureWhat is literature?It is an art that uses language as a medium. This art is something imaginative, fictional and created to reflect life or record human dreams or human ideas .Literary Periods449-1485 The Old (Anglo-Saxon) and Medieval (Middle)English Literature1485-1603 English Literature in the Renaissance Period1603-1660 English Literature in the Seventeenth Century1660-1798 English Literature in the Eighteenth Century1798-1832 English Literature in the Romantic Period1832-1901 English Literature in the Victorian Age1901- English Literature of the Twentieth CenturyThe social, political and ideological conditions of each period of English LiteratureThe prevailing literary trends and schools of the timeLiterary TermsExample :genre---a type or class of literatureIn English literature, the main generic division today is into poetry, drama and the novel, but in earlier times the major genres were recognized asepic, tragedy, lyric, comedy and satire.(Literary Terms and Criticism by John Peck and Martin Coyle) mode---a recognized type or kind of work within a genre, such as the sonnet or the realistic novel.Do you agree that these definitions of the genres or of themodes can help us to identify what is distinctive about specific works of literature? Why or why not?Another popular division:1 Fiction: it is referred to as creative or figurative expression of life.four genres ---novels, short stories, plays and poems.2 non-fiction(essay): it is referred to a literal expression of life or discursive writing. description, narration, exposition , and argumentation. What is poetry?Poetry is a kind of writing that formulates a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience in language chosen and arranged to create a specific emotional response through its meaning, sound, and rhythm. Types of Poetry1 lyric poetryIt expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet elegies, odes, and sonnets2 Narrative PoetryIt tells a story or presents a narrative3 Dramatic PoetryIt is written in the form of a speech of an individual character to an imaginary audienceThe Anglo-Saxon Period(449-10661 Anglo-Saxon Conquest1.1 The making of Englandthree tribes :Angles, Saxons and JutesAnglo-Saxon Conquest ( the 5th century)Angles-the east midland-kingdom of East AnglesSaxons- the southern part of the island EnglandJutes - the southeastern corner of the islandAnglo-Saxon ConquestAnglo-Saxons---- Angles, Saxons and JutesEnglishmenLanguage---- the Old English (foundation)The history of English literature beganCharacteristics of Anglo-Saxon Literature or the Old English LiteratureGeneral Characteristicsa verse literature in oral form/ unknown creators /a written form long after its compositionThe two divisions of Anglo-Saxon 1literatureTwo divisions: pagan , Christian (textbook)English Poetry in Anglo-Saxon periodthe pagan poetry (Beowulf) ,the religious poetry ( see textbook)2.2.3 English Prose in Anglo-Saxon periodAnglo-Saxon PoetryWhat is the oldest surviving epic in British literature?written by an anonymous scribe (an unknown scribethe national epic of the English peopledescribes the adventures of a great Scandinavian hero Beowulf of the sixth century3182 linesa written form long after its compositionWhat are the main incidents of the poem Beowulf?The Subject Matter of The Song of BeowulfFour incidents of the poemBeowulf’s fight with the monster Grendel in Hrothgar’s hall. Beowulf’s slaying of Grendel’s mother in her lair.Beowulf’s return in glory to his uncle, and his succession tothe throne. Beowulf’s victory in death over the fire dragon fifty years later Metaphor:a figure of speech that makes a comparison between twothings that are basically dissimilar.understatement :A figure of speech that consists of saying less than one means, or of saying what one means with less force than the occasion warrants.“not troublesome” for very welcome“need not praise” for a right to condemn.The Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)The Norman ConquestDuke William /1066 /Hastings/the King of England /the establishment of feudalism in England/the feudal social structure /the pyramid in Egypt /King William - barons and knights The influence of the Norman Conquest on the English Language Three languages existed in England at that time: the Normans spoke Frenchthe lower class spoke Englishthe scholars and clergymen used LatinMany French words were adopted into the English language.Example: calf, swine and sheep for the animalsveal, pork, mutton are the French for the flesh The influence of the Norman Conquest on the English Literature chivalry (ideal knight’s charact eristics) was introduced by the Normans into England.The prevailing form : Romance.In romance, the chivalric love, faith and courage of the Middle Ages in Europe is always emphasized.The Romances in the Anglo-Norman PeriodThe essential features of the Romance1 It lacks general resemblance to reality.2 The central character was always the knight. He was devoted to the church and the king.3The theme of loyalty to king and lord was repeatedly emphasized. The devotion to a fair lady was also emphasized.4 The adventures are remote from our ordinary life.5 It exaggerates the vices of human nature and idealizes the virtue. Romance Cycles1The matters of France deal with the adventures of Charles the Great and his peers.2 The matters of Roman deal with the tales from Greek and Roman sources.3 The matters of Britain mainly deal with the adventures of King Arthur and his Knights of the Round.The story of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the culmination of the Arthurian romances.Sir Gawain and the Green KnightAbout the storywritten in the late fourteenth centuryfour sections, 2530 lines, from Celtic legendtwo stories:the testing at Bercilak’s castlethe beheading of the Green Knight at the beginning and the return blow at the endSir Gawain and the Green KnightComments on the romance Sir Gawain and the Green Knight the culmination of the Arthurian romancesin form---combination of French and Saxon elementtwo main motifs :the testing of faith, courage and puritythe proving of human weakness for self-preservationSir Gawain and the Green KnightThe story well toldthe careful interweaving of one episode with anothersuspense and surprisethe psychological analysislanguage is simple and straightforwardShortcomings:superstition and supernatural elementsthe heroic adventures of Sir Gawain -- for adventure’s sake.epic: It is a long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the values of the society from which it originated. The oldest surviving epic in British literature is The Song of Beowulf. alliteration : It is mainly a poetic device. It refers to the repetition of consonants, especially at the beginning of words. In alliterative verse, certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonant sound. In Old English poetry alliteration was a regular element of each line. romance: It was the prevailing form of literature in the Middle Ages. It was a long composition, sometimes in verse, sometimes in prose, describing the life and adventures of a noble hero. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is the best of the medieval romances.IntroductionThe Romances---an epitome of the Middle Agesthe Norman Conquest ->feudalism in Englandthe romance-> the noble classsongs and ballads > the English common peoplefolk songs-(oral , existed long before the Norman Conquest , continued after it)ballad: a story told in song, usually in 4-line stanzas, with thesecond and fourth lines rhymed.Joined by the audienceIn various English and Scottish dialectsThe origin is obscureBe handed down orally for many generationsThe subjects of balladsThe struggle of young lovers against their feudal-minded familiesThe conflict between love and wealthThe matters of class struggle etc.The Ballads of Robin Hooda legendary outlawlived during the reign of Richard Ithe leader of a band of outlawslived in the deep forestattacked the richhelped the poor people.waged war against the bishops and archbishops.“Popular ballads portray Robin Hood as a tireless enemy of the Norman oppressors, the idol of the country folk and champion of the poor and needy, as a man who readily responds to anyone’s call for help. And in gratitude for this poetic emotion, the people have made an almost saintlike hero out of a man who was probably no more than a common outlaw.”(Gorky)在民谣中,罗宾汉被刻画成为了一个与诺曼压迫者进行无休止斗争的反抗者,农民心中的偶像,贫民眼里的勇士,一个随时会去帮助他人的好汉。

英美文学复习时期划分-—Early & Medieval literature 包括The Anglo-Saxon Period 和The Anglo-Norman Period--Renaissance 文艺复兴—-Revolution & Restoration 资产阶级革命与王权复辟——Enlightenment 启蒙运动-—Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期——Critical Realism 批判现实主义——20th Modernism 现代主义传统诗歌主题:nature, life, death, belief, time, youth, beauty, love, feelings of differen t kinds, reason(wisdom), moral lesson, morality。
修辞名称:meter格律, rhyme韵, sound assonance谐音, consonance和音, alliteration头韵, form of poetry诗歌形式, allusion典故, foot音步, iamb抑扬格, trochee扬抑格, anapest抑抑扬格, da ctyl扬抑抑格, pentameter五音步文学体裁:诗歌poem,小说novel,戏剧novel起源:Christianity基督教Bible圣经myth神话The Roma nce of king Arthur and his knights亚瑟王和他的骑士(笔记)一、 1、The Anglo—Saxon period(496—1066)这个时期的文学作品分类:(pagan异教徒)(Christ ian基督徒)2、代表作:The song of Beowulf《贝奥武甫》(national epic)(民族史诗)采用了隐喻手法3、Alliteration押头韵(写作手法)例子:of man was the mildest and most beloved.To his kin the kindest, keenest for praise.二、 The Anglo-Norman period(1066—1350)Canto 诗章受到法国影响 English literature is also a combination of French and Saxon element s。

以下为英国文学史第二册的知识点总结个别知识点会有错误或者遗漏请在复习的时候自主补充愿大家都能取得好成绩———VictoriaJPart V The Romantic PeriodThe romantic period began in 1798 the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s <Lyrical Ballads>, and end in 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death. Wordsworth华兹华斯Coleridge 柯尔律治Southey 骚塞The Lake Poets1.William Wordsworth威廉•华兹华斯1770~1850Poet Laureate(桂冠诗人)a leader of the romantic movement in England.①Lyrical Ballads 《抒情歌谣集》(with Samuel Taylor Coleridge)It marked the beginning of the Romantic revival in England(1)This is a joint work of Wordsworth and his friend Coleridge.(2)The publication of Lyrical Ballads in 1798 marks the beginning of the RomanticMovement in England.(3)It begins with Coleridge’s long poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”(“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”)and ends with Wordsworth’s “Tintern Abbey”(“丁登寺”).(4)Many of the subjects of these poems deal with elements of nature such as birds,daffodils and simple rural folk.(5)The majority of poems in this collection were written by Wordsworth.The poems in Lyrical Ballads are characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, a passionate love of nature and the simplicity and purity of the language.(6) Some of the best poems in the collection are:“Lines Written in Early Spring”(“早春诗行”),“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” (“古舟子咏”; “老水手之行”)“Lines Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” (“丁登寺”).②Lucy Poems 《露西组诗》③“I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud” “独自漫游似浮云”=“The Daffodils”“水仙”Theme: 1.Nature embodies human beings in their diverse circumstance. It is nature that give him “strength and knowledge full of peace”2. It is bliss to recall the beauty of nature in poet mind while he is in solitude.Comment: The poet is very cheerful with recalling the beautiful sights. In the poem on the beauty of nature, the reader is presented a vivid picture of lively and lovely daffodils(水仙) and poets philosophical ideas and mystical thoughts.④“The Solitary Reaper”“孤独的收割者”⑤The Prelude 《序曲》or Growth of a Poet’s Mind⑥The Excursion 《远足》《漫游》Wordsworth’s Principles of Poetry(feelings,commonplace things,the real language of man and deliberate simplicity,inner self, changed the ordinary speech of the language → return to nature.)2.George Gordon Byron乔治•戈登•拜伦1788~18241)Hours of Idleness 《闲暇时刻》《消闲时光》dealing with childish recollections andearly friendship, showing the influence of 18th century traditions。

英国文学考前复习笔记English LiteratureI. Fill in the following blanks (15 points)1. The literature of the Anglo-Saxon period falls naturally into two divisions,Pagan and Christian.2. Beowulf is the oldest poem in the English language, and also the oldest survivingepic in the English language.3. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth are generally regarded asShakespeare’s four great tragedies.4. The full nam e of T. S. Elliot is Thom as Stearns Eliot.5. The rhym e schem e of Shakespearean Sonnet is m ade up of three quatrains withdifferent rhym es, followed by a couplet. The rhym e schem e is ababcdcdefefgg. 6. The Canterbury Tales ----Geoffrey ChaucerThe father of English poetry, heroic couplet英雄双韵体7. Francis Bacon—写什么出名,代表作Essays《论说文集》(Of Studies ,Of Marriage and Single Life)Advancem ent of Learning《学术的推进》New Instrum ent《新工具》New Atlantis《新大西岛》8. Thom as More---Utopia, 开创了英国哲理幻想小说传统的先河Book I: dialogue between More and a traveler, Rapael HythlodayBook II: (the em phasis)9.The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus《浮士德博士的悲剧》---Christopher MarloweTamburlaine(the Great )《帖木儿大帝》The Jew of Malta《马耳他岛的犹太人》10. William Wordsworth and Sam uel Taylor Coleridge—Lyrical Ballads《抒情歌谣集》I Wandered Lonely as a CloudLines Com posed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey《丁登寺杂咏》Ode: Intim ations of Imm ortality《不朽颂》The Solitary Reaper《孤独的收割女》Lucy Poem s《露茜》11. The Pilgrim’s Progress--John Bunyan12. Robert Burns---an excellent native poet of Scotlandhis poem s written in the Scottish dialect on a variety of subjects1) Political poem s --- The Tree of Liberty自由树;2) Satirical poem s讽刺诗--- Holy Willie’s Prayer威利长老的祈祷, The Twa Dogs两只狗3) Lyrics 抒情诗--- My Heart’s in the Highlands我的心在高原, A Red, Red Rose,Auld Lang Syne13. Metaphysical形而上学,玄学派John Donne& Sam uel JohnsonMetaphysical PoetryThe basic features of Metaphysical poetry are its “wit”or “conceit”.“Wit” m eans being clever at “yok[ing]” the m ost heterogeneous 混杂的,不同的ideas together by violence so as to impress people“conceit”denotes a fantastic fancy or way of thinking in the form of peculiar 特有的, ingenious巧妙的, knotty费解的, m any-sided多种意思的m etaphors.①Sam uel Johnson---London《伦敦》The History of Rasslelas, Prince of Abyssinia《阿比尼亚王子刺塞拉斯的故事》②John Donne“The FleaHoly Sonnet 1014. Alexander Pope新古典主义的代表—Pope’s major contributions to English literatureHe perfected the heroic couplet.He weeded除去feeling and em otion successfully out of poetry.major worksThe translation of Hom erEssay on Criticism (1711)《论批评》The Rape of the Lock (1712) 《卷发遇劫记》An Epistle to Dr. Arbuthnot (1735)《与阿布斯诺博士书》The Dunciad (1743) 《愚人志》Essay on Man (1733) 《论人》An “ethic道德的work”Epistle I --- a summary of the basic concepts of wide currency in England and Europe at the tim e;Epistle II --- the nature of human and the condition of hum anEpistle III --- man’s role in societyEpistle IV --- man’s happinessThem e--- conveys a dialectical concept of human nature and life;--- duality through an analysis of the divinity as well as lim itation of hum an beings;--- emphasis of the Comm on Road, or balance between ration and passion.Poetic pattern: heroic couplet15. Thom as Gray--Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard 《墓园哀歌》● a m asterpiece of lyric●Them e: a sentimental m editation upon life and death, esp. of the comm onrural people, whose life, though simple and crude, has been full of real happiness and m eaning●Poetic pattern: quatrains of iambic pentam eter lines rhy m ing ABAB●Mood: m elanc holy, calm●Style: neoclassic---vivid visual painting,---m usical/rhythm ic,---controlled and restrained,---polished language16. Thom as Hardy(1840-1928)19世纪末20世纪初十九世纪90年代完成的两部作品Tess of the D’Urbervilles1891Tess of the D’Urbervilles◆Novels of Char acter and Environm ent◆The m ost pastoral田园式的of Hardy’s novelsHow does Hardy portray the tragic destiny of Tess?◆Language features1. Dialects of the Villagers2. Ungrammatical Sentences◆Structural featuresThe Division of Seven PhasesRepetition of Sim ilar Incidents◆The description of the nature◆The description of the landscape 1 Fire2 Sun 3 Valley 4 Woods◆The description of the animals1 BirdsJude the Obscure1895◆Hardy’s last novel◆The m ost urban novel◆Jude, Arabella, Sue Bridehead, Phillotson, Father Tim e◆17. John Milton—◆Paradise Lost◆Paradise Regained◆Samson Agonistes18. George Gordon Byron—Childe Harold’s PilgrimageDon Juan a l ong but great epic satire, “a satire on abuses of the present stateof society”.She Walks in BeautyThe poem follows a basic iambic tetrameter, with an “ababab cdcdcd efefef”rhym e.Byronic heroByron’s chief contribution to English poetry.heroic of noble birthpassionaterebelliousindividualII. Choose the best answer for each blank. (40 points)1. The story of is the culm ination of the Arthurian rom ances.A. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightB. The Story of BeowulfC. Piers the plowmanD. The Canterbury Tales2. The m ost fam ous cycle of English ballads centers on the stories about a legendary outlaw called .A. Morte d’ArtherB. Robin HoodC. The Canterbury TalesD. Piers the plowman3. The first complete English Bible was translated by , “the m orning star of the Reform ation”, and his follows.A. William TyndalB. Jam es IC. John WycliffeD. Bishop Lancelot Andrewes4. English Renaissance Period was an age of .A. prose and novelB. poetry and dram aC. essays and journalsD. ballads and songs5. Alexander Pope6. In the 18th century English literature, the representative poets of pre-rom anticism were .A. Alexander PopeB. William BlakeC. Robert BurnsD. Joseph Addison7. Which poet belongs to the Lakers? .A. George Gordon ByronB. William WordsworthC. Percy Bysshe ShelleyD. John Keats8. Which of the following writers belong to English critical realists? .A. Charles DickensB. John KeatsC. Charlotte BronteD. Thomas Hardy9. John Keats—Ode on a Grecian UrnEndym ion《恩底弥翁》长诗Isabella《伊莎贝拉》The Eve of Saint Agnes《圣阿格尼斯之夜》Ode to a Nightingale《夜莺颂》one of the greatest English poets and a m ajor figure in the Rom antic m ovem ent 10. Great Expectations 1860 ---Charles DickensDickens’m asterpiecea novel of growth or developm entThe them eThe basic thematic pattern is surprisingly Rom antic in nature, i.e. country vs.city, and innocence vs. experience.The Pickwick Papers (1836-1837)Oliver Twist (1838)The Old Curiosity Shop老古玩店(1840-1841)Dombey and Son 董贝父子(1846-1848)David Copperfield (1849)Bleak House (1852)A Tale of Two Cities (1854)A great Victorian novelistOne of the m ost popular writers in the world of literature11. The Bronte SistersCharlotte BronteJane Eyre (1847)Shirley (1849)Villette维莱特(1853)The professor (1857)她与艾米丽,安妮诗歌合集Poems by Currer, Ellis, and Acton BellEm ily BronteWuthering Heights (1847)Anne BronteAgnes Grey (1847)The tenant of Wildfell Hall (1848) 《怀德菲尔庄园的房客》12. Oscar Wilde—19世纪唯美主义Aesthetic [i?s?θet?k] Movem ent在英国的代言人The Picture of Dorian Gray道林格雷的画像Lady Windermere’s Fan温德米尔夫人的扇子A Woman of No Importance一个无足轻重的女人An Ideal Husband理想的丈夫The Importance of Being EarnestSalomeThe Happy Prince and Other Tales13. novelists of the “stream of consciousness”schoolJam es Joyce--Araby 《阿拉比》Virginia Woolf--Mrs. Dalloway14. David Herbert Lawrence--English novelist, poet, and short story writer.NovelsThe White Peacock白孔雀—---第一部小说Sons and LoversThe RainbowWomen in LoveLady Chatterley's LoverThe Rocking-Horse Winner木马赢家15. Jane Austen●English writer, who first gave the novel its m odern character through thetreatment of everyday life.●Jane Austen is one of the realistic novelists.Works:●Sense and Sensibility (1811)●Pride and Prejudice (1813)●Mansfield Park(1814)●Emma(1815)●Northanger Abbey(1818) 诺桑觉寺●Persuasion(1818) 劝导16. My Last Duchess is a dramatic m onologue戏剧独白Robert Browning----Browning is rem embered for a couple of things he did for m odern poetry: His experim ent and use of the dramatic m onologue and his contribution to the discoveryof the m ythical m ethod and sym bolism in the writing ofpsychological poetry.17. Alfred TennysonBreak,Break,Breakthe poet laureate 桂冠诗人after the death of Wordsworth in 1850维多利亚时期主要诗人18岁时和其兄出版Poem s by Two Brothers《两兄弟诗集》The Princess公主(1847),In Memoriam悼念(1850),Maud毛黛(1855),Enoch Arden (1864),伊诺克阿登Idylls of the King (1869-1872)国王之歌III. Find the relevant m atch from colum n B for each item in colum n A (10 points) Francis Bacon,见选择7William Blake,The Songs of Innocence,The Songs of Experience,The Lamb,The Tyger,The Sick RoseSam uel Taylor Coleridge,The Rim e of The Ancient Mariner, Kubla Khan忽必烈汗, Christabel克里斯塔贝尔,Biographia Literaria文学传记Percy Bysshe Shelley,Ode to the West Wind,Queen Mab, The Revolt of Islam伊斯兰的反叛,Prom etheus Unbound,The Cenci钦契,Adonais阿多尼,England in1819.,A Defence of Poetry《诗变》William Shakespeare,Henry IV(1590-91)Love’s Labor’s Lost (1590)Richard III (1593)Rom eo and Juliet (1595)A Midsumm er Night’s Dream (1595)The Merchant of Venice (1596)the Merry Wives of Windsor (1597),As You Like It (1599)Julius Caesar(1599?)Hamlet (1601)Othello (1604)King Lear (1605)Macbeth (1606)Antony and Cleopatra (1607)and Tim on of Athens (1607All’s Well That Ends Well (1603)Measure for Measure (1603Cym beline(1609)Winter’s Tale(1610-11)The Tempest(1611).Thom as Hardy,◆Under the Greenwood Tree绿茵林下◆Far from the Mad ding Crowd远离尘嚣◆The Return of the Native还乡◆The Mayor of Casterbridge卡斯特桥市长◆Tess of the D’Urbervilles◆Jude the ObscureWilliam Butler Yeats叶芝The Second Com ing,The Celtic Twilight,Four Years,The Countess CathleenThe Hour Glass ,The Land Of Heart's DesireRosa Alchem ica ,Stories of Red Hanrahan ,Synge And The Ireland Of His Tim e ,Out of the Rose ,The Heart of the Spring ,The Curse of the Fires and of the Shadows ,The Old Men of the Twilight ,Where There is Nothing, There is God ,Of Costello the ProudPoetry A Prayer For My Daughter Aedh Wishes For The Clothes Of Heaven Against Unworthy PraiseLapis LazuliLeda And The SwanNo Second TroyThe Crucifixion Of The OutcastThe DollsThe MaskThe Second Com ingThe Secret RoseThe Shadowy WatersThe Song of the Happy ShepherdThe Stolen ChildThe Three BeggarsThe T owerThe Two TreesThe WheelThe Wild Swans At CooleThe Wisdom Of The KingTo A Young BeautyTo The Rose Upon The Rood Of Tim e Towards Break Of DayWhat Was LostWhen You Are OldT. S. Elliot--Thom as Stearns EliotThe Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock Gerontion (1920) 《小老头》The Waste Land荒原The Hollow Man空心人Ash WednesdayFour QuartetsSweeney Agonistes 《力士斯维尼》Murder in the Cathedral《大教堂谋杀案》The Cocktail Party《鸡尾酒会》The Confidential Clerk《机要秘书》Paradise Lost----John MiltonPride and Prejudice---Jane AustenJane Eyre---Charlotte BronteGreat Expectations----Charles DickensSons and Lovers---D. H. LawrenceThe Merchant of Venice--- William ShakespeareRobinson Crusoe---Daniel DefoeTess of the D’Urbervilles---Thom as HardyPygmalion皮哥马利翁-----George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳还要注意作品中人物ⅣV. Answer questions according to the given passage. (21 points)Break, Break, Break,1哗啦,哗啦,哗啦,冲上阴冷的礁石,啊海浪!愿我的语言能够表达埋藏心底的惆怅。

英国文学简史完全笔记A Concise History of British LiteratureChapter 1 English Literature of Anglo-Saxon PeriodI.Introduction1. The historical background(1)Before the Germanic invasion(2)During the Germanic invasiona. immigration;b. Christianity;c. heptarchy.d. social classes structure: hide-hundred; eoldermen (lord)– thane - middle class (freemen)- lower class (slave or bondmen: theow);e. social organization: clan or tribes.f. military Organization;g. Church function: spirit, civil service, education;h. economy: coins, trade, slavery;i. feasts and festival: Halloween, Easter; j. legal system.2. The Overview of the culture(1)The mixture of pagan and Christian spirit.(2)Literature: a. poetry: two types; b. prose: two figures.II.Beowulf.1. A general introduction.2. The content.3. The literary features.(1)the use of alliteration(2)the use of metaphors and understatements(3)the mixture of pagan and Christian elementsIII.The Old English Prose1.What is prose?2.figures(1)The V enerable Bede(2)Alfred the GreatChapter 2 English Literature of the Late Medieval Ages I.Introduction1. The Historical Background.(1)The year 1066: Norman Conquest.(2)The social situations soon after the conquest.A. Norman nobles and serfs;B. restoration of the church.(3)The 11th century.A. the crusade and knights.B. dominance of French and Latin;(4)The 12th century.A. the centralized government;B. kings and the church (Henry II and Thomas);(5)The 13th century.A. The legend of Robin Hood;B. Magna Carta (1215);C. the beginning of the ParliamentD. English and Latin: official languages (the end)(6)The 14th century.a. the House of Lords and the House of Commons—conflict between the Parliament and Kings;b. the rise of towns.c. the change of Church.d. the role of women.e. the Hundred Years' War—starting.f. the development of the trade: London.g. the Black Death.h. the Peasants' Revolt—1381.i. The translation of Bible by Wycliff.(7)The 15th century.a. The Peasants Revolt (1453)b. The War of Roses between Lancasters and Yorks.c. the printing-press—William Caxton.d. the starting of Tudor Monarchy(1485)2. The Overview of Literature.(1)the stories from the Celtic lands of Wales and Brittany—great myths of the Middle Ages. (2)Geoffrye of Monmouth—Historia Regum Britanniae—King Authur.(3)Wace—Le Roman de Brut.(4)The romance.(5)the second half of the 14th century: Langland, Gawin poet, Chaucer.II.Sir Gawin and Green Knight.1. a general introduction.2. the plot.III.William Langland.1. Life2. Piers the PlowmanIV.Chaucer1. Life2. Literary Career: three periods(1)French period(2)Italian period(3)master period3. The Canterbury TalesA. The Framework;B. The General Prologue;C. The Tale Proper.4. His Contribution.(1)He introduced from France the rhymed stanza of various types.(2)He is the first great poet who wrote in the current English language.(3)The spoken English of the time consisted of several dialects, and Chaucer did much in making the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech.V. Popular Ballads.VI.Thomas Malory and English ProseVII.The beginning of English Drama.1. Miracle Plays.Miracle play or mystery play is a form of medieval drama that came from dramatization of the liturgy of the Roman Catholic Church. It developed from the 10th to the 16th century, reaching its height in the 15th century. The simple lyric character of the early texts was enlarged by the addition of dialogue and dramatic action. Eventually the performance was moved to the churchyard and the marketplace.2. Morality Plays.A morality play is a play enforcing a moral truth or lesson by means of the speech and action of characters which are personified abstractions – figures representing vices and virtues, qualities of the human mind, or abstract conceptions in general.3. Interlude.The interlude, which grew out of the morality, was intended, as its name implies, to be used more as a filler than as the main part of an entertainment. As its best it was short, witty, simple in plot, suited for the diversion of guests at a banquet, or for the relaxation of the audience between the divisions of a serious play. It was essentially an indoors performance, and generally of an aristocratic nature.英国文学简史完全笔记2007-7-2713:56页面功能【字体:大中小】【打印】【关闭】Chapter 3 English Literature in the Renaissance I.A Historical BackgroundII.The Overview of the Literature (1485-1660)Printing press—readership—growth of middle class—trade-education for laypeople-centralization of power-intellectual life-exploration-new impetus and direction of literature.Humanism-study of the literature of classical antiquity and reformed education.Literary style-modeled on the ancients.The effect of humanism-the dissemination of the cultivated, clear, and sensible attitude of its classically educated adherents.1. poetryThe first tendency by Sidney and Spenser: ornate, florid, highly figured style.The second tendency by Donne: metaphysical style—complexity and ingenuity.The third tendency by Johnson: reaction——Classically pure and restrained style.The fourth tendency by Milton: central Christian and Biblical tradition.2. Dramaa. the native tradition and classical examples.b. the drama stands highest in popular estimation: Marlowe – Shakespeare – Jonson.3. Prosea. translation of Bible;b. More;c. Bacon.II.English poetry.1. Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard (courtly makers)(1)Wyatt: introducing sonnets.(2)Howard: introducing sonnets and writing the first blank verse.2. Sir Philip Sidney—poet, critic, prose writer(1)Life:a. English gentleman;b. brilliant and fascinating personality;c. courtier.(2)worksa. Arcadia: pastoral romance;b. Astrophel and Stella (108): sonnet sequence to Penelope Dvereux—platonic devotion. Petrarchan conceits and original feelings-moving to creativeness—building of a narrative story; theme-love originality-act of writing.c. Defense of Poesy: an apology for imaginative literature—beginning of literary criticism.3. Edmund Spenser(1)life: Cambridge - Sidney's friend - “Areopagus” – Ireland - Westminster Abbey.(2)worksa. The Shepherds Calendar: the budding of English poetry in Renaissance.b. Amoretti and Epithalamion: sonnet sequencec. Faerie Queene:l The general end——A romantic and allegorical epic—steps to virtue.l 12 books and 12 virtues: Holiness, temperance, justice and courtesy.l Two-level function: part of the story and part of allegory (symbolic meaning)l Many allusions to classical writers.l Themes: puritanism, nationalism, humanism and Renaissance Neoclassicism—a Christian humanist. (3)Spenserian Stanza.III.English Prose1. Thomas More(1)Life: “Renaissance man”, scholar, statesman, theorist, prose writer, diplomat, patron of artsa. learned Greek at Canterbury College, Oxford;b. studies law at Lincoln Inn;c. Lord Chancellor;d. beheaded.(2)Utopia: the first English science fiction.Written in Latin, two parts, the second—place of nowhere.A philosophical mariner (Raphael Hythloday)tells his voyages in which he discovers a land-Utopia.a. The part one is organized as dialogue with mariner depicting his philosophy.b. The part two is a description of the island kingdom where gold and silver are worn by criminal, religious freedom is total and no one owns anything.c. the nature of the book: attacking the chief political and social evils of his time.d. the book and the Republic: an attempt to describe the Republic in a new way, but it possesses an modern character and the resemblance is in externals.e. it played a key role in the Humanist awakening of the 16th century which moved away from the Medieval otherworldliness towards Renaissance secularism.f. the Utopia(3)the significance.a. it was the first champion of national ideas and national languages; it created a national prose, equally adapted to handling scientific and artistic material.b. a elegant Latin scholar and the father of English prose: he composed works in English, translated from Latin into English biography, wrote History of Richard III.2. Francis Bacon: writer, philosopher and statesman(1)life: Cambridge - humanism in Paris –knighted - Lord Chancellor –bribery - focusing on philosophy and literature.(2)philosophical ideas: advancement of science—people:servants and interpreters of nature—method: a child before nature—facts and observations: experimental.(3)“Essays”: 57.a. he was a master of numerous and varied styles.b. his method is to weigh and balance maters, indicating the ideal course of action and the practical one, pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of each, but leaving the reader to make the final decisions. (arguments)IV.English Drama1. A general survey.(1)Everyman marks the beginning of modern drama.(2)two influences.a. the classics: classical in form and English in content;b. native or popular drama.(3)the University Wits.2. Christopher Marlowe: greatest playwright before Shakespeare and most gifted of the Wits.(1)Life: first interested in classical poetry—then in drama.(2)Major worksa. Tamburlaine;b. The Jew of Malta;c. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus.(3)The significance of his plays.V. William Shakespeare1. Life(1)1564, Stratford-on-Avon;(2)Grammar School;(3)Queen visit to Castle;(4)marriage to Anne Hathaway;(5)London, the Globe Theatre: small part and proprietor;(6)the 1st Folio, Quarto;(7)Retired, son—Hamnet; H. 1616.2. Dramatic career3. Major plays-men-centered.(1)Romeo and Juliet——tragic love and fate(2)The Merchant of Venice.Good over evil.Anti-Semitism.(3)Henry IV.National unity.Falstaff.(4)Julius CaesarRepublicanism vs. dictatorship.(5)HamletRevengeGood/evil.(6)OthelloDiabolic characterjealousygap between appearance and reality.(7)King LearFilial ingratitude(8)MacbethAmbition vs. fate.(9)Antony and Cleopatra.Passion vs. reason(10)The TempestReconciliation; reality and illusion.3. Non-dramatic poetry(1)Venus and Adonis; The Rape of Lucrece.(2)Sonnets:a. theme: fair, true, kind.b. two major parts: a handsome young man of noble birth; a lady in dark complexion.c. the form: three quatrains and a couplet.d. the rhyme scheme: abab, cdcd, efef, gg.VI.Ben Jonson1. life: poet, dramatist, a Latin and Greek scholar, the “literary king” (Sons of Ben)2.contribution:(1)the idea of “humour”.(2)an advocate of classical drama and a forerunner of classicism in English literature.3. Major plays(1)Everyone in His Humour—“humour”; three unities.(2)V olpone the FoxChapter 4 English Literature of the 17th Century I.A Historical BackgroundII.The Overview of the Literature (1640-1688)1. The revolution period(1)The metaphysical poets;(2)The Cavalier poets.(3)Milton: the literary and philosophical heritage of the Renaissance merged with Protestant political and moral conviction2. The restoration period.(1)The restoration of Charles II ushered in a literature characterized by reason, moderation, good taste, deft management, and simplicity. (school of Ben Jonson)(2)The ideals of impartial investigation and scientific experimentation promoted by the newly founded Royal Society of London for Improving Natural Knowledge (1662)were influential in the development of clear and simple prose as an instrument of rational communication.(3)The great philosophical and political treatises of the time emphasize rationalism.(4)The restoration drama.(5)The Age of Dryden.III.John Milton1. Life: educated at Cambridge—visiting the continent—involved into the revolution—persecuted—writing epics.2. Literary career.(1)The 1st period was up to 1641, during which time he is to be seen chiefly as a son of the humanists and Elizabethans, although his Puritanism is not absent. L'Allegre and IL Pens eroso (1632)are his early masterpieces, in which we find Milton a true offspring of the Renaissance, a scholar of exquisite taste and rare culture. Next came Comus, a masque. The greatest of early creations was Lycidas, a pastoral elegy on the death of a college mate, Edward King.(2)The second period is from 1641 to 1654, when the Puritan was in such complete ascendancy that he wrote almost no poetry. In 1641, he began a long period of pamphleteering for the puritan cause. For some 15 years, the Puritan in him alone ruled his writing. He sacrificed his poetic ambition to the call of the liberty for which Puritans were fighting.(3)The third period is from 1655 to 1671, when humanist and Puritan have been fused into an exalted entity. This period is the greatest in his literary life, epics and some famous sonnets. The three long poems are the fruit of the long contest within Milton of Renaissance tradition and his Puritan faith. They form the greatest accomplishments of any English poet except Shakespeare. In Milton alone, it would seem, Puritanism could not extinguish the lover of beauty. In these works we find humanism and Puritanism merged in magnificence.3. Major Works(1)Paradise Losta. the plot.b. characters.c. theme: justify the ways of God to man.(2)Paradise Regained.(3)Samson Agonistes.4. Features of Milton's works.(1)Milton is one of the very few truly great English writers who is also a prominent figure in politics, and who is both a great poet and an important prose writer. The two most essential thingsto be remembered about him are his Puritanism and his republicanism.(2)Milton wrote many different types of poetry. He is especially a great master of blank verse. He learned much from Shakespeare and first used blank verse in non-dramatic works.(3)Milton is a great stylist. He is famous for his grand style noted for its dignity and polish, which is the result of his life-long classical and biblical study.(4)Milton has always been admired for his sublimity of thought and majesty of expression. IV.John Bunyan1. life:(1)puritan age;(2)poor family;(3)parliamentary army;(4)Baptist society, preacher;(5)prison, writing the book.2. The Pilgrim Progress(1)The allegory in dream form.(2)the plot.(3)the theme.V. Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier Poets.1. Metaphysical PoetsThe term “metaphysical poetry” is commonly used to designate the works of the 17th century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne. Pressured by the harsh, uncomfortable and curious age, the metaphysical poets sought to shatter myths and replace them with new philosophies, new sciences, new words and new poetry. They tried to break away from the conventional fashion of Elizabethan love poetry, and favoured in poetry for a more colloquial language and tone, a tightness of expression and the single-minded working out of a theme or argument.2. Cavalier PoetsThe other group prevailing in this period was that of Cavalier poets. They were often courtiers who stood on the side of the king, and called themselves “sons” of Ben Jonson. The Cavalier poets wrote light poetry, polished and elegant, amorous and gay, but often superficial. Most of their verses were short songs, pretty madrigals, love fancies characterized by lightness of heart and of morals. Cavalier poems have the limpidity of the Elizabethan lyric without its imaginative flights. They are lighter and neater but less fresh than the Elizabethan's.VI.John Dryden.1. Life:(1)the representative of classicism in the Restoration.(2)poet, dramatist, critic, prose writer, satirist.(3)changeable in attitude.(4)Literary career—four decades.(5)Poet Laureate2. His influences.(1)He established the heroic couplet as the fashion for satiric, didactic, and descriptive poetry. (2)He developed a direct and concise prose style.(3)He developed the art of literary criticism in his essays and in the numerous prefaces to hispoems.Chapter 5 English Literature of the 18th Century I.Introduction1. The Historical Background.2. The literary overview.(1)The Enlightenment.(2)The rise of English novels.When the literary historian seeks to assign to each age its favourite form of literature, he finds no difficulty in dealing with our own time. As the Middle Ages delighted in long romantic narrative poems, the Elizabethans in drama, the Englishman of the reigns of Anne and the early Georges in didactic and satirical verse, so the public of our day is enamored of the novel. Almost all types of literary production continue to appear, but whether we judge from the lists of publishers, the statistics of public libraries, or general conversation, we find abundant evidence of the enormous preponderance of this kind of literary entertainment in popular favour.(3)Neo-classicism: a revival in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries of classical standards of order, balance, and harmony in literature. John Dryden and Alexander Pope were major exponents of the neo-classical school.(4)Satiric literature.(5)SentimentalismII.Neo-classicism. (a general description)1. Alexander Pope(1)Life:a.Catholic family;b.ill health;c.taught himself by reading and translating;d.friend of Addison, Steele and Swift.(2)three groups of poems:e.An Essay on Criticism (manifesto of neo-classicism);f. The Rape of Lock;g.Translation of two epics.(3)His contribution:h.the heroic couplet—finish, elegance, wit, pointedness;i.satire.(4)weakness: lack of imagination.2. Addison and Steele(1)Richard Steele: poet, playwright, essayist, publisher of newspaper.(2)Joseph Addison: studies at Oxford, secretary of state, created a literary periodical “Spectator” (with Steele, 1711)(3)Spectator Club.(4)The significance of their essays.a. Their writings in “The Tatler”, and “The Spectator” provide a new code of social morality for the rising bourgeoisie.b. They give a true picture of the social life of England in the 18th century.c. In their hands, the English essay completely established itself as a literary genre. Using it as a form of character sketching and story telling, they ushered in the dawn of the modern novel.3. Samuel Johnson—poet, critic, essayist, lexicographer, editor.(1)Life:a.studies at Oxford;b.made a living by writing and translating;c.the great cham of literature.(2)works: poem (The Vanity of Human Wishes, London); criticism (The Lives of great Poets); preface.(3)The champion of neoclassical ideas.III.Literature of Satire: Jonathan Swift.1.Life:(1)born in Ireland;(2)studies at Trinity College;(3)worked as a secretary;(4)the chief editor of The Examiner;(5)the Dean of St. Patrick's in Dublin.2. Works: The Battle of Books, A Tale of a Tub, A Modest Proposal, Gulliver's Travels.3. Gulliver's Travels.Part I. Satire—the Whig and the Tories, Anglican Church and Catholic Church.Part II. Satire—the legal system; condemnation of war.Part III. Satire—ridiculous scientific experiment.Part IV. Satire—mankind.IV.English Novels of Realistic tradition.1. The Rise of novels.(1)Early forms: folk tale – fables – myths – epic – poetry – romances – fabliaux – novelle - imaginative nature of their material. (imaginative narrative)(2)The rise of the novela.picaresque novel in Spain and England (16th century): Of or relating to a genre of prose fiction that originated in Spain and depicts in realistic detail the adventures of a roguish hero, often with satiric or humorous effects.b.Sidney: Arcadia.c. Addison and Steele: The Spectator.(plot and characterization and realism)(3)novel and drama (17the century)2. Daniel Defoe—novelist, poet, pamphleteer, publisher, merchant, journalist.)(1)Life:a.business career;b.writing career;c.interested in politics.(2)Robinson Cusoe.a. the story.b. the significance of the character.c. the features of his novels.d. the style of language.3. Henry Fielding—novelist.(1)Life:a.unsuccessful dramatic career;b.legal career; writing career.(2)works.(3)Tom Jones.a.the plot;b.characters: Tom, Blifil, Sophia;c.significance.(4)the theory of realism.(5)the style of language.V. Writers of Sentimentalism.1. Introduction2. Samuel Richardson—novelist, moralist (One who is unduly concerned with the morals of others.)(1)Life:a.printer book seller;b.letter writer.(2)Pamela, Virtue Rewarded.a.the storyb.the significancePamela was a new thing in these ways:a)It discarded the “improbable and marvelous” accomplishments of the former heroic romances, and pictured the life and love of ordinary people.b)Its intension was to afford not merely entertainment but also moral instruction.c)It described not only the sayings and doings of characters but their also their secret thoughts and feelings. It was, in fact, the first English psycho-analytical novel.3. Oliver Goldsmith—poet and novelist.A. Life:a.born in Ireland;b.a singer and tale-teller, a life of vagabondage;c.bookseller;d.the Literary Club;e.a miserable life;f. the most lovable character in English literature.B. The Vicar of Wakefield.a.story;b.the signicance.VI.English Drama of the 18th century1. The decline of the drama2. Richard Brinsley SheridenA. life.B. works: Rivals, The School for Scandals.C. significance of his plays.a. The Rivals and The School for Scandal are generally regarded as important links between themasterpieces of Shakespeare and those of Bernard Shaw, and as true classics in English comedy.b. In his plays, morality is the constant theme. He is much concerned with the current moral issues and lashes harshly at the social vices of the day.c. Sheridan's greatness also lies in his theatrical art. He seems to have inherited from his parents a natural ability and inborn knowledge about the theatre. His plays are the product of a dramatic genius as well as of a well-versed theatrical man.d. His plots are well-organized, his characters, either major or minor, are all sharply drawn, and his manipulation of such devices as disguise, mistaken identity and dramatic irony is masterly. Witty dialogues and neat and decent language also make a characteristic of his plays.Chapter 6 English Literature of the Romantic Age I.Introduction1. Historical Background2. Literary Overview: RomanticismCharacteristics of Romanticism:(1)The spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings(2)The creation of a world of imagination(3)The return to nature for material(4)Sympathy with the humble and glorification of the commonplace(5)Emphasis upon the expression of individual genius(6)The return to Milton and the Elizabethans for literary models(7)The interest in old stories and medieval romances(8)A sense of melancholy and loneliness(9)The rebellious spiritII.Pre-Romantics1. Robert Burns(1)Life: French Revolution(2)Features of poetrya. Burns is chiefly remembered for his songs written in the Scottish dialect.b. His poems are usually devoid of artificial ornament and have a great charm of simplicity.c. His poems are especially appreciated for their musical effect.d. His political and satirical poems are noted for his passionate love for freedom and fiery sentiments of hatred against tyranny.(3)Significance of his poetryHis poetry marks an epoch in the history of English literature. They suggested that the spirit of the Romantic revival was embodied in this obscure ploughman. Love, humour, pathos, the response to nature – all the poetic qualities that touch the human heart are in his poems, which marked the sunrise of another day – the day of Romanticism.2. William Blake(1)life: French Revolution(2)works.l Songs of Innocencel Songs of Experience(3)featuresa. sympathy with the French Revolutionb. hatred for 18th century conformity and social institutionc. attitude of revolt against authorityd. strong protest against restrictive codes(4)his influenceBlake is often regarded as a symbolist and mystic, and he has exerted a great influence on twentieth century writers. His peculiarities of thought and imaginative vision have in many ways proved far more congenial to the 20th century than they were to the 19th.III.Romantic Poets of the first generation1. Introduction2. William Wordsworth: representative poet, chief spokesman of Romantic poetry(1)Life:a.love nature;b.Cambridge;c.tour to France;d.French revolution;e.Dorathy;f. The Lake District;g.friend of Coleridge;h.conservative after revolution.(2)works:a. the Lyrical Ballads (preface): significanceb. The Prelude: a biographical poem.c. the other poems(3)Features of his poems.a.ThemeA constant theme of his poetry was the growth of the human spirit through the natural description with expressions of inward states of mind.b.characteristics of style.His poems are characterized by a sympathy with the poor, simple peasants, and a passionate love of nature.3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge: poet and critic(1)Life:a.Cambridge;b.friend with Southey and Wordsworth;c.taking opium.(2)works.l The fall of Robespierrel The Rime of the Ancient Marinerl Kubla Khanl Biographia Literaria(3)Biographia Literaria.(4)His criticismHe was one of the first critics to give close critical attention to language. In both poetry and criticism, his work is outstanding, but it is typical of him that his critical work is very scattered and disorganized.IV.Romantic Poets of the Second Generation.1. Introduction2. George Gordon Byron(1)Life:a.Cambridge, published poems and reviews;b.a tour of Europe and the East;c.left England;d.friend with Shelley;e.worked in Greece: national hero;f. radical and sympathetic with French Revolution.(2)Works.l Don Juanl When We Two Partedl She Walks in Beauty(3)Byronic Hero.Byron introduced into English poetry a new style of character, which as often been referred to as “Byronic Hero” of “satanic spirit”. People imagined that they saw something of Byron himself in these strange figures of rebels, pirates, and desperate adventurers.(4)Poetic style: loose, fluent and vivid3. Percy Bysshe Shelley: poet and critic(1)Life:a.aristocratic family;b.rebellious heart;c.Oxford;d.Irish national liberation Movement;e.disciple of William Godwin;f. marriage with Harriet, and Marry;g.left England and wandered in EUrope, died in Italy;h.radical and sympathetic with the French revolution;i. Friend with Byron(2)works: two types – violent reformer and wanderer(3)Characteristics of poems.a.pursuit of a better society;b.radian beauty;c. superb artistry: imagination.(4)Defense of Poetry.4. John Keats.(1)Life:a.from a poor family;b.Cockney School;c.friend with Byron and Shelley;d.attacked by the conservatives and died in Italy.(2)works.(3)Characteristics of poems。

• 1. William Shakespeare P27 Hamlet• 2. John Milton P57 Paradise Lost• 3. Daniel Defoe P81 Robinson Crusoe• 4. Robert Burns p.121 A Red, Red Rose• 5. William Wordsworth P130 I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud• 6. George Gordon Byron P149 When We Two Parted•7. Percy Bysshe Shelley P159 Ode to the West Wind•8. William Makepeace Thackeray P206 Vanity Fair•9. Thomas Hardy P266 Tess‘s of D‘Urbervilles•10. Oscar Wilde P278 The Importance of Being Earnest•11. Joseph Conrad p.309 Heart of Darkness•12. Virginia Woolf P325 Mrs. DallowayRomeo and Juliet•About the author, William Shakespeare•P.8•Iambic pentameter is one of many meters used in poetry and drama. It describes a particular rhythm that the words establish in each line. That rhythm is measured in small groups of syllables; these small groups of syllables are called "feet". The word "iambic"describes the type of foot that is used. The word "pentameter" indicates that a line has five of these "feet".• 2. Bright on the cheek of night,•Rich jewel in an Ethiop‘s ear,• A snowy dove trooping with crows•Images of contrasting light and darkness color highlight Juliet‘s beauty. As the prominence of darkness and light suggests, Romeo and Juliet is a play about extremes and oppositions: the union of the lovers versus the feud between their families; age against youth; the weight of the past versus the promise of the future. Most important, the lovers themselves stand in opposition to the rest of the world.•Humanism in Romeo and Juliet•Both the story of Romeo and Juliet and Shakespeare's life take place during the Renaissance, a period that begins in the fourteenth century and extends into theseventeenth century. The term renaissance means rebirth and refers to the revival of an interest in the classical cultures of Greece and Rome.Renaissance and Humanism•Read pp.21-22•The term renaissance means rebirth and refers to the revival of an interest in the classical cultures of Greece and Rome.•During the sixteenth century, ancient Greek and Roman literature was rediscovered, translated, and then widely read. The classical writers focused on the human condition;they explored human nature and asserted some valuable insights about what causes human suffering and what works to establish social order. These ideas, along with many others, converged as a philosophy called humanism. It was in the broadest sense a focus on human beings as opposed to a focus on the supernatural. Renaissance writers such asShakespeare were well-read in classical literature and were influenced by it. In one sense, Romeo and Juliet dramatizes how an inherited feud coupled with impetuosity(急噪) can disrupt the state and ruin good people's lives. The play shows that passion can bedisruptive, dangerous, and destructive, and yet ironically it also expresses love and grief.Through the loss of these two young lovers, the feuding families find reconciliation, and order in the community is reestablished. This examination of the human scene is anexample of humanism with clear connections to classical handling of tragedy, as inOedipus by Sophocles and Pyramus and Thisbe by Ovid.•For example, Homer‘s Odyssey and Iliad.Hamlet, Prince of Denmark•William Shakespeare (pp.27-29)•His birthday and birthplace•The four great tragedies•Main characters in Hamlet: Hamlet, Claudius, Ophelia, Polonius, Horatio, Laertes, …•Read Act III, Scene I•Understand Hamlet‘s soliloquy.•Soliloquy: Soliloquy is a dramatic speech delivered by one character speaking aloud while under the impression of being alone. The soliloquist thus reveals his or her inner thoughts and feelings to the audience, either in supposed self-communion or in a consciously direct address. It is also known as interior monologue.•Tragedy:• A drama or literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers extreme sorrow, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with unfavorable circumstances.•The genre made up of such works.•The art or theory of writing or producing these works.• A play, film, television program, or other narrative work that portrays or depicts calamitous events and has an unhappy but meaningful ending.• A disastrous event, especially one involving distressing loss or injury to life: an expedition that ended in tragedy, with all hands lost at sea.• A tragic aspect or element.•Humanism: Humanism is a system of beliefs upheld by writers and artists of the Renaissance period in their fighting against medieval asceticism. It states that man is godly, that man is able to find truth, goodness and beauty, and that man is in control of the present life rather than being controlled by God. Briefly, humanism puts man at the center of their beliefs and takes man to be the measure of every thing while the former asceticism puts God at the center of their beliefs and takes personal salvation to be the mostimportant thing on the earth for man.•Humanism in Hamlet•One sees from the very beginning that he is a very complex and conflicted man, and that his tragedy has already begun.•His decision not to kill himself because of religious beliefs shows that this weakness is balanced with some sense of morality. Such an obvious paradox is only one example of the inner conflict and turmoil that will eventually lead to Hamlet‘s down fall. This internal struggle is obvious from his best-known soliloquy.•―To be, or not to be,‖ shows Hamlet contemplating the idea of loyalty, acting upon one‘s morals and their relation to fighting against the challenges of evil. •Meanwhile, he doubts everything, including love. He hesitates, which makes him enter the tragedy.•His tragedy shows the limitation of his thinking as a humanist.•Hamlet, although a complex and unique character, clearly represents the tragic hero.Shakespeare wants to tell us that the real world is unreasonable, but he can‘t solve the question. Because of the limitation of time and rank, the great of Hamlet is that he can reveal ugly exists in the world bravely, but not how to sweep these sins.•Summary of Hamlet‘s characteristics:•Hamlet is in a serious conflict or contradiction, to be or not to be; that is the question; •Hamlet is in a great melancholy and he is sensitive and alert;•Hamlet believes more in the life than the afterlife;•Hamlet is very cautious and thoughtful;•Hamlet has a very perceptive mind at the cruelty and hardships of the life or the society.English Literature during the English Revolution and the Restoration •Before the 17th century•In the 17th century•James I, 1603-1625•Charles I, after James I•Power of King, or, power of parliament•Civil war, 1642-1649•Oliver Cromwell, military dictatorship,1653•Monarchy restoration, 1658, Charles II•James II, King of England, 1685•Prince William of Orange, King of England, 1688, ―Glorious Revolution‖, ―The Bill of Rights‖, the constitutional monarchy•John Milton‘s poetic style: grand in themes, lofty in ideas, and supreme in language.•Paradise Lost•John Bunyan‘s The Pilgrim’s Progress •Metaphysical poets, John Donne, Andrew Marvell •Cavalier poet, Robert Herrick•John DydenJohn Milton and His Paradise Lost •The Story (p.18) learn by heart•人类最初违反天神命令而偷尝禁果,把死亡和其他各种各样的灾难带到人间,于是失去了伊甸乐园,直到出现了一个更伟大的人,才为我们恢复了这乐土。

英国文学笔记整理【Chapter 1】The Anglo-Saxon Period (450 - 1066)1.Norman Conquest ,10662.Beowulf has 3183 lines, 两个国家:the Danes, the Geats形式:alliterative verse / head rhyme 头韵【Chapter 3】The Age of Chaucer (1350-1400)1.Historical backgroundChaucer and William Langland and the writer of Sir Gawain were contemporaries.But he deserves a period of his own.Two historical events which their influence can be detected in the writings of Chaucer andLangland: The Hundred Years’ War from the reign of Edward III (1327-1377) to the reign of Henry VI (1421-1471), or from 1337-1453; the peasant uprising of 1381, the reign of King Richard II.The French language was gradually replaced by the native tongue.William Langland and another writer John Wycliff expressed people’s hatred for the church and the government.2.John Wycliff 约翰·威克里夫One of the first figures who demanded to reform the church.Translated the Bible into standard English. Fixed a national standard for English prose to replace various dialects. Father of English prose.3.William Langland威廉·兰格伦作品:Piers Plowman《农夫皮尔斯》, or The Vision of Piers Plowman, another alliterative poem besides Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. Giving a realistic picture of the 14th centuryEngland.The form of allegory, a story or description in which the characters and events symbolize some deeper underlying meaning, and serve to spread moral teaching. An allegory has a double meaning. A primary or surface meaning, and a secondary meaning, or underlying meaning. In an allegory, abstract qualities or ideas, such as patience, purity or truth, are personified as characters in the story.4.Geoffrey Chaucer 乔叟Died on Oct 25, 1400, buried in the Poet’s Corner in Westminster Abbey.Works divided into 3 periods, corresponding to the 3 periods of his life.(1) 1360-1372, wrote under the influence of the French literature, even translated French poems himself. Poem The Book of the Duchess, much of conventional romance elements in it.(2) 1372-1386, under the influence of the Italian literature. Troilus and Cryseyde, adapted from a long poem by Boccaccio (薄伽丘), the writer of The Decameron《十日谈》. The Parliament of Fowls and The House of Fame.(3) the last 15 years of his life. The Canterbury Tales between 1387 and 1400. A general prologue and 24 tales that are connected by “links”.(本该有120个故事,只完成了24个)The Canterbury Tales is written in London dialectThere are 31 people in total (算上乔叟和店主)The prologue and most of the tales are written in heroic couplet(英雄双韵体), i.e. ,a pair of rhyming iambic pentameter (五音步抑扬格)lines.The significance of The Canterbury Tales:(1)A comprehensive picture of Chaucer’s time. Theyrepresent the whole range of 14th century society except the very top and the very bottom. All persons connected with the church are drown with touches of gentle irony and mild satire, with the exception of the poor parson. It should be noted that each character is not only a typical representative of the class to which he or she belongs, but also has an individual character of his or her own.(2)The dramatic structure of the poem has been highly commended by critics. This kind of a collection of tales put together was not rare in history. For example, Boccacio’s The Decameron. But in The Decameron stories are loosely connected and there is no relation between the story and the story teller. In The Canterbury Tales, stories are cleverly woven together by links between the stories. Most of the stories are related to the personalities of the tellers.(3)Chaucer’s humour: Humour is a characte ristic feature of the English literature. Although he was associated with proud and important personages at court he must always have been conscious of the fact that he did not belong to that society. This explains his gentle satire and mild irony. But his satire can be the bitterest in the portrayal of the pardoner and the summoner.(4)Chaucer’s contribution to the English language: Ever since the Norman conquest, the French language was the language of the court and the upper classes, and Latin was the language of the learned and the church. Chaucer wrote in the London dialect of his day, which he handled dexterously. He proved that the English language is a beautiful language and can be easily handled to express different moods. In so doing, Chaucer greatly increased the prestige of the English language.【Chapter 4】The Fifteenth Century (1400-1550)Historical events:1.The Hundred Year’s War2.The War of the Roses (1455-1485)The War of the Roses, or the Thirty Years’ War, was a series of civil wars fought between the two great families, both of which claimed the right to the English throne.The House of Lancaster →red rose The House of York →white rose3.The discovery of America and the new sea routes4.Reformation of the ChurchPopular BalladsIn the field of literature, folk literature, especially ballads, became an important feature in the 15th century. A ballad is a narration poem that tells a story.★Basic characteristics:1.The beginning is often abrupt.2.There are strong dramatic elements.3.The story is often told through dialogue and action.4.The theme is often tragic, though there are a number of comic ballads.5.※It contains four-line stanzas. The odd numbered lines have four feet each and the even numbered lines have three feet each. Rhymes fall on the even numbered lines. And there is often a refrain at the end of each stanza.Of special significance are the Robin Hood Ballads.Sir Thomas MalorySir Thomas Malory, the author of The Death of Arthur(亚瑟王之死),was important in the fact that it was he who finally compiled together the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table which were scattered in a number of Frenchromances and made great contribution to the development of English prose.It is interesting to note that Robin Hood and King Arthur were both revived at a time when the medieval spirit of chivalry was dying fast and the feudal order was rapidly becoming a thing of the past.Early English PlaysIn ancient Greece and Rome, drama was one of the most popular forms of entertainment. But the Roman Catholic Church prohibited dramatic performances. It was not until the 9th and the 10th centuries that the Catholic Church allowed some of dramatic performance to be used as part of religious services. For example, on Christmas the clergymen would put on a liturgy(礼拜仪式)of the birth of Christ. By the 14th century, the liturgy had developed into mystery plays and miracle plays.mystery plays →based on stories from the Biblemiracle plays →based on the lives of Christian saints【Chapter 5】The English Renaissance (1550-1642)HumanismRenaissance began in the 14th century in Italy and later spread to France, Spain, the Netherlands, and England. It’s ideal was humanism. Renaissance is a French word which means “rebirth” in English.★★★1.With the spreading of the Greek and Roman culture, there appeared a number of humanist scholars who took great interest in the welfare of human beings.2.According to them, it was against human nature to sacrifice the happiness of his life for an after life.3.They argued that man should be given full freedom toenrich their intellectual and emotional life.4.In religion, they demanded the reformation of the church.5.In art and literature, instead of singing praise to God, they sang in praise of man and of the pursuit of happiness in this life.6.Humanism shattered the shackles of spiritual bondage of man’s mind by the Roman Catholic Church and opened his eyes to “a brave new world” in front of him.Edmund SpenserSpenser’s first important work is The Shephearde’s Calender(牧羊人日记), a pastoral poem in 12 parts, one for each month of the year.His major achievement, The Faerie Queen, is an unfinished allegorical romance. According to Spenser’s original plan there should be 12 books, each telling the adventures of one of the 12 knights despatched by the Faerie Queen, Gloria, who represents Glory and Queen Elizabeth in particular. However, Spenser only completed 6 of the books, in which the six virtues of Truth, Temperance, Friendship, Justice, Chastity, and Coutesy are presented.Spenserian stanza:九行一节,前八行均为五音步抑扬格,第九行为六个音节The seven deadly sins: Pride(傲慢),Wrath(暴怒),Sloth (懒惰),Greed(贪婪),Envy(嫉妒),Gluttony(暴食), Lust(淫欲)Christopher MarloweChristopher Marlowe was the most prominent of the University Wits.His first play Tamburlaine the Great (1587)(帖木儿大帝)is about the story of Timur the Tartar(1336-1405). The central figure Tamburlaine represents the Renaissance desire for infinite powerand authority. He is not only ruthlessly cruel and brutal in punishing his enemies, but also violently passionate in love.The Tragic History of Doctor Faustus (1592)(浮士德博士的悲剧),adapted from a popular old German legend, is sort of companion to Tamburlaine in reflecting the Renaissance desire for infinite knowledge. Tired with the scholastic study of the four subjects of Medieval knowledge, that is , Theology, Philosophy, Medicine, and Law, Dr.Faustus turns to magic book and signs a contract with the devil Mephistopheles. He sells his soul to the devil on the condition that the latter will satisfy every demand of his for a period of 24 years.As a dramatist, Marlowe has limitations. His plot construction is loose and his characters are merely embodiments (具体化)of ideas. But Marlowe is the only dramatist of the time who is ever compared with Shakespeare.Ben Jonson coined the phrase “Marlowe’s magic lines”. The blank verse(无韵诗), i.e. , unrhymed iambic pentameter, used in his dramas, was the chief verse form used by Shakespeare.William ShakespeareWilliam Shakespeare wrote 37 plays in all during his life.Shakespeare’s writing career may be roughly divided into four stages.1.The early years were years of his apprenticeship, dating from 1592 to 1594.2.The second period is a period of rapid growth and development, dating from 1595 to 1600.3.The third period is a period of gloom and depression, dating from 1601 to 1608.4.The fourth period is a period of restored serenity, from 1608 to 1612.★★★Shakespeare’s achievements:1.Shakespeare represented the trend of history in giving voice to the desires and aspirations of the people.2.Shakespeare’s humanism: More important than his historical sense of his time, Shakespeare in his plays reflects the spirit of his age.3.Shakespeare’s characterization: Shakespeare was most successful in his characterization. In his plays, he described a great number of characters, ranging from kings to crowns, rascals, and grave-diggers; from lunatics to ghosts; from lovers to man-haters.4.Shakespeare’s originality: Shakespeare drew most of his materials from sources that were known to his audience. But his plays are original because he instilled into the old materials a new spirit that gives new life to his plays.5.Shakespeare as a great poet: Shakespeare was not only a great dramatist, but also a great poet. Apart from his sonnets and long poems, his dramas are poetry.6.Shakespeare as a master of the English language: It is estimated that he had a command of about 15,000 words. He was especially successful in handling the different meanings of the same word, or words having the same sound but different meanings.A sonnet (十四行诗)is a poem of 14 lines, usually in iambic pentameter with various rhyming schemes. Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets altogether in number. The 154 sonnets fall into two groups, divided at sonnet 126. The first group was addressed to a Mr. W. H.. The second group was addressed to a dark lady.The metrical form(韵律形式)of Shakespeare’s sonnets isdifferent from that of Petrarach’s(彼特拉克). Italian Sonnet British SonnetOctave前八行abba abba (提出问题) 3 quatrains(四行诗)abab cdcd efefSestet 后六行cde cde (作出回答) a couplet(双行诗)gg【Chapter 6】The Seventeenth Century (1603-1688)Francis BaconThough Bacon was Shakespeare’s contemporary, he is generally regarded as the chief figure in English prose in the first half of the 17th century and his essays began the long tradition of the English essay in the history of English literature.As a philoso pher, Bacon is praised by Marx as “the progenitor of English materialism”(英国唯物主义的始祖). because he stressed the importance of experience, or experiment, which is in direct opposition to the superstitution and scholasticism of the Middle Ages.Bacon’s 58 essa ys were publisher in 1625. They are the author’s reflections an comments, mostly on rather abstract subjects, such as “Of Truth”, “Of Friendship”, and “Of Riches”. They are known for their conciseness, brevity, simplicity, and forcefulness.Metaphysical Poets and Cavalier PoetsDuring the reign of Charles I, there were two schools of poets, metaphysical poets(玄学派诗人)and cavalier poets (骑士派诗人).The main themes of the metaphysical poets are love, death, and religion. The chief representative of this school was John Donne.The cavaliers were royalists, whose poetry was marked by courtliness, urbanity, and polish. The chief representative of thecavaliers was Ben Jonson, who besides being a poet, was also a playwright.John Donne作品:Songs and Sonnets, a collection of his 55 love lyrics, was published after his death in 1633.Donne’s love lyrics may be classified into two groups. The poems of one group takes a negative attitude towards love, and those of the other group take a positive attitude towards love.John MiltonThe revolutionary enthusiasm of the bourgeois revolution (资产阶级革命)and the bitter hatred for the despotic ruler is best known in the works of John Milton.In 1665, after seven years’arduous labour in darkness, he finished Paradise Lost, which gave vent to his indignation against Charles II. The story of the epic is based on Genesis. The central theme of the poem deals with the Christian story of “ the fall of man ”. Evidently, the poet intended to write it as a epic and imitated the style of Homer’s epic.Milton’s purpose for writing Paradise Lost, as he puts it very clearly at the beginning of the poem, is to “assert eternal Providence and justify the ways of God to man.”There can hardly be any doubt that Milton’s own sentiments in the days of the Restoration are expressed in the powerful first speech made by Satan excerpted here. But it should be made clear that Milton as a Puritan did not have the least intention of making God a real tyrant to be hated and revenged upon. The rebellions speech by Satan was an outpouring of the poet’s personal hatred for the restored monarch at the time. On the whole, the characters o Satan and his followers are condemned in the epic.In the love between Adam and Eve, Milton voices his enthusiasm for humanistic elements.Characteristics of Milton’s style:1.The blank verse, i.e. , the unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter, is used throughout the epic and is characterized by its employment of long and involved sentences, which run on many lines with a variety of pauses, and achieving sometimes an oratorical and sometimes an elaborately logical effect. This richness of poetical style has frequently been called “Miltonic Style”./doc/975668172.html,ton’s style is also commonly said to be Latinate. Milton uses more elaborate patterns drawn from Latin. He is very fond of using inversion.3.Another characteristic of his style is the use of allusions to other works, especially the classic works.John BunyanAs Milton was the chief Puritan poet, so Bunyan was the chief puritan writer of prose.The Pilgrim’s Progress is written in the old fashioned medieval form of allegory and drama. The book opens with the author’s dream in which he sees a man “ with a book in his hand, and a great burden upon his back”. The man is Christian the Pilgrim, the book is the Bible, and the burden on his back is the weight of worldly cares and concerns. It tells how Christian starts his pilgrimage from his home to the Kingdom of Heaven, and of his experiences and adventures on his journey.The book’s most significant aspect is its satire, which without doubt is directed at the ruling classes. Especially well known is the description of the Vanity Fair. The punishment of Christian and Faithful for disdaining things in the Vanity Fair mayha ve its significance in alluding to Bunyan’s repeated arrests and imprisonment for preaching. After all, like Milton, Bunyan in his book is preaching his religious views. He satirizes his society which is full of vices that violate the teaching of the Christian religion. However, his Puritanism weakens the effect of his social satire by exhorting his readers to endure poverty with patience in order to seek the “ Celestial City ”. Besides, the use of allegory in most of his works makes his satirical pictures less direct and more difficult to see. His books are more often read as religions books than as piercing exposures of social evils.Bunyan is known for his simple and lively prose style. Everyday idiomatic expressions and biblical language enables him to narrate his story and reveal his ideas directly and in a straightforward way.【Chapter 7】The Eighteenth Century (1688-1798)Neo-classicism★★★The characteristics of neo-classicism:1.People emphasized reason rather than emotion, form rather than content.2.As reason was stressed, most of the writings of the age were didactic and satirical.3.As elegance, correctness, appropriateness and restraint were preferred, the poet found closed couplet the only possible verse form for serious work.4.It is almost exc lusively a “ town ” poetry, catering to the interests of the “ society ” in great cities.5.It is entirely wanting in all those elements that are related with the “ romantic ”.Daniel DefoeDaniel Defoe is known as a pioneer novelist of England, and also a prolific writer of books and pamphlets on a great variety of subjects.He never stopped his creative activities until at the age of 60, with the publication of Robinson Crusoe, a long imaginative literary masterpiece, he was finally recognized as a major English novelist. Robinson Crusoe is based on a real accident.In Moll Flanders, Defoe introduces, for the first time, a lowly woman as the subject of literature.Jonathan SwiftThe Battle of Books is a satire on the controversy among literary people concerning the values of the ancients and moderns.A Tale of the Tab is a satire on the various churches of his time.A Modest Proposal is a more bitter satire on the policy of the English government towards the Irish people.Swift’s masterpiece is Gulliver’s T ravels. The book contains four parts that deal with the four voyages of its hero to strange places. The form of travel literature was popular in his time as there were many books of voyage and travel. Among them were Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe.Alexander Pope。
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英国文学复习笔记整理1 Although Geoffrey Chaucer was essentially a medieval writer, he bore marks of humanism and anticipated a new era of literature to come.2 Romance, which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of Knightly adventures or other heroic deeds, is a popular literary form in the medieval period.The Renaissance PeriodEdmund Spencer / Christopher Marlowe / William ShakespeareFrancis Bacon / John Donne / John Milton1. Renaissance: between 14th and mid-17th century.2. Renaissance means rebirth or revival is actually a movement stimulated by a series of historical events, such as:The rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek culture,The new discoveries in geography and astrology,The religious reformation and the economic expansion.3. The Renaissance, therefore in essence is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and Scholars made attempt to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in Medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the purity of the rising bourgeoisie, and to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.The religious reformation in the early 16th-century England was a reflection of the class struggles waged by the rising bourgeoisie against the feudal class and its ideology4. Humanism is the essence of the RenaissanceThe essence of humanism is to emphasize human qualities(1) Capable of individual development in the direction of perfection.(2) They inhabited was theirs not to despise by to question, explore and enjoy.(3) Tomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representative of the English humanist.5 Metaphysical poetry:Metaphysical is characterized by passionate thought succession of concentrated image, exercise of elaborate ingenuity and “wit”, John Donne was the famous of the Metaphysical poet. The Metaphysical Poets were men of learning and to show their learning was their endeavor.Edmund SpenserMasterpiece: The Faerie Queene (allegory)Christopher Marlowe (University wits)1 Important plays: Tambulaine, Dr.Faustus, The Jew of Malta2 Marlowe voiced the supreme desire of the man of the Renaissance of infinite powers and authority(1) Perfected the blank verse.(2)Creation of the Renaissance hero to English drama, it embodies Marlowe’s ideal of human dignity and capacity.3Dr.Faustus: aspiring for knowledge, the play’s dominant moral is human rather than religious,it celebrates the human passion for knowledge, power and happiness, it also reveals man’s frustration in r ealizing the high aspiration in a hostile moral order and the confinement to time is the cruelest fact of man’s condition.4 The statement that a man gained the whole world but lost his own soul makes a good summary of the main plot of The Tragic History of Doctor FaustusWilliam Shakespeare1.Works: 154 sonnets, 38 plays, 2 long poemsComedy: Merchant of Venice.2 4 great tragedies: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, MacbethEach portrays some noble hero, who face the injustice of human fate is closely connected with the fate of the whole nation; each hero has his weakness of nature.Hamlet, the melancholic scholar-prince, faces the dilemma between action and mind:Othello’s inner weakness is made use of by the outside evil force;old King Lear who is unwilling to totally give up his power makes himself suffer from treachery(背叛) and infidelity(失真)Macbeth’s lust for power stirs up his ambition and leads him to incessant crime.3 statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18 :The)2 Novum Organum: most impressive display of Beacon’s intellect. The argument is for the use of inductiveness of reason in scientific study.3 Beacon suggests the inductive reasoning,i.e. proceeding from the particular to the general, in place of the Aristotelian method, the deductive reasoning, i.e. proceeding from the general to the particular.4 Beacon’s essays are famous for their brevity, compactness and powerfulness.John DonneMetaphysical poetryThe most striking feature of Donn e’s poetry is precisely its tang of reality, in the sense that it seems to reflect life in a real rather than a poetical world.Donne frequently applies conceits.John MiltonThree major poetical works:Paradise lost, Paradise Regained, Samson AgonistsThe freedom of the will is the key tone of Milton’s creed.Paradise LostThe epic is the masterpiece of John MiltonThe story is drawn from the Old Testament of the Bible, which tells how Satan, after being defeated in his rebel against God, tempts Adam and Eve to eat the apples for the Forbidden Tree, and causes the Fall of Man. The Neoclassic PeriodJohn Bunyan / Alexander Pope / Daniel Defoe / Jonathan SwiftHenry Fielding / Samuel Johnson / Richard Brinsley SheridanTomas Gray1 Between the return of the Stuarts to the English throne in 1660 and the full assertion of Romanticism which came with the publication of lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 17982 Enlightenment or the Age of reasonThe Enlightenment movement was a progressive intellectual movement, which flourished in France and swept the whole Western Europe at the timeIts propose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas. The enlightenment celebrated reason or rationality, equality and science. They called for a reference to order, reason and rule, yield place to “eternal truth” “eternal justice” and “natural equality”They believed that human beings were limited, dualistic and imperfect literature at the time, heavily didactic and moralizing.They believed in self-restraint, self-reliance and hard work. To work, to economize and to accumulate wealth constitutes the whole meaning of their life. This aspect of social life is best-formed in the realistic novels of the 18th century.3 In the field of literature, they believed that the artistic should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy. Seek proportion, unity, harmony and grace in literary expression, in an effort to delight, instruct and correct human beings.4 Neoclassicism. In English literature and, the stylistic trend between the Restoration and the advent of romanticism at the beginning of the 19th century is referred to as Neoclassicism.5 Heroic: It is a pair of rhymed lines of iambic pentameter. The form was introduced into English by Chaucer and widely used subsequently.John Bunyan1. Masterpiece: The pilgrim’s progress2.The “vanity fair” symbolizes human wor ld; for all that comth is vanityeverything and anything in this world is vanity, having no value and no meaning.3.In The Pilgrim’s Progress, John Banyan describes The Vanity Fair in asatirical tone.The phrase "to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and to seek salvation through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils" may well sum up the implied meaning ofThe Pilgrim’s ProgressAlexander Pope1 Pope, a very sensitive man, would strike back hard, and in the constant verbal battles he developed a style of biting satire.2 He was one of the first to introduce rationalism to England, but was not entirely blind to the rapid moral, political and cultural deterioration.3 For him the supreme values were order-cosmic order, political order, social order, aesthetic order, and this emphasis an order expression in all of his works. Pope made his name as a great poet with the publication of an Essay on Criticism in 1711.4 Pope strongly advocated Neoclassicism, emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rule of order, reason, logic, restrained emotion, good taste and decorum.Daniel DefoeMasterpiece: Robinson CrusoeHis language is smooth, easy, colloquial (口语的)and most vernacular. Defoe glorifies human labor and the puritan fortitude. It refers the enterprising sprit of the middle class.Jonathan Swift1. Chief works:A Tale of a Tub, The battle of the books, The Drapier’s letters, Gulliver’s Travel and a modest proposal.2. Swift is almost unsurpassed in the writing of simple, direct, precise prose. He defined a good style as “proper words in proper places” clear, simple, concrete, diction, uncomplicated sentence structure and economy and concise use of language mark all his writing-essay, poems and novels.3. As a whole, the book is one have the most effective and devastating criticism and satires of all aspects in the then English and European lifesocially, politically, religiously, philosophically, scientifically and morally.Henry Fielding1. Masterpiece: A History of Tom Jones, a Foundling2. Fielding has been regarded by some as “Father of the English Novel” for his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.3. Fielding’s lang uage is easy, unlabored and familiar but extremely vivid and vigorous.4. Of all the 18th century novelist, he was the first to set out both in theory and practice. To write specially a “comic epic in poem” the first to give the modern novels its structure and story; he use epistolary form and “the third-person narration”.5. In planning his stories, he tries to retain the grand, epical of the classical works but at the same time keeps faithful to his realistic presentation of common life as it is.Samuel Johnson1. Lexicographer: the author of the first English dictionary by an English man---A Dictionary of the English Language (1755)2. To the Right Honorable the Earl of----Chesterfield3. He was particularly fond of moralizing, and didacticism. His language in characteristically general, often Latinate and frequently polysyllabic. Richard Brinsley Sheridan1 Masterpiece: The school for scandal.2 Sheridan has the only important English dramatist of the 18th century; important link between Shakespeare and Bernard Shaw.3 In his play, morality is the constant theme.He is much concerned with the current moral issue and harshly at the social life of the day.Tomas Gray1. His masterpiece, “Elegy in a Country Churchyard” was published in 1751; the poem once and for all established his fame as the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day especially”the Graveyard School”2. In his poem, Gray reflects on death, the sorrow of life and the mysteries of hum a touch of his Personal Melancholy.3. His poems, as a whole are mostly devoted to a sentimental lamentation or mediation on life, past and present. His poems are characterized by an exquisite sense of form. His style is sophisticated and allusive. His poems are often marked with the trait of a highly artificial diction and a distorted word order.Romantic PeriodWilliam Blake / William Wordsworth / Samuel Taylor Coleridge George Gordon/ ByronPercy/ Bysshe Shelley /John Keats / Jane Austen1. Major Romantic Points(1) A rebellion against neo-classicism(2) Express on imagination(3) Priorities been given to passion, emotion and feeling(4) Being close to nature for its purity while the society is corrupting5) Tremendous interest in something remote in term of space and time(6) Favor of modernism(7) Supremacy of freedom2 Romantic Period began in 1798 with the publication of Wordsworth and Coleridge’s lyrical Ballads and have ended in 1852 with Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament. 3. It was in effect a revolt of the English imagination against the neoclassical reason, which prevailed from the days of Pope to those of Johnson1. Jean-Roseau: exploration new idea about Nature, society, Education.4The Romantic Movement expressed a more or less negative attitude the existing social and political conditions that came with industrial lization and the growing importance of the bourgeoisie.5 Thus, we can say that Romanticism actually constitutes a change of direction attention to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit6 Nature to Wordsworth is a source of mental cleanliness and spiritual understanding.7 Poetry has been traditionally regarded as an art governed by rules; but for Romantics, Poetry should be free from all rules.8 Gothic novels: its principal elements are violence, horror and supernatural, which strongly appeal to the reader’s emotion.9 How is Romanticism different from Neoclassicism? Provide brief evidence from the literary works you know best.a. Neoclassicists upheld that artistic ideals should be order, logic, restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity, and thus, literary expressions should be of proportion, unity, harmony and grace. Pope’s An Ess ay on Criticism advocates grace, wit ( usually though satire/ humor ), and simplicity in language (and the poem itself is a demonstration of those ideals, too); Fielding’s Tom Jones helped established the form of novel; Gray’s Elegry Written in a country C hurchyard” displays elegance in style, unified structure, serious tone and moral instructions.b. Romanticism tended to see the individual as the very center of all experience, including art, and thus, literary work should be “spontaneous overflow of stron g of feeling”and no matter how fragmentary those experience were ( Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,” or “The Solitary Reaper,) 0r Coleridge’s “ Keble Khan”), the value of the work link lied in the accuracy of presenting those unique feelings and particular altitude.c. In a word, Neoclassicism emphasized rationality and form but Romanticism attached great importance to the individual’s mind ( emotion, imagination, temporary experience.)William Blake1 (1)The songs of Innocence is a lovely volume poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evil and sufferings. (2) The songs of Experience paints a different world, a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repress with melancholy tone(3) The two books hold the similar subject-matter, but the tone, emphasis and conclusion differs.2 Blake’s Marriage of Heaven and Hell (1790) marks his entry into maturity.Blake explains the relationship of the contraries.“without contraries, there is no progression.The marriage to Blake means the reconciliation of the contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other.3 Blake writes his poem in plain and direct language, his poem often carries the lyric beauty with immense compressing of meaning. He distrusts the abstractness and tends to embody his views with visual images; symbolism in wide range is also a distinctive feature of his poetry.William WordsworthThe poetic view of William Wordsworth can be best understood from his remark about poetry, that is, "all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings."William Wordsworth, a romantic poet, advocated all the followingA.the use of everyday language spoken by the common peopleB. the expression of the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelingC. the use of humble and rustic life as subject matter1 William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Robert Southey, the three man known as the “Lake Poets”2 Wordsworth is regarded as a “worshiper of nature”3 Wordsworth thinks that common life is the only subject of literary interest.4 Wordsworth see the word freshly, sympathetically and naturally.5 The most important contribution Wordsworth has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry of the growing inner self,but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a reform to nature.Samuel Taylor Coleridge1 Coleridge’s portion (work) was to deal with super nature thing for he was more interested in something remote strange on foreign.2 Two divers group: the demonic and the conversational(1) The demonic group: beyond the control of reason. The Rime of the Ancient Mariner “Christabel” “Kubl a Khan”(2) The conversational group: “Frost at Midnight”3 Coleridge is one of the first critics to give close critical affection to language, maintaining that the true end of poetry is to give pleasure “through the medium of beauty”4 He was recognized as a lyrical poet and literary critic of the first rank. His poetic themes range from the super nature to the domestic.His treatises, lectures, and compelling conversational powers made him one of the most influential English literary critics and philosophers of the 19th century.George Gordon Byron1 Masterpiece: Don Juan, Childe Ha rold’s Pilgrima ge“I awake on e morning and found myself famous.”2 Byron invests in Juan the moral positives like courage, generosity and franknessThe unifying principal in Don Juan is the basic ironic theme of appearance and reality.3 Byron has enriched European poetry with an abundance of ideas, images, artistic forms and innovation.4 Byronic heroThe creation of the Byronic hero is Byron’s chief contribution to English Poetry, such a hero is a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin. Passionate and powerful, he is to right all the wrongs in a corrupt society and he would fight single-handedly against all the misdoings, political, religious moral. Thus this figure is a rebellious individual social systems and customs. Because Byron’s poetry is one of t he experiences on the whole, such a hero is more or less a surrogate of himself; He appears first in Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage and then further develops in later works such as the “Oriented Tale” “Manfred” and “Don Juan”.Percy Bysshe Shelley1 In 1813 he published his first long serious work. Queen Mab: A Philosophical Poem.2 Masterpiece “The Cenci” “Prometheus unbounded”Lyrics: “The Cloud” “To a Skylark” “Adonais”3 He held a life-long aversion to cruelty, injustice, authority, institutional religion and the formal shames of respectable society, condemning war, tyranny and exploitation.4 Shelley expressed his love for freedom and his hatred toward tyranny in several of his lyrics such as: Ode to Liberty,” “Ode to Naples,” “Sonnet: England in 1819” and so on.5 Best of all the well-known lyric pieces is his “Ode to the west win d” it is rhapsodic and declamatory.6 Shelley’s style abounds in personification and metaphor and other figure of speech, which describe vividly what we see and feel, or express what passionately moves us.John Keats1. Work: Lamia, Isabella, The Eve of St.Agnes2. The Odes are generally regarded as Keats’s most important and mature works.Ode on Melancholy, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to a Nightingale, Ode to Psyche3. Keats’s poetry is always sensuous, colorful and rich in imagery, which expresses the acuteness of his senses,sights, sound, scent, taste and felling are all taken in to give an entire understanding of an experience of others either human or animal.4."Beauty is truth, truth beauty."is taken from John Keats’ Ode on a Grecian Urn5 Ode on a Grecian Urn" shows the contrast between the (permanence. ) of art and the (transience ) of human passion.Jane Austen1 Works: Pride and Prejudice. Sense and Sensibility. Northanger Abbey2 And in style, she is a neoclassicism advocator,upholding those traditional ideals of order, reason, proportion and gracefulness in novel writing.The Victorian PeriodCharles Dickens / Charlotte Bronte / Emily Bronte/Alfred Tennyson / Robert Browning1. The Victorian Period roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victorian from 1836 to 1901, the most glorious in the English history. (Inthis period, the novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought, criticism of the society and the defense of the mass. ----they are all concerned about the fate of common people.)2 Towards the mid-19th century, England had reached it’s highly point of development as a world power.3 Darwin’s The origin of species and The De scent of Man shook theoretical basic of traditional faith. Utilitarianism was widely accepted and practiced.4 Famous novelists like Charles Dickens, William Makepeace Thackery, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Mrs. Gaskell and Anthony Trollope.5 typical feature of the English Victorian literature is that writers becamegreatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age2 In language, he is often compared with Shakespeare for his adeptness with the vernacular and large vocabulary with which he brings out manya wonderful verbal picture of man and scene.3 His humor and wit seem inexhaustible; character portrayal is the most distinguished feature of his work.4 His best-depicted characters are those innocent, virtuous, persecuted helpless child characters.5 Dickens work are also characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos. He seems to believe that life is itself a mixture of joy and grief.The Victorian Age was largely and age of (epic prose),eminently represented by Dickens and Thackeray.The Bronte sistersCharlotte Bronte1 Masterpiece: Jane Eyre2 The success of the novel is also due to its introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine, Jane Eyre, description of her intense feeling and her thought and inner conflicts brings her to the heart of the audience.Emily Bronte1 Masterpiece: Wuthering Heights2 As a love story, this is one of the most misery: the passion between Heathcliff and Cathrine proves the most intense, the most beautiful and at the same time, the most horrible passion are to be found in human being.Alfred Tennyson1. His poetry voices the doubt and the faith, the grief and the joy of English people in an age of fast social change.2. In 1850, Tennyson was appointed the poet laureate.3. Tennyson is a real artist. He has the natural power of linking visual picture with musical expression, and these two with the feelings.Robert Browning1 Dramatic MonologueA kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose reply is not given in the poem. The occasion is usually a crucial one in the speaker’s life, and the dramatic monologue reads the speaker’s personality as well as the incident that is the subject of the poem; a n experience of a dramatic monologue is “My Last Duchess” by Robert Browning.2“My Last Duchess”: this dramatic monologue is the duke’s speech addressed to the agent who comes to negotiate the marriage. In this talk about “Last Duchess” the du ke reveals himself as a self-conceited, cruel and tyrannical man. The poem is written is heroic couplet,but with no regular metrical system. In reading, it sounds like bland verse.George Eliot (pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans)1 her popular novels, Adam Bede, The Mill on the floss ,Silas Marner, all drawn from her lifelong knowledge of English country life and notable for their realistic details , pungent characterization and high moral tone.11。