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2.应答: (1)It's over there. (2)It's next to the.../in front of the.../behind the.../between...and... (3)It's about 500 meters from here. (4)Go down this street until you see the tall red building. (5)Turn right/left at the first/second crossing/corner. (6)You can't miss it.
►约会 1.约会前询问对方有无空闲时间: Are you free this afternoon/evening/Sunday? 2.常用答语: (1)Yes,I'll be free then. (2)No, I won't be free then. But I'll be free tomorrow.
►购物 1.售货员常用语: (1)Can/May I help you? (2)What can I do for you? (3)How many/much would you like? (4)What color/size/kind do you like/want? (5)What about this one? (6)Here's your change.
►看病 1.医生诊断常用语: (1)What's the matter?/What's wrong with you? (2)What seems to be the trouble? (3)Do you have a fever? (4)How long have you felt like this? (5)It's nothing serious. (6)Take this medicine three times a day. (7)You'll be all right/well soon.
►感谢和应答 1.感谢某人: (1)Thank you./Thank you very much./Thanks./Thanks a lot. (2)Thank you for your help. (3)It's very kind/nice of you. (4)Thank you anyway/all the same.
(8)Happy birthday! (9)Congratulations! (10)Well done! 2.应答用语: (1)Thank you. (2)You, too. (3)The same to you.
►提供帮助和应答 1.提供帮助: (1)Can I help you? (2)Would you like me to help you? (3)What can I do for you? (4)Let me help you.
2.回答感谢时的答语: It's a pleasure./My pleasure./That's OK./That's all right./You're welcome./Not at all. ►道歉和应答 1.当要麻烦别人时: (1)Excuse me.(2)I beg your pardon.
2.顾客常用语: (1)I want/I'd like to buy...(for...). (2)How much is it/are they? (3)May I try it on? (4)It's too big/small. (5)Sorry,it's too expensive. (6)Do you have any other colors/sizes/kinds? (7)Two and a half kilos/pounds,please. (8)That's fine. I'll take it. (9)Just have a look. (10)Well, I'll think about it.
2.当做错某事时: (1)Sorry. (2)I'm sorry for...(3)I'm sorry that... 3.回答道歉时的答语: That's all right./That's OK./Never mind./It's nothing./It doesn't matter.
►邀请和应答 1.表示邀请的用语: (1)Will you come to my party? (2)Would you like to go for a walk? (3)How/What about going for a walk?
►打电话 1.打电话人常用语: (1)Hello! May/Can/Could I speak to..., please? (2)Is that...speaking?(注意: 不能用 Are you...?或 Who are you?) (3)Can I leave a message? (4)I'll call back later/again. (5)I'll ring him/her up again.
►请求和应答 1.表请求用语: (1)May I...? (2)Can/Could I...? (3)Would you mind if...? 2.表肯定的答语: (1)Sure./Certainly.(2)Yes, do please. (3)That's all right. (4)Of course,you can.
►问路和应答 1.问路用语: (1)Excuse me, where is the nearest post office? (2)Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the post office? (3)Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest post office? (4)How far is it? (5)Which bus can I take?
2.接电话人常用语: (1)Hello! This is Tom speaking.(注意:不能用 I am Tom.) (2)Hello!Who is that? (3)Hold on, please. (4)Hold on for a moment. (5)What's your phone number? (6)Tom isn't here right now.
2.介绍他人: (1)A:This is Ms. Brown. B:How do you do?/Nice to meet you. C:My name is Alan.How do you do?/Nice to meet you,too. (2)A:This is Mr. Smith. B:Nice to meet you. C:Glad to meet you. 注:在交际场合里,介绍常常伴随着问候,可参见 问候用语。
考点一 ►问候
1.A:Hello/Hi. B:Hello/Hi. 2.A:Hello.How are you? B:Fine,thank you. How are you? A:Very well, thank you. 3.A:Good morning/afternoon/evening. B:Good morning/afternoon/evening.
3.表否定的答语: (1)I'm afraid not. (2)I'm sorry, but you mustn't/can't. (3)You'd better not.
►祝愿、祝贺和应答 1.祝贺用语: (1)Have a good day/time! (2)Have a good journey/trip! (3)Good luck! (4)Enjoy yourself! (5)Best wishes to you! (6)Happy New Year! (7)Merry Christmas!
4.A:Hi,Jim! B:Hi, Bob. Nice to see you again! 5.Please say hello to your parents. Please give my best wishes to your parents.
►介绍 1.自我介绍: (1)A:My name is Cindy. Glad to meet you. B:Nice to meet you. My name is Frank. (2)A:Excuse me. What's your (full) name, please? B:My name is Robert Thomas Brown. A:May I call you Robert? B:Certainly./Of course.
2.肯定答语: (1)Yes, please./Yes, thanks. (2)Thank you (for your help). (3)That would be nice. 3.否定答语: (1)No,thanks/thank you. (2)That's very kind/nice of you, but I can manage it myself.
►告别 1.告别前,客方表示要离开的常用语: (1)I'm afraid I must be going now./I'm afraid I must go now. (2)I think it's time for me to leave now./I think it's time for us to go now. 2.双方相互道别时的常用语: (1)Goodbye!/Byebye!/Bye! (2)See you later./See you tomorrow./See you. (3)Good night.
Leabharlann Baidu
2.接受邀请时的答语: (1) Yes, I'd like/love to. (2)Yes. It's very kind of you. (3)That would be nice. 3.拒绝邀请时的答语: (1)No, thank you. (2)I'd love /like to, but...
2.病人叙述病情常用语: (1)I feel terrible/bad. (2)I don't feel well. (3)I've got a cough/headache. (4)I've got a pain here. (5)There's something wrong with my eyes. (6)It hurts here. (7)I can't sleep well.
3.提出约会时间、地点以征求对方意见的常用语: (1)How about tomorrow morning? (2)Shall we meet at 3:00 p.m. at the school gate? 4.常用答语: Yes,that's all right./All right, see you then.
(7)Sorry, but Tom is out. (8)Can I take a message for you? (9)I couldn't get through. (10)Sorry, I'm afraid you have the wrong number.
►就餐 1.主人常用语: (1)What would you like to have? (2)Would you like something to drink? (3)Help yourself to some chicken. (4)Would you like some more rice?
2.客人常用语: (1)Yes, I'd like a drink. (2)I'd like rice and chicken. (3)Just a little, please. (4)Can I have some more soup? (5)It's so delicious. Thank you. (6)No, thank you. I've had enough. (7)I'm full, thank you.