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Answer: In this case, On December 1, The Seller sent the Buyer an offer which will remain open until December 31, but Buyer rejected the offer on December 10, then the offer is terminated, though Buyer changed his mind on December 12 and made the acceptance. According to Article 17 of CISG, “An offer, even if it is irrevocable, is terminated when a rejection reaches the offeror, and a rejection becomes effective when it reaches the offeror”, [432]thus there is no existence of the contract.



Answer: According to the acceptance rule for CISG, “Silence or inactivity does not, in and of itself, constitute acceptance. ” In this case, the seller send the buyer an invitation to negotiate that says, “I know this is such a good deal that I will assume that you .....” , and the buyer didn’t respond. In this instance, the seller just attempted to force acceptance on the buyer, the silence didn’t constitute acceptance, and this will not create a contract, so there is no responsibility of the Buyer.


I think the seller breached the contract.

According to the case, the contract provided that it may only be modified in a writing signed by both parties. But the

seller agreed the change by phone. So the contract is not modified. Thus, the products the seller delivered did not conform to the contract.


Answer: Yes, the buyer can avoid the contract. Under CISG, the buyer may avoid a contract if the buyer gives the seller a Nachfrist notice and the seller does not perform within the period it specifies. In this case, the seller failed to hand over the computer before the February 1 after the buyer’s telegram. So the buyer has a right to avoid the contract.

十、卖方与买方达成合约以14000美金的价格卖给买方1000桶油。当货到达买方时,其中的975桶是符合合同中的描述的, 另外的25桶因被污染而不被接受。以当地市场的价


--------Yes, there is a contract under the CISG, because the nonconformity didn’t amount to a fundamental breach.

As for the payment, firstly, the original price is$14000. And 25 barrels of oil was contaminated, secondly, the price under the contract is$14 per barrel, but the local price is$18, so under the damage provision of CISG【Article 74】, the seller should pay for the damages which includes the loss of profit.

In all.


So, the buyer should pay $13550 to the seller.
