




归类,都有点关联,又都有点牵强。 ”

小 说 《野 性 的 呼 唤 》创 作 中 ,要 把 杰 克·伦 敦 写 成 既

受读者欢迎、又不让评论家失望的作品。 他把小说圈定 及
在现实主义的框架内,加以自然主义的逼真刻画和如实 其
描写,在严酷的现实中,再用超自然的浪漫主义的色调 它
墅的窗边”,“窗外,绚丽的玫瑰在早晨的阳光照耀下,犹 如一只只倒扣着的燃烧的小碗悬在枝头。 ”以绚烂的玫 瑰折射爱情,劳伦斯讨论的精神是和自然环境紧密相连 的。 女主人公只有弃绝了现代文明、回归自然(玫瑰园) 才能获得灵魂上的恬然与平静, 尽情地追忆逝去的爱 情。
2. 文 学 的 生 态 学 阐 释 生 态 批 评 (ecocriticism)作 为 一 种 文 学 文 化 批 评 理 论 ,在 20 世 纪 90 年 代 中 期 由 欧 美 ,主 要 是 美 国 学 者 确 立。 生态批评研究的重点是自然与文学乃至文化的关 系,生态批评家吸取的是生态学的基本思想,或者更准 确地说,是生态哲学思想。 它从文学、文化、文本的角度 探讨人类与自然的关系问题,带着“问题主义”的姿态研 究人类文学文化,重视人类之间的社会生态和人类内在 的精神生态,试图从自然生态、社会生态和精神生态着 手去探究文学作品中这三个层面是如何被表达、描写和 安排的,进而找出生态失衡的文学文化根源。 2.1. 《玫瑰园中的影子》的自然生态思想 劳伦斯的一生,可以说是在追寻向自然人性回归与 挑战英国的传统道德观念中度过的,在他看来,自然不 仅具有隐喻的功能,起到背景的作用,其本身也是作品 中的重要角色。 但与同时代的自然作家不同,劳伦斯强 调的是自然的力量。 他提出“万物皆有灵性”的概念,认 为大自然中的植物、动物以及其他自然物,如太阳、月



哈尔滨商业大学毕业论文从巴克的多重性格看《野性的呼唤》中杰克·伦敦的浪漫主义情结学生姓名张忠彦指导教师张泳专业英语学院外语学院2014年04 月12 日Harbin University of CommerceGraduation ThesisJack London’s Romantic Complex Perceived from Buck’s Multiple Personality inThe Call of the WildStudent Zhang ZhongyanSupervisor Zhang YongSpecialty English LanguageSchool School of Foreign LanguagesApril 12, 2014毕业论文任务书毕业论文审阅评语毕业论文审阅评语毕业论文答辩评语及成绩摘要《野性的呼唤》作为杰克·伦敦著名的动物小说之一,最能体现作者探索自我和追求自由的浪漫主义情结。



关键词:杰克·伦敦;浪漫主义情结;《野性的呼唤》;巴克AbstractThe Call of the Wild is one of jack London’s famous animal novel. This romantic complex is mainly reflected in his typical individualism, love of nature, the pursuit of freedom and the longing for love. This novel can best reveal London’s romantic complex of self-exploration and the pursuit of freedom. This article, from the hero B uck’s multiple personality perspective, is through the struggle and the rebellious spirit, self contradiction, emancipation and the desire for freedom of Buck’s personality feature to interpret Jack London’s romantic complex, which has an instructive significance to study the author’s legendary life and his works.Key words:Jack London; romantic complex; The Call of the Wild; BuckContents摘要 (i)Abstract (ii)1 In trod u c ti on (1)2 Jack London’s Romantic Complex (4)2.1 American Romanticism (4)2.2 Jack London’s Romantic Complex (5)3 Buck’s Multiple Personality (9)3.1 Spirit of Rebellion and Belief of the Survival of the Fittest (9)3.2 The Desire for Freedom and Nature (13)4 Jack London’s Romantic Complex and Its Reflection on Jack London (18)Conclusion (22)Bibliography (25)Acknowledgements (27)1 IntroductionThe Call of the Wild is London’s most popular work and is considered the masterpiece of his so-called “early period.” H.L.Menken wrote of London’s story: “No other popular writer of his time did any better writing than you will find in The Call of the Wild” (Doctorow 4).As Doctorow points out, it is good episodic writing that embodies the style of magazine adventure writing popular in that period. “It leaves us with satisfaction at its outcome, a story well and truly told”(Pizer 107).Jack London is one of the most outstanding and active writers in the age of American Realism. The Call of the Wild was published in 1903,which secured London a place in the canon of American literature.In the early 19 century, America began the west expansion, and the territory soon expanded to the west coast of California. The unprecedented gold rush not only stimulated the westward expansion but also boosted the development of the west of American. Before the gold rush, gold was also discovered near Los Angeles and in southern California. Due to the backward economy, the Indians did not attach much importance to gold. Because the limit of communication with other states, the news of discovery of gold could not spread widely.While in California, the immi grants’ coming improved the native economy, and they all saw the profit. That is why people from all over the world came here. The Gold Rush began on January 24,1848 when gold was discovered by James Marshall at Sutter’s Mill in Coloma, California. News of the discovery soon spread, resulting in many people coming from the rest of the United States and all abroad.By 1897,Jack London had traveled around the United States and returned toCalifornia. He then sailed to the Klondike by way of Alaska during the hei9ght of the Klondike Gold Rush and this was the setting for some of his first successful stories. “It was in Klondike I found myself”(Barnes 23).He said the experience later. London stayed in the Klondike for almost a year, however, he developed scurvy and returned to San Francisco because fresh produce was unavailable in the Arctic winter.In Alaska, London found the material that inspired him to write the novel The Call of the Wild. The road to Klondike is too steep and harsh for the prospectors to navigated the only route the White Pass, which became known as “Dead Horse Pass”, where horse carcasses littering the road. Therefore dogs replaced horses to transport material over the pass, and at that time strong dogs with thick fur were “much desired, sc arce and high in price”(Barnes 301).London would have seen many sled dogs in his journey. And later he wrote a letter to his friend Marshall Latham Bond, who possessed a mixed St. Bernard-Scotch Collie dog, “Yes, Buck is based on your dog at Dawson”(Tavenier 242). He first proposed a story about his adventure in Alaska to the San Francisco Bulletin but rejected ,and later he wrote a short story about a dog named Batard, who killed his master at the end of the story. Then London expected to write a short story companied to Batard, but he explained: “but it got away from me, and instead of 4000words it ran 32,000 before I could call a halt”(Labor 40).Although Jack London is regarded himself as realistic writer, but The Call of the Wild has a strong flavor of Romanticism. Jacqueline Tavernier-Courbin demonstrates that while the c all is a “naturalistic, a mythical, and an archetypal novel, it is also a romantic book[in which] London created a world vibrantly alive [and through which his own] passionate love of municates itself to even the most jaded reader”(6).London put special emphasis on imagination and illusion. The title, The Call of the Wild is veryly rical, giving an infinite imagination. The description such as “wilderness Aurora borealis cold shining overhead, sometimes beating in the dance, the stars and the earth under the ice and snow in cold numbed and froze”(105), has a very strong sentiment, and the language is very elegant and beautiful. The romanticism is not a general sense bluntly, but combined with realism. London took dog as the protagonist and endowed him human’s personality and experiences, in fact, the dog Buck’s multiple personality an d experiences are reflections of the writer’s romanticism complex.2 Jack London’s Romantic ComplexAlthough jack London was known as a realism writer, because of his growth environment, he had a personality with romantic feature. His life was full of romance, adventures which accompanied by his romantic complex. The romantic complex can be found mainly in his education, ideology, individualism, rebellious spirit and love of nature and the unremitting pursuit of dreams and freedom.2.1 American RomanticismRomanticism refers to an artistic and intellectual movement originated in Europe in the late 18th century and characterized by a heightened interest in nature, emphasis on the individual’s experience of emotion and imagination, departure from the attitudes and forms of classicism, and rebellion against established social rules and conventions. The romantic period of American literature stretches from the end of the 18th century to the outbreak of the Civil War.Although greatly influenced by their English counterparts, the American romantic writers revealed unique characteristics of their own in their works and they grew on the native lands. First, the American national experience of “pioneering into the west” proved to be a rich source of material for American writers to draw upon. They celebrated America’s landscape with its virgin forests, meadows, groves, endless prairies, streams, and vast oceans. The wilderness came to function almost as a dramatic character that symbolized moral 1aw. Second, the desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of American literature. Such a desire is particularly evident in Cooper’s Leather Stocking Tales, in Thoreau’s Walden and, later,in Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Third, with the growth of American national consciousness, American character types speaking local dialects appeared in poetry and fiction with increasing frequency. Then the American Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influences over American moral values and American Romanticism. One of the manifestations is the fact that American romantic writers tended more to moralize than their English and European counterparts. Besides, a preoccupation with the Calvinistic view of origina1 sin and the mystery of evil marked the works of Hawthorne, Melville and a host of lesser writers.2.2 Jack London’s Romantic ComplexAlthough Jack London is regarded as a realistic writer, living in America, a country which was built up from nothing with a romantic legend, London also has the national romantic personality and spirit of adventure. At the turn of the century, American is undergoing a tremendous change of turning the agricultural country to industrial power. While the social change brought by industrialization conflicts with American republican ideal, then the euphoria will come disappointment, and the feeling of unease begins to trouble the whole nation. And, people widely desire for returning back to the traditional society, for getting rid of the restraint of civilization and withdrawing from society and live in solitude. This also has provided the soil for London’s romanticism.London lived in a romantic life, in which his romantic personalities were involved. “Strikingly handsome, full of laughter, restless and courageous to a fault, always eager for adventure on land or sea, he was one of the most attractive and romantic figure of his time”(http///JLStory.html). His romanticism reflects on the following aspects. First, he is a typical Individualism which is one of American personality features. And his individualism stems from a kind of inferiority complex andsense of shame as the identity of an illegitimacy. In order to shake off them, he quests for success at all costs and tries to make everything perfect. It seems that only in this way he can realizes his value, but at the same time, he stepped into idealism, trying to create an ideal world. From his family background which was full of fervent dream, he greatly took after his parents. His father, Professor W.H. Chaney was a faithful astrologer and he spent most of life time on astrology. And for all we know, astrology was a metaphysical subject, which was non-rational and impractical. But Chaney perceived it as the right science and regarded it as his faith. In order to promote astrology, he can make free public speech, free tuition for students even spent his own money. This was his idealism, also his subjective perception on nature. Although he didn’t admit father-child relationship with London, they are amazingly like. To London’s mother, she was not only a astrologer but also zealous for séance, announcing to communicate with the death. She was quite an idealist. Born in the family like that, though London did not live with his father, but with his mother, a romanticism who gave the priority to her won faith and ideal, no matter from the blood relationship or family relationship, he had inherited romantic gene. From the educational aspect, despite his lack of a formal education, his desire and pursuit for knowledge was endless. From the age of eight, he found his lifetime friend---book, and some of them had played decisive role in his life, such as “Alhambra” by Irving Stone; Garfield’s Biography; Ouida’s long Victorian novel “Signa”, a lyrical tale telling about a pair of Italian farm girl and an illegitimate child of street artists who grow up poor become great composer in Italy, “While London practice the story naturally”(Irving 8).London also credited this as the seed of his literary success. We can see it clearly that these are the books about sailing, traveling, adventure, expedition, all having extremely strong romantic color. And in his ninety days of hunting seals, he repeatedly read Melvi lle’s Moby Dick, a representative work of romantic writer. His mostromantic feature dwelled in his deepest love for nature and freedom. From his life we can see that he was eager to seek adventure and enjoyed the excitement and thrill that nature brought. And He adopted the romantic philosophical ideas from Nietzsche, an ultra-romantic individualist, and the idea of Marxism in a well-developed capitalistic country.The romantic personality had accompanied London throughout his life. “At the turn of the century, the transition of the old and the new, his name has become synonymy for striving for fame and romantic adventure”(Irving 9).From nothing to becoming the highest paid and best known novelist in American at that time, Jack London’s, in itself, was a Cinderella-type of romantic story.As a illegitimacy, Jack London was born poor and he had to work since childhood to support the family. In order to get high income, he became oyster pirate in his teens and began his adventurous sea journey at seventeen. After he also had experienced being coal worker and hobo. After the beginning of the Klondike Gold Rush, London also followed the crowd, although no gold was brought, the experience provided valuable sources for his writing.In making friends, London always kept the romantic style. He was kind and hospitable, and never doubted anyone around, even to the man whom he had never met. Julian Hawthorne introduce him in Los Angeles Observer and said: “Take a look at Mr. London is enjoyable. He is like a great bear, simple and straightforward”(Irving 177). He was quite willing to help people who ask for help expecting nothing return. There were many “like-minded” friends on his boat when he began his sailing. And he gave them reasonable wages, even to the boy who learned to cook in order to get on the boat.In addition, the most romantic feature in his personality was the deep love for nature. Irving Stone made an evaluation in Sailor on Horseback, “He loves nature, not only forthe beauty, but her strength, the t errible force of governing mankind”(66). We can see that London, not only loved nature but also adored her beauty and vitality. His love for the sea was a best reveal. At the age of fourteen, he saved money and bought a small boat. For the dream of “sleeping on the sea”, he spent one year on the work that common one can not suffer. He named his autobiography Sailor ion Horseback, in which the “sailor” was intentional aiming at expressing his enthusiasm and love of the sea. Both the “sea”and “sailor”were the symbol of freedom and dream. Close to the “horse” and “sea” indicated his infinite love for nature and the desire for blending in nature. As he wished, he was buried on the dome after his death, where he would be together with the nature. Besides, he had a special kind of complex for Wolf and even called himself “wolf”. He has a fanatical worship to wolf so that he built the Wolf House at all costs. Wolf is the symbol of primitive nature and ferity, also the symbol of conquering nature.His life was full of dreams and he fought for them all his life even at the cost of his li fe. For the dream of “sleep on the sea”, he began his marine adventure as a teenager and worked as a sailor to hunt the seal in uninhabited area near the Arctic; For his socialism, h e became a hobo, even was arrested; For his “Golden Dream”, he fought with the astringent nature; For traveling around the world, he invested heavily to build ships; And for his Wolf House, he gave all he had. His desire and pursuit for the dream has never stopped.3Buck’s Multiple Personality The Call of the Wild is jack London’s most famous animal novel, through the description of the hero B uck’s character change and growth from a gentle dog into a pack leader of wolves, embodies the real psychological journey of Jack London himself. The spirit of rebellion against the real oppression and the pursuit of freedom, love of nature, the longing for love on Buck character is also a reflection of jack London’s romantic character.3.1 Spirit of Rebellion and Belief of the Survival of the FittestAs a work with romanticism, Jack London used a lot of ink to create a strong image of super dog, Buck, who dared to face up with the reality, had a better perspective on life and was filled with the spirit of resistance and passion of fight. This image also gave an illustration of “Natural Selection and Survival of the F ittest”.At the beginning of the story, the author puts an implication to the protagonist’s life-changing opportunity that people discovered gold in Klondike and men were dragged from all over the world into the frozen North. Because the road to the Klondike is in terrible condition, and horses are not available, so dogs became an important replacement as a transport, especially the dogs like Buck with thick fur were much desired, scarce and high in price. On his return to the primitive, buck had experienced the ordeal and showed his spirit of rebellion and beliefs of the survival of the fittest.His first resistance happened when being sold to the dealers and beaten with a club. Buck was born in California judge Miller’s place, living in a big house. But later wasabducted by the gardener, and put into the crate. After two days and nights’ experience on the car, Buck neither drank nor ate, his anger waxed and waxed. The ill treatment had flung him into a fever and drove him into a red-eyed devil. When being took out of the crate by a man with the red sweater, he flew into a rage. “Buck rushed at the splintering wood, sinking his teeth into it, s urging and wrestling with it”(8). When he was struck by the club, he was confused, shocked and even more anger, but never gave in until he was beaten unconscious. “He was beaten(he knew that);but he was not broken”(10).This was also the first lesson he had learned that club was a introduction to the reign of primitive law and “a man with a club was a law giver, a master to be obeyed, though not necessarily conciliated”(Ibid,10). He knew that it was facts of life. The second rebellion comes from his asking for the leadership when he defeated Spitz. But Francois, his master, brought Sol-leks to the coveted position. This time he by no means compromised and he was in open revolt though facing the master’s club. After an hour’s circling round with Francois, he got it with satisfaction. Another was to revolt against persecution of his masters, Hal and Charles. The team was desperately exhausted and all lay on the ground after a hard bad treated run when they arrived at John Thornton’s camp. Thornton told Hal that the bottom of the river was likely to drop out any moment and not to get moving any more, but instead of taking his advice, Hal got it alone and even lashed the dogs to get up with his whip. The team struggled to get up under Hal’s whipping, except Buck. “He lay quietly where he had fallen. The lash bit into him again and again, but he neither whined nor struggled”(67).He made up his mind no to get up even under the rain of heavier blows of club. This is not like his teammates. In the face of might and violence, Buck fully showed no surrendering and the spirit of rebellion against the injustice. At the end of the story, Buck became the leader of the wolves and completed the rebellion to human and a spiritual distillation, which gave the image a profound meaning: First, hewas free from human’s rule and defeated the governor; second, he found his freedom and dignity; moreover, returned to the wild and revived ethnic nature.Buck had a strong sense of “survival of the fittest”. In order to adapt to a frozen and snow-covered land, he learned various survival skills. And this sense of survival was well demonstrated when he had his life on the Dyea beach. He saw fiercer fight between dogs and Curly’s death shocked him. He learned the lesson: “No fair play. Onc e down, that was the end of you.”(67)He must learn how to survive. Before he recovered from the tragic passing of Curly, he faced another problem of sleeping. Being kept out of the tent, the chill wind smashed him and the frost drove him shivering to his feet. Finally he came up with an idea that he returned and saw how his teammates made it out. He discovered Billee, who curled up under the snow in a snug ball. He got it and dug a hole for himself. Due to heavy labor and the cold in the north, most of the time Buck was in hungry besides that his unfinished ration was robbed by teammates. To fill the stomach, he watched and learned what others did. He also became a thief. “The first theft marked Buck as fit to survive in the hostile Northland environment. It marked his adaptability, his capacity to adjust himself to changing conditions, the lack of which would have meant swift and terrible death”(22). He had to accommodate himself to the new mode of life. He was a quick learner of using tricks and plot, which was best revealed when he competed mastership with Spitz. After won the battle, he fought for his victory and demonstrated that he was really a good leader. He led the team made a record run, each day for fourteen days they had averaged forty miles. He had wolf’s cunning, a wild cunning and shepherd intelligent. There was a rarely description about his ability and skills in the story. “He saw the movement, or heard sound, and responded in less time than another dog required to compass the mere seeing or hearing”(95). Another vivid detail was that“He knew how to take advantage of every cover, to crawl on his belly like asnake, and like a snake to leap and strike. He could take a ptarmigan fromits nest, kill a rabbit as it slept, and snap in mid air the little chipmunksfleeing a second too late for the trees.” (Ibid,95)All this evidently show that Buck had the ability to survive in the wild north.Contrasting with London’s experience and thought, it is no difficulty to find that he reposed his own spiritual sustenance and pursuit in the image of Buck. Buck’ s resistance to human was London’s feeling of rebelling the society; Buck was anger to challenge human and killed “the noblest game of all”, which was right the intensification of London’s thought of overthrowing the capitalist rule and oppression. The cruel life environment Buck had lived in and his struggling with life are exactly what Jack London had. Born in the working class, London lived on a ranch in California and his environment was crude and rough and raw. At ten years of age, he became a newsboy on the street and began to support the family. When he was sixteen years, he earned the title of “The Prince of the Oyster Pirates” and owned his first boat and crew. But not for long, His crew set fire to the mainsail and totally destroyed it because of carelessness. He was bankrupted and continued to be exploited by other capitalists. “I was a sailor before the mast, a longshoreman, a roustabout; I worked in canneries, and factories, and laundries; I mowed lawns, and cleaned carpets, and washed windows. And I never got the full product of my toil”(14).The employer made him to work two men’s work, but the men he displaced had received forty dollars each month while he was doing the work of both for thirty dollars per month. Although he did not resent this, too much work sickened him. He became a tramp, wandering over the country. He knew that he was in the cellar of the society and suffered the oppression of the capitalists, but he was confident to face the reality instead of falling into desperation. He was scared into thinking and keptchallenging life even it was unpredictable and full of uncertainty. London had experienced numerous hardships, working nearly to death, getting scurvy when panning for gold in the North, being arrested as a hobo, exc. All this had honed his will but did not kill his passion. Rich life experiences brought him suffering also brought him subject matter for his writing. And even in the hardest time, he did not give up reading books and working on writing. His unyielding character and continuous struggle to life and difficulties helped him to succeed.3.2 The Desire for Freedom and NatureBuck has a strong desire for wild and yearning for freedom before he stepped into the northland and this indicated the unruly side of his personality. From the sunny South to the frozen and cold North, Buck entered the primitive which was far from human civilization. Soon he adapted to the Northern life which is full of challenge and fell in love with it. The animal spirit constantly revived and he can feel the call of the ancestor and the great appealing of the forest. The scene of describing his chasing the snowshoe rabbit in the book is full of power and vigor:Leading the pack, sounding the old wolf cry, straining after the food thatwas alive and that fled swiftly before him through the moonlight. He wassounding the deeps of his nature, and of the parts of his nature that weredeeper than he, going back into the womb of Time. He was mastered by thesheer surging of life, the tidal wave of being, the perfect joy of eachseparate muscle, joint, and sinew in that it was everything that was notdeath, that it was aglow and rampant, expressing itself in movement, flyingexultantly under the stars and over the face of dead matter that did not move.(37-38)This is the perfect union of primal vitality and ferity beauty. The pursuit of life is so spectacular which embodies the individual intelligence and ability and is a healthy and sound spirit.London mentioned a mysterious call for many times in the story, and the call also gradually became clear and strong from vague as Buck was more closed to the wild. The call first came out when Buck stepped into the North and learned by experience in the team and his long dead instincts became alive. In vague way, he remembered back to the youth of his ancestor and discovered the tricks he inherited. The old wolf cry Buck sounded and the ecstasy he enjoyed while he was chasing the snowshoe rabbit also indicated the wild call. He felt released and free, a surging of life. The call filled him with a great unrest and strange desires when he found the hair y man. “It caused him to feel a vague, sweet gladness, and he was aware of wild yearnings and stirrings for he knew not what.”And the howling of the wolf allured him and this time the call was clearer than before and that’s what he sought for at all times ,and it was so strong that he answered the call. After Thornton’s death , the mysterious call was completely unveiled. Actually, Buck ’s reaction to the call is an intense desire to return to the nature rather than instinct.Throughout his life, London had been sought for spiritual freedom and the love for nature. The most romantic feature in his character is his deep love for nature. “He loved nature, not only for the beauty, but for her strength, her ruling force of all mankind”(66). Irving Stone evaluated Jack London in Sailor on Horseback. His love for sea demonstrates this well. At the age of fourteen, he earned money through unbearable work to buy a boat, only for his dream of “sleep on the sea” and even called his autobiography Sailor on Horseback aiming at expressing his great love for the sea. Both the sea and sailors are a symbol of freedom and dream. After the death of Jack London, inaccordance with his wishes his ashes were buried on the dome that belonged to the Wolf House, marked by only a mossy boulder. He also claimed himself a Wolf, a symbol of primitive and wild. We can see his love for nature in many of his work, especially in The Call of the Wild. There was many descriptions about the legendry north landscape. For example, the scene that Buck led the wolves running under the moonlight was full of romantic and imaginational color.“When the long winter nights come on and the wolves follow their meatinto the lower valleys, he may be seen running at the end of the packthrough the pale moonlight or glimmering borealis, leaping gigantic abovehis fellows, his great throat a-bellow as he sings a song of the youngerworld, which is the song of the pack.”(105)In addition, he had a thirst for knowledge and writing. Since the day he found the Oakland Public Library, he felt not lonely any more. The books had became his friends and no matter how busy and hard life is, he can always found the time to read. He was constantly reading and writing, thinking and refining his soul. This is his desire for spiritual freedom. Another event demonstrated his desire as well. London wrote from a socialist viewpoint, which is evident in his novel The Iron Heel. As a socialist, he bluntly gave his opinions though socialist ideology was a taboo in American that time. His views were influenced by his experience with people at the bottom of the social pit. He dreamed of creating an ideal world, but the result was disappointed him. In his Glen Ellen ranch years, London felt some ambivalence toward socialism and complained about the “inefficient Italian labourers” (Kershaw 245) in his employ. In 1916, he resigned from the Glen Ellen chapter of the Socialist Party.。























浅评杰克·伦敦小说中的狼情节及创作风格作者:任振涛来源:《赤峰学院学报·哲学社会科学版》 2011年第3期任振涛(赤峰学院外国语学院,内蒙古赤峰 024000)摘要:杰克·伦敦是20世纪初美国文学领域最具批判精神的现实主义作家。




关键词:杰克·伦敦;“狼”情结;创作风格中图分类号:I106 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-2596(2011)03-0087-02杰克·伦敦是20世纪初美国最富有批判精神的现实主义作家,在文学史上素有“美国的高尔基”之称。












162杰克·伦敦笔下的浪漫主义和现实主义——以《野性的呼唤》为例马宏伟 南开大学滨海学院摘要:阅读文学作品的同时研究分析作品的写作背景、作者的写作风格、技巧和目的,已经成为读者欣赏名著作品的主要原因。





















由于之前看过了《when the world was young》发现很多情节都是从中摘录的,所以看的进度也会快一些。





感觉还是《when the world was young》更加具体一些。









最后同样以我喜欢的一句话作结吧:He saw it dawn red-flickering across the dark forests and sullen seas; he saw it blaze, bloody and red, to full and triumphant noon.译:他在这里看到一幅黎明的景象:万丈红光穿透森林的黑暗,海洋的阴郁,那光芒殷红如血,变成壮丽宏伟的正午。



Jack London’s romantic complex in White FangJack London’s romantic complex can be found in his many works, especially in his marine novels and the polar fiction. In marine novels, such as South Sea Tales, The Sea Wolf and Jerry of the Islands, in which the stories were filled with imagination and poetry. Ambrose Bierce said of The Sea Wolf that “the great thing—and it is among the greatest of things—is that tremendous creation, Wolf Larsen... the hewing out and setting up of such a figure is enough for a man to do in one lifetime” (74).The polar fiction was also called the story of the northern, taking the remote Alaska Klondike natural environment as the background, enabled us to know about the strange mysterious rich life of the people and the animals on the land, yet let we realize that the hardship they suffered, and know the value of gaining wealth with hard work. In polar fiction, Jack London was famous for writing dog stories, such as Son of the Wolf, The Call of the Wild, White Fang, in which The Call of the Wild was the most famous one. London had two kinds of creation genre in writing this kind of story. One was taking the dog from civilized world to the primitive to seek wild. Another was bringing the fierce dog from barbarian back to civilization. The former can be found well in The Call of the Wild, and later in White Fang. Whether from civilization to the wilderness or barbarian to civilization, the author regarded the nature of dogs as a reference to reflect the human emotion and its impact on the dog. Although the author tried to render the dog’s world, what reflected was the thought, personality and emotion of human and their relationship. The following was an simple analysis of London’s romantic complex in White Fang, a contrast with The Call of the Wild.In The Call of the Wild, Buck changed from a domestic dog into a leader of a wolf pack, while White Fang in White Fang became a civilized dog from the wild. Although they had direct way to their final destination, the nature of the story was still the same. In White Fang, the hero White Fang was a wolf cub, who stayed with men because of his half-wolf mother. His first master, Grey Beaver did not love him and sold him to pay off the debts. The second, Beauty Smith, was an evil master, only made him fight for him. These experiences had somewhat with Buck’s. At last, hewas saved by Weedon Scott, who treated him kindly and sincerely. He was moved and followed the Scott’s family and stayed in civilization.In White Fan g, London’s individual feelings and imagination were well expressed. Like the description of Buck in The Call of the Wild, London tried his best to step into the dog’s inner world and gave the view from an animal’s eye. For example, after White Fang was born, he regarded his mother as “a fount of warmth and liquid food and tenderness”, and man as “two-legged animal”, which was from a wolf’s point of view. The growth of the little cub was a best proof that London touched the true feelings of the wolf. White Fang’s taste, smell, hearing and vision before he opened his eyes and had the recognition of the outside world were found in many details. For example, “the milk he had sucked with his first flickering life was milk transformed directly from meat, and now, at a month old, when his eyes had been open for but a week, he was beginning himself to eat meat”(London 112).And before he can understand the world around, his recognition of it was gloomy. He desired light and felt the difference from the light wall, the mouth of the cave and source of light.Jack London’s worship of wildness and love for nature in White Fang was together with White Fang’s wildness, power and intelligence. He had a strong ability of recovery and growth. He survived from the famine and harsh environment, a desolated Northland. “It was the Wild, the savage, froze-hearted Northland Wild”(73). Though he was broke three ribs when Weedon Scott saved him, he had astonishing growth power. He was also a good and quick learner with intelligence. He fought with Lip-lip made him become cunning and tricky and other fight with dogs in pack developed his skills. Just as Jack London mentioned that “H e learned quickly. It was in nature of things that he must learn quickly, if he were to survive the unusually severe conditions under which life was vouchsafed him”(165).The admiration and desire for love of Jack London was still one of the themes in the novel. White Fang born and loved by his mother, but he suffered a lot under his masters until he met Weedon Scott. Hardships and hypocrisy of life almost made his faith in love faint. While his encountering with Weedon Scott lit the hope of love in his heart and the master treated him friendly, talked to him in a soft voice and patedhim with gentle hand, which were a great pleasure to him in both body and soul. This was the feeling he desired for and he was delighted to accepted it.“But the god tal ked on softly, and ever the hand rose and fell with non-hostile pats. White Fang experienced dual feelings. It was distasteful tohis instinct. It restrained him, opposed the will of him toward personalliberty. And it was not physically painful. On the contrary, it was evenpleasant, in a physical way. The patting movement slowly and carefullychanged to a rubbing of the ears and their bases, and the physicalpleasure even increased a little. Yet he continued to fear, and he stoodon guard, expectant of unguessed evil, alternately suffering andenjoying as one feeling or the other came uppermost and swayed him.”(198-199)At the beginning, some suspicion appeared for the abrupt kind, but soon it had gone. Although he did not know what was love and nor speak it out, he can feel it by the days he spent with his master. The true love had been turned out and his affection to Weedon Scott was refined from “like” to “love”. Here he found the real love and set up mind to devote himself to his master. He knew h e had to pay for his master’s love and tried his best to be accepted by the family and protected them at all costs. So far, White Fang accomplished his pure love for his master, which Jack London endowed him. Jack London’s romantic complex of admiration t o the natural love was revealed.。



yuwenjianshe001@67简论杰克・伦敦短篇小说的艺术风格黄河科技学院外语学院 贡建明摘要:杰克・伦敦的小说在情节构设、思想内涵及艺术风格方面都对当时的美国文学作品进行了创新,其小说具有独特的艺术风格,在写作、人物构设、环境等方面均较好地表现了小说的主题。

关键词:杰克・伦敦 艺术风格 叙事引言作为美国文学史上一位不可替代的重要作家,杰克・伦敦在短篇小说方面的造诣对美国文坛的发展和走向都产生了十分重要的影响。









william blake london解析

william blake london解析

William Blake是18世纪英国最杰出的诗人、画家和创作家之一,他的作品被认为是浪漫主义文学的代表作之一。



一、背景介绍1.1 William Blake简介William Blake(1757-1827)是18世纪末、19世纪初英国浪漫主义文学和美术的先驱者,他的作品充满了对社会不公、人性冲突和信仰的探讨。


1.2《London》简介《London》是William Blake的一首诗歌作品,最早出现于《Songs of Experience》(经验之歌)集中。



二、诗歌解析2.1 诗歌整体风格和结构《London》是一首由四个四行组成的简短诗歌,每一句都节奏明快、语言简洁,却又富有深刻的内涵。


2.2 伦敦城的描绘诗中通过描述伦敦城的风景和景象,展现了当时城市中的贫困、污秽和不公。


2.3 社会现实的批判诗歌中通过对城市景象的描绘,隐含着对当时英国社会现实的批判。



2.4 人性、存在和信仰的反思除了对社会现实的批判外,诗中还展现了对人性、存在和信仰的深刻反思。




The Fighting for Life and the Triumph of Superman --An Interpretation of the Integration of Naturalism and Romanticism in "Love of Life" by Jack London 作者: 姚小娟;周天楠
作者机构: 东北石油大学外国语学院,黑龙江大庆163318
出版物刊名: 佳木斯大学社会科学学报
页码: 119-121页
年卷期: 2013年 第5期
主题词: 杰克·伦敦;《热爱生命》;自然主义;浪漫主义





10浅析杰克·伦敦的个人主义——读《马丁·伊登》有感■赵 霞/山东外事职业大学摘 要:《马丁·伊登》是杰克·伦敦的半自传体小说,本文想要展示马丁的个人主义,但读者并未领会到他的真实意图。



关键词:个人主义 社会主义 思想的矛盾性一、马丁的个人主义《马丁·伊登》是杰克·伦敦的半自传体小说。



















对 他 的浪 漫 主 义情 结 和 性 格 却很 少 涉 及 。对 于一 个 人 思 想 的形 成 , 会 及 家庭 的影 响 是 很 重 要 的 , 这 种 思 社 而
想 形成 之 后 又会 对 他 的一 生 起 到 引领 的作 用 。纵 观 杰 克 ・ 敦 的 一 生 , 论 是 当 时 的 社 会 背 景 和 他 的 家 庭 伦 不
me t l y d av r mp ra tr l n t e fr to fJ c n o Sc a a tr n h n ,p a e e i ot n oe i h omain o a k Lo d n’ h rc e ,a d t y
d n i o n i e e d a l. o s a r ma t lg n s we1 c
Ro n iim n J c o d n’ a t ma t s i a k L n o SHe r c
T eAn lsso m a t e ns i a k L n o Sc a a tr h ay i fRo n i Elme t n J c o d n’ h r ce c
民广 为 流传 至 今 。 由于 杰 克 ・伦 敦所 受 的非 正规 教 育 和 他 对 各 种 知 识 和 思 想 如 饥 似 渴 地 吸 收 , 于 杰 克 ・ 关 伦 敦 的研 究 很 多都 是 从 他 复 杂 的哲 学 思 想 出发 , 马 克 思 主 义 哲学 、 采 的 超人 哲 学 、 尔 文 的进 化 论 等 , 如 尼 达 而
SUN ar Yu t
( n u Eetc l n i e n r e in l eh iu ol e Hfi 3 0 2 C ia A h i l ra gn r gPo s oa cnq eC lg , e 0 2 , hn ) ci E ei fs T e e2













































1.试论《海狼》中杰克·伦敦的浪漫情怀 [J], 梁萍
2.骨子里的浪漫——试论杰克·伦敦性格中的浪漫主义情结 [J], 孙媛
3.生存的博弈与超人的胜利——解析杰克·伦敦《热爱生命》中自然主义与浪漫主义的融合 [J], 姚小娟;周天楠
4.杰克·伦敦“北疆传奇”:自然主义与浪漫主义的完美结合 [J], 周天楠;姚小娟
5.杰克·伦敦“北疆传奇”:自然主义与浪漫主义的完美结合 [J], 周天楠;姚小娟;


而获的寄生虫却过着衣食无忧的生活。 怀着对城市文 明的深深失望 与反感 ,伦敦把 目光 转向 了大 自然 。他热爱大 自然 ,崇拜 大 自然。《 海狼 》
这个故事就发生在浩渺无边 的大海之上 。他笔下 的大
哲学 的深刻思考 ,使杰克 ・ 伦敦 的小说独树一帜 ,具
有鲜 明的个 性 ,充 满着浪漫主义色彩 ,受到了社会各 个 阶层 的欢 迎 ,多年来一 直深深吸引着不 同时代 、不 同经历的读者。
满足城市女人 的虚荣 和狐媚 打扮 。这种 残酷 自私 、庸 俗丑陋 的生活是伦敦所不齿 的。同样让他厌恶憎恨 的 是城市生活 的荒谬 和不公 。伦敦借狼 ・ 拉森之 口,做 了如下 的控诉 :“ 你从来没有用你 自己的汗水制作过什 么东西。你依靠一份你父亲赚 的收人生 活……你穿戴
子 ,养父是个贫 民,这种 身世使 伦敦过早地品尝到人 间的疾苦。为了生存 ,他 1 1 岁就开始卖报纸 ,做过罐
【 关键词 】 浪漫主义 ; 热爱自 然 ; 个人英雄主义 【 中国分类号 】 1 7 1 2 . 0 7 4 【 文献标识码 】 A
【 文章编号 】 1 0 0 8 — 8 0 3 2( 2 0 1 5 ) 0 3 - - 0 0 6 0  ̄3
杰克 ・ 伦敦是 十九世 纪末 二十世纪初美 国的著名
的舢板的影子抛 向天空又落 回到 呼啸的浪谷 。在 四分
作者简介 :梁
萍 ( 1 9 7 2 一),讲师 ,研究方 向为系统功能语言学及英语教学。
第3 期
梁 萍: 试论 《 海狼 》 中杰 克 ・ 伦敦的浪漫 晴怀
6 1
之一英里 的地方 ,一 阵密集 的暴雨把舢板笼罩起来 了 , 舢板再也没有 出现。海风把空气再一次 吹得清清爽爽 , 但是舢板 的影 子没有在激荡 的海面上 出现。 ”l 1 _ 1



西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)2008年7月,第38卷第4期,Jul .,2008,Vol .38,No .4Journal of North west University (Phil os ophy and Social Sciences Editi on ) 收稿日期:2007211204;修回日期:2008203211 基金项目:陕西省教育厅专项基金项目(05JK098) 作者简介:焦建平(1957—),女,陕西延川人,西北大学副教授,从事英美文学研究。

【学术新视野】杰克·伦敦的英雄主义情结焦建平(西北大学外国语学院,陕西西安 710069)摘 要:通过对杰克·伦敦(Jack London )《北方系列故事》中“英雄主义”主题的分析与探讨,认为杰克·伦敦的小说整体上呈现一种充满英雄主义与“超人”色彩的面貌。




关键词:杰克·伦敦;生存;英雄主义中图分类号:I 106.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:100022731(2008)0420174203 杰克·伦敦(Jack London )的小说给我们的整体印象几乎是强悍甚至野性的。






















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4Evaluation of Jack London’s Romantic ComplexThe romantic complex of individualism, love of nature, the pursuit of freedom and the longing for love is always accompanied the legendry life of jack London and has a great influence in his life and his works.For his personal, the most obvious influence is his extreme individualism and romantic personality, which made his life and led to his tragedy life on the other side. Jack London was born poor as an illegitimate child, which constrained him to work when he was very young. In order to shake off the sense of shame as an illegitimate child, he worked hard and hoped to become a capitalist. Jack London had a lot of dreams and he struggled for each of his dreams, even if it was a dream he also wanted to make it perfect; even if some were unable to achieve; even if the dreams called for the cost of life. He had been a newsboy, an oyster thief, coal workers and also had an experience of hobo. In order to realize the dream of “sleep on the sea”, he began marine adventure at teenage, with young fearlessness to become famous “prince of oyster thief”;then had been the maritime patrol inspector, a dangerous business more than pirate; just after 17 years old birthday, he enlisted in sailor and hunted the seal near the Sea of Japan and the Bering Strait, uninhabited area closed to Arctic; for the dream of his socialist, he can be a hobo, even was in prison; for his golden dream, he crossed the turbulent stream, climbed hillside of ice and snow, surmounted the dazzling glaciers, engage in a deadly struggle for survival with nature. All these adventures and suffering did not stop him from success, on the contrary, provided a rich material for his writing.As the continuous success in literary, Jack London also gradually stepped into the luxury of upper class life, also had been in contact with the capitalists, and had quite different understanding to the “civilized society” which had gained from books. Bing Stan Ross said, “Amazingly, he accepted the prevailing fashion view: a man must be able to defeat all challenges from making money than the rich, make more at the same time also can get rich”. (London 71) In his rich days, his life was always full of adventure. He bought real estate, pasture, cattle ranches, planted trees, built luxury yachts, spent a huge sum of money to build luxury villa “the Wolf H ouse” . But hewas a poor entrepreneur. He always failed of the forest farm ranch. In spite of his high fee income, he was always living beyond his means. The years of life more and more annoyed him. He and his wife divorced, but found a new wife actually had the same problem as the original wife; His beloved daughter loves her mother, and his alienation; His luxury villa “the Wolf House” w as suddenly on fire, and brought him a large amount of debt; Four hundred thousand saplings he planted all died; His thoroughbred horses and pigs, cattle and sheep on the ranch also dead. These failure was inseparable with his kind and easy-going personality. He never doubt anyone. His mother always secretly sold his draft and copyright. There was always someone cut corners to make unjust gain from it when built ranches and the “Wolf House”. But he believed them, always very tolerant to them. At last he burned out, and caused a lot of problem in which one of the most troubled was uremia. Extreme psychological loneliness and physiological pain made him drink, indulged in alcohol, and was difficult to extricate himself. In the end he chose suicide, ended his legendary life.Besides Jack London’s adventure also attracted many Americans, especially his experience in Alaska. He only spent a short period of time in the North, but he had made the Alaska’s charming story. He yearned for the cold, pursued the wild. London clearly knew the Alaska winter but still chose to experience “the pleasure of suffering, and the novelty of danger”. He said:“The original power of the world is mysterious, horror, and full of danger. Nature is no feelings, no mercy, no pity. We are just a puppet without eyes controlled by this strong and irrational power. I want to be a beautiful meteor, rather than a sleeping planet. Every atom of mine can blossom a magic spark. Man’s mission is to live, not exist. I don’t spend time to think about how to prolong life all day, I want to burn every day”. (Sinclair 122)Inspired by him, many people after choose to Alaska to seek inner silence or purely get in touch with nature. Many movies are filmed in Alaska, such as “Into the wild”, “Snow Dogs” and “Ice Bound”.Jack London was a very writer with complicated ideology. London almost accepted all the ideas which had influence on the society at that time, in addition London had not receive any formal education systematically, which created his ideological beliefs complex and contradictory. Under the influence of Nietzsche’sthought, he became such a pursuit of individualism and self liberation of personality. He absorbed the Marxist’s socialism, being a socialist and made several speech. At that time of the United States, the socialism is taboo, but London always bluntly spoke his mind and declared: “Seven million people of working class said: they join all the working class up to seize power”.(Irving 89) In London’s work, we often feel his worship of life itself, and the pursuit of the meaning of life and the original form and the spirit of freedom, especially frontier novels and animal novels based on his own adventure experience and imagination, appealed all readers from all walks of life, and also injected a new blood for the American literary world. The polar fiction was also called the story of the northern, taking the remote Alaska Klondike natural environment as the background, enabled us to know about the strange mysterious rich life of the people and the animals on the land, yet let we realize that the hardship they suffered, and know the value of gaining wealth with hard work. We saw many gut-wrenching experiences in “Sea Wolf”, although it had got through the reflection of the art. These novels reflected the anxiety of civilization and national identity crisis consciousness hidden in the heart of the American. It also reflected the Americans’ desire for the natural simplicity of life which had gone past. Jack London’s early fiction with wild flavor, bold powerful style, also gave a breath of fresh air into flagging American literature.The fiery character, and Jack London was such a character. He had fire in blood vessels, lively, manhood. He enjoyed bold hard life, preferred ride the whirlwind, and often fought to the end when attended struggle.His works, filled with dread bug out of life and masculinity, were most popular with men. Some people said that the American novel before are mostly written for girls, but London’s works belonged to all readers, not only ordinary readers, even girls were also like to put down the curtain and closed the door secretly to taste his works. There is no doubt that Jack London was one of the most influential novelists in the early 20th century, an outstanding realistic protoplasm after Twain. His excellent creation made American literary world unprecedentedly active, combining literary creation and life and society. As the critic Philip S. Foner pointed out: “There is no American writer like Jack London who is being clear and outstanding spokesman of The Times. Because he broke the ice of American literature, and produced meaningful connections between the literature and life”. (Wang Qinling 6)。
