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3. 亮点若干
各种复合句 倒装句
高级句型 强调句型
虚拟语气句型 非谓语动词结构
1. 一般学生驾驭不了的词汇和句型结构; 2. 恰到好处的名言、言语等; 3. 一语中的的修辞手法。
I’ve been studying American customs according to a task assigned by my teacher recently. Never in my wildest imagination can I be so crazy about American traditions that I’m desperate for more books to learn about them. However, it bothers me that books related to this subject are quite rare and limited, making it a barrier for me to do further exploration. To overcome this disadvantage, I’m desperately in need of your help. Could you please buy some relevant books for me? Any native books concerning American customs are OK. And three or four ones are fine. As for the date, could you please be kind enough to have them delivered before next Monday? Last but not least, I promise to transfer money to you immediately I receive the parcel. In sum, you are the very person who is able to provide me with a glimpse into brilliant and colorful American culture.
I felt as if even the birds on the trees are laughing at me.
起:first of all, to begin with, above all... 承:in addition, besides... 4. 巧妙串联 转:however, on the other hand...
A long time has gone by before I realize it. It has been a long time since we last met. How time flies! Long time no see!
2. 我成功了! I succeedded in doing... I am very successful in doing... I achieved my goal in doing... I fulfilled my dream.
2. 我没有完成作业,老师很生气。
I failed to finish my assignment, and the teacher was very angry.
I failed to finish my homework, which made the teacher very angry.
The teacher was angry with me because I failed....
Your article will be welcome to our students.
The article written by a native speaker like you will undoubtedly be well received by students in our school, as they are eager to know more about the outside world.
2. 我每天都坚持锻炼,这样对我的健康有好处。
I take exercise every day, which is good for my health.
Taking exercise is my daily routine, which, I believe, will greatly benefit my physical health.
How I wish I could put off the job interview and go camping with you guys.
7. 你是我所见过的最好的老师。 You are the best teacher I have ever seen. I have never seen a better teacher than you.
3. 如果我想实现梦想,只有努力学习。 If I want to realize my dream, I have to work hard.
Only through hard work can I fulfill my dream.
4. 直到毕业了我才理解了老师所说的话。
I didn't understand my teacher's words until I graduated.
It was not until I graduated that I came to understand what my teacher had told us.
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
5.我觉得你应该学习数学。 I think you should major in math.
In my opinion, learning math is not a bad idea for you.
Last night, I had enjoyed a party.
The painting on the wall damaged seriously. ∧ was
I stood up and saw there∧a boy. was
The young man running in the street. ∧ was
合:in my opinion, all in all, in a word...
5. 蠢错不犯: 中学生英语写作中常见的14种语言错误:
1.主谓不一致 My father and I likes going fishing by the lake. Large quantities of soil has been washed away.
1、层次不乱 3、亮点若干 4、蠢错不犯
2、句式多变 3、巧妙串联 6、整洁卷面
开头:第一个要点 1.层次不乱 主体:第二个要点
2. 句式多变
主语变化 同义词变化
同功能句型变化 横向比较变化
句式的选择 一、长短句的变化
1. 时间过的真快!
比喻 所有学生都在忙着准备考试。
All the students are busy preparing for the coming exams.
All the students are as busy as bees preparing for the coming exams.
夸张 我感觉压力很大。
I feel great pressure.
I felt as if I were under a mountain and I can't even breathe.
I feel all my classmates lauging at me.
I did.... and I made it.
3. 你很喜欢这里的天气,我也很喜欢这里的天气。
You love the weather here and I love the weather here, too. You love the weather here and I love it too.
学神版: My short summer holiday will be hopelessly filled up by mountains of homework, making it impossible for me to make any other plans to follow my little interests.
1.听到这个消息后,我感到很兴奋。 After I heard the news, I was very excited. On hearing the news, I was very excited. Having heard the news, I was thrilled.
1.Practice makes perfect. 2.God helps those who help themselves. 3.Where there is a will, there is a way. 4.One false step will make a great difference. 5.A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit. 6.Experience is the mother of wisdom. 7. All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 8. More haste, less speed. 9. It‘s never too old to learn. 10. All that glitters is not gold. 11. Look before you leap. 12. Rome was not built in a day.
a lot of a good number of (C. n. ) a large amount of (U. n.) a great deal of (U. n.) a mountain of homework a sea of people abundant / adequate/
If I were you, I would absolutely take math as my major.
I'm sorry that I can't take part in the camping.
I have to apologize to you that I can't make it to the camping this time.
You love the weather here and me too.
1. 我每天都要完成大量的作业,很是疲劳。 I have to do a lot of homework and I'm ver tired. Mountains of homework every day buries me, making me exhasted.
take part in join in participate in compete in sign up for …
so/ therefore as a result, as a consequence, consequently
I have a lot of homework to do in this summer holiday.