



初三英语条件句练习题20题1.If it rains tomorrow, we _____ stay at home.A.willB.wouldC.shouldD.shall答案:A。



B 选项would 用于虚拟语气;C 选项should 表示应该;D 选项shall 一般用于第一人称表示将来。

2.Mom will be angry if I _____ my homework.A.don't finishB.didn't finishC.won't finishD.wouldn't finish答案:A。


真实条件句,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时,否定形式don't finish,选A。

B 选项是过去时;C 选项和D 选项都用于虚拟语气。

3.If you study hard, you _____ good grades.A.getB.will getC.would getD.should get答案:B。



A 选项get 时态不对;C 选项would get 用于虚拟语气;D 选项should get 表示应该。

4.We will go to the park if it _____ sunny.A.isB.wasC.will beD.would be答案:A。



B 选项was 过去时;C 选项和D 选项都用于虚拟语气。

5.If I have time, I _____ help you with your project.A.willB.wouldC.shouldD.shall答案:A。




【篇⼀】初三英语语法训练题练习题 1.Bytheway,whowillteach___popmusicnextterm?B.ourC.oursD.we 2.BothPingpingandBeibeihavedone___homework.A.hisB.herC.theirD.both’s 3.Everybodyishere,___?A.isn’teverybodyB.isn’titC.isn’theD.aren’tthey 4.Itwas___whowrotethosewordsontheblackboard.A.heB.himC.himselfD.his 5.Hewantsnothingbutahouseof____.A.hisownB.himself c.hisfatherD.hisownhouse 6.Canyouexpress___inEnglish?A.yourselfB.youC.yoursD.yours’ 7.Oneofthemhasn’tgot___lessonsprepared.A.herB.itsC.one’sD.his 8.Youdon’tlookquite___today.What’sthematterwithyou?A.youB.yourC.yourownD.yourself 9.Though___isalongwayfromhere,we’lldoourbesttoreachthereintime.A.thereB.itC.itsD.itself 10.Wedon’tconsider___necessaryforthemtomoveintothathouse.A.thatB.thisC.itD.them 11.___isagreatandgloriouscountry.A.OurB.OursC.ItsD.Our’s 12.Heparentsaregoingonastudytripwithafriendof___.A.themB.theirC.themselvesD.theirs 13.I’msorrytosay___ofyouranswersarecorrect.A.noneB.neitherC.bothD.any 14.---Whoisthatknockingatthedoor? ----_____mustbethemilkman.A.HeB.SheC.ItD.Theman 15.___agreetoyourplan.A.AnyoneofusB.NooneofusC.NoneofusD.Someoneofus 16.Thebooksherearenotsowellwrittenas___ontheshelf.A.thatB.thoseC.onesD.them 17.Myfatherisafarmer,but___isyours?A.whoB.howC.whichD.what 18.___doyouthinkofmycomposition?A.HowB.WhatC.WhichD.Why 19.___ofyouwouldliketogetmethebike?A.WhichB.WhatC.WhomD.Whomever 20.Pleasewriteonthepaper___line.A.eachotherB.everyotherC.allotherD.thisandthat 【篇⼆】初三英语语法训练题练习题 1.Thisis___reading-room.A.theteacher’sB.teacher’sC.teacher’sD.theteachers’ 2.Nothingwasfoundbut___broken.A.theroomwindowB.theroom’swindowC.theroomofthewindowD.thewindowofroom 3.Howmany___wouldyoulike?A.paperB.breadC.piecesofpapersD.piecesofbread 4.Hewaspraisedforhis___.A.braveB.braveryC.bravelyD.greatbrave 5.Pleasegetmeanew___whenyougototown.A.clothesB.dressC.clothingD.trousers 6.Thereare34___doctorsinthehospital.A.womanB.womenC.woman’sD.women’s 7.Some___areeventhinnerthanyourlittlefinger.A.bambooB.bamboosC.kindsofbambooD.kindsofbamboos 8.Hewasborninthistownandnowhelivesin___.A.BuildingsecondB.BuildingTwoC.theBuildingTwoD.BuildingtheSecond 9.Oldasheis,hehas___todoeveryday.A.alotofworkB.muchworksC.lotsofhomeworksD.quitealotofhomeworks 10.Jack’sroomisfurnishedwith___.A.newfurnituresB.manynewfurnituresC.manynewpiecesoffurnituresD.manynewpiecesoffurniture 11.Haveyouread___newspaperyet?A.today’sB.Today’sC.thetoday’sD.yourtoday’s 12.It’snotfar,only___walkfromheretoourschool.A.atenminutesB.tenminutesC.atenminutes’D.tenminutes’ stmonth,hewroteme___letter.A.a1000-wordB.1000wordsC.a1000-wordsD.1000words’ 14.Hehada___sleepyesterday.A.agoodnightB.agood-nightC.agoodnight’sD.good-night’s 15.___isnotalongwaytodrive.A.ThreemilesdistanceB.Three-miledistanceC.Threemiles’distanceD.Athree-mile-distance 16.Hisisn’tfitforthework.Pleasegetme___.A.somethingelseB.somebodyelseC.someoneelse’sD.somebody’selse 17.Doyouknowhowlarge___is?A.populationofChinaB.ChinesepopulationC.ChinapopulationD.China’spopulation 18.___istoomuchfortheboytocarry.A.TheboxweightB.Thebox’sweightC.TheweightoftheboxD.Theboxoftheweight 19.Excuseme,howcanIgettothenearest___shop?A.shoesB.shoeC.shoes’D.shoe’s 20.What___weatherwe’rehavingthesedays!A.niceB.anice 【篇三】初三英语语法训练题练习题 1.Somepeoplearestillin____habitofwritingsillythingsin____publicplaces.A.the;theB./;/C.the;/D./;the 2.Asweknow,____knowledgeisamustin____internationaltradetoday.A.a;/B.the;anC.the;theD./;the 3.Sheis____newcomerto____chemistrybutshehasalreadymadesomeimportantdiscoveries.A.the;theB.the;/C.a;/D.a;the 4.Theboyledtheblindmanby____armtocross____street.A.an;theB.the;theC.the;aD.an;a 5.Sometimes____weakcandefeat____strong.A./;/B.the;theC.the;aD./;the 6.Heis____youngerofthetwobrothers.A.aB.theC./D.one ndto____eastof____UralsiscallAsia.A.the;theB./;theC./;/D.the;/ 8.Takethesechairsaway;theyarestandingin____way.A.oneB.aC.theD.this 9.Doyouknow____Frenchfor“hen”?A.aB.anC.theD./ 10.Ilikewatching____TVandlistento____radio.A.the;theB./;/C.the;/D./;the 11.Hehastriedtwicebutisaskedtohave____thirdtry.A.anotherB.aC.oneD.the 12.Thereis____“n”intheword“north”.A.anB.aC.theD./ 13.____summermorning,Tomgotupearlyandwentfishing.A.AB.OneC.TheD./ 14.____writerand____poetiscomingtogiveusatalkthisafternoon.A.A;aB.The;theC.The;aD.The;/ 15.Mr.Brownwaselected____headofourcompany.A.aB.theC./D.one 16.Abookselleris____manwhosellsbooks.A.oneB.theC.aD./ 17.Jackenjoys____musicwhilehisbrotherlikestogoto____cinema.A./;/B.the;theC.the;/D./;the 18.Iusuallyhave____lunchathomebutyesterdayIhad____goodlunchatthatrestaurant.A./;aB.the;/C.the;aD.the;the 19.Hesleepsduring____dayandworksat____night.A./;theB.the;/C./;/D.the;/ 20.____Jacksonshavecome,Wecanbeginourpartynow.A.AB.OneC.TheD./。



初三英语独立主格结构形式练习题40题1.The teacher walked into the classroom, book in hand.A.book in handB.with a book in his handC.holding a bookD.having a book in hand答案:A。

“book in hand”是独立主格结构,在句中作伴随状语,表示老师走进教室时的状态,“book”和“in hand”之间是逻辑上的主谓关系。

B 选项“with a book in his hand”是with 复合结构,也可作伴随状语,但不是独立主格结构。

C 选项“holding a book”是现在分词短语作伴随状语。

D 选项“having a book in hand”不是常见的独立主格结构用法。

2.Mom was cooking dinner, kids playing outside.A.kids playing outsideB.with kids playing outsideC.kids played outsideD.kids are playing outside答案:A。

“kids playing outside”是独立主格结构,作伴随状语,“kids”和“playing outside”是逻辑上的主谓关系。

B 选项“with kids playing outside”是with 复合结构。

C 选项“kids played outside”是一个完整的句子,不能作状语。

D 选项“kids are playing outside”是完整的句子,不能作状语。

3.The bus came, people waiting in line.A.people waiting in lineB.with people waiting in lineC.people waited in lineD.people are waiting in line答案:A。



初三英语英语名著阅读练习题30题含答案解析1.In the novel, this character is brave and adventurous. Who is it?A.Jane EyreB.Elizabeth BennetC.Robinson CrusoeD.Hester Prynne答案解析:C。

Robinson Crusoe 是勇敢且具有冒险精神的人物。

Jane Eyre 勇敢但更多的是独立和自尊。

Elizabeth Bennet 聪明、有主见。

Hester Prynne 坚强、勇敢但冒险精神不是她的主要特点。

2.This character is intelligent and independent. Who is it?A.Jane EyreB.Elizabeth BennetC.Robinson CrusoeD.Hester Prynne答案解析:A。

Jane Eyre 是聪明且独立的人物。

Elizabeth Bennet 聪明、有主见但相比之下独立的特点不如Jane Eyre 突出。

Robinson Crusoe 勇敢、坚毅、有冒险精神,独立方面不突出。

Hester Prynne 坚强、勇敢,独立方面不是主要特点。

3.This character is proud and haughty. Who is it?A.Mr. DarcyB.Elizabeth BennetC.Robinson CrusoeD.Hester Prynne答案解析:A。

Mr. Darcy 一开始给人的印象是骄傲自大、傲慢。

Elizabeth Bennet 聪明、有主见但不骄傲。

Robinson Crusoe 勇敢、坚毅、有冒险精神,不骄傲。

Hester Prynne 坚强、勇敢,不骄傲。

4.This character is kind and gentle. Who is it?A.Jane EyreB.Elizabeth BennetC.Helen BurnsD.Hester Prynne答案解析:C。



初三英语介词练习题20题1.He often goes to school ____ seven o'clock in the morning.A.atB.onC.inD.for答案:A。

at 用于具体的时刻前;on 用于具体的某一天;in 用于较大的时间范围,如年、月、季节等;for 表示一段时间。


2.My birthday is ____ May.A.atB.onC.inD.to答案:C。

in 用于较大的时间范围,月份前用in;at 用于具体的时刻;on 用于具体的某一天;to 表示方向等,不符合题意。

3.She arrived ____ the airport at 3 pm.A.atB.onC.inD.to答案:A。

arrive at 后接小地点,如airport、station 等;arrive in后接大地点,如city、country 等;on 和to 在此处不符合题意。

4.The cat is sitting ____ the table.A.atB.onC.inD.under答案:D。

under 表示在……下面;at 用于具体的地点一般是小地点,通常表示在某个位置点上;on 表示在……上面,猫不可能坐在桌子上面;in 表示在……里面,猫也不可能在桌子里面。

5.There is a book ____ the desk.A.atB.onC.inD.under答案:B。

on 表示在……上面,书在桌子上面符合常理;at 用于具体的地点一般是小地点,通常表示在某个位置点上;in 表示在……里面,书不可能在桌子里面;under 表示在……下面,不符合题意。

6.My hometown is famous ____ its beautiful scenery.A.atB.onC.inD.for答案:D。

be famous for 表示因……而著名;at、on、in 在此处不符合题意。



初三英语练习题题库Section 1: Grammar1. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.Example: She ________ (visit) her grandparents every Sunday.Answer: visitsa) My brother ________ (play) football with his friends after school.b) The teacher ________ (teach) us French next semester.c) They ________ (not, watch) TV at the moment.d) We ________ (not, go) to the cinema yesterday.2. Identify the correct sentence.a) We must to clean our room before going out.b) He enjoys plays video games in his free time.c) They hasn't finished their homework yet.d) She is reading a book at the moment.3. Choose the correct word to complete the sentence.a) I have ________ apples, but I don't have any oranges. (few / a few / little / a little)b) Could you please give me ________ water? (some / any / much / many)c) There aren't ________ chairs in the room. (some / any / much / many)d) I ate ________ rice for dinner. (few / a few / little / a little)Section 2: Vocabulary4. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.a) He is afraid of ________. (height / heights / high)b) The ________ is the largest animal on land. (elephant / snake / lion)c) I need to buy a new ________. (television / telephone / computer)d) She is very ________ and helpful. (patient / impatient / friendly)5. Match the word with its correct definition.a) Deliciousb) Expensivec) Abundantd) Bravei) Having a lot of something.ii) Not afraid of danger or difficult situations.iii) Having a pleasant taste or flavor.iv) Costing a lot of money.Section 3: Reading ComprehensionRead the following passage and answer the questions.Passage:Dear Diana,I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to tell you about my recent trip to Paris. It was amazing! The city was so beautiful, and there were so many things to see and do.On the first day, I visited the Eiffel Tower. It was even more impressive in person. The view from the top was breathtaking. I also went to the Louvre Museum, which had some famous artworks like the Mona Lisa. I couldn't believe I was standing in front of such a masterpiece.In the evenings, I enjoyed strolling along the River Seine and experiencing the vibrant nightlife of Paris. The food was also exceptional. I tried croissants, baguettes, and different types of cheese. Everything was delicious!Overall, it was a memorable trip and I can't wait to visit Paris again someday.Take care,AlexQuestions:6. Where did Alex visit on the first day?7. What is the name of the famous painting in the Louvre Museum?8. What did Alex enjoy doing in the evenings?9. What kind of food did Alex try in Paris?10. How would Alex describe his trip to Paris?Section 4: WritingWrite a paragraph about your favorite hobby. Include why you enjoy it and how it makes you feel. Use at least five different adjectives to describe your hobby.Example: My favorite hobby is painting. I enjoy it because it allows me to express my creativity and imagination. When I paint, I feel relaxed, focused, and fulfilled. The colors on the canvas bring me joy and the process of creating something from scratch is incredibly satisfying. It also helps me to relieve stress and forget about any worries or problems. Painting is my escape and I love that it allows me to capture my emotions visually.。



初三英语复合句综合练习题40题1. Do you know _____ he will come back?A. whenB. whereC. whatD. who答案:A。




2. I wonder _____ she is doing now.A. howB. whatC. whichD. that答案:B。





3. Can you tell me _____ he likes this book?A. ifB. thatC. whatD. when答案:A。




4. She asked me _____ I had been to Beijing.A. ifB. thatC. whatD. when答案:A。





5. We don't know _____ he will come or not.A. ifB. whetherC. thatD. when答案:B。


“whether...or not”是固定搭配,表示“是否”,所以选B。



初三英语练习题含答案含解析一、单选题1. — ________ do you go to school?— By bike.A. HowB. How oftenC. How farD. How soon答案:A解析:根据答语“By bike”可知,问句的空格处应该询问的是交通工具。


2. It's too hot today. Let's ________ for a swim in the pool.A. goB. goingC. goesD. to go答案:A解析:根据句意“今天太热了”可知,“让我们去游泳”应该用动词原形,所以选项A"go"是正确答案。

3. My father often tells me ________ too much time playing computer games.A. not to spendB. not spendC. to not spendD. spend答案:A解析:根据句意“爸爸经常告诉我不要花太多时间玩电脑游戏”可知,动词不定式“to spend”应该用否定形式“not to spend”,所以选项A"not to spend"是正确答案。

二、完形填空Dear Tim,I know you are worried about your English. Here 4 some __1__. First,it's a good idea to read English for half an __2__ every day. You can start with __3__ books. They are short stories __4__ children. Second, why not__5__ to English songs? You can find lots of ___6___ on the Internet. You might find songs __7__ you like and can sing along with. Third, take a__8__. There are many English movies on DVD. If ___9___ movies are too difficult, you can use English __10__ to help.I hope my advice can __11__ you improve your English. If you have any other __12__, please let me know.Best wishes,Lucy答案:1. B. advice2. D. hour3. C. story4. A. for5. E. listen6. C. songs7. B. that8. D. break9. A. English 10. C. subtitles 11. E. help 12. A. questions解析:1. 根据下文的“First”、“Second”和“Third”可知这里需要填写“建议”,所以选项B"advice"是正确答案。



初三英语条件句练习题20题1.If it rains tomorrow, we _____ stay at home.A.willB.wouldC.shouldD.must答案:A。



2.We _____ go to the park if it is sunny.A.canB.mayC.mustD.should答案:B。


这是真实条件句,may 表示可能性,符合语境,所以选B。

3.If you study hard, you _____ get good grades.A.willB.wouldC.shouldD.must答案:A。



4.We _____ have a picnic if the weather is nice.A.canB.mayC.mustD.should答案:A。


can 表示能够、可以,符合语境,所以选A。

5.If he has time, he _____ help us.A.willB.wouldC.shouldD.must答案:A。



6.We _____ go swimming if the pool is open.A.canB.mayC.mustD.should答案:A。


can 表示可以,符合语境,所以选A。

7.If she finishes her homework early, she _____ watch TV.B.wouldC.shouldD.must答案:A。



8.We _____ play basketball if there is a court available.A.canB.mayC.mustD.should答案:A。



初三英语语法复习要点总结练习题30题1.There are many books on the shelf._____ are my father's.A.TheyB.ThemC.TheirD.Theirs答案解析:A。

They 是主格,在句子中作主语;Them 是宾格,不能作主语;Their 是形容词性物主代词,后面要跟名词;Theirs 是名词性物主代词,相当于their+名词,在句中单独使用,后面不能再跟名词。


2.She has a beautiful bag._____ is red.A.ItB.ItsC.It'sD.Itself答案解析:A。

It 可以指代前面提到的bag;Its 是形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词,后面要跟名词;It's 是It is 的缩写;Itself 是反身代词。


3.This is my book._____ is on the desk.A.HerB.HersC.She答案解析:B。

Hers 是名词性物主代词,相当于her+book;Her 是形容词性物主代词,后面要跟名词;She 是主格,作主语,不能表示“她的书”;Him 是宾格。


4.The boy is very tall._____ is 1.8 meters.A.HeB.HisC.HimD.Himself答案解析:A。

He 是主格,作主语;His 是形容词性物主代词或名词性物主代词;Him 是宾格;Himself 是反身代词。


5.These are my apples._____ are very delicious.A.TheyB.ThemC.TheirD.Theirs答案解析:A。

They 是主格,作主语;Them 是宾格;Their 是形容词性物主代词,后面要跟名词;Theirs 是名词性物主代词,在句中单独使用,后面不能再跟名词。



初三英语升学指导练习题40题1.She is very good at painting. She can draw _____ beautiful pictures.A.muchB.manyC.a lotD.lot of答案:B。

“much”修饰不可数名词;“many”修饰可数名词复数;“a lot”和“lot of”表达错误,应为“a lot of”或“lots of”。


2.There are _____ apples on the table.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little答案:A。

“a few”表示一些,修饰可数名词复数;“few”表示几乎没有,修饰可数名词复数;“a little”表示一些,修饰不可数名词;“little”表示几乎没有,修饰不可数名词。

“apples”是可数名词复数,且句子意思是桌子上有一些苹果,所以用“a few”。

3.I have _____ money. I can't buy that book.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little答案:D。


4.There is _____ water in the bottle.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little答案:C。

“water”是不可数名词,且句子意思是瓶子里有一些水,所以用“a little”。

5.I have _____ friends. They are all very nice.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little答案:A。

“friends”是可数名词复数,且句子意思是我有一些朋友,所以用“a few”。

6.There are _____ people in the park today.A.a fewB.fewC.a littleD.little答案:A。



初三英语课外练习题一、单项选择题1. — Where is your brother?— He ________ to the supermarket. He will be back soon.A. goesB. wentC. is goingD. has gone2. I have ________ friends in this new school, so I feel a bit lonely.A. littleB. a fewC. a lotD. few3. The weather is so hot. Let's go swimming ________ it's too late.A. afterB. whenC. beforeD. until4. We ________ our national flag to celebrate National Day every year.A. get upB. put onC. set offD. raise5. — Mary is a talented musician, isn't she?— ________. She plays the piano beautifully.A. Yes, she isB. No, she isn'tC. Yes, she doesD. No, she doesn't二、完形填空题阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项。

My mom has been working for us for many years. She takes 6 of the housework and cooking. We don't know how she manages to do it, but she does. Yesterday, she learnt from her doctor that she has a bad 7 . Doctor has advised her to rest for a few 8 . But she said, "Who will do the housework? Who will cook for you, my dear children?” We all understood that we had to hire a maid to 9 her in the housework.Today, 10 our way to school, my brother and I saw an old grandma 11 in the street. She was dirty and weak, so we asked her where she was. She told us that she had no home and was 12 . We decided to 13 her to our home and help her. After our mom saw what had happened, she insisted (坚持) on taking care of the old grandma 14 hiring a maid. The old grandma was so happy and 15 us not to worry about her.From that day on, our mom has been 16 grandma with great patience and love. She not only gives up her 17 for daily housework, but also spends time telling stories and playing games with the elderly grandma. We feel proud of our mom's love and we 18 to protect her. We hope she can get better soon, but even if she doesn't, we will take good care of her and the elderly grandma.6. A. turns B. charge C. control D. care7. A. illness B. heart C. headache D. appetite8. A. seconds B. hours C. days D. weeks9. A. help B. join C. replace D. support10. A. on B. in C. with D. at11. A. lying B. sitting C. crying D. playing12. A. rich B. homeless C. tired D. happy13. A. take B. invite C. lead D. accompany14. A. instead B. besides C. except D. rather15. A. asked B. allowed C. told D. reminded16. A. protecting B. entertaining C. scolding D. greeting17. A. food B. time C. love D. money18. A. refuse B. demand C. promise D. choose三、阅读理解题阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容进行判断。



英语初三中考练习题一、选择题1. I can't find my keys. Have you _____ seen them?A. everB. neverC. stillD. yet2. The movie was so ______ that I fell asleep halfway through.A. boringB. boredC. interestD. interesting3. Can you _______ me some information about the local customs in this city?A. giveB. offerC. tellD. provide4. My brother is _______ person in the family. He always makes everyone laugh.A. funniestB. the funniestC. more funnyD. the more funny5. I prefer to stay at home and read books _______ watching TV.A. thanB. fromC. andD. or6. I have _______ this book for a long time. It's one of my favorites.A. borrowedB. rentedC. ownedD. lent7. The weather is nice today. Let's _____ a picnic in the park.A. makeB. haveC. doD. take8. Tom _______ late for school yesterday because his alarm clock didn't go off.A. wasB. isC. wereD. be9. _______ I finish this report by tomorrow, I will lose my job.A. UnlessB. IfC. WhileD. Since10. Lucy has been studying English _______ she was a child.A. becauseB. untilC. althoughD. since二、填空题11. My parents have _______ married for 20 years.12. The cat _______ the mouse, but the mouse managed to escape.13. Helen _______ to get up early tomorrow.14. It's important _______ exercise regularly.15. We _______ a walk in the park when it started to rain heavily.16. Tom _______ me he couldn't come to the party last night.17. The students _______ hard for the upcoming exam.18. I had a wonderful time at the _______ last weekend.19. I enjoy reading books because they _______ me relax.20. The teacher asked us _______ too much noise in the classroom.三、阅读理解Mr. and Mrs. Smith had two children: a son, John, and a daughter, Susan. John was two years older than Susan. One day, their grandmother came tovisit and gave each child some money. She gave Susan $10 more than John. Susan was very happy and immediately went to buy some toys. John, on the other hand, decided to save his money for a new bike. After one month, John had saved $50 and Susan had spent all her money. John was proud of himself and showed Susan his growing savings. Susan felt a bit jealous and asked John how he managed to save so much money in such a short time. John smiled and said, "It's simple. Every time you spend money, you lose it. But every time you save money, you gain more."21. How many children did Mr. and Mrs. Smith have?A. OneB. TwoC. ThreeD. Four22. How much more money did Susan receive from their grandmother?A. $5B. $10C. $15D. $2023. What did Susan spend her money on?A. BooksB. ClothesC. ToysD. Food24. What was John saving money for?A. A new bikeB. A new toyC. BooksD. Clothes25. Why did John have more money than Susan?A. Because he saved all his money.B. Because he was given more money from their grandmother.C. Because Susan spent all her money.D. Because John was two years older than Susan.四、写作题Write a letter to your friend, telling him/her about your recent trip to a foreign country. Include the following information:1. The country you visited and when you went there.2. How you traveled (by plane, bus, etc.).3. The places you visited and what you did there.4. The food you tried and your thoughts on it.5. Any interesting experiences or people you met.6. Your overall impression of the country and whether you would recommend it to others.Remember to use words and phrases you have learned in your English class. Write at least 100 words.Dear [Friend's Name],I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share with you the amazing trip I recently had to a foreign country. I visited [country name] during the [season/mont...。



初三英语独立主格结构练习题40题1.The meeting over, they went home.A.beingB.wasC.isD.been答案:A。

“The meeting being over”是独立主格结构表示时间,“会议结束了”,在句中作时间状语。

选项B、C 会使句子出现两个谓语动词,错误;选项D 的“been”不能单独使用。

2.Sunrise, the birds began to sing.A.beingB.wasC.isD.been答案:A。

“Sunrise being”是独立主格结构表示时间,“太阳升起的时候”,作时间状语。

选项B、C 会使句子出现两个谓语动词,错误;选项D 的“been”不能单独使用。

3.The bell ringing, the students entered the classroom.A.beingB.wasC.isD.been答案:A。

“The bell being ringing”是独立主格结构表示时间,“铃声响起的时候”,作时间状语。

选项B、C 会使句子出现两个谓语动词,错误;选项D 的“been”不能单独使用。

4.Night falling, they returned home.A.beingB.wasC.isD.been答案:A。

“Night being falling”是独立主格结构表示时间,“夜幕降临的时候”,作时间状语。

选项B、C 会使句子出现两个谓语动词,错误;选项D 的“been”不能单独使用。

5.Dawn breaking, the workers started to work.A.beingB.wasC.isD.been答案:A。

“Dawn being breaking”是独立主格结构表示时间,“黎明破晓的时候”,作时间状语。

选项B、C 会使句子出现两个谓语动词,错误;选项D 的“been”不能单独使用。

6.Sunset coming, they stopped working.A.beingB.wasC.isD.been答案:A。



初三英语被动语态练习题30题带答案解析1.The classroom is cleaned by us every day.(改为一般疑问句)Is the classroom cleaned by you every day?答案解析:一般现在时的被动语态变一般疑问句,把be 动词提前即可。

此句中be 动词是is,所以把is 提前到句首。

2.My bike was repaired by my father yesterday.(对画线部分提问)Who repaired your bike yesterday?答案解析:一般过去时的被动语态对动作执行者提问用who。

此句中动作执行者是my father,所以用who 提问。

3.The book is written by him.(改为否定句)The book isn't written by him.答案解析:一般现在时的被动语态变否定句,在be 动词后加not。

此句中be 动词是is,所以在is 后加not。

4.The letter was sent by her last week.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)Was the letter sent by her last week? Yes, it was.答案解析:一般过去时的被动语态变一般疑问句,把be 动词提前即可。

此句中be 动词是was,所以把was 提前到句首。

肯定回答用Yes, 主语+be 动词。

此句主语是the letter,be 动词是was。

5.The flowers are watered by him every morning.((对画线部分提问)How often are the flowers watered by him?答案解析:对频率提问用how often。

此句中every morning 表示频率,所以用how often 提问。

6.The house was built by them last year.(改为否定句)The house wasn't built by them last year.答案解析:一般过去时的被动语态变否定句,在be 动词后加not。



词汇运用课课练:P11.This article gives you advice on how to talk to people with different personalities (person).2.We can’t find the differences between these two pictures easily (easy).3.As a secretary Miss Luo is well organized (organize). She plans all her daily work very well.4.It’s necessary for us to get enough sleep if we want to be energetic (energy).5.She is busy, yet she still takes an active (act) part in charity activities.P46.Mr. Wu gave us a general (总的) idea of the work to let us know what it was about.7.The British students will taste rice dumplings and watch a dragon boat race (竞赛) in China.8.The Chinese people now enjoy a higher standard (标准) of living than before.9.Lu Xun is one of the pioneers (先锋) of modern Chinese culture.10.Students should pay attention (注意) to what the teacher say in class.11.The construction of the high-speed (高速的) railway started in April 2008.12.A study shows that most traffic accidents come from c arelessness13.The manager took the l ead to clear the snow out of the street and soon others join in.14.Song Zuying has a beautiful voice and she is a b orn singer.15.With his books, Mo Yan has won high p raise from home and abroad.16.The chief engineer always says, “A m iss is as good as a mile.”17.The small towns are c onnected with each other by road.P918.He divide (分成) a cake into pieces and gave them out to his children.19.Jack enjoyed reading all kinds of books. These books shape (塑造) his ideas about the world.20.Nora’s birthday is not in this year’s calendar (日历). Do you know why?21.It was nearly half an hour before the bus appeared (start to be seen) at the street corner.22.Linda is a lively (full of energy, very active) girl. We all like her.23.Our classes begin and finish at fixed (not changing) times.P1324.Of all kinds of cell phones, Samsung is young people’s favourite (最喜欢的).25.Zhalong is a great place for people to get close to nature (自然).26.She was so shy that her face became even redder (红的) when she was asked to sing a song.27.We are still not s ure if the plane has landed on some place.P1528.Children are easily influenced (影响) by their friends.29.------I’m always afraid of speaking in front of many people.------I know the feeling (感受)30.People from different backgrounds live in peace (和平) in this area.31.Taking care of a pet dog requires (需要) a lot of care and attention.32.The fast development has created (造成) a lot of problems.P9133.Dinosaurs first appeared (出现) about 230 million years ago.34.We have different lessons in a fixed (固定的) order every day.35.These pupils will be Young Pioneer (先锋) on Children’s Day this year.36.His first film receives high praise (赞扬) from the art community.37.Let’s look at the calendar (日历) to make a better plan.38.This book offers practical (practice) advice to people with health problems.39.Love is the most powerful (power) thing in the world.40.Many students lose their points in their exams because of carelessness (care).41.Don’t be so impatient (patient) to the old. Talk with them as much as you can.42.Nancy is such a lively (live) girl that everyone likes her.P9543.He has practised (从事) as a doctor for three years.44.She has a close relationship (关系) with her twin sister.45.We must find the lost boy as soon as possible, or (否则) he will be in danger.46.Scientists around the world are working to discover (发现) a cure for AIDS.47.Students should have a small English dictionary for everyday (日常) use.48.We should think twice before making decisions (decide).49.Without the teacher’s help, I will certainly (certain) fail the exam.50.He pushed away the large stone with all his strength (strong).51.If the writer didn’t have any personal(person) experiences, he couldn’t write such a wonderfulnovel.52.The young man’s wisdom (wise) and humour impressed all of us.时代新课程P11.Many Chinese students have difficulty learning English grammar(语法).2.You should learn to keep your things in good order(顺序).3.Charley is one of the top students in his class, but he is always modest(谦虚的).4.My deskmate Joe can’t reach the top of the shelf, and neither(也不)can I.5.Both my parents think I can make a good accountant(会计).6.George is so energetic(精力充沛的)that he does sports for hours every day.P57.Wu Wei’s sculptures for Sunshine Town have won high praise(赞扬) from the art community.8.Do you think Bolt can win the race(赛跑) again this year?9.The new student has impressed(给……留下印象) his teacher with his good manners.10.The early bus from the village connects(连接) with the earliest train to London.11.Yuan Longping was a pioneer(开拓者) in developing new types of rice.12.First, you should read through the article quickly and try to get the general(总的) idea.13.Liu Hao is the chief engineer and always works to high standards(标准).14.Most of these traffic accidents come from drunk drivers and others from carelessness(care).15.It’s difficult for people to find a suitable(suit) place for fishing in Wuxi now.16.Though the boy was born(bear) blind and deaf, his parents love and take good care of him.P717.The Students’ Union need a creative(创造性的) chairperson to carry on with the work.18.Try to be modest(谦虚的) before the old, young man. Don’t be so proud(骄傲的).19.Life is like a race. You either take the lead(领先地位)or fall behind.20.He is always impatient(不耐烦的)with children. Doesn’t he know how lovely children are?21.The manager of the sales department often asks them to try breaking away from standard(标准)business models.22.Tom is as energetic(energy) as his brother. They both enjoy sports.23.We all think Simon is the most suitable(suit) person to be our monitor.24.The man drove his car so carelessly(care) last night that it crashed into a tree.25.I need a computer connected(connect) to the Internet to for my project.26.Like many famous scientist, Li Siguang devoted(devote) himself to the study of science.P927.Russian president Putin is a very powerful(power) leader. He has been popular among Russians.28.It’s the third time this careless(care) driver has gone through the red light this month.29.You should learn to spend your time wisely(wise) so that you can have more free time.30.Our English teacher came up with some ideas to make his classes livelier(live) than before.31.Is your club leader creative(create) enough to think of new ideas now and then.32.You need to work much harder if you want to be successful(success)in the future.33.We have to choose a suitable(suit) person to be our new monitor34.He is such a partner that he always organizes(organize)everything for me.35.We must be careful not to make the same mistakes(mistake).They’ve been explained again and again.36.He is an interesting(interest) person, whose speeches always make us interested(interest). P1137.David is not afraid of making speeches(演讲)in front of many people.38.Raising your hand to answer questions in class means you are confident(自信的).39.Learning to use the computer will help you get more organized(有条理的).40.The poor boy has been absent(缺席的)from school for two weeks because of his illness.41.We think that Alice has all the qualities(品质)to be a good chairperson.42.All the students in our class are busy with our class projects(课题)these days.43.Their new monitors(班长)are always creative enough to come up with new ideas.44.Our club leader is very hard-working and he always does extra(额外的)work.45.There aren’t enough positions(职位)for all the new graduates.46.More attention(注意) should be paid to the rights for women in poor countries.P1347.Could you give me some advice on how to make speeches(speak)?48.What a practical(practice)woman your mother is! She can make different sweaters.49.Sometimes carelessness(care)may cause terrible accidents.50.Do you want to get yourself more organized(organize)?This course will help you.51.You can visit our school website for details(detail) if you want to join us.52.Bill and Kate often disagreed(agree) before ,but they are good friends now.53.Each student will have a computer connected(connect) to the Internet.54.Shanghai is one of the liveliest(lively) cities in the world.55.Daniel is one of the most energetic(energy) members in the club.56.Don’t get impatient (patient) when you are in trouble. You should try to calm down.P2157.My grandfather is still energetic (energy) because he loves sports.58.Different colours make a colourful (colour) world for us to enjoy.59.Watch carefully! You can find that the seven colours always appear in a fixed (fix) order.60.What his wife said made him even sadder (sad).What should he do?61.Because of the air pollution, it’s not easy to see a rainbow (彩虹) after the rain.62.Some boys and gentleman look smart in violet (紫罗兰色).It’s not just a girl’s colour.63.You need to have high standards(标准) if you want a better result.64.What’re the differences(区别) between the two pictures? Can you tell me?P2365.Playing computers games too much will surely influence (影响) our studies.66.Let him go to bed at once because he looks sleepy(困倦的) now.67.If she requires (需要) strength either body or mind, red can be of some help.68.Walls in hospital are usually white so that patients can feel calm (平静的).69.You’d better ask your teacher for help if you have difficulty(困难) changing your bad moods.70.Whether(是否) to take such exercise every morning depends on your health.71.Can you tell me what characteristic(特征) blue represents?72.Did you feel relaxed(relax) when you walked into a room painted blue.73.We are not sure what or who has caused her sadness (sad).74.Do you believe that orange can bring you success (successful)?P2575.What good decision (决定) you have made! They are of great help to me.76.Children’s table manners are often influenced(影响) by what their parents do.77.Boys and girls, try to put different colours together to create(创造) new colours.78.Tom didn’t attend the meeting because he was at his sister’s wedding (婚礼).79.Bobby said he preferred(更喜欢) to read stories at home because of the heavy rain.80.I like to make friends with people of great wisdom(wise).What about you.81.If you require strength(strong),you need to wear red clothes.82.Don’t put that flower there! The heat(hot) from the sun may kill it.83.These engineers successfully(success) developed a new kind of energy-saving car last year.84.He was hurt so badly that he lost all feelings(feel) in his legs.P2785.There was a celebration (庆祝) in our house last night.86.Don’t you think colours influence our everyday(日常的) lives in many ways.87.How could people build the Great Wall in ancient(古代的) times? It was really hard work.88.Sam is not sure whether the blue coat suits(合适) him.89.What’s your relationship(关系) to Sue? She is my wife.90.We are certainly(certain) much richer than we were five years ago.91.I coloured the card pink to help you forget the sadness(sad).92.Now many people use their personal(person) computers to work and study.93.It’s said that the rulers(rule) in Europe liked to wear purple in the past.94.What do you think of his speech(speak) at the meeting yesterday.P2995.Haven’t I told you that I want to practise(从事)colour therapy in the near future.96.John was late again, but he promised(承诺)that he would come to school earlier next time.97.I had a good sleep last night. The new sleeping pill really works(奏效).98.Scientists have discovered(发现)that GMF does do harm to our health.99.The skirt matches your blouse very well, or(否则) you can take your money back.100.Can you use the colours to create (创造) a warm and comfortable feeling now?101.Have you ever tried water therapy(疗法)?102.You should take the dress. It really suits(适合) you well.103.Many teenagers say that they often get stressed(stress) because of too many exams.104.The salesgirl suggested(suggestion) that she should choose the pink dress.105.After he took a shower, he felt even sleepier(sleep).106.Little Mary is crying so sadly(sad) in the bedroom. What’s happened to her?107.They are busy preparing for the celebration(celebrate) of Christmas.108.The more carefully you think, the better decision(decide) you will make.109.Through white represents purity(pure), it is also a sad colour in China.110.You’d better not put your personal(person) information on the Internet.111.Taking exercise can make you feel relaxed(relax) after a whole day’s hard work.112.Is it true that the colour yellow can help you have success(successful) at school.113.Don’t use that colour! It may make you even sadder(sad).Choose orange instead.114.My mother can always find suitable(suit) clothes for me in this small shop.P31115.Can I ask you a personal (person) question?116.If you want to have a good result in your studies, to have wisdom (wise) only is not enough. 117.He has a strong personality (person) and is suitable to be our monitor.118.If you feel weak, you need to choose a powerful(power) colour.119.Don’t you think that strength(strong) in mind is as important as that in body.120.feel much more comfortable because of the warmth(warm) of the fireplace.121.I think you T-shirt and your jeans are a good match(相配).122.Her baby was left in my trust (信任) for the weekend.123.He promised(答应) to come here on time, but he hasn’t come yet.124.These handbags(手提包) are too expensive. We can’t afford them.125.In the past 30 years, Chinese people have improved(提高) their lives a lot.126.From the passage we know that blue represents calm(平静) and sadness.P33127.If you don’t take TOEFL or IELTS, you will have difficulty(difficult) getting into a good university in the USA.128.After reading the book, the boy thought he was much wiser(wisdom).129.The leader always make great decisions(decide) to make our country more powerful.130.She preferred(prefer) bananas to apples when she was young.131.Without air to hold some of the sun’s heat(热),the Earth at night would be too cold.132.Taiwan has been part of China since ancient(古代的) times.133.According(根据)to the poster, which of the following is true?134.They are both call Smith, but there’s no relationship(关系)between them.动词填空时代新课程P11.It is said that a few more schools will build (build) in those poor areas in a few years.2.Neither Helen nor her parents have ever heard (hear) of the writer before.3.The shopkeeper tells me that the books abut animal signs now sell (sell) well.4.------Please don’t park you car here, sir.5.------Sorry, I didn’t (not see) the sign.6.The exchange students were be shown (show) around their sister school last Friday afternoon.7.Doctor Ma can’t answer the phone at the moment as he is operating (operate) on a patient.8.Parents had better stop repeating (repeat) things again and again as kids may get impatient.9.We’re already old enough to take (take) good care of ourselves.10.The students were talking (talk) about their favourite stars when the teacher came in.11.After your homework is finished (finish), you can either watch TV or listen to music.P312.Is the computer connected (connect) to the Internet? I need to send an email now.13.The Grade 9 students will have a school trip if it doesn’t rain (not rain) this Sunday.14.Do you know what happened (happen) to Carl this morning? He looks worried now.15.Little attention was paid (pay) to his new book at the book show last weekend.16.Everyone is busy with the study. How can you afford to play (play) computer games?17.He devoted most of his time to creating (create) the sculptures for City Square last year.18.China has built (build) a lot of nature reserves for wild life in the past twenty years.19.The students were having (have) a PE lesson on the playground when it suddenly began to rain. P520.His mother was angry with him because he played (play) computer games for 3 hours.21.Ann can’t answer the phone now, for she is connecting (connect) the keyboard to the computer.22.Who do you think will teach (teach) us English next term since Mr. King has left our school?23.We don’t know why he wasn’t invited (not invite) to the party last week.24.I’m sorry I didn’t get your phone call because I was attending (attend) an important meeting.25.I’ll let you know if anyone replies (reply) to your advertisement.26.It is silly of you not to tell (not tell) the teacher the truth.27.The doctor is represented (respect) by all the people because she has devoted most of her timeto saving patients.28.Do you have any difficulty in solving (solve) this problem before next Friday?29.Nothing will be down (do) until you make the final decision, so please don’t worry.P1030.There is no one in the lab. Everybody was seen to go (go) out.31.Worrying (worry) too much about your child may cause mental problems.32.Small steps can be taken to reduce (reduce) pollution in our daily lives.33.John, like other children who have no parents, is taken (take) good care of by the government.34.Nearly half of the village which has been there for nearly one thousand years will be burned(born)down by the great fire unless further actions are taken.35.------Which is easier to catch fire, gas or oil?36.------I was told long ago that oil catches(catch) fire easily. But what about gas? I don’t know.37.------Why not look at page 20 of your English book?38.------Ah, here the key is! I wonder why I didn’t notice (not notice) it.39.------I’d like to add a little bit more sugar to the coffee.40.------No need. I have put (put) enough.41.------Dear! Why didn’t you answer my telephone?42.------Sorry! I was watching(watch) an important NBA game. My mobile phone was left in my office.43.------A report says the new virus has caused a serious problem in some Chinese provinces.44.------It’s also says that it was stopped (stop) and cleared (clear) at last.P1145.It’s reported that the 24th Winter Olympic Games will be hold (hold) in Beijing in 2022.46.------Do you know any of the places if interest in Wuxi?47.------Yes, it’s the second time I have visited (visit) this beautiful city.48.I think your car needs to be checked (check) every year, or it may break down on the road.49.If Cathy isn’t (not be) suitable for being the designer, who could be?50.Each of the difficult Maths exercises takes (take) extra hours to complete every night.51.------The young man still looks unhappy. What’s wrong with him?52.------Who knows! Maybe he is worrying (worry) about not having true friends.53.Jim was watching (watch) his favourite cartoon in his bedroom when I went to see him.54.We must do as much as we can to improve (improve) the situation.55.I really hope you will take (take) me to the concert.56.The cinema was turned (turn) into a hotel by the government two years ago.P1357.He has devoted all his life to protecting (protect) the environment.58.We all believe that his dream will be achieved (achieve) after year’s hard work.59.Since 2003, China, together with five other countries, has tried(try) to help the nuclear problemin North Korea.60.------ Will he join (join) the Computer Club later this year?61.------Yes. We talked about it yesterday.62.Smoking does harm to our health. So last year his father gave (give) it up.63.Did the teacher tell us when to hand (hand) in the report?64.Parents always told us that the early bird catches (catch) the worm.65.The girl was looking (look) down at her feet all the time when she was speaking yesterday.66.Mother likes to keep the radio on when she is cooking (cook) in the kitchen.67.He is going to recommend (recommend) David as the new chair person of the club this term, isn’the?P2168.He was reading (read) a book about wild life alone when I went into the classroom.69.Our English teacher has taught (teach) English in this school for over twenty years.70.Mr. Smith will gave (give) us a talk on star signs sometime next week.71.About 200 trees were planted (plant) in our school last spring.72.Did you see anybody enter (enter) my office when I was out?73.I think you must tell your child not to pay (not pay) too much for comic books.74.The giant pandas from Sichuan have been used to living (live) in Wuxi Zoo.75.There used to be (be) many clean rivers in my hometown in the 1980s.P2376.John told me that he was reading (read) a book about colours when I phoned him.77.We decided (decide) to have an orange wall. But now it is yellow.78.You will know (know) more about colours after reading this article. Why not borrow the book?79.Look, the snow has stopped (stop). Shall we go out to make snowmen now?80.Bill gave(give) Kitty the photos of their school trip to the park as soon as he saw her this morning.81.Now most mobile phones can to use (use) as computers.82.We’d better stay (stay) at home instead of going to the cinema on rainy days.83.To enjoy (enjoy) the nice view of nature is good for the mind and body.84.If the walls are painted (paint) blue, they may help when you feel nervous.85.He says that he hasn’t seen (not see) such an interesting film before.P3086.The hero would rather die (die) than tell (tell) the truth.87.Eddie prefers sleeping (sleep) to going (go) out.88.It takes (take) them a long time to design the poster for the charity show last month.89.Why was Tom made to stand (stand) outside the room a moment ago?90.In the past few years, the government has built (build) more nature reserves.91.These little goldfish were taken (take) good care of while you were away.92.We got there before it began (begin) to rain.93.The visitors will be showed (show) around the Science Museum tomorrow.94.His cat was playing (play) on the floor when he dropped his cup.95.This kind of flower requires watering (water) every day. You’d better follow my advice.P3196.The girl avoids meeting (meet) his father these days because he is still angry with her.97.He told me that he would not attend the meeting until he was invited (invite)98.He with his friends was lying (lie) in the sun and feeling relaxed on the Long Beach when his newboss called him.99.Can we arrive at the airport before his plane lands (land)100.------Did you see Tom at the party?101.------No, Mary told me that he left (leave) for Shanghai yesterday.102.Listen to the speaker carefully, or you will miss (miss) something important.103.So far, I haven’t heard (not hear) from my daughter. I’m very worried about her.104.Don’t worry. Action will be taken (take) at once to prevent the things getting worse.105.His parents promised they would take (take) him to Beijing if he did well in the final exam. 106.Now many young people prefer to chat (chat) online to make new friends.P33107.Now many people would rather not live (not live) in cities because of the pollution.108.This article says that sleeping (sleep) in a blue room is good for the mind and body.109.The teacher suggested discussing (discuss) the plan at the class meeting.110.Does anyone know when the first computer was invented (invent).111.Two month has past (pass) since Mr. Smith came to teach English in our school.112.It's seven o'clock. Tom's family are watching (watch) a charity show on TV at home.113.He didn’t (not play) computer games until he finished his homework.114.A lot of famous French paintings will be shown (show) to the visitors next week.115.If strength is required (require) to take action, wearing red can be of some help.116.I don't know when she will come (come). I will call you when she comes (come).句子翻译课课练P41.黄晓明认为他并不是一个天生的演员,但是他拥有梦想,他的电影也极具说服力。





Part 1 Listening (第一部分 听力)Ⅰ. Listening Comprehension (听力理解)(本大题共20题,共25分)A. Listen and choose the right picture (根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片)(5分)A B CD E F1.___________2.___________3.___________4.___________5.___________B. Listen to the dialogues and choose the best answer to each question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案)(5分) 6. A) Coffee. B) Tea. C) Juice. D) Water. 7. A) One.B) Two. C)Three.D)Four.8. A) To the museum.B) To the restaurant.C) To the school. D) To the hospital.9. A) Manager and secretary. B) Doctor and patient.C) Waitress and customer.D) Passenger and taxi driver. 10.A) She thinks there is a book better than it. B) She doesn’t like the book at all.C) She likes the book so much.D) She has no idea about the book.C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示)(5分)11. Tomatoes have been human’s food since a long time ago.12. The first tomatoes were larger than the ones we eat today.13. Italians used to believe tomatoes would make you fall in love.14. People thought tomatoes were a vegetable because of their taste.15. The passage mainly tells us how to plant and eat tomatoes.D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,用听到的单词完成下列句子。



初三英语虚拟语气(三)练习题30题(带答案)1.If I were you, I ______ study harder.A.willB.wouldC.canD.could答案:B。



A 选项will 是一般将来时,不符合虚拟语气结构;C 选项can 表示能力,不符合虚拟语气结构;D 选项could 也可以用在虚拟语气中,但此处would 更符合表达习惯。

2.I wish I ______ a good singer.A.amB.wereC.wasD.be答案:B。

解析:wish 后的宾语从句要用虚拟语气,对现在情况的虚拟用were。

A 选项am 是一般现在时,不符合虚拟语气结构;C 选项was 也可用于虚拟语气,但不如were 常用;D 选项be 不能单独使用。

3.If I had more time, I ______ read more books.A.willB.wouldC.canD.could答案:B。


A 选项will 是一般将来时,不符合虚拟语气结构;C 选项can 表示能力,不符合虚拟语气结构;D 选项could 也可用,但would 更符合表达习惯。

4.She wishes she ______ taller.A.isB.wereC.wasD.be答案:B。

解析:wish 后的宾语从句对现在情况虚拟用were。

A 选项is 一般现在时,不符合虚拟语气结构;C 选项was 不如were 常用;D 选项be 不能单独使用。

5.If he ______ more confident, he would speak in public.A.isB.wereC.wasD.be答案:B。



初三上册英语练习题题目一:选择题1. — Would you like to have some coffee?— _______. I don't like coffee.A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thank youC. I'd love toD. I'm OK2. — _______.— Sure, here you are.A. Can you help me?B. Excuse meC. Do you have a pen?D. May I have your pen, please?3. _______ the book on the shelf, please.A. InB. OnC. OfD. At4. I'm sorry, I can't help you _______ English.A. toB. withC. onD. of5. Mary is _______ student. She comes from _______ England.A. an, aB. a, anC. a, theD. an, the题目二:填空题1. She often spends _______ hour doing homework after class.2. There _______ a small park near my house.3. The museum is _______ Monday to Friday.4. _______ the pencil on the floor, please.5. I don't have any money. Could you _______ me some?题目三:改错题请找出下列句子中的错误并改正(如果有)。

1. How many books are there on her desk?2. I'm not sure what time does the train arrive.3. I want to have some fishes for dinner.4. My sister can speaks three languages.5. Where is my pen? I can't find it nowhere.题目四:阅读理解People need sleep to keep healthy. Sleeping is like storing energy. When you sleep, your muscles can have a rest. Your body can grow and get stronger. Children need more sleep than adults. When you don't get enough sleep, you feel tired. You can't think as clearly as usual. You can't work as quickly. You can't remember so well.A good night's sleep is important. Eight or nine hours is usual for most people. Some people need less and some people need more. It depends on how much energy you use in the day. The important thing is how you feel in the morning. If you feel energetic after a night's sleep, then your sleep was probably enough. If you feel tired, you should sleep longer the next night.Sleep is important for keeping healthy. It's like the sand in an hourglass. The sand falls through the hole and fills the bottom of the hourglass. With enough sleep, the body fixes itself and fills up with energy again. If you don't get enough sleep, your body can't grow or fix itself. You also won't have the energy you need to do things well.1. Why do people need sleep?2. Who needs more sleep, children or adults?3. How many hours is a good night's sleep for most people?4. Does everyone need the same amount of sleep?5. What happens when you don't get enough sleep?题目五:写作题请以"My Best Friend"为题,写一篇80词左右的短文,介绍你最好的朋友。



初三英语价值观练习题20题答案解析版1. Tom found a wallet on the road. He should _______.A. keep it for himselfB. try to find the ownerC. throw it away答案:B。


选项A“keep it for himself”(据为己有)这种行为违背了诚实和责任的价值观。

选项B“try to find the owner”(试图找到失主)体现了诚实和责任的价值观,捡到东西应该归还失主是一种诚实和有责任感的表现。

选项C“throw it away”( 扔掉)也是不负责任的行为,不符合正确的价值观。

2. In the school, when you see a classmate fall down, you should _______.A. laugh at himB. help him upC. just walk away答案:B。


选项A“laugh at him” 嘲笑他)是不友善的行为,不符合友善的价值观。

选项B“help him up” 扶他起来)是友善的表现,在校园里看到同学摔倒应该给予帮助。

选项C“just walk away” 直接走开)也是缺乏友善的表现。

3. Jack made a mistake in the group project, but he _______ to his group members.A. liedB. told the truthC. kept silent答案:B。



选项B“told the truth”(说实话)体现了诚实,在小组项目中犯错后应该诚实地告诉小组成员。

选项C“kept silent”( 保持沉默)虽然没有撒谎但也不是积极的诚实表现。

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一. 用括号内所给形容词的适当形式填空。

1. This book is as____________(interesting) as that one.
2. Which is __________(big), the sun or the earth?
3. Qomolangma is the_____________(tall) mountain in the world.
4. The weather in Fujian is ___________(warm) than that in Jilin in winter.
5. Miss Li is the_______________(popular) teacher of all.
6.December is the__________(twelve)month of a year.
7.The movie Mr. Bean is a very __________(succeed)comedy.
8.She brushes her__________(tooth)every morning.
9.My father usually exercises three__________(time) a week.
10.Screen City has the __________ (big)screens.
11.Don’t worry. I can look after__________(me).
12.I think there will be ______(few)people in every family in the future.
13.Yang Liwei is one of the __________ (hero)in China.
14.WWF cares for wild animals in (dangerous).
15.I’m __________ (interest)in collecting stamps.
16.The Sahara is the biggest d__________ in the world.
17.China is the biggest country in A__________ .
18.The p__________is increasing at about 6% per year.
19.Qomolangma is the most d__________ mountain in the world.
20.Many climbers risk their l__________ .
21.We should c__________ourselves in the face of difficulties.
22.The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying
to a__________ our dreams.
23.Humans can sometimes be stronger than the f__________of nature.
24.The Caspian Sea is the d__________ of all the salt lakes.
25.When the baby sees her mother, she runs over with e__________ .

1. Fish _______ __________ (吸入) oxygen through their gills (鳃).
2. Why do so many people try to climb Qomolangma _____ _______(即使)
it is dangerous?
3. You should never ______ _________ (放弃) trying to help others.
4.Will they change their mind if they are ___ ____ ____ ____(面对)
5. Humans can sometimes be stronger than the _______ ________ ________ (大自然的力量).
A thousand years ago Hong Kong was covered by a t______ forest. As more and more people came to l_____ in Hong Kong, these trees were cut d______ and burnt. Now there is no forest left, though there are still some small areas covered with trees. We call these woods.
Elephants, tigers and many o______ animals were living in the thick forest. When people came to live in Hong Kong, the plants began to die out. Early farmers grew rice and kept pigs and chickens in the valleys. They cut down the trees and burnt them. They needed fire t__ keep themselves warm in winter, to cook their food and to keep away the dangerous animals. Elephants quickly disappeared because there was not enough food for them. So did most of the wolves and tigers. Monkeys and many other animals soon d______ in the same way. You might think that there are no longer any animals in Hong Kong except in the zoos. But there are still about 36 different animals l______ there. One of the most interesting of Hong Kong’s animals is the barking deer. These are beautiful little animals with a rich brown coat and a white patch under the tail. They look like deer but they are much smaller. They are less than two feet h_____.They make a noise rather like a dog barking .In Hong Kong the barking deer has only a real enemy—men.People hunt these little animals though it is illegal. There are now not many barking deer left. So it is important f______ people to p________ wild animals.

Pandas and Chinese tigers are two different kinds of animals. The weight of Chines e tigers is many times larger than the pandas. What’s more, Chinese tigers live longer than pandas. However, both of them are in the face of same danger. That is pollution. I think it ’s everyone’s duty to protect our environment. First, we must stop people from cutting down trees. Instead, we should plant trees or flowers around us. Second, don’t kill wild animals or endangered animals any more. Our government should also make strict rules to protect them. If everyone can do these, our world will become better ad better.。
