河北科技大学大学生活动中心建筑设计楚连义摘 要:结合工程实例,着重阐述了在紧张的用地范围内,设计者如何利用中庭和内庭院等空间组合方式将复杂多变的建筑功能整合在一起,并形成完整建筑形象的创作过程,为设计师的建筑创作提供了指导依据。
关键词:活动中心,礼堂,多功能厅,轴线中图分类号:TU244.3文献标识码:A1 基本概况河北科技大学是河北省重点建设的多科性骨干大学。
大学生活动中心总建筑面积12000m 2,规划用地位于整个新校区的东西主轴线上,用地西侧为大面积绿地并直望西校门,东侧与图书馆隔绿地相望,南北两侧为宿舍区,由此可见大学生活动中心的基地位置十分重要(见图1)。
2 总体布局为了突出大学生活动中心在校区东西主轴线上的重要地位,本方案将该建筑设计为以东西主轴线为中心南北对称式布局,在基地东端留足学生集会和活动所需场地,并适当布置喷水池和点、线、面绿化。
3 功能分区本方案功能分区明确,各功能空间既联系方便又互不干扰。
【作者单位】河北建筑设计研究院有限责任公司,河北石家庄 050011;石家庄市裕华区城建局,河北石家庄 050011
1.现代建筑设计中的乡土精神——云南艺术学院新校区教学区设计方案 [J], 乔琦;高静
2.百年师苑,人文范园——北京师范大学昌平新校区(F区)总体规划及一期建筑设计方案 [J], 刘安;贺奇轩;陈铭
3.河北科技大学新校区核心区建筑方案 [J], 郝杰
计方案为例 [J], 刘宇波;纪绵
5.昆明医学院呈贡新校区建筑单体第一标段设计方案简介 [J], 徐庆生;赵昆虹因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
校徽以科技蓝为设计基色,以DNA双螺旋为设计基点,整合了山、水、人等设计元素,表现了我们科大的文化特质:DNA是生命科学的起点,生命科学也是一切科学的归宿,DNA 也就代表了我们学校的科技特质;山代表的是巍巍太行山,水代表的是浩浩渤海水,我们学校就孕育其中;人代表了我们学校以人为本的办学理念。
1. 石家庄市博物馆:该博物馆展示了丰富的历史文物和艺术品,其中一些展品可能涉及数学的发展历程。
2. 石家庄铁道大桥:这座桥是河北省第一条横跨滹沱河的铁路桥梁,它的设计和建造过程中可能涉及到桥梁工程中的数学计算和结构设计。
3. 河北科技大学(石家庄):如果你对数学感兴趣,可以参观这所大学的校园,了解该校的数学学科和研究成果。
4. 石家庄市科技馆:该馆展示了科学技术的各个领域,包括数学、物理等。
4. 1
以人为本 的理念
由于文化建筑最集 中的人流可能是参观 者与观众人群 , 这里 充分利用人性化设计 , 考虑到各类 观众人群 , 设置坡道、 休息座等 公共设施 , 使各类人群都能充分 享受建筑创 造出的舒 适空间。对 于生态景观 , 在 这个建筑上 , 充分利用建筑语 汇来加以阐释 , 通过 利用不同形 式 , 不同空 间层 次的 绿化 , 使各 个空 间层次 都能 见到 盎然的绿色 , 在不同功 能的 空间 区域利 用不 同的空 间效 果 , 通过 大空间与小空间的 穿插、 组 合 , 使得浏 览人 流在 不同空 间都 有良 好的视觉效果及空间感受。
的建筑 品味 , 只有一层 薄薄 的玻 璃幕墙 将门 厅与外 部空 间分开 , 玻璃营造了一种欢迎包容的气氛。夜晚 来临 , 在 灯光闪烁 的剧场 入口 , 大学生自己也都 成了 校园的 演员 , 使 建筑本 身象 广告 形象 吸引过往的学生。 建筑设计追求细部的精美、 大气 , 著名建 筑大师密 斯!凡 德罗 讲过 上帝存在于细部之中 , 精美的 细部使建筑 获得永恒 而摆脱 仅仅能流行于一时的粗糙时尚 , 使之永不褪色。 建筑努力表现各种材 料的本质特征 , 玻璃的通透把 建筑内部 的空间和建筑的部 件 , 如楼 梯间显 现出 来 , 露明玻 璃幕 墙使 用网 格状的 铝制窗框 形成 建筑 的 精美 表皮 , 主 台 部分 坚 实的 建筑 体 量 , 也形成了轻盈与厚重的对比。 建筑内部空间 的层 次 变化 丰 富 , 如走 道 空间 打破 了 单调 的 一 字 形 , 端头和中间放大 , 形成休闲和趣味空间。 建筑外部造型理 性 , 简 洁 , 富有 现代感。通 过虚 实块 面的 对 比表达高校书香特色 , 营造出高雅、 宁静和人性化的文化氛围。 礼堂和多功能厅被一片非常整齐的 直线屋面板 罩 于其中 , 建筑通透 , 出檐 深 远 , 轻巧 有 力 , 二层 悬挑 部 分有 极 强的 穿出 动 势 , 纯粹几何形 体的运用 , 体现了大学建筑的 生命力和时代感 , 该 方案无论从图书 馆方向还 是西 校门方 向均 有较好 的建 筑形 象和 视觉效果。
1 引言高校作为培育高等专业人才的场所应该有一个祥和、安宁的环境。
升级版的椒椒麻辣贼好吃!!!老板人也好好哦!购物距离学校最近的购物商场是2.4km的欢乐汇100FUN CITY.它属于新开业的综合性购物商场,所以环境超级棒,客流也给力。
校长助理 副校长 副校长 副校长
后勤教学管理学 Nhomakorabea专业设置
• 学院设有21个教学单位,4个硕士点,2个 省级重点发展学科,41个本科专业,涵盖 理、工、农、文、经济、管理、教育、法 学等8个学科门类。建有1个省级实验教学 示范中心,19个研究所,45个专业实验室 和1个分析测试中心,120余个教学实践基 地。教育部、劳动和社会保障部分别在学 院设立了农村职业教育培训中心和国家职 业技能鉴定所。
敏学修身 乐业创新
河北科技师范学院是一所具有硕士学位授予权的省属本科院校。学院 始建于1941年,1977年开始招收本科生,1999年被教育部确定为全国首 批职教师资培训重点建设基地,2003年更名为河北科技师范学院。 学院现有秦皇岛、昌黎、欧美学院、开发区四个校区,校园占地面积 1700亩,建筑面积50万平方米;教学科研仪器设备总值1亿元,馆藏图书 文献120万册;现有专人教学、科研人员1200余人,其中教授、副教授 450余人,拥有博士、硕士学位教师500余人。学院面向全国25个省(市) 招生,现有全日制在校生24000余人。 学院设有21个教学单位,4个硕士点,2个省级重点发展学科,44个本 科专业,59个专科专业,涵盖理、工、农、文、经济、管理、教育、法 学等8个学科门类。建有1个省级实验教学示范中心,1个省极重点实验室, 19个研究所,45个专业实验室和1个分析测试中心,120余个教学实践基 地。教育部、劳动和社会保障部分别在学院设立了农村职业教育培训中 心和国家职业技能鉴定所。
侧为 贵宾室 , 北侧两层 通高 布置舞 蹈及 民乐 团排练 室 , 台北侧 侧 为器材库 , 南北两侧均在一层设有 直接对外 出人 口。由于本用地 南北 方向较窄 , 故将观众厅两侧休息廊 和两侧办 公区的交通空 间 合二 为一 , 组成两个两层 通高 的吹拔 “ 灰空 间” 有利 于观 众厅大 , 量人 流的疏 散。礼 堂南侧三层布 置就业指 导中心 , 北侧 三层布置 学生会及学生社 团等小房 间 , 形成 两个活 动平 台 ,灰空 间” “ 相互 渗透 , 变化丰富 , 使得 三层社 团活 动室有 较好 的视觉 效果和 空 间
中图分类号 : U24 3 T 4
文献标识码 : A
关键 词 : 大学生活 动中心 , 以人 为本 , 环境特征 , 园文化 , 校 空间形 态
1 基 本概 况
河北科技大 学为河北省重点建设 的多科 性骨干大学 , 是河北
3 功能分 区
该方 案功 能分区 明确 , 功 能空 间既联 系方便又 互不 干扰 。 各 建筑 平面采用 中国建筑 传统布置法 , 功能区环绕观 众厅和舞 台 各 省培养 高层次人才和科学研究 的重要基 地 。经过 多年的发展 , 学 呈“ 字形划分 , 个建筑 功能 分区 与结构组 合具 有互动 整 校 现已形成 以工为主 , 、 、 、 、 、 理 文 经 管 法 医协调发展的办学格局 。 组合 , 井 ” 为 了满足学校长远发 展的需要 , 在石家庄市裕华 区建立 新校 联 系的逻辑性 。 礼 堂规模 为 18 0座 , 中观 众 厅池 座 14 0座 , 座 30 0 其 4 楼 6 区。河北科技大学新校区位于石家庄市裕华 区南部 , 体育南 大街 在 观众 主 以西 , 建设南大街 以东 , 建华 西路以南 , 南三环路 以北。北侧 为河 座 , 观众 厅周 围布置 前厅及 休息廊 满足 观众疏 散要求 ; 要人流 由东侧横跨 于水上 的一组 室外大 台 阶可直接 上到二层 观 北师大拟建新校区 , 东侧 为河北 医科大学等 高校规划用地 。场地 前厅呈南北横 向伸展 , 高达 1 . 下部一层布置厕所 34m, 现状为农 田, 地势平坦 。新校 区规划用地面积 320亩 , 0 学生规模 众厅前厅 , 及商店 , 过观众厅 两侧 上下楼 梯使 用方便 , 通 由前厅 两端大楼 梯 3 0 人 , 00 0 规划建筑 总面积 8 . m2 5 5万 。 既解 决了垂直交通 又丰富 了共享 空间。前 厅 新校区总体规划气 势恢宏 , 环境优 美。注重大学 校园空 间与 可上到楼座休息厅 , 外 围由透 明玻璃 幕墙包裹 , 个大堂如水 晶宫般 透明、 整 纯洁 , 包裹 城市空间的互动关系 , 续城市文脉 , 延 将校园融人城市肌 理 中; 并 着如同珠宝盒般 的观众厅 和舞 台。观众厅 前部 的乐池 可 自动 升
英文介绍邢台旅游景点达活泉的作文100字全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Trip to the Amazing Dahuoquan Springs!Wow, you guys won't believe the awesome place I visited last weekend! It's called Dahuoquan and it's this super cool area with natural hot springs in Xingtai, which is a city in the Hebei province of China. My parents took me there for a little family getaway and I had such a blast!Dahuoquan is famous for its zhenghuaquan, which means "bubbling springs" in English. There are tons of them all around and they're so fascinating. The water comes bubbling right up out of the ground and it's piping hot – over 90 degrees Celsius! Can you imagine? That's hot enough to boil an egg! But the coolest part is that the springs never run dry, no matter how much water comes out. Wild, right?My favorite part was getting to see the Longquan Pool. It's this gigantic pool filled with that natural hot spring water from the zhenghuaquan. The pool is bright blue and steaming from allthe heat. We didn't get to swim in it though because the water is much too hot. But there were still lots of fun things to do!All around the hot springs, there are walking paths, gardens, and neat sculptures to look at. There's even this one area that has tiny hot spring pools that make gurgling sounds as the water bubbles up. My dad said it sounded like the springs were laughing! He's so silly.We took a little walking tour and our guide told us all about the history of Dahuoquan. Apparently people have been visiting the hot springs for centuries and centuries. Even ancient Chinese royalty would travel there to bathe in and drink the special spring water because they thought it had healing powers. Can you believe that? A bunch of old kings and queens soaking in the same hot tubs we saw! So crazy.Of course, the best part was getting to see the zhenghuaquan up close. We went right up to one of the biggest pools and watched the water bubble and churn. Our guide let me stick my hand in the water for a second and oh my gosh, it was BOILING! I pulled my hand out so fast. But it was still really neat to touch actual hot spring water like that. You could even see the steam rising off the surface – just like a real life hot tub!After exploring all the outdoor areas, we went inside this big building called the Huaquan Palace. It was built a long time ago, like in the 1700s, and it has all these rooms for people to bathe in the hot spring water. We didn't get to take a bath there, but the rooms were still super cool with their arched doorways and painted ceilings. My favorite room had a huge dragon sculpture overhead that looked like it was breathing fire. So awesome!We spent the whole day wandering around Dahuoquan and I never got bored for a second. Between the springs, the gardens, the pools, and all the historical buildings, there was just so much to see and do. And the best part was getting to learn all about how the hot springs are formed and why they're always bubbling.Apparently, underneath the ground at Dahuoquan there are tons of tiny cracks that allow rainwater and melted snow to seep way down deep into the earth. As the water travels further underground, it gets super heated up by the hot temperatures of the earth's inner layers. Once it reaches over 300 degrees Celsius, the boiling hot water is forced back up through those tiny cracks and that's what creates the zhenghuaquan bubbling springs! Wild, right? It's like the earth is just naturally boiling water for us way down under the surface. So cool!After a full day of exploring, we were all pretty tired. But I didn't want to leave! Dahuoquan was just such an amazing place. On the drive back home, I couldn't stop talking about all the awesome things I saw – the bubbling pools, the steaming dragon sculptures, and getting to learn the sciencey stuff about how hot springs are created. I'm already bugging my parents about when we can go back. Maybe next time I'll even get to take a hot spring bath! Though hopefully not quite as hot as 90 degrees...That's a little TOO hot for this kid!篇2My Town Has a Super Cool Spring!Hey guys! I want to tell you about this awesome spring near my town called Dayihuan Spring. It's in Xingtai, which is in Hebei Province in the north of China. Dayihuan means "Reaching Life Spring" and let me tell you, it's so much fun!The spring flows out of the ground and makes a little stream and pools. The coolest part is that the water is bright green! It looks like someone spilled a giant bucket of green paint into the pools. But it's totally natural and safe to swim in during summer.The green color comes from billions of tiny plants called diatoms living in the water. Diatoms are like micro-algae andgive the spring its amazing emerald shade. When the sun shines on the green pools, it almost glows!Around the spring area, there are gardens with flowers and trees. Willow branches hang over the water like a nature curtain. People can walk along stone paths to different viewing areas to admire the spring from all angles.My favorite spot is where the stream flows under a little bridge. I love dipping my toes in the cold green water on hot days. The spring never dries up, not even in the winter when everything else is frozen!Dayihuan Spring has been around for over 2000 years. Can you believe people have been enjoying this pretty green oasis for that long? Some really old ruins and carvings were found nearby from ancient times.Locals say the spring water has healing powers since it's so pure and rich in minerals. My grandma likes to collect some of the spring water to make her special herbal teas for keeping healthy.Every year, there is a big festival in the spring to celebrate Dayihuan. People dress up, sing, dance, and play games. Myfriends and I always look forward to the festival games like bamboo dancing on the spring!One of the coolest traditions is locking a wish on the wishing tree. You write your wish on a bright red ribbon and tie it to the tree branches over the stream. If your wish gets washed away by the spring water, it's supposed to come true!Last year, my wish was to get a puppy and it did come true! This year, I'm wishing for a bike so I can explore around the spring area even more. Keeping my fingers crossed!I feel really lucky to have such an amazing natural wonder just a few miles from my house. Dayihuan Spring is the prettiest place in my whole town. If you ever visit Xingtai, you have to go see it for yourself!Doesn't that sound like the coolest spring ever? A bright green, never-ending pool that has been around for thousands of years? I want to be a tour guide when I grow up so I can show Dayihuan Spring to people from all over the world. It's just That amazing!篇3My Awesome Trip to the Dahuaquan Springs!Wow, you'll never believe the amazing place my family took me to last weekend! It's called the Dahuaquan Scenic Area and it's in a city called Xingtai, which is pretty far away from where we live. But let me tell you, the drive was totally worth it because Dahuaquan is one of the coolest places I've ever been!First of all, the name "Dahuaquan" means "Great Flower Spring" in English. Can you guess why it's called that? It's because there are these incredible natural springs that come bubbling right up out of the ground, and the water looks almost like a beautiful bouquet of flowers! The main spring is humongous - it's 6 meters across and shoots up from an underground river. The park built pavilions and walkways all around it so you can get up close.When we first arrived, I couldn't wait to see the springs up close. I ran up to the railing and leaned over, and I could hardly believe my eyes! The spring water was the most dazzling shades of blue and green I've ever seen. It was crystal clear and you could see straight through to the bottom. And it didn't just sit there - it was churning and bubbling like a giant pool getting stirred up! I've never seen anything like it.My dad told me the vibrant colors come from the spring's high mineral content reflecting the sunlight. He said there areover 30 different minerals dissolved in the water, like sulfur, iron, and calcium carbonate. That's what makes the water look so brilliant and gives it a slightly salty taste. The taste wasn't my favorite, but just seeing that amazing blue-green color was enough to make the Dahuaquan spring one of the most beautiful natural wonders I've ever witnessed.But the springs aren't the only awesome thing about Dahuaquan. The whole scenic area is like a breath of fresh air! There are lush green gardens and fields surrounding the springs, with pathways weaving through flowerbeds and trees. We wandered along the trails and kept discovering new surprises around every bend - waterfalls, ponds, pavilions, and even ancient Buddhist rock carvings!One of my favorite spots was the butterfly garden, which had dozens of different species fluttering among the flowers. We also visited these incredible naturally formed limestone caves and sinkholes that you could actually walk through. They had stalagmites and stalactites jutting out from the ceilings and floors - it looked straight out of a storybook!Another part I'll never forget is the folk village they've recreated from the Qing Dynasty era. It had all these rustic old buildings like farmhouses, workshops, stores, and mansionsarranged along winding lanes. You could go inside and see what life was like back then, with things like traditional ovens, looms, and tools on display. There was even a little museum exhibiting pottery, carvings, and calligraphy from that time period. Wandering through the village made me feel like I'd traveled back 300 years to ancient China!Dahuaquan had tons of other fun stuff too, like playgrounds, an amusement park, restaurants, and areas for camping. We didn't have nearly enough time to see and do everything. I could have spent a whole week there and still not gotten bored!When it was finally time to leave, I felt so lucky to have experienced such an amazing place. The Dahuaquan Scenic Area was overflowing with natural beauty, history, and new adventures around every turn. I'll never forget the breathtaking sights of those spectacular springs. If you ever get a chance to go, you absolutely have to see them with your own eyes! Just thinking about my trip to Dahuaquan makes me want to go back again. It's a magical place that every kid (and grown-up!) should get to witness.篇4My Awesome Trip to Dahu Spring!Last summer, my family went on a really fun trip to Dahu Spring in Xingtai! It's this super cool place with lots of amazing water springs and beautiful scenery. I'm going to tell you all about our exciting adventure there!First off, the drive to get there took forever. My little brother kept asking "Are we there yet?" like a million times. But when we finally arrived, it was so worth it! The first thing we saw was this gigantic lake called the Dahu Spring. The water was this crazy bright blue color that I've never seen before. My dad said it's because the spring water is so pure and clear. It almost didn't look real!We walked along these cool paths next to the lake and saw tons of bubbles coming up from under the water. My mom told me they were caused by underground springs forcing out water and air. In some spots, the bubbles were so huge and forceful that they practically exploded out of the lake! I tried sticking my hand into one of the bubbles and it tickled like crazy from all the air and water swirling around. So much fun!Around the lake, there were all these other awesome smaller springs too. One had water shooting up into the air like a fountain. My brother and I had a blast trying to jump through the streams of water without getting drenched. Another spring areahad a bunch of pools with different colored water - some were blue, others were kinda yellowish or reddish. The colors were so bright and pretty. My parents said it's from different minerals in the spring water. Wild!Probably the coolest part though was the Fish Beholding Pool. It's this big pool where you can see thousands of little fish swimming around through the crystal clear water. The pool has these cross bridges over it so you can walk across and look straight through the water at the fish. It was like being in a giant aquarium! I spotted all kinds of fish - small ones, big ones, black ones, orange ones. My mom kept pointing out different kinds to me. My favorite were these bright orange goldfish-looking ones.After exploring the springs, we had a delicious picnic lunch that my mom packed for us. We sat by the lake and everything tasted awesome after walking around all morning. I stuffed myself with sandwiches, fruits, veggies, and cookies. Getting fresh air and exercise really works up an appetite!On the drive back home, I fell asleep in the car. Between running around the springs and the full belly, I was totally tuckered out. Dahu Spring was just such an awesome place though. I'll never forget seeing those bright blue waters, jumping through the fountain streams, and all the cool fish. We got toexperience so many different kinds of springs all in one spot. It's definitely a must-visit for anyone traveling to the Xingtai area. Just wait until you see it with your own eyes - I'm sure you'll love it as much as I did!篇5My Trip to the Amazing Dahujing Springs!Hi everyone! My name is Lucy and I'm 9 years old. Last summer, my family went on a really cool trip to a place called Dahujing. It's in this city named Xingtai, which is in the Hebei Province of China. At first I thought it was just going to be another boring old historical site, but boy was I wrong! Dahujing turned out to be the most amazing place. Let me tell you all about it!Dahujing is famous for having tons of natural springs that come right out of the ground! The springs are filled with this crystal clear water that looks super pretty. I couldn't believe my eyes when I first saw them. There are over 300 springs at Dahujing, which seems like a gazillion! They are scattered all over the place in a huge area that's about 2 square kilometers big. That's the same size as over 270 football fields! Just imagining that many springs in one place made my mind go whoa.My favorite part was definitely seeing the erupting springs. These are springs where the water doesn't just bubble up out of the ground, it literally shoots up into the air like a mini geyser! The biggest erupting spring is called Iron Ribbon Spring because the water sprays up in this cool twisting shape. When I saw it erupt for the first time, I screamed "Woooahh!" so loud that my parents had to tell me to be quieter. But I was just so amazed! That spring erupts every 20 minutes or so, spewing water up to 7 meters high into the air. It's incredible.There are also tons of other unique springs at Dahujing. There's one called SeeSaw Spring where the water looks like it's wiggling back and forth without stopping. Another one is called Shrimp Eye Spring because it bubbles in this weird shrimp-eye shapped pattern. My little brother's favorite was Laughing Spring because it makes these gurgling sounds that kind of sound like laughing. So silly! With names like that, Dahujing is a lot more fun than it sounds.While we were at Dahujing, we also got to learn about why the springs exist. It's because of something called Karst topography. See, Dahujing sits on this area with lots of limestone rocks underground. Over millions of years, rainwater has gradually dissolved and eroded the limestone, creating all theseunderground channels and pockets. The spring water flows through these channels until eventually bubbling out of the surface as springs. Pretty neat, huh?In some parts of Dahujing, you can even see the limestone rocks poking up out of the ground. We hiked up this one trail to the top of Luofushan Mountain, which has tons of jagged limestone peaking formations. From up there, we got an awesome view overlooking the whole Dahujing area and all the springs. It was breathtaking. Mom says the limestone landscapes kind of look like scenes from outer space!Dahujing isn't just about the springs though. We also wandered around checking out the old buildings and historical sites. There are pavilions, temples, and houses made with decorated stone carvings that are hundreds of years old. In one area called Shijia Village, the buildings have these intricate wood carvings that were mind-blowingly detailed. My dad taught me that most of the carvings have symbolic meanings from ancient Chinese folklore and myths. I tried to find images of dragons and phoenixes!Another cool thing about Dahujing is that it's home to a rare type of fish called baihebao. These little silver-white fish are only found living in the pristine spring waters of Dahujing. They can'tsurvive anywhere else! We got to see them up close in the fishponds and pools at a spot called Baihebaoku Village. The baihebao kind of reminded me of my pet goldfish at home, but way tinier and cuter. My brother wanted to take one home with us but of course we couldn't.By the afternoon of our Dahujing trip, I was getting pretty tuckered out from all the hiking and sightseeing. Thankfully, there are lots of fun other activities to do too. We went boating in a little oar-powered boat along one of the spring waterways. It felt like we were gently floating through a fairy wonderland with crystal clear waters and limestone cliffs all around us. Boating was the perfect way to rest our legs while still taking in the gorgeous scenery.After the boat ride, we had a yummy picnic lunch that my grandma packed for us. We ate dumplings, egg rolls, and other tasty Chinese snacks while sitting right next to one of the burbling springs. Listening to the soothing sounds of flowing water while munching on grandma's cooking was such a nice treat.To finish off our day, we wandered through the Dahujing outdoor night market. I was amazed by all the bright neon lights, street food stalls, and rows of vendors selling stuff like glitteryhairpins, mini terracotta warrior figurines, and otherknick-knacks. The market stayed open late into the evening and had such a lively, festive atmosphere. We bought some candied hawthorn berries that were fun to snack on.By the time we got back to our hotel that night, I was utterly exhausted but grinning from ear to ear. Dahujing was unlike any place I had been before. With the hundreds of bubbling springs, the amazing limestone landscapes, the historic buildings, the cute little baihebao fish, and all the fun activities, it felt like something out of a magical storybook. I never would have imagined that Xingtai's top attraction would be so awesome!If you ever get a chance to visit the Dahujing area, you absolutely have to go. Just make sure to wear really good walking shoes because there's a ton of ground to cover. And don't miss out on the night market! Dahujing is hands-down one of the coolest places I've ever been. It's a natural wonderland and cultural treasure all rolled into one amazing place. I'm already bugging my parents about going back again next year!篇6My Trip to the Amazing Dahu Spring!Hi friends! I'm so excited to tell you about my awesome trip to the Dahu Spring in Xingtai, China. It was the coolest place ever!The Dahu Spring is this ginormous spring that never stops flowing water. It's been gushing up from underground for over 700,000 years! Can you believe that? My mind was totally blown. The spring shoots up over 60,000 tons of water every single day. That's enough to fill up 24 Olympic-sized swimming pools!When I first saw the Dahu Spring, my jaw dropped all the way to the floor. There was this huge pool of crystal clear turquoise water. It looked like a gigantic bathtub that never gets drained. The water was bubbling up from deep underground through this big hole in the rocks. It made a really cool "glug glug glug" sound.Around the edge of the pool, there were tons of bamboo pipes sticking out that the water was spurting out of. My parents told me they were ancient pipes used for drinking and washing clothes back in the olden days. Some of them were shooting out water as high as a three-story building! I tried to catch the water in my mouth but I just ended up getting totally soaked. It was hilarious!Next to the spring, there was this awesome park filled with flowers, trees, rocks and cute bridges over little streams. My little brother and I had a blast running around exploring everything. We even saw a family of ducks swimming in one of the ponds!The coolest part was when we went into the underground water palace. It was this network of tunnels and caves under the ground filled with more spring water. The caves had stalagmites and stalactites everywhere making them look like crystal forests. Some spots even had smoking vents where the hot spring water was steaming up from the rocks. It felt like we were exploring an ancient underground kingdom.My favorite tunnel had multi-colored lights that made the spring water glow in crazy bright neon shades of blue, purple, and green. It looked like something straight out of a fantasy storybook about gnomes and fairies. I couldn't believe my eyes!After the caves, we went to see the folklore show about the legends of the Dahu Spring. Performers wore costumes and did dances depicting gods, dragons and phoenixes associated with the sacred spring. My little brother's favorite was the dragon dance because the performer's costume had light-up scales and could breathe smoke from its mouth. So cool!At the end of the show, we got to taste the natural spring water from the Dahu. My mom bought us these adorable dragon-shaped cups to drink from. The water tasted crisp, sweet and completely pure. No nasty chemicals or anything. Just fresh water from deep inside the earth. Yum!On our way out, I begged my parents to let me throw a coin into the wishing pond by the entrance gates. I made a wish that we could come back and visit the Dahu Spring again very soon. Maybe next time we could even stay at the hotels there overnight!The Dahu Spring was seriously one of the mostjaw-droppingly awesome places I've ever been to. Between the massive turquoise pools, underground crystal palaces, and glowing neon tunnels, it felt like a magical other-world. I'm never going to forget how amazingly cool it was!If you ever get a chance to go to Xingtai, China, you have to go see the Dahu Spring. Just make sure to bring your swimsuit so you can try and catch the water spurts in your mouth like I did. You'll get soaked but it's totally worth it! This place is acan't-miss!。
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