0811080211 李建波附录(外文翻译、文献综述等)
河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计任务书基于JSP的文档共享与交流平台设计与实现院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统学生姓名:李建波学生学号:0811080211指导教师:刘书霞2012年 5月 18日河北科技师范学院教务处制指导教师签名:教学部主任审查签名:河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计开题报告基于JSP的文档共享与交流平台设计与实现院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统学生姓名:李建波学生学号:0811080211指导教师:刘书霞2012年 5月 18日河北科技师范学院教务处制河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计中期检查表河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计答辩记录表河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计成绩评定汇总表河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计工作总结基于JSP的文档共享与交流平台设计与实现院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统学生姓名:李建波学生学号:0811080211指导教师:刘书霞2012年 5月 18日河北科技师范学院教务处制河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计文献综述基于JSP的文档共享与交流平台设计与实现院(系、部)名称:工商管理学院专业名称:信息管理与信息系统学生姓名:李建波学生学号:0811080211指导教师:刘书霞2012年 5月 18日河北科技师范学院教务处制1选题背景和意义1.1选题背景随着科技的进步和全社会信息化程度的进一步加深,越来越多的人开始通过网络来了解和获得各种自己需要的信息,特别是一些专业人员对自己专业信息的需要。
河北科技师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译薪资:最大的秘密在哪里?院(系、部)名称:商务管理系专业名称:人力资源管理专业学生姓名:学生学号:指导教师:2012 年 03 月 14 日河北科技师范学院教务处制Compensation:What’s the Big SecretAbstractNo, you shouldn't be broadcasting your employees' salaries. But a new survey suggests that companies need to articulate how pay systems work and how individual compensation packages are determined. The payoff for you? More employees satisfied with their compensation.Keywords: compensation, communication, satisfaction,Over and over, we're told of the value in today's workplace of open communication, of transparency. Yet there's something critical that, in most organizations, remains top-secret. And that's compensation—specifically, what salaries are and how they are determined.It's in everybody's thoughts, yet rarely on their lips"It's perceived to be the unmentionable. We're the most open society in the world except for this one topic," says Peter LeBlanc, senior vice president of Sibson Consulting/The Segal Company (New York City). "Companies aren't bringing up the topic of pay, and people aren't seeking answers, because it's verboten."But a new study coauthored by LeBlanc shows that more and better communication about compensation can boost employees' satisfaction with their pay, leading to stronger commitment to the organization, enhanced trust in management, and other benefits. And it doesn't cost much to get these payoffs.The Knowledge of Pay study, sponsored by the human resources professional association WorldatWork, in Scottsdale, Arizona, surveyed more than 6,000 managers and employees from twenty-six organizations in theUnited States and Canada. The study does not suggest that companies reveal individuals' salaries. But it is telling people to talk about how pay systems work and how individual compensation packages are determined."We found at all income levels that the more knowledge our study participants have about their pay system, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their pay and engaged at work," LeBlanc says. "That's pretty powerful."Knowing more about compensation not only made more employees satisfied with their pay, it also fostered work engagement—for instance, it improved retention, employees' commitment to the company, and their willingness to refer friends and family to the organization. This could prove to be a bright note in today's economic climate: It is usually less expensive to improve and communicate a compensation structure than to increase actual pay.It's base pay that mattersThe study finds that base pay matters the most when it comes to communicating pay information. In a time of increasingly complex pay packages, this might disappoint the many companies that are committing time and dollars to bonus plans, short-term incentives, stock option programs, and the like. Nevertheless, the survey finds that satisfaction with base pay translates more strongly into work engagement than satisfaction with variable pay programs.Thus, organizations intent on doing a better job of communicating about compensation would do well to give the most attention to base pay.Why do organizations guard pay information so jealously, and why—as the Knowledge of Pay study finds—do employees so seldom ask for more information? Largely for the same reason people don't reveal their salaries to one another at cocktail parties. Several human resources and compensation experts interviewed believe the salary opaqueness that tends to prevail in workplaces is due to a long-standing cultural norm that has made pay a taboo subject. Other factors include the old notion that employee pay is the prerogative of top management; a worry that the more workers know about pay systems, the more they'll find to complain about; and management'sdesire to retain as much flexibility and subjectivity as possible in determining pay.Susan Zelinski-Davis, CCP, manager of employee performance and rewards at the insurance and financial services company Nationwide (Columbus, Ohio) believes companies with sound compensation programs have nothing to gain by hiding them. "Organizations should examine their pay systems and ensure they are well designed, which allows them to be open in communicating about them," she says. "As long as you have sound systems and guidelines, even if there remains some management discretion—and I don't think you can completely remove that—then you should be able to openly discuss pay."Perhaps surprisingly, managers surveyed for the Knowledge of Pay study report that employees ask about pay relatively infrequently. For example, just 17 percent of managers said they are frequently approached by employees with questions about their job grades, and only 15 percent are frequently asked about the consistency of pay practices. By contrast, 40 percent are asked frequently about performance issues.But the study authors are quick to discount a lack of interest as the reason for the relative dearth of questions about pay. More likely, they say, is the perception that such questions are unlikely to yield honest answers and, worse yet, could bring retribution.And in some cases, employees might be so confused about pay systems that they don't even know what to ask.The cost of silenceWith pay, as with any other subject, when there is an information vacuum, misinformation usually seeps in to fill it—and this misinformation is often more damaging than the truth. Martin Cormican, manager of compensation and benefits at Swarthmore College, notes that employees, even in highly secretive organizations, are bound to hear rumors about how management sets pay and how compensation compares with that in other (presumably more generous) organizations—even how much so-and-so in the office next door got in her last raise. "People take this information and internalize it, whether it's valid or not," he says. "That makes it more criticalthan ever for organizations to communicate their pay philosophy and strategy."Human resources professionals believe—and the new survey confirms—that employees are particularly keen on knowing they're being paid fairly relative to their peers inside the organization. Given the potential for the spread of misinformation and the damage to morale that can follow, tight-lipped leaders should ask themselves whether they are truly well served by maintaining silence on pay structures and how various jobs fit into them.Even if employees aren't asking managers for pay information, the study demonstrates that organizations are wise to give it. "You can have a great compensation program, but if you don't tell employees how it works, you're not getting the biggest bang for your buck," says Kay Sandvik-Schmitke, manager of surveys and research for WorldatWork.The new study finds that managers feel significantly less confident communicating compensation information than they do discussing and assessing performance. Whereas more than 80 percent of managers surveyed are either "very confident" or "completely confident" in their ability to give performance feedback and explain performance objectives, only about 40 percent report the same confidence in answering employee questions about job grades, how to move toward the maximum pay in a range, and consistency of pay practices in the company.The conversation can be particularly difficult when managers must explain a below-par raise to a report. To avoid such a conversation, Zelinski-Davis notes, managers are tempted to give proportionally equal raises to everyone. "Many managers tend to spread the dollars like peanut butter rather than allocating more dollars to higher-performing individuals and having to face the challenges of communicating proportionally smaller raises to average or below-average performers," she says. While this approach avoids a sensitive conversation, it robs management of one of its most powerful motivational tools, and it makes less than optimal use of the company's finite compensation dollars.Communicating about compensationOnce they make the commitment to openness about pay, companies cancommunicate effectively by following several key steps, according to the study authors and several human resources experts interviewed.Organizations typically rely on mass communications—manuals, handbooks, large staff meetings, etc.—to inform employees about pay. But the Knowledge of Pay study suggests that most people find such vehicles ineffective. More useful are personal and interactive approaches, often best performed by an employee's manager one-on-one.The study also suggests that companies can communicate pay information effectively through interactive, individualized e-learning courses conducted on intranets. That doesn't mean it's enough to send one-size-fits-all memos out via e-mail. "In our electronic environment, everything is easily pushed to everyone," says Bruce Lawson, partner and president of the human resources consulting firm Fox Lawson and Associates (Roseville, Minnesota). But with pay information, it really doesn't work. "When it comes to communicating pay information," he says, "people really like personal contact."Answering questions isn't enough, experts say. Managers should initiate the conversation, both in formal meetings and through informal contacts.Of course, for managers to serve well as the principal vehicles for communicating around compensation, they need to be better trained for the assignment than they are now. First, they themselves must learn how the pay system works. Then, managers need to learn to translate the information for their staffs—to use language appropriate to the lay audience and to apply the concepts to an individual's situation "on the ground."Make it relevantManagers can make pay communications most effective by focusing on aspects of the compensation plan relevant to the particular employee. For example, "a company can have different types of bonuses," Sandvik-Schmitke says. "If the bonus program pertains to the employee a manager is meeting with, the manager has got to put that person's line of sight on how the bonus program impacts them." Similarly, a lower-paid line worker ineligible for stock options certainly doesn't need details on that component of the pay plan. The pay conversation with this worker is best devoted to howhis raise was determined and tangible ways he can improve his performance to move up in the grade system.Employees obviously will not always like their raises, Lawson says. "But if people understand how you got there, there's a greater likelihood they'll accept the outcome. If I tell you your salary is being cut by 10 percent you're going to be upset. On the other hand, if we started out by educating the work force—maybe the company is having problems, and the alternative to salary cuts is layoffs—then at least you'll understand why the decision had to be made."Key to earning that acceptance is giving employees information about the company's fortunes, which requires treating them more like trusted insiders than an external audience to impress or mollify. It's easy to be open when the news is good. Less common, but just as necessary, is informing employees about problems and unresolved challenges and issues.At Fox Lawson, top management meets with the firm's employees every year to review financial performance and how that affects pay. "It makes employees feel that they really are a part of the business, that management trusts them," Lawson says. "It gives people that sense of belonging." The other benefit is that when people understand what's happening with the company as a whole, they're less likely to develop a persecution complex—the belief that they and their unit are being singled out for unfair treatment, Lawson says.No more mysteryHoneywell Electronic Materials, Sunnyvale, California, a participant in the Knowledge of Pay study, took quick action based on the study findings. Ina Marie Johnson, director of human resources at the 1,200-employee unit, organized a symposium in early August to review the results and how they applied to the company. Typical of organizations participating in the study, employees at HEM were generally satisfied with their actual pay but not with the poorly understood processes by which it was determined. After devoting the first day of the symposium to reviewing the research results and external best practices, HEM spent the second and third days educating managers about the company's compensation system, with the aim of preparing them tocommunicate more effectively with their reports. "The whole idea," Johnson says, "was to take the mystery out of our pay processes."As a second step, HEM launched in late August a customized, online "Total Rewards Tool." Honeywell employees can now punch in a password to access a Web page that documents their complete compensation package —base pay, bonuses, benefits, etc.—and its cash value.The thought of communicating more openly about pay might cause squirming in the executive quarters of organizations that are used to keeping compensation information close to the chest. But in LeBlanc's view, open and direct communication about compensation is vital to strong employer-employee relations. Employees increasingly expect and desire to be treated less like hired hands and more like integral members of the team; the very act of letting them in on the long-held compensation "secret" can create good will, LeBlanc says. Coupled with that is an economic climate in which management is less able to buy employee happiness through raises."I can't think of a better time in the last twenty years to reveal more about how pay systems work and compensation decisions are made," LeBlanc says. "There's a lot of retrenchment in pay right now. Maybe you can't distribute more pay right now, but you certainly can distribute more knowledge."原文出处:Tom Krattenmaker. Compensation:What’s the Big Secret[J,Harvard Management Communications Letter,2007,(10).薪资:最大的秘密在哪里?摘要一般而言,公司不应该公开员工的薪资情况。
理工学院毕业设计学生姓名:赵爱勇学号:071615232专业:机械设计制造及其自动化题目:下传动建筑砌块试验机电液传动系统设计指导教师:张利平(副教授)评阅教师:尹成湖(教授)2011年6月河北科技大学理工学院毕业设计成绩评定表姓名赵爱勇学号071615232 成绩专业机械设计制造及其自动化题目下传动建筑砌块试验机电液传动系统设计指导教师评语及成绩指导教师:年月日评阅教师评语及成绩评阅教师:年月日答辩小组评语及成绩答辩小组组长:年月日答辩委员会意见答辩委员会主任:年月日注:该表一式两份,一份归档,一份装入学生毕业设计说明书(论文)中。
关键词建筑砌块试验机液压站电液传动毕业设计外文摘要Title Design of the Electro-Hydraulic Transmissoin Systemon the Building Blocks Testing MachineAbstractThis design is about the electro-hydraulic driving system of the building blocks testing machine.Based The testing machine is a dedicated equipment, used in measuring building blocks of a strong compressive and bending.including design of the main structure and selecting double-column structure as the main frame,scheme selection of the loading system which adopt advanced electro-hydraulic proportional loading system in order to realize accurate and stable loading,description of observe and control system which use digital-to-analog device connected by MCU in order to realize semi-automatic control and automatic display. Secondly design of the hydraulic system function is described. Including the design of the hydraulic system diagram and component selection and design Finally, design of hydraulic station structure is described. Including,design of the hydraulic valve;and design of the hydraulic pumps.Key Words Building block Testing machine Hydraulic station Electro-hydraulic transmission本科毕业设计第Ⅰ页共Ⅰ页目录1 引言 (1)1.1 国内外相关产品的技术发展状况及达到的技术水平 (1)1.2 本课题研究的目的和意义 (2)2 总体方案的设计 (2)2.1 本课题的设计要求 (2)2.2 砌块试验机总体方案的分析 (3)2.2.1 二柱砌块试验机抗折、抗压功能实现 (3)2.2.2 四柱砌块试验机功能原理实现 (4)2.3 加载方式及测控方案设计 (5)2.4 总体布局方案的确定 (7)3 液压系统功能原理设计 (10)3.1 执行元件设计压力的选取 (10)3.2 系统基本参数的确定 (10)3.3 复合液压缸设计 (11)3.3.1 实际工作压力 (11)3.3.2 复合缸缸体计算 (12)3.4 液压系统原理图的拟定 (15)3.5 液压元、辅件的选择 (18)3.5.1 液压元件的选择 (18)3.5.2液压辅件的选择 (20)3.6 电动机的选择 (21)3.7 液压系统主要性能验算 (22)4 液压系统结构设计 (25)4.1 液压阀站的设计 (25)4.1.1 分解液压系统,绘制集成块单元回路图 (25)4.1.2 集成块的设计 (26)4.2 液压泵站的设计 (30)4.2.1 液压泵站的组成 (31)4.2.2 液压泵站的类型 (31)4.2.3 液压油箱及其附件 (31)4.2.4 液压泵组 (33)致谢 (37)参考文献 (38)附录A 使用说明书 (39)1 引言1.1 国内外相关产品的技术发展状况及达到的技术水平我国材料试验机的制造,从无到有、从小到大,从单参数到多参数,从静态到动态,逐步发展成初具规模,具有能生产静负荷试验机(如拉、压万能试验机、扭转试验机、松弛试验机、持久强渡试验机、蠕变试验机、复合应力试验机等)和动负荷试验机(如冲击试验机和疲劳试验机等)的能力,有效地促进了国民经济建设和国防建设的发展。
毕业设计学生姓名: XXXX 学号: XXXXXXXXX 学院: XXXXXXXXXXXX专业:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX题目: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX指导教师: XXXXXXXXXXX评阅教师: XXXXXX2015年5月注意事项:毕业环节是毕业设计时请将模版中论文字样删除;若是论文时请将模版设计字样删除。
—1 —河北科技大学毕业设计成绩评定表2毕业设计中文摘要—3 —毕业设计外文摘要本科毕业设计第1 页共11 页(空2行)目录(4号黑体,居中)1引言(或绪论)(作为正文第1章,小4号宋体,行距1.25—1.5倍) (1)2××××××(正文第2章)…………………………………………………Y 2.1 ××××××(正文第2章第1条)………………………………………Y 2.2 ××××××(正文第2章第2条)……………………………………… Y 2.X ××××××(正文第2章第X条)……………………………………… Y 3×××××(正文第3章)……………………………………………Y ………………………………………(略)X ×××××(正文第X章)……………………………………………………… Y 结论………………………………………………………………………………… Y 致谢………………………………………………………………………………… Y 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………Y 附录 A ××××(必要时)……………………………………………………… Y 附录 B ××××(必要时)……………………………………………………… Y图 1 ×××××(必要时)……………………………………………………… Y 图2×××××(必要时)……………………………………………………… Y表 1 ×××××(必要时)……………………………………………………… Y 表 2 ×××××(必要时)……………………………………………………… Y注:1.必须和正文中的页码对应;2.目次中的内容一般列出“章”、“条”二级标题即可;3.X、Y表示具体的阿拉伯数字;4.页眉中的页码用罗马数字(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ……)表示。
河北科技师范学院本科毕业设计外文翻译多层住宅建筑给排水设计的几个问题院(系、部)名称:专业名称:学生姓名:学生学号:指导教师:年月日河北科技师范学院教务处制The multilevel residential housing is given and drains off water severalquestions designedSummary :This text give and drain off water on multilevel residential housing design supply water the exertion of the tubular product , Way of laying of pipeline, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and air conditioner condensation water of pot-type boiler discharge issue goes on the discussion , And put forward some concrete views.Keyword:Skyscraper, supply water the tubular product , the pipeline is laid, The water gauge, the solar water heaterThe skyscraper is simple with its auxiliary facility, the fabrication cost is low, the characteristic such as being convenient of estate management, Receive the welcomes of the real estate developer and vast resident of small and medium-sized cities very much. How project planning and design of inhabited region, scientific and technological industry of comfortable house, lead the request according to 2000, Improve the design level of the house, build out a comfortable living space for each household, It is each designers duty. As the heart of the house --The kitchen, bathroom, is that the function is complicated, hygiene, safe and comfortable degree are expected much, It is miscellaneous to build, the space expecting much in technology. So, the designer must consider synthetically with the idea and method of global design that the kitchen, bathroom give installation of the drainage pipeline and equipment,etc. . Give and drain off water on skyscraper design supply water exertion, to lay pipeline of tubular product, water gauge produce family set up, establishment and empty of pot-type boiler now Transfer condensation water discharge issue discuss together with colleagues.(1)supply water tubular product select problem for use Traditional watersupply tubular product adopt zinc-plated steel tube generally, because zinc-plated steel tube exchange the corrosion, Use short-lived , use for and send domestic water can satisfied with water quality sanitary standard shortcoming, Ministry of Construction is popularizing the application of the feed pipe of plastics energetically . A lot of districts and cities have already expressed regulations: Forbid designing and using the zinc-plated steel tube , use widely the feed pipe of plastics. The plastics supply water In charge of compared with metal pipeline, light, it is fine to able to bear the intensity of keeping, Send obstruction little liquid , able to bear chemistry better to corrode performance, it is convenient to install, The steel energy-conservation of the province, merit of having long performance life etc.. Supply water and use plastics pipeline: Hard polyvinyl chloride( PVC-U), high density polyethylene( HDPE), pay and unitepolyethylene( PEX) , modify the polypropylene( PP-R, PP-C), gather butene( PB), aluminium mould and compound and in charge of and the steel is moulded and compound and is managed etc.. Choice of tubular product economic comparative course of technology, technology should from pressure, temperature, environment for use, install method,etc. go on and consider, Combine owners at the same time request and the house of grade,carry on and fix after being consider synthetically technology not economic. The above plastics supply water tubular product can supply water tubular product as house life. The economic and functional house conciliating Strand room in the face of the masses of with low- and medium-level incomes resident, can select for use hygiene grades of hard polyvinyl chloride in charge of as feed pipe mainly, In order to reduce the fabrication cost; Medium-to-high grade commodity apartment available aluminium Mould and compound and in charge of or other plastics supply water the tubular product as the feed pipe. House mix hot water temperature that water order exceed 600 C, so above-mentioned tubular product in charge of except hard polyvinyl chloride and aluminium plastics compound and in charge of( PE-AL-PE), Mostly the tubular product can be regarded as the hot water pipeline of the house.( 2) pipeline lay problem 1. give and drain off water it set up there arent one that in charge of1)Will install it in the corner place of the kitchen, bathroom tomorrow. Adopting this kind of way of laying more in the design of house in the past, it is convenient for it to construct, But will reveal the pipeline and hinder the room beautifully tomorrow Watch, the households will mostly be hidden with the light quality material in the equipment two times.2)Will install it in the overcast angle place of the outer wall of the building tomorrow. Way this suitable for southern weather warm district only, the minimum temperature in winter cant be lower than zero degrees Centigrade, In case water pipe water-logging freeze ice is bloated to split pipeline, influence household use. Pipeline lay in outer wall, influence building to be beautiful, too inconvenient on manage and maintain in the future.3)Lay it in the pipeline well. This way makes the room clean and beautiful , but the pipeline well has taken up the area of the bathroom, And pipeline construct, maintain relatively more difficult. Bathroom set up concentrate pipeline well, concentrate pipeline on assign in the well feed pipe, drain pipe, This is that the civilized importance lives in the kitchen of comfortable house, bathroom Embodiment. I think : Should consider the establishment of the pipeline well of the bathroom in the medium-to-high grade building conceptual design of commodity apartment, Improve quality of using of bathroom promptly so , can solve hardpolyvinyl chloride drain pipe rivers noise heavy problem, Improve the environmental quality level of the room; Whether for bathroom in the areas for little economic and functional house and Overcome difficulties room, warm area give and drain off water and set up and in charge of and can consider and lay in the outer wall in the South, In order to increase using the space of the bathroom; Pipeline install and in the room, should influence kitchen, bathroom every sanitary equipment use of function tomorrow2. supply water and prop up there arent tube House supply water prop up and in charge of pipe diameter one ≤ 32mm, de of battle,, little plastics feed pipe of pipe diameter is the crooked state, So the house supplies water and is propped up and in charge of being recommended and adopted and set up secretly. Supply water to prop up to manage darkly There are thes way had:1)Set up in the brick wall secretly. Wall turn on and in charge of trough in brick when constructing, in charge of trough width tube +20 mm, de of external diameter,, degree of depth tube external diameter de, The pipeline is imbedded and managed directly Trough, and with in charge of card fix in trough of inning charge of son.2)Whether pipe diameter supply water and prop up and last de ≤ 20mm,can set up at floor secretly piece make level by layer. Turn on and in charge of trough in floor( ground) the board when constructing, it wides trough have to be de +10 mm deeply 1/2 of the de, Half pipeline imbed and in charge of trough, and with in charge of card fix in trough of inning charge of tube. Aluminium mould compound and in charge of and pay and unite polypropylene in charge of pipeline adopt metal pipe fittings connection, Must strengthen and in charge of trough size when adopting and set up secretly, and rivers some flood peak loss relatively heavy. Assign the relative house that concentrated to the kitchen, bathroom interior hygiene utensil, Can adopt and divide Water device go on and join , divide water device whether one more than branch in charge of and connect, every hygiene utensil supply water and prop up and in charge of and connects and publishes from the water dividing device separately. Can already prevent the tube burying the pipeline secretly from being connected like this Permeate the question. Can reduce some flood peak lost, decrease the fabrication cost of pipe networks3)Drain off water and prop up the tube to lay House room drain off water and in charge of and should set up at the time of inning this each, drain off water and in charge of permeating sideways like this canning prevent the sewage from waiting for the pollutant to enter the neighbor family sideways, Will not influence the neighbor either when the pipeline is maintained Normal life of one. Kitchen wash water drainage of basin propped up and in charge of generallying inserts draining off water to stand to manage this layer of floor sideways; Floordrain drain off water propped up and in charge of laying the room of lower floor. A lot of colleagues think now: Whether kitchen the ground it lay ceramic tile of,whose name is clean in when need develop with water,not strong in meaning to set up floor drain, So kitchen set up ground floor drain, avoid and drain off water and prop up and in charge of and enter neighbor family sideways already so, Can increase using the space of the kitchen . Bathroom drain off water and prop up and in charge of and lay concrete measure have in this layer sideways inside:1)Improve the bathroom ground . Ground tendency high 150mm, adopt back row type take stool pot, washing basin, bath tub, water drainage of floor drain in charge of and bury in cushion layer secretly sideways.2)Adopt the sinking type bathroom. Bathroom sink 350mm the floor, hygiene utensil drain off water and in charge of and bury on sinking space secretly sidewaysTwo method these can realize water drainage of bathroom prop up and in charge of earths surface to bury underground this one without entering the neighbor family sideways. Bury pipeline when installing, construction quality must check on strictly, can construct bathroom ground after confirming qualified secretly, So as not to leave the hidden danger in giving in the future using. Bathroom ground construct and can pack coal ash light quality material , also can adopt and lay bricks impracticable to lay plate making construct ground, Ground must make waterproof to deal with, method can waterproof to deal with according to roofing, make two oil one rubber and plastic ointment waterproof cloth.3) water gauge the open air set up problem The water gauge is had indoors, not only the work load of checking meter is very heavy , but also make the security and privacy of the house reduce greatly . So house divide into households of water gauge or divide households of figure of water gauge Show that should be set up in the open air. Skyscraper water gauge the open air set up following several kinds of forms: Whether 1.adopt far it pass by water gauge Change the ordinary water gauge into and pass the water gauge far, is joined the water gauge and data gathering machine by a signal line, And then reach intelligence to manage( the computer). Its merit lies in saving a large amount of people Strength comes to check meter, the data are accurate, the shortcoming is that the fabrication cost is high. Whether 2.adopt magnetic stripe card of by water gauge Users buy the electronic card of the running water Company in advance , then insert it in the storing device of the water gauge, Card amount of money deduct automatically on the water, this way user need to prepay the water rate, The price of the water gauge is relatively high.3. adopt it set up at the open air water gauge not ordinary1)The water gauge is set up in the stair have a rest in the alcove of the platform. Household watersupply to prop up and manage and enter the kitchen, bathroom after the water gauge is measured. Way this realize water gauge produce room set up, equivalence low project have , supply water and set up and in charge of and set up with water gauge office results in aesthetic problems in stair. It suitable for the South warm district kitchen, bathroom assign close to the houses of positions of staircase.2)The water gauge concentrates on being set up among the water gauges( meter box). Person who give when supplying water, set up water gauge in ground floor( meter box) on falling, every household watersupply to prop up and is in charge of applying having in the pipeline well, Southern area can overcast horn place lay along the outer wall in building too; Person who give when supplying water, can set up water gauge in roof( meter box) under upgoing. This way increases and supplies water to prop up In charge of and lay length, pipeline lay and influence building to be beautiful along outer wall. Water gauge produce way choice that family assign, must combine house kitchen, bathroom plane assign characteristic and concrete request of developer, Carry on to several feasibility scheme the above economic technology fix after comparing. Property well-managed medium-to-high grade commodity apartment of housing district, can adopt and pass the water gauge far , It is that the water gauge will use the developing direction in the future; Estate management perfect medium- to-high grade commodity apartment of housing district, can adopt magnetic stripe card water gauge( Company have this kind district of business can design in running water) Or concentrate on setting up it among the water gauges( case); Southern area unit type house can set up rest platform office in stair with ordinary water gauge, In order to reduce the fabrication cost.4) establishment question of the pot-type boiler Should reserve and install hot water supply terms of facility, set up hot water supply facilities with when the design of house. Have and concentrate house that hot water supply on , should consider house assign with installation position and cold hot water pipeline of hot water device. The pot-type boiler generally has three kinds, such as gas, electricity, solar energy,etc.. Whether last kitchen gas heater and electric heater or Bathroom inside, give when draining off water design shoulding reserve installation position and cold hot water interface of pipeline of water heater in advance in building, Install by oneself when convenient users fit up. Solar energy and hot water It is simple and convenient and safe for device to use, need fuel and electric power is low to run theexpenses, Have long performance life, pollution-free, received by the masses of users favourably very much, Many houses have been small in recent years The district all install the solar water heater at the time of designing and construct. Solar water heater install and at the roof, need to set up the cold hot water pipeline among bathroom and water heater of the roofing like this generally, Consider installation of solar water heater when the design of house, household can only lay cold and hot pipeline along the building outer wall when installing in the future, Increase household degree of difficulty when installing like this , increase pipeline make the investment, influence building beautiful. Give when draining off water the design needing to solicit the developers suggestion first in building, Interconnected system one design, construct the solar water heater in unison; Reserve solar water heater and cold hot water installation position of pipeline in advance only. The cold hot water pipeline of the solar water heater can be laid In the pipeline well; Set up pipeline house of well , can set up one UPVC drain pipe of de110 as solar water heater hot water sleeve pipe of pipeline close to corner of person who take a shower in bathroom, Set up a de110 *75 three direct links in each hygiene interval ground, as connecting the entry of cold and hot water pipe5) air conditioner condensation ink discharge the issue In recent years, air conditioner enter huge numbers of families gradually, condensation water amorphous to discharge the building outer wall of pollution air conditioner have, Have influenced a beautiful important problem of biotope already. Building give when draining off water design shoulding consider air conditioner condensation ink discharge in a organized way. Concrete method can machine set up the water drain pipe of the condensation by the position outside reserving air conditioner, Drain off water and set up and in charge of and select PVC-U drain pipe de40 for use , reserve three direct links of draining off water highly in each air conditioner, It is convenient for air conditioner to drain off water hose insert directly.译文来源:美国PE杂志建筑给排水工程师2010年第10期多层住宅建筑给排水设计的几个问题摘要:本文就多层住宅建筑给排水设计中给水管材的选用,管道的敷设方式,水表出户设置,家用热水器的设置及空调冷凝水排放等问题进行探讨,并提出一些具体看法。
广西科技大学普通本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译文献题目一种新型的集成电路片上CMOS 温度传感器学院电气与信息工程学院专业电子信息工程班级电子112学号 201100303050姓名黄欢宣指导教师黄庆南2015 年 4 月 2 日A Novel Built- in CMOS Temperature Sen sor for VLSICircuitsWang Nailong, Zhang Sheng and Zhou Runde( Institu te of M icroelectronics, T sing hua U niversity , B eij ing 100084, Ch ina)Abstract: A novel temperature sensor is developed and presented especially for the purpose of online the rmalmoni to ring of VLSI chips. This sensor requires very small silicon area and low power consumption, and the simulation results show that its accuracy is in the o rder of 018℃. The proposed sensor can be easily implemented using regular CMOS process techno logies, and can be easily integrated to any VLS I circuits to increase their reliability.Key words: temperature sensor; thermal testability; frequency output. EEACC: 1265A; 2560; 2570DCLC number: TN 47Document code: A Article ID: 025324177 (2004) 03202522051IntroductionDue to the advances in the fabricaion process field of in tegrated circu its, the component den sityand the overall power dissipat ion of the high per fo rmance VLSI chips increase cont inuously. At the beginning of this century, the power dissipated in asingle ch ip has exceeded 100W , and tightly packed chip assemblies as the multichip modules can even dissipate thou sandswatts. Therefore, the thermalstate of integrated circu its has been always a great prob lem concerned and is considered as a bottle neck in increasing the in tegrat ion of elect ron ic system s.To overcome this problem , many researchers developed low 2power design techn iques for VLS Isystems. In order to avoid thermal damages,continuous thermal monitoring should be appliedduring both the production reliability testing and the field operation. An eff icient way is to buildtemperatu resensors in to all VLSI chips, with theapp ropriate circuitry p roviding easy readout. Insome earlier works , the researchers usedtheparasitic, lateral or sub strate bipolartran sistors,which can be realized in mo st of the CMOS processes, as thermal sen so rs. These are u sually PTAT sensors. The weakness of these senors is that the bipolar structu resare not well characterized in a MOS process. Thus, although they canp rovide a sat isf iect solution for a given process, thecircu its can not be regarded as a general CMOS approach and can not be widely used.2Problem formulationThere are various temperature sensors suitable for the rmalstate verification of in tegrated circuit microstructures such as the rmoresistors, pnjunctions, and the exploitation of the weakinversion of MOS transistors. Our objective is to convert the temperature to an oscillat ing signal to make it compat ib le to digital circu it design method and facilitate the evaluat ion of the temperature sensed. A temperatu re sen so r based on a ringo scillator is introduced in Ref., this cell guarantees a accuracy of 3℃that is marginally accep table as a chiptem perature sensor but the silicon area required is rather big. AMOS temperature controlled oscilla to risused as asensor to monitor the thermal state of microelectronic structu res in Ref. How ever, this sensor requires about 10 to 15mW power to drive the thermal delay line and the dissipatertran sistor.To overcome these inconven iences, w e th inkthat the temperature sensors to be used as builtinun its for VLSI circuits online the rmalmoni to ring should meet some special requirements as follows:( 1 ) Nearly linearity in a temperatu rerange(usually 0~ 100℃) ;( 2 ) Low power consumption (no more than 1 mW ) ;( 3 ) Simple structure and small silicon area(usually no more than 40 transistors) ; ( 4 ) Easy read out results with favorably digital output signal (e. g. , the frequency of asquare wave which carries the temperature information) ;( 5 ) Easy (one point) calib rat ion;( 6 ) High accu racy ( in the order of 2℃ or less) ;( 7 ) Compat ib ility w ith the p resen t CMO Sp rocess;Con sidering the given requirements, we present a new builtin temperatu resensor meeting all the above requirements3 Built- in thermal mon itor ing sensorOur new temperature sensoris a voltage controlled relaxation o scillato rbasedtemperature sensor shown in Fig. 1. The circuit consists of two parts, a voltageout put sensor and a relaxation oscillator.F ig. 1 Temperature sensor designed based on avoltage2cont ro lled relaxation oscillator3.1Voltage-output sen sorOur voltage output sensor circuit exploits the temperature dependence of the mosimportant parameter of the MOS transistor, namely, the thresh old voltage (V T ). The thresh old voltage has a negative temperature coeff icient as:V T (T ) = V T (T 0) + a (T - T 0) (1)where a is the temperature coeff icient with atypical value of - 118mVöK in CMOS 0135Lm 5V technology; V T (T 0 ) is the value of the th reshold voltage at temperatu re T0.As shown in Fig. 1, the voltage output sensor is a th reshold voltage reference cell. The pchannelt ransistors P1, P2 constitu teacurrent mirror. The current of transist or N1 is mirrored to tansistors N 2,N 3, and N 4. The vo ltage drop on these t ran sistors isfed back to the gate of N 1. Fo r easy calculat ing,we choose asame size of the transistors N 2,N 3, and N 4 (BN 2= BN 3= BN 4) , and we choose approp riatesize of the other transistors to ensure that the transisto rs P1, P2, N 1, N 2, N 3, and N4 are all in the state of saturation. Then the out put voltages of th is sen so r are in direct proportion to the thresh old voltage and linear with temperature and theirvalues are:V H = V T (1 +2K P12K P12 - 3K N 12) = k1V T (2)V L = V T (1 +2K N 12K P12 - 3K N 12) = k2V T (3)where is determined by the ratio between the gatesizes of the nchannel t ransistor N 1 and N 2, and is the ratio of the gate sizes of the pchannel transistor P1 and P2.By adju st ing the sizes of the t ran sisto rs, w efound shou ld be b igger than threetimes of,when the transistors P1, P2, N 1, N 2, N 3, and N 4 are all in the state of saturat ion.The advantages of th is circuit arrangeme t arethe simplicity and the stable outpu t. A n important feature is that the output voltages of V H and V L arepractically independen t of the supply voltage (V DD ).3. 2Voltage-con trolled relaxa t ion osc illa torThe quick in terfacing of the analogue, current output sensor with the digital environmen t is not asimple task. To overcome this problem we usea voltage controlled relaxat ion oscillato r as the voltage frequency converter. The output signal of th isconverter is asquare w ave, the frequency of which carries the temperatu re info rmation. This frequency can be easily turned in to adigital number bycoun ting the square wave pulses in a prescribedt ime window.As shown in F ig. 1, the curren t of the resisto rism irro red using thet ran sisto rs P3, P4, P5,N5,N6 to provide the same sou rce and sink current s to charge and discharge thecapacitor C. Assum ing thein it ial value of the f o sc is logic 0, then the t ran sistor P6 is on and the t ran sisto rN 7 is off cau sing the capacitor C to be charged using the source curren t I un t il V cexceeds the upper th resho ld V H. W hen th isoccu rs, the output latchtoggles and the logic valueof f o sc becomes logic 1, w hich in turn makes thet ran sistor P6 off and the tran sistor N 7 on. Th ismakes the capacitor C to be discharged by the sinkcurren t until the capacit r voltage falls below alowerthreshold V L at w h ich t ime the en t ire cyclerepeats. N eglecting the delay of the comparators,latch and transistors P6 and N 7, the oscillation cycle time should be:As the current is small and the W öL rat io of the transistor P3 is chosen to be big in this design,the V gsp can be appro ximated to the th reshold voltage of the transistor P1 and therefo e the currentcan be approximated byAnd the temperature dependence of the resistor R s iswhere k is the temperatu re coeficien t of the resistor,with typical value k= 255×10- 6ö℃fo r polysilicon sheet resistor in the CMOS 0135Lm 5V technology.Therefore, the oscillation cycle time is foundto beThis equation implies that the cycle t ime ofthe relaxation oscillator is nearly linear with temperature, and then the f requency of the o scillator is4Simulation results and discuss ionThe simulation result of the voltage output the rmalsen sorisillustrated in F ig. 2, and the varia ion of the relaxat ion oscillator based sensor oscillation cycle t ime and f requency versus the ch iptemperatu re is shown in Fig. 3.To evaluate a buildin thermal sensor, thereare three important characterist ics: accu racy, sili2con area ( transistor number ) , and powerdissipation. The characterist ics of our voltage cont rolled relaxation oscillator based sensor is shown in Table 1:5ConclusionIn this paper, apractical and efficient built intemperatu resensor for the rmalmonito ring of the integrated circuits is in troduced. The main advantages of the presented chip temperature sensors are low silicon area, low power dissipation, digital output inform of oscillation frequency, high accuracy,and easily implemented using regular CMOS process techno logies. Therefore, this sensor can beeasily in tegrated to any VLS I circu it s to increasecircu it sreliab ility.References[ 1 ]Chandrakasan A , ShengS, Broderson R. Low 2power CMOS digital design. IEEE J So lid2State Circuits, 1992, 27 (4) : 473[ 2 ]NebelW , Mermet J. Low power design in deep subm icronelectronics. Boston: Kluwer A cadem ic Publishers, 1997,Chap ter 4. 1[ 3 ]Montane E,Bo ta S A , Sam itier J. A compact temperature sen2so r of a 110Lm CMOStechno logy using lateral PN P transis to rs. 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IEEE T rans VLSISyst, 1997, 5 (3) : 270[ 10 ]Huang Yip ing, Zhu Shiyang, LiAizhen, et al. High temperature pressure sensor fabricated with smartcut SO Imaterials.Chinese Journal of Sem iconductors, 2001, 22 (7) : 924 ( in Chinese)一种新型的集成电路片上CMOS 温度传感器王乃龙张盛周润德(清华大学微电子学研究所, 北京 100084)摘要: 介绍了一种可以用于片上温度监控的CMO S 温度传感器, 该传感器具有面积小、功耗低、精度高、易于实现等优点, 可以比较容易地集成到芯片上实现温度监测功能.关键词: 温度传感器; 热可测性; 频率输出EEACC: 1265A; 2560; 2570D中图分类号: TN 47文献标识码: A文章编号: 025324177 (2004) 03202522051引言由于集成电路制造工艺领域的先进性,该组件密度和高表现所整体功耗超大规模集成电路芯片不断增加。
毕业论文外文资料翻译学院:经济管理学院专业:工业工程姓名:刘广强学号: 090203231外文出处: Mathematical Problemsin Engineering附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
1. 介绍如今,停车难的问题一直是广大市民讨论最多的话题之一。
河北科技师范学院本科毕业论文(设计)外文翻译数据库编程教学网站的开发院(系、部)名称:欧美学院信息技术系专业名称:计算机科学与技术学生姓名:王楠学生学号:9210080324指导教师:关健2011年11月10日河北科技师范学院教务处Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server is a relational database server, developed by Microsoft: it is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet). There are at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server aimed at different audiences and for different workloads (ranging from small applications that store and retrieve data on the same computer, to millions of users and computers that access huge amounts of data from the Internet at the same time).True to its name, Microsoft SQL Server's primary query languages are T-SQL and ANSI SQL.HistorySQL Server 2005 (codename Yukon), released in October 2005, is the successor to SQL Server 2000. It included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational data. For this purpose, it defined an xml data type that could be used either as a data type in database columns or as literals in queries. XML columns can be associated with XSD schemas; XML data being stored is verified against the schema. XML is converted to an internal binary data type before being stored in the database. Specialized indexing methods were made available for XML data. XML data is queried using XQuery; Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration was a main feature with this edition, enabling one to write SQL code as Managed Code by the CLR. SQL Server 2005 added some extensions to the T-SQL language to allow embedding XQuery queries in T-SQL. In addition, it also defines a new extension to XQuery, called XML DML, that allows query-based modifications to XML data. SQL Server 2005 also allows a database server to be exposed over web services using Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets encapsulated within SOAP (protocol) requests. When the data is accessed over web services, results are returned as XML.For relational data, T-SQL has been augmented with error handling features (try/catch) and support for recursive queries with CTEs (Common Table Expressions). SQL Server 2005 has also been enhanced with new indexing algorithms, syntax and better error recovery systems. Data pages are checksummed for better error resiliency, and optimistic concurrency support has been added for better performance. Permissions and access control have been made more granular and the query processor handles concurrent execution of que ries in a more efficient way. Partitions on tables and indexes are supported natively, so scaling out a database onto a cluster is easier. SQL CLR was introduced with SQL Server 2005 to let it integrate with the .NET Framework.SQL Server 2005 introduced "MARS" (Multiple Active Results Sets), a method of allowing usage of database connections for multiple purposes.SQL Server 2005 introduced DMVs (Dynamic Management Views), which are specialized views and functions that return server state information that can be used to monitor the health of a server instance, diagnose problems, and tune performance.SQL Server 2005 introduced Database Mirroring, but it was not fully supported until the first Service Pack release (SP1). In the initial release (RTM) of SQL Server 2005, database mirroring was available, but unsupported. In order to implement database mirroring in the RTM version, you had to apply trace flag 1400 at startup. Database mirroring is a high availability option that provides redundancy and failover capabilities at the database level. Failover can be performed manually or can be configured for automatic failover. Automatic failover requires a witness partner and an operating mode of synchronous (also known as high-safety or full safety).EditionsMicrosoft makes SQL Server available in multiple editions, with different feature sets and targeting different users. These editions are:Mainstream editionsDatacenterSQL Server 2008 R2 Datacenter is the full-featured edition of SQL Server and is designed for datacenters that need the high levels of application support and scalability. It supports 256 logical processors and virtually unlimited memory. Comes with StreamInsight Premium edition.EnterpriseSQL Server Enterprise Edition includes both the core database engine and add-on services, with a range of tools for creating and managing a SQL Server cluster. It can manage databases as large as 524 petabytes and address 2 terabytes of memory and supports 8 physical processors.StandardSQL Server Standard edition includes the core database engine, along with the stand-alone services. It differs from Enterprise edition in that it supports fewer active instances (number of nodes in a cluster) and does not include some high-availability functionssuch as hot-add memory (allowing memory to be added while the server is still running), and parallel indexes.WebSQL Server Web Edition is a low-TCO option for Web hosting.WorkgroupSQL Server Workgroup Edition includes the core database functionality but does not include the additional services.ExpressSQL Server Express Edition is a scaled down, free edition of SQL Server, which includes the core database engine. While there are no limitations on the number of databases or users supported, it is limited to using one processor, 1 GB memory and 4 GB database files (10 GB database files from SQL Server Express 2008 R2). The entire database is stored in a single .mdf file, and thus making it suitable for XCOPY deployment. It is intended as a replacement for MSDE. Two additional editions provide a superset of features not in the original Express Edition. The first is SQL Server Express with Tools, which includes SQL Server Management Studio Basic. SQL Server Express with Advanced Services adds full-text search capability and reporting services.Specialized editionsAzureMicrosoft SQL Azure Database is the cloud-based version of Microsoft SQL Server, presented as software as a service on Azure Services Platform.Compact (SQL CE)The compact edition is an embedded database engine. Unlike the other editions of SQL Server, the SQL CE engine is based on SQL Mobile (initially designed for use with hand-held devices) and does not share the same binaries. Due to its small size (1 MB DLL footprint), it has a markedly reduced feature set compared to the other editions. For example, it supports a subset of the standard data types, does not support stored procedures or Views or multiple-statement batches (among other limitations). It is limited to 4 GB maximum database size and cannot be run as a Windows service, Compact Edition must be hosted by the application using it. The 3.5 version includes supports Synchronization Services.SQL CE does not support ODBC connectivity, unlike SQL Server proper.DeveloperSQL Server Developer Edition includes the same features as SQL Server Datacenter Edition, but is limited by the license to be only used as a development and test system, and not as production server. This edition is available to download by students free of charge as a part of Microsoft's DreamSpark program.Embedded (SSEE)SQL Server 2005 Embedded Edition is a specially configured named instance of the SQL Server Express database engine which can be accessed only by certain Windows Services.EvaluationSQL Server Evaluation Edition, also known as the Trial Edition, has all the features of the Enterprise Edition, but is limited to 180 days, after which the tools will continue to run, but the server services will stop.Fast TrackSQL Server Fast Track is specifically for enterprise-scale data warehousing storage and business intelligence processing, and runs on reference-architecture hardware that is optimized for Fast Track.Parallel Data Warehouse (PDW)A massively parallel processing (MPP) SQL Server appliance optimized for large-scale data warehousing such as hundreds of terabytes.ArchitectureProtocol layerProtocol layer implements the external interface to SQL Server. All operations that can be invoked on SQL Server are communicated to it via a Microsoft-defined format, called Tabular Data Stream (TDS). TDS is an application layer protocol, used to transfer data between a database server and a client. Initially designed and developed by Sybase Inc. for their Sybase SQL Server relational database engine in 1984, and later by Microsoft in Microsoft SQL Server, TDS packets can be encased in other physical transport dependent protocols, including TCP/IP, Named pipes, and Shared memory. Consequently, access to SQL Server is available over these protocols. In addition, the SQL Server API is also exposed overweb services.TOOLSVisual StudioMicrosoft Visual Studio includes native support for data programming with Microsoft SQL Server. It can be used to write and debug code to be executed by SQL CLR. It also includes a data designer that can be used to graphically create, view or edit database schemas. Queries can be created either visually or using code. SSMS 2008 onwards, provides intellisense for SQL queries as well.SQL Server Management StudioSQL Server Management Studio is a GUI tool included with SQL Server 2005 and later for configuring, managing, and administering all components within Microsoft SQL Server. The tool includes both script editors and graphical tools that work with objects a nd features of the server. SQL Server Management Studio replaces Enterprise Manager as the primary management interface for Microsoft SQL Server since SQL Server 2005. A version of SQL Server Management Studio is also available for SQL Server Express Edition, for which it is known as SQL Server Management Studio Express (SSMSE).A central feature of SQL Server Management Studio is the Object Explorer, which allows the user to browse, select, and act upon any of the objects within the server. It can be used to visually observe and analyze query plans and optimize the database performance, among others. SQL Server Management Studio can also be used to create a new database, alter any existing database schema by adding or modifying tables and indexes, or analyze performance. It includes the query windows which provide a GUI based interface to write and execute queries.Microsoft SQL ServerMicrosoft SQL Server是一个关系数据库服务器,由微软开发的,它是一个软件产品,其主要功能是存储和检索数据,其他应用软件的要求,无论是那些在同一台计算机或另一台计算机上运行,通过网络(包括互联网)。
二、设计资料1工程名称:某行政办公楼2工程规模:A、建筑面积:1400~1600 m2B、容纳总办公人数120左右,男女工作人员比例3:2C、层数4~5层3.建设地点:广西南部某市4.各类用房建筑面积指标:A、门厅:100~130 m2B、收发、传达室:15~20 m2C、接待室:30~50 m2D、办公室:35~40间20~25 m2/间E、小会议室:2~3间40~50 m2/间F、大会议室:120~150 m2G、档案室:1~2间20~25 m2/间H、资料室:1~2间20~25 m2/间I、打字、文印室:1~2间20~25 m2/间J、储藏室:10~15 m2/间K.、卫生间:每层设男女卫生间各一间(带洗手间)30~35 m2/间5自然气候条件A.主导风向:夏季东南风,冬季东北风B.温度:最热平均气温33摄氏度C.相对湿度:最热月平均湿度80%D平均年总降水量1300mmA、根据建筑功能要求,结合自然气候条件等合理践行建筑平面,剖面及立面组合及设计,做到功能合理,通风采光良好,交通顺畅,满足防火及安全疏散的要求。
广东技术师范学院天河学院本科毕业设计外文翻译译文学生姓名宋岸其院(系)广东技术师范学院天河学院专业班级机械设计制造及其自动化指导教师李兆瑞完成日期2015年4月The robot control system in PLCIs the national machinery industry equipment department, is to provide consumer durable goods for people's life for the national economy to provide equipment and industry. Machinery industry scale and technology level is an important symbol to measure the strength of the national economy and the level of science and technology. Therefore, all countries in the world to develop machinery industry as a strategic focus of the development of the national economy (Zhang Zhixian, 2002). The new century, with the development and progress of science and technology and the level of production led to the rapid development of the machinery industry. In modern industry, the production process of mechanization, automation has become a prominent theme. However, in the machinery industry, processing, assembly and other production is not continuous. These will not rely solely on human continuous production processes together, not only time-consuming and inefficient. At the same time, the labor intensity is very large, sometimes mistakes and hurt. Obviously, which seriously restrict the impact of efficiency and the automation of the entire production process. The application of manipulator is a very good solution to this situation, it does not exist by repeated mistakes, can effectively avoid accidents (Yang Yongqing, 2008).In the machinery industry, has the following significance of the application of manipulator.Application of mechanical hand, is conducive to the improvement of material transfer, workpiece handling, tool replacement and machine assemblyautomation, which can improve labor productivity, reduce production costs, accelerate the realization of industrial production mechanization and automation pace.In high temperature, low temperature, high pressure, low pressure, dust, noise, odor, radioactive or other toxic pollution and narrow working space in other occasions, with manual operation is dangerous or impossible. Application of mechanical hand can replace some or all people to complete the work safely, greatly improve the working conditions. At the same time, in some simple action but repeated operation, the manipulator instead of manual work, can avoid fatigue caused by operation or neglect of personal accident.Application of mechanical hand instead of manual work, this is a direct side reduction in manpower at the same time, due to the application of mechanical hand can work continuously, which is reduced to another side of human. Therefore, the automatic machine and automatic processing production line currently has almost mechanical hand, to reduce the manpower and accurately control the production rhythm, easy rhythm of production.With the development of modern industrial technology, industrial automation technology is more and more high, working environment and working content also requires a simple ideal, for some reciprocating work by robot remote control or automatic completion is very important. This can avoid some of the people can not contact the substances cause harm to human body, such as metallurgy, chemical, pharmaceutical, aerospace etc.. For the domestic and foreign research level of the manipulator is not the same, but represent the most advanced technology in Japan, his humanity is as the acme of perfection, automation, these techniques rely on control theory, new material science, it is the integration of a variety of cutting-edge technology of modern machines. Our country has been in the industry for some applications, automatic control, has been widely used in flexible manufacturing system, but the level of automation of our country needs to be improved, only equivalent to the world advanced level of technology in the eighty's. With the development of industrial modernization, manipulator technology increases, the trend of the development of high strength, strong flexibility, accurate and reliable, can automatically detect and motor command, with advanced artificial intelligence, that only the usual simple maintenance, this is also the development trend of the foundry.At present, the world of high-end industrial manipulator has high accuracy, high speed, multi axis, the development trend of lightweight. The positioning accuracy can meet the requirements of micron and submicron particles, the speed can reach 3M/S, mass production reached 6 total weight of products 2Kg axis, system load has exceeded 100Kg. More important is the manipulator, flexible manufacturing system and flexible manufacturing unit combination, so as to fundamentally change the current manufacturing system manual operation state. At the same time, along with the miniaturization and micromation of the manipulator, its application will break through the traditional mechanical field, and toward electronic information, biotechnology, life sciences and aerospace and other high-end industry development.This design is the use of programmable controller PLC as a carrier of a manipulator driving device, used to achieve the function of writing, and can change the control parameters according to the requirements of the change of demand.Through there to provide for the school library database and network information collection, I have a lot of inquiries to the literature on this topic. They include books, journals, academic papers etc.. The documents involved in all the relevant aspects of the design can be better to complete the design as a reference.The comprehensive literature content can see that PLC has the following advantages, it can adapt to the harsh environment of the industrial field, high reliability. General requirements in industrial production control equipment has a strong anti-interference ability. PLC and one's own knack in in this area are: it adopts photoelectric isolation device in hardware in order to prevent the interference of output feedback input; the shielding measures to prevent electromagnetic interference space; set the filter, to eliminate the interference between external interference andinfluence of each module; the interlock and interlock control, self diagnostic circuit and module type structure and other measures, in order to improve the reliability and interchangeability of hardware module; the software adopts fault self detection, self diagnosis and other measures.The advantages of other practical aspects of the 1.PLC software is easy to learn.2 PLC 3.PLC easy to use; small volume, light weight, easy to install. Because the PLC has a series of advantages, widely used in industrial control, the following three kinds: (1) control switch, sequential logic control. That is to replace the relay control system, such as the metallurgical industry in the feeding system, rolling mill, continuous casting machine, for shear control system; automatic production line, automatic processing machine, all kinds of machinery industry manipulator, Longmen milling machine control; light industry in the injection molding machine, packaging machine, food processing machinery etc.. (2) analog control. Such as temperature, pressure, flow and so on; (3) acquisition, processing and analysis of data. Such as data acquisition, arithmetic, function, logic operation, data transmission, conversion, holding order and operation control in the look-up table.The PLC control as the control of mechanical hand design system is a convenient, practical, reliable control system design. Very understand the design through the collection of data and the initial plan I have to believe that, under the guidance of the teachers and my own efforts I can be very good to complete the design task, although the period will certainly encounter difficulties in this or that, but I have the confidence to do it all.外文中文翻译:基于PLC的机械手控制系统机械工业是国民的装备部,是为国民经济提供装备和为人民生活提供耐用消费品的产业。
南京理工大学泰州科技学院毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):机械工程专业:机械工程及自动化姓名:学号:外文出处:Elsevier Ltd. Procedia Technology14 ( 2014 ) 365 – 371.附件:1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。
对于这些变量,我们可以使用PLC来控制,使用PLC 可以增加效率和提高响应时间。
关键词循环控制压力控制洗瓶机流量控制液位控制循环安全1 引言过程循环系统通常使用在石油、天然气、化工、饮料等工业中。
西安科技大学高新学院本科毕业设计本科毕业设计((论文论文))外文翻译译文外文翻译译文学生姓名学生姓名学生姓名 : 熊 静 院院 (系): 建筑与土木工程 专业班级专业班级专业班级 : 工程管理0703 指导教师指导教师指导教师 : 胥卫平 完成日期完成日期完成日期 : 2010年10月10日求要 求1、外文翻译是毕业设计(论文)的主要内容之一,必须学生独立完成。
房 地 产 市 场 的 泡 沫 理查德赫林 苏珊沃特泽尔/ Lurie房地产中心工作文件#402理查德赫林沃顿商学院宾夕法尼亚大学宾夕法尼亚州费城,19104 herring@苏珊沃特沃顿商学院宾夕法尼亚大学宾夕法尼亚州费城,19104wachter@ 2002年3月2002年4月22-24日,在芝加哥编写了与世界银行,芝加哥联邦储备银行集团的会议“资产价格泡沫:货币的含义,法规,政策和国际政策。
但是,在一些国家,银行扮演更主导作用,如美国的大萧条之前,大(其中银行持有65%的总资产),或现今日(其中79%的资产银行持有的总数),或新兴 市场(如银行往往持有超过80%的资产总额),为的后果实体经济可以更加严峻。
1引言1.1 轧机的发展轧机是实现金属轧制过程的设备。
据说在 14世纪欧洲就有轧机,但有记载的是 1480 年意大利人达·芬奇 (Leonardo da Vinci) 设计出轧机的草图。
1553 年法国人布律列尔 (Brulier) 轧制出金和银板材,用以制造钱币。
英国于 1766 年有了串行式小型轧机,19世纪中中期,第一台可逆式板材轧机在英国投产,并轧出了船用铁板。
1848 年德国发明了万能式轧机,1853 年美国开始用三辊式的型材轧机,并用蒸汽机传动的升降台实现机械化。
1859 年建造了第一台连轧机。
万能式型材轧机是在 1872 年出现的;20世纪,随着冶金工业的发展,已出现多种类型的轧机,其中有用两架三辊粗轧机和五架四辊稿轧机组成的半连续式带钢轧机。
60年代以来轧机在设计,研究和制造方面取得了很大的进展,使带材冷热轧机、厚板轧机、高速线材轧机、H型材轧机和连轧管机组等性能更加完善,并出现了轧制速度高达每秒钟 115米的线材轧机、全连续式带材冷轧机、5500毫米宽厚板轧机和连续式 H型钢轧机等一系列先进设备。
轧机用的原料单重增大,液压 AGC、板形控制、电子计算机程序控制及测试手段越来越完善,轧制品种不断扩大。
1.2 轧机的主要设备由轧辊、轧辊轴承、轧机机架、轧机轨座、轧辊调整装置、上轧辊平衡装置、传动装置、附属设备等组成。
1.3 多辊轧机的用途(1)轧制高强度的金属和合金薄带材。
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外文出处:Mathematical Problems
in Engineering
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1. 介绍
在这种情况下如图2 ,输入数据包括道路网络布局,交通区的布局,和一些调查数据。
GIS Web应用数据挖掘的信息存储在停车场管理信息系统的数据仓库,这些数据可以提供额外的管理研究。