大学英语1读写教程unit 1单词讲义范文

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1. reward: vt. give sth in return for good and valuable doings.

eg. The father rewarded the little boy for cleaning his room.

Finally, his hard work was rewarded .

reward: n. [C, U] sth as a return for good and valuable doings.

eg. The bank developed a new system of rewards to encourage the clerks

to work harder.

This game had its excitement, challenges, and rewards. rewarding: adj. satisfying and worthwhile

She found the experience very rewarding.

Teaching is a rewarding career.

2. frustrate: vt. 1) Cause someone to have feelings of disappointment

eg. She was frustrated by her failure in the college entrance exam.

2)Cause the failure of sth

eg. His attitude frustrated our plan.

Thick fog frustrated their attempt to land on the tiny island. frustrating: adj. Making someone feel annoyed, upset, or impatient

eg. It’s frustrating when you’re in a hurry and the traffic isn’t moving.

Many of the things that my father finds frustrating are exactly what

my mother finds most rewarding.

3. be worth sth / doing sth

eg. The beautiful town and lovely beaches were well worth the 45-minute drive from our cottage.

He’s decided to have a look at the house for it is well worth buying.

4. junior: adj. having a low position, level, or rank

eg. She started as a junior reporter on a local newspaper.

His job is to give instructions to people junior to him.

5. senior: adj. having a higher position, level or rank

eg. They have got effective support from the senior management of the college.

His position is senior to me.

6. while: conj.

Eg. While I like him personally, I don’t think what he’s doing is right.

While professors are talking about economic theories, company chairmen are

concerned with profits.

7. former: adj. of an earlier period;

n. the first of the two.

eg. The coal industry is now hardly half its former size.

Of the two possibilities, the former seems more likely.

8. not only … but also…: when you put “not only” at the beginning of a sentence, the

sentence order should be inverted.

eg. Not only did he finish his homework, but he also cleaned the room.

Not only are housewives not paid, but also most of their boring work is unnoticed.

9. unlike: prep. Not like, different from

eg. Unlike me, my son likes to get up early.

10. far from: not at all

eg. Far from (being) angry, he is very happy.

Far from helping the situation, you’ve just made it worse.

11. though: adv.

eg. Learning English is a hard work, I enjoy it, though.

I can’t go shopping with you. I can give you a ride to the department store, though.

12. intimidate: vt. Create a feeling of fear in sb

eg. He said he would never be intimidated by his opponent’s power.

He’s being kept in jail until the trial so that he can’t intimidate any of the


13. medium: n a method for giving information

adj. of middle size, amount, or quality

eg. TV has become the most important medium.

She was of medium height and medium build.

14. access: 1) the right to have or use sth;

2) the means of entering a place

hav e / get / obtain access to…

eg. If you don’t have access to the internet, we’ll send someone to help you.

The soldiers guarded the only access to the building.

15. virtual: 1) created by computer to be similar to the experience of real life

2) Almost what is stated.

eg. Virtual communities

Virtual classrooms

Finding a cheap place to rent is virtually impossible in this area.
