
















三、问卷数据分析问卷数据分析结果显示:排除无效数据和其他数据,53.63%的学生认为ESP 课程是一门英语课,24.77%的学生仍然把它定位为一门专业课,由此可见,部分学生对于该门课程的定位存在误解,或许从一开始大部分教师就没有给学生解释清楚这到底是一门什么样的课程,从而导致学生对于该门课程的理解出现了偏差。



全科医学英语全科医学英语:General Medicine1、安徽省全科医学培训现状、问题及建议The present situation, problems and suggestions of the General Practice training in Anhui Province2、北京市全科医学培训工程项目培训班学员知识、态度、技能评价研究An evaluation study of students ′ knowledge, attitude and skills in General Practice Training Project3、PBL教学方式在全科医学概论教学中的应用Application of Problem-based Learning in an Introduction to General Practice4、结果:PBL教学组学生在学习态度、获取全科医学知识的途径、自我评价、考试成绩等几方面好于传统教学组。

Result: PBL teaching excels the conventional teaching in learning attitude, approaches to obtaining GP knowledge, self-evaluation and examination scores.5、开发病人满意度测量工具的新思路&以RACGP全科医学服务满意度问卷为例New Perspective of Measurement Tool Development-General Practice Satisfaction Questionnaire as Example6、中华医学杂志(CMJ)是一个国际同行评审的全科医学杂志上发表的英文半月刊由中华医学会和全球发行。

Chinese Medical Journal ( CMJ) is an international, peer-reviewed general medical journal published in English semimonthly by the Chinese Medical Association and distributed worldwide.。







二、全科实践教学的目标1. 培养医学生的临床思维能力:通过实践教学,使学生掌握临床诊断、治疗、护理等基本技能,提高临床思维能力。

2. 增强医学生的沟通能力:实践教学过程中,医学生需要与患者、家属、同事等不同群体进行沟通,培养其良好的沟通技巧。

3. 提高医学生的团队协作能力:实践教学强调团队合作,通过实践活动,使学生学会与他人共同完成任务,提高团队协作能力。

4. 培养医学生的职业素养:实践教学过程中,医学生需要遵守职业道德规范,树立正确的医德观念。

三、全科实践教学的内容1. 基础医学知识:包括解剖学、生理学、病理学、生物化学等基础医学课程,为学生提供扎实的医学理论基础。

2. 临床医学知识:包括内科学、外科学、妇产科学、儿科学、眼科学、耳鼻喉科学、皮肤科等临床医学课程,使学生掌握临床诊疗技能。

3. 社区卫生服务:组织学生参与社区卫生服务,了解社区医疗服务模式,提高学生的社区服务能力。

4. 临床实习:安排学生在医院进行临床实习,通过跟师学习,掌握临床诊疗技能。

5. 案例分析:组织学生进行案例分析,提高学生的临床思维能力和解决问题的能力。

6. 课外实践活动:鼓励学生参加课外实践活动,如志愿者服务、科普宣传等,培养学生的社会责任感和奉献精神。

四、全科实践教学的方法1. 临床带教:聘请具有丰富临床经验的医生担任带教老师,对学生进行一对一指导,提高学生的临床技能。

2. 小组讨论:组织学生进行小组讨论,培养学生的团队合作精神和沟通能力。

3. 案例教学:通过案例分析,引导学生运用所学知识解决实际问题,提高临床思维能力。

4. 仿真模拟:利用虚拟现实、仿真技术等手段,模拟临床场景,提高学生的临床操作技能。









1 全英文教学是大势所趋在全英文教学计划制定之后,无论机关、教员,还是学员,都有不同的声音发出。















IPCEA 全科医学教学病例--一个高龄糖尿病病人的全科医学照顾

IPCEA 全科医学教学病例--一个高龄糖尿病病人的全科医学照顾

IPCEA 全科医学教学病例--一个高龄糖尿病病人的全科医学照顾刘莹;张永健;吴华【摘要】“深圳-国际全科医师技能培训项目”是由国际初级保健教育联盟(International Primary Care Asso-ciation,IPCEA)与深圳市宝安区卫生局、深圳市医学继续教育中心以及美国伟伦公司合作举办的全科医生师资培训项目,目的是为有效引进国际先进全科医学理念和技术,更好地实现对全科医生队伍的规范化、科学化和系统化培养,提升深圳市全科医生整体服务水平。



【期刊名称】《中国全科医学》【年(卷),期】2014(000)017【总页数】3页(P1934-1936)【关键词】糖尿病;老年人;社区卫生服务【作者】刘莹;张永健;吴华【作者单位】518000 广东省深圳市,深圳市国际全科医生技能培训中心;518000 广东省深圳市,深圳市国际全科医生技能培训中心;518000 广东省深圳市,深圳市国际全科医生技能培训中心【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R587.11 病案简介范先生,87岁,确诊2型糖尿病25年,确诊原发性高血压病5年。






目前患者控制血糖的药物为甘精胰岛素8 U,1次/d皮下注射及拜唐苹(阿卡波糖)50 mg,3次/d口服;降压治疗采用施慧达(左旋氨氯地平)2.5 mg和代文(缬沙坦)80 mg,1次/d;另服用可定(瑞舒伐他丁)10 mg控制血脂,3年前开始服用阿司匹林100 mg,1次/d。















临床医学 全英文教学

临床医学 全英文教学
































































---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------(英文)全科医学教学情况介绍XXX 全科医学教学工作情况介绍 General Practice Teaching in XXX XXX was identified as the third batch of clinical skills training base for General Practice Education in September 2007. The hospital constantly perfects the base construction to improve teaching conditions, and strengthens the teachers training to undertake the general practice teaching task. I. Teaching Condition The hospital own one teaching building integrated with classes taking, skills training and laboratory. The total area of the building is 1,100m2. One multi-media classroom with 108seats, 2 middle-sized classrooms with 50-60 seats, 5 small-sized classrooms with 20-30 seats and 7 skills training rooms are included in the teaching building. The wards in Inpatient Building includes 23 student admin offices covering an area of 350m2, 23 demonstration classrooms of 478.44m2 and 23 consulting rooms of 399.90 m2. The hospital library collects 40,000 books and 200 kinds of periodicals. We are equipped with e-reading room for network-based management. Domestic and overseas medical literature data could be searched and consulted in the e-reading room. There are two dormitory buildings in the hospital, for one covers an area of 1193.6 m21 / 5and contains 100 students, and the other one covers an area of 840 m2 and contains 80 students. 24-hour security is on duty. There are 467 part-time teachers, of whom there are 90 college teachers, 30 adjunct professors, 50 adjunct associate professors and 16 postgraduate tutors. 10 of them were trained for general practice teaching. The General Practice Comprehensive Building with total area of 7459 m2 came into use in September 2019. We established 4 internal medicine skills rooms, 2 surgery skills rooms, 1 gynecology skills room, 1 pediatrics skills room, 1 emergency skills room, 1 rehabilitation skills room, 1 dermatology skills room, 1 ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology skills room, nursing skills room, 2 simulation operating rooms, 1 simulation delivery room, 1 simulation ICU, 1 simulation rescue room, 2 simulation wards, 2 simulation outpatient departments, 7 multi-media classrooms, 2 noviciate classrooms, 1 self-study classroom, 1 meeting room, 2 activity rooms, 50 students dormitories, 1 students canteen and 1 basketball court. The dormitories possessed of 108 beds, and we input 1.2 million to complete associated equipment, in order to carry out multidisciplinary theoretical lecturing and part of practical teaching. II. Teaching Management The hospital implements---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------3-level management system, which is vice dean-teaching affairs section-teaching and research offices. The vice dean is put in charge of teaching work. The teaching affairs section is responsible for undergraduate courses management; the administrative staff in the section takes additional post of head teacher. We have relatively thorough working system. Teaching and research offices are set up in clinical departments. The teaching secretary takes charge of daily teaching affairs. III. Completion Status of Training Task 1. Whole course teaching for undergraduate We have been undertaking the clinical specialty (general practice) course teaching since 2019. So far 97 students had studied in our hospital. 2. Clinical skills training a. Clinical practice training for general practitioner We accepted 69 students of XXX for transferring training (20 days for ever term) in 2019 and 2019. The training content included emergency medicine, cardiovascular medicine, digestive medicine, neurology, respiration medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, orthopedics medicine, infectious disease, rehabilitation medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, etc. Each Training Department elected experienced clinical teachers to do bedside3 / 5teaching by combining theory with practice. After the training, the students basically understand the basic clinical skills. The clinical practice training strengthens their basic theoretical knowledge for general practice. b. Job-transfer training for general practitioner In 2019, we took 8-month general practice job-transfer training for 10 doctors from township health centers. We set out transferring plan and requirement according to the training syllabus, and then sent the training task, syllabus and transferring plan to related clinical departments. when the students are in place, they firstly need to take 40 class hours pre-post training of clinical basic theory by choosing different courses according to their own need and interests, taking part in required course and electives,and transfer to every department as well. Then they will be arranged to clinical departments to learn practical application. The transferring task is 4-month for internal medicine, 3-month for emergency medicine. The above mentioned are required. The electives are surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and infectious diseases totally for one month. The students should select at least 4 departments to transfer according to the original basis and the training situation formerly. Students should stay at least 2 weeks in---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ every department. The teaching secretary in every ward organized experienced teachers to do the teaching, and the teaching administrative department will check the implement situation of transferring plan at regular intervals. When a transferring term finished, the department should give identification and the teacher ought to evaluate the student. After all the transferring term finished, the teaching administrative department organized the graduation test. The students could get hold of the basic clinical skills of general practice by training, and the ability of preventing common diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and solving community health problem could be improved. The general practitioners from basic health institutions could reach the requirement of corresponding posts. And then the level of basic medical care and public health services for general practitioners would be promoted.5 / 5。















全科医学实践general medical practice

全科医学实践general medical practice

全科医学实践general medical practice1)General medicine practical teaching全科医学实践教学2)Medical student practical education医学生实践教育3)TCM Teaching and Studying中医药教学实践4)practical medicine实践医学5)medical practice医学实践例句>>6)scientific practice科学实践1.From historical to theories of scientific practices:HPS and its problems;[点击朗读]从历史转向到科学实践理论2.Exploring study should be encouraged in teaching and integrate theory with practice to arouse studentsinterest,making science education be closely to real scientific practice.文章提出在教学中应倡导探究性学习,理论联系实践,更好地激发学生学习兴趣,使科学教育尽可能接近真实的科学实践。

3.The scientist s point of view has turned into the scientific practice because of the conflict between the Logical Positivism and the Social Construction in Philosophy of Science so that the scientific concept with a strong sense of history can be shown and many scholars start thinking of the value of Marxist dialecti.科学哲学中逻辑实证主义与社会建构主义的冲突使人们研究的角度走向了科学实践,从而使一种具有强烈历史感的科学观得以显现,也使不少学者从不同视角开始思考马克思主义的辩证法与实践观的价值。



MB ChB ProgrammeCourse ListCodeCourse Title Length of Study Medical Year OneUGC293Z Health and Society I1st Term (Required General Education coursefor medical students)MED1293Health and Society II2nd Term MED1100Integrated Medical Sciences2 Terms MED1200Skills Modules2 Terms MED1220Communication for Medical Students2nd Term SSM1000Selected Study Modules (SSM)2 TermsA) SSM1001 - 1100 Human Structure SSMB) SSM1101 - 1999 Topical SSM Medical Year TwoMED2293Health and Society 2nd Term MED2100Integrated Medical Sciences 2 Terms MED2200Skills Modules 2 Terms SSM2000Selected Study Modules (SSM) 2 TermsA) SSM2001 - 2300 Healthcare Database AnalysisB) SSM2301 - 2600 2-Day Journal Paper AnalysisC) SSM2601 - 2999 5-Day Journal Paper AnalysisMedical Year Three MED3293Health and SocietyYear MED3100Integrated Medical SciencesYear MED3200Skills ModulesYear SSM3000Selected Study Modules (SSM)7 weeks A) SSM3001 Medical ResearchMED3110Junior Medical Clerkship8 months MED3210Junior Surgical Clerkship8 months MED3510Combined Clinical Examination Medical Year FourMED4010Community and Family Medicine MED4110Obstetrics and Gynaecology MED4210Paediatrics 1 year MED4310Psychiatry MED4200Skills Modules SSM4000Selected Study Modules (SSM)(teaching embedded in Year 4 modules)MED4410Electives 6 weeksMED4510Combined Clinical Examination }Medical Year Five} MED5110 and 5210Senior Medical Clerkship and Senior SurgicalClerkship1 yearMED5200Skills ModulesSSM5000Selected Study Modules (SSM)Course DescriptionMedical Year OneUGC293Z/MED1293Health and Society I & IIThis course enables students to understand some of the broader concepts of health, disease and disease prevention. The objectives include: 1) to understand essential public health principles and practices; 2) to be familiar with various modes of health care delivery and financing; 3) to appreciate the importance of evidence-based health care; 4) to regard patients in their holistic setting; as members of a family and a community; 5) to establish caring attitudes; and 6) to value the importance of medical ethics and the need for clinicians to meet high ethical standards.MED1100Integrated Medical SciencesIn Medical Year One the Integrated Medical Sciences course includes six major areas of study.The Cardiovascular-Respiratory System Panel offers a series of lectures on cardiovascular histology and physiology in Year 1. These basic science topics are integrated vertically with clinical topics in Year 3.The Foundation Studies is an integrated course covering the structural, physiological and molecular basis of cell and tissue functions in the human body. This course intends to provide a solid foundation upon which the students can embark onto the system-based and more advanced areas of their medical education.The Gastroenterology and Nutrition study is to acquire basic principles and concepts of gastrointestinal physiology and to understand the pathophysiological basis of gastrointestinal diseases. The histology of the gastrointestinal tract is also studied in relationship to functions.The Homeostasis study mainly focuses on regulation of body fluid volumes, osmolarity, electrolytes, and acid-base balance by the kidney. The concept of homeostasis is introduced. The study of how body metabolism is integrated under different physiological states to maintain energy supply to cells is also covered.The Human Structure study provides students with a working knowledge and terminology of human body parts. This serves as a basis for: 1) understanding the organization and function of the body systems; 2) clinical examination and execution of procedures commonly encountered in general practice; and 3) acquiring a set of professional vocabulary to be used in communicating with fellow professionals and the layperson.The Musculo-skeletal study introduces the students to the biomedical sciences related to the musculoskeletal system and the scope of clinical problems related to injury or dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Students are asked to think critically and thoroughly about the composition, structure and functions of the musculoskeletal tissues, organs and their organizations.MED1200Skills ModulesThe skills course focuses on clinical methods, communication skills and life-long learning skills. The objective of this course is to develop the students to become competent doctors with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to meet the challenges of our changing health care needs.During the Clinical Methods course, students learn how to solve a clinical problem using a hypothesis testing approach. It teaches students how to pose questions, perform physical examination and clinical procedures to reach a diagnosis and make a clinical decision, based on evidence and patient’s preference. Clinical examples are used to demonstrate the clinical relevance of structures and functions of various systems and their inter-dependency to maintain a healthy functional state. Students also visit different clinical departments to appreciate the multidisciplinary and interdependent nature of disease management, ranging from health promotion, prevention, and treatment to rehabilitation. Students will be taught initially in the Clinical Skills Learning Centre (CSLC) using manikins and simulated patients, followed by practice in real life situations. Throughout the course, the CSLC remains a focal point where clinical skills will be consolidated under guided teaching and continuous assessment.The component for Communication Skills is designed for students to learn and practise basic communication and presentation skills in four workshops: non-verbal communication, questioning, active listening, responding and public speaking. The course uses a smaller group format with videotaped role-play interviews, with observation and constructive feedback by tutors and classmates as the instructional format.The section for Life-long Learning Skills is designed for students to first acquire an internationally recognized standard of competency in information technology literacy. Upon completion, students are introduced to the techniques and technologies that clinicians use in the practice of evidenced based medicine (i.e. assess, ask, acquire, appraise, and apply clinical evidence to patient care). In the first year, students are required to learn how to phrase a clinical question (so that a clinical answer can be found), where to locate relevant information (so that the most appropriate medical information databases are used for different clinical queries), and how to compose effective search strategies for a variety of medical information databases (so that available evidence will be successfully located).MED1220Communication for Medical StudentsThis required English course for all Medical Year 1 students will be run in the second term. This course will focus on communication and writing skills for medical students.SSM1000Selected Study ModulesThe Selected Study Modules (SSM) is compulsory and takes up 30% of the whole medical curriculum. SSM goes beyond the limits of the core teaching and allows students to study in depth in areas of interest of their selection and aims at cultivating insights into scientific methods and encouraging self-directed study. In the first year, SSM includes selections from three different SSM sub-modules: University General Education courses, Human Structure and critical review Topical SSM.Medical Year TwoMED2293Health and SocietyThe Family Follow-up Project provides a unique opportunity for students to observe the growth of a child from birth to three years of age in a normal family environment rather than in a hospital setting. At the end of the project, students will be able to appreciate the influences of the socio-economic background of the family, the health beliefs and practices, and social support on childcare and family adjustment. This project also provides a unique opportunity for students to learn the techniques of interviewing and the development of long-term relationships with a client family.MED2100Integrated Medical SciencesIn Medical Year Two the Integrated Medical Sciences course includes eight major areas of study.The Cardiovascular-Respiratory System Panel offers two modules of studies in Year 2. The first is on respiratory histology and physiology and the second on respiratory medicine and therapeutics. These modules are integrated horizontally in this academic year.The Gastroenterology and Nutrition study provides students with the knowledge of nutrition in health promotion, disease prevention and the treatment of common gastrointestinal diseases. During this period, students will also learn the pharmacology of drugs acting on the liver and the gastrointestinal tract.The Haematology, Infection and Immunity study delivers two main consecutive modules of teaching in the second and third years of the curriculum. Contents of second year teaching include basic haematology, basic immunology, and general microbiology including bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology and antimicrobials.The Homeostasis study concentrates on the role of the endocrine system in maintaining a stable internal environment within the human body. Basic principles of endocrine control and functions of hormones from major endocrine glands are introduced, and these serve to form the basis for understanding the pathophysiology and therapeutic treatment of endocrine disorders.The Human Structure study provides students with a working knowledge and terminology of human body parts. This serves as a basis for: 1) understanding the organization and function of the body systems; 2) clinical examination and execution of procedures commonly encountered in general practice; and 3) acquiring a set of professional vocabulary to be used in communicating with fellow professionals and the layperson.The Mechanisms of Disease and Therapeutic Approaches study focuses on the understanding of mechanisms underlying the development and progression of disease, which discusses the logical and effective administration of therapeutic interventions or strategies. The course covers: 1) the molecular basis of disease; 2) pathological processes in tissues; 3) general principles of neoplasia; 4) pathology of injury (forensic medicine); and 5) pharmacology and therapeutics.The Musculo-skeletal study introduces the students to the biomedical sciences related to the musculoskeletal system and the scope of clinical problems related to injury or dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. Students are asked to think critically and thoroughly about the composition, structure and functions of the musculoskeletal tissues, organs and their organizations.The Neuroscience study provides a framework on structure and function of central and peripheral nervous systems, and on clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to the human nervous system. The second-year teaching focuses on the basic function and organization of the nervous tissues and their clinical relevance in pathological states.MED2200Skills ModulesThe skills course focuses on clinical methods, communication skills and life-long learning skills. The objective of this course is to develop the students to become competent doctors with appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to meet the challenges of our changing health care needs.During the Clinical Methods course, students learn how to solve a clinical problem using a hypothesis testing approach. It teaches students how to pose questions, perform physical examination and clinical procedures to reach a diagnosis and make a clinical decision, based on evidence and patient’s preference. Clinical examples are used to demonstrate the clinical relevance of structures and functions of various systems and their inter-dependency to maintain a healthy functional state. Students also visit different clinical departments to appreciate the multidisciplinary and interdependent nature of disease management, ranging from health promotion, prevention, treatment to rehabilitation. Students will be taught initially in the Clinical Skills Learning Centre (CSLC) using manikins and simulated patients, followed by practice in real life situations. Throughout the course, the CSLC remains a focal point where clinical skills will be consolidated under guided teaching and continuous assessment.The components for Communication Skills focuses on understanding the patient’s perspective and the patient-doctor relationship. Students will learn components why patients have come to consult their doctor and what their agenda, i.e. concerns and expectations, are. Students will learn how to develop rapport with the patient by considering the context and the impact of the illness on his/her life, family and work. A medium-sized group format with videotaped role-play interviews, observation, and constructive feedback by tutors and classmates, will be used. Students will also get an opportunity to be attached to the hospital to interview newly admitted patients and report their experience in small groups.The Life-long Learning Skills in year two continues with developing the students’skills for the practice of evidenced based medicine (i.e. the ability to assess, ask, acquire, appraise, and apply clinical evidence to patient care). Students are required to learn and apply the rules of evidence for each of four major types of clinical investigations: 1) therapy/ prevention; 2) harm/causation; 3) prognosis; and 4) diagnosis. Topical coverage is coordinated with the other two skills panels.SSM2000Selected Study ModulesIn the second year there are three different categories of Selected Study Modules, namely university general education, computer-aided database analysis project (First Term, 52 protected hours) and journal paper reviews (Second Term, 112 protected hours). In groups of six and guided by teachers, students will conduct an analysis of a healthcare or medical related database. The project enables them to learn and apply their analytical as well as statistical skills. In the critical review of journal papers, students will undertake four modules, which allows them to learn and practise the basic principles of critical analysis of published data and evidence-based approach to medicine and health information.Medical Year ThreeMED3293Health and Society (PHES3)This is an interdisciplinary course which examines the broad concepts of health and society with particular reference to the society of Hong Kong. Discussion topics include learning and memory, personality, family dynamics, behavioural determinants of health, hospitalization, death and bereavement, patient compliance and the social welfare system in Hong Kong. Students will be guided to gain insight into patients as an individual, a family member and a community member. Principles of medical ethics will also be discussed.The Family Follow-up Project provides a unique opportunity for the students to observe the growth of a child from birth to three years of age in a normal family environment rather than in hospital setting. The programme’s objectives are that, at the end of the programme, the students will be able to appreciate the influences of the socio-economic background of the family, the health beliefs and practices, and social support on child care and family adjustment. This project also provides a unique opportunity for students to learn about interviewing and the development of long-term relationships with a client family. MED3100Integrated Medical SciencesIn Medical Year Three, the Integrated Medical Sciences course includes eight major areas of study:The Cardiovascular-Respiratory System Panel offers a series of lectures on cardiovascular medicine and pharmacology in Year 3. Together with the topics on respiratory medicine and therapeutics in Year 2, they form the groundwork for students to function as junior clerks in the wards.Gastroenterology and Nutrition enables students to be familiar with nutritionally related diseases commonly encountered due to nutritional deficiency or over-nutrition and to develop the attitudes and skills in nutrition advice for disease prevention.Haematology, Infection and Immunity delivers two main consecutive modules of teaching in the second and third years of the curriculum. Contents of the year-three teaching include immune problems in transplantation, congenital or acquired immune deficiency, aging and cancers; understanding of immunotherapy, understanding of the general approach to anaemias, cytopenias/cytosis, bleeding and thrombotic disorders, and the basic concept of transfusion, working knowledge and understanding of prevention, diagnosis and management of infectious diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and parasites, understanding of how antimicrobial resistance occurs and spreads, and the understanding of the importance of judicious use of antimicrobial agents.The teaching of Homeostasis (Renal, Endocrinology and Metabolism) is divided into ten clinical sessions, each of which is in turn divided into two parts. They are mostly lecture-based and represent integrative clinical-pathological teaching involving clinical and pre-clinical departments. The first five teaching sessions are related to endocrinology/metabolism, while the remaining five are devoted to renal medicine/urology. In some cases, clinical demonstration will be used to better illustrate the effects of diseases, and to provide more opportunities for discussing the principles of diagnosis and treatment of patients.Mechanisms of Disease and Therapeutic Approaches provides a firm scientific base to understand the mechanisms of disease, and to relate these to sound therapeutic principles and measures. This course completes the year-two teaching on the General Principles of Neoplasia, and on Pharmacology and Therapeutics and concludes with a module in Forensic Medicine.In the third year curriculum in Musculo-Skeletal, common and major clinical problems in orthopaedics and traumatology are introduced with the aim to highlight their uniqueness in clinical practice. Basic principles of clinical practice in musculoskeletal problems will be emphasized with the aims to prepare the students for their clinical modules in the Years Four and Five. Integrated approaches will be highlighted throughout the teaching programme.Neuroscience in Year Three provides students with the clinical skills to assess a patient with a neurological disorder by means of history and examination. Students will learn to adopt a multidisciplinary team approach to assessment and treatment of some neurological disorders, particularly those causing long term disabilities. The main teaching on neurological examination will take place during the Function Module. Students will be doing neurology, neurosurgery and rehabilitation for one week each.Reproduction, Sex, Human Development and Growth (PREP3) provides a detailed knowledge of reproduction and those aspects of the early and later stages of embryonic development relevant to the reproductive system and to the management of normal and abnormal pregnancy and childbirth. Students will gain an understanding of the pathological processes which may affect reproduction, pharmacology of reproduction and the special requirements of prescribing in the young and in the elderly. The principles of genetics applied to clinical problems and the principles of the biological processes of ageing, and their relevance to the management of diseases in the elderly will be included. The course will bring an awareness of the importance of social, ethical and legal issues surrounding reproduction, development and ageing.MED3200Skills ModulesClinical Methods (PCLM3)Based on the learning experience in PCLM1 and PCLM2 and in collaboration with Communication Module and Clinical Module, Clinical Methods aims to further consolidate students’ ability to use history taking and physical examination to gather relevant clinical information to create problem lists and differential diagnoses.Student’s skills in case presentation and discussion will be strengthened through practice and feedback in small groups and under guidance. The Clinical Skills Learning Centre (CSLC) will be used as a resource centre to clarify inconsistencies and queries relating to clinical methods which may be encountered by students during their clinical attachments in different hospitals and clinics.Communication Skills (COSK3)Students will learn how to apply the skills learnt in COSK 1 and COSK 2 in obtaining a relevant clinical history. Furthermore, students will be taught the following skills: Ability to listen and observe the verbal and nonverbal messages from the patients Ability to take a clinical history and look after the patient’s and the doctor’s agenda Ability to handle the feelings and emotions of the patients during history takingAbility to share the understanding with the patient during the process of history taking. The Life Long Learning Skills (LLSK3)In this third year of the medical programme, the nature of coverage in Life Long Learning Skills focuses initially on learning additional evidence-based medicine (EBM) review criteria, specifically those for critiquing published systematic reviews. Six hours of relevant instruction and workshops in critiquing relevant published systematic reviews are scheduled. Students’summative assessments are based on critiquing relevant articles via small group assignments.Subsequently students will begin to learn the life long process of how to clinically judge if and when published clinical research findings (pertaining to therapeutic interventions, harm exposures, diagnostic tests, and/or prognostic indicators) can or should be incorporated into or considered directly relevant to the clinical care of one’s patients. Seven hours of these latter EBM practice sessions will be provided during each rotation in Medicine and Surgery.Students will be given purposefully designed EBM assignments and be required to make oral presentations to their peers and supervising clinical teachers as to if relevant research exists and if so whether the findings should meaningfully inform the clinical care of selected patients they have seen during ward rounds in Medicine and in Surgery. These presentations also provide a modality of continuous, formative assessment and are designed to develop the student’s clinical decision making abilities within a clinical practice context of clinical practice that is appropriately informed by clinical research.SSM3000Selected Study Modules (SSM)SSM3001Medical ResearchIn Medical Year three, students will have to undertake a “Medical Research SSM”. After the first and second years, it is generally believed that third year students will have developed their ability to independently pursue areas of interest and research. With further guidance, students should be reasonably capable of carrying out some simple research work by themselves. The aim of the “Medical Research SSM” is to provide an experiential opportunity for students to progress in this area. Furthermore, for potential students, it may also pave the way for them to take a one-year Intercalated Degree Programme in Medical Sciences.The “Medical Research SSM” of the third year, as compared with the first and second years SSM, will be a much longer and more in-depth project. Over a dedicated period of seven full weeks in the Medical Year three curriculum, this research-oriented project will be a single study, either in laboratory science or clinical medicine. With contributions from different teaching departments, the “Medical Research SSM” provides a multidisciplinary perspective to the programme as a whole and in addition, caters for the particular interest of individual students. Free choice of research areas will enable students to explore critically and master comprehensively, subjects and disciplines that excite their curiosity.MED3110/MED3210Junior Medical Clerkship/Junior Surgical ClerkshipStudents will be allocated to medical and surgical wards in various hospitals and will be taught to take histories and examine patients on a daily basis and subsequently to present their findings to their colleagues and their clinical teachers. They would also learn how to manage patients with different medical or surgical problems. In the surgical rotations, they would also have the opportunity to observe and participate in operative procedures in the operating theatres.MED3510Combined Clinical ExaminationAt the end of the year, students will be assessed on their clinical clerkships through a Combined Clinical Examination which constitutes part of their Second Professional Examination. Medical Year FourStudents will rotate through four Clinical Modules. During each rotation students will undertake four Department-based Selected Study Modules (SSM) and at the end of the year each student will select and organize an elective (these SSM and elective activities account for 30% of the course). To proceed to Year 5 students are required to pass each of the four Clinical Module examinations as well as the Combined Clinical Examination.SSM4000The SSM programme in the 4th medical year is designed to provide students with an opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of a clinical problem or area of healthcare services delivery of the four specialties, namely Community and Family Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Paediatrics and Psychiatry. The four specialized SSM projects are to consolidate the students’ knowledge, skills and research ability through studying a specific topic.In Medical Year 4, the SSM programme will be embedded in the four rotation modules. However, participation of teachers from other departments in the delivery of the SSM, where appropriate, is encouraged. Students will be required to do four different SSM projects, one in each of the specialties. In a 10-week module, they will spend approximately 1.5 weeks in the SSM.To allow creativity and flexibility in the SSM, there will be no prescribed formats for the department-based exercises. However, the title, educational objectives, operational details and deliverables of all SSMs require documentation and prior approval by the SSM Committee.Assessment of all SSM comprises 2 parts; a written report of the SSM and an oral presentation to their peers in the module.Students must pass all SSM assessment to be eligible for promotion to Year 5.MED4010Community and Family MedicineThis course provides ten weeks of integrated teaching in Community Medicine and Family Medicine.In Community Medicine, two major areas are covered: Epidemiology & Public Health Practice and Occupational & Environmental Medicine. Students will be introduced to the major causes of morbidity and mortality in Hong Kong and the prevention and control of communicable and non-communicable diseases. In addition to didactic lectures, students will learn the subject areas through active participation in problem-solving exercises, field visits and presentations in seminars and tutorials.The clinical clerkship in Family Medicine aims at teaching the students to understand how medical conditions and health problems are presented in community settings. Throughout the clerkship, the students will be taught on basic principles and practice of family medicine in providing primary, comprehensive, whole person and continuing care. The common health problems in the community including skills in management will also be covered by lectures, seminars, tutorials, clinical attachment or self directed learning packages. The range of teaching methods also include video-taping, clinical interviews and clinical role-playing. There is clinical teaching at the University Family Medicine Clinics and Teaching Units (in the Lek Y uen Health Centre, Prince of Wales Hospital Family Medicine Training Centre, Kwong Wah Hospital Family Medicine Training Centre), and also to Family Medicine clinics run by private practitioners and institutions both public and private settings. Continuity of care and communication skills are emphasized in the context of the family and the community, together with the principles of the assessment and management of problems presenting at early stage in undifferentiated way.In the Selective Study Module (SSM), students will have the opportunity to gain deeper insight to selected problems in family medicine and public health.The students are assessed on the theory and practice of Community Medicine and Family Medicine in a clinical context.MED4110Obstetrics and GynaecologyWithin this 10-week module, students will undergo 4 clinical rotations which are mainly based at the Prince of Wales Hospital: 1) antenatal clinic and ward; 2) gynaecology clinic and ward; 3) labour ward; and 4) O&G services in affiliated hospitals. Core materials will be covered in lectures and formal tutorials, supplemented by bedside teaching.During their antenatal attachment, students will gain understanding of normal pregnancy, of the growth and development of the unborn child, and will acquire competency in performing obstetrics examinations.。



大学医学英语教案模板全英文版(共4篇)第1篇:英语教案全英文版英语教案范文全英文版【篇1:英文教案格式范例】教案科目:unit eight :slavery gave me nothing to lose教学目的:this paage looks into racial problems from a different perspective.generally the black like to attack the discrimination against them, but the author from her personal experience comes to a different conclusion in a positive way.教学着重:study the language points and the western racial culture.教学方法:communicative teaching, free discuion and interaction.教学过程:1,warm-up activities(15 minutes)2.understanding the text (30 minutes)3.detailed studies of the text (50 minutes)4.grammar and exercises (25 minutes)作业1.question:how to bring facts to life? 2.translation and after-cla reading..辅助手段:multimedia software教学内容:1.warm-up activities introductory remarks:step 1: show some pictures and watch a video, discu in groups.step 2: group discuion:1).what have you heard about the black in the states.2).have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal level?3).what are some things people can do to eliminate discrimination and prejudice?4).is there something we can do to protect human rights? 2.understanding the text1.analyze the structure of the paage.2.discu the three main parts: childhood experience, consciousne of her skin color, reflection of being a black.3.explore the social iues of the us; how to achieve succe out of unfavorable situation 3 detailed studies of the text词组知识概要:1.to be sth.else again2.to peer at3.to get pleasure out of sth.4.5.6.to give sb.generously of sth. 8.to suffer a huge change9.at one’s elbow company with18.to be bent under the weight of局部内容详述:1.up to/till/until (l.1) until 直到…up to now, mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent meages from one garage to the other.到目前为止,斯科特先生从一次汽车修理部向另一次汽车修理部发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。
















全科医学英文介绍English:General practice, also known as family medicine or primary care, is a branch of medicine that provides comprehensive healthcare for individuals and families across all ages, genders, and diseases. General practitioners (GPs) in this field are trained to manage a wide range of medical conditions, from acute illnesses to chronic diseases, and they emphasize preventive care and health promotion. They serve as the first point of contact for patients seeking medical assistance and play a crucial role in coordinating care among various healthcare professionals. In addition to diagnosing and treating common medical ailments, general practitioners also address patients' mental and emotional well-being, often providing counseling and mental health support. The scope of general practice encompasses not only physical health but also social and psychological aspects of patient care, making it a cornerstone of the healthcare system in many countries.中文翻译:全科医学,又称家庭医学或初级医疗,是一门为各个年龄、性别和疾病的个人和家庭提供全面医疗保健的医学分支。



















介绍医院科室的作文英文英文:As a hospital, we have various departments to cater to the needs of our patients. Each department has its own specialized team of doctors and nurses who are trained to handle specific medical conditions. Here are some of our major departments:1. Emergency Department: This department is open 24/7 to provide immediate medical attention to patients with urgent medical needs such as heart attacks, strokes, and severe injuries.2. Cardiology Department: This department focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of heart-related conditions such as heart disease, arrhythmias, and heart failure.3. Oncology Department: This department specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. Our team ofoncologists works closely with other medical professionalsto provide comprehensive care to cancer patients.4. Pediatrics Department: This department caters to the medical needs of infants, children, and adolescents. Our pediatricians are trained to diagnose and treat a widerange of medical conditions that affect children.5. Obstetrics and Gynecology Department: This department provides care to women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum period. Our team ofobstetricians and gynecologists also provides diagnosis and treatment of reproductive system disorders.6. Orthopedics Department: This department specializesin the diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletalconditions such as fractures, joint injuries, and arthritis.7. Neurology Department: This department focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the nervous system such as stroke, epilepsy, and Parkinson's disease.中文:作为一家医院,我们有各种科室来满足患者的需求。


通讯作者: 储霄英, 电子信箱: dzh820@ 126. com
1 全科医学产生背景 随着社会稳定和生活水平 提高, 人 群疾病发 病率和死 亡率
大幅下降, 人口迅 速上 升 [ 1- 2]。 人口 老龄 化加 重、疾病 谱和 死 亡谱的改变、卫生经济的压力、医 学模式的转 变、家 庭结构 的改 变、医患关系的恶化以及专科医疗服务的局限性, 以致在 20世
[ 3] 李宁. 恶性肿 瘤高压 氧的治 疗进展 [ J]. 重 庆医 学, 2005, 34 ( 5): 641.
[ 4] 牛耀文, 徐君东. 高压氧对小鼠生长, 转移及化疗的影响 [ J]. 中华 航海医学杂志, 2000, 7 ( 2): 76.
[ 5] Tak igu ch i N, Saito N, Num omu raM, et a.l Use of52Fu p lus hyperbaric oxygen for t reating m easu rem en t of 52Fu in ind ividual organ s [ J]. Can cer Chem other Ph arm aco,l 2001, 47 ( 1): 11.
观察 [ J]. 实用全科医学, 2007, 5( 7 ): 616. [ 11 ] 李宁, 李启明, 杨明, 等. 高压氧结合化疗治疗中晚期 非小细胞肺
癌 160例临床疗效观察 [ J]. 重庆医学, 2005, 34( 6): 8822883. [ 12 ] 胡兴龙, 袁孝兵, 孙祥, 等. 高压氧联合化疗治疗转移 性胃癌的临
A ctua lity and P rospect of G en er a l M ed ica l E duca tion a t H om e a nd Abr oad DU Zhao2hu i, CH U X iao2ying, MAO Xiu2 zhen, et a l. Weifang Comm unity H ea lth Center, P udong N ew D eveloped Area, Shangha i 200122, China = Abstr ac t> W ith the developm ent of the popu la tion aging and the shifting of m ed ica l parad igm from a sim ple/ biologica lm od2 e l0 to/ biologica l2psycholog ica l2soc ia lmed ic ine0, aswe ll as the deep ly expans ion of community hea lth se rvices, the importance of gene ra lm ed icine and genera lm ed ica l educa tion becam e m ore and m ore evident. This paper describes the development h istory of gene ra lm edical and general m ed ica l education a t home and ab road, and compares the character istics of var ious educa tiona lm od2 e ls. The countries, such as the Un ited States, Un ited K ingdom, Austra lia, F rance and other coun tries were involved, the dom estic c ities, such as Be ijing, Shangha,i Shenzhen, and H ongKong, Taiwan and other reg ions were enrolled in. By com pa ring and ana ly2 zing the characte ristics of different models, we provided the basis of literature for the re lated polic ies. The current genera l educa2 tion work in China has began to take shape. F rom the national2leve l gene ra l education and tra in ing center to the general education2 a l institutions around, we have carr ied out active explora tions. =K ey word s> Genera lm edica l educa tion; Genera l tra ining
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XXX全科医学教学工作情况介绍General Practice Teaching in XXXXXX was identified as the third batch of clinical skills training base for General Practice Education in September 2007. The hospital constantly perfects the base construction to improve teaching conditions, and strengthens the teacher’s training to undertake the general practice teaching task.I. Teaching ConditionThe hospital own one teaching building integrated with classes taking, skills training and laboratory. The total area of the building is 1,100m2. One multi-media classroom with 108seats, 2 middle-sized classrooms with 50-60 seats, 5 small-sized classrooms with 20-30 seats and 7 skills training rooms are included in the teaching building. The wards in Inpatient Building includes 23 student admin offices covering an area of 350m2, 23 demonstration classrooms of 478.44m2 and 23 consulting rooms of 399.90 m2.The hospital library collects 40,000 books and 200 kinds of periodicals. We are equipped with e-reading room for network-based management. Domestic and overseas medical literature data could be searched and consulted in the e-reading room.There are two dormitory buildings in the hospital, for one covers an area of 1193.6 m2 and contains 100 students, and the other one covers an area of 840 m2 and contains 80 students. 24-hour security is on duty.There are 467 part-time teachers, of whom there are 90 college teachers, 30 adjunct professors, 50 adjunct associate professors and 16 postgraduate tutors. 10 of them were trained for general practice teaching.The General Practice Comprehensive Building with total area of 7459 m2 came into use in September 2014. We established 4 internal medicine skills rooms, 2 surgery skills rooms, 1 gynecology skills room, 1 pediatrics skills room, 1 emergency skills room, 1 rehabilitation skills room, 1 dermatology skills room, 1 ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology skills room, nursing skills room, 2 simulation operating rooms, 1 simulation delivery room, 1 simulation ICU, 1 simulation rescue room, 2 simulation wards, 2 simulation outpatient departments, 7 multi-media classrooms, 2 noviciate classrooms, 1 self-study classroom, 1 meeting room, 2 activity rooms, 50 students dormitories, 1 students canteen and 1 basketball court. The dormitories possessed of 108 beds, and we input 1.2 million to complete associated equipment, in order to carry out multidisciplinary theoretical lecturing and part of practical teaching.II. Teaching ManagementThe hospital implements 3-level management system, which is vice dean-teaching affairs section-teaching and research offices. The vice dean is put in charge of teaching work. The teaching affairs section is responsible for undergraduate courses management; the administrative staff in the section takes additional post of head teacher. We have relatively thorough working system. Teaching and research offices are set up in clinical departments. The teaching secretary takes charge of daily teaching affairs.III. Completion Status of Training Task1. Whole course teaching for undergraduateWe have been undertaking the clinical specialty (general practice) course teaching since 2014. So far 97 students had studied in our hospital.2. Clinical skills traininga. Clinical practice training for general practitionerWe accepted 69 students of XXX for transferring training (20 days for ever term) in 2011 and 2012. The training content included emergency medicine, cardiovascular medicine, digestive medicine, neurology, respiration medicine, pediatrics, general surgery, orthopedics medicine, infectious disease, rehabilitation medicine, gynecology and obstetrics, etc. Each Training Department elected experienced clinical teachers to do bedside teaching by combining theory with practice. After the training, the students basically understand the basic clinical skills. The clinical practice training strengthens their basic theoretical knowledge for general practice.b. Job-transfer training for general practitionerIn 2011, we took 8-month general practice job-transfer training for 10 doctors from township health centers. We set out transferring plan and requirement according to the training syllabus, and then sent the training task, syllabus and transferring plan to related clinical departments.when the students are in place, they firstly need to take 40 class hours pre-post training of clinical basic theory by choosing different courses according to their own need and interests, taking part in required course and electives,and transfer to every department as well. Then they will be arranged to clinical departments to learn practical application. The transferring task is 4-month for internal medicine, 3-month for emergency medicine. The above mentioned are required. The electives are surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics and infectious diseases totally for one month. The students should select at least 4 departments to transfer according to the original basis and the training situation formerly. Students should stay at least 2 weeks in everydepartment.The teaching secretary in every ward organized experienced teachers to do the teaching, and the teaching administrative department will check the implement situation of transferring plan at regular intervals. When a transferring term finished, the department should give identification and the teacher ought to evaluate the student. After all the transferring term finished, the teaching administrative department organized the graduation test.The students could get hold of the basic clinical skills of general practice by training, and the ability of preventing common diseases, frequently-occurring diseases and solving community health problem could be improved. The general practitioners from basic health institutions could reach the requirement of corresponding posts. And then the level of basic medical care and public health services for general practitioners would be promoted.。
