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Reading A
Huang’s experience is not unique among the fast growing numbers of Chinese travelers. As their numbers grow they are influencing tourism as the destination countries adapt their facilities to the booming influx of Chinese tourists. For instance, Thailand is a popular destination for Chinese tourists, and the Tourism Authority of Thailand says China will become the biggest source of foreign tourists in Thailand in two to three years. The surge of Chinese tourists in recent years has reshaped Thai tourism considerably. Thai tour companies now organize specific package tours to meet the demands of Chinese tourists.
2.As there was no official seal on the introductory letter, the doorkeeper didn’t let them in.
Huang Meng, a veteran reporter for a Chinese news outlet, still vividly remembers his first trip to America in the mid-1990s. When he entered the National Museum of American History, he saw there were free introductory pamphlets for visitors. But none of the handouts was in Chinese, and as a result, he was lost in the huge maze of exhibits as he spoke little English. Last year, Huang visited America again. This time, he found there were not only pamphlets in Chinese but also the museum had a Chinese web page. Moreover, some shop assistants and restaurant waiters spoke Mandarin, while many hotels provided Chinese TV channels.
Reading A
Task 1 How much do you know about Chinese outbound
tourism? Talk with your partner briefly. (open)
Reading A
Chinese Travelers Changing the Landscape of World Tourism
Reading A
a. said or written at the beginning of a book, speech, etc. in order to explain what it is about
e.g. 1.We also provide an introductory background to the forthcoming seminars.
Reading A
黄孟,一位中国新闻媒体的资深记者,至今仍清晰地记得他在 20 世纪 90 年代中期第一次到美国旅游的经历。进入国立美国历史博物馆时 ,他看到那里有为游客提供的免费介绍册,却没有哪一本是中文的。结果 ,因为不会说英语,他在迷宫一般的巨大展区里迷路了。 去年,黄孟再次去美国旅游。这次他发现博物馆里不仅提供中文 宣传册,还有中文的网页。此外,一些商店的店员和饭店服务生会说普通 话,很多旅馆的电视还播放中文频道。
Reading A
Background Information Task 1 Text Task 2
Task 3
Task 4
Reading A
Background Information
National Museum of American History The National Museum of American History, located in Washington D.C., opened to the public in January 1964 as the Museum of History and Technology. The Museum’s area is approximately 750,000 square feet. In 1980, the Museum’s name was changed to the National Museum of American History. It displays various objects that reflect the C experience of the American people. C
9 10
Task 1 Task 2
Task 1 Discuss in groups. List what you think the most popular tour
destinations among Chinese people in the following countries.
Eiffel Tower, Champs-Elysees Avenue, Pantheon, the Louvre, Provence
Fujiyama, Hokkaido, Kyoto, Tokyo, Osaka
Phuket Island, Bangkok, Samui Island, Phattaya
Reading A
Thailand is not the only country that is adapting to the arrival of large numbers of Chinese visitors. In Europe, France is one of the favorite destinations for Chinese tourists. “In 2010, the official figure for Chinese tourists in France reached 550,000,” said Paul Roll, Managing Director of the Paris Office of Tourism. “We feel by 2020, when there are 100 million Chinese visitors globally, 1 or 2 million will come to Paris. So this obviously means that we need to get prepared.” America is another important destination for Chinese tourists. In 2008, seeing the big increase in visitors from China, America began to launch Christmas tours for Chinese citizens. As a result, the annual number of Chinese tourists to this country passed the 1 million mark at the end of 2008, the National Tourism Administration of China said. And the 2-million mark is likely to be reached in 2015. Obviously, Chinese foreign tourism has promoted lucrative business for travel agencies both at home and abroad.
Байду номын сангаас
1. (F ) Contact the outbound travel agency to discuss the cooperation. 2. (F) Decide the tour itinerary. 3. (T ) Lead the tour group to the airport to go through emigration formalities. 4. (T ) Communicate with the local guide on behalf of the tourists. 5. (T ) Remind tourists to abide by the local regulations and to respect local religious beliefs, ethnic customs and habits.
Sydney Opera House, Great Barrier Reef, Gold Coast
Task 2 Decide whether the following statements are about an
international tour leader’s responsibilities. Write T if it is, and F if it is not.
Reading A
泰国不是唯一为了适应大量涌入的中国游客而进行调整的国家。 在欧洲,法国是中国游客最喜爱的目的地之一。 “2010 年,官方数据 显示,抵法的中国游客达 55 万。”巴黎旅游办事处的常务董事保罗 罗尔说,“我们觉得,到 2020 年,全球将有一亿中国游客,其中有一 百万到两百万会来到巴黎。因此,这显然意味着我们需要做好准备。” 美国是中国游客的另一个重要目的地。 2008 年,看到中国游客的 大幅增加,美国开始推出针对中国公民的圣诞旅游。结果,据中国国家 旅游局统计,至 2008 年年底中国赴美游客突破了年一百万的记录,且 有望在 2015 年达到两百万。 显然,中国的出境旅游为国内、外旅行社带来了更多有利可图的商 机。
Reading A
在人数快速增长的中国游客中,黄孟的经历并不鲜见。随着人 数的增长,旅游目的地国家改善其设施以接纳大批涌入的中国游 客。中国游客正在影响世界旅游业。 例如,泰国是中国游客的热门目的地。泰国旅游局称,中国在未 来两至三年内将成为泰国入境游的最大客源国。近年来中国游客 急剧增加,在很大程度上重塑了泰国旅游业。现在泰国旅游公司 正筹划具体的随团旅行方案以满足中国游客的需求。
Unit 1
Business Liaison
Warming-up Reading A Listening Speaking Reading B
7 8
Writing Project Vocabulary and Structure Self-evaluation
2 3 4