































金融学复习商业银行习题及答案第一章货币习题一,单项选择1. 劣币驱逐良币是在实行()条件下的现象。

A.金单本位制B.银单本位制C.金币本位制D.金银复本位制2. 我们经常说某商品的价格是XX 元,这里发挥的是货币的哪项职能()A 流通手段B 价值尺度C 贮藏职能D 支付手段3. 劣币是指实际价值()的货币A 等于零B 等于名义价值C 高于名义价值D 低于名义价值4. 布雷顿森林体系的运行是以()为核心展开的A.国际货币基金组织B?世界银行C?美元 D.美元-黄金本位5. 在我国货币层次中,M 0通常指()A.其它存款B、个人储蓄存款C、居民储蓄存款D、流通中的现金6. 十六世纪至十八世纪较为典型的货币制度是()A银本位制 B.金银复本位制 C.金币本位制 D.金块本位制7. 下列不享有无限资格的是()A贵金属铸币B.纸币C.银行券D.存款支票8. 便于交换说提出的代表人物是()A司马迁B?马鲍鲁斯C?斯密D?西斯蒙第9. 关于货币起源正确的观点是()A.货币是先王创造的B.货币是由国家创造出来的C货币是为保存财富产生的D.货币是商品生产和商品交换发展的必然产物10. 关于货币本质正确的观点是()A金银天然是货币 B.货币是商品价值的符号C 货币是唯一的财富D .货币是固定充当一般等价物的商品11. 货币购买力是()A价值的倒数B.利率的倒数C.利息的倒数 D.价格的倒数12. 英国在16世纪就产生了代用货币,最初的代用货币是由()发行的A化币经营业B.金匠业 C.宗教机构 D.早期银行13. 在信用货币制度下金准备的作用是()A作为国内金属货币的准备金 B.作为支付存款的准备金C作为兑付银行券的准备金 D.作为国际支付的准备金14. 目前各国货币层次划分一般以()为标准。

A偿还期B、流动性C、安全性D、收益性15. 金本位制下,()是决定两国货币汇率的基础A ?货币含金量B ?铸币平价C中心汇率D ?货币实际购买力16. 货币在衡量并表示商品价值大小时,执行()A 价值尺度职能B 流通手段职能C 贮藏手段职能D 支付手段职能17. 当商品卖后没有随之以购买,则货币会退出流通而处于静止状态,即发挥()A 价值尺度职能B 流通手段职能C 贮藏手段职能D 支付手段职能18. 流通中的货币一部分以现金形式存在,大部分的存在形式是()A 存款货币B 储蓄存款C 活期存款D 流通货币19. 货币购买力与物价水平的关系是(_)A 正相关B 负相关C 不相关D 不确定20. 货币的形态经历的阶段依次是()A 实物货币-金属货币-银行券-信用货币B 金属货币-实物货币-信用货币-银行券C 纸币-金属货币-信用货币-实物货币D 信用货币-金属货币-实物货币-银行券21. 布雷顿森林体系下的汇率制度是一种A自由浮动汇率制 B.完全固定汇率制 C.可调整的钉住汇率制 D.管理浮动汇率制22. 以金为货币金属,以金币为本位币,不铸造也不流通金币,银行券可兑换外币汇票属于()货币制度。



CHAPTER 1AN OVERVIEW OF BANKS AND THE FINANCIAL-SERVICES SECTORGoal of This Chapter: In this chapter you will learn about the many roles financial service providers play in the economy today. You will examine how and why the banking industry and the financial services marketplace as a whole is rapidly changing, becoming new and different as we move forward into the future. You will also learn about new and old services offered to the public.Key Topics in This Chapter•Powerful Forces Reshaping the Industry•What is a Bank?•The Financial System and Competing Financial-Service Institutions•Old and New Services Offered to the Public•Key Trends Affecting All Financial-Service Firms•Appendix: Career Opportunities in Financial ServicesChapter OutlineI. I ntroduction: P owerful Forces Reshaping the IndustryII. W hat Is a Bank?A. D efined by the Functions It Serves and the Roles It Play:B. B anks and their Principal CompetitorsC. Legal Basis of a BankD. D efined by the Government Agency That Insures Its DepositsIII.The Financial System and Competing Financial-Service InstitutionsA.Savings AssociationsB.Credit UnionsC.Money Market FundsD.Mutual FundsE.Hedge FundsF.Security Brokers and DealersG.Investment BankersH.Finance CompaniesI.Financial Holding CompaniesJ.Life and Property/Casualty Insurance CompaniesIV. T he Services Banks and Many of Their Closest Competitors Offer the PublicA. S ervices Banks Have Offered Throughout History1.Carrying Out Currency Exchanges2.Discounting Commercial Notes and Making Business Loans3.Offering Savings Deposits4.Safekeeping of Valuables and Certification of Value5.Supporting Government Activities with Credit6.Offering Checking Accounts (Demand Deposits)7.Offering Trust ServicesB. S ervices Banks and Many of Their Financial-Service Competitors HaveOffered More Recently1.Granting Consumer Loans2.Financial Advising3.Managing Cash4.Offering Equipment Leasing5.Making Venture Capital Loans6.Selling Insurance Policies7.Selling Retirement PlansC. Dealing in Securities: Offering Security Brokerage and Investment Banking Services1. Offering Security Underwriting2. Offering Mutual Funds and Annuities3. Offering Merchant Banking Services4. Offering Risk Management and Hedging ServicesV. Key Trends Affecting All Financial-Service FirmsA. S ervice ProliferationB. R ising CompetitionC. G overnment DeregulationD. A n Increasingly Interest-Sensitive Mix of FundsE. T echnological Change and AutomationF. C onsolidation and Geographic ExpansionG. C onvergenceH. G lobalizationVI. T he Plan of This BookVII. S ummaryConcept Checks1-1. What is a bank? How does a bank differ from most other financial-service providers?A bank should be defined by what it does; in this case, banks are generally those financial institutions offering the widest range of financial services. Other financial service providers offer some of the financial services offered by a bank, but not all of them within one institution.1-2. Under U.S. law what must a corporation do to qualify and be regulated as a commercial bank?Under U.S. law, commercial banks must offer two essential services to qualify as banks for purposes of regulation and taxation, demand (checkable) deposits and commercial loans. More recently, Congress defined a bank as any institution that could qualify for deposit insurance administered by the FDIC.1-3.Why are some banks reaching out to become one-stop financial service conglomerates? Is this a good idea in your opinion?There are two reasons that banks are increasingly becoming one-stop financial service conglomerates. The first reason is the increased competition from other types of financial institution s and the erosion of banks’ traditional service areas. The second reason is the Financial Services Modernization Act which has allowed banks to expand their role to be full service providers.1-4. Which businesses are banking’s closest and toughest com petitors? What services do they offer that compete directly with banks’ services?Among a bank’s closest competitors are savings associations, credit unions, money market funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, security brokers and dealers, investment banks, finance companies, financial holding companies, and life andproperty-casualty insurance companies. All of these financial service providers are converging and embracing each other’s innovations. The Financial Services Modernization Act has allowed many of these financial service providers to offer the public one-stop shopping for financial services.1-5. What is happening to banking’s share of the financial mark etplace and why? What kind of banking and financial system do you foresee for the future if present trends continue?The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 allowed many of the banks’ closest competitors to offer a wide array of financial services thereby taking away market share from “traditional” banks. Banks and their closest competitors are converging into one-stop shopping for financial services and this trend should continue in the future1-6. What different kinds of services do banks offer the public today? What services do their closest competitors offer?Banks offer the widest range of services of any financial institution. They offer thrift deposits to encourage saving and checkable (demand) deposits to provide a means of payment for purchases of goods and services. They also provide credit through direct loans, by discounting the notes that business customers hold, and by issuing credit guarantees. Additionally, they make loans to consumers for purchases of durable goods, such as automobiles, and for home improvements, etc. Banks also manage the property of customers under trust agreements and manage the cash positions of their business customers. They purchase and lease equipment to customers as an alternative to direct loans. Many banks also assist their customers with buying and selling securities through discount brokerage subsidiaries, the acquisition and sale of foreign currencies, the supplying of venture capital to start new businesses, and the purchase of annuities to supply future funding at retirement or for other long-term projects such as supporting a college education. All of these services are also offered by their closest competitors. Banks and their closest competitors are converging and becoming the financial department stores of the modern era.1-7. What is a financial department store? A universal bank? Why do you think these institutions have become so important in the modern financial system? Financial department store and universal bank refer to the same concept. A financial department store is an institution where banking, fiduciary, insurance, and security brokerage services are unified under one roof. A bank that offers all these services is normally referred to as a universal bank. These have become important because of convergence and changes in regulations that have allowed financial service providers to offer all services under one roof1-8. Why do banks and other financial intermediaries exist in modern society, according to the theory of finance?There are multiple approaches to answering this question. The traditional view of banks as financial intermediaries sees them as simultaneously fulfilling the financial-service needs of savers (surplus-spending units) and borrowers(deficit-spending units), providing both a supply of credit and a supply of liquid assets. A newer view sees banks as delegated monitors who assess and evaluate borrowers on behalf of their depositors and earn fees for supplying monitoring services. Banks also have been viewed in recent theory as suppliers of liquidity andtransactions services that reduce costs for their customers and, through diversification, reduce risk. Banks are also critical in the payment system for goods and services and have played an increasingly important role as a guarantor and a risk management role for customers.1-9. How have banking and the financial services market changed in recent years? What powerful forces are shaping financial markets and institutions today? Which of these forces do you think will continue into the future?Banking is becoming a more volatile industry due, in part, to deregulation which has opened up individual banks to the full force of the financial marketplace. At the same time the number and variety of banking services has increased greatly due to the pressure of intensifying competition from nonbank financial-service providers and changing public demand for more conveniently and reliably provided services. Adding to the intensity of competition, foreign banks have enjoyed success in their efforts to enter countries overseas and attract away profitable domestic business and household accounts.1-10. Can you explain why many of the forces you named in the answer to the previous question have led to significant problems for the management of banks and other financial firms and their stockholders?The net result of recent changes in banking and the financial services market has been to put greater pressure upon their earnings, resulting in more volatile returns to stockholders and an increased bank failure rates. Some experts see banks' role and market share shrinking due to restrictive government regulations and intensifying competition. Institutions have also become more innovative in their service offerings and in finding new sources of funding, such as off-balance-sheet transactions. The increased risk faced by institutions today, therefore, has forced managers to more aggressively utilize a wide array of tools and techniques to improve and stabilize their earnings streams and manage the various risks they face. 1-11. What do you think the financial services industry will look like 20 years from now? What are the implications of your projections for its management today? There appears to be a trend toward continuing consolidation and convergence. There are likely to be fewer financial service providers in the future and many of these will be very large and provide a broad range of financial services under one roof. In addition, global expansion will continue and will be critical to the survival of many financial service providers. Management of financial service providers willhave to be more technologically astute and be able to make a more diverse set of decisions including decisions about mergers, acquisitions and global expansion as well as new services to add to the firm.Problems and Projects1. You have just been hired as the marketing officer for the new First National Bank of Vincent, a suburban banking institution that will soon be serving a local community of 120,000 people. The town is adjacent to a major metropolitan area with a total population of well over 1 million. Opening day for the newly chartered bank is just two months away, and the president and the board of directors are concerned that the new bank may not be able to attract enough depositors and good-quality loan customers to meet its growth and profit projections. There are 18 other financial-service competitors in town, including two credit unions, three finance companies, four insurance agencies, and two security broker offices. Your task is to recommend the various services the bank should offer initially to build up an adequate customer base. You are asked to do the following:a.Make a list of all the services the new bank could offer, according to current regulations.b.List the type of information you will need about the local community tohelp you decide which of the possible services are likely to have sufficientdemand to make them profitable.c.Divide the possible services into two groups--those you think are essentialto customers and should be offered beginning with opening day, and thosethat can be offered later as the bank grows.d. Briefly describe the kind of advertising campaign you would like to run tohelp the public see how your bank is different from all the other financialservice providers in the local area. Which services offered by the nonblankservice providers would be of most concern to the new bank’smanagement?Banks can offer, if they choose, a wide variety of financial services today. These services are listed below. However, unless they are affiliated with a larger bank holding company and can offer some of these services through that company, it may be more limited in what it can offer.Regular Checking Accounts Management Consulting Services NOW Accounts Letters of CreditPassbook Savings Deposits Business Inventory Loans Certificates of Deposit Asset-Based Commercial Loans Money Market Deposits Discounting of Commercial Paper Automobile Loans Plant and Equipment Loans Retirement Savings Plans Venture Capital LoansNonauto Installment Loans to IndividualsResidential Real Estate Loans Leasing Plans for Business Property and EquipmentHome Improvement Loans Security Dealing and Underwriting Personal Trust Management Services Discount Security BrokerageCommercial Trust Services Institutional Trust Services Foreign Currency Trading and ExchangePersonal Financial Advising Personal Cash-Management ServicesInsurance Policy Sales (Mainly Credit-Life)Insurance Today (Except in Some States)) Standby Credit Guarantees Acceptance FinancingTo help the new bank decide which services to offer it would be helpful to gather information about some of the following items in the local community:School Enrollments and Growth in School EnrollmentsEstimated Value of Residential and Commercial PropertyRetail SalesPercentage of Home Ownership Among Residents in the AreaNumber and Size (in Sales and Work Force) of Local Business Establishments Major Population Locations (i.e., Major Subdivisions, etc.) and Any Projected Growth AreasPopulation Demographics (i.e., Age Distribution of the Area)Projected Growth Areas of Industries in the AreaEssential services the bank would probably want to offer right from the beginning includes:Regular Checking Accounts Home Improvement Loans Automobile and other Consumer-type Money Market Deposit Accounts Installment Loans Retirement Savings PlansNOW Accounts Business Inventory LoansPassbook Savings Deposits Discounting of High-QualityCommercial NotesResidential Real Estate LoansCertificates of DepositAs the bank grows, opportunities for the profitable sale of additional services usually increase, especially for trust services for individuals and smaller businesses and personal financial advising as well as some commercial (plant and equipment) loans and leases. Further growth may result in the expansion of commercial trust services as well as a widening variety of commercial loans and credit guarantees.The bank would want to develop an advertising campaign that sends a message to potential customers that the new bank is, indeed, different from its competitors. Small banks often have the advantage of offering highly personalized services in which their customers are known and recognized and services are tailored to each individual customer's special financial needs. Quality and reliability of banking service are often more important to individual customers than is price. A new bank must try to sell prospective customers, most of who will come from other banks in the area, on personalized services, quality, and reliability - all three of which should be emphasized in its advertising program.2. Leading money center banks in the United States have accelerated their investment banking activities all over the globe in recent years, purchasing corporate debt securities and stock from their business customers and reselling those securities to investors in the open market. Is this a desirable move by these banking organizations from a profit standpoint? From a risk standpoint? From the public interest point of view? How would you research their question? If you were managing a corporation that had placed large deposits with a bank engaged in such activities, would you be concerned about the risk to your company's funds? What could you do to better safeguard those funds?In the 1970's and early 1980's investment banking was so profitable that commercial bankers were lured into the investment banking business largely because of its greater profit potential than possessed by more traditional commercial banking activities. Later foreign banks, particularly the British and Japanese banking firms, began to attract away large corporate customers from U.S. banks, who were restrained by regulation from offering many investment banking services. Thus, U.S. banks ran into severe difficulty in simply trying to hold onto their traditional corporate credit and deposit accounts because they could not compete service-wise in the investment banking field. Today, banks are allowed to underwrite securities through either a subsidiary or through a holding company structure. This change occurred as part of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Financial Services Modernization Act).Unfortunately, if investment banking is more profitable than traditional banking product lines, it is also more risky, consistent with the basic tenet of finance that risk and return are directly related. That is why the Federal Reserve Board has placed such strict limits on the type of organization that can offer these services. Currently, the underwriting of most corporate securities must be done through a subsidiary or as a separate part of the holding company so that, in theory at least, the bank is not responsible for any losses incurred. For this reason there may be little reason for depositors (including large corporate depositors) to be concerned about risk exposure from investment banking. Moreover, the ability to offer such services may make U.S. banks more viable in the long run which helps their corporate customers who depend upon them for credit.On the other hand, opponents of investment banking powers for bank operations inside the U.S. have some reasonable concerns that must be addressed. There are, for example, possible conflicts of interest. Information gathered in the investment banking division could be used to the detriment of customers purchasing other bank services. For example, a customer seeking a loan may be told that he or she must buy securities from the bank's investment banking division in order to receive a loan. Moreover, banks could gain effective control over some nonblank industrial corporations which might subject them to added risk exposure and place industrial firms not allied with banks at a competitive disadvantage. As a result theGramm-Leach-Bliley Act has built in some protections to prevent this from happening.3. The term bank has been applied broadly over the years to include a diverse set of financial-service institutions, which offer different financial service packages.Identify as many o f the different kinds of “banks” as you can. How do the “banks” you have identified compare to the largest banking group of all – the commercial banks? Why do you think so many different financial firms have been called banks? How might this terminological confusion affect financial-service customers?The general public tends to classify anything as a bank that offers some sort of financial service, especially deposit and loan services. Other institutions that are often referred to as a bank without being one are savings associations, credit unions, money market funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, security brokers and dealers, investment banks, finance companies, financial holding companies and life and property/casualty insurance companies. All of these institutions offer some of the services that a commercial bank offers, but generally not the entire scope of services. Since providers of financial services are normally called banks by the general public they are able to take away business from traditional banks and it is of utmost importance for commercial banks to clarify their unique position among financial services providers.4. What advantages can you see to banks affiliating with insurance companies? How might such an affiliation benefit a bank? An insurer? Can you identify any possible disadvantages to such an affiliation? Can you cite any real world examples of bank-insurer affiliations? How well do they appear to have worked out in practice?Before Glass-Steagall banks used to sell insurance services to their customers on a regular basis. in particular, banks would sell life insurance companies to loan customers to ensure repayment of the loan in case of death or disablement. These reasons still exist today and the right to sell insurances to customers again benefits banks in allowing them to offer their customers complete financial packages from financing the home or car to insure it, from giving investment advice to selling life insurance policies and annuities for retirement planning. Generally, a bank customer who is already purchasing a service from a bank might feel compelled to purchase an insurance product, as well. On the other hand, insurance companies sometimes have a negative image, which makes it more difficult to sell certain insurance products. Combining their products with the trust that people generally have in banks will make it easier for them to sell their products. The most prominent example of a bank-insurer affiliation is the merger of Citicorp and Traveler’s Insurance to Citigroup. However, given that Citigroup has sold Traveler’s Insurance indicates that the anticipated synergy effects did not materialize.5. Explain the difference between consolidation and convergence. Are these trends in banking and financial services related? Do they influence each other? How? Consolidation refers to increase in the size of financial institutions and the decline in the number of small independently owned banks and financial service providers. Convergence is the bringing together of firms from different industries to createconglomerate firms offering multiple services. Clearly, these two trends are related. In their effort to compete with each other, banks and their closest competitors have acquired other firms in their industry as well across industries to provide multiple financial services in multiple markets.6. What is a financial intermediary? What are their key characteristics? Is a bank a type of financial intermediary? Why? What other financial-services companies are financial intermediaries? What important role within the financial system do financial intermediaries play?A financial intermediary is a business that interacts with deficit spending individuals and institutions and surplus spending individuals and institutions. For that reason any financial service provider (including banks) is considered a financial intermediary. In their function as intermediaries they act as a bridge between the deficit and surplus spending units by offering financial services to the surplus spending individuals and then loaning those funds to the deficit spending individuals. Financial intermediaries accelerate economic growth by increasing the pool of available funds and lowering the risk of investments through diversification.。









利率敏感性负债(RSL):是指那些在市场利率变化时,其利息支出会发生相应变化的负债核心资本又叫一级资本(Tier1capital)和产权资本,是指权益资本和公开储备,它是银行资本的构成部分附属资本、持续期缺口: 是银行资产持续期与负债持续期和负债资产现值比乘积的差额。


三、计算题(x*x 课件上所有的计算题都是范围)该银行的加权平均资金成本是多少?该银行的加权平均资金成本=1/4×10%/(1-15%)+2/4 ×11%/(1-5%)+0.5/4 ×11%/(1-2%)+0.5/4 ×22%=0.1288=12.88%该方法可以使银行管理层估算不同筹资方案对资金成本的影响,从而进行有把握的定价。

2、某银行通过7%的存款利率吸收了25万美元的新存款,银行估计,如果提供7.5%的利率,可筹集存款50 万美元;如果提供8%的利率,可筹集存款75 万美元;如果提供8.5%的利率,可筹集存款100 万美元;如果提供9%的利率,可筹集存款125 万美元。












1商业银行在中央银行的存款有两部分组成(法定储备金)和(超额准备金)1、目前我国商业银行的法定存款准备金率为( 7%)2、可用资金头寸是指扣除了(法定准备金)后的所有现金资产。








《商业银行经营管理》第01章在线测试第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、最早设立股份之银行的国家是AA、英国B、美国C、意大利D、德国2、1897年在上海成立的(C )标志着中国现代银行的产生A、交通银行B、浙江兴业银行C、中国通商银行D、北洋银行3、中国银行业监督管理委员会是(D )年正式挂牌成立的。






正确《商业银行经营管理》第02章在线测试第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1、发行优先股对商业银行的不足之处不包括CA、股息税后支付,增加了资金成本B、总资本收益率下降时,会发生杠杆作用,影响普通股股东的权益C、不会稀释控制权D、可以在行情变动时对优先股进行有利于自己的转化,增大了经营的不确定性2、一旦银行破产倒闭时,对银行的资产的要求权排在最后的是BA、优先股股东B、普通股股东C、债权人D、存款人3、下列各项不属于发行资本债券特点的是 BA、不稀释控制权B、能大量发行,满足融资需要C、利息税前支付,可降低税后成本D、利息固定,会发生杠杆作用4、银行的附属资本不包括BA、未公开储备B、股本C、重估储备D、普通准备金5、内部资本融资的缺点在于其筹集资本的(D )在很大程度上收到银行本身的限制A、质量B、价格C、种类D、数量第二题、多项选择题(每题2分,5道题共10分)1、银行外部筹资的方法有ABCDEA、发行普通股B、发行优先股C、发行资本性工具D、出售资产与租赁设备E、股票于债券的互换2、所有者权益包括ACDEA、实收资本B、准备金C、资本公积D、盈余公积E、未分配利润3、附属资本包括ABCDEA、未公开储备B、重估储备C、普通准备金D、混合资本工具E、长期附属债务4、以下属于公开储备的有ACEA、未分配利润B、普通准备金C、营业盈余D、重估储备E、资本盈余5、(本题空白。



第10章 商业银行中间业务与管理1.什么是商业银行的中间业务?答:在以英美为主的西方商业银行业务中,与我国中间业务概念相对应的是表外业务,指商业银行所从事的,按通行会计准则不列入资产负债表,不影响资产负债总额,但会改变银行当期损益的经营活动。

























我国规定设立商业银行的注册资本,均为(BCD)A 全部资本B 部分资本C 实缴资本D 核心资本2。

从商业银行的定义可以看出,商业银行的性质体现在(ACD)A 商业银行是企业B 商业银行是一种特殊的企业C 商业银行是一种特殊的金融机关D 商业银行是一种特殊的金融企业3.商业银行的信用中介职能有(ABC)A 把社会闲置资金集中起来B 把闲置的储蓄货币转化为职能资本C 实现资本的续短为长D 信息的生产与传递4。

商业银行的二级准备金包括(ABCD)A 超额准备金B 短期国债C 其他易于转让的短期证券D 商业票据和银行承兑汇票5。

商业银行转移风险的办法有(ABCD)A 参加保险B 订立抵押、担保条款C 套期保值 D及时转让相关债权债务第二章一.简答题1.商业银行从传统业务发展到“金融百货公司”说明了什么问题?2.什么是银行并购? 银行并购的动机有哪些?3。




商业银行发展至今,已有( C )的历史。

A 100年B 200年C 300年D 500年2.银行业产生于( C )A 英国B 美国C 意大利 D德国3、最早设立股份制银行的国家是( A )A 英国B 美国C 意大利 D德国4.1694年英国政府为了同高利贷做斗争,以满足新生的资产阶级发展工业和商业的需要,决定成立的一家股份制银行是( A )A 英格兰银行B 曼切斯特银行C 汇丰银行D 利物浦银行5.北宋真宗时,由四川富商发行的( A ),成为我国早期的纸币。



1、 1694 年,〔 D 〕的成立标志着现代商业银行制度的建立。

A、威尼斯银行B、阿姆斯特丹银行C、汉堡银行D、英格兰银行2、1897 年在**成立的( C )标志着中国现代银行的产生。

A、交通银行B、兴业银行C、中国通商银行D、北洋银行 3、商业银行把资金从赢余者手中转移到短缺者手中,使闲置资金得到充分的运用,这种职能被称为商业银行的〔 A 〕职能。

A、信用中介B、支付中介C、信用创造D、金融效劳4、( A )是商业银行最根本也最能反映其经营活动特征的职能。

A、信用中介B、支付中介C、清算中介D、调节经济的职能 5、商业银行利用活期存款账户,为客户办理货币结算、转账、兑换、转移存款等业务,这种功能被称为〔 B 〕功能。

A 信用中介B 支付中介C 信用创造D 金融效劳6、商业银行利用吸收的活期存款,通过转账的方式发放贷款,从而衍生出更多存款,扩大社会货币供应量。

这种功能被称为〔 C 〕功能。

A 信用中介B 支付中介C 信用创造D 金融效劳7、以下说法不正确的选项是〔 B 〕。

A、银行的普通股股东拥有表决权B、银行的优先股股东拥有表决权C、股东大会有权选举董事和监事D、股东大会可以决定银行的经营方针和投资方案8、商业银行经营活动的最终目标是〔 C 〕。

A、安全性目标B、流动性目标C、盈利性目标D、合法性目标9、属于商业银行一级准备的是〔 C 〕。

A、短期证券B、短期票据C、库存现金D、存款10、商业银行是〔 B 〕。

A、事业单位B、特殊企业C、机关D、商业机构1、商业银行的职能有( ABCD )。

A、信用中介职能B、支付中介职能C、信用创造职能D、金融效劳职能2、现代商业银行产生途径有〔 AB 〕。

A、早期银行转变过来B、股分制形式组建C、货币兑换D、货币经营业3、商业银行的经营原则是〔 BCD 〕。

A、政策性B、安全性C、流动性D、盈利性4、商业银行面临的风险主要有〔ABD ABCD〕。

A、信用风险B、利率风险C、汇率风险D、经营风险/*注:按人大教材庄毓敏的观点是:信用风险、利率风险、汇率风险、经营风险、流动性风险 P22,按机械工业毅的教材是:信用风险、利率风险、流动性风险、资本风险1、商业银行必须在保证资金安全和正常流动的前提下,追求利润的最大化。



商业银行管理彼得S.罗斯第八版课后答案chapter_01CHAPTER 1AN OVERVIEW OF BANKS AND THE FINANCIAL-SERVICES SECTORGoal of This Chapter: In this chapter you will learn about the many roles financial service providers play in the economy today. You will examine how and why the banking industry and the financial services marketplace as a whole is rapidly changing, becoming new and different as we move forward into the future. You will also learn about new and old services offered to the public.Key Topics in This ChapterPowerful Forces Reshaping the IndustryWhat is a Bank?The Financial System and Competing Financial-Service InstitutionsOld and New Services Offered to the PublicKey Trends Affecting All Financial-Service FirmsAppendix: Career Opportunities in Financial ServicesChapter OutlineI. I ntroduction: P owerful Forces Reshaping the IndustryII. W hat Is a Bank?A. D efined by the Functions It Serves and the Roles It Play:B. B anks and their Principal CompetitorsC. Legal Basis of a BankD. D efined by the Government Agency That Insures Its DepositsIII.The Financial System and Competing Financial-Service InstitutionsA.Savings AssociationsB.Credit UnionsC.Money Market FundsD.Mutual FundsE.Hedge FundsF.Security Brokers and DealersG.Investment BankersH.Finance CompaniesI.Financial Holding CompaniesJ.Life and Property/Casualty Insurance CompaniesIV. T he Services Banks and Many of Their Closest Competitors Offer the PublicA. S ervices Banks Have Offered Throughout History1.Carrying Out Currency Exchanges2.Discounting Commercial Notes and Making Business Loans3.Offering Savings Deposits4.Safekeeping of Valuables and Certification of Value5.Supporting Government Activities with Credit6.Offering Checking Accounts (Demand Deposits)7.Offering Trust ServicesB. S ervices Banks and Many of Their Financial-Service Competitors HaveOffered More Recently1.Granting Consumer Loans2.Financial Advising3.Managing Cash4.Offering Equipment Leasing5.Making Venture Capital Loans6.Selling Insurance Policies7.Selling Retirement PlansC. Dealing in Securities: Offering Security Brokerage and Investment Banking Services1. Offering Security Underwriting2. Offering Mutual Funds and Annuities3. Offering Merchant Banking Services4. Offering Risk Management and Hedging ServicesV. Key Trends Affecting All Financial-Service FirmsA. S ervice ProliferationB. R ising CompetitionC. G overnment DeregulationD. A n Increasingly Interest-Sensitive Mix of FundsE. T echnological Change and AutomationF. C onsolidation and Geographic ExpansionG. C onvergenceH. G lobalizationVI. T he Plan of This BookVII. S ummaryConcept Checks1-1. What is a bank? How does a bank differ from most other financial-service providers?A bank should be defined by what it does; in this case, banks are generally those financial institutions offering the widest range of financial services. Other financial service providers offer some of the financial services offered by a bank, but not all of them within one institution.1-2. Under U.S. law what must a corporation do to qualify and be regulated as a commercial bank?Under U.S. law, commercial banks must offer two essential services to qualify as banks for purposes of regulation and taxation, demand (checkable) deposits and commercial loans.More recently, Congress defined a bank as any institution that could qualify for deposit insurance administered by the FDIC.1-3.Why are some banks reaching out to become one-stop financial service conglomerates? Is this a good idea in your opinion?There are two reasons that banks are increasingly becoming one-stop financial service conglomerates. The first reason is the increased competition from other types of financial institution s and t he erosion of banks’ traditional service areas. The second reason is the Financial Services Modernization Act which has allowed banks to expand their role to be full service providers.1-4. Which businesses are banking’s closest and toughest com petitors? What services do they offer that compete directly with banks’ services?Among a bank’s closest competitors are savings associations, credit unions, money market funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, security brokers and dealers, investment banks, finance companies, financial holding companies, and life and property-casualty insurance companies. All of these financial service providers are converging and embracing each other’s innovations. The Financial Services Modernization Act has allowed many of these financial service providers to offer the public one-stop shopping for financial services.1-5. What is happening to banking’s share of the financial mark etplace and why? What kind of banking and financial system do you foresee for the future if present trends continue?The Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 allowed many of the banks’ closest competitors to offer a wide array of financial services thereby taking away market share from “traditional” banks. Banks and their closest competitors areconverging into one-stop shopping for financial services and this trend should continue in the future1-6. What different kinds of services do banks offer the public today? What services do their closest competitors offer?Banks offer the widest range of services of any financial institution. They offer thrift deposits to encourage saving and checkable (demand) deposits to provide a means of payment for purchases of goods and services. They also provide credit through direct loans, by discounting the notes that business customers hold, and by issuing credit guarantees. Additionally, they make loans to consumers for purchases of durable goods, such as automobiles, and for home improvements, etc. Banks also manage the property of customers under trust agreements and manage the cash positions of their business customers. They purchase and lease equipment to customers as an alternative to direct loans. Many banks also assist their customers with buying and selling securities through discount brokerage subsidiaries, the acquisition and sale of foreign currencies, the supplying of venture capital to start new businesses, and the purchase of annuities to supply future funding at retirement or for other long-term projects such as supporting a college education. All of these services are also offered by their closest competitors. Banks and their closest competitors are converging and becoming the financial department stores of the modern era.1-7. What is a financial department store? A universal bank? Why do you think these institutions have become so important in the modern financial system? Financial department store and universal bank refer to the same concept. A financial department store is an institution where banking, fiduciary, insurance, and security brokerage services are unified under one roof. A bankthat offers all these services is normally referred to as a universal bank. These have become important because of convergence and changes in regulations that have allowed financial service providers to offer all services under one roof1-8. Why do banks and other financial intermediaries exist in modern society, according to the theory of finance?There are multiple approaches to answering this question. The traditional view of banks as financial intermediaries sees them as simultaneously fulfilling the financial-service needs of savers (surplus-spending units) and borrowers(deficit-spending units), providing both a supply of credit and a supply of liquid assets. A newer view sees banks as delegated monitors who assess and evaluate borrowers on behalf of their depositors and earn fees for supplying monitoring services. Banks also have been viewed in recent theory as suppliers of liquidity andtransactions services that reduce costs for their customers and, through diversification, reduce risk. Banks are also critical in the payment system for goods and services and have played an increasingly important role as a guarantor and a risk management role for customers.1-9. How have banking and the financial services market changed in recent years? What powerful forces are shaping financial markets and institutions today? Which of these forces do you think will continue into the future?Banking is becoming a more volatile industry due, in part, to deregulation which has opened up individual banks to the full force of the financial marketplace. At the same time the number and variety of banking services has increased greatly due to the pressure of intensifying competition from nonbank financial-service providers and changing public demand for more conveniently and reliably provided services. Adding to the intensity of competition, foreign banks have enjoyed success in their efforts to enter countries overseas and attract away profitable domestic business and household accounts.1-10. Can you explain why many of the forces you named in the answer to the previous question have led to significant problems for the management of banks and other financial firms and their stockholders?The net result of recent changes in banking and the financial services market has been to put greater pressure upon their earnings, resulting in more volatile returns to stockholders and an increased bank failure rates. Some experts see banks' role and market share shrinking due to restrictive government regulations and intensifying competition. Institutions have also become more innovative in their service offerings and in finding new sources of funding, such as off-balance-sheet transactions. The increased risk faced by institutions today, therefore, has forced managers to more aggressively utilize a wide array of tools and techniques to improve and stabilize their earnings streams and manage the various risks they face. 1-11. What do you think the financial services industry will look like 20 years from now? What are the implications of your projections for its management today? There appears to be a trend toward continuing consolidation and convergence. There are likely to be fewer financial service providers in the future and many of these will be very large and provide a broad range of financial services under one roof. In addition, global expansion will continue and will be critical to the survival of many financial service providers. Management of financial service providers willhave to be more technologically astute and be able to make a more diverse set of decisions including decisions about mergers, acquisitions and global expansion as well as new services to add to the firm.Problems and Projects1. You have just been hired as the marketing officer for the new First National Bank of Vincent, a suburban banking institution that will soon be serving a local community of 120,000 people. The town is adjacent to a major metropolitan area with a total population of well over 1 million. Opening day for the newly chartered bank is just two months away, and the president and the board of directors are concerned that the new bank may not be able to attract enough depositors and good-quality loan customers to meet its growth and profit projections. There are 18 other financial-service competitors in town, including two credit unions, three finance companies, four insurance agencies, and two security broker offices. Your task is to recommend the various services the bank should offer initially to build up an adequate customer base. You are asked to do the following:a.Make a list of all the services the new bank could offer, according to current regulations.b.List the type of information you will need about the local community tohelp you decide which of the possible services are likely to have sufficientdemand to make them profitable.c.Divide the possible services into two groups--those you think are essentialto customers and should be offered beginning with opening day, and thosethat can be offered later as the bank grows.d. Briefly describe the kind of advertising campaign you would like to run tohelp the public see how your bank is different from all the other financialservice providers in the local area. Which services offered by the nonblankservice providers would be of most concern to the new bank’smanagement?Banks can offer, if they choose, a wide variety of financial services today. These services are listed below. However, unless they are affiliated with a larger bank holding company and can offer some of these services through that company, it may be more limited in what it can offer.Regular Checking Accounts Management Consulting Services NOW Accounts Letters of CreditPassbook Savings Deposits Business Inventory Loans Certificates of Deposit Asset-Based Commercial Loans Money Market Deposits Discounting of Commercial Paper Automobile Loans Plant and Equipment Loans Retirement Savings Plans Venture Capital LoansNonauto Installment Loans to IndividualsResidential Real Estate Loans Leasing Plans for Business Property and EquipmentHome Improvement Loans Security Dealing and Underwriting Personal Trust Management Services Discount Security BrokerageCommercial Trust Services Institutional Trust Services Foreign Currency Trading and ExchangePersonal Financial Advising Personal Cash-Management ServicesInsurance Policy Sales (Mainly Credit-Life)Insurance Today (Except in Some States)) Standby Credit Guarantees Acceptance FinancingTo help the new bank decide which services to offer it would be helpful to gather information about some of the following items in the local community:School Enrollments and Growth in School EnrollmentsEstimated Value of Residential and Commercial PropertyRetail SalesPercentage of Home Ownership Among Residents in the AreaNumber and Size (in Sales and Work Force) of Local Business Establishments Major Population Locations (i.e., Major Subdivisions, etc.) and Any Projected Growth AreasPopulation Demographics (i.e., Age Distribution of the Area) Projected Growth Areas of Industries in the AreaEssential services the bank would probably want to offer right from the beginning includes:Regular Checking Accounts Home Improvement Loans Automobile and other Consumer-type Money Market Deposit Accounts Installment Loans Retirement Savings Plans NOW Accounts Business Inventory LoansPassbook Savings Deposits Discounting of High-QualityCommercial NotesResidential Real Estate LoansCertificates of DepositAs the bank grows, opportunities for the profitable sale of additional services usually increase, especially for trust servicesfor individuals and smaller businesses and personal financial advising as well as some commercial (plant and equipment) loans and leases. Further growth may result in the expansion of commercial trust services as well as a widening variety of commercial loans and credit guarantees.The bank would want to develop an advertising campaign that sends a message to potential customers that the new bank is, indeed, different from its competitors. Small banks often have the advantage of offering highly personalized services in which their customers are known and recognized and services are tailored to each individual customer's special financial needs. Quality and reliability of banking service are often more important to individual customers than is price. A new bank must try to sell prospective customers, most of who will come from other banks in the area, on personalized services, quality, and reliability - all three of which should be emphasized in its advertising program.2. Leading money center banks in the United States have accelerated their investment banking activities all over the globe in recent years, purchasing corporate debt securities and stock from their business customers and reselling those securities to investors in the open market. Is this a desirable move by these banking organizations from a profit standpoint? From a risk standpoint? From the public interest point of view? How would you research their question? If you were managing a corporation that had placed large deposits with a bank engaged in such activities, would you be concerned about the risk to your company's funds? What could you do to better safeguard those funds?In the 1970's and early 1980's investment banking was soprofitable that commercial bankers were lured into the investment banking business largely because of its greater profit potential than possessed by more traditional commercial banking activities. Later foreign banks, particularly the British and Japanese banking firms, began to attract away large corporate customers from U.S. banks, who were restrained by regulation from offering many investment banking services. Thus, U.S. banks ran into severe difficulty in simply trying to hold onto their traditional corporate credit and deposit accounts because they could not compete service-wise in the investment banking field. Today, banks are allowed to underwrite securities through either a subsidiary or through a holding company structure. This change occurred as part of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Financial Services Modernization Act).Unfortunately, if investment banking is more profitable than traditional banking product lines, it is also more risky, consistent with the basic tenet of finance that risk and return are directly related. That is why the Federal Reserve Board has placed such strict limits on the type of organization that can offer these services. Currently, the underwriting of most corporate securities must be done through a subsidiary or as a separate part of the holding company so that, in theory at least, the bank is not responsible for any losses incurred. For this reason there may be little reason for depositors (including large corporate depositors) to be concerned about risk exposure from investment banking. Moreover, the ability to offer such services may make U.S. banks more viable in the long run which helps their corporate customers who depend upon them for credit.On the other hand, opponents of investment banking powers for bank operations inside the U.S. have some reasonableconcerns that must be addressed. There are, for example, possible conflicts of interest. Information gathered in the investment banking division could be used to the detriment of customers purchasing other bank services. For example, a customer seeking a loan may be told that he or she must buy securities from the bank's investment banking division in order to receive a loan. Moreover, banks could gain effective control over some nonblank industrial corporations which might subject them to added risk exposure and place industrial firms not allied with banks at a competitive disadvantage. As a result the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act has built in some protections to prevent this from happening.3. The term bank has been applied broadly over the years to include a diverse set of financial-service institutions, which offer different financial service packages.Identify as many o f the different kinds of “banks” as you can. How do the “banks” y ou have identified compare to the largest banking group of all – the commercial banks? Why do you think so many different financial firms have been called banks? How might this terminological confusion affect financial-service customers?The general public tends to classify anything as a bank that offers some sort of financial service, especially deposit and loan services. Other institutions that are often referred to as a bank without being one are savings associations, credit unions, money market funds, mutual funds, hedge funds, security brokers and dealers, investment banks, finance companies, financial holding companies and life and property/casualty insurance companies. All of these institutions offer some of the services that a commercial bank offers, but generally not the entire scope ofservices. Since providers of financial services are normally called banks by the general public they are able to take away business from traditional banks and it is of utmost importance for commercial banks to clarify their unique position among financial services providers.4. What advantages can you see to banks affiliating with insurance companies? How might such an affiliation benefit a bank? An insurer? Can you identify any possible disadvantages to such an affiliation? Can you cite any real world examples of bank-insurer affiliations? How well do they appear to have worked out in practice?Before Glass-Steagall banks used to sell insurance services to their customers on a regular basis. in particular, banks would sell life insurance companies to loan customers to ensure repayment of the loan in case of death or disablement. These reasons still exist today and the right to sell insurances to customers again benefits banks in allowing them to offer their customers complete financial packages from financing the home or car to insure it, from giving investment advice to selling life insurance policies and annuities for retirement planning. Generally, a bank customer who is already purchasing a service from a bank might feel compelled to purchase an insurance product, as well. On the other hand, insurance companies sometimes have a negative image, which makes it more difficult to sell certain insurance products. Combining their products with the trust that people generally have in banks will make it easier for them to sell their products. The most prominent example of a bank-insurer affiliation is the merger of Citicorp and Traveler’s Insurance to Citigroup. However, given that Citigroup has sold Traveler’s Insurance indicates that the anticipated synergy effects did notmaterialize.5. Explain the difference between consolidation and convergence. Are these trends in banking and financial services related? Do they influence each other? How? Consolidation refers to increase in the size of financial institutions and the decline in the number of small independently owned banks and financial service providers. Convergence is the bringing together of firms from different industries to createconglomerate firms offering multiple services. Clearly, these two trends are related. In their effort to compete with each other, banks and their closest competitors have acquired other firms in their industry as well across industries to provide multiple financial services in multiple markets.6. What is a financial intermediary? What are their key characteristics? Is a bank a type of financial intermediary? Why? What other financial-services companies are financial intermediaries? What important role within the financial system do financial intermediaries play?A financial intermediary is a business that interacts with deficit spending individuals and institutions and surplus spending individuals and institutions. For that reason any financial service provider (including banks) is considered a financial intermediary. In their function as intermediaries they act as a bridge between the deficit and surplus spending units by offering financial services to the surplus spending individuals and then loaning those funds to the deficit spending individuals. Financial intermediaries accelerate economic growth by increasing the pool of available funds and lowering the risk of investments through diversification.。

































A 1901年B 1897年1902年 D 1898年2.下列金融机构中,不是商业银行的是————A 中国农业银行B 交通银行C 农村信用合作社D 江阴市农村商业银行3.我国商业银行机构设置的原则是:A 竞争效率原则B 安全稳健原则C 规模适度原则D 利润最大原则4.历史上最早的银行威尼斯银行成立于————A 1593年B 1619年C 1580年D 1609年5.商业银行最基本的职能是————A 信用中介B 信用中介信用创造C 信用中介支付中介D 支付中介金融服务6.商业银行的职能包括:A 支付中介B 信用中介C 信用创造D 金融服务E 调节经济7.商业银行的组织形式有:A 单一银行制B 持股公司制C 连锁银行制D 总分行制E 全能银行制8.我国国有商业银行内部组织的层次结构可分为:A 总决策层B 执行管理层C 检查监督层D 执行操作层9.我国国有商业银行部门结构中由计划、信贷、存款、会计、出纳、国际业务等部门构成了——A 信息调研机构B 综合管理机构C 业务经营机构D 决策指挥机构10.我国国有商业银行部门结构中由人事、教育、科技、办公室、总务等部门构成了——A 决策指挥机构B 综合管理机构C 信息调研机构D 检查监督机构11.股份制商业银行的最高权力机构是:A 董事会B 理事会C 监事会D 股东大会12.总经理是商业银行的行政首脑,是在——直接领导下开展工作。

A 股东大会B 董事会C 监事会D 理事会13.商业银行经营的最基本的目标是:A 经营的安全性B 经营的流动性C 追求利润的最大化D 追求资产的最大化14.当今国际金融领域商业银行扩大资产规模和业务范围的主要途径是:A 大银行兼并小银行B 资产重组C 强强联合D 收购股权15.历史上最早的银行是:A 威尼斯银行B 米兰银行C 阿姆斯特丹银行D 汉堡银行16.1999年11月美国国会通过了意在取消金融业分业经营的法案是:A 《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法》B 《美国联邦储备银行法》C 《美国商业银行法》D 《金融服务现代化法案》17.世界上第一家网络银行是:A 美国花旗银行B 美国信浮银行C 日本第一劝业银行D 美国安全第一网络银行18.商业银行信用中介的职能主要充当的是:A 买卖资本商品的所有权B 买卖资本商品的使用权C 充当资金交换的媒介D 办理货币的收付和兑换19.商业银行信用创造的限制条件有:A 存款额B 准备金率C 贷款的有效需求D 存款付现率20.商业银行经营的流动性方针是指:A 保持资产的流动性B 保持负债的流动性C 所持资产的变现能力D 是获得资金的负债能力(二)复习思考题:1.名词解释:商业银行信用创造支付中介流动性效益性基础货币全能化经营信用中介单一银行制2.简述现代商业银行的发展趋势。



商业银行课后习题(5篇)第一篇:商业银行课后习题第一章,商业银行概述单项选择1.银行业最早发源地是(C)A.英国B.美国C.意大利D.瑞士2.依据商业银行的业务运营范围,商业银行可分为职能分工型商业银行和(A)A.全能型商业银行B.单一型商业银行C.总分型商业银行D.连锁制商业银行3.以下不是商业银行股东大会的权限的是(B)A.选举和更换董事、监事并决定有关的报酬事项 B.审核银行的监管制度C.审议批准银行各项经营管理方针和对各种重大议案进行表决D.修改公司章程等4.1995年(D)的颁布为标志,从法律上确定了商业银行的性质、地位以及行业运营的范围边界。

A.《中国人民银行关于加快国有独资商业银行股份制改革的汇报》 B.《经济法》 C.《公司法》 D.《商业银行法》5.2003年九月中央和国务院原则通过了(C),决定选择中国银行、中国建设银行作为试点银行,用450亿美元国家外汇储备和黄金储备补充资本金,进一步加快国有独资商业银行股份制改革的进程。

A.《商业银行法》 B.《公司法》 C.《中国人民银行关于加快国有独资商业银行股份制改革的汇报》 D.《经济法》多项选择题1.商业银行发展的原因有(ACE)A.为了规避政府管制 B.政府的要求 C.竞争的压力D.国有化进程的推进E.现代信息技术的发展和网络的普及2.依据商业银行的组织形式划分商业银行可划分为(ABCD)A.总分行制商业银行 B.单一制商业银行 C.控股公司制 D.连锁银行制 E.统一银行制3.中间业务包括(ABCDE)A.结算业务、承兑业务 B.保管业务 C.租赁业务、信用卡业务 D.信托业务 E.代理业务4.资产业务是商业银行的资金运用项目,包括(ABC)A.现金资产 B.信贷资产 C.证券投资 D.咨询业务 E.代理业务5银行资本可划分为核心资本和附属资本两类,核心资本包括(ABCDE)A.普通股 B.不可回收的优先股 C.资本盈余 D.留存收益E.可转换的资本债券第二章、商业银行经营管理构成与环境分析单选1.商业银行清偿力的根本保证是(C)A.向中央银行借款B.向同业借款 C.自有资本 D.发行债券2.银行业塑造企业文化的核心内容是(B)A.增强银行流动性B.增强银行竞争力 C.以人为本 D.金钱至上3.银行的(A)能力具体体现为商业银行的资产流动性和负债流动性 A.流动性 B.盈利性 C.以人为本 D.经营性4.商业银行经营管理目标是(D)A.银行流动性高 B.企业利润最大化 C.银行安全性好 D.股东价值最大化5依据安全性原则,商业银行经营管理最应注意的是(D)A.增加资产的盈利性 B.增加经营实力 C.降低资产的流动性 D.提高资本实力二、多项选择题1.商业银行经营管理的原则是指(ABC)A.安全性原则B.流动性原则 C.盈利性原则 D.经营性 E.风险性2.资产管理只要经历了三个不同的发展阶段,这三个阶段分别是(BCD)A.资产管理理论 B.商业性贷款理论 C.可转换理论 D.预期收入理论 E.负债管理理论3.全面风险管理理论中商业银行风险管理的主要包括三方面内容(ACD)A.风险识别 B.安全性 C.风险衡量 D.流动性 E.风险控制4.客户关系管理的目标主要表现为三个方面(ADE)A.提高效率 B.提高流动性 C.风险控制 D.拓展市场 E.保留客户5.商业银行经营管理理论的内容有(ABCD)A.资产管理理论B.负债管理理论C.资产负债管理理论D.全面风险管理理论E.其他理论第三课、商业银行的负债业务单选1.商业银行清偿力的根本保障是(C)A.向中央银行借债B.向同业借债 C.自有资本 D.发行债券2.资金成本=(A)A.B.C.D.3.长期借入资金的主要形式是(A)A.发行金融债券 B.同业拆借 C.回购 D.转贴现4.以下四个选项和其他三个所指业务不同的是(A)A.同业拆借B.贴现 C.“今日货币” D.“明日货币”5.依据安全性原则,商业银行经营管理应注意(D)A.增加资产的盈利性 B.增加经营成本 C.降低资产的流动性 D.强化资本实力多选1.商业银行负债的作用是(ABC)A.银行负债是银行展开业务的先决条件B.银行负债是决定银行盈利状况的重要因素C.银行负债提供了银行与社会各界往来的重要渠道D.银行负债是反映和监督社会资金流向的主要渠道 E.银行负债使得银行面临更大风险2.传统的存款类型主要包括(BCD)三大存款类型 A.同业拆借B.活期存款 C.定期存款 D.储蓄存款 E.转贴现3.零续定期存款是一种可以多次续存、期限在半年以上五年以内的储蓄存款帐户,类似于我国的零存整取。















银行信贷课后习题答案第一篇:银行信贷课后习题答案商业银行信贷课后题单选第一章1.信贷资金的来源主要由4部分组成:银行资本金、各项存款、借款、发行金融债券,其中(B 各项存款)是信贷资金的主要来源。


4.商业银行对同一借款客户的贷款总额与银行资本总额的比例不得超过(B 10%)5.流动性资产是指(A 1个月)内可变现资产第二章1.以银行汇票、银行承兑汇票、支票、本票、存款单、国库劵等有价证券质押的,质押率最高不得超过(D 90%)2.票据贴现指持票人为资金融通的需要而在票据到期前以贴付一定利息的方式向银行出售票据。

其贴现期限短,一般不超过(D 6个月)3.贷款承诺一般收取承诺额度(C 0.25%~0.75%)的承诺费4.(A 受益人)是指有权按保函的规定出具索款通知或连同其他单据,向担保人索取款项的人5.(B 贷款意向书)不具备法律约束力6.反担保反映(B 债务人和担保人)之间的权益关系。

第三章1.贷款的间接责任人,包括贷款(B 稽核人员)2.以下关于借款人的权利的权利表述错误的是(E 不须征的商业银行同意,有权向第三人转让债务)3.商业银行各级机构应建立由行长或副行长(经理、主任)和有关部门负债人参加的(B 贷款审查委员会)4.商业银行应当审议借款人的借款申请,并及时答复贷与不贷。

短期贷款答复时间不得超过(A 1个月)5.(A 调查人员)负责调查环节的所有工作,客户提供的所有资料、材料、必须真实、完整、详细,资料材料在真实、完整、详细环节出现问题,由(A 调查人员)负责、第四章1.下述(A 土地使用权)财产的抵押,不应当办理抵押物登记2.商业银行在短期贷款到期(A 1个星期)之前,应向借款人发送还本付息通知单。

3.贷款检查部门在贷款发放(B 15天)内,应对贷款使用情况进行第一次跟踪检查 4.企业的设备办理抵押物登记部门(B 财产所在地的工商行政管理部门)5.借款人不能按其还清贷款需要展期还款的,必须在贷款到期前(B 15天)向开户行提出展期申请,填写借款展期申请书并湖具保证人、抵押人、出质人同意担保的书面证明第五章1.个人信用征信系统由(C 中国人民银行)负责系统的日常运行和管理2.个人可以向当地的(A 中国人民银行分支行)提出查询本人信用报告的书面申请3.信用登记的得分区间(A 90分)以上为AAA级4.借款人偿还贷款的月供一般不能超过其月收入的(C 50%)5.信用在现代经济中的消极作用主要表现在(D 出现信用风险和经济泡沫)第六章1.考察企业长期偿债能力的指标是(D 资产负债率)2.测量一个企业仅靠变现其短期流动资产来满足其偿还短期负债能力的指标是(B 流动比率)3.贷款卡持卡人要到(B 基本开户行)办理贷款发初审手续,到(C 中国人民银行分支行)办理终审手续4.速动资产是从流动资产中扣除(C 存货)的部分5.反映企业的总资产中有多大比例是通过借债来筹集的指标是(D 资产负债率)第七章1.(B 借款人分析)是整个贷款项目评估的重要环节,是其他苹果内容的基础2.以下不属于项目生产条件评估的是(E 工艺技术与设备评估)3.以下不属于信用状况评估内容的是(E 借款人的生产经营状况)4.以销售增长率法为例,经验数据划分的阶段为:年销售量增长率(B 0.1%~10%)为成熟期5.评估报告在下哒评估通知后(B 2个月)内完成第八章1.申请商业性个人住房贷款,借款人必须具备条件之一:有所购住房全部价款(A 20%)以上的自筹资金2.商业性个人能住房贷款,贷款期限一般最长不超过(C 30年)3.个人汽车贷款期限最长不超过(C 5年)4.国家助学贷款按按照每人每学年最高不超过(8000)元的标准,总额度按照正常完成学业所需年度乘以学年所需金额确定,具体额度由借款人所在学校按本校的总贷款额度、学费、住宿费、和生活费、标准以学生的困难度确定5.免息还款期是指对非现金交易,从银行记账日起至到期还款日之间的日期为免息还款期。

商业银行 第1章导论练习

商业银行 第1章导论练习










二、单选题1、一般企业创造的是使用价值,而商业银行创造的是能充当一般等价物的( ).中央银行创造的是基础货币.A.信用货币 B。

存款货币 C。

信贷货币 D。

扩张货币2、1694年,英国政府为了同高利贷作斗争,维护新生的资产阶级发展工业和商业的需要,决定的成立一家股份制银行是( )。

A.英国工商业银行 B。

威尼斯银行 C.英格兰银行 D。

英商银行3、商业银行是( )发展到一定阶段的必然产物,并随着商品经济的发展不断完善。

A.社会经济 B。

资本主义经济 C.商品经济 D.股份制4、( )以后,当外国金融机构侵入我国,人们又根据我国长期使用白银作为货币材料这一情况,将当时专门从事货币信用业务的这类外国金融机构叫做银行,这样翻译既达意又形象。


鸦片战争 B。

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