
《职场菜鸟礼仪指南》见面课及答案见面课:Hello “歪果仁”1、在中国的传统文化中,筷子的“圆头”和“方头”各代表什么?()A.圆头代表地和方头代表天B.圆头代表天和方头代表地C.圆头代表阴极和方头代表阳极D.圆头代表阳极和方头代表阴极正确答案:圆头代表天和方头代表地2、中西不同的饮食理念体现了不同的价值观,中国的“泛食主义”体现了怎样的价值观?()A.个人主义B.英雄主义C.实用主义D.集体主义正确答案:集体主义3、德国国旗是由()三种颜色组成。

A:对B:错答案:对第一章1、以下哪个选项不是古人对仪的理解:()A:法度准则B:礼节规矩C:礼物D:礼貌答案: 礼貌2、哪个国家的公民时最爱排队的()A:日本B:德国C:印度D:英国答案: 英国3、以下哪个不是原始社会的丧葬礼仪的规范()。
A:尸体安置的特殊朝向和姿势B:有一些随葬的物件C:保护好尸体,注意埋葬D:装扮尸体外观答案: 装扮尸体外观4、以下哪个选项不属于“礼仪文化”的范畴()A:社会制度B:仪容仪表C:社会交往D:风俗习惯答案:社会制度5、以下哪个选项属于英国文化:A:不要迷惑他人B:平等次序C:高效有序D:团队合作答案:平等次序6、礼仪的起源有以下哪个几种说法:A:祭祀说B:饮食男女说C:人的欲望与环境矛盾说D:婚姻制度说E:礼仪的多元起源说答案: 祭祀说,饮食男女说,人的欲望与环境矛盾说,礼仪的多元起源说7、礼仪有几个发展阶段:A:滥觞期B:定型期C:发展期D:衰变期E:新生期答案: 滥觞期,定型期,发展期,衰变期,新生期8、西方礼仪是由西方文明孕育出来的。
A:对B:错答案:错9、中国传统礼仪的主流是历史上我国中原地区汉族所通行的礼仪A:对B:错答案:对10、每个国家的礼仪都蕴含着相互理解,以心贴心的基本精神A:对B:错答案: 错第二章1、礼起源于原始的()祭祀活动。
A:宗教B:种族C:基督教D:家族答案:宗教2、社稷两字相连,表示( )A:政权B:土地C:农业D:作物答案: 农业3、在交际礼仪中,唐代开始流行()A:客来敬酒B:客来敬茶C:客来敬烟D:客来敬花答案:客来敬茶4、很多少数民族盛行的传统节日起源于古代的吉礼,他们是()A:泼水节B:蒙古族敖包C:古尔邦节D:火把节答案: 泼水节,蒙古族敖包,火把节5、在凶礼中,以下()只有皇帝和宰臣可以施行A:恤B:荒C:禬D:吊答案: 恤,禬6、以下()属于吉礼A:朝廷礼制B:各地风俗C:祭祀天地D:民间礼俗答案: 朝廷礼制,民间礼俗7、古代由皇帝主持的祭祀中,祭社是皇帝祭天地的大典,必须要到泰山去举行。

智慧树知到《个人礼仪修炼》章节测试答案第一章1、礼仪的原则有()A. 遵守原则B. 尊重原则C. 适度原则D. 自律原则答案:遵守原则,尊重原则, 适度原则, 自律原则2、每位公民都应自觉遵守国家的法律法规,维护社会道德风尚,自觉的爱护公共财物,保护自然环境。
A. 遵守原则B. 尊重原则C. 适度原则D. 自律原则答案:遵守原则3、孔子说,礼者,敬人也。
展现的是礼仪的()A. 遵守原则B. 尊重原则C. 适度原则D. 自律原则答案:尊重原则4、礼仪的功能有()弘扬礼仪传统A.B. 提高自身修养C. 完善个人形象D. 改善人际关系E. 塑造组织形象F: 建设精神文明答案: 弘扬礼仪传统,提高自身修养,完善个人形象,改善人际关系, 塑造组织形象, 建设精神文明5、在人际交往中,礼貌往往是衡量一个人文明程度的准绳。
()A. 对B. 错答案: 错6、有些人乘车时随意向车窗外抛物,随地吐痰,乱仍果皮,烟头,塑料袋儿,展现的是礼仪的()A. 遵守原则B. 尊重原则C. 适度原则D. 自律原则答案: 自律原则7、初次见面,握手要适度,握两下即可。
A. 对答案: 对自律是在社会交往过程中,对待个人,自我要求,自我约束,自我对照,自我反省,自、8.我检查。
A. 对B. 错答案: 对9、礼仪习俗,反映了我国民族的传统美德与优良品质,勾画了我国民族的历史风貌。
A. 对B. 错答案: 对10、个人形象,是指一个人仪容、表情、举止、服饰。
A. 对B. 错答案: 错第二章1、下面哪几种颜色在视觉上会有膨胀的感觉:()。
A. 白色B. 橙色C. 墨绿色D. 深紫色答案: 白色, 橙色2、下面属于女性O 型身材穿衣要点的是:()。
C. 露岀脚踝D. 大V领与大U领答案:塑造高腰线,露岀脚踝,大V领与大U领3、下面属于女性A 型身材搭配要点的是:()。
A. 上身略复杂,下身简单B. 浅色上装,深色下装C. 上身紧,下身蓬松D. 大U 领答案:上身略复杂,下身简单, 浅色上装,深色下装)、健美型男士选择上衣应当很宽松。

大学生礼仪修养与职场魅力提升九江职业大学智慧树知到答案2024年第一章测试1.“不学礼无以立”是以下哪位提出来的?()A:孟子 B:荀子 C:孔子 D:管子答案:C2.礼仪的核心是什么?()A:宽容 B:礼貌 C:尊重 D:仁慈答案:C3.国家重大纪念日皆要通过以下哪些符号展示出来()A:行为符号 B:声音符号 C:语言符号D:物件符号答案:ABCD4.适度原则就是要求在人际交往中把握()A:言语适度 B:感情适度 C:举止适度 D:距离适度答案:ABCD5.礼仪的第一个作用就是外塑形象、内修素养。
()A:对 B:错答案:A第二章测试1.容止格言是南开学生最早的文明礼貌和遵守纪律的行为规范。
()A:错 B:对答案:B2.想构建当代礼仪大学生应该怎样做呢?()A:雅 B:静C:净 D:敬答案:ABCD3.仪容美主要包括哪三个方面?()A:仪容内在美 B:仪容修饰美 C:仪态装饰美D:仪容自然美答案:ABD4.在正式场合,不能戴墨镜或者有色眼镜,并保证镜片的清洁。
( )A:对 B:错答案:A5.男士发型的一般要求是:前不覆眉,侧不掩耳,后不及领。
()A:错 B:对答案:B第三章测试1.西装的开叉一般有以下哪几种?()A:侧开叉 B:后中开叉 C:双开叉D:无开叉答案:ABD2.打喷嚏、剔牙对着别人也没有什么关系。
()A:对 B:错答案:B3.男士西装双粒扣的第二粒,三粒扣的第三粒是样钮,不必扣上。
( )A:对 B:错答案:A4.女士西装什么型则令着装者看上去亭亭玉立、端庄大方。
()A:“Y”B:“H” C:“X” D:“A”答案:A5.画眼影时应该把握“从里到外,从浅到深”的原则。
()A:对 B:错答案:A第四章测试1.社交场合中,女士的站姿有()。
A:丁字式站姿 B:V字步站姿 C:标准式站姿 D:双脚与肩同宽式站姿答案:ABC2.社交场合中,鼓掌的标准动作应该是右手掌轻拍左手掌的掌心,鼓掌时不应戴手套。

A.祭祀B.国家典章制度C.风俗习惯D.道德规范答案: 祭祀2、礼仪的起源时期是()。
A.原始社会B.夏C.周D.秦答案: 原始社会3、()是我国最早的礼仪学专著。
A.《周礼》B.《仪礼》C.《礼记》D.《礼仪》答案: 《周礼》,《仪礼》,《礼记》4、中国古代的“礼”和“仪”,实际是两个不同的概念。
礼A.B.仪C.礼仪D.仪式答案: 礼5、“不学礼,无以立”是谁提出的?()A.孔子B.孟子C.老子D.不详答案: 孔子6、礼仪的规律有()。
A.约定俗成律B.时空有序律C.等级相称律D.客随主便律答案: 约定俗成律,时空有序律,等级相称律,客随主便律7、约定俗成律,是指各种礼仪规范都是在社会生活中()形成的。
A.共同议定B.众所习用C.国家规定D.自然众所习用,共同议定: 答案.8、等级相称律,指礼仪是划分为一定等级的,礼仪的等级与()和()等级必须相称。
()A.礼貌B.礼仪主体C.仪式D.礼仪客体答案: 礼仪主体,礼仪客体9、时空有序律,是指一切礼仪行为和礼仪活动中的()、()顺序都是有意义的。
()A.时间B.主体C.客体D.空间答案: 时间,空间10、()是礼仪的核心原则。
A.尊重的原则B.女士优先的原则C.以右为上D.宽容的原则答案: 尊重的原则第二章1、仪表,是指人的外表,它包括容貌、姿态、风度以及个人卫生等方面。
A.仪容B.仪态C.服饰D.发型答案: 仪容,仪态,服饰2、仪容修饰的基本原则不包括()。
A.干净整洁B.简约端庄C.修饰避人D.浓妆艳抹答案: 浓妆艳抹3、男士发型要求()。
A.前不覆额B.侧不掩耳C.后不及领D.短不为零答案: 前不覆额,侧不掩耳,后不及领,短不为零4、气味管理的基本原则()。
A.清洁B.清新宜人C.自然味道D.香喷喷答案: 清洁,清新宜人5、服饰的功能()。
2022知到答案 菜鸟的职场英语进阶指南 最新智慧树满分章节测试答案

第一章单元测试1、单选题:Which of the following factors is not the necessary factor in a resume? ( ) 选项:A:educationB:skills and qualificationsC:family backgroundD:personal information答案: 【family background】2、单选题:Which of the following behaviors is proper? ( )选项:A:keeping silent if the employer is having a phone call.B:not sitting down unless being invitedC:making eye contact with the employeeD:doing whatever you want.答案: 【doing whatever you want.】3、单选题:Which one is not true when answering questions during an interview?( ) 选项:A:keeping your answers shortB:not asking the employers any questionsC:feeling free to turn the questions to the employerD:being polite and friendly答案: 【not asking the employers any questions】4、多选题:When we have an interview , we could greet the interviewer . ( )选项:A:saying nothingB:with a firm handshakeC:saying whatever we want.D:with a small talk答案: 【with a firm handshake;with a small talk】5、多选题:When having an interview, which of the following behavior are proper? ( ) 选项:A:avoiding eye contactB:dressing miniskirtsC:arriving a little bit early or at least on timeD:smiling and being polite答案: 【arriving a little bit early or at least on time;smiling and being polite】6、判断题:When having an interview, we need to arrive on time, look professional and dress properly. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】7、判断题:We do not need to make eye contact with the employer when answering their questions.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】8、判断题:Leaving a good first impression to the employer is very important during the job interview.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】9、判断题:After the interview, it is not necessary to send a thank-you-note. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】10、判断题:If you need to take a moment to think about the questions, remember to avoid the pet phrases. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】第二章单元测试1、多选题:Which of following topics you can discuss in small talk ? ( )选项:A:HolidaysB:IllnessC:Food and drinksD:Transport答案: 【Holidays;Food and drinks;Transport】2、多选题:Accounting department is responsible for ( )选项:A:Reviewing financesB:Planning financesC:Accounting financesD:Auditing finances答案: 【Planning finances;Accounting finances;Auditing finances】3、判断题:Human resources department is responsible for recruiting the right people with the required skills, qualifications and experience. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、判断题:Marketing is concerned with fulfilling customers’ needs at the right price. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】5、判断题:Human resources department is responsible for interacting with customers regarding inquires, complains and orders. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】6、判断题:Human resources department is responsible for determining the salary and wages of different positions in the company. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、判断题:The officers’ meeting is the authority of the co mpany.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】8、判断题:Small talk is light , formal conversation.( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】9、判断题:Small talk is vital for a situation where silence would be awkward and uncomfortable, but where in-depth and personal conversations would be inappropriate.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】10、判断题:You can ask a close-ended question in small talk ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】11、单选题:In telephone communication, information is delivered by ( ).选项:A:facial expressionsB:body languageC:all of the aboveD:verbal information答案: 【verbal information】12、单选题:Which is not necessary to write down when taking a message? ( )选项:A:name of the recipientB:duration of the conversationC:name and company of the callerD:Purpose of the caller答案: 【duration of the conversation】13、单选题:Which of the following is proper in telephone communication? ( )选项:A:Pick up the telephone within 3 rings.B:Speak as loudly as you can to make you heard.C:Answer the call in noisy street.D:Hang up whenever you want.答案: 【Pick up the telephone within 3 rings.】14、多选题:“ ( )”indicates that the speaker wants to finish the conversation.选项:A:Thank you.B:Good morning. This is Alice.C:What can I do for you?D:It is nice to talk to you.答案: 【Thank you.;It is nice to talk to you.】15、多选题:What can you do to avoid mistakes while taking a message for other? ( ) 选项:A:Read information back to the call.B:Ask the caller to repeat.C:Ask the caller to spell names.D:Skip anything that you miss.答案: 【Read information back to the call.;Ask the caller to repeat.;Ask the caller to spell names.】16、多选题:A telephone conversation usually start with ( ).选项:A:Thanks for calling.B:Wait a minute, please.C:Sales department. What can I do for you?D:Good morning. This is Alice. May I speak to Linda?答案: 【Sales department. What can I do for you?;Good morning. This is Alice. May I speak to Linda?】17、判断题:The only difference between face-to-face communication and telephone communication is that both of the speakers cannot see each other. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】18、判断题:Try to speak in elegant and fluent language over the phone to show your language proficiency .( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】19、判断题:You should write as quickly as possible to catch every single word by the speaker while taking a message.( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】20、判断题:If you dialed a wrong number, you can directly hang up to avoid embarrassment.( ) 选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】21、单选题:Did you see the notice that is being________ in the office? ( )选项:A:circulatingB:circulationC:circulated答案: 【circulated】22、单选题:It’s so_______ that I feel it’s just a waste of time. ( )选项:A:efficientB:inefficientC:unefficientD:efficience答案: 【inefficient】23、单选题:At least people are______, and we did put together some useful proposals last season. ( )选项:A:communiacteB:communicationC:communicatedD:communicating答案: 【communicating】24、单选题:In your meeting invitation, clearly state_______. ()选项:A:profile of the companyB:content of the meetingC:price of participating the meetingD:the agenda of the meeting答案: 【the agenda of the meeting】25、单选题:The agenda should_____ the order of items and an estimated amount of time for each item.()选项:A:indicationB:indicateC:indicatedD:indicting答案: 【indicate】26、单选题:If more than one person is going to ______ during the meeting, the agenda should indicate whose turn it is to “have the floor”. ( )选项:B:speakC:speakingD:spoken答案: 【speak】27、单选题:In some cases, it may be used to forward the agenda to ______(attend)before the meeting. ( )选项:A:attendeesB:attenderC:attendeeD:attend答案: 【attendees】28、单选题:What are the _______for the equipment? ()选项:A:requiringB:requirementsC:requirementD:require答案: 【requirements】29、多选题:A meeting agenda includes elements such as ______.( )选项:A:title of the meetingB:people who attend the meetingC:the time and placeD:the order of the events to occur in the meeting答案: 【title of the meeting;people who attend the meeting;the time and place;the order of the events to occur in the meeting】30、多选题:Which of the following expressions is correct?( )选项:A:Points in discussion of the minutes should be impersonal.B:Points in discussion will usually proceed “The following points were raised in discussion” and will then set out, in separate paragraphs or in point form.C:The opening statement of a minutes contains the reasons advanced in the meeting for the decision.D:The sole purpose of the opening statement is to make the subsequent discussion intelligible without reference to other documents.答案: 【Points in discussion of the minutes should be impersonal. ;Points in discussion will usually proceed “The following points were raised in discussion” and will then set out, in separate paragraphs or in point form.;The sole purpose of the opening statement is to make the subsequent discussion intelligible without reference to other documents.】31、多选题:Which one of the follwing expressions is correct?( )选项:A:Meetings are work, just as in any other work activity. Therefore, the more preparation you have done, the better the results you can expect.B:In your meeting invitation, list the action items and request that attendees come prepared to address these issues.C:People will be more likely to participate in a meeting, by asking questions or offering feedback, if they know what is going to be covered.D:In order to keep the meeting on task and within the set amount of time, it is important to have an agenda.答案: 【Meetings are work, just as in any other work activity. Therefore, the more preparation you have done, the better the results you can expect.;In your meeting invitation, list the action items and request that attendees come prepared to address these issues.;People will be more likely to participate in a meeting, by asking questions or offering feedback, if they know what is going to be covered. ;In order to keep the meeting on task and within the set amount of time, it is important to have an agenda.】32、判断题:The best way to call a meeting is to inform each participant individually by phone.()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】33、判断题:When organising a meeting, do remember to plan ahead before sending out the meeting notification.()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】34、判断题:When organising a meeting, make sure that all interested parties are invited.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】35、单选题:Do you have anything______?( )选项:A:declaringB:to declaredC:declaredD:declare答案: 【to declared】36、单选题:Do I have to pay duty______ it?( )选项:A:inB:atC:onD:for答案: 【on】37、单选题:Well, would you mind ________your suitcase?( )选项:A:openingB:openedC:openD:to open答案: 【opening】38、单选题:I’d like______ a room for two nights.( )选项:A:to bookB:bookedC:bookingD:book答案: 【to book】39、单选题:I’m very sorry we can’t help you_____ this occasion. Thank you for calling.( )选项:A:inB:forC:atD:on答案: 【on】40、单选题:All the single rooms _____ the park have been booked.( )选项:A:to overlookB:overlookC:overlookingD:overlooked答案: 【overlooking】41、多选题:Business travel requires careful preparation. Specifically, you need to take care of the following items:( )选项:A:Claim expenses.B:Keep time.C:Pack smartly.D:Learn culture.答案: 【Claim expenses.;Keep time.;Pack smartly.;Learn culture.】42、多选题:Which one of the following belongs to the tips of hotel check-out?( )选项:A:Do a complete sweep of the room.B:When checking out, be sure to review your entire bill.C:Take your time packing before you check out.D:Don’t leave a tip.答案: 【Do a complete sweep of the room. ;When checking out, be sure to review your entire bill. ;Take your time packing before you check out.】43、判断题:Brush up on table manners and the basics of business etiquette before you go. This may help you avoid inappropriate behavior in a different culture. ()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】44、判断题:If you're pressed for time, you can’t always call the front desk and requ est a late check out, which will often buy you another hour.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】45、判断题:Check that all of the charges are exact, and make sure you have a paper statement or receipt to walk away with.( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】46、单选题:State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC) was established______December 29th, 2002.( )选项:A:inB:atC:for|D:on答案: 【on】47、单选题:About how to make an effective company presentation, which one is not correct ? ( ) 选项:A:Speak with passionB:Make a first good impressionC:Keep confidentD:A long introduction答案: 【A long introduction】48、多选题:A general overview of a company usually includes________.( )选项:A:business scopeB:founding time, headquarter and so onC:nature of businessD:position in a specific business area答案: 【business scope;founding time, headquarter and so on;nature of business;position in a specific business area】49、多选题:How to keep confident while making an effective company presentation?( )选项:A:Tell yourself you can do it and that you are more qualified than any member of the audience to give this presentation.B:Remember careful preparation provides the solid ground you need to support your self-confidence.C:To have faith in yourself and your message, explore all phases of your subject and ask yourself how your talk will help the audience to get what they want.D:You must be inspired by the deep belief that you can succeed.答案: 【Tell yourself you can do it and that you are more qualified than any member of the audience to give this presentation.;Remember careful preparation provides the solid ground you need to support your self-confidence.;To have faith in yourself and your message, explore all phases of your subject and ask yourself how your talk will help the audience to get what they want. ;You must be inspired by the deep belief that you can succeed.】50、判断题:It is advised to start the company profile with a focused introduction that reflects the management style.( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】51、判断题:In a company profile, try to make use of idioms and phrases.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】52、判断题:We needn’t to keep the business profile up-to-date.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】53、判断题:Write the Company History in Chronological Order is necessary for a companyprofile.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】54、判断题:We needn’t to keep a clear format throughout while crearting a company profile.( ) 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】55、判断题:Anticipate what your audience wants to know. Once you know their need, you can figure out how to “sell” the benefits of your topic to them.( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】56、判断题:You don’t need to give the customers the actual price when you sell a product. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】57、判断题:In order to get the best buy, customers like to shop around before making up their mind, so you need to compare your products with your competitors or the last generation in your introduction ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】58、判断题:You need to use the comparative or superlative, when you compare two things or more than two things( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】59、判断题:In order to make a great sale, the seller can sugar-coat the products. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】60、多选题:When you make a product introduction, which of following information you need to talk? ( )选项:A:DiscountB:ColorC:After-sales serviceD:Price答案: 【Discount;Color;After-sales service;Price】61、多选题:Which of the following words can be used to describe appearance? ( )选项:A:StylishB:ElegantC:WashableD:Small答案: 【Stylish;Elegant;Small】62、多选题:Which of following words can be used to describe quality and performance ( )选项:A:Sound-proofB:Battery-operatedC:SmallD:Waterproof答案: 【Sound-proof;Battery-operated ;Waterproof】63、多选题:When you compare your products with your competitors or last generation, you may use__( )选项:A:Our latest cellphone is much lighter and slimmer than its competitor.B:Compared with its last generation, the new model is smaller, lighter and its design is more people-friendlyC:Compared with other competing products, ours looks better and is lower in price. D:It is competitively priced.答案: 【Our latest cellphone is much lighter and slimmer than its competitor.; Compared with its last generation, the new model is smaller, lighter and its design is more people-friendly ;Compared with other competing products, ours looks better and is lower in price.】64、多选题:Which of following words you can use to describe the style of a product? ( )选项:A:StylishB:WashableC:DistinctiveD:Elegant答案: 【Stylish;Distinctive ;Elegant】65、多选题:When you purchase a new product, what would you know about it before purchase? ( )选项:A:How many colors does it come in?B:What does the guarantee cover?C:How long/wide/high is it?D:What’s it made of ?答案: 【How many colors does it come in?;What does the guarantee cover?;How long/wide/high is it?;What’s it made of ?】66、多选题:If the guest has an appointment in advance, you need to ____. ( )选项:A:let the guest go directly into your boss's officeB:allow the guest in and show him the direction.C:if you are not busy, you can accompany the visitor to your boss's officeD:confirm by checking the record first答案: 【allow the guest in and show him the direction.;if you are not busy, you can accompany the visitor to your boss's office;confirm by checking the record first】67、多选题:The typical procedure of receiving visitors including_____.( )选项:A:extending your greetingB:registeringC:conforming the appointmentD:talking with the clients答案: 【extending your greeting;registering;conforming the appointment】68、多选题:When receiving visitors as the receptionist, you should be_____.( )选项:A:politeB:patientC:preparedD:professional答案: 【polite;patient;prepared;professional】69、多选题:You need to figure out the following details from your guest before receiving visitors at the airport_______. ( )选项:A:when and where does he get on board?B:How long is the journey?C:How's the weather condition?D:What's his flight number?答案: 【when and where does he get on board?;How long is the journey?;How's the weather condition? ;What's his flight number?】70、多选题:After meeting your client at the airport, a small talk is necessary following the greeting. You can say:_______. ( )选项:A:How do you think about the contract?B:How was your trip going?C:Are you feeling any jet lag?D:Is this your first trip to China?答案: 【How was your trip going?;Are you feeling any jet lag?;Is this your first trip to China?】71、判断题:If you're sitting behind a reception desk, you're the first person to interact with a visitor, and you can set the tone for the visit. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】72、判断题:If you are on a business call, focus on the call when visitors approached your desk. ( ) 选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】73、判断题:Be helpful when receiving visitors at the airport.( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】74、判断题:If you haven't meet your client before, you'd better take your guest's picture with you when meeting him at the airport. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】75、判断题:After checking in at the hotel, you can go directly without sending your guest into his room because he can do it by himself. ()选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】76、单选题:The first step of inviting business partners to dinner is to___ ( )选项:A:reserve a tableB:prepay the billC:order foodD:send out your invitation答案: 【send out your invitation】77、单选题:At formal dinners, keep an eye out for_______, which direct you where to sit. ( )选项:A:guestsB:place cardsC:host and hostessD:table答案: 【place cards】78、单选题:After you have finished your dinner, place your napkin on the table to the _______of your plate. ( )选项:A:middleB:rightC:backD:left答案: 【left】79、多选题:The invitation letter should contain all the important information about the dinner your guests need to know, including_____.( )选项:A:the address of the venueB:the name of the restaurantC:dateD:time答案: 【the address of the venue;the name of the restaurant;date;time】80、多选题:Small talks are important over dinner with business partners, which can _____.( )选项:A:make our guests feel relaxedB:make time pass pleasantlyC:break the silenceD:show friendliness and good manners答案: 【make our guests feel relaxed;make time pass pleasantly;break the silence;show friendliness and good manners】81、判断题:You should wait until all the members of your group have been served before picking up your fork. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】82、判断题:If you are at a buffet, you may start as you get your dishes. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】83、判断题:When having western dinners ,you should start with the utensil that is nearest from your plate. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】84、判断题:There is no telling of racial, ethnic, and sexually oriented jokes, when dining with foreign business clients. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】85、判断题:The chairs nearest to the host have long been considered places of honor, especially on the host's or hostess's left hand.()选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】86、单选题:______ are used to show relationships between different data series that areindependent of each other. In this case, the height or length of the bar indicates the measured value or frequency. ( )选项:A:line chartB:pie chartC:bar chartD:diagram答案: 【bar chart】87、单选题:______ can show dependencies between two objects during a particular period. ( ) 选项:A:pie chartB:line chartC:diagramD:bar chart答案: 【line chart】88、单选题:_______represents a percentage distribution. ( )选项:A:bar chartB:pie chartC:line chartD:diagram答案: 【pie chart】89、单选题:_______is the word for the movement which shows things up and down without a pattern. ( )选项:A:pick upB:fluctuateC:plummetD:recovery答案: 【fluctuate】90、多选题:If it decreases in a rapid way, we can use the following verbs_____.( )选项:A:plungeB:plummetC:collapseD:slide答案: 【plunge ;collapse ;slide】91、判断题:One of the most important goals of a company performance presentation is to build a shared sense of community. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】92、判断题:An effective company performance should be a candid, evenhanded accounting of results against objectives. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】93、判断题:At the end of each financial year, companies release a report on company performance, mainly about how the business ran in the coming year. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】94、判断题:In order to create an effective company performance, you need to clarify your content and make sure your delivery is streamlined and engaging. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】95、判断题:Introducing the company performance involves no participating of the employees. ( ) 选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】96、单选题:It is unnecessary to put a signature when ending a memo because there is a ( ) line.A:SubjectB:FromC:ToD:Date答案: 【From】97、单选题:Margaret Anderson, Director of Personnel has requested this report on employee benefits s atisfaction.” This sentence can be used in the ( ) section on a report.选项:A:introductionB:methodsC:proceedingsD:findings答案: 【introduction】98、单选题:The principle of ( ) means you have to write your letter with a “You-attitude”.选项:A:CompletenessB:ConcisenessC:CourtesyD:Clearness答案: 【Courtesy】99、多选题:Which of the following are correct to show the date? ( )选项:A:7/17/2018B:17 July, 2018C:17/7/2018D:July 17, 2018答案: 【17 July, 2018;July 17, 2018】100、多选题:( ) are some optional parts in a business letter?选项:A:SubjectB:EnclosureC:Reference No.D:Attention答案: 【Subject;Enclosure ;Reference No.;Attention】第三章单元测试1、判断题:A factory tour is one of the most important parts of the assessment of a potential supplier.( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、判断题:Selecting the right suppliers is one of the most important conditions for successful sourcing ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】3、判断题:In a factory tour, the seller can get a comprehensive understanding of the products and the production process in the tour. ( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】4、判断题:At the end of a factory tour, the seller should express gratitude for the tour’s arrangements. ( ).选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】5、多选题:What kind of information you will want to see during a factory tour?()选项:A:working environment,B:manufacturing systems.C:the quality control andD:product development答案: 【working environment,;manufacturing systems.;the quality control and;product development】6、多选题:How can you ask about the history of a factory ? ( )选项:A:How long has your factory been established?B:When did you start operations?C:How large is the factory?D:When was the plant set up?答案: 【How long has your factory been established? ;When did you start operations? ;When was the plant set up?】7、多选题:How can you ask about the quality control during a factory tour? ( ) 选项:A:How do your quality control systems work?B:What’s your usual percentage of rejects?C:What kind of quality control do you operate?D:How do you control quality?答案: 【How do your quality control systems work?;What kind of quality control do you operate? ;How do you control quality?】8、多选题:During the factory tour, you can ask the following information__ ( ) 选项:A:Quality controlB:The history of a factoryC:The size of a factoryD:Production答案: 【Quality control ;The history of a factory ;The size of a factory;Production】9、多选题:How can you ask about the manufacturing process ?( )选项:A:Is the production line fully automated ?B:Is production mechanised?C:What kind of quality control do you operate?D:Is the assembly line computer-controlled?答案: 【Is the production line fully automated ? ;Is production mechanised?;Is the assembly line computer-controlled?】10、多选题:After the factory tour, you should be able to come to a conclusion about the supplier. The conclusion may be:______( )选项:A:The factory will be considered as a potential supplier after you improve the conditions that are currently unsatisfactory.B:The factory will not be considered as a supplier at this time.C:The factory is considered a suitable supplier.D:It has helped me to form a picture of your production process. Thank you for your kindness during the tour.答案: 【The factory will be considered as a potential supplier after you improve the conditions that are currently unsatisfactory.;The factory will not be considered as a supplier at this time.;The factory is considered a suitable supplier.】11、判断题:A trade fair refers to an exhibition organized so that companies in a specific industry can showcase and demonstrate their latest products, service, and examine recent market trends and opportunities. ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】12、判断题:When you take part in a trader fair , you need to do your research on the internet to select the best show for your business development.( )选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】13、判断题:When you participate in a trader fair, you can have multiple goals . ( )选项:A:错B:对答案: 【对】。

解忧书店 JieYouBookshop第一章单元测试1【单选题】(10分)Which of the following factors is not the necessary factor in a resume? ( )A.personal informationB.family backgroundC.skills and qualificationscation2【单选题】(10分)Which of the following behaviors is proper? ( )A.not sitting down unless being invitedB.doing whatever you want.C.keeping silent if the employer is having a phone call.D.making eye contact with the employee3【单选题】(10分)Which one is not true when answering questions during an interview?( )A.keeping your answers shortB.being polite and friendlyC.not asking the employers any questionsD.feeling free to turn the questions to the employer4【多选题】(10分)When we have an interview , we could greet the interviewer .( )A.saying nothingB.saying whatever we want.C.with a small talkD.with a firm handshake5【多选题】(10分)When having an interview, which of the following behavior are proper? ( )A.dressing miniskirtsB.arriving a little bit early or at least on timeC.avoiding eye contactD.smiling and being polite6【判断题】(10分)When having an interview, we need to arrive on time, look professional and dress properly. ( )A.错B.对7【判断题】(10分)We do not need to make eye contact with the employer when answering their questions.( )A.错B.对8【判断题】(10分)Leaving a good first impression to the employer is very important during the job interview.( )A.错B.对After the interview, it is not necessary to send a thank-you-note. ( )A.对B.错10【判断题】(10分)If you need to take a moment to think about the questions, remember to avoid the pet phrases. ( )A.错B.对第二章单元测试1【多选题】(1分)Which of following topics you can discuss in small talk ? ( )A.IllnessB.Food and drinksC.HolidaysD.Transport2【多选题】(1分)Accounting department is responsible for ( )A.Planning financesB.Accounting financesC.Auditing financesD.Reviewing financesHuman resources department is responsible for recruiting the right people with the required skills, qualifications and experience. ( )A.对B.错4【判断题】(1分)Marketing is concerned with fulfilling customers’ needs at the right price. ( )A.对B.错5【判断题】(1分)Human resources department is responsible for interacting with customers regarding inquires, complains and orders. ( )A.错B.对6【判断题】(1分)Human resources department is responsible for determining the salary and wages of different positions in the company. ( )A.错B.对7【判断题】(1分)The officers’ meeting is the authority of the company.( )A.错B.对8【判断题】(1分)Small talk is light , formal conversation.( )A.错B.对9【判断题】(1分)Small talk is vital for a situation where silence would be awkward and uncomfortable, but where in-depth and personal conversations would be inappropriate.( )A.对B.错10【判断题】(1分)You can ask a close-ended question in small talk ( )A.错B.对11【单选题】(1分)In telephone communication, information is delivered by ( ). A.body languageB.verbal informationC.facial expressionsD.all of the above12【单选题】(1分)。


职场菜鸟礼仪指南智慧树期末考试答案第一章单元测试1 【单选题】(1分) 礼仪的根本是什么?(C) A.形象 B.交流 C.尊重 D.自信2 【单选题】(1分) “不学礼,无以立”是谁说的?( B) A. 老子 B. 孔子 C. 墨子 D. 庄子3 【单选题】(1分) 讲礼仪的作用是(A)。
A.内强素质、外塑形象、增进交往 B.加强素质、外塑形象、增进交往 C.内强素质、外塑形象、增强友谊 D.加强素质、外塑形象、增强友谊4 【单选题】(1分) 国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是(A )。
A.女士优先 B.尊重原则 C.宽容原则 D.平等原则5 【多选题】(1分) 礼仪的含义指的是?(ABCD) A.礼节 B.礼貌 C.仪式 D.仪表第二章单元测试1 【单选题】(1分) 以下正确的基础皮肤护理流程为(B)。
A.洁面、精华、水、面霜、防嗮 B.洁面、水、精华、面霜、防嗮 C.洁面、水、面霜、精华、防嗮 D.洁面、水、面霜、防嗮、精华2 【单选题】(1分) 化妆品的选择要适合自己,眉笔可根据以下哪种颜色进行选择?(C) A. 衣服的颜色 B. 自身的肤色 C. 头发的颜色 D. 眼睛的颜色3 【单选题】(1分) 在正式的商务场合,女性不能留披肩发,其头发最长不应长于?(B) A.耳部 B.颈部 C.腰部 D.肩部4 【单选题】(1分) 在正式场合,女士不化妆会被认为是不礼貌的,要是活动时间长了,应适当补妆,但要在(B)补妆。
A. 办公室 B. 洗手间 C. 公共场所 D. 会议室5 【多选题】(1分) 职业着装的基本原则中,除了TPOR原则还有?(ABC) A.干净整洁原则 B.“讲究”原则 C.协调原则 D.时尚美观原则6 【多选题】(1分) 符合女士西装套裙着装规范的有?(ABD) A.大小适度,穿着到位 B.搭配适当,装饰协调 C.颜色鲜艳,款式时髦 D.内衣忌露,鞋袜得体7 【多选题】(1分) 佩戴饰品的重要原则是?(ACD) A.少则美 B.夸张大气 C.扬长避短 D.搭配合理8 【多选题】(1分) 男子着西装的“三个三”是指?(BCD) A.三大统一 B.三一定律 C.三大禁忌 D.三色原则9 【多选题】(1分) 护肤品要根据自己的肤质来选择,那么皮肤一般分为(ABCD)几种类型? A.干性和油性皮肤 B.中性皮肤 C.混合性皮肤 D.敏感性性皮肤10 【单选题】(1分) 正式交往场合我们的仪容仪表要给人()的感觉。

【最新推荐】现代礼仪智慧树答案-优秀word范文 (11页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==现代礼仪智慧树答案篇一:201X年智慧树现代礼仪 1—8章测试答案201X年智慧树现代礼仪第一章单元测试1.【单选题】(10分)"非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动",这句话是___说的。
A.荀子B.孟子C.孔子D.老子? 2【单选题】(10分)中国素有"礼仪之邦"的美誉,自___时期,礼仪之根就已经开始萌芽。
A.《论语》B.《道德经》C.《礼记》D.《周礼》 5【单选题】(10分)西汉初期,思想家___提出"罢黜百家,独尊儒术",让儒家礼教成为定制。
礼行天下 仪动职场智慧树知到答案章节测试2023年安康学院

A:身份地位的象征B: 展示功能C:实用功能D:审美功能答案:ACD7.工作场合应着()。
A:随便穿B:休闲装C: 职业装D:运动装答案:C8.由不同明度的同一色调或相近色调进行搭配的方法是()。
A:主色调搭配B:同色调搭配C:邻近色搭配D: 对比色搭配答案:B9.职业装在颜色的搭配上要遵循()原则。
A: 忌袖口上的商标未拆B:忌穿白袜子配西装C:忌穿着夹克打领带D:忌全身黑答案:BC第三章测试1.“长者立,幼勿坐。
2021知到答案【 大学生求职面试礼仪-助您一臂之力】智慧树网课章节测试答案

答案: 【要走出大的响声,提示面试官自己的存在】
答案: 【对】
第六章 章节测试
答案: 【对】
答案: 【对】
答案: 【错】
答案: 【对】
答案: 【错】
答案: 【对】
答案: 【我看重的是公司将来的发展前景以及我在其中得到的成长空间。】
2021年智慧树现代礼仪 1—8章测试答案


A:对B:错答案: 错2、学习礼仪能够直接或间接地提高个人修养,改善个人形象,增强个人魅力,在人际交往中逐渐成为受人欢迎的人。
A:对B:错答案: 对第一章1、以下哪个选项不是古人对仪的理解:()A:法度准则B:礼节规矩C:礼物D:礼貌答案: 礼貌2、哪个国家的公民时最爱排队的()A:日本B:德国C:印度D:英国答案: 英国3、以下哪个不是原始社会的丧葬礼仪的规范()。
A:尸体安置的特殊朝向和姿势B:有一些随葬的物件C:保护好尸体,注意埋葬D:装扮尸体外观答案: 装扮尸体外观4、以下哪个选项不属于“礼仪文化”的范畴()A:社会制度B:仪容仪表C:社会交往D:风俗习惯答案: 社会制度5、以下哪个选项属于英国文化:A:不要迷惑他人B:平等次序C:高效有序D:团队合作答案: 平等次序6、礼仪的起源有以下哪个几种说法:A:祭祀说B:饮食男女说C:人的欲望与环境矛盾说D:婚姻制度说E:礼仪的多元起源说答案: 祭祀说,饮食男女说,人的欲望与环境矛盾说,礼仪的多元起源说7、礼仪有几个发展阶段:A:滥觞期B:定型期C:发展期D:衰变期E:新生期答案: 滥觞期,定型期,发展期,衰变期,新生期8、西方礼仪是由西方文明孕育出来的。
A:对B:错答案: 错9、中国传统礼仪的主流是历史上我国中原地区汉族所通行的礼仪A:对B:错答案: 对10、每个国家的礼仪都蕴含着相互理解,以心贴心的基本精神A:对B:错答案: 错第二章1、礼起源于原始的()祭祀活动。
A:宗教B:种族C:基督教D:家族答案: 宗教2、社稷两字相连,表示()A:政权B:土地C:农业D:作物答案: 农业3、在交际礼仪中,唐代开始流行()A:客来敬酒B:客来敬茶C:客来敬烟D:客来敬花答案: 客来敬茶4、很多少数民族盛行的传统节日起源于古代的吉礼,他们是()A:泼水节B:蒙古族敖包C:古尔邦节D:火把节答案: 泼水节,蒙古族敖包,火把节5、在凶礼中,以下()只有皇帝和宰臣可以施行A:恤B:荒C:禬D:吊答案: 恤,禬6、以下()属于吉礼A:朝廷礼制B:各地风俗C:祭祀天地D:民间礼俗答案: 朝廷礼制,民间礼俗7、古代由皇帝主持的祭祀中,祭社是皇帝祭天地的大典,必须要到泰山去举行。

A:对B:错答案: 错2、学习礼仪能够直接或间接地提高个人修养,改善个人形象,增强个人魅力,在人际交往中逐渐成为受人欢迎的人。
A:对B:错答案: 对第一章1、以下哪个选项不是古人对仪的理解:()A:法度准则B:礼节规矩C:礼物D:礼貌答案: 礼貌2、哪个国家的公民时最爱排队的()A:日本B:德国C:印度D:英国答案: 英国3、以下哪个不是原始社会的丧葬礼仪的规范()。
A:尸体安置的特殊朝向和姿势B:有一些随葬的物件C:保护好尸体,注意埋葬D:装扮尸体外观答案: 装扮尸体外观4、以下哪个选项不属于“礼仪文化”的范畴()A:社会制度B:仪容仪表C:社会交往D:风俗习惯答案: 社会制度5、以下哪个选项属于英国文化:A:不要迷惑他人B:平等次序C:高效有序D:团队合作答案: 平等次序6、礼仪的起源有以下哪个几种说法:A:祭祀说B:饮食男女说C:人的欲望与环境矛盾说D:婚姻制度说E:礼仪的多元起源说答案: 祭祀说,饮食男女说,人的欲望与环境矛盾说,礼仪的多元起源说7、礼仪有几个发展阶段:A:滥觞期B:定型期C:发展期D:衰变期E:新生期答案: 滥觞期,定型期,发展期,衰变期,新生期8、西方礼仪是由西方文明孕育出来的。
A:对B:错答案: 错9、中国传统礼仪的主流是历史上我国中原地区汉族所通行的礼仪A:对B:错答案: 对10、每个国家的礼仪都蕴含着相互理解,以心贴心的基本精神A:对B:错。
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职场菜鸟礼仪指南智慧树期末考试答案第一章单元测试1【单选题】(1 分)礼仪的根本是什么?( C ) A. 形象 B. 交流 C. 尊重 D. 自信2 【单选题】(1 分)“不学礼,无以立”是谁说的?( B ) A. 老子 B.孔子C墨子D. 庄子3【单选题】(1 分)讲礼仪的作用是( A )。
A. 内强素质、外塑形象、增进交往 B. 加强素质、外塑形象、增进交往 C. 内强素质、外塑形象、增强友谊 D. 加强素质、外塑形象、增强友谊4 【单选题】(1 分)国际社会公认的“第一礼俗”是(A )。
A. 女士优先B. 尊重原则C. 宽容原则 D. 平等原则5 【多选题】(1 分)礼仪的含义指的是?(ABCD)A. 礼节B. 礼貌C. 仪式D. 仪表第二章单元测试1 【单选题】(1 分)以下正确的基础皮肤护理流程为(B)。
A. 洁面、精华、水、面霜、防嗮 B. 洁面、水、精华、面霜、防嗮 C. 洁面、水、面霜、精华、防嗮 D. 洁面、水、面霜、防嗮、精华2 【单选题】(1 分)化妆品的选择要适合自己,眉笔可根据以下哪种颜色进行选择?(C )A. 衣服的颜色B. 自身的肤色C. 头发的颜色D. 眼睛的颜色3 【单选题】(1 分)在正式的商务场合,女性不能留披肩发,其头发最长不应长于?(B) A. 耳部 B. 颈部 C. 腰部 D. 肩部4 【单选题】(1 分)在正式场合,女士不化妆会被认为是不礼貌的,要是活动时间长了,应适当补妆,但要在( B )补妆。
A. 办公室 B. 洗手间 C. 公共场所 D. 会议室5【多选题】(1分)职业着装的基本原则中,除了TPoR原则还有?(ABC A.干净整洁原则 B. “讲究”原则 C. 协调原则 D. 时尚美观原则6 【多选题】(1 分)符合女士西装套裙着装规范的有?(ABD)A. 大小适度,穿着到位 B. 搭配适当,装饰协调 C. 颜色鲜艳,款式时髦 D. 内衣忌露,鞋袜得体7 【多选题】(1 分)佩戴饰品的重要原则是?(ACD)A. 少则美B. 夸张大气C. 扬长避短D. 搭配合理8 【多选题】(1 分)男子着西装的“三个三”是指?(BCD)A. 三大统一B. 三一定律 C. 三大禁忌 D. 三色原则9【多选题】(1分)护肤品要根据自己的肤质来选择,那么皮肤一般分为(ABCD)几种类型?A.干性和油性皮肤B.中性皮肤C.混合性皮肤D.敏感性性皮肤10 【单选题】(1 分)正式交往场合我们的仪容仪表要给人()的感觉。
A. 随意、整齐、干净 B. 漂亮、美观、时髦 C. 端庄、大方、美观 D.随意、时髦、自信11 【单选题】(1分)现代服饰礼仪TPOR原则中,T表示()。
A.时间(Time) B.领带(Tie) C. 色彩柔和(Tender) D. 类型(Type)正确A12 【单选题】(1 分)正式场合着装,服饰整体不应超过(颜色。
A. 2 种 B. 3-4种 C. 4 种以上 D. 1 种正确 B13 【单选题】(1 分)男士衬衫的袖口长度应该正好到手腕的什么位置为宜?()A. 以长出西装袖口1-2厘米为宜 B. 以短出西装袖口1-2 厘米为宜 C. 正好与西装袖口齐平D. 以短出西装袖口3-4 厘米为宜正确A14 【单选题】(1 分)在商务礼仪中,男士西服如果是单排两粒扣子,那么扣子的系法应为?() A. 两粒都系 B. 系上面第一粒 C. 系下面一粒 D. 全部敞开正确B15 【单选题】 (1 分) 年轻女士选择西装裙时,长度可以到( )。
A. 膝盖以上 3-5 公 分 B.膝盖位置 C.膝盖以下 D.都可以 正确A 第三章单元测试1 【单选题】 (1 分) 在标准坐姿中,一般要座椅子面积的( 之一 C. 三分之二 D. 坐满 正确 C2 【单选题】 (1 分) 以下关于行姿的说法错误的是?( ) A. 行走时,上半身要保持正 直。
B. 肩膀放松,双手自然摆动。
C. 步速适中,不要过快或过慢。
D. 步幅一般超过 肩宽。
正确 D3 【单选题】 (1 分) 高低式蹲姿为标准蹲姿,下蹲时脚一前一后,蹲下后应该侧身( )面对客人。
A. 高的那条腿 B. 低的那条腿 C. 两腿平行 正确 A4 【单选题】 (1 分) 在社交场合初次见面或与人交谈时,双方应该注视对方的( )才不算失礼。
A. 双眉到下巴之间的下三角区 B. 额头到胸线以上大三角区 C. 头部到双眉之 间的上三角区D. 颈部 正确 A5 【单选题】 (1 分) 初次见面时, 与对方目光接触的时长一般为 ( )。
A. 3-5 秒 B. 3-10 秒 C. 10秒以上 D. 30 秒以上 正确 B6 【单选题】 (1分) 商务活动中, 当你处于压力与怀疑状态下时, 为了不暴露了你的不安、 焦躁和紧张,你可以选择怎样的方式来缓解你不安的情绪?( ) A. 听音乐 B. 做运动 C. 深呼吸 D. 抖双腿 正确 C7 【单选题】 (1 分 ) “社交距离” 具有一定的伸缩性, 这主要依赖于民族差异、 文化背景、 性别、地位、年龄、性格、情绪和环境等因素 , 人们认为在( )厘米都是可以接受的商务距 离。
A. 45-90 B. 90-150 C. 210-360 D. 360-750 正确 B8 【多选题】(1分) 训练微笑的方法有? ( ACD ) A. 咬筷子训练法 B. 开心大笑法 C. 情绪回忆法 D. 口型对照法9 【多选题】 (1 分) 入座后要注意规范,以下正确的坐姿是( AD )。
A. 女士双腿不可分开。
呈 90 B. 腿部可以抖动摇晃。
C. 后脚跟接触地面,可以将脚尖翘起。
D. 小腿与地面 ,上半身直立。
10 【多选题】 (1分) 以下哪种姿态属于不良站姿? (BCD ) A. 头正、肩平、立腰 B. 身 体歪斜、双手抱胸 C. 双手插兜、弓腰驼背 D. 东倒西歪、无精打采 第四章单元测试1 【单选题】 (1 分) 会客时上座位置排列的几个要点是 ?( ) A. 面门为上、以右为上、 居中为上、前排为上、以远为上 B. 面门为下、以左为上、居中为上、前排为上、以远为 上 C. 面门为上、以左为上、居中为上、后排为上、以远为上 居中为上、前排为上、以近为上 正确 A2 【单选题】 (1 分) 在西餐礼仪中,以( )为第一主位。
主宾 D. 女主宾 正确 B3 【单选题】 (1 分) 圆桌单主人宴请时,错误的是?( ) 面背对门 C. 主人在左 D. 主宾在右 正确 B4 【单选题】 (1 分) 有专职司机驾车时,其排位自高而低依次为( )。
A. 副驾驶座、后 排右座、后排左座、后排中座 B. 副驾驶座、后排左座、后排右座、后排中座 C. 后排右5 【单选题】 (1 分) 在接待客人上下楼梯时,符合正确职场礼仪的做法是?( ) A. 上 楼时让领导和来宾走在前方,下楼时将相反。
B. 上楼时让领导和来宾走在后方,下楼时)。
A. 三分之一 B. 四分D. 面门为上、以右为上、A. 男主人B. 女主人C. 男 A. 主人应面对门 B. 主人应 座、后排左座、后排中座、副驾驶座D. 后排左座、后排右座、后排中座、副驾驶座将相反。
D. 上下楼时,都让领导和来宾走在后方。
正确 A6 【单选题】 (1 分 ) 以下做法正确的是?( ) A. 室内灯光昏暗,陪同接待人员可以先 进入房间。
B. 一男一女上楼和下楼时,遵循“男前女后”的原则。
D. 以上说法都正确。
正确 D7 【单选题】 (1 分 ) 在没有特殊情况时,上下楼应( )行进。
侧单行 C.靠左侧并排D.靠右侧并排正确B8 【多选题】 (1 分 ) 在会客室与外宾会谈时,座次安排要求是?( ACD ) A. 主宾坐在 右侧 B. 主宾坐在左侧 C. 主人坐在左侧 D. 翻译员、记录员坐在主宾和主人的身后 9 【多选题】 (1 分 ) 大型会议按单位就座,它的排位方式可以按( ACD )。
A. 与会单位 或部门的汉字笔划的多少 B. 到场的先后顺序 C. 汉语拼音字母的前后 D. 平时约定俗 成序列来排定 正确 10 【多选题】 (1 分) 无论在何种礼仪中, “女士优先”是一个普遍的原则,尊重女性在商 务礼仪中也不例外,下列说法正确的是?( BCD ) A. 在餐厅或者咖啡厅,男士应该让女士坐在靠过道的位子上。
B. 在用餐时,应先为女士服务,再为男士服务。
C. 走路时,男士应在外面以示保护。
D. 男士应该主动为女士开门,表示绅士。
正确 第五章单元测试1 【单选题】 (1 分) 在行使商务鞠躬礼时,以腰部为轴,上身向前倾斜,背部挺直,弯腰 的幅度可根据施礼对象和场合决定度数, 在见到上司或迎送客人时, 可以使用( )鞠躬礼 ? A. 15° B. 30° C. 45° D. 90° 正确 B2 【单选题】 (1 分) 跪合十礼 , 行礼时右腿跪地,双手合掌于两眉中间,头部微俯,以表 恭敬虔诚,那么该礼节多适用于什么场合呢?( ) A. 适用于信奉佛教国家的人拜见师长 时所用。
B. 适用于信奉佛教的国家平民之间、平级官员之间。
C. 适用于信奉佛教国家的人拜见父母。
D. 适用于佛教徒拜佛祖或僧侣的场合 。
正确 D3 【单选题】 (1 分) 行拥抱礼时,两人相对而立,各自上身稍稍前倾, ()脚在前,( ) 脚在后, 重心放在( )脚;( )手在下,()手在上。
A. 右, 左, 右;右, 左 B. 右, 左, 左; 左, 右 C. 左, 右, 左;左 , 右 D. 左, 右, 右;右 , 左 正确 C4 【单选题】 (1 分 ) 在男女之间的握手中 ,伸手的先后顺序也十分重要 ,在一般情况下应该 是?( ) A. 女方应先伸手去握, 这样显得自己的落落大方, 也不会让男方觉得难堪。
B. 男 方应先伸手去握,这样会显得自己绅士风度,也避免女方不好意思去握。
C. 男女双方谁先伸手都可以。
D. 一般要求大家同时伸手。
正确 A5 【单选题】 (1 分 ) 公务式自我介绍需要包括以下哪四个基本要素?( ) A. 单位、部 门、职务、电话 B. 单位、部门、地址、姓名 C. 姓名、部门、职务、电话 D. 单位、部 门、职务、姓名 正确 D6 【单选题】 (1 分 ) 在国内正式的商务场合中,递送名片的方式是使用( )。
A. 双 手 B. 左手 C. 右手 正确 A7 【单选题】 (1 分 ) 关于问候的说法,错误的是?( ) A. 当对方只有一个人时,通常 是位低者先问候。