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新目标英语七年级上教材最新听力录音材料Starter Unit 1: Good morning!

Bob: Good morning, Helen!

Helen: Hi, Bob!

Conversation 2

Cindy: Good morning, Alice!

Alice: Good morning, Cindy!

Conversation 3

Dale: Hello, Frank! Hello, Eric!

Frank/Eric: Good morning, Dale!

a,b, c,d, e, f, g,h

Conversation 1

Dale: Good morning, Helen!

Helen: Good morning, Dale!

Conversation 2

Frank: Good afternoon, Eric!

Eric: Good afternoon, Frank!

Conversation 3

Alice: Good evening, Bob!

Bob: Good evening, Alice!

Cindy: Good afternoon, Dale!

Dale: Hi, Cindy! How are you?

Cindy: I'm fine, thanks、How are you?

Dale: I'm OK、

Starter Unit 2: What's this in English?

Boy: What's this in English?

Girl: It's an orange、

Girl: What's that in English?

Boy: It's a jacket、

i,j,k, 1, m, n, o,p, q,r

a key a map a pen a quilt a ruler an orange a jacket a cup

a key, K-E-Y, a key

a map, M-A-P, a map

a pen, P-E-N, a pen

a quilt, Q-U-I-L-T, a quilt

a ruler, R-U-L-E-R, a ruler

an orange, O-R-A-N-G-E, an orange

a jacket, J-A-C-K-E-T, a jacket

a cup, C-U-P, a cup

Boy: What's this in English?

Girl: It's a map、

Boy: Spell it, please、

Girl: M-A-P、

Conversation 1

Girl: What's this in English?

Boy: It's a key、

Girl: Spell it, please、

Boy: K-E-Y、

Conversation 2

Boy: What's that?

Girl: It's a cup、

Boy: Spell it, please、

Girl: C-U-P、

Conversation 3

Girl 1: What's that in English?

Girl 2: It's a ruler、

Girl 1: Spell it, please、

Girl 2: R-U-L-E-R、Conversation 4

Boy 1: What's this in English? Boy 2: It's a pen、

Boy 1: Spell it, please、

Boy 2: P-E-N、

Starter Unit 3' What color is it?

Girl 1: What's this?

Boy: It's V、

Girl 1: What color is it?

Boy: It's red、

Girl 1: What's that?

Girl 2: It's Z、

Girl 1: What color is it?

Girl 2: It's black、

s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z

Boy: What's this in English? Girl: It's a key、

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's yellow、

Boy: What's that?

Girl: It's a ruler、

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's blue、

Boy: What's this?

Girl: It's a cup、

Boy: What color is it?

Girl: It's red、

Bob: Good morning, Alice!

Alice: Hi, Bob、How are you?

Bob: I'm fine, thanks、What's this in English, Alice?

Alice: It's a jacket、

Bob: Spell it, please、

Alice: J-A-C-K-E-T、

Bob: What color is it?

Alice: It's brown、What's that in English, Bob? Bob: It's a quilt、

Alice: Spell it, please、

Bob- Q-U-I-L-T、

Alice: What color is it?

Bob: It's purple、And what's this in English? Alice: It's a pen, P-E-N、

Bob: What color is it?

Alice: It's green、

Unit 1: My name's Gina、

Conversation 1

Cindy: Good morning! I'm Cindy、

Dale: Hello, Cindy! I'm Dale、

Cindy: Nice to meet you!

Conversation 2

Ms、Brown: What's your name?

Alan: Alan、

Ms、Brown: Hello, Alan、I'm Ms、Brown、Conversation 3

Gina: Hi、My name's Gina、

Jenny: I'm Jenny、Nice to meet you!

Gina: Nice to meet you, too、

Conversation 1

Eric: Hello、What's your name?

Alice: My name's Alice、
