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New Proof: Sunscreen Each Day Stops Wrinkles


Dermatologists have been telling patients for years that using sunscreen regularly can protect skin against aging. Now there's research to back that up.


In a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine, researchers showed that people instructed to apply sunscreen every day showed 24% less skin aging, as measured by lines and coarseness of the skin, than those told to use the cream as they usually do.

在《内科学年鉴》(Annals of Internal Medicine)上刊登的一篇论文中,研究人员指出,按指示每天涂抹防晒霜的人皮肤老化程度比被告知只是按照平时习惯使用防晒霜的人低24%。皮肤老化程度是以皮肤的皱纹和粗糙度来衡量的。

'This is great fodder for us to encourage people to use sunscreen, ' said Jeffrey Dover, a dermatologist in Chestnut Hill, Mass. 'I will quote this paper every day.'

马萨诸塞州切斯纳特希尔(Chestnut Hill)的皮肤科医生杰弗瑞•多弗(Jeffrey Dover)说:“这是我们鼓励大家使用防晒霜的绝佳依据。我每天都会引用这篇论文。”

Sunscreen has long been touted as a way to stave off photoaging, or changes to the skin caused by sun exposure. But there wasn't hard evidence in humans to support the claim, study authors said. A trial published in 1995 involved 35 people with past skin cancer and found no evidence of sunscreen's protective effect, measured by looking at skin biopsies under a microscope. But larger, randomized trials open to the larger community hadn't been done, for logistical and cost reasons.



This study, part of a long-running skin-cancer-prevention trial, covered 903 adults younger than 55 living in Nambour, Australia, near the country's Sunshine Coast. All study participants were given sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of 15+. Half were randomly to be instructed to apply the sunscreen daily to exposed areas, reapplying after water immersion, heavy sweating or several hours spent outdoors, while half were told to use it as they normally would.

该研究是一项长期性皮肤癌预防试验的组成部分,覆盖了903名55岁以下、居住在澳大利亚楠伯(Nambour)(靠近该国的阳光海岸(Sunshine Coast))的成年人。研究人员给所有试验参加者发放了防晒系数(SPF)为15+的防晒霜。研究者随机选择其中半数的试验对象,要求他们每天在皮肤裸部位涂抹防晒霜,并在被水浸泡、大汗淋漓或在户外待几个小时后补涂防晒霜。另有半数的人被要求按他们自己平时的习惯使用防晒霜。

By the end of the study, which was funded by the Australian government, 77% of those told to use sunscreen daily were using it at least three to four days a week, compared with 33% of the control group. (The sunscreen was provided by a sunscreen manufacturer.)


Researchers took silicone impressions of the backs of participants' hands at the beginning of the study and after 4½ years. Trained assessors then graded the patterns of lines and skin coarseness on the hand impressions on a scale of one to six. The damage seen on the surface of the skin reflects the tissue damage underneath the skin, said Adèle Green, senior scientist and head of cancer and population studies at Queensland Institute of Medical Research in Australia and lead author of the study.

研究人员在研究刚开始时以及四年半后对受试者的手背取了硅胶印模。接下来,经过专门训练的评估人员按照从一到六的等级对手部印模的纹路和皮肤粗糙程度进行评分。澳大利亚昆士兰医学研究院(Queensland Institute of Medical Research)高级科学家、癌症和人口学研究负责人、该研究论文第一
