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The next process is the customer … never send defects !
Check, Do, Verify
Gets you into Parts Per Million qualityWhen you verify your work, you catch 1
• How many more do you have? • Where are they in the process? • What is the root Cause?
Single Piece Flow catches Defects immediately • When you find a Defect
process of any problem. - an obligation to stop the process until any
problem has been resolved.
Single piece or one piece flow is a means to primarily build Quality into the process. This is achieved by establishing a takt Time, developing std work, and swip. The premise is that an Operator can only work on one piece at a time, and performs a Quick quality check on the CTQs of the process before moving The part to the following process. If a defect is detected, Jidoka Is enacted…the line is stopped, and immediate action is taken To remediate the situation and take countermeasures to prevent reoccurence
flaw in 100 parts. The next person checks your work and can catch 1/100 so that’s 1/10,000. Then that person Verifies their work and can catch 1/100. That’s 1/1,000,000 errors that can get through.
Check, Do, Verify
Check - The previous operators work. Do - Your work. Verify - That you did your work correctly.
Building Quality into the Process 2 ways to perform SPF
1. Takt time 2. Std work
Flow: work (process) that is done in conjunction with or simultaneous to transportation
One Piece Flow
• The production is organized into a synchronous chain where each person has a balanced amount of work relative to his/her supplier and customer in the chain.
Transportation is integrated into the production process via human conveyance e.g., Chaku-Chaku
Transport Process
Transportation is integrated into the production process via automation e.g., moving line
• As one person finishes their element, so do all. Work is then moved down the line synchronously.
• Every person is empowered to stop the production process if a reject is spotted.
Building Quality into the Process Single Piece Flow
Single Piece Flow
From: The Toyota Production System
Sample Inspect catches Defect too Late • When you Finally Find a Defect
Check, Do, Verify
Every Customer in a Process has:
- a right to expect perfect material - an obligation to inspect the material before use. - an obligation to inform the previous step in the
• You only have one • You know where it occurred • You Can find/Resolve the Root Cause immediately
The next process is the customer … never send defects !