英语演讲原文:President Obama's remarks on the earthquake in Haiti
英语演讲原文:President Obama on the Selection of Kirsten Gillibrand
President Obama on the Selection ofKirsten GillibrandThis afternoon, New York Governor David Paterson announced his selection of Kirsten Gillibrand to fill Secretary Clinton's seat in the United States Senate.Here's what the President said about the announcement:Governor Paterson made a wonderful choice in appointing Kirsten Gillibrand to fill Secretary Clinton's seat in the United States Senate. I am confident that she will continue Secretary Clinton's distinguished 1 service to the people of New York and to our country.During her career, Kirsten has been a strong voice for transparency and reform in government and shares the belief that government should be open, accessible and work for all of our citizens. In Congress and as special counsel for the Department of Housing and Urban Development, she worked to strengthen public and private partnerships 2 to invest in infrastructure 3 and New York's economy.At this time of great challenge, I know that Kirsten has the integrity, character, and dedication 4 to public service tohelp us achieve our greatest goals.■文章重点单词注释:1distinguishedadj.卓越的,杰出的,著名的参考例句:Elephants are distinguished from other animals by their long noses.大象以其长长的鼻子显示出与其他动物的不同。
REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON THE AMERICAN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON THE AMERICAN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRYGrand Foyerjustify 13 ">11:07 A.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Good morning, everybody.One of the challenges we've confronted from the beginning of this administration is what to do with the state of the struggling auto 1 industry. In recent months, my Auto Task Force has been reviewing requests by General Motors and Chrysler for additional government assistance, as well as plans developed by each of these companies to restructure, to modernize 2 , and to make themselves more competitive. Our evaluation 3 is now complete. But before I lay out what needs to be done going forward, I want to say a few words about where we are and what led us to this point.It will come as no surprise that some Americans who have suffered most during this recession have been those in theauto industry and those working for companies that support it. Over the past year, our auto industry has shed over 400,000 jobs, not only at plants that produce cars, but at the businesses that produce the parts that go into them and the dealers 4 that sell and repair them. More than one in 10 Michigan residents is out of work -- the most of any state. And towns and cities across the great Midwest have watched unemployment climb higher than it’s been in decades.The pain being felt in places that rely on our auto industry is not the fault of our workers; they labor 5 tirelessly and desperately 6 want to see their companies succeed. It's not the fault of all the families and communities that supported manufacturing plants throughout the generations. Rather, it's a failure of leadership -- from Washington to Detroit -- that led our auto companies to this point.Year after year, decade after decade, we've seen problems papered over and tough choices kicked down the road, even as foreign competitors outpaced us. Well, we've reached the end of that road. And we, as a nation, cannot afford to shirk responsibility any longer. Now is the time to confront our problems head-on and do what’s necessary to solve them.We cannot, and must not, and we will not let our auto industry simply vanish. This industry is like no other -- it's an emblem 7 of the American spirit; a once and future symbol of America’s success. It's what helped build the middle class and sustained it throughout the 20th century. It's a source of deep pride for the generations of American workers whose hard work and imagination led to some of the finest cars the world has ever known. It's a pillar of our economy that has held up the dreams of millions of our people. And we cannot continue to excuse poor decisions. We cannot make the survival of our auto industry dependent on an unending flow of taxpayer 8 dollars. These companies -- and this industry -- must ultimately stand on their own, not as wards 9 of the state.And that's why the federal government provided General Motors and Chrysler with emergency loans to prevent their sudden collapse 10 at the end of last year -- only on the condition that they would develop plans to restructure. In keeping with that agreement, each company has submitted a plan to restructure. But after careful analysis, we've determined 11 that neither goes far enough to warrant the substantial new investments that these companies are requesting.And so today I'm announcing that my administration will offer GM and Chrysler a limited additional period of time to work with creditors 12 , unions, and other stakeholders to fundamentally restructure in a way that would justify an investment of additional taxpayer dollars. During this period they must produce plans that would give the American people confidence in their long-term prospects 14 for success.Now, what we're asking for is difficult. It will require hard choices by companies. It will require unions and workers who have already made extraordinarily 16 painful concessions 17 to do more. It'll require creditors to recognize that they can't hold out for the prospect 15 of endless government bailouts. It'll have to -- it will require efforts from a whole host of other stakeholders, including dealers and suppliers. Only then can we ask American taxpayers 18 who have already put up so much of their hard-earned money to once more invest in a revitalized auto industry.But I'm confident that if each are willing to do their part, if all of us are doing our part, then this restructuring, as painful as it will be in the short term, will mark not an end, but a new beginning for a great American industry -- an auto industry that is once more out-competing the world; a 21st centuryauto industry that is creating new jobs, unleashing 19 new prosperity, and manufacturing the fuel-efficient cars and trucks that will carry us towards an energy-independent future. I am absolutely committed to working with Congress and the auto companies to meet one goal: The United States of America will lead the world in building the next generation of clean cars.And no one can deny that our auto industry has made meaningful progress in recent years -- and this doesn't get talked about often enough. Some of the cars made by American workers right now are outperforming the best cars made abroad. In 2008, the North American Car of the Year was a GM. This year, Buick tied for first place as the most reliable car in the world. Our companies are investing in breakthrough technologies that hold the promise of new vehicles that will help America end its addiction 20 to foreign oil.But our auto industry is not moving in the right direction fast enough to succeed in a very tough environment. So let me discuss what measures need to be taken by each of the auto companies requesting taxpayer assistance, and I'll start with General Motors.GM has made a good faith effort to restructure over the past several months -- but the plan that they've put forward is, in its current form, not strong enough. However, after broad consultation 21 with a range of industry experts and financial advisors 22 , I'm absolutely confident that GM can rise again, providing that it undergoes a fundamental restructuring. As an initial step, GM is announcing today that Rick Wagoner is stepping aside as Chairman and CEO. This is not meant as a condemnation 23 of Mr. Wagoner, who's devoted 24 his life to this company and has had a distinguished 25 career; rather, it's a recognition that will take new vision and new direction to create the GM of the future.In this context, my administration will offer General Motors adequate working capital over the next 60 days. And during this time, my team will be working closely with GM to produce a better business plan. They must ask themselves: Have they consolidated 26 enough unprofitable brands? Have they cleaned up their balance sheets, or are they still saddled with so much debt that they can’t make future investments? Above all, have they created a credible 27 model for how not only to survive, but to succeed in this competitive global market?Let me be clear: The United States government has nointerest in running GM. We have no intention of running GM. What we are interested in is giving GM an opportunity to finally make those much-needed changes that will let them emerge from this crisis a stronger and more competitive company.The situation at Chrysler is more challenging. It's with deep reluctance 28 but also a clear-eyed recognition of the facts that we've determined, after careful review, that Chrysler needs a partner to remain viable 29 . Recently, Chrysler reached out and found what could be a potential partner -- the international car company Fiat 30 , where the current management team has executed an impressive turnaround. Fiat is prepared to transfer its cutting-edge technology to Chrysler and, after working closely with my team, has committed to build -- building new fuel-efficient cars and engines right here in the United States. We've also secured an agreement that will ensure that Chrysler repays taxpayers for any new investments that are made before Fiat is allowed to take a majority ownership stake in Chrysler.Still, such a deal would require an additional investment of taxpayer dollars, and there are a number of hurdles 31 that must be overcome to make it work. I'm committed to doing all I can to see if a deal can be struck in a way that upholdsthe interests of American taxpayers. And that's why we'll give Chrysler and Fiat 30 days to overcome these hurdles and reach a final agreement -- and we will provide Chrysler with adequate capital to continue operating during that time. If they are able to come to a sound agreement that protects American taxpayers, we will consider lending up to $6 billion to help their plan succeed. But if they and their stakeholders are unable to reach such an agreement, and in the absence of any other viable partnership 32 , we will not be able to justify investing additional tax dollars to keep Chrysler in business.Now, while Chrysler and GM are very different companies with very different paths forward, both need a fresh start to implement 33 the restructuring plan they develop. That may mean using our bankruptcy 34 code as a mechanism 35 to help them restructure quickly and emerge stronger. Now, I want everybody to be clear about this. I know that when people hear the word "bankruptcy" it can be unsettling, so let me explain exactly what I mean. What I'm talking about is using our existing legal structure as a tool that, with the backing of the U.S. government, can make it easier for General Motors and Chrysler to quickly clear away old debts that are weighing them down so that they can get back on their feet and onto a path to success; a tool that we can use, even as workers staying on the job building cars that arebeing sold.What I'm not talking about is a process where a company is simply broken up, sold off, and no longer exists. We're not talking about that. And what I'm not talking about is a company that's stuck in court for years, unable to get out.So it's my hope that the steps I'm announcing today will have a salutary effect -- will go a long way forward towards answering many of the questions that people have about the future of GM and Chrysler.But just in case there's still nagging 36 doubts, let me say it as plainly as I can: If you buy a car from Chrysler or General Motors, you will be able to get your car serviced and repaired, just like always. Your warranty 37 will be safe. In fact, it will be safer than it's ever been, because starting today, the United States government will stand behind your warranty.But we must also recognize that the difficulties facing this industry are due in no small part to the weaknesses in our economy as a whole. And therefore, to support demand for auto sales during this period, I'm directing my team to take several steps.First, we will ensure that Recovery Act funds to purchase government cars get out as quickly as possible and work through the budget process to accelerate other federal fleet purchases, as well.Second, we'll accelerate our efforts through the Treasury 38 Department's Consumer and Business Lending Initiative. And we are working intensively with the auto finance companies to increase the flow of credit to both consumers and dealers.Third, the IRS is launching a campaign to alert consumers of a new tax benefit for auto purchases made between February 16th and the end of this year -- if you buy a car anytime this year, you may be able to deduct 39 the cost of any sales and excise 40 taxes. And this provision could save families hundreds of dollars and lead to as many as 100,000 new car sales.Finally, several members of Congress have proposed an even more ambitious incentive 41 program to increase car sales while modernizing 42 our auto fleet. And such fleet modernization 43 programs, which provide a generous credit to consumers who turn in old, less fuel-efficient cars and purchase cleaner cars, have been successful in boosting auto sales in a number of European countries. I want to work withCongress to identify parts of the Recovery Act that could be trimmed to fund such a program, and make it retroactive starting today.Now, let there be no doubt, it will take an unprecedented 44 effort on all our parts -- from the halls of Congress to the boardroom, from the union hall to the factory floor -- to see the auto industry through these difficult times. And I want every American to know that the path I'm laying out today is our best chance to make sure that the cars of the future are built where they've always been built -- in Detroit and across the Midwest -- to make America's auto industry in the 21st century what it was in the 20th century -- unsurpassed around the world. The path has been chosen after consulting with other governments that are facing this crisis. We've worked closely with the government of Canada on GM and Chrysler, as both those companies have extensive operations there. The Canadian government has indicated its support for our approach and will be announcing their specific commitments later today.While the steps I'm taking will have an impact on all Americans, some of our fellow citizens will be affected 45 more than others. So I'd like to speak directly to all those men and women who work in the auto industry or live incountless 46 communities that depend on it. Many of you have been going through tough times for longer than you care to remember. And I won't pretend that the tough times are over. I can't promise you there isn't more difficulty to come.But what I can promise you is this: I will fight for you. You're the reason I'm here today. I got my start fighting for working families in the shadows of a shuttered steel plant. I wake up every single day asking myself what can I do to give you and working people all across this country a fair shot at the American Dream.When a community is struck by a natural disaster, the nation responds to put it back on its feet. While the storm that has hit our auto towns is not a tornado 47 or a hurricane, the damage is clear, and we must likewise respond. And that's why today I'm designating a new Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers to cut through the red tape and ensure that the full resources of our federal government are leveraged 48 to assist the workers, communities, and regions that rely on our auto industry. Edward Montgomery, a former Deputy Labor Secretary, has agreed to serve in this role.And together with Labor Secretary Solis and my Auto Task Force, Ed will help provide support to auto workers and their families, and open up opportunity to manufacturing communities in Michigan and Ohio and Indiana and every other state that relies on the auto industry.They will have a strong advocate in Ed. He will direct a comprehensive effort that will help lift up the hardest-hit areas by using the unprecedented levels of funding available in our Recovery Act and throughout our government to create new manufacturing jobs and new businesses where they're needed most -- in your communities. And he will also lead an effort to identify new initiatives we may need to help support your communities going forward.These efforts, as essential as they are, are not going to make everything better overnight. There are jobs that won't be saved. There are plants that may not reopen. There's little I can say that can subdue 49 the anger or ease the frustration 50 of all whose livelihoods 51 hang in the balance because of failures that weren't theirs.But there's something I want everybody toremember. Remember that it is precisely 52 in times like these -- in moments of trial and moments of hardship -- thatAmericans rediscover the ingenuity 53 and resilience that makes us who we are; that made the auto industry what it once was and what it will be again; that sent those first mass-produced cars rolling off the assembly lines; that built an arsenal 54 of democracy that propelled America to victory in the Second World War; and that powered our economic prowess in the first American century.Because I know that if we can tap into that same ingenuity and resilience right now, if we can carry one another through this difficult time and do what must be done, then we will look back and say that this was the moment when the American auto industry shed its old ways, marched into the future, remade itself, and once more became an engine of opportunity and prosperity not only in Detroit, not only in our Midwest, but all across America.I'm confident we can make that happen, but we've got a lot of work to do. Thank you. Thank you, everybody.END 11:25 A.M■文章重点单词注释:1auton.(=automobile)(口语)汽车参考例句:Don't park your auto here.别把你的汽车停在这儿。
Remarks by President Obama at the 2012 Alfred E
Remarks by President Obama at the 2012 Alfred E. Smith DinnerWaldorf TowersNew York, New YorkOctober 18, 2012奥巴马总统在2012年艾尔弗雷德·史密斯晚宴上的讲话纽约州纽约市2012年10月18日Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you. Everyone, please take your seats -- otherwise Clint Eastwood will yell at them.谢谢,谢谢,非常感谢,谢谢。
Thank you to Al and Ann. To Your Eminence; Governor, Mrs. Romney; Governor Cuomo; Mayor Bloomberg; Senator Schumer; all the distinguished guests who are here.谢谢你们,阿尔和安。
主教阁下,罗姆尼州长及夫人,科莫州长,布隆伯格市长,舒默参议员,所有在座的各位嘉宾:In less than three weeks, voters in states like Ohio and Virginia and Florida will decide this incredibly important election -- which begs the question, what are we doing here?还有不到三周,俄亥俄、弗吉尼亚、佛罗里达等几个周的选民就要决定这场至关重要的大选了,这就引出了一个问题,我们在这里做什么?Of course, New Yorkers also have a big choice to make -- you have to decide which one of us you want holding up traffic for the next four years.当然了,纽约人也要做出重大抉择——你们要决定我俩谁在未来四年出行时管制封锁你们的交通。
Today, we can definitively say that the Qaddafi regime has come to an end. The last major regime strongholds have fallen. The new government is consolidating the control over the country. And one of the world’s longest-serving dictators is no more.
One year ago, the notion of a free Libya seemed impossible. But then the Libyan people rose up and demanded their rights. And when Qaddafi and his forces started going city to city, town by town, to brutalize men, women and children, the world refused to stand idly by.
For the region, today’s events prove once more that the rule of an iron fist inevitably comes to an end. Across the Arab world, citizens have stood up to claim their rights. Youth are delivering a powerful rebuke to dictatorship. And those leaders who try to deny their human dignity will not succeed.
PRESIDENTOBAMA总统演讲稿(翻译+原文)6099字PRESIDENT OBAMA: Good afternoon. It is a great honor for me to be here in Shanghai, and to have this opportunity to speak with all of you. I'd like to thank Fudan University's President Yang for his hospitality and his gracious welcome. I'd also like to thank our outstanding Ambassador, Jon Huntsman, who exemplifies the deep ties and respect between our nations. I don't know what he said, but I hope it was good. (Laughter.)奥巴马总统:你们好。
(笑声)What I'd like to do is to make some opening comments, and then what I'm really looking forward to doing is taking questions, not only from students who are in the audience, but also we've received questions online, which will be asked by some of the students who are here in the audience, as well as by Ambassador Huntsman. And I am very sorry that my Chinese is not as good as your English, but I am looking forward to this chance to have a dialogue.我今天准备先做一个开场白,但我真正希望做的是回答问题,不但回答在座的学生提出的问题,同时也回答从网上提出的一些问题,这些问题由在座的一些学生和洪博培大使代为提出。
奥巴马在仰光大学的演讲 英文Remarks by President Obama at the University of Yangon
Remarks by President Obama at the University of Y angonRangoon, BurmaNovember 19, 2012PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you. (Applause.) Myanmar Naingan, Mingalaba! (Laughter and applause.) I am very honored to be here at this university and to be the first President of the United States of America to visit your country.I came here because of the importance of your country. Y ou live at the crossroads of East and South Asia. Y ou border the most populated nations on the planet. Y ou have a history that reaches back thousands of years, and the ability to help determine the destiny of the fastest growing region of the world.I came here because of the beauty and diversity of your country. I have seen just earlier today the golden stupa of Shwedagon, and have been moved by the timeless idea of metta -- the belief that our time on this Earth can be defined by tolerance and by love. And I know this land reaches from the crowded neighborhoods of this old city to the homes of more than 60,000 villages; from the peaks of the Himalayas, the forests of Karen State, to the banks of the Irrawady River.I came here because of my respect for this university. It was here at this school where opposition to colonial rule first took hold. It was here that Aung San edited a magazine before leading an independence movement. It was here that U Thant learned the ways of the world before guiding it at the United Nations. Here, scholarship thrived during the last century and students demanded their basic human rights. Now, your Parliament has at last passed a resolution to revitalize this university and it must reclaim its greatness, because the future of this country will be determined by the education of its youth.I came here because of the history between our two countries. A century ago, American traders, merchants and missionaries came here to build bonds of faith and commerce and friendship. And from within these borders in World War II, our pilots flew into China and many of our troops gave their lives. Both of our nations emerged from the British Empire, and the United States was among the first countries to recognize an independent Union of Burma. We were proud to found an American Center in Rangoon and to build exchanges with schools like this one. And through decades of differences, Americans have been united in their affection for this country and its people.Above all, I came here because of America’s belief in human dignity. Over the last several decades, our two countries became strangers. But today, I can tell you that we always remained hopeful about the people of this country, about you. Y ou gave us hope and we bore witness to your courage.We saw the activists dressed in white visit the families of political prisoners on Sundays and monks dressed in saffron protesting peacefully in the streets. We learned of ordinary people who organized relief teams to respond to a cyclone, and heard the voices of students and the beats of hip-hop artists projecting the sound of freedom. We came to know exiles and refugees who never lost touch with their families or their ancestral home. And we were inspired by the fierce dignity of Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, as she proved that no human being can truly be imprisoned if hope burns in your heart.When I took office as President, I sent a message to those governments who ruled by fear. I said, in my inauguration address, “We will extend a hand if you are willing to unclench your fist.” And over the last year and a half, a dramatic transition has begun, as a dictatorship of five decades has loosened its grip. Under President Thein Sein, the desire for change has been met by an agenda for reform. A civilian now leads the government, and a parliament is asserting itself. The once-outlawed National League for Democracy stood in an election, and Aung San Suu Kyi is a Member of Parliament. Hundreds of prisoners of conscience have been released, and forced labor has been banned. Preliminary cease-fires have been reached with ethnic armies, and new laws allow for a more open economy.So today, I’ve come to keep my promise and extend the hand of friendship. America now has an Ambassador in Rangoon, sanctions have been eased, and we will help rebuild an economy that can offer opportunity for its people, and serve as an engine of growth for the world. But this remarkable journey has just begun, and has much further to go. Reforms launched from the top of society must meet the aspirations of citizens who form its foundation. The flickers of progress that we have seen must not be extinguished -- they must be strengthened; they must become a shining North Star for all this nation’s people.And your success in that effort is important to the United States, as well as to me. Even though we come from different places, we share common dreams: to choose our leaders; to live together in peace; to get an education and make a good living; to love our families and our communities. That’s why freedom is not an abstract idea; freedom is the very thing that makes human progress possible -- not just at the ballot box, but in our daily lives.One of our greatest Presidents in the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, understood this truth. He defined America’s cause as more than the right to cast a ballot. He understood democracy was not just voting. He called upon the world to embrace four fundamental freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. These four freedoms reinforce one another, and you cannot fully realize one without realizing them all.So that’s the future that we seek for ourselves, and for all people. And that is what I want to speak to you about today.First, we believe in the right of free expression so that the voices of ordinary people can be heard, and governments reflect their will -- the people’s will.In the United States, for more than two centuries, we have worked to keep this promise for all of our citizens -- to win freedom for those who were enslaved; to extend the right to vote for women and African Americans; to protect the rights of workers to organize.And we recognize no two nations achieve these rights in exactly the same way, but there is no question that your country will be stronger if it draws on the strength of all of its people. That’s what allows nations to succeed. That’s what reform has begun to do.Instead of being repressed, the right of people to assemble together must now be fully respected. Instead of being stifled, the veil of media censorship must continue to be lifted. And as you take these steps, you can draw on your progress. Instead of being ignored, citizens who protested the construction of the Myitsone dam were heard. Instead of being outlawed, political parties have been allowed to participate. Y ou can see progress being made. As one voter said during the parliamentary elections here, “Our parents and grandparents waited for this, but never saw it.” And now you can see it. Y ou can taste freedom.And to protect the freedom of all the voters, those in power must accept constraints. That’s what our American system is designed to do. Now, America may have the strongest military in the world, but it must submit to civilian control. I, as the President of the United States, make determinations that the military then carries out, not the other way around. As President and Commander-In-Chief, I have that responsibility because I’m accountable to the people.Now, on other hand, as President, I cannot just impose my will on Congress -- the Congress of the United States -- even though sometimes I wish I could. The legislative branch has its own powers and its own prerogatives, and so they check my power and balance my power. I appoint some of our judges, but I cannot tell them how to rule, because every person in America -- from a child living in poverty to me, the President of the United States -- is equal under the law. And a judge can make a determination as to whether or not I am upholding the law or breaking the law. And I am fully accountable to that law.And I describe our system in the United States because that’s how you must reach for the future that you deserve -- a future where a single prisoner of conscience is one too many. Y ou need to reach for a future where the law is stronger than any single leader, because it’s accountable to the people. Y ou need to reach for a future where no child is made to be a soldier and no woman is exploited, and where the laws protect them even if they’re vulnerable, even if they’re weak; a future where national security is strengthened by a military that serves under civilians and a Constitution that guarantees that only those who are elected by the people may govern.On that journey, America will support you every step of the way -- by using our assistance to empower civil society; by engaging your military to promote professionalism and human rights; and by partnering with you as you connect your progress towards democracy with economic development. So advancing that journey will help you pursue a second freedom -- the belief that all people should be free from want.It’s not enough to trade a prison of powerlessness for the pain of an empty stomach. But history shows that governments of the people and by the people and for the people are far more powerful in delivering prosperity. And that’s the partnership we seek with you.When ordinary people have a say in their own future, then your land can’t just be taken away from you. And that’s why reforms must ensure that the people of this nation can have that most fundamental of possessions -- the right to own the title to the land on which you live and on which you work.When your talents are unleashed, then opportunity will be created for all people. America is lifting our ban on companies doing business here, and your government has lifted restrictions on investment and taken steps to open up your economy. And now, as more wealth flows into your borders, we hope and expect that it will lift up more people. It can’t just help folks at the top. It has to help everybody. And that kind of economic growth, where everybody has opportunity -- if you work hard, you can succeed -- that’s what gets a nation moving rapidly when it comes to develop.But that kind of growth can only be created if corruption is left behind. For investment to lead to opportunity, reform must promote budgets that are transparent and industry that is privately owned.To lead by example, America now insists that our companies meet high standards of openness and transparency if they’re doing business here. And we’ll work with organizations like the World Bank to support small businesses and to promote an economy that allows entrepreneurs, small businesspeople to thrive and allows workers to keep what they earn. And I very much welcome your government’s recent decision to join what we’ve called our Open Government Partnership, so that citizens can come to expect accountability and learn exactly how monies are spent and how your system of government operates.Above all, when your voices are heard in government, it’s far more likely that your basic needs will be met. And that’s why reform must reach the daily lives of those who are hungry and those who are ill, and those who live without electricity or water. And here, too, America will do our part in working with you.Today, I was proud to reestablish our USAID mission in this country, which is our lead development agency. And the United States wants to be a partner in helping this country, which used to be the rice bowl of Asia, to reestablish its capacity to feed its people and to care for its sick, and educate its children, and build its democratic institutions as you continue down the path of reform.This country is famous for its natural resources, and they must be protected against exploitation. And let us remember that in a global economy, a country’s greatest resource is its people. So by investing in you, this nation can open the door for far more prosperity -- because unlocking a nation’s potential depends on empowering all its people, especially its young people.Just as education is the key to America’s future, it is going to the be the key to your future as well. And so we look forward to working with you, as we have with many of your neighbors, to extend that opportunity and to deepen exchanges among our students. We want students from this country to travel to the United States and learn from us, and we want U.S. students to come here and learn from you.And this truth leads me to the third freedom that I want to discuss: the freedom to worship -- the freedom to worship as you please, and your right to basic human dignity.This country, like my own country, is blessed with diversity. Not everybody looks the same. Not everybody comes from the same region. Not everybody worships in the same way. In your cities and towns, there are pagodas and temples, and mosques and churches standing side by side. Well over a hundred ethnic groups have been a part of your story. Y et within these borders, we’ve seen some of the world’s longest running insurgencies, which have cost countless lives, and torn families and communities apart, and stood in the way of development.No process of reform will succeed without national reconciliation. (Applause.) Y ou now have a moment of remarkable opportunity to transform cease-fires into lasting settlements, and to pursue peace where conflicts still linger, including in Kachin State. Those efforts must lead to a more just and lasting peace, including humanitarian access to those in need, and a chance for the displaced to return home.Today, we look at the recent violence in Rakhine State that has caused so much suffering, and we see the danger of continued tensions there. For too long, the people of this state, including ethnic Rakhine, have faced crushing poverty and persecution. But there is no excuse for violence against innocent people. And the Rohingya hold themselves -- hold within themselves the same dignity as you do, and I do.National reconciliation will take time, but for the sake of our common humanity, and for the sake of this country’s future, it is necessary to stop incitement and to stop violence. And I welcome the government’s commitment to address the issues of injustice and accountability, and humanitarian access and citizenship. That’s a vision that the world will support as you move forward.Every nation struggles to define citizenship. America has had great debates about these issues, and those debates continue to this day, because we’re a nation of immigrants -- people coming from every different part of the world. But what we’ve learned in the United States is that there are certain principles that are universal, apply to everybody no matter what you look like, no matter where you come from, no matter what religion you practice. The right of people to live without the threat that their families may be harmed or their homes may be burned simply because of who they are or where they come from.Only the people of this country ultimately can define your union, can define what it means tobe a citizen of this country. But I have confidence that as you do that you can draw on this diversity as a strength and not a weakness. Y our country will be stronger because of many different cultures, but you have to seize that opportunity. Y ou have to recognize that strength.I say this because my own country and my own life have taught me the power of diversity. The United States of America is a nation of Christians and Jews, and Muslims and Buddhists, and Hindus and non-believers. Our story is shaped by every language; it’s enriched by every culture. We have people from every corners of the world. We’ve tasted the bitterness of civil war and segregation, but our history shows us that hatred in the human heart can recede; that the lines between races and tribes fade away. And what’s left is a simple truth: e pluribus unum -- that’s what we say in America. Out of many, we are one nation and we are one people. And that truth has, time and again, made our union stronger. It has made our country stronger. It’s part of what has made America great.We amended our Constitution to extend the democratic principles that we hold dear. And I stand before you today as President of the most powerful nation on Earth, but recognizing that once the color of my skin would have denied me the right to vote. And so that should give you some sense that if our country can transcend its differences, then yours can, too. Every human being within these borders is a part of your nation’s story, and you should embrace that. That’s not a source of weakness, that’s a source of strength -- if you recognize it.And that brings me to the final freedom that I will discuss today, and that is the right of all people to live free from fear.In many ways, fear is the force that stands between human beings and their dreams. Fear of conflict and the weapons of war. Fear of a future that is different from the past. Fear of changes that are reordering our societies and economy. Fear of people who look different, or come from a different place, or worship in a different way. In some of her darkest moments, when Aung San Suu Kyi was imprisoned, she wrote an essay about freedom from fear. She said fear of losing corrupts those who wield it -- “Fear of losin g power corrupts those who wield it, and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are subject to it.”That’s the fear that you can leave behind. We see that chance in leaders who are beginning to understand that power comes from appealing to people’s hopes, not people’s fears. We see it in citizens who insist that this time must be different, that this time change will come and will continue. As Aung San Suu Kyi wrote: “Fear is not the natural state of civilized man.” I believe that. And today, you are showing the world that fear does not have to be the natural state of life in this country.That’s why I am here. That’s why I came to Rangoon. And that’s why what happens here is so important -- not only to this region, but to the world. Because you’re taking a journey that has the potential to inspire so many people. This is a test of whether a country can transition to a better place.The United States of America is a Pacific nation, and we see our future as bound to those nations and peoples to our West. And as our economy recovers, this is where we believe we will find enormous growth. As we have ended the wars that have dominated our foreign policy for a decade, this region will be a focus for our efforts to build a prosperous peace.Here in Southeast Asia, we see the potential for integration among nations and people. And as President, I have embraced ASEAN for reasons that go beyond the fact that I spent some of my childhood in this region, in Indonesia. Because with ASEAN, we see nations that are on the move -- nations that are growing, and democracies that are emerging; governments that are cooperating; progress that’s building on the diversity that spans oceans and islands and jungles and cities, peoples of every race and every religion. This is what the 21st century should look like if we have the courage to put aside our differences and move forward with a sense of mutual interest and mutual respect.And here in Rangoon, I want to send a message across Asia: We don’t need to be defined by the prisons of the past. We need to look forward to the future. To the leadership of North Korea, I have offered a choice: let go of your nuclear weapons and choose the path of peace and progress. If you do, you will find an extended hand from the United States of America.In 2012, we don’t need to cling to the divisions of East, West and North and South. We welcome the peaceful rise of China, your neighbor to the North; and India, your neighbor to the West. The United Nations -- the United States will work with any nation, large or small, that will contribute to a world that is more peaceful and more prosperous, and more just and more free. And the United States will be a friend to any nation that respects the rights of its citizens and the responsibilities of international law.That’s the nation, that’s the world that you can start to build here in this historic city. This nation that’s been so isolated can show the world the power of a new beginning, and demonstrate once again that the journey to democracy goes hand in hand with development. I say this knowing that there are still countless people in this country who do not enjoy the opportunities that many of you seated here do. There are tens of millions who have no electricity. There are prisoners of conscience who still await release. There are refugees and displaced peoples in camps where hope is still something that lies on the distant horizon.Today, I say to you -- and I say to everybody that can hear my voice -- that the United States of America is with you, including those who have been forgotten, those who are dispossessed, those who are ostracized, those who are poor. We carry your story in our heads and your hopes in our hearts, because in this 21st century with the spread of technology and the breaking down of barriers, the frontlines of freedom are within nations and individuals, not simply between them.As one former prisoner put it in speaking to his fellow citizens, “Politics is your job. It’s not only for [the] politicians.” And we have an expression in the United States that the most important office in a democracy is the office of citizen -- not President, not Speaker, but citizen. (Applause.)So as extraordinary and difficult and challenging and sometimes frustrating as this journey may seem, in the end, you, the citizens of this country, are the ones who must define what freedom means. Y ou’re the ones who are going to have to seize freedom, because a true revolution of the spirit begins in each of our hearts. It requires the kind of courage that so many of your leaders have already displayed.The road ahead will be marked by huge challenges, and there will be those who resist the forces of change. But I stand here with confidence that something is happening in this country that cannot be reversed, and the will of the people can lift up this nation and set a great example for the world. And you will have in the United States of America a partner on that long journey. So, cezu tin bad de. (Applause.)Thank you. (Applause.)。
英语演讲原文:To The Turkish Parliament
To The Turkish ParliamentREMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMA TO THE TURKISH PARLIAMENT Turkish Grand National Assembly Complex Ankara, Turkey3:30 P.M. (Local)PRESIDENT OBAMA: Mr. Speaker, Madam Deputy Speaker, distinguished members, I am honored to speak in this chamber, and I am committed to renewing the alliance between our nations and the friendship between our people.This is my first trip overseas as President of the United States. I've been to the G20 summit in London, and the NATO summit in Strasbourg, and the European Union summit in Prague. Some people have asked me if I chose to continue my travels to Ankara and Istanbul to send a message to the world. And my answer is simple: Evet -- yes. (Applause.) Turkey is a critical ally. Turkey is an important part of Europe. And Turkey and the United States must stand together -- and work together -- to overcome the challenges of our time.This morning I had the great privilege of visiting the tomb of your extraordinary founder of your republic. And I was deeplyimpressed by this beautiful memorial to a man who did so much to shape the course of history. But it is also clear that the greatest monument to Ataturk's life is not something that can be cast in stone and marble. His greatest legacy is Turkey's strong, vibrant, secular democracy, and that is the work that this assembly carries on today. (Applause.)This future was not easily assured, it was not guaranteed. At the end of World War I, Turkey could have succumbed to the foreign powers that were trying to claim its territory, or sought to restore an ancient empire. But Turkey chose a different future. You freed yourself from foreign control, and you founded a republic that commands the respect of the United States and the wider world.And there is a simple truth to this story: Turkey's democracy is your own achievement. It was not forced upon you by any outside power, nor did it come without struggle and sacrifice. Turkey draws strength from both the successes of the past, and from the efforts of each generation of Turks that makes new progress for your people.Now, my country's democracy has its own story. The general who led America in revolution and governed as our first President was, as many of you know, George Washington.And like you, we built a grand monument to honor our founding father -- a towering obelisk that stands in the heart of the capital city that bears Washington's name. I can see the Washington Monument from the window of the White House every day.It took decades to build. There were frequent delays. Over time, more and more people contributed to help make this monument the inspiring structure that still stands tall today. Among those who came to our aid were friends from all across the world who offered their own tributes to Washington and the country he helped to found.And one of those tributes came from Istanbul. Ottoman Sultan Abdulmecid sent a marble plaque that helped to build the Washington Monument. Inscribed in the plaque was a poem that began with a few simple words: "So as to strengthen the friendship between the two countries." Over 150 years have passed since those words were carved into marble. Our nations have changed in many ways. But our friendship is strong, and our alliance endures.It is a friendship that flourished in the years after World War II, when President Truman committed our nation to the defense of Turkey's freedom and sovereignty, and Turkeycommitted itself into the NATO Alliance. Turkish troops have served by our side from Korea to Kosovo to Kabul. Together, we withstood the great test of the Cold War. Trade between our nations has steadily advanced. So has cooperation in science and research.The ties among our people have deepened, as well, and more and more Americans of Turkish origin live and work and succeed within our borders. And as a basketball fan, I've even noticed that Hedo Turkoglu and Mehmet Okur have got some pretty good basketball games. (Applause.)The United States and Turkey have not always agreed on every issue, and that's to be expected -- no two nations do. But we have stood together through many challenges over the last 60 years. And because of the strength of our alliance and the endurance of our friendship, both America and Turkey are stronger and the world is more secure.Now, our two democracies are confronted by an unprecedented set of challenges: An economic crisis that recognizes no borders; extremism that leads to the killing of innocent men and women and children; strains on our energy supply and a changing climate; the proliferation of the world's deadliest weapons; and the persistence of tragicconflict.These are the great tests of our young century. And the choices that we make in the coming years will determine whether the future will be shaped by fear or by freedom; by poverty or by prosperity; by strife or by a just, secure and lasting peace.This much is certain: No one nation can confront these challenges alone, and all nations have a stake in overcoming them. That is why we must listen to one another, and seek common ground. That is why we must build on our mutual interests, and rise above our differences. We are stronger when we act together. That is the message that I've carried with me throughout this trip to Europe. That is the message that I delivered when I had the privilege of meeting with your President and with your Prime Minister. That will be the approach of the United States of America going forward.Already, America and Turkey are working with the G20 on an unprecedented response to an unprecedented economic crisis. Now, this past week, we came together to ensure that the world's largest economies take strong and coordinated action to stimulate growth and restore the flow of credit; to reject the pressures of protectionism, and to extend a hand todeveloping countries and the people hit hardest by this downturn; and to dramatically reform our regulatory system so that the world never faces a crisis like this again.As we go forward, the United States and Turkey can pursue many opportunities to serve prosperity for our people. The President and I this morning talked about expanding the ties of commerce and trade. There's enormous opportunity when it comes to energy to create jobs. And we can increase new sources to not only free ourselves from dependence of other energies -- other countries' energy sources, but also to combat climate change. We should build on our Clean Technology Fund to leverage efficiency and renewable energy investments in Turkey. And to power markets in Turkey and Europe, the United States will continue to support your central role as an East-West corridor for oil and natural gas.This economic cooperation only reinforces the common security that Europe and the United States share with Turkey as a NATO ally, and the common values that we share as democracies. So in meeting the challenges of the 21st century, we must seek the strength of a Europe that is truly united, peaceful and free.So let me be clear: The United States strongly supports Turkey's bid to become a member of the European Union. (Applause.) We speak not as members of the EU, but as close friends of both Turkey and Europe. Turkey has been a resolute ally and a responsible partner in transatlantic and European institutions. Turkey is bound to Europe by more than the bridges over the Bosphorous. Centuries of shared history, culture, and commerce bring you together. Europe gains by the diversity of ethnicity, tradition and faith -- it is not diminished by it. And Turkish membership would broaden and strengthen Europe's foundation once more.Now, of course, Turkey has its own responsibilities. Andyou've made important progress towards membership. But I also know that Turkey has pursued difficult political reforms not simply because it's good for EU membership, but because it's right for Turkey.In the last several years, you've abolished state security courts, you've expanded the right to counsel. You've reformed the penal code and strengthened laws that govern the freedom of the press and assembly. You've lifted bans on teaching and broadcasting Kurdish, and the world noted with respect the important signal sent through a new state Kurdish television station.These achievements have created new laws that must be implemented, and a momentum that should be sustained. For democracies cannot be static -- they must move forward. Freedom of religion and expression lead to a strong and vibrant civil society that only strengthens the state, which is why steps like reopening Halki Seminary will send such an important signal inside Turkey and beyond. An enduring commitment to the rule of law is the only way to achieve the security that comes from justice for all people. Robust minority rights let societies benefit from the full measure of contributions from all citizens.I say this as the President of a country that not very long ago made it hard for somebody who looks like me to vote, much less be President of the United States. But it is precisely that capacity to change that enriches our countries. Every challenge that we face is more easily met if we tend to our own democratic foundation. This work is never over. That's why, in the United States, we recently ordered the prison at Guantanamo Bay closed. That's why we prohibited -- without exception or equivocation -- the use of torture. All of us have to change. And sometimes change is hard.Another issue that confronts all democracies as they move tothe future is how we deal with the past. The United States is still working through some of our own darker periods in our history. Facing the Washington Monument that I spoke of is a memorial of Abraham Lincoln, the man who freed those who were enslaved even after Washington led our Revolution. Our country still struggles with the legacies of slavery and segregation, the past treatment of Native Americans.Human endeavor is by its nature imperfect. History is often tragic, but unresolved, it can be a heavy weight. Each country must work through its past. And reckoning with the past can help us seize a better future. I know there's strong views in this chamber about the terrible events of 1915. And while there's been a good deal of commentary about my views, it's really about how the Turkish and Armenian people deal with the past. And the best way forward for the Turkish and Armenian people is a process that works through the past in a way that is honest, open and constructive.We've already seen historic and courageous steps taken by Turkish and Armenian leaders. These contacts hold out the promise of a new day. An open border would return the Turkish and Armenian people to a peaceful and prosperous coexistence that would serve both of your nations. So I want you to know that the United States strongly supports the fullnormalization of relations between Turkey and Armenia. It is a cause worth working towards.It speaks to Turkey's leadership that you are poised to be the only country in the region to have normal and peaceful relations with all the South Caucasus nations. And to advance that peace, you can play a constructive role in helping to resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which has continued for far too long.Advancing peace also includes the disputes that persist in the Eastern Mediterranean. And here there's a cause for hope. The two Cypriot leaders have an opportunity through their commitment to negotiations under the United Nations Good Offices Mission. The United States is willing to offer all the help sought by the parties as they work towards a just and lasting settlement that reunifies Cyprus into a bizonal and bicommunal federation.These efforts speak to one part of the critical region that surrounds Turkey. And when we consider the challenges before us, on issue after issue, we share common goals.In the Middle East, we share the goal of a lasting peace between Israel and its neighbors. Let me be clear: The UnitedStates strongly supports the goal of two states, Israel and Palestine, living side by side in peace and security. That is a goal shared by Palestinians, Israelis, and people of goodwill around the world. That is a goal that the parties agreed to in the road map and at Annapolis. That is a goal that I will actively pursue as President of the United States.We know the road ahead will be difficult. Both Israelis and Palestinians must take steps that are necessary to build confidence and trust. Both Israelis and Palestinians, both must live up to the commitments they have made. Both must overcome longstanding passions and the politics of the moment to make progress towards a secure and lasting peace.The United States and Turkey can help the Palestinians and Israelis make this journey. Like the United States, Turkey has been a friend and partner in Israel's quest for security. And like the United States, you seek a future of opportunity and statehood for the Palestinians. So now, working together, we must not give into pessimism and mistrust. We must pursue every opportunity for progress, as you've done by supporting negotiations between Syria and Israel. We must extend a hand to those Palestinians who are in need, while helping them strengthen their own institutions. We must reject theuse of terror, and recognize that Israel's security concerns are legitimate.The peace of the region will also be advanced if Iran forgoes any nuclear weapons ambitions. Now, as I made clear in Prague yesterday, no one is served by the spread of nuclear weapons, least of all Turkey. You live in a difficult region and a nuclear arm race would not serve the security of this nation well. This part of the world has known enough violence. It has known enough hatred. It does not need a race for an ever-more powerful tool of destruction.Now, I have made it clear to the people and leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran that the United States seeks engagement based on mutual interest and mutual respect. We want Iran to play its rightful role in the community of nations. Iran is a great civilization. We want them to engage in the economic and political integration that brings prosperity and security. But Iran's leaders must choose whether they will try to build a weapon or build a better future for their people.So both Turkey and the United States support a secure and united Iraq that does not serve as a safe haven for terrorists. I know there were differences about whether to go to war.There were differences within my own country, as well. But now we must come together as we end this war responsibly, because the future of Iraq is inseparable from the future of the broader region. As I've already announced, and many of you are aware, the United States will remove our combat brigades by the end of next August, while working with the Iraqi government as they take responsibility for security. And we will work with Iraq, Turkey, and all Iraq's neighbors, to forge a new dialogue that reconciles differences and advances our common security.Make no mistake, though: Iraq, Turkey, and the United States face a common threat from terrorism. That includes the al Qaeda terrorists who have sought to drive Iraqis apart and destroy their country. That includes the PKK. There is no excuse for terror against any nation. (Applause.) As President, and as a NATO ally, I pledge that you will have our support against the terrorist activities of the PKK or anyone else. These efforts will be strengthened by the continued work to build ties of cooperation between Turkey, the Iraqi government, and Iraq's Kurdish leaders, and by your continued efforts to promote education and opportunity and democracy for the Kurdish population here inside Turkey.Finally, we share the common goal of denying al Qaeda asafe haven in Pakistan or Afghanistan. The world has come too far to let this region backslide, and to let al Qaeda terrorists plot further attacks. That's why we are committed to a more focused effort to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat al Qaeda. That is why we are increasing our efforts to train Afghans to sustain their own security, and to reconcile former adversaries. That's why we are increasing our support for the people of Afghanistan and Pakistan, so that we stand on the side not only of security, but also of opportunity and the promise of a better life.Turkey has been a true partner. Your troops were among the first in the International Security Assistance Force. You have sacrificed much in this endeavor. Now we must achieve our goals together. I appreciate that you've offered to help us train and support Afghan security forces, and expand opportunity across the region. Together, we can rise to meet this challenge like we have so many before.I know there have been difficulties these last few years. I know that the trust that binds the United States and Turkey has been strained, and I know that strain is shared in many places where the Muslim faith is practiced. So let me say this as clearly as I can: The United States is not, and will never be, at war with Islam. (Applause.) In fact, our partnership with theMuslim world is critical not just in rolling back the violent ideologies that people of all faiths reject, but also to strengthen opportunity for all its people.I also want to be clear that America's relationship with the Muslim community, the Muslim world, cannot, and will not, just be based upon opposition to terrorism. We seek broader engagement based on mutual interest and mutual respect. We will listen carefully, we will bridge misunderstandings, and we will seek common ground. We will be respectful, even when we do not agree. We will convey our deep appreciation for the Islamic faith, which has done so much over the centuries to shape the world -- including in my own country. The United States has been enriched by Muslim Americans. Many other Americans have Muslims in their families or have lived in a Muslim-majority country -- I know, because I am one of them. (Applause.)Above all, above all we will demonstrate through actions our commitment to a better future. I want to help more children get the education that they need to succeed. We want to promote health care in places where people are vulnerable. We want to expand the trade and investment that can bring prosperity for all people. In the months ahead, I will present specific programs to advance these goals. Our focus will beon what we can do, in partnership with people across the Muslim world, to advance our common hopes and our common dreams. And when people look back on this time, let it be said of America that we extended the hand of friendship to all people.There's an old Turkish proverb: "You cannot put out fire with flames." America knows this. Turkey knows this. There's some who must be met by force, they will not compromise. But force alone cannot solve our problems, and it is no alternative to extremism. The future must belong to those who create, not those who destroy. That is the future we must work for, and we must work for it together.I know there are those who like to debate Turkey's future. They see your country at the crossroads of continents, and touched by the currents of history. They know that this has been a place where civilizations meet, and different peoples come together. They wonder whether you will be pulled in one direction or another.But I believe here is what they don't understand: Turkey's greatness lies in your ability to be at the center of things. This is not where East and West divide -- this is where they come together. (Applause.) In the beauty of your culture. In therichness of your history. In the strength of your democracy. In your hopes for tomorrow.I am honored to stand here with you -- to look forward to the future that we must reach for together -- and to reaffirm America's commitment to our strong and enduring friendship. Thank you very much. (Applause.) Thank you. Thank you.END 3:55 P.M. (Local)■文章重点单词注释:。
曼德拉演讲稿4篇presidentbarack obama remarks on the death of nelson mandela奥巴马发表讲话悼念曼德拉英语演讲稿带中文翻译:at his trialin 1964, nelson mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, "i havefought against white domination, and i have fought against black domination. ihave cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all personslive together in harmony and with equal opportunities. it is an ideal which ihope to live for and to achieve. but if needs be, it is an ideal for which i amprepared to die."纳尔逊·曼德拉在1964年接受审判时在被告席上结束他的陈述时说:“我曾为反对白人统治而斗争,也曾为反对黑人统治而斗争。
”and nelsonmandela lived for that ideal, and he made it real. he achieved more than couldbe expected of any man. today, he has gone home. and we have lost one of themost influential, courageous, and profoundly good human beings that any of uswill 1 / 26share time with on this earth. he no longer belongs to us -- he belongs tothe ages.纳尔逊·曼德拉为这个理想而生,并将其变成现实。
奥巴马演讲稿范文4篇good evening, everybody. i just want to make a fewbrief comments about the attacks across paristonight. once again, we've seen an outrageousattempt to terrorize innocent civilians. this is anattack not just on paris, it's an attack not just on thepeople of france, but this is an attack on all ofhumanity and the universal values that we share.we stand prepared and ready to provide whateverassistance that the government and the people offrance need to respond. france is our oldest ally.the french people have stood shoulder to shoulder with the united states time and again.and we want to be very clear that we stand together with them in the fight against terrorismand extremism.paris itself represents the timeless values of human progress. those who think that they canterrorize the people of france or the values that they stand for are wrong. the american peopledraw strength from the french people's commitment to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness.we are reminded in this time of tragedy that the bonds of libertéand égalit éand fraternitéarenot only values that the french people care so deeply about, but they are values that we share.and those values aregoing to endure far beyond any act of terrorism or the hateful vision ofthose who perpetrated the crimes this evening.we're going to do whatever it takes to work with the french people and with nations around theworld to bring these terrorists to justice, and to go after any terrorist networks that go after ourpeople.we don't yet know all the details of what has happened. we have been in contact with frenchofficials to communicate our deepest condolences to the families of those who have beenkilled, to offer our prayers and thoughts to those who have been wounded. we have offered ourfull support to them. the situation is still unfolding. i've chosen not to call president hollande atthis time, because my expectation is that he's very busy at the moment. i actually, bycoincidence, was talking to him earlier today in preparation for the g20 meeting. but i amconfident that i'll be in direct communications with him in the next few days, and we'll becoordinating in any ways that they think are helpful in the investigation of what's happened.this is a heartbreaking situation. and obviously those of us here in the united states know whatit's like. we've gone through these kinds ofepisodes ourselves. and whenever these kinds ofattacks happened, we've always been able to count on the french people to stand with us. theyhave been an extraordinary counterterrorism partner, and we intend to be there with themin that same fashion.i'm sure that in the days ahead we'll learn more about exactly what happened, and my teamswill make sure that we are in communication with the press to provide you accurateinformation. i don't want to speculate at this point in terms of who was responsible for this. itappears that there may still be live activity and dangers that are taking place as we speak. andso until we know from french officials that the situation is under control, and we have for moreinformation about it, i don't want to speculate.thank you very much.奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文奥巴马演讲稿范文(2)奥巴马周末电视演讲稿译文hi, everybody. about a year ago, i promised that XX would be a breakthrough year for america. and this week, we got more evidence toback that up.in december, our businesses created 240,000 new jobs. the unemployment rate fell to 5.6%. that means that XX was the strongest year for job growth since the 1990s. in XX, unemployment fell faster than it has in three decades.over a 58-month streak, our businesses have created 11.2 million new jobs. after a decade of decline, american manufacturing is in its best stretch of job growth since the …90s. america is now the world‟s number one producer of oil and gas, helping to save drivers about a buck-ten a gallon at the pump over this time last year. thanks to the affordable care act, about 10 million americans have gained health insurance in the past year alone. we have cut our deficits by about two-thirds. and after 13 long years, our war in afghanistan has come to a responsible end, and more of our brave troops have come home.大家好。
英语演讲原文:Remarks of President Barack Obama
Remarks of President Barack Obama Remarks of President Barack Obama Weekly AddressSaturday, March 28, 2009 Washington, DC Even as we face an economic crisis which demands our constant focus, forces of nature can also intervene in ways that create other crisesto which we must respond – and respond urgently. For the people of North and South Dakota and Minnesota who live along rivers spilling over their banks, this is one such moment.Rivers and streams throughout the region have flooded orare at risk of flooding. The cities of Fargo and neighboring Moorhead are vulnerable as the waters of the Red River have risen. Thousands of homes and businesses are threatened.That is why, on Tuesday, I granted a major disaster declaration request for the State of North Dakota and ordered federal support into the region to help state andlocal officials respond to the flooding. This was followed byan emergency declaration for the State of Minnesota. Andwe are also keeping close watch on the situation in South Dakota as it develops.The Department of Homeland Security and the FederalEmergency Management Agency continue to coordinate 2 the federal response. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is helping 3 to oversee 4 federal efforts and she remains 5 in close contact with state officials. Acting 6 FEMA administrator 7 Nancy Ward 8 has been in the region since yesterday to meet with folks on the ground and survey the area herself.In addition, The U.S. Army Corps 9 of Engineers is assisting in the emergency construction of levees. The Coast Guard is aiding in search and rescue efforts while the Department of Defense 10 is helping to move people and supplies. Members of the National Guard have been activated 11 and are on the scene as well.Hospitals and nursing homes in the area are being evacuated 12 and residents in poor health or with special needs are being transported to higher ground. Teams from the Department of Health and Human Services are aiding in this work. And the Red Cross is in place to provide shelter and supplies for folks in need.It is also important for residents in these states to remain vigilant 13 in monitoring reports on flood crests 14 and to follow instructions from their state and local leaders in theevent that evacuations become necessary.My administration is working closely with Governors John Hoeven, Mike Rounds and Tim Pawlenty. And I’ve been meeting with Senators Byron Dorgan, Kent Conrad, and Amy Klobuchar, as well as Congressmen Earl Pomeroy and Collin Peterson, to pledge my support. I will continue to monitor the situation carefully. We will do what must be done to help in concert with state and local agencies and non-profit organizations – and volunteers who are doing so much to aid the response effort.For at moments like these, we are reminded of the power of nature to disrupt lives and endanger communities. But we are also reminded of the power of individuals to make a difference.In the Fargodome, thousands of people gathered not to watch a football game or a rodeo, but to fill sandbags. Volunteers filled 2.5 million of them in just five days, working against the clock, day and night, with tired arms and aching backs. Others braved freezing temperatures, gusting 15 winds, and falling snow to build levees along the river’s banks to help protect against waters that have exceeded record levels.College students have traveled by the busload from nearby campuses to lend a hand during their spring breaks. Students from local high schools asked if they could take time to participate. Young people have turned social networks into community networks, coordinating 16 with one another online to figure out how best to help.In the face of an incredible challenge, the people of these communities have rallied in support of one another. And their ser vice isn’t just inspirational –it’s integral to our response.It’s also a reminder 17 of what we can achieve when Americans come together to serve their communities. All across the nation, there are men, women and young people who have answered that call, and millions of other who would like to. Whether it’s helping to reduce the energy we use, cleaning up a neighborhood park, tutoring in a local school, or volunteering in countless 18 other ways, individual citizens can make a big difference.T hat is why I’m so happy that legislation passed the Senate this week and the House last week to provide more opportunities for Americans to serve their communities and the country.The bipartisan Senate bill was sponsored by Senator Orrin Hatch and Senator Ted 1 Kennedy, a leader who embodies 19 the spirit of public service, and I am looking forward to signing this important measure into law.In facing sudden crises or more stubborn challenges, the truth is we are all in this together – as neighbors and fellow citizens. That is what brought so many to help in North Dakota and Minnesota and other areas affected 20 by this flooding. That is what draws people to volunteer in so many ways, serving our country here and on distant shores.Our thanks go to them today, and to all who are working day and night to deal with the disaster. We send them our thoughts, our prayers, and our continued assistance in this difficult time.Thank you.■文章重点单词注释:1tedvt.翻晒,撒,撒开参考例句:The invaders gut ted the village.侵略者把村中财物洗劫一空。
REMARKS BY PRESIDENT OBAMAON WINNING THE NOBEL PEACE PRIZERose GardenOctober 9, 2009奥巴马总统就荣获诺贝尔和平奖发表讲话玫瑰园2009年10月8日Good morning. Well, this is not how I expected to wake up this morning. After I received the news, Malia walked in and said, "Daddy, you won the Nobel Peace Prize, and it is Bo's birthday!" And then Sasha added, "Plus, we have a three-day weekend coming up." So it's good to have kids to keep things in perspective.早上好,我没有料到今早醒来是这样。
在我接到消息后,玛莉娅(Malia)走进来说:"爸爸,你获诺贝尔奖了,而今天是波(Bo,小狗的名字-译注)的生日!" 萨夏(Sasha)接着说:"还有,我们就要过三天长周末了。
I am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the Nobel Committee. Let me be clear: I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.诺贝尔奖委员会的决定令我既惊讶又深受感动。
Transcript of President Obama’s Speech________________________________________________________________For Immediate Release May 1, 2011REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENTON OSAMA BIN LADENEast Room11:35 P.M. EDTTHE PRESIDENT: Good evening. Tonight, I can report to the American people and to the world that the United States has conducted an operation that killed Osama bin Laden, the leader of al Qaeda, and a terrorist who’s responsible for the murder of thousands of innocent men, women, and children.总统:晚上好。
It was nearly 10 years ago that a bright September day was darkened by the worst attack on the American people in our history. The images of 9/11 are seared into our national memory —hijacked planes cutting through a cloudless September sky; the Twin Towers collapsing to the ground; black smoke billowing up from the Pentagon; the wreckage of Flight 93 in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where the actions of heroic citizens saved even more heartbreak and destruction.就在10年前,那个阳光明媚的9月的一天遭受了米国历史上最严重的恐怖袭击而变得黑暗无比。
奥巴马总统的就职演讲稿篇一:奥巴马总统就职演说—中英文对照REMARKSOFPRESIDENTBARACKOBAMAInauguralAddress 奥巴马总统就职演说Jan20,XXMyfellowcitizens:我的同胞们:Istandheretodayhumbledbythetaskbeforeus,gratefulforthetrust youhavebestowed,mindfulofthesacrificesbornebyourancestors.I thankPresidentBushforhisservicetoournation,aswellasthegener osityandcooperationhehasshownthroughoutthistransition.我今天站在这里以谦卑的心情面对着在我面前的使命对于你们赋予我的信任心存感激也不敢遗忘开国先贤们所作的牺牲我感谢布什总统为我们国家所作的服务、以及在政权交接过程中他所展示的大度及合作FortyfourAmericanshavenowtakenthepresidentialoath.Thewordsh avebeenspokenduringrisingtidesofprosperityandthestillwaters ofpeace.Yet,everysooftentheoathistakenamidstgatheringclouds andragingstorms.Atthesemoments,Americahascarriedonnotsimply becauseoftheskillorvisionofthoseinhighoffice,butbecauseWethePeoplehaveremainedfaithfultotheidealsofourforbearers,andtr uetoourfoundingdocuments.到现在已经有44位美国人进行了总统就职宣誓这些言辞在繁荣兴旺时以及和平时期作出但是也有一些时期这些誓言是在阴云密布和暴风雨来袭时作出在这些时期里美国继续向前行不单单是身为总统者的睿智和远见也是因为我们身为人民者仍然忠于开国先贤们的理想、以及忠实执行开国时的文件宣言Soithasbeen.SoitmustbewiththisgenerationofAmericans.所以世代一直是如此的所以我们这一代的美国人也必须如此Thatweareinthemidstofcrisisisnowwellunderstood.Ournationisa twar,againstafarreachingnetworkofviolenceandhatred.Ourecono myisbadlyweakened,aconsequenceofgreedandirresponsibilityont hepartofsome,butalsoourcollectivefailuretomakehardchoicesan dpreparethenationforanewage.Homeshavebeenlost;jobsshed;busi nessesshuttered.Ourhealthcareistoocostly;ourschoolsfailtoom any;andeachdaybringsfurtherevidencethatthewaysweuseenergyst rengthenouradversariesandthreatenourplanet.我们现在非常了解我们正处于危机之中我们的国家正在作战状态对抗一个暴力和仇恨的广大网络我们的经济大大受到削弱这不仅是一些人贪婪和不负责任的后果也是我们在做出艰难抉择为国家进入新时代进行准备方面的共同失误所使然房屋失去了;工作机会流失了;商业陷入凋敝的困境我们的医疗费用过于昂贵;我们有太多的学校令人失望;每天都有更多的证据显示我们使用能源的方式只能令我们的对手变强同时威胁到我们的星球Thesearetheindicatorsofcrisis,subjecttodataandstatistics.Le ssmeasurablebutnolessprofoundisasappingofconfidenceacrossou rlandanaggingfearthatAmerica'sdeclineisinevitable,andthatth enextgenerationmustloweritssights.这些就是危机的信号数据和统计结果都显示出来数字不容易显示出来的、但是却不容忽视的是我们全国各地有些信心正在消蚀担心的是美国的衰落不可避免担心我们的下一代不得不降低对未来的期许TodayIsaytoyouthatthechallengeswefacearereal.Theyareserious andtheyaremany.Theywillnotbemeteasilyorinashortspanoftime.Butk nowthis,Americatheywillbemet.今天我要对你们说的是我们面临的挑战是的这些挑战不仅严峻而且复杂应对这些挑战绝非易事更非一朝一夕之功但是美国请明白这一点:这些挑战将会面对Onthisday,wegatherbecausewehavechosenhopeoverfear,unityofpu rposeoverconflictanddiscord.我们今天聚集在一起因为我们选择了希望而不是恐惧选择了众志成城而不是纷争不和Onthisday,weetoproclaimanendtothepettygrievancesandfalsepro mises,therecriminationsandwornoutdogmas,thatforfartoolongha vestrangledourpolitics.我们今天共同来宣布让心胸狭窄的怨言和虚妄的诺言成为过去结束相互指责和攻击以及令人厌倦的教条这些已经窒息压制我们的政治太过长久Weremainayoungnation,butinthewordsofScripture,thetimehaseto setasidechildishthings.Thetimehasetoreaffirmourenduringspir it;tochooseourbetterhistory;tocarryforwardthatpreciousgift, thatnobleidea,passedonfromgenerationtogeneration:theGodgive npromisethatallareequal,allarefree,andalldeserveachancetopu rsuetheirfullmeasureofhappiness.我们仍然还是一个年青的国家不过用圣经的话来说抛弃幼稚东西的时间已经到了现在我们要彰显美国的持久精神创造新的历史继承和发扬代代传承的珍贵才智和崇高的理想:那就是上帝赋予我们的人人平等人人自由人人都有机会寻求最大幸福Inreaffirmingthegreatnessofournation,weunderstandthatgreatn essisneveragiven.Itmustbeearned.Ourjourneyhasneverbeenoneof shortcutsorsettlingforless.Ithasnotbeenthepathforthefainthe artedforthosewhopreferleisureoverwork,orseekonlythepleasure sofrichesandfame.Rather,ithasbeentherisktakers,thedoers,the makersofthingssomecelebratedbutmoreoftenmenandwomenobscurei ntheirlabor,whohavecarriedusupthelong,ruggedpathtowardspros perityandfreedom.重申我们国家伟大的同时我们深深懂得伟大从来不是与生具来的它必须努力赢得;我们的道路从来没有捷径也没有妥协我们的道路从来不是懦夫们所走的也不是给那些喜欢轻松或者喜欢追逐财富和名誉的人走的而是给那些不畏风险的人、脚踏实地的实践者、那些发明创造者带领我们走向繁荣和自由的漫长崎岖之路的前进者之中有些有名声的人但是更多的是工作中默默无闻的男女大众Forus,theypackeduptheirfewworldlypossessionsandtraveledacro ssoceansinsearchofanewlife.为了我们他们背起简单的行囊飘洋过海寻求新的生活Forus,theytoiledinsweatshopsandsettledtheWest;enduredthelas hofthewhipandplowedthehardearth.为了我们他们在血汗车间和作坊中辛勤劳作并且在美国的西部扎下根他们忍受皮鞭的抽打在坚硬的土地上辛勤耕作Forus,theyfoughtanddied,inplaceslikeConcordandGettysburg;No rmandyandKheSahn.为了我们他们在康科德和盖底斯堡在诺曼底和溪生出生入死地战斗Timeandagainthesemenandwomenstruggledandsacrificedandworked tilltheirhandswererawsothatwemightliveabetterlife.TheysawAm ericaasbiggerthanthesumofourindividualambitions;greaterthan allthedifferencesofbirthorwealthorfaction.为了我们能够过上好日子我们的这些男女大众前仆后继英勇奋斗不懈牺牲直到他们的双手粗糙地磨出老茧;他们看到的美国是一个理想高于个人雄心壮志的国家他们把美国的理想看得高于个人的生死高于财富和派别Thisisthejourneywecontinuetoday.Weremainthemostprosperous,p owerfulnationonEarth.Ourworkersarenolessproductivethanwhenthiscrisisbegan.Ourmindsarenolessinventive,ourgoodsandservic esnolessneededthantheywerelastweekorlastmonthorlastyear.Our capacityremainsundiminished.Butourtimeofstandingpat,ofprote ctingnarrowinterestsandputtingoffunpleasantdecisionsthattim ehassurelypassed.Startingtoday,wemustpickourselvesup,dustou rselvesoff,andbeginagaintheworkofremakingAmerica.这就是我们今天要继续进行的旅程我们依然是世界上最繁荣、最强大的国家;我们劳工的创造力并没有比这场危机开始的时候低;我们的思想也没有缺乏创造性;对我们产品和服务的需求也没有比上个星期或者上个月或者上一年减少;我们的能力依然没有减弱;但是我们那种一成不变保护狭隘利益推出不受欢迎决策的时代注定已经成为过去从今天开始我们将重新鼓舞揩干净身上的灰尘重新开始重新创造美国的任务Foreverywherewelook,thereisworktobedone.Thestateoftheeconom ycallsforaction,boldandswift,andwewillactnotonlytocreatenew jobs,butto篇二:美国总统奥巴马就职演讲词(中英对照)Myfellowcitizens:Istandheretodayhumbledbythetaskbeforeus,gratefulforthetrust youhavebestowed,mindfulofthesacrificesbornebyourancestors.IthankPresidentBushforhisservicetoournation,aswellasthegener osityandcooperationhehasshownthroughoutthistransition.各位同胞:今天我站在这里为眼前的重责大任感到谦卑对各位的信任心怀感激对先贤的牺牲铭记在心我要谢谢布什总统为这个国家的服务也感谢他在政权转移期间的宽厚和配合FortyfourAmericanshavenowtakenthepresidentialoath.Thewordsh avebeenspokenduringrisingtidesofprosperityandthestillwaters ofpeace.Yet,everysooften,theoathistakenamidstgatheringcloud sandragingstorms.Atthesemoments,Americahascarriedonnotsimpl ybecauseoftheskillorvisionofthoseinhighoffice,butbecauseWet hePeoplehaveremainedfaithfultotheidealsofourforebearers,and truetoourfoundingdocuments.四十四位美国人发表过总统就职誓言这些誓词或是在繁荣富强及和平宁静之际发表或是在乌云密布时局动荡之时在艰困的时候美国能箕裘相继不仅因为居高位者有能力或愿景也因为人民持续对先人的抱负有信心也忠于创建我国的法统Soithasbeen.SoitmustbewiththisgenerationofAmericans.因此美国才能承继下来因此这一代美国人必须承继下去Thatweareinthemidstofcrisisisnowwellunderstood.Ournationisatwar,againstafarreachingnetworkofviolenceandhatred.Ourecono myisbadlyweakened,aconsequenceofgreedandirresponsibilityonthepartofsome,butals oourcollectivefailuretomakehardchoicesandpreparethenationfo ranewage.Homeshavebeenlost;jobsshed;businessesshuttered.Our healthcareistoocostly;ourschoolsfailtoomany;andeachdaybring sfurtherevidencethatthewaysweuseenergystrengthenouradversar iesandthreatenourplanet.现在大家都知道我们正置身危机核心我国正处于对抗深远暴力和憎恨的战争我们的经济元气大伤是某些人贪婪且不负责任的后果也是大众未能做出艰难的选择为国家进入新时代做淮备所致许多人失去房子丢了工作生意垮了我们的医疗照护太昂贵学校教育辜负了许多人每天都有更多证据显示我们利用能源的方式壮大我们的对敌威胁我们的星球Thesearetheindicatorsofcrisis,subjecttodataandstatistics.Le ssmeasurablebutnolessprofoundisasappingofconfidenceacrossou rlandanaggingfearthatAmerica'sdeclineisinevitable,andthatthenextgenerationmustloweritssig hts.这些都是得自资料和统计数据的危机指标比较无法测量但同样深沉的是举国信心尽失—持续担心美国将无可避免地衰退也害怕下一代一定会眼界变低TodayIsaytoyouthatthechallengeswefacearereal.Theyareserious andtheyaremany.Theywillnotbemeteasilyorinashortspanoftime.B utknowthis,America:Theywillbemet.今天我要告诉各位我们面临的挑战是真的挑战非常严重且不在少数它们不是可以轻易或在短时间内解决但是美国要了解这些挑战会被解决Onthisday,wegatherbecausewehavechosenhopeoverfear,unityofpu rposeoverconflictanddiscord.在这一天我们聚在一起因为我们选择希望而非恐惧有意义的团结而非纷争和不合Onthisday,weetoproclaimanendtothepettygrievancesandfalsepro mises,therecriminationsandwornoutdogmas,thatforfartoolongha vestrangledourpolitics.在这一天我们来此宣示那些无用的抱怨和虚伪的承诺已终结那些扭曲我们政治已久的相互指控和陈旧教条已终结Weremainayoungnation,butinthewordsofScripture,thetimehasetosetasidechildishthings.Thetimehasetoreaffirmou renduringspirit;tochooseourbetterhistory;tocarryforwardthat preciousgift,thatnobleidea,passedonfromgenerationtogenerati on:theGodgivenpromisethatallareequal,allarefree,andalldeser veachancetopursuetheirfullmeasureofhappiness.我们仍是个年轻的国家但借用圣经的话摆脱幼稚事物的时刻到来了重申我们坚忍精神的时刻到来了选择我们更好的历史实践那种代代传承的珍贵权利那种高贵的理念:就是上帝的应许我们每个人都是平等的每个人都是自由的每个人都应该有机会追求全然的幸福Inreaffirmingthegreatnessofournation,weunderstandthatgreatn essisneveragiven.Itmustbeearned.Ourjourneyhasneverbeenoneof shortcutsorsettlingforless.Ithasnotbeenthepathforthefainthe artedforthosewhopreferleisureoverwork,orseekonlythepleasure sofrichesandfame.Rather,ithasbeentherisktakers,thedoers,the makersofthingssomecelebrated,butmoreoftenmenandwomenobscure intheirlaborwhohavecarriedusupthelong,ruggedpathtowardprosp erityandfreedom.再次肯定我们国家的伟大我们了解伟大绝非赐予而来必须努力达成我们的旅程从来就不是抄捷径或很容易就满足这条路一直都不是给不勇敢的人走的那些偏好逸乐胜过工作或者只想追求名利就满足的人恰恰相反走这条路的始终是勇于冒险的人做事的人成事的人其中有些人很出名但更常见的是在各自岗位上的男男女女无名英雄在这条漫长崎区的道路上支撑我们迈向繁荣与自由Forus,theypackeduptheirfewworldlypossessionsandtraveledacro ssoceansinsearchofanewlife.Forus,theytoiledinsweatshopsandsettledtheWest;enduredthelas hofthewhipandplowedthehardearth.Forus,theyfoughtanddied,inplaceslikeConcordandGettysburg;No rmandyandKheSahn.为了我们他们携带很少的家当远渡重洋追寻新生活为了我们他们胼手胝足在西部安顿下来;忍受风吹雨打筚路蓝缕为了我们他们奋斗不懈在康科特和盖茨堡诺曼地和溪山等地葬身Timeandagain,thesemenandwomenstruggledandsacrificedandworkedtilltheirhandswererawsothatwemightliveab etterlife.TheysawAmericaasbiggerthanthesumofourindividualam bitions;greaterthanallthedifferencesofbirthorwealthorfactio n.Thisisthejourneywecontinuetoday.Weremainthemostprosperous,powerfulnationonEarth.Ourworkersarenolessproductivethanwhe nthiscrisisbegan.篇三:XX奥巴马连任就职演讲全文(中英文版)PresidentObama'sSecondInauguralAddress奥巴马连任就职演讲全文HereisthefulltextofPresidentBarackObama'ssecondinauguraladd ressonJan.21,XX,aspreparedfordelivery:XX年1月21日美国总统奥巴马宣誓就职开始第二任期以下是就职演讲全文VicePresidentBiden,Mr.ChiefJustice,MembersoftheUnitedStates Congress,distinguishedguests,andfellowcitizens: 副总统拜登、首席大法官先生、国会议员、各位嘉宾、公民们:Eachtimewegathertoinaugurateapresident,webearwitnesstotheen duringstrengthofourConstitution.Weaffirmthepromiseofourdemo cracy.Werecallthatwhatbindsthisnationtogetherisnotthecolors ofourskinorthetenetsofourfaithortheoriginsofournames.Whatma kesusexceptionalwhatmakesusAmericanisourallegiancetoanidea, articulatedinadeclarationmademorethantwocenturiesago:每一次我们聚在一起见证总统就职我们都在见证美国宪法的持久力量我们都在确认美国民主制度的承诺我们再度记起让这个国家凝聚在一起的不是我们的肤色、我们的信仰、我们名字的起源让我们变得独特、让我们成为美国人的是我们对两个多世纪前一项宣言中明确表达出来的一种信念的忠诚'Weholdthesetruthstobeselfevident,thatallmenarecreatedequal ,thattheyareendowedbytheirCreatorwithcertainunalienablerigh ts,thatamongtheseareLife,Liberty,andthepursuitofHappiness.'我们认为下述真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利包括生存权、自由权和追求幸福的权利Todaywecontinueaneverendingjourney,tobridgethemeaningofthos ewordswiththerealitiesofourtime.Forhistorytellsusthatwhilet hesetruthsmaybeselfevident,theyhaveneverbeenselfexecuting;t hatwhilefreedomisagiftfromGod,itmustbesecuredbyHispeopleher eonEarth.Thepatriotsof1776didnotfighttoreplacethetyrannyofa kingwiththeprivilegesofafewortheruleofamob.TheygavetousaRep ublic,agovernmentof,andby,andforthepeople,entrustingeachgen erationtokeepsafeourfoundingcreed.今天我们继续着一个永无终点的旅程将这些话语的含义与当代现实结合起来历史告诉我们尽管这些真理可能是不言而喻的却从不会自动执行;尽管自由是上帝给予我们的礼物却必须由他在地球上的子民来捍卫1776年的爱国者们奋力斗争并不是为了用少数人的特权或一帮乌合之众的统治来取代国王的暴政他们给了我们一个共和国一个民有、民治、民享的政府托付每一代人保护我们的建国信条Formorethantwohundredyears,wehave.200多年来我们做到了Throughblooddrawnbylashandblooddrawnbysword,welearnedthatno unionfoundedontheprinciplesoflibertyandequalitycouldsurvive halfslaveandhalffree.Wemadeourselvesanew,andvowedtomoveforw ardtogether.从鞭笞和刀剑溅起的血光中我们领悟到基于自由与平等原则所成立的联邦不可能在半自由半奴役的状态下存活我们让自己重生誓言协力向前迈进Together,wedeterminedthatamoderneconomyrequiresrailroadsandhighwaystospeedtravelandmerce;schoolsandcollegestotrainourw orkers.我们一致认定现代经济需要有铁路和公路来加快人员流动与商务交流需要有学校和大学来培训劳动者Together,wediscoveredthatafreemarketonlythriveswhenthereare rulestoensurepetitionandfairplay.我们一致发现只有制定出保障竞争和公平竞赛的规则自由市场才能蓬勃发展Together,weresolvedthatagreatnationmustcareforthevulnerable ,andprotectitspeoplefromlife'sworsthazardsandmisfortune.我们一致决定一个伟大的国家必须照顾弱者并在其陷入生命中最大的危险与不幸时给予他们庇护Throughitall,wehaveneverrelinquishedourskepticismofcentrala uthority,norhavewesuccumbedtothefictionthatallsociety'sills canbecuredthroughgovernmentalone.Ourcelebrationofinitiative andenterprise;ourinsistenceonhardworkandpersonalresponsibil ity,areconstantsinourcharacter.在这一过程中我们从未放弃自己对集权的怀疑也从未屈服于所有社会疾病都能且仅能通过政府的力量加以治愈这种谬论我们对个人的首创精神与进取心的颂扬我们对努力工作与个人责任的坚持这些都是我们性格中永恒不变的东西Butwehavealwaysunderstoodthatwhentimeschange,somustwe;thatfidelitytoourfoundingprinciplesrequiresnewresponsestonewcha llenges;thatpreservingourindividualfreedomsultimatelyrequirescollective action.FortheAmericanpeoplecannomoremeetthedemandsoftoday's worldbyactingalonethanAmericansoldierscouldhavemettheforces offascismormunismwithmusketsandmilitias.Nosinglepersoncantr ainallthemathandscienceteacherswe'llneedtoequipourchildrenf orthefuture,orbuildtheroadsandnetworksandresearchlabsthatwi llbringnewjobsandbusinessestoourshores.Now,morethanever,wem ustdothesethingstogether,asonenation,andonepeople.但我们始终明白当时代改变我们自己也必须改变;忠实于我们的立国原则就需要对新的挑战做出新的回答;要维护我们的个人自由最终需要采取集体行动对美国人来说我们已不再能够单凭一己之力来应对当今世界的各种需求一如美国士兵不可能凭借火枪和民兵组织来应对法西斯主义与共产主义势力的军队一样没有个个人能够培训出教育我们子女所需的全部数学和科学教师也没有个个人能建造出将带来新的工作机会和商机的道路、网络设施和研究实验室现在我们比以往任何时候都需要聚集在一个国家、一个民族的旗帜下同心协力来完成这些工作ThisgenerationofAmericanshasbeentestedbycrisesthatsteeledou rresolveandprovedourresilience.Adecadeofwarisnowending.Anec onomicrecoveryhasbegun.America'spossibilitiesarelimitless,f orwepossessallthequalitiesthatthisworldwithoutboundariesdem ands:youthanddrive;diversityandopenness;anendlesscapacityfo rriskandagiftforreinvention.MyfellowAmericans,wearemadefort hismoment,andwewillseizeitsolongasweseizeittogether.这一代美国人经历了多重危机的考验这些危机坚定了我们的决心证明了我们的恢复力长达10年的战争现在即将结束经济复苏已经开始美国有无限种可能因为我们拥有这个没有边界的世界所需的全部品质:青春与活力多样性与开放性应对风险的无限能力以及进行再创造的天赋才能同胞们我们正是为此刻而生我们要抓住这个机会──只要我们团结一致我们就能抓住这个机会Forwe,thepeople,understandthatourcountrycannotsucceedwhenashrinkingfewdoverywellandagrowingmanybarelymakeit.Webelieve thatAmerica'sprosperitymustrestuponthebroadshouldersofarisingmi ddleclass.WeknowthatAmericathriveswheneverypersoncanfindind ependenceandprideintheirwork;whenthewagesofhonestlaborliber atefamiliesfromthebrinkofhardship.Wearetruetoourcreedwhenalittlegirlbornintothebleak estpovertyknowsthatshehasthesamechancetosucceedasanybodyels e,becausesheisanAmerican,sheisfree,andsheisequal,notjustint heeyesofGodbutalsoinourown.因为美国人民清楚如果只有越来越少的人获得成功而越来越多的人难以成功那我们的国家就无法成功我们相信美国的繁荣必须建立在不断崛起的中产阶级的宽阔臂膀上我们知道只有当每个人都能通过工作实现自立感到自豪只有当通过诚实劳动赚得的薪水让家人不再艰难度日美国才能实现蓬勃发展只有当出生于最贫穷环境中的小女孩明白她有着与其他任何人同样的成功机会时我们才无愧于自己的信条而她之所以拥有这样的机会是因为她是美国人她拥有自由和平等的权利这些权利不仅由上帝见证也通过我们的眼睛得以见证Weunderstandthatoutwornprogramsareinadequatetotheneedsofour time.Wemustharnessnewideasandtechnologytoremakeourgovernment,revampourtaxcode,reformourschools,andempowerourcitizenswi ththeskillstheyneedto。
让我们一起携手共进,为了我们的国家,为了我们的未来,努力奋斗!以下是对应的英文版本:My fellow citizens:Today I stand here, with awe and humility, bearing the trust and mission you have bestowed upon me In the long history of our nation, this is a solemn and hopeful momentOur country is facing numerous challenges and difficulties The economic recession has deprived many families of jobs and homes The insufficiency in education has placed our children at a disadvantage in the future competition The lack of medical security has left many people feeling helpless in the face of illness However, I firmly believe that we have the ability and the determination to overcome these difficultiesWe are a great nation, one that has never lacked courage and creativity Our predecessors forged ahead in difficult circumstances and created today's prosperity for us Now, it is our turn to inherit their spirit and create a better future for our descendantsWe must rebuild our economy so that everyone who is willing to work can find a decent job and every enterprise can thrive in a fair competitive environment We must invest in education so that every child can receive a quality education, regardless of whether they come from urban or rural areas, or whether their families are rich or poor We must reform our healthcare system so that everyone can receive timely treatment when they are sick without having to worry about exorbitant medical costsAt the same time, we must also recognize that we live in an interdependent world Our security and prosperity depend not only on our own efforts but also on our cooperation with other countries We must establish friendly relations with countries around the world and jointly address global challenges such as climate change, terrorism, and the spread of diseasesDuring this process, we may encounter setbacks and difficulties But we cannot retreat or give up We must forge ahead with firm belief and indomitable spirit Because we are Americans, we have never feared difficulties We always rise in adversityFinally, I would like to thank every American citizen Your voices, your hopes, and your dreams are the driving force for me to move forward Let us join hands and work together for our country and our future!。
美国总统奥巴马在日本东京的演讲日本时间2009年11月14日,美国总统奥巴马在日本东京发表演讲,以下是演讲的全文:Remarks by President Obama on Issues Affecting Asia-Pacific NationsSuntory Hall, Tokyo, JapanNovember 14, 2009美国总统奥巴马在日本东京的演讲日本东京三得利音乐厅2009年11月14日Thank you so much. Arigatou. Thank you very much. Good morning. It is a great honor to be in Tokyo —the first stop on my first visit to Asia as President of the United States. Thank you. It is good to be among so many of you — Japanese and I see a few Americans here —(applause) —who work every day to strengthen the bonds between our two countries, including my longtime friend and our new ambassador to Japan, John Roos.十分感谢。
It is wonderful to be back in Japan. Some of you may be aware that when I was a young boy, my mother brought me to Kamakura, where I looked up at that centuries-old symbol of peace and tranquility — the great bronze Amida Buddha. And as a child, I was more focused on the matcha ice cream. (Laughter.) And I want to thank Prime Minister Hatoyama for sharing some of those memories with more ice cream last night at dinner. (Laughter and applause.) Thank you very much. But I have never forgotten the warmth and the hospitality that the Japanese people showed a young American far from home.再次来到日本真令人高兴。
奥巴马就职演讲稿英文篇一:奥巴马总统就职演说—中英文对照REmaRKSoFPRESidEnTBaRacKoBamainauguraladdress奥巴马总统就职演说Jan20,20XXmyfellowcitizens:我的同胞们:istandheretodayhumbledbythetaskbeforeus,gratefulforthetrustyouhavebest owed,mindfulofthesacrificesbornebyourancestors.ithankPresidentBushfor hisservicetoournation,aswellasthegenerosityandcooperationhehasshownth roughoutthistransition.我今天站在这里,以谦卑的心情面对着在我面前的使命,对于你们赋予我的信任心存感激,也不敢遗忘开国先贤们所作的牺牲。
Forty-fouramericanshavenowtakenthepresidentialoath.Thewordshavebeen spokenduringrisingtidesofprosperityandthestillwatersofpeace.Yet,everyso oftentheoathistakenamidstgatheringcloudsandragingstorms.atthesemomen ts,americahascarriedonnotsimplybecauseoftheskillorvisionofthoseinhigho ffice,butbecausewethePeoplehaveremainedfaithfultotheidealsofourforbearers,andtruetoourfoundingdocuments.到现在已经有44位美国人进行了总统就职宣誓。
英语演讲原文:Remarks by The President on The Economy
Remarks by The President on TheEconomyREMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON THE ECONOMYTHE PRESIDENT: Good afternoon, everybody. I'd like to say a few words about the state of our economy, and what we're doing to put Americans back to work and build a new foundation for growth.Last week, we received a report on America's Gross Domestic Product -- a key measure of our economic's [sic] health -- and it showed marked improvement over the last few months. This morning, we received additional signs that the worst may be behind us. Though we lost 247,000 jobs in July, that was nearly 200,000 fewer jobs lost than in June, and far fewer than the nearly 700,000 jobs a month that we were losing at the beginning of the year.Today we're pointed 1 in the right direction. We're losing jobs at less than half the rate we were when I took office.We've pulled the financial system back from the brink 2 , and a rising market is restoring value to those 401(k)s that are the foundation of a secure retirement 3 . We've enabled families to reduce the payments on their mortgages, making theirhomes more affordable 4 and reducing the number of foreclosures. We helped revive the credit markets and opened up loans for families and small businesses.While we've rescued our economy from catastrophe 5 ,we've also begun to build a new foundation for growth. That's why we passed an unprecedented 6 Recovery Act less than a month after I took office -- and did so without any of the earmarks or pork-barrel spending that's so common in Washington. Now, there's a lot of misinformation about the Recovery Act. So let me repeat what it is and what it is not. The plan is divided into three parts.One-third of the money is for tax relief that's going directly to families and small businesses. For Americans struggling to pay rising bills with shrinking wages, we've kept a campaign promise to put a middle class tax cut in the pocket of 95 percent of working families -- a tax cut that began showing up in paychecks about four months ago. We also cut taxes for small businesses on the investments they make, and substantially increased loans through the Small Business Administration.Another third of the money in the Recovery Act is for emergency relief that is helping 7 folks who have borne thebrunt of this recession. For Americans who were laid off, we expanded unemployment benefits -- a measure that's already made a difference in the lives of 12 million Americans. We're making health insurance 65 percent cheaper for families that rely on COBRA while they're looking for work. And for states facing historic budget shortfalls, we provided assistance that saved the jobs of tens of thousands of teachers and police officers and other public service workers.So these two thirds of the Recovery Act have helped people weather the worst phase of this recession, while saving jobs and stabilizing 8 our economy. The last third is dedicated 9 to the vital investments that are putting people back to work today to create a stronger economy tomorrow. Part of that is the largest new investment of infrastructure 10 in America since Eisenhower built the Interstate Highway System back in the 1950s. These are jobs rebuilding America: upgrading roads and bridges, and renovating 11 schools and hospitals.Now as we begin to put an end to this recession, we have to consider what comes next -- because we can't afford to return to an economy based on inflated 12 profits and maxed out credit cards; an economy where we depend on dirty and outdated 13 sources of energy; an economy where we're burdened by soaring health care costs that serve onlythe special interests. This won't create sustainable growth, it won't shrink our deficit 14 , and it won't create jobs.And that's why we've put an end to the status quo that got us into this crisis. We cannot turn back to the failed policies of the past, nor can we stand still. Now is the time to build a new foundation for a stronger, more productive economy that creates the jobs of the future.And this foundation has to be supported by several pillars to our economy. We need a historic commitment to education, so that America is the most highly-educated, well-trained workforce 15 in the world. We need health insurance reform that brings down costs, provides more security for folks who have insurance, and affordable options for those who don't. And we need to provide incentives 16 that will create new, clean energy sources for our industries. That's where the jobs of the future are, that is the competition that will shape the 21st century, and that's a race that America must win. So we have a lot further to go. As far as I'm concerned, we will not have a true recovery as long as we're losing jobs, and we won't rest until every American that is looking for work can find a job. I have no doubt that we can make these changes. It won't be easy, though. Change is hard -- especially in Washington. We have a steep mountain to climb, and westarted in a very deep valley. But I have faith in the American people -- in their capacity for hard work and innovation, in their commitment to one another, and their courage to face adversity.We've seen already that strength of character over the course of this recession. Across the country, people have persevered 17 even as bills have piled up and work has been hard to come by. Everywhere I go, I meet Americans who've kept their confidence in their country and in our future. That's how we've pulled the economy back from the brink. That's why we're turning this economy around. I am convinced that we can see a light at the end of tunnel, but now we're going to have to move forward with confidence and conviction to reach the promise of a new day.Thank you very much.■文章重点单词注释:1pointedadj.尖的,直截了当的参考例句:He gave me a very sharp pointed pencil.他给我一支削得非常尖的铅笔。
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President Obama's remarks on theearthquake in Haiti在加勒比岛国海地本月12日发生强烈地震后,国际社会纷纷伸出援手,表示将向海地提供人道主义援助。
Here are President Obama’s remarks Wednesday morning on the earthquake in Haiti and rescue efforts, as released by the White House.Good morning, everybody. This morning I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering suppor t of the American people following yesterday’s terrible earthquake.We are just now beginning to learn the extent of the devastation 1 , but the reports and images that we’ve seen of collapsed 2 hospitals, crumbled 3 homes, and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streets are truly heart-wrenching. Indeed, for a country and a people who are no strangers to hardship and suffering, this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible. Our thoughts and prayers are also with the many Haitian-Americans aroundour country who do not yet know the fate of their families and loved ones back home.I have directed my administration to respond with a swift, coordinated 5 , and aggressive effort to save lives. The people of Haiti will have the full support of the United States in the urgent effort to rescue those trapped beneath the rubble 6 , and to deliver the humanitarian 7 relief — the food, water and medicine — that Haitians will need in the coming days. In that effort, our government, especially USAID and the Departments of State and Defense 8 , are working closely together and with our partners in Haiti, the region, and around the world.Right now our efforts are focused on several urgent priorities. First, we’re working quickly to account for U.S. embassy personnel and their families in Port-au-Prince, as well as the many American citizens who live and work in Haiti. Americans trying to locate family members in Haiti are encouraged to contact the State Department at (888) 407-4747. I’m going to repeat that — (888) 407-4747.Second, we’ve mobilized resources to help rescue efforts. Military overflights have assessed the damage, and by early afternoon our civilian 9 disaster assistance team arebeginning to arrive. Search-and-rescue teams from Florida, Virginia and California will arrive throughout today and tomorrow, and more rescue and medical equipment and emergency personnel are being prepared.Because in disasters such as this the first hours and days are absolutely critical to saving lives and avoiding even greater tragedy, I have directed my teams to be as forward-leaning as possible in getting the help on the ground and coordinating 10 with our international partners as well.Third, given the many different resources that are needed, we are taking steps to ensure that our government acts in a unified 11 way. My national security team has led an interagency effort overnight. And to ensure that we coordinate 4 our effort, going forward, I’ve designated th e administrator 12 of the U.S. Agency for International Development, Dr. Rajiv Shah, to be our government’s unified disaster coordinator 13 .Now, this rescue and recovery effort will be complex and challenging. As we move resources into Haiti, we will be working closely with partners on the ground, including the many N.G.O.’s from Haiti and across Haiti, the United Nations Stabilization 14 Mission, which appears to havesuffered its own losses, and our partners in the region and around the world. This must truly be an international effort.Finally, let me just say that this is a time when we are reminded of the common humanity that we all share. With just a few hundred miles of ocean between us and a long history that binds 15 us together, Haitians are neighbors of the Americas and here at home. So we have to be there for them in their hour of need.Despite the fact that we are experiencing tough times here at home, I would encourage those Americans who want to support the urgent humanitarian efforts to go to where you can learn how to contribute. We must be prepared for difficult hours and days ahead as we learn about the scope of the tragedy. We will keep the victims and their families in our prayers. We will be resolute 16 in our response, and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.May God bless the people of Haiti and those working on their behalf.Thank you very much.中文译文:大家早上好。