



尊敬的先生/女士,我写这封信是为了向您强烈推荐我亲爱的朋友/同事/同学 [姓名] 作为您公司/学校/机构的商科专业人才。

我认识他/她已经 [时间],在这个期间,我对他/她的专业技能和人格特质有着深刻的了解。

首先, [姓名] 是一位出色的商科专业学生/员工。

他/她在 [学校/公司] 学习/工作期间,始终保持着优异的学术/工作成绩。




其次, [姓名] 是一位非常出色的团队合作者。




最后, [姓名] 是一位非常有价值和潜力的人才。



综上所述,我强烈推荐 [姓名] 作为您公司/学校/机构的商科专业人才。







LAURA NEILL33, Engliff Lane, Pyrford, Woking, SURREY. GU22 8SUTel. 01932-400245laura.neill@CAREER PROFILEPost-doctoral scientist with broad-ranging expertise in research, able to work both independently and as a supportive team member. Extensive experience in experimental design and statistical analysis. Able to quickly assimilate information, summarise and draw conclusions. Confident presenting to both technical and less-skilled audiences. Thrives on new intellectual challenges.RELEVANT SKILLSCommunication∙Presenting research results at national and international scientific meetings (up to 500 people)∙Preparing PhD thesis (40,000 words) and annual progress reports for grant awarding bodies∙Publishing scientific papers in high-quality peer-reviewed journals∙Teaching and demonstrating at undergraduate practical and tutorial sessions (2008-2011) and Open University Summer School (2008)Interpersonal skills∙Collaborating with colleagues to develop and test research ideas∙Supporting the development of team members through assisting with their professional training to ensure competence and personal safetyResearch and Analysis∙Identifying appropriate research questions and designing experiments to test hypotheses∙Generating data through research and analysing using appropriate analytical packages∙Gathering and assimilating information from published sources to write review documentsProject Management∙Managing individual scientific research projects (post-doc and PhD) to fulfil objectives within grant timelines∙Organising practical and tutorial sessions for courses in Molecular Biology and Developmental Biology at Oxford University (2008-2011) and Nottingham University (2004-2008)WORK EXPERIENCEPost-Doctoral Research Scientist, 2008-2011 Department of Plant Sciences, Oxford University∙Senior post-doctoral scientist investigating genes regulating flower developmentAssistant Information Officer, ICI Agrochemicals 2003-2004∙Working as part of a team to provide a scientific and commercial information service to more than 200 scientists at an international research centreLaboratory Assistant, British Gas plc 1999-2000∙Gap year position, assisting generally with chemical sample analysis from research pipelineEDUCATIONPhd, Nottingham University 2004-2008∙Project to investigate molecular and biochemical basis of tomato fruit ripening∙Awarded Mabel Pannel Postgraduate Scholarship (1989) for out-standing progress in researchBa (Hons) Degree, Oxford University 2000-2003Pure & Applied Biology, Class 2 (i), including module in Statistical and Quantitative MethodsTudor Grange Comprehensive School, Solihull 1994-19993 A Levels (1999) in Chemistry (A), Physics (B) & Biology (A)9GCSE level (1997)RELEVANT SKILLS & COURSES∙Teaching Skills (Level 1) - introduction to teaching and lecturing methods (2 day course; Oxford University, 2004); Supervising DPhil students (Oxford University, 2010)∙UK GRAD School (Nottingham, 2007) – a 4 day residential course developing communication, team working, leadership, commercial awareness and problem solving skills through experiential activities with other post-graduate researchers∙Microsoft Office (ECDL completed 2010); daily use of Microsoft Word (thesis and publications), PowerPoint (conference presentations), Excel (data analysis)∙Intermediate language course for conversational French∙Current driving licenceINTERESTS∙Sailing – member of Slough Yacht Club, recently passing RYA Level 1 qualification∙Cycling - as part of a team of three, organised and participated in a charity event cycling from John O’Groats to Land’s End (2003), raising money (£3000) for three childrens’ charities (Helen House, Childline and Wildlife Watch).∙Volunteering – assistant with environmental charity Wildlife Watch, involves organising and developing structured activities for primary age children such as pond-dipping, rain water analysis, both for education and fun!REFEREESProf David Thomas, Dr Ray Roberts,Dept. Plant Sciences, Oxford University, Zeneca, Bracknell, Berks.South Parks Rd, Oxford. OX1 6AY RG67 4ESTel. 01927 673124 Tel. 01344 432876david.Thomas@ r.roberts@。



××E-mail:××××××@T el :( 86)159-××××-×××(Mobile) ;( 86-10)0792-×××890(DORM)求职意向教育经历2006/09——2009/06 ××××商学院专科国际金融GPA:3.47 2006/10——2009/10 ××××继续教育学院本科商务管理GPA:3.13奖励情况××××07—08学年国家励志奖学金(专业前5%)××××党校第三十一期培训班优秀学员(学员前2%)2008 2006××××校级三等、一等奖学金(专业前5%和1%)2007、2008 ××××校级三好学生(全校前7%)2007、2008 ××××校级优秀学生干部(全校前5%)2006、2007、2008项目经历2007/10 担任雷式外语“××地区专升本招生项目”调研与评估专员和项目推广专员 主要负责××××市场空间以及市场潜在竞争者调研,并根据调查报告对其赢利模式分析 熟练运用BCG三四规则矩阵和ADL矩阵进行分析,并获得了良好的产品推广经验为企业提供了系统的调查与分析报告,且当月“专升本”报名日均增长率近25%2007/09 兼职××××××科技有限公司××地区校园市场开拓助理辅助公司校园市场开拓专员调研和分析校园电脑市场潜力,主要负责对××××电脑需求空间进行调查和估算,并制定相关销售及节日促销策略主要利用标杆分析法分析当前校园市场的竞争环境,掌握了一定的产品的市场开拓的方法 超预期完成任务并提交可靠的策略性报告,且十一黄金周销售额较去年同期获近13%增长实践活动2007——20082008/10 代表××××参加中国第12届GMC(国际企业管理挑战赛),任CEO;2008/09 发表《政府不是市场敌人》文章被《英国金融时报》中文官方网站收录;2007/10 参加强生(中国)在××××举办的“人才论坛”;2007/09 至今任班长,过程中深刻理解到协助、合作、协调、尊重与沟通的重要性;2007/09 创建《在路上》大学生就业指导杂志编辑部,任主编;2007/06 参与由××××开展的“长江之行”环江调查,获“暑期实践优秀标兵”称号;2007/04 策划组织与××市特殊教育学校合作开展“爱心传递”活动,任领队。













教育背景牛津大学赛德商学院管理硕士(期望) 2004.9-2005.9北京大学经济学本科 2000.9-2004.7l 成绩:平均分87.85 专业GPA=3.8/4l 2002年北京大学安泰学年奖学金, 经济学院150人唯一获奖者实习经历罗德顾问公关公司职务:顾问助理中国北京2003.9—2003.11l 媒体与外事部门的助理,负责项目策划及实施、媒体跟踪、信息调查以及新闻分析,主要客户包括奥迪,米其林,花旗银行等l 帮助奥迪A6 04年型在上海成功进行市场投放活动l 培养了敏锐的新闻视角;锻炼和提高了媒体沟通及信息收集分析能力戴尔计算机公司职务:销售分析员中国厦门2003.5—2003.7·l 负责全球大客户部每日销售报表统计与分析,销售人员绩效评估l 成功策划、组织并完成办公室“环境改进与减压提效”项目l 提高了领导力、数据分析以及市场分析判断能力课外活动北大清华“经济中国”辩论赛最佳辩手中国北京,2003.3 学术刊物《小经济学家》主编中国北京,2001-2003l 国家经济学基础人才培养基地刊物,连续三年全国13个基地班评比第一名中韩大学生文化交流使者韩国汉城,2002.7l 两千名申请者中的两名入选者之一l 关于中国经济贸易的主题演讲入选大会优秀论文集北京国际学生俱乐部主席中国北京,2002.8-2003.2l 以学生创业形式获得风险投资l 针对在京留学生提供文化交流活动与信息服务,最高会员数489人第24届亚洲经济国际研讨会会议新闻组组长中国·北京,2001.4l 通过媒体沟通与网络支持成功实现新闻强度与深度双重效应,获组织荣誉奖北大暑期社会实践领队中国河北、山东,2001.7和2002.7l 策划,组织并带队参加“民营企业二次创业”主题实践l 关于融资、技术及品牌的实践报告获得经济学院优秀实践成果奖英语水平l 通过国家英语四六级考试 GRE:2350 GMAT: 760/6l TOPE(ETS美国教育测试服务中心职业英语考试)成绩:264/280(听说读全优,写作良)奖励情况l 经济学院科研成果二等奖、仅有的两名一年级获奖本科生之一 2001l 北京大学英语演讲十佳、十佳歌手之一、游泳接力第二名 2001l 所参与团队获得北京大学学生创业大赛第一名 2002 经济学院科研组织奖,本年度全院唯一获奖者 2003·。






正文内容:1. 个人信息1.1 姓名和联系方式在简历的开头,学生需要提供自己的姓名和联系方式。


1.2 个人简介在个人信息的下方,学生可以写一段简短的个人简介,突出自己的特点和优势。


1.3 教育背景在个人简介之后,学生需要列出自己的教育背景。



2. 实习经历2.1 公司名称和职位学生需要列出自己曾经实习过的公司名称和所担任的职位。



2.2 职责和成就在列出实习经历后,学生需要详细描述自己在实习期间承担的职责和取得的成就。


2.3 技能和能力在描述实习经历时,学生还可以列举自己在实习中所获得的技能和能力。


3. 项目经历3.1 项目名称和描述商科学生通常会参与一些与商业相关的项目,这些项目经历对于简历来说非常有价值。


3.2 贡献和成果在描述项目经历时,学生需要详细说明自己在项目中的具体贡献和取得的成果。


3.3 团队合作和领导能力在项目经历中,学生还可以突出自己在团队合作和领导能力方面的表现。






教育背景:- XXX大学商学院,市场营销硕士学位- XXX大学,国际贸易学士学位职业经历:1. 商业顾问公司,高级商业顾问- 负责为各类企业提供商业战略咨询,帮助客户制定发展计划和增加市场份额。

- 进行市场分析、竞争对手研究和客户调研,为客户指导决策提供数据支持。

- 组织和进行团队培训,提升客户团队的销售和谈判技巧。

2. XX大型企业,市场部经理- 负责制定和执行市场营销战略,增加销售额并改善品牌形象。

- 管理团队,培训新员工,推动团队协作和绩效提升。

- 致力于开拓新市场,寻求合作伙伴,并与销售团队紧密合作以实现销售目标。

教学经历:1. 商业学院,商务讲师- 教授市场营销、商业策略和谈判技巧等课程。

- 设计并交付实践性教学,促使学生将知识应用到实际商业场景。

- 指导学生进行案例分析和团队项目,提升学生的实际操作能力。

2. 商业培训公司,商务教练- 为中小企业提供定制化商业培训课程,覆盖领导力、销售技巧、谈判策略等方面。

- 制定培训计划和教材,组织培训活动,提供个性化指导和反馈。

- 与企业高层沟通,了解培训需求并帮助企业实现商业目标。

个人特质:1. 敬业奉献:对于教学事业和商业咨询工作,我充满激情和奉献精神,时刻保持学习和发展的状态。

2. 强大的沟通能力:能够与不同层次的人员建立良好的沟通和合作关系,表达清晰、简洁的想法。

3. 团队合作:乐于承担领导角色,善于激励团队成员,推动团队合作和有效沟通。

4. 实践导向:注重将理论与实践相结合,通过实际案例和模拟场景培养学生和客户的解决问题能力。

5. 高效执行:能够在快节奏和高压力的工作环境中管理时间和资源,同时保持高质量的工作成果。

参考资历:- 获得商业领袖证书,证明在商务领域有着卓越的成就和深刻的见解。

























优秀商科简历范文模板[个人信息]姓名:XXX性别:女出生日期:19XX.XX联系电话:XXX-XXXX-XXXX电子邮箱:**************[求职意向]应聘职位:商业分析师工作经验:3年教育背景:硕士期望薪资:面议[教育背景]XXX大学商科硕士管理专业 20XX年毕业XXX大学商科学士国际贸易专业 20XX年毕业[工作经历]XXX集团商业分析师 20XX.08-至今- 负责市场调研和竞争分析,为公司制定市场营销战略提供数据支持- 建立了市场监测系统,实现了竞争对手销售数据的实时跟踪和分析,并制定相应对策- 参与公司新产品开发项目,进行市场定位和需求分析,成功推出多款畅销产品[实习经历]XXX公司市场部实习生 20XX.06-20XX.08- 协助市场部经理进行市场调研和竞争分析,收集整理行业动态和竞争对手信息- 编制市场调研报告和销售数据统计表,为公司销售策略和推广活动提供数据支持- 参与新产品上市活动的策划和执行,协助完成产品发布会和市场推广工作[技能专长]- 精通市场调研和数据分析方法,熟练运用SPSS、Excel等数据分析工具- 具备良好的市场分析和商业判断能力,善于挖掘市场机会和制定营销策略- 出色的团队合作能力和沟通能力,能够有效协调各部门合作,推动项目顺利完成[自我评价]本人性格开朗,工作认真负责,能够独立思考和解决问题,具备较强的学习能力和适应能力。






林巍洋简历MBA 牛津大学英国曾任:XXX学校校长籍贯: 中国xx 户口:xx生日: xxxx电话: 111111111(英国)111111111(中国)个人简介__________________________________________________________无论我做什么事情,核心精神是帮助他人成长,我习惯于定位问题和给出创意性解决方案。




工作经验___________________________________________________________XX教育集团|xx学校|校长、创始人2012-2014 部门:xxx| 汇报人: |管理团队:xx人✓工作内容1✓工作内容2✓工作内容3XX教育集团|xx学校|部门负责人2012-2014 部门:xxx| 汇报人: |管理团队:xx人✓工作内容1✓工作内容2✓工作内容3XX教育集团|xx学校|部门负责人2012-2014 部门:xxx| 汇报人: |管理团队:xx人✓工作内容1✓工作内容2✓工作内容3XX教育集团|xx学校|部门负责人2012-2014 部门:xxx| 汇报人: |管理团队:xx人✓工作内容1✓工作内容2✓工作内容3教育背景_____________________________________________________________ 牛津大学(英国)| MBA 工商管理硕士✓入学测试GMAT考试 750 (超过全球98%考生分数),✓英国《华闻周刊》2015年“100位英国校友“2014.9-2015.8香港中文大学(中国香港)| 全球传播硕士✓研究方向:跨文化沟通,企业危机处理,媒体研究,线上推广理论,商务沟通技巧2009.9-2010.6格里菲斯大学(澳大利亚)| 长江奖学金交换学生✓澳大利亚昆士兰政府奖学金,格里菲斯大学创办以来首位中国法学专业交换生,核心课满分✓获得澳洲格里菲斯大学法学博士Offer,获得悉尼大学人力资源Offer2008.2-2008.7武汉大学(中国)| 法学学士✓系统学习法律,学术成绩优异,校甲等奖学金,校三好学生,法学院辩论队05届指导2005.9-2009.3个人作品_____________________________________________________________✓Xxx✓xxx.大型活动____________________________________________________________✓xxxxx✓xxxxxx✓xxxxx✓xxxxx。



个人简历样例(商学院)个人简历样例(商学院)个人简历样例(商学院)Guowei(George) ZhangRm.201, Bldg.18, Block of Materials,Ming Guang Cun ,Beijing, 10008886-10-66802266EducationFudan University Shanghai, China1992-1996Bachelor of Business Administration, Marketing.Ranked first in class in Junior and Senior years; Recipient, merit-based First Rank Scholarship.Editor-in-chief of University Newspaper, Fudan Society.1996 class president to Business Administration and Finance Department.Nanchang Wenhua Middle School Jiangxi, China1989-1992Chairman of Student UnionEnglish SkillsFluent in spoken and written EnglishTOEFL score: 650GMAT score: 740ExperienceChina National Technical Import and Export Corporation Beijing, China1998-2000Senior Project Manager, Power Projects DivisionConducted market research and competitive analysis, identified new business opportunities, and co-designed strategic plan to increase division's annual sales.Provided financial advice to clients on optimization of $500MM foreign funds. Analyzed foreign exchange exposure and formulated hedging strategies using currency swap and forward contracts.Managed international competitive bidding and direct contracting for power generation equipment procurement. Evaluated counterparty credit in transactions.Negotiated equipment import contracts up to $300MM with leading global manufacturers, resulting in price reductions of up to $3.5MM and gross profit of $5MM.Unilever (China) Ltd. Shanghai, China1996-1998Assistant Brand Manager, Sunlight DetergentDeveloped and implemented market entry strategy allowing successful product introduction to low-end consumer segment of China (70% of total population).Test marketed the brand in a 13MM-population area and gained 14.7% volume share in 3 months.Designed extensive distribution network for nationwide rural penetration that gained 48% weighted distribution within 3 months in test market area.Developed 10-year business strategy to determine long-term profitability of the brand.Achieved brand cost reduction by eliminating operational inefficiency and modifying formulation. Resulted in reducing costs by 35% compared to competitors' brands.Marketing Executive, DetergentsCollaborated with Coopers Lybrand consultants on a strategic study of mass-market detergent opportunities in China, which led to a major brand development project for the company.Planned annual brand activities. Forecasted and controlled advertising and promotion budgets.Designed and administered market research projects.Analyzed results and developed recommendations for use in strategic planning and product modification decisions.Supervised and briefed advertising agencies and market research companies.Coordinated internal functional departments to achieve project market share and revenue targets.Additional InformationPublished writer of short stories and prose.Associate degree in Advertising Design.Enjoy cooking, dancing, travel and movies.。



学习商业的英语简历大学生范文Personal InformationName : [Your Name]Contact Information :[Your Email Address][Your Phone Number]Objective : To obtain a challenging position in the field of business that allows me to apply my knowledge and skills, and contribute to the growth and success of the organization.Education[University Name] - [Expected Graduation Date]Bachelor of Business AdministrationGPA: [Your GPA]Relevant Courses: Business Management, Marketing, Finance, Accounting, Economics, Business LawSkillsProficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint)Basic knowledge of statistical analysis software (SPSS)Strong communication and interpersonal skillsTeamwork and leadership abilitiesProblem-solving and critical thinking skillsExperienceInternship at [Company Name] - [Start Date]-[End Date]Assisted the marketing team in conducting market research andanalyzing data.Participated in the planning and execution of marketing campaigns.Learned about the operations and management of a business through shadowing various departments.Project WorkLed a team in a business case competition and presented a comprehensive business plan.Conducted a feasibility study for a potential startup as part of a course project.Awards and Achievements[List any awards, scholarships, or honors you have received related to business or academics]Extracurricular ActivitiesMember of the Business Club at the university, actively participated in discussions and events related to the business world.Volunteer at local business events, providing assistance and gaining practical exposure.LanguagesEnglish: Fluent (reading, writing, speaking)[Other languages and proficiency levels, if applicable]I am passionate about business and eager to learn and grow in a professional environment. I believe my education and experiences have equipped me with the necessary foundation to make a valuablecontribution to your organization.。



牛津大学官方求职信模板Oxford UniversityHuman Resources DepartmentWellington SquareOxford, OX1 2JDUnited Kingdom[Date]Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my interest in the [job title] position at Oxford University as advertised on your website. With a strong background in [relevant field or experience], I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your institution. I am impressed by Oxford University's commitment to excellence in research, teaching, and learning, and I am eager to be a part of such a prestigious academic community.I have [number of years] years of experience in [specific field or role], where I have honed my skills in [mention relevant skills or experiences]. My previous roles have equipped me with the necessary expertise to excel in the [position] role at Oxford University. I believe that my background in [specific field] will enable me to make a valuable contribution to your team and help advance the University's mission of fostering knowledge and scholarship.Throughout my career, I have demonstrated outstanding [mention relevant achievements or accomplishments], which have preparedme for the challenges of working at a world-renowned institution like Oxford University. I am a proactive and results-oriented individual, with a strong work ethic and a passion for [mention passion or interest]. I am also a team player who thrives in a collaborative environment and is committed to achieving excellence in everything I do.At Oxford University, I am particularly drawn to the opportunity to work with world-class researchers and academics, who are at the forefront of their fields. I am excited by the prospect of contributing to cutting-edge research and helping shape the future of education and scholarship. I am also impressed by Oxford University's vibrant and diverse community, and I am eager to be a part of such an intellectually stimulating environment.In addition to my professional experience, I hold a [mention relevant degree or qualification] from [mention institution], where I graduated with [mention academic achievements]. I am confident that my academic background, combined with my practical experience, has equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in the [position] role at Oxford University.I am excited about the opportunity to join Oxford University and contribute to its rich tradition of academic excellence. I am confident that my skills, experience, and passion for [mention passion or interest] make me a strong candidate for the [position] role. I am eager to bring my talents and expertise to your esteemed institution and help advance its mission of fostering knowledge and scholarship.Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my background and skills align with the needs of Oxford University. Please feel free to contact me at [phone number] or [email address] to schedule an interview.Sincerely,[Your Name][Your Address][City, State, ZIP Code][Phone Number][Email Address]。



优秀商科简历模板范文Personal InformationName: Alexander SmithAddress: 123 Main Street, City, State ZIP CodePhone Number: 123-456-7890Email:*************************ObjectiveDetail-oriented and results-driven business graduate seeking a challenging role in a dynamic and growing company. Possess strong analytical skills, excellent communication abilities, and a proven track record of delivering high-quality work in a fast-paced environment.EducationBachelor of Business AdministrationUniversity of XYZ, City, StateGraduated in May 20XXGPA: 3.8/4.0Relevant Coursework- Financial Accounting- Marketing Management- Business Ethics- Operations Management- Strategic ManagementExperienceBusiness Analyst InternABC Company, City, StateMay 20XX - August 20XX- Conducted market research and competitor analysis to identify trends and opportunities in the industry- Assisted in the development of financial models to forecast sales and revenue projections- Prepared presentations and reports for senior management to support strategic decision-making- Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline processes and improve operational efficiencyMarketing InternXYZ Corporation, City, StateJanuary 20XX - April 20XX- Coordinated social media campaigns to increase brand awareness and engagement- Conducted customer surveys and analyzed feedback to identify areas for improvement- Assisted in the creation of marketing materials and promotional items for events and trade shows- Supported the marketing team in developing and implementing marketing strategies to drive sales growthSkills- Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) - Strong analytical and problem-solving skills- Excellent written and verbal communication skills- Ability to work independently and in a team environment- Detail-oriented and organized with a high level of accuracy- Knowledge of market research and data analysis techniquesCertifications- Certified Business Analysis Professional (CBAP) - Project Management Professional (PMP) Languages- English (Fluent)- Spanish (Proficient)ReferencesAvailable upon request.。

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Forename SURNAME
e-mail:professional email address tel:UK landline or mobile
Education and Qualifications
2000-2003University/Universities Degree and Subject
Location; City and Country applicable additional info
Work Experience
Sep-07–Aug-10Official Company Name City, Country
Job title
∙Please use 3-4 bullets maximum to describe your job function &
∙Concentrate on your achievements, and what you have distinctly
contributed to in each role, using quantitative examples where possible
∙Examples that may assist you –
∙“Advised client’s Digital Media division on £3M international expansion,
coordinating a team of 8 analysts during initial research phase”
∙“Structured and negotiated equipment deal financing including credit
purchases, rentals, and 31 lease contracts worth $745k”
Jun-05–Sep-07Official Company Name City, Country
Job title
∙Make sure your work experience comes to life, consider what someone
reading your CV would be most interested in
∙Avoid any negativity or short comings on your CV that may raise the
wrong questions
∙Try to avoid having your CV read like a job description
Mar-04–Jun-05Official Company Name City, Country
Job title
∙Try to ensure your CV is easy to scan, start bullet points with relevant
action verbs
∙You can also include significant relevant voluntary experience in your
work experience if it is applicable
∙Try to avoid industry jargon that may not be understood
Aug-03–Mar-04Official Company Name City, Country
Job title
∙Use past tense for roles you have completed
∙Please set dates using the abbreviated month and two digits for the year,
you must include months as well as years
∙Make sure your CV is an accurate reflection of you and what you want to
highlight about your experience
∙Stick to facts you can easily discuss. Avoid subjective comments Additional Information
Interests: Concentrate on activities you participate in and are willing to talk about. You
should highlight achievements in those activities. Eg. rather than just listing
‘running’ say ‘running – participated in several marathons, President of the
Oxford Runners Club’
Achievements: List academic or other achievements here, for example
First Class Honours, Previous University
Study abroad scholarship (selected 3 out of 600 students)
Principal Cellist of London Youth Orchestra
Nationality: your nationality, dual nationality, and any additional work authorization if
Languages: languages other than English and ability level eg. German (fluent)。
