



2015年30个网络流行词标准法文翻译1.神曲un tube de l’été// une chanson entraînante2.越过运营商(通信行业中的专有词汇,指的是互联网公司越过运营商,发展基于开放互联网的各种视频及数据服务业务,强调服务与物理网络的无关性)service par contournement // OTT(over the top) (service de livraison d’audio, de vidéo et d’autres médias sur Internet sans la participation d’un opérateur de réseau traditionnel)3.呆萌(être)mignon // (avoir)un air innocent/adorable4.断(不买、不收取不需要的东西)舍(处理掉堆放在家里没用的东西)离(舍弃对物质的迷恋,让自己处于宽敞舒适、自由自在的空间)s’abstenir d’acheter, se séparer de l’inutile et renoncer à l’obsession matérialist e // abstention, séparation et refus5.脑洞大开être plein d’imagination // faire preuve d’imagination6.暖男un mec très attentionné / le mec parfait7.“快闪”舞蹈une flash mob8.小鲜肉chair fraîche (pour parler d’une personne)9.也是醉了(无语、无力吐槽)être sans voix10.低头族un accro qu smartphone11.接地气accessible à tous12.群租客colocataires // locataires trop nombreux // mal-logement //(logementproposé par un marchand de sommeil)13.说走就走的旅行sastifaire ses envies de vovayge// partir en vovage quand onveut// partir en voyage sur un coup de tête// partir en voyage sans rien prévoir14.APEC蓝bleu APEC15.透出浓浓的中国味儿fortement marqué par la culture chinoise// imprégnéd’une forte identité chinoise // qui bénéficie d’une forte résonance chinoise16.立领西服costume à col Mao17.政府购买服务marchés publics de services18.另起炉灶recommencer à zéro / prendre un nouveau départ19.纯洁的冰雪,激情的约会« Neige pure, rendez-vous passionnant »20.毯星starlette de tapis rouge21.颜值note de beauté22.海淘achats en ligne de produits étrangers23.弹幕système d’affichage en temps réel de commentaires sur écran//bulletscreen24.打酱油Ce n’est pas mes affaires. // Ça ne me regarde en rien.// Ce n’est pasmes oignons.25.朋友圈moments26.自拍杆manche/perche/stick à selfie27.禁烟手势les trois gestes anti-tabac // les affichettes/panonceaux des gestesanti-tabac28.十面霾伏sévère pollution de smog/atmosphérique29.喜大普奔Les nouvelles sont si réjouissantes que tout le monde les partage. //une bonne nouvelle à partager/ pour tous30.网络大V grand manitou de l’Internet /la Toile // blogueur « V »/star/vedette。



围观:circusee 装嫩:act young 纠结:ambivalent 伤不起:unhurtable 试婚:trail maring narrowness 人肉搜索:cyber manhunt 被雷倒了:in shock 胶囊公寓:capsule apartment
打酱油:I’m just passing by. 潜规则:unspoken rule 透视装:see-though dress 代排族:hired queuer 拜金女:material girls
驴友:tour pal 菜鸟:rookie 潮人:trendsetter 跳槽:jump ship 炫富:flaunt wealth
限时抢购:flash sale 骨感美女:boney beauty 海外代购: overseas purchasing 奉子成婚:shotgun marrige 小白脸:kept man
地沟油:hogwash oil 脑残体:leetspeak (说话弱智) 裸捐:all-out donation 卖萌:acting cute 重口味:hard taste
麦霸:Mic king(queen) 百搭:all-match 合租:flat-share 扫货:shopping spree 水货:smuggled goods
吐 槽-disclose one’s secret 海 归-overseas returnee 水 货-smuggled goods 彩虹族-Rainbow clan 鸡仔文学-chick lit
山寨:fake 宅男:homebody 忐忑:anxious 淡定:calm 蚁族:ant-like graduates
裸 官-naked official 裸 考-nonprepared examination 卡 奴-card slave 草莓族-strawberry generation 食草男-Herbivore man






My heart is almost collapsed at the moment.中文释义:表达内心的无奈和崩溃,一种很无语的感情。


2、怪我咯?My fault?中文释义:难道怪我吗?表示不应该怪我的意思。


But it is of no damn use.中文释义:虽然厉害得不得了,但最后其实一点用都没有。


4、睡你麻痹起来嗨!F**k off your sleep, rock up and let's have fun!中文释义:别再睡了,快起来耍!来源:微博短视频的字幕。


The ugly are asleep, while the handsome are awake.中文释义:此刻,凡是睡着了的人都很丑,凡是还醒着的人都帅出了新高度!来源:百度金馆长吧和微博段子手。


The world is so big, yet I owe it a visit.中文释义:世界好大,我想辞职去看。



You urban folks are really born to mock!中文释义:俺是乡村土小妞,你们城里人玩的真是让俺大开眼界。






1. 山寨copycattingThis Chinese term literally refers to the mountain strongholds of bandits. First borrowed to describe rip-off products, it has evolved to refer also to homemade products, such as video parodies of movies.2. 囧be sunk/sunkenThis is an ancient Chinese character, pronounced "jiong". It means "light shining through a window". Young Chinese use it to express embarrassment, or a bad mood. Look at the character. Doesn't it look like a disappointed face?3. 很黄很暴力very pornographic, very violentDuring a CCTV interview about a new Internet censorship regulation, a girl said that an uncensored Web page once popped up on her computer. She called it "very pornographic, very violent". Some believe the girl was told to say it by CCTV, so it is now used to mock the way the network covers news.4. 槑nutsPronounced méi, the word is a variant of the word for "梅". But it also looks like a double version of the character 呆(dai), which means stupid. So netizens have borrowed it to mean "very silly or very stupid".5. 叉腰肌Psoas muscleXie Yalong, the former head of the Chinese Football Association , once criticized women players, saying they have weak Psoas muscles. (This is the muscle that links the trunk to the legs; it's important for motion.) However, nobody, including the players, knew where the muscle is. This quote is now used to mock Xie, who was recently removed from his position.6. 打酱油get some soy sauceWhen a person in Guangzhou was asked to give his opinion of the sex scandal involving Hong Kong star Edison Chen (Chen Guanxi), the man answered, "It is none of my business. I am just out to get some soy sauce." People have since begun using the words to mean "it's none of my business".7. 泡良族pick-up artistsThis expression refers to men who seduce married women.8. 凤凰男Phoenix manThis expression refers to a man who grew up poor and in the countryside , but later moved to a big city and married a city girl. Due to the couple's different backgrounds and habits, they often encounter problems.9. 做人不能太CNN don't be too CNNIt emerged in response to foreign media's coverage of Tibet. Many Chinese thought it was biased. It gained more popularity after CNN commentator Jack Cafferty's rude talk of China.10. 三个俯卧撑three push-upsA girl in Guizhou was rumored to have been killed by the relatives of local police officials. However, a local government official claimed the girl's boyfriend said the girl had jumped into the river when he was doing push-ups. The popularity of the term signals people's doubts over the story.11. 战略再保证: Strategic reassuranceUS President Barack Obama came carrying a new catchphrase for the Sino-US relationship during his Asia tour —“strategic reassurance.” The US administration’s new strategy toward China appears to mean that the two sides should reassure each other and the rest of the world that their development will not come at the expense of others.12. 钓鱼执法: EntrapmentEntrapment is the act of a law enforcement agent inducing a person to commit an illegal activity that they would not normally have done.13. 临时性: Temporary rapeThe ironic phrase started from a court verdict that gave two former police assistants a lenient sentence of three years imprisonment for rape. The court in Zhejiang Province said it was because the defendants had committed a "temporary crime on a whim."14. 秒杀族: SeckillThe word was originally used in online games when some players or NPCs are killed in a second. It now refers to a group of Internet shoppers bidding zealously on auction items seconds before the deal is closed to gain a big bargain.15. 乙男: Otomen, pinky boyThe Japanese manga “Otomen” and its namesake TV drama features a boy with a secret: the things he really loves are cute dolls, cooking and sewing. The word “otomen” is a pun made of the Japanese word otome, meaning young girl, and the English word "men."16. 蚁族: Ant-like graduatesThe phrase refers to university graduates in big cities like Beijing and Shanghai who can not find a job immediately after their graduation. Unwilling to return to their hometown, they live in densely populated apartments in remote parts of the city that are cheap. These students go out job hunting every day and only return to the rented house for a place to crash, like working ants in nature’s wild.17. 虾米族: Shrimp clanThe term is derived from a popular KFC item featuring seven intact fried shrimps between two pieces of regular bread. It triggers deep thoughts among young consumers over how to live a better life in limited space. The clan refers to those who make the most of their available resources to handle soaring housing prices and salary cuts to maintain their living standards during the global downturn.18. 官二代: The second officer generationThe term, another word popular over the Internet after “the second rich generation” and “the second poor generation,” refers to children from families of senior officials. Their privileges are based on their parents’ power or other useful networks, inste ad of their own accomplishments. This second generation is notorious for their domineering practices and other misdeeds that annoy the public.19. 范儿: StyleThe Chinese term, popular mainly in northern China, refers to one's style --from dressing to general behavior.20. 被当爸: involuntary fatherThe term became popular when an obscure model said she had a child with actor Jude Law, confirmed by a DNA t est. Law was then “forced to be someone’s father” because the model deliberately did not use contraceptives.21. 春夏季: SprummerThe term, developed by Australian scientist Tim Entwisle, is a combination of spring and summer together with another new word “sprinter” indicating an early spring. The term refers to the season between spring and summer, the suggested additional period that is not clearly differentiated from the conventional four.。



任性一词在两会上被官方翻译翻成了capricious,更多人觉得willful比较 贴切,所以“有钱任性”可以译为 A rich man is absolutely capricious/willful. 或者 You rich men can do anything with the money you've got. capricious [kəˈprɪʃəs] adj. 变化无常的; 反复无常的; 多变的; 任性的; willful ['wɪlfəl] adj. 任性的; 固执的; 故意的; 存心的;
这句话用英语表达就是: He is such a young handsome!
10. 城会玩(townies' behaviors.)
“你们城里人真会玩 (We can't understand you townies' behaviors.)”的 简称,指某些人的行为很作 。
townie [ˈtaʊni] adj. 城市生活的; n. [美国英语] = townee [亦作 towny];
这句话用英语表达就是: I lost my control, in my heart. lose one's control = lose control of one's emotions. 不能控制自己的情感。
9. 小鲜肉 (He is such a young handsome!)
用于形容年轻、帅 气、有肌肉的男生, 一般是指年龄在12 -25岁之间的性格 纯良,感情经历单 纯,没有太多的情 感经验,且长相俊 俏的男生。
13. 你行你上啊 (You can you up/If you can do it then you should go up and do it.)




网络流行语的英语翻译且行且珍惜( It is to be cherished)挖掘机技术哪家强?(Which excavato-r school tops the list?)有钱就是任性(rich a-n-d bitch)蛮拼的(Pretty strenuous)保证不打死你(I promise you wont get killed.)萌萌哒(cutie)时间都去哪了(Where did the time go?)我读书少,你别骗我(I dont have much education, dont try to fool me.)不作死不会死(No zuo no die.)我只想安安静静地做个美男子(Let me be a quiet a-n-d ha-n-dsome boy.)富二代:the rich second generation团购:group purchase脑残:brain-impaired给力:gelivable秒杀:Instant Kill围观:circusee80后:80s generation另类/非主流的:offbeat发烧友:fancier菜鸟/新手:rookie/newbie娘娘腔:sissy裸奔:streaking扫把星:jinx宅男:indoo-rsman也是醉了。

(Are you kidding me?或 I become crazy)那画面太美我不敢看(Thats such a beautiful scene that I dare not have my eyes fixed on it.)。



2015年上半年十大网络流行词译成英文原来长这样?!1. 我的内心几乎是崩溃的I almost had a nervous breakdown.例句:I was told that I had failed my math test. I almost had a nervous breakdown.我刚刚才知道我数学不及格——我的内心几乎是崩溃的。

2. Duang 神一般的duang当初用来恶搞洗发水的效果,现在已被广泛应用于调侃各种状况,既能形容声音,也可表达心情。

例句:He dumped me for another girl. Duang, my heart broke.他为了另一个女孩而跟我分手。


3. 我也是醉了Are you kidding me?例句:What? Those photos can be seen online? Are you kidding me?什么?这些照片网上都有?我也是醉了……4. 充话费送的A freebie of a bundle sale例句:My mom said I was a freebie of a bundle sale.我妈说我是充话费送的。

5. We are 伐木累We are family.例句:As a good proverb says, we are family. Please keep this in mind.就像一句谚语说的,我们是一家人。


6. 能靠长相吃饭,却偏偏要靠才华One could live off one’s appearance, but instead lives off one’s talent.例句:Leonardo could live off his appearance, but instead lives off his talent.小李子本可以靠长相吃饭,他却偏偏要靠才华。






2015网络流行语带翻译No.1 HiberdatingDefinition :means dating in the winter months, or the situation that someone ignores all their other friends when they are dating a boyfriend/girlfriend. The second meaning is more popular. The word hiberdating is a blending of the word "hibernating" and "dating", which means a person is in a state of inactivity (hibernating) among friends when dating someone.E.g. I haven't seen or heard from Jennifer since she started hiberdating Teddy four months ago.有异性没人性Hiberdating指在冬季约会恋爱,或者指某人在谈恋爱期间忽略其他朋友的情况,也就是我们常说的“有异性没人性”。




No.2 AskholeDefinition: a person who constantly asks for your advice, yet always does the opposite of what you told them.E.g. I’m sure stock brokers and lawyers can quickly think of dozens of askholes from among their clientele. That’s not to mention management consultants, counsellors, teachers, parents, and so on —all of whom have dealt with askholes.爱问鬼意思是一个老爱向别人征求建议,却又不听建议,老是对着干的人。



• just want to be a quiet handsome man
• I just wanna be a lady-killer quietly.
• 只想安静地做个美 男子
• 来源:这是《万万没想 到》第二季第一集中, “叫兽易小星”扮演的 唐僧挂在嘴边的口头禅, 全句为“我想我还是安 静地当一个美男子算 了”。
• • 适用范围:适用于有以下性格
特点的女生:不会说自己是女 汉子,也不喜欢别人说自己是 女汉子。她们不会撒娇,性格 大大咧咧;不喜欢化妆;异性缘 好,与男生称兄道弟;出口成 “脏”,可以不用甩干桶,手 拧就干,脚比较大,讨厌别人 说她们是女汉子,头脑灵活, 打大型游戏小菜一碟;非常独立、 自强、个性显著,偶尔学学其 他女生,效果却适得其反;最关 键的是,都没有男朋友。
• 起源于豆瓣。首先是网友 “阿菲”在豆瓣广播说道: “你在网上这么屌,你家里 人知道吗?”然后,网友 “虎妞”又把这句话演化成 了:“你照片上长这么好看, 你家里人知道吗?”然后一 传十,十传百,“你家里人 知道吗”很快成了网络流行 语。“LZ你这么屌,你家里 人知道吗”“你每天戴口罩, 你家里人知道吗”,“这次 考试又挂掉,你家里人知道 吗”,“你每天在微博里笑 得跟神经病似的,你家里人 知道吗”。
• 例子:网友“似_锦颜” 晚上跟男友逛街,突然 男友让她把头靠在他的 肩上。正当她暗想这木 头男友开窍了,甜甜地 把头靠了上去,谁知道 下一秒男友就一把推开, 用嫌弃的口吻说:“不 要烦我,我要安静地做 我的美男子。”好吧, 这是中美男子的毒了吧。
• Cherish each other while moving on together.
• • • 点评:这又是网民的一次集体无厘头



中国网络热词的英译1. “996”工作制英文翻译:“996” working system解释:指一种工作制度,即早上9点上班,晚上9点下班,一周工作6天。


2. “躺平”解释:指一种消极抵抗的生活态度,即不追求事业和物质的增长,过平淡的生活。

3. “佛系”英文翻译:“Buddhist-style”解释:指一种不焦虑,不急功近利,淡泊名利的生活方式。



5. “碎片化”解释:指信息和时间被分割成小块,无法形成有意义完整的整体,这种状态被认为是现代社会的一种普遍现象,造成了人们的分心和压力。

6. “潮妹子”解释:指时尚潮流女性。

7. “葛优瘫”解释:指一种类似于演员葛优在电影中的独特表演风格,即无精打采地躺在沙发上看电视,形象懒散。

8. “薅羊毛”解释:指在购物、电影、酒店等消费领域通过一些特殊手段获取优惠的行为。

9. “老铁”解释:指朋友、兄弟、好伙伴等之间的亲密称呼,类似于英语中的“bro”。

10. “真香”解释:指非常美好、惬意、令人愉悦的感受。



英文翻译:“Small fresh”解释:指一种清新自然的生活态度和风格,通常表现为淡雅、自然、简约的元素。

14. “咸鱼翻身”解释:指人们在失败后重新崛起,摆脱困境,取得成功的过程。

英文翻译:“Internet celebrity”解释:指通过网络传播和社交媒体获得广泛关注度,成为一种新兴的文化现象。

16. “脑洞大开”英文翻译:“Horizon broadening”解释:指思维开阔,创意丰富,具有前瞻性的文化创意现象。

17. “宅男/宅女”英文翻译:“Otaku”解释:指喜欢待在家里,不爱社交和外出的男女性格特征。



预约券reservation ticket麦霸 the microphone hog微博Microblog/ Tweets裸婚naked wedding亚健康sub-health平角裤boxers愤青young cynic灵魂伴侣soul mate小白脸toy boy精神出轨soul infidelity人肉搜索flesh search剩女3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls山寨copycat异地恋long-distance relationship性感妈妈yummy mummy双赢a win win situation钻石王老五diamond bachelor时尚达人fashion icon上相的,上镜头的photogenic学术界academic circle哈证族certificate maniac偶像派idol type住房公积金housing funds熟女cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)挑食者picky-eater伪球迷fake fans紧身服straitjacket团购group buying奉子成婚shotgun marriage婚前性行为premarital sex炫富flaunt wealth决堤breaching of the dike上市list share赌球soccer gambling桑拿天sauna weather自杀Dutch act假发票fake invoice金砖四国BRIC countries笑料laughing stock泰国香米Thai fragrant rice学历造假fabricate academic credentials泄洪release flood waters狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him防暑降温补贴high temperature subsidy暗淡前景bleak prospects文艺爱情片chick flick惊悚电影slasher flick房奴车奴mortgage slave上课开小差zone out万事通know-it-all毕业典礼commencement散伙饭farewell dinner毕业旅行after-graduation trip节能高效的fuel-efficient具有时效性的time-efficient死记硬背cramming很想赢be hungry for success面子工程face job指甲油nail varnish射手榜top-scorer list学历门槛academic threshold王牌主播mainstay TV host招牌菜signature dishes非正常死亡excess death影视翻拍plays reshooting四大文学名著the four masterpieces of literature城市热岛效应urban heat island effect逃学play hooky, 装病不上班play hooky from work 一线城市first-tier cities高考the National College Entrance Exams录取分数线admission scores小型警车panda car老爷车vintage car保障性住房indemnificatory housing一决高下Duke it out差别电价differential power prices囤积居奇hoarding and profiteering灰色市场Grey market反倾销anti-dumping经济二次探底double dip吃白食的人freeloader橙色预警orange signal warning公关public relation不幸的日子,不吉利的日子black-letter day吉利的日子saints' days人肉搜索flesh search廉租房low rent housing限价房capped-price housing经适房affordable housing替罪羔羊whipping boy对口支援partner assistance扫把星jinx资本货物capital goods最终消费品final consumption goods原材料raw material制成品manufactured goods重工业heavy industry贸易顺差trade surplus外汇储备foreign exchange reserve潮人:trendsetter发烧友:fancier骨感美女:boney beauty卡奴:card slave蹦迪:disco dancing电脑游戏迷:gamer家庭主男:house-husband小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man二奶:kept woman麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)新新人类:new-new generation另类:offbeat菜鸟:rookie“色”友(摄影爱好者):shutterbug驴友:tour pal娘娘腔:sissy全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom裸奔:streaking80后:80's generation百搭:all-match肚皮舞:belly dance片前广告:cinemads角色扮演:cosplay情侣装:couples dress电子书:e-book电子杂志:e-zine胎教:fetal education限时抢购:flash sale合租:flat-share期房:forward delivery housing荧光纹身:glow tattoo团购:group purchase健商:HQ扎啤:jug beer八卦,丑闻:kiss and tell低腰牛仔裤:low-rise jeans泡泡袜:loose socks裸妆:nude look黄牛票:scalped ticket透视装:see-through dress扫货:shopping spree烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up水货:smuggled goods热裤:tight pants舌钉:tongue pin纳米技术:nanotechnology通灵:psychic文凭热degree craze反腐败anti-corruption联合军演joint military drill财政赤字budget deficit拜倒在某人的石榴裙下throw oneself at sb's feet打破记录break a record创造新纪录create a new record终生学习lifelong learning天气保险weather insurance正妹hotty对某人念念不忘get the hots for希望把好运带来给自己touch wood婚外恋extramarital love; extramarital affair职场冷暴力emotional office abuse赞助费sponsorship fee抚恤金financial compensation,compensation payment 草莓族Strawberry generation草根总统grassroots president点唱机juke box笨手笨脚have two left feet演艺圈Showbiz试点,试运行on a trial basis精疲力竭be dead on one's feet软禁be under house arrest拼车car-pooling解除好友关系unfriend v.发送色情短信sexting暴走go ballistic婚检premarital check-up天书mumbo-jumbo情意绵绵的lovey-dovey漂亮女人tomato(俚语);妖娆女子cheese cake懦夫quitter(俚语)母校alma mater黑马dark horse挥金如土spend money like water意外怀孕unplanned pregnancy人流abortion避孕措施contraceptives生殖健康reproductive health海外代购overseas purchasing试镜screen test访谈节目chat show智力竞赛节目quiz show武侠片martial arts film封面报道cover story跳槽jump ship闪婚flash marriage闪电约会speeddating闪电恋爱whirlwind romance刻不容缓,紧要关头crunch time健身bodybuilding遮阳伞parasol人渣scouring头等舱first-class cabin世界遗产名录the world heritage list乐活族LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)安乐死euthanasia私生子an illegitimate child; a love child一夜情one-night stand宅男宅女the stay-at-home type。



网络流行语英语Cyber Catchwords菜鸟:newbie大虾:knowbie顶:bump灌水:necroposting;spam/spamming潜水:lurk帖子:post or thread投票:poll引用:quote帖子置顶:sticky头像:avatar签名:signature斑竹:moderator控制面板:control panel表情:smiley网友见面:user eye-D即时通讯(聊天)软件: Instant Messenger (IM)博客圈:blogosphere冲浪:surf视频:cam垃圾邮件:spam下载未授权音乐:songlifting收听网络电台的人:streamies漂浮广告:floating ad登陆某网页自动弹出的广告:pop-up ad关闭该网页时才弹出广告:pop-under ad泛指互联网以外的传统媒体:Outer net社区community昵称/别名monicker/nick name回复/回复贴子/发表回复reply/reply to a post/post a reply切题/离题on/off topic加精highlight个人资料personal profile登入/登出log in/log out级别rank/ranking文字过滤word filter封ban/suspension人身攻击/挑衅personal attacks/flames侮辱/脏话/猥亵的图片profanity/ foul language/ obscene image 马甲:alias验证码:Auth-code收藏:Favorites转帖:RepasteORV全称为Open Rack Vaporiser(开架式汽化器)富二代:the rich second generation团购:group purchase脑残:brain-impaired给力:gelivable秒杀:Instant Kill围观:circusee80后:80's generation另类/非主流的:offbeat发烧友:fancier菜鸟/新手:rookie/newbie娘娘腔:sissy裸奔:streaking扫把星:jinx宅男:indoorsman微博Microblog山寨copycat异地恋long-distance relationship剩女3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls熟女cougar(源自电影Cougar Club)裸婚naked wedding炫富flaunt wealth团购group buying人肉搜索 flesh search潮人:trendsetter发烧友:fancier骨感美女:boney beauty卡奴:card slave下午茶high tea愤青young cynic性感妈妈yummy mummy亚健康sub-health灵魂伴侣soul mate小白脸toy boy精神出轨soul infidelity人肉搜索flesh search钻石王老五diamond bachelor时尚达人fashion icon御宅otaku橙色预警 orange signal warning预约券reservation ticket上相的,上镜头的photogenic80后:80's generation百搭:all-match限时抢购:flash sale合租:flat-share荧光纹身:glow tattoo泡泡袜:loose socks裸妆:nude look黄牛票:scalped ticket扫货:shopping spree烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up水货:smuggled goods纳米技术:nanotechnology正妹hotty对某人念念不忘get the hots for草莓族 Strawberry generation草根总统grassroots president笨手笨脚have two left feet拼车car-pooling解除好友关系unfriend v.暴走go ballistic海外代购overseas purchasing跳槽jump ship闪婚flash marriage闪电约会speed dating闪电恋爱whirlwind romance刻不容缓,紧要关头crunch time乐活族LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)一夜情one-night stand偶像派idol type脑残体leetspeak挑食者picky-eater伪球迷fake fans狂热的gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy奉子成婚shotgun marriage婚前性行为premarital sex开博to open a blog房奴车奴mortgage slave上课开小差zone out万事通know-it-all赌球soccer gambling桑拿天sauna weather假发票fake invoice二房东middleman landlord笑料laughing stock泰国香米Thai fragrant rice学历造假fabricate academic credentials暗淡前景bleak prospects毕业典礼commencement散伙饭farewell dinner毕业旅行after-graduation trip节能高效的fuel-efficient具有时效性的time-efficient很想赢 be hungry for success面子工程face job指甲油nail varnish学历门槛academic threshold王牌主播mainstay TV host招牌菜signature dishes城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect逃学play hooky, 装病不上班play hooky from work 一线城市first-tier cities高考the National College Entrance Examines录取分数线admission scores保障性住房indemnificatory housing一决高下Duke it out囤积居奇hoarding and profiteering灰色市场 Grey market反倾销 anti-dumping吃白食的人freeloader公关public relation不幸的日子,不吉利的日子black-letter day吉利的日子 saints' days廉租房 low rent housing限价房 capped-price housing经适房affordable housing替罪羔羊whipping boy对口支援partner assistance电脑游戏迷:gamer家庭主男:house-husband小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man二奶:kept woman麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)新新人类:new-new generation另类:offbeat菜鸟:rookie“色”友(摄影爱好者):shutterbug驴友:tour pal娘娘腔:sissy负翁:spend-more-than-earn全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom裸奔:streaking中文新鲜词40例:1.神马都是浮云It's all fleeting cloud.2.山寨fake,counterfeit, copycat3.宅男Otaku(“homebody” in English);geek4.被雷倒(到)了in shock5.纠结ambivalent6.忐忑anxious7.悲催a tear-inducing misery8.坑爹the reverse of one’s expectation9.哥只是传说Brother is only a legend.10.伤不起vulnerable; be prone to getting hurt11.你懂的It goes without saying that…12.吐槽disclose one’s secret13.小清新like [好似] a breath of fresh air14.穿越剧time-travel TV drama15.至于你信不信,反正我是信了。

英英词典收录2015英语流行词 90%你没见过

英英词典收录2015英语流行词 90%你没见过

英英词典收录2015英语流行词 90%你没见过从前有位颜值颇高的学长经常binge-watch,结果不久有了dadbod,迷恋他的学姐恰恰是cleaneating的死忠粉,对于学长只好选择ghosting,痛不欲生的学长与室友走到了一起,最近他终于考虑变身transgender……看了这个故事一头雾水,尤其拿不准英文词意的小伙伴们,请一定要往下看完全篇~这些单词都是英国柯林斯词典网站选出的2015年度热词。



如此受国外小伙伴青睐的热词,你还不会用?赶脚都不能和歪果仁好好交流了!贴心的留学君又怎能袖手旁观?今天一定要掰开揉碎地为大家扒一扒它们!Binge-watch 刷剧释义一口气看完许多电视节目(特别是电视剧集)。

To watch a large number of television programmes (especially all the showsfrom one series) in succession.攒一波剧狂看的小伙伴们,你们的看剧姿势在英文里终于有解了——binge-watch(刷剧)!其实binge-watch这个词也算不上太新,上世纪90年代DVD流行时它就出现了。


如:We binge-watched an entire season of Breaking Bad onSunday.(周日我们刷了一整季《绝望毒师》。

)单说binge,它意指“大吃大喝”、“过分放纵”,如:He binges on beer now andthen.(他总是喝太多酒。


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在英语中相应的表达就是 blonde [blɒnd]
n. 白肤金发碧眼女人; adj. (头发)亚麻色的,金色的; 白皙的; 白肤金发碧眼的; 用来形容那些容貌姣好,内心单纯甚至有点小傻的女人。
8. 我的内心几乎是崩溃的 (I lost my control, in my heart.)
某公司CEO在接受媒体采访 中说了一句:“我的内心几 乎是崩溃的”,鸭梨山大的 表达道出很多人的心声,在 播出之后被不少网友争相借 用,成为2015年的热词。
可以译成I'm scared to death 或者说It scared my pants off!
3. 明明可以靠脸吃饭 (could have earned a living with face)
贾玲昔日的清秀照片被网 友翻出来后,大家发现, 经常跟男生“掰腕子”的 "女汉子"贾玲竟也曾经 “女神”过!而贾玲在微 博上回应道:“我深情地 演绎了:明明可以靠脸吃 饭,偏偏要靠才华。”
13. 你行你上啊 (You can you up/If you can do it then you should go up and do it.)
恐怕还不如别人呢!这句中英文融会贯通的 神翻译,已经被收录到美国俚语词典里了! (不信可以去看看 哦。)
这句话用英语表达就是: He is such a young handsome!
10. 城会玩(townies' behaviors.)
“你们城里人真会玩 (We can't understand you townies' behaviors.)”的 简称,指某些人的行为很作 。
townie [ˈtaʊni] adj. 城市生活的; n. [美国英语] = townee [亦作 towny];
这句话用英语表达就是: Important things cannot be underscored too much. underscore [ˌʌndəˈskɔ:(r)] vt. 划线于…下,强调;
n. 底线; (表示强调的)下方划线; (影片等的)伴音
7. 傻白甜 (blonde)
傻白甜通常指电视剧或电 影中的女主角,蠢萌没有 心机,后用来形容没有演 技的角色。傻白甜有两个 方向,一是指尽管桥段有 些老旧,但剧情并不狗血, 比较美好温柔甜美的爱情 故事;另外可以用来形容 爱情故事里的女主角,个 性没有心机,蠢萌可爱, 让人感觉很温馨。
这句话用英语表达就是:The world is big and I want to see it.
5. 睡什么睡,起来嗨 (Wake up and get high with us!)
这句话最早出自微博上的 一个短视频,在“快乐崇 拜”的旋律下,外貌魔性 的男主对着屏幕各种自言 自语,这句话终于成为了 经典。
这句话用英语表达就是:Wake up and get high with us!
6. 重要的事情说三遍 (Important things cannot be underscored too much.)
最早说的应该是某房地产 网站的电台广告语:“走 直线,走直线,走直线, 重要的事情说三遍。”此 广告一经推出,迅速火遍 各大电台,重要事情说三 遍被各类广告和跟风使用, 洗脑作用可见一斑。
这句话用英语表达就是: I lost my control, in my heart. lose one's control = lose control of one's emotions. 不能控制自己的情感。
9. 小鲜肉 (He is such a young handsome!)
用于形容年轻、帅 气、有肌肉的男生, 一般是指年龄在12 -25岁之间的性格 纯良,感情经历单 纯,没有太多的情 感经验,且长相俊 俏的男生。
任性一词在两会上被官方翻译翻成了capricious,更多人觉得willful比较 贴切,所以“有钱任性”可以译为 A rich man is absolutely capricious/willful. 或者 You rich men can do anything with the money you've got. capricious [kəˈprɪʃəs] adj. 变化无常的; 反复无常的; 多变的; 任性的; willful ['wɪlfəl] adj. 任性的; 固执的; 故意的; 存心的;
这句话用英语表达就是: You can you up!或者 If you can do it then you should go up and do it.
14. 有钱就是任性(A rich man is capricious.)
这句话也在2015年红遍了大江南 北,有人明知自己被骗,但还是给 骗子汇去54万元。警察问他为什 么时,他说就想知道骗子还能骗他 多少钱!被广大网友调侃为:有钱 就是这么任性!
2015年流行语 和它们的英文翻译~
转眼2015年就要过去了。 回首一年,都有哪些网络 流行语红极一时呢?你知
1. 上交给国家 (handover sth to the government)
“上交给国家”出自电视 剧版《盗墓笔记》,为了 能顺利过审,主角吴邪一 改原著中的盗墓说辞,改 成将所有看到的文物“上 交国家”,于是片中的所 有宝藏,都摆脱不了“上 交国家”的命运,由此引 发原著粉和看剧党的大规 模的吐槽。
11. 心塞(feel stifled)
这里是指心里堵得慌、难受,对周 围发生的事感到 suffocated 或者是feel very uncomfortable.
stifled [s'taɪfəld] adj.窒息的,遏制的; 堵的; suffocated ['sʌfəkeɪtɪd] v.(使某人)窒息而死( suffocate的过去式和过去分词 ); (将某人)闷死; 让人感觉闷热; 憋气; adj.闷的,憋闷的
这个词组也是属于中国特有滴,所以直译会比较靠谱, 即为handover sth to the government 或者说 handover sth to the authority,你觉得呢?
2. 吓死本宝宝了(scared to death)
“吓死宝宝了”这里的 “宝宝”指的是自己,是 吓死我了的意思,自称本 宝宝只是为了卖萌,说自 己很可爱!
这句话用英语表达就是:She could have earned a living with face, but instead, she uses her talent.
4. 世界那么大,我想去看看 (The world is big and I want to see it.)
2015年4月14日,一封辞 职信引发热评,辞职的理 由仅有10个字:“世界那 么大,我想去看看”,网 友热评这是“史上最具情 怀的辞职信,没有之一”, 仅一天时间微博转发多达 6000余次,评论超过 1700条。