






二、面试题目1. 个人陈述请用5分钟时间,简要介绍自己的基本情况,包括姓名、年龄、籍贯、所学专业、兴趣爱好、学术成果等。


2. 英语口语测试(1)请用英语描述一下你的家乡,包括地理位置、文化特色、风土人情等。



3. 专业知识测试(1)请结合你所学的专业知识,谈谈你对当前国际形势的看法。



4. 思辨能力测试(1)请谈谈你对“全球化背景下,文化交流与融合的重要性”的看法。



5. 团队协作与沟通能力测试(1)请简述你曾参与过的团队项目,并说明你在其中的角色和贡献。



6. 心理素质测试(1)请谈谈你在面对压力和挫折时的应对策略。



三、面试解答指导1. 个人陈述在个人陈述中,要注意以下几点:(1)突出自己的优势和特长,展现自己的独特魅力。



2. 英语口语测试在英语口语测试中,要注意以下几点:(1)注意发音、语调、语速,尽量使自己的口语听起来自然、流畅。




面试中的主要问题大多有关研究兴趣(research interest),研究背景(research background),教学经验(teaching experience),所学课程的名称(the names of your courses),个人兴趣(individual interests)等等。

How to prepare telephone interview?把教授可能提的问题列出来,并写出答案,反复练习。




另外需准备一些向教授的提问,例如该学校的气候(climate),生活环境(living environment),学费(tuition)和奖学金的数量(the amount of scholarship)等等。


How to conduct an interview?在面试之前,一定要放松,充满自信但要礼貌,记住,是他们想要你。



如:Question: What method you learn on optimization? Answer: NEWTON,and some others I do not know how to pronounce.在面试过程中不要机械地背诵你所准备的材料,只放在手边作为参考。



假如面试开始时你听不懂或听不清教授的问题,你可以问:Please speak loudly because my phoneline is not clear. 教授就会说得更大声、更慢。




1) What will you study in the United States?I will study Materials Science and Engineering in the university of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign.2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?My current major is Chemistry, and my present specific field of study is Material Chemistry, which is also a branch of Materials Science. Material chemistry focuses on finding some new chemical synthesis methods and the relationship between the methods and the property of the materials.what is your future specific major?Well, materials science has a lot of branches, I’m very interested in my current research area, and will probably continue with it after I go to UIUC.3) What will you do in USA?I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. It may take me 5 to 7 years, then I will come back to china.why will you finished you degree in five years?Usually, for Ph.D. of engineering in UIUC, it will take us 7 years to finish our study. But a schoolmate of mine who is now studying in UIUC told me that if we work hard enough, we can finished our courses and research project in five years.I hope I can finished my graduates study and get the degree in five years since I want to come back earlier to assist my father . he is not young and does need me to help him with his business as soon as possible.why will you want to finish you degree in five years?If I can finish my graduate study in five years, I will come back at a earlier time to carry on my father’s factory. anyway, my father is getting old, and he does need me to help him with his business as soon as possible.4) Are you going to study in USA?Yes. I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Material Science and Engineering in UIUC. I plan to finish my studyin about 5-7 years and then come back to china.5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?I’ll get my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of this July form Peking University.6) What/where are you studying now?I am studying for my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in Peking University at present.7) How long will you study in USA?About 7years. If I work hard enough I can finished my study and get the degree in a shorter time.8) Do you have any scholarship/financial aid?Yes. The University of Illinois has offered me a position of research assistant. Besides the tuition waiver, I will get a monthly stipend of 1500 dollars during my graduate study.9) What do you want to study in USA?I want to study for my Ph.D. Degree in Materials Science and Engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. This program in UIUC ranks top 3 in the United States.Why transfer your major?Actually my present specific field of study is Material chemistry, it is also a branch of material science. (it is a interdisciplinary major between chemistry and material science) So my graduate major will be essentially the same as what I have studying now. would you like to my paper published on Chemistry of materials during my undergraduate research?10) What do you do with your work for BS?I have learned for more than 50 courses and carry on research work on my specific area.what do you do with your work for Ph.D.?In the first year, I will mainly take courses. Later I will join a research group that I am interested in to carry out research. I will try to finish my work and dissertation and get my degree in five years.11) What is your purpose for the visa?I need an F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in UIUC.12) What is your academic background?I have been studied in the chemistry department of Peking University since 1997. I will get my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of July. My interested area of study is Material Chemistry, which is a branch of Material Science. I have been doing research in this field for more than one year and published some papers. so I have built up some background in materials science. What I am doing now is try to synthesis some nanoscale materials.13) How do you know this Univ.?I knew UIUC from many channels such as US news because it is very famous for its school of Engineering. It has a top 3graduate program in Material science and Engineering in the United States.14) What are the specific reasons that you have chosen to pursue advanced study in this field?Give more details about particular items in the applicant's resume or application materials. Give details about selection basis or criteria for any scholarships and/or awards that you have received. Explain in further detail about extra curricular activities or professional accomplishments.访问学者在回答导师的提问时,不要唯唯诺诺,要干脆利落,听不清楚的可以让其重复,但不要胡乱回答。



Possible questions asked by the interviews at American Consulate(重点问题)【请勿带进美国领馆】1.How much is your parents’ total annual income? / What’s your father / mother’s salary(income)? / How much does your father (mother) earn? / Do you happen to know your father’s / mother’s yearly (monthly) income? / Do you know your father/mother’s income per year? ★★★2.Why do you want to go to the US? Who will support you to go to the US?We initiate a new project with my collaborator Prof. sandish in purdue university.3.What is the program fee? How much did you(your parents) pay for theprogram?—US20400 / 或1700 per monthAnything Else?No.★★★4.What is covered in the program fee? / What does the program fee cover?----- It covers one year living expenses, and insurance. And another extra payment for transportation fees.5.How did you find this exchange program? / How did you know this program? / Howdid you find this opportunity to go to the US?----- My school recommended me. /We initiate a new project with my collaborator Prof. sandish in purdue university, and my school Lanzhou jiaotong university support me.6.What are your future plans / goals upon the completion of the program? / Whatdo you want to do after finishing the program in US? What do you plan to do with your future education?★★★-----I will come back to China and continue my study in my present school.7.How will you make up the courses (class work) that you will miss? / How about yourGAOKAO (or College/University entrance exam?) ★★★--- I will repeat one year in my present school in China. (or my school will help me to catch up). This is my school certificate for retain my status as a student for one year.8.Don’t you want to graduate in the US? / Do you want to graduate from high school inthe US?★★★---- No. Because I know this is the exchange program and I will study in US for only one year.9.Which state will you go in the US? / Where will you go in the US? / Do you knowyour host family and school?★★★(请大家根据邀请函上field director的所在州回答)10.Have you ever been to the US? / Have you ever translated outside of China? / Haveyour parents travel abroad? ★11.Do you have relatives in the US? / Whom do you know in the US? ★(回答内容需与160表填写内容一致。




































2024年参观国外大学时要问的36个问题总结1. 这所大学的学术声誉如何?2. 该校的专业设置和学术领域有哪些?3. 学校的总体教育质量如何?4. 学校的师资力量如何?是否有知名教授?5. 学校的研究资源和实验设备如何?6. 该校是否有国际交流项目或合作伙伴?7. 学校的校园环境和设施如何?8. 是否有机会参加学生社团和活动?9. 学校的学生支持服务如何?10. 该校的入学竞争情况如何?11. 学校的就业率如何?12. 学校是否有校园招聘活动或职业咨询服务?13. 本科生是否有机会参与研究项目或实习?14. 学校的学习氛围如何?是否有学习资源和课程支持?15. 学校的图书馆和研究中心如何?16. 学校的体育设施和文体活动如何?17. 学校的宿舍和食堂条件如何?18. 该校的学费和生活费用水平如何?19. 是否有奖学金和助学金计划?20. 是否有提供国际学生住宿和支持服务?21. 学校的校友网络和职业发展支持如何?22. 学校是否提供高质量的实习机会?23. 学校的文化多样性和国际化程度如何?24. 是否有良好的安全措施和校园警察力量?25. 该校的学生评价和满意度如何?26. 学校是否有专门的国际学生办公室或咨询服务?27. 是否有提供中文支持和学生组织?28. 学校的课程设置和学制情况如何?29. 学校的毕业生就业情况如何?30. 是否有提供校际交流和留学生活支持?31. 该校有没有一些与我感兴趣的学术或专业活动?32. 学校的科学研究成果和学术荣誉有哪些?33. 学校是否有提供实习和职业发展支持?34. 学校是否有学生组织和社交活动?35. 该校的校内交通和交通连接情况如何?36. 学校的学生文化和社区环境如何?2024年参观国外大学时要问的36个问题总结(2)参观国外大学是一个重要的决策过程,提前准备一系列问题是非常必要的。


1. 这所大学的声誉如何?它在全球的排名如何?2. 这所大学有哪些专业的优势?3. 授课语言是什么?是否提供英语授课的课程?4. 学费和生活费用是多少?是否提供奖学金或学术资助?5. 这所大学的校园生活是怎样的?是否有学生组织、社团和活动?6. 学生支持服务是如何组织的?是否提供心理咨询和学术指导?7. 这所大学的教师质量如何?他们是否有丰富的教学和研究经验?8. 是否有机会与教授进行交流和合作研究?9. 图书馆和实验室设施如何?是否提供先进的研究设备?10. 学生宿舍条件如何?是否提供家庭式住宿?11. 学生就业率如何?是否有良好的职业发展机会?12. 是否有推荐的实习或工作机会?13. 学校的地理位置如何?是否适合你的生活方式和文化背景?14. 校园安全如何?是否提供安全的住宿和交通工具?15. 学校的毕业生就业前景如何?是否有校友资源网络?16. 学生是否有机会参与国际交流项目?17. 学校是否有合作伙伴关系?是否有交换学生计划?18. 大学是否提供国际学习计划或夏季课程?19. 学生是否有机会参与实践教育项目?20. 学校是否提供支持学生创业的机会?21. 学校的开放政策如何?是否欢迎国际学生?22. 校园是否提供适应国际学生的文化活动和社交机会?23. 是否有专门的国际学生办公室?它们提供哪些支持和指导?24. 学生签证办理程序如何?是否有专门的国际学生顾问?25. 学校是否提供学生医疗保险?26. 是否有餐厅和食堂提供国际菜肴?27. 该校是否提供体育项目和运动设施?28. 是否有校徽和校服?29. 学校是否提供碳中和、可持续发展等环境友好倡议?30. 学校是否有创新和科技研究中心?31. 是否有知名的校友或成功的毕业生?32. 学校是否提供语言支持和文化适应培训?33. 是否有丰富的文化和艺术活动?34. 是否有校内医疗中心和紧急救援服务?35. 学校的学术日历和课程设置如何?36. 是否有机会参加国际会议、研讨会和学术活动?这些问题涵盖了学术、生活、就业等方面,希望能够对你参观国外大学时有所帮助。



最权威的国际教育服务平台资料来源:教育优选 /访问学者如何回答导师的各种不同询问? 有一部分访问学者申请到了csc 资助,拿到了外导的邀请函,一般这种情况下,访问学者基本可以申请签证等一系列事情了,最怕的就是有些导师突然来信对你问东问西,尤其是有些访问学者与导师的方向不是很吻合,这时候很多人,就不知道该如何回答导师的问题了。

曾有一例,廖先生已经获得CSC 的资助,由于一些原因不能去申请之前联系的学校了,于是前几天他又联系了另一学校的一个教授,情况是:他的研究方向与外导的研究方向不是很吻合,但比较接近;廖先生对外导的研究方向很感兴趣,很希望在这方面作出突破,超外导研究的方向发展,外导对廖先生也有一些接纳意向,但是问了他很多问题,或者交代了他一些事情,如外导发信要廖先生发几篇近几年的文章给他,并说明廖先生的专业技能。










1. 请介绍一下您目前的研究领域和专长。

2. 您最近发表的一篇重要研究论文是什么?可以简要介绍一下吗?
3. 您对这个领域的发展有什么独到的见解?
4. 您如何看待当前领域内的热点问题和争议?
5. 您认为在这个领域内有哪些重要的研究方向和挑战?
6. 您个人对这个领域的未来发展持什么样的期望?
7. 您在研究过程中遇到的最大难题是什么?是如何克服的?
8. 您对于初学者进入这个领域有什么建议或指导?
1. 提前准备好问题,并确保问题有针对性和深度。

2. 尊重学者的意见和观点,避免争论或过于强硬的立场。

3. 注意礼貌,使用恰当的称呼和表达方式。

4. 尽量避免引入个人观点或争议性言论,保持面谈的专业性和

5. 注意时间管理,确保面谈在预定时间内进行,并遵守预定的




第1篇一、自我介绍与个人背景1. 请用三分钟时间,用英文介绍你的个人背景、教育经历、工作经历以及兴趣爱好。

2. 请用中文简述你的家庭情况,包括家庭成员、成长经历等。

3. 请用英文谈谈你为什么选择中外交流项目,以及你对未来的期望。

二、语言能力测试1. 请用英文进行一段关于你所在国家或地区的文化、风俗习惯的介绍。

2. 请用中文讲述一段你最近看过的中外文化交流活动,以及你的感受。

3. 请用英文回答以下问题:a. How do you think language barriers can be overcome in an international environment?b. What are your strengths and weaknesses in learning a foreign language?三、专业知识与技能1. 请用中文简述你所学专业的基本知识,以及你在学习过程中遇到的挑战和解决办法。

2. 请用英文回答以下问题:a. Describe a project you have worked on that requires cross-cultural communication skills.b. How do you think your major will help you in an international environment?四、团队协作与沟通能力1. 请用中文谈谈你在团队合作中遇到的问题,以及你是如何解决的。

2. 请用英文回答以下问题:a. How do you handle conflicts in a team?b. Can you give an example of a time when you had to adapt to a new work environment?五、跨文化适应能力1. 请用中文谈谈你对不同文化差异的认识,以及你是如何应对这些差异的。









1.What are your plan in 5 to 10 years?2.What is your TOEFL score?3.Do you apply any other school?4.Is your research project very difficult?5.If you are given an offer, can you come here this July?6.What's you graduate research work?7.Why pursue Ph.D.?8.Please introduce yourself.9.Where are you from?10.What's your major?11.Please tell me your working experience.12.What will you plan to do in the future?13.What's your hobby? What do you do in your spare time?14.If we give you this offer, will you accept it?15.Why are you interested in *** University?16.Why are you going to USA not staying your homeland to study?17.Say something about your work, etc.18.Who is the great person in the world in your eyes?19.Do you have some question on me or on my institute?20.Do you have any special or excellent idea during your research experience?21.Did you use any English textbook in classes?22.Will you like to study in a small but with high quality university or a big university like Harvard or Princeton?23.Do you apply for other university or contact with other faculties in the university?24.How about your ability to be a teaching assistant?最后,我们当然不能忘记对面试官的致谢。

【2018最新】博后电话面试问题及答案word版本 (2页)

【2018最新】博后电话面试问题及答案word版本 (2页)

本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==博后电话面试问题及答案1.你了解我们实验室的研究工作吗?(我回答从他们的网页及最近的文章了解一些。














面试中的主要问题大多有关研究兴趣(research interest),研究背景(research background),教学经验(teaching experience),所学课程的名称(the names of your courses),个人兴趣(individual interests)等等。

How to prepare telephone interview?把教授可能提的问题列出来,并写出答案,反复练习。




另外需准备一些向教授的提问,例如该学校的气候(climate),生活环境(living environment),学费(tuition)和奖学金的数量(the amount of scholarship)等等。


How to conduct an interview?在面试之前,一定要放松,充满自信但要礼貌,记住,是他们想要你。

并且一般interview 之前offer差不多都决定了。


如:Question:What method you learn on optimization?Answer:NEWTON,and some others I do not know how to pronounce.在面试过程中不要机械地背诵你所准备的材料,只放在手边作为参考。









二、面试题目1. 荷兰高等教育体系简介(1)请简要介绍荷兰高等教育体系的特点,包括学制、教育体制、课程设置等方面。

(2)荷兰高等教育在全球化背景下如何保持自身特色,并与其他国家高等教育体系进行有效交流?2. 荷兰高等教育与中国的交流与合作(1)请列举荷兰高等教育与中国交流与合作的主要领域,如学术研究、人才培养、文化交流等。

(2)荷兰高等教育在与中国合作过程中,如何发挥自身优势,促进双方共同发展?(3)在当前国际形势下,荷兰高等教育与中国合作面临哪些机遇与挑战?3. 跨文化教育背景下的荷兰高等教育(1)请分析荷兰高等教育在跨文化教育背景下的优势与不足。

(2)荷兰高等教育如何应对跨文化教育背景下的文化差异,提高教育质量?(3)在跨文化教育背景下,荷兰高等教育如何培养具有国际视野的人才?4. 荷兰高等教育课程设置与教学方法(1)请介绍荷兰高等教育课程设置的特点,如课程体系、学分制度等。

(2)荷兰高等教育在教学方法上有哪些创新,如何提高教学效果?(3)荷兰高等教育如何结合自身优势,培养适应国际化需求的人才?5. 荷兰高等教育在国际化进程中的地位与作用(1)请分析荷兰高等教育在全球化进程中的地位,与其他国家高等教育体系相比有何优势?(2)荷兰高等教育如何通过国际化战略,提升自身在国际教育领域的竞争力?(3)荷兰高等教育在国际化进程中如何发挥引领作用,推动全球高等教育发展?6. 荷兰高等教育政策与未来发展趋势(1)请介绍荷兰高等教育政策的特点,如教育经费投入、教育质量保障等。




1. 简短自我介绍,大学介绍,导师介绍Good morning, Professor. xxx. It is really my honor to have this chance for the interview. May I introduce myself first?My name is xxx, 26. I'm currently a Ph. D candidate in xxx university and supervisored by Pro. xxx, who is the director of the xxx Institute. My major is xxx. In the past four years, most of my work involves the xxx, xxx science and xxx. During my studies, I have spent considerable amount of time reading related literature and paid close attention to the state-of-the-art research progresses. To my mind, these experiences equipped me with a solid theoretical foundation in this field. Meanwhile, the experiences of participating in several national research projects largely strengthened my experimental operating skills.Besides, I am a lively and easygoing girl. In my leisure time, I like to play pingpong and work out, or invite some of my friends to go to the karaoke houses for singing.The reason why I am applying for the visiting opportunity is that I want to enhance my understanding of the neural mechanisms of conduct disorder and antisocial behaviors. Since your team have done many extraordinary work in this field, I really want to get some guidance and learn more under your supervision.2. 为什么要读博:Explain that why you intend to apply to the School’s doctoral program? why you are pursuing a PhD? Focus on your research idea, demonstrate how your experiments or theoretical work will be able to answer your research question and how the project might contribute to the field.I have been fascinated by the xxx since I was young. At that moment I was often curious about: why we, human beings have thoughts? Do animals think and what make our thoughts different? And of course, this questions were too difficult for a child because of a lack of knowledge and life experiences. That is why I chose xxx as my major when I went into xxxUniversity. During past years in the university, I was driven by a true passion for these questions and made great efforts to seek answers. After taking a number of specialized courses, I had got a basic understanding of xxx and xxx. Meanwhile, I became interested in the study of the xxx and xxx (i.e., 具体研究方向). To my mind, xxx and xxx enables us to have access to investigate the xxx (把自己的研究方向往上面套).3. 毕业以后的打算或未来五年的计划/你感兴趣的projects or topics/planned dissertation/explain what you plan to do/describe the plans for your own research work; describe your hypotheses, how they will be tested, experimenta/how you intend to answer your research questions/paradigms, techniques, how the data will be analyzed, etc. you should assure your audience that you know what’s missing and that (and how) you intend to acquire the required knowledge during your time at the School. A clearly structured and easy-to-follow presentation will help to do so./You may want to give a realistic time frame in which you plan to complete your project, too./ Your proposal needs to show why the intended research is important and to justify the effort of doing the research./ Give information about your estimated timetable (if possible in table form)My research aims to understand the ... - 描述研究方向以及已有研究局限性或值得继续深入研究的内容. Why should this be the case? xxx, ... is still unclear.The disorder I have spent most time investigating is ..., largely through the study of young people at very high risk of developing the disorder. I am now interested in understanding what predicts their functional outcome, and how abnormalities of ... can be corrected through pharmaceutical interventions.My main areas of interest concern ... and ..... More specifically, I am keen on the ... in adolescents with psychiatric disorders. Besides, I also want to know the role that genetic and environmental factors play in these changes.4. 你现在实验室的介绍With the intention of pursuing advanced knowledge, I enrolled in the ... Institute of the ... University as a postgraduate student. As a research institute that lays great emphasis on ... work, academics here mainly focus on the ... and ..., such as ..., etc. ... University is among the first group admitted into both Project 211, a project of building national key universities and colleges for the 21stcentury, and Project 985, a joint constructive project of building world-class universities co-sponsored by the Chinese central government and local governments.My supervisor, Prof. ... is the director (简单介绍你的导师的学术方向以及成果)5. 硕士课题介绍(简介、工作时间安排、导师作用)Engaged in a project entitled “...”, which was supported by Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). The goal of this project was to find .... In this study, ....I served as one of the major researchers. Responsible for ..., collecting ... data and ... data .6.为什么选择我们学校/研究所?why the graduate school you are applying to is the right one for you?( location, research opportunities or faculty at the university you are applying to.Well, I know that my current knowledge is far from sufficient, so I hope to further my understanding and boost my research ability by studying at the University of .... It is a well-known university and I learnt that researchers there have done excellent work on ..., so I am completely assured that the PhD program with highly qualified and experienced faculty will definitely help me achieve my goal in this field. More specifically, I am particularly interested in your research project which allows me to examine ..... It is likely to uncover the ..., and an earlier detection of ... as well as...would be possible. So my study at the University of ..., if admitted, will be devoted to this direction. Additionally, I am confident that my educational background, research experiences combined with unbounded enthusiasm would enable and motivate me to contribute productively to this project.7.关于potential supervisor的信息了解多少?relevant literature, controversies, research questions, and research techniquesAs I had read your papers, I learned that you have done excellent work on .... I know that extensive research experience of various mental disorders would definitely further my understanding of the ....And currently, I am focusing on ...., which would help to elucidate.....8. 有没有申请其他学校I have applied two universities. Another one is University of Wisconsin-Madison.9. 你认为你的优势和劣势在哪里? what qualities you bring to the program?10. 你的品质/素质In my perspective, one's desire for career advancement may well provide enough personal drive for an individual to push through. So do I. I'm looking to pursue a career in academia, motivated by personal idealism. I have perseverance and are in it with my whole heart instead of just professional advantage. To my mind, now is the right time for me to get to a higher stage pursuing my goal.11. 参加过的社会活动、担任过的职务、或能说明你leadship的事情12. 学过的与project相关的课程13. 为什么选择出国,而不是在国内读博士As we know, America, as one of the most innovative countries in the world, has first-rate teaching faculty and research facilities. Its ideological openness and tolerance make a sharp contrast to Chinese culture, which tends to value tradition rather than innovation. I believe that with above mentioned research foundation, good programming and mathematical skills, excellent research conditions at GW University, I will be a ble to make ‘shortcuts’ in attaining my academic and career goals and have the capability and potential to successfully carry out my PhD project.14. 你掌握了哪些与project相关的技能?(比如一些实验技术或者设备的使用)15. 你对我们这个城市/学校有哪些了解16. 你想问他的问题refer to the research topic, select a topic, that is also acceptable to my advisor. application procedure in your universitywhen can I know the interview result。



出国做博士后Skype电话面试技巧2——英语准备一、问候语Hello, ···. Yea, it’s me.You must be Prof. Zhou.Nice to meet you. How are you! I am fine, thank you.It was very nice to meet with you and thank you give me this opportunity to interview.老外常用的一些口头禅Actually,basically,probably···king (type, sort) of ···Gonna, wanna, gotta,···Then, ···That’s it. / You got it.That makes/doesn’t make sense. 这个绝对正常。

Thanks. You are welcome.要主动和教授沟通,多说一些:Yeah, that’s great, okay, no problem, it’s fine, thank you. 对方声音太小:Could you please speak a litter more loudly? I can hardly hear you.对方讲的太快:Could you please slow down? I cannot follow you.没听懂问题:I was lost about you said. Could you repeat your question? pardon个别单词听不懂:what do you mean by “” ? what is the meaning of “” ?最后的感谢和问候:Thanks for your time and have nice day.二、专业类问题1.What are your long term career goals?(showing your ambition and passion)我想当一名高校的教授;My ultimate goal is to be a distinguished professor in my research areas. If I have the chance to your group, I will try my best to carry out the research projects. During the postdoctoral work, what I am expecting are not only to obtain the good research papers by my hard work, but also to have the best training in ···, and enrich my research experiences. I think that the later is more important to me.And after completed my postdoctoral training in your lab, I want to obtain a faculty position in university. I hope I can not only be productive in research achievements and papers as a scientist, but also be outstanding in education as a professor.Those are my mention.2.What is it that you are hoping to learn in my laboratory?我想扩展一下我的学术视野。



1. 你能介绍一下你自己吗?
2. 你为什么想加入科学家基金会?
3. 你在之前的工作中如何与不同背景的人合作?
4. 你如何确定一个项目对社会的可持续发展做出贡献?
5. 你如何评估一个项目的实际效果?
6. 你如何处理项目带来的风险?
7. 你如何保证你提供的信息和建议的准确性和可靠性?
8. 你如何与同事和领导进行有效的沟通?
9. 你如何处理跨文化问题?
10. 你如何确保你的沟通方式符合目标受众的需求?



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1) What will you study in the United States?I will study Materials Science and Engineering in the university of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign.2) What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study?My current major is Chemistry, and my present specific field of study is Material Chemistry, which is also a branch of Materials Science. Material chemistry focuses on finding some new chemical synthesis methods and the relationship between the methods and the property of the materials.what is your future specific major?Well, materials science has a lot of branches, I’m very interested in my current research area, and will probably continue with it after I go to UIUC.3) What will you do in USA?I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. It may take me 5 to 7 years, then I will come back to china.why will you finished you degree in five years?Usually, for Ph.D. of engineering in UIUC, it will take us 7 years to finish our study. But a schoolmate of mine who is now studying in UIUC told me that if we work hard enough, we can finished our courses and research project in five years.I hope I can finished my graduates study and get the degree in five years since I want to come back earlier to assist my father . he is not young and does need me to help him with his business as soon as possible.why will you want to finish you degree in five years?If I can finish my graduate study in five years, I will come back at a earlier time to carry on my father’s factory. anyway, my father is getting old, and he does need me to help him with his business as soon as possible.4) Are you going to study in USA?Yes. I will study for my Ph.D. degree in Material Science and Engineering in UIUC. I plan to finish my studyin about 5-7 years and then come back to china.5) When/where did you get your BS/MS?I’ll get my Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of this July form Peking University.6) What/where are you studying now?I am studying for my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry in Peking University at present.7) How long will you study in USA?About 7years. If I work hard enough I can finished my study and get the degree in a shorter time.8) Do you have any scholarship/financial aid?Yes. The University of Illinois has offered me a position of research assistant. Besides the tuition waiver, I will get a monthly stipend of 1500 dollars during my graduate study.9) What do you want to study in USA?I want to study for my Ph.D. Degree in Materials Science and Engineering in the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign. This program in UIUC ranks top 3 in the United States.Why transfer your major?Actually my present specific field of study is Material chemistry, it is also a branch of material science. (it is a interdisciplinary major between chemistry and material science) So my graduate major will be essentially the same as what I have studying now. would you like to my paper published on Chemistry of materials during my undergraduate research?10) What do you do with your work for BS?I have learned for more than 50 courses and carry on research work on my specific area.what do you do with your work for Ph.D.?In the first year, I will mainly take courses. Later I will join a research group that I am interested in to carry out research. I will try to finish my work and dissertation and get my degree in five years.11) What is your purpose for the visa?I need an F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D. degree in Materials Science and Engineering in UIUC.12) What is your academic background?I have been studied in the chemistry department of Peking University since 1997. I will get my bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at the beginning of July. My interested area of study is Material Chemistry, which is a branch of Material Science. I have been doing research in this field for more than one year and published some papers. so I have built up some background in materials science. What I am doing now is try to synthesis some nanoscale materials.13) How do you know this Univ.?I knew UIUC from many channels such as US news because it is very famous for its school of Engineering. It has a top 3 graduate program in Material science and Engineering in the United States.14) What are the specific reasons that you have chosen to pursue advanced study in this field?Give more details about particular items in the applicant's resume or application materials. Give details about selection basis or criteria for any scholarships and/or awards that you have received. Explain in further detail about extra curricular activities or professional accomplishments.访问学者在回答导师的提问时,不要唯唯诺诺,要干脆利落,听不清楚的可以让其重复,但不要胡乱回答。
