美剧介绍 中英文结合版共24页文档

Katee Sackhoff曾出演《24小时》第八季当然,在第十一季中,除了以前的老面孔外,曾在《24小时》中饰演技术分析员的Dana Walsh(Katee Sackhoff)也在本季中客串了一把,虽然戏份不多,但对于那些还在怀念《24小时》影迷来说,多少算是个安慰吧。
此前,她还曾出演过《太空堡垒卡拉狄加Battlestar Galactica》。
《CSI》200集庆功会同时,在2月3日的一集中,CSS王牌剧集CSI的创始人William Petersen 将会以Gil Grissom的身份重新出现在CSI的故事里,给万分想念他的粉丝们解解渴,不过出镜时间只有短短的1-2分钟。
最佳战争片手足情深《兄弟连》英文名《Band of Brothers》中文名:《兄弟连》推荐值:★★★★★首播日期:2001年09月09日由HBO重磅打造的战争剧《兄弟连》让很多中国网友第一次了解并爱上了美剧,这部剧集在英国经过八个月的拍摄,其中动用了五百个有台词的演员、一万个临时演员,由八个导演共同完成,成为当时美国电视史上耗资最庞大的剧集之一。

Okay! Take a look at this! 好看看这个‐ Rocksy? ‐ Yes, Twig? -小石 -怎么了小枝Why did you bring us all the way out here? 你干嘛大老远把我们带来这里Isn't it obvious? She's going to mulch us. 这不很明显吗她想用土覆盖我们‐ What? ‐ Oh, yeah, brother! -什么 -太好了哥们It's a mulching party! 覆盖派对‐ Let's do this. ‐ What? No! -开整吧 -什么不是I very much want you alive and intact for this. 我希望你们活得好好的来体验一把这个Why are you wasting my time? 浪费我时间干吗I've come up with something 我想到了一个点子that I think you're going to find very exciting... 我想你们肯定会觉得很刺激a game. 一个游戏A what? 什么Gay‐mah. 游戏Gaaayyme. 游戏Gaa‐own‐m. Muh‐muh‐muh‐muh‐muh. 游戏戏戏戏戏戏戏Doesn't ring a bell. 没什么印象The game is called Ball‐Hoop, 这个游戏叫击球入圈and the goal of the game is to hit the ball, me, 目标就是把球也就是我through the hoop, Leaf. 打进圈里也就是小叶‐ I am the hoop. ‐ Good job, Leaf! Great hoop. -我是圈 -不错小叶不错的圈Way to get into the spirit of the game. 这才叫游戏精神Twig, you are the mallet. And, Berry, you're the player. 小枝你是球棒小莓你来当玩家Now all Berry has to do is use you to hit me through Leaf,小莓只需要用你把我打穿小叶就行了who is already in position. 他已经就位了Leaf! 小叶‐ What? ‐ Be serious so we can have some fun. -怎么了 -认真点让我们玩得开心点Okay, thank you for following directions! 好的谢谢你听从我的指示You guys stand over here. Fabulous. 你们站在这里不错Okay, just tap me through Leaf. That's it. That's the game. 好把我打穿小叶就是这样‐ Game? Gammee? No! ‐ Guys, c'mon, let's play the game. -游戏游戏不 -好了快玩吧‐ What? ‐ What? -什么 -什么Leaf! You're supposed to be in a hoop! 小叶你应该卷成圈This is kind of like a hoop. 这也有点像个圈Guys, listen to me, I give the orders, 各位听我说我来发号施令you follow my directions, that's how we get stuff done. 你们听我指示咱们就这么办Leaf: hoop. 小叶卷成圈Twig: mallet. Berry: swing. Go! 小枝当球棒小莓挥棒走What...? 什么Oh, nice. 不错We did it! 我们做到了Yeah! 太好了Oh, no, no, no, she's headed for the water! 不好她要冲进水里了I'm headed for the what? 我要冲进哪儿了The water, the water! 要冲进水里了Oh, the water. 是水No! 不She just sank right to the bottom like a, like a, you know, 她沉到水底了就像...- a piece of, you know, a heavy thing. ‐ I got it! -就像一块重物一样 -我来- I'm too floaty. ‐ Let me try. -我沉不下去 -我来Yeah, I'm too blowy. 好吧一阵风就给我刮倒了I'm too... 我...floaty? 沉不下去Unoriginal. 一点创意也没有Oh, they're too floaty. There's gotta be a way out of here. 他们都沉不下来我肯定有办法能出去Wow, this place is a dump. 这地方真够破的Getting darker. Gotta love that. 变黑了我还挺喜欢The edge of the pit. Maybe I can climb up. 深渊的边缘说不定我能爬上去If only I could see. 如果我能看得到就好了Oh, hi there, cutie‐pie. Oh, you are timely. 你好啊小可爱来的真是时候Heh‐heh, that's extremely annoying. 真够恼人的But if you move a little bit, you can help me see what I'm dealing with. 如果你能动一动就可以在我向上爬的时候照明了Okay, thank you. 好的谢谢你Now, I'll use my eyeballs to view my path to safety. 现在我要用眼睛看一遍通往安全处的道路Not climbing out. 不爬了And now I'm sinking. I hope they're having better luck up top. 现在我又沉下去了希望他们在上面有办法I call it "spitting for freedom." 我称之为"自由喷吐"‐ I think we can do better. ‐ I got it, make way! -我们应该能做得更好 -让开我来Take that, pond! Uh! Take that. 接招吧池塘接招吧Well, at least they're trying? Ow! Great. 至少他们在努力真是好极了Oh, this is so frustrating. 太折磨人了All they have to do is attach a string to something heavy, 他们只需要绑个重物drop it down here, and then I can climb out. 沉下来然后我就能爬上去了If only I had a way to tell them... 要是有办法告诉他们就好了No. Stop that. That's annoying. 不别这样太恼人了Nothing we're trying is working. 咱们试的办法都没用Let's just close our eyes, and let the universe tell us what to do. 闭上双眼让宇宙告诉我们该怎么做What if... 如果we tried working together? 我们合作呢No. Stop that. That's annoying. 不别这样太恼人了Welp, the universe has spoken. 行吧宇宙发声了We must follow our own separate paths. 我们必须走自己的路‐ Can't argue with that. ‐ Yep, makes sense to me. -没得说 -我觉得挺有道理I've got it! 我有办法了That'll do it. 这样就行了Those guys need to stop messing around and give me a hand. 这些家伙必须停止胡闹赶紧过来帮我一把Making some real headway here, 有进展了just got to pick up the pace a little bit. 只需要再加快点速度Oh, I'm useless! 我废了Yes, you are! But not to worry, sibling. 没错但不用担心兄弟Reinforcements... 救援have... 已经uh, arrived. 来了So your plan is also scooping? 你的计划也是把水捞完吗Yeah, but my hand is bigger, 没错但我的手更大so obviously I will scoop way more water. Duh! 我每次捞的水肯定更多My gains... 我学到了Yeah, this is a mess. 情况很严重Yes, Berry! Oh, yes, yes, yes! 太好了小莓太好了She's actually getting down here. It's working! 她真的要下来了有救了Oh, she's hit neutral buoyancy. 中和浮力把她坑了‐ What? ‐ Twig, it's basic physics. -什么 -小枝这是基础物理No, stop! That is a bad idea! 快停下这主意糟透了I hate this. 真倒霉At least I'll never have to hear that again. 至少我不用再听到这个了More of you. That's great. 又来了更多的真行No! 不‐ We failed her! ‐ I miss her already. -我们辜负了她 -我已经开始怀念她了She only ever thought about us, never herself. 她一直都在为我们着想从没考虑过自己We couldn't even help her play her gayme... 可我们都不能帮她玩好游戏‐ Gaamee? ‐ Gah‐me. -游戏 -游戏‐ G‐ gamee? - Gay‐ mah. -游戏 -游戏‐ Game. ‐ Guh. -游戏 -游Thanks, guys. 谢谢你们I wish I'd never been grown! 真希望没长出我这么个玩意Twig's about to snap. 小枝要崩溃了If only I could communicate with them, I could tell them my plan. 要是我能和他交流就好了我可以告诉他们我的计划Not again, stop! 别这样快住手Why do you keep doing that? 你为什么老是这么做Wait, I think I get it. Do it again! 等等我有办法了再来一次I'm gonna ride this baby to freedom! 我要抱着这个泡泡浮上去I can't hold on much longer! 我撑不住了Oh, she's gonna be stuck in that hole forever! 她永远都要困在那个洞里了I can't hold on much longer! 我撑不住了I know. We let you down, Rocksy! 我知道我们让你失望了小石‐ Wait. ‐ Rocksy? -等等 -小石I got their attention? But how? 我引起他们注意了怎么办到的Wait, what? 等等什么A hearing hole? What does that mean? 一个声音洞什么意思Oh, that annoying bubble! They heard me! 那个烦人的泡泡他们听见我说话了Gimme another one! 再吐一个Hey, guys! 各位It's me. Rocksy! 是我小石Your friend who's trapped in the puddle! 你们被困在水坑里的朋友‐ We know! ‐ Hurry up! -我们知道了 -赶紧的Anyway, I've got a really good plan. 总之我想到了个很好的办法All you have to do is... 你们只需要use the... 利用Use the what? 利用什么Ah, guys! I need more bubbles! 各位我需要更多泡泡Yeah, well, you know, 好吧I probably could've been a little more efficient with my word choice.我应该在遣词造句上更精炼一点的Well, goodbye. 好吧再见了‐ Use the what? Use the what? ‐ There aren't any more bubbles. -利用什么 -没泡泡了Thank goodness. She was really dragging on. 真是谢天谢地她可真能卖关子I'm sure she meant "use the hand." 我觉得她肯定是说"利用手"Actually, I'm pretty sure she meant for us to use my string. 其实我觉得她肯定是让我们用绳子I dunno, my hand is used for scooping stuff out of the pond. 我不知道我的手可以从池塘里捞东西Like water. What's the string do? 比如说水绳子有什么用It carried me down to the bottom of the pond for a second. 它能让我暂时沉到水塘底Getting down there is good. 下去挺不错的Scooping things out is good. 往外捞东西也挺不错的I just can't think of how to improve our two separate good ideas.我只是想不出办法改进我们俩的点子Twig, what are you doing? 小枝你干什么呢My hand is in the water. 我的手还在水里Well, I don't know why. It's not nearly heavy enough to be useful. 虽然我不知道原因但你的手太轻了没什么用Now, this is heavy. 这才是重物It would sink straight to the bottom if I wasn't so jacked. 要是我没有那么威猛它肯定直接沉底了And could you please stop using my string? 别用我的绳子了行吗It's for tying to heavy things like Leaf's hand. 这是用来绑重物的比如小叶的手You guys? 各位What? 怎么了Combine the two ideas. 结合两个点子What? 什么Don't bother saving me again. It's just redundant. 别费心救我了没用的One more pull! 再拉一次We did it! 我们成功了Yes! I knew if you just listened to my plan, you would‐‐太好了我就知道你们要是听我的计划就可以Your plan? 你的计划We came up with this idea on our own. 这是我们自己想出来的Okay, but, ya know, I had the same one. 好吧我知道但我也想出了这个办法Oh, it is just like you to try to take credit for our success. 我看你就是想抢功劳Yeah, real mature, Rocksy. 真成熟啊小石C'mon, gang. I just thought of a new game we can play. 好了各位我刚想出了一个新游戏玩It's called Hoop‐Ball. 它叫进圈球I love games! 我喜欢游戏And I definitely know what they are based on past experiences. 根据之前的经验我想我肯定知道这该怎么玩Games rock! 游戏最牛逼Yeah, let's hear it for games! 没错为游戏欢呼吧Games! Games! Games! Games! 游戏游戏游戏游戏‐ Do you need a new friend? ‐ What? -你们需要新朋友吗 -什么- What? ‐ Quack. -什么 -嘎嘎Can't imagine how that happened. 我都想不出这是怎么发生的Guess the universe is telling us it's time for a new window. C'mon.看来宇宙告诉我们需要新窗户了来吧Guess the universe is telling us it's time for a new window. C'mon. 大隐障Oh! Hey, come back here! Uh! 过来吧You guys ready for the Pick ‐N‐Eat? 你们准备好野餐了吗‐ Absolutely! ‐ Yeah! -当然 -准备好了Hey, where's Derek? 德瑞克去哪儿了Derek! Oh, you guys didn't invite Derek, did you? 德瑞克你们没请德瑞克吧He has the best stories. 他总能说出最好的故事Oh yeah, I like that one Derek story with the stick got coverd in slime.我喜欢他说的那个棍子粘上黏液的故事Hey, that stick was me and you were there! 我就是那根棍子你当时还在场Yeah, Derek's always sliming stuff. 没错德瑞克总是喜欢喷黏液I would like to make a toast. 我想祝酒This spread is literally all the food we've scavenged 这些是我们最近几天over the last couple of days. 搜刮到的所有食物了And I know we're all "antsy to eat" because our "tummies are empty," 我知道大家都饿得不行因为肚子空空and it is in fact very painful. 这很痛苦Please, please, save your applause until the end. 到最后再鼓掌好吗Oh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! 天哪天哪天哪It'll be fine. Just put it in some rice. 没事的加点米就行I don't know which one the rice is! 我不知道那个是米Okay, hold on. 行等等In conclusion, with all of our worries behind us, 总之我们的烦恼都抛在了脑后let this goop represent our nutritious unity. 让我们一起享受这次营养满满的野餐吧Easy there. 别倒了I'm coming, I'm coming! 我来了我来了No! No, not that. That's the quinoa! 不不是那个那是藜麦What is this? Who brought this? 这是什么谁带来的Don't look at me. 别看我My contributions cannot be touched, cannot be seen, they cannot be tasted.我的贡献无形无感无味‐ So you brought nothing? ‐ Heh, heh, yeah. -所以你啥也没带 -没错Berry, Twig! You guys gotta try this. 小莓小枝你们应该来尝尝这个You guys are being awfully quiet over there. 你们在那边好安静Here, I'll bring it to you. Huh? 给我带给你们What? 什么What is this? 这是什么What's with those mushrooms? 那些蘑菇怎么了Hey, Berry, get a load of this. 小莓来试试看What do you think it is? 你觉得味道怎么样‐ I'm trying to eat this floating... ‐ I‐I can't hear you. -我想吃这... -我听不见No, Berry, you have to actually say the words. 不小莓你得好好说话Hmm, maybe I can feel your words! 也许我能感觉到你说的话Wait. Maybe I did bring this. 等等说不定我带这个来了Yo, if I brought this, you should not eat this. 如果我带了这个你们绝对不该吃Do you know what's going on? 你知道发生什么事了吗It seems like there is some sort of invisible barrier. 感觉一个隐形的障碍No, no, no. What you have here is an Invisi ‐barrier. 不不不这是个隐障Oh, an Invisi‐barrier. 是隐障I see. Do you know how to get rid of it? 懂了你知道怎么去除它吗You can't, Rocks. 不行小石The universe probably put it here for a reason or something. 宇宙让它出现在这里肯定是有原因的Wait. You're saying this was meant to happen? 等等你的意思是这是注定的Everything happens for a reason, Rocks. 万物皆有因小石We just gotta go where the wind blows us. 我们只需要随风飘荡就好The only thing that blows this kitty‐ cat 唯一能够让我飘荡的is the wind in my moss as I tumble toward solutions! 就是我想办法的时候头上的青苔刮过的风Careful, Rocksy. This is a power beyond our comprehension. 小心点小石这种力量已经超出了我们的认知Upsetting it in the slightest amount will bring chowse upon us. 只要稍微大意就会带来灭顶之灾You mean chaos? 你是指灾难吗I can't get the food. 我吃不到东西It appears to be... some kind of... invisible barrier. 感觉像某种隐形的障碍Which I have named the "Force‐a‐Wall." 我给它起名为"原力墙"Well, if I can't eat that, I guess I'll just have to eat you. 如果吃不了那边的食物那就只能吃你了I'm serious. 我认真的Wait, what? 等等什么There's gotta be a hole in this thing somewhere. 这玩意上面应该有个洞吧Okay, here's the plan, 好了计划如下you and Twig help me find a gap. 你和小枝帮我找个缝隙Find a... gap. 找个缝隙‐ What do you think she's saying? ‐ Gap, gap! -你觉得她在说什么 -缝隙缝隙Gap! 缝隙Him? Okay. 他好吧No! Not a slap. Gap. 不是抽他是缝隙Gap! 缝隙Oh, okay, I totally understand! 我懂了‐ Ew. ‐ Ugh! Okay, new plan. -好恶心 -好吧新计划I'm going to see how far this goes, 我看看这面墙有多长so I can walk around it, and rescue you. 我绕过来救你们Oh, okay, I totally understand. 好的我完全明白Okay then. See you soon! 好吧一会见Rocksy wants me to try using your arm. 小石想让我用你的胳膊Fine. 行吧No problem. I'll just find the end of this thing 没问题我只需要走到末尾and get this Pick‐N‐Eat back on track. 让野餐恢复正常Yup, almost there. 行快到了Uh! Getting closer. Getting closer. 接近了接近了Sweet gravel! How far do I have to go? 天哪我到底走了多远Surely, I'm almost to the edge. 当然快走到边缘了Uh! I can feel it! 我能感觉到了Hey, you should come grab some of this before I eat all of it. 你应该在我吃完之前尝一点Food. Food. Food. Food. 食物食物食物食物No, no, no, no, no, no! 不不不不不Face it, Rocks. 面对现实吧小石The Universe is in charge and it wants us to eat! 宇宙才是主宰它想让我们大吃一顿What is wrong with you? Our friends are isolated over there. 你怎么回事我们的朋友被分隔在另一边了You know how Berry gets when she's hungry. 你知道小莓饿了会是什么样子Dude, Twig is not going to last much longer. 哥们小枝撑不了多久了More like this food is not gonna last much longer. 我看是这食物撑不了多久了You can't crack an invisible cosmic force, Rocksy. 你不能击溃无形的宇宙之力小石Come on, Leaf, don't you have any ideas? 来吧小叶你有主意吗I've got lots of ideas. Like edible music. 我有很多好主意比如可以吃的音乐Okay. Well, while you're figuring that out, 行吧你自己慢慢琢磨吧I'm going to try a little bit of this! 我要试试看硬撞Why won't you break? 怎么就是不破呢No, no! Twig is not food, we've been over this. 不小枝不是食物我们说好的Leaf, help me! She's eating him! She's eating him right now! 小叶帮帮我她要把他吃了She'll hit a splinter and stop. 她会咬到倒刺然后就会停下来It's going to get worse. They could be trapped for days or weeks. 情况只会更糟他们可能会被困好几天甚至好几周They don't have any food or water. 他们没有水和食物They could rot away before our very eyes. 我们会眼睁睁看着他们饿死Oh, whoa, wait. They could rot away into vampires. 等等他们说不定会变成吸血鬼Time could reverse on that side 时间可以在另一边倒转and they could age backwards into baby vampires! 他们会变回吸血鬼宝宝What will happen to us on this side? 我们这边会怎么样Will we be getting younger? Or if they shrink, will we grow? 我们会变年轻吗如果他们缩小了我们会变大吗Are we gonna be giants? Will we just be so huge 我们会变成巨人吗我们会不会变得很大that all of this will just be like a tiny speck to us? 让这一切都变得像个小斑点一样What would we even stand on? Wait, I know! 我们会站在什么地方我知道了A bigger speck. 一个更大的斑点My sweet Mr. Ladybug, 我的瓢虫先生you and your kabobs are truly a life saver. 你和你的烤肉串真是救了我一命Woof, what's your deal? 你怎么回事No good, there's a Force‐ A‐ Wall. 不行的这里有一面原力墙Rocksy thinks if I slap Twig, it'll fix it somehow. 小石觉得我要是打小枝一耳光就会有办法Which is helping, but not with the wall thingie. Any ideas? 虽然挺有用但墙还是没变化有主意吗‐ Whoa, Leaf, did you see that? ‐ No. -小叶你看到了吗 -没有I think I've got it! But it's gonna take all of us. 我有办法了但这需要我们所有人努力Wait. Rocksy's trying to tell us something. 等等小石想和我们说些什么Mr. Ladybug is really strong, 瓢虫先生很强壮and if we all work together, maybe, we can move the Force ‐a‐wall! 如果我们一起努力我们可以移动原力墙It's not as good as slapping, but we'll give it a shot. 没有打耳光的主意好不过我们可以试试Come on, everybody, push! 来吧各位推Hey, don't worry, guys, I found some more! 别担心各位我又找到了一些Are you okay? 你没事吧Berry, I'm sorry! 小莓我很抱歉We messed with forces we didn't understand 我们玩弄了自己理解不了的力量and we just made everything worse! 让情况变得更糟了You were right, Leaf. We have to accept this, 你说得对小叶我们只能接受这个现实the universe needs Berry to be flat now. 宇宙需要小莓变扁And I need to learn to be okay with that. 我得学会接受这一点‐ I think I'll be okay. ‐ What the hell? -我觉得我没事了 -什么情况Stuff the universe, man! My brother's down there! 别扯宇宙了我哥们还在下面被压着呢We've got to do something. Come on! 我们得做点什么快I'm coming, Twig! 我来了小枝Hey, man, a little warning next time? 哥们下次先说一声行不‐ Did it work? ‐ Huh, well, that's new. -有用吗 -真新鲜‐ Whoa, whoa, whoa! ‐ No! We're sorry. -天哪 -我们很抱歉Should have never come to this Pick‐N‐Eat! 就不该来这里野餐‐ You just left this lying in the grass? ‐ Yeah? So? -你就玻璃放草坪上了 -是啊所以呢‐ What just happened? ‐ You did it! -刚刚发生什么了 -你成功了‐ You got rid of the Force‐a‐wall! ‐ The Force‐a‐what? -你消除了原力墙 -什么原力I think I'm good on invisible cosmic mysteries for a while.我想我暂时不想再琢磨什么宇宙的隐形秘密了Hey, thanks, brother, I saw what you did for me. 谢谢你哥们我看到你为我做了什么Hey, man, I did a lot of stuff today 我今天做了不少事You gotta be a little more specific. 你得说详细点Get over here and start shoving food in your faces! 快过来享受食物Oh, yeah! 太好了Look who finally made it. 看看谁来了Hey, Derek! Come sit by me! 德瑞克坐我身边Hey, Derek, what did you bring? 德瑞克你带什么来了Uh, of course. 当然了‐ Good as new. ‐ So, now what? -和新的一样 -现在怎么办‐ Wanna jam? ‐ Ah... -想狂欢一番吗 -好Aw, man! 该死。
(完整word版)生活大爆炸 第一季 剧本台词 中英文对照1.09

at the speed of light to San Francisco bouncing off a satellite
in geosynchronous orbit to Lisbon, Portugal,
你可在Radio Shack买个万能遥控(美国第三大电子零售商)。
They're really cheap.
-Leonard:You don't get it.
Howard, enable public access.
-Howard:Public access enabled.
-Penny:Boy, that's terrific. I'll see you.
-Leonard:No, hang on, hang on.
-Sheldon:Someone in Szechwan Province, China is using his computer to turn our lights on and off.
Ew, stop it.
No! Leave me alone!
-Leonard:Who's running the red Corvette

( 背景音乐:1)旁白:Long ago, there lived a girl. The poor girl had to work day and night. She must sleep in the kitchen. She wearied dirty clothes. All of them called her cinders for Cinderella.Her mother had died and her father(旁白停顿,父亲出场并向观众致意,飞吻等) he had married again, but he was happy all the time, His new wife (旁白停顿,继母出场并向观众致意,摆酷,扭动前行等) sexy, but cruel‟; he had two daughters(旁白停顿,两个姐姐出场并向观众致意等). They are as bad as their mother.父亲出场后就座中间椅子上。
旁白:However, we‟ll show you a different play today.(换背景音乐2)She is so strong, and smart. Especially she is good at sport.Now, she is running for the 100 meter race.(灰姑娘冲刺)剧务给灰姑娘传球。
Now, she is playing basketball. (灰姑娘以一敌众,轻松灌篮)Now, she is practicing Chinese gongfu(灰姑娘打拳,对手倒(对手,被击打后退))This is her----Cinderella灰姑娘(怒,看旁白) :Do you finish?旁白: (结巴)O…Ok,con…continue, even she is perfect, she still can‟t escape the poor life, Why? That is-----(此时音乐关掉,无背景音乐)继母(怒): Hey! You! , wash clothes!灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes, Mom I do it right now.一姐将盆碗碰得乱响: you!, wash dishes. Quickly, Quickly,灰姑娘匆忙跑来:yes, ok!此时二姐手持针线缝衣,刺手,尖叫:ah, my finger! I don‟t do this any more. ! You do it! (将衣服扔向灰姑娘)灰姑娘(悲腔):Oh,I am very tired everyday! Maybe I am the poorest girl in the world. Mom loves that dog than me.(举牌的同时父亲退场)第一幕布置三把椅子灰姑娘在帮后母按摩肩膀,一姐在写作业,二姐做针线。

Penny the waitress
• Kaley Cuoco as Penny – She is the attractive, blonde neighbor who lives across the hall from Sheldon and Leonard. She has aspirations of a career in show business, and has been to casting calls and auditions but has not been successful thus far. To pay the bills, she works as a waitress at The Cheesecake Factory. • Kaley 饰演Penny。她很漂亮住在 sheldon和Howard的对面。他非常 想在演艺圈出名,也曾经出演过一 些小角色,但不是很成功。为了赚 钱,她在芝士蛋糕店做服务员
1)电视剧的内容介绍 2)电视剧的主要演员的资料 3)电视剧的观后感
• Jim 饰演sheldon博士,来自德克萨 斯州东部,是个神童,他拥有一个 硕士学位,两个博士学位,智商高 达187。
Dr.SheldoБайду номын сангаас Cooper

美剧《破产姐妹》(2 Broke Girls),是美国CBS电视台于2011年9月19日首播的情景喜剧,主力围绕着两名年轻女侍应Max Black与Caroline Channing的日常生活。
有个关于字幕翻译的著名笑话:原文是“Are you serious?”“No,I'm kidding.”本来是十分常见的一组对话,正确翻译应该是“你是认真的吗?”“不是,我开玩笑的。

1)电视剧的内容介绍 2)电视剧的主要演员的资料 3)电视剧的观后感
• The drama describes two 20-year-old's IQ of the California Institute of Technology Physics, Leonard, (experimental physicist) and Sheldon (theoretical physicist) with their door - a would-be actor was working in a restaurant Penny between the story of a beautiful girl.
• 他展现出一种严格遵守程序;缺 乏了解的讽刺、挖苦和幽默;和 一个完全缺乏谦卑。这些特征 是主要来源的角色的幽默。这 听起来很疯狂。
Dr. Rajesh Koothrappali
• Rajesh, Ph.D. – Rajesh, who originally comes from New Delhi, India, works as a particle astrophysicist at Caltech. He is very shy around women and is physically unable to talk to them unless he drinks alcohol. However, he has had much better luck with women as opposed to his overly confident best friend Howard. His parents are often seen via webcam. In three of them, he is the only one who don’t have a girlfriend.
美剧介绍 中英文结合版

学生占69.18%,公司职员占 10.42%
学历为大学专科本科的占到了 65.19%,研究生、硕士、博士、 博士后占到了8.20%
第四 部分
总结 第四部分 Conclusion
总结 Conclusion
1965年起,由于NBC发起的“全彩色频道”开播,美 国电视进入全彩的阶段,96%的电视节目实现彩色播 出。在1960-70年代,电视对社会以及新闻界的影响 越来越大,电视新闻也逐渐占据黄金时段。1980年, 全球首个全天候新闻频道CNN横空出世,从此电视新 闻媒体逐渐崛起。在1980年代,新的电视技术层出不 D C 穷:有线电视、卫星电视等。同时,美国各种媒体进 行整合,组成了今日美国媒体业的超级航母。 1970 年,美国颁布法律规定,商业电视网只能自制少 TEXT HERE TEXT HERE 量节目,其主流节目必须委托制作公司,电视网只享 有首播权,并不享有节目本身。虽然该法案后来取消 了,但委托制作电视剧的方式却根深蒂固,并也从另 外一个角度成就了众多电视珍品。 从60年代中期的惊险系列剧、幻想剧和魔幻剧,到70 年代与生活贴近的情景喜剧,再到80年代叙事日渐复 杂的现实题材系列剧,美剧经历了类型上的极大丰富。 晚间肥皂剧见证了自己最后的辉煌,并在80年代末逐 渐退出历史舞台。
分类 Classification
电视台 Television Station
季播 Broadcasted in the form of season 边拍边播 Following water line to create
高中英语《Frinds老友记》第9季中英文对照完整剧本920 The One With The Soap Opera Party素材

920 The One With The Soap Opera Party[Scene: Monica's apartment]Joey:(enters the room) Hey, you guys, what are you doing tomorrow night?Chandler:(browsing through a diary) Well, let me see... I-I believe I'm... yes, falling asleep in front of the TV.Joey: Look, my agent hooked me up with six tickets to a great play. Chandler: I could fall asleep at a play.Phoebe: What is it?Joey: It's a one-woman play called "Why don't you like me: a bitter woman's journey through life".Monica: It sounds interesting!Ross:Yeah, it does sound interesting, I mean, to listen to a woman complain for two hours, I don't think it gets bett... (Ross starts snoring, faking to fall asleep)Phoebe: I know, I know, we can drive, we can vote, we can work, what more do these broads want?Joey: You guys are gonna have a great time, I promise!Ross: What? How come that you don't have to go!Joey: I wish I could but I just found out that I have to be at work really early the next day, so I can't go, but, you know, take the extra ticket and invite whoever you want.Chandler:(browsing through a diary) Uh, let's see, who do I hate? Rachel:(gets up from the sofa and moves to the kitchen but Joey blocks her way) Oh, sorry... Oops, sorry.Joey:(lifts Rachel up and moves her behind him so she can walk on) Hey, here you go.Rachel:Ooh... oooh... (pause)(Rachel is all bah-jiggity about Joey) oh, ah... (pause)(to Monica) Can I ask you a question?Monica: Yeah.Rachel: Do you think it's possible for two friends to fool around and... and not have it be a big deal?Monica: No, I don't think it ever works. Why?Rachel: No reason.Monica: No, no, Rachel?Rachel: YeahMonica: Who do you wanna fool around with?Rachel:(with high pitched voice) Nobody, forget it!(Monica points at Joey, Rachel turns and sees him)Rachel:(giggling and whispering) Maybe.Monica:(whispering) You can't!Rachel:(whispering) Why? (Monica gesticulates mumbling something that starts with "because")Seriously I did not understand a word that you said.Monica: In the hall.[Scene: In the hall]Monica: You wanna fool around with Joey?Rachel: Yeah! You know, ever since I had that dream about him, and 920 肥皂剧派对嗨, 你们明天晚上有什么安排?嗯, 我看看... 我记得应该是...对, 看电视看到睡着!正好, 我的经纪人给了我六张不错的戏剧票我也可以看戏看到睡着关于什么的?是一个女人的独立剧, 叫:"你为什么不爱我——一个女人的痛苦人生"听起来好像不错是好像不错我是说, 听一个女人抱怨两个小时, 至少能比这个好点——对, 对, 我们能开车, 我们能选举,我们能工作, 这些娘们还想要什么?你们会喜欢的, 我保证!什么? 你不和我们一块儿去?我是很想去, 但我明天必须非常早起去工作!所以我不能去, 但你们可以把我的票给你们想要的任何人嗯, 我再看看, 我最讨厌谁?唔, 不好意思...噢, 不好意思嘿, 这儿走!我能问你件事儿吗?当然你认为是否可能两个朋友只是"搞"在一起而完全不当一回事儿?不, 我认为那根本不可能怎么了?没什么嗨, Rachel?嗯你想跟谁...?没什么, 算了!也许:)不行!为什么?说实在的, 根本没明白你在说什么去走廊说你想跟Joey...?对! 你知道的, 自从做了那个有关他的梦, 我就一直忘不了!而且也没什么大不了的, 大家都在"搞来can't get it out of my head! And what's the big deal, people do it all the time!Monica: Who? Who do you know that are friends that just fool around? Rachel: Ok, off the top of my head... Don and Janet.Monica: Who, who are they?Rachel: I know them from work.Monica: Both of them?Rachel: No, one of them...Monica: Which one?Rachel: I don't know, what were the names I just said?Monica: Rachel, things can get incredibly complicated.Rachel:All right, all right, you're right, I won't do anything with Joey, I just thought that we (Joey enters the hall) Ok so that would be two cups of tarragon, one pound of baking soda and one red onion? (Joey enters his apartment)Monica: What the hell are you cooking!Opening credits[Scene: Central Perk, Ross enters]Ross: Hey!Monica: Hey!Chandler: Hey!Ross: Hey, you guys won't believe what I have to do for work today. Chandler:Yes, but, Ross you chose a career of talking about dinosaurs. Ross:(covering with his hand Chandler's face, like pretending he's not there)(to Monica) There're these two professors who are joining my department and I have to meet them here and show them around campus. Monica: What's so bad about that?Ross: It's I just know they're gonna be a couple of windbags wearing tweed jackets with suede elbow patches.Monica:(fingering her elbow): Ross?Ross:(looking his elbow, where there's a patch) These aren't suede.(a woman walks in)Charlie:(to Gunther) Excuse me, I'm looking for someone. You don't, by any chance, know a Ross Geller?Gunther: No.Ross: Hi, hi, I'm Ross Geller.Charlie: Oh, hi. I'm professor Wealer.Ross: Oh, oh, that's, that's, that's nice.Charlie:It's a... It's good to meet you! Thank you so much for taking the time out to show me around.Ross: Oh, no, it's no big deal, I mean, if I weren't doing this I'd just, you know, be at the gym worki ng out.Monica:(to Chandler) Is he gonna introduce us?Chandler:(to Monica)No, I think we're just blurry shapes to him now. Charlie:And, by the way, I really enjoyed your paper on the connection between geographic isolation and rapid mutagenesis.Ross: Oh, ha, I wrote that in one minute.Monica:(to chandler) Twenty bucks says they're married within the month.Ross:(hitting Monica with his suitcase)(to Charlie)We should 搞去"!谁? 你认识的人里头有谁像你说的这样"搞来搞去"?Ok, 我首先想到的就是...Don和Janet谁, 他俩是谁?工作上的朋友两个都是?不, 其中一个...哪个?我忘了, 我刚才说的是什么名字来着? Rachel, 这么做太不妥当了好的, 你对, 你是对的我不会跟Joey做什么的, 我只是觉得我们...所以我们要用两杯龙嵩叶、一镑小苏打和一个洋葱?这能煮出来什么鬼东西来!嗨!嗨!你们绝不会相信我今天的工作是什么但是, Ross, 是你自己选择的教恐龙课程作为职业有两个其它的教授将要加入我的部门而我要在这儿等他们, 然后带他们参观校园这有什么可那么糟的?可我只知道他们两个是一个穿着斜纹软呢夹克另一个穿着肘部小山羊皮料子的怪人Ross?这不是小山羊皮不好意思, 我想打听个人你是否知道谁是Ross Geller?不知道嗨, 嗨, 我就是Ross Geller.噢, 我是Wealer教授噢, 噢, 这个, 这个, 好极了啊... 很高兴见到你!谢谢你肯花时间带我到处看看噢, 不, 这没什么...我是说, 不然的话, 我也只是去健身房健健身而已他打算介绍我们吗?不, 我想他现在眼睛里根本看不清我们而且, 顺便说一句, 我很喜欢你发表的《"地理学隔绝"与"快速突变说"的联系》噢, 呵, 我只是花了一个晚上随便写写的堵20块, 他们一个月内会结婚probably get going, you know, we got a lot of ground to cover. Charlie: Oh, ah, isn't there another professor that is supposed to come with us?Ross: I don't think so.Charlie: I'm pretty sure, professor Spafford from Cornell?Ross: Oh, well he's obviously late and the rule in my class is "if you can't come on time, then don't come at all". (pause) An option that many of my students use. (pause) Shall we?Charlie: You don't think we should wait for him?Ross: You know what, he's a big boy, I'm sure he'll find us, ok? Professor Spafford: Professor Geller?Ross: Oh, damn itJane:(from the answering machine) Hi Joey it's Jane Rogers, can't wait for your party tonight. Listen, I forgot your address, can you give me a call? Thanks, bye.Joey:(entering the room) Hey!Rachel: Hey!Joey: What's happenin'?Rachel: Yeah, it's a real shame you can't make it to that one-woman show tonight.Joey: Oh, I'd love to, but I gotta get u p so early the next day and so, you know me, work comes firstRachel: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah... (she plays the answering machine) Message:"Hi Joey, it's Jane Rogers can't wait for your party tonight" (Joey's upset and stops it)Joey:(yelling) Stupid Jane Rogers!!Rachel:(angry) You are having a party tonight??Joey: Kinda have a... a thing for the Days Of Our Life's people. Rachel: And you weren't going to tell us? How did you think you were gonna get away with that?Joey: I do it every year.Rachel: You do that every year??Joey:I didn't have to tell you that!! I'm stupider than Jane Rogers!! Rachel:Oh, that's why you got these tickets to that play, to get rid of us??Joey: Yeah...Rachel: And last year is that why you sent us to that medieval times restaurant?Joey: Yeah...Rachel: OH! And the year before that, when you set up that nighttime tour of that button factory?Joey:(Smiling) I can't believe you guys went for that one! Rachel: Joey, why wouldn't you invite us to your parties?Joey: You're fine, ok? But everyone else acts like an idiot around famous people!Rachel: Well, then so you just invite me...!Joey:(speaking aloud) Please, I was trying to be nice, you're the worst one! 我们也许该走了你知道, 校园还是挺大的噢, 不是还应该有一位教授和我们一起吗?有吗?我很肯定, 好像应该是来自Cornell的Spafford教授?噢, 那他显然是迟到了我课堂的规定就是"如果不守时, 就干脆别来了"我的许多学生也就是选择这么做的走吧?你不认为我们该再等等他吗?你知道, 他也不是小孩儿了, 肯定能找到我们的, 对吧?Geller教授?噢, 他妈的! ^_^嗨, Joey, 我是Jane Rogers, 很高兴参加你今天晚上的酒会还有, 我忘了你家的地址你能给我回个电话吗? 谢谢, bye嗨! 嗨!怎么了?真遗憾你不能来看今晚的"女人独角戏" 噢, 我也非常想去, 但你知道的, 我明天还要那么早起工作..你了解我, 工作优先嗯, 对, 对, 对..."嗨, Joey, 我是Jane Rogers, 很高兴参加你今天晚上的酒会"Jane Rogers真蠢!!你今晚将举办个酒会??是有一个... 请的都是《光辉岁月》的剧作人员而你根本不打算告诉我们?你就认为我们不会发现吗?我每年都这么做你每年都这么做??我不必告诉你这个!我比Jane Rogers还蠢!!噢, 所以你给我们门票, 就是为了摆脱我们??对...所以去年你请我们去中古餐厅? 对...还有前年, 你提议去徽章工厂夜间之旅? 我真不敢相信你们真去那儿了!Joey, 为什么你不要请我们参加你的酒会?你倒是没什么, 但其他人就像围着名人Rachel:Oh, Joey, come on! Please, please! Let me come, I will behave, I promise! I will behave! Please, please, please...Joey: Ok, ok! Fine! You can come, but don't tell anybody else. It's up on the roof at 8.Rachel:(yelling and jumping like a child) OH, a soap opera roof party!! I'm going to a soap opera roof party!! Oh my God, oh my God!! (realizing how she's behaving) And it's out of my system! [Scene: Ross, Charlie and Professor Spafford are sitting at the table in a restaurant]Professor Spafford:(speaking very slowly)And then my wife and I went on a cruise to the Galapagos. There was a sea food buffet you wouldn't believe. There were clams, and mussels, and oysters, and cracked crab, and snow crab, and king crab. It's a pity I'm allergic to shellfish. Ross:(very bored, he tries to avoid the conversation speaking to Charlie) So, where did you get your undergraduate degree? Professor Spafford: And that's not all I'm allergic to.Ross:(to Charlie) Oh, it's not over!Professor Spafford: I'm also allergic to peanuts, and cashews, and almonds, and filberts...Ross: So basically all nuts?Professor Spafford: Interestingly... no.Charlie: Kinda playing fast and loose with the word "interesting". Professor Spafford:If you'll excuse me I'm going to use the restroom. (he goes away)Charlie: O h my God!!Ross: I've lost the will to live.Charlie: Let's ditch him!Ross: What?Charlie: Come on, he's still in the bathroom! I'm begging you! Ross:Oh... ok, fine. But... ehm... I just have one question for you, ehm... (aping Professor Spafford)When we exit should we walk, or run, or prance, or stroll...Charlie: Stop it, stop it! He talks slow but he might pee fast! Ok, let's go!! (they run outside)[Scene: Monica and Chandler's apartment]Ross:(entering with Charlie) Oh, hey you guys! This is Charlie! Charlie, this is Phoebe and my sister, Monica.Phoebe: Hi!Ross: Yeah, Charlie is gonna be joining my department.Phoebe:Oh, you're a paleonthologist, too! (pause) Oh, ok, now, what do you think of Ranion's new theory of species' variegation in segmented arthopods?Charlie:Well, I think he's a little out there, but he does have some interesting ideas...Phoebe: Ah, ah.Charlie:(her mobile phone rings)Oh, I'm sorry. I'll take this. Excuse me. (she cuts herself off for a moment)Ross:(to Phoebe) Ranion's theory of species variegation? Phoebe: Yeah, I saw the article on your coffee table and I memorized the title to freak you out! 转的白痴!那就只邀请我一个...!拜托, 我只不过是想表达的委婉点儿,你最糟!噢, Joey, 拜托! 求求你了! 让我参加吧, 我不会那样的我保证! 不会的! 求求你了...好吧, 好吧! 那这样, 你来, 但别告诉其他人8点, 在屋顶上天哪, 屋顶的肥皂剧酒会!!我将要参加屋顶的肥皂剧酒会!!我的天哪! 我的天哪!!晚上的时候我不会这样的然后我和我的太太巡游到了加拉帕格斯群岛你们简直都不会相信, 那里有个海鲜自助餐有: 蛤蟆、还有沙蚕、还有龙虾、还有碎壳蟹、还有雪蟹、还有鳖遗憾的是, 我对贝壳类动物过敏那么, 你为什么大学的时候是肄业生?而且那并不是我所有过敏的东西噢, 原来还没完!我同样还对一下东西过敏:花生、还有腰果、还有杏仁、还有榛子... 所以基本上就是所有的坚果?"有趣"的是... 不好像在玩这个游戏不好意思, 我要去一趟洗手间噢我的天哪!!我简直失去了活着的信心我们快甩了他吧!什么?快, 趁他还在洗手间里! 我求你了! 噢... 行, 好吧. 但是... 嗯...我就是还有一个问题, 嗯...当我们逃走的时候, 我们是应该:用走的呢, 还是跑的呢, 是昂首阔步式的呢,还是四处流浪型的呢?够了, 停!他说话是慢, 但可能尿尿快! 好了, 逃吧!!各位, 这位是Charlie!Charlie, 这是Phoebe和我的妹妹Monica 嗨!对了Charlie将会加入我的部门噢, 你也是为古生物学家!Monica:(to Ross) So, did you two have fun?Ross: Oh my God, she's great! I mean, we-we have so much in common and she's just cool, and funny...Monica:And I don't know if you've noticed but she's a (aloud)HOTTY!! (Charlie looks at her) HI!Rachel:(she enters wearing a bath-robe)Hey... Hi you guys! Listen, you know what? I'm not feeling really well. I think I can't get out for the play.Ross: Really? Wh-what's wrong?Rachel: I don't know! I think it's kind of serious! Oh, you know...I was watching this thing on TV this morning about... Newcastle disease... and I think I might have it!!Charlie: Oh, Newcastle disease is a secretion borne virus that only affects chickens and... other poultry.Rachel: ... Ok, who is this?Ross: I'm sorry, Rachel, this is Charlie Wealer, she's a collegue. Rachel:Oh, hi! I would check your hand but... I'm sure you don't want to get my chicken disease!Monica: Hey, Rachel, Can-can I see you for a sec?Rachel: Sure! (Monica takes her apart) Oh...Monica: You're not sick!Rachel: What? Yes, I am!Monica:Ok, then, why are you... (she opens her robe revealing a nice black dress) all dressed up??Rachel: When you're sick, you do whatever you can to make yourself feel better! (she closes her robe)Monica: You just wanna stay home so you can make a move on Joey! Rachel: Oh, no, no! I heard you before, that is so not what this is! Monica: Ok, what is this?Rachel: Ok! (whispering) Joey is having a secret Days Of Our Lives party up on the roof and he sent you guys to the play to get rid of you!Monica:(aloud) WHAT?Ross:(looking at them) Wh-what's going on?Monica:Joey is having a secret Days Of Our Lives party up on the roof! Rachel: And he didn't want you guys to know about it but I came over here to tell you!!Charlie: I thought you came to say you were sick.Rachel: Ok professor or detective?Phoebe: Joey's having a party and he wasn't gonna invite us? Rachel: Yeah, and he does it every year! That's why he's sending you to that play! That's why he sent us to that medieval restaurant and to that button factory!Phoebe: And that horrible museum tour!Ross: No, I arranged that...(Joey enters, wearing a bathrobe)Joey:(sounds tired) Hey you guys, I'm turning in. Have fun. Phoebe: We know about your party Joey.Joey: What party?Monica: The game's over! Take off your robe! 嗯, 那么你对于Ranion的在嵌段关节中物种的彩斑的新理论有什么看法呢?其实, 我认为他有一点"过"了, 但他也的确有一些很有意思的观念...抱歉, 我接个电话, 不好意思Ranion的嵌段关节中物种的彩版理论? 哈, 我在你的咖啡桌上看到的这篇文章, 我默记住了标题想吓吓你!那么, 你们两个相处得愉快吗?天哪, 她简直太棒了!我是说, 我们-我们有太多的共同点了而且她很酷, 并且还很风趣...而且我不知道你是否注意到了她有多——靓!!Hi~嗨-哦, 你们在这儿知道吗? 我感觉我有点... 我想我不能去看戏了什么? 你怎么了?我也不知道, 但我觉得很难受!哦, 对了... 我早上在电视上看到那个..."纽卡斯尔"疾病...我想我可能有点这个症状!!"纽卡斯尔"疾病是一种分泌物传染性病毒, 它只侵袭鸡或者其他家禽... Ok, 这是谁?噢, Rachel, 这是Charlie Wealer, 我学校的同事Oh, 你好! 我很想和你握握手但是... 我想你不想被我的鸡类疾病传染!嘿, Rachel, 能过来一下吗?当然!你根本没病!什么? 不, 我有病!好, 那么, 你... 为什么穿得这么隆重??当你生病的时候, 你应该尽一切努力是你自己感觉舒服点!你只是想留在家里好趁机对joey有所行动!才没有! 之前我听进去了你所说的一切, 所以根本就不是这么回事!那是怎么回事?好吧!Joey准备在天台上开一个秘密的《光辉岁月》剧组酒会所以他让你们去看戏好避开你们!什么?怎么了?Joey:(looks perplexed and opens up his robe) Ok... I mean... Everyone: No!! Cover it up!!Joey:(to Charlie after covering himself up again) Nice to meet ya! (Charlie waves hesitantly and Joey leaves)[Scene: The Roof]Joey:(To some people) Hey! Hey alright! Hey, glad you could make it (Shakes a man's hand) Thanks for coming.Monica: Oh my God! Kyle Lowder!Kyle Lowder:(to Monica) Hi. (walks on)Monica:(Yells after him) I love you!Joey: Hey, that's why I didn't invite you. you have to calm down, alright... go, go get yourself a drink or something...Monica: Oh yeah that's what you want - my inhibitions lowered. Phoebe: Hey!Monica:(Excited)Oh my God, can you believe we are surrounded by all this? I can barely control myself.Phoebe:Monica, you might want to remember that you are married. Where is Chandler anyway? (Looks around)Monica:(Shocked) Oh my God! Chandler![Scene: The t heater. Chandler is sitting in the otherwise empty front row, looking around nervously]Chandler: Where the hell is everybody?(The lights dim and Chandler tries to get away but as the bitter lady comes on stage and starts yelling he promptly changes his mind and sits down)Bitter lady:(yelling) Why don't you like me?! Chapter One: My first period.[Scene: The Roof, Rachel is talking to a guy who hands her a tissue with something written on it]Monica:(to Rachel)Hey! Joey said no autographs! But if she's gettting one, then I want one too: To Monica. And none of this "best wishes" crap. I want "love".Rachel:Ok actually Mon, Matthew was just giving me his phone number. Monica:Oh man! If I had known I was coming to this party I never would have gotten married!Matthew Ashford: It was nice to meet you Rachel.Rachel: Nice to meet you.Matthew Ashford: Call me.Rachel:Ok(Matthew leaves)Monica:(yelling after him) We will!!Monica:(to Rachel) Look at you with all the guys!Rachel: Yeah!Monica: I guess you have forgotten all about Joey?Rachel: Yeah, well, I guess I have forgotten about Joey and clearly you've forgotten about Chandler!Monica: Please... Chandler is the love of my life... (At which point a man in leather pants walks by)... oooh leather pants! Have Mercy! (Follows the man in the leather)(cut to Ross and Charlie)Joey准备在天台上开一个秘密的《光辉岁月》剧组酒会!而且他不想让你们知道但我特意过来告诉你们!!我以为你是来说你病了你是教授还是侦探?Joey将要开个酒会却不邀请我们? Yeah, 而且他每年都这样!这才是他要我们去看戏的原因?这也是他请我们去中古餐厅的原因?去徽章工厂夜行的原因?还有那场恐怖讨厌的博物馆之旅?不, 那是我请的...嗨各位, 我就要上床睡觉了, 祝你们玩儿的愉快我们已经知道你的酒会了, Joey什么酒会?游戏结束了! 脱下你的长袍吧!好吧... 我是说...不!! (哈哈哈哈...^_^)快穿起来!!很高兴见到你!嗨!嗨你好!很高兴你来了, 多谢光临!噢天哪! Kyle Lowder!嗨我爱你!嘿, 这就是我不请你的原因! 冷静一点, 好不好...先去喝点什么吧...噢, 原来这就是你想要的——压抑与失落感嗨!天哪, 你能相信我们居然和这些人在一起吗?我几乎都不能控制自己了Monica, 你应该还记得你已经结婚了吧Chandler在哪儿?噢天哪! Chandler!大家都死哪儿去了?你为什么不爱我?!第一章: 我的第一次月经嘿! Joey说别去要签名!但如果她签了, 我也要一个就写献给Monica.别写"祝福"这种破玩意儿写——"爱"事实上 Mon, Matthew是在给我他的电话号码Ross:(to Charlie) So, eh... it's probably gonna be hard for you to leave Boston, huh?Charlie: Actually, I'm kinda happy to be leaving... I just broke up with someeone.Ross:Ooh... so sad... Still, it can't be easy for you to leave Harvard? Especially after working alongside a Nobel Prize winner like Albert Wintermeyer?Charlie: Actually, Alby is the guy I broke up with.Ross: You... you dated Albert Wintermeyer?Charlie: Yeah...Ross: ... And you called him Alby!? (laughs) I mean that's like... like calling Albert Einstein... er... Alby...Charlie: Yeah, well, he is a brilliant man.Ross: Eh, you think? I mean, you went out with a guy who improved the accuracy of radiocarbon dating by a factor of 10!Charlie:Yes! And while that is everything one looks for in a boyfriend, he had a lot of issues...Ross:(very interested)Oh! like what?! (Charlie looks at him confused, but smiling)Oh I'm sorry, I don't mean to pry... it's j ust that this must be what regular people experience when they watch "Access Hollywood".Charlie: Ok, you want the dirt? Alby was seriously insecure. I mean, he was really intimidated by the guy I dated before him.Ross: Who is intimidating to a guy who won the Nobel Prize? Charlie: A guy who won two.Ross:(a little suprised)Two? Wha...? Don't tell me you dated Benjamin HobartCharlie: Yeah... for three years.Ross: Oh my God! Have you ever been in a relationship with someone who hasn't won the Nobel Prize?Charlie:(smiling and thinks for a moment)... no... bu but there was my first boyfriend Billy.Ross: Oh yeah? no, no Nobel Prizes for him?Charlie: No, but he did just win the McArthur genius grant. Ross:Huh... huh... what a loser! Some more wine? (takes the half-full glasses and goes to the counter)Phoebe: Hey Ross!Rache: How is it going with Charlie?Ross:(sarcastically) Oh Great! After I finish my wine I'm going to blow my... eh. average-sized brains out.Phoebe: Oh, What's the matter?Ross: She... she only dates geniuses and Nobel Prize winners. Oh my God, at the chinese restaurant earlier today, I put chopsticks in my mouth and pretented to be a woolly mammoth.Rachel: I always loved that!!Ross:Of course you would, your brains are smaller than mine!! (Rachel nods) Man, I can't compete with the guys she goes out with, they are so out of my league! oh my God!Phoebe: Worse?Ross: Oh much, much worse. I did my impression of Joan Rivers as one 噢天哪! 要是我早知道我能来这个酒会, 我绝不结婚!很高兴见到你Rachel也很高兴见到你给我打电话好的我们会的!!看看这些小伙儿们!是啊我想这回你该可以忘了Joey了吧?嗯是啊, 但很显然你也忘了Chandler!拜托... Chandler是我一生的挚爱... . 噢皮裤!真走运!离开了波士顿你一定很难过吧?其实, 我倒是有点高兴...我刚和前男友分手噢... 真遗憾...不过, 离开哈佛还是很不容易吧?尤其是在像Albert Wintermeyer那样的诺贝尔得主旁边工作后?事实上, Alby就是我的前男友你和Albert Wintermeyer约会?对啊而你叫他Alby!我是说这好像... 简直就像叫爱因斯坦...Alby...呵, 对, 他是个挺有才气的人那当然! 我是说, 你是在跟一个改进放射性碳的准确性为十的因数的人约会啊! 那到是, 但是对于一个普通人找男朋友来说他有很多毛病...噢! 比如呢?对不起, 我不是在打听隐私只是一个一般人看"走进好莱坞"都会问的问题想听点八卦?Alby总觉得在我这里没有安全感我是说, 他总觉得我之前的男友比他强谁会比一个诺贝尔奖得主还强?一个得了两个诺贝尔奖的家伙两个? 哇噢...? 别告诉我你和Benjamin Hobart约会过对... 我们在一起三年噢天哪! 你跟没得过诺贝尔奖的人交往过吗?... 没有...噢, 我首任男友Billy没得过(Rachel is puzzled)Joey:(discarding all the remaining tissues one by one) Pass, pass, oh, pass, double-pass, pass...Rachel:(picking up the tissues) Why, why, what's wrong with these guys?Joey:Nothing major, it's just that, you know, they're not really good enough for you, and you deserve the best.Rachel: Joey, you're so sweet.Joey: That's true. But you know what, it doesn't matter because I already know who you're gonna go home with tonight.Rachel: Who (looks around)?(Joey motions for Rachel to lean in. She does so.)Joey: Me.Rachel:(surprised) What? (with a nervous smile) Really?Joey: Yes, 'cause we live together, that's a joke!Rachel: Oh! Screw it, I didn't get it! (they high-five)Joey: Gotcha.Rachel: Oh, Very funny... Joey.(Joey leaves. Rachel gulps down what's left of her drink and grimaces.) (Chandler walks in)Chandler:(to Monica) So, how did you enjoy the play?Monica: Oh my god, honey, I'm so so so so so sorry.Chandler:Well you should be. You missed the most powerful three hours in the history of the theater.Monica: You really liked it?Chandler: Oh yeah! I mean at first I hated it, but why wouldn't I, because as a man I've been trained (bitter woman's tone)not to listen! (pause) But after chapter 16: "fat, single and ready to mingle", I was uplifted.Monica: Oh really!Chandler: Oh yeah, I had no idea the amazing journey you go through as a woman! Tell me, tell me about your first period!Monica: No!Chandler: Did somebody sign your bra?Monica: So I got it when I was 13...[Scene: At the counter. Ross is sitting there, drinking. Phoebe approaches him.]Phoebe:Hey Ross! So listen, about you and the dinosaur girl, are you really just gonna let a couple of Nobel prizes scare you off? What is that, come on, a piece of paper?Ross: It's actually a $1,000,000 prize.Phoebe:Go Charlie! But my point is, ok so she dated them but she also broke up with them. Maybe she's looking to, you know, slum it with some average Joe PhD.Ross: Yeah, maybe. I do have my whole career in front of me. I mean, I can still win a Nobel prize. Although the last two papers I've written were widely discredited.Phoebe:You're so much more than just brains! You're sweet, and kind, and funny...Ross: And sexy. 所以想问问你们是不是在交往, 或是想要...噢, 没有,但我想说, 她只跟非常非常聪明的人约会我的SATs(美国的学业性测验)得了690分可以上新闻头条了对, 就签在胸罩的右边Monica!别担心Joe, 明年我不会来了!拿的是什么?几个男孩子给我的电话号码噢, 我看看哇, 还真不少啊!你是个小荡妇吗?我想是的我看看这些小丑是否合格这个家伙是戴的假发这个是加拿大的这个家伙是信什么教的这个教让你花5000美元提高到等级三但是我觉得根本没变化不行, 不行, 这个也不行, 还是不行... 这些又怎么了?到没什么大毛病但我觉得他们对你来说都不够好, 你应该得到最好的Joey, 谢谢我是说真的因为我知道谁是那个今晚应该带你回家的"最好的"谁?我!啊?真的吗?当然, 因为我们住在一起啊, 哈哈!当然!太幽默了!哈哈!你对这个戏剧有什么想法??噢亲爱的, 我-太-太-太-太-太-抱歉了你是应该遗憾, 因为你错过了戏剧史上最有意义的三个小时你喜欢那个戏?当然!我得说刚开始的时候我并不喜欢, 但这是因为身为一个男人,被一贯地训练成了不去聆听但到了第十六章: "肥胖与独身将融为一体" 之后我得到了提高我简直得到了升华Phoebe: Ok well give her a chance to see all of that!Ross: Yeah, you're right, thanks Pheebs, I'm gonna go find her. Phoebe: Good for you! And hey, I thought your paper on punctuated equilibrium in the Devonian era was top notch!Ross: Stop going through my stuff (walks away)!(Rachel approaches Monica)Rachel:(to Monica) Hey!Monica: Hey!Rachel:I just wanted to let you know I've changed my mind: I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna kiss Joey.Monica: No, you can't! Friends hooking up is a bad idea.Rachel: Please, what about you and Chandler?Monica: That's different! I was drunk and stupid!Rachel: Well hello (points to herself)!Monica:What about all the guys that you've got the phone numbers from? Why don't you just kiss one of them?Rachel: I could, I could but I don't want to! I want to kiss Joey! Monica: Alright (shrugs). I think it's a big mistake but it's your decision.Rachel:(pause) I'm gonna do it.Monica: And I can't stop you.Rachel: No.(Rachel goes look for Joey. She sees him and Charlie kissing passionately.)Ross:(to Rachel) Hey Rach, have you seen Charlie anywhere? (Rachel just stands there staring at Joey and Charlie in silence. After a while, Ross turns around and sees them.)Ross: I'm smarter than him!Closing credits[Scene: The theater. Monica, Phoebe and Chandler are sitting in the first line]Phoebe: Hey, thank you so much for these tickets, Chandler. Chandler:Oh well, this was a really impor tant experience for me, and I wanted to share it with you.Monica: Oh, you're so wonderful.Bitter woman: Why don't you like me! Chapter one: my first period. Chandler: Can't believe you guys bought that, enjoy your slow death (runs away). 是吗我从来不了解作为一个女人的旅程会是这么令人惊讶!给我讲讲, 你的第一次是什么样的!不!谁在你的胸罩上签了名吗?当时我13岁...Ross!嗨听着, 关于你那个恐龙女你真是就被几个诺贝尔奖吓倒了吗?那有什么的啊, 拜托, 不就是一张纸吗? 那是个100万美元奖金的奖项干得好 Charlie!但我要说的是...对, 她是和他们约会过, 但她不还是和他们分手了吗?也许她只想找一个普通的博士也许是的我的事业也很出色我是说....我也可以得诺贝尔奖尽管大家对我的前两篇文章普遍的产生怀疑态度你比只有聪明大脑的那些人强多了!你这么细心, 博爱, 还很幽默...而且性感那就给她个机会让她了解一下这些嘛! 对, 说得对, 谢谢 Pheebs, 我去找他祝你好运!嗨, 我觉得你的论文在德语地区里的标点平衡用的最好!别再看我的论文了我只是想让你知道我改变主意了!我要行动了, 我要去亲Joey!不, 你不能这么做! 朋友搞在一起决不是什么好事儿那你和Chandler又是怎么回事儿?那不一样! 我喝醉了而且蠢!嗨! 亲爱的!那些个你电话号码的小伙儿的?你就不能去亲他们中间的一个?我能! 但是我不想要他们! 我只想要Joey!好吧... 尽管我认为这是个错误, 但如果你坚持的话...我一定要这么做!我也不能阻止你?不能!嗨 Rach, 看见Charlie在哪儿了吗?我至少比他聪明吧!。

The Big Bang Theory is an American sitcom created by Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady, both of whom serve as executive producers on the show. It premiered on CBS on September 24, 2007. The show is about two Caltech prodigies in their 20s, one is an experimental physicist (Leonard Hofstadter) and the other is a theoretical physicist (Sheldon Cooper), who live across the hall from an attractive blonde waitress with show-biz aspirations (Penny).
actor's lines
In a world where you can't fight back, superheroes provide meaningful wish-fulfilment. 在一个人自身无力反抗时,超级英雄能满足他们心中的愿 望。——《生活大爆炸》

呼啸山庄中英文双语介绍Wuthering Heights《呼啸山庄》(Wuthering Heights),英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特(Emily Brontë)的小说,也是她唯一的一部小说,于1847年首度出版。
后来,凯瑟琳受外界影响,改而爱上有钱、成熟的画眉庄园的青年埃德加·林顿(Edgar Linton)。

- You're pregnant. -Which is exactly why We have to help him see this through
And that will cause your plane...
Oceanic 815, to crash on this island.
And just how exactly do you plan on destroying this energy?
You're welcome.
You're not gonna steal anymore, are you?
Be good, Katie.
Welcome aboard, everyone.
We will be doing some system checks offshore here
Previously on "lost"...
The dharma folks at the swan work site...
They're gonna...gonna drill into the ground
2018-自我介绍美剧-范文word版 (7页)

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学习英语十大最佳美剧 ?
? ?
? 1 《神探阿蒙》 2 《妙警贼探》 3 《超人前传》 4 《火线警告》 5 《24小时》 6 《罗马》 7 《X档案》 8 《老友记》 9 《豪斯医生》 10 《无敌女金刚》

2008-11-17 15:49:32《欲望都市》太经典了,四位住在曼哈顿的单身女性对性爱的理解,可谓各有不同,某杂志专栏作家凯丽通过自己亲身经历,描述了现代人对性爱、性伴侣、性生活以及自己对性和充满性爱城市——纽约的独到见解。
讲述年少成名的男主人公文森 .蔡斯和他的三个少年时纽约皇后区的朋友一道冒险的故事。

电影星际穿越英文介绍After tons of hype, NASA-like secrecy and several elusive trailers, Interstellar, English-American director and producer Christopher Nolan’slatest sci-fi project, blasts off to infinity andbeyond, along with this year’s awa rd season hype.在几支神秘莫测的预告片与铺天盖地的宣传之后,由英裔美国导演兼制作人克里斯托弗•诺兰执导的科幻新作《星际穿越》终于伴着今年颁奖季的宣传“点火升空”,登上大荧幕,“超越无极限”。
Nolan is one of my favorite directors in the industry right now, and not just because he has made the Batman trilogy 2021-2021 and Inception 2021. Heis also responsible for keeping thenotion of “the original big-budget Hollywood spectacular” alive in an era of reboots and adaptations.诺兰是目前我最喜爱的电影导演之一。
美剧介绍 中英文结合版共24页

60、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地 走到底 ,决不 回头。 ——左
56、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过 去和未 来文化 生活的 源泉。 ——库 法耶夫 பைடு நூலகம்7、生命不可能有两次,但许多人连一 次也不 善于度 过。— —吕凯 特 58、问渠哪得清如许,为有源头活水来 。—— 朱熹 59、我的努力求学没有得到别的好处, 只不过 是愈来 愈发觉 自己的 无知。 ——笛 卡儿
美剧介绍 中英文结合版
1、合法而稳定的权力在使用得当时很 少遇到 抵抗。 ——塞 ·约翰 逊 2、权力会使人渐渐失去温厚善良的美 德。— —伯克
3、最大限度地行使权力总是令人反感 ;权力 不易确 定之处 始终存 在着危 险。— —塞·约翰逊 4、权力会奴化一切。——塔西佗
5、虽然权力是一头固执的熊,可是金 子可以 拉着它 的鼻子 走。— —莎士 比
The Vampire Diaries 吸血鬼日记第一季01剧本 中英文双语

1For over a century, I have lived in secret 过去的一个多世纪我都秘密地活着2Hiding in the shadows,藏身暗处3Alone in the world. 独自一人4Until now. 直到现在5I am a vampire.我是个吸血鬼6And this is my story.这就是我的故事7An hour's drive to hear that crap居然开一小时的车去听那种垃圾音乐8You know, it wasn't even a band.根本都算不上是乐队9一人抱一把吉他A guy with a guitar.10每人一小时An hour each way.11他没你说的那么差He wasn't that bad.12风格还挺像詹姆士·布朗特He sounded like James Blunt.13那有什么不好呢What's wrong with that?14问题是已经有一个詹姆士·布朗特了We already have a James Blunt.15一个就够了One's all we need.16 那你为什么还要来So why did you come?17因为我爱你Because I love you.18答得不错Nicely done.19哪来这么大的雾What's with all the fog?20刚才还没有的It'll clear in a second.21小心Watch out!22你没事吧Are you ok?!23我们撞到人了上帝啊We just hit someone! Oh,my god!24快打电话叫救护车Call for help.25快接电话快啊Come on, come on!26千万别出人命啊Please be alive!27哦上帝啊Oh, my god.28这里没信号There's no signal!29达伦Darren!30达伦Darren?31《吸血鬼日记》第一季第一集32我不该回家来的I shouldn't have come home.33我知道这很冒险I know the risk.34但我别无选择But I had no choice.35我必须去认识她I have to know her.36亲爱的日记Dear diary,37今天将会不同以往Today will be different.38必须要It has to be.39我会微笑让别人相信I will smile, and it will be believable.40告诉他们"我很好谢谢关心"My smile was "I'm fine, thank you."41"是的我好多了""Yes, I feel much better."42我不再是失去双亲的悲伤女孩I will no longer be the sad little girl who lost herparents.43我要重新开始做不同的自己I will start fresh, be someone new.44这是我能挺过去的唯一办法It's the only way I'll make it through.45吐司面包怎么样我可以做Toast. I can make toast.46只要咖啡就行珍娜姑妈It's all about the coffee, Aunt Jenna.47有咖啡吗Is there coffee?48你们开学第一天Your first day of school49我却毫无准备And I'm totally unprepared.50要午餐钱吗Lunch money?51我不用了I'm good.52还有什么别的吗Anything else?53一支两号铅笔我还漏了什么没A number two pencil? What am I missing?54你今天不是有个重要报告会吗Don't you have a big presentation today? 55我要和论文导师见面就是现在I'm meeting with my thesis advisor at...now.56糟糕Crap!57那走吧我们自己能行Then go. We'll be fine.58你还好吧You ok?59别这么跟我说Don't start.60祖母说我是个灵媒So gram’s telling me I'm psychic.61我们祖先就是从耶路撒冷来的Our ancestors were from Salem,62我知道听起来有点不靠谱Which isn't all that, I know, crazy,63但是她不停地说啊说But she's going on and on about it,64我就在想快让我离开这儿And I'm like, put this woman in a home already!65但是我开始想But then I started thinking,66奥巴马和希斯·莱杰我都预言到了I predicted Obama and I predicted HeathLedger,67而且我还认为佛罗里达将有大事发生And I still think Florida will break off68今后就不再是度假胜地了And turn into little resort islands.69埃琳娜Elena!70注意力回到车里Back in the car.71我又犯病了是吗I did it again, didn't I?72对不起邦妮I--I'm sorry, Bonnie.73你在跟我说You were telling me that...74我是个灵媒That I'm psychic now.75对那么预言点什么Right. Ok, then predict something.76关于我的About me.77我想想I see...78那是什么东西What was that?!79哦上帝啊Oh, my god!80埃琳娜你没事吧Elena, are you ok?81没事我很好It's ok. I'm fine.82好像是鸟之类的东西不知从哪飞出来的It was like a bird or something. It came out ofnowhere.83说真的看来我下半辈子都不想碰车了Really, I can't be freaked out by cars for the restof my life.84我预言今年是不得了的一年I predict this year is going to be kick ass.85我预言所有悲伤和不幸都已经结束And I predict all the sad and dark times are over86你会过得快乐至极And you are going to be beyond happy.87房地产行业里男性匮乏Major lack of male real estate.88快看凯丽泳滩的浴帘Look at the shower curtain on Kelly Beach.89她看上去挺辣的She looks a hot90你还是以前那个"悲伤小姐"嘛Can I still say "tranny mess"?91不是都已经过去了No, that's over.92就该这样找个男人起个新绰号Ahh, find a man, coin a phrase.93又是忙碌的一年It's a busy year.94他恨我He hates me.95那不是恨That's not hate.96是说"你甩了我我不屑于表现出来"That's "you dumped me, but I'm too cool to show it,97"但暗地里却听空气补给乐队的热门歌曲""But secretly I'm listening to Air Supply's greatest hits."98埃琳娜我的天哪Elena. Oh, my god.99你怎么样How are you?100见到你真好Oh, it's so good to see you.101她怎么样她好吗How is she? Is she good?102卡罗琳我就站在这里Caroline, I'm right here.103而且我很好谢谢And I'm fine. Thank you.104真的吗Really?105对好多了Yes. Much better.106 我的小可怜Oh, you poor thing.107够了卡罗琳Ok, Caroline.108那么待会儿见Ok, see you guys later?109-好的-拜拜- Ok! - Bye.110不予置评No comment.111我什么都不想说I'm not going to say anything.112六个小时内最多吃2粒Don't take more than two in a six-hour window.113薇姬Hey, Vicki.114我就知道你和这个瘾君子在一起I knew I'd find you here with the crackheads.115皮特·温兹打电话[美国乐团Fall Out Boy主唱]Hey, Pete Wentz called.116他想要回他的指甲油He wants his nail polish back.117皮特·温兹你活在啥年代啊Pete Wentz,huh? How old school T.R.L of you.118不会是卡森·戴利的粉丝吧Carson Daly fan?119泰冷静点冷静点Oh, Ty, be nice. Be nice.120他是埃琳娜的弟弟That's Elena's little brother.121我知道I know who he is.122那我也要给他好看I'll still kick his ass.123等等这人是谁Hold up. Who's this?124我只看到个背影All I see is back.125很帅的背影It's a hot back.126你的档案还不齐全Your records are incomplete.127没有免疫证You're missing immunization records,128而且我们必须要看成绩单And we do insist on transcripts.129请您再看一下Please look again.130我确定您要的都在这了I'm sure everything you need is there.131你是对的Well,you're right.132的确如此So it is.133我感知到了西雅图还有他会弹吉他I'm sensing Seattle, and he plays the guitar.134看来你真是把那种灵媒技能You're really going to run this whole psychicthing135-发挥到极致了-差不多- Into the ground,huh? - Pretty much.136我马上回来I'll be right back.137千万要长帅点啊Please be hot.138裤子掉啦小妞Whoa! Pants down, chick!139很好Great.140第一天上课你就喝多了It's the first day of school and you're stoned. 141-我没有-放哪了- No,I'm not. - Where is it?142-藏身上了吗-别翻了- Is it on you? - Stop,all right?!143你得冷静点行不行You need to chill yourself,all right?144-我冷静点-这算什么- Chill myself? - What is that,145酒鬼的演讲吗Stoner talk?146老弟算你狠Dude,you are so cool.147停我身上什么也没有你疯了吗Look,stop! I don't have anything on me. Are you crazy?148你还没见识过我发疯呢杰里米You haven't seen crazy, Jeremy!149我一个暑假没管你I gave you a summer pass,150可我不能再看着你毁了你自己了But I am done watching you destroy yourself. 151别别别知道我怎么想吗No,no,no,you know what?152你走吧爱干嘛干嘛不过记住了Go ahead. Keep it up. But just know153只要我发现你喝酒That I am going to be there154见一次摔一次明白没To ruin your buzz every time,you got it?155杰里米我知道你是什么样的人Jeremy, I know who you are.156不是现在这样的And it's not this person.157别这样下去了So don't be this person.158不用你来说教I don't need this.159谢谢Thank you.160不客气You're welcome.161对不起Uh, pardon me.162这里是男士洗手间吗Is this the men's room?163是的我只是Yes. um, I was just,164只是... Um... I was just...165说来话长了It's a long story.166谢谢Thank you.167我们的家乡弗吉尼亚州Once our home state of Virginia168曾于1861年加入南部的联盟国Joined confederacy in 1861,169这使得州际内部极度紧张起来It created a tremendous amount of tensionwithin the state.170弗吉尼亚的西北派人士People in Virginia's northwest region171与南方腹地的传统派意见相左Had different ideals than those from thetraditional deep south.172终于弗吉尼亚于1863年分裂Then virginia divided in 1863173西北部加入了合众国With the northwest region joining the union.174[帅哥在看你]175亲爱的日记Dear diary,176我熬过了一整天I made it through the day.177我肯定至少说了37次I must have said, "I'm fine, thanks,"178"我很好谢谢"At least 37 times.179但没有一次是真心的And I didn't mean it once.180不过没人发现But no one noticed.181纪念亲爱的双亲2009年5月23日182当有人问起"你好吗"时When someone asks, "How are you?"183他们其实并不想知道答案They really don't want an answer.184小鸟你好Hi, bird.185没什么可怕的That's not creepy or anything.186这才是我想说的That's what I thought.187你没事吧You ok?188你在跟踪我吗Were you following me?189没有我只是看到你跌到了No, I, uh, I just... I saw you fall.190是啊你只是碰巧Uh-huh, and you just happened to be191在墓地闲逛Hanging out in a cemetery.192我是来祭拜家人的I'm visiting. I have family here.193太失礼了Wow. Tactless.194对不起都怪那雾气I'm sorry. It's the fog,195把我身上都弄得雾蒙蒙的It's making me foggy.196而且那边还有只鸟And then back there,there was this bird, 197有一霎那一切都非常的"希区柯克"And it was all very Hitchcock for a second. 198 很像希区柯克的电影《鸟》对吧That is the bird movie, right, the Hitchcock?199我叫埃琳娜I'm Elena.200我叫斯特凡I'm Stefan.201我知道I know.202我们是一起上历史课的We have history together.203还有英语和法语课And English and French.204没错Right.205谢谢Thanks.206很漂亮的戒指Nice ring.207是家传的It's a family ring, yeah.208我永远不会跟它分开有点诡异对吗I'm kinda stuck with it. It's weird,huh?209不会戒指到处都有No, no. It's just, I mean, there are rings210这枚却是独一无二的And then there's that.211你是不是受伤了Did you hurt yourself?212刚才是不是摔伤了Did you hurt yourself?213不知道I don't know.214看啊Oh! Look at that.215这可不好看That is not pretty.216你没事吧You ok?217你该走了You should go.218好好处理下伤口Take care of that.219真的没什么Really, it's nothing.220今天我失控了I lost control today.221我已经深埋内心的一切Everything I've kept buried inside222都冲破了束缚Came rushing to the surface.223我只是无法抗拒她I'm simply not able to resist her.224我在干活Working.225谢谢薇姬Thanks,Vick.226还要续杯吗Do you need another refill?227求之不得I'd love one.228摆脱告诉我你没有勾搭我妹妹Please tell me you're not hooking up with mysister.229我没有勾搭你妹妹I'm not hooking up with your sister.230你真是个混蛋You're such a dick.231你怎么回事Hey, what's your deal?232夏天的时候你还好好的I mean,summer you act one way233开学后看到我就那么不耐烦吗And then school starts and you can't be bothered.234杰里米我真的很感谢你的药Look, Jeremy, I really appreciate all the pharmaceuticals,235但你也不能像条迷路的小狗一样死缠着我But you can't keep following me around like a lost puppy.236你上次和"小狗"上床是什么时候When's the last time you had sex with a puppy? 237小声点我不想让整个世界知道Hey, keep it down. I don't want to tell the whole world238我让埃琳娜的小弟失贞了I deflowered Elena's kid brother.239没错而且是一次次的Yeah, and deflowered and deflowered.240以前几次都是药物作怪现在结束了We hooked up a few times in a drug haze. It's over.241趁你没破坏我和泰勒关系前快走吧You gotta back off before you ruin thingsbetween me and Tyler.242得了吧那家伙完全就是个傻逼Oh, come on, the guy's a total douche.243他要你只是为了想和你上床He only wants you for your ass.244是吗Yeah?245你要我什么呢What do you want me for?246他名叫斯特凡·塞尔瓦托His name is Stefan Salvatore.247他和叔叔住在塞尔瓦托的旧公寓He lives with uncle up at the old Salvatoreboarding house.248他孩提时就离开这里了He hasn't lived here since he was a kid.249典型的军人家庭所以他们四处迁徙Military family, so they moved around a lot.250他是双子座的最喜欢的颜色是蓝色He's a gemini, and his favorite color is blue.251你一天之内就知道这些了You got all of that in one day?252摆脱我在三四节课之间就知道了Oh, please, I got all that between third andfourth period.253我们将会举行一个六月婚礼We're planning a June wedding.254我和邦妮约好去烧烤I'm meeting Bonnie at the grill.255好吧玩得愉快等等我得说Ok, have fun. Wait,I got this.256别待得太久明天还要上课Don't stay out late, it's a school night.257干得不错珍娜姑妈Well done, aunt Jenna.258抱歉我正想敲门Sorry, I was about to knock.259我想为先前无故消失的行为道歉I wanted to apologize for my disappearing actearlier.260我知道那有点...I know it was...261奇怪strange.262别放在心上了No worries.263我懂你晕血I get it, blood makes you squeamish.264差不多吧Um, something like that.265你的脚怎么样How's your leg?266哦没事了Oh, it's fine.267只是皮外伤Just a scratch, barely.268你怎么知道我住哪How did you know where I lived?269这可是个小镇It's a small town.270我问了遇到的第一个人I asked the first person I saw.271我觉得你应该想要回这个Um, I thought you might want this back. 272哦我一定是把它弄丢了Oh, I must have dropped it.273谢谢你I...thank you.274别担心我没看Don't worry, I didn't...read it.275没有吗No?276为什么不看大多数人都会的Why not? Most people would have.277正如我不想让别人看我的Well, I wouldn't want anyone to read mine. 278你写日记You keep a journal?279是的如果我不写下来Yeah, if I don't write it down,280我就会忘I forget it.281记忆弥足珍贵Memories are too important.282是的Yeah.283我得去I'm just gonna,284你没必要站在外面Um, you don't have to stay out there.285我没事I'm fine.286对不起你是不是要出去Sorry, were you going somewhere?287是的我要见个朋友Yeah, I'm meeting a friend.288一起来吗Do you want to come?289埃琳娜怎么样How's Elena doing?290她的双亲亡故了你觉得会怎么样Her mom and dad died. How do you think?291她假装满面笑容She's putting on a good face,292但才过了4个月But it's only been four months.293-她有提到我吗-没有- Has she said anything about me? - Oh, no.294所以别故作姿态了So not getting in the middle.295直接打电话给她吧You pick up the phone and call her.296我觉得打电话怪怪的I feel weird calling her.297她和我分手了She broke up with me.298多给点时间马特Give it more time, Matt.299这就叫多给点时间吗More time, huh?300我是马特见到你很高兴Hey, I'm Matt, nice to meet you.301你好斯特凡Hi. Stefan.302你是在神秘瀑布镇出生的吗So, you were born in Mystic Falls?303对不过我小时候就搬走了Mm-hmm, and moved when I was still young.304你父母呢Parents?305我父母过世了My parents passed away.306抱歉I'm sorry.307有兄弟姐妹吗Any siblings?308都很久不联系了None that I talk to.309我和我叔叔住一起I live with my uncle.310那么斯特凡So, Stefan,311你是新来的应该还不知道明天的聚会吧If you're new, then you don't know about theparty tomorrow.312这是瀑布镇开学后的惯例It's a back to school thing at the Falls.313你要去吗Are you going?314她当然去Of course she is.315你答应过的You promised.316这是一起野兽袭击This was an animal attack.317别给我借口我知道事实Don't give me that. I know the game.318你毁尸灭迹他们一直怀疑是野兽袭击You tear them up enough, they always suspect an animal attack.319你说过你抑制住自己了You said you had it under control.320我是做到了And I do.321求你了斯特凡叔叔Please, uncle Stefan.322神秘瀑布镇现在已经今非昔比了Mystic Falls is a different place now.323虽然这几年挺平静但还是有人记得的It's been quiet for years, but there are people who still remember.324而你的到来And you being here,325这只会激起往事It's just going to stir things up.326-这不是我来的本意-那是什么- It's not my intention. - Then what is?327为什么你要回来Why did you come back?328过去这么久了为什么偏偏现在After all this time, why now?329我不需要为自己作解释I don't have to explain myself.330我知道你本性难移I know that you can't change what you are. 331 但你再也不属于这里了But you don't belong here anymore.332那我属于哪里Where do I belong?333我无法告诉你该怎么做I can't tell you what to do.334但回到这里是个错误But coming back here was a mistake.335柳树溪战役The battle of Willow Creek336战争末期在我们took place right at the end of the war337神秘瀑布镇打响in our very own mystic falls.338这场战役有多少人员伤亡How many casualties resulted in this battle?339贝内特小姐Ms. Bennett?340很多Um...a lot?341我不确定I'm not sure.342就是很多Like a whole lot.343贝内特小姐可爱和傻气只有一步之遥Cute becomes dumb in an instant,Ms. Bennett.344多诺万先生Mr. Donovan.345你能否借这个机会Would you like to take this opportunity346一改玩世不恭的形象To overcome your embedded jock stereotype?347算了泰纳老师不必了It's ok,Mr. Tanner,I'm cool with it.348埃琳娜呢Hmm. Elena?349你一定可以给我们Surely you can enlighten us about350讲讲发生在本镇最重要的历史事件吧One of the town's most significantly historicalevents?351抱歉我不知道I'm sorry,I... I don't know.352埃琳娜你的情况大家都很清楚I was willing to be lenient last year353如果是去年我完全能通融For obvious reasons,Elena,354但私人情感应该在开学前做个了结But the personal excuses ended with summerbreak.355有346人遇难There were 346 casualties,356除去本地居民Unless you're counting local civilians.357正确That's correct.358你叫... Mister...359赛尔瓦多Salvatore.360塞尔瓦多在神秘瀑布镇Salvatore. any relation to361有原始定居在这里的亲戚吗The original settlers here at mystic falls?362远亲Distant.363很好Well,very good.364当然除次之外战争中没有Except,of course,there were no civilian casualties365本地居民遇难In this battle.366其实有27名老师Actually,there were 27,sir.367联邦士兵在教堂开火Confederate soldiers,they fired on the church, 368以为那里藏有武器Believing it to be housing weapons.369他们错了They were wrong.370当晚伤亡惨重It was a night of great loss.371市政厅存有发起人的档案The founder's archives are,uh,372你可以去那里温习一下Stored in civil hall if you'd like to brush up on your facts.373泰纳老师Mr. Tanner.374什么意思你从不钓凯子What do you mean,you never hooked up? 375大家都People look up to me.376 我得保持形象I have to set an example.377承认吧埃琳娜Just admit it,Elena.378好吧他是挺帅的Oh,ok,so he's a little pretty.379他的眼神很深邃He has that romance novel stare.380斯特凡深情注视她的双眸Stefan looked deep into her eyes,381洞悉她的灵魂Piercing her very soul.382你来啦Hey! you made it!383是的I did.384去喝一杯吧Well,let's get you a drink.385-我-来吧- Well,I'm... - Oh,come on.386他在哪So where is he?387我不知道I don't know.388我还问你呢你才是通灵人You tell me,you're the psychic one.389我差点忘了稍待Right,I forgot. Ok,so give me a sec.390祖母说我得集中精神Grams says I have to concentrate.391等等你要拿个水晶球Wait,you need a crystal ball.392来了Ta da.393怎么了What?394好奇怪That was weird.395我一碰你就看到一只乌鸦When I touched you,I saw a crow.396什么What?397一只乌鸦A crow.398浓雾密布There was fog,399有个人A man.400我醉了I'm drunk.401酒精作用跟通灵无关It's the drinking. There's nothing psychic about it.402好了我得再去添点酒了Yeah? ok,I'm gonna get a refill.403好吧Ok.404邦妮Bonnie!405我又吓着你了?I did it again,didn't it?406对Yeah.407抱歉I'm sorry.408你有点不高兴啊You're upset about something.409不是邦妮她...No,it's Bonnie. she's...410知道吗You know what?411算了你来了就好Never mind. You're...here.412我来了I'm here.413知道吗你是全镇的话题人物You know,you're kind of the talk of the town. 414-是吗-嗯- Am I? - Mm-hmm.415神秘新人Mysterious new guy,oh,yeah.416你也挺神秘的Well,you have the mysterious thing going,too. 417满脸哀伤Twinged in sadness.418为什么觉得我哀伤What makes you think that I'm sad?419我是在墓地遇见你的Well,we did meet in a graveyard.420对Right.421不准确来说应该是在男厕Well,no,technically we met in the men's room. 422 还是不说了You don't want to know,it's...423不是派对的聊天话题It's not exactly party chit-chat.424我一直都不太擅长Well,I've never really been very good at,uh,425聊天Chit-chat.426去年春天Last spring...427我父母的车从桥上坠下My parents' car drove off of a bridge428掉进湖里Into the lake.429我当时在后座And I was in the backseat430捡回一命And I survived,but...431他们却没这么幸运They didn't.432这就是我的故事So that's my story.433埃琳娜悲伤不会永远存在的You won't be sad forever,Elena.434不行泰No,Ty.435我不要靠着树做爱I'm not having sex against a tree.436-别啊多性感--Oh,come on,it would be hot. - For who?437不不行No,it's not going to happen.438不行特别是这样的时间地点It's not going to happen,not here,not like this.439不行我说不行No. I said no.440不行好痛I said no! ow,that hurts!441放开她Hey,leave her alone.442你让我有点反感吉尔伯特You know,you're starting to get on mynerves,Gilbert.443快滚泰勒离我远点Just go,Tyler,get the hell away from me.444薇姬·多诺万居然会说不Wow. Vicki Donovan says no.445第一次见That's a first.446我不需要你帮忙I didn't need your help.447我看未必It seems like you did.448-他只是醉了-我才醉了- He was just drunk. - I'm drunk.449但我会这样对你吗Am I throwing myself at you?450不你更坏No,you're worse.451你想跟我搭讪了解我You want to talk to me,get to know me, 452看穿我不断搞我See into my soul and screw and screw and screw453直到厌倦我Until you're done with me.454你这么想吗Is that what you think?455我就是这样想的That's what I know.456我喜欢邦妮像是个好朋友I like Bonnie,she seems like a good friend. 457-世上最好的朋友-而马特- Best friend in the world. - And Matt,458他好像不能把眼睛从我们身上移开He can't seem to,uh,take his eyes off of us. 459马特是我的青梅竹马Matt's that friend since childhood460与他拍拖That you start dating461是因为感觉欠了自己什么Because you owe it to yourselves462想看看能否往下发展To see if you can be more.463然后呢And?464然后我父母去世了And then my parents died,465一切都变了And everything changes.466不论如何马特和我Anyway, Matt and I,467在一起我不知道Together we just,I don't know,468不够It wasn't,um...469没有It wasn't...470激情Passionate.471对No.472没有一点激情No,it wasn't passionate.473你还好吗Hey,um,are you ok?474你的眼睛刚才Your eye,it just,it's--475不没事Yeah,no. It's,um,it's nothing.476你渴了吗Um,are you thirsty?477我去拿点喝的I'm gonna get us a drink.478杰里米Jeremy?479是你吗Is that you?480杰里米Jeremy?481在找谁吗Looking for someone?482当你跟我分手的时候When you broke up with me,483你说是因为你想独自一人过一段时间You said it was because you needed some timealone.484你看上去并不是孤身一人You don't look so alone to me.485马特你不明白的这Matt, you don't understand. It's--486没关系埃琳娜That's ok, Elena.487你做任何你想做的You do what you have to do.488我只想让你知道I just want to let you know that...489我依旧相信我们会相爱的I still believe in us.490我不会放弃的And I'm not giving up on that.491马特Matt.492你在这里啊Hey! There you are.493你去看过瀑布了吗Have you been down to the falls yet?494那里的夜晚非常漂亮Because they are really cool at night. 495如果你愿意And I can show you.496我可以带你去If you want.497我觉得你喝多了I think you've had too much to drink. 498那是当然的Well, of course I have.499所以卡罗琳So-- Caroline.500你和我You and me,501是不可能的It's not gonna happen.502对不起Sorry.503我还在想是谁绑架你了I was wondering who abducted you, 504现在我知道了But now I know.505他对所有男生都这样吗Is she like that with,uh,all the guys? 506当然不是No.507你是新的猎物You're fresh meat.508她最终会甩了你的She'll back off eventually.509 天呐开玩笑的吧God, you gotta be kidding me!510怎么了What is it?511-我弟弟-喝醉的那个吗- My brother. - The drunk one?512就是那个That would be the one.513-失陪一下-需要帮忙吗- Excuse me. - Need some help?514相信我你不会想看这个的Trust me,you're not going to want to witnessthis.515杰里米Jeremy!516杰里米Jeremy!517杰里米你要去哪儿Jeremy, where the hell are you going?518我不想听I don't want to hear it!519薇姬不Vicki? No!520天呐是薇姬上帝啊Oh, my god, it's Vicki! Oh,my god!521不No!522谁来帮一下Somebody help!523薇姬吗薇姬这怎么回事Vicki? Vicki,what the hell?!524她怎么了What happened to her?525谁能叫下救护车Somebody,call an ambulance!526所有人后退给她点空间Everybody back up,give her some space!527看她脖子什么东西咬了她It's her neck. Something bit her.528她正大量失血She's losing a lot of blood.529把这个盖在她脖子上Put this on her neck.530薇姬振作睁开眼睛看着我Vicki, Vicki, come on, open your eyes, look atme.531发生什么了What's going on?532有人今晚被袭击了扎克Someone else was attacked tonight, Zach,533但不是我干的And it wasn't me.534达蒙Damon.535你好弟弟Hello, brother.536周围人有点多你不觉得吗Crow's a bit much,don't you think?537看我能用迷雾做什么的时候就明白了Wait till you see what I can do with the fog.538你什么时候到的When'd you get here?539我怎么能错过你在学校的第一天呢Well, I couldn't miss your first day at school. 540你发型变了Your hair's different.541我喜欢I like it.542已经15年了达蒙It's been 15 years, Damon.543感谢上帝Thank god.544我可不能再忍受九十年代了I couldn't take another day of the Nineties. 545那个可怕的蹩脚形象That horrible grunge look?546一点都不适合你Did not suit you.547记住斯特凡远离时尚很重要Remember, Stefan, it's important to stay away from fads.548为什么你会在这儿Why are you here?549我想念我亲爱的弟弟了I miss my little brother.550你讨厌小镇的You hate small towns.551枯燥乏味无事可做It's boring. There's nothing for you to do.552 我想办法让自己忙碌起来了I've managed to keep myself busy.553你知道的你让那女孩今晚幸免于难了You know, you left that girl alive tonight.554你真是笨手笨脚的That's very clumsy of you.555对你来说这会是个大问题That can be a problem...for you.556你现在来这做什么Why are you here now?557我也可以问你相同的问题I could ask you the same question.558然而我想当确定However, I'm fairly certain559你的回答能总结为Your answer can be summed up all into560一个词One little word...561埃琳娜Elena.562我们现在去主流咖啡厅等消息We're gonna go Mainline Coffee, wait for news.563我要带杰里米回家I gotta take Jeremy home.564埃琳娜我不可能有超能力的Elena, there's no way I'm psychic.565我确定I know that.566但不论如何我所看到的But whatever I saw,567或者我以为我看到的Or I think I saw,568我有预感I have this feeling...569邦妮是什么Bonnie, what?570这只是开始That it's just the beginning.571她把我的魂都吸引住了She took my breath away.572埃琳娜Elena.573她和凯瑟琳长得一模一样She's a dead ringer for Katherine.574这样做很有意思吗斯特凡Is it working,Stefan?575在她身旁进入她的世界Being around her,being in her world?576让你觉得自己还活着是么Does it make you feel alive?577她不是凯瑟琳She's not Katherine.578好吧但愿不是Well,let's hope not.579我们都记得结局是怎样的We both know how that ended.580告诉我你最后一次吃Tell me something,when's the last time581比松鼠大的东西是什么时候。

情景喜剧《老友记》中英文介绍推荐文章歌曲喜剧之王推荐热度:全球十大经典喜剧电影排行热度:幽默喜剧电影推荐大全热度:经典喜剧片排行榜前三名热度:全球十大经典喜剧电影排行榜热度:《老友记》这部喜剧不知大家看完它的中英文介绍之后,其观看欲望会不会更加强烈?以下是店铺给大家带来老友记中英文对照介绍,以供大家参阅!情景喜剧《老友记》中英文介绍If a sitcom that lasts for 10 years is considered popular, then surely one that still stirs up emotions after 20 must be considered a classic. Friends first aired in the US in 1994, featuring a cast of six young men and women in New York. In the time since, i t’s become one of the most famous titles in the sitcom genre, aired in over 100 countries and regions in the world.如果一部情景喜剧播出10年堪称流行,那么播出20年后依旧令无数人挂怀的电视剧则是经典。
The show is iconic among those who grew up in the 1990s because it explores core themes like friendship, struggling to survive in a big city, and finding independence and identity, all of which are still relevant to young audiences today.《老友记》是成长在90年代的小伙伴们心中标志性的存在,因为它的主题:友谊、大城市生存的不易,发现自我、寻求独立,与年轻人息息相关,如今亦是如此。

由本杰明·麦肯锡饰演,在剧中他是哥谭警察局 的一名探员。他在哥谭市的郊区长大,对家乡有 着浓厚的情感和期盼。虽然这座城市还有很多黑 暗面,但他发誓要让它变回自己童年记忆中的单 纯世界。与女友芭芭拉基恩已订婚
Played by DonalLogue,James Gordon's partner, legend of Gotham City police stati on. Arrogant, but people are very smart. G ordon learned a lot from him.Brooke has n ever been willing to comply with the police code. In order to get his desired results, he often uses violent threats, threats, decepti on and other methods.
由卡门·比康多瓦饰演。 在剧中她扮演的是 猫女。少女时代的塞琳娜逃离孤儿院后独自闯 荡错综复杂的哥谭市,变成了一个身手敏捷且 高度危险的神偷。
One night in Gotham City, young Bruc e saw his parents Wayne and his wife kill ed. The catwoman in the dark also witnes sed the murder.James Gordon and his pa rtner, Harvey Block, took over the Wayne and Mrs. Wayne's murder case. They iden tified the murderer as Mario according to the stolen goods, and Harvey shot Mario in order to protect the partner.The pengu in broke the case to Montoya and Alan, who claimed that Fisher was a real murde rer. Gordon learned that he had caught t he wrong murderer. He investigated fishy but was in danger.