七宗罪英文电影赏析 ppt课件
Movi e
The Hook: tension between M and S
The 1st victim: Monday : Gluttony
The 2nd victim: Tuesday : Greedy
Turning Point 1 Discovery of pattern to murders: a serial killing
Байду номын сангаас
OLD VETERAN KNOWLEDGABLE CALM SENSITIVE MODEST Love his job but hate the cruel world
Character comparison
Like greed, envy may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, whereas envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it.
The third for freedom
"Human nature is complex and versatile. We are capable of great kindness and territory. We can risk to the occlusion or sink to the lowest depths."
"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." - Andy
Classic lines
Andy's escape
Andy's escape from Shawshank principal is a high emotional scene, as he crawled through the sewers and emerges free at last
The film has won many important film awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture, Best Director, and Best Actor.
This film, with its profound exploration of human nature and pursuit of justice, has become a classic in the history of film and has had a profound impact on later film production.
Movie Introduction
《犯罪心理》讲述了美国联邦调查局总 部下属的行为分析科部门(简称 “BAU”)中,行为分析师们剖析最棘 手的案件,分析凶手的心理和作案特征, 并在他们再次施暴前预测出他们的下一 步行动,协助当地警察捉拿凶手。
He is the BAU team’s competent, serious and responsible, private and clear. In the face of a higher level, Aaron is able to fully protect the crew members, and play space for the largest free. In business, he is sufficient.In addition to a good side and writing ability, he is good at to interrogation and negotiations. And he is a marksman.
Criminal psychology has been updated to tenth sets.
Criminal psychology tells the story of the FBI headquarters staff's behavior analysis department .The behavior analysts analyzes the toughest cases, analyzing the characteristic of the psychological and commit crime of the murderer, and predict their violence ,to help local police arrest the murderer.
犯罪心理Criminal Minds第八季中英剧本第一集杰克Jake!布劳恩劳教所德克萨斯州阿比林市放松点放轻松点Take it easy. Take it easy.别挣扎了Stop!拷住他的四肢Get his limbs.癫痫发作吗Epileptic?我没听说过他有癫痫病史Not that I know of.我们走Let's go.他怎么了So what was it?严重的过敏反应Severe allergic reaction.他是故意的Oh, he did it on purpose.他想自杀吗He's suicidal?他要杀人He's homicidal.这两者没什么区别I've found there ain't much difference.我都不知道他们叫你来干什么You know, I never have figured out why they call you in.救个人渣有什么意义What's the point of saving a scumbag like this?他一有机会就又会大开杀戒He'll only kill someone else the second he gets a chance.这轮不到我操心That's above my pay grade.监狱也早就人满为患Overcrowded anyway.你觉得纳税人会想要救这个蠢货吗You think the taxpayers want to save this idiot?放下枪Put it down.别做傻事小子Don't you go doing nothing stupid, boy.因为你一旦做了'cause I'll tell you why.就是把牢底坐穿都不可能出来了They'll never let you out of that damn hole again.把枪放下Put...it...down.这就对了That's it.这就对了That's it, boy.就这样That's it.你从来都不会为正确的人选投票Ok, you never give your vote on who should get what.把马克杯给里德Give Reid the mug.真的吗那双层巴士模型就归小洁了Really? That means that JJ gets the doubledecker bus? 那不是给凯文的吗I thought that was for Kevin.不我们俩不说话了No, we're not talking right now.加西亚你们俩昨天还说着... Garcia, you guys were just talking yest当我没说Never mind.大家都去哪了Wait, where is everybody?他们不会还在西雅图吧Don't tell me they're still in Seattle.你们回来了You guys are back. Hi.你回来了熊抱个Oh, my made it. Give me a squeeze.[加西亚开始说着英式英语]你们看起来不错啊Oh, you guys look great.都还好吗很好How's it going? Cheers.艾米丽怎么样How's Emily doing?如鱼得水Brilliant and lovely.她的公寓太赞了[美式英语] Her apartment's off the chain.你是说她的公寓You mean her flat.你得乘年久失修摇摇晃晃的电梯到顶楼You have to take a shaky old lift to get to the top但那景色真是太迷人了but the view is brilliant.给我最爱的男人For my favorite bloke.我太喜欢了谢谢Hey, I love it! Thank you!谢谢你们的临时工作如何Thanks. How was temporary duty?24小时无休啊Oh, it was around the clock.我还以为是度假顺便工作结果... I thought I'd get a little more of a vacation, but...去看奥运会了吗Did you watch the Olympics at all?我就看了一点田径比赛I did see a little track and field但这位公主什么比赛都看了but the queen bee here, she saw everything.艾米丽在那真是乐不思蜀Emily is for real hooked up over there.让我代问大家好每月茶品下周开始She sends her love. And tea of the month starts next week.我真想她Ohh. I miss her.别惹我伤感了Don't even get me started.新人怎样她人友善吗Hey, how's the new? Is she nice?她人挺好的Yeah, she is.我就是随口问问I'm just asking.里德你知道她什么时候被招进来的吗24岁Reid, do you know when she was recruited, she was 24?我在她的法律语言学课上做过客座嘉宾I've guest lectured in her forensic linguistics class before.当然了她又是探员还是教授Of course you have, 'cause she's a professor and an agent真让人叹为观止which is so impressive.我说真的她真的很棒No, really, she's great.而且很有企图心呢And driven, clearly.伯克利大学的硕士双学位Berkeley grad, double major破获"大学炸弹客"一案的明星探员bureau star of the Unabomber case.还在乔治城大学教书And she teaches at Georgetown.其余时候还是华盛顿外勤办公室的高级探员When she's not doing that, she's SSAing at the Washington field office现在更拿到博士学位了and she has her PhD.是说我必须叫她博士吗怎么Does that mean I have to call her doctor? What?!我在飞机上睡不着所以做了点小调查嘛I did some research on her 'cause I couldn't sleep on the plane.而我想说的是很明显And my point is, clearly她很聪明又有能力但她友善吗she is smart and capable, but is she nice?天啊这种事真的发生了Oh, dear God, this is happening我说某些人的时候他们就站在where I talk and the person is behind...我背后me."友善"这个词起源于The origin of "nice"12世纪的英国中部意思是又傻又蠢is 12th century middle English, meaning foolish or stupid.我希望你说的是现代英语中"友善"的意思I hope you're referring to the modern use of the adjective.你一定就是佩妮洛普You must be Penelope.我是艾丽克斯·布莱克I'm Alex Blake.很高兴见到你Nice to meet you.这里是真的很高兴的那种高兴Really, actually nice in the nicest of ways nice.[英文中友善和高兴表达一致]我是德里克·摩根I'm Derek Morgan.欢迎回来Welcome back.西雅图怎么样How was Seattle?不明嫌犯比绿河杀手还凶残百倍The unsub made Ridgeway look like a saint.[绿河杀手坦承犯下71起女性谋杀案]他甚至用自己的孩子去引诱被害人He even used his own kid to bait the victims.这种事情屡见不鲜以后还会遇到的Well, we've seen that before. No doubt we'll see it again. 先别急着拆行李Don't unpack.加西亚档案Garcia, the files.对档案天啊Yeah. The files. Oh, god.几小时前有名囚犯被转送往A few hours ago there was a prison transfer德州阿布林县的县医院to the county hospital in Abilene, Texas.救护车出了车祸囚犯跑了The ambulance crashed and the prisoner escaped.他穿着急救人员的制服He's wearing the EMT uniform还拿走了狱警的枪and he's armed with the guard's weapon.美国法警不管这事吗Aren't the U.S. Marshals on this?管是管不过他们需要你们的帮助Yes, they are, but they need your help因为他们在车里发现了这一幕because this is what they found inside.急救员和司机都出车祸死了The EMT and the driver died in the accident.狱警却是窒息而亡The guard, however, suffocated.他嘴上是什么What's on his mouth?他的嘴被针线给缝上了It was sewn shut.那个囚犯就是杀手"沉默者"吗So the prisoner is the silencer.也可能只是模仿"沉默者" Or this guy's a copycat.法医确认本案中以双结收尾的缝合手法Forensics confirmed it's the same unique doubleknot ligature与他那三起谋杀案中的一致he used in all 3 murders.他上一次杀人犯案是在2004年His last known victim was in 2004而且一直逍遥法外and he was never caught.原来他不是沉寂下来而是因为被关了So he didn't go dormant by choice. He was locked up. 那他为什么不直接逃跑Well, why not just escape?如果他不缝上狱警的嘴If he hadn't sewn the guard's mouth shut我们永远也不会知道是他we would never know it was him.他希望我们知道他回来了He wants us to know he's back.我们知道他的长相那他叫什么We've got his face. What's his name?无名氏04年因交通违章而被警察拦下John Doe. He was pulled over in '04 for a traffic violation.车辆没有注册与牌照也没带身份证件No registration, no tags. He carried no I.D.那也不至于让他坐八年牢吧No way he did 8 years for that.警方搜车发现一把枪与消音器They searched the car and found a gun with a silencer.消音器他其实是在表明身份A silencer. He was practically telling them who he was[消音器与沉默者是英文中是同一单词]但没人把这些联系起来and no one made the connection.这违反了联邦法律最少都能判个三十年It's a federal offense, carries a 30year minimum sentence.但他在监狱里犯的事But it was actually what he did inside让他被判了无期徒刑还不能假释that guaranteed him life without parole.他在监狱里杀了两个人He killed two men while inside.而且他从没说过话And never said a word.他用拳头说话He spoke with his fists.保持八年沉默得需要多大的自制力啊Remaining silent for 8 years takes a hell of a lot of selfrestraint.也许这是条件反射Maybe it was a conditioned response.加西亚在收集04年以后的所有档案Garcia's gathering all the files from '04.我们在飞机上继续分析吧We'll catch up on the plane.三十分钟后就起飞了Wheels up in 30.艾丽克斯Alex.抱歉没有在你去西雅图前见你一面I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to see you before the Seattle case.恭喜Congratulations.我能来这可花了不少功夫It took a lot of hard work to get a shot here.不容易啊It wasn't easy.好久不见It's been a long time.我要去赶飞机了艾琳I've got a plane to catch, Erin.祝好运Good luck."随着年龄增长我较不关注人们说的话"As I grow older, I pay less attention to what men say. 我只看他们做的事" I just watch what they do."安德鲁·卡内基[美国钢铁大王曾经首富] Andrew Carnegie.你们有谁参加过沉默者的案子Did any of you work on the silencer case?那时我还在我的延长假期中That was during my extended sabbatical.我们都当过顾问但没人实际去了德州We all consulted, but nobody made the trip to Texas. 为什么不去四个月杀了三个女人Why not? 3 women in 4 months.常见的高频率谋杀It's a textbook kill rate.标志性的作案手法An undeniable signature.受害者皆为某人的替身Obvious surrogates.因为当地警察没邀请我们We weren't invited by the local police.你们不烦这样有心无力吗Aren't you tired of that?欢迎来到我们的世界Welcome to our world.他杀的女人都曾被殴打然后被弃尸在沟渠The women he killed were beaten and left in open ditches.但本案受害者身上并无他泄愤的痕迹That physical representation of his anger is missing this time around.他肯定做了别的事来泄愤He must do something else that satisfies him.手法是一样的The signature is the same但他这次选的被害者却非常不同but his victimology couldn't be more different.杀死狱警是逃亡必须The guard was clearly a victim of necessity.但如果他的行为是心理需求驱使But if he's in needdriven behavior比如把嘴巴缝上那他是怎么控制自己such as sewing mouths shut, how can he control that 只对狱警那么做呢and only do it to the guard?可能他只是时间不够了Maybe he just ran out of time.或者他只想要狱警感受不能说话的煎熬Or he could want the guard to suffer in silence.字面来说还真是让死者闭嘴了Literally makes his victims shut up.看似简单但很可能内有玄机It seems obvious, but, uh, there may be something to that.问题就是为什么Then the question is why?摩根你和小洁去找法医Morgan, you and JJ go to the M.E.里德你和戴夫去看看无名氏的牢房Reid, you and Dave check out John Doe's cell.布莱克和我去找美国法警Blake and I will head to the U.S. Marshals.我是霍奇纳这位是布莱克This is Hotchner and Blake.鲍勃·蒂尔曼谢谢你们赶过来Bob Tilghman. Thank you for coming.我们全组警察都在调查这件案子I got my whole team on this.有线索了吗Any leads yet?这起案件发生在Well, the wreck happened午夜过后一个偏僻的地方out on the middle of nowhere after midnight.日出时间是六点所以我们认为他还在The sun comes up at 6:00. So we figure that he's on foot案发地点方圆十二英里的范围内somewhere within a 12mile radius of the accident site.你认为这么热的天气他还会坚持走路吗You think he's moving on foot in this heat?这烈日会直接晒死他的Well, it'll kill you under the best conditions.他拿了些补给品但也撑不了多久He stole some supplies, but not enough to hole up too long.所以可以判定他会等到晚上才行动So you can expect him to be active tonight.那我们可以在哪开工呢Well, where can we set up?就在那Right in here.有咖啡吗Passing any coffee by chance?我刚煮了一壶I just started a pot.我们把他的照片贴满了大街小巷We got his picture plastered everywhere.但只要他不露头没人找得到But if he's hiding, he's hiding.要想除掉这家伙可不容易It's gonna be awful hard to weed him out.我不擅长等待I'm not good at waiting.我也是Neither am I.我们一直不对媒体透露案情We've been keeping the media at bay.以免他得知太多我们办案进度We don't want them to know too much.继续那么做吧You should try to keep it that way.这些是什么What's all this?他早期案子的档案His first crimes.既然他又开始杀人They mean more to us now这些档案将对我们很有帮助that he's killed again.他出来了可病一点都没轻So he came out just as sick as he went in.你觉得他会行动还是坐等You think he's gonna move or wait?他都是在夜里杀人Well, he kills at night说明他在夜晚最为自信which means that's when he's most confident.坐等天黑才是明智之举他肯定会这么做If waiting for dark is the smartest move, that's what he'll do.一切迹象都表明他被关过禁闭Everything points to a solitary existence.有趣的是You know, interestingly enough他最常看的书是《基督山伯爵》the most worn book is "The Count of Monte Cristo".当然了Of course it is.主人公活着的唯一信念The hero's only reason for living就是寻求复仇或许他感同身受was to seek vengeance. Maybe he relates.是法语版的It's in French.这还真没想到I didn't see that coming.看起来他也写了不少东西Looks like he wrote a lot too.他被囚禁太久无处可去无处诉说He's been pent up physically and verbally far too long.他来这里没几天就和人打架了So he gets into his first fight within days of being here.被罚禁闭一周It got him a week's worth of solitary.频率逐渐增加直到他杀死一个狱友That pattern escalated until he eventually killed an inmate解除禁闭后又杀了一个got out of solitary and killed another.也就是说在被关以前他封住了死者的嘴So he silences his victims before he gets inside.而他的行为却让自己在这里禁言His actions get him silenced while he's here.真够讽刺的Ironic?是偶然吧Fortuitous.看上去他有两种表达方式Looks like he has two forms of expression沉默和暴怒silence and rage.我们得查明他为何会走这两个极端We need to find out why he's operating in these extremes. 或许答案就在他写的东西里Maybe it's in his writings.缝合用的60尼龙线P3缝合针The suture is 6zero nylon, p3 needle针长13毫米3/8圆弧13millimeter long, 3/8 circle.这种针一盒有12根 A dozen of these would come in a box.救护车上的缝合箱空了The suture drawer was empty on the ambulance.那他拿的就更多了Then he's got a lot more.他的技术不像是殡葬美容者His technique isn't like a mortician.看上去只是把两片嘴唇缝紧It looks like the stitching is strictly through the lips.他这么做很残忍It's rather crude what he's done.看到尼龙线拉得有多紧了吗You see how the nylon is stretched?死者当时在挣扎The victim struggled凶手是在他还活着的时候缝合的which says the prisoner did it while this guy was still alive.折磨致死和第一名死者一样Torture. Just like the first victims.你们看过他的手法了Well, now that you've seen his handiwork下面我把死者的嘴打开I'll open his mouth.嘴里是什么东西What do we have here?"凝视到另一面""Gazing through to the other side."不像是在讽刺谁That's not much of a taunt.或许不是跟我们说的Maybe it's not for us.那是对谁Then who?你怎么看What do you think?我能收回之前说的话吗Can I retract an earlier statement?当然Sure.这案子一点也不平常There's nothing textbook about this case.死者们遭受的痛苦都是源于他的个人情结These victims suffered in ways that were painstakingly personal.你觉得他也曾那样被虐待过吗You think he was abused the same way?他的嘴肯定没被缝过Doubt his mouth was sewn.那是他表达沮丧的方式That's his way of expressing frustration.但他的行为与沉默有关But there's something tied to the silence.我认为他在狱中保持沉默I'm thinking he stayed quiet in prison是因为他一说话就会被嘲笑像小孩because he was ridiculed as a child when he talked.被受害者那样的人嘲笑过By someone who looked like them.他可能是言语障碍者He could have had a speech impediment.或许症状很严重口吃之类的It would have been severe a stutter maybe.我们找到了些资料We've got ourself a reader over here.各种语言的In multiple languages.西班牙语英语德语Spanish, English, and German是德克萨斯州的主要使用语言are the primary languages for Texas.他看法语版的书但写作主要用英语He reads in French, but most of his own writings are in English.他的字和打字机打出的字体差不多大His handwriting is the size of Courier type我目前已经看了五万字然后呢And so far I've read 50,000 words. And?字体小说明他很有条理The small print tells me he's methodical不怎么爱交际not always social.空格间隙小说明此人非常易怒The narrow spacing indicates a tremendous amount of irritability.看上去很意识流It looks like stream of consciousness.有意思他的阅读理解能力Interesting. His reading comprehension显示出超常的智商suggests aboveaverage intelligence但他写的东西就没那么好了but his writing is inferior.可能是他在成长过程中听力的缺失造成的Could be what he grew up hearing.你们俩应该一起去讲课You two should guestlecture together.不你们一起讲过了Oh, wait.他写了字放进了狱警的嘴里He literally put words in the guard's mouth.新进展That's new.我们认为这就是之前缺失的那部分Well, we think this is what we were missing.文字代替了以前暴力带来的乐趣The words give him the pleasure the beatings used to bring.或许我们想偏了Maybe we had this wrong.杀人仪式的重点也可能是缝嘴啊What if the ritual is sewing the mouths shut?殴打曾是他一贯的独特标志His signature used to be the beatings而现在是写字放进死者嘴里but now it's putting words in their mouths.最独特的部分还不是写字放入嘴呢Just when you think a signature doesn't get more solid than that.他写了什么What did he write?"凝视到另一面""Gazing through to the other side."不是猜字游戏It's not an anagram.你在他写的东西里读到过这个句子吗Is that a phrase in anything you've read so far?没有这也不是常用的谚语No. It's not a wellknown literary reference either.这句话肯定对他有意义Well, the words mean something to him否则他就不会写了otherwise he wouldn't share it.天快黑了他该行动了It's gonna get dark soon. He'll be on the move.你想让我们和法警一起去吗You want us on the road with the marshals?不我觉得我们应该关注偏远地区No, I think we should concentrate on remote locations.他不仅要躲避侦查还习惯隐居He's not just escaping detection, he's a recluse.偏僻的地方更吸引他He'll be attracted to isolated locations.你在干什么What are you doing?我问你呢你在干什么Hey! I said, what are you doing?!回答我Answer me!你这个蠢东西You dumb son of a bitch!我们监控了所有高速公路We have all the highways covered并在各乡郊支路上设置了路障roadblocks on the rural routes.他肯定是偷了车然后躲起来了He must have stolen a vehicle and just laid low.你怎么知道要来这里找How'd you know to look here?这里偏僻与世隔绝和他一样It's local and isolated, just like him.他们在垃圾箱里找到了急救员的衣服They found the EMT's shirt in the trash.很好现在我们不知道他穿的是什么了Great. So we don't know how he's dressed.只知道他从修车厂里偷了车Just the fact that he stole wheels from the garage here.也不知道要去找哪种车I don't know what kind of car to look for因为根本不知道这里本来有什么because I don't know what was here.找到一些名字和电话号码Found some names and numbers.我估计是送修车辆的车主的名字My guess is these are customers whose cars they were working on.有车的牌子或型号吗Any makes or models?只有订购的零件名字Parts ordered. That's about it.店员的摩托车还在门口So the attendant's motorcycle is still out front.怎么不偷那个可以走土路Why didn't he take that? He could have gone off road.那样速度更快It would have been faster.但他可以在车里睡觉Yeah, but he can sleep in a car.对All right.这地方离昨晚发生事故的地方不远Well, this place isn't far from last night's accident.六英里的距离6 miles away.直升机和警犬已经覆盖了这个区域The choppers and the dogs covered this area不过他还是跑了but he still got away.你遇到过哪个逃犯这么久还停留在附近的吗You ever seen a fugitive stay this close for so long?这取决于他的耐心程度及目的Just depends on how patient he is and what he has to prove. "等候蜂蜜的滋味"Waiting on the taste of honey夏天的味道" the smell of summer."这是什么意思What the hell is that supposed to mean?听上去像是他被关起来后怀念的一些东西Sounds like a list of things he missed when he was locked up?为什么想让我们知道这些Why does he need us to know that?打给布莱克让她了解这里的情况Call Blake. Bring her up to speed.你一整天都没打给我You have not called me all day.你不是吧Seriously?跟女超人一起办案就不需要我了是吧Now that superwoman is on the case, you don't need me, huh?好吧我当你时差没倒过来所以胡言乱语Ok, you know what? I'm gonna chalk that up to a little jet lag我们重新来一次and let's start this thing over.铃铃我找我的小心肝Ring ring. I'm looking for my baby girl.任凭差遣Your wish is my command.这就对了好多了There you go. That's much better.我要布莱克的电话I need Blake's number.不是吧你在开玩笑吗Seriously?! Are you kidding?!霍奇让我打给她Hotch asked me to call her.你可以打给里德他估计正粘着她呢So call Reid. He's probably glued to her.好吧这么暴躁可没必要All right, that is unnecessary roughness.亲爱的你得冷静下来You, my sweet, need to settle down.不是我明白我明白No, I know, I know.我只是... I justI...我本以为没那么难接受的I thought this would be easier.我明白我和你一样I know. So did I.加西亚布莱克的电话号码Garcia, Blake's number?把她的电子名片发给你了Just sent you her vcard.谢谢我的公主Thank you, my lady.不客气我的挚爱You're welcome, my love.布莱克Blake.我是摩根Hey, it's Morgan.又有新字条了Get another note?没错Yep.介意我开免提吗Mind if I put you on speaker?我们都这么干That's how we do it."等候蜂蜜的滋味夏天的味道""Waiting on the taste of honey... the smell of summer.""以及另一边的风景""And the sight of the other side."包含了三种感觉只差听觉和触觉了3 of the senses. We're only missing sound and touch.这家伙就好像杰柯尔和海德一样This guy's like Jekyll and Hyde.《化身博士》的主角一个善良一个邪恶写下一个正面的想法然后把它缝在嘴里Writes a decent thought and then sews it in the mouth.不管他是哪种Whatever he is他都给自己的罪恶赋予了浪漫色彩he's romanticizing the hell out of this.谢谢摩根不客气Thanks, Morgan. Sure."凝视到另一面""Gazing through to the other side"等候蜂蜜的滋味夏天的味道" waiting on the taste of honey, the smell of summer."你觉得他是想告诉我们一个地方吗Do you think he's telling us about a place?听上去像是Well, it sounds like it.不过... But...是哪呢where?我们无法得知不明嫌犯准确的逃亡目的地We can't tell you exactly where this unsub's going以及他的计划or what he's thinking但他的行为会暴露其意图but his actions will betray his intentions.怎么会And how's that?今天傍晚在加油站Earlier tonight at the gas station他本可以把钱偷走但收银机并没被清空he could have stolen money, but the cash register wasn't empty.这告诉我们他没打算走远That tells us that he's not planning a long road trip.但他思维清晰知道自己正在逃亡And yet he's logical enough to be in survival mode.就是说他的逻辑告诉他要逃跑我明白So logic tells him to escape. I get that.但他为什么要把别人的嘴缝起来But what the hell makes him sew mouths shut?那是对他无法控制的事情的一种强迫行为It's a compulsion over which he has no control.那我们要如何阻止他So how do we stop him?真相会在行动中显现出来Well, truth shows itself through actions.那家伙的真相是什么他感觉被禁言了What's this guy's truth? He feels silenced.霍奇纳探员的理论是他有言语障碍Agent Hotchner has a theory that he had a speech impediment这使他不敢与人交谈that made him embarrassed to talk.也许他因此被无情地耻笑过He may have been relentlessly teased because of it.他先前的受害者告诉我们他怪罪于女人His prior victims tell us a woman一个类似于母亲的角色likely a mother figure, is to blame.很可能她的虐待使他认为Chances are she was abusive and convinced him他说的任何话都毫无用处that whatever words he had were worthless.八年来这家伙没有说过一句话This guy hasn't spoken a word in 8 years.他会不会是哑巴Could he be mute?肯定不是Definitely not.听上去你很确定You sound pretty damn sure.他写的东西里用了很多IPA He refers to IPA in a few of his personal writings.那是什么What's IPA?国际音标International Phonetic Alphabet.只有在口语中才会用到It represents only those qualities of speech that are in spoken language.这证明他能听见It's proof that he's able to hear也就是说他很有可能会说话却选择沉默which means most likely he can talk but chooses not to.那他用这个干什么Then what's he use it for?他使用多种语言He uses multiple languages更突出了他渴望与人交流which highlights his desire to communicate.国际音标是个很有意思的选择IPA is an interesting choice.我发现那些深谙此道的人I've found that those who understand something as detailed as that 也都精通手语are also proficient in sign language.那他放在死者口中的留言So these words that he's leaving in the mouth完全就是嘲弄我们are directly taunting us?那些留言... 我们还没分析过Those messages Have not been analyzed yet.不好意思插一句他博览群书Not to change the subject, but he's incredibly well read由此可知他在成长过程中形单影只which tells us that he most likely grew up in isolation文学成了他唯一的慰藉with literature being his only escape.他的文字浮于浅表His own writings are not as profound因此尽管他的阅读理解能力很强and despite his reading comprehension我们可以断定他的教育程度并不高we don't believed he's had an extended education.他以前所做的各种精神检查Everything about his psychosis表明口头话语对此人是有影响的says the spoken word has value.很容易让他勃然大怒It also greatly angers him.如果有人冲他喊叫或让他感觉自己很蠢And if he was yelled at or made to feel stupid他就会抑制住怒气直到突然爆发he held on to his anger until he snapped.那他怎么还不逃离这片地区So why hasn't he fled the area?他知道我们在追捕他I mean, he knows there's a manhunt going on here.他难道不想逃得越远越好吗Wouldn't he want to get as far away as possible?他也许身负使命Well, he could be on a mission.我们不清楚这个使命是否包括某人或某地We just don't know if that mission includes a person or a place.但我们很肯定他的目标就在这附近But we do know his target is close to here.谢谢大家Thank you.请留步布莱克Excuse me. Blake.你不同意他的留言和侧写有关是吗Wouldn't you agree that his messages are relevant to the profile?基本同意To a degree, yes.基本 A degree?他差不多等于在凶杀案上签名了He basically signed his name to the murders.他以前从未留过言He's never left word before.他的作案手法产生了显著变化That's a significant change of behavior但你却完全不重视这点but you completely dismissed it.那些法警有自己的看法Because the marshals have their own agenda无论我们怎么说他们都觉得这是种嘲弄and will believe it's a taunt no matter what we tell them.我们就不用再火上浇油了We don't need to give them any more fuel.如果不明嫌犯需要发泄心中所想If the unsub needs to get his thoughts out就像他在提醒我们某事it's like he's reminding us of something在我们弄清楚是什么事之前and until we know what that something is我不觉得在他们面前猜测答案是明智之举I'm not comfortable speculating in front of them.那其余队友呢Well, how about the rest of us?我和里德博士有些头绪了Dr. Reid and I are coming up with theories.欢迎加入讨论You're welcome to join us.我不知道这道疤是从哪来的I don't know where this scar came from.他在八年里斗殴23次Well, he got into 23 fights over 8 years.肯定会留下些疤痕的It's bound to leave a few marks.我知道但我看了记录Yeah, I know, but I read the records并未提及他左耳后方的这道伤疤and there's no indication of a scar behind his left ear.你觉得是怎么回事自残吗What are you thinking? Selfinflicted?有可能It could be.这两张照片里他的左脸都有些下垂The left side of his face is sagging in both photos.可能是中风或是面瘫Maybe he had a stroke or palsy?面部畸形加上言语障碍So a facial deformity, a possible speech impediment.导致他严重自卑That leads to pretty low selfesteem.入狱八年会给人带来怎样的变化How does 8 years locked up change someone?他的声音无处可用It takes away their voice.但怒气却始终存在But it doesn't take away his rage.且与日剧增Time only makes it worse.会不会是他为了受到惩罚而挑起争斗呢What if he started all those fights so he could be punished?他想要的是安静He was looking for quiet.那些斗殴事件与怒火无关So getting into fights wasn't about his rage.而是为了得偿所愿It was about getting what he wanted.安静Silence.爸爸很快就回来Daddy will be right back.法警孩子的父母在哪Marshal, where are the parents?父亲死在马厩母亲不知所踪Father's in the stall dead. No sign of the mother.他拿走了死者的身份证所以死者身份不明He stole the victim's I.D., so I have no idea who he is也不知道他开的是什么车or what type of vehicle we're looking for.还有留言吗Was there another message?他们在找呢They're looking right now.这孩子只有几个月大This baby is only a few months old.这么小的年纪是不会自己拿奶瓶的He's too young to hold the bottle by himself.。
《prison break》 全英文 PPT 英语 教学
• Mike decided to let SUCRE join prison break plans, for which to stay with his beloved woman. SUCRE is the most spirited man among the team, and one of prisoners who truly treating Mike as Friend . In the most critical moment of Mike, SCURE also decided to help Mike, although he did not superb intelligence. In our opinion, he really played an important role in the prison break.
• T-bag: He has a high IQ. In prison, he finds Michael's plans and stick to him. Michael is so brilliant but even not get rid of him, who is a person just like a devil; • His libido is extremely pertinacious. He does not allow any risk factors to hurt himself. Once he finds threats around him, he will settle every problem cruelly and ruthlessly, even if selfmutilation. Hence, he is not only more wiser man than Michael, but also he is a strong man who lacks one hand for a long time.
William Bradley "Brad" Pitt (born December 18, 1963) is an American actor and film producer. Pitt has received four Academy Award nominations and five Golden Globe Award nominations, winning one Golden Globe. He has been described as one of the world's most attractive men, a label for which he has received substantial media attention
distributed by New Line Cinema. It stars Brad
Pitt and Morgan Freeman, with Gwyneth
Paltrow, R. Lee Ermey, and Kes.
The newly transferred David Mills (Pitt) and the
Like greed, envy may be characterized by an insatiable desire; they differ, however, for two main reasons. First, greed is largely associated with material goods, whereas envy may apply more generally. Second, those who commit the sin of envy resent that another person has something they perceive themselves as lacking, and wish the other person to be deprived of it.
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders《犯罪心理:超越边界(2016)》第一季第一集完整中英文对照剧本
联调局国际反应小组每年有超过6800万美国人离开安全的国内Over 68 million Americans leave the safety of our borders every year. 当危险来袭If danger strikes,联调局国际反应小组The FBI's international response team泰国随时出动is called into action.曼谷我们怎么才能结束在农场的志愿工作啊How did we end up volunteering on this farm?就应该直接背包走人We should've just gone backpacking.木薯根农场我们当初报名的时间还有三个星期We signed up for 3 more weeks.三个星期太久了That's 3 too many.我们离开学只剩一个月了We've only got another month before school starts.我不想再浪费时间了I just don't wanna waste any more time.他来之前你不是这样的You weren't like this before he got here.别这样Don't do that!别扯到杰夫身上Don't make this about Jeff.为什么你就这样Why not? You did.你不会真以为这个鬼地方You cannot honestly say that this hellhole比我们以前待的地方要好吧is better than the last one we were on.嘘他听得到Shh! He can hear you.谁本兹Who, Benz?他听不懂我的话He doesn't know what I'm saying.这又是另一个问题That's another problem.一句英语都不会吗I mean, not a single word of English?这里只有五个志愿者There are only five volunteers here.我为他感到难过I feel bad for him.昨天晚上他偷看我洗澡He watched me shower last night.你有好好展现自己吗Ugh. You give him a good show?我是说真的这一点都不好笑I'm serious. It isn't funny.要是你吓坏了If you were so freaked out about it,为什么不告诉我why didn't you tell me?你们在说那个变♥态♥农夫吗You talking about perv the farmer?真的假的你告诉了他Really? You told him?我赞成走I vote that we get outta here.曼谷离这儿只有一小时车程Bangkok's only an hour drive away.我们可以搭车过去或者走过去We can hitch it, we'll walk it. Won't be that bad. 我跟我妈说我们会待在这里I told my mom we were staying here我可不想因为提早离开惹她生气and I don't wanna freak her out by leaving early. 我已经发邮件给我父母说了这事I already emailed my parents about it.今早他们给我汇钱过来了 1500块They wired me money this morning, $1,500,在曼谷的一家西联汇款公♥司♥ At a Western Union in Bangkok.我们还是会待在泰国We'll still be in Thailand the whole time,可我们没必要留在这里But we won't have to stay here. Okay?[泰语]Phayu...[泰语][泰语][泰语][泰语]他刚才说的意思是"暴风雨"Phayu means "Storm".记得吗现在是台风季Remember, it's typhoon season?万一台风来了呢What if one's coming?是台风像这里的地方都会被淹没的It is. And places like this get flooded.台风还有几天才会到我可不想待在这里It's a couple days away, but, I'm not gonna stick around. 你们也不该留下You shouldn't, either.我赞成Sold.她讨厌我She hates me.没有No.也许有一点Maybe a little.别担心Don't worry.别生气啦Don't be mad.我知道我们单独出来不好I know that it was just gonna be us,-不过我们还是会玩得很开心的 -问题不在这里- but it's still gonna be fun. - That's not the point.好吧那是什么Okay. Then?你怎么知道他是带我们去曼谷How do you know he's taking us to Bangkok?他在泰国各地已经住了一年多He's lived all over Thailand for a year already.他认识路He knows where he's going.女孩子在国外被绑♥架♥Girls get snatched overseas都是因为她们愚蠢地跟着别人走because they're stupid enough to follow some guy.或者是因为跟偷♥窥♥狂待在一个农场里Or stay on some farm with a Peeping Tom?抱歉我更喜欢在外面的感觉Sorry, but I like our chances out here.杰夫Jeff?你在哪儿Wh-where are you?你去哪儿了Where'd you go?我早告诉你他是个混♥蛋♥Told you he's a jerk.杰夫快出来这样不好Jeff, come on. This isn't cool.他就是个混♥蛋♥ 不是吗He's just being an ass. Right?这一点都不好玩杰夫This isn't funny! Jeff!联调局放下武器FBI! Drop your weapon!最后一次警告放下武器Last warning! Drop it now!你不该开枪的You shouldn't have done that."不用谢"How about "You're welcome"?他举枪了Guy raised his gun.我们可以劝服他We could've talked him down.杰克据我所知Jack, last time I checked,说几句话可不会让你枪弹不入words don't make you bulletproof.这枪正正当当干净利落你要回看吗It was a clean shot. You wanna review it?好啊Yeah.还是别回看了Let's forget reviewing it.去喝杯咖啡如何How about we go for coffee?好Sure.我猜猜得改天再喝了Oh, let me guess. Rain check?要去哪里Where you headed?泰国Thailand.我最近去过最有异国情调的地方是克利夫兰Most exotic place I've seen lately is Cleveland.帮我多吃点泰式炒粉Have some Pad Thai for me.随时欢迎你加入我们的海外行动Well, you're welcome to join us overseas anytime. 我们都欢迎你来We'd love to have you.谢了不过我更喜欢家的温暖Thanks, but I prefer the comforts of home.不过我不介意跟你时不时地Though, I wouldn't mind swapping jets with you, 换飞机坐坐Every once in a while.没门儿Not a chance.加倍Double-time it.快小伙子们加油Come on, boys. Come on.怎么这么慢What took you so long?此话出自一个抢跑的姑娘Says the girl who had a huge head start.我们俩都破纪录了I think that's a new record for both of us.是杰克有案子了It's Jack. I think we got a case.对去泰国Yeah, Thailand.怎么你能心灵感应了What, are you telepathic now?可测心率接电♥话♥ 发短♥信♥ Heart rate, phone calls, and texts.你得跟上潮流You should really keep up.蒙蒂真是把你传染了Monty's really rubbing off on you.只是活在新时代罢了Hey, just living in 2015.瞧瞧这Oh, look at that.你的翻盖手♥机♥终于更新换代了Finally updated your little flip phone.那功能可强大了It's highly functional.比一比Race you back.女士优先Ladies first.我赢了Beat ya.这次可没抢跑No head start, this time.是啊Yeah.那大家伙有专属的邮政编码吗Does that thing have its own zip code?你又没有拖着婴儿座椅和婴儿车到处跑Listen, you're not lugging around car seats and strollers.等他们长大开始打球时够你受的Well, wait till they start playing sports.你的车里可得塞下You'll have a whole basketball team一整支篮球队squeezed in there.近来泰国发生的凶案和意外死亡事件With murders and accidental deaths at a record high,创下了新高那里已经变成Thailand is quickly becoming one最为危险的旅游地之一of the deadliest destinations for tourists.我还记得去年夏天I remember those British backpackers在那遇害的英国背包客who were murdered there last summer.看来这也没有阻止我们受害者旅游的脚步Guess that didn't stop our victims from visiting.我们知道些什么杰克What do we got, Jack?美国两名大一新生劳拉·约翰逊American college freshmen Laura Johnson和萨拉·哈里斯两天前失踪了and Sarah Harris went off the grid 2 days ago最新情报And the latest messages显示她们曾经出现在敌对势力范围内indicated they were in hostile surroundings.我们三分钟后出发We'll be taking off in 3 minutes.早上好帅哥Good morning, handsome.你好美女Hello, lovely.基本情况我们都知道了详细说一下吧蒙蒂We got the basics. Fill us in, Monty.好劳拉和萨拉的父母正从俄亥俄州赶来Okay. Laura and Sarah's parents are on their way in from Ohio. 他们已经证实他们的女儿They confirmed the girls signed up参加了一个农场组织的志愿者活动for a volunteer farming organization毕业典礼一结束就出国了and left the U.S. right after graduation.志愿参加农场活动Volunteering on farms is like对这些零零后来说就像背包环游欧洲一样刺♥激♥ the Millennials' version of backpacking across Europe.这些项目从七十年代起就开始盛行These programs have been around since the 1970s.是啊但是却没有做到与时俱进Yeah, but they haven't really caught up with the times.对农场主和志愿者都没有做相应的背景调查There's no background checks for hosts or volunteers.不算最安全之选Not exactly the safest choice.她们的手♥机♥48小时前丢失了讯号♥ Their cell phones stopped transmitting signals 48 hours ago.泰国具体什么时候What time?-半夜 -在哪儿- Midnight. - Where?农场去往曼谷方向往北一公里A mile from the farm, heading north toward Bangkok.我把坐标发给你们I sent coordinates.那里荒无人烟That's the middle of nowhere.那些姑娘可能是爱冒险And the girls are adventurous types,但也不会拿命开玩笑啊but not adverse-risk takers.半夜离开农场Leaving the farm at midnight听上去不像是她们会做的事doesn't sound like something they'd do.也许是有人劝她们走的Unless they were talked into leaving.蒙蒂她们在泰国的接头人是谁Monty, who's the guy who met them in Thailand?杰夫·利特尔Jeff Little.没有手♥机♥ 没有信♥用♥卡♥ No cell phone, no credit cards.从她们的照片来看他们在附近的农场见了面According to the girls' photos, they met at the latest farm.劳拉发了一张她和杰夫的自♥拍♥Laura sent a selfie of her and Jeff,但萨拉不在照片里but Sarah wasn't in the photo她也没和她妈妈提过这件事and she didn't say anything to her mom about it.三角恋吗Triangle?我可不喜欢跟一对好朋友都纠缠不清的家伙Never been a fan of a guy who comes between friends.有什么我们需要担心的事吗Anything we should be worried about?有他去年曾被控强♥奸♥Yeah. He was charged with statutory rape杰夫·利特尔利特尔先生被捕时在杜兰大学上学他马上被开除了并再未入学指控从法定强♥奸♥降为行为不端被杜兰大学开除了and kicked out of Tulane last year.当时19岁He was 19.这么重要的线索你可藏得真好蒙蒂Way to bury the lead, Monty.我也不确定有多严重I'm not sure how serious it was.由于受罗密欧与朱丽叶法案保护他的罪行The Romeo and Juliet law has downgraded his conviction 从重罪降到了行为不端from a felony to a misdemeanor.之后他就一直住在泰国He's been livin' all over Thailand ever since.没有可追查的资金活动With no traceable funds.两个姑娘身处异国他乡Two girls out of their comfort zone,一个毫无收入的家伙a guy with no means of income.以及金钱的诱惑And the lure of money.劳拉的妈妈给她汇了1500Laura's mom wired $1,500.劳拉·约翰逊一次性汇款两天后都没有取when it wasn't picked up in 2 days,她就联♥系♥了国♥务♥院♥ she called the State Department.她们失联时所在的地点就算走路Even on foot, from where they were,到曼谷也花不了两天的时间it wouldn't take 'em 2 days to walk to Bangkok.一路上肯定出了什么事Something bad happened along the way.泰国皇家警♥察♥怎么说What do the Royal Thai Police say?找不到尸体就没有犯罪Without a body, there is no crime.局长亲自委派我们进行调查The Director personally tasked us to investigate我们可不会等出现尸体再说and we're not gonna wait for a body.很好Good.当地警方该知道我们是同一战线的Local police should know that we're all on the same side.寻找失踪的美国公民不是他们的职责It's not their job to worry about missing Americans.而是我们的It's ours.对不起这都是我的错I'm so sorry. This is all my fault.别再这么说了You got to stop saying that.可就是这样But it is.本兹没有偷看我洗澡Benz never watched me shower.杰夫让我这么告诉你的Jeff told me to tell you that.他知道只有这样说He knew it was the only thingthat would make you leave.你认为是杰夫和本兹So do you think Jeff and Benz联手绑了我们吗are working on this together?也许吧我不知道Probably. I don't know.你吃过东西了吗Have you eaten yet?已经两天了It's been 2 days.我吃不下I can't.我们需要恢复体力才能离开这里We need our strength to get out of here.我真不明白I don't get it.他为什么要给我们送饭为什么不杀了我们Why is he feeding us, if he's just gonna kill us?也许他不会杀我们Maybe he won't.那他想干什么Then what is he gonna do?放开我Ah, get off of me.劳拉你在干什么Laura? What are you doing?他在干什么What is he doing?!你要对她做什么What are you doing to her?!犯罪心理:国境之外第一季第一集泰国有一句俗语A Thai proverb reminds us纸是包不住火的"What's done in the dark soon comes to light."泰国曼谷克拉拉你还愿意接电♥话♥真是太好了Clara, glad you're still takin' my calls.Oh. It's been a while.我猜你平时根本没学泰语So let me guess: you have not learned Thai你是想让我来当翻译的in all your spare time and you want me to translate. 如果只缺翻译的话If all I needed was a translator,我会自己用谷歌♥的I could google it.你的用处可大多了You've always been way more than that.嗨克拉拉过得怎么样Hey, Clara. How you been?-不错克丽丝蒂怎么样 -她太迷人了- Good. Yeah, how's Christy? - Oh, she's amazing.-生了几个孩子 -四个- How many kids, now? - Four.你们太疯狂了That's crazy.-你呢新学了几种语言 -三种[祖鲁语]- And you? How many new languages? - Zintatu.-三种去了几个国家 -我数不过来了- Three, wow. Countries? - I've lost count.-该我了 -嗨梅- My turn. My turn. - Hi, Mae.梅Oh, Mae.我就没见过你脱下过白大褂I don't think I've seen you out of scrubs.喜欢充满阳光的生活吗How do you like life in the sunshine?这比对着冷库好多了Well, it beats the freezer.之前天天对着死尸多少都有点不适It turns out, staring at dead bodies kind of took its toll. 你这会儿怎么会在泰国呢So what are the chances you're in Thailand right now? 在非洲待了几个月后Well, after a few months in Africa,我决定来东南亚逛逛I decided to roam Southeast Asia.我在研究命运信仰这一说I am studying beliefs about fate.所以And?凡事皆有因Everything happens for a reason.你想听好消息还是坏消息You want the good news or the bad?-先说好的 -泰国皇家警♥察♥- Good. - Royal Thai Police帮我们联♥系♥到了当地警♥察♥局are setting us up with their office.坏消息是台风要来了For bad, there's a typhoon off the coast.是的他们要疏散低洼地带Yeah, they're evacuating low-lying provinces.不到36小时农场就会被水淹没The farm could be underwater in 36 hours,我想在证据被冲掉前到达那里so I wanna get there before any evidence is washed away.-我们去警♥察♥局吧 -好的- Let's head to the station. - All right.记住这里警局是男人的天下Listen, this police force is a boys' club,不要一个人去so don't take it personally.我知道他们不和我们握手I know they won't shake our hands.这是当地男女有别的文化习惯Well, that's a cultural norm between men and women here.我说的是职场礼仪I'm talking about professional courtesies.我们两个女的不能改变他们的习惯吗We're not the two ladies who will change their minds?那要等上一百年吧After 100 years? Hmm.女孩子总可以幻想一下吧Girl can dream.我朋友把我送到这里就走了Hey, listen. A friend dropped me off.我能搭个便车吗Can I get a ride?你知道有什么近路吗You know any shortcuts?有几条A few.你什么时候让我开一次When are you gonna let me drive?改天吧Not today.劳拉和萨拉So, Laura and Sarah.已经有两天半没她们的消息了They went off the radar for 2.5 days还有她们刚认识的杰夫·利特尔with a guy they just met, Jeff Little.杰夫·利特尔强♥奸♥罪后指控从法定强♥奸♥降为行为不端被捕时在杜兰大学上学他马上被开除了并再未入学看来他没做出好的人生选择It doesn't look like he's made the best life choices他缠上了这两个女孩and it doesn't bode well看起来是凶多吉少that he's attached himself to these girls.他厚此薄彼把萨拉孤立了He played favorites, leaving Sarah odd man out.你认为他是故意分♥裂♥她们的You think he split them up for a reason.我想他认为劳拉比较好拿下I'm thinking he may have been grooming Laura as an easy target.人口拐卖♥♥Trafficking. Of course.他可能是个探子He could be a spotter.这些女孩子会比较信任美国人I mean, the girls would trust another American,特别在她们第一次独♥立♥生活的时候when they're on their own for the first time.大交易链一般都在像曼谷这样的城市里Larger rings are usually centered in the cities, like Bangkok,他们在往那边赶and we know they were on their way there.年轻健康的美国人Young, healthy, American?他们能卖♥♥个好价They'd get top dollar.为什么人类总能发明出新的方式Why do humans always find new ways来伤害同类呢of hurting one another?我以前和这些女孩一样I was just like these girls.我不知道你在农场做过志愿者I didn't know you volunteered on a farm.我18岁时去过六个农场Yeah. Six in total, all over the U.S.,几乎遍布了美国when I was 18.那时候过的和现在真不一样It was a different time back then.但是面对的问题和今天的一样Yeah, but it's the same war, even today.你希望你的孩子能够独♥立♥You want your kids to have that independence,但是放他们出去又很犹豫but it's so hard to let 'em go.我想我父母知道我必须去外面看一看Yeah. I think my parents knew I needed to see the world, you know? 你怀念吗Do you miss it?怀念什么时差What, jet lag?外卖♥♥Takeout?家里死掉的植物Dead plants at home?不我的驾驶技术No, my driving.我很久没有怀念什么东西了I haven't done that for a while.除了你出色的驾驶技术之外So, apart from your excellent driving,我还会怀念什么do I miss what, exactly?挽救生命Saving lives.是啊那当然Yeah. Yeah, of course.我们以前在这方面都很出色Yeah, we were pretty good at that. 这是什么味道What's that smell?劳拉Laura?是要来解决我们了吗Do you think this is how it'll end? 等等求你了Wait. Please, wait.劳拉Laura.在哪Where...?你要把我们带去哪里Where are you taking us?你在干什么放我们走吧What are you doing? Just let us go. 我们不会说出去的求你了We won't tell anyone. Please!看起来不怎么欢迎我们They're not gonna welcome us.在他们看来Well, as far as they're concerned, 劳拉和萨拉没什么事Laura and Sarah aren't in danger要是出事了也是她们自己的问题and, if they are, it's their own doing. 我们走吧Here we go.泰国皇家警♥察♥布尼·达信欢迎你们Buhni Taksin. Welcome.杰克·加勒特很高兴见到你Jack Garrett. Good to meet you.这是我的团队探员西蒙斯贾维斯This is my team, agent Simmons, Jarvis.文化专家克拉拉·塞格尔Cultural expert Clara Seger会给我们提供咨♥询♥will be consulting with us.我们想要那边的地图We'd like the map of the province,好确认她们进出农场的路线so we can check the routes they may have taken in and out of the farm. [泰语]我不懂泰语I don't speak Thai.她会She does.当然稍等Of course. One moment.泰国皇家警♥察♥有25万人The Royal Thai Police Force is 250,000 strong,但只有70位女警官but only 70 officers are female还都是两年内加入的and they were only sworn in 2 years ago.在这儿微笑犯法吗Against the law to smile?给你Here you go.-谢谢 -我们需要搜索队同去农场- Thanks. - We need a search team at the farm.有多少警官能跟我们一起去How many officers are joining us?只派了我一个I'm the only one assigned to you.其他都在准备暴雨撤离方案Others are prepping for the storm evacuation protocols.好吧我们这就去农场Okay, well, we need to get out to the farm right away.找农场主谈谈We need to talk to the owner.他正等我们He's waiting for us.弗吉尼亚州匡提科联调局总部柬埔寨遭遇恶劣天气台风登陆柬埔寨We are now receiving footage这是我们收到的影像of the typhoon making landfall in Cambodia.台风正向北移将在24小时内抵达泰国It's moved north and is due to hit Thailand in 24 hours.-你来了 -玛丽弗兰克- Oh, it's you. - Mary. Frank.发生这种事真是难以置信Oh, I can't believe this is happening.告诉我她们没事Tell me they're okay.我们团队已经过去了My team is there now.我们正尽力搜集线索We're trying to put some pieces together.请坐Please.我们就不该让她们自己去泰国We should never have let them go to Thailand on their own. 劳拉发了一个叫杰夫·利特尔的人的照片Laura sent some pictures of a guy named Jeff Little,说他也在各个农场做志愿者said he was volunteering at different farms, too.他们可能是朋友你有联♥系♥上他吗It seems like they were friends. Have you reached out to him? 我在网上查过杰夫I read about Jeff online.他上大学时强♥奸♥了一个女孩He raped a girl in college.-他干了什么 -我的天呐- He did what? - Oh, my God.我们女儿认识他之后才遇上了麻烦Our girls weren't in trouble, until they met him.那是他的父母吗Are those his parents?失陪Excuse me.利特尔夫妇请跟我来Mr. And Mrs. Little, come with me.主要的地方我们都看了We toured the main property.-已经看了吗 -我们十分钟前就到了- Already? - We got here 10 minutes ago.我也该弄辆那种摩托车I should get a motorbike like that.你见过本兹了吗Have you met Benz yet?见过了他让我们随便看Yeah. He let us look around.所有门都没上锁None of his doors have locks.劳拉和萨拉跟两个英国来的姑娘Laura and Sarah stayed in a crowded bunkroom挤在一间小宿舍里with two other girls from England,那两个姑娘说她们收拾了东西就走了who said that they packed up their stuff and left.男寝更糟糕Guys' room is even worse.这儿除了这条路Besides this road in here,另外只有两条路通向外边there's only two other paths that lead out.所以我们要找足迹和车印等任何So we should be looking for footprints, tire tracks,能帮我们查出她们在何地出了什么事的线索anything that helps us figure out what went wrong and where. -西蒙斯你们俩去吧 -好- Simmons, you two get started. - Got it.-我跟你们一起 -好的开始吧- I will join you. All right. Let's do it.我也负责追查数字足迹Now, part of my job is to trace any digital footprint,但我在杰夫身上什么都查不到but I can't find anything on Jeff.你们上一次联♥系♥是什么时候When was the last time you talked to him?将近三个月前Almost 3 months ago.他通过几个不同的项目He was volunteering at farms志愿去各个农场工作through a few different programs.至少我知道他有吃的At least I knew he was getting food也有安全住所and a safe place to sleep.你给他寄过钱吗Have you sent him any money?就算我们给了他也不会要的He wouldn't accept it, if we did.杜兰大学的那件事That whole thing at Tulane?让我们一家人有了隔阂Drove a wedge between us, as a family.他感觉我们不支持他所以就走了He didn't feel supported, so he left.不过我把信♥用♥卡♥给他应急I gave him my credit card, though, for emergencies.但他从没用过But he's never used it.要我们帮忙吗要暴风雨要来了有很多事要做我们来自美国他是杰夫我叫克拉拉有人帮你吗那些美国志愿者都跑了你很生气是吗大家都待不久他们在我这儿吃得不好我老婆身体不好就不做饭了他压力很大He's overwhelmed.他老婆身体不好His wife, she's sick.问问他那些女孩有没有什么反常的Ask him if there was anything out of the ordinary with the girls. 她们有不和吗Were they arguing?他说那个男孩跟劳拉在一起的时间更多He says the boy spent more time with Laura than Sarah, 所以萨拉有点寂寞so Sarah seemed lonely她想要学泰语and Sarah tried to speak in Thai,本兹觉得这挺好which Benz says was thoughtful.告诉他我很感谢他能告诉我们这些Tell him I appreciate the information.你有什么看法What do you think?他很累但愿意跟我们谈Well, he's exhausted, but willing to talk.他对这里的条件有点惭愧He seems embarrassed of the conditions he provides here, 对她们的离开也不觉得出乎意料and he's not surprised that they left.之前也有人离开They're not the first kids to go.而且我看到了佛像And I spotted a Buddha,也就是说他相信因果报应which means he believes in Karma.你怎么想What do you think?我同意他跟你有眼神接触Agreed. He was making eye contact with you而且没有可疑的行为and didn't seem like he was acting suspicious也没有遮掩什么or hiding anything.没错那就只剩杰夫了Yeah. So, that leaves Jeff.现在只剩他有嫌疑了He's the one thing that still sticks out.主动介入到两个女孩之间的陌生人A stranger who forced himself between two girls.是蒙蒂It's Monty.罗素·蒙哥马利真没想到Russell Montgomery, as I live and breathe.是克拉拉吗最近如何Is that you, Clara? How you been?现在好多了Better, now.我开免提了Let me put you on speaker.我们要赶在风雨把这一切冲走之前Our challenge here is to find something找到有用的线索before the wind and the rain wash it away.现在没看到车轮印Now, I got no tire tracks,但这儿的脚印很新鲜But the footprints are the freshest here.还有这里And here.看来女孩们分开了Looks like the girls split up.等等有血迹Hold up. We got blood.泥水溅出的方向表明Directionality of the spatter says踩下这个脚印的人往那边去了whoever this belongs to is headed that way.杰克Hey, Jack.蒙蒂在曼谷的一家网吧Monty just tracked the Littles' credit card追踪到了利特尔的信♥用♥卡♥ to an Internet cafe in Bangkok.我们在一条小路上发现了血迹Okay, well, we got some blood out here on a path. 你和梅追查血迹的来源You and Mae find the source of that blood.克拉拉和我回城里Clara and I will head back to the city.收到You got it.你好吗Hi. How are you?你也看到了吗You see what I see?没错Yep.那人绝对不是杰夫And that is definitely not Jeff.他说人不是他杀的He says he didn't hurt him.我们找到了杰夫的东西We've got Jeff's stuff.我们找到了杰夫We got Jeff.杰夫死了Jeff's dead.这里的三公里范围内3-kilometer radius from this point on.先拉好警戒线然后向外推进搜查Make sure you guys build a perimeter and then push outward. -不行 -我必须进去- No. - yes, I have to.如果你们发现了什么打我电♥话♥If you find anything, call me.我们会回来重建现场We'll come back and reestablish as well.-我必须进去拍 -不行- I have to go down and get -- - No.你不许进去You are not allowed.-我在这儿没法拍到清晰的 -过来- I can't get clear photos from -- - Hey, hey. Come here.现在这里有一具尸体Listen, now that there's a body,这属于泰国皇家警♥察♥的调查范围this is the Royal Thai Police's investigation.如果我们越界了还没等我们找到If we overstep, we'll be kicked out劳拉和萨拉就会被踢出去before we find Laura and Sarah.为什么不一起调查Why not work together?因为他们有自己的程序和系统Because they have a process, a system.我们必须尊重We have to respect it.你是想告诉我你在那几张图片里You mean to tell me you can't find anything什么都没找到吗in those fancy photos?很明显颈动脉被切断导致了死亡Apparent C.O.D. is a severed carotid.但由于尸体腐烂But the elements eroded the flesh,我不知道是否是一刀毙命so I can't tell if there was any hesitation.他脖子后面是什么What is this on the back of his neck?纹身没纹好Got a botched tattoo?要是我能靠近他的尸体就可以告诉你了I could tell ya, if I had access to his body,但由于我不能but, since I don't...我只有自己检查过尸体才能知道The only way to know is to examine him myself.跑Run.-什么 -跑- What? - Run.他让我们跑He's telling us to run.热带风暴正向Tropical storm hunter is moving泰国的南部沿海移♥动♥up the southern coast of Thailand.将于明天晚上袭击曼谷It's due to hit Bangkok and the surrounding provinces 以及周边府市tomorrow evening.曼谷周边的农田位于洼地Many of the farms outside Bangkok are lowlands都将面临着洪水的威胁and are in danger of flooding.。
在了牢房的墙上。 一名小偷因盗窃入狱,巧合的是他知道安迪妻子和她情人的 死亡真相,兴奋的安迪找到了狱长,希望狱长能帮他翻案。 虚伪的狱长表面上答应了安迪,暗中却用计杀死了告诉他这 个事实真相的Tommy,安迪知道真相后,决定通过自己的救 赎去获得自由! · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·
The Shawshank Redemption
(Tim Robbins)
(Morgan Freeman)
Introduction of the movie
In 1949,a banker named Andy was convicted [kən‘vɪktɪd] (宣判…有罪) of murdering his wife and her lover,based on strong circumstantial[,sə:kəm’stæ nʃə l] evidence(间接证 据).Although Andy did not kill anyone,he was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences at Shawshank State Penitentiary in Marine.
生命可以归结为一种简单的选择:要么忙于 生存,要么赶着去死
Fear can hold you prisoner, hope can set you free. 懦怯囚禁人的灵魂,希望可以令你感受自由。
有自己的梦想, 在逆境里还能坚持自我, 这就是救赎!
• 黑帮老大Abruzzi 姓名: John Abruzzi 编号:81004 所在位置: 普通犯人A区,96号牢 房 所犯罪行:谋杀(2人),意图谋杀 (2人) 刑期:120年 剩余刑期:117年10个月 距可保释时间:禁止保释 介绍:前任芝加哥暴徒首领, John Abruzzi, 是有据可查的当前 Fox River监狱中最声名狼藉的罪犯。 这种声名在高墙内转变为一种权利。 其他犯人,就算是谋杀犯,在监狱里 也得听 Abruzzi的。戒严的时候,可 以不夸张的说,.John Abruzzi控制 了监狱。 Abruzzi 最终被定罪为谋杀两人和在 数十年后为逃避惩罚意图谋杀伊利诺 斯州地方律师。Otto Fibonacci 作 为审判 Abruzzi的目击证人,使陪审 团相信Abruzzi杀死了两个竞争对手。
• Benjamin Miles Franklin 姓 名:Benjamin Miles Franklin 编号:89416 坐在位置:普通级犯人,48号 牢房 所犯罪行:占有偷盗物品 刑期:8年 剩余刑期:7年零两个月 距可保释时间:3年零两个月,Franklin采取犯罪的方法 来得到它们。他在驾驶一辆装 满偷来物品的卡车时被当地警 方逮捕。由于不想放弃他和家 人的关系,他被送往看守最为 森严的监狱。Franklin曾经参 过军,不过这是保密信息,对 外不公开。
• 第二季 • 《越狱》在第一季结束的时候,主角们已经逃出了监狱, 最后一幕温特沃斯·米勒饰演的迈克尔·斯科菲尔德与 几名狱友历漫长的令人喘不过气脱狱,逃出例如狐狸河 监狱的封锁。但是故事并没有完结…… 在第二季中,七个逃出生天的一级重犯成为全国警 力追捕的对象并展开新一轮的亡命旅途,在逃亡过程中 他们面临着种种情况,于是故事接着发展。而且因为林 肯被陷害与一宗政府阴谋有关,所以从第二季一开始, 迈克尔·斯科菲尔德兄弟俩着重进行调查,希望能揭开 阴谋背后的黑暗真相.而成功逃离监狱的5名狱友分别在 美国中部逃窜,其中会有重新被捕的,也会有死于逃窜 途中的。
• 《行尸走肉》讲述了警察瑞克在一次执法行动中因中弹 负伤而不省人事,当他从昏迷中苏醒后却惊讶地发现, 这个世界已然天翻地覆。周遭一派死境,丧尸横行,没 有活人踪影。死里逃生的瑞克赶到家中,却不见妻儿的 踪影……
• Despite some zombie theme cliche<老套>, but this comic is focused on depicting the characters of mental activity and change, exposed the dark side of human nature in a disaster no doubt. Sad die from starvation everywhere, lost land, in which humans dying, bringing destruction and harm not only the zombie, living room of fighting. Hero of the story over and over again into the wall at the same looking time, giving viewers a provisional end of sad. • 尽管僵尸题材有些老套,但这部漫画却着重刻画了人物 角色的心理活动与变化,人性中的黑暗面在大灾难中暴 露无疑。哀殍遍野,丧尸满目,人类在其中苟延残喘, 带来毁灭与伤害的不仅仅是那些行尸走肉,还有活人间 的互相争斗。故事将主人公一次次抛入绝境的同时,也 给予观者一种如临末世的悲望。
• he is my hero ,he is very kind , wisdom , brave and handsome • I admire him .
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders《犯罪心理:超越边界(2016)》第二季第三集完整中英文对照剧本
每年6800万美国人Over 68 million Americans离开安全的国内leave the safety of our borders every year.当危险来袭If danger strikes,联调局国际反应小组the FBI's International Response Team随时出动is called into action.哥伦比亚波哥大哥伦比亚波哥大来咱们去别的地方Come on. Let's get out of here.你凭什么觉得我是那种女孩What makes you think I'm that kind of girl?都交往三年了After three years together,你这时候要玩欲擒故纵了吗now you're gonna play hard to get?就是要吸引你的注意宝贝Got to keep you on your toes, baby.你不是一手掌控的意思吗Don't you mean wrapped around your finger? 至少手上有东西Well, at least something will be on it!真是折磨我You're killing me.不错嘛小妞Oye. Riquísima, mamacita.你和那个外国佬要干什么?Lo que estás haciendo con ese gringo?你管我iDéjame en paz!怎么回事你跟她说什么W-What's going on? W-What'd you say to her? 德鲁别问了Drew, stop.-行了快走吧德鲁 -等等- Okay, let's go, Drew. - Wait.-走吧 -你有什么问题吗老兄- Now, vámonos! - You got a problem, man?宝拉搞什么我能解决那混♥蛋♥的What was that, Paola? I could have handled that joker.这里和纽约不一样德鲁This is not like New York, Drew.在波哥大人命不值钱动辄就杀人In Bogotá, life is cheap and people die for no reason,所以你给我当心点so you got to be careful.有零钱吗?Puedes ahorrar algo de cambio?-求你们了 -我明白了- iPor favor! iPor favor! - Okay. I get it.我们好几天没吃东西了No hemos comido en días.说真的我很抱歉No, seriously. I'm sorry.我不该在不了解的地方乱说话I shouldn't run my mouth in someplace I don't know.那今晚就到这儿你回去房♥间待着Okay, then call it a night and stay in your room.我都没离开过纽约I've barely been out of New York,更别说来南美了let alone South America.我想找点乐子I want to go have some fun!明天你见到我朋友会有足够乐子的You'll have plenty of that when you meet my folks ma?ana. 上♥床♥睡觉吧Now go to bed.女士坐出租吗?Se?ora, taxi?Minutes after they took IFrom the bottomless pitBut my hand was made strongBy the 'and of the AlmightyWe forward in this generationTriumphantly看啊好样的蒙蒂Look at that. Well done, Monty.又打平了Tied again.名♥师♥出高徒Well, I did have a good teacher.那好好报答一下So, how about returning the favor跟我们一起出国办案吧and coming out on a case with us?你知道我的武器是电脑You know my weapon of choice is a computer. 你确定不是因为You sure that has nothing to do你不喜欢坐飞机吗with the fact that you hate to fly?梅告诉你的是不...Mae told you, di--我再也不带她出去享乐了That's the last time I take her to happy hour.她很能喝She can put 'em away.打桌球也能赢And hustle you in pool.姑娘很厉害That's my girl.怎么了What is it?国际反应小组刚接到IRT just received a request美国驻波哥大大使♥馆♥的请求from the U.S. Embassy in Bogotá.走吧Let's go.德鲁·达夫二十八岁来自纽约市One Drew Dafaoe, 28, of NYC被发现死于哥伦比亚波哥大was found dead in the alleyway behind his hotel 他所住酒店的后巷in Bogotá, Colombia.没有挣扎痕迹There was no sign of a struggle,所以当地警方认定为自杀so local police ruled it a suicide.但有人不这么认为But someone doesn't think it is.对德鲁的女友是波哥大本地人Correct-o, Drew's girlfriend is a native of Bogotá她说他没有任何理由自杀and says he has no reason to take his own life,所以她向美国大使♥馆♥提交了正式申诉so she filed a formal complaint with the U.S. Embassy怀疑德鲁死于他杀suspecting there was foul play involved.德鲁的医疗记录表明There's nothing in his medical record他身心健康状况都没有任何问题to suggest that Drew was of poor mental or physical health. 德鲁在入境申报表里面填写Drew claimed on his visitor's declaration form他携带了订婚戒指that he was in possession of an engagement ring.他本打算求婚He was gonna propose.听上去不像是That doesn't sound like somebody要自杀的人who's about to take his own life.遗憾的是从这些照片Unfortunately, from these photos,我看不出来究竟发生了什么I can't really tell what happened.他可能是跳楼也可能是被推I mean, he could have jumped or been pushed.没错但显然True, but what is clear is,德鲁死前的几个小时里in the hours leading up to Drew's death,他的行为很可疑his behavior was very suspect.在自动提款机取钱至上限后After exhausting his ATM withdrawal limit,他去了当地银行清空了银行账户he then went to a local bank and cleared out his account.那些钱呢So where's that money?不见了和戒指一样不翼而飞Missing, As is the ring.我记得哥伦比亚之前还打算整顿治安呢Here I thought Colombia was cleaning up their act.确实在整顿Well, it is.也正因如此And because of it,近两年前往哥伦比亚的美国游客more Americans have visited Colombia数量超过了此前二十年的总和in the last two years than they have in the previous 20. 但凡事都需要时间Mm, but like anything, it takes time,所以犯罪仍然是当地的大问题so crime is still a big problem for them.游客向来是最容易下手的And tourists are always the easiest targets.尤其是人们都觉得Well, especially when the perception is所有美国人都很有钱that all Americans are rich.这也解释了为什么2015年在哥伦比亚Which explains why 219 Americans有219名美国人成为了犯罪目标have been targeted in Colombia in 2015.其中多是快速绑♥架♥And most of those were express kidnappings.但在受害人被抢指着Yeah, but after the victims are taken at gunpoint,去自动取款机上取钱之后go to the ATM, withdraw the money,通常很快就被释放they're usually immediately released.这些犯罪都经过严密计划And these types of criminals are highly organized,机动性高经验丰富mobile, experienced,且很少使用暴♥力♥but not usually violent.如果这是绑♥架♥升级So, if this is an escalation,那么很难想象更多美国人there's no telling what dangers将面临怎样的危险处境more Americans might find themselves in.犯罪心理国境之外第二季第三集哥伦比亚谚语有云The Colombian proverb says,"穷困不会损坏美德"Poverty does not destroy virtue金钱亦不馈赠高尚"nor wealth bestow it."只要五比索Only cinco pesos.不要不要No. No.不需要谢谢No, thank you.-很衬你 -不要- Good for you. - No.给你Yeah, here you go.非常感谢Muchas gracias.走开Get!滚开死耗子iFuera de aquí, ratas!在我打电♥话♥叫警♥察♥之前iAntes de que llame a la policía!快滚吧滚吧iTodos vamos! iVamos!"Gamines,"即流浪儿童or "throwaway children"是哥伦比亚近些年内战的遗留物it's a remnant of Colombia's recent civil wars.失业贫穷住房♥匮乏The unemployment, poverty, lack of housing使他们的父母疲于奔命has left their parents struggling儿童则受到遗弃and the children abandoned.他们在大街上生活加入帮派以求生存So they live on the streets, join gangs to survive.哥伦比亚政♥府♥采取了什么举措What's the Colombian government doing about this?远远不够Not enough.抱歉让你们被那些害虫缠住I'm sorry about this vermin.他们是我们国家的污点They're a stain on our country.加勒特探员我是贝纳维德斯警探Agent Garrett. I'm Detective Benavides.探长感谢您来迎接我们Detective, thanks for having us.这边是赛格尔贾维斯和西蒙斯探员Agent Seger, Jarvis, and Simmons.很抱歉你们需要飞这么远来处理这个I'm sorry that you had to fly all the way down here你们怎么说来着显而易见的案子for this -- how do you say -- open-and-close case.是的表面看来确实如此但Oh, it certainly looks that way, but...本身也是It is.这里已经不再是This is no longer大毒枭巴勃罗·埃斯科瓦尔的地盘the land of Pablo Escobar.哥伦比亚已步入新世界Colombia has taken its place in a new world也希望我们北边的邻居and we would hope that its neighbors in the North能信任我们的警♥察♥有能力管好自己后院would trust that we can police our own backyard.无冒犯之意Well, no disrespect intended,但因为我们大使♥馆♥收到了正式申诉but when a formal complaint is filed with our embassy,所以我们必须认真对待we take that very seriously.好吧我能帮什么忙Fine. How can I be of assistance?我们想看看死者的酒店房♥间We'd like to see the deceased's hotel room.可惜这不可能了Unfortunately, that's not possible.因为我们认为这并非命案Because we didn't declare this a crime,我们已清理了死者的全部物品we've removed the deceased's belongings并把房♥间交还给酒店and released the room back to the hotel.因为有新客人要入住Which we then rented to a new guest.我们生意兴隆We're very busy,奇科保护区太受游人欢迎了and the Chico Reservado district is very popular with tourists, 但如果你们想的话我可以带你们去看but I can show it to you if you'd like.如果房♥间已被清理且有其他人入住If the room's been cleaned and occupied,那所有证据都已经被破坏了then all the evidence has been compromised.同意那么警探Agreed, so, Detective,可否请你从协助转成陪同贾维斯探员can you instead - escort Agents Jarvis and Simmons和西蒙斯探员到发现尸体的to the alleyway where the body was found小巷看看呢so they can take a look?没问题Of course.梅你去查后巷Mae, can you check out the alley西蒙斯去房♥顶看看while Simmons takes a look at the roof?明白了老大You got it, boss.这边有请This way, por favor.我们去跟德鲁的女朋友宝拉谈谈Let's go have a chat with Drew's girlfriend, Paola.我知道这段时间对你来说十分艰难I know this is a difficult time for you,所以先为我要问的问题说声抱歉so I apologize in advance for what I'm about to ask,但任何信息都非常关键but every piece of information is vital.是的Of course.德鲁有接触过毒品或毒贩吗Did Drew have any involvement with drugs or drug dealers? 没有Nada.你确定Are you sure?德鲁父亲的生活就被毒品毁了Drew's father's life was destroyed by drugs,他绝不会碰的so he never touched them.德鲁遇害当晚你在哪儿Where were you the night of Drew's death?在波哥大杜莎基洛区的父母家里At my parents' home in the Teusaquillo district of Bogotá.你们不是一起来哥伦比亚旅游吗But didn't you travel to Colombia together?我父母非常守旧Mis padres are very old-fashioned.他们不许我去德鲁的房♥间待They would not approve of me staying in Drew's hotel room. 他们不知道你们在纽约同居吗They didn't know you were living together in New York?不知道No.他们不知道No.如果你父亲知道了德鲁会有危险吗If your father found out, would Drew have been in danger? 我爸爸非常爱我而且最后Mi padre loves me, and in the end,他一定会接受我的决定的he has always accepted my decisions.同时我尽管尊重父母And in return, I'm very respectful of him and mi madre,但从不畏惧but never afraid.当然了Of course.但我还是觉得这都是我的错But I still believe this was my fault.宝拉为什么那样说Paola, why do you say that?我和德鲁之前在街上那家Well, Drew and I were dancing埃尔西提欧夜店跳舞at El Sitio nightclub down the street, and...我们离开的时候碰到了一个"猎鹰"when we left, we had a run-in with an halcón.他想跟我搭讪但我推开了他And he tried to talk to me, but I pulled away.之后德鲁介入跟他吵了起来But then Drew stepped in, and he had some words with him. "猎鹰" 是一种鹰吗Halcón? A hawk?是猎鹰是贩毒集团中级别最低的Yes, halcones are the lowest-ranking members小喽啰of the cartel.他们负责They're responsible向他们的头目汇报♥警♥方动向for reporting the activities of the police, rival groups,及对手情报back to their captains.你确定他是"猎鹰"吗Are you sure he was an halcón?他配了对讲机He had a walkie-talkie.这是他们的交流方式Which is how they communicate.无线电网络The radio network是贩毒集团的秘密交流系统is a shadow communication system for the cartels. 手柄上还刻着大写的"LP"And carved into the handle were the initials "LP." 代表洛斯普林莫斯贩毒集团LP -- the Los Primos cartel.波哥大数一数二的贩毒集团That's one of Bogotá's most feared.他还有枪所以我认为And he also had a gun, so I think他们应该是跟踪德鲁去了酒店they may have followed Drew to his hotel然后杀了他and killed him.我就不该把他一个人留在那里I-I shouldn't have left him there solo.宝拉这些你怎么不告诉警♥察♥ Paola, why didn't you tell the police all this?因为我不相信警♥察♥Because I don't trust the policía!一些警♥察♥还跟贩毒集团同流合污Some of them are still in bed with the cartels,放任他们贩毒欺诈游客letting them run drugs and scams on tourists.而且也于事无补And it wouldn't have changed anything.德鲁已经死了我们的梦想也随之消亡Now Drew is gone - and all our dreams with it.我检查了屋顶没有打斗痕迹I processed the roof. There's no signs of a struggle. 也不符合自杀的情绪It's also none of the emotion of a suicide, either.你什么意思What are you trying to say?大多数自杀的人都会停一下Well, most people committing suicide will stop.会思考一阵They'll think for a moment.会有片刻犹豫They'll have some sort of a hesitation.取下眼镜叠好衣服Take off their glasses, fold their jacket,最后再涂一次口红之类的check their lipstick one last time, et cetera.但德鲁没有But not Drew.安保报告上说Security report says屋顶门上的警报器被触发that roof door alarm was triggered,十二秒之后他就落地了and 12 seconds later, he hit the ground.没有遗书没有犹豫There was no note, no hesitation.这并不能证明什么Proves nothing.每个人都不一样Not one person is the same.话是没错不过当涉及到个人性命时That's true, but there are certain patterns某些规律模式是所有人共有的that we all share when it comes to our self-preservation, 即使是想要自杀时even when we think we want to die.以我的经验In my experience,人们常常会做出完全不符合本性的事people do strange things out of character all the time. 这我同意Completely agreed,尤其是在毒品especially when they're under the influence或酒精的作用下不过...of drugs or alcohol, but...尸检报告表明The autopsy showed德鲁的体内并没有毒品that there were no drugs in Drew's system,他当晚摄入的酒精含量更是微乎其微and the alcohol that he had consumed the night 低于仪器可测范围before barely registered.贝纳维德斯警探Detective Benavides,你有拿到have you had any luck德鲁取钱时自动提款机或银行提款处的getting surveillance footage of Drew's ATM监控录像吗or bank withdrawals?拿到了Sí, sí, sí. Claro que sí.我会在酒店的电脑上调出来I'll pull it up on one of the hotel computers.你还好吧克拉拉You all right, Clara?没事Yeah.抱歉Sorry.宝拉让我回想起了Paola just reminded me of the helplessness我失去布拉德时的无助感that I felt when I lost Brad.是啊Of course.如果我们能找出杀害德鲁的凶手If we can find out who did this to Drew,会给她一个交代让她继续生活下去it's gonna give her closure, allow her to move on. 但愿我们能做到I hope we can do that.会的We will.不不不歇业中No, no, no. Cerrado.六点才开门We're closed until 6:00.联调局FBI.希望你能帮助我们I was hoping you might be able to help us out.应该帮不了I doubt that.还是试试吧Let's give it a try, anyway.你们昨晚有谁看到过这个人吗Either of you see this man last night?不知道我们每天都会接触很多人I don't know. We see a lot of people.那些人最后都死了吗All those people end up dead?No dar papaya."别给木瓜""Don't give the papaya"?是当地俗语意思是...It's a local saying. It means --意思是这人昨天走进这里That it was probably the guy's own damn fault就是个自找的错误for walking in yesterday,身为外国佬还带着大把现金being gringo, and flashing cash.那你帮他散财了吗And maybe you helped him out with that?我?Yo?你们美国人就是喜欢插手You Americans are always putting your noses哥伦比亚人的事in Colombian business把事情弄得更糟and just making everything worse.你别转移话题回答我的问题Why don't you stop deflecting and answer my question? 看啊Mira.携带着枪和警徽的硬汉Tough guy with his gun and his badge.现在我只是硬汉Now I'm just a tough guy.但一只小手♥枪♥But a little piece of tin对你来说也应该不成问题doesn't seem like it would be a problem for you.兄弟你不会想遭罪的Hermano... you don't want any of this.像你这样的大块头没多少机会动真格Big guy like you - doesn't have many real fights.你们玩的是威吓Your game is intimidation.大多数人不等动真格就撤了Most people back down before a punch is ever thrown, 但我和他们不同but I'm not one of those guys.那么...这个人的死和你有关吗So...you have anything to do with this man's death?好吧Okay.好吧Yeah, okay?听着Look...我试着跟他的女伴讲话I tried to talk to his lady.仅此而已That's it.我一整晚都在这里工作I was here all night into the morning, working.你不相信我吗问他You don't believe me? Ask him.不代表你没有用对讲机Doesn't mean you didn't get on your walkie联♥系♥你的同伴对付他and call one of your buddies to take care of him.我只是...I am just...轻点儿Suave.用不了的没装子弹It doesn't work. It's not even loaded.我只是个保安I am just a security guard.对讲机和枪是伪装The walkie and the gun are a ruse.所以...So...如果让人们以为你是贩毒集团的成员if people think - you're part of the drug cartels,他们在做蠢事前就会先三思一下they think twice - before doing anything stupid?欢迎来到哥伦比亚Welcome to Colombia.他的行为没有表现出紧张Nothing about his behavior suggests stress.他看来完全没有受迫It doesn't look like he's being coerced at all.这说明原始调查是正确的Which supports the original investigation was correct.你觉得他像是打算跳楼的人吗Does this guy look like he's about to jump off a roof to you? 不但也不像是受迫No. But it doesn't look like he's being forced取光银行账户的钱to empty his bank account, either.怎么了蒙蒂What's up, Monty?提莫西·赫尔斯引起我的注意I just flagged Timothy Hulse,五十八岁加拿大人58, Canadian.入住的酒店跟第一位死者德鲁Registered at a hotel right down the street所住的酒店在同一条大街from our first victim, Drew.并且提莫刚刚在同一家银行Also, Tim just emptied his bank account取光了账户里的钱将近一万美元from the same bank, nearly $10,000.那可不是日常补充现金会取的数目That's a lot of pocket change.在哪里Where?就在你们现在位置的附近Right around the corner from your current location. 联调局所有人让开FBI! Everybody clear!让开Clear out!是提莫·赫尔斯It's Tim Hulse.感谢你允许我在飞机上Thank you for allowing me to examine对最新一位死者做尸检法尔考法医our most recent victim on our plane, Coroner Falcao. 由于你们有时间限制You know, due to your time constraint而且我们案子太多and our overflow of cases,我认为这是最有效率的方式I think this is the most effective way to proceed.当然Of course.目击者说他走到了马路上Witnesses said that he stepped into traffic --自寻短见committed suicide.你希望能找到什么So, what do you hope to find?他们会违背自己An answer to why someone would go against求生本能的原因every survival instinct that they have.死者并非独行The victim was not alone他的妻子安珀也一起来了哥伦比亚but accompanied to Colombia by his wife, Amber.她在哪里Where is she?我不知道I don't know.去找她尽快Then let's find her. Pronto.或许会从快速绑♥架♥升级到This might be an escalation from "express kidnapping" 索要赎金的典型绑♥架♥to a more classic kidnapping with a ransom.那就解释了妻子失踪的原因Yeah, it would explain why the missus went M.I.A.还有清空账户的原因And why the bank account was emptied.但解释不了他为什么自杀But not why he killed himself.或许不自杀就要杀他老婆Unless it was his life or hers.死者之间有什么联♥系♥吗蒙蒂Did the victims have any connection, Monty?他们都是来波哥大观光的They were both were visiting Bogotá,使用了同一台自助提款机both used the same ATM,也是1600米以内唯一的一台which is the only one within a mile.除此以外Outside of that,德鲁是美国人Drew was an American.提莫是法裔加拿大人Tim is a Canuck.所以不名嫌犯不是针对美国人So, the unsub is targeting not only Americans,而是外国人but foreigners.更确切地说游客More specifically, tourists.假设提莫·赫尔斯清空了银行账户And if Tim Hulse emptied out his bank account,走出来没五分钟就死了walked outside, and then within five minutes, he's dead, 为什么他身上没有钱why didn't we find any money on him?可能把钱给别人了Maybe he passed it off to someone.那动作可是相当快而且组织严密That would have to be pretty quick and organized毕竟没有目击者或录像seeing that there's no witnesses or footage.这就是哥伦比亚This is Colombia.不像美国城市里的Unlike America, we are limited监控摄像头数量有限with surveillance cameras around the city.除了银行里的摄像头...Besides the bank cameras...我正在看Which I'm looking at now.录像表明提莫离开时The footage shows that Tim left没什么异常and there's nothing out of the ordinary.如果不了解情况If I didn't know any better,他看着就像要去散步it'd look like he was going on a Sunday stroll.就算有人被绑也肯定不是在这儿If anyone was taken, it wasn't here.没有挣扎迹象There's no signs of struggle.蒙蒂赫尔斯太太多大年纪Monty, how old is Mrs. Hulse?根据她的加拿大护照According to her Canadian passport,五十八岁怎么了58. Why?她的职业呢What does she do for a living?赫尔斯夫妇在入境申报表上The Hulses reported their occupations登记了他们的职业on their visitor declaration form.提莫是会计安珀是三年级教师Tim was an accountant. Amber is a third-grade teacher. 怎么了Why?一位三年级老师涂紫色带亮粉So, what are the odds that a third-grade teacher这种口红的几率有多大is using purple lipstick with glitter in it?毛巾还是湿的Towels are still wet...排水口有红发and there's red hair in the drain.我很乐意赌赫尔斯太太不是I am willing to bet that Mrs. Hulse is not a --她是棕发She's a brunet.那房♥间里怎么会有别的女人So why was there another woman in this hotel room?更重要的是她是我们的不明嫌犯吗More importantly, is she our unsub?杰克提莫意外死亡后Jack, after Tim's untimely death,我开始追踪他的信♥用♥卡♥I started tracking his credit cards,发现附近商店有人想and I just got a hit that someone tried to use it用他的卡in a shop nearby.可能就是抓走赫尔斯太太的人It could be the people that have Mrs. Hulse.蒙蒂把位置发我手♥机♥上Monty, send the coordinates to my phone.我跟你一起I'm coming with you.希望你别介意我这么说I hope you don't take offense to this,但在哥伦比亚没多少女法医but in Colombia, not many women become medical examiners. 事实上我从没和女法医共事过In fact, I've never worked with one.你是头一个You're my first.但愿我能让女性同胞骄傲Well, hopefully, I'm doing the ladies proud因为我的名声远播四海because I have an international reputation to uphold. 是吗Really?不是Um, no.我只是喜欢那么说I just like the way that sounds.你也很有趣You're funny, too.是的我很有两把刷子Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm the whole package.是什么原因一位年轻又幸福的女人So, what makes a young, happy woman会进入死亡这份行当呢go into the business of death?我当时在读医学院Well, I was in med school,还不清楚自己想做什么and I wasn't exactly sure what I wanted to do yet,然后第一次处理了尸体and then I got my first cadaver.跟我一样大的女孩And she was my age.我发现自己想知道她的故事And I found myself wanting to know her story.我开始检验And as I started to work on her,于是故事就铺陈在我眼前it unfolded right in front of me.她的尸体能告诉我Her body was telling me exactly what她生前最后几个月所发生的事the last few moments of her life were.你意识到死者也能说话You realized the dead can talk.没错Sí.我就想着如果做一名法医So I figured, if I became an M.E.,我能帮他们死而瞑目I could help them find some peace,甚至伸张正义maybe even some justice.医生膀胱是满的Doctor, I think we have a full bladder.这很罕见That's unusual.所以有受体拮抗剂So there's a receptor antagonist阻碍了乙酰胆碱that blocked the excitatory effect对逼尿肌的刺♥激♥效应of the ACh on the detrusor muscle.我想我们知道在对付什么了I think we know what we're dealing with.我和大使♥馆♥通了电♥话♥Hey. I just got off the phone with the embassy.他们将对波哥大全部美国人发布旅游警告They're issuing a travel warning to all Americans in Bogotá还有其他国家驻此地的大使♥馆♥and a warning to other embassies要求他们对本国公民采取相同举措to do the same for their citizens.很好西蒙斯刚打来Good. Simmons just called.他找到使用赫尔斯夫妇信♥用♥卡♥的嫌疑人了He found the person of interest using the Hulses' credit card.结果发现就是赫尔斯太太本人It turned out to be Mrs. Hulse herself.她今天和丈夫共进早餐后Seems she had breakfast with her husband this morning就前往锡帕基拉大教堂before she went on the Zipaquirá Salt Cathedral tour而他回来酒店休息while he came back to the hotel to rest.所以嫌犯So, whoever it was肯定知道她不在must have known that she'd be occupied.有什么发现梅What do you got, Mae?原始的验尸报告Well, the original medical reports记录被害人没被下药said that the victims were not drugged,然而其实被下了药when, in fact, they were.什么药With what?东莨菪碱It's called scopolamine,也就是"魔鬼之息"A.K.A. "The Devil's Breath."为什么实验室一开始没发现So, why didn't - the original labs catch it?因为东莨菪碱随血流代谢极快Well, scopolamine metabolizes into the bloodstream so quickly 标准毒检不会验它that standard toxic panels don't detect it.而且就生长在哥伦比亚It also grows only here in Colombia,所以是本地特有的so it's specific to the region.正是Bingo.东莨菪碱就像是类固醇掺迷♥药♥米奇Now, scopolamine is like a Mickey on steroids.无臭无味呈米白色It's odorless, it's off-white in color,可以吹到别人脸上and it can be blown into someone's face或者通过接触传播or just passed on through touch.如此一来当事人就完全Once this happens, the victim is turned变成了没有意识的僵尸into a complete mental zombie,大脑的记忆处理功能也受阻and the memory process to the brain is blocked.药物作用下And while they're under the influence,仅凭暗示或语言命令the victim is easily controlled就能轻易控制当事人by suggestions or verbal commands采取可怕的行动to perform unspeakable acts,所以全部被害人which is why all of our victims都清空了银行账户have been emptying their bank accounts --因为有人叫他们那么做because they were told to.至于下命令的那个人And the person giving the commands通常就在附近is usually very close by.等药效一过And once the drug has worn off,被害人完全不记得之前the victim has no recollection of what's happened发生了什么或自己做了什么or what they did under the influence.他们甚至认不出来They can't even identify the people that一开始给自己下药的那个人gave them the drug in the first place.那又为什么要让他们自杀呢Well, then why have them kill themselves反正他们全都不记得了if they can't remember anything, anyway?除非这种逮着机会就下手的犯罪行为Unless these crimes of opportunity同时也能满足其杀戮欲are also a way to fulfill a lust to kill.似乎你有发现了梅Sounds like you're on to something, Mae.尽快赶去酒店我们碰头Get back to the hotel as soon as possible, and we'll regroup. 我最近一次听说东莨菪碱The last time I heard of scopolamine,是很多小姐a bunch of working girls were using it用在嫖♥客♥身上to roll Johns on Guatemala.如果是流莺那倒能解释Well, a lady of the night would explain为什么要喝香槟who was drinking the champagne.还有为什么要洗澡And who took the shower因为这里流水供应有限in a country where running water is not always a given. 可是这些被害人Yeah, but neither of these victims都不像会买♥♥♥春♥的人look like the kind of men that would pay for sex.同意但或许他们并没有买♥♥ Agreed, but maybe they didn't pay for it,而是那些女人跟踪他们and these women followed them并看准时机下药and found the right opportunity to dose them.好吧那上哪儿找这位小姐呢All right, so where do we find this working girl?那很容易That's the easy part.西蒙斯去墙区碰头Simmons, meet us at the Wall.墙区是卖♥♥淫人士聚集地The Wall's infamous for prostitution.她在那儿红头发紫口红There she is. Redhead, purple lipstick.看Check.手指上亮闪闪的真好看Nice ice on her finger.看来找到德鲁失踪的订婚戒指I think we just found Drew's lost engagement ring...及杀他的人了and his killer.快快Go, go!没机会开枪。
犯罪心理Criminal Minds英文剧本 第一季01
Hi.I'm Heather.That's a 2.4 liter I can't teach you how to drive cars.That's right.Wanna take a look under the hood? Yeah! You know your Z.I'm impressed.You should have your mechanic check it out anyway.How about I leave you my number and we can set it up? Thank you.So it's just right up here.Oh! That was-- ha ha Hello! There was the right.Uh, maybe just pull over here, and we can try and do a U-turn.What are you doing? Okay.Stop the car now.Pull over now! How about Andrew? It's greek for valiant.Let's call him Sergio.Ha ha! Please tell me you're kidding.- Butch? - How about Donald? - Hans.- No! Wait, wait.Um - Okay.Gideon.- Not a chance.It's hebrew.Look what it means.It's perfect.Gideon Hotchner.- No.- Yes.- No.- Gideon.stations and movie theaters.- Uh, the mad bomber.George Metesky.- Nice.The winners sit.Losers, drink.Cheers.Hold on.Metesky wasn't a serial killer.None of his bombs ever killed anyone.Well, you think all we do is serial killers? Trust me we cover the whole spectrum of psychos.We profiled the D.C.sniper, the unabomber.We do terrorists, arsonists-- Supervisory agents trying to get trainees drunk? Excuse me.Wow.Behavioral Analysis Unit.You work with Gideon? Were you with him in Boston? I was supposed to be. Yeah.This is Morgan.Anyone recognize these faces? Victims of the footpath killer.That's what Virginia newspapers are calling him.We refer to him as the unknown subject or unsub.I told Virginia P.D We're looking for a white male in his 20's who owns an american-made truck in disrepair.Works a menial job.I told 'em when you find him don't be surprised to hear him speak with a severe stutter.Not to sound skeptical, but come on a stutter? Where'd the murders occur? Hiking paths.Isolated.If I'm a killer who has to use an immediate application of overpowering force, even out in the middle of nowhere, I lack confidence.I can't charm them into my car like Ted Bundy did.I can't because I am ashamed of something.Excuse me.They're calling him the Seattle strangler.4 victims in 4 months.He keeps 'em alive 7 days.The handle serves as a crank.Allowing him to control the rate of suffocation.- To prolong it? - To enjoy it.Seattle's hit a wall? Physical evidence is nonexistent.There are no tangible leads.And another girl is missing.I looked the case file over.I'll get some thoughts to you asap.You're gonna be with us in Seattle asap.Before she left for lunch, she downloaded an email with a time-delayed virus attached.The killer's virus wiped her hard drive and left this on the screen."For heaven's sake, catch me before I kill more.I cannot control myself." He never keeps them for more than 7 days, which means we have fewer than 36 hours to find her.They want you back in the saddle.You ready? Looks like medical leave's over, boss.They sure they want me? The order came from the director.Well, we'd better get started.Joseph Conrad said, "the belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness." This girl may only have 36 hours to live.We're not asking for a judgment of Gideon.We want an assessment.We want to know you're there to step in if he can't perform.Are we clear? Of course.His first victim was - Stab wounds, strangulation.- Wait, wait.Back up.Back up.He stabbed her - and then strangled her to finish her off? - Other way around.Why do you think he started using the belt with the second murder? Strangulation with your bare hands is not as easy as one would believe.He tried, probably found that it took too long So he stabbed her instead.And realized it would be hours cleaning up the blood.Next time, our boy's got a method-- the belt.He's learning, perfecting his scenario.Becoming a better killer.What did I tell you about the tape? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! He never stands with his back to a window.When I was between him and a doorway, he asked me to move.That's hyper vigilance.It's not uncommon in post traumatic stress disorder.Just how much disorder are we talking about? Morgan, it's been 6 months. Everything's ok.This is special agent Gideon, special agent Morgan, our expert on obsessional crimes, special agent Reid.Dr.Reid.Dr.Reid, our expert on well, everything.And after 2 years busting my butt in this office, i hope you all remember me.He's willing to travel with the body.Then he drives a vehicle capable of concealing one.- Explorer with tinted windows.- Explorers rate higher with women.But how do we know it's his car? Ted Bundy drove a VW Bug.- What about a Jeep Cherokee? - Jeep's are more masculine.We all know how an unsub feels about asserting his masculinity.When did the bureau become involved in the case? After the fourth body.He dumped that one out of state.On purpose.If so, knowledge of law enforcement does suggest a criminal record.Or that he watches television.May I? So you wanna see our suspect list? No, we won't look at a suspect list until after we come up with a profile.It keeps our perspective unbiased.- When do we sit down with your task force? - 4:00.- An accurate profile by 4:00 today? - That's not a problem.Agent Gideon, where would you like to start? Let's start at the site of the last murder. - So that's Gideon? - The Gideon.The one who caught that guy, Adrian Baal, in Boston.Yep.That's him.But catching him cost us 6 agents.was found right here.Nails clipped just like the others.He wants them to fight back.But not enough to hurt him.And he left the belt around her neck.He's probably in his early 20's.What's your reasoning? Youthful arrogance.He clothed the body before dumping it.That's a sign of remorse.It's not consistent.Look where we are.His opinion of women is pretty clear, don't you think? They're disposable.Why show remorse by taking the time to dress her but then dump her here? - Sandy, no, no, no.I'm so sorry.- No, it's ok.It's what we call the Reid effect.Happens with children, too.I'm agent Hotchner.This is special agent Dr.Reid.You look too young to have gone to medical school.They're PhD's.3 of them.Are you a genius or something? I don't believe that intelligence can be accurately quantified-- but I do have an I.Q.of 187 and an eidetic memory and can read 20,000 words per minute.Yes, I'm a genius.Sandy, you get a lot of attention, don't you? Yeah, Heather loves this dog.I feed her when Heather's away.Usually, she's fine, but lately, she won't eat.It's almost like she can sense something's wrong.Not sense.Smell.Our apocrine sweat gland releases secretions in response to emotional stress. Sandy's worried because she knows you are.David, does your sister drive a Datsun Z? No, but she's in the market for one.How'd you know? Come on, Sandy.There's an immediate relationship established between a buyer and a seller, a level of trust.If I want to coax a young woman into my car offer her a test drive.Okay, then how about the fact that on one hand, we have paranoid psychosis but the autopsy protocol says what? Adhesive reside shows he put layer after layer of duct tape over his victims' eyes.He knows he wants to kill them, but he still covers their eyes.He doesn't want 'em looking at him, apparently.Okay, but then he takes the body and dumps it right out in the open, murder weapon nearby.Not the M.O.of a paranoid convinced he's being watched or surveilled.Paranoid psychosis, but behavior that's not paranoid.All right, enough.Let's tell them we're ready.We're ready? Reid.You're good with this? We've got a woman who's only got a few hours left to live, an incomplete profile, and a unit chief on the verge of a nervous breakdown.They don't call them nervous breakdowns anymore.- It's called a major depressive episode.- I know, Reid.The unidentified subject is white and in his late 20's.He's someone you wouldn't notice at first.He's someone who'd blend into any crowd.The violent nature of the crime suggests a previous criminal record-- petty crimes. Maybe auto theft.We've classified him as an organized killer-- careful.Psychopathic as opposed to psychotic.He follows the news, has good hygiene.He's smart.'Cause he's smart, the only physical evidence you'll find is what he wants you to find. He's mobile, car in good condition.Our guess-- Jeep Cherokee, tinted windows.The murders have all involved rapes.But rape without penetration is a form of piquerism, and that tells us he's sexually inadequate.Psychiatric evaluations will show a history of paranoia stemming from a childhood trauma-- death of a parent or family member.And now he feels persecuted and watched.Murder gives him a sense of power.Organized killers have a fascination with law enforcement.They will inject themselves into the investigation.They will even come forward as witnesses to see just how much the police really know.That makes them feel powerful, in control.Which is why I also think in fact, I know you have already interviewed him.Hi.I'm sorry to bother you.I'm house-sitting down the street, and when I got back, the door was wide open, and the lights weren't working.I feel stupid asking this, but is there someone who might be able to take a look inside with me? Richard.Richard, get down here! - Are you sure you locked it? - Yeah.Hello? - Hello! - FBI! Freeze! Freeze! Get him down! Richard Slessman, FBI.You are under arrest for the murder Emerson said, "all is riddle, and the key to a riddle is another riddle." There's no sign of the girl here.We can arrest him with probable cause, but we won't be able to hold him. Slessman's been at the top of the suspect list.Is that the mother? Grandmother.The mother died in a fire when he was 13.Probably not the only fire in his childhood.Before his Son of Sam murders, David Berkowitz set a multitude of fires.Exactly how much is a multitude? - According to his diary, 1,400 and - 88.Luring him out was your idea, right? Greenway? Elle.I don't send a SWAT team into a house with children.Hotch says your background is in sex offender cases.What can you tell us? The last 4 murders show he's an anger-excitation rapist.He'll keep a victim for a couple of days.He probably records or videotapes them so that he can keep reliving the fantasy. You ok with Hotch being in on the interview? - I'd like him to lead, actually.- Fine.But hold off.Slessman's done time, and he knows the process.And all you will get now is a demand for a lawyer.Hotch, let's check the garage, then show me what you got.Next time, show a little leg.Morgan, the only time you're gonna see a little leg from me is when I'm about to kick your ass.I still teach hand-to-hand over at Quantico if you need a little brush-up training. Seriously I want that opening at BAU.- You got any advice? - Just trust your instincts.Well, we got the jeep right.And everything else wrong.The bodies had defensive wounds.Richard doesn't have a mark on him.We're missin' something.Something's not right about this.This is a boy's room not a man's.Log in password.No, no-- wait, wait! - It's not turning back on.- Yeah.And it won't.It was a false password.- What kind of game is it? - In China, it's called wei-chi.Here we call it "go".It's considered to be the most difficult board game ever conceived.Chairman Mao required his generals to learn it.It also looks like he's playing himself.How can you tell? This might provide an advantage, actually.Go is considered to be a particularly psychologically revealing game.There are profiles for every player-- the conservative point counter, the aggressor, the finesser.What kind of player is Slessman? Extreme aggressor.Okay, here we go.What's the number 6 at the bottom of the screen? Number of password attempts before the program wipes the hard drive.There could be an email, or a journal in the computer, something that tells us where Heather is.Do you think you can break in? In 6 tries? Try again.Fail again.Fail better.- Samuel Beckett.- Try not.Do or do not.Yoda.I wanna talk to him.You read my paper.Learn anything? Heirens said a man living inside of his head was the one who committed the murders.You said he was lying, that there'd never been an actual case of multiple personalities.You have an academic interest in disassociative identity disorder, or you just planning your defense? You a fan of Adrian Baal's work? No.I'm a fan of yours.You know they never give you the real facts about CPR that outside of a hospital, it's only effective 7% of the time.Your friend had a 93% certainty of dying, but you kept trying even after you'd broken his ribs, even after his blood was all over your hands.Why don't you tell us where Heather Woodland is? Woodland isn't she the girl that went missing a couple days ago? Get him out of here.- Hey.- He is "isn't she the girl" - if he'd already killed her, he would have said-- - "wasn't she the girl" She's alive.We don't know for how long.Is it true what he said about CPR? I mean, I didn't know.You want statistics on CPR, ask Reid.- I wanna know if you're ok.- I'm fine.- Are you? - Think I can't do the job? I think you can't be 2 different people at once. What is it? Conflicts in the profile.- 2 different behaviors.- 2 different people.There's a second killer.Not unusual.Remember Lawrence Bittaker and Roy Norris? and murder girls in California.We're looking for someone who fits a similar relationship? They're not equals. Slessman's smart, but he is a submissive personality.- So number 2 is the dominant.- Authoritative, arrogant.Probably not as smart as Slessman.He's like the schoolyard bully recruiting a good underling-- he'll be protective of Richard.He'll make him feel like he owes him.If Richard's been up in the attic fantasizing about being an extreme aggressor, this guy showed him how to do it.He helped him take the first step.I think we should interview him, - use this as pressure.- No, no.We need leverage.- A name.- From the suspect list? That'll take too long.There's gotta be a faster way.There is.Here.This might be a little hot.Mrs.Slessman, I don't think we've got the right guy.I think the person we're looking for might be a friend of Richard's.- Richard never had many friends.- You sure? There's gotta be someone.You've reached Penelope Garcia in the FBI's office of supreme genius.Hey, it's Morgan.Need you to work me some magic here.I got a program called Deadbolt Defense and a girl with only a couple of hours to live, - so what do you know? - Then you've got a problem.Deadbolt's the number one password crack-resistant software out there.You're gonna have to get inside this guy's head to get the password.I thought I was calling the office of supreme genius.Well, gorgeous, you've been rerouted to the office of too friggin' bad.Thanks anyway.Well, there was there was this one young man.I think his name was Charlie.Cross-reference Charlie for the second unsub.Charlie is probably Charles Linder.He was Slessman's cellmate and received a dishonorable discharge from the military. He's bigger, tougher.He could have protected Richard in prison.- Where were they incarcerated? - Cascadia.- Less than a mile from here.- Let's go.My name is Richard Slessman, and I have trouble sleeping.Okay, what do i do when I'm trying to get to sleep? Guys, a little help.We're going through every one of these CD's-- scratches, wear and tear.I wanna know which CD he plays the most.Let's go.- We get an address on Linder? - It's coming right now.Does senior management want a field assessment on Gideon? Don't worry about it. Are they nervous about him being in charge? Aren't you on your way back to Slessman's house to help Morgan? Do you know why he always introduces me as Dr. Reid? Because he knows that people see you as a kid, and he wants to make sure that they respect you.What's the address? Don't think it matters anymore.Winston Churchill said, "the farther backward you can look, the farther forward you will see." Anyone who can tell us more about Slessman? Tim Vogel was the security guard covering Slessman's block.- That's him over there.- I'll get him for you.That was Hotch.Linder's name came up on a police report.- And? - He's dead.Car accident, 2 months ago.Linder is dead.Too bad you guys came here for nothing.I mean, talk about scum.I can't remember how many times I put Linder in solitary for causing trouble with us. You'd think the inmates would try to stay on our good side, right? Especially since half our job is protecting them from each other.You protect them? If you're a little white guy? Especially in a prison like this.Linder's 6'4".You talking about Slessman? Oh, yeah.Thanks for your help.He's a friend of Richard.He protected him.He will feel like he owes him.- He fits the profile.And did you see them? - The keys.Hotch, i've just found your leverage.His name is Timothy Vogel.What's he doing? Lowering the room temp.The cold puts them on edge.Okay, so I want an SPD, and I want a Seattle agent in the room.I want him to see that we've got every department working on this.And I need some file boxes.Fill them.I don't care if the paper's blank.And I want you to write the name on the sides.Whose name? It's not your file.See, we don't care about you.It's Vogel we want.Oh, come on! I need a password.I need a password.What am I looking for? What could I possibly be looking for? - I've been thinking about the CD's.- Oh, Reid, come on.We tried the CD's.We searched, sifted, and sorted through every one of this guy's head-banging heavy metal collection.We gotta find something, or this girl is dead.Think we may have missed the obvious.What are you doing? Reid, what made you think of this? It was the only empty case.All right.I'm an insomniac who listens to Metallica to go to sleep at night.What song could possibly speak to me? "Enter Sandman." We found out Heather was buying a used car.You know how car salesmen get us to buy a car? They call it reciprocity.They drop the price, feels like they've done us a favor.We feel obligated.There's a sudden pressure to reciprocate this one little favor.And it's so powerful that we'll put a deposit down on a car we're not even sure we really want.- So what? - So Vogel did you a favor.He protected you in prison, and now you feel like you owe him, and you need to protect him.Guys like Vogel learn in the schoolyard which kids to bully and which kids to protect, and he's got you convinced that you owe him so much that you'll go to jail for him. Richard, I'm here to remind you something.You owe him nothing.There's something wrong.We gotta him pull over.I can feel it.You wanna know the word repeated more than any other in your file? Impatient. You wanna stop him, you give me a reason.His behavior.When we left him, he was nervous, unsettled.But now he's stopping at every stop sign.He's using his blinker at every turn.He's slowing at yellow lights.This is not someone who is rushing to kill and dump a body.Okay.Do it.FBI.Put your hands up where we can see them! Put your hands through the window now! Now! All right, with your left hand I want you to open the car door from the outside. Get out! - It's not him! - Where is he? Where is he? - Where's Vogel? - I don't know! What are you doin' driving his car?! He came up to me in the garage after our shift ended.He asked if he could borrow my truck.- What kind of truck? - He's dumping the body.- What's the make? What's the make?! - Dodge! Dodge Dakota! - Gideon, Heather's alive.- How do you know? 'Cause we're watching her right now.Hotch, he's gonna kill her.He's heading there now.We need a location.I don't have enough time to get it out of him.Find something, Hotch, or that girl is dead.Morgan, can you show me the last 12 images lined up next to each other? Yeah. Right there.Right there.You see that? The light bulb hanging from the wire? Yeah, what about it? It's shifting positions like it's swaying like the earth is tilting.Not the earth, doc.The ocean.She's on a boat? Where? It's a pier or a dock.He wouldn't be able to transmit the webcam image from the middle of the ocean.- You're sure about this.- It's the best we got, Hotch.Even if we're right, getting the exact location's on you, my friend.What is it you always ask Garcia? To work me a little magic.Just to let you know Gideon's talking to Vogel and Vogel's nailing you to the wall. Yeah, whatever.He said it was your idea to keep the girls on a boat.He's talking, Richard.Reciprocity.Tell me where she is, and we make a deal.Is it a dock? A pier? It's a shipyard.Allied shipyard.Reid, he's inside.Get Elle on the phone.- Listen to me.You need to wait for backup.- If we wait, the girl is dead.- And if we had waited in Boston-- - I can't.You told me to trust my instincts.Stop! - Stop! - Get back! - I'll shoot her.- I wouldn't.If I were you, I'd aim the gun at me.You shoot the girl, you got nothing.Get back! Shoot me instead.Come on.What, are you a lousy shot? perfect shot.Shoot me.- You think I'm stupid? - I think you're an absolute moron.I know all about ya, Tim.You're at the gym 5 times a week.You drive a flashy car, you stink of cologne, and you can't get it up.Not even viagra's workin' for ya.You know what that tells me? That tells me you are hopelessly compensating, and it'snot just in your head.It is physical.What did the girls call you in high school? What'd they come up with when you fumbled your way into some girl's pants, and she started laughing when she got a good look at just how little you had to offer? - Shut up! - Short stack? Very little Vogel?I got it.Tiny Tim.Gideon! - You ok? - I'm fine.Go look after the girl.So what kind of report do they want on him? I suppose whether he's fit to be a field agent.You know, Haley and i were looking at a baby names book.Guess what Gideon means in hebrew.Mighty warrior.Appropriate.So what are you gonna tell them? What would you say? Gideon saved her life.That's good enough for me.Hey.You and Haley pick the baby's name yet? It's funny Haley liked the name Charles, - but, you know all I could think of - Manson.- Then there was Henry.- Lee Lucas.- Uh Jeffrey.- Dahmer.There's just too many of them.Kind of hard to feel good about catching one when you know there are 50 more still out there.How's your report going? Didn't think you could hide that from an old profiler, now, did ya? You know, you saved that girl today.- You can feel good about that.- It is good.It's a good thing.Nietzsche once said, "when you look long into an abyss, the abyss looks into you. " I'll take this.Have a n-i-- n-nice day.。
美剧词汇精讲:《犯罪心理》Charge选自《犯罪心理》第11季第20集台词:Garcia: Good timing, boy genius. I have the 4-1-1 on our second victim. The Jane Doe is Belinda Cameron. She was brought up on shoplifting, solicitation charges, but she recently entered rehab in an effort to turn her life around.加西亚:时机刚刚好,天才小子。
Charge:You can use the word "charge" when buying something with a credit card:当你用信用卡结账的时候,你可以用"charge"。
They charged their purchases with a credit card.(注意:这里的"charge"用作动词。
Can I charge this?(这句话等同于:Can I use my credit card to make a purchase?)我可以用信用卡付款吗?Do you have a charge card?(这里的"charge"作为形容词。
)你有信用卡吗?Sheila charged everything with her MasterCard.希拉用她的万事达信用卡支付一切费用。
You can also use the word "charge" when asking about the price of something, or when describing any amount of money that's involved in a purchase:在询问一个商品的价格或是形容一笔账单的数量时,都可以使用"charge"。
Criminal Minds犯罪心理英文演讲
Violent Crime.[1] Criminal Minds differs from many procedural dramas by focusing on the criminal rather than the crime itself. The show is produced by The Mark Gordon Company in association with CBS Television Studios and ABC Studios. CBS announced in October 2009 that Legacy Interactive will develop a video game based on show. The game will require players to examine crime scenes for clues to help solve murder mysteries. The game is scheduled to come out sometime in 2012.[2][3][dated info] On March 14, 2012, CBS renewed Criminal Minds for an eighth season.[4]
Criminal Minds is an American police procedural television program that premiered September 22, 2005, on CBS. The series follows a team of profilers from the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit (BAU) based in Quantico,
《prison break》 全英文 英语 教学精品PPT课件
• T-bag: He has a high IQ. In prison, he finds Michael's plans and stick to him. Michael is so brilliant but even not get rid of him, who is a person just like a devil;
Of Puerto Rican descent, Sucre grew up in Chicago where he had several run-ins with the law. However, he later finds a steady job at a warehouse and his girlfriend, Maricruz Delgado. He ends up in prison after he attempts to rob a liquor store. In the flashback episode, "Brother's Keeper", it is revealed that the reason Sucre had held up the store was to get enough money to pay for an engagement ring for Maricruz. His cousin Hector then tips him off to the cops, as he was also infatuated with Maricruz. After his incarceration, Sucre has conjugal visits from Maricruz, but is occasionally worried about her seeming indecision about her future with him, as she is contemplating dating Hector.
Criminal Minds: Beyond Borders《犯罪心理:超越边界(2016)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本
每年有超过6800万美国人Over 68 million Americans离开安全的国内leave the safety of our borders every year.当危险来袭If danger strikes,联调局国际反应小组the FBI's International Response Team随时出动is called into action.法国法国巴黎你们先走吧我想步行回去Oh, you guys go ahead. I think I'm going to walk back.你真是疯了You're crazy.你的公♥寓♥离这儿有一英里多呢You're like over a mile from your apartment.你们忘了我每天早上都要跑个三英里吗Are we forgetting my three-mile morning jogs?随他们法国人怎么想Despite what the French think,美国人并不都是又肥又懒all Americans aren't fat and lazy.萨姆你确定吗挺晚了Sam, are you sure? It's kind of late.女士们这里是巴黎Ladies, we're in Paris.多么美妙的夜晚你们真的想It's a beautiful night, and you want to squeeze yourself和一群陌生人挤地铁吗onto a subway train with a car full of des étrangers?某人《红磨坊》看多了吧Somebody has watched "Moulin rouge!" way too many times! 来吧谁跟我一起Come on! Who's coming with me?萨姆我很欣赏你放荡不羁的性格Sam, I love your bohemian soul and all,但我的脚要疼死了but my soles are hurting like hell.我可不想穿着这双鞋在城里晃悠No way I'm walking across town in these shoes.你们的损失Quel dommage.该死Damn it.小姐你没事吧Mademoiselle, ça va?没事谢谢Ça va, merci.完全想不起来怎么说"我的鞋跟断了"I just completely forgot how to say, "I broke my heel.""我的鞋跟断了""Je cassé mon talon."当然你会说英语Of course, you speak English.会一点点需要帮忙吗小姐Un peu. Uh, may I help you, miss?没事我自己可以No, I'm good.谢谢你Thank you. Merci.确定不需要我送你一程吗Well, you sure I can't offer you a ride?你想去哪都行I can take you anywhere you like.萨曼莎·韦德Samantha Wade.小学老师来自田纳西州纳什维尔Elementary-school teacher from Nashville, Tennessee,今早被她两个朋友发现found this morning by two of her friends.她被凶手残忍♥杀害于她过去三周Murdered and staged in the apartment she'd been leasing租住的公♥寓♥中for the past three weeks.由于萨曼莎·韦德谋杀案的残忍♥性和煽动性Due to the brutal and provocative nature of Samantha Wade's murder, 我国大使和法国外♥交♥部♥长our ambassador and the French foreign minister要求国际反应小组have requested the I.R.T.'s assistance协助这起凶杀案的调查in the homicide investigation.鉴于每年有近两百万美国公民去巴黎旅游And given that about two million Americans visit Paris per year, 更不用提还有五万持工作签证的在法公民not to mention an additional 50,000 on work visas,他们肯定还想让我们I'd bet they'd also like us起草一份关于美国公民的威胁评估to draw up a threat assessment to U.S. citizens.没什么比这个更有威胁了Well, there's nothing more threatening than this.她眼睛里插着什么What are these things in her eyes?法国调查员说这个是木刻刀French investigators have identified them as timber scribes.土地测量师用来标记树木的刀具Bladed instruments used by land surveyors to inscribe trees.不算是首选凶器Not exactly your go-to murder weapon.尤其是在城市里Especially in an urban environment.这些工具年份很久了是在一战前使用的These tools are really old -- pre-World War I.没有指纹所以凶器无法帮我们No prints, so they're not gonna help us narrow down筛选嫌犯目前的工作our unsub's current occupation.的确但这两把刀Yeah, but these scribes也并不算是凶器aren't exactly the murder weapons, either.就算从照片看I mean, even from these photos,也能发现眼部创伤不是死因you can see that the ocular injuries aren't her cause of death.我怎么没看到官方尸检报告蒙蒂But I don't see an official autopsy report here, Monty.你们飞越大西洋的同时The autopsy is being performed by the Paris coroner巴黎验尸官正在进行尸检as you guys sail over the Atlantic.这上面说昨天深夜It says here that late last night,萨曼莎和今早发现她的那两个朋友Samantha had dinner with the same two friends希拉·马丁和蕾妮·奥尔斯顿一起吃了晚饭who found her this morning -- Sheila Martin and Renee Alston.据她们所说According to them,结束后她们乘地铁回家萨曼莎选择了步行she chose to walk home while they took the metro train.没错而且那是当地时间凌晨12点半Yeah, and that was around 12:30 a.m. local time.所以萨曼莎多半是被跟踪回家So Samantha could have easily been followed home.是的Sure.但她公♥寓♥没有强行闯入的痕迹But there were not signs of forced entry into her apartment.所以有可能她认识或是熟悉杀害她的人So it's possible that she knew or was familiar with her attacker.但是法国调查员Except that the French investigators询问了她所有的朋友和同事are interviewing all of her known friends and associates,包括希拉和蕾娜including Sheila and Renee.所有人都有不在场证明Everybody's alibi is checking out.这说明杀害萨曼莎的凶手出现的方式Which means Samantha's assailant might have presented in a way 让她感到安全that felt comfortable to her.安全到开了门Well, safe enough to open the door.有一句法国谚语Well, there's also this French saying,以指戳眼Se mettre le doigt dans l'oeil,就是把手指插♥进♥眼睛里的意思which means to put your finger in your eye.在法语里这句话等同于出言不慎It's the French equivalent of putting your foot in your mouth. 就是犯错的意思As in to make a mistake.很明显这个错误A mistake that, obviously,让某个人认为萨曼莎必须付出代价someone felt Samantha had to pay for.肯定不仅如此Got to be more to it.这场谋杀太过极端I mean, this staging is so extreme.就像他在脑海里描绘了一段时间It's like he's pictured it in his mind's eye for a while,现在付诸实践了and now he's bringing it to life.如果是这样的话杰克Well, if that's the case, Jack,所有这些准备与精力all of this preparation and effort,他现在肯定对此上瘾了he's definitely got a taste for it now.稍等Just a sec!哪位Qui est-ce?抱歉小姐Pardon me, mademoiselle.你落下东西了You left something behind.不救命No, please!别害怕很快就结束了犯罪心理国境之外第一季第五集"我们与他人之间的联♥系♥"The bonds between ourselves and another person只存于我们的心中"exist only in our minds."马塞尔·普鲁斯特Marcel Proust.20世纪法国意识流文学小说家著有《追忆逝水年华》你们是联调局的吧You must be from the FBI, no?是的Yes, we are.我是组长杰克·加勒特I'm unit chief Jack Garrett.这是特别督察探员These are Supervisory Special agents塞格尔贾维斯和西蒙斯Seger, Jarvis, and Simmons.你是And you are?皮埃尔·克莱蒙特警长Commissaire Pierre Clement,督察长司法警♥察♥lead inspector, police judiciaire.请你们跟我来If you would follow me, please.我不太熟悉联♥合♥行♥动♥ I'm not fluent in these joint operations,所以你们一定要原谅我如果我不喜欢so you must forgive me if I don't appreciate having,你们怎么说来着被束缚how you say, my hand held.克莱蒙特警长我们不是来束缚你的Commissaire Clement, we are not here to hold your hand, 我们只是前来提供专业知识和经验的just lend our expertise and experience.当然Bien sûr.在你们的飞行途中又一位女性被发现During your flight, another woman was found --死于自己的公♥寓♥中staged in her apartment.这次凶手没有残害其眼部他砍下了她的头Instead of mutilating the eyes, he cut off her head.带走了Took it with him.-又一位美国女性 -是的- Another American woman? - Oui.我们已经确认了身份We have made an identification.比安卡·路易斯 37岁Bianca Lewis, 37 years old,工作签证上说她的职业是公♥关♥Work visa says she was employed as a publicist.住在巴黎18个月了Living in Paris for about 18 months.比安卡·路易斯Is there any connection和萨曼莎·韦德之间有什么联♥系♥吗between Bianca Lewis and Samantha Wade?我的探员目前没能发现任何联♥系♥None that my inspectors have been able to establish thus far. 在国内我们可以做受害者研究We'll follow up with victimology back home.但现在我们只知道萨曼莎是个游客But right now, all we know is Samantha was a tourist比安卡是临时非移♥民♥雇工And Bianca was a temporary non-immigrant worker.但两起案件都是针对Still, female American住在18区的美国女性-- both staying in the 18th arrondissement.蒙马特尔Montmartre --在城市北部的右岸部分part of the right bank in the northern section of city.你们看这个Hey, guys, take a look at this.有人向媒体泄露了过多案情Somebody has been seriously over-sharing with the press. 那人就是我小姐Well, that would be me, mademoiselle.以我的经验与记者分享信息In my experience, sharing with our journalists通常能起到关键作用[把果实从树上摇下来]often has a way of...shaking the fruit out of the tree.弄得不好就砸头上了对吧And smacking you on the head, right?这么说吧你们对新闻媒体的信任Let's just say that your faith in the press corps比我们的要强一点is a little stronger than ours.这个房♥间就供你们工作使用So, I've arranged for you to work out of this room.我们会把所有报告And copies of all our reports复印一份给你们一旦我们will be made available as soon as we --实际上我需要与这位西蒙斯探员Actually, I'll need to visit the Bianca Lewis crime scene 去比安卡·路易斯的被害现场看看with Agent Simmons here.我还需要贾维斯探员看一下尸检报告I'll also need Agent Jarvis to review the autopsy findings 与此同时塞格尔探员要看一下while Agent Seger looks over the evidence在萨曼莎·韦德被害现场收集到的证据collected at the Samantha Wade scene.你还有什么需要吗先生Anything else you require, sir?没有了No, that's it.暂时就这些了For now.很好Très bien.开始工作吧Let's get to work.就跟在萨曼莎的公♥寓♥一样Just like at Samantha's apartment.比安卡的尸体跟萨曼莎的一样Bianca's body was posed被放置在屋中同样的区域in the same area of the room as Samantha's,同样的坐姿The same sitting position...所有的暴行都集中在这里with all the violence concentrated right here.其它的一切貌似都没动过Everything else looks pretty undisturbed.比安卡貌似刚采购完回家Like Bianca had just come home from grocery shopping.不过这些袋子都相当满These bags are pretty full, though.也许有人帮她把这些提上来的Maybe somebody helped her carry them up the stairs.你在想什么杰克What are you thinking, Jack?没有动脉出血No arterial spray.他先杀死了她再砍掉了她的头He killed her before he removed her head.死后肢解Postmortem mutilation.梅说萨曼莎的眼睛也是死后被捅的It's like what Mae said about Samantha's eyes.你认为他把死者的头部作为战利品带走了吗You think he took the head as a trophy?很难说It's hard to say.也许他认为在这种情况下Maybe he thought in this case,把一个砍掉的头留在这里having a severed head lying around只会混淆他想传达的信息would just confuse his message.我是真糊涂了Well, I'm confused.一位女被害人的眼睛被捅了We have one woman with gouged eyes,另外一位无头another with no head.他到底想传达什么What the hell's he trying to say,除了"我是个厌恶女人的变♥态♥混♥蛋♥"之外besides, "I'm a sick, misogynistic son of a bitch"?两个犯罪现场的布置都经过精心设计很复杂The staging at both scenes was deliberate, complicated.这需要很长的时间It would have taken a lot of time.但我们的不明嫌犯却不怕And yet our unsub had no fear of有人突然闯入或是打扰他interruption or distraction.你认为他知道Because you think that he knew她们是自己独自居住的they were staying in these apartments alone.这就说明Which would suggest that虽然萨曼莎和比安卡彼此不认识even if Samantha and Bianca didn't know each other, 但她们可能认识不明嫌犯they might have known the unsub.只不过他完全物化了他的受害人Except he's completely objectified his victims.比起一个陌生人It's a lot harder to objectify someone想要物化一个你认识的人you've had a relationship with...要难得多rather than a stranger.那你怎么才能在不建立关系的情况下So how do you get to know someone了解一个人呢without really knowing them?好吧All righty.大学学了三年的法语现在可别掉链子Three years of college French, don't fail me now.好的Okay."L'agression de coup de couteau..."两只眼睛的伤都发生在"The sharp-force injury to each eye occurred..." "...après la mort."死后判断准确贾维斯"Postmortem." Good call, Jarvis.萨曼莎的真正死因"With Samantha's cause de décès是窒息actually being étranglement."窒息舌骨骨折Strangulation, broken hyoid bone.而比安卡的死因是While Bianca's cause of death is...也是窒息also étranglement, wow.好的Okay, "Avant la mort..."死前的挫伤表明凶手用手掐死死者后"Antemortem contusions suggest manual strangulation 再野蛮地砍下了死者的头prior to the crude disarticulation of the head."稍等Hold on.还发现了一块金属"Also recovered a fragment of metal,可能是凶器的一部分possibly a piece of l'arme du crime."凶器The murder weapon.这么重要的线索居然不早说Oh, way to bury the lead, guys.奇怪Weird.有什么新鲜事吗亲爱的Quoi de neuf, mon cher ami?我需要你帮我查一些证据Hey, I need you to run some evidence for me.好的但你知道法医学Okay, but you do know that the French基本上就是法国人发明的对吧pretty much invented forensic science, right?知道一百年左右吧Yeah. Give or take a hundred years.我只是说他们在巴黎那边I'm just saying that they've got a pretty good crime lab 就有个很不错的犯罪实验室right there in Paris.验尸官从比安卡的尸体上So the coroner was able to recover找到了凶器的一块残留a piece of the murder weapon from Bianca's body,我知道他们可以通过光谱仪and I know that they're gonna mass-spec查到其中的成分the you-know-what out of it.但是这上面有一块这种奇怪的记号♥But there is this weird piece of this symbol on it.瞧瞧这些曲线看来我得忙上一阵了These curvy, wavy lines look like I got some work to do. 萨曼莎和她的朋友So Samantha had dinner with her friends在这边的第十区吃了饭here in the 10th arrondissement.然后她走回到And then she walked back自己在18区的家里to her apartment here in the 18th.我们还没查出她具体走的哪条路We have yet to determine the precise route,粗略的监控排查so a broad search of cctv footage目前还没有任何发现has turned up nothing yet.但是However...证据表明it would appear she arrived home,她到家后不久and then some time later,就邀请凶手进了她的家门she invited the intruder inside the premises.穿着那种高跟鞋走回家实在是太远了That's a very long way to walk in those heels.她的朋友们也这么认为That's what her friends thought, too.其中一只鞋的鞋跟断了One of the heels is broken.肯定是在反抗凶手的时候断的Snapped off in the struggle with her assailant, to be sure.你确定吗Are you sure?你看到这个物质残留了吗Did you see this residue?我没有亲自处理死者的衣物所以我没看到过I did not personally process the victim's clothes, no.但我不知道砾石能算得上什么证据But I'm not sure how gravel would be probative.这不是砾石It's not gravel.你看到它在灯光下的会微微闪烁了吗Do you see how it sort of shimmers in the light?这是环氧胶泥This is epoxy mortar.这是很多东西的粘合剂包括鹅卵石It's used to set, among other things, cobblestones --就像你们这里某些著名小街上铺的那种鹅卵石like the ones in some of your famous little streets around here. 塞格尔那些鹅卵石街道Agent Seger, those cobblestone streets已经有几百年的历史了are hundreds of years old.没错所以人们才会Exactly. That's why people travel从世界各地前来来走这些路all over the world to walk on them.不为人知的是那些石头中有一部分The dirty little secret is some of those stones根本没有传说中的那么历史悠久are not nearly as old as advertised.当然那些道路也需要整修Bien sûr, they require maintenance.有一些甚至需要完全重铺And some of them even need to be replaced.所以就会用到环氧胶泥That's where the epoxy mortar comes in.48小时前萨曼莎曾走在一条48 hours ago, Samantha took a walk新铺过的鹅卵石路上on a freshly paved cobblestone street,那条路就在餐厅和她家之间somewhere between the restaurant and her apartment.她的鞋跟就是在那断的That's when she broke her heel.接下来她从那走回了家And she walked home from there.她并没有走回去But she didn't.看尸检报告中她脚部的照片Look at the autopsy photos of her feet.没有划伤没有灰There's no scratches, no dirt --没有任何证据表明她光脚走过路nothing to suggest that she walked barefoot anywhere.她是搭车回家的She got a ride back to her apartment.我想她应该是招了出租I suppose she could have hailed a taxi.没错Exactly.那条路最近有过道路施工From a street that had had recent road work done.如果运气好的话应该有监控录像And if we're lucky, some sort of surveillance camera.先不管梅的金属碎片Putting Mae's metal fragment aside,我查出了你们要找的那条街克拉拉I found the street that you're looking for, Clara --Cour des Ráves.好但克莱蒙特警长说Right, but Commissaire Clement said那附近没有闭路电视摄像头that there were no CCTV cameras nearby.他没错He is correct.但旁边街角有一家美国银行However, there's an American bank他们的摄像头录下了这个on a nearby corner with a camera that captured this.他们特别配合把监控视频发给我了They were kind enough to send me the security-camera footage. 那不是出租车That's not a taxi.司机的图像能更清楚一点吗Is that the best image we have of the driver?恐怕不行了I am afraid so.她似乎并不认识他Oh, it doesn't look like she knows this guy.是啊真是古怪Yeah, it's so weird.她不仅上了陌生人的车I mean, not only does she get into a car with a stranger,还坐的是后座but she gets into the backseat.没有查到萨曼莎叫拼车的记录There's no record of Samantha requesting a ride-share.说不定是黑♥车♥呢What if it was a Gypsy cab?巴黎还有黑♥车♥Gypsy cab in Paris?慢着Hold on.等等看那是什么Wait. What's that right there --后视镜上挂的什么Hanging from the rearview mirror?看起来像是哈克尼马It looks like a hackney horse.这是巴黎新起的黑♥车♥标志Which is a recent symbol for Gypsy cabs in the city.这样就算不认识也知道对方的身份And that's how you get to know someone without knowing them. 嫌犯开了黑♥车♥Our unsub drives a Gypsy cab.说得通如果目标是独居的美国人Makes perfect sense -- he needs a way to learn这是一种了解他们的可行办法if his prospective victims are American, living alone.他可以接触到她们This way, he gets to interview them.有点类似美剧《出租车上的忏悔》It's kind of like "Taxicab Confessions".因为出租车司机和酒保一样I mean, taxi-cab drivers and bartenders --都是陌生人they're always the strangers所以我们会向他们倾吐秘密that we feel the most comfortable confiding in.因为我们一厢情愿认为Because they are shared intimacies和他们只有一面之缘we want to believe are fleeting不会带来后续影响and don't have a lasting impact.起码我们知道是什么样的汽车了At least we have the image of the vehicle.只有部分车牌号♥ 不会有太大帮助This partial license-plate number won't get us very far.不会有任何帮助It won't get us anywhere.都是偷来的车牌Those plates are stolen.说实话即使单单追查这种车And I got to be honest, it's not gonna be that easy也没那么容易tracking down this one particular vehicle.单在巴黎就登记有两万五千辆同款汽车There's at least 25,000 of them registered in Paris alone.我们可以先让本地警♥察♥Well, we can start by having the local police在18区做排查sweep the 18th Arrondissement.也行但只要能找到方便下手的美国女性Well, that's a start, but our unsub's hunting ground嫌犯的狩猎范围会扩张到任何地方is gonna expand wherever he can find a vulnerable American woman. 而且两天之内就出现了两名死者And with 2 victims in less than 48 hours,他现在已经在找下一个被害人了he's already hunting for his next victim right now.你好Hey, hey. Bonjour.我想你打我...Uh, je veux que vous me chassez...不好意思Sorry. Pardon.你能...Um, peux tu --没关系女士我会说英文Oh, it's all right, mademoiselle. I do speak English. 真的吗Oh! Seriously?太棒了That's awesome.你想去哪都行I can take you anywhere you like.可以去护城街17号♥吗How about 17 Rue de Foss?你从哪儿来的呢Where are you from, then?加州圣地亚哥San Diego, California.你为什么来巴黎呢And what brings you to Paris?一个音乐实习项目我弹钢琴A music internship -- I play piano.我猜你是在那家咖啡馆工作吧In the cafe where you work, I presume?不是我只是去那儿赚点外快No, I just need some extra cash.而且还能锻炼法语And it's helping me improve my French.护城街17号♥So, uh, 17 Rue de Foss.不是旅馆也不是酒店that is not a hostel or hotel.没错我跟朋友住No, yeah, I'm staying with a friend.男朋友吗Ah. A boyfriend?我倒想I wish.你就像蝴蝶那么美You must have a special boyfriend,他一定是很特别的人a beautiful butterfly like you.也不是这样Oh, not so much.那个And, uh...你跟这位同住的朋友相处得如何How are you getting along with this friend you're staying with? 不如这样吧You know what?前方那个街角放我下去可以吗Um, do you mind just letting me out up at the corner up here? 可还没到你住处呢But we're not at your apartment.我知道没关系就前方下No, I know, that's okay. Just right up here.不行这里不安全No, it's not. It's not safe here.听着法国佬马上放我下去Okay, look, François, I want out now!现在就放我下去否则我就把照片发给警♥察♥ You let me out right now, or I'm sending this to the cops.听见了吗Do you hear me?你搞什么鬼What the hell are you doing?!凯瑟琳·巴克尔 25岁Katherine Barker, 25.加州圣地亚哥来的音乐实习生A music intern from San Diego, California.是在二区一条小巷里发现的She was discovered in an alley in the 2nd Arrondissement.她的心脏被挖出来固定在双手上He literally tore out her heart and stuck it in her hands.她的双腿和盆骨都有Looks like she suffered compound fractures to her legs开放性骨折and her pelvis.这表明他经过一段追逐后And that tells me that he tore her heart out才抓到她挖出心脏after he ran her over.但为什么这次要改变模式But why change the pattern here?为什么把尸体摆在巷子里而非她的住处Why stage the body in an alley, not her own apartment?因为凯瑟琳反击了Because Katherine fought back.她试过逃跑She tried to get away.她脸上和腿上的这些刮伤These abrasions on her face, along her legs --这是高速刮擦It's road rash,我认为原因是从行进车辆里跳出I'd say from jumping out of a moving vehicle.不到72小时我们就有了So now we're looking at 3 victims三位被害人in the span of 72 hours.而且嫌犯And given that our unsub要在外国城市里找美国女人needs to find an American woman in a foreign city,感觉他完全没有冷却期it's as if he doesn't have a cooling-off period.我想是时候告诉公众已知的情况了I think it's time we speak to the public about what we know. 提出警告Offer them a warning避免接触这辆黑♥车♥的司机to avoid contact with the driver of this Gypsy cab,呼吁大众如果见到他就尽快联♥系♥我们implore them to notify us immediately if they should see him. 这个策略有利有弊That strategy cuts both ways."有利有弊" 什么意思"Cuts both ways" -- what do you mean?短期内警告确实能保护公众No doubt a warning will protect the public in the near term. 但我们担心的是如此一来What we're concerned with is if we're not able我们就无法即时逮捕嫌犯to apprehend the unsub immediately afterwards,他有可能会干脆将车弃置then he might respond by abandoning the car.而眼下只要他还能安坐于车And right now, as long as he feels comfortable我们就有一线机会抓到他behind that wheel, then we have a chance of catching him. 但如果他把车丢了But if he ditches that car,不止会让我们更加难以追踪他not only will it make it harder for us to track him down,也会逼他进一步升级已有的犯罪手法it will force him - to alter his M.O. even further.你们是说我做不做都完蛋了So you're telling me I'm damned if I do, damned if I don't.我们还需要时间We need more time.让嫌犯知道我们掌握的情报Letting the unsub know what we know right now不到万不得已不能用这招is really a nuclear option.那我等到明天早上I will wait then -- until morning.然后就发出警报Then we sound the alarms.看我说什么来着梅So what did I tell you, Mae?法国人用放射性年代测定法检测了The French ran a radiocarbon dating on the metal fragment 比安卡·路易斯体内发现的金属片that was recovered from Bianca Lewis' body.结果发现是从手工锯上Turns out to be an iron composite熔下来的一种铁化合物所制that was smelted down into what is essentially a hand saw -- 应该是19世纪晚期制♥造♥的锯子some time in the late 19th century.我斗胆说一句Well, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say这应该对排查嫌犯身份没什么帮助this probably won't help us narrow down our unsub's identity.或许吧但我确实借此Maybe, but it did help me identify确认了碎片上蚀刻的罕见波浪线those weird wavy lines etched into the fragment.因为木刻刀和手锯都很有年头Now, because the timber scribes and the hand saw而且是法式风格are both very old and very French,我查了一下发现这个标志I did some digging and discovered a logo属于马赛城外一家一度知名的木匠公♥司♥for a once-renowned wood-craftsman company out of Marseilles.水狮公♥司♥标志水狮Le Lion de L'eau.由布朗热家族创办于1880年Company was founded by the Boulanger family in 1880.水狮公♥司♥的标志1987年转卖♥♥之前此公♥司♥都归该家族所有It remained family-owned until it was sold in 1987.而那之后公♥司♥和布朗热家族的情况And whatever happened after that to either the company都没有数字记录or the Boulanger family was not uploaded for digital posterity.有什么想法So what are we thinking?嫌犯选择的凶器If our unsub's weapons of choice和这家公♥司♥有那么一点联♥系♥can be loosely traced back to this company,他会不会是布朗热家族的亲戚then is he a possible relative of the Boulanger family?或者占有公♥司♥部分资产的子公♥司♥Or a subsidiary that acquired some of the company's assets.英雄所见略同Your guess is as good as mine.没时间瞎猜了We don't have time for guesswork.我们要给克莱蒙特他们提供一份We need to be able to provide Clement and his people可行的侧写with a workable profile,否则他会把我们所知的情况Otherwise he's gonna release the information we have公之于众to the public.我们再来梳理一遍So let's go over it again.我们要找的人犯罪手法老练Okay, we're looking for someone who is criminally sophisticated, 强壮有耐心这表明他是中年男性strong, patient, which suggests to me an older male,很可能四十多岁probably in his 40s.搜寻合适的目标需要时间Hunting for the right victim takes time,所以他应该没有工作so it doesn't look like he has a job.除非他开的是合法出租Unless the Gypsy-cab thing is legit而且他只对某一类型的人下手and he's only striking when the victim is the right type.没错还有最近案子里Yeah, and based on his staging of the bodies他对尸体的摆放at the last crime scene,在我看来凯瑟琳比安卡和萨曼莎It appears to me that Katherine, Bianca, and Samantha都是嫌犯真正目标的替代品are all surrogates for our unsub's true target,这三起谋杀案很可能and their murders are probably a means是他为执行终极行动to build his courage and confidence而培养勇气建立信心的方式in order to commit the ultimate act.所以在某个地方有一位美国女人So somewhere out there is an American woman伤了嫌犯的心who broke this guy's heart.或者是拒绝了他什么举动冒犯了他Or rejected him or - committed some perceived slight他必须让她作出补偿that he now feels that he has to redress --用最残暴的方式in the most brutal way possible.杰克Jack?国家警♥察♥巴黎屠夫威胁美国人克莱蒙特丢下了炸♥弹♥Clement is dropping the bomb.我们认为凶手是在其车内对美国妇女下手他开一辆黑色标志如果看到这辆车请远离司机他身负三起命案至今仍逍遥法外你猜得没错You were right.他把车丢弃在了十区的He abandoned his vehicle in entrepôt...一家工厂the 10th Arrondissement.没有留下任何证据He left nothing behind for us.我知道你认定I know you believe我的做法♥会♥让这个禽兽的行为变得更难以预测I have altered this monster's behavior unpredictably.但我认为我拖住了他的杀人进程But I would like to believe I stalled his progress.为了继续这一骗局He will most certainly need another car他肯定还要再找辆车in order to maintain his deceit.前提是他会继续行骗If he maintains his deceit.他可能干脆失控He could just go into a tailspin --这个可能性最大You need to double down.必要的时候加派增援。
犯罪心理Criminal Minds第一季中英字幕剧本第一集Hi. I'm Heather. Nice to meet you. 嗨,我叫海瑟。
很高兴见到你That's a 2.4 liter 6 cylinder engine with Hitachi sidedraft carbs. 车上装了2.4升的6缸引擎,还有日立侧吸式化油器That's right. Wanna take a look under the hood? 说的没错。
想打开引擎盖看看吗Yeah! You know your Z. I'm impressed. 当然!你对这车很懂行啊,佩服,佩服You should have your mechanic check it out anyway. 无论如何还是得找机修师检查下How about I leave you my number and we can set it up? Thank you. 我留个电话给你,我们好办手续。
谢谢So it's just... right up here. 就在前面那右转Oh! That was—ha ha... Hello! There was the right. 哦,应该是。
嘿,应该右转才对Uh, maybe just... pull over here, and we can try and do a U-turn. 要不就在这靠边停了我们做个大转弯试试What are you doing? Okay. 你在干什么?好了Stop the car now. 马上停车Pull over now! 我说现在就靠边停车How about Andrew? It's greek for valiant. 安德鲁怎么样?希腊语里是勇敢的意思Let's call him... Sergio. 我们叫他赛吉奥吧Ha ha! Please tell me you're kidding. 哈哈!告诉我你是闹着玩的Butch? How about Donald? 布奇呢?唐纳德怎么样Hans. No! Wait, wait. Um... 汉斯,不要,等等Okay. Gideon. Not a chance. 好吧,那就吉迪恩,门儿都没有It's hebrew. Look what it means. 源于希伯来语,看看什么意思It's perfect. Gideon Hotchner. 完美极了,吉迪恩·霍奇纳No. Yes. No Gideon 不行,行。
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文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿S模h仿e;i如s有t不h当e 之m处e,m请b联e系r 本o人f 改F正B。I technology , (former computer hacker master). She is always in front of a computer screen, to provide information, phone tracking, network and the technology .But actually, she is just a humorous little girl. Garcia's parents died in a traffic accident when she was 18 years old,.She was addicted to the computer, and because the hackers skilled were recruited into FBI. The kind-hearted girl will help someone who have the same encountered in her spare time.
psychological state. In addition, he
was a judo black belt,.His hand to
hand combat capability is very
Morgan的专长是角色扮演,他会在犯 罪现场或者疑犯家中,从一个罪犯的角 度去思考,重现罪犯的一举一动,研究 这些举动背后的心理状态。此外,他还 是一个柔道黑带选手,近身格斗能力很 强。其幽默风趣的迷人气质使得英俊性 感的他深受女性青睐。
意大利人,似乎对于足球、烹饪、黑手 党都是得心应手。原是BAU的创始人之 一,元老级人物,退休后的活动是著书、 演讲等,由于一桩未完成的案子心里一 直耿耿于怀。在第三季14集中他终于完 成夙愿,与队员们一起破获了让他牵挂 20年的案子。
David Rossi 演员 乔·曼特纳
犯罪心理 文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系本人改正。
Criminal minds
Criminal psychology tells the story of the FBI headquarters staff's behavior analysis department .The behavior analysts analyzes the toughest cases, analyzing the characteristic of the psychological and commit crime of the murderer, and predict their violence ,to help local police arrest the murderer.
BAU小组主管,为人认真负责,公私分明, 正直不阿。在上级面前,Aaron能够全力地 保护组员,给组员最大的自由发挥空间;在 业务方面,他也是足够胜任的,除了出色的 侧写能力外,还擅长于审讯与谈判,此外他 还是一个神枪手。
David Rossi is Italians. He seems to be good at the football, cooking. He is one of the founders of BAU.After retired,his activity is books,lectures, Due to a pile of unfinished case has been to heart,he is back to the BAU. In the third quarter of 14 to concentrate on his long cherished wish finally completed, with the players together uncovered let him about 20 years of case.
Morgan's expertise is cosplay.He
Derek Morgan
can think from a criminal perspective, to reproduce the
演员 谢玛·摩尔
criminals every act and every move,
and study these moves behind the
《犯罪心理》讲述了美国联邦调查局总 部下属的行为分析科部门(简称“BAU”) 中,行为分析师们剖析最棘手的案件, 分析凶手的心理和作案特征,并在他们 再次施暴前预测出他们的下一步行动, 协助当地警察捉拿凶手。
Role ription 文档仅供参考,不能作为科学依据,请勿模仿;如有不当之处,请联系本人改正。
Aaron Hotchner 演员 托马斯·吉布森
He is the BAU team’s competent, serious and responsible, private and clear. In the face of a higher level, Aaron is able to fully protect the crew members, and play space for the largest free. In business, he is sufficient.In addition to a good side and writing ability, he is good at to interrogation and negotiations. And he is a marksman.