

杨士焯《英汉翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)-第1章 翻译的技巧篇(第1节)【圣才出品】

杨士焯《英汉翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)-第1章 翻译的技巧篇(第1节)【圣才出品】

第1章翻译的技巧篇1.1 转换译法⊙名词转换1. Strong feelings and a large brain were its parents.(The Gettysburg Address by The Gettysburg Address)【译文】深厚的感情和先进的思想孕育了这个讲话。


2. In some cases, deserts are the creation of destruction of virgin forest.【译文】沙漠有时是人类毁坏原始森林造成的。


3. You owe me an apology.【译文】你应该向我道歉。


4. Access to Internet is very simple.【译文】很容易连接互联网。

5. An acquaintance of world history is helpful to the study of current affairs.【译文】读一点世界史,对学习时事是有帮助的。


6. Repeated changes in a flow direction ensure even diffusion over the entire exit area.【译文】反复改变流动方向,可确保在整个出口域内扩散均匀。


7. Mozart was a great lover of music when he was a boy.【译文】莫扎特儿时酷爱音乐。

英汉互译简明教程(第二版)课件3 第一篇 主语显著和话题显著

英汉互译简明教程(第二版)课件3 第一篇 主语显著和话题显著

C-E:汉语“话题-评论”结构转为 英语“主谓结构”
例1:凡是已经发现的错误,我们都已经采取了或正在采 取纠正的步骤。没有发现的,已经发现,我们就准备纠 正。
译汉文语的2:话W题it常h由re“ga对rd于to…a来ll说th”e m,i“sta关ke于s…h”av,ing“b至een d于is…co”v,ere“d涉, s及tep…s”h,av“e b要e说en到ta…k”en等o引r a出re。b英ein语g中ta也ke有n to c相or应re的ct引. A导s f词or语th,o如seansofotry, eats dfairscaos,vbeerecdon, ctherenyewd,iwll ibthe croegrarerdctteod, inasthseoocanseasoft,h汉ey译c英om时e当to然li可gh以t. 使用英语中这
• 造成中英译文差异的原因是,中文和英文语 言结构方面的不同。
• 英文主语显著,而中文具有话题性。
• 主语显著(subject-prominent)指的是这样一种语言, 即主语和谓语是句子结构的最基本语法单位,而且 句子一般都有主谓两成分。英语就属于主语显著的 语言…(a language in which the grammatical units of SUBJECT and PREDICATE are basic to the structure of sentences and in which sentences usually have subject-predicate structure. English is a SubjectProminent language…)



戴炜栋《新编简明英语语⾔学教程》(第2版)课后习题详解(下)【圣才出品】第8章语⾔与社会1. How is language related to society?Key: (1) While language is principally used to communicate meaning, it is also used to establish and maintain social relationships. This social function of language is embodied in the use of such utterances as “Good morning!”, “How is your family?”, “Nice day today, isn’t it?”(2) Users of the same language in a sense all speak differently. The kind of language each of them chooses to use is in part determined by his social background. And language, in its turn, reveals information about its speaker.(3) Language, especially the structure of its lexicon, reflects both the physical and social environment of a society. For example, while there is only one word in English for “snow”, there are several in Eskimo. This is a reflection of the need for the Eskimos to make distinctions between various kinds of snow in their snowy living environment.2. Explain with an example that the evaluation of language is social rather thanlinguistic.Key: As a social phenomenon, language is closely related to the structure of the society in which it is used, and the evaluation of a linguistic form is entirely social.To a linguist, all language forms and accents are equally good as far as they can fulfill the communication functions they are expected to fulfill. Therefore,judgments concerning the correctness and purity of linguistic varieties are social rather than linguistic.A case in point is the use of the postvocalic []. While in England accents without postvocalic [] are considered to be more correct than accents with it, in New York city, accents with postvocalic [] enjoys more prestige and considered more correct than without it.3. What are the main social dialects discussed in this chapter? How do they jointlydetermine idiolect?Key:The main social dialects discussed in this chapter are regional dialect, sociolect, age and gender. Idiolect is a personal dialect of an individual speaker that combines elements regarding regional, social, gender, and age variations. These factors jointly determine the way she/he talks. While the language system provides all its users with the same set of potentials, the realization of these potentials is individualized by a number of social factors, resulting in idiolects.4. In what sense is the standard dialect a special variety of language?Key: (1) The standard dialect is a particular variety of a language in that it is not related to any particular group of language users, but it is the variety which any member of a speech community can possibly use regardless of his social and geographical backgrounds, his gender and age.(2) The standard dialect is based on a selected variety of the language;usually it is the local speech of an area which is considered the nation’s political and commercial center. For example, standard English developed out of the English dialects used in and around London as they were modified over the centuries by speakers in the court, by scholars from universities and writers. Gradually, the English used by the upper classes in the capital city diverged markedly from the English used by other social groups and came to be regarded as the model for all those who wished to speak and write well.(3) The standard dialect is not a dialect a child acquires naturally like his regional dialect. It is a superimposed variety; imposed from above the range of regional dialects.(4) The standard dialect has some special functions. Also designated as the official or national language of a country, the standard dialect is used for such official purpose as government documents, education, news reporting; it is the language used on any formal occasions.5. What is register as used by Halliday? Illustrate it with an example of your own. Key: According to Halliday, “Language varies as its function varies; it differs in different situations.” The type of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a register. Halliday further distinguishes three social variables that determine the register: field of discourse, tenor of discourse, and mode of discourse.For example, a lecture on biology in a technical college could be identifiedas:Field: scientific (biological)Tenor: teacher-students (formal, polite)Mode: oral (academic lecturing)6. What linguistic features of Black English do you know? Do you think Black English is an illogical and inferior variety of English? Why (not)?Key: (1) Linguistic features of Black English:Phonological features: simplification of consonant clusters at the end of a word. According to this consonant deletion rule, the final-position consonants are often deleted; thus “passed” is often pronounced [], mend [], desk [], and told [].Syntactic features one: the deletion of link verb “be”. In Black English, we often come across many sentences without copula verb: “They mine”, “You crazy”, “Her hands cold”, and “That house big”. In fact, copula verb deletion is not a unique feature of Black English, it is often found in other dialects of English and in languages like Russian and Chinese.Syntactic features two: the use of double negation structure. e.g.He don’t know nothing. (He doesn’t know anything.)I ain’t afraid of no ghosts. (I am not afraid of ghosts.)Some people consider these sentences illogical because they claim that two negatives make positive. But in fact, such double negative constructions werefound in all dialects of English of earlier period.(2) I don’t think Black English is an illogical and inferior variety of English.Linguists are agreed that no variety of a language is inherently better than any other. They insist that all languages and all varieties of a particular language are equal in that they quite adequately serve the needs of those who use them. The only exception they recognize are pidgins, which are by definition restricted varieties, or the varieties we associate with people who are impaired in some way, e.g. certain mentally or physically handicapped people. American English is considered “better”only in a social sense: it has a preferred status; it gives those who use it certain social advantages; and it increases their life chances. Black English, being a nonstandard variety, tends to produce the opposite effect. These are some of the consequences that follow from elevating one variety and denigrating others, but there is no reason to suppose that any one of the varieties is intrinsically more worthy than any other.7. What peculiar features does pidgin have?Key: A pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or blends languages and it is used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading. Pidgin arose from a blending of several languages such as Chinese dialects and English, African dialects and French. Usually a European language serves as the basis of the pidgin in the sense that some of its grammar and vocabulary is derived from the European language used by traders andmissionaries. Pidgins typically have a limited vocabulary and a reduced grammatical structure characterized by the loss ofinflection, gender and case. The “simplified” variety performs its function as trading and employment.8. How do bilingualism and diglossia differ, and what do they have in common? Key: Differences:(1)Bilingualism refers to the situation that two languages are used side by side with each having a different role to play; and language switching occurs when the situation changes.(2)Diglossia, refers to a sociolinguistic situation similar to bilingualism. In a diglossic situation, two varieties (high variety and low variety) of a language, instead of two different languages, exist side by side throughout the community, with each having a definite role to play. One of the most important features of diglossia is the specialization of function of the two varieties. Each variety is the appropriate language for certain situations with very slight overlappings.Similarity:The two languages of bilingualism and two varieties of diglossia exist side by side and have different role to play as situation changes.。



Choice of Word Meaning-In the practice of translation what perplexes us most-frequently is how to find an e uivalent in the language to-be translated into.Great are is called for in the-translation of "familiar"Eng ish into Chinese,as their-meaning vary with the chang in collocation or context.-By diction,generally spea ing,the following are some-commonly-used ways availab e to find an equivalent in-the TL.
Word Meanings-Conceptual Meaning:is the basic meaning and-the main information carried by linguistic signs. e.g.No smoking禁止吸烟-Stylistic Meaning:is communicated f the social-circumstance of language use.
Linguistic Meaning:is built on the relationships of-t e signs with each other in the same system.-e.g.-千山鸟飞 ,From hill to hill no bird in fight.-万径人踪灭。From path o path no man in sight..-■-Pragmatic Meaning:is the s udy of the "relation of-signs to interpreters".-大家见面, 呼声“吃了吗?”透着和气。-They greet with each other with a "Hi"j st to show their-good neighbourly feelings.-年夜饭-famil reunion meal on the eve of the Spring Festival

陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)配套教材复习资料-第4章 句子的英译【圣才出品】

陈宏薇《新编汉英翻译教程》(第2版)配套教材复习资料-第4章 句子的英译【圣才出品】

第4章句子的英译4.1 复习笔记汉语为语义型语言。




英语是主语显著语言(subject-prominent language),英语句子构建在主谓轴(subject-predicate pivot)上。



1. 以原文主语作译文主语英语句中的主语只能是名词、主格人称代词或名词性的词语。



Exhaust from boilers and vehicles, unless properly treated, causes air pollution in cities.2. 重新确定主语在许多情况下,我们需要重新选择和确定主语。



Previously, in the international literature, India was said to be the country where Asian rice originated. (郭建中译)原文主语“国际文献”被译作介词短语in the international literature,充当句中状语;而作原文宾语的主谓词组中的主语“印度”则成了译文的主语。



3. 增补主语汉语中,主语隐含不显或无主语句的情况时常可见。




《英汉翻译简明教程》学习辅导书(第二部分)【圣才出品】1. 实称、代称与重复(1)复习笔记★代词①英语和汉语中代词使用的区别a. 英语代词用得多,汉语代词用得少,尤其在文学作品中关于生活细节的描述时。

b. 英语有时在句子里先出代词,然后再出它所指的人或物。


例如:【英语】Ignoring the chair offered him, Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was ...【汉语】朱德顾不得拉过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的青年面前,用平稳的语调说明自己的身份……评析:英语中先出现了代词him,然后再出现其指代的具体人物Chu Teh,汉语中先出现的是实词“朱德”,后出现的代词“他”和“自己”。

②翻译注意事项a. 英译汉有些代词可以不译。

例如:【原文】Permit me first to thank our Chinese hosts for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality. My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful.【译文】首先,请允许我对中国主人十分出色的安排和款待表示感谢。



b. 汉译英时则要在适当的地方增加代词,特别是物主代词。



英汉互译简明教程(第二版)课件8 第二篇 长句翻译

英汉互译简明教程(第二版)课件8 第二篇  长句翻译

3. I consider a human soul without education, like marble in the quarry, which shows none of its inherent beauties, until the skill of the polisher fetches out the colors, makes the surface shine, and discovers every ornamental cloud, spot and vein that runs through the body. (P109)
6. Having just left school or technical institute, where they had their place and a task to fulfill and where they were known and esteemed by their colleagues, those young people who do not land that first job they were so eagerly looking forward to have to face up for the first time to unemployment, a situation for which neither family nor school has prepared them. (P111-112)



第1章翻译的性质、标准及要求1.1 复习笔记一、翻译的性质翻译即将一种语言——源出语(Source Language)转换成另一种语言——目的语(Target Language)或曰接受语(Receptor Language),而意义保持或大抵保持不变。

尤金·奈达(Eugene A. Nida)给翻译所下的定义为:Translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Eugene A. Nida & Charles R. Taber: The Theory and Practice of Translation, 1969)[译文]所谓翻译,是在译语中用切近而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是意义,其次是文体。

奈达还对此作了说明:(1) 再现原文的信息(Message)而不是保留原文的形式结构(Formal Structure);(2) 对等(Equivalence)不是同一(Identity);(3) 对等是最贴近、自然的对等;(4) 意义是优先考虑的因素;(5) 文体成分虽居其次,但也十分重要。

翻译一般分为三类:(1) 按翻译手段,可分为口译、笔译和机器翻译。

(2) 按源出语和目的语,可分为语际翻译、语内翻译和符际翻译。

(3) 按翻译题材,可分为政论翻译、应用文翻译、科技翻译、文学翻译等。


(一) 泰特勒的三原则与严复的三字标准1. 亚历山大·F·泰特勒(Alexander Fraser Tytler)在《论翻译的原则》中提出了三条基本原则:(1) A translation should give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work.(译文应完全复写出原作的思想。



《英汉翻译基础教程》配套辅导书学习指导(5-8章)【圣才出品】第5单元段落翻译5.1 复习笔记语段是篇章的基本结构单位。







英语是一种“形合语言”(a Language of Hypotaxis),所以英语重逻辑性。

一般说来,英语句子逻辑标志(1ogic markers)非常明显,即用连接词来明示其逻辑关系。

But occasionally, through haste or carelessness, mistakes were made, so that at the end of the business day one teller would be short on cash, the other long.【译文】但是,偶尔也有这种情况,由于仓促匆忙或者粗心大意而造成错误,结果当天停业结算时,有的出纳会短了现金而另一个却会多了现金。


例:It was no burden to me but a relief to dictate from my general body of knowledge acquired at the summit full explanations toone I know so well.【译文】根据我在峰会所获得的全部知识来对我所深知的人作全面说明,这并不是一种负担,而是使我如释重负。

张培基《英汉翻译教程》学习辅导书( 我国翻译史简 介)【圣才出品】

张培基《英汉翻译教程》学习辅导书( 我国翻译史简 介)【圣才出品】

第1章我国翻译史简介1.1 复习笔记一、我国翻译的早期我国的翻译事业有约两千年的历史。








清林纾最著名的文学作品有《巴黎茶花女遗事》(La Dame aux Camelias)、《黑奴吁天录》(Uncle Tom’s Cabin)、《块肉余生述》(David Copperfield)、《王子复仇记》(Ham1et)等。

严复是我国清末新兴资产阶级的启蒙思想家,所译作品多系西方政治经济学说,如赫胥黎(T. H. Huxley)的《天演论》(Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays)、亚当·斯密(A. Smith)的《原富》(An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations)等。







杨士焯《英汉翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)-第1章 翻译的技巧篇(第3、4节)【圣才出品

杨士焯《英汉翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)-第1章 翻译的技巧篇(第3、4节)【圣才出品

1.3 实译与虚译⊙实译1. Again, therefore, she applied herself to the key, and after moving it every possible way, for some instants, with the determined celebrity of hope’s last effort, the door suddenly yielded to her hand.【译文】因此,她又搬弄钥匙。



2. Mark his professions to my poor husband. Can anything be stronger?【译文】你听听他对我那可怜的丈夫说的话。



3. Wisdom prepares for the worst; but folly leaves the worst for the day it comes. 【译文】聪明人防患于未然,愚蠢者临渴掘井。


4. In line with latest trends in fashion, a few dress designers have been sacrificingelegance to audacity.【译文】有些时装设计师为了赶时髦,舍弃了优雅别致的式样,而一味追求袒胸露体的奇装异服。



郭著章、李庆⽣《英汉互译实⽤教程》(第3版)课后习题及详解-第1~6章【圣才出品】第1章翻译概述⼀、填空1. Yan Fu’s 3-word translation criteria are _____, _____and_____.【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness, elegance【解析】严复提出的翻译标准:信、达、雅。

2. Translation in China has a long history of some_____years.【答案】two thousand【解析】我国的翻译事业有约2000年的历史。

3. The two words used as the common criteria of translation in China today are _____and_____.【答案】faithfulness, smoothness【解析】我国现今通⽤的两个翻译标准:“信”和“达”。

⼆、回答下列问题1. What is meant by translation?【答案】Translation is a representation or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language, not only an art but also a science.2. What was Karl Marx fond of saying about the importance of a foreign language?【答案】Karl Marx was fond of saying: “A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.”3. What are the prerequisites for a qualified translator?【答案】Generally speaking, a qualified translator should have five prerequisites:① a good command of the source language,② a good command of the target language,③ a wide range and scope of knowledge,④ a high political consciousness,⑤ a necessary knowledge of basic techniques used in translation.4. How to define the literal translation and the liberal translation?【答案】Literal translation refers to an adequate representation of the original almost without any change of word-order or sentence construction. Liberal translation is also called free translation, which does not adhere strictly to the form or word-order of the original.5. What do you think should be the criteria of translation?【答案】To me, the criteria of translation should be the following two words: faithfulness and smoothness, or even only one word: faithfulness.三、英译汉1. Source language and target language【答案】译出语和译⼊语2. the Oriental and Occidental languages 【答案】东⽅语⾔和西⽅语⾔3. Alexander Fraser Tyler【答案】亚历⼭⼤?弗雷泽?泰勒4. Georges Mounin【答案】乔治?穆南5. Feedorov【答案】费道罗夫6. Indu Dharmarakcha【答案】竺法护7. Kumara’3iva【答案】鸠摩罗什8. Paramartha(Gunarata)【答案】真谛/波罗末陀(拘那罗陀)【答案】利玛窦10. Euclid’s Elements【答案】《⼏何原本》11. La Dame aux Camelias【答案】《茶花⼥》12. A History of Politics(by E. Jenks)【答案】《社会通诠》(甄克思著)13. On Liberty(by J. S. Mill)【答案】《群⼰权界论》(约翰?穆勒著)14. An Inquiry Into the Nature and Cause of the Wealth of Nations(by A.Smith) 【答案】原富》(亚当?斯密)15. Evolution and Ethics and Other Essays(by T. H. Huxley)【答案】《天演论》(赫胥黎)四、汉译英【答案】faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance2. “宁顺⽽不信。

杨士焯《英汉翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)-第1章 翻译的技巧篇(第7、8、9节)【圣才

杨士焯《英汉翻译教程》(第2版)配套题库(含考研真题)-第1章 翻译的技巧篇(第7、8、9节)【圣才

1.7 反译Ⅰ. 正—反翻译1. with dignity【译文】不卑不亢2. supreme authority【译文】至高无上3. keep ... within bounds【译文】不偏不倚4. a barren tract of land【译文】不毛之地5. Wet paint!【译文】油漆未干!6. be fatally ill【译文】不可救药7. be at a loss【译文】不知所措8. to prove worthy of our trust【译文】不负众望9. safe and sound【译文】万无一失;安然无恙10. soon enough【译文】不久11. life sentence (imprisonment)【译文】无期徒刑12. The beauty of the scenery passes all power of description.【译文】风景之美,非任何言语所能形容。

13. He tried to catch one of the rafts with a boat-hook, but missed.【译文】他试图用船钩钩住其中一个木筏,但没有击中。

14. He seemed to be at a loss for the precise words to elaborate his opinion. 【译文】他似乎想不出恰当的字眼来阐明自己的观点。

15. Haste makes waste.【译文】欲速则不达。

16. It serves little purpose to have continued public discussion of this issue. 【译文】继续公开讨论这个问题是不会有什么益处的。

17. He was not ready to believe something just because Aristotle said so. 【译文】他并不因亚里斯多德说过如何如何,就轻信此事。



戴炜栋《新编简明英语语⾔学教程》(第2版)课后习题详解(中)【圣才出品】第4章句法学1. What is syntax?Key: Syntax is a branch of linguistics that studies the rules that governs the formation of sentences.2. What is phrase structure rule?Key: The special type of grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase is calleda phrase structure rule.3. What is category? How to determine a word’s category?Key: Category refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. T o determine a word’s category, three criteria are usually employed, namely, meaning, inflation and distribution.4. What is coordinate structure? What properties does it have?Key: The structures that are formed by joining two or more elements of the same type with the help of a conjunction are called coordinate structures. It has four properties: first, there is no limit on the number of coordinated categories. Second, a category at any level can be coordinated. Third, coordinated categories must be of the same type. Fourth, the category type of the coordinate phrase isidentical to the category type of the elements being conjoined.5. What elements does a phrase contain and what rule does each element play? Key: The phrase elements are specifiers, complements and modifiers. Specifiers help make more precise the meaning of the head. They typically mark a phrase. The complements provide information about entities and locations whose existence is implied by the meaning of the head. Modifiers specifies optionally expressible properties of heads.6. What is deep structure and what is surface structure?Key: The structure that formed by the XP rule in accordance with the head’s subcategorization properties is called the deep structure. The structure that corresponds to the final syntactic form of the sentence which results from appropriate transformation is called surface structure.7. Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences.a) The old lady got off the bus carefully.b) The car suddenly crashed onto the river bank.c) The blinding snowstorm might delay the opening of the school.d) This cloth feels quite soft.Key:8. The following phrases include a head, a complement, and a specifier. Draw the appropriate tree structure for each.a) rich in mineralsb) often read detective storiesc) an augment against the proposalsd) already above the windowKey: a) rich in mineralsb) often read detective storiesc) the argument against the proposalsd) already above the window9. The following sentences contain modifiers of various types. For each sentence, first identify the modifier(s), then draw the tree structures.a) A crippled passenger landed the airplane with extreme caution.b) A huge moon hung in the black sky.c) The man examined his car carefully yesterday.d) A wooden hut near the lake collapsed in the storm.Key: (The modifiers are represented by italics.)a) A crippled passenger landed the airplane with extreme caution.b) A huge moon hung in the black sky.c) The man examined his car carefully yesterday.d) A wooden hut near the lake collapsed in the storm.10. The following sentences all contain conjoined categories. Draw a tree structure for each of the sentences.a) Jim has washed the dirty shirts and pants.b) Helen put on her clothes and went out.c) Mary is fond of literature but tired of statistics.Key: a) Jim has washed the dirty shirts and pants.b) Helen put on her clothes and went out.c) Mary is fond of literature but tired of statistics.11. The following sentences all contain embedded clauses that function ascomplements of a verb, an adjective, a preposition or a noun. Draw a tree structure for each sentence.a) You know that I hate war.b) Gerry can’t believe the fact that Anna flunked the English exam.c) Chris was happy that his father bought him a Rolls-Royce.d) The children argued over whether bats had wings.Key: a) You know that I hate war.。




1When Chou En-lai’s door opened they saw a slender man of more than average height with gleaming eyes and a face so striking that it bordered on the beautiful①. Yet it was a manly face, serious and intelligent, and Chu judged him to be in his middle twenties②.Chou was a quiet and thoughtful man, even a little shy as he welcomed his visitors, urged them to be seated and to tell how he could help them.Ignoring the chair offered him, Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was, what he had done in the past, how he had fled from Yunnan, talked with Sun Yat-sen, been repulsed by Chen Tu-hsiu in Shanghai, and had come to Europe to find a new way of life for himself and a new revolutionary road for China. He wanted to join the Chinese Communist Party group in Berlin, he would study and work hard, he would do anything he was asked to do but return to his old life, which had turned to ashes beneath his feet③.As he talked Chou En-lai stood facing him, his head a little to one side as was his habit, listening intently until the story was told, and then questioning him.When both visitors had told their stories, Chou smiled a little, said he would help them find rooms, and arrange for them to join the Berlin Communist group as candidates until their application had been sent to China and an answer received. When the reply came a few months later they were enrolled as full members④, but Chu’s membership was kept a secret from outsiders.General Chu explained this procedure as necessary because, as a general in the Yunnan Army, he had been one of the earliest Kuomintang members and he might be sent back to Yunnan by the Communist Party at some future date⑤. Though not publicly known as a Communist, General Chu said that he broke all connections with his past, and with the old society in every way, “so that a heavy burden seemed to fall from my shoulders.” There were hundreds of Chinese students in Germany at the time, most of them rich men’s sons with whom he might have associated⑥in the past. Such men he now avoided and he spent his time studying hungrily, avidly⑦, with young men many of whom were almost young enough to be his sons.(From The Great Road, by Agnes Smedley) 【参考译文】周恩来的房门打开时,他们看到的是一个身材瘦长、比普通人略高一点的人,两眼闪着光辉,面貌很引人注意,称得上清秀①。



"The television is broken." This expression means that the television device is not working properly and needs to be repaired or replaced. Television has become a common household appliance used to watch movies, news, and other programs broadcast by television stations.
A signal is a message sent by radio waves. It can be used to send information, such as Morse code or voice transmissions, over long distances.
New vocabulary
• Radio - a device that receives and transmits radio signals.
New vocabulary
4. Signal - a message sent by radio waves.
5. Television - a device that receives and displays video and audio signals.
Lesson 5
Wrap-up of the unit with a focus on integration of knowledge and skills.



第1章General Principles(概论)1.1 复习笔记一、Definitions of Translation(翻译的定义)Translation can be roughly defined as a reproduction or recreation in one language of what is written or said in another language.翻译即用一种语言来再现另一种口头或书面的语言文本所传达的意义。

1. Linguistic Views on Translation(语言学视角)Translating consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source-language message, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style. (Nida & Taber, 1969:12)翻译就是在译语中用最贴切而又最自然的对等语再现原语的信息,首先是语义,其次是文体。

2. Cultural Views on Translation(文化视角)翻译不仅涉及语言问题,也涉及文化问题。


(王佐良,1989)Translation is a process which occurs between cultures rather than simply between languages. (Shuttleworth & Cowie, 1997:35)翻译是一个发生在不同文化之间的过程,而不仅仅是语言之间的过程。

3. Literary Views on Translation(文学视角)文学翻译的任务是要把原作中包含的一定社会生活的影响完好无损地从一种语言移注到另一种语言中。



郭著章李庆⽣《英汉互译实⽤教程》笔记和课后习题(含考研真题)详解(⽂化与翻译)【圣才出品】第8章⽂化与翻译8.1 复习笔记第1节概述⼀、⽂化概念1. ⼴义⽂化⼴义论者认为:⽂化是个⼏乎⽆所不包的⼤范围、⼤概念,既有属于物质领域的,也有属于意识形态领域的。

据此⼴义定义,美国著名翻译理论家尤⾦·奈达将语⾔⽂化特性分为五类:(1) Ecology⽣态学;(2) Material Culture物质⽂化;(3) Social Culture社会⽂化;(4) Religious Culture宗教⽂化;(5) Linguistic Culture语⾔⽂化。

2. 狭义⽂化狭义论者却认为⽂化只指精神⽂明,这是中外⼤多数⼈⽐较⼀致的看法。

⼆、翻译与⽂化关系1. 任何翻译都离不开⽂化。





⼆、翻译⽅法1. 熟悉外族⽂化,了解异域⼈民审美⼼理;否则的话,就会在出⼝商品的商标翻译中出现败笔。


2. 为向译⽂读者忠实地转达原⽂信息,有时要作适当的⽂化转换。

如:“⽟兔”这⼀商标为什么英译成“Moon Rabbit”⽽不译成“Jade Rabbit”?原因在于:“⽟兔”乃我国神话中陪伴吴刚⽣活在⽉宫桂花树下的兔⼦,因此,它⼜成为⽉的代称。

《英汉翻译简明教程》学习辅导书(英汉对比-搭 配)【圣才出品】

《英汉翻译简明教程》学习辅导书(英汉对比-搭 配)【圣才出品】

2. 搭配(1)复习笔记★主谓搭配——主语这里所说的“主谓搭配”是指主语和谓语动词的搭配。







常用的方法如下:a. 主语的变换。


【译文】An equity joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company.评析:“合营企业”是定语,但译文却把an equity joint venture作主语,这样后面比较好安排,所考虑的主要就是主谓搭配的问题。

b. 选用合适的谓语动词。



【译文】All activities of an equity joint venture shall comply with the provisions of the laws, decrees and pertinent regulations of the People’s Republic of China.评析:译文与原文一致,以activities为主语,问题在于怎样选一个合适的动词和它搭配。

abide by和observe都只能用于人或机构。


c. 无主语句的处理。






第6章英译汉常用的方法和技巧(下)6.1 复习笔记一、习语的译法广义而言,英语习语(idioms)包括俗语(colloquialisms)、谚语(proverbs)、俚语(slang expressions)等。



Armed to the teeth武装到牙齿Packed like sardines挤得像罐头沙丁鱼The most-favored-nation clause最惠国条款A rolling stone gathers no moss滚石不生苔(二)汉语同义习语的套用法有的英语习语和汉语同义习语在内容和形式上都相符合,双方不但有相同的意义和修辞色彩,并且有相同的或大体相同的形象比喻。

1. 双方有完全相同的形象比喻:To add fuel to the fire火上加油To be on thin ice如履薄冰Walls have ears隔墙有耳Strike while the iron is hot趁热打铁2. 双方有大体相同的形象比喻:A drop in the ocean沧海一粟To laugh off one’s head笑掉牙齿To shed crocodile tears猫哭老鼠To spend money like water挥金如土(三)意译法如果不可能或没有必要用直译法保留英语习语的表达形式,并且在汉语中也找不到合适的同义习语可供套用,就得用意译法配合上下文把英语习语的含义表达出来。

a) Among so many well-dressed and cultured people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water.同这么多穿着体面又有教养的人在一起,这位乡下姑娘感到很不自在。

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1. 实称、代称与重复(1)复习笔记★代词①英语和汉语中代词使用的区别a. 英语代词用得多,汉语代词用得少,尤其在文学作品中关于生活细节的描述时。

b. 英语有时在句子里先出代词,然后再出它所指的人或物。


例如:【英语】Ignoring the chair offered him, Chu Teh stood squarely before this youth more than ten years his junior and in a level voice told him who he was ...【汉语】朱德顾不得拉过来的椅子,端端正正地站在这个比他年轻十几岁的青年面前,用平稳的语调说明自己的身份……评析:英语中先出现了代词him,然后再出现其指代的具体人物Chu Teh,汉语中先出现的是实词“朱德”,后出现的代词“他”和“自己”。

②翻译注意事项a. 英译汉有些代词可以不译。

例如:【原文】Permit me first to thank our Chinese hosts for your extraordinary arrangements and hospitality. My wife and I, as well as our entire party, are deeply grateful.【译文】首先,请允许我对中国主人十分出色的安排和款待表示感谢。



b. 汉译英时则要在适当的地方增加代词,特别是物主代词。








【译文】Early one winter, when my uncle’s family wanted a new maid, Old Mrs. Wei the go-between brought her along. She had a white mourning band round her hair and was wearing a black skirt, blue jacket, and pale green bodice. Her age was about twenty-six, and though her face was sallow her cheeks were red. Old Mrs. Wei introduced her as Xianglin’s Wife, a neighbour of her mother’s family, who wanted to go out to work now that her husband had died. My uncle frowned at this, and my aunt knew that he disapproved of taking on a widow. She looked just the person for them, though, with her big strong hands and feet; and, judging by her downcast eyes and silence, she was a good worker who would know her place. So my aunt ignored my uncle’s frown and kept her. During her trial period she worked from morning till night as if she found resting irksome, and proved strong enough to do the work of a man; so on the third day she was taken on for five hundred cash a month.评析:这段话中原文用了6个“她”,指祥林嫂,1个“他”,指四叔,1个“自己”,指卫老婆子。



例如:【原文】Chu Teh remembered his age. He was thirty-six ...【译文】朱德想起自己的年龄,他已36岁……评析:代词his如果要译,也不一定译作“他的”,而可译作“自己的”。

d. 在英语里,用代词来指国家和船只时,是可以用she和her的。

例如:As a major developing country with a long coastline, China, therefore, must take exploitation and protection of the ocean as a long-term strategic task before it can achieve the sustainable development of its national economy. (it指代China) China has basically achieved self-sufficiency in grain at the present stage, and there are many favorable objective factors for her to maintain such achievement by her own efforts in the course of future development. (her指代China)★名词的重复与代称①英语不喜欢重复,一句话里需要重复某个词语时会使用其他方法来避免重复。

常用的方法如下:a. 使用代词。

例如:It may seem strange to put into the same packet an industrial revolution and two political revolutions. But the fact is that they were all social revolutions.评析:第二句中的they指代了前面提到的an industrial revolution and two political revolutions。

b. 使用名词作代称,可能比实称简短,也可能并不简短,只是为了换一个说法。

例如:Egypt, wrote the Greek historian Hecataeus, is the gift of the Nile. No other country is so dependent on a single lifeline. Egypt’s very soil was born in t he Nile’s annual flood; with the flood came the life-giving mud that made Egypt the granary of the ancient world. And as rain fell in the Ethiopian highlands and the snows melted in the Mountains of the Moon, the river was everlastingly renewed.评析:在第一句和第三句里,the Nile出现两次。

为避免过多重复,在第四句里使用了名词the river来代替。


c. 采用部分重复的办法,或者加以简化,将重复的部分合并,以减少重复。

例如:The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, of the Russian Revolution and of Lenin.评析:在不减化的情况下,原句应该为:The May 4th Movement came into being at the call of the world revolution, at the call of Russian Revolution and of Lenin. 由于at the call of为重复部分,因此进行了合并而减少了重复。


③翻译时注意事项:a. 英译汉时则要少用代称,多用实称b. 汉译英时要千方百计避免重复★其他词语的代称①pro-formsA Grammar of Contemporary English(英国语言学家Randolph Quirk等四位学者合编)中在关于substitution的一节中指出:不仅名词短语可以有代称,状语、谓语乃至宾语从句,都可以有代称。


书中举了许多例子,如:We saw John at eight on Monday evening. We told him then that we would be coming to the party.Look in the top drawer. You’ll probably find it there.A: John drives a car.B: I think Bob does too.A: John drives a car.B: So does Bob.Oxford is likely to win the next boat race. All my friends say so. (= that Oxford is likely to win the next boat race)以上例子中的then,there,does,so does,so都可以说是pro-forms。
