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摘要 (1)

Abstract (2)

前言 (1)

一、中小企业融资租赁相关理论 (1)

(一)中小企业的涵义................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

(二)融资租赁的含义................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

(三)融资租赁的种类................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

1、直接融资租赁..................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

2、售后回租式......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

3、转租式融资租赁................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

4、厂商租赁............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

5、杠杆租赁............................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。

二、我国中小企业融资租赁的发展中存在的问题 (2)

(一)融资租赁观念落后 (2)

(二)融资租赁经营模式单一 (2)

(三)融资租赁法律法规不健全 (3)

(四)缺少完善的信用风险管理体系 (3)

(五)政府扶持力度不够 (3)

(六)行业监管较为分散 (4)

三、我国中小企业融资租赁的优化对策 (4)

(一)理顺监管秩序 (4)

(二)建立融资租赁法 (5)

(三)加强政策扶持力度 (5)

1、增大税收优惠 (5)

2、建立信用保险机制 (6)

3、加强信贷政策支持力度 (6)

四、结论 (6)

参考文献 (7)

致谢 (8)





SMEs play an important role in promoting the growth of China's national economy. However, the shortage of funds has become a major obstacle in China's SMEs development. Due to information asymmetry, traditional financing methods (such as bank loans) make the financing of SMEs become very difficult. So, exploring this new means of financing- financing lease has important practical significance for alleviating the problem of financing of SMEs. Based on the theory of SME finance lease, this paper analyzed the state and problems of finance lease in SMEs development process, including behindhand idea of finance lease, a single mode of operation of a finance lease, unsound finance lease laws and regulations, the lack sound credit risk management system, government support is not enough, and the regulation of the industry is dispersed. For the six aspects of the problem, this paper gave the optimize countermeasures, including rationalizing the regulatory order, establishing the financial leasing laws, strengthening policy support, the aim is to provide a means of financing for small and medium-sized enterprises, and to promote it developing better and faster.

Keywords: SMs, finance lease, optimize countermeasures
