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Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks with proper terms in translation theories.

1.Chinese is__________ language with the typical feature of non-inflection change.

2.Chinese belongs to the ___________ family while English belongs to the

_________ family.

3.The indicative character uses _______ to indicate the word meaning.

4.No matter how complicated the English sentence pattern is, it derives from the

_________ _________ _________ .

5.Morris argued that each sign is made up of three components _________

_________ _________ .

6.According to sociosemiotic approach to translation, _________ and ________

should be regarded as two indispensable aspects for making translation criteria. 7.Chinese language belongs to ____________ writing system, while English

language belongs to ______________ writing system.

8.Peter Newmark proposed that language possesses six functions, including

_______________, ______________, ______________, _______________, phatic function and metalingual function.

9.Syntactical features of both Chinese and English are greatly affected by grammar.

While Chinese grammar is characterized by _____________, English grammar has the typical feature of ______________.

10.According to sociosemiotic approach to translation, translating process is actually

a process of ___________ and ______________.

11. A Comparison of the vocabularies in Chinese and English usually presents four types of

relationships: ___________, ____________, ____________ and ______________.

12.According to Saussure, a verbal sign consists of _________ and _________ .

13.Translation is a kind of _________ _________ _________ communicative activity.

14.The discourse cohesion can be classified into __________ and _________. The aim of using

cohesion devices is to achieve the _________ of the discourse.

15.According to sociosemotics, meaning is a kind of __________.

16.Verbal sign has three kinds of meaning, namely _________ _________ and _________.

17.Context is the environment in which the text keeps alive. There are _________ context and

_________ context.

18.English and Chinese are different in terms of theme/rheme structure. Chinese is _________

language while English is _________ language.

19.Grice’s principle of _________ and Leech’s principle of _________ is the pragmatic

principle promoting successful _________ _________.

20.Chinese word meaning is generally _________ while English words are more


21.In terms of nature, Chinese culture is ________ culture and western culture is

_________ culture.
