新东方俞敏洪四级词汇词根 联想记忆法乱序版_绿皮书

Word List 8Statem ent 陈述,结算单,报表Award奖,判定,授予,裁定Bold 勇敢的,鲁莽的,粗体的,黑体的,so-called所谓的,号称的superi or 上级的,优越的,高傲的,长官sunlig ht 日光,阳光altern ative替换物,选择,两者选一的,另类的kingdo m 王国,领域,界mobile运动的,多变的damn 该死的,极,非常是,讨厌,丝毫,严厉批评storag e 贮藏,存贮supple ment增补,增刊,副刊,补充locate探明,把...设置在,使…坐落于cabin小屋,船舱,机舱majori ty 多数,大多数receiv er 听筒,接收器suppor t 支持,供养,证实,支撑物Bible基督教《圣经》Assign指派,分配,布置Episod e 一个事件,插曲,片段,连续剧的一集Fatal致命的,命运的,重大的Pad 垫,便笺本,发射台,填塞Excurs ion 远足,短途旅行Ignora nt 不知道的,无知的County郡,县Conden se 冷凝,浓缩,压缩Heal 使愈合,治愈,调停,消除,恢复健康Asset资产,有价值的特性或技能,优点Involv e 使卷入,牵涉,包含,含有Rear 后部,背面,后面的,抚养,种植Hollow空的,沉闷的,虚伪的Charte r 宪章,共同纲领,特许状,包租,租用的Leader ship领导Shallo w 浅的,浅薄的,浅水处Proced ure 程序,手续,步骤Impres sive给人印象深刻的Contro versi al 引起争论的,有争议的Curve曲线,弯,弄弯Spirit ual 精神的,宗教(上)的Astoni sh 使惊讶,使吃惊Fold 折叠,合拢,褶Alert警觉的,留神的,使认识到,戒备,警报Condit ion 状况,状态,环境Segmen t 部分,片段,瓣Cabbag e 洋白菜,卷心菜Condem n 谴责,判…刑,宣告…有罪Mild 温柔的,温暧的,轻微的Surger y 外科,手术室Leisur e 空闲时间,悠闲Accomp lish达到(目的),完成Plug 插头,插座,塞子,拴,把…塞住Presen tatio n 提供,显示,外观,报告,介绍,表演Surplu s 过剩,盈余,多余的Casset te (盒式)录音带,盒子Surrou nd 围,围绕,围住Privat e 私人的,秘密的,私立的,士兵Bulb 电灯泡,球状物Meanin g 意义,含义,目的,重要性Annual每年的,年报,一年生的植物Expans ion 扩大,扩充,膨胀Elimin ate 消灭,排除,陶汰Horn 角,号角,警报器Respon sibil ity 责任,职责,义务Dam 水坝,水堤,障碍物,筑堤挡住Challe nge 挑战,邀请比赛,艰巨任务,怀疑,反对,向…挑战,对…质疑Alike同样的,相似的,同样程度地Phenom enon现象,非凡的人(或事物)Survey俯瞰,检查,测量,全面审视,概括论述Curtai n 门帘,帷幕Househ old 家庭,家务,家喻户晓的Surviv al 幸存,幸存者,残存物。
俞敏洪四级词汇词根+联想记忆法乱序版word list1电子教案

俞敏洪四级词汇词根+联想记忆法乱序版w o r d l i s t1Word List 1sincere 真诚的真挚的My respect to your family is very sincere我对贵家族的尊敬是非常诚挚的mood 心情情绪语气static 静的静态的静止的停滞的静电House prices,which have been static for several monlths, are now rising again.房价稳定了几个月后,现在又上涨了。
senator 参议员hobby 业余爱好癖好lad 男孩小伙子equip 装备配备使有准备A good education will equip your children to get a good job.良好的教育有助于孩子找到好工作frown 邹眉蹙眉Paul frowned but said nothing保罗邹起了眉头但什么也没说fasten 紧抓Fasten your seat belt系紧你的安全带software 软件stir 动拨动使微动激动产生搅拌搅动They both stir their coffee.他俩都在搅动咖啡Ang Lee's film has caused a stir in America李安的电影在美国引起来轰动distribution 分发分配分布flexible 易弯曲的灵活的We need a foreign policy that is more flexible我们需要更有弹性的外交政策solution 解决解决办法溶液panel 专门小组面板控制板仪表盘ministry 部门supreme 最高的最大的极度的最重要的supreme court 最高法院describe 形容描写画出Paul startedto describe a couple of broadleaf trees on the paper.保罗开始在纸上画几棵阔叶树limb 肢臂腿树枝circumstance 情况条件境遇境况经济情况Under no circumstances can we betray our country无论怎样的状况我们都不能背叛自己的祖国core 果实的心核心要点Throw away the apple because of the core 因噎废食Debt is at the core of the problem 债务是问题的核心assistant 助手助理助教助理的辅助的Anassistant coach 助理教练mess 凌乱状态脏乱状态混乱局面困境弄糟The travel agents messed up the arrangements and there was no room for us at the hotel.旅行社搞乱了安排,结果旅店里没有我们可以住的房间了minus 负数减号负的减去statistic 统计数值统计资料统计学pregnant 怀孕的妊娠的sector 部门部分防御地段防区扇形detection 察觉发觉侦查探测By flying low, the plane was able to avoid detection by the enemy radar这架飞机低空飞行避开了敌人的雷达statue 塑像雕像铸像bride 新娘cycle骑自行车骑摩托车循环the cycle of the seasons 四季的交替saucer 茶托碟子skillful 灵巧的娴熟的It must be very diffcult for them to be trained as very skillful acrobats把他们训练成技巧高超的特技演员肯定很难civilization 文明文化开化overhead 在头顶上的,架空的经常费用管理费用The large overhead reduced the company’s profits. 大笔的管理费用减少了公司的利润clash 发生冲突不协调冲突砰的声音Troops clashed near the border 部队在边境处交火The clash of swords 剑的撞击声grant 授予物授予给予As my wife , I think you should grant me this favor 作为我的妻子,我觉得你应该给予我这份关切bond 联结联系契约合同(使)结合the bond market 证券市场They would be bounded together in love for ever爱让他们永远在一起staff 工作人员参谋为……配备人员The staff isn’t adequately prepared那个员工没做好充分的准备intermediate 中间的中级的guitar 吉他六玄琴comprehensive 广泛的综合的理解的The police wanted a more comprehensive investigationof your status警方要对你的身份做更加全面的调查presence 出席到场存在仪表仪态The boy pretended to study hard in his mother’s presence. 当着妈妈的面,小男孩假装努力学习。

俞敏洪四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第156期:13-12Word List 13-121.mourn v.为哀痛,哀悼【例】The whole nation mourned the death of thegreat man.举国上下哀悼这位伟人的去世2.habitual adj.通常的,惯常的;习惯性的,已养成习惯的【记】联想记忆:habit(习惯)+ual(的)--惯常的【例】The translator must have an excellent up-to-date knowledge of his source languages, full facilityin the handling of his target language, which will be his mother longue or language of habitualuse and a knowledge and understanding of the latest subject-matter in his field ofspecialization.译者必须掌握源语言中广博的、与时俱进的知识:对目标语要有很高的驾驭能力;目标语言可以是他的母语或是常用语;同时要加强对专业领域最新话题的认知与了解。
(2001)The mother has the habitual worry of her son.这位母亲经常为地的儿子担忧。
【派】habitable(adj.适于居住的);habitat[n..(动植物的)产地,栖息地];habitation(n.居住)3.subsidize v.给补助金,资助【记】联想记忆:subsid( y)(补助金)+ize--给补助金【例】If the government wishes to raise tax revenue in order to subsidize the poor,it shouldlevy a tax on films.如果政府希望通过提高税收来资助贫困者就应该对电影征税。
List 1 challenge 挑战,艰巨任务,向…挑战furnish 供应,提供,装备,布置establish 建立,设立,安置,使定居intellectual 知识分子,智力的,有智力的,显示智力的qualification 资格,合格,技能,限定,条件,合格证worthy 值得…的,配得上…的,可尊敬的,有价值的appearance 出现,出场,露面,外表,外貌,外观aspect 样子,外表,外貌,问题等的方面liquid 液体,液体的,液态的sword 剑,倒lad 男孩apply 申请,请求,适用,应用exterior 外面的,外部的,外面,外部preference 偏爱,喜爱,优惠,优先选择elbow 肘,弯头,用肘挤discipline 纪律,规定,学科,训练terrific 极好的,非常的,极度的thrill 令人激动的事,使激动,使兴奋,使毛骨悚然flu 流行性感冒replacement 取代,替换,替换物,代替物edition 版,版本,版次triumph 胜利,成功,得胜,战胜hostage 人质loaf 一条面包,流荡,闲逛applicable 能应用的,使用的motion 运动,动,提议,动议,向…失意diploma 文凭,学位证书dragon 龙contrast 使与…对比,使与…对照,和…形成对照,对照,对比,差异trend 倾向,趋势honorable 可敬的,荣誉的,光荣的transition 转笔,过度appendix 附录,附属物objection 反对,异义inflation 通货膨胀substantial 实质的,真实的,坚固的,结实的,富裕的,客观的hasty 匆忙的,仓促的,草率的interpret 解释,说明,了解,认为,口译,做口译fraction 碎片,小部分,一点儿,分数romance 传奇,爱情故事rectangle 长方形,巨星owl 猫头鹰denote 表示,意味着表示,意味着editor 编辑,编者编辑,编者fruitful 多产的,果实累累的,富有成效的多产的,果实累累的,富有成效的startle 惊吓,使吃惊惊吓,使吃惊inlet 水湾,小湾,进口,入口水湾,小湾,进口,入口system 系统,体系,制度,体制系统,体系,制度,体制concede (不情愿地)承认承认为真或正确(不情愿地)承认承认为真或正确jewelry 珠宝珠宝dictate 口述,使听写口述,使听写lame 跛的,站不住脚的跛的,站不住脚的exhaust 使筋疲力尽,耗尽,抽完,汲干,排气装置,废弃使筋疲力尽,耗尽,抽完,汲干,排气装置,废弃 stiff 硬的,僵直的,拘谨的,呆板的,艰难的,费劲的硬的,僵直的,拘谨的,呆板的,艰难的,费劲的 pinch 一撮,微量,紧缺,短缺一撮,微量,紧缺,短缺pants 长裤,内裤长裤,内裤remnant 残余物,零头布料,遗迹残余物,零头布料,遗迹projector 放映机,幻灯机,投影仪放映机,幻灯机,投影仪torrent 激流,山洪激流,山洪crisp 脆的,易碎的脆的,易碎的tag 标签,贴标签于标签,贴标签于duration 期间,持久,持续时间期间,持久,持续时间dealer 商人,贩子商人,贩子incident 事变,事件事变,事件zeal 热情,热忱热情,热忱rhythm 节奏,韵律节奏,韵律education 教育,培养,训练教育,培养,训练overlook 漏看,忽略,俯瞰,忽略,宽容,放任漏看,忽略,俯瞰,忽略,宽容,放任shear 剪,修剪剪,修剪kidnap 绑架绑架propaganda 宣传宣传prescribe 指示,规定,开处方,开药指示,规定,开处方,开药cape 斗篷,披肩,海角,岬斗篷,披肩,海角,岬List 2 solo 单独的,单独进行的,独奏(曲),独唱(曲),独舞,独舞 neglect 忽视,忽略,疏忽,漏做忽视,忽略,疏忽,漏做quantify 确定数量,量化确定数量,量化faulty 有缺点的,有错误的有缺点的,有错误的eliminate 消除,排除消除,排除upright 垂直的,直立的,正直的,诚实的,竖立着垂直的,直立的,正直的,诚实的,竖立着 invitation 邀请,招待,请柬邀请,招待,请柬commemorate 纪念,庆祝纪念,庆祝reproach 责备,指责责备,指责dilute 稀释,冲淡,冲淡的,稀释的稀释,冲淡,冲淡的,稀释的sane 明智的,理智的,清醒的,心智健全的,合情合理的明智的,理智的,清醒的,心智健全的,合情合理的 lease 租约,租期,出租租约,租期,出租browse 浏览,吃嫩叶或草,嫩叶,嫩芽,放牧浏览,吃嫩叶或草,嫩叶,嫩芽,放牧tentative 尝试的,试验(性)的尝试的,试验(性)的seam 缝,接缝缝,接缝highway 公路,大路公路,大路alter 改变,变更改变,变更manipulate 操作,控制,操纵,影响操作,控制,操纵,影响accuracy 准确,准确度准确,准确度descendant 子孙,后代子孙,后代sting 刺,刺痛,叮刺,刺痛,叮linguistic 语言的,语言学的语言的,语言学的outbreak 爆发爆发phrase 短语,词语,习语短语,词语,习语brochure 小册子小册子enormous 巨大的,庞大的巨大的,庞大的exclude 拒绝,把…排除在外,排斥拒绝,把…排除在外,排斥spin 旋转,纺纱,织网旋转,纺纱,织网brutal 残忍的,严峻的,严酷的残忍的,严峻的,严酷的howl 嗥叫,呼啸嗥叫,呼啸network 网状物,广播网,电视网,网络网状物,广播网,电视网,网络evident 明显的,明白的明显的,明白的dynamical 电动的,动力的,有生气的电动的,动力的,有生气的swan 天鹅天鹅rigorous 严密的,缜密的,严格的,严厉的严密的,缜密的,严格的,严厉的technology 工艺,技术工艺,技术wax 蜡,蜂蜡,打蜡蜡,蜂蜡,打蜡pillow 枕头枕头solidarity 团结,一致团结,一致slaughter 屠杀,杀戮屠杀,杀戮pit 坑,陷阱坑,陷阱decay 使腐朽,腐烂,衰减,衰退使腐朽,腐烂,衰减,衰退pray 请求,恳求,祈祷,祈求请求,恳求,祈祷,祈求grand 盛大的,盛大的, 豪华的,重大的,主要的豪华的,重大的,主要的booth 电话亭,摊位电话亭,摊位beware 当心,谨防当心,谨防occasion 场合,时节,时刻,时机,机会场合,时节,时刻,时机,机会numerous 众多的,许多的,大批的众多的,许多的,大批的element 元素,组成部分元素,组成部分nursery 托儿所托儿所worship 礼拜,崇拜,敬仰,尊敬礼拜,崇拜,敬仰,尊敬dental 牙齿的,牙科的牙齿的,牙科的dense 浓厚的,浓密的,稠密的浓厚的,浓密的,稠密的productivity 生产率生产率valve 阀,电子管,真空管阀,电子管,真空管abuse 滥用,虐待,漫骂滥用,虐待,漫骂circular 圆形的,环形的,循环的,传单,通报圆形的,环形的,循环的,传单,通报 classic 杰作,名作,第一流的,不朽的,典型的杰作,名作,第一流的,不朽的,典型的 revive 恢复,使复苏恢复,使复苏disguise 假装,伪装,掩饰假装,伪装,掩饰 deny 否认,否定,拒绝否认,否定,拒绝huddle 聚集在一起,挤作一团(的人)聚集在一起,挤作一团(的人)cheat 欺骗,作弊,骗子,欺诈,欺诈行为欺骗,作弊,骗子,欺诈,欺诈行为cellar 地下室,地窖地下室,地窖 court 法庭,法院,宫廷,朝廷,院子,球场法庭,法院,宫廷,朝廷,院子,球场 namely 即,也就是即,也就是 paw 爪 undertake 承担,担任,许诺,保证,着手,从事承担,担任,许诺,保证,着手,从事 instrumental 起作用的,有帮助的,乐器的起作用的,有帮助的,乐器的 generate 产生,发生产生,发生 threat 恐吓,威胁,坏兆头,危险迹象恐吓,威胁,坏兆头,危险迹象 manual 手的,手工做的,体力的,手册,指南手的,手工做的,体力的,手册,指南 hamburger 汉堡包,牛肉饼汉堡包,牛肉饼List 3 fabulous 寓言式的,极为巨大的,极好的寓言式的,极为巨大的,极好的 graduate (大学)毕业生,获(学士)学位者,接受学位(大学)毕业生,获(学士)学位者,接受学位 毕业毕业 inhabit 栖息,居主栖息,居主 constant 连续的,不断的,永恒的,不变的,常数,恒量连续的,不断的,永恒的,不变的,常数,恒量 prosperity 繁荣,兴旺繁荣,兴旺 siege 包围包围 handwriting 手迹,笔迹,书法手迹,笔迹,书法 conduct 行为,举动,品行,引导,实施,带领,管理,处理,传导,指挥处理,传导,指挥 lever 杆,杠杆杆,杠杆 blend 混合物,使混合,使混杂混合物,使混合,使混杂 crab 螃蟹,蟹肉螃蟹,蟹肉 ample 充分的,充分的, 富裕的,宽敞的,宽大的富裕的,宽敞的,宽大的 urban 城市的城市的 preside 主持主持 psychology 心理学,心理心理学,心理 rash 疹,皮疹,疹,皮疹, (短时间内出现的)一连串令人不快的事物,(短时间内出现的)一连串令人不快的事物, 鲁莽的,鲁莽的, 轻率的轻率的 radical 基本的,重要的,根本的,激进的,极端的基本的,重要的,根本的,激进的,极端的 document 公文,文件,文献公文,文件,文献inventory 详细目录,物品清单详细目录,物品清单pillar 柱,台柱,栋梁柱,台柱,栋梁harm 伤害,损害,危害伤害,损害,危害grip 握紧,抓紧,握握紧,抓紧,握antenna 天线天线sip 一小口,啜饮,抿,一小口的量一小口,啜饮,抿,一小口的量 devise 设计,发明,想出设计,发明,想出bold 大胆的,勇敢的,冒失的,冒昧的,黑体的,粗体的大胆的,勇敢的,冒失的,冒昧的,黑体的,粗体的 highly 高度的,很,非常,赞许的高度的,很,非常,赞许的stadium 体育场体育场 diffuse 传播,散布,扩散传播,散布,扩散 globe 球体,地球仪,地球,世界球体,地球仪,地球,世界 negligible 可以忽略的,微不足道的可以忽略的,微不足道的 mostly 主要的,大部分,通常主要的,大部分,通常 dine 吃饭,进餐吃饭,进餐 graph 图标,曲线图图标,曲线图 tile 瓦片,瓷砖瓦片,瓷砖 gaol/jail 监狱,拘留所,拘留某人监狱,拘留所,拘留某人 segregate 隔离,分开隔离,分开 spider 蜘蛛蜘蛛 invasion 浸入,侵略浸入,侵略 precedent 先例,惯例,范例先例,惯例,范例 critical 批评的,评论的,危急的,紧要的,挑剔的批评的,评论的,危急的,紧要的,挑剔的 excursion 短途旅行,游览短途旅行,游览 commit 犯错误,干坏事,把…交托给,提交犯错误,干坏事,把…交托给,提交 integrate 使成为一体,使合并使成为一体,使合并 message 消息,信息,通讯,启示,要旨消息,信息,通讯,启示,要旨 crash 碰撞,坠落,崩溃,摔坏,失败,瓦解,撞击声碰撞,坠落,崩溃,摔坏,失败,瓦解,撞击声 environment 环境,外界环境,外界 cozy 温暖而舒适的温暖而舒适的 boundary 分界线,边界分界线,边界 peep 偷看,窥视偷看,窥视 toast 烤面包,土司,祝酒词,祝酒烤面包,土司,祝酒词,祝酒 conducter 领队,指挥,售票员,列车员领队,指挥,售票员,列车员 neighborhood 邻居,四邻,街道,住宅区邻居,四邻,街道,住宅区 halt 止步,停止,停止前进止步,停止,停止前进 isle 小岛,岛小岛,岛 intrigue 密谋,施诡计,引起极大兴趣,激起…好奇心,迷住,阴谋,诡计住,阴谋,诡计 character 性格,品质,特征,特性,任务,角色,字符,汉字汉字 stoop 弯腰弯腰 cater 迎合迎合 inertia 不活动,惰性,惯性不活动,惰性,惯性deviate 偏离,背离偏离,背离drawer 画家,抽屉画家,抽屉closet 私下的,隐蔽的,橱,壁橱,把…引进密室会谈私下的,隐蔽的,橱,壁橱,把…引进密室会谈 deadly 致命的,致死的致命的,致死的luggage 行李行李plausible 似乎合理的,似乎可信的似乎合理的,似乎可信的vice 恶习,坏事,邪恶,台钳恶习,坏事,邪恶,台钳repay 付还,偿还,报答,回报付还,偿还,报答,回报underneath 在…下面,在下面,在底下在…下面,在下面,在底下blur 模糊不清的事物,污点,(使)模糊,涂污,污损(使)模糊,涂污,污损 percentage 百分数,百分百,百分率百分数,百分百,百分率nucleus 核,原子核,核心核,原子核,核心ambiguous 模棱两可的模棱两可的List 4 crust 外皮,壳,地壳外皮,壳,地壳interference 干涉,干预,妨碍,打扰干涉,干预,妨碍,打扰regardless 不留心,不注意的,不管不留心,不注意的,不管terror 恐怖,可怕的人(事)恐怖,可怕的人(事)shelter 掩蔽处,躲避处,掩蔽,保护,庇护掩蔽处,躲避处,掩蔽,保护,庇护lick 舔lest 唯恐,免得唯恐,免得confine 限制,局限于限制,局限于textile 纺织品纺织品grieve 使悲伤,使伤心使悲伤,使伤心provision 供应,供应品,准备,预备,条款,规定,给养,口粮供应,供应品,准备,预备,条款,规定,给养,口粮 contradict 反驳,同…矛盾,同…抵触反驳,同…矛盾,同…抵触infectious 传染的,传染性的传染的,传染性的mat 席子,垫子席子,垫子union 协会,工会,同盟,联合,合并,一致,融洽协会,工会,同盟,联合,合并,一致,融洽 intelligible 可理解的,易领悟的,清楚的可理解的,易领悟的,清楚的supplement 增补(物),补充(物),增刊,增刊propel 推进,推动,激励,驱使推进,推动,激励,驱使torch 手电筒手电筒appal 使惊骇,使恐怖使惊骇,使恐怖snowstorm 暴风雪暴风雪dormitory (集体)宿舍(集体)宿舍drain 排水沟,阴沟,流出,消耗,(使液体)排去,放干(使液体)排去,放干 portrait 肖像,画像肖像,画像stationery 文具文具expand (使)膨胀,(使)扩张,张开,展开(使)扩张,张开,展开spade 铁锹,铲子铁锹,铲子visual 视觉的,看的视觉的,看的vocal 嗓音的,发声的嗓音的,发声的attribute 属性,品质,特征,把…归于,认为…是…所为属性,品质,特征,把…归于,认为…是…所为 occurrence 发生,出现,事件,事故,发生的事情发生,出现,事件,事故,发生的事情laptop 便携式电脑便携式电脑attach 缚上,系上,贴上,使依附,使隶属,使依恋缚上,系上,贴上,使依附,使隶属,使依恋 arch 拱门,弓形结构,桥拱洞,拱起,使变成弓形拱门,弓形结构,桥拱洞,拱起,使变成弓形 available 可用的,可得到的,可以见到的,随时可来的可用的,可得到的,可以见到的,随时可来的 compound 混合物,化合物,混合的,化合的,复合的混合物,化合物,混合的,化合的,复合的data 数据,资料数据,资料gown 女式礼服,女裙服,(外科医生手术室穿的)罩衣,(法官等穿的)长袍(法官等穿的)长袍underestimate 低估低估vague 不明确的额,含糊的,暧昧的不明确的额,含糊的,暧昧的locomotive 运动的,移动的,运载的,机车,火车头运动的,移动的,运载的,机车,火车头 tremendous 极大的,巨大的极大的,巨大的deprive 夺去,使丧失夺去,使丧失rape 鬼畜行为鬼畜行为preparation 准备,预备,制剂,制备品准备,预备,制剂,制备品affirm 断言,肯定,(在法庭)证实,宣誓说实话(在法庭)证实,宣誓说实话petrol 汽油汽油seal 海豹,印,图章,封条,铅封,封,密封海豹,印,图章,封条,铅封,封,密封 confidence 信任,信心,自信信任,信心,自信simultaneous 同时的,同时存在的同时的,同时存在的specimen 标本,样本标本,样本audience 听众,观众,读者听众,观众,读者collision 碰撞,构成碰撞,构成constitute 组成,构成组成,构成rehearsal 排练,彩排排练,彩排headquarters 司令部,指挥部,总部,总局司令部,指挥部,总部,总局alert 警惕的,机灵的警惕的,机灵的plentiful 富裕的,丰富的富裕的,丰富的congress (代表)大会,(美国等国的)国会,议会(美国等国的)国会,议会 foremost 最重要的,首先,第一最重要的,首先,第一arouse 唤醒,唤起,激起,引起唤醒,唤起,激起,引起interact 互相作用,互相影响互相作用,互相影响utter 说,发出(声音),彻底的,完全的,彻底的,完全的chill 寒冷,寒气,寒战,使寒冷寒冷,寒气,寒战,使寒冷salad 色拉,凉拌菜色拉,凉拌菜yell 叫喊叫喊tomb 坟,冢坟,冢keen 热心的,渴望的,敏锐的,头脑敏捷的,锋利的热心的,渴望的,敏锐的,头脑敏捷的,锋利的 topic 话题,主题,题目话题,主题,题目growth 生长,增长,发展生长,增长,发展aboard 在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车)在船(飞机、车)上,上船(飞机、车)describe 描述,形容描述,形容 aware 知道的,意识到的知道的,意识到的Word List 4 crust n. n.外皮,壳;地壳地壳interference n.干涉,干预,妨碍,打扰干涉,干预,妨碍,打扰干涉,干预,妨碍,打扰 regardless a./ad.不管不管…的,不顾…的,不注意的不注意的 terror n.恐怖,可怕的人(事)恐怖,可怕的人(事) shelter n. n.掩蔽处掩蔽处;掩蔽,保护保护 v .掩蔽,躲避,庇护庇护 lick vt. vt.舔;舔;(火焰或浪)掠过;打败掠过;打败 n.舔;少量舔;少量 lest conj. conj.惟恐惟恐,免得免得confine vt. vt.限制;使不外出,禁闭限制;使不外出,禁闭n. textile n. n.纺织品纺织品纺织品 a.纺织的纺织的grieve v .使悲伤,使伤心使伤心provision n.供应,(一批)供应品;预备;条款;(pl.)给养给养 contradict v.反驳;同…矛盾,同…抵触抵触 infectious a. a. 传染的,有传染性的,有感染力的传染的,有传染性的,有感染力的 mat n.席子,垫子垫子union n. n.联合,团结;联盟,联邦;协会,社团;和谐和谐 intelligible a.可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的 supplement n.补遗补遗;增刊;附录附录 v .增刊,补充补充 propel vt.推进,推动;激励,驱使推进,推动;激励,驱使 torch n. n.手电筒,火炬,火把手电筒,火炬,火把 appal v. v.使惊骇,使恐怖使惊骇,使恐怖snowstorm n.暴风雪暴风雪dorm n.(dormitory) n.(dormitory)[美][口]宿舍[口]宿舍 drain n. n.排水沟,阴沟;消耗,负担负担 v .排去,放干放干 portrait n.肖像,画像画像 stationery n.文具文具文具 expand v.(使)膨胀,(使)扩张;张开,展开展开 spade n. n.铁锹,铲子铲子visual a.看的,看得见的;视觉的视觉的 vocal a. a.声音的;有声的;歌唱的歌唱的 n.元音;声乐作品声乐作品 attribute v.(to)归因于,归属于归属于 n.属性,品质,特征特征 occurrence n.发生,出现,事件,事故,发生的事情发生,出现,事件,事故,发生的事情发生,出现,事件,事故,发生的事情 laptop n.膝上型电脑膝上型电脑attach v .系,贴,装,连接;使成为一部分;使依恋系,贴,装,连接;使成为一部分;使依恋 arch n. n.拱门,桥拱洞拱门,桥拱洞拱门,桥拱洞 v .拱起,(使)变成弓形变成弓形 available a.(用于物)可利用的;可见到的,接受采访的可利用的;可见到的,接受采访的 compound n.混合物,化合物化合物 a.混合的,化合的;vt.混合混合 data n.(datum n.(datum 的复数)资料,数据资料,数据 gown n. n.长袍,特殊场合穿的长服长袍,特殊场合穿的长服长袍,特殊场合穿的长服 underestimate vt.低估,看轻低估,看轻vague a. a.不明确的,含糊的,暧昧的暧昧的locomotive n.机车机车,火车头火车头 a.运动的,移动的,运载的运载的 tremendous a.巨大的巨大的,极大的极大的deprive vt. vt.剥夺剥夺,夺去,使丧失使丧失rape n./vt. n./vt.掠夺掠夺,蹂躏,强奸强奸preparation n.准备,预备;制剂,制备品制备品 affirm vt.断言,坚持声称;肯定;证实,确认;确认; petrol n.汽油汽油seal n. n.封铅封铅,封条;印,图章;海豹海豹 v .封,密封密封 confidence n.(in)信任;信心,自信;秘密,机密机密 simultaneous a.同时的,同时存在的同时存在的 specimen n.标本,样本样本audience n.听众,观众,读者,谒见,会见听众,观众,读者,谒见,会见 collision n.碰撞;(利益,意见等的)冲突,抵触冲突,抵触 constitute vt.组成,构成,形成;设立,建立,任命组成,构成,形成;设立,建立,任命组成,构成,形成;设立,建立,任命 rehearsal n.排练,排演,演习,预演,试演试演 headquarters n.司令部司令部,指挥部;总部,总局总局 alert a. a.机警的,警觉的;机灵的机警的,警觉的;机灵的 vt.使…警觉警觉 plentiful a.富裕的,丰富的丰富的congress n.(代表)大会;(美国等国的)国会,议会议会 foremost a.最先的;最初的; 主要的主要的 ad.首要地首要地 arouse vt.唤醒,叫醒;唤起,激起唤醒,叫醒;唤起,激起 interact v.互相作用,互相影响互相影响utter v. v.说,发出(声音) a.彻底的彻底的,完全的完全的 chill n. n.寒冷,寒气,寒战寒战 v .使寒冷使寒冷 salad n. n.色拉,凉拌菜色拉,凉拌菜yell vi. vi.大叫大叫;呼喊呼喊 vt.叫着说叫着说 n.叫声;喊声喊声 tomb n. n.坟,冢keen a. a.锋利的锋利的;敏锐的;敏捷的;(on)热心的,渴望的渴望的 topic n. n.话题,主题,题目题目growth n.生长,发展,增长生长,发展,增长 aboard ad.&prep.在船(飞机、车)上;ad.上船(飞机) describe v.描述,形容形容aware a. a.知道的,意识到的;知道的,意识到的; Word List 5 straightforward a. a.正直的正直的;简单的,易懂的易懂的 ad.坦率地坦率地 advisable a. a.可取的,适当的,明智的可取的,适当的,明智的可取的,适当的,明智的 fiber n.(fibre)纤维;构造;纤维制品纤维制品 dedicate vt.奉献;献身于献身于stall n.货摊;畜栏,厩 v.(使)停转,(使)停止停止 rectify v.纠正,整顿, resign v. v.辞去辞去,辞职,使听从(于),使顺从使顺从 oar n. n.桨,橹 v .划,划动,划行划行merchant n.商人,零售商零售商royalty n.皇家,皇族皇族innumerable a.无数的,数不清的数不清的 verge n. n.边,边缘边缘 v .濒临濒临community n.同一地区的全体居民,社会,社区;共同体共同体 prosperous a. a.繁荣的繁荣的,兴旺的,茂盛的,顺利的顺利的 foam v./n.泡沫,起泡沫起泡沫 veteran n.老手,老兵老兵feature n.特征;容貌;特色;特写特写 v .以...为特色为特色 monarch n.帝王,君主,最高统治者帝王,君主,最高统治者 novelty n.新奇,新颖,新奇的事物新奇的事物 junction n.连接连接,接合,交叉点,枢纽站,接头,中继线中继线 principle n.原理,原则;主义,信念信念thrive v. v.兴旺兴旺,繁荣繁荣combination n.结合,联合;化合;团体;组合数码结合,联合;化合;团体;组合数码 splash v .溅,泼 n.溅,飞溅声飞溅声synthesis n.(pl.syntheses) n.(pl.syntheses)综合,合成合成 deteriorate v.( v.(使)恶化,(使)变坏变坏 confer v.商讨;授予,颁给(勋衔,学位等) miracle n.奇迹,令人惊奇的人(或事) limp a.柔软的,易曲的易曲的 v./n.蹒跚,跛行跛行 consent v./n.(to)同意,赞成,答应答应 abnormal a.反常的,不正常的,不规则的反常的,不正常的,不规则的反常的,不正常的,不规则的 mischief n.损害损害,伤害,危害;恶作剧,胡闹;灾祸灾祸 introduction n.(to)介绍;传入,引进;导言,导论,绪论绪论 colonial a.殖民地的,关于殖民的殖民地的,关于殖民的殖民地的,关于殖民的 n.殖民地居民殖民地居民 efficient a.有效的,效率高的;有能力的,能胜任的能胜任的 benefit n.利益,好处,恩惠恩惠 v .有益于;(from,by)受益受益 bosom n. n.胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;胸,胸部;胸怀;内心;a.亲密的亲密的 solar a. a.太阳的太阳的,日光的日光的dissolve v.(使)溶解,(使)融化;解散,取消取消 fisherman n.渔民,渔夫渔民,渔夫semiconductor n.半导体半导体arrange v .安排,筹划;整理,使有条理,排列,布置安排,筹划;整理,使有条理,排列,布置 orderly a.整齐的,有秩序的,有条理的有条理的 n.勤务兵勤务兵 meantime n.(meanwhile) n.(meanwhile)其间,其时其时 ad.同时,当时当时 reptile n.爬行动物爬行动物rag n. n.抹布抹布,破布,碎布碎布tuition n.学费;(某一学科的)教学,讲授,指导教学,讲授,指导 heave v.(用力)举,提,拉;扔;拖;呕吐n.举起举起 enthusiasm n. n.热情热情,热心;狂热;积极性(for) pope n. n.罗马教皇,主教,大腿上要害部位大腿上要害部位 edible a. a.可食用的可食用的可食用的 supervise v .管理,监督监督likewise ad.同样地同样地,照样地;又,也,而且而且plea n.(法律)抗辩;请求,恳求,托词,口实抗辩;请求,恳求,托词,口实reclaim v .要求归还,收回;开垦开垦thorougha.彻底的,完全的;精心的精心的trunk n.大衣箱,皮箱;(汽车后部)行李箱;树干,躯干躯干historic a.有历史意义的,历史的有历史意义的,历史的有历史意义的,历史的 fitting a.适当的,恰当的恰当的 n.(常pl.)配件,附件;装配装配 cashier n.收银员,出纳员出纳员sober a.清醒的;认真的,冷静的,适度的适度的 obsolete a.已废弃的已废弃的,过时的过时的navy n. n.海军海军rural a. a.乡下的,田园的,乡村风味的乡村风味的indulge v .放任,纵容,沉溺;使(自己)纵情享受纵情享受funeral n.丧葬,葬礼葬礼mobilize v.(mobilise)动员,赋予可动性赋予可动性feminine a.女性的女性的;娇柔的娇柔的combat v./n.战斗,搏斗,格斗格斗style n.风格,文体;式样,时式,类型类型 cottage n.村舍,小屋,别墅别墅Word List 6 abide vi.(abode ,abided)(by)遵守;坚持遵守;坚持acquaint vt.(with)使认识,使了解,使熟悉使认识,使了解,使熟悉aggressive a.侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的侵略的,好斗的,有进取心的,敢作敢为的 agony n.(精神或肉体的精神或肉体的)极大痛苦,创伤极大痛苦,创伤augment vt.(使)增大,增加,增长,扩张增大,增加,增长,扩张carbohydrate n.碳水化合物碳水化合物; 糖类;(plural)淀粉质或糖类淀粉质或糖类cautious a.(of)小心的小心的,谨慎的谨慎的compensate v.(for)补偿,赔偿赔偿 complicate v.使..复杂;使..难懂;使(疾病等)恶化;难懂;使(疾病等)恶化;confident n.(of,in)确信的,自信的自信的contrary a.相反的,矛盾的,对抗的相反的,矛盾的,对抗的相反的,矛盾的,对抗的 n.矛盾,反对,相反,反面,对立物(面)矛盾,反对,相反,反面,对立物(面) crew n.全体船员全体船员,全体乘务员全体乘务员decline v.下降下降,衰落;拒绝拒绝 n.下降;斜面,倾斜,衰落衰落definite a.明确的明确的;一定的;意志坚强的,立场坚定的立场坚定的detector n.发现者发现者,侦察器,探测器,检波器,检电器检电器discourse n.论文论文;演说;谈话;话语话语 vi.讲述,著述著述dome n.圆屋顶圆屋顶圆屋顶 echo v./n.回声回声,反响,共鸣共鸣encounter n./v.遇到遇到,遭遇遭遇extract v./n.拔出拔出,抽出;摘录n.抽取物;精华;选集选集fee n.费(会费,学费等);酬金酬金flourish n./v.繁荣繁荣,茂盛,兴旺兴旺fragile a.易碎的,脆的,易损坏的;虚弱的,脆弱的易碎的,脆的,易损坏的;虚弱的,脆弱的易碎的,脆的,易损坏的;虚弱的,脆弱的 frost n.霜,霜冻,严寒严寒global a.球形的球形的;全球的,全世界的;全面的全面的immigrant a.(从国外从国外)移来的,移民的移民的 n.移民,侨民侨民institute n.学会学会,研究所;学院学院 v .设立,设置,制定制定interrupt v.中断中断,遮断,阻碍;打断(话),打扰打扰invade vt.入侵入侵,侵略,侵袭,侵扰侵扰junior a./n.年少的年少的/者,三年级的/学生,下级(的) laughter n.笑,笑声笑,笑声笑,笑声 linen n.亚麻布亚麻布,亚麻布制品亚麻布制品lumber n.木材木材,木料木料majesty n.雄伟雄伟,壮丽,庄严,威严;最高权威,王权王权manoeuvre/maneuver v. 演习演习 运动运动 巧妙地引导某人(物)巧妙地引导某人(物)mock v.嘲笑嘲笑嘲笑 a.假的,模拟的模拟的 n.(常pl.)模拟考试模拟考试mode n.方式,式样方式,式样方式,式样 negotiate v.商订;谈判,洽谈,交涉商订;谈判,洽谈,交涉商订;谈判,洽谈,交涉 nominate v.提名提名,任命任命numerical a.数字的,用数字表示的,数值的数字的,用数字表示的,数值的数字的,用数字表示的,数值的 obligation n.义务,责任义务,责任义务,责任 obstruction n.妨碍妨碍,障碍物障碍物oppose v.反对反对,使对立,使对抗,使相对使相对ounce n.盎司,英两盎司,英两盎司,英两 patron n.赞助人;资助人;老顾客,老主顾赞助人;资助人;老顾客,老主顾赞助人;资助人;老顾客,老主顾 personnel n.全体人员全体人员,全体职员;人事(部门) phase n.阶段阶段,状态,时期;相,相位相位plateau n.高原高原,平稳状态平稳状态positive a.肯定的肯定的,积极的,绝对的,无疑的,正的正的posture n.姿势姿势,姿态,心态,态度态度 v .作出某种姿势作出某种姿势previous a.先前的先前的,以前的以前的princess n.公主,王妃公主,王妃公主,王妃 propose v.提议提议,建议;提名,推荐;求婚求婚pursue v.追赶追赶,追踪;继续,从事从事reckless a.不注意的不注意的,大意的,卤莽的,不顾后果的不顾后果的relate v.叙述叙述,讲述;使互相关联使互相关联relationship n. 关系,联系关系,联系repertoire n.节目节目,全部剧目,保留剧目,全部技能全部技能sake n.缘故缘故,理由理由scheme n.计划计划,方案;阴谋;配置配置 v .计划,策划;阴谋阴谋scorn v./n.轻蔑轻蔑,藐视藐视sequence n.先后先后,次序;连续,数列数列somehow ad. 不知怎么的,设法,以某种方式不知怎么的,设法,以某种方式specialist n.专家专家专家 string n.弦,线,细绳;(一串),(一行) v.缚,捆subscribe vi.(to)订阅,订购;同意vt.捐助,赞助捐助,赞助telegraph n.电报机,电报电报机,电报电报机,电报 v .打电报传达消息,电告打电报传达消息,电告thermal a.热的热的,热力的;(小规模的)上升气流上升气流。
新东方俞敏洪四级词汇词根 联想记忆法乱序版_绿皮书

四级词汇乱序版词根+联想记忆法Word List 1sincere moodstatic senator hobbyladequipfrown fasten softwarestir distribution flexible solution panel ministry supreme describe limb circumstance core assistant messminus statistic pregnant sector detection statuebridecycle saucer skillful civilization overhead clashgrantbondstaff intermediate guitar comprehensive presence appliance cushion emergency solvelabelslimstatussteady include resistance prime ambassador derive sponsor proportion mental punchresultclient steamer option dormitory attitude steep agencysteer scandalWord List 2definitecautious prayer nest domestic chestairlinerebel satisfactory stemrender object gardener shrink parade rumorrug establish primarily kindness breaststickyboostfund incredible abroad detectivestiff stimulate fame consume accelerate lightning sting rouse cultivate material personnel display particle frog impression biology drunk barrier stock fisherman politician royal barber stocking delegate highlight depression signature atmosphere evaluate rescue personality latter parliament input partial loyalty calendar overlook debate stoopbound Word List 3cube submerge credit surrounding stovesubmitcarrierimplystrainconsiststrapefficient accommodation strategiclayerexclaim representative forecast discipline neutral interpretknot desirable promote acceptance mayor equation routineripeprove likewisechapexplore strawbind stream bearing suppose access remain abstract stretch approximate striking abusecritic interpretation string illustrate helpfulleak accountant crude product stripstripe communicate following hedge Consumer emotional craft institute indispensable scheme scaleovernight strategy replace barkWord List 4grammar congress bump stroke ingredient arbitrary pinch exploit actionashropebulk strengthen independent board recall studio graveeve formal absorb sensitive ability fairy talent comparison stuffbrowinfer invasion grand stress subject poleraw embassy carpenter appropriate socialist protein enlarge inherit chemist conflict drain architecture charity entitle subsequent spanpea instruct spite slender automobile behavior envy substance contest spit mutual dorm substantial meanwhilejournalist supply penetrate desire convictionWord List 5interaction menu frustrate belief confusion civilize preface chemical horizontal invitation auto electric purse blank courtyard rural discourage reflection rainbow slide removal missing graph fortnight disgust offense allow proportional devote empire microphone subtract cupboard soreraidlower comment distress publicity spin museum outstanding rackrent housing complain evidently lungdeny ownership rid harness acknowledge passion genuine imaginary prompt invention lucky confidence suburb industrialize fearful intelligencepace gesture loop sheer childhood crush intention findingWord List 6Subway magnet defect attribute release succession chipsimilar maintain advertisement privilegedull provoke function substitute extremeorbit correspondent fashionable allowance component interrupt successive external somehow declaration distribute specialist rotaterodsuck curl bureau moist relative suggestion restless delivery claim suicidedipprofit lease disposal appealcartstable married reckon practically reception juryglorymist congratulate sum execute essay routemeritlocal compromisenegative suffer sufficient court rally feather characterize explode awareWord List 7grainkettle summarize faulty highly summary conservation summit reward available specialize structure resident boundary radical leadingrag prescribe demonstrate manner sunrise construct railway opportunity lagfade sunset singular broom proofresortrecruit contrast sunshine introduction ancestorsplitpainfulsuperb interest noticeable graduate glancebloodyfierce paragraph enquire preparation justicedripemit superficial recommendation solefolkrankmotorairportbeneath recreation procession tackle combination hell enclose bounce occasion determine advisable permissionWord List 8Statement Award Boldso-called superior sunlight alternative kingdom mobile damn storage supplement locate cabin majority receiver support Bible assign episode fatalpad excursion ignorant county condense heal asset involve impressive controversial curve spiritual astonishfoldalert condition segment cabbage condemn mild surgery leisure accomplish plug presentation surplus cassette surround privatebulb meaning annual expansion eliminate horn responsibility damrear hollow charter leadership shallow procedure challenge alike phenomenon survey curtain household survivalWord List 9medal invest survive awkward synthetic manufacture curse suspect suspend tide crossing tour barely copegap oppose deadline automatic joint surrender rudefaint conference issue swallow interior calculator analyze swear center tidy passport swelllink brave swift prohibit approve swing ideal arrest landscape represent audience switch sword spot symbol sanction bucket poetry fiber pension beggar illustration liablehazard miracle sway editorial recognition librarian analysis kid partner bunch management sympathize session delicious breezeWord List 10imitate infant sympathy advantage considerable spur religious banner nylon exceedingly symptom pillar outcome journey forehead conscience precise cable screw gangfavor constitute squeeze system culture missile contribute fascinating entertainment cigarette immense outer revolutionary fabricridgemass competent conclusion bang curious pulse encounter concern preposition pond provision reinforce systematic(al) railpatrationalfleecast Marxist connexion priordye graceful onion seal saint hesitate crawl response executive tag means nephew motivateWord List 11failure consistent nowhere sympathetic sketch calmtame cancel pray target camel technician setting technique tax emerge capable technology selfish definition per participate tedious anxious current mask musician temple decay criticism feedback accordance perceive scarcely clay intelligent conductor frequency attractive garlic temporary recognize puzzle elevator acquisition absolute frankhipfamine fundamental plural anticipate teenager compress pepper discharge telescope temper extensive amuse polish democratic temptation disguise glue solemn tend ancient effective channelWord List 12primitive consent organize drama miserable fur antique replacement innerclerk liquor presently gene security nerve greedy essential decorate excess compare command fuel plastic legal moderate atomic anchor mystery associate reaction affecttenseflour comedy directly collision absent criticalpawcrew congratulation interference flesh innocent excitement adultcharacteristic pressure nearby environment crime pigeon cement magnificent tendency investigate infinite painter tender enhance arrival brief ambition outline aero plane fertilizer tension petrol distinguish shortcomingWord List 13propose former consumption terminal casual tough pursue unexpected governor oral territory meregrosstone indication concerning embrace numerous launch discount maintenance incline misunderstand lapnotion hatred slippery durable inference employee sausage theme colleague dramatic patience spacecraft preserve import bankrupt cartoon alliance romantic barrel theoreticalliberal lavatory marry constitution tolerate intellectual amateur mushroom millimeter mate elbow textile frame blend stack settle hopeful criminal insert specifically accuse reveal pack guilty payment offensiveWord List 14elect downward liquidcluejazz conjunction lord therapy cease variable identity obligation relativity consult anyway indirect agent scan lemon opponent climate thinking quiz airplane thirsty objection platform merchant fertile particularly division crisis thorough forth observer retreat relevant precision admit jungle thoughtful apartmentaddition architect integrate exterior thereby therefore handful loyal furthermore insurance category refine thick minority sorrow afterward entire carbon chamber realm ratio capture baseball boring crowd sample estate threat reliableWord List 15constant sustain horsepower suspicion prospect conductlawn transmit pollutionslip influential handle threaten aircraftthriveharm similarly prominents i g n a l encourage chief instant thrust thumb honey enforce ease thunder living room monument assess panic blanket drift normally dismiss deputy acre contract anniversaryrecession commitment monitor sparkmug absence appreciate bean elastic presumably bargain significant throat extend comparable container mainland expose policy machinery exert collection gasoline dispose arouse rage inward series roast timber reluctantWord List 16license upright author mission growth attack furnish pretend concentrate institution flat tissue delicate upper gram crowntitle convey mount conventional topicrenewtorchclap conservative copyright establishment layout auxiliary major legislation moisture nationality foundation gulf assistance combat exhibittoast tolerance amongst slicedairy consultant multiply naked centigrade measurement precaution allocate certificate agenda electronic alongside donation fragment reverse apply reform generally electron distinct priority elementary towel opera digital artistic elderly crackWord List 17Christ evidence naturally mechanic traceexpand laughter compassleanminister duration comprehension tractor tradition compete goodness tragedy offend instinct revenue transform hay Advocate modify fantastic complicated historic specify translation prosperous baggage pour transmission obtain enthusiasm equivalent assemble sloperetire professional bullettrail prosperity pants minor shortage equality jealous dominate inspect generator lorrycue transfer farewell secondary assume awful process lick overcome motion crucial priest transparent illegal fancy conscious transportWord List 18contemporary chill breadth flood species necessity scare scientific transportation regardless create diagram valid copper estimate carriagematcashier bleed carrot tray realistic retain fortunately comb reference treatment powerful positive owing appoint artificial project treaty emphasis selectsensible faithful trap intensity remedy hearing decent historical confine gymnasium academy definitely recorder sour fruitful expectation disappear trash tremble attraction abundant faith mathematical navy tremendous dominant proposal magnetic harden trend elaborate battriangle literaryjaildesign scriptWord List 19saddlelestcreep affordtrialinnchoke dental council portion lodge troop vague tropical coil benefit troublesome fantasy usage finance exaggerate trunk grocer cruise initial railroad tube attain devise density tune source shrug daylightfemale posetruly peculiar export resume portrait utter bacteria idle pledge exchange emotion harsh exposure saving reasonable trumpet applause nonsense tunnelsite turbine handy background tutor sauce combine pillbay ceremony formula reservoir delete pump backward twist range niece protestWord List 20centimeter predict acquaintance learning spider counsel commit typewriter sinsow companion destination typical corresponding donkey frontier fraction cabinet amid manufacturer independence academic evolve exception dictation profession authority deposit enquiry differ argument memorialoutlook typist apart additional consequence nevertheless dirtlobby occasional doubtful committee tyreugly parallel cooperate appetite impose invade controversy confident nursery faculty dim moreover earnest heroic umbrella orchestra arithmetic basically battery heel oblige convict respond cite discard grab deceive senior modest continuousWord List 21comprise revolt expense campus mold insure cash virtue violent react odd diverse manual uncover ban undertake salary skilled assembly merry undo undoubtedly globe uneasy precious mosquito petroleum favourable sightseeing economicconfront undergo journal emperor undergraduate circular dictate inform underground hook underline male proceed hydrogen forcefogfluiddrill understanding nitrogen commission jaw multiple poverty relyeffort accumulate cheat humorous rarerival echo investment collapse corridor despitepit counter balcony diplomatic cigar bathe conquer inflationWord List 22thermometer worthwhile scenery terror average democracy slap obstacle occur nuisance significance up-to-date justify neglect dragflash immigrant remarkable increasingly indoor palm exclusive namely universe burst preferable filter anyhowmembership union roller formation punctual relieve candy spokesman employer unique mathematics herd cheerful advertise reflexion unite secure mineral universal lane beloved adapt mislead score qualify global heave unless excessive marine behalf advanced soda unlike adjust unload leader spelling accordingly anxiety ridiculous unusual scholarship divorce headquarters commerceWord List 23torture fashion incident upset underneath recover theory evolution mythtrimmud unfortunately relate coordinate restore receipt contrary Christian hardware bloom dragon specimen chew utmost original religionextraordinary debturgeurgent qualification satellite publication cliff restrain commander carpetpeer highway breed ensure requirement attempt flock largely restraint focus protective utilityjet communication beyond vacant conclude restrict respectively fairlysailorremark assure balance campaign psychological contradiction dose vacation immediately vacuumoreclausecattlebarnlaser initiative compelWord List 24basis contact guarantee semiconductor ribobvious geometry butcher triumph maid eyesight poisonous aid coach decrease relief continual slight stare grace band mechanicalinterview vainpastesoak exceed boomitem hammer metricjar resource compose military package van besides injection laboratory vanish experimental mysterious sakekeen vapour haste magic considerate ditch ignorance balloon brake databakegear patient altitude inquiry implement remind pint enginebidscout mould avenue instance career fountain format correspondWord List 25clarify mercy expression exact decade dimension vision unity vigorous via industrial preference screen error gratitude slamevil accent imagination elsewhereskim severe conquest improve variety election expert dive various rifle stake corporation vary eagle figure vast simplify instead shell drawer quote depress schedule limitation disturb cancer accord champion framework social endure gradual sleeve concession vehicle register apology luggage desperate billion venture queue aside reflect beneficial repeatedly kindergarten verify reduction version implication accustomed helicopter normalWord List 26shiver stadium grasp economy rotten dash recently concept rigid entertain horrorfatigue consideration vice notebookchopr e s p e c t f u l l y y o u r s, admission diseasevertical vessel evident apologize scholarcostly veteran glimpse finally approval judgement regulationc o rd i a l l y, powder improvement remote providerubfiction occurrence adopt navigation adventure float dynamic vibrate indifferentplot ignore infect confirm harbour concrete organic phase previous helpless amaze despair victim possibility video viewpoint erect obey rarely vinegar approach violate distinction holy philosophy golf outward section penaltyWord List 27dump internal installation charge criticize disorder rocket dessert dispute draught appointment meantime murder violin perspective laundry virtual virtuallybutterfly circuit frequent departlenssigh violence reserve aluminium hencepine opening acidhengiant crystal operational racial construction image blade physicist sack behave organism shortly interval violet calculate confess appearance virus ambulance liberty consequently insistsolarflourish correspondence pronoun property shave selection limited enormous impactvisible conceal earthquake curriculum featureloafstain demand media comparativeWord List 28massive ultimate extent employment medium urban engineering marvelous learned shelter reporter profile shed necessarily vitamin reproduceevent resolve avoid respective boast sew indicate govern visual utilize chase prevail pillow packet heap variation primary dense outside owe interfere burden scatter starve simplicity bare compound orderly resolution grateful convenience vivid outset deserve assignment principal enable refrigerator keyboard poisonmill electrical install outputally vocabulary athlete honourable brass merely engage sphere purple volcano decline classic staleWord List 29liberate standpoint activity volt arrange canal device according shift sophisticated dampfry extension instructionvoltage angle volume voluntary rhythm bore marriage bet spade official beast drum crash boot charm literature handbag volunteer oval glorious inspire protection argue cop given chapter likely omit adequate departure assumption potential permanent quit region overseas vote furnace wagon agriculture oven waist editor republican factorhint waken plunge applicable wander luxury loosen readily devil border warmth creative waterproof cargoWord List30explosion economical progressive residence resemble perception notify pollute persist principle peak marginannoy whichever whereas rob recommend pitch perform connect pilotvitalscold intense horrible edition speculate mechanism dumb handwriting educate landlord glove scope recovery weaken refusal wealth overall reputation ending spill character regarding repetition spectacular humour achievement saladfareflame convention network reservation ribbon plentiful classify weapon dissolve splendid scarce politics alphabet performance clumsyaxwealthy detect physician guy administration emphasize frostWord List 31contribution weave crane muscle admire grind harmony lamb column weeklyexclude inquire dialectweed accident Negro identify instrument scratch dependent moral individual loandividechinshield minimum lumploose scissors diametersoar molecule gaze relationship realityriskfeematurep r o v i d e d curiosity organ riotbeingplus nightmare budget chart porter dusk somewhat weepweld competition gallon convert publish market kneel postpone literclick logical convince headline disaster welfare pierce ankle radiation originwell-known exhaust hardshipWord List 32bubble intimate defeat bacon creature operator whilst lid humble descendoptional probable fusswax nucleus financial sequence concede brand junior whale whatsoever relax fireman crust observation mention guideline insight nuclear seminar colony jeans deliberate catalog salesman liver inevitable deck arrangement forbid account furniture aggressive footstep invent catalogue plantation accurate mankindlog pessimistic neighbourhood glowinjure objective alter electricity apparent arrow occupyhuntpollgrape capacity refresh guidance ounce applicant ashamed draftwhip philosopher greenhouseWord List 33competitive destruction application impatient optical alarm wholly semesterlogic negotiate germ whisper withdraw aspect require beam smash responsible accompany affection detail commercial efficiency organization whistle injury refugee embarrass inhabitant province collective ruinresist genius quotation hut community isolate whoever snapache impressfate resistant maximum wicked possess widen widespread active beard classification postage widow accidental happen elementeraarisepoem explosive width grammar wisdom insult freight physical conversely wit location hostile reject purchaseWord List 34jewel determination preliminary alcohol settlement radarwithstand insect civil scrape blast witness melt scream hopeless wolf sacrifice forge lover connection possession wool identical preceding workshop entry digest rate define fulfill generous owner passive chaos workman motive attract revise senate observe gum worm grip optimistic nature brilliant worldwide inferior audio circulate abandon assist pattern index worship fleet mixture currency outlet facility attorney regulate intend brick measure clawrat feasible parcel worthless leap horizon socialismWord List 35influence document civilian gaolworthy dot heading naval oxygen roar fluent poetgym resign wrap sexual endless occupation extra intensive candidate wreck aboard festival single federal microscope classical attach zonedeafspoilwrist accuracy invisible association writer writingX-ray hire confuse garbage overtake gravity yawn sideways bundle leather concentration portable elegant spray yearly funeral acuteghosthalt complex coarse patch favourite rustawait acquire prejudice yieldbolt generate gallery existence percentage specific youngster。

俞敏洪四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第17期:2-7Word List 2-71.dout n.敲,打;(口)影响力,势力儿(口)敲击,掌击【例】Louis fetched Black a clout that knocked himdown the stairs.路易斯猛打了布莱克一拳,把他从楼梯上揍了下去:memorate vt.庆祝:纪念【记】词根记忆:com(共同)+memor(记忆)+ate--大家一起记住--纪念【例】We should commemonUe those who had lost their lives for our country.我们应该纪念那些为国捐躯的人们。
estone n.里程碑:重大事件【记】组合词:mile(英里)+stone(石头)一标记英里数的石碑一里程碑【例】The year 2000 wasanu7estone in the course of China#39;s development.2000年是中国发展过程中的一个里程碑:4.prove v.证明,证实:证明是,表明是【记】词根记忆:prov(证明)+e一证明【例】The statistics prove that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recenttimes.这些统计数据证明,最近一段时间这个地区的生治水平明显提高了。
(2006)5.desert v.放弃,离弃,抛弃;(军人)开小差,擅离职守n.沙漠.不毛之地;荒凉的境地{时期);功过,功罪;[pl.]应得的奖赏(惩罚)【记】词根记忆:de(去掉)+sert(加入)--去掉加入的东西一抛弃【例】A true friend will never desert you in the hour of need.真正的朋友绝不会在危急时刻弃你而去。

俞敏洪《四级词汇词根+联想记忆法乱序版》1俞敏洪绿皮词汇乱序版电子档免费下载《四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版)》Word List 1 sincere 真诚的mood 情绪static 稳定的senator 议员hobby 兴趣lad 小伙子equip 装备frown 蹙眉fasten 紧抓software 软件stir 搅拌distribution 分配flexible 可调节的solution 解决办法panel 平板ministry 部门supreme 最高的describe 描述limb 细枝circumstance 环境core 核心assistant 助手mess 乱minus 减去statistic 统计数据pregnant 孕妇sector 部门detection 侦查statue 雕像bride 新娘cycle自行车saucer 酱汁skillful 娴熟的civilization 文明overhead 在头上,经费clash 碰grant 授予bond 绑staff 人员仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69intermediate 中部的guitar 吉他comprehensive 综合的presence 出席appliance 器械cushion 垫子emergency 紧急情况solve 解决label 标签slim 瘦的status 地位steady 平稳的include 包括resistance 阻力prime 主要的ambassador 大使derive 起源sponsor 启动者,资助者proportion 比例mental 金属punch 打result 导致client 顾客steamer 蒸汽轮船option 选择dormitory 寝室attitude 态度steep 陡的agency 部steer 掌舵scandal 丑闻Word List 2definite 当然的cautious 当心的prayer 祈祷nest 巢domestic 本国的chest 箱子airline 飞机rebel 反叛satisfactory 令人满意的stem 主干仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69render 给予object 反对gardener 园丁shrink 皱缩parade 接受检阅,游行rumour 流言rug 小地毯establish 建立primarily 主要地kindness 好意breast 胸脯sticky 黏的boost 激发,促进fund 基金incredible 难以置信的abroad 到国外detective 侦探stiff 僵硬的stimulate 激发fame 名望consume 消费,消化accelerate 加速lightning 闪电sting 叮,刺bound 划界rouse 唤醒cultivate 培养material 材料personnel 人员display 播放particle 粒子frog 青蛙impression 深刻印象biology 生物drunk 醉的barrier 障碍,栅栏stock 存货fisherman 渔夫politician 政客royal 王室的barber 理发师stocking 长袜delegate 代表highlight 突出仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69depression 沮丧signature 签名atmosphere 大气evaluate 估价rescue 救援personality 人格latter 后面的parliament 议会input 输入partial 部分的loyalty 忠诚calendar 日历,历法overlook 忽视debate 争论stoop 俯身Word List 3cube 立方体submerge 沉入credit 信用surrounding 环境stove 电炉submit 屈服carrier 运输工具imply 暗示strain 拉紧consist 组成strap 捆扎efficient 有效率的accommodation 膳宿strategic 具有战略意义的layer 层exclaim 呼喊representative 具有代表性的forecast 预报discipline 纪律neutral 中性的interpret 打断knot 结desirable 向往的promote 促进acceptance 接受仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69mayor 市长equation 方程routine 管理ripe 成熟的prove 证明likewise 然而chap 小伙子explore 探险overnight 整夜strategy 策略straw 吸管bind 捆扎stream 溪流bearing 风度suppose 假定access 方式,路remain 保持abstract 抽象stretch 延伸approximate估计striking 显眼的abuse 滥用critic 批判interpretation 口译string 弦illustrate 图示helpful 有帮助的leak 裂缝accountant 会计crude 粗野的product 产品strip 脱光stripe 条纹communicate 交流following 接下来的hedge 篱笆consumer 消费者emotional 情绪化的craft 工艺institute 协会indispensable 不可缺少的scheme 计划scale 比例replace 代替仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69bark 吠叫Word List 4gramme 克congress 国会bump 碰撞stroke 划水,中风ingredient 成分arbitrary 专制的,武断的pinch 撮exploit 开发action 行动ash 灰rope 绳bulk 大宗货物strengthen 巩固independent 独立的board 去国外recall 回忆起studio 工作室grave 坟墓eve 前夜formal 正式的absorb 吸收sensitive 敏感的ability 能力fairy 小仙子talent 天赋comparison 比较stuff 填brow 眉毛infer 推断invasion 侵略grand 极好的stress 压力journalist 记者supply 供给penetrate 刺入subject 主题pole 极raw 原始的embassy 大使馆carpenter 木匠仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69appropriate 恰当的socialist 社会学家protein 潜在的enlarge 扩充inherit 继承chemist 化学家conflict 冲突drain 排水architecture 建筑学charity 慈善机构entitle 赋予,命名subsequent 之后的span 延长pea 豌豆instruct 命令,教spite 恶意slender 苗条的automobile 机车behavior 行为envy 羡慕substance 物质contest 竞赛spit 吐mutual 互相dorm 宿舍substantial 丰裕的meanwhile 同时desire 渴望conviction 确信Word List 5 interaction 互相作用menu 菜单frustrate 使沮丧belief 信仰confusion 疑惑civilize 使开化preface 前言chemical 化学的,化学品horizontal 水平的invitation 请柬auto 汽车electric 电的仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69purse 钱包blank 空courtyard 院子rural 乡村的discourage 使灰心reflection 反应rainbow 彩虹slide 滑removal 移除missing 失踪的graph 绘图fortnight 14天disgust 恶心offense 冒犯allow 允许proportional 成比例的devote 奉献empire 王朝microphone 手机subtract 提取pace 步伐gesture 手势loop 线圈sheer 转弯,陡峭的cupboard 橱柜sore 疼痛raid 突击检查lower 降低comment 评论distress 使沮丧publicity 公众注意力spin 旋转museum 博物馆outstanding 杰出的rack 痛苦,折磨rent 租,裂缝housing 住房complain 抱怨evidently 显然lung 肺deny 不承认ownership 所有权rid 使摆脱harness 马具仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69acknowledge 承认,报偿passion 激情genuine 真诚的imaginary 想象的prompt 准时的invention 发明lucky 幸运的confidence 信心suburb 乡村industrialize 工业化fearful 害怕的intelligence 智力childhood 童年crush 碾压intention 意图finding 调查Word List 6subway地铁magnet 有磁性的defect 缺点attribute 归于release 释放successi on 延续,继承chip 碎片similar 相似的maintain 保持advertisement 广告privilege 优惠dull 枯燥的provoke 激起function 功能substitute 代替extreme 极orbit 环绕,轨道correspondent 通讯员fashionable 时尚的allowance 津贴component 组分interrupt 口译successive 延续的external 外在的somehow 不知怎么地仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除谢谢69declaration 声明distribute 分配specialist 专家rotate 转rod 棒子suck 吸吮negative 负的,消极的suffer 受苦sufficient 充足的court 庭,法庭curl 鬈bureau 处,所,司,部moist 潮湿的relative 相关的suggestion 建议restless 多动的delivery 分发claim 声明suicide 自杀dip 蘸profit 好处lease 租契disposal 放,处置appeal 呼吁cart 马车stable 稳定的married 已婚的reckon 猜想,估计practically 几乎reception 招待会jury 陪审团glory 光荣mist 雾congratulate 恭喜sum 加和execute 执行essay 文章route 路径merit 优点local 当地的compromise 折中,妥协rally 集会feather 羽毛characterize 以...为特征explode 爆炸aware 知道Word List 7grain 谷物kettle 水壶summarize 总结faulty 错的highly 很summary 总结conservation 保护summit 巅峰reward 奖励available 有提供的specialize 成为专家structure 结构resident 抵抗boundary 界线radical 基本的leading 重要的rag 碎布prescribe 开处方demonstrate 描述manner 礼仪sunrise 日出construct 构筑railway铁路opportunity 机会lag 落后fade 褪色sunset 日落singular 单数的broom 扫帚beneath 在...下面recreation 娱乐procession 进程tackle 钓具,处理combination 组合hell 地狱proof 证明resort 诉诸recruit新征contrast 比较sunshine 阳光introduction 说明ancestor 原型,祖先split 裂painful 痛苦的superb 极好的interest 兴趣,利息noticeable 显然的graduate 毕业glance 瞥bloody 血的fierce 猛烈的paragraph 段落enquire 询问,调查preparation 准备justice 正义,公正drip 滴emit 发射superficial 肤浅的recommendation 推荐sole 底部的,单独的folk 人们rank 排名motor 马达airport 机场enclose 随信附上bounce 弹occasion 情况determine 决定advisable 明智的permission 允许Word List 8 statement 陈述,声明award 奖励bold 粗鲁的so-called 所谓的superior 高级的sunlight 阳光alternative 二选一的kingdom 王国mobile 移动的damn 诅咒storage 贮存supplement 补充locate 坐落,位于cabin 小木屋majority 主要receiver 收信者support 支持Bible 圣经assign 分配,指派episode 片段fatal 致命的pad 板excursion 散步ignorant 无知的county 县condense 压缩heal 拯救asset 财产involve 包括rear 饲养hollow 中空的charter 宪章leadership 领导权shallow 浅陋的procedure 程序,过程impressive 印象深刻的controversial 有争议的curve 转弯spiritual 精神上的astonish 震撼fold 折叠alert 警戒condition 情况segment 瓣cabbage 卷心菜condemn 谴责mild 驯服的,温柔的surgery 外科手术leisure 空闲时间accomplish 完成plug 插头presentation 提供,表演surplus 过剩的cassette 盒式磁带surround 环绕private 私人的bulb 电灯泡meaning 意义annual 每年的expansion 扩张eliminate 消灭,取消horn 号角responsibility 责任dam 大坝challenge 挑战alike 一样的phenomenon 现象survey 调查curtain 窗帘household 家里的survival 幸存Word List 9medal 奖牌invest 投资survive 幸存awkward 尴尬的synthetic 合成的manufacture 制造curse 诅咒suspect 怀疑suspend 悬挂tide 潮水crossing 交叉的tour 旅行barely 只是cope 妥善解决gap 沟oppose 相对deadline 最后期限automatic 自动的joint 接口;连接的surrender 投降rude 粗鲁的faint 轻微的conference 会议issue 事物swallow 燕子,吞咽interior 内部的calculator 计算器analyse 分析hazard 危害miracle 奇迹sway 摇摆editorial 编辑的recognition 识别librarian 图书馆长analysis 分析kid 小孩子,逗乐partner 搭档swear 发誓center 中心tidy 整洁的passport 护照swell 起伏,膨胀link 连接brave 勇敢的,面对swift 迅速的prohibit 禁止approve 允许swing 使摇摆ideal 理想的arrest 逮捕,拘留landscape 地标,风景represent 代表audience 听众switch 开关sword 剑spot 点,看symbol 象征sanction 批准bucket 木桶poetry 诗歌fibre 纤维pension 退休金beggar 乞丐illustration 解释liable 有义务的,易... 的bunch 束management 管理,经营sympathize 同情session 会议delicious 可口的breeze 清风Word List 10 imitate 模仿infant 婴儿sympathy 同情advantage 优势considerable 大量的spur 刺religious 宗教的banner 横幅nylon 尼龙exceedingly 极symptom 症状pillar 柱子outcome 结果journey 旅行,旅途forehead 额conscience 良心precise 精确地cable 缆绳screw 螺丝,拧螺丝gang 伙favour 恩惠constitute 构成squeeze 挤system 系统culture 文化missile 导弹cast 扔,投掷Marxist 马克思主义者prior 预先的dye 染料graceful 优雅的onion 洋葱seal 封saint 圣hesitate 犹豫crawl 爬行contribute 贡献fascinating 不可思议的entertainment 娱乐cigarette 烟immense 巨大的outer 外太空的revolutionary 革命的fabric 织物ridge 脊mass 质量competent 能胜任的,有能力conclusion 结论bang 猛击curious 好奇的pulse 脉搏encounter 遇见concern 关注,公司preposition 介词pond 池塘provision 提供reinforce 加强systematic(al) 系统的rail 栏杆pat 轻拍rational 理智的flee 逃走response 负责任executive 可执行的tag 标签,名言means 方式nephew 外甥motivate 目的Word List 11failure 失败consistent 一致的nowhere 无处sympathetic 有同情心的sketch 梗概calm 使平静tame 驯服的cancel 取消pray 祈祷target 目标camel 骆驼technician 技术人员setting 背景technique 技术tax 税emerge 浮出capable 有能力的technology 技术selfish 自私的definition 定义per 每participate 参与tedious 冗长的anxious 焦躁的famine 饥荒fundamental 基本的plural 复数anticipate 预感,期望teenager 青少年compress 压缩pepper 胡椒粉discharge 释放telescope 望远镜temper 脾气extensive 大量的amuse 取悦current 当前的,电流mask 面具musician 音乐家temple 庙宇decay 腐烂criticism 批评feedback 反馈accordance 一致,和谐perceive 感觉,察觉scarcely 很少clay 粘土intelligent 智慧的conductor 售票员frequency 频率attractive 有吸引力的garlic 大蒜temporary 暂时的recognize 识别puzzle 使困惑elevator 电梯acquisition 获取absolute 绝对的frank 真诚的hip 臀部polish 使光滑democratic 共和的temptation 诱惑disguise 恶心的glue 胶水solemn 肃穆的tend 倾向ancient 古代的effective 有效地channel 通道,频道Word List 12 primitive 原始的consent 同意organize 组织drama 戏剧miserable 痛苦的fur 皮毛antique 古代的replacement 代替inner 内部的clerk 职员liquor 酒presently 不久gene 基因security 安全nerve 使紧张greedy 贪婪的essential 必不可少的decorate 装饰excess 超越compare 比较command 命令,指挥fuel 燃料plastic 塑料的characteristic 特征pressure 压力nearby 附近的environment 环境crime 犯罪pigeon 鸽子cement 水泥magnificent 壮观的tendency 趋势investigate 调查infinite 无限的painter 画家tender 嫩的legal 合法的moderate 中等的atomic 原子的anchor 锚mystery 神秘的associate 联系reaction 反应affect 影响tense 使紧张flour 面粉comedy 喜剧directly 直接地collision 碰撞absent 缺席的critical 批评的paw 爪子crew 全体人员congratulation 祝贺interference 干涉flesh 肉innocent 无辜的,天真的excitement 刺激,激发adult 成年人enhance 增加arrival 到达brief 简略的ambition 雄心,野心outline 提纲aeroplane 飞机fertilizer 肥料tension 紧张petrol 汽油distinguish 区别shortcoming 短处Word List 13propose 求婚,提议former 前者consumption 消费terminal 最终的casual 非正式的,偶然的tough 困难的pursue 追求unexpected 不期的governor 主宰者oral 口头的territory 版图mere 仅仅gross 恶心的,粗俗的tone 口气,腔调indication 暗示,指示concerning 关于embrace 拥抱,包括numerous 无数的launch 发射discount 打折maintenance 维持incline 斜面liberal 慷慨的lavatory 盥洗室marry 结婚constitution 宪法,法规tolerate 忍受intellectual智力上的amateur 外行mushroom 蘑菇millimetre 毫米mate 伙伴elbow 肘textile 织物frame 框架blend 弯腰misunderstand 误解lap 轻拍,舔notion 概念,看法hatred 讨厌的事slippery 狡猾的durable 持续的inference 干涉employee 雇佣工sausage 香肠theme 主题colleague 同事dramatic 引人瞩目的patience 耐心spacecraft 飞船preserve 保护import 进口bankrupt 倒闭cartoon 卡通alliance 联盟romantic 浪漫的barrel 桶,管theoretical 理论的stack 垛settle 安排hopeful 有希望的criminal 罪犯insert 插入specifically 特别地,具体地accuse 归咎reveal 揭露pack 包guilty 内疚的payment 支付offensive 有侵略性的Word List 14elect 竞选downward 向下liquid 液体clue 线索jazz 爵士conjunction 连接lord 王therapy 治疗cease 停止variable 可变的identity 身份obligation 责任,义务relativity 相关性consult 查询anywayindirect 非直接的agent 代理人,剂scan 扫描lemon 柠檬opponent 对手climate 气候addition 附加architect 建筑师integrate 合为一体exterior 外部的thereby 由此therefore 所以handful 一把loyal 忠诚的furthermore 而且insurance 保险category 种类refine 提炼thick 厚的minority 少数sorrow 悲伤thinking 思考,见解quiz 小测验airplane 飞机thirsty 渴的objection 反对platform 平台merchant 商人fertile 丰产的particularly 尤其division 分歧crisis 危机thorough 完全的forth 向前observer 观察员retreat 撤退relevant 相关的precision 精密度admit 承认jungle 热带雨林,丛林thoughtful 体贴的apartment 公寓afterward 后来entire 整体carbon 碳chamber 房室realm 领域,范围ratio 比率capture 俘获baseball 棒球boring 枯燥的crowd 人群sample 样品estate 土地,财产,种植园threat 威胁reliable 可信赖的Word List 15constant 不变的,常数sustain 支持horsepower 马力suspicion 怀疑prospect 景象,前景conduct 引导lawn 草坪transmit 传播pollution 污染slip 滑到,小过错influential 有影响的handle 处理threaten 威胁的aircraft 飞船thrive 繁荣的harm 危害similarly 类似地prominent 突出的signal 信号encourage 鼓励recession 衰退commitment 委员会monitor 监测spark 星火mug 大杯,打劫absence 消失,缺席appreciate 欣赏bean 豆子elastic 有弹性的presumably 大概,可能bargain 砍价significant 重要的throat 喉咙extend 延伸comparable 比得上的container 容器chief 首要的instant 片刻thrust 刺入thumb 大拇指honey 甜的enforce 强迫,实行ease 减缓thunder 雷电living room 起居室monument 纪念碑assess 评估panic 恐慌blanket 毯子drift 漂流normally 一般地dismiss 解雇deputy 副手acre 英亩contract 协议anniversary 纪念日mainland 大陆expose 暴露policy 政策machinery 机器exert 尽全力collection 收藏gasoline 汽油dispose 处理,扔弃arouse 唤醒rage 狂怒inward 里面的series 系列roast 烤timber 木材reluctant 勉强的Word List 16 license许可证upright 笔直的author 作者mission 任务growth 成长attack 袭击furnish 装备pretend 假装concentrate 集中institution 惯例,习俗flat 平的tissue 组织delicate 易碎的upper 上层的gram 克crown 王冠title 标题convey 表达mount 积累toast 土司tolerance 忍耐力amongst 在... 之中slice 切dairy 乳制品consultant 顾问multiply 乘naked 裸体的centigrade 摄氏度measurement 测量precaution 预防allocate 分配certificate 证书agenda 议事日程electronic 电子的alongside 沿着conventional 传统的topic 话题renew 使复原torch 火炬clap 鼓掌conservative 保守的copyright 版权establishment 建立layout 布局,安排auxiliary 辅助的,备用的major 主要的legislation 法规moisture 湿气nationality 国际foundation 建立gulf 海湾assistance 援助combat 争斗exhibit 展览donation 捐助fragment 碎片reverse 使倒转apply 应用reform 改革generally 一般地electron 电子distinct 与... 显著不同priority 优先权elementary 基本的towel 纸巾opera 歌剧digital 数码的artistic 艺术的elderly 年长的crack 裂缝Word List 17Christ 救世主evidence 证据naturally 自然地mechanic 技工trace 追踪expand 扩张laughter 笑声compass 罗盘lean 倾斜,屈身minister 大臣duration 持续comprehension 综合tractor 拖拉机tradition 传统compete 竞争goodness 天啊tragedy 悲剧offend 侵犯instinct 天性retire 退休professional 专业的bullet 子弹trail 跟踪prosperity 繁荣pants 裤子minor 低级的,次要的shortage 短缺equality 平等jealous 嫉妒dominate 占主要地位inspect 检查generator 发电机lorry 卡车cue 提示,暗号transfer 位移farewell 再见revenue 收入,税收transform 变形hay 干草advocate 提倡modify 修饰fantastic 奇妙的complicated 复杂的historic 历史性的specify 详述translation 翻译prosperous 繁荣的baggage 行李pour 倾倒transmission 传播obtain 获得enthusiasm 热情equivalent 等同的assemble 集中slope 倾斜secondary 次要的assume 假定awful 糟糕的process 过程lick 吸吮overcome 克服motion 示意crucial 至关重要的priest 神父transparent 透明的illegal 非法的fancy 想象conscious 知道的transport 运输Word List 18 contemporary 同时代的chill 使寒冷breadth 宽度flood 洪水species 物种necessity 必要性scare 使惊恐scientific 科学的transportation 交通运输regardless 不管create 创造diagram 图表valid 有效的copper 铜estimate 估计carriage 四轮马车mat 垫子cashier 出纳员sensible 有感觉的faithful 真诚的trap 陷阱intensity 强烈remedy 疗法hearing 听觉decent 还可以的historical 历史性的confine 禁闭gymnasium体育馆academy 学院definitely 当然recorder 录音机sour 酸臭的fruitful 多产的expectation 期望disappear 消失trash 垃圾bleed 流血carrot 胡萝卜tray 托盘realistic 现实可行的retain 保持fortunately 幸运的comb 梳子reference 涉及treatment 处理powerful 有力量的positive 正面的owing 欠的appoint 委任artificial 人工的project 任务treaty 契约emphasis 强调select 挑选tremble 颤抖attraction 吸引力abundant 丰富的faith 真诚mathematical 数学navy 海军tremendous 巨大的dominant 占支配地位的proposal 建议magnetic 有磁性的harden 使变硬trend 趋势elaborate 精细的bat 球拍,蝙蝠triangle 三角形literary 文学的jail 监狱design 设计script 底稿,脚本Word List 19saddle 马鞍lest 唯恐creep 爬行afford 承担trial 审判,测验inn 小旅店choke 噎着dental 牙的council 委员会,理事会portion 比例lodge 旅馆troop 军队,一群vague 模糊的tropical 炎热的,热带的coil 一卷benefit 受益troublesome 麻烦的,讨厌的female 女性的pose 造型truly 真诚的peculiar 独特的export 出口resume 重新开始portrait 肖像utter 完全bacteria 细菌idle 闲逛pledge 承诺exchange 交换emotion 情绪harsh 刺耳的exposure 暴露saving 节约reasonable 通情达理的trumpet 唢呐applause 鼓掌nonsense 废话fantasy 幻想usage 用处finance 财政exaggerate 夸大trunk 树桩grocer 杂货店cruise 巡游initial 最初的railroad 铁路tube 管道attain 达到devise 设计density 密度tune 调子source 源shrug 耸肩daylight 日光tunnel 隧道site 位置turbine 涡轮机handy 手边的background 背景tutor 导师sauce 酱汁combine 组合pill 药bay 湾ceremony 典礼formula 公式reservior 水库delete 删除pump 泵backward 向后twist缠绕range 范围niece 侄女protest 反对Word List 20 centimetre 厘米predict 预测acquaintance 熟识learning 学识spider 蜘蛛counsel 忠告commit 犯罪typewriter 打字机sin 罪过sow 播种companion 伙伴destination 目的地typical 典型的corresponding 相关的donkey 驴子frontier 前线outlook 展望,前景typist 打字员apart 分开additional 另外的consequence 结果nevertheless 然而dirt 污秽lobby 前厅occasional 偶然的doubtful 怀疑的committee 委员会tyre 轮胎ugly 丑陋的parallel 平行的cooperate 合作appetite 食欲impose 强迫invade 侵略controversy 争论confident 自信的nursery 育婴房fraction 部分cabinet 橱amid 在...之中manufacturer 制造商independence 独立academic 学院的evolve 进化exception 例外dictation 听写profession 职业authority 权利deposit 积累enquiry 询问differ 区别于argument 争论memorial 纪念碑faculty 系,学科dim 昏暗的moreover 而且earnest 郑重其事地heroic 行英雄的umbrella 雨伞orchestra 管弦乐队arithmetic 算数basically 基本地battery 电池heel 脚后跟oblige 迫使convict 判罪respond 负责cite 引用,举例discard 丢弃grab 抢劫deceive 欺骗senior 高级的modest 谦虚的continuous 连续不断的Word List 21 comprise 包括revolt 反叛expense 消耗campus 校园mold 霉菌insure 保险cash 现金virtue 优点violent 狂暴的react 反应odd 奇怪的diverse 不同的manual 手工的uncover 覆盖ban 禁止confront 直面undergo 经历journal 杂志emperor 君王undergraduate 大学肄业生circular 循环的dictate 听写inform 通知underground 地铁hook 钩underline 下划线male 雄性的proceed 前进hydrogen 氢force 力fog 雾fluid 流体drill 钻机understanding 理解的nitrogen 氮commission 委员会jaw 颌undertake 承诺salary 工资skilled 熟练地assembly 集会merry 快乐undo 解开扣子undoubtedly 毫无疑问地globe 全球的uneasy 不舒服precious 珍贵的mosquito 蚊子petroleum 汽油favourable 赞同的sightseeing 观光economic 经济的multiple 多重的poverty 贫困rely 依赖effort 努力accumulate 积累cheat 欺骗humorous 幽默的rare 罕见的rival 对手echo 回声investment 投资collapse 倒塌corridor 走廊despite 不顾pit 坑counter 柜台balcony 楼厅diplomatic 外交的cigar 雪茄bathe 洗澡conquer 征服inflation 膨胀Word List 22 thermometer 寒暑表worthwhile 值得scenery 景色terror 恐怖average 平均democracy 共和slap 掴obstacle 障碍occur 出现nuisance 讨厌的人significance 重要性up-to-date 最新的justify 证明...有理neglect 无视membership 会员身份union 联合roller 辊压机formation 形成punctual 守时的relieve 减缓candy 糖果spokesman 发言人employer 雇主unique 独特的mathematics 数学herd 群cheerful 鼓舞人心的advertise 打广告reflexion 反射unite 联合secure 安全的mineral 矿石universal 普遍的lane 小径beloved 亲爱的adapt 适应mislead 误导drag 拖flash 闪immigrant 移民remarkable 令人惊叹的increasingly 越来越indoor 室内的palm 手掌exclusive 奢侈的namely 即universe 宇宙burst 爆发preferable 更好的filter 滤过anyhow 不管怎么样score 得分qualify 满足条件global 全球的heave 起伏,举unless 除非excessive 过分的marine 海军behalf 利益,方面advanced 高级的,领先的soda 苏打unlike 不像adjust 调整unload 卸下leader 领导spelling 拼写accordingly 一致anxiety 焦躁ridiculous 荒谬的unusual 不寻常的scholarship 奖学金divorce 离婚headquarters 总部commerce 商业Word List 23 torture 折磨fashion 时尚incident 小事upset 失落underneath 在...下面recover 恢复theory 理论evolution 进化myth 神话trim 整洁的mud 泥浆unfortunately 不幸地relate 联系,相关extraordinary 不凡的debt 债urge 急切做urgent 急切的qualification 资格satellite 卫星publication 出版cliff 峭壁restrain 克制commander 指挥官carpet 地毯peer 凝视highway高速公路breed 饲养ensure 确保requirement 要求attempt 努力flock 群largely 很大程度上restraint 克制focus 集中protective 保护性的utility 效用jet 喷气飞机coordinate 协调restore 恢复receipt 收据contrary 相反方面christian 基督教徒hardware 硬件bloom 开花dragon 龙specimen 标本chew 咀嚼utmost 极度的original 初始的religion 宗教communication 交流beyond 超出vacant 空的conclude 做结论restrict 阻止respectively 分别fairly 公平sailor 海员,水手remark 评论assure 使确信balance 平衡campaign 运动,战役psychological 心理学的contradiction 矛盾,否定dose 一剂vacation 假期immediately 立即vacuum 真空ore 矿石clause 从句cattle 牲口barn 牲口棚laser 激光initiative 主动性,首创精神compel 使屈服Word List 24basis 基础contact 接触guarantee 保证semiconductor 半导体rib 肋骨obvious 明显的geometry 几何butcher 屠夫triumph凯旋maid 女仆eyesight 视力interview 采访vain 无劳paste 浆糊soak 浸泡exceed 超越boom 激增item 项目hammer 榔头metric 米制的jar 罐头resource 资源compose 创作military 军事package 包裹van 货车,领导者,先驱besides 另外injection 注射laboratory 实验室vanish 消失experimental 实验的mysterious 神秘的sake 缘故keen 强烈的vapour 蒸汽haste 急忙magic 魔法poisonous 有毒的aid 援助coach 教练decrease 降低relief 缓解continual 连续的slight 轻微的stare 凝视grace 优雅band 带,乐团mechanical 力学的considerate 体贴的ditch 沟渠ignorance 天真,无知balloon 气球brake 刹车data 数据bake 烘焙gear 齿轮patient 耐心的altitude 海拔inquiry 询问implement 贯彻,执行remind 提醒pint 品脱engine 发动机bid 叫价scout 侦查mould 霉菌avenue 林荫道instance 例子career 事业fountain 喷泉format 格式correspond 相关Word List 25 clarify 澄清mercy 恩惠expression 表示exact 确实decade 十年dimension 维度vision 视unity 统一vigorous 活力的via 通过skim 略读severe 严重的conquest 征服improve 提高variety 种类election 选举expert 专家dive 跳水various 多种多样的rifle 来福步枪stake 刑柱,股份corporation 合作vary 呈现不同eagle 山鹰figure 数字,人vast 广阔的simplify 简化instead 替代shell 贝壳drawer 抽屉quote 引号,引用depress 使压抑schedule 日程表limitation 限制disturb 打扰cancer 癌症accord 一致industrial 工业的preference 偏爱screen 屏幕error 错误gratitude 毕业slam 关门evil 邪恶的accent 口音imagination 想象力elsewhere 其余地方champion 冠军framework 框架social 社会的endure 忍受gradual 逐渐的sleeve 袖子concession 承认,许可vehicle 交通工具register 注册apology 道歉luggage 行李desperate 极渴望的billion 十亿venture 商业冒险queue 队列aside 一边reflect 反射beneficial 有益的repeatedly 反复地kindergarten 幼儿园verify 核实reduction 减少version 版本implication 暗示accustomed 习惯的helicopter 直升机normal 普通的Word List 26 shiver 颤抖stadium 体育馆grasp 抓住economy 经济rotten 腐烂的dash 猛冲recently 最近地concept 概念rigid 死板的entertain 使娱乐vertical 垂直的vessel 管道evident 明显的apologize 道歉scholar 学者costly 昂贵的veteran 老士兵glimpse 一瞥finally 最终approval 准许judgement 判断regulation 管理,规章cord 绳powder 粉末improvement 提高remote 遥远的provide 提供rub 揉搓fiction 小说occurrence 出现adopt 接受navigation 航海adventure 探险float 漂浮dynamic 动力学的vibrate 振动indifferent 冷漠的plot 线索horror 恶心的fatigue 疲劳consideration 考虑vice 堕落notebook 笔记本chop 劈respect 方面admission 准许disease 疾病ignore 忽视infect 影响confirm 证明harbour 港口concrete 坚实的organic 有机的phase 相previous 预先的helpless 无助的amaze 使惊奇despair 绝望victim 受害者possibility 可能性video 视频viewpoint 观点erect 矗立obey 遵守rarely 很少地vinegar 醋approach 方式,达到violate 紫罗兰distinction 显著不同holy 神圣的philosophy 哲学golf 高尔夫outward 向外的section 部分penalty 惩罚Word List 27 dump 倾销internal 内部的installation 安装charge 掌管,电荷criticize 批评disorder 混乱rocket 火箭dessert 甜点dispute 辩论butterfly 蝴蝶circuit 环路frequent 频繁的depart 离开lens 透镜sigh 叹息violence 暴力reserve 保存aluminium 铝hence 所以pine 松木opening 开门acid 酸hen 母鸡giant 巨大的crystal 水晶,晶体operational 可执行的racial 种族的construction 结构planet 行星image 图像blade 刀刃physicist 物理学家sack 麻袋behave 行为organism 有机体shortly 简短地interval 间隔violet 紫罗兰draught 拖拉appointment 约定meantime 同时murder 谋杀violin 小提琴perspective 远景,透视图laundry 洗衣房virtual 事实上virtually事实上calculate 计算confess 承认appearance 外貌virus 病毒ambulance 救护车,野战队liberty 自由consequently 因此所以insist 坚持要求,认为solar 太阳的flourish 装修correspondence 联系pronoun 代词property 财产shave 剃刮selection 选举limited 限制的enormous 大量的impact 影响visible 可见的conceal 隐藏earthquake 地震curriculum 课程feature 特点loaf 屋顶stain 玷污demand 要求,需求media 媒介comparative 相比的Word List 28 massive 重的ultimate 最终extent 面积,长度employment 雇佣medium 居中的urban 城市的engineering 工程marvelous 不可思议的event 大事resolve 决心avoid 避免respective 分别boast 自夸sew 缝纫indicate 暗示govern 掌控visual 可视的utilize 利用chase 追赶prevail 说服pillow 枕头packet 包heap 堆variation 多样性primary 初级的dense 密集的outside 外面owe 欠interfere 干涉burden 压力scatter 传播,分散starve 挨饿simplicity 简朴bare 裸露的compound 化合物orderly 有序的resolution 决心learned 有教养的shelter 藏身之处reporter 记者profile 侧脸shed 库棚necessarily 必要地vitamin 维生素reproduce 再生产grateful 感激的convenience 方便vivid 生动的outset 开始deserve 值得assignment 指派,分配principal 校长enable 使能够refrigerator 冰箱keyboard 键盘poison 毒药mill 磨坊electrical 电的install 安装output 产量ally 联盟vocabulary 词汇athlete 运动员honourable 光荣的brass 黄铜merely 仅仅地engage 花时间做,订婚sphere 球,球状的purple 小学学生volcano 火山decline 下降classic 传统的stale 腐烂的Word List 29 liberate 自由,解放standpoint 立场activity 活动volt 伏特arrange 安排canal 运河device 装置voltage 电压angle 角度volume 容量voluntary 志愿的rhythm 韵律bore 使枯燥marriage 婚姻bet 打赌spade 铁锹official 官方的beast 野兽drum 鼓crash 冲撞boot 长筒靴charm 魅力literature 文学handbag 手提包volunteer 志愿者oval 椭圆的glorious 光荣的inspire 使振奋精神protection 保护argue 争论cop 警察given 规定的,给定的chapter 章节likely 有可能的omit 省略,遗漏adequate 充分的departure 分开according 已知的shift 改变sophisticated 老于世故的damp 潮湿的fry 炸extension 延伸instruction 说明,引荐assumption 假定potential 潜在的permanent 永久的quit 放弃region 地域overseas 海外的vote 选票furnace 装修wagon 四轮马车agriculture 农业oven 电炉waist 腰editor 编辑republican 共和主义者。

Word List 1sin cere 真诚的真挚的My respect to your family is very sin cere我对贵家族的尊敬是非常诚挚的mood心情情绪语气static 静的静态的静止的停滞的静电House prices,which have been static for several monIths, are now risingaga in.房价稳定了几个月后,现在又上涨了。
lad男孩小伙子equip装备配备使有准备A good educati on will equip your childre n to get a good job.良好的教育有助于孩子找到好工作frown 刍B眉蹙眉Paul frowned but said nothing保罗邹起了眉头但什么也没说faste n紧抓Faste n your seat belt系紧你的安全带software 软件stir动拨动使微动激动产生搅拌搅动They both stir their coffee. 他俩都在搅动咖啡Ang Lee's film has caused a stir in America李安的电影在美国引起来轰动distribution 分发分配分布flexible 易弯曲的灵活的We n eed a foreig n policy that is more flexible我们需要更有弹性的外交政策solution 解决解决办法溶液panel专门小组面板控制板仪表盘mi ni stry 咅部门supreme最高的最大的极度的最重要的supreme court 最高法院describe 形容描写画出Paul startedto describe a couple of broadleaf trees on the paper.保罗开始在纸上画几棵阔叶树limb肢臂腿树枝circumstanee 情况条件境遇境况经济情况Un der no circumsta nces can we betray our country无论怎样的状况我们都不能背叛自己的祖国core果实的心核心要点Throw away the apple because of the core 因噎废食Debt is at the core of the problem 债务是问题的核心assistant 助手助理助教助理的辅助的An assista nt coach 助理教练The travel age nts messed up the arran geme nts and there was no room for us at the hotel. 旅行社搞乱了安排,结果旅店里没有我们可以住的房间了min us负数减号负的减去statistic 统计数值统计资料统计学pregnant 怀孕的妊娠的sector部门部分防御地段防区扇形detection 察觉发觉侦查探测By flying low, the pla ne was able to avoid detecti on by the en emy radar这架飞机低空飞行避开了敌人的雷达statue塑像雕像铸像bride新娘cycle骑自行车骑摩托车循环the cycle of the seas ons 四季的交替saucer 茶托碟子skillful 灵巧的娴熟的It must be very diffcult for them to be tra ined as very skillful acrobats把他们训练成技巧高超的特技演员肯定很难civilization 文明文化开化overhead在头顶上的,架空的经常费用管理费用The large overhead reduced the company ' s profits.大笔的管理费用减少了公司的利润clash发生冲突不协调冲突砰的声音Troops clashed n ear the border 咅B队在边境处交火The clash of swords 剑的撞击声grant 授予物授予给予As my wife , I thi nk you should grant me this favor作为我的妻子,我觉得你应该给予我这份关切bo nd联结联系契约合同(使)结合the bond market 证券市场They would be boun ded together in love for ever爱让他们永远在一起staff工作人员参谋为...... 配备人员The staff isn ' t adequately prepared那个员工没做好充分的准备in termediate 中间的中级的guitar 吉他六玄琴comprehensive 广泛的综合的理解的The police wan ted a more comprehe nsive inv estigati on of your status警方要对你的身份做更加全面的调查presenee 出席 到场 存在 仪表 仪态The boy pretended to study hard in his mother ' s presenee.当着妈妈的面,小男孩假装努力学习。

俞敏洪四级词汇词根+联想记忆法(乱序版) 第2期:1-2 【记】词根记忆:hospi( =host,主人)+tal+ity--主人(对客人的)友好款待一好客【例】Mary received them with her usual hospitality.玛丽以她惯常的殷勤好客接待了他们。
rm v.通知,告知,使了解;告密,告发【记】词根记忆:in(使)+form(形成)一形成文字形式通知一通知【例】The people who thform against the officials of bribery will be awarded some money.告发政府官员受贿的人将受到奖赏。
【派】informed( adj.有学识的;有根据的;明智的);informer(n.告密者)3.cruise v.巡航,游弋;旅行,漫游【记】联想记忆:汤姆middot;克鲁斯(Tom Cruise)在巡游(cruise)【例】Govemment sent the police tocruise around the sea waters.政府派警察在海域周围巡游。
//From anywhere between US$8.52 and $9.50. you can use the canal bus or a water taxi tocruise theVenice of the North.你从任何地方出发,花上8.52到9.5美元就可以乘坐运河公交或水上出租车游览北方的成尼斯。
(2020)【派】cruiser(n.巡洋舰;有船舱的游艇)4.concept n.概念,观念,思想【记】词根记忆:con+cept(抓)一大脑里牢牢抓住的东西一概念,观念【例】After seUing himself up in Hollywood. he single-handedly pioneered the concepts ofbranding and merchandising-something his company still does brilliantlyloday.在好莱坞立足之后,他独自开拓了品牌和广告策划的概念,而今他的公司依然在这方面成就辉煌。
俞敏洪 SAT词汇词根+联想乱序 绿皮书 上

Word List 1 Testevict vt. exhale v. affinity n. inalterable a. debase vt. retrospect n. acclimate v. begrudge vt. calamity n. altruistic a. robust a. banal a. treacherous a. entangle vt. ensure v. junction n. empower vt. dissuade vt. instruct vt. naive a. latent a. decrepit a. verify v. summon v. wistful a. denote v. buoyant a. consummate v. endurance n. irate a. commute v. residential a. descry vt. beguile vt. commentary n. pacify vt. eligible a. untimely a. chagrin n. flexible a. triumph n. oppressive a. prescript a. benign a. bombast n. greedy a. menace n. fabricate vt. unbecoming a. probe n. despondent a. penalty n. causal a. blaze n.blasé a.bleak a.surmise v. depraved a. indistinct a. maneuver v. withhold v. genesis n. revoke vt. deficit n. controversy n. sheer a.ascribe vt. variation n. defraud v. uproot v. prelude n. usage n. compressible a. confrontation n. redeem vt. bucolic a.entity n.accost vt. dialect n. desultory a. persevere vi. perplexing a. persuade vt. straightforward a. coincidence n. hypothesis n. defiant a. shrinkage n. reputed a. guarantee n. barrel n. allude vi. apprehensive a. discredit n. discourteous n. emanate v. purposeful a. obstruct vt. qualified a. blighted a. pontifical a. covetous a. fiddle n.roam n. crabbed a.Word List 2 Testmissile n. summary n.jade n.edible a. comprehensible a. acquittal n. destitution n. inclusive a. fictitious a. berate vt. negligible a. chilly a.adept n.inert a.soluble a. bravado n. apotheosis n. dignify vt. embody vt. maritime a. apparition n. impede vt. casualty n. participate vi. trifle n.egoism n. recessive a. accede vi. uphold vt. expect v. immune a. aggrandize vt. habitude n. hazard n. arboretum n. ludicrous a. amend vt. meditate v. submerge v. adjuration n. alimentary a. dissimilar a. renovate vt. obscurity n. reign n. inestimable a. informal a. induce vt. enthusiastic a. disparity n. condescend vi. renown n. boorish a. compress vt. cathartic n. impetus n.fertile a. adulterate vt. sensitive a. recourse n. hesitant a. acquaint vt. oblivious a. malice n. allay vt. secondary a. disburse vt. dwarf n. rigorous a. transcendent a. numerous a. intelligence n. ritual n. conciliatory a. conjugal a. outdo vt. emigrate v. bibliography n. comestible a. exemplary a. plausible a. allot vt. senator n. erode v. demolition n. debacle n. stature n. statue n.status n. desperate a. synonym n. negotiate v. projection n. testimony n. avarice n. automation n. legendary a. quaff v. trivialize vt. unprecedented a. plod v. conspire v. filibuster n. stupefy vt.Word List 3 Testbenevolent a. dual a. relevant a. soothe vt. utter a. congest v. dogged a. brusque a. resource n. demure a. typical a. augment vt. symbolize vt. unspeakable a. animosity n. collapse v. intelligible a. acquired a. beget vt. amorphous a. strenuous a. vocabulary n. eclectic a. absurd a. dilate v. systematic a. misdeed n. savage a. stimulate vt. imprint vt. forsake v. callous a. misstep n. undue a. derelict a. tense n. fluctuation n. dissect vt. simile n. native a. subordinate a. comprise vt. retrieve v. imaginary a. naval a. bumptious a. prolong vt. ulterior a. humanity n. irrelevant a. unanimity n. subsequent a. transient a. technique n. quantitative a. geology n.decisive a. charlatan n. gravity n. explicate vt. decoy n. personnel n. prophetic a. procedure n. figurative a. demise n. encounter n./vt. cant n. narrative a. frank a. erroneous a. acme n. glimmer n. potential a. conflagration n. extant a. commensurate a. collaborate vi. anticipate v.recline v.vegetarian n.encompass v.subconscious a.amphibious a.receptive a.deft a.cavil v.abominate vt.proceed v.apogee n.accuse vt.maze n.concourse n.engaging a.anchor n.parry v.harmonic a.welter n.legend n.Word List 4 Testpreoccupy vt. abundance n. trigger vt. widespread a. fluid a. erosion n.suspend v. excellent a. verification n. remnant n. code n. morality n. superstitious a. befriend vt. juvenile n. benefactor n. disastrous a. lively a. deleterious a. contentment n. contemptuous a. microphone n. analogous a. grievous a. canto n. barring prep. avuncular a. bereave vt. vivify vt. append vt. appraise vt. appreciate vt. prejudice n. appropriate a. galore a. curmudgeon n. shield n. coddle vt. astringent n. manifest vt. thesis n. cogitate v. invalid n. verifiable a. unanimous a. dominate v. derivative a. deride vt. depress vt. vocation n. centurion n. artifice n. diurnal a. salvage n./vt. devalue v. ambidextrous a. myth n. cacophony n. imminent a. comparative a. tolerate vt. siege n. benignant a. nutriment n.penetrate v. anticlimax n. vulnerable a. avert vt. occupant n. redress v. highlight vt. cupidity n. shun v. unparalleled a. agreement n. enact vt. frivolous a. marsh n.visual a. supposition n. census n. solemn a. reasonable a. diabolical a. unaccountable a. deference n. antediluvian a. precision n. feint n./v. digression n. retrospective a. pursue v. heedful a. haste n.hail v.dignity n. bask v. repetition n. awry a./ad. ensue vi. lustrous a. deducible a. reminiscence n. variegate vt. dutiful a. inveigle v. topple v.Word List 5 Testaudition n. deplete vt. aspirant n. evolution n. coercion n. destructive a. vitalize vt. historical a. auxiliary a. analyze vt. altitude n. evaporate v. diverse a. accomplish vt. passive a. logical a.flux n. immigrate v. impact n. epidemic a. innumerable a. fidelity n. possessive n. species n. decorous a. precise a. memorize vt. seclude vt. congenial a. sensation n. eliminate vt. mask n. dejected a. telescope n. ornate a. feast n. dubious a. cue n. resemblance n. permanent a. generalize v. alienate vt. acumen n. patriotism n. enlighten vt. omission n. nationality n. predominant a. reactionary a. exotic a. preservation n. obligate vt. rotary a. query n. radiance n. quip n.slogan n. recruit v. liable a. characterize vt. alacrity n. caricature n. indebted a. advocate n. eradicate vt. potion n. commodious a. interrogate vt. paralysis n. dearth n. elevated a. version n. aberration n. provoke v. conservative n. alternative a. symmetry n. meager a. wrangle vi. ethnic a. destination n. insensible a. conscientious a. cadence n. artistic a. nominee n. pollute vt. brooch n. imperceptive a. illegible a. landmark n. gustatory a. expository a. detached a. material n. invasive a. impassable a. mourn v. check v.Word List 6 Testtheoretical n. demur v. emblem n. campaign n. rouse v. sophisticated a. prosecute v. distinction n. bosom n. evade v. overrun n. euphemism n. evoke vt. recover v. technology n. genetic a. exhausted a. delegate n. disseminate vt. effusion n. rightful a.tour n.blithe a. lucrative a. maintain vt. dismissal n. comparison n. blatant a. boisterous a. homogeneous a. belie vt. fundamental a. proverb n. sturdy a. felicity n. sequence n. abject a. diagnosis n. cohesive a. gravity vt.gall n. captious a. aristocracy n. reassure vt. readjust v. canny a. calumny n. scar n. cabinet n. sentimental a. expend v. consensus n. quarterly a. emancipation n. insulate vt. academy n.fossil n. intrinsic a. altercation n. solvent a. drainage n. lifelong a. assess vt. outweigh vt. significant a. beatific a. facilitate vt. overflow n. malevolent a. immediate a. tangible a. annuity n. teem vi. deteriorate v. abscond v. privacy n. coagulate v. decry vt. juridical a. aloof a. nude a. humorous a. swamp n. morale n. bountiful a. implement n. reflection n. harmonious a. austerity n. carnal a. gauche a. rattle v. meddlesome a. impoverished a. savory a. antagonistic a.Word List 7 Testcredible a. imitate vt. dramatic a. ornamental a. superintendent n. parentage n. emotion n. moderate a. deceive v. recollect v. exterior a. unfavorable a. abet vt. tremendous a. bulwark n. pervade v.ken n.remote a.bug n.jungle n. copious a. chimerical a. desolate vt. compassionate a. antedate n. antique vt. diaphanous a. variant n. symphony n. archaic a. domain n. persecution n. synthesis n. retract v.well-wisher n. discern v. collective n. contradictory a. chasm n. colloquial a. injurious a. mansion n. baleful a. sober a. proficiency n. annals n. lapse n. intensive a. fervor n. controversial a. caucus n. abstract n. zest n. eloquence n. arbiter n. outlive vt.coy a. subsidize vt. access n. vacuity n. vicious a. preclude vt. withdraw v. deportment n. agape a. exclusive a. ridicule vt. autobiography n. wretch n. apparatus n. irritable a. practicable a. productive a. aboriginal a. complaint n. inspiration n. execute vt. qualify v. antecede v. ceremonious a. calculable a. contract n. ambush n. sanction vt. mainstream n. scruple n. premier n. earnest a. elicit vt. propel vt. ephemeral a. notable a. churlish a. transfigure vt. devious a. strident a. seep v.bent n. checkered a. disenchant vt. flabbergast vt. crop n.Word List 8 Testirritate vt. glamorous a. inhospitable a. biography n. inconsistent a. ruddy a. outlast vt. audible a. cherish v. external a. disdain n. playwright n. fretful a. duration n. tribute n. questionable a. tremulous a. proximity n. endanger vt. workmanlike a. ambulance n. impartial a. indolence n. lodge v. blandishment n. negate vt. menacing a. affluent a. privilege n. intentional a. intellectual a. intercept vt. extrovert n. autopsy n. refer v. vegetable n. legislator n. allotment n. radical a. juncture n. simultaneous a. urgency n. jargon n. shrewd a. ascetic a. vogue n.vivid a. vivacious a. suspicious a. prosperity n. amiable a. acclaim n. longevity n. donate vt. condone vt. abrogate vt.hospitable a. artless a. ultimatum n. literacy n. disregard vt. affected a. endurable a. interpreter n. catastrophe n. assuage vt. shuffle v. ingenious a. brevity n. enthusiast n. terminal a. refugee n. rural a. betrothal n. complication n. cataract n. recitation n. wary a. abjure vt. fascinate v. annotate v. interact vi. buffoonery n. absorption n. scrutinize vt. tedious a. belittle vt. peccant a. mechanical a. foggy a. circumspect a. circumference n. ciliate a. circumscribe vt. despicable a. community n. outright a./ad. shriek n. clothier n. crotchety a.rig v.limber a. decimate vt. dilapidated a. regressive a. unfathomable a. digress vt.Word List 9 Testplea n. plague n. seclusion n. bilk vt. resent v. reliance n. alleged a. utility n. beleaguer vt. forebode v. resumption n. peddle v. acrid a.veto n./v. avow vt. delude vt. context n. reform n./v. statement n. invasion n. refusal n. accustomed a. arbitrate v. predetermine v. preferable a. incredulous a. futile a. bestial a. cosmopolitan a. suggestive a. resourceful a. habitable a. opaque a. impropriety n. principal n. clarify vt.cite vt.stock n. reclusive a. bewilder vt. narrate v. assimilation n. fake n. familiarity n. fanatic a. undercharge v. chronicle n. expanse n. orchestra n. hazardous a. amnesia n. amicable a. heretofore ad. abash vt. convey v. disclose v.tentative a. prescription n. censorious a. complicate v. caustic a. valid a. conscious a. desiccate v. contend v. pretend v. economical a. exaggerate v. pastoral a. devoid a. outbreak n. pretext n. onset n. reclaim v. eclipse n. brittle a. coax v. premise n. competitive a. amenable a. rational a. prohibitive a. modest a. emergence n. demolish vt. Illegal a. paraphrase n./v. submit v. appeal n./v. choral a.jolt v.optic a. superficial a. ration n. stingy a. relish n.ruffle v. wrack n.prod n./v. inflated a. contrive v. staunch a. affectation n. marked a.Word List 10 Testrationalism n. cartographer n. antipathy n. capacious a. compelling a. collaboration n. austere a. vegetative a. cramp n. curtail vt. capitulate vi. aghast a. chastise vt. fortunate a. dominant a. ruin v. dissemble v. habitual a. superb a. temper n. appall vt. liberty n. culmination n. tropical a. susceptible a. terrify vt. convoke vt. amateur n. nuisance n. recede vi. aspire vi. liberal a. gigantic a. deceitful a. momentary a. denominate vt. abut v. mingle v. homage n. enchant vt. ebb n. introvert n. stability n. bereft a. wield vt. humility n. barrister n. divert vt. hierarchy n. lyric n. numerical a. dissent v. ferocious a. frigid a.evolve v. demonstrate v. sensibility n. affluence n. circumlocution n. mount v. assent n./vi collide vi. inspiring a. hesitation n. premature a. restrict v. episode n. nurture vt. disturb v. realism n. nominate vt. alter v. synthesize vt. precede v. excerpt n./vt. ardor n. adumbrate v. castigate vt. enormous a. denounce vt. consistency n. enlist v. medieval a. displace v. vegetation n. belated a. comely a. clergy n. bureaucracy n. insightful a. impression n, thrash v. bemused a. pan v. couple n. squat n./v. glean v. disputatious a. perishable a.Word List 11 Testemit v.bulk n. abridge vt. outgoing a. comestibles n. objective n. milestone n. oblivion n. dismiss vt. humble a. celibate n. characteristic a. divergent n. subdue vt. assemble vt. conceivable a. proficient a. clientele n. pension n.veil n.revere vt. appease vt. suspension n. cogent a.alien n. endorse v. conventional a. lobby n.blunder n. tempt vt. malicious a. waver n./v. progression n. symphonious a. flag n.satire n. diffusion n. atone v. determinate a. precaution n. approbation n. stimulation n. delusion n.akin a. innovative a. reserved a. temperate a. embrace vt. pathos n. absent-minded a. absolve vt. exploit v. ecstatic a. instant a.bane n. variable a.melancholy n. glorious a. cohesion n. restoration n. preference n. fawn v. prolific a. dogmatic n. license n. linear a. incorporate v. archaeology n. designate v. ascent n. vitality n. absence n. specimen n. therapeutic a. bolster n. inhibit vt. confession n. devour v. autocratic a. remembrance n. constructive a. vulgar a. workmanship n. radiate v.brag v. indolent a. obsolete a. corroborate v. docile a. occurrence n. bustle n. forgery n. coincide v. fawning a. chaffing a. concerted a. imbalance n. weather n. multifaceted a. definitive a.Word List 12 Testderive v. capricious a. ownership n. camouflage n. eternal a. expand v. equivalent a. trick v. anarchy n. carnivorous a. approval n. enforce vt. primer n. collusion n. intricate a. ingenuous a. release v. leaflet n. superior a. foresight n. biased a. asperity n. aspiration n. askance ad. intermit v. incident n. neutral a. reliant a.justification n. conundrum n. competitor n. landlord n. enrage v. abandon vt. identical a. implication n. debilitate vt. brief n.overt a. conjecture v. exceed v. admonition n. shield n. immense a. panic n. deplore vt. deficient a. energetic a. lingual a. grief n. reveal v. surrender v. caste n. generosity n. liquor n. pervasive a.frequent a. miserly a.ample a. engrossing a. repeal vt. colloquy n. definite a. treachery n. contest n. cessation n. sparse a. incomprehension a. acquiesce vi. demeanor n. beneficence n. determination n. philosophy n. rationality n. prominent a. abundant a. misbehave v. timidity n. nostalgia n. prevalent a. cumulative a. circuitous a. impulsive a. witness n. browbeat posure n. perceptible a. ambitious a. solar a. rearrange v. celerity n. possess vt. chaos n. deter v. lethal a. plural a. profane a. muted a. paltry a. cloying a. estranged a. lull v. dispossess vt. animated a.Word List 13 Testinequity n. actuate vt. gloomy a. compromise n. endure v.fable n. radioactive a. instinct n. forthright a. mate n. affable a. immoral a. misadventure n. oblique a. interrupt v. atypical a. stationary a. ramble v. contempt n. slender a. abate v. illuminate v. comparable a. severely ad. duplicate n. alleviate v. diplomatic a. convert v.eminence n. irresolute a. ultimate a.dais n. apology n. subtle a. acknowledge vt. scope n. instantaneous a. chaste a. indifferent a. inspire v. option n. reservoir n. resonate v. cursory a. disadvantage n. absorb vt. avidity n. interim a. alternation n. literary a. introductory a. indiscreet a. auspicious a. amphitheater n. clichén. overweight n.ravage v. reproduce v. unused a. lifetime n. drastic a. bizarre a. enhance v. satirize v. cameo n. bungle v. emerge vi. monopoly n. inherent a. preface n. potent a. mistrust n. territorial a. rag n. anathema n. evidence n. excursion n. adjunct n. imperil vt. imbue vt. necessity n. zeal n. orthodox a. mischievous a.astute a. unawares ad. blunt a.infuse v.feign v.analogy n.gossip n. perceptive a. mushroom n. luster n. discombobulated a. beneficial a. propulsive a. mnemonic a. smear n.Word List 14 Testbalk v.crass a. principle n. astounding a. contentious a. essence n.vain a.endue vt. inaccessible a. coalescence n. conformity n. assurance n. disprove vt. optimism n. accessible a. temperance n. dauntless a. discretion n. painstaking a. sensational a. authenticity n. hamper vt. exempt vt. supplementary a. overpass n. pedal n. bowdlerize vt. affray v.unveil v. hostility n. forbearance n. arduous a. comprehensive a. comport v. disparage v. repulse vt. aviary n.rigor n. didactic a. glacial a.elude vt. inclination n. inconvenient a. incentive a. armada n. phenomenon n. dynamic a. issue v. ambiguous a. opponent n. repress v. auditory a. omen n.playful a. negligent a. buttress n.embarrass vt. feat n. anecdote n. asylum n. submarine a. primitive a. populous a. wherever ad. diligent a. divest vt. typify vt. diplomat n. circumvent vt. illusion n. aesthetic a. inevitable a. portent n. vaccinate v. illiterate a. rotate v. frightful a. exert vt. offshoot n. wry a. contingent a. sociable a. domestic a. cerebration n.wrath n. inhume vt. cantankerous a. vivacity n. earthy a. rendition n. illimitable a. log n. turbulence n. rumple v. intrusive a. disconsolate a.Word List 15 Testantiseptic n. breach n. underlie vt. landscape n. alliance n. ancillary a. element n.tact n. intangible a. bellicose a. accompany v. qualification n. concede vt. beatitude n. prominence n. paralyze vt. transcript n.trait n.extinct a. emphasis n. commonplace n. beneficiary n. compression n. powerless a. misunderstand vt. shatter v. alcove n. profession n.seize v. utopian a. emphasize vt. rupture v. legible a. anonymous a. seminar n. stubborn a. guilty a. notorious a. abstruse a. introspect v. component n. extinguish vt. elasticity n. archipelago n. idealize vt. bureau n. occasion n. adamant a. attest v. transfer v. apparent a. faction n. ashen a. noticeable a. economic a. abusive a.cognate a. magnitude n. intuition n. sympathetic a. denigrate v. positive a. zealous a. fluent a. emergency n. gamble n./v. prohibition n. autonomous a. lasting a. august a. aperture n. bauble n. bawdy a. revelation n. acquaintance n. scarcity n. conspicuous a. syllable n. chicanery n. outcry n. cardinal n. immerse vt. aggregate v. regime n. cower vi.hover v. garbled a. recess n. budge v. smug a. loiter v. leave v. skeptic n.。