



伍德里奇计量经济学第四章name:log: /Users/wangjianying/Desktop/Chapter 4 Computer exercise.smcl log type: smclopened on: 25 Oct 2016, 22:20:411. do "/var/folders/qt/0wzmrhfd3rb93j2h5hhtcwqr0000gn/T//SD1945 6.000000"2. ****************************Chapter 4***********************************3. **C14. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/VOTE1.DTA"5. desContains data from /Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/VOTE1.DTA obs: 173vars: 10 25 Jun 1999 14:07size: 4,498storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelstate str2 %9s state postal codedistrict byte %3.0f congressional districtdemocA byte %3.2f =1 if A is democratvoteA byte %5.2f percent vote for AexpendA float %8.2f camp. expends. by A, $1000sexpendB float %8.2f camp. expends. by B, $1000sprtystrA byte %5.2f % vote for presidentlexpendA float %9.0g log(expendA)lexpendB float %9.0g log(expendB)shareA float %5.2f 100*(expendA/(expendA+expendB)) Sorted by:6. reg voteA lexpendA lexpendB prtystrASource SS df MS Number of obs = 173F( 3, 169) = 215.23 Model 38405.1096 3 12801.7032 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 10052.1389 169 59.480112 R-squared = 0.7926Adj R-squared = 0.7889 Total 48457.2486 172 281.728189 Root MSE = 7.7123voteA Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] lexpendA 6.083316 .38215 15.92 0.000 5.328914 6.837719 lexpendB -6.615417 .3788203 -17.46 0.000 -7.363246 -5.867588 prtystrA .1519574 .0620181 2.45 0.015 .0295274 .2743873 _cons 45.07893 3.926305 11.48 0.000 37.32801 52.829857. gen cha=lexpendB-lexpendA // variable cha is a new variable//8. reg voteA lexpendA cha prtystrASource SS df MS Number of obs = 173F( 3, 169) = 215.23 Model 38405.1097 3 12801.7032 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 10052.1388 169 59.4801115 R-squared = 0.7926Adj R-squared = 0.7889 Total 48457.2486 172 281.728189 Root MSE = 7.7123 voteA Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] lexpendA -.532101 .5330858 -1.00 0.320 -1.584466 .5202638 cha -6.615417 .3788203 -17.46 0.000 -7.363246 -5.867588prtystrA .1519574 .0620181 2.45 0.015 .0295274 .2743873_cons 45.07893 3.926305 11.48 0.000 37.32801 52.829859. clear10.11. **C312. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/hprice1.dta"13. desContains data from /Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/hprice1.dta obs: 88vars: 10 17 Mar 2002 12:21size: 2,816storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelprice float %9.0g house price, $1000sassess float %9.0g assessed value, $1000sbdrms byte %9.0g number of bdrmslotsize float %9.0g size of lot in square feetsqrft int %9.0g size of house in square feetcolonial byte %9.0g =1 if home is colonial stylelprice float %9.0g log(price)lassess float %9.0g log(assessllotsize float %9.0g log(lotsize)lsqrft float %9.0g log(sqrft)Sorted by:14. reg lprice sqrft bdrmsSource SS df MS Number of obs = 88F( 2, 85) = 60.73 Model 4.71671468 2 2.35835734 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 3.30088884 85 .038833986 R-squared = 0.5883Adj R-squared = 0.5786 Total 8.01760352 87 .092156362 Root MSE = .19706 lprice Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] sqrft .0003794 .0000432 8.78 0.000 .0002935 .0004654bdrms .0288844 .0296433 0.97 0.333 -.0300543 .0878232_cons 4.766027 .0970445 49.11 0.000 4.573077 4.95897815. gen cha=sqrft-150*bdrms16. reg lprice cha bdrmsSource SS df MS Number of obs = 88F( 2, 85) = 60.73 Model 4.71671468 2 2.35835734 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 3.30088884 85 .038833986 R-squared = 0.5883Adj R-squared = 0.5786 Total 8.01760352 87 .092156362 Root MSE = .19706lprice Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] cha .0003794 .0000432 8.78 0.000 .0002935 .0004654 bdrms .0858013 .0267675 3.21 0.002 .0325804 .1390223 _cons 4.766027 .0970445 49.11 0.000 4.573077 4.95897817. clear18.19. **C520. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/MLB1.DTA"21. desContains data from /Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/MLB1.DTA obs: 353vars: 47 16 Sep 1996 15:53size: 45,537storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelsalary float %9.0g 1993 season salaryteamsal float %10.0f team payrollnl byte %9.0g =1 if national leagueyears byte %9.0g years in major leaguesgames int %9.0g career games playedatbats int %9.0g career at batsruns int %9.0g career runs scoredhits int %9.0g career hitsdoubles int %9.0g career doublestriples int %9.0g career tripleshruns int %9.0g career home runsrbis int %9.0g career runs batted inbavg float %9.0g career batting averagebb int %9.0g career walksso int %9.0g career strike outssbases int %9.0g career stolen basesfldperc int %9.0g career fielding perc frstbase byte %9.0g = 1 if first base scndbase byte %9.0g =1 if second base shrtstop byte %9.0g =1 if shortstop thrdbase byte %9.0g =1 if third base outfield byte %9.0g =1 if outfieldcatcher byte %9.0g =1 if catcheryrsallst byte %9.0g years as all-starhispan byte %9.0g =1 if hispanicblack byte %9.0g =1 if blackwhitepop float %9.0g white pop. in city blackpop float %9.0g black pop. in city hisppop float %9.0g hispanic pop. in city pcinc int %9.0g city per capita income gamesyr float %9.0g games per year in league hrunsyr float %9.0g home runs per year atbatsyr float %9.0g at bats per yearallstar float %9.0g perc. of years an all-star slugavg float %9.0g career slugging average rbisyr float %9.0g rbis per yearsbasesyr float %9.0g stolen bases per yearrunsyr float %9.0g runs scored per yearpercwhte float %9.0g percent white in citypercblck float %9.0g percent black in cityperchisp float %9.0g percent hispanic in cityblckpb float %9.0g black*percblckhispph float %9.0g hispan*perchispwhtepw float %9.0g white*percwhteblckph float %9.0g black*perchisphisppb float %9.0g hispan*percblcklsalary float %9.0g log(salary)Sorted by:22. reg lsalary years gamesyr bavg hrunsyrSource SS df MS Number of obs = 353F( 4, 348) = 145.24 Model 307.800674 4 76.9501684 Prob >F = 0.0000 Residual 184.374861 348 .52981282 R-squared =0.6254Adj R-squared = 0.6211 Total 492.175535 352 1.39822595 Root MSE = .72788lsalary Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] years .0677325 .0121128 5.59 0.000 .0439089 .091556 gamesyr .0157595 .0015636 10.08 0.000 .0126841 .0188348 bavg .0014185 .0010658 1.33 0.184 -.0006776 .0035147 hrunsyr .0359434 .0072408 4.96 0.000 .0217021 .0501847 _cons 11.02091 .2657191 41.48 0.000 10.49829 11.5435323. reg lsalary years gamesyr bavg hrunsyr runsyr fldperc sbasesyrSource SS df MS Number of obs = 353F( 7, 345) = 87.25 Model 314.510478 7 44.9300682 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual 177.665058 345 .514971181 R-squared =0.6390Adj R-squared = 0.6317 Total 492.175535 352 1.39822595 Root MSE = .71761lsalary Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] years .0699848 .0119756 5.84 0.000 .0464305 .0935391 gamesyr .0078995 .0026775 2.95 0.003 .0026333 .0131657 bavg .0005296 .0011038 0.48 0.632 -.0016414 .0027007 hrunsyr .0232106 .0086392 2.69 0.008 .0062185 .0402027 runsyr .0173922 .0050641 3.43 0.001 .0074318 .0273525 fldperc .0010351 .0020046 0.52 0.606 -.0029077 .0049778 sbasesyr -.0064191 .0051842 -1.24 0.216 -.0166157 .0037775 _cons 10.40827 2.003255 5.20 0.000 6.468139 14.348424. test bavg fldperc sbasesyr( 1) bavg = 0( 2) fldperc = 0( 3) sbasesyr = 0F( 3, 345) = 0.69Prob > F = 0.561725. clear26. **C727. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/twoyear.dta"28. sum phsrankVariable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Maxphsrank 6763 56.15703 24.27296 0 9929. reg lwage jc totcoll exper phsrankSource SS df MS Number of obs = 6763F( 4, 6758) = 483.85 Model 358.050568 4 89.5126419 Prob >F = 0.0000 Residual 1250.24552 6758 .185002297 R-squared =0.2226Adj R-squared = 0.2222 Total 1608.29609 6762 .237843255 Root MSE = .43012 lwage Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] jc -.0093108 .0069693 -1.34 0.182 -.0229728 .0043512 totcoll .0754756 .0025588 29.50 0.000 .0704595 .0804918 exper .0049396 .0001575 31.36 0.000 .0046308 .0052483 phsrank .0003032 .0002389 1.27 0.204 -.0001651 .0007716 _cons 1.458747 .0236211 61.76 0.000 1.412442 1.50505230. reg lwage jc univ exper idSource SS df MS Number of obs = 6763F( 4, 6758) = 483.42 Model 357.807307 4 89.4518268 Prob >F = 0.0000 Residual 1250.48879 6758 .185038293 R-squared =0.2225Adj R-squared = 0.2220 Total 1608.29609 6762 .237843255 Root MSE = .43016 lwage Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] jc .0666633 .0068294 9.76 0.000 .0532754 .0800511univ .0768813 .0023089 33.30 0.000 .0723552 .0814074exper .0049456 .0001575 31.40 0.000 .0046368 .0052543id 1.14e-07 2.09e-07 0.54 0.587 -2.97e-07 5.24e-07_cons 1.467533 .0228306 64.28 0.000 1.422778 1.51228831. reg lwage jc totcoll exper idSource SS df MS Number of obs = 6763F( 4, 6758) = 483.42 Model 357.807307 4 89.4518267 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 1250.48879 6758 .185038293 R-squared = 0.2225 Adj R-squared = 0.2220 Total 1608.29609 6762 .237843255 Root MSE = .43016 lwage Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] jc -.010218 .0069366 -1.47 0.141 -.023816 .00338totcoll .0768813 .0023089 33.30 0.000 .0723552 .0814074exper .0049456 .0001575 31.40 0.000 .0046368 .0052543id 1.14e-07 2.09e-07 0.54 0.587 -2.97e-07 5.24e-07_cons 1.467533 .0228306 64.28 0.000 1.422778 1.51228832. clear33. **C934. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/discrim.dta"35. desContains data from /Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/discrim.dta obs: 410vars: 37 8 Jan 2002 22:26size: 47,150storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelpsoda float %9.0g price of medium soda, 1st wavepfries float %9.0g price of small fries, 1st wavepentree float %9.0g price entree (burger or chicken), 1st wave wagest float %9.0g starting wage, 1st wavenmgrs float %9.0g number of managers, 1st wavenregs byte %9.0g number of registers, 1st wavehrsopen float %9.0g hours open, 1st waveemp float %9.0g number of employees, 1st wavepsoda2 float %9.0g price of medium soday, 2nd wavepfries2 float %9.0g price of small fries, 2nd wavepentree2 float %9.0g price entree, 2nd wavewagest2 float %9.0g starting wage, 2nd wavenmgrs2 float %9.0g number of managers, 2nd wavenregs2 byte %9.0g number of registers, 2nd wavehrsopen2 float %9.0g hours open, 2nd waveemp2 float %9.0g number of employees, 2nd wavecompown byte %9.0g =1 if company ownedchain byte %9.0g BK = 1, KFC = 2, Roy Rogers = 3, Wendy's= 4 density float %9.0g population density, towncrmrte float %9.0g crime rate, townstate byte %9.0g NJ = 1, PA = 2prpblck float %9.0g proportion black, zipcodeprppov float %9.0g proportion in poverty, zipcodeprpncar float %9.0g proportion no car, zipcodehseval float %9.0g median housing value, zipcodenstores byte %9.0g number of stores, zipcodeincome float %9.0g median family income, zipcodecounty byte %9.0g county labellpsoda float %9.0g log(psoda)lpfries float %9.0g log(pfries)lhseval float %9.0g log(hseval)lincome float %9.0g log(income)ldensity float %9.0g log(density)NJ byte %9.0g =1 for New JerseyBK byte %9.0g =1 if Burger KingKFC byte %9.0g =1 if Kentucky Fried ChickenRR byte %9.0g =1 if Roy RogersSorted by:36. reg lpsoda prpblck lincome prppovSource SS df MS Number of obs = 401F( 3, 397) = 12.60 Model .250340622 3 .083446874 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 2.62840943 397 .006620679 R-squared = 0.0870Adj R-squared = 0.0801 Total 2.87875005 400 .007196875 Root MSE = .08137 lpsoda Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]prpblck .0728072 .0306756 2.37 0.018 .0125003 .1331141lincome .1369553 .0267554 5.12 0.000 .0843552 .1895553prppov .38036 .1327903 2.86 0.004 .1192999 .6414201_cons -1.463333 .2937111 -4.98 0.000 -2.040756 -.885909237. corr lincome prppov(obs=409)lincome prppovlincome 1.0000prppov -0.8385 1.000038. reg lpsoda prpblck lincome prppov lhsevalSource SS df MS Number of obs = 401F( 4, 396) = 22.31 Model .529488085 4 .132372021 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual 2.34926197 396 .00593248 R-squared = 0.1839 Adj R-squared = 0.1757 Total 2.87875005 400 .007196875 Root MSE = .07702lpsoda Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] prpblck .0975502 .0292607 3.33 0.001 .0400244 .155076 lincome -.0529904 .0375261 -1.41 0.159 -.1267657 .0207848 prppov .0521229 .1344992 0.39 0.699 -.2122989 .3165447 lhseval .1213056 .0176841 6.86 0.000 .0865392 .1560721 _cons -.8415149 .2924318 -2.88 0.004 -1.416428 -.266601939. test lincome prppov( 1) lincome = 0( 2) prppov = 0F( 2, 396) = 3.52Prob > F = 0.030440.end of do-file41. log closename:log: /Users/wangjianying/Desktop/Chapter 4 Computer exercise.smcl log type: smclclosed on: 25 Oct 2016, 22:21:04。












(三)鉴于潜在的混杂因素- 其中一些是第(ii)上市- 寻找负相关关系不会是有力的证据,缩小班级规模,实际上带来更好的性能。














伍德里奇-计量经济学(第4版)答案计量经济学答案第二章2.4 (1)在实验的准备过程中,我们要随机安排小时数,这样小时数(hours )可以独立于其它影响SAT 成绩的因素。

然后,我们收集实验中每个学生SAT 成绩的相关信息,产生一个数据集{}n i hours sat i i ,...2,1:),(=,n 是实验中学生的数量。

从式(2.7)中,我们应尽量获得较多可行的i hours 变量。

(2)因素:与生俱来的能力(天赋)、家庭收入、考试当天的健康状况①如果我们认为天赋高的学生不需要准备SAT 考试,那天赋(ability )与小时数(hours )之间是负相关。


③排除慢性健康问题,考试当天的健康问题与SAT 备考课程上的小时数(hours )大致不相关。

(3)如果备考课程有效,1β应该是正的:其他因素不变情况下,增加备考课程时间会提高SAT 成绩。

(4)0β在这个例子中有一个很有用的解释:因为E (u )=0,0β是那些在备考课程上花费小时数为0的学生的SAT平均成绩。








二、经验经济分析的步骤 经验分析就是利用数据来检验某个理论或估计某种关系。 1.对所关心问题的详细阐述 在某些情形下,特别是涉及到对经济理论的检验时,就要构造一个规范的经济模型。经 济模型总是由描述各种关系的数理方程构成。 2.经济模型变成计量模型 先了解一下计量模型和经济模型有何关系。与经济分析不同,在进行计量经济分析之前, 必须明确函数的形式。 通过设定一个特定的计量经济模型,就解决了经济模型中内在的不确定性。
Байду номын сангаас
4 / 119
圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

(i)如果你能设定你想做的任何实验,你想做些什么?请具体说明。 (ii)更现实地,假设你能搜集到某个州几千名四年级学生的观测数据。你能得到他们 四年级班级规模和四年级末的标准化考试分数。你为什么预计班级规模与考试成绩存在负相 关关系? (iii)负相关关系一定意味着较小的班级规模会导致更好的成绩吗?请解释。 答:(i)假定能够随机的分配学生们去不同规模的班级,也就是说,在不考虑学生诸如 能力和家庭背景等特征的前提下,每个学生被随机的分配到不同的班级。因此可以看到班级 规模(在伦理考量和资源约束条件下的主体)的显著差异。 (ii)负相关关系意味着更大的班级规模与更差的考试成绩是有直接联系的,因此可以 发现班级规模越大,导致考试成绩越差。 通过数据可知,两者之间的负相关关系还有其他的原因。例如,富裕家庭的孩子在学校 可能更多的加入小班,而且他们的成绩优于平均水平。 另外一个可能性是:学校的原则是将成绩较好的学生分配到小班。或者部分父母可能坚 持让自己的孩子进入更小的班级,而同样这些父母也更多的参与子女的教育。 (iii)鉴于潜在的其他混杂因素(如 ii 所列举),负相关关系并不一定意味着较小的班 级规模会导致更好的成绩。控制混杂因素的方法是必要的,而这正是多重回归分析的主题。





























(三)鉴于潜在的混杂因素- 其中一些是第(ii)上市- 寻找负相关关系不会是有力的证据,缩小班级规模,实际上带来更好的性能。














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使用普通最小二乘法,此时最小化的残差平方和为()211niii y x β=-∑利用一元微积分可以证明,1β必须满足一阶条件()110niiii x y x β=-=∑从而解出1β为:1121ni ii nii x yxβ===∑∑当且仅当0x =时,这两个估计值才是相同的。

2.2 课后习题详解一、习题1.在简单线性回归模型01y x u ββ=++中,假定()0E u ≠。

令()0E u α=,证明:这个模型总可以改写为另一种形式:斜率与原来相同,但截距和误差有所不同,并且新的误差期望值为零。

证明:在方程右边加上()0E u α=,则0010y x u αββα=+++-令新的误差项为0e u α=-,因此()0E e =。


2(Ⅰ)利用OLS 估计GPA 和ACT 的关系;也就是说,求出如下方程中的截距和斜率估计值01ˆˆGPA ACT ββ=+^评价这个关系的方向。


如果ACT 分数提高5分,预期GPA 会提高多少?(Ⅱ)计算每次观测的拟合值和残差,并验证残差和(近似)为零。

(Ⅲ)当20ACT =时,GPA 的预测值为多少?(Ⅳ)对这8个学生来说,GPA 的变异中,有多少能由ACT 解释?试说明。

答:(Ⅰ)变量的均值为: 3.2125GPA =,25.875ACT =。

()()15.8125niii GPA GPA ACT ACT =--=∑根据公式2.19可得:1ˆ 5.8125/56.8750.1022β==。

根据公式2.17可知:0ˆ 3.21250.102225.8750.5681β=-⨯=。

因此0.56810.1022GPA ACT =+^。

此处截距没有一个很好的解释,因为对样本而言,ACT 并不接近0。

如果ACT 分数提高5分,预期GPA 会提高0.1022×5=0.511。




inc e inc incE e inc 0 。

inc e inc


Var e inc inc e2 。
(Ⅲ)低收入家庭支出的灵活性较低,因为低收入家庭必须首先支付衣食住行等必需品。而高收入家庭具有 较高的灵活性,部分选择更多的消费,而另一部分家庭选择更多的储蓄。这种较高的灵活性暗示高收入家庭中储 蓄的变动幅度更大。
(Ⅲ)在(Ⅱ)的方程中,如果备考课程有效,那么 1 的符号应该是什么? (Ⅳ)在(Ⅱ)的方程中, 0 该如何解释? 答: (Ⅰ)构建实验时,首先随机分配准备课程的小时数,以保证准备课程的时间与其他影响 SAT 的因素是
houri :i 1 , , n , n 表示试验中所包括的学 独立的。然后收集实验中每个学生 SAT 的数据,建立样本 sati ,
因此 GPA 0.5681 0.1022 ACT 。 此处截距没有一个很好的解释, 因为对样本而言,ACT 并不接近 0。 如果 ACT 分数提高 5 分,预期 GPA 会提高 0.1022× 5=0.511。 (Ⅱ)每次观测的拟合值和残差表如表 2-3 所示: 表 2-3
GPA^^源自 7.利用 Kiel and McClain(1995)有关 1988 年马萨诸塞州安德沃市的房屋出售数据,如下方程给出了房屋 价格( price )和距离一个新修垃圾焚化炉的距离( dist )之间的关系:
log price 9.40 0.312log dist n 135 , R 2 0.162
y 0 0 1 x u 0
令新的误差项为 e u 0 ,因此 E e 0 。 新的截距项为 0 0 ,斜率不变为 1 。 2.下表包含了 8 个学生的 ACT 分数和 GPA(平均成绩) 。平均成绩以四分制计算,且保留一位小数。 GPA ACT student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



name: <unnamed>log: /Users/wangjianying/Desktop/Chapter 4 Computer exercise.smcl log type: smclopened on: 25 Oct 2016, 22:20:411. do "/var/folders/qt/0wzmrhfd3rb93j2h5hhtcwqr0000gn/T//SD19456.000000"2. ****************************Chapter 4***********************************3. **C14. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/VOTE1.DTA"5. desContains data from /Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/VOTE1.DTA obs: 173vars: 10 25 Jun 1999 14:07size: 4,498storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelstate str2 %9s state postal codedistrict byte %3.0f congressional districtdemocA byte %3.2f =1 if A is democratvoteA byte %5.2f percent vote for AexpendA float %8.2f camp. expends. by A, $1000sexpendB float %8.2f camp. expends. by B, $1000sprtystrA byte %5.2f % vote for presidentlexpendA float %9.0g log(expendA)lexpendB float %9.0g log(expendB)shareA float %5.2f 100*(expendA/(expendA+expendB)) Sorted by:6. reg voteA lexpendA lexpendB prtystrASource SS df MS Number of obs = 173F( 3, 169) = 215.23 Model 38405.1096 3 12801.7032 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 10052.1389 169 59.480112 R-squared = 0.7926Adj R-squared = 0.7889 Total 48457.2486 172 281.728189 Root MSE = 7.7123voteA Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] lexpendA 6.083316 .38215 15.92 0.000 5.328914 6.837719 lexpendB -6.615417 .3788203 -17.46 0.000 -7.363246 -5.867588 prtystrA .1519574 .0620181 2.45 0.015 .0295274 .2743873 _cons 45.07893 3.926305 11.48 0.000 37.32801 52.829857. gen cha=lexpendB-lexpendA // variable cha is a new variable//8. reg voteA lexpendA cha prtystrASource SS df MS Number of obs = 173F( 3, 169) = 215.23 Model 38405.1097 3 12801.7032 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 10052.1388 169 59.4801115 R-squared = 0.7926Adj R-squared = 0.7889 Total 48457.2486 172 281.728189 Root MSE = 7.7123 voteA Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]lexpendA -.532101 .5330858 -1.00 0.320 -1.584466 .5202638cha -6.615417 .3788203 -17.46 0.000 -7.363246 -5.867588prtystrA .1519574 .0620181 2.45 0.015 .0295274 .2743873_cons 45.07893 3.926305 11.48 0.000 37.32801 52.829859. clear10.11. **C312. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/hprice1.dta"13. desContains data from /Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/hprice1.dta obs: 88vars: 10 17 Mar 2002 12:21size: 2,816storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelprice float %9.0g house price, $1000sassess float %9.0g assessed value, $1000sbdrms byte %9.0g number of bdrmslotsize float %9.0g size of lot in square feetsqrft int %9.0g size of house in square feetcolonial byte %9.0g =1 if home is colonial stylelprice float %9.0g log(price)lassess float %9.0g log(assessllotsize float %9.0g log(lotsize)lsqrft float %9.0g log(sqrft)Sorted by:14. reg lprice sqrft bdrmsSource SS df MS Number of obs = 88F( 2, 85) = 60.73 Model 4.71671468 2 2.35835734 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 3.30088884 85 .038833986 R-squared = 0.5883Adj R-squared = 0.5786 Total 8.01760352 87 .092156362 Root MSE = .19706 lprice Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]sqrft .0003794 .0000432 8.78 0.000 .0002935 .0004654bdrms .0288844 .0296433 0.97 0.333 -.0300543 .0878232_cons 4.766027 .0970445 49.11 0.000 4.573077 4.95897815. gen cha=sqrft-150*bdrms16. reg lprice cha bdrmsSource SS df MS Number of obs = 88F( 2, 85) = 60.73 Model 4.71671468 2 2.35835734 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 3.30088884 85 .038833986 R-squared = 0.5883Adj R-squared = 0.5786 Total 8.01760352 87 .092156362 Root MSE = .19706lprice Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] cha .0003794 .0000432 8.78 0.000 .0002935 .0004654 bdrms .0858013 .0267675 3.21 0.002 .0325804 .1390223 _cons 4.766027 .0970445 49.11 0.000 4.573077 4.95897817. clear18.19. **C520. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/MLB1.DTA"21. desContains data from /Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/MLB1.DTA obs: 353vars: 47 16 Sep 1996 15:53size: 45,537storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelsalary float %9.0g 1993 season salaryteamsal float %10.0f team payrollnl byte %9.0g =1 if national leagueyears byte %9.0g years in major leaguesgames int %9.0g career games playedatbats int %9.0g career at batsruns int %9.0g career runs scoredhits int %9.0g career hitsdoubles int %9.0g career doublestriples int %9.0g career tripleshruns int %9.0g career home runsrbis int %9.0g career runs batted inbavg float %9.0g career batting averagebb int %9.0g career walksso int %9.0g career strike outssbases int %9.0g career stolen basesfldperc int %9.0g career fielding percfrstbase byte %9.0g = 1 if first basescndbase byte %9.0g =1 if second baseshrtstop byte %9.0g =1 if shortstopthrdbase byte %9.0g =1 if third baseoutfield byte %9.0g =1 if outfieldcatcher byte %9.0g =1 if catcheryrsallst byte %9.0g years as all-starhispan byte %9.0g =1 if hispanicblack byte %9.0g =1 if blackwhitepop float %9.0g white pop. in cityblackpop float %9.0g black pop. in cityhisppop float %9.0g hispanic pop. in citypcinc int %9.0g city per capita incomegamesyr float %9.0g games per year in leaguehrunsyr float %9.0g home runs per yearatbatsyr float %9.0g at bats per yearallstar float %9.0g perc. of years an all-starslugavg float %9.0g career slugging averagerbisyr float %9.0g rbis per yearsbasesyr float %9.0g stolen bases per yearrunsyr float %9.0g runs scored per yearpercwhte float %9.0g percent white in citypercblck float %9.0g percent black in cityperchisp float %9.0g percent hispanic in cityblckpb float %9.0g black*percblckhispph float %9.0g hispan*perchispwhtepw float %9.0g white*percwhteblckph float %9.0g black*perchisphisppb float %9.0g hispan*percblcklsalary float %9.0g log(salary)Sorted by:22. reg lsalary years gamesyr bavg hrunsyrSource SS df MS Number of obs = 353F( 4, 348) = 145.24 Model 307.800674 4 76.9501684 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual 184.374861 348 .52981282 R-squared = 0.6254Adj R-squared = 0.6211 Total 492.175535 352 1.39822595 Root MSE = .72788lsalary Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] years .0677325 .0121128 5.59 0.000 .0439089 .091556 gamesyr .0157595 .0015636 10.08 0.000 .0126841 .0188348 bavg .0014185 .0010658 1.33 0.184 -.0006776 .0035147 hrunsyr .0359434 .0072408 4.96 0.000 .0217021 .0501847 _cons 11.02091 .2657191 41.48 0.000 10.49829 11.5435323. reg lsalary years gamesyr bavg hrunsyr runsyr fldperc sbasesyrSource SS df MS Number of obs = 353F( 7, 345) = 87.25 Model 314.510478 7 44.9300682 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual 177.665058 345 .514971181 R-squared = 0.6390Adj R-squared = 0.6317 Total 492.175535 352 1.39822595 Root MSE = .71761lsalary Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] years .0699848 .0119756 5.84 0.000 .0464305 .0935391 gamesyr .0078995 .0026775 2.95 0.003 .0026333 .0131657 bavg .0005296 .0011038 0.48 0.632 -.0016414 .0027007 hrunsyr .0232106 .0086392 2.69 0.008 .0062185 .0402027 runsyr .0173922 .0050641 3.43 0.001 .0074318 .0273525 fldperc .0010351 .0020046 0.52 0.606 -.0029077 .0049778 sbasesyr -.0064191 .0051842 -1.24 0.216 -.0166157 .0037775 _cons 10.40827 2.003255 5.20 0.000 6.468139 14.348424. test bavg fldperc sbasesyr( 1) bavg = 0( 2) fldperc = 0( 3) sbasesyr = 0F( 3, 345) = 0.69Prob > F = 0.561725. clear26. **C727. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/twoyear.dta"28. sum phsrankVariable Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Maxphsrank 6763 56.15703 24.27296 0 9929. reg lwage jc totcoll exper phsrankSource SS df MS Number of obs = 6763F( 4, 6758) = 483.85 Model 358.050568 4 89.5126419 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual 1250.24552 6758 .185002297 R-squared = 0.2226Adj R-squared = 0.2222 Total 1608.29609 6762 .237843255 Root MSE = .43012 lwage Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] jc -.0093108 .0069693 -1.34 0.182 -.0229728 .0043512 totcoll .0754756 .0025588 29.50 0.000 .0704595 .0804918 exper .0049396 .0001575 31.36 0.000 .0046308 .0052483 phsrank .0003032 .0002389 1.27 0.204 -.0001651 .0007716 _cons 1.458747 .0236211 61.76 0.000 1.412442 1.50505230. reg lwage jc univ exper idSource SS df MS Number of obs = 6763F( 4, 6758) = 483.42 Model 357.807307 4 89.4518268 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual 1250.48879 6758 .185038293 R-squared = 0.2225Adj R-squared = 0.2220 Total 1608.29609 6762 .237843255 Root MSE = .43016 lwage Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]jc .0666633 .0068294 9.76 0.000 .0532754 .0800511univ .0768813 .0023089 33.30 0.000 .0723552 .0814074exper .0049456 .0001575 31.40 0.000 .0046368 .0052543id 1.14e-07 2.09e-07 0.54 0.587 -2.97e-07 5.24e-07_cons 1.467533 .0228306 64.28 0.000 1.422778 1.51228831. reg lwage jc totcoll exper idSource SS df MS Number of obs = 6763F( 4, 6758) = 483.42 Model 357.807307 4 89.4518267 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 1250.48879 6758 .185038293 R-squared = 0.2225Adj R-squared = 0.2220 Total 1608.29609 6762 .237843255 Root MSE = .43016 lwage Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]jc -.010218 .0069366 -1.47 0.141 -.023816 .00338totcoll .0768813 .0023089 33.30 0.000 .0723552 .0814074exper .0049456 .0001575 31.40 0.000 .0046368 .0052543id 1.14e-07 2.09e-07 0.54 0.587 -2.97e-07 5.24e-07_cons 1.467533 .0228306 64.28 0.000 1.422778 1.51228832. clear33. **C934. use "/Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/discrim.dta"35. desContains data from /Users/wangjianying/Documents/data of wooldridge/stata/discrim.dta obs: 410vars: 37 8 Jan 2002 22:26size: 47,150storage display valuevariable name type format label variable labelpsoda float %9.0g price of medium soda, 1st wavepfries float %9.0g price of small fries, 1st wavepentree float %9.0g price entree (burger or chicken), 1st wave wagest float %9.0g starting wage, 1st wavenmgrs float %9.0g number of managers, 1st wavenregs byte %9.0g number of registers, 1st wavehrsopen float %9.0g hours open, 1st waveemp float %9.0g number of employees, 1st wavepsoda2 float %9.0g price of medium soday, 2nd wavepfries2 float %9.0g price of small fries, 2nd wavepentree2 float %9.0g price entree, 2nd wavewagest2 float %9.0g starting wage, 2nd wavenmgrs2 float %9.0g number of managers, 2nd wavenregs2 byte %9.0g number of registers, 2nd wavehrsopen2 float %9.0g hours open, 2nd waveemp2 float %9.0g number of employees, 2nd wavecompown byte %9.0g =1 if company ownedchain byte %9.0g BK = 1, KFC = 2, Roy Rogers = 3, Wendy's = 4 density float %9.0g population density, towncrmrte float %9.0g crime rate, townstate byte %9.0g NJ = 1, PA = 2prpblck float %9.0g proportion black, zipcodeprppov float %9.0g proportion in poverty, zipcodeprpncar float %9.0g proportion no car, zipcodehseval float %9.0g median housing value, zipcodenstores byte %9.0g number of stores, zipcodeincome float %9.0g median family income, zipcodecounty byte %9.0g county labellpsoda float %9.0g log(psoda)lpfries float %9.0g log(pfries)lhseval float %9.0g log(hseval)lincome float %9.0g log(income)ldensity float %9.0g log(density)NJ byte %9.0g =1 for New JerseyBK byte %9.0g =1 if Burger KingKFC byte %9.0g =1 if Kentucky Fried ChickenRR byte %9.0g =1 if Roy RogersSorted by:36. reg lpsoda prpblck lincome prppovSource SS df MS Number of obs = 401F( 3, 397) = 12.60 Model .250340622 3 .083446874 Prob > F = 0.0000Residual 2.62840943 397 .006620679 R-squared = 0.0870Adj R-squared = 0.0801 Total 2.87875005 400 .007196875 Root MSE = .08137 lpsoda Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]prpblck .0728072 .0306756 2.37 0.018 .0125003 .1331141lincome .1369553 .0267554 5.12 0.000 .0843552 .1895553prppov .38036 .1327903 2.86 0.004 .1192999 .6414201_cons -1.463333 .2937111 -4.98 0.000 -2.040756 -.885909237. corr lincome prppov(obs=409)lincome prppovlincome 1.0000prppov -0.8385 1.000038. reg lpsoda prpblck lincome prppov lhsevalSource SS df MS Number of obs = 401F( 4, 396) = 22.31 Model .529488085 4 .132372021 Prob > F = 0.0000 Residual 2.34926197 396 .00593248 R-squared = 0.1839Adj R-squared = 0.1757 Total 2.87875005 400 .007196875 Root MSE = .07702lpsoda Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval] prpblck .0975502 .0292607 3.33 0.001 .0400244 .155076 lincome -.0529904 .0375261 -1.41 0.159 -.1267657 .0207848 prppov .0521229 .1344992 0.39 0.699 -.2122989 .3165447 lhseval .1213056 .0176841 6.86 0.000 .0865392 .1560721 _cons -.8415149 .2924318 -2.88 0.004 -1.416428 -.266601939. test lincome prppov( 1) lincome = 0( 2) prppov = 0F( 2, 396) = 3.52Prob > F = 0.030440.end of do-file41. log closename: <unnamed>log: /Users/wangjianying/Desktop/Chapter 4 Computer exercise.smcl log type: smclclosed on: 25 Oct 2016, 22:21:04。

伍德里奇 计量经济学导论

伍德里奇 计量经济学导论


4.高斯 - 马尔科夫假设在多元线性回归中的作用





在多元线性回归模型中,有四个假设,被称为 MLR1-MLR4,这些假设为模型的无偏性、参数的估计和模型的检验提供了理论依据。

高斯 - 马尔科夫假设是多元线性回归模型的五个假设之一,它假设所有自变量与因变量之间的关系都是线性的,且各个自变量之间是相互独立的。



络上找到,如 Daisy-Tung 的博客、word 版伍德里奇所著的《计量经济学导论》等。



elseifx>=3.5 &x<5.5
disp('input error');
A=input('输入四位整数A');Sign=1;cFra bibliotekse{2,3}
disp('input error');
A =
11 76 49 92 51 47 85 56 28 69 84 11 70 43 84 54 73 48 37 26








②做一个容许不同时期有不同截距的混合回归来估计约束模型,得到SSR r。

然后,对T个时期都分别做一个回归,并得到相应的残差平方和,有:SSR ur=SSR1+SSR2+…+SSR T。




F统计量计算公式为:[(SSR r-SSR ur)/SSR ur][(n-T-Tk)/(Tk-k)]。







伍德里奇 计量经济学导论

伍德里奇 计量经济学导论

伍德里奇计量经济学导论摘要::1.伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》概述2.多元线性回归模型及其假设3.高斯- 马尔科夫假设4.伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》的课后习题答案5.总结正文:计量经济学是一门以经济理论为基础,运用数学和统计学方法,通过建立计量经济模型对经济变量之间的关系进行定量分析的学科。


本文将从伍德里奇的《计量经济学导论》概述、多元线性回归模型及其假设、高斯- 马尔科夫假设以及伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》的课后习题答案等方面进行探讨。

伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》概述《计量经济学导论》是伍德里奇所著的一本计量经济学教材,目前已经出版到第6 版。






同时,伍德里奇还介绍了多元线性回归模型的假设,这些假设被称为高斯- 马尔科夫假设。

高斯- 马尔科夫假设高斯- 马尔科夫假设是多元线性回归模型的五个假设之一,它包括以下四个假设:1.线性性假设:因变量与自变量之间的关系是线性的。




这四个假设被称为高斯- 马尔科夫假设,它们保证了多元线性回归模型的估计结果具有无偏性和最小方差性。



Multiple Categories (cont)
Any categorical variable can be turned into a set of dummy variables Because the base group is represented by the intercept, if there are n categories there should be n – 1 dummy variables If there are a lot of categories, it may make sense to group some together Example: top 10 ranking, 11 – 25, etc.
Self-selection Problems
If we can control for everything that is correlated with both participation and the outcome of interest then it’s not a problem Often, though, there are unobservables that are correlated with participation In this case, the estimate of the program effect is biased, and we don’t want to set policy based on it!
Example of d0 > 0 and d1 < 0 y
y = b0 + b1= 0 dx d=1 y = (b0 + d0) + (b1 + d1) x x



伍德里奇《计量经济学导论》(第5版)笔记和课后习题详解第4章多元回归分析:推断4.1复习笔记一、OLS 估计量的抽样分布1.假定MLR.6(正态性)总体误差u 独立于解释变量12 k x x x ,,…,,而且服从均值为零和方差为2σ的正态分布:()2Normal 0 u σ~,。



在CLM 假定下,OLS 估计量01ˆˆˆ kβββ,,…,比在高斯—马尔可夫假定下具有更强的效率性质。

可以证明,OLS 估计量是最小方差无偏估计,即在所有的无偏估计中,OLS 具有最小的方差。

总结CLM 总体假定的一种简洁方法是:()201122|Normal k k y x x x x ββββσ++++~…,误差项的正态性导致OLS 估计量的正态抽样分布。

3.用中心极限定理去推导u 的分布的缺陷(1)虽然u 是影响y 而又观测不到的众多因素之和,且各因素可能各有极为不同的总体分布,但中心极限定理(CLT)在这些情形下仍成立。

正态近似的效果取决于u 中有多少因素,以及u 中包含因素分布的差异。


因此如果u 是不可观测因素的一个复杂函数,那么CLT 论证并不真正适用。

4.误差项的正态性导致OLS 估计量的正态抽样分布定理4.1:正态抽样分布在CLM 假定MLR.1~MLR.6下,以自变量的样本值为条件,有:()ˆˆ~Normal Var j j j βββ⎡⎤⎣⎦,因此()()()ˆˆ/sd ~Normal 0 1j j j βββ-,注:除ˆj β服从正态分布外,01ˆˆˆ k βββ,,…,的任何线性组合也都是正态分布,而且ˆjβ的任何一个子集也都具有一个联合正态分布。

二、检验对单个总体参数的假设:t 检验1.总体回归函数总体模型可写作:11o k k y x x uβββ=++⋯++假定它满足CLM 假定,OLS 得到j β的无偏估计量。

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班级:金融学×××班姓名:××学号:×××××××C4.1 voteA=β0+β1log expendA+β2log expendB+β3prtystrA+u 其中,voteA表示候选人A得到的选票百分数,expendA和expendB分别表示候选人A和B的竞选支出,而prtystrA则是对A所在党派势力的一种度量(A所在党派在最近一次总统选举中获得的选票百分比)。

(expendA)增加一个百分点时,voteA将增加β1 100。

(ⅱ)用参数表述如下虚拟假设:A的竞选支出提高1% 被B的竞选支出提高1% 所抵消。

虚拟假设为H0∶β1+β2=0 ,该假设意味着A的竞选支出提高x% 被B的竞选支出提高x% 所抵消,voteA保持不变。


所以,voteA=45.0789+6.0833log expendA−6.6154log expendB+
0.1520prtystrA, n=173, R2=0.7926 .
由截图可得:expendA 系数β1的 t 统计量为15.9187,在很小的显著水平上都是显著的,意味着当其他条件不变时,A 的竞选支出增加1%,voteA 将增加0.0608。

同理可得,expendB 系数β2的 t 统计量为-17.4632,在很小的显著水平上都是显著的,意味着当其他条件不变时,B 的竞选支出增加1%,voteA 将增加0.066。

由于A 的竞选支出的系数β1和B 的竞选支出的系数β2符号相反,绝对值差不多,所以近似有虚拟假设“ H 0∶β1+β2=0 ”成立,即第(ⅱ)部分中的假设成立。

(ⅳ)估计一个模型,使之能直接给出检验第(ⅱ)部分中假设所需用的 t 统计量。


有截图可得:se β
0 =3.9263,se β 1 =0.3821,se β 2 =0.3788,se β
3 =0.0620 . 令θ1=β1+β2,则有:voteA =β0+θ1log expendA +
β2[log expendB −log expendA ]+β3prtystrA +u ,
由截图可知:θ1=−0.5321,se θ1 =0.5331,
所以第(ⅱ)部分虚拟假设的 t =−0.53210.5331≈−1,
即 H 0∶β1+β2=0 不能被拒绝。


由习题可得,模型为:log salary=β0+β1LAST+β2GPA+β3log libvol+β4log cost+β5rank+u。


由截图可得:log salary=8.3432+0.0047LAST+0.2475GPA+0.0950log libvol+ 0.0376log cost−0.0033rank,n=156,R2=0.8417 . 且se β0=0.5325,se β1=0.0040, se β2=0.0900,se β3=0.0333,se β4=0.0321,se β5=0.0003





C4.3 HPRICE1.RAW lo g price=β0+β1sqrft+β2bdrms+u 解:(ⅰ)你想在住房增加一个150平方英尺的卧室的情况下,估计并得到price变化百分比的一个置信空间。



由截图可得:lo g price=4.7660+0.0004sqrft+0.0289bdrms,n=88, R2=0.5883 .又因θ1=150β1+β2,所以θ1=150∗0.0004+0.0289=0.0889 .
(ⅱ)用θ1和β1表示β2,并代入lo g price的方程。

由(ⅰ)可得:β2=θ1−150β1,将其带入原方程可得:lo g price=β0+β1sqrft+θ1−150β1bdrms+u=β0+β1sqrft−150bdrms+θ1bdrms+u .

由截图可得:seθ1=0.0268,利用这个标准误构造一个95%的置信空间为 [θ1−c·seθ1 ,θ1+
c·seθ1] (其中c是一个t84分布的第97.5个百分位),查表得c=1.989 ,所以置信空间为[0.0356, 0.1422]。
