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PARTⅠChina Code of Ethics for Certified Public Accountants


1.appointment, removal and resignation of auditor 注册会计师的任命、解聘和辞职

2.fundamental principles 基本原则

3.professional ethics 职业道德

➢integrity 诚信

➢objectivity / subjectivity 客观性/主观性

➢professional competence and due care 专业胜任能力和应有的关注

➢confidentiality 保密

➢professional behavior 职业行为

4.independence 独立性

➢bias 偏见

5.safeguard 防范措施

6.self-interest 自身利益

➢loans and guarantees 贷款和担保

➢close business relationships 密切的商业关系

➢employment with an audit client 与审计客户发生雇佣关系

➢family and personal relationships 家庭和私人关系

➢gifts and hospitality 礼品和款待

➢lowball (向顾客)虚报低价

7.self-review 自我评价

8.advocacy 过度推介

9.familiarity 亲密关系

10.intimidation 外在压力

11.conflict of interest 利益冲突

12.client acceptance 接受客户关系

➢engagement acceptance 承接业务

➢changes in a professional appointment 客户变更委托

13.second opinion 第二次意见

14.custody of client assets 保管客户资产

15.terminate (使)终结;(使)结束;解雇

➢eliminate 消除,排除

16.solicit 招揽;征求 网络

➢network firms 网络事务所

18.public interest entities 公共利益实体

➢audit client that are public interest entities 属于公共利益实体的审计客户

19.related entities 关联实体

20.engagement period 业务期间 interest 经济利益

22.close family member 其他近亲属

➢immediate family 主要近亲属

23.temporary staff assignments 临时借出员工

24.the member of the audit team that recently served as a director, officer or specific employee of the audit client (审计项目组成员)最近曾任审计客户的董事、高级管理人员或特定员工

25.acting as a director or officer of the audit client 兼任审计客户的董事或高级管理人员

26.long association with an audit client 与审计客户存在长期业务关系27.provision of non-assurance services to audit clients 为审计客户提供非鉴证业务

28.valuation services 评估服务

➢taxation services 税务服务

➢internal audit services 内部审计服务

➢IT systems services 信息技术系统服务

➢litigation support services 诉讼支持服务

➢legal services 法律服务

➢recruiting services 招聘服务

➢corporate finance services 公司理财服务

29.overdue fee 逾期收费

➢contingent fee 或有收费

➢referral fee 介绍费

30.compensation and evaluation policies 薪酬和业绩评价政策

31.actual or threatened litigation 诉讼或诉讼威胁

32.nomination 任命;指派;提名

33.client screening 客户甄别,客户筛选

34.successor auditor 后任注册会计师

➢present auditor 现任注册会计师

➢predecessor auditor 前任注册会计师

PART ⅡFundamentals to Audit

35.audit 审计

➢auditor 审计师;审计人员

➢audit objective 审计目标

➢audit plan 审计计划

➢audit strategy 审计策略

➢audit evidence 审计证据

➢audit resources 审计资源

36.audit risk 审计风险
