
B-18Series 260HHeavy Duty Threaded Well for 1⁄4" Diameter ElementsApplication:Standard length, 1⁄4" bimetal thermometers. #20-gage thermocouple elements. Unarmoredliquid-in-glass test thermometers. Other temperature-sensing elements having 0.252" maximum diameter.Connection Size:3⁄4" NPT and 1" NPT are standard. Other thread sizes are available upon request.Protective Coatings for Thermowells:•Resist Corrosion •For Chemical Baths •Color-Coded Sensors for Process Control•Available in PFA, Epoxy and other materialsConsult Sales Department for complete information Materials:Brass (ASTM B-16), Carbon Steel (C-1018), Stainless Steel A.I.S.I. 304 & A.I.S.I. 316, Monel. Wells are also available in special materials; prices on request.Cap and Chain Options:For Brass cap, add $4to price and add suffix “-CC (Brass)”to the end of the model number on your order. For 304 SS cap, add $7to the price and add suffix “-CC (304SS)” to the end of the model number.Discount Schedule25-100.......................20%101 and up....Consult SalesShown close to actualCANADA Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY, Germany************FRANCE, France088-466-342BENELUX Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。

产品技术参数及说明产品技术参数及说明(1)一、产品名称:智能家居中央控制器二、产品参数:1. 电源参数:AC 100-240V,50-60Hz2. 电池参数:3.7V/2500mAh3. 通信方式:Wi-Fi、ZigBee、蓝牙4. 处理器:ARM Cortex-A75. 存储器:Flash 2GB,RAM 512MB6. 支持设备数量:最多100个7. 外观尺寸:120mm×120mm×26mm8. 重量:210g9. 工作温度:0-50℃10. 适用范围:智能家居系统三、产品说明:智能家居中央控制器是一个能够集成智能家居系统的核心设备。
该控制器采用ARM Cortex-A7处理器,能够支持多种通信方式,包括Wi-Fi、ZigBee、蓝牙等。
控制器内置Flash 2GB和RAM 512MB,能够存储大量的数据信息。
产品技术参数及说明(2)一、产品名称:智能家居门锁二、产品参数:1. 电源参数:直流4.5V(3节AA电池)2. 通信方式:ZigBee、蓝牙3. 外观材料:不锈钢4. 安全等级:国家B级5. 工作温度:-20℃~+55℃6. 适用门厚:40mm~120mm7. 重量:3.8kg8. 外观尺寸:280mm×78mm×31mm9. 电池使用寿命:12个月三、产品说明:智能家居门锁采用ZigBee和蓝牙通信技术,可以通过手机APP或其它智能家居设备进行远程控制。

OUT 6 VCC *) 内置的备用功能. (只 LV-PECL 输出)
在接近晶体产品的电源输入端 为了维持稳定运行, 处(在VCC-GND之间)添加一个0.01~0.1 µF的去 耦电容
【EPSON晶振大中华区样品中心 - 深圳扬兴科技有限公司】
推进环境管理体系 符合国际标准
在环境管理体系的运行方面,使用 ISO14001 国际环境标准,通过“计 划-实施-检查-验证(PDCA)的循环来实现持续改进。公司位于日本和 海外的主要制造基地已取得了 ISO14001 资格认证。
臭 ISO 14000 是国际标准化组织于 1996 年在全球化变暖、 氧层破坏、以及全球毁林等环境问题日益严重的背景下提 出的环境管理国际标准。
低抖动表面声波(SAW)振荡器 (SPSO)
输出:LV-PECL, LVDS 高温环境对应
产品号码(请联系我们) EG-2121CB P: X1M000451xxxx00 EG-2121CB L: X1M000291xxxx00 EG-2102CB P: X1M000441xxxx00 EG-2102CB L: X1M000281xxxx00
⑤频率稳定度 -6 H ±100 × 10 ⑥工作温度
⑥工作温度 P 0 ~ +70°C -5 ~ +85°C R S -20 ~ +70°C
*1 这包括初始频率公差、温度变化、电源电压变化、回流焊接漂移和老化 (最高工作温度,5 年)
输出电压 (LVDS) 输出负载条件 (ECL) / (LVDS) 输入电压 上升/下降时间 振荡启动时间

第 3 章 使用说明 ........................................................... 23 1.装置介绍............................................................... 23
1.1 键盘 ........................................................................... 23 1.2 液晶 ........................................................................... 24 1.3 界面菜单 ....................................................................... 24 1.4 模拟通道 ....................................................................... 24 1.5 事件报告 ....................................................................... 26 1.6 系统设置 .......................................................................................................................... 17
3.1 装置软压板整定 ................................................................. 17 3.2 装置定值整定 ................................................................... 18 3.3 装置参数整定 ................................................................... 19
asair aht20 温湿度传感器 产品规格书

图1:AHT20传感器封装图(单位:mm公差:±0.1mm)传感器性能相对湿度参数条件最小典型最大单位分辨率典型-0.024-%RH 精度误差1典型-±2-%RH 最大见图2-%RH 重复性--±0.1-%RH 迟滞--±1-%RH 非线性--<0.1-%RH 响应时间2τ63%-<8-s 工作范围extended 30-100%RH 长时间漂移4正常-<1-%RH/yr表1湿度特性表图225℃时相对湿度的典型误差和最大误差电气特性参数条件最小典型最大单位供电电压典型 2.2 3.3 5.5V 供电电流,IDD 5休眠--250nA 测量-980-µA 功耗5休眠--0.8µW 测量- 3.2-mW通讯两线数字接口,标准I 2C协议表2电气特性1此精度为出厂检验时,传感器在25℃供电电压为3.3V条件下的测试精度。

1性能和功能1.1气压测量传感器a)使用温度范围:-40℃~50℃b)测量范围:450hPa~1100hPac)分辨力:0.1hPad)最大允许误差:±0.2hPae)供电电源:电压:DC(12±2)V电流:平均值小于30mAf)信号输出方式:接口标准:RS232g)传感器具有互换性1.2湿度测量传感器a)使用温度范围:-50℃~50℃b)测量范围:5%~100%RHc)分辨力:1%RHd)最大允许误差:±2%RH(相对湿度≤80%)±3%RH(相对湿度>80%)e)供电电源:DC(12±2)Vf)输出方式:接口标准:RS232g)传感器具有互换性2采样和算法2.1 采样频率及气象值气象传感器信号数字化处理过程中,传感器输出信号采样频率非常重要,所采用的采样序列应该足够代表被测气象要素的显著变化。
表12.2算法的常用计算公式2.2.1算术平均法计算公式(1)式中:Y——观测时段内气象变量的平均值;i y ——观测时段内第 i 个气象变量的采样瞬时值(样本),其中,“错误”、“可疑”等非“正确”的样本应丢弃而不用于计算,即令0=i y ;N ——观测时段内的样本总数,由“采样频率”和“平均值时间区间”决定;m ——观测时段内“正确”的样本数(N ≤m )。

二、产品规格1. 工作原理:光电传感器2. 工作电压:DC 5V-24V3. 响应时间:≤1ms4. 最大探测距离:10m5. 工作温度:-25℃~+70℃6. 输出类型:NPN/PNP7. 输出状态:常开/常闭8. 外壳材质:金属/塑料9. 防护等级:IP6510. 安装方式:螺纹/法兰/夹紧三、产品特点1. 高精度:itr8402光电开关采用先进的光电传感技术,能够精准快速地检测目标物体,确保生产线运行的稳定性和效率。
2. 稳定性好:经过精密的工艺制造,具有良好的防尘、防水性能,能够在恶劣环境下长时间稳定工作。
3. 响应速度快:响应时间快,能够及时准确地感知目标物体的运动状态,实现精确的控制。
4. 多种输出类型:支持NPN和PNP两种输出类型,可根据实际需求选择常开或常闭输出状态,灵活适应不同的工作场景。
5. 多种安装方式:可选用螺纹、法兰或夹紧等多种安装方式,方便安装和维护。
五、注意事项1. 安装时请确保光电开关与目标物体之间无遮挡物,以免影响探测效果。
2. 使用过程中应定期清洁光电开关的感应窗口,避免灰尘和污物影响传感效果。
3. 请根据实际需求选择合适的输出类型和安装方式,以确保光电开关的稳定工作和准确探测。
智能温度传感器STT750 技术手册说明书

SmartLineTechnical InformationSTT750 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter Specification 34-TT-03-16, June 2023IntroductionPart of the SmartLine® family of products, the SmartLine STT750 is a high-performance and value temperature transmitter offering high accuracy and stability over a wide range of process and ambient temperatures.SmartLine easily meets the most demanding needs for temperature measurement applications. Best in Class Features:Industry leading performance valueo Digital Accuracy up to .14 Deg C for RTD oStability up to +/-0.01% of URL per year for ten years o 125 mSec update time for single input models. o250 mSec update time for dual input models.Reliable measuremento Built in Galvanic Isolation o Dual Compartment Housing o Sensor Break detectiono Comprehensive on-board diagnostic capabilities o Full compliance to SIL 2/3 requirements. o Available with 4 year warranty o Supports Namur 89 Wire breakoDirect entry of Callendar-van Dusen coefficients R 0, α, δ and β for calibrated RTD sensors .Lower Cost of Ownershipo Universal inputo Basic digital display capabilities o Modular constructiono External zero, span, & configuration capability o Polarity insensitive loop wiringFigure 1– SmartLine STT750 TemperaturetransmitterCommunications/Output Options:o 4-20 mA DC oHART ® (version 7.0)All transmitters are available with the above listed output and communication protocol option.DescriptionThe STT750 SmartLine Temperature Transmitter is designed and manufactured to deliver high performance across varying ambient temperature.Unique Indication/Display OptionsThe STT750 modular design accommodates a basic alphanumeric LCD display.Standard LCD Display Featureso Modular (may be added or removed in the field).o0, 90,180, & 270-degree position adjustments.o Deg C, F, R, Kelvin, Milli volts, and Ohm measurement units.o 2 Lines 6 digits PV (9.95H x 4.20W mm), 8 Characters. o Device configuration and calibration through integral buttons or optional external buttons.o Up to 4 configurable display screens.o Configurable screen rotation timing (2 to 20 sec).o Write protect indication.o Critical fault indication.Basic Alphanumeric LCD Display Featureso Modular (may be added or removed in the field)o0, 90,180, & 270 degree position adjustmentso Deg C , F, R and Kelvin measurement unitso 2 Lines 16 Characters (4.13H x 1.83W mm)o Up to 8 display screens with similar formatso Configurable screen rotation timing (3 to 30 sec)o Auto/Manual selection for screen rotationo Displays up to 6 Data-points: Loop PV,CJ Temperature, Sensor, RTD Resistance,Loop output, Percent Loop.o Out of Range Indicationo PV Status and critical fault indicationConfiguration ToolsIntegral Three Button Configuration OptionSuitable for all electrical and environmental requirements, SmartLine offers the ability to configure the transmitter and display via three externally accessible buttons. The button compartment is isolated from other internal componentsand thus keeps the sensitive electronics environmentally sound.Zero/span capabilities are also optionally available via these buttons with or without selection of a display option.Handheld ConfigurationSmartLine transmitters feature two-way communication and configuration capability between the operator and the transmitter. This is accomplished via Honeywell’s field-rated Multiple Communication Configuration tool.The Honeywell Handheld MC Toolkit is capable of field configuring HART Devices and can also be ordered for use in intrinsically safe environments. All Honeywell transmitters are designed and tested for compliance with the offered communication protocols and are designed to operate with any properly validated hand-held configuration device.Personal Computer ConfigurationField Device Manager (FDM) Software and FDM Express are also available for managing HART device configurations.DiagnosticsSmartLine transmitters all offer digitally accessible diagnostics which aid in providing advanced warning of possible failure events minimizing unplanned shutdowns, providing lower overall operational costsSystem Integrationo All SmartLine products meet the most current published standards for HART.Modular DesignTo help contain maintenance and inventory costs, all STT750 transmitters are modular in design supporting the user’s ability to replace temperature boards, add indicators or change electronic modules without affecting overall performance or approval body certifications.Each temperature board is uniquely characterized to provide in-tolerance performance over a wide range of application variations in temperature and due to the Honeywell advanced interface, electronic modules may be swapped with any electronics module without losing in-tolerance performance characteristicsModular Featureso Replace temperature board, terminal board, or lightning protection*o Replace electronics or communication modules*o Add or remove integral indicators*o Add or remove external configuration buttons* Field replaceable in all electrical environments (including IS) except flameproof without violating agency approvals.With no performance effects, Ho neywell’s unique modularity results in lower inventory needs and lower overall operating costs.Performance Specifications1,321. Digital Accuracy is accuracy of the digital value accessed by the Host system and the handheld communicator.2. Total analog accuracy is the sum of digital accuracy and output D/A Accuracy.3. Output D/A Accuracy is applicable to the 4 to 20 mA Signal output.4. For TC inputs, CJ accuracy shall be added to digital accuracy to calculate the total digital accuracy.5. Custom Callendar-van Dusen not available for Pt25 sensors.EMC Conformity (CE, Marine and SIL)The STT750 device is compliant with IEC compliance EN 61326-1: 2013, EN IEC 61326-1: 2021 (CE) ; IEC 60533: 2015 / IACS Req. 1991/Rev.8 2021 (Marine) and IEC 61326-3-1: 2017 (SIL)Performance specifications under EMC conditions (CE and Marine):HART: Worst case deviation < 0.1% of full span (for both Analog and Digital).Operating Conditions – All ModelsParameter ReferenceConditionRated Condition Operative Limits Transportation andStorage︒C ︒F ︒C ︒F ︒C ︒F ︒C ︒FA mbient Temperature1STT750 25±1 77±2 -40 to 85 -40 to 185 -40 to 85 -40 to 185 -55 to 120 -67 to 248 Humidity %RH 10 to 55 0 to 100 0 to 100 0 to 100Supply Voltage Load Resistance HART Models: 11.8 to 42.4 Vdc at terminals (IS versions limited to 30 Vdc) 0 to 1,400 ohms (as shown in Figure 2)1 LCD Display operating temperature -20︒C to +70︒C . Storage temperature -30︒C to 80︒C.Figure 2 – HART Supply voltage and loop resistance chart & calculationsCommunications Protocols & DiagnosticsHART ProtocolVersion:HART 7Power SupplyVoltage: 11.8 to 42.4Vdc at terminalsLoad: Maximum 1400 ohms See figure 2Minimum Load: 0 ohms. (For handheld communications, a minimum load of 250 ohms is required)IEC 61508 Safety Certified SIL 2 and SIL 3Standard DiagnosticsSTT750 top level diagnostics are reported as either critical or non-critical as listed below. All diagnostics are readable via the DD/DTM tools. All critical diagnostics will appear on the Basic integral display.Critical DiagnosticsSensor Module FaultCommunications Module FaultSensor Communications FaultInput FaultSTT 750 Smart Temperature 7 Wiring DiagramFigure 3 STT750 Thermocouple, RTD, mV, ohm and Volt Connections8 STT 750 Smart Temperature Approval Certifications:STT 750 Smart Temperature 910 STT 750 Smart TemperatureSTT 750 Smart Temperature 11Notes1.Operating Parameters:4-20 mA/ HART (Loop Terminal)Voltage= 11.8 to 42 V Current= 4-20 mA Normal (3.8 – 23 mA Faults)2. Intrinsically Safe Entity ParametersFor details, see Control Drawing in the User’s Manual (34-TT-25-13)12 STT 750 Smart Temperature Mounting & Dimensional DrawingsTRANSMITTER ENCLOSURE CAN BE ROTATED A TOTAL OF 90O FROM THE STANDARD MOUNTING POSITION Figure 4 – STT750 with adapter housing - Horizontal Wall MountingFigure 5 – STT750 No-Adapter Horizontal Wall MountingSTT 750 Smart Temperature 13 Figure 6 – STT750 Pipe Mount with adapter housing - Horizontal & VerticalFigure 7 – STT750 Pipe Mount, Vertical*Note 1: Figure 6 and 7. The housing adapter may not be present on all transmitter models. If the housing adapter is not present, subtract 24,5mm (0,96 inches) from the dimension specified.14 STT 750 Smart Temperature Mounting & Dimensional DrawingsReference Dimensions:millimetersinchesFigure 8 – STT750 with adapter housing - DimensionsSTT 750 Smart Temperature 15Figure 9 – STT750 no adapter housing dimensions16 STT 750 Smart Temperature The Model Selection Guide is subject to change and is inserted into the specification as guidance only.Model Selection GuideSTT 750 Smart Temperature 1718 STT 750 Smart TemperatureFor more informationTo learn more about SmartLine Temperature, visit Or contact your Honeywell Account ManagerProcess Solutions Honeywell2101 City West Blvd Houston, TX 77042Honeywell Control Systems LtdHoneywell House, Skimped Hill Lane Bracknell, England, RG12 1EB34-TT-03-16 June 2023Shanghai City Centre, 100 Jungi Road Shanghai, China 20061Sales and ServiceFor application assistance, current specifications, pricing, or name of the nearest Authorized Distributor, contact one of the offices below.ASIA PACIFICHoneywell Process Solutions, (TAC) hfs-tac-*********************AustraliaHoneywell LimitedPhone: +(61) 7-3846 1255 FAX: +(61) 7-3840 6481 Toll Free 1300-36-39-36 Toll Free Fax: 1300-36-04-70China – PRC - Shanghai Honeywell China Inc.Phone: (86-21) 5257-4568 Fax: (86-21) 6237-2826SingaporeHoneywell Pte Ltd.Phone: +(65) 6580 3278 Fax: +(65) 6445-3033South KoreaHoneywell Korea Co Ltd Phone: +(822) 799 6114 Fax: +(822) 792 9015EMEAHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: + 80012026455 or +44 (0)1202645583Email: (Sales)***************************or (TAC)*****************************WebKnowledge Base search engine’SHoneywell Process Solutions, Phone: (TAC) 1-800-423-9883 or 215/641-3610(Sales) 1-800-343-0228Email: (Sales)*************************** or (TAC)*****************************WebKnowledge Base search engine are subject to change without notice.。

Shenzhen Newsmy Technology Co., LtdHunan Head Quaters: Newman Park, No.2 Lixiaang Road East,Changsha, China Shenzhen Factory: Building 2, 1st Floor,Longbi Industrial Park, Bantian, ShenzhenEmail: sindy@newsmy Skype: sindyliu111 Wechat:mshk6937ModelN150N150PN200N300(Pure Sine Wave)Dimensions 168*132*130MM168*202*130MM168*202*130MM168*262*130MMMaterial Aluminum alloy + fireproof ABS Aluminum alloy + fireproof ABS Aluminum alloy + fireproof ABS Aluminum alloy + fireproof ABS BatteryRated voltage: 12.8VRated voltage: 12.8VRated voltage: 12.8VRated voltage: 12.8VBattery power: 12Ah, 153.6Wh Battery power: 18Ah, 230.4Wh Battery power: 18Ah, 230.4Wh Battery power: 307.2Wh, 24Ah Battery type: LiFePO4Battery type: LiFePO4Battery type: LiFePO4Battery type: LiFePO4Charging inputDC in: DC3.5*1.25 16V 2A 32WDC in: DC3.5*1.25 16V 2A 48WDC in: DC3.5*1.25 16V 3A 48WDC in: DC3.5*1.25 16V 2A 48WSolar panel charging: DC15-20V 32W(supported, optional)Solar panel charging: DC15-20V 48W(supported, optional)Solar panel charging: DC15-20V 48W(supported, optional)Solar panel charging: DC15-30V 48W(supported, optional)Car charger: 16V 2A 32W(Optional)Car charger: 16V 2A 32W(Optional)Car charger: 16V 2A 32W(Optional)Car charger: 16V 4A 48W(Optional)Charging time: AC about 6 hoursCar charger about 10 hours(Optional)Charging time: AC about 6 hours Car charger about 10 hours(Optional)Charging time: AC about 6 hours Car charger about 10 hours(Optional)Charging time: AC about 6 hoursCar charger about 10 hours(Optional)USB outputUSB1:QC3.0 / BC1.2 /5V2.4A 9V2A 12V 1.5A USB1:QC3.0 / BC1.2 /5V2.4A 9V2A 12V 1.5A USB1:QC3.0 / BC1.2 /5V2.4A 9V2A 12V 1.5A USB1:QC3.0 / BC1.2 /5V2.4A 9V2A 12V 1.5A USB2:BC1.2 / 5V 2.4A(Max)USB2:BC1.2 / 5V 2.4AUSB2:BC1.2 / 5V 2.4AUSB2:BC1.2 / 5V 2.4AUSB3:BC1.2 / 5V 2.4A(Max)Type-C :PD60W 5V3A 9V3A 12V3A 15V3A 20V3A Type-C :PD60W 5V3A 9V3A 12V3A 15V3A 20V3A Type-C :PD65W 5V3A 9V3A 12V3A 15V3A 20V3.25ADC outputDC5.5*2.1 12V 10A (MAX)DC+AC out at same time: DC 6A max DC out power: 150WDC5.5*2.1 12V 10A (MAX)DC+AC out at same time: DC 6A max DC out power: 210WDC5.5*2.1 12V 10A (MAX)DC+AC out at same time: DC 6A max DC out power: 210WDC5.5*2.1 12V 10A (MAX)DC+AC out at same time: DC 6A max DC out power: 210WAC outputVoltage:110V+-10V AC / 220V+-10V AC corrected sine waveVoltage:110V+-10V AC / 220V+-10V AC corrected sine waveVoltage:110V+-10V AC / 220V+-10V AC corrected sine waveVoltage:110V+-10V AC / 220V+-10V AC Pure sine waveFrequency: 60HZ+- 3hz / 50HZ +- 3hzFrequency: 60HZ+- 3hz / 50HZ +- 3hz Frequency: 60HZ+- 3hz / 50HZ +- 3hz Frequency: 60HZ+- 3hz / 50HZ +- 3hz Rated power: 150W Rated power: 150W Rated power: 200W Rated power: 300W Peak power: 300WPeak power: 300WPeak power: 400WPeak power: 600WAC port type: Japan/America/Europe/ UK AC port type: Japan/America/Europe/ UK AC port type: Japan/America/Europe/ UK AC port type: Japan/America/Europe/ UK Display Screenwhite nixie tube displaywhite nixie tube displaywhite nixie tube displaywhite nixie tube displayDisplay content: 5 level battery, charging output state,temperature Display content: 5stages battery, temperature, charging output state Display content: 5stages battery, temperature, charging output state Display content: 5stages battery, temperature, charging output state LED light6W LED light6W LED light6W LED light6W LED lightRed-yellow warning light Red-yellow warning light Red-yellow warning light Red-blue warning light ButtonPower on/off Power on/off Power on/off Power on/off AC on/offAC on/offAC on/offAC on/offLighting :turn on/off the light, adjust brightness, light mode Lighting :turn on/off the light, adjust brightness, light mode Lighting :turn on/off the light, adjust brightness, light mode Lighting :turn on/off the light, adjust brightness, light mode Sales area Online & OfflineOnly OfflineOnly OfflineOnline & OfflineAccessories supply Box, user manual, AC charging in adaptorBox, user manual, AC charging in adaptorBox, user manual, AC charging in adaptorBox, user manual, AC charging in adaptorOptional Accessories Car charger/Solar panel/DC transfering car light port Car charger/Solar panel/DC transfering car light port Car charger/Solar panel/DC transfering car light port Car charger/Solar panel/DC transfering car light port Package4 pcs/ctn, 12.6kg2 pcs/ carton, 9.2kg//Price 74USD 94USD 121USD 134USD(Estimated price)Remark1. All Prices are FOB Shenzhen prices based on MOQ = 500pcs. Please reconfirm price before placing order.2. All models are CE, FCC, Rohs, PSE circle, METI,UN38.3,MSDS certificated, and with UL report.3. OEM is supported.。
RoHS 7530 G2 手持式电脑 说明书

(第二代)是一款基于Windows CE 5.0 手持终端。
无论在室内外,它都可以满足移动数据采集在恶劣环境中对产品性能,坚固性和耐久性的综合 7530 G2 12/06 A4 UK性能参数处理器和内存520 MHz XSale PXA 270 处理器系统内存:128MB SDRAM系统闪存:64 MB FLASH操作系统Windows CE 5.0编程环境HTML, XML移动设备SDK SDKJava, Visual C+ +标准的APls协议- Windows Sockets (WinCE)无线通讯RA 2040 Radio - 802.11b/g CF波特率和输出功率802.11b, 1, 2, 5.5, 11 Mbps, 32mW 802.11g, 6, 9, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 54 Mbps, 20mW安全性WPA 1, 801.11i/WPA 2加密术-- Dynamic WEP, AESEAP 类型 - LEAP, PEAP MS-CHAP v2, PEAP GTC, EAP-FAST, TLS, TTLS.窄屏 403-512 MHz PC Card radio 含蓝牙 radio 2.4 GHz (有效范围10 米)应用软件CE上的 Internet Explorer 6写字板Active SyncOpen TekTermANSITESS 终端仿真IBM 3270, IBM 5250, HP 2392用户界面显示器320 x 240 (1/4 VGA) 彩色背光TFT 液晶屏3.5 英寸纵向显示256K 彩色显示自动背光和对比度调节室外太阳光下可读键盘两种形式键盘可选择37 键大按钮(10个函数键)63 键全键盘(10个函数键)高亮白色背光人性化设计,左右手皆可单手按确认键独立的功能键高敏度的硬质键触摸屏可用触点笔或手指操作签名板内置储笔槽高牢度的5线制触摸屏技术声音输出声音特征 - 含扬声器和麦克风可录可回放电子邮件中的附件指示灯和控制器有音量控制的内置扬声器和蜂鸣器,以及内置麦克风无线传送或接受,扫描,电池状态及用户应用程序均有多色指示灯表示内置条形码扫描器1D & 2D 扫描引擎包括:标准长距超常距增强的标准距离(模糊逻辑)PDF417 光栅激光1D 自动调距1D 标准图象捕获引擎2D 标准图象捕获引擎RFID 应用Tethered 智能口连接的读写引擎多协议支持的900/MHz / 868MHz(即将支持)内部扩展槽一个SD I/O (多媒体卡)槽一个Type II CF 槽一个Type III 扩展 PC 卡槽外部端口Tether 智能端口可连接:RS 232 串口(解码/ 未解码扫描器,打印机)USB 主机端口基座端口可连接:RS 232 串口USB 设备支持端口USB 主机端口电源输入/输出尺寸和重量尺寸:270毫米长 x 100毫米宽 x 85毫米高(10.6英寸长 x 3.9 英寸宽 x3.3 英寸高)枪柄:77毫米宽 x 43毫米高(3英寸宽 x 1.7 英寸高)重量:950克(30.5盎司- Troy)包括了标准电池,标准无线模块和标准内置式扫描器枪柄:125 克(40 盎司- Troy)环境操作温度:-30℃到+60℃(-22 o F到140 o F)储存温度:-40℃到+60℃(- 40 o F到140 o F)湿度:5% 到 95% 非凝结状态防水防尘标准:IEC 529,IP67 认证跌落测试:2 米 (6英尺) - 多次摔落或1.5米 (5英尺) - 26 次摔落到水泥地面无故障抗冲击(支架安装):沿任意方向30g抗震动(支架安装):50g RMS PSD(4- 500 Hz) (任意的)无霜型的扫描窗口选择防雾加热型的扫描窗口电源管理标准锂电池(可连续使用12个小时)可选择的高容量锂电池(可连续使用17个小时)电池可快速装卸智能电池用量表可快速充电(2 小时)电池更换时,系统数据备份可保持15分钟系统时间保持1周* 在冷库环境应用中少于1周网络管理和安全措施支持SNMP MIB 2远程软件下载远程WLAN 管理增强了802.11的安全性附件电池手枪柄手带腕带皮带扣布质便携套皮带肩带皮套橡皮套触点笔车载支架充电器交流电源适配器触摸屏保护膜支架端口复制器二合一基座6座充电器便携式坞槽Tether 连接线如需更多有关我们产品附件的信息,请游览/accessories批准文号RoHs 支持(EU Directive 2002/95/EC)安全:UL 1950, CSA C22.2 No950,LVD EN60950EMC: FCC Part 15 Class B, EMCDirective Class B激光:IEC 60825-1 2001 Class 2(EN60825-1)* 此产品将标有CE标志* 得逻辑保留对参数的修改权和解释权Psion Teklogix TM为Psion Teklogix公司所有的商标。
英飞凌 FS75R12N2T7_B15 EconoPACK 2 模块数据表

EconoPACK ™2 模块 采用第七代沟槽栅/场终止IGBT7和第七代发射极控制二极管带有温度检测NTC 特性•电气特性-V CES = 1200 V-I C nom = 75 A / I CRM = 150 A -沟槽栅IGBT7-低 V CEsat-过载操作达175°C•机械特性-高功率循环和温度循环能力-集成NTC 温度传感器-铜基板-低热阻的三氧化二铝 Al 2O 3 衬底-焊接技术-标准封装可选应用•辅助逆变器•电机传动•伺服驱动器产品认证•根据 IEC 60747、60749 和 60068 标准的相关测试,符合工业应用的要求。
描述FS75R12N2T7_B15EconoPACK ™2 模块内容描述 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1特性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1可选应用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1产品认证 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1内容 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 1封装 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 2IGBT, 逆变器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 3二极管,逆变器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 4负温度系数热敏电阻 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 5特征参数图表 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 6电路拓扑图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 7封装尺寸 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 8模块标签代码 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14修订历史 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15免责声明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .161封装表 1绝缘参数特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位绝缘测试电压V ISOL RMS, f = 50 Hz, t = 1 min 2.5kV 模块基板材料Cu内部绝缘基本绝缘 (class 1, IEC 61140)Al2O3爬电距离d Creep端子至散热器10.0mm 电气间隙d Clear端子至散热器7.5mm 相对电痕指数CTI>200相对温度指数 (电)RTI封装140°C 表 2特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值杂散电感,模块L sCE17nH 模块引线电阻,端子-芯片R CC'+EE'T C=25°C, 每个开关 3.3mΩ储存温度T stg-40125°C 模块安装的安装扭距M根据相应的应用手册进行安装M5, 螺丝36Nm 重量G180g 注:The current under continuous operation is limited to 50A rms per connector pin.2IGBT, 逆变器表 3最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位集电极-发射极电压V CES T vj = 25 °C1200V 连续集电极直流电流I CDC T vj max = 175 °C T C = 100 °C75A 集电极重复峰值电流I CRM t P = 1 ms150A 栅极-发射极峰值电压V GES±20V表 4特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值集电极-发射极饱和电压V CE sat I C = 75 A, V GE = 15 V T vj = 25 °C 1.55 1.80VT vj = 125 °C 1.69T vj = 175 °C 1.77栅极阈值电压V GEth I C = 1.28 mA, V CE = V GE, T vj = 25 °C 5.15 5.80 6.45V 栅极电荷Q G V GE = ±15 V, V CE = 600 V 1.25µC 内部栅极电阻R Gint T vj = 25 °C2Ω输入电容C ies f = 100 kHz, T vj = 25 °C, V CE = 25 V, V GE = 0 V15.1nF 反向传输电容C res f = 100 kHz, T vj = 25 °C, V CE = 25 V, V GE = 0 V0.053nF 集电极-发射极截止电流I CES V CE = 1200 V, V GE = 0 V T vj = 25 °C0.014mA 栅极-发射极漏电流I GES V CE = 0 V, V GE = 20 V, T vj = 25 °C100nA开通延迟时间(感性负载)t don I C = 75 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Gon = 5.6 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.164µs T vj = 125 °C0.178T vj = 175 °C0.185上升时间(感性负载)t r I C = 75 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Gon = 5.6 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.048µs T vj = 125 °C0.053T vj = 175 °C0.057关断延迟时间(感性负载)t doff I C = 75 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Goff = 5.6 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.300µs T vj = 125 °C0.380T vj = 175 °C0.420下降时间(感性负载)t f I C = 75 A, V CE = 600 V,V GE = ±15 V, R Goff = 5.6 ΩT vj = 25 °C0.120µs T vj = 125 °C0.200T vj = 175 °C0.270开通损耗能量 (每脉冲)E on I C = 75 A, V CE = 600 V,Lσ = 35 nH, V GE = ±15 V,R Gon = 5.6 Ω, di/dt =1200 A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C7.96mJ T vj = 125 °C10.8T vj = 175 °C12.3关断损耗能量 (每脉冲)E off I C = 75 A, V CE = 600 V,Lσ = 35 nH, V GE = ±15 V,R Goff = 5.6 Ω, dv/dt =3200 V/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C 5.02mJ T vj = 125 °C7.68T vj = 175 °C9.46(待续)表 4(续) 特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值短路数据I SC V GE≤ 15 V, V CC = 800 V,V CEmax=V CES-L sCE*di/dt t P≤ 8 µs,T vj=150 °C260At P≤ 7 µs,T vj=175 °C250结-外壳热阻R thJC每个 IGBT0.475K/W 外壳-散热器热阻R thCH每个 IGBT, λgrease= 1 W/(m*K)0.141K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj op-40175°C注:T vj op > 150°C is allowed for operation at overload conditions. For detailed specifications, please refer to AN2018-14.3二极管,逆变器表 5最大标定值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位反向重复峰值电压V RRM T vj = 25 °C1200V 连续正向直流电流I F75A 正向重复峰值电流I FRM t P = 1 ms150A I2t-值I2t t P = 10 ms, V R = 0 V T vj = 125 °C1150A²sT vj = 175 °C740表 6特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值正向电压V F I F = 75 A, V GE = 0 V T vj = 25 °C 1.72 2.10VT vj = 125 °C 1.59T vj = 175 °C 1.52反向恢复峰值电流I RM V R = 600 V, I F = 75 A,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt =1200 A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C43A T vj = 125 °C56T vj = 175 °C65(待续)表 6(续) 特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值恢复电荷Q r V R = 600 V, I F = 75 A,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt =1200 A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C 4.94µC T vj = 125 °C10.2T vj = 175 °C13.7反向恢复损耗(每脉冲)E rec V R = 600 V, I F = 75 A,V GE = -15 V, -di F/dt =1200 A/µs (T vj = 175 °C)T vj = 25 °C 1.45mJ T vj = 125 °C 3.32T vj = 175 °C 4.62结-外壳热阻R thJC每个二极管0.708K/W 外壳-散热器热阻R thCH每个二极管, λgrease= 1 W/(m*K)0.153K/W 允许开关的温度范围T vj op-40175°C注:T vj op > 150°C is allowed for operation at overload conditions. For detailed specifications, please refer to AN2018-14.4负温度系数热敏电阻表 7特征值特征参数代号标注或测试条件数值单位最小值典型值最大值额定电阻值R25T NTC = 25 °C5kΩR100偏差ΔR/R T NTC = 100 °C, R100 = 493 Ω-55%耗散功率P25T NTC = 25 °C20mW B-值B25/50R2 = R25 exp[B25/50(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3375K B-值B25/80R2 = R25 exp[B25/80(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3411K B-值B25/100R2 = R25 exp[B25/100(1/T2-1/(298,15 K))]3433K 注:根据应用手册标定4 负温度系数热敏电阻6电路拓扑图图 17封装尺寸图 28 模块标签代码8模块标签代码图 3修订历史修订历史修订版本发布日期变更说明1.002021-12-16Final datasheet商标所有参照产品或服务名称和商标均为其各自所有者的财产。
深圳市盛波光电科技有限公司CG001A2 RTS-AOI分拣设备规格书说明书

深圳市盛波光电科技有限公司SHENZHEN SAPO PHOTOELECTRIC CO.,LTDRTS-AOI分拣设备共同规格书版本:Ver.04批准通过审核制作目录变更履历(HISTORY OF DOCUMENT) 01. 目的及适用范围 (1)2. 设备需求 (1)2.1设备名称: (1)2.2设备概述 (1)2.3需求数量 (1)2.4设备规格 (1)2.4.1设备常规规格 (1)2.4.2 CCD设备规格 (2)2.4.3 分拣设备规格 (3)2.5设备配置要求 (5)3. 动力要求 (8)4. 备品备件清单 (8)4.1随机备品 (8)4.2备品清单 (8)5. 其他要求 (9)6. 售后服务 (10)7. 最终验收 (10)8. 技术文档提供 (10)变更履历(History of Document)共同规格书1. 目的及适用范围该规格书适用于盛波7号线项目中RTS上配备AOI分拣设备各项技术规格,定案时提交最终版本至盛波采购部门。
2. 设备需求2.1 设备名称:RTS-AOI分拣设备2.2 设备概述本设备为RTS主设备搭配设备,主要对RTS主设备裁切后的产品进行分拣。
2.3 需求数量2.4 设备规格2.4.1设备常规规格2.4.2 CCD设备规格2.4.3 分拣设备规格2.5 设备配置要求3. 动力要求由中标方提供最终规格给买方。
4. 备品备件清单4.1 随机备品数量以最低保证值提供,以下作为参考。
4.2 备品清单PS:以上备件含在报价中,设备M/I时同时送至SAPO厂内。
5. 其他要求(一)设备需张贴警示标签;(二)电缆线在线槽内严禁交叉;(三)设备包装应为新制、坚固、经过熏蒸处理的木箱(熏蒸处理为国外进口设备需求,需提供熏蒸证明),包装材料应符合中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局的相关规定,包装木箱请参照下图;(四)卖方需按照买方关务要求,制作设备铭牌等相关事项,不能发生推诿等事项;(五)设备出厂前,需安排买方人员到卖方工厂进行设备出厂检查。

SPECIFICATIONS13Models 7520DT, 7530DT, 7540DT, 7550DT and 7564SAFunctional SpecificationsINPUTVoltage 115/230 VAC 15, Single Phase, User selection Frequency 50/60 Hz 5Fuse6.3 Amp 250V Slo-Blo for 7550DT and 7564SA 5 Amp 250V Slo-Blo for 75/20/30/40DTDIELECTRIC WITHSTAND TEST MODEOutput Rating5 KV @ 40 mA for 7550DT and 7564SA, 5 KV @ 20mA for 75/20/30/40DT6 KV @ 10 mA DC for 75/30/40/50DT and 7564SAOutput AdjustmentRange:0 - 5 KV AC 0 - 6 KV DCResolution: 1 volt/step Accuracy:(2 of setting 5 volts) Ramp-HI 12mA peak maximum, ON/OFF selectableCharge-LORange:0.0 - 350.0A DC or Auto setHI-Limit AC Range:0.00 - 40.00 mA for 7550DT and 7564SA, 0.00 - 20.00 mA for 75/20/30/40DT Resolution: 0.01 mA/step Accuracy: (2 of setting 2 counts) DC Range:0 - 9999AResolution: 1A/stepAccuracy:(2 of setting 2 counts) LO-Limit AC Range:0.000 - 9.999 mA Resolution: 0.001 mA/stepAccuracy: (2 of setting 2 counts) DC Range:0.0 - 999.9 AResolution: 0.1A/stepAccuracy:(2 of setting 2 counts) Arc Detection Range:1 - 9Failure DetectorAudible and VisualRecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************1981SPECIFICATIONS14Voltage Display Range: 0.00 - 6.00 KV Full Scale0.00 - 5.00 KV Full Scale for 7520DT onlyResolution: 10 volt/stepAccuracy: (2 of reading 2 counts)Current Display Auto RangeAC Range 1: 0.000mA - 3.500mAResolution: 0.001mA/stepRange 2: 3.00 - 40.00 mA for 7550DT and 7564SA,3.00 - 20.00 mA for 75/20/30/40DTResolution: 0.01 mA/stepDC Range 1: 0.0 A - 350.0 AResolution: 0.1A/stepRange 2: 300 A - 3500 AResolution: 1A/stepRange 3: 3000 A - 9990 AResolution: 10A/stepAccuracy: All Ranges (2 of reading 2 counts)DC Output Ripple 4**********************,ResistiveLoad Discharge Time 200 msMaximum CapacitiveLoad DC Mode1uF < 1KV0.75uF < 2KV0.5uF < 3KV0.08uF < 4KV0.04uF < 5KV0.01uF < 6KVAC Output Wave Form Sine Wave, Crest Factor = 1.3 - 1.5Output Frequency Range: 60 or 50 Hz, User SelectionAccuracy: 1%Output Regulation (1 of setting 5 volts) from no load to full load Dwell Timer Range: 0, 0.3 - 999.9 sec (0 = Constant)Resolution: 0.1 sec incrementsAccuracy: (0.1% + 0.05 sec)Ramp Timer Range: AC 0.1 - 999.9 secDC 0.4 - 999.9 secResolution: 0.1 sec incrementsAccuracy: (0.1% + 0.05 sec)RecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************SPECIFICATIONS15Ground Continuity For 75/20/30/40/50DT Current : DC 0.1 A 0.01A, fixedMax. ground resistance : 1 0.1, fixed Ground Fault Interrupt GFI Trip Current: HV Shut Down Speed: 450 A max (AC or DC)< 1msINSULATION RESISTANCE TEST MODE Model 75/30/40/50DT, 7564SAOutput VoltageRange:100 - 1000 Volts DC Resolution: 1 volt/step Accuracy:(2 of reading 2 volts) Short Circuit Current Maximum: 12mA peak Voltage DisplayRange: 0 - 1000 VResolution: 1 volt/stepAccuracy:(2 of reading 2 counts) Resistance DisplayRange: 1 - 9999 M (4 Digit, Auto Ranging)Resolution:500VDC 1000VDC M M M 0.001 1.000 - 5.388 1.000 - 9.999 0.01 1.40 - 53.88 2.80 - 99.99 0.1 14.0 - 538.8 28.0 - 999.9 1104 - 9999280 - 9999Accuracy:(2 of reading 2 counts) at test voltage 500 - 1000V and 1 - 1000 M(8 of reading 2 counts) at test voltage 500 - 1000V and 1000 - 9999 M(8 of reading 2 counts) at test voltage 100 - 500V and 0 - 1000 MCharge-LO Range: 0.000 - 3.500A or Auto Set HI-Limit Range: 0 - 9999 M (0 = Off) LO-Limit Range: 1 - 9999 MDelay TimerRange: 0, 0.5 - 999.9 sec (0 = Constant) Resolution: 0.1 sec/stepAccuracy:(0.1% + 0.05 sec)Ground Fault InterruptGFI Trip Current:HV Shut Down Speed:450 A max (AC or DC) < 1msRecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************SPECIFICATIONS16GROUND BOND TEST MODE Model 7564SA onlyOutput Voltage Range: 3.00 - 8.00 Volts AC (Open Circuit Limit) Resolution: 0.01 volt/stepAccuracy: (2 % of Setting + 0.03V ) O.C. Condition Output Frequency Range: 60 or 50 Hz, User Selection Accuracy: 1%Output CurrentRange: 3.00 - 30.00 Amps AC Resolution: 0.01 Amp/stepAccuracy :(2 % of Setting + 0.02 A) Current DisplayRange: 0.00 - 30.00 Amps Resolution: 0.01 Amp/stepAccuracy:(3 % of Reading + 0.03 A) Resistance DisplayRange: 0 - 600 m Resolution: 1 m /stepAccuracy:(2 % of Reading + 2 m ) HI-LimitRange: 0 - 600 m for 3 - 10 A 0 - 150 m for 3 - 30 A Resolution: 1 m /stepAccuracy:(2 % of Setting + 2 m ) LO-LimitRange: 0 - 600 m for 3 - 10 A 0 - 150 m for 3 - 30 A Resolution: 1 m /stepAccuracy:(2 % of Setting + 2 m ) Dwell TimerRange: 0, 0.5 - 999.9 sec (0 = Constant) Resolution: 0.1 sec/step Accuracy:(0.1% + 0.05 sec)Milliohm OffsetMax. Offset Capability: 200 mResolution: 1 m / stepAccuracy:(2 % of Setting + 2 m )RecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************SPECIFICATIONS17GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSPLC Remote Control Input - Test, Reset, Recall memory 1, 2 and 3Output - Pass, Fail, Test-in-ProcessMemory Allows storage of up to 50 groups different test programsand 8 step/each memory. Step is not available on 7520DT SecurityProgrammable password lockout capability to avoid unauthorized access to test set-up program. LCD Contrast Setting 9 ranges set by the numeric keys on the front panel. Buzzer Volume Setting 10 ranges set by the numeric key on the front panel.Calibration Software and adjustments are made through front panel. Mechanical Bench or rack mount with tilt up front feet. Dimension7540DT, 7550DT and 7564SA:(W x H x D) 17 x 5.8 x 20.3 in. (432 x 147 x 515 mm) 7520DT and 7530DT:(W x H x D) 17 x 5.8 x 12 in. (432 x 147 x 305 mm)Weight7564SA without scanner 52.5 lbs (24 Kgs) 7564SA with built-in scanner 57.0 lbs (26 Kgs) 7550DT without scanner 50.5 lbs (23 Kgs) 7550DT with built-in scanner 55.0 lbs(25 Kgs) 7540DT with 4 port scanner 39.6 lbs (18 Kgs) 7540DT with 8 port scanner41.8 lbs(19 Kgs) 7530DT scanner not available 24.8 lbs (11.27 Kgs) 7520DT scanner not available 24.8 lbs(11.27 Kgs)Scanner Port Two Port Maximum including the built-in scanner. Not available on 7520DT, 7530DT and 7540DT.Scanner Built-in OptionHigh Voltage x 4 Ports (7540DT only)High Voltage x 8 Ports (75/40/50DT and 7564SA) Ground Bond x 8 Ports (7564SA only)RecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************。

项目 Items 测量范围 Ranging Range 工作电压 VCC 工作电流 ICC_VDD 工作温度 Topr 储存温度 Tstg
额定 Rating 100~1800 3~5
35 -20 +70 -40 +85
单位 Unit mm
V mA °C °C
2.2 引脚描述 / Pin Description
停止位 Stop bits :
流控制 Flow Control :
2.4.1UART数据发送格式 / UART Data delivery format 1.
① 读取偏差值
命令 r1# 返回值 D=xx 说明 xx=00~99mm 未校准前为 0
② 读取串口发送间隔 命令 r2# 返回值 T=xxxx 说明 xxxx=10~9999ms 默认100ms
TOF10120’s time-of-flight sensing technology is realized by Sharp’s original SPAD (Single Photon Avalanche Diodes ) using low-cost standard CMOS process. It enables accurate ranging result, higher immunity to ambient light and better robustness to cover-glass optical cross-talk by special optical package design.
・940nm激光符合IEC 60825-1:2014第3版规定的1类操作条件 ・传感器尺寸(20×13.2×2.0mm) ・最大测量距离室内可达1.8米精度在5%以内 ・测量的范围与目标物体的反射率无关 ・可工作在高红外光的环境下 ・高光学串扰补偿 ・测量时间小于30ms ・符合标准的回流焊工艺 ・不需要额外的光学器件 ・单电源供电 ・标准的TTL电平串口 I2C ・无铅,符合RoHS标准

单颗电池尺寸包括 PVC (Dimensions with tube)
Voltages (V)
Voltage (V)
型号(Model No.)ESP750AAH
典型特征 Typical characteristics 标准充电特征 Standard charge
Charge: 0.1C ×15hrs.
单位颗 Unit cell
允许循环 3 次 Up to 3 cycles are allowed
允许循环 3 次 Up to 3 cycles are allowed
1.0V/cell Cut-off
1.0V/cell Cut-off
4 制造商保留在没有预先通知的情况下改变和修正设计及规格说明书的权力
此规格书适用于深圳格瑞普电池有限公司的镍氢可充电电池产品 The specification is suitable for the performance of NI-MH rechargeable battery
2. 型号 MODEL
Time (days)
Manufacturer reserve the right to alter or amend the design, model and specification without prior notice
产品规格书(Product Specification)
型号(Model No.)ESP750AAH
单颗电池规格 Specifications of single cell
Scalance X202-2IRT 产品说明书

EN 60079-0: 2006, EN60079-15: 2005, II 3 (2) G Ex nA [op is] IIC T4, KEMA 07 ATEX 0145 X
ANSI / ISA 12.12.01, CSA C22.2 No. 213-M1987, CL. 1 / Div. 2 / GP. A, B, C, D T4, CL. 1 / Zone 2 / GP. IIC, T4
● at DC / rated value
24 V
operational current / of the signaling contacts
● at DC / maximum
0.1 A
supply voltage, current consumption, power loss
product component / connection for redundant voltage
● with IRT / PROFINET IO switch
● PROFINET IO diagnosis
PROFINET conformity class
network load class / according to PROFINET
product function / switch-managed
product function
● ring redundancy
● High Speed Redundancy Protocol (HRP)
● high speed redundancy protocol (HRP) with

非晶硅薄膜太阳能电池组件技术规格书编制:审核:批准:发布日期:实施日期:电池组件的正面、侧面和背面如图2-1所示:C E 1^.04 MOO图2-1电池的正面、侧面和背面示意图1.2 产品组成产品由TCO 导电玻璃、P-I-N 非晶硅薄膜、AZO 薄膜、Al 薄膜、NiV 薄膜、 引流脩、汇流条、绝缘膜、PVB 、背板玻璃、接线盒和导线等组成。
1.3 名词解释1.3.1 引流条:即Side Bus ,材料为铝带,采用超声波焊接在背电极膜层上, 其作用是将组件的正负极电流顺利引出。
1.3.2 汇流条:即Cross Bus ,材料为铜锡复合带,采用绝缘胶将其粘附在背 电极膜层上,其作用是将引流条上的电流汇到接线盒。
1.3.3 接线盒:即Junction Box ,其作用是引出组件的正负极,同时起到防潮、 防尘和密封功能。
1 1. 1.1. 22.2.适用范围 本技术标准适用于非晶硅单节薄膜太阳电池组件系列产品 型号:-80,-85,-90,-95,-100,-105。
结构:a-Si 单节 Thin Film PV Module产品结构1产品外形1.1 1.2 1.3 长度 宽度 厚度 1300mm ± 1 mm 1100mm ±1 mm 3. 9mm ± 0.8 mm 正面 侧面背面7.9±2-.^.5优。
麻渊1 痴阳画出51抬时包邮遇?.口。
—桐脚川3 5 I'、.. 蓑=尹+学吟19 R3产品规格3.1产品型号3.1.1-80,-85,-90,-95,-100,-105 系列3.1.2分类等级:80W、85W、90W、95W、100W和105W六个等级。
情况如下:80W: 77.5〜82.5W 85W: 82.6〜87.5W90W: 87.6〜92.5W 95W: 92.6〜97.5W100W: 97.6〜102.5W 105W: 102.6〜107.5W3.2产品属性表 3-1产品属性3.3电性规格:3.4温度系数规格表3.5产品工作范围3-44电池构造4.1子电池构造4.1.1子电池宽度:8.04mm (正极宽度:6.5mm;负极宽度:8.22mm) 4.1.2子电池数量:133个4.1.3清边宽度:12mm4.1.4汇流条宽度:4mm4.2引流条与汇流条的相对位置4.2.1背板玻璃孔洞中心位置距玻璃短边为175mm,距玻璃长边为550mm。

Specifications are subject to change without notice (11.11.2014)1Product DescriptionRS Long range sensor is a digital unidirectional motion sensor for trouble-free open-ing of all types of industrial automatic doors. I t can be adapted to every application without further accessories and can be controlled by an infrared remote control-ler. Mounting height up to 7m (23ft) to detect vehicle or person motion towards or away from the sensor. Like most of other microwave detectors equipped with pla-nar flat antenna, the sensor works on echo doppler sig-nal for detecting movements.• Vehicle and person detection • Long range of detection• In field adjustment of the area detection with remote control• Low power consumption• Sealed against dust and humidity • 7m maximum height• CE0682, FCC, UR, UL325Long RangeMotion Radar Sensor IRS01Electrical DataEnvironmental DataMechanical DataGeneral Data2Specifications are subject to change without notice (11.11.2014)IRSSwitching ON and factory settings1. After the supply voltage has been connected, the RED LED will start flashing quickly for 3 seconds. The unit is set up in factory at the following default values:A) Sensitivity: level 1 (SENS+1)B) Mounting height:2.5 to3.5 m (F1)C) Relay hold time: 0.5 sec (HT+1)D) Operating mode V or P E) Detection Recognition movements towards the detector (FW)F) Immunity, Quasi-presence, and Lateral Traffic Suppression: OFF G) R1 and R2 Relay Status: OFF in rest condition H) PIN security: 0000 - lock keyboard disabled on remote controller 2. Set mounting height (F1…F4) if different from factory setting. The detector will not function correctly if the wrong mounting height is set3. Set field size (SEN+1…5) and if necessary using inclination angle, 15-45°.4. Set the optional volume of Relay Hold time (HT +1...5) if different from factory setting HT+1 (0.5”)5.Set the other parameters as the specific application requires.Adjustments and SettingsElectrical ConnectionCode Description VS1First supply terminal VS2Second supply terminalNC1Relay n°1 - Normally close contact NO1Relay n°1 - Normally open contactCOM1Relay n°1 - CommonNC2Relay n°2 - Normally close contact NO2Relay n°2 - Normally open contactCOM2Relay n°2 - CommonThe unit should be powered by Class 2 or LVE transformer. Do not switch on the power until all primary and secondary wiring are completed. The contacts of relays should be connected to Class 2 circuit.Opening the junction box of the housing an 8 pole snap connectorwill be accessible. Connect the wires as below indicated.Specifications are subject to change without notice (11.11.2014)3Mounting InstructionsSensing field adjustment according to Sensitivity setting and mounting Sensing Field adjustmentInside ViewIRSMaximum field extension (with level 5 as sensitivity)Mounting height: 4.5m with 3 different inclination angles.Mounting height: 7m with 3 different inclination angles. 1.01.0 1.51.5 2.02.0 2.52.5 3.03.015°30°45°6.569.843.2816.410.0m32.80f t 3.511.483.511.489.84mf t 10.0m32.80f t 9.029.531.641.643.283.284.924.926.566.568.208.209.8411.4811.489.84f t 1.01.0 1.51.5 2.02.0 2.52.5 3.03.015°30°45°6.569.843.2816.4010.0m32.80f t 3.511.483.511.489.84mf tCOMNONONCNCCOM4Specifications are subject to change without notice (11.11.2014)step of the procedure (see description of the procedure).E X I T1. .809.029.53IRSAccessoryDimensions mm (inches)Note: before using the remote controller• open the battery compartment at the back of the remote control;• insert two AAA batteries supplied with the remote control;• close the batteries compartment.Approvalshe FCC Rules. Operat ion is subject t o tfollowing two conditions. (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)this device must accept any interference received, including interference that maySpecifications are subject to change without notice (11.11.2014) 5。
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SOT-23 High-Side Gate Driver IC
Ordering Information
∙Floating gate driver designed for bootstrap operation ∙Fully operational to +100 V ∙Excellent dv/dt immunity
∙Excellent negative V S transient immunity ∙Wide V CC range
∙UVLO on low-side and high-side
∙Schmitt-trigger input with internal pull-down ∙Output in phase with input
∙Excellent latch immunity on all inputs & outputs ∙RoHS compliant
6-pin SOT-23 package
The IRS10752 is a high-side, single-channel gate driver IC with 100V blocking and level-shifting capability. This allows for the gate driver to be connected directly to the gate of a high-side power MOSFET, while being controlled by the low-side, ground potential circuitry. The IRS10752 includes a wide V CC supply range, UVLO protection, and excellent immunity to harsh dv/dt or –V S switching environments. IR’s HVIC technology allows for these functions and features to be realized in a 6-pin SOT-23 package.
Package Options
To Load
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Absolute maximum ratings indicate sustained limits beyond which damage to the device may occur. All voltage parameters are absolute voltages referenced to COM, all currents are defined positive into any pin. The thermal resistance and power dissipation ratings are measured under board mounted and still air conditions.
Recommended Operating Conditions
For proper operation the device should be used within the recommended conditions.
† Logic operational for V S of -8V to +100V. Logic state held for V S of -8V to –V BS .
Electrical Characteristics
V CC=15V, V BS=15V, C L=1000pF, and T A = 25 °C unless otherwise specified.
Functional Block Diagram
Timing Diagram
Pin Definitions
Pin Assignments
Package Details: 6L-SOT23
Tape and Reel Details: 6L-SOT23
Tape and Reel Details: 6L-SOT23
Part Marking Information: 6 Lead SOT23
Top Marking
YW LC Lot Code
Date Code
Bottom Marking
IR Logo
Part no.
†Qualification standards can be found at International Rectifier’s web site /
††Higher qualification ratings may be available should the user have such requirements. Please contact your International Rectifier sales representative for further information.
†††Higher MSL ratings may be available for the specific package types listed here. Please contact your International Rectifier sales representative for further information.。