












































1.1 通奸(A for Adultery)由于海丝特与罗杰·齐灵渥斯通奸,她胸前被挂上了一个红字A,但这并不是唯一的惩罚,她还被迫游街,遭人围观唾弃。



1.2 孤独与疏离(A for Alone and Alienation)海丝特获释后,住在郊区的一间小屋里。





1.3 能力、钦佩和天使(A for Ability,Admiration and Angel)随着时间的流逝,红字A逐渐转变为能力(Ability)、钦佩(Admiration)和天使(Angel)的象征。


浅析《红字》中象征主义手法的运用 Analysis of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter

浅析《红字》中象征主义手法的运用  Analysis of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter

浅析《红字》中象征主义手法的运用Analysis of Symbolism in The Scarlet Letter1 Aim and SignificanceNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the nineteenth century He is deeply influenced by Puritanism consciousness Transcendental philosophy and mysticism As a result instead of giving the objective description of the world he always gives a symbolic meaning to an objective thing to express his true understanding of the world trying his best to discover the hidden meaning through the symbols Therefore if we want to deeply understand Hawthornes writing style it is essential for us to make a thorough research on the symbols and symbolism in his works The Scarlet Letter is Hawthornes masterpiece which makes him well known around the world and it is also one of the most remarkable works in American literature This novel with an everlasting glamour mainly lies in Hawthornes skillful handling of symbolism From the title to the arrangement of the plot then to the description of the characters and objects the author uses only a few words to express rich meanings which leaves us much room for imagination The author of the paper develops a deep interest in The Scarlet Letter after having finished reading this novel What strikes the author most is the scarlet letter A It runs through the whole novel and manifests in various forms at different time places and scenes Furthermore the meaning of the scarlet letter A becomes richer and more complicated as the plot further develops2 Main Methods and Ways of StudiesThe research into the symbolism in The Scarlet Letter can make readers deeply understand Hawthornes writing style First by way of exploring the various symbolic meanings of the scarlet letter A to different characters and the changing symbolic meanings of the scarlet letter A at different time places and scenes the thesis can help readers have a better understanding of the rich meanings of the letter A in the novel and the process of moral growth of the main characters Second the research into the symbolic meanings of the characters names various objects in the novel and the symbolic meanings of Pearl can make readers deeply understand Hawthornes unique artistic writing characteristics the profound social significance revealed by the novel and the authors writing aimsNathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the 19th century As a great romantic novelist Hawthorne is outstanding in handling application of symbolismThe Scarlet Letter is Hawthornes most important symbolic novel which is the best work of Hawthorne and one of the indubitable masterpieces of American Literature And it is this novel that makes Nathaniel Hawthorne known all around the world In this work Hawthorne uses the symbolism so skillfully that it enhances the artistic effects of his work greatly In The Scarlet Letter symbolism runs through the whole novel The most important symbol is the scarlet letter itself Not only does A manifest in various forms but also it has changing meanings from adultery to able even angelic in the novel Besides the name of the four major characters in the novel Hester Prynne Arthur Dimmesdale Roger Chillingworth and Pearl also have their own symbolic meanings Some other objects and natural surroundings that are described in the novel such as the jail the forest the rose bush and so on are all endowed with a deep symbolic significance The author of the thesis will explore the usage of symbolism in The Scarlet Letter from the three aspects mentioned above and analyze Hawthornes skillful use of symbolism in The Scarlet LetterKey Words the scarlet lettersymbolismHester PrynnePearl纳撒尼尔·霍桑是十九世纪美国伟大的浪漫主义小说家作为一位伟大的浪漫主义小说家霍桑对象征主义手法的运用可以说是独具匠心长篇小说《红字》是霍桑重要的象征主义代表作品无疑也是美国文学浪漫主义时期最著名的作品之一也正是这部巨著使得霍桑誉满全球在这部作品中作者巧妙运用了象征主义手法加强了作品的艺术效果整篇作品象征主义手法贯穿始终其中最重要的要数红字A本身的象征意义它不仅以各种各样的形式出现并且其象征意义不断变化从通奸到有能力的甚至天使般的此外小说中四个主要角色海丝特丁梅斯代尔齐灵沃斯珠儿也都有其各自的象征意义小说中描述的景物和场景例如监狱森林玫瑰花园等等也都寓意深刻本文正是从以上这几个方面着手探究作者在小说《红字》中对象征主义手法的巧妙运用关键词红字象征海丝特·普琳珍珠AcknowledgementsThis thesis is the product of the author and the supervisors three months of efforts It has been repeatedly revised under the guidance of Professor XXX It was the joint efforts of both the author and the teachers in Foreign Languages Department I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to Professor XXX and the teachers who have helped the author in the process of the thesis writing I will also give my thanks to my classmates and friends who have helped me revise the thesis Last but not least I will give my heartfelt thanks to my parents who have been always supporting and encouraging meContentsIntroduction 11 Various Symbolic Meanings of the Scarlet Letter A 311 The Change of the Symbolic Meanings of the Scarlet Letter A 3111 Adultery 3112 Alone and Alienation 4113 Able Admirable and Angel 512 The Scarlet Letter and the Strictness of Puritan Society 52 The Symbolic Meaning of the Four Main Characters 621 Hester Prynne 622 Arthur Dimmesdale 723 Roger Chillingworth 824 Pearl 93 The Symbolic Meanings of the Objects in the Novel 12 Conclusion 15Bibliography 16IntroductionNathaniel Hawthorne was born in Salem in 1804 He was born in a prestigious New England family closely related with Puritan church his ancestors attended the persecution of people belonging to different churches such as Quakers When he was born his family declined He was aware of his ancestors misdeeds and thus "blackness of Hawthorne" formed He thought that the reason of his familys decline is his ancestors misdeeds And he didnt agree with the optimism held by Transcendentalists towards human nature He wrote lots of works on everlasting evil side in human nature Hawthorne graduated from Bowdoin College Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and Franklin Pierce the 14th American presidents were his classmates After graduation he lived in seclusion and wrote Later he worked in the US Custom House After Pierce became president he was asked to be the consular in Liverpool and Italy Hawthornes masterpiece includes his short story collections Twice-Told Tales Moses from an Old Manse and novels The Scarlet Letter The House of Seven Gables The Blithedale Romance The Marble FaunHawthornes writing skills can be summarized as follows Hawthorne seems to be influenced a lot by the sin and evil in his sense He believes evil exists in human heart all the time For example in the novel The Scarlet Letter the minister Dimmesdale tries to pretend how pure and pious he is He wants to cover up the evil in his mind Not only Dimmesdale wants to do like this but also all the people in the world because we are only human beings And the evil just likes a mark that exists in our mind when we are born And in Hawthornes mind people who commit a crime must be punishedbecause people can get experience from this way And also he supports people to tell the truth and not to offend Nathaniel Hawthorne is a great romantic novelist in America in the 19th century and is considered to be the first greatest American fiction writer in the moralistic tradition Hawthorne is outstanding in literature skill especially in handling symbolism His work---The Scarlet Letter is notable for its symbolism and is regarded as the first symbolic novel in American literatureThe story begins in seventeenth-century Boston which is under Puritan command The husband---an old and ugly scholar sends a young woman named Hester Prynne ahead to America However for many years he himself doesnt arrive Obviously it is possible that he has been lost in the sea While waiting for her husband Hester and a young local minister called Arthur Dimmesdale fall in love with each other They commit adultery secretly Because of Hesters Pregnancy the secret is finally discovered Hester and Dimmesdale love each other But their love is forbidden in that strict society It is sinful Due to this fact Hester is punished by society with a letter A on her chest which is considered to be an evil a shameHester is brave enough to face the cruel society She is always with a mind of courage She has been alone with her child for so long a time with little communication Hester has to wear the letter A day by day seven years as for punishment and ill fame However Hester is a kind-hearted woman and is always ready to help other people in the community without expecting any thanks Later people in the town no longer view the scarlet letter A as a punishment but rather as representing her great strength and bravery and they say it means AbleBut Arthur Dimmesdale his sin against Hester and Pearl is that he will not acknowledge them as his wife and daughter in the daylight He is too weak to admit his sins He suffers from mysterious heart trouble seemingly caused by psychological distress Whats worse he is an advisor to the townspeople about their sins After Mr Dimmesdales death no one changes more in appearance than Roger Chillingworth All his strength and energy has been used to harm his patient This unhappy man has made his aim in life to add to the suffering of the young minister When the evil old man no longer has such a purpose the devil takes him back to the hellThe Scarlet Letter is a cultural allegory in which the author indirectly tells the future of Puritanism The Scarlet Letter is a sample in which American Romanticism adapted itself to American Puritanism The theme of the story should1 Various Symbolic Meanings of the Scarlet Letter A11 The Change of the Symbolic Meanings of the Scarlet Letter AIn this novel the scarlet letter A changes its meanings for many times This change is very significant It shows growth in the characters and the community in which they live At the very beginning the letter A is regarded as a kind of sin or evil Then with the development of the story it becomes a symbol of alone and alienation of the female character Hester Finally it becomes a symbol of able admirable and angel111 AdulteryIn the novel the letter "A" worn on Hesters bosom is a symbol of her adulteryagainst Roger Chillingworth Putting the letter A on her bosom and letting her show to the public is the puritan way of treating her as a criminal for the crime of adultery Hester is looked down upon as if she is some sort of demon from hell that commits a terrible crime This letter is meant to be worn in shame and to make Hester feel unwanted This is the common way to explain the symbolic meaning of the letter The color of scarlet is the symbol of blood and desire Hester and Dimmesdale cannot control their love for each other and become the criminals of God A woman loses her purity and a holy minister is punished for bringing shame to his holy occupation Red should be regarded as the symbol of love and life but under the control of the Puritan strictness Hester has to wear the scarlet letter A in order to be regarded as a symbol of shame and punishmentHere she said to herself had been the scene of her guilt and here should be the scene of her earthly punishment Brown2002 Hester is ashamed of her sin but she chooses to face the reality rather than escape from it Many people may choose the way of leaving for some other places where nobody knows of her sin However Hester is brave enough to continue to live her life which shows great strength and integrity of her112 Alone and AlienationThe scarlet letter A also symbolizes Hesters lonely life in New England Hesters social life is virtually eliminated as a result of her shameful past She has to live in such a community regardless of others ironical words and with great courage and ability It had been built by an earlier settler and abandoned because the soil about itwas too sterile for cultivation while its comparative remoteness put it out of the sphere of that social activity which already marked the habits of the emigrants Hester comes to have a part to perform in the world with her native energy of character and rare capacity" Chase 1957 However there was nothing that made her feel as if she belonged to it Every gesture every word and even the silence of those with whom she came to contact implied and often expressed that she was banished and as much alone as if she inhabited another sphere or communicated with the common nature by other organs and senses than the rest of human kind She stood apart from moral interests seemed to be the sole portion that she retained in the universal heart" Hester has no friends in the world and little Pearl is the only companion of her lonely life In other peoples eyes Hester is a criminal and most of them regard communicating with her as a shameful thing Therefore the scarlet letter A is also a symbol of alone and alienation113 Able Admirable and AngelThe letter was the symbol of her calling Such helpfulness is found in her so much power to do and power to sympathize - that many people refuses to interpret the scarlet letter A by its original signification Rubinstein 1988 We can see that the meaning of the scarlet letter A changes from adultery to being able angel and admirable At the beginning people living in the town looked down upon the woman because of her crime But later they find that Hester is so skillfully in needlework and she always help the poor and sick without expecting any return or thanks She is unselfish and always ready to help others considerately and patiently People in the town then realize her noble nature and change the view on her Do you see that womanwith the embroidered badge It is our Hester – the towns own Hester – who is so kind to the poor so helpful to the sick so comforting to the afflicted Hawthorne 1994 The people in the town soon begin to regard the letter A as a badge served to ward off the evil This is a kind woman who should not shoulder the shame and be looked down upon by others Hester is an angel sent by God to the people in the town And she should win the respect and sympathy of others instead of being punished by having to show her crime to the public by wearing the scarlet letter People and the author of the novel really admire her pure nature and abilityThe three changes in the scarlet letter are significant they show the progressive presentation of her sin her lonely life and her ability Hester is an admirable woman who experiences more emotional torture than most people go through in a lifetime12 The Scarlet Letter and the Strictness of Puritan SocietyThe Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne uses the scarlet letters to symbolize he harshness of Puritan society showing how they branded sinners for life Although Puritan society is unforgiving towards the sinful scarlet letter their strictness improved the bearers of the sin The scarlet letter was also an example of how Puritan society will always remember the sin When strangers looked curiously at the scarlet letter-and none failed to do so they branded it afresh into Hesters soul Hawthorne 1994 A letter A but freshly green instead of scarlet was created by her showing how Hawthorne made a jest at the punishment Puritans put upon Hester And the scarlet letter was also a toy to Pearl something that she enjoyed Hawthorne uses the scarlet letter to depict his feelings of the exaggerated emotions of the puritans and theirdramatic punishments The author of the paper thinks that the symbolism in this novel is used quite skillfully The technique Hawthorne uses makes his novel more artistic2 The Symbolic Meaning of the Four Main Characters21 Hester PrynneHester Prynne is one of the most important characters in The Scarlet Letter Hester is the symbol of love beauty kindness and truth She was described by Hawthorne like this The young woman was tall a figure of perfect elegance on a large scale she had dark and abundant hair so glossy that it threw off the sunshine with a gleam and a face which besides being beautiful from regularity of feature and richness of complexion had the impressiveness belonging to a marked brow and deep black eyes Harold 1990104 It is true that Hester is beautiful and attractive in appearance But the most precious part of the character lies not only in her kindness toward other people but also in her great courage of facing her love Her love for the minister Dimmesdale is pure and true This is the reason that she refuses to speak out the name of her partner in sin but takes over all the punishment by herself Instead of running from the hostile colonists Hester withstands peoples insolence and pursues a normal life She proves her worth with her uncommon sewing skills and provides community service Hesters sin gives her sympathetic knowledge of the sin in other hearts Even though the people she tries to help often reviled the hand that was stretched forth to succor them Xia199634 She continues her services because she actually cares At last the colonists come to think of the scarlet letter as the cross on a nuns bosom which is not small accomplishmentHester is the homophone of the word haste At first she gets married to Roger Prynne an ugly man who gives his best years to feed the hungry dream of knowledge Not having got the news about her husband who should have arrived by ship from England she falls love with Arthur hastily and gives birth to Pearl for which she is condemned to wear on the breast of her gown the scarlet letter "A" which stands for adultery However the author of the paper thinks that it is natural and understandable Hester has the freedom to pursue the true love of her deep heart and the happiness of the life The punishment of puritan society is somehow too harsh on a woman who is led by human instinct She doesnt love her husband and when she falls in love with Dimmesdale she is tortured physically and mentally for her sin The strictness of Puritan society accounts for Hesters sympathetic fate and Dimmesdales tragedy22 Arthur DimmesdaleArthur Dimmesdale is a young minister whose initials are AD which also stands for adultery Obviously he should take part in the punishment for Hester He loves Hester deeply and is the father of Pearl but he is not brave enough to admit their relationship Only in the forest or in darkness he can show his passion and love for Hester So the word Dimmesdale also has symbolic meanings Dim means dark and weak and dale means valley so the name here is actually a symbol of the dim-interior of the clergyman The scarlet letter A in his heart symbolizes his condemn to himself in his deep heart Meanwhile it is also the symbol of the mental control of the Puritanism If thou feel it to be for thy souls peace and that thy earthly punishment will thereby be made more effectual to salvation I charge thee to speak out the name of thyfellow-sinner and fellow-sufferer Fan200356 He feels that he will never been seen the same as before in front of God and that no amount of penitence can ever return him to Gods good graces He hates his hypocrisy to sin but dares not tell the truth that he is the fellow-sinner of Hester When he finally decides to expose the truth and tell his followers of how he deceives them his fixation on his sin has utterly corroded him to the point of death The only good that comes out of conceding his guilt is that he passes away without any secrets At the end of the story the writer put the morals that press upon the readers from the poor ministers miserable experience into one sentence Be true Be true Be true Show freely to the world if not your worst yet some trait whereby the worst may be inferred Hu1997 89 As a man Dimmesdale couldnt even relate to and shouldered the obligation He is not brave enough to admit the truth However his tragedy is also the result of the strict puritan society and the psychological tie of the local religion23 Roger ChillingworthAnother main character Roger Chillingworth is a man of complicated nature and abnormal psychology The words chilling and worth compose the surname Chillingworth Chilling comes from the word chilling which means this man is a merciless avenger He is calm and kind in appearance but keeps evil intentions All his strength and energy has been used to avenge This unhappy man has made his aim in life to add to the suffering of the young minister When the evil old man no longer has such a purpose the devil takes him back to the hell He is really an unforgivable criminal According to the explanation of the Christian and the Romantic period theunforgivable crime means to infringe on others soul and feelings in order to know about their reaction toward something Chillingworth intends to look into the young ministers heart depending on some knowledge of medical science and miracle ways in religion He pretends to be the young minister true friend moves close to him in order to torture and devastate Dimmesdales heart His curiosity and intention of avenge make him become the symbol of monster and evil Due to his abnormal psychology he also becomes a victim in the story This character symbolizes the great influence of the sin on people Chillingworth married Hester a woman with youth and beauty deluding him with the idea that intellectual gifts might veil physical deformity in a young girls fantasy He married Hester not because he loved her but because he wanted to light a household fire in his lonely and chilly heart He is a bookworm who spends his best time in libraries and shows no love to his young wife It is he that has destroyed Hesters flower like youth and indirectly leads to Hesters tragedy After he discovers that his wife bore another mans child Roger gives up his independence His life center has become punish the man who seduced his wife For seven years he digs into the ministers heart with pleasure He searches the ministers thoughts he causes the poor minister to die daily a living death He searches into the ministers dim interior for a long time and turns over many precious a tread and as wary an outlook as a thief entering a chamber where a man lies only half asleep or if it may be broad awake with purpose to steal the very treasure which this man guards as the apple of his eyes When he finally found the scarlet letter "A" on the bosom of the minister he busted out a ghastly rapture When he does these he is turning from a victim to a sinner Hu199745Chillingworth also symbolizes that the avengers life is worthless When he finds his wife betrays him he devotes all his time and energy to seeking revenge He forgets that he needs to lead a new life of his own Therefore he is the victim of his own abnormal action After Dimmesdale reveals his secret to the world All his strength and energyall his vital and intellectual force seemed at once to desert him in so much that he positively withered up shriveled away and almost vanished from mortal sight like an uprooted weed that lies wilting in the sun He dies less than a year later because he has nothing left to live for24 PearlPearl is one of the most complex and misunderstood symbols in the novel This character throughout the story develops into a dynamic symbol which is always changing Pearl is a source of many different kinds of symbolism Firstly she is the symbol of her mothers sin or the symbol of the scarlet letter Pearl is also a symbol of valuable thing with high price And we can understand that Pearl is the beautiful and precious crystallization of her parents true love For the mother Hester Pearl is love rather than burdenThe most significant symbolic meaning of Pearl in the novel is her association with the scarlet letter "A" At the beginning Pearl is the symbol of her mothers shame and crime She is like the scarlet letter A on Hesters bosom showing to others that she is a woman committing the crime of adultery Pearl really is the scarlet A on Hesters chest showing to others that she is a woman committing the crime of adultery WhenHester stood fully revealed before the crowd it is her first impulse to clasp Pearl closely to her bosom not so much by an impulse of motherly affection as that she might thereby conceal a certain token which was wrought or fastened into her dress Pearl is the scarlet itself which is endowed with her life And in most peoples eyes she is Hesters burden and shameMeanwhile Pearl also symbolizes her parents true love She is the crystallization of her parents true love Xia 199678 The author describes in the novel that Pearl likes the scarlet letter so much So we can see that the close relationship between little Pearl and the scarlet letter Their common nature is that they are both the crystallization of love and the hopeful future of humankindPearl is a very beautiful girl There was fire in her and throughout her she seemed the unpremeditated offshoot of a passionate moment Hester named her daughter pearl as being of great worth purchased with all she had She is her only important treasure Although Hester has so much trouble foe having Pearl she still feels that Pearl is her treasure Pearl is the most important part of her mothers life If she had never been come into this world Hester would have never been found guilty of adultery and thus never would have had to wear the scarlet letter A on her chest However if Pearl is not in her life she will lose the courage of going on her life and almost have committed suicide It is Pearl who brings hope and joy to Hesters life and gives her mother the courage to live After Hester gets the permission to still keep Pearl at her side Mistress Hibbins invites her to go to the forest to meet the Black Man together with her But Hester refuses and says with a triumphant smile I must tarry at home and keep watchover my little Pearl Had they taken her from me I would willingly have gone with thee into the forest and signed my name in the Black Mans book too and that with mine own blood Hawthorne 199498 It is Pearl that saves Hester from the Satans snarePearl also symbolizes moral in this novel The moral she is meant to teach is that Hester and Dimmesdale should fully commit their sin and then take the responsibility for their sin The first thing Pearl see in her infancy is the scarlet letter causing her mother intense agony at the shame it generated in her Later she plays a game when she throws flowers at her mother and jumps around in glee every time hitting the scarlet letter Diao2000204 She also makes her own letter A to wear When she finds Hester removes the scarlet letter from her chest in the forest Pearl starts screaming and convulsing and refuses to cross the stream until Hester reattaches the letter She is really a constant mental and physical reminder to Hester of what she has done wrong With Pearl at her side Hester will never escape the punishment of her wrong deedMoreover Pearl is the person who eventually makes Dimmesdale admit to his crime She constantly asks why the minister keeps putting his hand over his heart and figures it out that it is for the same reason that her mother wears the scarlet letter Her role as a living scarlet letter is to announce to the whole world whom her guilty parents are After Dimmesdale manages to keep the mother and daughter together in the governors hall Pearl responses amazingly She takes his hand and places her cheek against it This simple gesture is full of meaning because it implies that Pearlrecognizes Dimmesdale as being connected to her Meanwhile Pearls stand of urging the minister to commit his sin is firm When Dimmesdale stands on the scaffold where Hester suffered her public humiliation several years before he meets Hester and Pearl who have been at Governor Winthrops deathbed taking measurements for a robe he invites them to join him on the stand When all three hold hands Pearl asks Dimmesdale Wilt thou stand here with mother and me tomorrow noontide Dimmesdale answers Not so my child I shall indeed stand with thy mother and thee one other day but not tomorrow Hawthorne 1994 Pearl laughs and attempts to pull away her hand until the minister promises to take her hand and her mothers hand at the great judgment day When they later meet in the forest Hester says to Pearl He loves thee my little Pearl and loves thy mother too Wilt thou love him Pearl says Doth he love us Then asks Will he go back with us hand in hand we three together into the town The answer is not now Hawthorne 199444 So when Dimmesdale impresses a kiss on her brow before they leave the forest Pearl broke away from her mother and running to the brook stooped over it and bathed her forehead until the unwelcome kiss was quite washed off At the end of the novel when the minister climbs up the scaffold with the help of Hester and Pearl confessing his sin to his followers Pearl kisses his lips She accepts her father finally Pearls role as the living scarlet letter is over and Dimmesdale who finally takes responsibility for his sin has learned the moral which she is meant to teach3 The Symbolic Meanings of the Objects in the NovelIn The Scarlet Letter most of the objects that are described in the novel have。



论《红字》中象征手法的运用作者:戴晓婧来源:《成才之路》2010年第17期小说《红字》(The Scarlet Letter)是美国文学史上杰出的浪漫主义小说家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)的代表作。






红字A与海丝特·白兰(Hester Prynne)的命运是紧紧连在一起,在不同时期红字A有着不同的象征意义。

最初,红字A被小镇上人们视为“通奸”(Adultery)的缩写,羞耻的招牌,每个人都认为红字是海丝特通奸罪的象征;同时,“A”是海丝特的情人亚瑟·狄梅斯迪尔(Arthur Dimmesdale)的首字母,又是法语爱情(amour)的首字母,因此,“A”还代表女主人公海丝特心中澎湃起伏的情感(Affection),由此可见,“A”也象征崇高伟大的爱情。






An Analyze of the Symbolism in theScarlet LetterContents1. Introduction (i)2. The Symbolic Meaning of the Images (i)2.1 The Symbolic Meaning of the Characters (i)2.1.1 Hester Prynne (i)2. 1.2 Roger Chillingworth (i)2.1.3Author Dimmesdale .................................................................................. .. (i)2.1.4 Pearl (i)2.2 The symbolic meaning of the Jail (i)2.3 The Symbolic Meaning of the Scaffold (ii)3. Conclusion (ii)An Analyze of the Symbolism in the Scarlet LetterAbstract:The Scarlet Letter is the 1st novel of symbolism in American literature. Being different from the romanticism, symboli sm is adopted to convey the author’s opinions in an indirect way. In this novel, Nathaniel Hawthorne artfully applied symbolism to express himself by creating several images with vivid and symbolic characteristics. This thesis mainly analyzes the symbolism applied in novel from three aspects: characters, jail and scaffold.Key Words: symbolism Puritanism adultery revenge摘要:《红字》是美国第一部象征主义小说。





关键词:象征;霍桑;红字a中图分类号:i3 文献标识码:a 文章编号:1009-0118(2011)-10-0-02一、引言象征主义作为一种文学流派,出现于19世纪末至20世纪30年代,是欧美现代派文学的一个重要分支。



















象征意义最为典型的红字“A”,顾名思义是红色的 A 字,首先映入我们眼帘的便是耀眼的红色。







1.2就红字“A”本身而言,它并没有神秘的色彩,第一次出现在人们面前,它仅仅是一个耻辱的符号,A字是通奸(Adultery)的缩写,作者霍桑是这样对它进行描述的:“在她(海丝特)衣服的胸部,出现 A 形的字,那是精美的红布制成的,四周有金线织成的细工刺绣和奇巧花样。



外国文学研究NG NG 6论5红字6中的象征主义孙丹丹5红字6是19世纪美国著名浪漫主义作家霍桑的优秀长篇杰作,是美国文学史上第一篇用象征手法创作的小说。







她胸前戴着红字/A 0,过了七年非常孤寂、清贫与艰苦的生活,但她没有被严酷的生活所压倒,而是同样有勇气鼓励她的情人和她一起逃往欧洲。






















企师范 学 院 , 四 川 坟 川 6 2 3 00 2 )
摘 要 : 19 世纪 美 国 著名 作 家霍 桑创 作 了 《 红 字 》 这 一 部 长 篇 小 堪 的 、 肮 脏 的、 非 正 常的 孩 子 , 这 就 注 定 珠 儿 不 会 得 到 快乐 。
难忘的 情节 : 当海斯特去贝 林汉州长 家做 客时 , 为了 哄 珠儿 开 的 缝 隙中已 经开始找出了 杂草 , 从而象征 着海 关工作人员及 政
乙 I
她朝着 客厅 里 的 那副 盔 甲看
由于 副 盔凸 镜的 效果
府 官 员缺 乏 责任 感。 在 “ 海 关” 一 章 , 作 者对 当 时 的 社 会 背 景
助 象征 手 法 来对小 说 中的 人物 、 场 景及 大 自然 进行描 述 , 从 而 不仅是海 斯特对自由爱情追求的 产物 , 同 时也是追求 自有爱情
使整篇 小 说 更加 新 颖 、 引人入胜 。 同 时 , 象征 手 法 的 使用 还 大 所 付 出 的 沉 重 代 价。 同 时 , 珠 儿 又 是 开 始 美 好 生 活 的 象 征 , 海
说 , 是 当时 美 国 文 学 史 上最 具 有 代 表性 的 一 部 小 说 , 也 是最 早 珠 儿 是 海 斯 特在 监 狱 生 出 的 , 虽 然 从 出 生 开始 珠 儿 就 需 要 面 对
一部 使用 象征 手 法 的 小 说。 在 小 说创 作 过程 中, 霍桑 大 量 的 借 成 长 与不 公 , 但 是 老 天 还 是 给 了 珠 儿 一个 天使 般的 心 灵。 珠 儿
其能够对象 征手法的象征体和本体进行合 理的切换 , 最终创作
出了一 部非 常精彩的 作品 。 本文将会对 《红 字》 中象征手法的


孤独是指女主人公海斯特在被监狱释放后 ,带着 自己私生 的女儿离开从 联 系。霍桑在 《 红字 》的写作过程 中,将象征这一手法进行特殊 的运
前生活 的地方 , 来到城市的边缘 ,以逃避社交活动。爱情和耻辱是指在 用 , 更多 的是象 征成为主观表现 的一种艺术 ,不单纯将主观与客观分 被发现犯有通奸罪时 ,海斯特没有为 自己进行辩 解,毅然决然承认 了自 割 的极其 明显 ,而是遵循 自己内心的想法和对小说故事情节 的整体构 者清晰的表达了 自己对于清教社会 的不 满情 绪 , 认 为清教对 于人 的惩 罚过于严重 ,且 压榨了人原本 的思想 。
映 出政府 的腐 败无 能 和不作 为 。
(二 )《红 字 》 中 “ 监 狱 ” 的 象 征
在小说 的第 一章就 提到 了监 狱 ,根据 对具体 内容和关键 词 的深
加 以 自身 的文字 功底 ,最终 为读者 贡献 出了精彩 的作 品 。本文 通过 《 红 字 》中 所 使 用 的 象 征 手法 包 含 的 多 种 含 义 、《 红 字 》 中象 征
百家争 鸣
商 品与质 量
・ 3 1 3・
《 红 字 》 象 征 手 法 的 运 用 探 究
孙 楠
(吉林 工商 学 院 , 吉林 长 春 1 30 0 6 2)
【 摘
要 】 《 红 字 》是在 十九世 纪 时由美 国著名作 家霍桑所 著写 的一部 长篇 小说 ,在 这部 著作 中第一 次运 用 了象征 这一手 法 ,是美 国
在象 征手法 的运 用中要 注意 区分 事 物的本体 和象征 体 ,写作 时 件却 又颇多惩 罚 ,呈现 出了本 末倒置 的奇怪 格局 。同时也鲜 明的反 应及 时 在 两者 之 间进 行 转化 ,防止 文字 的逻辑 性 出 现 问题 。而在



是 肮 脏 的 、 不 堪 的 、 非 正 常 的 , 从 出 生 就 注 定不 会 有 一个 快 乐 的童 年 。 珠 儿 生 于监 狱 之 中 ,成 长 与 不 公 之 中 ,但 命 运 还 是给 了珠 儿 天使 一般 的面 容 和 心 灵 。珠 儿 是海 斯 特 勇敢 追 求 爱 情 的产 物 ,是 追 求 美好 事 物 和 幸 福 所 需要 付 出 的沉 重代 价 的 象征 。 同 时 , 珠 儿 还 象 征 着 美 好 生 活 的 开 始 , 为 了 使 得 珠 儿 过 上 平 常 、 幸 福 的 生 活 , 海 斯 特 逼 迫 自 己经 历 痛 苦 的 蜕 变 , 最 终 追求 到 了 自 己 梦 寐 以 求 的 美 满 的 生 活 , 这 也 象 征 着 在 一切 理 想 事 物 到 来 前 都 必 须 经 历 一段 黑暗 的 、艰 辛的 岁月 。 2 .《 红 字 》 中象 征 手 法 所 表现 出 的 系 统 性 2 . 1 《 红字 》 中 “ 海 关 ” 的 象 征 小 说 开 篇 就 写 到 了海 关 , 国 内 外 众 多 学者 对 这 一 章 节 的 内容 都 有颇 多 争议 。 海 关 象 征 着 美 国政 府 , 而 海 关 关旗 就 象 征 着 当时 美 国政 府 的状 态 , 旗 帜 无力 萎 缩 和 政 府 当时 处 于 低 迷 的时 期 。 在 书 中对 海 关 一
投稿邮箱 :
自 z z s @s o h u e o m
《 红 字》象征手法的运 用探 宄
孙 楠 吉 林工 商 学院
【 摘 要】 红字》是在十九世纪时 由美国著名作家霍桑所 著写的一部长篇 小说 ,在这部著作 中第一次运用了象征这一手法,是美 国文学史中不可磨灭一段历 史。霍桑在小说的创作过程 中 创造性的大量使用象征的表现手法,小说 中所涉及到的人、场所 以 及 大自然中的一切景物都被赋予了特殊的意义 , 使得故事整体情 节更加新颖、 】 人入胜 ,具有跌宕起伏这 一特性 ,从而规避了平铺直叙。同时,象征手法的使用使得 小说 的内涵、意义大大提高 ,使得小说更具有艺术性和魅 力,读者在阅读的过程中回味无穷,留下了极大地想象空间。本文就对 《 红 字》象征手法的运用进行深入探 究。



论《红字》中象征主义手法的运用摘要:I.引言- 介绍《红字》- 简要说明文章的主题II.象征主义手法的定义和特点- 解释象征主义- 描述象征主义手法的特点III.《红字》中象征主义手法的具体运用- 分析《红字》中的象征元素- 解释这些象征元素在小说中的意义IV.象征主义手法在小说中的作用- 讨论象征主义手法如何增强小说的主题和表达力- 分析象征主义手法如何影响读者对小说的理解V.结论- 总结文章的主要观点- 提出对《红字》中象征主义手法的评价正文:I.引言《红字》是美国著名作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑的代表作之一,也是美国文学史上的一部经典之作。

















论霍桑《红字》中象征手法的运用摘要:纳撒尼尔?霍桑Nathaniel Hawthorne是美国19世纪伟大的浪漫主义小说家,长篇小说《红字》The Scarlet Letter是霍桑最杰出的作品。



关键词:霍桑;《红字》;象征手法;红字“A”;人物;场景霍桑的《红字》是19世纪美国杰出的浪漫主义小说,它以17世纪中叶清教统治下的波士顿为背景,围绕海丝特?白兰Hester Prynne、亚瑟?丁梅斯代尔Arthur Dimmesdale、罗杰?齐灵渥斯Roger Chillingworth和珠儿Pearl等四个主要人物的善恶、爱恨、惩罚与报复展开,同时揭露了19世纪资本主义发展时代美国社会法典的残酷、宗教的欺骗和道德的虚伪。




















































































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一、“红字”的象征意义充满象征意义与神秘色彩的红色 A 字几乎贯穿小说的每一个场景, 连结着小说中的所有人物。

它粘附在海丝特的衣着上, 刻在她死后的墓碑上, 刺在丁梅斯代尔的肉体上, 甚至神秘地出现在天空中。


红字首次出现在小说的第二章, 当海丝特被狱吏推到刑台示众时,“在她长裙的胸前, 亮出了一个字母A。

”姚乃强在《红字》中描述她胸前的红字“熠熠发光”, 极为显眼。

按当时加尔文教教规, 凡触犯“第七戒”, 即犯通奸罪(Adultery) 的人, 胸前须佩戴红色A 字, 以示惩罚。



当海丝特与牧师在林中交谈时, 只要红字一离开海丝特的胸前, 青春与美丽就会回到她身上, 而每当重新戴上时,“她感到有一种难以避免的忧郁沉重地压在心头”。

为了全心赎罪, 她离群索居, 靠针线活谋生, 过着十分清苦的生活, 并将全部的爱倾注在养育珠儿(Pearl) 与社会公益事业上。

“她来到因灾难而愁云笼罩的人家, 并非作为客人, 而是作为理应到来的亲人。

那个字母在其它地方是罪恶的标志, 而在病房里却成了一支烛光。


许多人不肯按本意来解释那个红色的字母A 了。

他们说, 那个字母的意义是‘能干’(Able) ”这时红字的象征意义已不是“罪恶”, 而是“能干”, 甚至是“天使”(Angel)。

而且还不止如此:“随着岁月的流逝, 海丝特生活中的含辛茹苦、自我献身和对他人无微不至的关心使红字不再是引起世人蔑视和冷嘲的耻辱的烙印, 却变成了让人肃然起敬(Admirable: 令人敬佩的) 的标志。

”李颖在《浅析“A”的社会象征意义》中说:“‘红字’含蓄而深刻的象征意义, 形象而有力地衬托出小说所揭示的罪与罚的主题, 是整部小说最富意味的象征物。

”对海丝特而言, 红字是佩戴在身上的, 是暴露在外面的“罪恶”; 对丁梅斯代尔而言, 红字是隐藏在内心的, 同样是“罪恶”的象征。

首先丁梅斯代尔的英文全名是 A rthurDimmesdale, 名字的首字母A 已暗示出红字, 而且名与姓的首字连起来就是AD, 隐含着他所犯的通奸罪(Adultery)。

其次,丁梅斯代尔一直隐瞒罪责, 但内心极度痛苦,常常捂住胸口, 表明红字暗藏在心。

在小说的结尾, 牧师终于走上刑台, 向世人坦白罪孽, 他撕开胸前的衣裳, 红字终于显露。

此时作者故意含糊其辞, 牧师胸前的红字似乎是他因为悔罪而烙上去的印迹, 又好象是上帝为惩罚他而打上的耻辱的标记。

霍桑运用这样的象征手法比直接描述悔罪更加具有艺术震撼力, 红字“所象征的‘罪人’以一种直接的近乎物质的力量冲击读者, 引起思想感情上的震动。

”二、人物的象征意义霍桑是浪漫主义小说家, 其作品充满丰富的想象力和强烈的主观色彩。

在《七个尖角阁的房子》序言中, 他宣称自己的小说不追求细节上忠于现实生活的真实性, 而“只要忠于人心的真实”。

所以, 他塑造的人物性格并不丰富和复杂, 但往往隐含着深刻的象征意义。


其中三个主要人物海丝特代表悔过的罪人, 丁梅斯代尔代表半悔过的罪人。


李颖在浅析海丝特身上“A”的社会象征意义中说:“海丝特坦然承认罪责, 将象征罪恶的红字永远佩戴在胸前。

她热心助人, 勤俭度日, 最后得以超脱。

”徐洁、冯静在<浅谈《红字》中字母A的象征意义>提到:“她的形象正代表霍桑的观点: 面对罪恶, 必须诚实, 要把你最坏的东西袒露出来。

”所以海丝特代表悔过的罪人, 而丁梅斯代尔则不同, 他没有勇气承认罪责, 但内心的负罪感使他倍受折磨、痛不欲生, 最终在做完最后一次极富感染力的布道之后, 拉着海丝特与珠儿的手一起走上刑台, 袒露胸前的红字, 在死亡中完成解脱。

他象一名探寻黄金的矿工,掘进这可怜牧师的心; 或者宁可说, 像一个掘墓人掘进一座坟墓。

”对齐灵渥斯而言, 生活的全部意义在于追踪仇敌, 雪恨复仇。

丁梅斯代尔死后, 他的目的达到了, 此时“他的全部精力和体力,即他的全部活力和智力, 似乎立刻消失殆尽; 以致他全然枯萎了、凋谢了, 几乎从人的视界里消失了, 就像一顶连根拔起的野草在太阳底下晒蔫了。

”宛辉在论小说面面观对英国文学的贡献中认为:“在霍桑笔下, 齐灵渥斯的行为无异于亵渎神灵, 比起牧师的罪, 他犯了更大的罪, 成了真正的罪人。


珠儿是海丝特与丁梅斯代尔的私生女, 本是罪恶的结晶, 但霍桑把她比喻成一只鸟、一朵花或者一片阳光。

她活泼而又倔强, 充满野性, 可以说是希望与活力的象征。


“他的相貌这么刻板严厉, 加之垂暮之年,鹤发鸡皮”。

他有权主宰新英格兰居民的命运, 让海丝特终生佩戴红字, 永世受辱。

当他发现珠儿不敬神, 便决意要剥夺海丝特对女儿的抚养权。

总之, 总督有无上的权威, 以神自居, 是当时政教合一的统治者的象征。


吴亮, 章平, 宗仁发在象征主义小说中认为:“《红字》中刑台就是最重要的场景之一, 显然经过作者精心设计, 具有暗示主题的作用。

”刑台本是处决犯人的地方, 在《红字》中象征对罪恶的惩罚。

小说中刑台出现了三次, 分别在故事的开头、中间与结尾, 是串起整部小说的重要线索。

第一次在第二章, 海丝特胸前佩戴红字被押上刑台示众三小时。

这时小说刚刚拉开序幕, 是海丝特受到宗教戒律惩罚的开始之日。


丁梅斯代尔由于隐瞒罪孽, 内心十分痛苦, 以致于面色苍白, 身躯开始萎缩, 于是夜游似地来到刑台, 忏悔罪孽。

虽然没有受到宗教戒律的公开惩罚, 但在刑台上默默接受它对自己心灵的鞭笞。

刑台第三次出现在小说结尾, 当时新英格兰正举行盛大的庆典, 丁梅斯代尔在作完布道以后, 走上刑台, 坦白罪过, 最终接受惩罚。

刑台可以说是构成整部小说的框架, 同时又从另一个侧面暗示了“罪与罚”的主题。

除刑台这个主要场景外, 其它场景也有各自独特的象征意义, 比如监狱与墓地。

由于霍桑小说的主题以揭露人人心中皆有的“恶”为主, 并且带有神秘主义色彩, 所以小说中常常出现监狱与墓地一类的场景。

《红字》以监狱为开篇, 以墓地结束, 这两个场景在小说中多次出现。

小说一开始就有这样一段话,“新殖民地的创建者们, 不管他们原先计划建立的是什么样的人类美德与幸福的乌托邦, 一定会在处女地里圈出一块做墓地; 另一块修建监狱”, 并把监狱比喻成“文明社会的一朵黑花”。

接着齐灵渥斯在监狱里与海丝特碰面, 丁梅斯代尔的住处就紧挨着一片坟地, 而齐灵渥斯则经常在墓地里采集草药。

可以说在霍桑笔下, 监狱与墓地象征着罪恶的滋生地。





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