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• Enables configuration and accessing of online 启用配置和访问在线应用程序 applications
• Provides a variety of software usage
• Provides computing platform and computing infrastructure
Cloud Computing
What is a Cloud?
• Cloud can provide services through a public or private
Network or the Internet, where the service hosting system is
• 2002: The thermal wall 全处理器的鼎盛时期
• Speed (frequency) peaks, 每年的性能增长52%!
but transistors keep shrinking
2002年:隔热墙 速度(频率)达到峰
• The Multicore revolution 小
➢ SaaS: Software as a Service ➢ PaaS: Platform as a Service ➢ IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service
SaaS:软件作为服务 PaaS:平台作为服务 IaaS:基础架构作为服 务
E-mail Games, Virtual Desktop
at a remote location
云可以通过公共或专用网络或Internet提供服务, 服务托管系统位于远程位置
• Cloud can support various applications
• E-mail, Games, Database Management, icloud on iPhone
公有云 启用公共系统和服务访问权限(例如,电子邮件) 由于开放可能会不太安全
• Private Cloud - Enables service access within an organization - Due to its private nature, it is more secure
私有云 启用组织内的服务访问 由于其私人性质,因此更安全
最新的系统软件 云提供商需要维护软件升级和补丁安 装
SaaS (Software as a Service)
• Provides software applications as a service to the user
• Software that is deployed on a cloud server which is accessible through the Internet
Cloud Computing models
• Community Cloud - Cloud accessible by a group of organizations
社区云 一组组织可以访问云
• Hybrid Cloud - Hybrid Cloud = Public Cloud + Private Cloud - Private cloud supports critical activities - Public cloud supports non-critical activities
• 15-20 years later than predicted, we have hit the performance wall
多核革命 比预期晚15-20年,我 们已经达到了性能极 限
Cloud Computing
What does Cloud Computing do?
• Provides online data storage
部署在可通过Internet访问的云服务器上的软 件
• Cloud software is available anywhere 可以通过Internet访问云的任何地方都可以使 that the cloud is reachable via Internet 用云软件
• No user software upgrade or maintenance needed
to run cloud computing's web-based applications.
• Since applications run in the cloud, your desktop PC does not need the processing power or hard disk space demanded by traditional desktop software.
• Provides runtime environment for apps.
提供用于应用程序开发的开发和部署工具 为应用程序提供运行时环境。
PaaS Benefits
• Lower Administrative Overhead • User does not need to be involved in any administration of the platform
• It enables services to be used without any understanding of their infrastructure.
• Cloud computing works using economies of scale: • It potentially lowers the outlay expense for start up companies, as they would no longer need to buy their own software or servers. • Cost would be by on-demand pricing.
云可以支持各种应用 电子邮件,游戏,数据库管理,iPhone上的 icloud等
Characteristics of CCT
• Remotely hosted: Services or data are hosted on remote infrastructure. • Ubiquitous: Services or data are available from anywhere. • Commodified: A utility computing model similar to traditional utilities, like gas and electricity - you pay for what you would want!
混合云 混合云=公共云+私有云 私有云支持关键活动 公共云支持非关键活动
Cloud Computing
云服务模型 下层服务模型支持上 层服务模型的管理, 计算能力和安全性
Cloud Service Models
The lower service model supports the management, computing power, security of its upper service model
• Flexible Scale Up or Scale Down
Advantages of Cloud Computing
• Lower computer costs:
• No need of a high-powered and high-priced computer 无需高性能和高价位的计算机即可运行云
ULMS876 Application of Cloud Computing Technology in Business
Background of Cloud Computing
• 1990: Heyday of parallel computing, multiprocessors
• 52% growth in performance per year!
• Data and services are stored remotely but accessible from “anywhere”.
云计算使用规模经济来工作: 由于它们不再需要购买自己的软件或服务器,因此可以降低初创公司的支出费用。 成本将按需定价。
• Lower Total Cost of Ownership • User does not need to purchase any hardware, memory, or server
降低行政费用 用户无需参与平台的任何管理
降低总拥有成本 用户不需要购买任何硬件,内存或服 务器
• Scalable Solutions
改进型:类似于传统公用事业的公用事业计算模型,例如天然气和电力-您只需支付所 需的费用!
Purpose and benefits of CCT
• Clients can:
• Put their data on the platform instead of on their own desktop PCs and/or on their own servers.
灵活高效地租用计算机和服务器硬件 可出租资源 VM,存储,带宽, IP地址,防火墙等
PaaS (Platform as a Service)
• Provides development & deployment tools for application development
Database, Web Server Deployment tools
Virtual Machine, Servers Storage, Networks
• Infrastructure support over the Internet • Computing Power • Storage Services • Software Packages & Bundles
Cloud Computing models
Cloud Computing
Cloud Computing models
• Public Cloud - Enables public systems and service access (e.g., e-mail) - Could be less secure due to openness
互联网上的基础架构支持 计算能力 仓储服务 软件包和捆绑包
Flexible and Efficient Renting of Computer & Server Hardware
• Rentable Resources • VM, Storage, Bandwidth, IP Addresses, Firewalls, etc.
• Application resource are demand dependent 应用程序资源取决于需求
• More Current System Software • Cloud provider needs to maintain software upgrades & patch installations
• They can put their applications on the cloud and use the servers within the cloud to do processing and data manipulations etc. 客户可以:
将他们的数据放在平台上,而不是放在自己的台式PC和/或自己 的服务器上。