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1.Telephone Call

1.1 Useful ExpressionsI

Hello, that is the Embassy?

This is yaoyunan speaking.

May I speak to yaoyunan please?

I want lizhouxia , room 319.

Go ahead

I'm listening

The line is dead

There's no answer

I can't hear you very well

Speak louder, please

Whar number are you calling?

Any message?

You're wanted on the phone

Please consult the telephone directory.

Who are you calling?

Who are you speaking?

Where is the pulic telephone?

Hello .This is the telephong exchange

Hello Is it extension 2436?

Please hold the line

You may hang up

The line is busy

1.2 Dialoues


Wang call Jack , But he is out

Wang: Hello, is Jack in?

Old woman: No, he's out at the moment.Who is this speaking , please?

Wang: Wangli, his Chinese friend. May I leave a message?

Old woman: Certainly. Jusr a moment , please. I need to ger a pen. Yes, What's the message?

Wang: Please ask him to call Wangli at five o'clock, my number is (0520)7790998-2436. Old woman: Thar's 0520-7790998-2436?

Wang: Right. Thank you.

Wang: Hello Jack

Pre-record message: I'm sorry. Jack is nor home at the moment. At the tone,please leav

your name and number and he will call you back as soon as possible Wang: Jack this is Wang calling. You know, I'm very busy tonight. I'd like to postpone our meeting to tomorrow evening. If that's inconvenient, call me any time this

afternoon, my office number is 2436.


The Operator Is Wanted to Make a Long-distance Call for Wang

Operator: operater. May I help you?

Wang: Yes. I'd like the numbet for Santa Rosa, California.

Operator:I'm sorry, but this is New York Information. Please dial 1-707-555-1212. Wang: Thank you.


Operator: Information. What city, please?

Wang: Santa Rosa

Operator: Yes?

Wang: Can you give me the number for Henery Dunbar on 7 Rockhill Road? Operator:Henery Dunbae…..the number is 2436

Wang: Thank you(Wang dials the number)

Operator: Please depoist $ 1.95 for the first three minutes.(After Wang finishes his call, the operator calls back)

Operatro: That will be $ 1.04 for the additional four minutes.


Smith Call For Reserving a Table

S: Hello, Is that Qingchan Restaurant?

A:Yes, Anything I can do for you?

S: I'm going to intive some friend to dinner at your restaurant tomorrow evening. Could you make arrangement for a dinner party of ten persons?

A: Yes. With pleasure. How much do you prepare to pay for each person?

S: Fifty yuan including drinks.

A: All right. Now let me say it again. You'll have 10 persons to dinner at 50 yuan for each person tomorrow evening. Thus the total cost will be 500 yuan, including drink. Am I right?

S: Yes, you're right.

A: Excuse me. Sir May I have your name address and phone number?

S: OK. George Smith. Room 505 Yellow Crane Hotel. My phone number is 25416.

A: I'm sorry. I don't quite catch your name. Would you mind spelling it?

S: Yes. My name is George Smith.

A: Oh, I see. Mr George Smith. Bay the way. At what time you'll arrive here tomorrow?

S: By seven o'clock.

A:OK See you tomorrow.

S: Bye-bye.
