新立得软件包管理器 详解

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它是dp kg命令的图形化前端,或者说是前端软件套件管理工具。



在没有安装它的系统中,可以通过apt-get in stal l synaptic进行安装。


Getti ng Started(启动)
To launch Synaptic, choose System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager.
要运行新立得,点击系统> 系统管理> 新立得软件包管理器(System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager)。

The main window is divided into three section s: a package bro wse r on the left, the package list on the upper right, and package details on the lower right. The status bar sho ws you the system state at a glanc e.


Brow sing the package data base(浏览软件包数据库)
To browse the (ve ry large) list of available package s by category, section, package statu s, cu stom filters, or recent searche s. Click on the corre sponding button at the bottom of the left window pane. You can also create your own filters. See the filters Filters section for details.



关于过滤器的详细信息,请参考filters Filters一节。

To search fo r package s by name or description, click on the Search button in the toolbar:
点击工具栏上的搜索(Sea rch)以名称或者描述来搜索软件包:
You can examine a number of package details in the lower right window pane such a s it s size, it s dep endencies, recommended or sugge sted additional package s, and a short description.

Adding or Re mov ing Softw are(添加或删除软件)
To install a package
Click Reload or pre ss Ct rl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest update s.
点击刷新(Reload)或者按下Ct rl + R来使新立得获得最新的软件包信息。

Right-click on the package and choose Mark fo r In stallation from the context menu, or press Ct rl + I. If the package require s the installation of another package, a dialog box appears:
右键点击需要的软件包,然後在弹出的菜单中选择标记以便安装(Mark fo r In stallation)或者按下Ctrl + I.
S ynaptic will warn you if your choices conflict with package s that a re already installed on your system. If this i s the ca se, the dialog box will show you any package s that need to be removed. If you are not sur e you don't need the package(s) that will be removed, make su re you look up it s function and use before you apply the changes you've made.



Click Mark to allow the installation of the additional package(s).

On ce you're sati sfied with your choice s, click on Apply in th e toolbar or press Ct rl + P.
当您满意您的选择後,点击工具栏上的应用(Apply)按钮或者按下Ctrl + P。

A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made.

Confirm the changes by clicking on Apply.

To remove or 'completely remove' a package
Right-click on the package and choose Mark fo r Removal from the context menu
右键点击需要删除的软件包,然後在弹出的菜单中选择标记以便删除(Mark for Removal)。

On ce you're sati sfied with your choice s, click on Apply in the toolbar or pre ss Ct rl + P.
当您满意您的选择後,点击工具栏上的应用(Apply)按钮或者按下Ctrl + P。

A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made. Confirm the changes by clicking o n Apply.


The Mark fo r Complete Removal option instru ct s Synaptic to remove any configura tion files a sso ciated with the package as well. 标记以便彻底删除(Mark fo r Complete Removal)选项会使新立得同时删除所有与软件包相关的配置文件。

To upgrade a package
Click Reload or pre ss Ctrl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest up date s.
点击刷新(Reload)或者按下Ct rl + R来使新立得获得最新的软件包信息。

Right-click on the package and choose Mark fo r Upgrade f rom the context menu, or press Ctrl + U.
右键点击需要的软件包,然後在弹出的菜单中选择标记以便升级(Mark fo r Upgrade'''')或者按下Ctrl + U.
On ce you're sati sfied with your choice s, click on Apply in the toolbar or press Ct rl + P.
当您满意您的选择後,点击工具栏上的应用(Apply)按钮或者按下Ctrl + P。

A dialog box appears with a summary of changes that will be made. Confirm the changes by clicking o n Apply.


Mana ging Repositories(管理软件仓库)
You can manage the list of repo sitorie s or soft wa re channels f rom the Software Prefe rence s Panel. To l earn more about managing software channel s in Ubuntu, see the Ubuntu Repo sito rie s wi ki page. You can c all up the software prefe rence s panel from within Synaptic by selecting Repositorie s from the Settings menu.


A s a f ront-end to apt, Synaptic use s the system-wide list of softwa re repo sitorie s file located at
/et c/apt/sou rce s.li st Fo r more on managing software channel s, see the Reposito ries wiki page. 作为apt的前端,新立得使用系统系统己的软件仓库配置文件:
/et c/apt/sou rce s.li st
Updati ng the Package List(更新软件包列表)
S ynaptic maintains a database of package s on your system in order to keep tra ck of in stalled softwa re. This list is checked against the soft ware repo sitorie s to inform you of new package s or update s. Synaptic checks fo r new soft ware package s when you launch Synaptic. It's a good idea to update the database from time to time while running Synaptic. In particular, you may want to do so if you have made changes to th e list of softwa re channels o r if you have made changes to Synaptic's configuration. Just click on the Reloa d button or press Ctrl + R.





需要更新只需点击工具栏上的刷新(Reload)按钮或者按下Ct rl + R。

How to keep your sys tem up-to-da te(如何使您的系统保持最新)
S ynaptic provide s two methods fo r upgrading your system:
Sma rt Upgrade (Di st-Upg rade) -- re commended
The smart upg rade method tries to re solve package conflict s. This includes in stalling additional depende ncies (requi red package s) if needed and preferring package s with higher prio rity. Smart Upgrade ha s the sa me effect as the apt-get dist-upg rade tool on the command line.
智能升级(Dist-Upg rade) -- 推荐


智能升级与命令行上的apt-get dist-upgrade具有同样的效果。

Default Upgrade
The default upgrade method marks upgrade s of in stalled package s only. If the new ve rsion of a packag e depends on not installed package s or coflict s with an already installed package, it will not be upgraded.


Di st-upg rade is the default upgrade method used by Synaptic. To change the upgrade method, choose Preferen ce s from the Settings menu, then click on the General tab and adjust the System upg rade entry. 智能升级是新立得默认的升级方式。

如果希望改变升级方式,选择设置(Setting s)菜单下的首选项(P referen ce s),点击常规信息(Gene ral)选项卡,然後调整系统升级(S ystem upgrade)项。

To upgrade your sys tem w ith Synaptic:
Click Reload or pre ss Ct rl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest update s.
点击刷新(Reload)或者按下Ct rl + R来使新立得获得最新的软件包信息。

Click Mark all Upgrades o r pre ss Ctrl + G.
点击工具栏上的标记所有软件包以便升级(Mark all Upgrade s)按钮或者按下Ct rl + G。

Click Apply on the toolbar or press Ct rl + P. A dialog appears with a summary of the changes that will be made to your system.
点击工具栏上的应用(Apply)按钮或者按下Ctrl + P。

* 这时会出现一个摘要您所作更改的对话框。

Click Apply to confirm the changes and go ahead with the upgrade.

I ntegra tion w ith Update-Manager
与更新管理器(Upda te-Manager)的集成
S ynaptic wo rks hand-in-hand with Update-Manage r to inform you about updates to the soft ware in stalled on your system. If soft ware or se curity update s a re available, Update-Manager will display a pop-up messa ge and an icon in the notification area on your GNOME desktop. To update your system, click on the notifi cation icon, enter your passwo rd and click OK.

如果有软件或者安全更新,更新管理器会在您的G NOME桌面的通知区域显示一个图标。


You can change the frequency of update checks in the Software P refe rence s panel. Choo se Repo sito rie s f rom the Settings menu, then click on the Internet Updates tab and adjust the Check for update s entry.
您可以通过软件首选项面板(Soft wa re Prefe rence s)改变检查更新的频率。

选择设置(Setting s)菜单下的首选项(P reference s),点击Internet Update s(Internet Update s)选项卡,然後调整自动检查更新(Check fo r update s)项。

Loca ting softw are on your s ystem(定位你系统上的软件)
S ynaptic can tell you about every file that belongs to a softwa re package it knows about and show you where it is located on your system. Search the database fo r the soft ware package you a re intere sted in a nd select it in Synaptic's main window. Next, click on the In stalled Files tab to see a list of all files and w here they are.


接着,点击已安装的文件(In stalled Files)选项卡来查看每个文件的位置。

View the Changel og of a Package(查看软件包的变更日志)
Applies to native Debian (.deb) package s only
You can view the changelog of a package with Synaptic. Select a package, then choo se Do wnload Cha ngelog from the Package menu.

选定一个软件包,然後选择软件包(Package)菜单下的下载变更日志(Download Changelog)。

View History(查看历史)
You can ea sily keep tra ck of all changes made to your system's soft wa re configuration. To view the hist ory log file, choose Hi sto ry from the File menu.

要查看历史日志文件,选择文件(File)菜单下的历史(H isto ry)。

The histo ry log only shows change s made with Synaptic.

How to force the installa ti on of a package v ersion(如何强制安装某个版本的软件包)
To be added: Why you would (and would not) want to force a specific version
To force the installation of a package different from the one chosen by Synaptic, do the following: 要强制安装一个软件包不同于新立得选择的版本,如下操作:
Click Reload or pre ss Ct rl + R to make Synaptic aware of the latest update s.
点击刷新(Reload)或者按下Ct rl + R来使新立得获得最新的软件包信息。

Select the package. Choo se Force Version from the Package menu.

选择软件包(Package)菜单下的强制版本(Fo rce Ve rsion)。

Select the version you would like to use. To confirm your decision, click Fo rce.


Click Apply on the toolbar or press Ct rl + P. A dialog appears with a summary of the changes that will be made to your system. To confirm, press Apply.
点击工具栏上的应用(Apply)按钮或者按下Ctrl + P。


点击应用(Ap ply)来确认。

How to fix broke n packages(如何修复软件包)
'Bro ken package s' are package s that have un sati sfied dependencies. If bro ken package s are detected, S ynaptic will not allow any further changes to the system until all broken package s have been fixed.


To fix bro ken package s
Choo se Edit > Fix Broken Package s f rom the menu.
选择编辑(Edit)菜单下的修正损毁的软件包(Fix Bro ken Package s)。

Choo se Apply Marked Change s f rom the Edit menu or press Ctrl + P.
点击编辑(Edit)菜单下的实施标记的更新(Apply Marked Change)或者按下Ct rl + P。

Confirm the summary of change s and click Apply.

An chor(statu sicon s)
S tatus Icons(状态图标)
The following icons are u sed to indicate the statu s of a package in the package list:
Ke yboard shortcuts for S yna ptic(新立得的快捷键)
<tablebgcolor="#f1f1ed" tablewidth="80%" tablestyle="margin: 0px 0px 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em; font-size: 0.9em;"rowbgcolor="#dde3e7">Command <style="text-align: center;">Key Combination
Update the list of available packages <style="text-align: center;">Ctrl + R
Open the package sea rch dialog <style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + F
Sho w the Propertie s window for the selected package <st yle="text-align: center;">Ctrl + O
Ma rk the selected package(s) fo r installation <style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + I
Ma rk the selected package(s) fo r upgrade <style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + U
Ma rk the selected package(s) fo r removal <style="text-align: center;">Delete
Ma rk the selected package(s) fo r complete removal <style="text-align: center;">Shift + Delete
Unmark any change s to package s <style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + N
Ma rk all possible upgrades <style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + G
Force the installation of a specific version of the package <st yle="text-align: center;">Ctrl + E
Undo the last change <style="text-align: center;">Ctrl + Z
Redo the last change <style="text-align: center;">Ctrl + Shift + Z
Apply all marked change s <style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + P
Quit Synaptic <style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + Q
<tablebgcolor="#f1f1ed" tablewidth="80%" tablestyle="margin: 0px 0px 1em 1em; padding: 0.5em; font-size: 0.9em;"rowbgcolor="#dde3e7">命令<st yle="text-align: center;">组合键
更新软件包列表<st yle="text-align: center;">Ctrl + R
打开软件包搜索对话框<st yle="text-align: center;">Ctrl + F
显示所选软件包的属性窗口<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + O
标记所选的软件包以便安装<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + I
标记所选的软件包以便升级<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + U
标记所选的软件包以便删除<style="text-align: center;">Delete
标记所选的软件包以便彻底删除<style="text-align: center;">Shift + Delete
取消全部标记<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + N
标记所有更新<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + G
强制安装某个版本的软件包<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + E
撤销最近一次更改<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + Z
重做最近一次更改<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + Shift + Z
应用所有标记的更改<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + P
退出新立得<style="text-align: center;">Ct rl + Q
What to do i f an ins talla tion process fails and you fi nd i t is no l onger possible to i nstall or rem ov e packages:
Open a Terminal and type the following at the command line:
apt-get install -f Then press Return.
apt-get install -f 然後按下回车。

Brow ser w orks, Synaptic w ill not (note: proba bl y inaccura te or outda ted)
I f the router i s set to auto discover DNS then Synaptic will fail. Resolve this by setting up a static ip a ddre ss and manually set DNS ip in router. No w Ubuntu (system-administration-net working) config static ip an d enter your ISP dns ip and delete router DNS ip which will l ook something like

p地址,可能是类似192.168.1.1 这样。
