EV熔断器 赫森电气产品介绍
• Prodotto conforme EN60598-2-22 e adatto all’uso in ambienti interni ed esterni.• L’apparecchio opera a una temperatura che va dai 5o C ai 25o C.Fissaggio Standard Fissaggio con diffusore bifaccialeSicurezza1. Controllare sull’etichetta il voltaggio e la frequenza prima di connettere l’apparecchio all’impianto elettrico.2. Assicurarsi che la rete elettrica sia assente mentre si lavora sull’apparecchio, nella fase di installazione o durante qualsiasi altro servizio.3. Non montare l’apparecchio vicino a materiali facilmente infiammabili.4. Per non danneggiare il driver, non combinare con i ballast magnetici tradizionali sullo stesso circuito elettrico.5. Assicurarsi che il fissaggio sia adeguato al peso dell’apparecchio.Manutenzione e Smaltimento1. Al momento dell’autorizzazione e della consegna assicurarsi che venga consegnata una copia di queste istruzioni all’autorità responsabile della manutenzione dell’apparecchio.2. Determinati servizi (ad esempio la pulizia dell’apparecchio) devono essere svolti solo a impianto elettrico spento. Prima di ogni intervento su di esse controllare sempre che non ci sia passaggio di corrente.3. La pulizia deve essere svolta regolarmente per evitare che la sporcizia si accumuli ad un livello tale da influiresulle prestazioni dell’apparecchio o sulla sicurezza termica. Una pulizia regolare assicura il corretto funzionamento dell’apparecchio.4. Non toccare i LED. Per pulire soffiare sulla superficie con aria o azoto.5. Alla fine del suo ciclo di vita l’apparecchio è classificato come WEEE secondo le direttive 2002/96/EC e deveessere smaltito secondo la legislazione locale.Durata della batteriaIl livello di prestazione dell’apparecchio è collegato all’uso corretto della batteria NiMH ad alta temperatura.La durata di vita della batteria può essere compromessa se l’apparecchio viene montato in un ambiente con una temperatura maggiore di 25°C. Tenere l’apparecchio in un ambiente con temperatura che va tra 0°C e 25°C. Sostituire con una batteria Ni-Mh ad alte temperature in base al codice articolo fornito dal produttore. Nondanneggiare la guaina. La batteria va sostituita solo nel caso in cui la durata nominale non venga più raggiunta.Attenzione: Durante lo smaltimento della batteria non forarla, bruciarla o causare corto circuiti. La batteria contiene Cadmio e dovrebbe essere smaltita secondo le regole di sicurezza per lo smaltimento.Nota: La lampada non può essere sostituita, le batterie sì.Pulizia dell’apparecchioEnd of Life e smaltimento dei componentiAssemblaggioFissaggio pittogrammi (a richiesta - non in dotazione)。
HPV single-pole, non-serviceable in-line PV fuse holder and fuse assembly: 1-20 A, 1000 Vdc / 4 A, 1500 VdcCatalog symbols:• HPV-DV-(amp)A (1-20 A, 1000 Vdc)• HPV-D15V-4A (4 A, 1500 Vdc) Description:Eaton’s Bussmann™ series of HPV single-pole, non-serviceable photovoltaic in-line fuse holders/ assemblies are available in an IP67 dust-tight and temporary water immersion resistant insulating boot for use in photovoltaic wire harnesses.Final assembly of conductors (customer supplied), insulating boots and labeling to be performed by customer following the directions contained in assembly guide no. 3A1963.Ratings• Volts• 1000 Vdc• 1500 Vdc (HPV-D15V-4A only)• Amps• 1-20 A• IR 33 kAAgency information• UL® Listed to 4248-1 and 4248-19.File E348242,• CSA® Component Acceptance, Class 6225 30, File 47235• CE, RoHS compliant, IP20 finger-safe, IP67T erminals/conductors• Crimp connection for single, stranded75°C/90°C Cu 12-10 AWG PV wire Boot material• UL 5VA flammability resistant rated elastomer. UV resistant to UL F1 suitable for outdoor use.Operating and storage temperature range • -40°C to +90°CRecommended tools• Sta-Kon™ terminal crimping tool, catalog#ERG4002• Multi-Contact assembly tool, catalog #PV-RWZ with PV-KOI+II and PV-KOIII tapered spindlesPackingBulk packed in cartons, 180 fuse assemblies per carton. Carton weight 19.3 lbs (8.7 kg)Fuse assemblies poly bagged with PV fuse element, two insulating boots (lineside and loadside), and one pressure sensitive label to be applied on outside after complete assembly to the wire harness.Catalog numbers (amps) and fuse elements** For fuse specifications and derating curves see data sheet no. 10121 at /bussmannseries.For assistance with design, installation or assembly related to this product, call Application Engineering at 855-287-7626, Monday-Friday,7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Central Time, or email******************. 2011/65/EUHPV single-pole, non-serviceable in-line PV fuse holder and fuse assembly:1-20 A, 1000 Vdc / 4 A, 1500 VdcTechnical Data 2157Effective August 2018Eaton1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH Bussmann Division 114 Old State Road Ellisville, MO 63021United States/bussmannseries© 2018 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. 2157 — BU-SB14182August 2018Eaton, and Bussmann are valuable trademarks of Eaton in the U.S. and other countries. Y ou are not permitted to use the Eaton trademarks without prior written consent of Eaton.CSA is a registered trademark of the Canadian Standards Group.Sta-Kon is a registered trademark of Thomas & Betts.UL is a registered trademark of the Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.The only controlled copy of this data sheet is the electronic read-only version located on the Eaton network drive. All other copies of this document are by definition uncontrolled. This bulletin is intended to clearly present comprehensive product data and provide technical information that will help the end user with design applications. Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin. Once a product has been selected, it should be tested by the user in all possible applications.Dimensions - mm:Inner insulating bootCatalog number system:AmpsXX = 1, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20VoltageDV = 1000 DC volts 1- 20 A D15V = 1500 DC volts 4 A only)HPV - DV - XXASeriesHPV。
© 2012 HYCON Technology Corp
DS-HY2213-V02_SC page3
1 节锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电平衡 IC
1. 概述
HY2213 系列芯片,内置高精度电压检测电路和延迟电路,适用于多节电池组的单节锂 离子电池充电平衡控制的电平监视芯片。 本芯片适合于多节电池组对 1 节锂离子电池的进行充电平衡控制。
3. 应用
© 2012 HYCON Technology Corp
DS-HY2213-V02_SC page4
1 节锂离子/锂聚合物电池充电平衡 IC
4. 方框图
5. 订购信息
© 2012 HYCON Technology Corp
电池充电平衡IC应用电路示例 ................................................................................................................... 8 工作说明 .................................................................................................................................................... 9 正常工作状态 ......................................................................................................................................... 9 过充电状态 ............................................................................................................................................ 9 待机状态 ................................................................................................................................................ 9 特性曲线(典型数据) ............................................................................................................................ 10 封装信息 .................................................................................................................................................. 11 SOT-23-6 封装 .................................................................................................................................... 11 修订记录 .................................................................................................................................................. 12
WOTPC 自动转换开关是高性能 PC 级转换开关,特别适用于数据中心、电信和轨道 交通等行业要求自动转换常用电源和备用电源的场所,适合电网 - 电网 / 电网 - 发电机 / 发电机 - 发电机应用。 WOTPC 自动转换开关采用特殊的触头结构和新一代的电磁操作线圈,可以承受数千 次操作循环而不会产生烧损、凹坑或熔焊。不需要日常的触头维护,可持续承载 100% 的额定电流不会产生“触头”烧损,并且可以承受短时大短路电流。 WOTPC 自动转换开关除了普通同相转换模式外,另外提供适合感性负载安全转换的 延时转换模式;同时为避免普通转换过程会造成停电的状况,提供并联转换模式保证 手动操作过程中不会出现因转换动作造成的间隙性断电现象! WOTPC 系列自动转换开关除 3/4 极产品外,还提供具备中性线重叠转换的 N3 产品。
● GB/T14048.11-2016 低压开关设备和控制设备:多功能电器 转换开关电器(通过 CCC 认证)
● IEC60947-6-1:2011 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear: Multiple function equipment- Transfer switching equipment
为了避免系统波动造成转换开关误转换,控制器允许用户设置转换延时用以躲过系统 电压波动。
注: 具备中性线重叠转换功能的转换开关仅均有同相切换
为保证感性负载的安全切换,必须在其衰减到安全的范围后才可以进行转换。WOTPC 自动转换开关可以提供程控转换延时模式以应对感性负载切换。延时转换开关在转换 过程中,依照程控转换延时停止在中间位置,之后再转换至指定电源。程控转换延时 可设置为 0,此时转换开关执行同相转换。
G G D□—□
DW15-1600/3P In=1600A
·FBV(SMFBV)系列熔断器隔离开关功能特点手动操作外壳采用玻璃纤维增强不饱和聚脂树脂,介电性能好、防护能力强,操作安全可靠选用高性能的NT系列熔断器——分断能力强,短路保护速度快,反时限好,可靠性高触头为双断点结构操作机构为弹簧储能操作——触头高速分合,与手柄操作速度无关,保证了触头寿命和电气性能、机械性能明显可见断开标志确保带负载接通和分断电路造型美观、体积小,功能全——产品升级换代的理想选择·FBV(SMFBV)系列熔断器隔离开关型号说明·FBV(SMFBV)系列熔断器隔离开关技术参数特点: 限流性能强时间—电流特性分能性小额定功额定分断能力高率损耗低使用条件:海拔高度2000m环境温度-5℃~+40℃空气相对湿度不大于95%无爆炸危险的介质,且介质不足以腐蚀金属和泡沫的气体和尘埃无显著摇动和冲击震动的地方无雨雪侵袭的环境符合标准:EC60947-1《低压开关设备和控制设备总则》IEC60947-3《低压开关设备和控制设备开关、隔离器、隔离开关及熔断器组合电器》GB/T14048.1《低压开关设备和控制设备总则》GB14048.3《低压开关设备和控制设备低压开关、隔离器、隔离开关及熔断器组合电器》GT/T4942.2《低压开关外壳保护等级》GB13539.1《低压熔断器基本要求》GB13539.2《低压熔断器专职人员使用的熔断器补充要求》·FBV(SMFBV)系列熔断器隔离开关外形及安装尺寸。
海尔 HGR2210 超薄自由嵌管线机 使用说明书
一、 品牌介绍
1.1. 品牌介绍
二、 产品介绍
2.1. 产品部件 2.1.1. 产品部件名称
2.1.2. 电气原理图
一、 品牌介绍
2.2. 技术数据 2.2.1. 技术数据
卫生许可批准文号 鲁卫水字【2022】第 B082 号
故障处理 机器出现故障时,请迅速切断电源 避免小孩接触 请勿让小孩操作 紧急呼叫 寻求帮助请呼叫当地销售服务中心
三、 使用说明
2. 本产品的安装、维护及保养必须由售后服务网点专业人员进行实施,方可 保障产品正常运行。未经售后服务网点专业人员进行安装、维护及保养, 导致机器无法达到正常状态或性能时,我公司不承担责任。
4.1. 疑难解答.......................................... 9 4.1.1. 疑难解答.......................................... 9
4.2. 环保清单......................................... 10 4.2.1. 产品中限用物质的名称及含量....................... 10 4.2.2. 产品中与水接触材料列表........................... 11
Q/0281 HSW 010-2020《家用速热饮水机》
注:制热水能力为标准测试条件(25℃水温),实际制热能力随温度变化存 在上下波动,为正常现象。
赫森电气 赫森电气(无锡)有限公司坐落于享誉“太湖明珠”之城-无锡,由加拿大赫森电能研究所1500VDC 光伏熔断器赫森HPV 系列ul1500光伏熔断器是为保护和隔离光伏串特别设计的。
熔体纯银制造,低至130%的额定电流,分断能力高可达50KA 。
电压选择,1000VDC 、1500VDC,2种熔断器尺码10X38、10X 85 , 电流1-30A 。
ul1500光伏熔断器的底座保持着1000VDC 底座的杠杆式操作和厚度,避免了光伏系统电压升级对汇流箱的壳体进行重新设计。
1500VDC 光伏熔断器1500VDC, 1 -30A, 50KA赫森电气 赫森电气(无锡)有限公司坐落于享誉“太湖明珠”之城-无锡,由加拿大赫森电能研究所Typical applications:•Photo voltaic junction box典型的应用:•光伏接线盒赫森电气赫森电气(无锡)有限公司坐落于享誉“太湖明珠”之城-无锡,由加拿大赫森电能研究所赫森电气赫森电气(无锡)有限公司坐落于享誉“太湖明珠”之城-无锡,由加拿大赫森电能研究所1500VDC 光伏熔断器,赫森创造了当前ul1500光伏熔断器分断能力的高世界纪录,其中1000VDC,40KA 和1500VDC ,50KA 的分断能力值。
包括新型材料,生产流程工艺,设计领域结构应用于产品,通过UL 美国安全试验所认证。
美国爱达辛电气有限公司Eaton Moeller系列快速连接反转启动器商品介绍说明书
Eaton 198535Eaton Moeller® series Rapid Link - Reversing starter, 6.6 A,Sensor input 2, 400/480 V AC, AS-Interface®, S-7.4 for 31modules, HAN Q5General specificationsEaton Moeller® series Rapid LinkReversing starter1985354015081964109120 mm270 mm220 mm 1.63 kgCERoHSUL 60947-4-2 IEC/EN 60947-4-2 CCCUL approval Assigned motor rating: for normal internally and externally ventilated 4 pole, three-phase asynchronous motors with 1500 rpm at 50 Hz or 1800 min at 60 HzRAMO5-W204A31-5120S1Product Name Catalog NumberEANProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Certifications Catalog NotesModel CodeDiagnostics and reset on device and via AS-Interface Parameterization: drivesConnectParameterization: FieldbusParameterization: KeypadParameterization: drivesConnect mobile (App)Thermistor monitoring PTCThermo-clickKey switch position OFF/RESETElectronic motor protectionKey switch position HANDTwo sensor inputs through M12 sockets (max. 150 mA) for quick stop and interlocked manual operationShort-circuit releaseKey switch position AUTOTemperature compensated overload protectionExternal reset possibleFor actuation of motors with mechanical brake CLASS 10 AIP65NEMA 12Class A10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)10,000,000 Operations (at AC-3)Reversing starter0.3 A6.6 AIIIMotor starterAS-Interface profile cable: S-7.4 for 31 modulesASI4000 VCenter-point earthed star network (TN-S network) AC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted. Reversing starterDCFeatures Fitted with: Functions ClassDegree of protectionElectromagnetic compatibility Lifespan, electricalLifespan, mechanicalModelOverload release current setting - min Overload release current setting - max Overvoltage categoryProduct categoryProtocolRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) System configuration typeTypeVoltage typeVertical15 g, Mechanical, According to IEC/EN 60068-2-27, 11 ms, Half-sinusoidal shock 11 ms, 1000 shocks per shaftResistance: 10 - 150 Hz, Oscillation frequencyResistance: 57 Hz, Amplitude transition frequency on accelerationResistance: 6 Hz, Amplitude 0.15 mmResistance: According to IEC/EN 60068-2-6Max. 1000 mMax. 2000 mAbove 1000 m with 1 % performance reduction per 100 m -10 °C55 °C-40 °C70 °CIn accordance with IEC/EN 50178< 95 %, no condensationAdjustable, motor, main circuit0.3 - 6.6 A, motor, main circuit6.6 A (at 150 % Overload)Maximum of one time every 60 seconds 380 - 480 V (-15 %/+10 %, at 50/60 Hz) 20 - 35 ms20 - 35 ms50/60 HzAC-53a 3 HP≤ 0.6 A (max. 6 A for 120 ms), Actuator for external motor brake400/480 V AC -15 % / +10 %, Actuator for external motor brake10 kA0 AType 1 coordination via the power bus' feeder unit, Main circuitMounting position Shock resistance Vibration AltitudeAmbient operating temperature - min Ambient operating temperature - max Ambient storage temperature - min Ambient storage temperature - max Climatic proofingCurrent limitationInput currentMains switch-on frequency Mains voltage tolerance Off-delayOn-delayOutput frequency Overload cycleRated frequency - min Assigned motor power at 460/480 V, 60 Hz, 3-phaseBraking currentBraking voltageRated conditional short-circuit current (Iq)Rated conditional short-circuit current (Iq), type 2, 380 V, 400 V, 415 VShort-circuit protection (external output circuits)47 Hz63 Hz6.6 A6.6 A6.6 A0.09 kW3 kW0 kW3 kW400 V AC, 3-phase 480 V AC, 3-phase 50/60 Hz, fLN, Main circuit Center-point earthed star network (TN-S network) AC voltagePhase-earthed AC supply systems are not permitted.0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V0 V400/480 V AC (external brake 50/60 Hz)24 V DC (-15 %/+20 %, external via AS-Interface® plug)Connections pluggable in power section Specification: S-7.4 (AS-Interface®)Max. total power consumption from AS-Interface® power supply unit (30 V): 190 mANumber of slave addresses: 31 (AS-Interface®)010 m, Radio interference level, maximum motor cable lengthMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Rated frequency - max Rated operational current (Ie)Rated operational current (Ie) at 150% overload Rated operational current (Ie) at AC-3, 380 V, 400 V, 415 V Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - min Rated operational power at 380/400 V, 50 Hz - max Rated operational power at AC-3, 220/230 V, 50 Hz Rated operational power at AC-3, 380/400 V, 50 Hz Rated operational voltage Supply frequencySystem configuration typeRated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 50 Hz - max Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at AC, 60 Hz - max Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - min Rated control supply voltage (Us) at DC - max Rated control voltage (Uc)ConnectionInterfacesNumber of auxiliary contacts (normally closed contacts)Number of auxiliary contacts (normally open contacts)Cable length10.2.2 Corrosion resistance10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresMeets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Meets the product standard's requirements.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Does not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.Is the panel builder's responsibility.The panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise Configuration to Rockwell PLC for Rapid LinkGeneration Change RASP4 to RASP5Generation change from RA-SP to RASP 4.0Generation change RAMO4 to RAMO5Generation change from RA-MO to RAMO 4.0Connecting drives to generator suppliesGeneration Change RA-SP to RASP5Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)Rapid Link 5 - brochureDA-SW-Driver DX-CBL-PC-3M0DA-SW-drivesConnect - InstallationshilfeDA-SW-drivesConnect - installation helpDA-SW-USB Driver PC Cable DX-CBL-PC-1M5DA-SW-USB Driver DX-COM-STICK3-KITDA-SW-drivesConnect USB Driver DX-COM-PCKITDA-SW-drivesConnectMaterial handling applications - airports, warehouses and intra-logisticsProduct Range Catalog Drives Engineering-ENProduct Range Catalog Drives EngineeringDA-DC-00004523.pdfDA-DC-00003964.pdfDA-DC-00004184.pdfDA-DC-00004525.pdfeaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions.epseaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-003.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-speed-controller-dimensions-002.eps eaton-bus-adapter-rapidlink-reversing-starter-dimensions-002.epsETN.RAMO5-W204A31-5120S1.edzIL034084ZU10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heat10.2.3.3 Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effects10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiation10.2.5 Lifting10.2.6 Mechanical impact10.2.7 Inscriptions10.3 Degree of protection of assemblies10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.5 Protection against electric shock10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and components10.7 Internal electrical circuits and connections10.8 Connections for external conductors10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strength10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltage10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating material10.10 Temperature rise Application notes BrochuresCatalogues Certification reports DrawingseCAD model Installation instructionsEaton Corporation plc Eaton House30 Pembroke Road Dublin 4, Ireland © 2023 Eaton. All rights reserved. Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks areproperty of their respectiveowners./socialmediacalculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for thedevices.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.The device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.Rapid Link 5MN034004EN MN040003_ENramo5_v6.stp ramo5_v6.dwg10.11 Short-circuit rating10.12 Electromagnetic compatibility 10.13 Mechanical function Installation videos Manuals and user guides mCAD model。
EVK Series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A) Electric Vehicle Fuses 新能源车用熔断器EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)2Electric Vehicle Fuses —EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)Eaton’s Bussmann series Electric Vehicle (EV) full range fuses for the protection of high power and auxiliary electrical systems up to 1000 Vdc in ratings from 15 to 600 amps.伊顿Bussmann 系列EV 级车用熔断器可提供主回路及辅助支路系统的全范围保护,电压达到1000V 直流,电流可以从15A 到600A.Specifications /参数:• Volts / 电压: 1000 Vdc • Amps / 电流: 15-600 A• Interrupting rating / 分断能力: Max / 最大25kA• Time constant / 时间常数: 2±0.5ms• Ambient temperature / 环境温度: -40 ~ 125ºCEVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)Features /性能:• Excellent design and application experiences with EV for decades, to serve the customers globally在EV 行业内,优秀的产品设计能力和长期的应用经验,服务于世界范围内众多用户• Comply with various international and field EV application standards worldwide符合世界范围及行业内多项EV 熔断器产品标准• Higher voltage rating provides overall system with moreefficient and economical solution while meeting the needs of higher voltage battery packs在满足高压直流电池系统应用的同时,提供给系统更有效且经济的产品方案• Higher interrupting rating projects high capacity batterypacks needed for vehicle long mileage and fast acceleration requirements具有更高的分断能力,适合大容量电池系统的应用,满足车辆长续航和急加速的使用要求• To help project the life of the fuse in the application, unique driving profiles and conditions can be simulated to verify proper fuse size and performance under a wide range of driving behaviors提升了熔断器在使用过程中的寿命,在各种驾驶工况条件下,根据工况条件进行模拟和计算得出合理的参数规格• Operation as low as 135% for 15A to 200A and 200% for 225A to 600A overload provides back up protection to the battery management system能够对电池系统提供135%(15A 到200A )或200%(225A 到600A )的低电流过载保护• More wider protection range with lower MBC and higher IR, much faster opening with low temperature rise under high fault current conditions helps assure reliable protection of circuits and components更低的最小熔断电流值MBC 和更高的最大分断电流值IR ,使得产品具有更广的电流保护范围;更快的熔断速度和较低的产品温升,使得产品在线路发生故障时能提供可靠的保护Catalog symbol / 型号:EVK10-(amp)-T bolt-on /螺栓固定EVK14-(amp)-T bolt-on /螺栓固定EVK22-(amp)-T bolt-on /螺栓固定EVK25-(amp)bolt-on /螺栓固定EVK30-(amp)bolt-on /螺栓固定EVK40-(amp)bolt-on /螺栓固定EVK50-(amp)bolt-on /螺栓固定EVK60-(amp)bolt-on /螺栓固定Basic information /基本信息:P/N / 型号Current / 电流 (A)Packing quantity/包装数量(per container/每包装)Screw / 螺栓Recommended tightening torque /推荐扭矩 (N.m)EVK10-XXX-T 15202530270M5 4.5±1EVK14-XXX-T 35405075M5 4.5±1EVK22-XXX-T 607080100M69±1EVK25-XXX 708090100195M812±1EVK30-XXX 12515017520075M812±1EVK40-XXX 22525027530085M1020±1EVK50-XXX 35040028M1020±1EVK60-XXX45050055060018M1020±1Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)3Agency information /相关标准信息:• Designed to / 符合标准: UL248-20 / ISO8820-8 / JASO D622• Manufactured under ITAF16949/VDA6.3 quality system for compliance with automotive requirements在 ITAF16949/VDA6.3 质量系统下制造,符合汽车标准要求• RoHS compliant 符合RoHS 要求• REACH declaration available upon request 根据需要可提供REACH 声明Packaging and installation suggestion / 包装和安装建议:Installation method diagram 安装方式图See below table and right diagram / 见下表及右图The installation surface should be flat and clean without oil stain, etc安装表面应平整、洁净、无油污等EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)Dimensions /尺寸: mmSize 系列Current Rating 额定电流(A)A B C D E F G H J EVK1435 ~ 505163.57714.3 5.58120.815.1EVK2260 ~ 8058759022.26.5916123.2EVK14 / EVK22Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)4EVK10EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)Size 系列Current Rating 额定电流(A)A B C D E F G H EVK2570 ~ 10072.29311025.491119 2.2EVK30125 ~ 20072.29311031911253EVK40225 ~ 30072.210012238.1111328 3.5EVK50350 ~ 40072.210012250.81113285EVK60450 ~ 60072.210012263.51113406EVK25 / EVK30 / EVK40 / EVK50 / EVK60Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)5EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)0.00010.0010.010.111010010001000010100100010000Prospective Current in Ampere r.m.s.V i r t u a l p r e a r c i n g T i m e (s )T -C curve / 曲线Electric vehicle auxiliary fuses /新能源车用辅助支路熔断器 — EVK10-XXX-T (1000 Vdc, 15-30A)Voltage rating电压 (V)Current rating 额定电流 In(A)Pre-arcing I 2t 弧前 I 2t 值(A 2s)Total I 2t 总I 2t 值(A 2s)Power dissipationat 1.0 I n1.0 I n (W)时功率损耗Power dissipationat 0.5 I n0.5 I n (W)时功率损耗1000Vdc15120700 2.80.6202271,200 3.70.7254802,20040.8306773,4004.91Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)6EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)T -C curve /曲线Electric vehicle auxiliary fuses /新能源车用辅助支路熔断器 — EVK14-XXX-T (1000 Vdc, 35-50A)Voltage rating电压 (V)Current rating 额定电流 In(A)Pre-arcing I 2t 弧前 I 2t 值(A 2s)Total I 2t 总I 2t 值(A 2s)Power dissipationat 1.0 I n1.0 I n (W)时功率损耗Power dissipationat 0.5 I n0.5 I n (W)时功率损耗1000Vdc354152,1007.5 1.9406203,0008.22501,2305,5009.22.30.00010.0010.010.111010010001000010100100010000Prospective Current in Ampere r.m.s.V i r t u a l p r e a r c i n g T i m e (s )Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)7EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)Voltage rating电压 (V)Current rating 额定电流 In(A)Pre-arcing I 2t 弧前 I 2t 值(A 2s)Total I 2t 总I 2t 值(A 2s)Power dissipationat 1.0 I n1.0 I n (W)时功率损耗Power dissipationat 0.5 I n0.5 I n (W)时功率损耗1000Vdc603,0009,60012.2 2.4704,68815,00013.4 2.7806,05019,40015.93.2T -C curve /曲线Electric vehicle power fuses /新能源车用主回路熔断器 —EVK22-XXX-T (1000 Vdc, 60-80A)0.00010.0010.010.111010010001000010100100010000Prospective Current in Ampere r.m.s.V i r t u a l p r e a r c i n g T i m e (s )Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)8EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)T -C curve /曲线Electric vehicle power fuses /新能源车用主回路熔断器 —EVK25-XXX (1000 Vdc, 70-100A)Voltage rating电压 (V)Current rating 额定电流 In(A)Pre-arcing I 2t 弧前 I 2t 值(A 2s)Total I 2t 总I 2t 值(A 2s)Power dissipationat 1.0 I n1.0 I n (W)时功率损耗Power dissipationat 0.5 I n0.5 I n (W)时功率损耗1000Vdc709083,40021.3 4.3801,3674,90024 4.8901,8616,30026.7 5.31002,4308,30029.65.90.00010.0010.010.111010010001000010100100010000Prospective Current in Ampere r.m.s.V i r t u a l p r e a r c i n g T i m e (s )Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)9EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)T -C curve /曲线Electric vehicle power fuses /新能源车用主回路熔断器 —EVK30-XXX (1000 Vdc, 125-200A)Voltage rating电压 (V)Current rating 额定电流 In(A)Pre-arcing I 2t 弧前 I 2t 值(A 2s)Total I 2t 总I 2t 值(A 2s)Power dissipationat 1.0 I n1.0 I n (W)时功率损耗Power dissipationat 0.5 I n0.5 I n (W)时功率损耗1000Vdc1251,6596,00033.68.4150 2.4789,00040.310.11754,42714,00042.410.62006,27221,00046.911.70.00010.0010.010.1110100100010000100100010000100000Prospective Current in Ampere r.m.s.V i r t u a l p r e a r c i n g T i m e (s )Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)10EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)T -C curve /曲线Electric vehicle power fuses /新能源车用主回路熔断器 — EVK40-XXX (1000 Vdc, 225-300A)Voltage rating电压 (V)Current rating 额定电流 In(A)Pre-arcing I 2t 弧前 I 2t 值(A 2s)Total I 2t 总I 2t 值(A 2s)Power dissipationat 1.0 I n1.0 I n (W)时功率损耗Power dissipationat 0.5 I n0.5 I n (W)时功率损耗1000Vdc2257,16224,00068.713.72509,03229,00078.715.727511,79635,00083.316.730015,26443,00087.117.40.00010.0010.010.1110100100010000100100010000100000Prospective Current in Ampere r.m.s.V i r t u a l p r e a r c i n g T i m e (s )Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)11EVK series/系列 (1000Vdc, 15-600A)Voltage rating电压 (V)Current rating 额定电流 In(A)Pre-arcing I 2t 弧前 I 2t 值(A 2s)Total I 2t 总I 2t 值(A 2s)Power dissipationat 1.0 I n1.0 I n (W)时功率损耗Power dissipationat 0.5 I n0.5 I n (W)时功率损耗1000Vdc35019,11769,00089.317.940028,64797,00096.219.2T -C curve /曲线Electric vehicle power fuses /新能源车用主回路熔断器 — EVK50-XXX (1000 Vdc, 350-400A)0.00010.0010.010.1110100100010000100100010000100000V i r t u a l p r e a r c i n g T i m e (s )-Prospective Current in Ampere r.m.s.Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)12EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)T -C curve /曲线Electric vehicle power fuses /新能源车用主回路熔断器 —EVK60-XXX (1000 Vdc, 450-600A)Voltage rating电压 (V)Current rating 额定电流 In(A)Pre-arcing I 2t 弧前 I 2t 值(A 2s)Total I 2t 总I 2t 值(A 2s)Power dissipationat 1.0 I n1.0 I n (W)时功率损耗Power dissipationat 0.5 I n0.5 I n (W)时功率损耗1000Vdc45032,604104,000113.128.350040,011120,000129.632.455053,268149,000139.634.960067,948177,000154.838.70.00010.0010.010.1110100100010000100100010000100000V i r t u a l p r e -a r c i n g T i m e (s )Prospective Current in Ampere r.m.s.Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)13EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)Electric vehicle power fuses /新能源车用主回路熔断器 — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)Power loss curve /功率损耗曲线T emperature derating curve /温度降容曲线00. O W E R L O S S C O R R E C T I O N F A C T O R %O FR ATED CURRENTPower loss curveElectric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器 — EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)14Note:Electric Vehicle Fuses — EVK series (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)新能源车用熔断器— EVK 系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)15EVK series/系列 (1000 Vdc, 15-600A)Eaton’s mission is to improve the quality of life and the environment through the use of power management technologies and services. We provide sustainable solutions that help our customers effectively manage electrical, hydraulic, and mechanical power – more safely, more efficiently, and more reliably. Eaton’s 2020 revenues were $17.9 billion, and we sell products to customers in more than 175 countries. We have approximately 94,000 employees.Eaton began operation in China more than 20 years ago. Since entering the Chinese market in 1993, Eaton’s presence has grown significantly in the country. In 2004, Eaton moved its Asia Pacific headquarters from Hong Kong to Shanghai.In the Greater China region, Eaton has nearly 9,800 employees,29 manufacturing bases and 5 R&D centers. T oday, we make most products for all of Eaton’s distinct business here.For more information about the company, visit For more information about Eaton China, visit Eaton China official social media account: Eaton_China伊顿公司致力于通过运用动力管理技术和服务来改善人类生活品质并提升环境质量。
2、光伏逆变器出现故障电流赫森电气 赫森电气(无锡)有限公司坐落于享誉“太湖明珠”之城-无锡,由加拿大赫森电能研究所如果在光伏系统中光伏逆变器出现故障而导致产生回击电流,那么也会对光伏阵列的电缆以及光伏板造成损坏。
EV12s 真空断路器 产品目录
灭弧 动静触头开有倾斜方向相同的斜槽,当电弧电流流过时,将产生较大的圆周 分量,会在触头间形成纵向磁场。在优化的纵向磁场的作用力下,磁场分布 更加均匀,并迅速将聚集电弧分散到整个触头表面,加大了热量的迅速散 失,另外,分散电弧有效利用触头面积,弱化电弧强度,大大减少了对触头 的损伤。在电弧电流自然过零时,电弧熄灭,同时残留的离子、电子和金属 蒸气在微秒级的时间内就可聚集或复合在触头表面或屏蔽罩上,触头间隙的 介质迅速由导体变为绝缘体,间隙中的绝缘强度得到彻底恢复,从而完成电 弧的熄灭。配合操作机构可靠动作,在更短的时间内拉开了触头距离,更加 速了绝缘强度的回复。
EV12s真空断路器选型指南.................................................. 8 产品结构 ............................................................... 8 型号说明 ............................................................... 10 EV12s手车式真空断路器简介 ...............................12 -电气参数 ...................................................... 13 -外形尺寸 ...................................................... 14 EV12s固定式真空断路器简介 ...............................15 -电气参数...................................................... 16 -外形尺寸 ...................................................... 17 EV12s真空断路器附件 .......................................... 18 -控制单元 ...................................................... 19 -指示单元及闭锁单元 .................................... 21
技术手册DSP49G2128 –显示控制接口上海迎烁热能设备有限公司文档编号 DSP49G2128E201版本 (3)2参考标准和认证 (4)2.1标准 (4)2.2认证 (4)3质保声明 (5)4识别 (6)5缩写和术语 (7)6产品介绍 (8)6.1简介 (8)6.2尺寸 (8)6.3接头和连接 (9)6.4电气和环境参数 (11)7产品功能说明 (13)7.1用户接口 (13)7.2高电压输出 (13)7.3低电压信号输入(AUX0) (13)7.4高电压信号输入 (13)7.50-10V DC 输入 (13)0-10V 信号 [%] –负荷控制 (13)0-10V 信号 [SP] –温度控制 (14)7.6室外温度控制 (14)4点OTC曲线 (14)Honeywell 简易 OTC 曲线 (15)7.7ECO工作模式 (16)7.8假日模式 (16)7.9通讯接口 (16)Microcomm 总线主设备通讯 (16)Microcomm 总线从设备通讯 (17)OpenTherm 通讯 (17)Modbus 接口 (17)7.10支持语言 (17)8错误显示 (18)9附录A 用户接口 (21)9.1主屏幕 (21)9.2按键 (22)9.3背光 (23)9.4屏幕描述 (23)技术手册DSP49G2128 –显示控制接口上海迎烁热能设备有限公司文档编号 DSP49G2128E20主菜单 (23)技术员菜单密码 (24)参数设定菜单 (24)恢复出厂设定 (25)假日模式的设定 (26)错误信息显示 (26)时间表设定 (26)菜单结构 (27)10附录 C 实现的OT+ID’S (36)11附录 D MODBUS 实现 (37)11.1M ODBUS配置 (37)11.2支持的命令 (37)11.3M ODBUS寄存器 (37)11.4读取ID (41)技术手册DSP49G2128 –显示控制接口上海迎烁热能设备有限公司文档编号 DSP49G2128E201 版本技术手册DSP49G2128 –显示控制接口上海迎烁热能设备有限公司文档编号 DSP49G2128E202 参考标准和认证2.1 标准DSP显示板满足以下标准:∙EN 55014-1用于电磁兼容∙EN 60730 – 1用于低电压和电磁兼容与锅炉控制设备一起使用时,不能违反以下标准:∙EN298:2012用于燃气燃烧器和燃气具(带风机和不带风机)的自动燃气燃烧器控制系统∙EN 55014-1电磁兼容–电磁辐射∙EN 60730 – 1家用和类似用途电自动控制2.2 认证应用显示板的锅炉符合以下EC指令(自我认证的产品可能是不安全的):∙燃气具指令2009/142/EC∙低压指令2014/35/EU∙EMC指令* 2014/30/EU*可以认为所有订货规格 (O.S.) 型号都能满足EMC指令在电磁辐射方面对非工业器具的要求。
ELX1302 ELV10 10 x 25 mm EV熔断器产品特性和应用说明书
ELV1010 x 25 mm EV fuseProduct features• 10 x 25 mm fuse• Current rating: 10 A to 100 A • Up to 200 Vdc rating•High breaking capacity for high energy applications•Designed to JASO D622, ISO8820-8, GB/T31465•Produced in a factory with ISO9001 & IATF16949 certification•Minimum breaking capacity 300% In at rated DC voltage•Bolt-down terminal and PCB terminal optionsApplications•Automotive and commercial vehicle on-board chargers• Uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) • 3-phase EVSE and charging infrastructure • Motor protection • Rectifiers and inverters • Energy storage systems•On-board electric vehicle powertrain and distributionAgency informationcURus Recognition file number: E91958Environmental complianceHALOGENHF FREEELV10-30-SCTFamily codeAmpere rating (30 = 30 A)Option codeOrdering part numberPbOption code2P = 2 pin PCB terminal SCT= Bolt down single cap FT = Bolt down flush2Technical Data ELX1302Effective May 2023EL V1010 x 25 mm EV fuse/electronicsElectrical characteristicsAmps (A)Minimum (seconds)Maximum (seconds)2.0 In 1.01003.0 ln 0.1155.0 ln0.051.0Product specificationsRated current Typical cold resistance Typicalvoltage drop ***************Part number Rated voltage (A)Breaking capacity 2(mΩ)(mV)(W)cURusELV10-10200 Vdc 10200 Vdc/50 kA 9.151300.26ELV10-15200 Vdc 15200 Vdc/50 kA 5.51200.33X ELV10-20200 Vdc 20200 Vdc/50 kA 4.611500.51X ELV10-25200 Vdc 25200 Vdc/50 kA 3.21300.61X ELV10-30200 Vdc 30200 Vdc/50 kA 2.681400.75X ELV10-40200 Vdc 40200 Vdc/50 kA 1.69110 1.13X ELV10-50200 Vdc 50200 Vdc/50 kA 1.32120 1.35X ELV10-63200 Vdc 63200 Vdc/50 kA 1.0110 1.65X ELV10-80200 Vdc 80200 Vdc/50 kA 0.84110 1.82X ELV10-100100 Vdc100100 Vdc/33 kA0.591002.3X2P: 2 pin PCB terminal SCT : Bolt-down single cap FT: Bolt-down flush PCB layout 2P: 2 pin PCB terminal1. Cold resistance is measured at <10% In and +25 °C ambient temperature2. cURus certified 100 Vdc/10 kADimensions- mmTolerances unless otherwise specified One place x.x = ± 0.3 mm Two places x.xx = ± 0.13 mmNote: recommended tightening torque is 4.5+/-1.0 Nm for M5 ScrewNote: recommended tightening torque is 4.5+/-1.0 Nm for M5 ScrewPart marking3Technical Data ELX1302Effective May 2023EL V1010 x 25 mm EV fuse /electronics TerminalsInner packageShip packageSCT 50 pieces/tray 500 pieces/box FT 24 pieces/box 576 pieces/box 2P32 pieces/box864 pieces/boxPackaging informationGeneral specificationsOperating temperature: -40 °C to +125 °C with proper derating factor applied Strength of terminals: JASO D622 6.3.9, mounting torque 4.5 +/-1 Nm, 3 timesTemperature humidity cycling: JASO D622,a) maintain the samples at standard conditions for 4 hours b) increase T to 55 +/-2 °C at 95% to 99% RH within 0.5 hours c) maintain T at 55 +/-2 °C at 95% to 99% RH for 10 hoursd) decrease T to -40 +/-2 °C within 2.5 hours; the humidity is uncontrolled e) maintain T at -40 +/-2 °C for 2 hours; the humidity is uncontrolledf) increase T to 120 +/-2 °C within 1.5 hours from -40 +/-2 °C; the humidity is uncontrolled g) maintain T at 120 +/-2 °C for 2 hours; the humidity is uncontrolledh) allow to return to RT within 1.5 hours; the humidity is uncontrolled 10 cycles.Thermal shock: ISO8820-8 GB/T31465.6, 48 cycles; -40 °C to 100 °C, each cycle 60 minutes Vibration: JASO D622 6.3.3, 10-55 Hz, 3 directions, 2 hours each directionTransient current cycling: JASO D622 6.3.2 (reference), The transient current start from 2.0 In for 0.25 seconds, then drop to 0.5 In and keep this cur-rent to 15 seconds to finish one cycle, total 50000 cyclesLubricant & fuel oil resistance: GB/T31465.1-5.4, Wipe the marking with lubricant or oil 30 seconds4Technical Data ELX1302Effective May 2023EL V1010 x 25 mm EV fuse/electronics0. emperature derating curve0.0010.010.1110100T i m e (s )Current (A)D e r a t i n g f a c t o r5Technical Data ELX1302Effective May 2023EL V1010 x 25 mm EV fuse/electronicsI 2t vs. current curve1001,00010,000100,000101001,00010,000I 2t (A 2s )40A 50A Current (A)30A20A 10A15A25A 63A 80A100AI 2T vs. time curve101001,00010,000100,0001,000,00010,000,000100,000,0000.0010.010.11101001000I 2t (A 2s )10ATime (s)20A 30A 40A 50A 25A 15A 63A 80A 100AEatonElectronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States/electronics© 2023 EatonAll Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. ELX1302 BU-ELX22165May 2023EL V1010 x 25 mm EV fuseTechnical Data ELX1302Effective May 2023Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express writtenapproval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton also reserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.T e m p e r a t u r eTimeT T T T Wave solder profile--PCB version onlyReference EN 61760-1:2006Profile featureStandard SnPb solderLead (Pb) free solderPreheat • Temperature min. (T smin )100 °C 100 °C • Temperature typ. (T styp )120 °C 120 °C • Temperature max. (T smax )130 °C 130 °C • Time (T smin to T smax ) (t s )70 seconds 70 seconds ∆ preheat to max Temperature150 °C max.150 °C max.Peak temperature (T P )*235 °C – 260 °C 250 °C – 260 °C Time at peak temperature (t p )10 seconds max5 seconds max each wave 10 seconds max5 seconds max each wave Ramp-down rate~ 2 K/s min ~3.5 K/s typ ~5 K/s max ~ 2 K/s min ~3.5 K/s typ~5 K/s max Time 25 °C to 25 °C4 minutes4 minutesManual solder+350 °C (4-5 seconds by soldering iron), generally manual/hand soldering is not recommended.Eaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Follow us on social media to get the latest product and support information.。
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赫森电气(无锡)有限公司坐落于享誉“太湖明珠”之城-无锡,由加拿大赫森电能研究所EV 熔断器
通过不断的研究、开发以及大量的实践,终于在大功率电动汽车电池组与充电、轨道交通、航天器UPS 电源、光伏发电等电力系统保护领域获得成果。
下面我来介绍一下我公司的产品,EV 熔断器。
800VDC/AC, Amps:35-600A
赫森电气(无锡)有限公司坐落于享誉“太湖明珠”之城-无锡,由加拿大赫森电能研究所800V Time Current Curve
赫森电气(无锡)有限公司坐落于享誉“太湖明珠”之城-无锡,由加拿大赫森电能研究所Peak Let-Through 800V
赫森成功独创出包括全球纳米材料固化技术、设计领域产品结构与工艺,使产品体积缩小70%,800VDC,60KA 的分断能力测试值,超过国际IEC 、美国UL 、德国VDE 等标准的700%。
可携带微动开关或远程监测模块,是UL 美国安全试验所认证产品。