



餐饮专业英语词汇中英对照荟萃1、餐饮专业用语组织结构图:Organization Chart前厅:Front of the House后堂:Back of the House餐厅经理:Manager of The Restaurant部门经理:Department Head部门头(部门的“头”就是部门经理)餐饮部经理:Food and Beverage Manager食物饮料经理楼面员工:Floor Staff楼面员工领班:Captain陆军的上尉(陆军上尉和餐厅领班的重量级差不多吧?)主管:SupervisorSuper + Visor超级的监督者(服务员的超级监督者就是主管啰!)服务员:Waiter/Waitress男服务员女服务员调酒师:BartenderBar + Tender酒吧看管者(看管酒吧的当然是调酒师啰!)收银员:CashierCash + ier钱人(管钱的人肯定是收银啰!)接待员:ReceptionistReception + ist接待人(负责接待的人)厨师:Chef冷菜厨师:Cold Chef总厨:Head Chef备菜员/切配员:The Prep Person准备人(在厨房做准备工作的人)勤杂工:Bus Boy男孩(Bus常见的意思是“公共汽车”,但在美国,也指在餐厅打杂)洗碗工:The DishwasherDish + Wash + er碗洗人(洗碗的人)仓库保管员:The Steward管理员(饭店只有仓库需要专门的管理员,所以把“仓库”省了)2、情景英语/ Live English服务员和老外客人一起手舞足蹈,就是搞不清对方想讲什么的情况在您的餐厅里也经常发生吧?要去参加英语培训吧,又没有那么多的时间。

那就从一点一滴开始,积累餐饮行业的实用英语吧!Yuck!好难吃!吃到很难吃的东西,老外的第一个反应就是yuck!或是It’s yuck!客人表达不满时,常常把Yuck拖得长长的,听起来象yuuuuuuuuck。




1. plate [pleɪt] (n.) 盘子。

2. bowl [bəʊl] (n.) 碗。

3. cup [kʌp] (n.) 杯子。

4. glass [ɡlɑːs] (n.) 玻璃杯。

5. fork [fɔːk] (n.) 叉子。

6. knife [naɪf] (n.) 刀子(复数:knives [naɪvz])7. spoon [spuːn] (n.) 勺子。

8. dish [dɪʃ] (n.) 菜肴;盘子(作“盘子”讲时可与plate互换,但dish 还可表示一道菜)9. chopsticks ['tʃɒpstɪks] (n.) 筷子(复数形式,通常以复数形式出现)10. saucer ['sɔːsə(r)] (n.) 茶碟;小圆盘。


1. bread [bred] (n.) 面包。

2. rice [raɪs] (n.) 米饭。

3. noodle ['nuːdl] (n.) 面条(常用复数noodles)4. beef [biːf] (n.) 牛肉。

5. pork [pɔːk] (n.) 猪肉。

6. chicken ['tʃɪkɪn] (n.) 鸡肉;小鸡。

7. fish [fɪʃ] (n.) 鱼(复数形式fish或fishes,当表示鱼肉时为不可数名词)8. egg [eɡ] (n.) 鸡蛋。

9. vegetable ['vedʒtəbl] (n.) 蔬菜(常用复数形式vegetables)- carrot ['kærət] (n.) 胡萝卜。

- cabbage ['kæbɪdʒ] (n.) 卷心菜。

- tomato [tə'mɑːtəʊ] (n.) 西红柿(复数:tomatoes [tə'mɑːtəʊz])- potato [pə'teɪtəʊ] (n.) 土豆(复数:potatoes [pə'teɪtəʊz])10. fruit [fruːt] (n.) 水果(表示水果的总称时为不可数名词,表示具体水果种类时为可数名词)- apple ['æpl] (n.) 苹果。



中餐厅常用英语Chinese Restaurant一、词汇Vocabulary1.餐饮部F&B food and beverage dept. [`bev☜rid✞][di`p :tm☜nt]2.中餐厅Chinese restaurant [t☞ai`ni:z] [`rest☜r☜nt]3.宴会厅banquet hall [`b✌☠kwit] [h :l]4.多功能厅multifunction hall ['m✈lti f✈☠k☞☜n]5.酒吧bar [b :]6.早茶morning tea 港式早茶Hong Kong style morning tea [stail]7.早餐breakfast [`brekf☜st]8.午餐lunch [l✈nt☞]9.晚餐supper [`s✈p☜]10.正餐dinner [`din☜]11.自助餐buffet [b☜`fei]12.营业时间business hour(s) / business time / service hour(s) [`biznis]13.中餐Chinese food [fu:d]14.中国菜Chinese dish [di☞]15.餐后甜点dessert [di`z☜:t]16.菜单/牌menu [`menju:]17.筷子chopsticks [`t☞pstiks]18.筷架chopsticks rest [rest]19.刀knife [naif]20.叉fork [f :k]21.汤匙spoon [spu:n]22.茶壶teapot [`ti:p t]23.席次牌place card [pleis] [c :d]24.台布tablecloth25.餐巾napkin [`n✌pkin]26.餐巾纸napkin paper [`peip☜]27.香巾(手巾)towel [`tau☜l]28.牙签toothpick29.开瓶器bottle opener [`b t☜l] [`aup☜n☜]30.冷的cold [k☜uld]31.香的fragrant [`frei♑r☜nt]32.干的dried [drai]33.新鲜的fresh [fre☞]34.冰的iced [ais]35.辣hot [h t]36.甜sweet [swi:t]37.苦bitter [`bi:t☜]38.咸salty [`s :lti]39.酸sour [sau☜]40.浓thick [ ik]41.淡light [lait]42.脆crisp [krisp]43.味道好的tasty / delicious [`tei s ti] [di`li☞☜s ]44.腻oily [ i`li]45.腥fishy46.老tough [t✈f]47.嫩tender [`tend☜]48.硬hard [h :d]49.软soft [s :ft]50.烧焦的burned [b☜:n]51.多汁的juicy [`d✞u:si]52.熟透welldone53.半生不熟rare [r☪☜]54.适中的/半熟medium [`mi:di☜m]55.不熟underdone56.烙/烘bake [beik]57.炸deep fry [di:p] [frai]58.煎fry59.嫩(炒)煎sauté [s :`tei]60.烘烤roast [r☜ust]61.烩stew [stu:]62.煮boil [b il]63.炙烤/扒grill [gril]64.焖/炖braise [breiz]65.清蒸steam [sti:m]66.熏smoke [sm☜uk]67.腌pickle [`pik☜l]68.肉丁diced meat [dais] [mi:t]69.肉片meat slice [slais]70.肉丝shredded meat [☞redid]71.肉馅meat filling [`fili☠]72.肉末minced meat [`mins]73.肉松meat floss [fl :s]74.调味品spices [spais]75.芥末mustard [`m✈st☜d]76.醋vinegar [`vinig☜]77.酱油soy sauce [s i] [s :s]78.花生油peanut oil [`pi:n✈t]79.蕃茄酱tomato sauce [t☜`meit☜u]80.辣椒酱chili sauce [`t☞ili]81.黑胡椒black pepper [bl✌k]82.咖喱粉curry powder [`k✈ri] [`paud☜]83.五香粉spices [spais]84.味精gourmet powder [`gu☜mei] monosodium glutamate[m n☜u`s☜udi☜m ;♑lu:t☜meit]85.糖sugar [`☞u♑☜]86.冰糖rock sugar [r k]87.方糖cube sugar [kju:b]88.蚝油oyster sauce [` ist☜]89.调味品relish / spices [`reli☞]90.葱chive [t☞aiv]91.蒜garlic [`♑:lik]92.姜ginger [`d✞in d✞☜]93.韭菜leek [li:k]94.茴香fennel [`fen☜l]95.盐salt [s :lt]96.粗盐/天然盐crude salt [kru:d] 细盐refined salt [ri`faind]97.淀粉starch [st :t☞]98.牛肉beef [bi:f]99.牛柳tenderloin [`tend☜l in]100.火腿ham [h✌m]101.香肠sausage [`s :sid✞]102.猪肉pork [p :k]103.乳猪suckling pig [`s✈kli☠]104.排骨rib / spare rib [rib] [`sp☪☜rib]105.肝liver [`liv☜]106.腰子kidney [`kidni]107.蹄子trotter [`tr t☜]108.羊肉mutton [`m✈t☜n]109.牛肚/牛百叶ox tripe [ ks] [traip]110.鸡chicken [`t☞ik☜n]111.童子鸡spring / baby /young chicken [spri☠] [`beibi] [j✈☠] 112.火鸡turkey [`t☜:ki]113.鸭duck [d✈k]114.鹅goose [♑u:s]115.鹧鸪partridge [`p :trid✞]116.鸽子pigeon [`pid✞☜n]117.乳鸽young pigeon [j✈☠] [`pid✞☜n]118.鱼翅shark's fin [☞:k] [fin]119.鱼肚fish maw [fi☞] [m :]120.桂花鱼mandarin fish [`m✌nd☜rin]121.石斑鱼grouper [`♑ru:p☜]122.黄花鱼yellow croaker [`jel☜u] [`kr☜uk☜]123.鲨鱼shark124.墨鱼/乌贼cuttle fish [`k✈tl] [fi☞]125.鱿鱼squid [skwid]126.章鱼octopus [` kt☜p☜s]127.河鳗eel [i:l]128.虾shrimp [☞rimp]129.河虾river shrimp [`riv☜] [☞rimp]130.对虾/明虾prawn [pr :n]131.龙虾lobster [`l bst☜]132.海蛏razor clam [`reiz☜] [kl✌m]133.虾蛄mantis shrimp / squill(a) [`m✌ntis] [`skwil☜] 134.海蜇jelly fish [`d✞eli] [fi☞]135.甲鱼turtle / soft-shelled turtle [`t☜:t☜l]136.海螺conch [k nt☞]137.蛤clam [kl✌m]138.牡蛎oyster [` ist☜]139.扇贝/带子scallop [`sk l☜p]140.鲍鱼abalone [✌b☜`l☜uni]141.海参sea slug / sea cucumber [`si:] [sl✈g] [`kju:k✈mb☜] 142.蟹crab [kr✌b]143.花蟹spotted crab [`sp tid] [kr✌b]144.青蟹green crab [gri:n] [kr✌b]145.青衣green wrasse [r✌s]146.彩虹雕rainbow trout [`reinb☜u] [traut]147.大闸蟹water crab [`w :t☜]148.蛋egg [eg]149.皮蛋preserved egg [pri:`z☜v]150.牛奶milk [milk]151.花生peanut [`pi:n✈t]152.笋干dried bamboo shoots [drai] [b✌m`bu:] [☞u:t] 153.莲子lotus seed [`l☜ut☜s] [si:d]154.香菇dried mushroom [`m✈☞rum]155.木耳fungus [`f✈☠♑☜s]156.银耳white fungus [hwait] [`f✈☠♑☜s]157.干贝dried scallop/compoy [`sk l☜p] [k☜m`p i] 158.主食staple food [`steip☜l]159.大米rice [rais]160.西米sago [`sei♑☜u]161.蔬菜vegetable [`ved✞it☜b☜l]162.青菜green vegetable [♑ri:n]163.黄瓜cucumber [`kju:k✈mb☜]164.胡萝卜carrot [`k✌r☜t]165.萝卜radish [`r✌di☞]166.蕃茄/西红柿tomato [t☜`meit☜u]167.洋葱onion [`✈nj☜n]168.青椒/柿子椒green pepper169.紫白菜red cabbage [`k✌bid✞]170.绿菜花/花椰菜broccoli [`br k☜li]171.土豆/马铃薯potato [p☜`teit☜u]172.生菜/莴苣lettuce [`letis]173.蘑菇mushroom [`m✈☞rum]174.南瓜pumpkin [`p✈mpkin]175.芦笋asparagus [☜`sp✌r☜♑☜s]176.干辣椒chili pepper [`t☞ili] [`pep☜]177.辣椒酱chili sauce [s :s]178.茄子eggplant [`egpl :nt]179.包心菜/洋白菜cabbage [`k✌bid✞]180.豌豆pea [pi:]181.蚕豆string bean [stri☠] [bi:n]182.竹笋bamboo shoot [b✌m`bu:] [☞u:t]183.玉米corn [k :n]184.白菜Chinese cabbage185.西兰花/花菜cauliflower [`k liflau☜]186.芥菜mustard leaf [`m✈st☜d] [li:f]187.菠菜spinach [`spinit☞]188.空心菜water spinach /swamp cabbage [sw mp] 189.芹菜celery [`seliri]190.苋菜edible amaranth [`ed☜b☜l] [`✌m☜r✌n ] 191.香菜/芫荽coriander [k :ri`✌nd☜r]192.苦瓜bitter gourd [`bit☜] [♑u☜d]193.冬瓜white gourd [hwait]194.丝瓜towel gourd / sponge gourd [`tau☜l] [sp✈nd✞] 195.毛豆young / green soybean [`s ibi:n]196.马铃薯potato [p☜`teit☜u]197.芋头taro [`t :r☜u]198.藕lotus root [`l☜ut☜s] [ru:t]199.竹笋bamboo shoot200.节瓜wax gourd [w✌ks] [♑u☜d]201.水果fruit [fru:t]202.奇异果kiwi [`ki:wi:]203.番石榴guava [`♑w :v☜]204.苹果apple [`✌p☜l]205.香蕉banana [b☜n✌n☜]206.梨pear [p☪☜]207.橙orange [` :rind✞]208.柑mandarin [`m✌nd☜rin]209.柠檬lemon [`lem☜n]210.葡萄grape [♑reip]211.桃子peach [pi:t☞]212.水蜜桃honey /juicy peach [`h✈ni] [d✞u:si] [pi:t☞] 213.草莓strawberry [`str :beri]214.荔枝lichee [`li:t☞i]215.龙眼longan [`l :☠♑☜n]216.菠萝pineapple [`pain✌p☜l]217.芒果mango [`m✌☠♑☜u]218.木瓜papaya / pawpaw [p☜`pai☜] / [`p :p :] 219.西瓜watermelon [`w :t☜mel☜n]220.樱桃cherry [`t☞eri]221.腰果cashew [`k✌☞u:]222.开心果pistachio nut [pi`st✌☞i☜u] [n✈t]223.红茶black tea [bl✌k] [ti:]224.绿茶green tea [♑ri:n]225.乌龙茶Oolong tea [`u:l ☠]226.茉莉花茶jasmine tea [`d✞✌smin]227.菊花茶chrysanthemum tea [kri`s✌n ☜m☜m]228.果汁fruit juice [fru:t] [d✞u:s]229.矿泉水mineral water [`min☜r☜l] [`w :t☜]230.百事可乐Pepsi [`pepsi]231.可口可乐coca cola [`k☜uk☜-`k☜ul☜]232.七喜seven up [`sev☜n] [✈p]233.雪碧sprite [sprait]234.椰子汁coconut milk [`k☜uk☜n✈t]235.粒粒橙汁orange juice [` :rind✞]236.啤酒beer [bi☜]237.惠泉啤酒Huiquan beer238.青岛啤酒Tsingto beer239.喜力啤酒Heineken beer240.嘉士伯啤酒Carlsberg beer241.葡萄酒wine [wain]242.王朝红葡萄酒Dynasty red wine [`dain☜sti]243.长城红葡萄酒Great Wall red wine [♑reit] [w :l]244.张裕红葡萄酒Chanyu red wine245.王朝白葡萄酒Dynasty white wine [hwait]246.威士忌whisky [`wiski]247.红牌威士忌Johnnie walker red label [`w :k☜] [`leib☜l]248.黑牌威士忌Johnnie walker black label249.皇家礼炮Chivas Royal Salute250.白兰地Brandy [`br✌ndi]251.人头马路易十三Remy Martin Louis XIII [`rimi] [`m :tin] [lwi:]252.人头马X·O Remy Martin X·O253.马爹利X·O Martell X·O [`m :tel]254.轩尼斯X·O Hennessy X·O [`henizi]255.人头马CLUB Remy Martin Club [kl✈b]256.蓝带马爹利Martell Cordon Blue [`k :d☜n] [blu:]257.金牌佛跳墙Boiled sea cucumber shark bladder abalone and shark fin in soup258.鲍汁扣花胶Braised dried shark bladder in abalone sauce.259.肉沫日本辽参Braised Japanese sea cucumber with mince260.彩虹官燕Cooked superior bird’s nest in 7 colors soup261.红烧大鱼翅Braised superior shark's fin [breizid] [sju:`pi☜ri☜]262.乳猪拼盘Suckling pig and barbecue combination [`s✈kli☠] [`b :bikju:] [k mbi`nei☞☜n]263.片皮鸭Roasted Peking duck [r☜ustid] [`peki☠]264.沙律海鲜卷Seafood roll in salad sauce [`si:fu:d] [r☜ul] [`s✌l☜d]265.脆皮炸子鸡Deep fried spring chicken [di:p] [frait] [spri☠] [`t☞ik☜n]266.菠萝咕噜肉Sweet and sour pork with pineapple267.海鲜酸辣汤Hot and sour soup with assorted seafood [☜`s :tid]268.扬州炒饭Fried rice YANGZHOU style269.椰汁西米露Sago cream with coconut juice [`sei u] [kri:m]Role Play(情景演练)Dialogue 1 Reservation On Phone 电话订座W: waitress G: guestW: Good morning, this is Thai/Chinese/Western Restaurant. What can I do for you?早上好,中餐厅/西餐厅。



餐饮部常用英语单词一.中餐厅(Chinese Restaurant)1.基本餐具装饰盘:Service(Cover)Plate 骨碟:筷子架:chopstick rest筷子:chopsticks味碟:汤匙:soup spoon饭碗:rice bowl 双味隔碟:公用味碟:毛巾碟:2.常用刀叉具点心羹:点心叉:蜗牛夹:蜗牛叉:蜗牛盆:银头筷:3.常用酒具白葡萄酒杯:White Wine Glass 红葡萄酒杯:Red wine Glass香槟杯:Champagne Glass 白酒杯:white wine glass黄酒杯:yellow wine glass 黄酒壶:yellow wine pot4.常用的布草垫布:Silent Cloth、Table Cloth Mat 装饰台布:Top Cloth围嘴:Apron 桌裙:Table Runner椅套:Chair Cover 抹布:Pantry Cloth“十”字形台布:Table Runner托盘垫布:Servier 服务布巾:Waiter Cleaning Cloth 桌布:table cloth 圆台布:方台布:圆台芯:小方巾:长台布:衣服套:clothing fabric 披肩:fanon5.其它用具筷套:chopsticks bag 席次卡:Place Card茶壶:tea-pot 茶具:tea set茶盘:tea tray 茶罐:caddy玻璃转台:口布圈:洗手碗:finger bowl 台裙夹:儿童椅:baby seat 平板车:flat car二.西餐厅(West Restaurant)1.西餐基本餐盘装饰盘:Service(Cover)Plate 黄油碟:Butter Dish面包盘:Bread Plate 主菜盘:Main Course Plate 汤盆:Soup Plate 汤盅:Tureen汤杯:Soup Cup 开胃品盘:Starter Plate甜品盘:Dessert Plate 咖啡托盘:Coffee Saucer中盘(副餐盘)Middle-Sized (entrée) Plate小盘(副盘)Small (side) Plate汤碗:Soup Bowl清汤碗及底碟:Consomme Bowl and Saucer2.西餐常用的刀具主菜刀:Dinner Knife 头盆刀:Starter Knife黄油刀:Butter Knife 切肉刀:Carving Knife 牛排刀:Steak Knife 鱼刀:Fish Knife面包刀:Bread Knife3.西餐常用的叉类主菜叉:Dinner Fork 头盆叉:Starter Fork甜品叉:Dessert Fork 蜗牛叉:Snail Fork海鲜叉:Cocktail Fork 鱼叉:fish fork蛋糕叉:cake fork 服务叉:service fork4.西餐常用的匙类汤匙:Soup Spoon 甜品/点心匙:Dessert Spoon 咖啡匙:Coffee Spoon 服务匙:Service Spoon5.西餐常用的夹、钳、签类蜗牛夹:Snail Tongs 糖夹:Sugar tong冰夹:Ice tong 龙虾钳:Lobster Tong (Stick) 坚果夹:Nut Cracker6.西餐常用的酒具咖啡杯:Coffee cup 冰水杯:Ice Water Glass白葡萄酒杯:White Wine Glass 红葡萄酒杯:Red wine Glass 香槟杯:Champagne Glass 咖啡碟:COFFEE SAUCER7.西餐常用的车类服务手推车:Service Trolley送餐车:Transfer Trolley甜品车:Dessert Trolley奶酪车:Cheese Trolley餐后酒车:Liqueur Trolley燃焰车(现场烹调车):Oven Trolley色拉车:Salad Trolley保暖架:Warming Racks法式分餐车:Gueridon Trolley煮餐车:Flambe Trolley切肉车(圆顶):Carving Trolley (dome)8.西餐常用的布巾垫布:Silent Cloth、Table Cloth Mat装饰台布:Top Cloth围嘴:Apron 桌裙:Table Runner椅套:Chair Cover 抹布:Pantry Cloth“十”字形台布:Table Runner托盘垫布:Servier 服务布巾:Waiter Cleaning Cloth 9.西餐常用的其他用具冰水壶:Pitcher 葡萄酒篮:Wine basket烛台:Candle Stick 席次卡:Place Card收据:Recipet 餐具柜:Sideboard托盘:Tray 长嘴壶:Long Spout茶壶:Teapot 热水壶:Hot Water Pot糖盅:Sugar Bowl 奶盅:Milk or Cream Jug沙拉碗:Salad Bowl 腰碟:Kidney Plate生蚝碟:Oyster or Mussel Plate 蜗牛碟:Snail escargot plate 汁酱盅:Sauce-boat 服务盘:Serving Flats, Platters 胡椒磨(研磨桶):Pepper-mill 花瓶:Bud Vase黄油盅:Butter Dish 黄油座:Butter Pad盐和胡椒粉瓶:Salt and Pepper Shaker 大汤勺:Soup Ladle自助餐保温锅:Buffet Warmer 饼铲:Gateau / cakeslice碟盖:Plate Cover 平碟盖:Flat Plate Cover圆顶盖:Dome 煎锅:Chafing dish / Flambe Pan 明火用具:Rechand 迷你煤气炉:Gas Cylinder Burner 酒精灯:Spirit Lamp 香蕉船碟:banana split葡萄剪:Grape Scissors 水扎:water pt tcher调酒杯:Drinking jug 蜡烛座:Candle Stand三头烛台:Triceps candlestick五头烛台:长柄汤勺:long arm soup ladle 弯柄汤勺:三.酒吧(Bar)1.酒吧常用用具吧叉:Bar fork 冰夹:Ice tong吧匙:Bar spoon 酒吧柜台:Bar Counter吧蹬:Bar stool 酒吧刀:waiter knife必打士瓶:Bitter Bottles 汽水瓶:Bottle cooler开瓶器:Bottle openers 开罐器:Can openers香槟桶:Champagne Bucket 香槟桶架:Champagne cooler玻璃水瓶:carafe 螺丝钻:corkscrew量酒器:Measurering jug 挤柠檬器:Lemon squeezer调酒匙:Mixing spoon 调酒壶:shaker剥皮器:zaster 开瓶刀:bottle opener小冰桶ice bucket 冰勺ice scoop调酒杯mixing glasses2.酒吧电器类制冰机:Ice cube machine 热水器:geyser:榨汁机:Juice press 刨冰机:果汁机:Juice machine 保温炉:Warmer洗杯机:Washing machine 电动搅拌机:electric Blender咖啡机:Coffee machine 微波炉:microwave冷柜:cooler3.酒吧常用杯具:柯林杯:collins glass 古典杯:Old-fashioned glass利口杯:liqueur glass 雪莉杯:sherry glass白兰地杯:brandy glass 鸡尾酒杯:cocktail glass茶杯:tea cup 咖啡杯:coffee cup红葡萄酒杯:red wine glass 白葡萄酒杯:white wine glass白酒杯:white glass 爱尔兰咖啡杯:Irish coffee glass 香槟杯:champagne saucer 带柄啤酒杯:beer mug果汁杯:juice glass 郁金香杯Champagne tulip海波杯:Highball Glass 甜酒杯:cordial glass扎壶:BEER JAR 玛格丽特:Margarita glass 烈酒杯:shot glass 分酒器:wine decanter潘趣盆:punch Bowl (ladle) 高脚杯:goblet4.酒吧常用调酒杂项:案板:cutting board 酒壶decanter碎冰器:Ice crusher 酒嘴:funnel滤冰器:strainer 雕刻刀:Chaser削冰器ice shaver 酒吧常用其他杂项类:杯垫:coaster 酒签:cocktail pick吸管straw 调酒棒:swizzle stick酒吧椅bar chair四.宴会厅(Banquet)宴会桌:banquet table IBM桌:IBM table圆桌:round table半圆桌:half-round table1/4圆桌:蛇台桌:四方桌:宴会椅:Banqueting chair台昵:暖水瓶:warm water bottle 会议夹:铅笔:pencil茶杯:tea cup (纸)杯垫:coaster有线麦克:Cable MIC 无线麦克:Wireless MIC插线板:patch board 投影仪:projector幕布:curtain; screen白板:tabula rasa; white board白板笔:white board pen 白板擦:Whiteboard eraser荧光笔:nite writer pen绿植:取衣牌:杯筐:四格刀叉筐:茶车:Teacart持冰车:转台车:餐椅车:玻璃转台车:指示立牌:卷笔刀:sharpener舞池地板:ball room floor舞台:arena; proscenium; stage舞台阶梯:arena ladder.屏风:screen 托盘:tray红地毯:red carpet服务车:service car沙发:settee; sofa茶几:end table; tea table吸尘器:cleaner; dust collector五.厨房厨刀:kitchen knife 砍刀:hacking knife拍肉刀:Meat tenderizer 肉锤:Meat Tenderize磨刀棒:Sharpening Steel 煎盘:fry pan打蛋器:eggbeater量杯:graduate; measuring glass 量匙:measuring spoon 蛋糕铲:CAKE SERVER蛋糕夹:Pastry Tong 炉:Broiler扒炉:Grill 平板炉:Griddle烤箱:Ovens 常规式烤箱:Conventional Oven对流式烤箱:Convection Oven 旋转式烤箱:Revolving Oven微波式烤箱:Microwave Oven 西餐灶:Range炸炉:Fryer 常规型:Conventional Fryer压力型:Pressure Fryer 自动型:Automatic Fryer翻转式烹调炉:Tilting Skillet 倾斜式煮锅:Boiling Pan蒸箱:Steam Cooker 多功能搅拌机:Mixer切片机:Slicer 绞肉机:Meat Grinder锯骨机:Meat Band Saw 万能去皮机:Peeling Machine切割机:Food Cutter 擀面机:Dough Rolling Machine发面箱:Fermentation Tank 热汤箱:Steam Table保温灯:Heat Lamp 保温车:Heat Trolley厨师刀:Chef'’s Knife 沙拉刀:Utility Knife小刀:Paring Knife 剔骨刀:Boning Knife片刀:Slicer 锯齿刀:Serrated Knife切肉刀:Butcher Knife 砍刀:Cleaver蚝刀:Oyster 蛤刀:Clam Knife削皮刀:Vegetable Peeler 制球刀:Ball Cutter切菜板:Cutting Board 调味汁锅:Sauce Pan双柄调味汁锅:Sauce Pot 平底锅:Sauce Pan西式蒸锅:Double Boiler 蒸盘:Hotel Pan烤肉盘:Roasting Pan 撇渣勺:Skimmer各式手勺:Slotted,Perforated。



酒店专用术语(中英文)标准 Standard:(1) Accommodation (住宿):提供的给予睡觉休息的场所。

(2) Adjoining Room (邻近房):指两间房间近连在一起。

(3) Advanced Deposit (订金):客人为了确保能有房间而提前支付给酒店一笔直按金。

(4) Advance Payment(预付金/押金):按照酒店财务规定和有关规定,前台服务员要求客人预先支付房费和不可预测费用的付费方式,如现金担保、信用卡预授权。

(5) Amenity(致意品):指酒店免费向住店客人提供的一些礼品,如水果、鲜花或饮品等。

(6) Arrival(到店):指客人入住酒店的抵店,如: Arrvial Date。

(7) Average Room Rate(平均房价):指所有住房的平均价格,它是前台的一个常用术语。


(8) Block (预告锁房):指为了把某间房能够保留下来,而提前把此房间在某日锁起来,使其在该时间段显示被占用,有利于控制房间的预售。

(9) Cancellation (取消):指客人取消订房。




(13)Confirmation (确认):指酒店发给订房客人的一种十分详细的订房书而协议,承认客人在将来的某一天有权居住在本酒店。


(14)Connecting (连通房):指两间房中间有一扇门连通起来的房间。

(15)Corporate Rate (公司合同价):指与酒店有协议而提供给公司的客人的房间价格,这类价格通常为特别价,且保密。



餐饮英语单词Chinese restaurant 中餐厅Western Restaurant 西餐厅Chinese food 中餐wine (红)酒ice water 冰水ice-cream 冰淇淋Breakfast 早餐Lunch 中午餐Supper (dinner) 晚餐Coffee 咖啡Drink 饮料restaurant 餐厅Coffee Shop 咖啡厅open 开(营业)bar 酒吧coffee spoon 咖啡勺chopsticks 筷子mineral water 矿泉水steamed water 蒸馏水black tea 红茶green tea绿茶towel 毛巾plate 碟子bowl 碗dish 菜meal 餐menu 菜单wine list 酒牌buffet 自助餐Room service 送餐服务部门/岗位/服务项目/日期Front office 前厅Housekeeping 客房部Security 保安部Engineering 工程部Food and beverage 餐饮部Reception 接待处Front desk 前台Cashier 收银Information 问询Check in 入住Check out 退房price 价格Manager 经理Supervisor 主管receptionist 接待员clerk 职员waiter(waitress) 男(女)餐厅服务员Floor (room)attendant 楼层服务员night club 夜总会sauna 桑拿Monday(Mon.)星期一Tuesday(Tue.)星期二Wednesday(Wed.) 星期三Thursday(Thur.)星期四Friday(Fri.)星期五Saturday(Sat.)星期六Sunday(Sun.)星期天礼貌用语1.Good morning (afternoon, evening, night), sir/madam.2.I see, sir. Yes, sir. Certainly, sir.3.Just a moment, please.4.Thank you for waiting, sir.5.I am sorry, sir/madam.6.Thank you (very much), sir/madam.7.You are welcome.8.Have a nice day.9.Please enjoy your stay.10.Hope to see you again soon.11.Thank you for staying with us.12.Pardon me? I beg you pardon?13.I am afraid I don’t understand.14.Could you speak more slowly, please?15.Excuse me, sir. Do you mean……?餐饮接待用语1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, sir/madam. Welcome to our restaurant/the Chineserestaurant/coffee shop.2. How many persons are there in your party, sir/madam?3. A table for two, please.4. Do you have a reservation, sir/madam?5. Where would you like to sit, sir/madam?6. Would you like to sit by the window/at the corner?7. Would you like to sit at the main restaurant or in the private room?8. I will show you to the table. This way, please.9. Will this table be all right, sir/madam?Is this table all right, sir/madam?10. Just a moment, please. A waiter will come here to take your order.11. I am sorry, sir/madam. The restaurant is full now.I am afraid all our tables are taken.12. I am afraid that (this) table has been taken.13. Would you mind waiting for a little moment, sir/madam?14. Could you wait (Would you mind waiting) until a table is free, please?15. How long will it take?16. We can seat you very soon. (in fifteen minutes)17. You can wait at the lounge first. If there is a table free, we will call you.18. You can have a drink at the bar first, we will inform you when there is a table free.19. Excuse me, sir/madam. There is a free table for you. This way please.20. I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.。



餐厅常用词汇(中英)〔一〕The table (桌布)1、Tablecloth 桌布(简称cloth, 比如说lay the cloth for dinner 铺桌布准备开晚餐。


所以,说lay the cloth for you ,指的是摆四份餐具。

)2、plate 盘子;碟子(plate 和dish 不同。

Plate 指的是盛菜、面条、饭等供个人食用的碟子;dish 指的是盛菜供全桌食用的碟子,也指一碟菜,一个菜色。



可以说dinner a t¥_a plate, 又因为吃西餐时,每人面前方一个plate ,所以plate也指位子。

比如说setplates for four 摆四个位子。

客人说Another plate, please ,就是指多摆一个位子。

)Napkin (餐巾) knife (刀) fork 叉(一副刀叉,叫a knife and fork ,复knives and forks).Spoon 匙tablespoon (餐匙) soup spoon (汤匙) dessert-spoon (小匙吃甜点心用) Tea- spoon 茶匙egg-spoon (蛋匙) egg-cup (蛋杯)cover (餐具个人使用)cover 是plate, napkin, knives and forks, spoons等的总称。


The table is laid with four covers或covers are laid for four .餐单摆了四个位子。

客人说another cover ,please ,是叫多摆一个位子。

)Bowl (碗) chopsticks (筷子) dish (盘子;碟子) tureen (有盖汤碗)Decanter(玻璃酒瓶)餐桌上用wineglass (酒杯) carafe(水瓶)餐桌上用Glass (玻璃杯)通称tumbler (平地大玻璃杯) tankard(有盖)有耳大杯(盛啤酒等用)cruet-stand (五味架) cruet (装调味品的瓶) castor (盖上有许多小孔的瓶)Pepper castor (胡椒瓶) salt cellar (盐盅) tea-set (茶具) teapot (茶壶) Tea-cup (茶杯)Saucer (垫碟)茶杯和垫碟,合起来叫a cup and saucer)Sugar –bowl (糖盅)Coffee pot (咖啡壶)Sugar – tongs (糖夹子)Cream pitcher (奶酪罐)toothpick (牙签))(复数叫toothpicks) Coffee set (咖啡具)toothpick (牙签))(复数叫toothpicks)(二)Cookery (烹调)Dress 将禽畜等去毛内脏弄干净,以备烹调。



餐饮部一、器皿bowl : 碗chopsticks : 筷子spoon : 调羹fork : 叉子napkin : 餐巾cork : 软木塞screw : 开瓶器二、酒水cocktail : 鸡尾酒liquor : 烈酒sake : 米酒、清酒bitters : 必打士、苦味酒gin fizz : 金酒菲士bloody mary : 血玛利orangeade : 桔子水fruit juice : 果汁pepsi : 百事可乐seven-up : 七喜sherry:雪利酒kirsch:樱桃酒coffee:咖啡tea:茶apple juice: 苹果汁beer:啤酒champagne:香槟whisky:威士忌drink list:饮料单wine list:酒水单campari:金巴利brandy:白兰地vodka:伏特加rum:朗姆酒gin:金酒tequila:特吉拉red wine:红葡萄酒white wine:白葡萄酒rose wine:玫瑰葡萄酒dry wine:干葡萄酒semi-dry wine:半干葡萄酒semi-sweet wine:半甜葡萄酒sweet wine:甜葡萄酒natural still wine:无汽葡萄酒sparkling wine:有汽葡萄酒fortified wine:强化葡萄酒aromatized wine芳香葡萄酒lemon : 柠檬三、早餐1、dim sum:点心2、soybean milk:豆浆3、rice gruel:稀饭4、porridge : 粥5、deep-fried dough sticks:油条6、sesame seed pastry:芝麻饼7、steamed stuffed bums:肉包8、dumpling:水饺9、pickle : 泡菜10、wonton:馄饨11、d essert : 甜点12、sandwich : 三明治13、noodles : 面条14、longevity noodles : 长寿面条15、noodle soup : 汤面16、fried eggs : 煎蛋17、boiled eggs : 水煮蛋四、菜肴a la carte : 点菜table d’hote : 套餐appetizer : 开胃品soup : 汤salad : 色拉entrée : 主菜fry : 煎deep-fry : 炸sauté: 嫩炒braise : 炖boil :煮steam : 蒸simmer : 煨grill : 烤bake : 烤roast : 烤stuff : 酿、填smoke : 烟熏lukewarm : 微温oily : 太油rare : 生一点medium : 中等火候well-done : 全熟underdone : 不熟light : 清淡的heavy : 口味重的seasoning : 调味品chili : 辣椒jam : 果酱poultry : 家禽shark’s fin 鱼翅shrimp : 虾pigeon : 鸽子crab : 螃蟹eggplant: 茄子vegetable : 蔬菜fungus : 蘑菇fillet : 里脊rump : 腿肉steak : 牛排五、菜名steamed carp : 清蒸鲤鱼sweet and sour croaker : 糖醋黄花鱼stewed turtle : 清炖甲鱼stir-fried eel with brown sauce : 干烧黄鳝sweet and sour pork chops : 糖醋排骨fried crisp pork : 脆皮锅酥肉plain sautéshrimps : 清炒滑虾仁chicken cubes with chili peppers : 辣子鸡丁pork shreds with fish seasoning : 鱼香肉丝smoked crisp fish : 烟熏酥鱼special spicy chicken : 怪味鸡noodles Sichuan style : 担担面fried rice YangZhou style : 扬州炒饭fried soybean scum roll : 炸响铃DongPo pork : 东坡肉hangzhou roast chicken : 杭州烤鸡cold duck web : 拌鸭掌three-delicious-in gredient soup : 三鲜汤Sichuan chicken cube-lets : 宫保鸡丁Roast chicken : 烧鸡Chicken chops : 白斩鸡Chicken in casserole : 沙锅鸡。



酒店餐饮英语词汇Tantalizing诱人的Dining hall餐厅Banquet hall宴会厅Bar酒吧Snack bar快餐厅Coffee shop; café咖啡馆Buffet自助餐酒店餐饮英语词汇(二)Cabbage白菜Cauliflower菜花 ['kɔli,flauə]Celery芹菜 ['seləTurnip萝卜['tə:nip]Carrot胡萝卜Lettuce莴苣 ['letisCucumber黄瓜 ['kju:kʌmbə] Tomato蕃茄Potato土豆Sweet potato红薯酒店餐饮英语词汇(三)Lotus root藉['ləutəs] Mushroom蘑菇Asparagus芦笋 [ə'spærəɡəs] Bamboo shoots竹笋Winter shoots冬笋Cane shoots茭白Pickles泡菜Onion洋葱Garlic大蒜酒店餐饮英语词汇(四)Spicy beancurd麻婆豆腐Sa utéed bean sprouts沙豆芽Sautéed green peppers生煸青椒Meat肉Braised pork in brown sauce红烧肉Steamed pork扣肉Sliced pork肉片Spiced diced pork辣子肉Shredded pork肉丝Sweet-and-sour tenderloin糖醋里脊酒店餐饮英语词汇(五)Pork chop猪排Curried beef咖啡牛肉Beef steak牛排Greasy油腻的Steamed mutton生扒羊肉Mongolian fire pot(instant boiled rinsed lamb)涮羊肉酒店餐饮英语词汇(六)Deep-fried fish炸鱼Braised fish in brown sauce红烧鱼Steamed mandarin fish清蒸桂鱼Sweet-and-sour carp糖醋鲤鱼Stir-fry炒Fragrant香喷喷的Carp with noodles in sweet and sour sauce鲤鱼焙面Clear simmered soft-shelled turtle清炖甲鱼酒店餐饮英语词汇(七)Jellyfish海蜇Sea cucumber海参Squid鱿鱼Sautéed crab meat炒蟹肉Shrimp with tomatoes鲜番茄虾仁Dried shrimp虾米Steamed chicken清蒸鸡Roast Beijing duck北京烤鸭Stir-fried eggs with tomato西红柿炒鸡蛋Fried egg煎鸡蛋Boiled egg煮鸡蛋酒店餐饮英语词汇(八)Quail鹌鹑Bea r’s paw熊掌Snail蜗牛Snake蛇Frog 蛙Nanjing pressed duck南京板鸭酒店餐饮英语词汇(九)Apple苹果Banana香蕉Pear梨Peach桃子Mango芒果Pineapple葡萄Cherry樱桃Orange橙子Tangerine桔子Persimmon柿子Chinese dates枣子Watermelon西瓜Haw山楂Strawberry 草莓Hami melon哈蜜瓜酒店餐饮英语词汇(十)Lanzhou melon白兰花Peanut花生Chestnut栗子Walnut核桃Cake蛋糕酒店餐饮英语词汇(十一)Noodles面条Porridge稀饭Fried rice米饭Steamed bun馒头Deep-fried dough sticks油条Dumplings馄炖Stuffed steamed bun包子Rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves粽子Sweet dumplings元宵Bread面包酒店餐饮英语词汇(十二)Sandwich三明治Pie馅饼Pudding布丁Cookie小甜饼Dessert甜点Hot dog热狗Hamburger汉堡包Spaghetti实心面条Macaroni空心面条酒店餐饮英语词汇(十三)Black coffee清咖啡Iced coffee冰咖啡Coca-cola可口可乐Milk牛能Cheese乳酪Spicy辣的Available可吃到的Butter黄油Ice-cream冰淇淋酒店餐饮英语词汇(十四)Black tea红茶Green tea绿茶Strong tea浓茶Weak tea淡茶Wulong tea乌龙茶Loungjing tea龙井茶Jasmine tea茉莉花茶Beverage饮料酒店餐饮英语词汇(十五)Juice果汁Orange juice橙汁Soft drinks不含酒精饮料Soda water汽水Mineral water矿泉水Ice water冰水酒店餐饮英语词汇(十六)Chinese wines中国酒Special Fine Brandy金奖白兰地Red wine红葡萄酒Vermouth味美思,苦艾酒Whisky威干忌Champagne香槟酒Cocktail鸡尾酒Gin杜松子酒酒店餐饮英语词汇(十七)Bowl碗Cup杯Cutlery刀叉用具Knife刀Fork叉Dish盘,碟Glass玻璃杯Spoon匙Coffee pot咖啡壶Milk jug牛奶壶Soup ladle汤勺Table cloth台布小吃类部分:(1)X.O.炒萝卜糕Turnip Cake with XO Sauce (2)八宝饭Eight Treasure Rice(3)白粥Plain Rice Porridge(4)XO酱海鲜蛋炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Assorted Seafood in XO Sauce(5)鲍鱼丝金菇焖伊面Stir-fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone (6)鲍汁海鲜烩饭Boiled Seafood and Rice with Abalone Sauce(7)鲍汁海鲜面Seafood Noodles with Abalone Sauce(8)北京炒肝Stir-fried Liver Beijing Style(9)北京鸡汤馄饨Wonton in Chicken Soup(10)北京炸酱面Noodles with Bean Paste(11)碧绿鲜虾肠粉Fresh Shrimps in Rice Flour Noodles with Vegetables (12)冰糖银耳炖雪梨Stewed Sweet Pear with White Fungus(13)菜脯叉烧肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Preserved Vegetables(14)菜盒子Stir-fried Crispy Cake Stuffed with Vegetable(15)菜肉大馄饨Pork and Vegetable Wonton(16)菜肉饺子Dumplings Stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetable (17)参吧素菜卷Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Cream and Mixed Fruits(18)草菇牛肉肠粉Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls with Mushrooms and Minced Beef (19)叉烧包Barbecued Pork Bun(20)叉烧焗餐包Barbecued Pork Dumpling(21)叉烧酥Cake with Barbecued Pork(22)炒河粉Sauteed Rice Noodles(23)炒面Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables(24)陈皮红豆沙Minced Red Bean Paste with Orange Peel(25)豉油蒸肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Black Bean Sauce(26)豉汁蒸凤爪Steamed Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce(27)豉汁蒸排骨Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce(28)春菇烧麦Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom(30)葱油拌面Mixed Noodles with Spring Scallion, Oil and Soy Saucewww (31)葱油饼Fried Chive Cake(32)葱油煎饼Pancake with Scallions(33)脆皮春卷Crispy Spring Roll(34)脆炸芋头糕Taro Cake with Preserved Pork(35)担担面Sichuan Flavor Noodle(36)蛋煎韭菜盒Deep-Fried Shrimps and Chive Dumplings(37)冬菜牛肉肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Minced Beef and Preserved Vegetables (38)冻马蹄糕Water Chestnut Jelly Cake(39)豆浆Soybean Milk(40)豆沙包Steamed Bun Stuffed with Red Bean Paste(41)豆沙锅饼Pan-fried Red Bean Paste Pancake(42)豆沙粽子Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Red Bean Paste Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves (43)翡翠培根炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Bacon and Mixed Vegetables(44)翡翠烧麦Steamed Vegetable Dumplings(45)翡翠水饺Spinach and Meat Dumpling(46)蜂巢炸芋头Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings(47)蜂蜜龟苓糕Chilled Herbal Jelly Served with Honey(48)凤城煎鱼脯Fried Fish and Egg(49)干炒牛河Dry-fried Rice Noodle and Sliced Beef (50)高汤鸡丝面Noodles in Shredded Chicken Soup蔬菜类部分:(1)XO酱炒海茸百合Sauteed Lily and Green Vegetable in XO Sauce (2)百合炒南瓜Sauteed Pumpkin with Lily(3)板栗白菜Sauteed Chinese Cabbage with Chestnuts (4)白灼时蔬Boiled Seasonal Vegetables(5)炒芥兰Sauteed Kale(6)炒生菜Sauteed Lettuce(7)炒时蔬Sauteed Seasonal Vegetables(8)豉汁凉瓜皮Sauteed Bitter Gourd Peel in Black Bean Sauce (9)葱香荷兰豆Sauteed Snow Beans with Scallion(10)翠豆玉米粒Sauteed Green Peas and Corn(11)冬菇扒菜心Braised Vegetables with Black Mushroom(12)豆豉鲮鱼油麦菜Sauteed Vegetable with Diced Fish and Black Bean Sauce (13)干贝扒芦笋Braised Asparagus with Scallops(14)干煸苦瓜Sauteed Bitter Gourd(15)海茸墨鱼花Sauteed Diced Squid and Green Vegetables(16)蚝皇扒双蔬Braised Seasonal Vegetables in Oyster Sauce(17)蚝油扒时蔬Braised Vegetables in Oyster Sauce(18)蚝油生菜Sauteed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce(19)红烧毛芋头Braised Taro in Soy Sauce(20)红枣蒸南瓜Steamed Pumpkin with Red Chinese Dates(21)猴头蘑扒菜心Braised Vegetable with Mushrooms(22)虎皮尖椒Sauteed Green Chili Pepper(23)琥珀香芹炒藕粒Sauteed Diced Lotus Root with Celery and Walnuts (24)黄耳浸白玉条Simmered Winter Melon with Yellow Fungus(25)黄金玉米Sauteed Sweet Corn with Salty Egg Yolk(26)火腿炒蚕豆Sauteed Broad Beans with Ham(27)鸡汤竹笙浸时蔬Sauteed Bamboo Shoots(28)姜汁炒时蔬Sauteed Seasonal Vegetables in Ginger (29)椒盐茄子丁Deep Fried Diced Eggplant with Spicy Salt (30)辣椒炝时蔬Sauteed Vegetables with Chili Pepper中国酒部分:(1)8年香雕绍兴酒Xiang Diao Shao Xing (8 Years)(2)陈年彩坛花雕Cai Tan Hua Diao(3)5年香雕绍兴酒Xiang Diao Shao Xing (5 Years)(4)绍兴花雕10年Shao Xing Hua Diao (10 Years)(5)绍兴花雕20年Shao Xing Hua Diao (20 Years)(6)绍兴花雕及清酒Shao Xing Hua Diao & Sake(7)三十年花雕Hua Diao Shao Xing (30 Years)(8)绍兴加饭Shao Xing Jia Fan(9)女儿红12年Nu'er Hong (12 Years)(10)女儿红18年Nu'er Hong (18 Years)(11)古越龙山Gu Yue Long Shan白酒类:(12)北京醇Bei Jing Chun(13)二锅头Er Guo Tou(Superior500ml 56°)(14)精装二锅头52度Hong Xing Er Guo Tou(500ml 52°)(15)古钟二锅头Gu Zhong Er Guo Tou(500ml 46°)(16)蓝花珍品二锅头Lan Hua Zhen Pin Er Guo Tou(17)红星珍品二锅头(500毫升52度)Red Star Zhenpin Er Guo Tou(500ml 52°)(18)牛栏山经典二锅头(500毫升52度)Niulanshan Brand Jingdian Erguotou (500ml 52°)(19)青瓷珍品二锅头Qing Ci Zheng Pin Er Guo Tou(500ml 46°)(20)京酒38度Jing Jiu(500ml 38°)(21)三品京酒(500毫升38度)San Pin Jing Jiu (500ml 38°)(22)三品京酒(500毫升52度)San Pin Jing Jiu (500ml 52°)(23)酒鬼38度Jiu Gui(500ml 38°)(24)酒鬼52度Jiu Gui(500ml 52°)(25)小酒鬼(250ml)Xiao Jiu Gui(250ml 38°)(26)国酿(贵州茅台系列)Guo Niang (Mao Tai Liquor Series)(27)茅台38度Mao Tai(500ml 38°)(28)茅台53度Mao Tai(500ml 53°)(29)茅台(三十年)Mao Tai (30 years)(30)茅台(十五年)Mao Tai (15 years)猪肉类部分:(1)白菜豆腐焖酥肉Braised Sliced Pork with Bean Curd and Chinese Cabbage (2)鲍鱼红烧肉Braised Pork with Small Abalone(3)鲍汁扣东坡肉Braised Pork with Abalone Sauce(4)百页结烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sliced Beancurd with Brown Sauce (5)碧绿叉烧肥肠Steamed Rice Rolls with Barbecued Pork Intestine and Vegetables (6)潮式椒酱肉Fried Pork with Chili Sauce Chaozhou Style(7)潮式凉瓜排骨Spareribs with Bitter Gourd Chaozhou Style(8)豉油皇咸肉Steamed Pork with Soy Sauce(9)川味小炒Sautéed Shredded Pork(Carrots,Bamboo and Mushrooms)with Hot Sauce (10)地瓜烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potato(11)东坡方肉Braised Dongpo Pork(12)冬菜扣肉Braised Sliced Pork with Preserved Vegetables in Casserole(13)方竹笋炖肉Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots(14)干煸小猪腰Fried Pig's Kidney with Onion(15)干豆角回锅肉Sauteed Spicy Pork with Dry Bean(16)干锅排骨鸡Braised Sparerib and Chicken in Clay Pot(17)咕噜肉Stewed Sweet and Sour Pork(18)怪味猪手Braised Spicy Trotters(19)黑椒焗猪手Fried Trotters with Black Pepper(20)红烧狮子头Stewed Meatball with Brown Sauce(21)脆皮乳猪Crispy Suckling Pigs(22)回锅肉片Sauteed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chilli(23)火爆腰花Stir-Fried Pork Kidney(24)煎猪柳Pan-Fried Pork Fillet(25)酱烧骨Braised Spare Ribs with Spicy Sauce(26)酱猪手Braised Trotters with Soy Bean Paste(27)椒盐肉排Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt(28)椒盐炸排条Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt(29)金瓜东坡肉Braised Pork with Melon(30)金元鲍红烧肉Braised Pork with Small Abalone(31)京酱肉丝Sauteed Shredded Pork with Sweet-Bean Sauce情感语录1.爱情合适就好,不要委屈将就,只要随意,彼此之间不要太大压力2.时间会把最正确的人带到你身边,在此之前,你要做的,是好好的照顾自己3.女人的眼泪是最无用的液体,但你让女人流泪说明你很无用4.总有一天,你会遇上那个人,陪你看日出,直到你的人生落幕5.最美的感动是我以为人去楼空的时候你依然在6.我莫名其妙的地笑了,原来只因为想到了你7.会离开的都是废品,能抢走的都是垃圾8.其实你不知道,如果可以,我愿意把整颗心都刻满你的名字9.女人谁不愿意青春永驻,但我愿意用来换一个疼我的你10.我们和好吧,我想和你拌嘴吵架,想闹小脾气,想为了你哭鼻子,我想你了11.如此情深,却难以启齿。



部门:总经理办公室General Manager ’s Office 前台 (F/O) Front Office培训部 TraingD.餐饮部 (F/B) Food and BeverageD.客房部 (HSKP)Housekeeping采购部 PurchasingD.xx 部 RecreationD.工程部 (ENG) EngineeringD.保安部 (SEC)SecurityD.人力资源部 Human ResourcesD.销售部 SalesD.公关部 Public RelationsD.商场 Shopping Arcade财务部 FinancialD.员工食堂 Staff Canteen洗衣房 LaundryD.general manager 总经理executive office 行政办director of executive office 行政办主任 executive secretary行政办秘书 n 行李主管 chief operator 电话总机主管restaurant supervisor 餐厅主管restaurant captain 餐厅开单员 information clerk 问讯员restaurant&kitchencoordinator[ko' ?rdn,et? 协调 ]餐厅划菜员 hostess 餐厅迎接员kitchen waiter 传菜员executive chef 行政总厨head chef 厨师长cook 炉灶厨师butcher ['but ??]切配厨师cold kitchen cook 冷盘配菜员 chef 西餐厨师 bartender 酒吧调酒师baker 面包房操作工pastry ['pestr ?] cook 点心工 steward 餐具管事 dishwasher 洗碟工grill chef 厨房烧烤工food hygiene['ha?d?in]食品检验员 senior supervisor 资深主管 floor butler 客房楼面值班员gymnasium [d??m'nez??m] attendant 康乐服务员 recreation center 康乐中心 sauna ['saun?] attendant 桑拿服务员 swimming pool attendant 游泳池服务员beautician[bju't ???n]美容师 barber 理发员 masseur[m? 's?]masseuse[m?'s?z] 按摩员男女 presser 熨烫工washer 洗涤工 delivery boy/mail 客衣收发员 financial controller 财务经理accounting clerk 总帐报表员 chief accountant 财务主管 payable/receivable clerk 往来结算员 propertycontrol 财产核算员 costcontrol 工资核算员 purchasing manager 采购经理food storeroom supervisor 食品采保主管food buyer 食品采购员 food receiver 食品验收员 freshfoodstore-man 海鲜保管员 dryfoodstore-man 食品干货保管员payroll master 劳资员 trainer 培训员 personnelassistant人事员staffcanteensupervisor 员工食堂主管chiefsecurityofficer 保卫部经理 securityoffice 保卫员 director of fire center 消防中心主任 fireman 消防员 guard 门卫 patroller 巡逻员 chief engineer 工程部经理 air-conditioning man 空调工 mechanician 机修工 plumber 水电维修工 lift man电梯工 key keeper 钥匙 boilerman 锅炉工 carpetman 地毯墙纸acorn ['ek?rn] squash 小青南瓜 Squash(pumpkin)南瓜 Asparagus芦笋 Baby corn 玉米尖 Sweet corn 玉米 Beet 甜菜 Broccoli 绿花菜 chard 甜菜 Bittermelon 苦瓜Courgette[ku?'?et] 小胡瓜 ,绿皮番瓜 (不可生食 )Beansprout[spraut]绿豆芽Coriander [.k?ri'? nd?]香菜 CucumberCelery芹菜 Celerystalk 芹菜梗Cauliflower 白花菜 Carrot 胡萝卜 Cabbage卷心菜 Chilly 辣椒 Red cabbage紫色包心菜 Chives Flower韭菜花 shallot [??'l ɑt]葱 Garlic 大蒜 Ginger(root )Spring onions 小葱( scallion ['sk? lj?n]大葱或 green onion 青葱)葱 Green Pepper青椒Onion 洋葱 Tomato 蕃茄 radish 白萝卜 Spinach菠菜 Potato 马铃薯 Sweet potato 红薯(红苕) Lotus root 莲藕 Eggplant茄子 Zucchini美洲南瓜(西葫芦)Mushroom 洋菇 Watercress 西洋菜豆瓣菜 lima bean 马豆(菜)青豆姜Mustard['m ?st?d] 芥菜 Pea 豌豆Red pepper 红椒 Iceberg 卷心莴苣 Yellow pepper 黄椒黄瓜 Lettuce 生菜Stringbean(greenbean)四季豆 romaine[.r?u'mein] (长叶子)莴苣Okra ['?ukr?]秋葵 yam 山药 Taro ['tɑ:r?u]芋头水果类 (fruits):apple 苹果 peach 桃子 Lemon 柠檬 Pear 梨子 avocado[.? v?'kɑ:d?u]xx 梨A.cantaloupe(美国)香瓜 Bana 香蕉 Grape 葡萄 raisins 葡萄干 plum 李子apricot['eiprik ?t] 杏子 almond[' ɑ:m?nd]杏仁 nectarine['nekt ?rin] 油桃 honeydew['h ?nidju](melon) 哈密瓜orange 橙子 paya 木瓜 tangerine['t? nd??.ri:n] 橘子 guava['gwɑ:v?]番石榴 Goldenapple 黄绿苹果、脆甜 Grannysmith 绿苹果 Mclntosh['m? kint??]麦金托什红苹果 conut 椰子 nut 核果 ,坚果 Strawberry 草莓 prunes[pru:ns]干梅子 blueberry 乌饭果 (蓝莓 )cranberry 酸莓 raspberry['r ɑ:zb?ri] (覆盆子)山霉 Mango 芒果 fig 无花果 pineapple 菠萝 Kiwi 奇异果(弥猴桃) Starfruit 杨桃 Cherry 樱桃 watermelon 西瓜 grapefruit 柚子 lime 酸橙 Date 枣子 lychee 荔枝 Grapefruit 葡萄柚 Coconut 椰子 arbutus 杨梅 sugarcane甘蔗berry 浆果 betelnut['bi:tl.n ?t] 槟榔 blackberry 黑莓 cumquat['k?mkw?t] 金桔 durian['dju ?ri?n]榴莲filbert['filb ?t] 榛子开心果 pomegranate['p?mgr? nit] 石榴 pomelo['p?mil?u]柚子rambutan[r? m'bu:t?n]红毛丹 walnut 核桃( chinesewalnut 山核桃) watercaltrop['k? ltr ?p]菱角water-chestnut 马蹄 wild peach 毛桃1.What kind of food do you prefer ?2.Do you like Chinese food?3.What kind of food do you like,Chinese or American?4.Would you tell me where the Chinese restaurant is?5.Do you know where I can get a quick snack?6.What would you have for dinner ?7.What would you like to order ?8.Have you ordered yet?9.No,not yet,I am waiting for a friend.I will order later.11.What's your today’ s?special12.I would like to have something simple.13.What will you have for dessert?14.We are in a hurry.15.Please rush your orders.16.The beefsteak is very good today.17.I will take the beefsteak.18.How would you like to have beefsteak,well-done or rare?19.I would like my beefsteak well done.20.How about a drink?(1)X.O.炒萝卜糕Turnip Cake with XO Sauce( 2)八宝饭Eight Treasure Rice( 3)白粥Plain Rice Porridge(4)XO酱 xx 蛋炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Assorted Seafood in XO Sauce( 5)xx 丝金菇焖伊面Stir-fried Noodles with Mushrooms and Shredded Abalone (6)xxxx 烩饭Boiled Seafood and Rice with Abalone Sauce(7)xxxx 面Seafood Noodles with Abalone Sauce(8)xx 炒肝Stir-fried Liver Beijing Style( 9)xx 鸡汤馄饨Wonton in Chicken Soup(10)xx 炸酱面Noodles with Bean Paste( 11)碧绿鲜虾肠粉Fresh Shrimps in Rice Flour Noodles with Vegetables(12)冰糖 xx 炖 xxStewed Sweet Pear with White Fungus( 13)菜脯叉烧肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Preserved Vegetables( 14)菜盒子Stir-fried Crispy Cake Stuffed with Vegetable( 15)菜肉大馄饨Pork and Vegetable Wonton( 16)菜肉饺子Dumplings Stuffed with Minced Pork and Vegetable( 17)参吧素菜卷Sweet Dumplings Stuffed with Cream and Mixed Fruits( 18)草菇牛肉肠粉Steamed Rice Noodle Rolls with Mushrooms and Minced Beef ( 19)叉烧包Barbecued Pork Bun( 20)叉烧焗餐包Barbecued Pork Dumpling( 21)叉烧酥Cake with Barbecued Pork( 22)炒河粉Sauteed Rice Noodles( 23)炒面Sauteed Noodles with Vegetables(24)xx 豆沙Minced Red Bean Paste with Orange Peel ( 25)豉油蒸肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Black Bean Sauce (26)豉汁蒸 xxSteamed Chicken Feet with Black Bean Sauce ( 27)豉汁蒸排骨Steamed Spare Ribs with Black Bean Sauce ( 28)春菇烧麦Steamed Dumplings Stuffed with Mushroom (30)葱油拌面(31)葱油饼Fried Chive Cake( 32)葱油煎饼Pancake with Scallions( 33)脆皮春卷Crispy Spring Roll( 34)脆炸芋头糕Taro Cake with Preserved Pork( 35)担担面Sichuan Flavor Noodle( 36)蛋煎韭菜盒Deep-Fried Shrimps and Chive Dumplings( 37)冬菜牛肉肠粉Steamed Rice Rolls with Minced Beef and Preserved Vegetables( 38)冻马蹄糕Water Chestnut Jelly Cake( 39)豆浆Soybean Milk( 40)豆沙包Steamed Bun Stuffed with Red Bean Paste( 41)豆沙锅饼Pan-fried Red Bean Paste Pancake( 42)豆沙粽子Glutinous Rice Stuffed with Red Bean Paste Wrapped in Bamboo Leaves( 43)翡翠培根炒饭Stir-fried Rice with Bacon and Mixed Vegetables ( 44)翡翠烧麦Steamed Vegetable Dumplings( 45)翡翠水饺Spinach and Meat Dumpling( 46)蜂巢炸芋头Deep-Fried Taro Dumplings( 47)蜂蜜龟苓糕Chilled Herbal Jelly Served with Honey(48)xx 煎鱼脯Fried Fish and Egg(49)干炒 xxDry-fried Rice Noodle and Sliced Beef(50)xx 鸡丝面Noodles in Shredded Chicken Soup蔬菜类部分:( 1)XO酱炒海茸百合Sauteed Lily and Green Vegetable in XO Sauce ( 2)百合炒 xxSauteed Pumpkin with Lily( 3)板栗白菜Sauteed Chinese Cabbage with Chestnuts(4)xx 时蔬Boiled Seasonal Vegetables( 5)炒芥兰Sauteed Kale( 6)炒生菜Sauteed Lettuce( 7)炒时蔬Sauteed Seasonal Vegetables( 8)豉汁凉瓜皮Sauteed Bitter Gourd Peel in Black Bean Sauce(9)葱香 xxSauteed Snow Beans with Scallion(10)xxxxSauteed Green Peas and Corn( 11)冬菇扒菜心Braised Vegetables with Black Mushroom( 12)豆豉鲮鱼油麦菜Sauteed Vegetable with Diced Fish and Black Bean Sauce ( 13)干贝扒芦笋Braised Asparagus with Scallops( 14)干煸苦瓜Sauteed Bitter Gourd( 15)海茸墨鱼花Sauteed Diced Squid and Green Vegetables( 16)蚝皇扒双蔬Braised Seasonal Vegetables in Oyster Sauce ( 17)蚝油扒时蔬Braised Vegetables in Oyster Sauce( 18)蚝油生菜Sauteed Lettuce in Oyster Sauce( 19)红烧 xx 芋头Braised Taro in Soy Sauce(20)红枣蒸 xxSteamed Pumpkin with Red Chinese Dates( 21)猴头蘑扒菜心Braised Vegetable with Mushrooms( 22)虎皮尖椒Sauteed Green Chili Pepper( 23)琥珀 xx 炒藕粒Sauteed Diced Lotus Root with Celery and WalnutsSimmered Winter Melon with Yellow Fungus (25)黄金 xxSauteed Sweet Corn with Salty Egg Yolk ( 26)火腿炒蚕豆Sauteed Broad Beans with Ham( 27)鸡汤竹笙浸时蔬Sauteed Bamboo Shoots(28)xx 炒时蔬Sauteed Seasonal Vegetables in Ginger ( 29)椒盐茄子 xxDeep Fried Diced Eggplant with Spicy Salt ( 30)辣椒炝时蔬Sauteed Vegetables with Chili Pepperxx酒部分:(1)8 年香雕 xxXiang Diao Shao Xing(8 Years)( 2)xx 彩坛花雕Cai Tan Hua Diao(3)5 年香雕 xxXiang Diao Shao Xing(5 Years)Shao Xing Hua Diao(10 Years)(5)xx 花雕 20 年Shao Xing Hua Diao(20 Years)( 6)xx 花雕及清酒Shao Xing Hua Diao & Sake( 7)三十年花雕Hua Diao Shao Xing(30 Years)(8)xx 加饭Shao Xing Jia Fan( 9)女儿红 12 年Nu'er Hong( 12 Years)( 10)女儿红 18 年Nu'er Hong( 18 Years)(11)xxxxGu Yue Long Shan白酒类:(12)xx 醇Bei Jing Chun( 13)二锅头Er Guo Tou(Superior500ml 56 )°( 14)精装二锅头 52 度Hong Xing Er Guo Tou( 500ml 52 )°(15)xx 二锅头Gu Zhong Er Guo Tou(500ml 46 )°( 16)蓝花珍品二锅头Lan Hua Zhen Pin Er Guo Tou( 17)红星珍品二锅头( 500 毫升 52 度)Red Star Zhenpin Er Guo Tou(500ml 52 )°( 18)牛栏山经典二锅头( 500 毫升 52 度)Niulanshan Brand Jingdian Erguotou(500ml 52 )°( 19)青瓷珍品二锅头Qing Ci Zheng Pin Er Guo Tou(500ml 46 )°(20)京酒 38 度Jing Jiu(500ml 38 )°( 21)三品京酒( 500 毫升 38 度)San Pin Jing Jiu(500ml 38 )°( 22)三品京酒( 500 毫升 52 度)San Pin Jing Jiu(500ml 52 )°(23)酒鬼 38 度Jiu Gui(500ml 38 )°( 24)酒鬼 52 度Jiu Gui(500ml 52 )°(25)小酒鬼( 250ml)Xiao Jiu Gui(250ml 38 )°( 26)国酿( xx 茅台系列)Guo Niang(Mao Tai Liquor Series)(27)茅台 38 度Mao Tai(500ml 38 )°(28)茅台 53 度Mao Tai(500ml 53 )°( 29)茅台(三十年)Mao Tai(30 years)( 30)茅台(十五年)Mao Tai(15 years)猪肉类部分:( 1)白菜豆腐焖酥肉Braised Sliced Pork with Bean Curd and Chinese Cabbage ( 2)xx 红烧肉Braised Pork with Small Abalone( 3)xx 扣东坡肉Braised Pork with Abalone Sauce( 4)百页结烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sliced Beancurd with Brown Sauce( 5)碧绿叉烧肥肠Steamed Rice Rolls with Barbecued Pork Intestine and Vegetables( 6)潮式椒酱肉Fried Pork with Chili Sauce Chaozhou Style( 7)潮式凉瓜排骨Spareribs with Bitter Gourd Chaozhou Style( 8)豉油皇咸肉Steamed Pork with Soy Sauce( 9)川味小炒Saut é ed Shredded Pork(Carrots,Bamboo and Mushrooms)with Hot Sauce ( 10)地瓜烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potato(11)xx 方肉Braised Dongpo Pork( 12)冬菜扣肉Braised Sliced Pork with Preserved Vegetables in Casserole( 13)方竹笋炖肉Braised Pork with Bamboo Shoots( 14)干煸小猪腰Fried Pig's Kidney with Onion( 15)干豆角回锅肉Sauteed Spicy Pork with Dry Bean( 16)干锅排骨鸡Braised Sparerib and Chicken in Clay Pot ( 17)咕噜肉Stewed Sweet and Sour Pork( 18)怪味猪手Braised Spicy Trotters( 19)黑椒焗猪手Fried Trotters with Black Pepper( 20)红烧狮子头Stewed Meatball with Brown Sauce( 21)脆皮乳猪Crispy Suckling Pigs( 22)回锅肉片Sauteed Sliced Pork with Pepper and Chilli ( 23)火爆腰花Stir-Fried Pork Kidney( 24)煎猪柳Pan-Fried Pork Fillet( 25)酱烧骨Braised Spare Ribs with Spicy Sauce( 26)酱猪手Braised Trotters with Soy Bean Paste( 27)椒盐肉排Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt( 28)椒盐炸排条Deep-Fried Spare Ribs with Spicy Salt( 29)金瓜东坡肉Braised Pork with Melon( 30)金元 xx 红烧肉Braised Pork with Small Abalone( 31)京酱肉丝Sauteed Shredded Pork with Sweet-Bean Sauce。



酒店中文菜单翻译大全(英汉对照)A《中文菜单英文译法》北京市人民政府外事办公室目录Table of Contents翻译的原则Principles of Translation中餐Chinese Food冷菜类Cold Dishes热菜类Hot Dishes猪肉Pork牛肉Beef羊肉Lamb禽蛋类Poultry and Eggs菇菌类Mushrooms鲍鱼类Ablone鱼翅类Shark’s Fins海鲜类Seafood蔬菜类Vegetables豆腐类T ofu燕窝类Bird’s Nest Soup羹汤煲类Soups主食、小吃Rice, Noodles and Local Snacks西餐Western Food头盘及沙拉Appetizers and Salads汤类Soups禽蛋类Poultry and Eggs牛肉类Beef猪肉类Pork羊肉类Lamb鱼和海鲜Fish and Seafood面、粉及配菜类Noodles, Pasta and Side Dishes面包类Bread and Pastries甜品及其他西点Cakes, Cookies and Other Desserts 中国酒Chinese Alcoholic Drinks黄酒类Yellow Wine白酒类Liquor啤酒Beer葡萄酒Wine洋酒Imported Wines开胃酒Aperitif白兰地Brandy威士忌Whisky金酒Gin朗姆酒Rum伏特加V odka龙舌兰T equila利口酒Liqueurs清酒Sake啤酒Beer鸡尾酒Cocktails and Mixed Drinks餐酒Table Wine饮料Non-Alcoholic Beverages矿泉水Mineral Water咖啡Coffee茶Tea茶饮料T ea Drinks果蔬汁Juice碳酸饮料Sodas混合饮料Mixed Drinks其他饮料Other Drinks冰品Ice翻译的原则一、以主料为主、配料为辅的翻译原则1、菜肴的主料和配料主料(名称/形状)+ with + 配料如:白灵菇扣鸭掌Mushrooms with Duck Webs2、菜肴的主料和配汁主料+ with/in + 汤汁(Sauce)如:冰梅凉瓜Bitter Melon in Plum Sauce二、以烹制方法为主、原料为辅的翻译原则1、菜肴的做法和主料做法(动词过去分词)+主料(名称/形状)如:火爆腰花Sautéed Pig Kidney2、菜肴的做法、主料和配料做法(动词过去分词)+主料(名称/形状)+ 配料如:地瓜烧肉Stewed Diced Pork and Sweet Potatoes3、菜肴的做法、主料和汤汁做法(动词过去分词)+主料(名称/形状)+ with/in +汤汁如:京酱肉丝Sautéed Shredded Pork in Sweet Bean Sauce三、以形状、口感为主、原料为辅的翻译原则1、菜肴形状或口感以及主配料形状/口感+ 主料如:玉兔馒头Rabbit-Shaped Mantou脆皮鸡Crispy Chicken2、菜肴的做法、形状或口感、做法以及主配料做法(动词过去分词)+ 形状/口感+ 主料+ 配料如:小炒黑山羊Sautéed Sliced Lamb with Pepper and Parsley四、以人名、地名为主,原料为辅的翻译原则1、菜肴的创始人(发源地)和主料人名(地名)+ 主料如:麻婆豆腐Mapo Tofu (Sautéed Tofu in Hot and Spicy Sauce)广东点心Cantonese Dim Sum2、介绍菜肴的创始人(发源地)、主配料及做法做法(动词过去式)+ 主辅料+ + 人名/地名+ Style如:北京炒肝Stewed Liver, Beijing Style北京炸酱面Noodles with Soy Bean Paste, Beijing Style五、体现中国餐饮文化,使用汉语拼音命名或音译的翻译原则1、具有中国特色且被外国人接受的传统食品,本着推广汉语及中国餐饮文化的原则,使用汉语拼音。



餐饮常用词汇中英对照糖sugar 盐salt 醋vinegar酱油soy sauce 青椒green pepper 油oil 胡椒pepper甜sweet酸sour 苦bitter 辣hot 咸salty 辣椒酱chili sauce纸巾paper towel 餐巾(口布)napkin 台布table cloth 碟dish 盘子plate饭碗rice bowl 筷子chopsticks茶杯cup 玻璃杯glass 托盘tray 烟缸ash-tray茶壶tea pot 刀knife 叉fork 勺spoon 牙签toothpick 水果盘fruit plate饮料beverage 食物food 啤酒beer 红酒red wine冰块ice rocksunny side up 单面荷包蛋over easy双面荷包蛋煎蛋fried egg炒蛋scramble eggs 煮蛋boiled egg 蛋卷omelet 番茄酱ketchup或tomato sauce 吸管straw 蜂蜜honeysoy-bean milk 豆浆syrup of plum 酸梅汤tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice 橙汁coconut milk 椰子汁asparagus juice 芦荟汁grapefruit juice 葡萄柚汁vegetable juice 蔬菜汁ginger ale 姜汁soft drink 汽水coco-cola (coke) 可口可乐sprite 雪碧tea leaves 茶叶black tea 红茶tea bag 茶包lemon tea 柠檬茶white goup tea 冬瓜茶soda water 苏打水ice water 冰水mineral water 矿泉水cocoa 可可coffee mate 奶精coffee 咖啡iced coffee 冰咖啡white coffee 牛奶咖啡black coffee 纯咖啡ice-cream 冰淇淋vanilla ice-cream 香草冰淇淋ice candy 冰棒milk-shake 奶昔pineapple 凤梨watermelon 西瓜papaya 木瓜betelnut 槟榔牛排与酒: breakfast 早餐lunch 午餐brunch 早午餐supper 晚餐late snack 宵夜dinner 正餐ham and egg 火腿肠buttered toast 奶油土司French toast 法国土司muffin松饼cheese cake 酪饼white bread 白面包brown bread 黑面包French roll 小型法式面包appetizer 开胃菜green salad 蔬菜沙拉onion soup 洋葱汤potage 法国浓汤corn soup 玉米浓汤minestrone 蔬菜面条汤ox tail soup 牛尾汤fried chicken 炸鸡roast chicken 烤鸡steak 牛排T-bone steak 丁骨牛排filet steak 菲力牛排sirloin steak 沙朗牛排club steak 小牛排well done 全熟medium 五分熟rare 三分熟beer 啤酒draft beer 生啤酒stout beer 黑啤酒canned beer 罐装啤酒red wine 红葡萄酒gin 琴酒brandy 白兰地whisky 威士忌vodka 伏特加on the rocks 酒加冰块rum 兰酒champagne 香槟中餐厅常用英语对话左left 右right 上up 下down 洗手间washing room 或toilet 电梯elevator楼层floor 一层first floor 二层second 三层third floor 四层fourth floor大堂(吧)lobby(bar)停车场parking 前厅部front office 商务中心business centre客房部housekeeping department 保安部security department 千岛湖thousand island lake温馨岛warm island 鳜鱼mandarin fish 鳊鱼bream 鲢鱼chub 石斑鱼grouper 棍子鱼yellowcheck carp 红烧鱼头stewed fish head with brown sauce1.good morning or afternoon or evening ,welcome to our Chinese restaurant!Do you have areservation?早上好,欢迎来到中餐厅!请问您有预定吗?2.this way please,sir or madam!这边请,先生或女士3.is this table all right?这张桌子可以吗?or near the window?或者靠窗边的位置!4.here you are the menu,please!sir or madam,这是菜单,先生或女士5.the waitress will take your order ! may I take your order now? sir or madam 服务员马上给您点菜,现在可以点菜了吗?先生或女士6.sorry to have kept your waiting 对不起让您久等了7.what kind of seafood do you prefer, A OR B sir or madam 你喜欢什么样的海鲜,先生8.would you like something to drink?。



餐饮部英语(一)基本词汇1、宴会厅banquet hall2、多功能厅multifunction hall3、酒吧bar4、早茶morning tea5、早餐breakfast6、午餐lunch7、晚餐supper8、正餐dinner9、自助餐cafeteria10、中餐Chinese food11、西餐western food12、工作餐duty meal13、工作早餐working breakfast14、主食/主菜main course15、陪衬菜side dish16、餐后甜点dessert17、零点 a la carte18、开胃小菜appetizer19、欧陆式continental20、东方的oriental21、黄油butter22、乳酪cheese23、干酪fondue24、圣代sundae25、主桌top table26、大浅盘platter27、筷架chopstick rest28、餐巾napkin29、餐巾纸paper napkin30、餐具tableware 31、托盘tray32、垫盘service plate33、调味瓶cruet34、酱油瓶soy saucecruet35、胡椒瓶peppershaker36、银器餐具silverware37、金器餐具gold ware38、不锈钢器皿stainlesssteel ware39、饭碗rice bowl40、甜食碗dessert bowl41、汤碗soup bowl42、果仁碟nut dish43、骨碟bone dish44、茶壶teapot45、茶杯tea cup46、茶碟saucer47、茶盘tea tray48、茶叶罐tea caddy49、牙签toothpick50、牙签筒toothpickholder51、公用勺servingspoon52、刀、叉knife53、牛奶壶milk jug54、香槟酒杯champagneflute55、白兰地酒杯brandysnifter56、啤酒杯beer mug57、牛油碟butter dish58、筷子chopstick59、餐桌装饰tabledecoration60、餐桌布置table setting61、菜单menu62、开瓶器bottleopener63、台布tablecloth64、餐盘plate65、台号卡place card66、调味碟relish dish67、醋瓶vinegarcruet68、芥末罐mustard pot69、盐瓶salt cruet70、吧匙(Bar Spoon)(二)烹调法1、烙的/烘的baked2、炸的deep fried3、煎的fried4、炒的saute5、烤的roasted /toasted6、烩的stewed7、煮的boiled8、炙烤的/扒的grilled9、焖的braised10、清蒸的steamed11、熏的smoked12、腌的pickled13、煨的simmered14、涮的instantboiled15、熬的decocted16、炖的stewed17、清炒的plain fried18、干炒的dry fried19、卤的marinated20、煮半熟的parboiled21、涂油烤的basted22、氽的quick-boiled23、红烧的braised withsoy sauce24、醋溜的fast-friedwith sweet and sour sauce(三)味道1、香fragrant2、甜sweet3、苦bitter4、辣hot5、脆crisp6、咸salty7、酥short8、肥rich9、酸sour10、鲜tasty11、浓thick12、腥fishy13、膻mutton aroma14、腻oily15、淡flat / light16、全熟well-done17、半熟/五分熟medium rare18、七分熟medium well19、三分熟rare20、一分熟blue rare21、老tough22、软soft23、硬hard24、生raw25、烫scalding26、温warm27、微温lukewarm28、焦scorching29、嫩tender (四)调味品1、芥末mustard2、醋vinegar3、蕃茄酱tomato sauce4、辣椒酱chili sauce5、黑胡椒black pepper6、咖哩粉curry powder7、味精gourmet powder 8、芝士粉cheesepowder9、千岛汁thousandisland dressing10、法汁Frenchdressing11、油醋汁vinaigrette12、糖sugar13、葱chive /green onion14、蒜garlic15、姜ginger16、韭菜leek17、茴香fennel(五)肉类1、肉丁diced meat2、肉片meat slices3、肉丝shreddedmeat4、肉馅meatstuffing5、肉末mincedmeat6、肉松pork floss7、牛肉beef8、牛柳tenderloin9、排骨rib10、肝liver11、腰子kidney12、蹄子trotter13、羊肉mutton14、牛肚/牛百叶ox tripe15、牛杂beef offal16、鸭掌duck web17、鸡翅chickenwing(六)水产1、鱼翅shark’s fin2、鱼肚fish maw3、桂花鱼mandarinfish4、石斑鱼grouper5、黄花鱼yellowcroaker6、鲨鱼shark7、墨鱼/乌贼cuttlefish8、鱿鱼squid9、章鱼octopus10、河鳗eel11、海鳗conger eel12、鲳鱼pomfret13、带鱼hairtail14、马鲛鱼Spanishmackered15、鳕鱼cod16、沙丁鱼sardine17、草鱼grass carp18、金枪鱼/吞拿鱼tuna19、比目鱼flatfish20、三文鱼salmon21、淡菜mussel22、河豚globefish23、黄鳝mud eel24、泥鳅loach25、海带kelp26、海胆sea urchin27、虾仁shrimp28、河虾river shrimp29、大虾prawn30、龙虾lobster31、海蛏razor clam32、虾蛄mantisshrimp33、海蜇jelly fish34、甲鱼turtle35、乌龟tortoise36、海螺conch37、蛤clam38、牡蛎oyster39、扇贝scallop40、鲍鱼abalone41、海参sea slug42、蟹crab43、蟹黄crab cream44、花蟹spotted crab45、青蟹green wrasse46、彩虹雕rainbow trout47、大闸蟹water crab48、蛋egg49、皮蛋preserved egg50、牛奶milk (七)干货与干果1、花生peanut2、笋干dried bamboo shoots3、莲子lotus seed4、香菇dried mushroom5、木耳agaric6、银耳white fungus7、干贝dried scallop(八)主食1、大米rice2、西米sago3、面粉wheat flour4、米粉rice flour(九)蔬菜1、青菜green vegetable2、黄瓜cucumber3、胡萝卜carrot4、萝卜radish5、蕃茄/西红柿tomato6、青椒green pepper7、洋葱onion8、西兰花/花椰菜b roccoli 9、洋芋/土豆potato10、莴苣lettuce11、蘑菇mushroom12、南瓜pumpkin13、茄子eggplant14、卷心菜/洋白菜cabbage15、豌豆pea16、蚕豆string bean17、竹笋bambooshoot18、芥菜mustard19、香菜coriander20、苦瓜bitter gourd21、冬瓜white gourd22、丝瓜towel gourd23、毛豆greensoybean24、芋儿/芋头taro25、藕lotus root26、芦笋asparagus(十)水果1、猕猴桃kiwi fruit2、番石榴guava3、苹果apple4、梨pear5、橙orange6、脐橙navelorange7、柑mandarin8、柠檬lemon9、青柠lime10、葡萄grape11、西柚子grape fruit12、柚子pomelo13、桃子peach14、草莓strawberry15、荔枝lichee16、龙眼longan17、菠萝pineapple18、芒果mango19、木瓜papaya20、西瓜watermelon21、樱桃cherry22、腰果cashew23、开心果pistachionut24、槟榔betel nut25、榴莲durian26、橄榄olive27、无花果fig28、柿子persimmon29、枣date30、杏apricot31、甘蔗sugar cane32、山楂haw33、核桃walnut34、椰子coconut35、阳桃carambola36、梅/李plum37、杨梅bayberry38、枇杷loquat39、荸荠waterchestnut(十一)茶1、浓茶strong tea2、淡茶weak tea3、红茶black tea4、绿茶green tea5、乌龙茶oolongtea6、茉莉花茶jasmine tea7、菊花茶chrysanthemum tea8、桂花茶osmanthus tea9、杏仁茶almondtea10、柠檬茶lemon tea11、人参茶ginseng tea(十二)果汁1、椰子汁coconutmilk2、橙汁orange juice3、矿泉水mineralwater4、百事可乐Pepsi5、可口可乐Coca Cola6、雪碧Sprite7、啤酒beer8、生啤draught beer9、葡萄酒wine10、威士忌whisky11、白兰地brandy(十三)点心1、中式点心Chinese refreshments2、咸点心salty refreshments3、甜点dessert4、春卷spring roll5、小笼包/包子steamed bun with stuffing6、豆沙bean paste7、肉粽meat dumpling8、稀饭porridge9、油条deep-fried dough stick10、烙饼pancake11、麦片粥cereal12、馄饨wonton13、饺子Chinese-style ravioli14、馒头steamed bun15、卤面brine noodle16、意粉spaghetti17、通心粉macaroni18、天妇罗tempura19、三明治sandwich20、松糕sponge cake21、汉堡包hamburger22、热狗hot dog23、牛角包croissant24、丹麦包Danish pastries25、奶黄包custard dumpling26、水果布丁fruit pudding(十四)咖啡1、黑咖啡(不加牛奶)black coffee2、白咖啡(加牛奶)white coffee。





1. 用餐前•Reservation:预订•Table for [number] people:[数字]个人桌•Menu:菜单•Specials of the day:今日特色菜•Can I see the wine list?:我可以看一下酒单吗?•May I have the lunch menu?:我可以要午餐菜单吗?•I have a reservation under the name of [name]:我有一个以[name]名字预订的座位2. 点菜阶段•Could I have the menu, please?:我可以看一下菜单吗?•What would you like to order?:您想点什么?•I’ll have the [dish name], please:我要[菜名]•Is that all for you?:您还要别的吗?•I’m allergic to…:我对…过敏3. 就餐阶段•Enjoy your meal!:祝您用餐愉快!•How is everything?:一切还好吗?•Can I get you anything else?:您还要别的吗?•The bill, please:买单4. 结束阶段•Please wait here for a moment:请稍等•Would you like to pay by cash or card?:您要付现金还是刷卡?•Here is your change:这是找您的零钱•Thank you for dining with us!:谢谢您光临!以上是一些餐饮服务中常用的英语用语和它们的中文翻译。




小器具刀/knife/ 叉/fork/ 勺/spoon/盘子、碟子/plate/ 托盘/server/汤碗/soup bowl/ 面碗/noodle bowl/咖啡杯/coffee cup/mug/ 玻璃杯/glass/牙签/toothpick/ 餐巾纸/napkin/夹子/bill clamp/ 刷子/blush/ 瓶起子/小器具小票/receipt/ 发票/invoice/收银机/cash register/ 吸管/sucker/吧台/bar counter/ 厨房/kitchen/ 菜单/menu/收银员/casher/ 零钱/change/ 小费/tip/现金/cash/ 信用卡/credit card/插座/outlet/ 地址/address/ 桌子/desk/table/味道甜的/sweet/ 苦的/bitter/ 咸的/salty/酸的/sour/ 辣的/spicy/ 热的/hot/冷的/cold/糖/sugar/ 盐/salt/ 芝士/cheese/黑胡椒/black pepper/ 番茄酱/tomato sauce/酱油/soy sauce/ 醋/acetum/其他登机口/boarding gate/ 廊桥/lounge bridge/登机牌/boarding check/ 护照/passport/经理/manager/ 服务员/waiter/waitress/洗手间/toilet/washroom/ 吸烟室/smokingroom/介绍/recommend/ 点餐/take order/打开/关上/turn on/off/ 窗边/by the window/其他一直往前走/go straight ahead/上楼/go upstairs/ 下楼/go downstairs/电梯/elevator/ 医务室/infirmary/餐厅/restaurant/ 便利店/store/警务室/The police office/点心(甜点)甜点/dessert/ 牛角面包/croissant/冰淇淋/ice cream/ 约翰丹尼/Jon Donaire/丹麦酥/danish/ 蛋糕/cake/ 蓝莓/blueberry/抹茶/matches/ 芒果/mango/ 提拉米苏/tiramisu/ 黑色林/black forest/ 哈根达斯/Haagen-Dazs/咖啡咖啡/coffee/美式咖啡/CaféAmericano/ 拿铁/Cafélatte/卡布奇诺/Cappuccino/ 意式浓缩/Espresso/榛果/Hazelnut/ 榛果拿铁/Hazelnut Latte/摩卡/mocha/ 果香摩卡/Hazelnut Mocha/玛奇朵/Machiato/ 焦糖/caramel/果汁果汁/juice/ 冰沙/smoothie/哈密瓜/Hami melon/ 西瓜/watermelon/橙子/orage/ 猕猴桃/kiwi/ 香蕉/banana/芒果/mango/ 草莓/straberry/ 樱桃/cherry/西红柿/tomato/ 火龙果/dragonfruit/榴莲/durian/ 菠萝/pineapple/ 木瓜/papaya/主食主食/staple food/ 三文治/sandwich/面条/noodle/ 焗饭/baked rice/意大利面/spaghetti/ 披萨/pizza/面包/bread/ 蔬菜/vegetable/ 汤/soup/火腿/ham/ 培根/bacon/ 鸡肉/chicken/牛肉/beef/ 牛扒/fillet steak/带位&点餐请问您几位/How many people of you?/您这边请/This way please/坐这里可以吗/How about this table?/请在这里排队/Please line up here/请小心、地滑/Please take care,its wet/这是我们的菜单/Here is our menu/可以点餐了吗?/May I have you order?now/您只有一位吗?/Just one person?/带位&点餐来一个XXX怎样?/How about XXXX?/ /Would you like to haveXXX?/ 劳驾,打扰一下/Excues me/我们有三款三文治/We have 3 kins of sandwich/还有其他吗?/Anything else?/And then?/我可以帮您吗?/Can I help you?/我给您重复一下订单/let me repeat the order for you/请您先买单/Please pay the bill first/一共是XXX钱/The money is XXXX/您能说慢一点吗?/Can you speak more slowly?/带位&点餐这是我们的招牌菜Here is our house specialty恐怕您要等5分钟There will be a wait of 5 minutes对不起今天没有XX。

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