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• • • • Meg March: The oldest March sister. Age: sixteen years old. She was very pretty and she loved pretty clothes.
• Jo March • The second-oldest March sister • Age: fifteen years old. • She was very tall and thin. • She was a tomboy.
Background Information
From the name of this book, can you guess its content or plots ?
Please read page 7 → About this Book
6. Who send the letter to Mrs. March?(P9)
Please choose the right word?
1. blue 2. shy 3. soft 4. blond 5. beautiful 6. tomboy 7. thin 5 • Meg was a ______sixteenyear-old girl with big 3 round eyes and ______ brown hair. 7 • Jo was tall and ______with pushed-back, red hair 6 and a true_______ at her heart.
Task 2 :Please review Chapter 1 in five minutes and answer the following questions
1. What is description of the four sisters?(P13) 2. What does “But we haven’t got Father” mean? 3. How much money do they have for present? 4. What does “she had a passion for book” mean? 5. What presents will each of them buy for their mom?
Ending: The Laurence boy.
Who is the Laurence boy?
What may happen between the Laurence boy and Jo?
Please read the next chapter!
学习新单词 (方向如下)
1888 (aged 56) Boston, U.S.
1832 Germantown,Pennsylvanian , U.S.
1. In 1852 , she published her first work. 2. In 1861, she went to Washington to work as a nurse during the American Civil War. 3. After the war, she spent a year in Europe. 4. In 1868, she published Little Women and have a great success. 5. In 1871, she wrote Little Men. 6. In 1886, she wrote Jo’s Boys.
Chapter 1 The March sisters
How did the sisters feel on the Christmas Eve?
And how do you think if you won’t receive any presents on your favourite festival?
Outline (大纲)
Chapter 1 The March sisters
Key words: the four sisters, presents
Beginning: They were complaining about the Christmas without any presents. Developing: The four sisters decided to buy presents for their mom. Climax: A letter from their father. Ending: Played songs and then went to bed.
Task 2 :Please review Chapter5 and answer the following questions
1. Why was Beth afraid to play the grand piano?
She was afraid of Mr Laurence .She knew that there was there was a grand piano in the library and she wanted to play it but she was too afraid to go to the house.
2. How did Mr. Laurence make Beth play the piano? He suggested the girls should come over and play the piano.
Put the sentences into right order.
1. Jo met Grandfather Laurence in the library. 2. Beth began to go over to the Laurences’ to the piano. 3. Jo went to visit Laurie.
Task 1 :Please review Chapter3/4 about Laurie, and answer the following questions
1. Where did Jo meet Laurie? the Gardiners' house/ party 2. Which of the following words can be used to describe Jo? ( shy lonely lovely talktive)
• Beth March: • The third March daughter • Age: thirteen years old • She was shy and live a happy world of her own.
• Amy March • The youngest March girl • Blue eyes and blonde hair
Extensive Reading
Reading makes a full man.
-- Bacon
Little Women 小妇人
About the Author
Louisa May Alcott
Born Died
Occupation Novelist Nationality American Period Civil war Notable Little Women work(s)
2 • Beth was thirteen years old and very _______.
4 • Amy was the youngest with ______hair and watery, 1 eyes. ______
Chapter 2 A Merry Christmas
The sister didn’t have breakfast on Christmas morning, but they still felt happy.
Do you think it is important to have a special meal in a big festival?
Task 3 :Please review Chapter 2 in five minutes and answer the following questions
迥异: 老大美格端庄美丽,勇敢追求真爱; 老二乔自由独立,渴望成为作家; 老三贝丝单纯善良,坦然直面死亡; 老四艾美聪慧活泼,希望成为一名上流社会的“淑女”。 尽管个性和理想各不相同,四姐妹却都怀有对家庭的眷念、对爱的忠诚以及对亲情的 依恋。 当南北战争愈演愈烈,宁静幸福的家庭转为支离破碎,四姐妹开始以理想为帆,各自 寻找起自己的命运…她们各自的命运将如何?请跟随作者来感受四姐妹对于家庭、爱 情以及理想的不同解读吧!
2、写一篇所学章节的读后感,以及阅读打卡 3、预习3-4章节

Reading Time/ 用时:
Self-assessment/ 自我评价: Notes/阅读记录:
What happens ?(事件) 1)新词汇/New words:
Chapter 2 A Merry Christmas
Beginning: The four sisters were waiting for their mom to have breakfast. Developing: They sent their breakfast to Mrs Hummels’ family who need help. Climax: They received a big surprise from Laurence.
3. Why should Laurie stay inside for a week? Because he is ill. 4. How did Jo get Laurie's attention when she wanted to help him? She threw a snowball at the window beside him.
4. Laurie opened his window and talked to Jo.
5. Beth sewed Mr. Laurence a new pair of slippers.
Beginning: Meg and Joe went to a party and met Laurie. Developing: Jo get Laurie's attention and Laurie invited Jo to his home. Climax: Mr. Laurence make Beth paly the piano and later Mr. Laurence gave a small piano as a surprise for Beth. Ending: They get along well with their neighbor.
Little Women
a warm story
No matter they are rich or poor , they would live together forever.
Before Reading
Task 1
Please complete the exercises in page 8 to 11
1. Who’s Hannah?(P17)
2. What’s Mrs. Hummel’s problem?(P17)
3. How many children has Mrs. Hummel got?(P10) 4. Why did they feel surprise when the play was finished? (P14) 5. Where did that come from?
2)佳句/Excellent sentences: 3)小段总结/ summary :
Chapter 3~5 The Laurence boy& Good Neighbors
When the lively Jo met the shy Laurie
Mother sends her love and Meg gave me this blancmange for you.