



大一思修期末考试选择题及答案一、哲学思维方法题1.“人类思维的本质是抽象的”这一观点,最早出现在以下哪位哲学家的著作中? A. 亚里士多德 B. 苏格拉底 C. 柏拉图 D. 泰勒多答案:C2.下列哲学思维方法中,属于演绎推理的是: A. 归纳 B. 实证 C. 理论 D. 反思答案:A3.下列谬误类型中,将已知条件应用于不适当的情况下构建推理的错误称为: A. 归纳谬误 B. 随意谬误 C. 非必然谬误 D. 混淆谬误答案:C二、伦理道德题1.以下哪个道德理论将个人行为的好坏与行为者的人格特征联系在一起?A. 职业伦理B. 伦理主义C. 美科尔伦理学D. 后时期康德伦理学答案:B2.关于实用主义的理解,以下选项中哪个是正确的? A. 衡量行为结果的功利主义观点 B. 衡量行为过程的道德观点 C. 衡量行为的动机和功利主义观点 D. 衡量个体的行为和动机的道德观点答案:A3.以下哪个是种族主义的反义词? A. 多元主义 B. 形而上学 C. 拜物教 D. 伦理答案:A三、政治经济思想题1.经济学中,对资源分配进行全面接管的经济系统是: A. 市场经济 B.社会主义经济 C. 资本主义经济 D. 混合经济答案:B2.以下选项中,哪个理论认为经济增长对于社会不平等造成的负面影响?A. 哲学B. 资本主义理论C. 结构主义理论D. 政治学答案:C3.以下哪个理论将个体的经济决策视为追求自利最大化的行为? A. 亚当斯密的激励理论 B. 凡尔纳的经济社会理论 C. 凯恩斯的总需求理论 D. 马克思的剩余价值理论答案:A四、科学技术与社会问题题1.以下选项中,哪个是科学与技术发展分析的重要工具? A. 社会学 B. 数学 C. 哲学 D. 心理学答案:C2.“科学技术对社会、经济和政治发展的影响”被称为: A. 科学伦理 B. 社会学 C. 科技伦理 D. 技术管理答案:C3.科学技术对社会产生的影响有两个方面,分别是: A. 积极和消极影响 B. 竞争和合作影响 C. 经济和政治影响 D. 社会和技术影响答案:A注意:本文档仅供参考,最终答案以考试为准。











专业心态测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 当你的工作受到批评时,你通常的反应是:A. 立即辩解B. 仔细听取并改进C. 感到沮丧,但不做任何改变D. 忽视批评2. 面对紧急任务,你会选择:A. 立即行动,尽快完成B. 先分析任务的难度再行动C. 推迟行动,等待他人帮助D. 完全不采取行动3. 团队合作中,你通常扮演的角色是:A. 领导者B. 执行者C. 协调者D. 旁观者4. 遇到问题时,你更倾向于:A. 独立解决B. 寻求帮助C. 避免问题D. 等待问题自行消失5. 你认为在职场中最重要的品质是:A. 诚实B. 勤奋C. 创新D. 团队精神6. 当你的意见与上司不一致时,你会:A. 坚持己见B. 尊重上司的决定C. 试图说服上司D. 保持沉默7. 在工作中,你更注重:A. 结果B. 过程C. 人际关系D. 个人发展8. 面对失败,你的态度是:A. 沮丧,放弃B. 接受,学习C. 忽视,继续前进D. 责怪他人9. 你认为工作中最有价值的是:A. 金钱B. 经验C. 知识D. 影响力10. 当你遇到工作中的挑战时,你倾向于:A. 逃避B. 面对并克服C. 寻求帮助D. 等待挑战消失二、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1. 专业心态是与生俱来的,不需要后天培养。

(错误)2. 在职场中,保持积极的心态是非常重要的。

(正确)3. 遇到问题时,应该首先考虑责任归谁。

(错误)4. 团队合作中,个人的贡献不重要。

(错误)5. 专业心态只与个人的工作表现有关。

(错误)6. 面对批评时,应该保持开放的心态,接受并改进。

(正确)7. 专业心态与个人的职业道德无关。

(错误)8. 工作中的挑战和困难是成长的机会。

(正确)9. 专业心态是个人职业生涯成功的关键因素之一。

(正确)10. 工作中的失败不应该被接受,应该被避免。

(错误)三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 请简述你认为的专业心态包含哪些要素?答案:专业心态通常包含责任感、诚信、团队合作精神、持续学习和自我提升、面对挑战的勇气、以及积极解决问题的能力等要素。



职业生涯复习题及答案一、单项选择题1. 职业生涯规划的首要步骤是什么?A. 自我评估B. 职业探索C. 职业定位D. 职业决策答案:A2. 职业兴趣测试的主要目的是什么?A. 确定个人能力B. 确定个人价值观C. 确定个人兴趣所在D. 确定个人性格特点答案:C3. 以下哪项不是职业发展的关键要素?A. 个人能力B. 市场需求C. 个人愿望D. 社会趋势答案:C4. 职业生涯规划中,SWOT分析的“T”代表什么?A. 优势B. 劣势C. 机会D. 威胁答案:D5. 职业生涯规划中,SMART目标设定法的“S”代表什么?A. 具体B. 可衡量C. 可达成D. 相关性答案:A二、多项选择题1. 职业生涯规划中,以下哪些因素对职业选择有重要影响?A. 个人兴趣B. 家庭背景C. 教育水平D. 社会网络答案:A, B, C, D2. 职业生涯规划的常见误区包括哪些?A. 盲目跟风B. 缺乏自我认知C. 忽视市场需求D. 过分依赖他人意见答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题1. 职业生涯规划是一个静态的过程,一旦制定就不需要再调整。

答案:错误2. 个人的职业目标应该随着个人成长和市场变化而不断调整。

答案:正确3. 职业生涯规划只对即将毕业的学生重要,对在职人员不重要。

答案:错误四、简答题1. 描述职业生涯规划的一般流程。


2. 简述如何进行有效的职业兴趣测试。






4.试论述如何培养平安快乐的心理。1-5C D A B C 6-10 B B A B A
2. “现代人”形象“明白人”形象“高尚人”形象





6、最大的骄傲于最大的自卑都表示心灵的最软弱无力。——斯宾诺莎 7、自知之明是最难得的知识。——西班牙 8、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 9、有时候读书是一种巧妙地避开思考的方法。——赫尔普斯 10、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人Байду номын сангаас话。——笛卡儿

6、黄金时代是在我们的前面,而不在 我们的 后面。


8、你可以很有个性,但某些时候请收 敛。

9、只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口 (蹩脚 的工人 总是说 工具不 好)。

10、只要下定决心克服恐惧,便几乎 能克服 任何恐 惧。因 为,请 记住, 除了在 脑海中 ,恐惧 无处藏 身。-- 戴尔. 卡耐基 。
Thank you







对上述行为的看法,你认为不正确的是A. 老师没有做到为人师表,应该当场向学生道歉B.要尊重老师、理解老师,谅解老师的一时过失C.小强应该遵守课堂纪律,虚心接受老师的批评D. 其他同学应该明辨是非,要敢于制止违纪行为5.竞争对手相互促进、相互提高,是竞争中合作的真谛。


为了帮助他,阳阳提出男女同学之间交往的建议,其中值得肯定的是①既要开放自己,又要掌握分寸②既要互相尊重,又要自重自爱③既要羞怯忸怩,又要处处设防④既要主动热情,又要注意方式、场合、时间和频率A. ①②③B. ①②④C. ②③④D.①③④7.《诗经》说:“谦谦君子,赐我百朋。



人生技能考试题及答案解析一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10题)1. 沟通时,以下哪种方式最能有效表达自己的观点?A. 直接打断对方B. 保持沉默C. 清晰、有条理地阐述D. 情绪激动地争论答案:C解析:有效的沟通需要清晰、有条理地阐述自己的观点,这样对方才能更好地理解和接受。

2. 在团队合作中,以下哪种行为是不利于团队发展的?A. 积极分享信息B. 相互指责C. 尊重他人意见D. 共同制定计划答案:B解析:相互指责会导致团队成员之间的信任破裂,不利于团队合作和团队发展。

3. 面对压力时,以下哪种应对策略是不恰当的?A. 进行深呼吸放松B. 逃避问题C. 寻求支持和帮助D. 制定行动计划答案:B解析:逃避问题并不能解决问题,反而可能使问题更加严重。

4. 时间管理中,以下哪种方法可以帮助提高效率?A. 同时处理多个任务B. 制定优先级C. 无计划地工作D. 长时间休息答案:B解析:制定优先级可以帮助我们集中精力在最重要的任务上,从而提高工作效率。

5. 以下哪种行为是尊重他人的表现?A. 背后议论他人B. 打断他人讲话C. 认真倾听他人意见D. 无视他人需求答案:C解析:认真倾听他人意见是尊重他人的重要表现,有助于建立良好的人际关系。

6. 在解决冲突时,以下哪种方法最有效?A. 避免冲突B. 攻击对方C. 寻求共同点D. 坚持己见答案:C解析:寻求共同点可以帮助双方找到解决问题的共识,是解决冲突的有效方法。

7. 以下哪种学习方式更有助于长期记忆?A. 死记硬背B. 机械重复C. 理解并应用知识D. 仅阅读不实践答案:C解析:理解并应用知识可以加深对知识的理解,有助于形成长期记忆。

8. 在面对失败时,以下哪种态度是积极的?A. 放弃尝试B. 责怪他人C. 反思并学习D. 忽视失败答案:C解析:反思并学习失败的原因,可以帮助我们从失败中吸取教训,是积极的态度。

9. 以下哪种方式可以提高决策的质量?A. 冲动决策B. 听取多方意见C. 仅凭直觉D. 拖延决策答案:B解析:听取多方意见可以帮助我们从不同角度考虑问题,提高决策的质量。




























CTE(Carnegie Technology Education)课程背景介绍

CTE(Carnegie Technology Education)课程背景介绍

CTE(Carnegie Technology Education)课程背景介绍该课程是由国际知名的卡耐基-梅隆大学计算机学院发展出来的。

卡耐基-梅隆大学的计算机科研和教学在全球一向享有盛名,其软件工程研究院主持开发的软件企业CMM能力成熟度模型(Capability Maturity Model)正成为全球通行的、评价软件开发企业能力的标准,在中国国内也正引起各家企业的重视。

卡耐基-梅隆大学计算机学院的课程多年来在全美最权威的《美国新闻与世界报道》(US News & World Report)大学排行榜上名列前茅,其毕业生深受业界欢迎,正是基于此背景和目前市场上对软件开发人员的大量需求以及互联网的普及为大众化教育提供了可能,卡耐基-梅隆大学于1999年1月正式开办了此项课程。


并由前计算机学院副院长费希尔博士(Dr. Allan Fisher)主持。







十门课程如下:·SSD1 Introduction to Information Systems (信息系统概论)该课程向学员介绍软件开发的基本概念和技巧。



人性智慧测试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 以下哪项最能体现人性的智慧?A. 暴力解决问题B. 以德报怨C. 逃避责任D. 欺骗他人答案:B2. 智慧的人在面对冲突时通常会采取哪种行为?A. 直接对抗B. 冷静分析C. 情绪失控D. 推卸责任答案:B3. 以下哪种行为不属于智慧的表现?A. 深思熟虑B. 冲动行事C. 善于倾听D. 乐于助人答案:B4. 智慧的人在团队中通常扮演什么角色?A. 领导者B. 跟随者C. 旁观者D. 破坏者答案:A5. 智慧的人在决策时会考虑哪些因素?A. 个人利益B. 他人感受C. 短期效果D. 长期影响答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)6. 智慧的人在处理人际关系时,会考虑以下哪些因素?A. 尊重他人B. 维护自身利益C. 公平公正D. 情感投入答案:A, B, C, D7. 以下哪些行为可以体现人性的智慧?A. 诚实守信B. 投机取巧C. 宽容大度D. 斤斤计较答案:A, C8. 智慧的人在面对困难时,会采取哪些行动?A. 逃避问题B. 积极寻找解决方案C. 求助于他人D. 放弃努力答案:B, C9. 智慧的人在沟通时会注意哪些方面?A. 语言表达B. 非语言沟通C. 倾听他人D. 忽视他人意见答案:A, B, C10. 以下哪些品质是智慧的人所具备的?A. 自私自利B. 好奇心C. 同理心D. 创造力答案:B, C, D三、判断题(每题1分,共5分)11. 智慧的人总是能够预见未来并做出最佳决策。

(对/错)答案:错12. 智慧的人在任何情况下都不会说谎。

(对/错)答案:错13. 智慧的人总是能够保持冷静和理智。

(对/错)答案:对14. 智慧的人不会犯错,因为他们总是正确的。

(对/错)答案:错15. 智慧的人在决策时会考虑所有可能的后果。





完美选择测试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是“完美选择”的反义词?A. 错误选择B. 一般选择C. 随意选择D. 必然选择2. “完美选择”通常是指:A. 唯一的选择B. 最佳的选择C. 随意的选择D. 不确定的选择3. 在以下情境中,哪个选项更可能被认为是“完美选择”?A. 匆忙中做出的决定B. 经过深思熟虑的选择C. 基于直觉的判断D. 被他人强迫的选择4. 如果一个人在多个选项中找到了“完美选择”,这通常意味着:A. 他没有其他选择B. 他做出了错误的选择C. 他找到了最佳解决方案D. 他没有做出选择5. “完美选择”在以下哪个领域最为重要?A. 购物B. 职业规划C. 娱乐活动D. 日常决策6. 以下哪个因素最可能影响一个人做出“完美选择”?A. 情绪状态B. 信息的完整性C. 他人的建议D. 个人偏好7. 在团队决策中,达成“完美选择”通常需要:A. 个人意见的统一B. 团队成员的分歧C. 领导的单方面决定D. 团队成员的共同讨论8. 以下哪个描述最符合“完美选择”的概念?A. 一个没有缺点的选择B. 一个符合所有人期望的选择C. 一个经过充分论证的选择D. 一个偶然做出的选择9. 当一个人面临多个选择时,他如何确定“完美选择”?A. 通过掷硬币决定B. 通过直觉判断C. 通过权衡利弊D. 通过随机选择10. “完美选择”在现实生活中的实现可能性是:A. 总是可能的B. 有时可能C. 几乎不可能D. 完全不可能二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. “完美选择”往往需要_________的分析和_________的判断。

12. 在面对复杂问题时,人们通常需要_________信息,以做出“完美选择”。

13. “完美选择”并不总是意味着没有风险,它更多地是指_________。

14. 在某些情况下,“完美选择”可能涉及到_________和_________之间的权衡。



成功心理学基础考试答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 成功心理学认为,成功的关键因素是什么?A. 智力B. 努力C. 机遇D. 家庭背景答案:B2. 根据自我效能理论,以下哪项不是影响自我效能感的因素?A. 个人成就B. 替代经验C. 言语说服D. 情绪状态答案:D3. 在目标设定理论中,哪种类型的目标被认为最有效?A. 具体且具有挑战性的目标B. 模糊且容易达成的目标C. 长期目标D. 短期目标答案:A4. 以下哪项不是成功心理学中提到的积极心态?A. 自信B. 乐观C. 悲观D. 坚韧5. 成功心理学中提到的“成长心态”是指什么?A. 相信能力是固定的B. 相信能力可以通过努力改变C. 只关注结果,不关注过程D. 只关注过程,不关注结果答案:B6. 根据成功心理学,以下哪项不是有效时间管理的策略?A. 设定优先级B. 避免拖延C. 多任务处理D. 定期评估进度答案:C7. 成功心理学认为,以下哪项不是建立良好人际关系的关键?A. 倾听B. 尊重C. 自私D. 诚实答案:C8. 成功心理学中提到的“心流”状态是指什么?A. 完全沉浸在一项活动中,失去时间感B. 感到焦虑和压力C. 感到无聊和不感兴趣D. 感到疲劳和想要休息答案:A9. 根据成功心理学,以下哪项不是应对压力的有效方法?B. 冥想C. 过度工作D. 社交支持答案:C10. 成功心理学中提到的“自我实现”是指什么?A. 达到个人潜能的最大程度B. 获得物质财富C. 获得社会地位D. 获得他人认可答案:A二、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. 描述成功心理学中提到的“目标设定”的重要性。


2. 解释成功心理学中的“自我效能”是什么,并说明它如何影响个人的成功。




决定命运的考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1. 决定命运的考试题通常指的是:A. 一次普通的期中考试B. 一次关键的升学考试C. 一次职业资格考试D. 一次驾照考试答案:B2. 以下哪项不是决定命运的考试题的特点?A. 影响深远B. 准备时间较长C. 考试难度适中D. 考试结果对个人未来有重大影响答案:C3. 决定命运的考试题通常需要:A. 临时抱佛脚B. 长期系统学习C. 依赖运气D. 依赖他人的帮助答案:B4. 以下哪项是准备决定命运的考试题时的常见策略?A. 熬夜学习B. 制定学习计划C. 只做模拟题D. 忽略基础知识答案:B5. 决定命运的考试题的考试结果通常:A. 仅影响个人短期发展B. 影响个人长期发展C. 只影响个人情绪D. 只影响个人社交答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 决定命运的考试题通常需要_________的准备。

答案:长期系统2. 决定命运的考试题的考试结果对个人_________有重大影响。

答案:未来3. 决定命运的考试题的准备过程中,_________是至关重要的。

答案:制定学习计划4. 决定命运的考试题通常_________影响深远。

答案:影响5. 决定命运的考试题的考试结果通常_________个人长期发展。

答案:影响三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 描述决定命运的考试题的特点。


2. 为什么说决定命运的考试题需要长期系统学习?答案:因为决定命运的考试题往往涉及大量的知识和技能,需要通过长期系统学习来掌握,以确保在考试中能够取得好成绩。

3. 决定命运的考试题的考试结果对个人未来有哪些影响?答案:考试结果可能会影响个人的教育机会、职业选择、社会地位以及个人发展轨迹。

4. 如何准备决定命运的考试题?答案:准备决定命运的考试题需要制定合理的学习计划,注重基础知识的掌握,进行大量的练习和模拟考试,保持良好的心态和健康的生活习惯。

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Take Assessment: Multiple-Choice Quiz 11. Which of the following must be obtained in order to publishinformation in the Web?I.Authorization to publish Web pages from the WWW organizationII. Certificate of accuracy of contents from ARPA(a) None(b) II only(c) I only(d) I and II2. A Web server and a Web client communicate usingthe _____ protocol.(a) FTP(b) URL(c) HTML (d) HTTP3. The Internet is(a) a worldwide computer network(b) a collection of HTML documents(c) an internal part of the World Wide Web(d) a system of computers built to support delivery4. Which of the following statements is (are) true about hyperlinks? I. Ethics dictate that typically, permission is required from the owner of a Web page in order to create links to theirsite.II. They will be displayed by default as green and underlined.(a) II only(b) I only(c) I and II(d) None5. Which of the following is not a valid URL?(a) .bell-labs.(b) ftp://fraser.corus.(c) http:/(d) 6. A Web site can be navigated using(a) a text editor(b) a Web browser(c) a Web server(d) an image viewer7.Which of the following is (are) true about publishing a Web page?I.The WWW committee must certify that all information is accurate. II. The WWW committee must certify that all information isup-to-date.(a) None(b) II only(c) I and II(d) I only8. The host name in a URL is typically(a) a series of words separated by slashes(b) an email address(c) http(d) a series of words separated by periods9. In the context of the World Wide Web, which of the following is true about a Uniform Resource Locator?(a) It describes how text in a Web page is to be formatted.(b) It sells customers connections to the Internet.(c) It allows Web sites to trace the geographical location of aclient.(d) It specifies the location of a Web page.10. Which of the following URLs refer(s) to the same location as theURL "/courses/index.html"?I./courses/index.htm II. /index.html(a) II only(b) I only(c) None(d) I and IITake Assessment: Multiple-Choice Quiz 21. Which of the following is a valid HTML tag that sets the size oftext characters?(a) <text font="size 5">(b) <size font="5">(c) <font size="5">(d) <size text="5">2. In HTML, an ordered list begins with the tag _____, and each item in the list begins with the tag _____.(a) <OL>, <LI>(b) <IT>, <OL>(c) <OL>, <IT>(d) <LI>, <OL>3. In HTML, the <HR> tag instructs a browser to(a) display a heading(b) shrink text(c) draw a horizontal line(d) align text to the right of the screen4. An ordered list in a correctly written HTML page is enclosed within tags(a) <li> and </li> and each numbered item is enclosed within tags<ol> and </ol>(b) <ol> and </ol> and each numbered item is enclosed within tags<li> and </li>(c) <li> and </li> and each numbered item is enclosed within tags<ul> and </ul>(d) <ul> and </ul> and each numbered item is enclosed within tags <li> and </li>5. Which of the following is a valid HTML segment that directs Web browsers to display green text?(a) <color green="true">Text</font>(b) <font color="green">Text</font>(c) <color font="green">Text</font>(d) <font green="true">Text</font> 6. An HTML document should begin and end with which pair of tags?(a) <doc> and </doc>(b) <html> and </html>(c) <page> and </page>(d) <p> and </p>7. Consider the following segment of HTML code.<a href="cnn.">CNN News</a> When the segment appears in an HTML document called links.html , the Web browser will(a) ignore the segment because the attribute value for href doesnot contain the sequence "://"(b) create a link to the file n. in the same directory as links.html(c) ignore the segment because the attribute value for attributehref is a relative address(d) create a link to the front page of the server n.8. Which of the following is an attribute (are attributes) of the HTMLtag <a>?I.HREF II. NAME(a) I only(b) I and II(c) II only(d) None9. Which of the following HTML tags is (are) typically found withintags <table> and </table>?I.<tr> II.<body> III. <td>(a) II and III only(b) I and II only(c) I and III only(d) I, II, and III10.Consider the following table. Which of the following HTML sequences can be used to lay out the preceding table?(a)<table><th> <tr>+</tr> <tr>0</tr><tr>1</tr> </th><th> <tr>0</tr> <td>0</td><td>1</td> </th><th> <tr>1</tr> <td>1</td><td>0</td> </th></table>(b)<table><tr> <th>+</th> <th>0</th><th>1</th> </tr><tr> <th>0</th> <td>0</td><td>1</td> </tr><tr> <th>1</th> <td>1</td><td>0</td> </tr></table>(c)<table><td> <th>+</th> <th>0</th><th>1</th> </td><td> <th>0</th> <tr>0</tr><tr>1</tr> </td><td> <th>1</th> <tr>1</tr><tr>0</tr> </td></table>(d)<table><td> <tr>+</tr> <tr>0</tr><tr>1</tr> </td><td> <tr>0</tr> <th>0</th><th>1</th> </td><td> <tr>1</tr> <th>1</th><th>0</th> </td></table>11. Which of the following is (are) true of GIF and JPEG compression? I.Both are image compression techniques. II. Neither technique results in loss of information.(a) I and II(b) None(c) I only(d) II only12. HTML files can be edited using(a) compilers(b) image editors(c) text editors(d) applet viewers13. In the context of HTML, Markup refers to(a) an increase in price.(b) defacing a document.(c) annotating text with tags that specify how it is to appear orfunction.(d) adding lines or curves to text.14. Which of the following statements is (are) true about Webbrowsers?I.The primary purpose of a Web browser is to execute Java programs. II. A Web browser can communicate using HTTP.(a) None(b) I and II(c) II only(d) I only15. Drawbacks of embedding many images in a Web page include whichof the following?I.Dramatically increased transfer time to fully display the Web page II. Dramatically increased storage requirements for the Webpage source(a) II only(b) I and II(c) None(d) I only16. Clicking a browser's View Source or View Frame Source or View Page Source menu option while viewing a Web page will cause the browser to display(a) the location of the Web server that hosts the page(b) the date when the page was last modified(c) the HTML page layout in a text editor(d) the HTML code for the page17. A link in a Web page is(a) the only part of the Web page which reacts once you click onit(b) any underlined word or group of words(c)always a reference to a different Web page(d) a picture or text that takes your browser to another location when you click on it18. The main reason to connect two pages in a large Web site via a hyperlink is(a) to avoid copyright violation(b) to avoid using excessive graphics(c) so you don't lose any pages(d) because a reader of one page may wish to refer to the other19. Which of the following are tags for changing the logical styleof text?I.<EM> and <CITE> II.<STRONG> and <SAMP> III. <B> and <I>(a) I only(b) III only(c) I, II, and III(d) I and II only20. What is the conceptual difference between logical and physical styles?(a) Logical styles are intended to be used for graphics , whereas physical styles are intended to be used for text.(b) Logical styles are intended to specify the look of content, whereas physical styles are used to specify the meaningof content.(c) Logical styles are intended to specify the meaning of content, whereas physical styles are used to specify the lookof content.(d) Logical styles are intended to be used for text , whereasphysical styles are intended to be used for graphics .Take Assessment: Multiple-Choice Quiz 31. Which of the following is (are) necessary for a radio button orcheckbox control in an HTML form to be considered successful? I.It must be checked or selected. II.The HTML FORM element in which it appears must contain at least one INPUT element with a type of hidden. III. The HTML element that defines it must set a value for theattribute named value.(a) I and III only(b) I only(c) II and III only(d) II only2. Consider the following URL, which corresponds to the submission of an HTML form./search?keyword=MCQ&course=SSD1According to the URL, the names of the two successful controls in the submitted form are(a) search and HTTP(b) search and GET(c) MCQ and SSD1(d) keyword and course3. The action attribute of an HTML FORM element determines(a) the network protocol used to submit the data of the form(b) a list of form controls to submit(c) the encoding standard used to encode the data of the form (d) the processing agent to which the data of the form is submitted4. A Java servlet is a program that typically runs inside which ofthe following?I.A Web server II. A Web browser(a) II only(b) None(c) I only(d) I and II only5. In HTML, which of the following is an attribute of the INPUT element that can be used to specify the initial value of a single-line text-input control?(a) value(b) initial(c) default(d) name6. Which of the following HTML INPUT elements will result in a checkbox that appears initially in a checked state?I.<input name='chkbox' type='checkbox'>II.<input name='chkbox' type='checkbox' value='checked'> III.<input name='chkbox' type='checkbox' value='checkbox' checked='checked'>(a) I, II, and III(b) III only(c) II only(d) II and III only7. Java servlets enable _____ content at the _____ of theimplementation of an application.(a) dynamic, client side(b) dynamic, server side(c) static, client side(d) static, server side8. Through a _____, Java servlets respond _____ to requests fromclients.(a) server-push mechanism, indirectly(b) Web server, indirectly(c) Web server, directly(d) server-push mechanism, directly9. Web servers typically use _____ to distinguish between requestsfrom multiple clients.(a) aliases(b) servlets(c) META tags(d) cookies10. Typically, a request from a client browser is forwarded to a servlet by a(a) cookie(b) response header(c) Web server(d) request header Take Assessment: Multiple-Choice Quiz 41. Consider the following class.public class AppletClass extends java.applet.Applet {public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)g.drawString("Welcome to Java!", 30, 30);}} Before compiling this class, the Java compiler requires that it be stored with which of the following names?(a) AppletClass.applet(d) Any filename with the extension ".java"2. In Java programming, a programmer creates _____ files, and thena compiler translates them to _____ files.(a) source, HTML(b) HTML, byte code(c) source, byte code(d) byte code, source3. When compiling a Java program that contains syntax errors, the compiler will always(a) fix the syntax errors and complete the compilation(b) fail to complete the compilation and report a guess of whatand where the errors are(c) ignore the syntax errors and create a compiled program withoutthe lines containing errors(d) fail to complete the compilation and report the exact location of each error4. When programming a Java applet, a programmer creates a(n) _____ file, which a Java compiler translates into a(n) _____ file.(a) source code, HTML(b) bytecode, source code(c) source code, bytecode(d) HTML, bytecode5. Upon compilation, the source code of a Java class MyClass will be stored in the file _____, and the corresponding byte code will be stored in the file _____.(a) MyClass.class , , MyClass.class(c) , MyClass.exe(d) MyClass.class , MyClass.exe6. Which of the following statements is true of the process of programming?(a) Most of the time spent in programming is usually spent planningthe solution to a problem.(b) The best way to program is to begin coding immediately, andthen to follow up by testing.(c) Programming is synonymous with coding.(d) Programming can be made easier by dividing a larger problem into smaller pieces.7. When a Java class is designed, which of the following is a part(are parts) of the planning stage?I.Deciding how to display the results II.Writing a problem definition III. Identifying the data needed to solve the problem(a) I and II(b) II only(c) I and III(d) II and III8. Programming involves four general phases that the programmer movesinto and out of during the development of a program. The order in which the programmer moves through these phases is generally which of the following?(a) defining/redefining --> planning --> implementing/coding -->testing/analyzing(b) There is no defined order. The programmer moves into and outof one of the various four phases as dictated by circumstance and situation while writing the program.(c) planning --> coding --> testing --> analyzing(d) planning --> redefining--> coding--> testing9. Of the following phases of programming, which is generally thephase on which most time is spent?(a) Coding(b) Planning a solution to the problem(c) Testing and evaluation(d) Defining the problem10. Valid Java comments include which of the following?I./* this is an /* embedded */ comment */II./* this is an // embedded // comment */III.// this is a comment */(a) I only(b) I and II only(c) I and III only(d) II and III only11. What is the name of the class whose definition is begun by thefollowing line?public class Hello extends Greeting(a) Hello(b) Greeting.Hello(c) Hello.Greeting(d) Greeting12. Which of the following is a Java statement that imports classesin the package java.sql?(a) import java.sql.all;(b) import all java.sql;(c) import java.sql.*;(d) import java.sql;13. The following is a Java program segment:public void paint (Graphics g){int x = 10;int y = 20;paintPicture( g, x, y);} public void paintPicture(Graphics g, int a, int b){g.setColor(;// more code follows}What will be the value of the parameter "a", in the methodpaintPicture when this code is executed?(a) 20(b) This will not compile. This is an error because the parameter"a" was never declared and never given a value.(c) 10(d) 014. Which of the following statements is (are) true about debuggingand testing servlets?I.After a change is made to a servlet, the servlet must be recompiled for the change to take effect. II. Modifying the parameters of calls to the method out.printlncan change the HTML in the response of a servlet.(a) I only(b) II only(c) I and II(d) None15. A Java servlet can be declared with the type of content it will produce, such as image/gif or text/html, by using a call to which of the following methods of HttpServletResponse?(a) setContentType(b) resetBuffer(c) addCookie(d) encodeURL16. Consider a Java source file that begins with the following line. import javax.servlet.http.*; In this file, which of the following lines of code can introduce a valid definition for a Java servlet class named Welcome?(a) public class Welcome extends HttpServlet(b) servlet class Welcome(c) public servlet Welcome extends HttpServlet(d) new Welcome extends HttpServlet17. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the Java APIdocumentation?I.Programmers can view it on the web. II. It consists solely of Java classes and methods.(a) II only(b) I and II(c) I only(d) NoneTake Assessment: Multiple-Choice Quiz 51. In Java, which of the following is true about constructors?(a) Constructors must be declared for every class.(b) Constructors can only accept primitive Java types asparameters.(c) Constructors cannot return a value.(d) Constructors can only return 0 or a negative integer.2. What operator is used to allocate storage for objects?(a) new(b) =(c) init(d) ==3. Which of the following variable names conforms to Java namingconventions?(a) fuelRemaining(b) FuelRemaining(c) AmountOfFuelRemainingInTheTank(d) fuel_remaining4. Which of the following is (are) consistent with Java namingconventions regarding capitalization? numPeople; Counter;III.class serviceElevator{}(a) I only(b) None(c) I and III only(d) I, II, and III5. If variable br references an instance of the, which of the following statements is a legal call to the method readLine of the class?(a) br(readLine);(b) br.readLine();(c) br.readLine;(d) readLine(br);6. Valid method definitions in Java include which of the following? I.public method myMethod() {} II.public void myMethod(int i) {} III. public void myMethod {}(a) II only(b) None(c) II and III only(d) I only7. Suppose you are given a class called List which has print as one of its methods and a correctly instantiated object called myList. Which of the following could be a valid call to the print method?(a) print.myList();(b) print(List);(c) myList.print();(d) myList.print;8. Which of the following method names adheres to the Java naming convention standards?(a) is_empty(b) IsEmpty(c) is-empty(d) isEmpty9. Consider the following Java code segment.public class IQ{public int getIQ(String s){ return 50;}} If object p is an instance of class IQ, which of the following is a Java statements that will not generate a compilation error?(a) int c = p.getIQ("alex");(b) String s = IQ.getIQ(p);(c) getIQ.p("bob");(d) IQ x = getIQ("chuck");10. Which of the following statements is true about methods in Java? I.Every method must be declared public. II.Every method must accept at least one parameter. III. Every method must return a value.(a) I, II, and III(b) II and III only(c) none of them(d) III only11. In Java, the initial values of method parameters are set by(a) arguments of the invoking message(b) access control(c) accessor methods(d) initialization statements12.Which of the following is (are) true of instance variables inJava?I.Their declarations must appear at the end of a class definition. II.Their declarations must appear outside of all method definitions. III. Instance variables must be declared.(a) I, II, and III(b) I and II only(c) II and III only(d) III only Take Assessment: Multiple-Choice Quiz 61. In Java, non-sequential execution of code is achieved by using _____ statements.(a) control(b) ordering(c) branching(d) concurrent2. Which of the following Java statements assigns the bigger of x andy to the variable max.I.if (x > y) max = x; else max = y; II.if (y - x <= 0) max = x; else max = y; III. max = x; if (x < y) max = y;(a) III only(b) I only(c) I and II only(d) I, II and III3. Which of the following data types is a Java primitive type?(a) class(b) void(c) applet(d) boolean4. The type of the number 2.0 in Java can be(a) double(b) int(c) boolean(d) Panel5. Each Java program is made up of _____ class.(a) exactly one(b) at least one(c) a constructor(d) at most one6. Which of the following is not a valid Java identifier?(a) 2square(b) money_bag(c) myName(d) value47. How many times will this loop execute?int y = 1; int i;for (i = 10; i < 0; i = i - 1)y = i + 2;(a) 9(b) 10(c) 0 The loop test is false because i is not less than 0(d) 118. When the following code segment is executed, how many times willthe string "Hello!" be printed?for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)for (int j = i; j < 6 - i; j++)System.out.print("Hello!");(a) 21(b) 36(c) 12(d) 119. What is the value of variable product at the end of any executionof the following Java program segment?int i = 3;int product = 1;while (i != 0) {product = product * i;i = i - 1;}(a) 1(b) 6(c) 0(d) 310. Which of the following Java constructs loop infinitely?I.while (true) i = 0; II.while (false) i = 1; III. while (!false) i = 0;(a) I, II and III(b) I only(c) III only(d) I and III only11. In Java, for primitives, the assignment operator is the symbol _____ and the equality operator is the symbol _____.(a) =, ==(b) :=, =(c) =, equals()(d) ==, =12. In Java, the operator "+" can be used for which of the followingpurposes? I.Addition of two integersII.Concatenation of two strings III. Addition of two floating point variables(a) II and III only(b) I only(c) I and III only(d) I, II, and III13. What is output when the following Java statement is executed? System.out.println(-5%-2);(a) 1(b) –1(c) 0(d) 214. Consider the following Boolean expression.!(!(a&&b)) For which of the following values of a and b, respectively, will the expression evaluate to true?(a) false, true(b) true, false(c) true, true(d) false, false15. The region of a program where a variable can be referenced is known as the _____ of the variable.(a) type(b) conventional space(c) scope(d) storage space16. Valid Java identifiers include which of the following?I._$4dollarII.$_4dollarIII.4_dollar(a) I, II, and III(b) None(c) III only(d) I and II only17. Which of the following is a method invocation that retrieves thefirst element from an instance of class java.util.Vector?(a) elementAt(0)(b) elementAt(1)(c) read(1)(d) read(0)18. Consider the following Java program segment.String a = "A";String b = "B";String c = "C";String d = "D";Vector v = new Vector();v.add(a);v.add(b);v.add(c);v.add(d);At the end of execution of the program segment, what value will be returned by v.elementAt(1)?(a) "C"(b) "B"(c) "D"(d) "A" Take Assessment: Multiple-Choice Quiz 71. If class A is a subclass of class B, which of the followingstatements is (are) true?I.All public data and methods of class B are available to class A. II. All public data and methods of class A are available to classB.(a) I and II(b) None(c) II only(d) I only2. In the following program segment, the call super(len,wid) invokesthe constructor for which class?public class CustomWindow extends MyWindow implementsActionListener{public CustomWindow(int len, int wid, Font ft){super(len, wid);}}(a) CustomWindow(b) Font(c) ActionListener(d) MyWindow3. Consider the following Java program fragment.import java.applet.Applet;public class Hello extends Applet {...}The fragment indicates that(a) Hello is a subclass of Applet(b) Hello is an instance of Applet(c) Applet is a subclass of Hello(d) Applet is an instance of Hello4. Which of the following kinds of relationships between classes does inheritance describe?(a) produces-a(b) has-a(c) uses-a(d) is-a-kind-of5. Consider the following Java code fragment where B is a Java class. Public class A extends B {}Which of the following is indicated by the code fragment?(a) Class B must also extend at least one other class.(b) Class A is a subclass of class B.(c) Class A must also extend class Applet.(d) Class B is a subclass of class A.6. Which of the following is true concerning the following exampleclass definition?public class Hello extends Applet { ...}I. Hello is a superclass of AppletII. Hello inherits from AppletIII.Hello is a subclass of Applet(a) II only(b) III only(c) II and III only(d) I and II only7. Consider a Java program that contains two classes, Programmer andPerson. The class Programmer is a subclass of the class Person, and both classes define a method sleep. Which of the following statements will be true about the program?(a) The method sleep of Person will override that of Programmerwhen the program is executed.(b) When the method sleep of Programmer is called, the method sleepof Person will be called first.(c) The method sleep of Programmer will override that of Personwhen the program is executed.(d) The program will not compile.8. Which of the following indicates that class Dog is a subclass of class Animal?(a) public class Dog imports Animal(b) public class Animal imports Dog(c) public class Dog extends Animal (d) public class Animal extends Dog9.Consider the following Java class definition.class A extends B { } According to this definition, which of the following statementsis (are) true? I. A is a subclass of B. II.B is a superclass of A.(a) I only(b) None(c) I and II (d) II onlyExam 1 Multiple-Choice1. A Web site can be navigated using(a) a Web server(b) a Web browser(c) a text editor (d) an image viewer2. A program that allows users to search for information on the Webis typically referred to as a(a) router(b) search engine(c) search client(d) Uniform Resource Locator3.A generally agreed upon rule as to how two computers will communicate with one another over the Internet is called a(a) protocol(b) server(c) filing rule (d) Web law4. Which of the following is (are) true about regulation ofinformation on the Web? I. The Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) ensures that thecontents of Web pages are accurate.II.The Web administrator regulates all of the content on the Web to ensure it is accurate.。
