West Law使用指南
Westlaw International 法律在线数据库检索指南1.主界面介绍进入Westlaw之后的界面可以分为三大部分,页面上部为导航栏,页面左侧为快速检索区,页面右侧为检索输入区。
1.1 上方导航栏上方导航栏共有六个标签,分别是:World Journals(期刊)、Federal(美国法律)、WLI General Subscription(所有内容)、Westlaw UK(英国法律)、Westlaw Australia(澳大利亚法律)、LawSource(加拿大法律)。
1.2 快速检索区快速检索区有两个检索项,即Find by citation和Search these databases。
如果知道文献的引称信息(citation),比如案例文献编号、法律条例编号等,可直接通过Find by citation查询。
不同类型的文献,其引称格式也不同,引称一般以该文献的出版物名称、卷、页码或年份、卷、出版物名称、页码的格式,如294 F SUPP 2D 132 、1999 1 AC 197。
如果您需要查询的数据库没有在当前的标签页列出,可通过Search these databases,在订购的所有数据库中查询,在检索结果列表中选择所需要的数据库进行检索。
1.3检索输入区系统提供两种检索方式,即“字词及连接符” (Terms and Connectors)和“自然语言”(Natural Language)。
二、国外法律案件查找软件概述1. WestlawWestlaw是由美国威斯特出版公司(Thomson Reuters)开发的一款全球知名的法律数据库。
2. LexisNexisLexisNexis是由美国LexisNexis公司开发的一款全球性的法律数据库。
3. Bloomberg LawBloomberg Law是由美国彭博公司(Bloomberg L.P.)开发的一款综合性的法律数据库。
Bloomberg Law具有独特的新闻资讯功能,能够为用户提供最新的法律动态。
4. HeinOnlineHeinOnline是由美国HeinOnline公司开发的一款在线法律数据库。
HeinOnline 的特色在于其丰富的历史资料,包括美国最高法院的判决书、各州法院的判决书等。
5. JustiaJustia是由美国Justia公司开发的一款免费法律数据库。
案例检索技巧美国案例非美国案例案例检索技巧●我想找AMD V. INTE L终审判决的case,请问怎么找?答:在找案例之前,应该先明确案例所属地区,如果是美国的案例,可以直接在WESTLAW NEXT NEXT首页搜索框中输入案例名称Advanced Micro Devices v. Intel Corp.,在出现的结果中有三个,分别是初审的District Court判决、上诉审的Court of Appeals判决以及终审的Supreme Court判决,点击最高院判决就可链接至终审判决原文。
如果所找的案例是其他国家或地区的,则需先进入首页上的International materials, 再选择相应的管辖区域输入案例名称进行检索。
●能不能检索到一个case的brief?答:大部分案例右上角有“brief it”按钮,点击后可以查看案例的brief。
另外,west headnote 之前的这一部分,是Westlaw Next的律师在阅读原始的案例判决之后总结出来的一些简单的案例摘要,基本上是一个小的case brief。
案例的head note 十分重要,是对该案例中所涉及的法律争点的一个总结和索引。
●案例中有大段的West Headnote讲的什么东西?答:West的专业编辑(律师)将案例中附有的相关评介的每个法律点都进行了分析和归类,并且增加了可供选择的查找连接词,使读者搜寻结果准确。
●如何使用KEY NUMBER?答:KEY NUMBER简称钥匙码检索法,每一个法律内容都有一个钥匙码对应。
由于,大部分学生不够了解钥匙码对应的内容,所以在KEY NUMBER这种检索方法中,我们推荐大家使用KEY SEARCH.KEY SEARCH可以进入WESTLAW NEXT独特的要点检索功能,按照要查找的内容方向,再选择相应的法律问题,然后选择合适的法律要点进入相应的数据库进行常规检索就好了。
二、美国法律案件检索工具概述1. Legal Information Institute(LII)Legal Information Institute(LII)是由Cornell Law School创建的一个非营利性组织,提供免费的法律信息资源。
2. WestlawWestlaw是美国最著名的法律数据库之一,由Thomson Reuters公司运营。
3. LexisNexisLexisNexis是美国另一家知名的法律数据库,由Relx Group公司运营。
4. Bloomberg LawBloomberg Law是由Bloomberg L.P.公司运营的法律数据库,提供美国各级法院的判决书、法律文献、法规、案例评论等,以及全球范围内的法律信息检索服务。
5. HeinOnlineHeinOnline是一家提供法律文献、案例、法规等资源的在线数据库,由HeinOnline公司运营。
三、美国法律案件检索工具的功能1. 案例检索美国法律案件检索工具可以方便地检索各级法院的判决书,包括联邦法院、州法院和行政机构的判决。
Terms and Connectors和 Natural Language的 区别
Terms and Connectors
Natural Language
语言风格 结果文件数量
复杂但精确,需要严格按照各连 简单,随意输入单词,词组或
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
关于Westlaw International
• Westlaw法律数据库是由汤森路透法律信息集团旗下美国West出版公司 于1975年开发的综合性法律、法规、旧事和公司信息平台
• 逾越27000个数据库, 1000余种法学专业期刊,普通数据库以每30分钟 一次的速度更新
• Westlaw现已成为全球运用量最多的法律检索在线数据库。在美国法学院 、律师事务所中的掩盖率简直高达100%,并普遍地被英国、加拿大、澳 大利亚、新加坡、马来西亚、香港地域的大学、政府机构、律师事务所 和企业所采用
两个字词之间间隔最多不超过n个字 breach /2 contract
+n 第一个字词必须在第二个字词之前n breach +2 contract 个字词范围内出现
% But not
文件中不可包含%后面的字词 euthanasia % suicide
WESTLAW使用方法简介WESTLA W是美国西方出版公司(west Publishing Company)开发的一项电脑辅助法律研究系统,现已在我系开通。
使用WESTLA W系统进行查寻,大致有三种方式:一是自然语言查寻法(Natural Language searching)。
该方法简称WIN,是WESTLA W is Natural的词头缩写。
如果您对如何使用WESTLA W不熟悉,或您知道与自己所研究的问题相关的概念,建议您选用这种查寻法。
二是EZ ACCESS 查寻法。
该方法是西方出版公司为使用者寻找WESTLA W上的文件而提供的一种"菜单驱动系统"。
对那些不熟悉或不常使用WESTLA W的人而言,EZ ACCESS是一种理想的查寻方法,因为它既不要求使用者具备经验,也不需要进行培训。
这种方法因为使用起来相当简便,因而对于那些有经验的WESTLA W使用者也同样有帮助。
三是传统的术语与连接词查寻法(Terms and Connectors method)。
有经验的WESTLA W使用者多选择此种查寻方法。
鉴于EZ ACCESS查寻法易于掌握,使用者根据电脑菜单上提供的项目就可选择查寻;而Terms and Connectors查寻法对于初学者来讲又具有一定的难度,故本文对这两种方法暂不赘述。
Westlaw 使用指南说明书
QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEWESTSEARCH PLUSWith WestSearch® Plus, get better predictive research suggestions across thousands of legal topics so you can find authoritative answers even faster. Predictive typeahead gives you relevant queries in the Global Search box. When you select a suggested query, you will go to the most relevant text without needing to scan the entire results list.Get StartedTo use WestSearch Plus, enter your search query into the Global Search box. As you type, related suggestions will appear below your query. You can access:•Suggestions •Cases •Statutes •Regulations •Secondary Sources •Other relevant informationWESTLAW EDGEWESTLAW EDGE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEFind Answers FasterClick a Suggestion to see the most relevant text along with links to relevant cases at the top of theresult list.Click S how More to see more snippets relevant to your research.Relevant CasesWESTSEARCH PLUS 2© 2018 Thomson Reuters S070223/9-22LOOKING FOR MORE INFORMATION?Westlaw Edge is available on the Web at /edge .For assistance using Westlaw Edge, call 1-800-REF-ATTY (1-800-733-2889).For free reference materials, visit /edge-training .Click the snippet text to view the exact headnote for that point of law within the document, and then click theheadnotelink to view exactly where the case discusses that point of law.。
westlaw 使用说明
Westlaw 用户使用手册
该使用手册是根据中国大陆地区 Westlaw 用户的检索需求和习惯制作的。主体部分包括两个板块,先简要介绍了 Westlaw 常用的 5 种检索方法,再针对用户最常检索的几种资料,包括法学期刊文章,成文法,判例,法律新闻和词典, 用具体的检索实例讲述如何利用 Westlaw 迅速准确的进行检索,并对结果进行有效分析利用。结尾的附录部分还精心 整理了 60 多个推荐数据库,建议用户使用。
常用资料检索详述 ......................................................................................................................27
期刊文章检索 ........................................................................................................................................................ 27 成文法检索............................................................................................................................................................ 29 判例检索 ............................................................................................................................................................... 31 新闻检索 ............................................................................................................................................................... 33 使用布莱克法律词典 ............................................................................................................................................. 35
West Law使用指南
万律(Westlaw China)用户使用指南目录万律 (Westlaw China)用户使用指南登录万律 (Westlaw China) (1)首页 (2)跨数据库查询 (3)查询及浏览 (4)打印、保存和发送电子邮件 (10)用户提示 (11)用户使用指南(中文数据库)登录万律 (Westlaw China)在浏览器地址栏输入网址,单击按键。
(如果您的页面显示为英文,请点击页面右上角的“Chinese”链接,进入万律 (Westlaw China)中文数据库页面进行登录操作。
普通用户由此登录高校校园网用户(CERNET)“请由此登录输入您的用户名和密码,单击“记住信息”,再次登录万律 (Westlaw China)时无需重新键入用户名和密码。
(Westlaw China)用户使用指南首页(从左至右)English: 链接至英文数据库内容说明:万律 (Westlaw China)中文数据库的内容介绍快讯:轻松了解最新新闻和法律动态。
保存查询:保存查询条件设置及工具:记录和选项帮助:用户指南联系我们:我们的联系信息退出系统:退出万律 (Westlaw China)浏览:(从左至右)首页:网站的首页法律法规:按颁布机关分类法律专题:按法律要点分类裁判文书:按审理法院分类裁判要点:按法律要点分类法学期刊:按法学期刊名称分类万律 (Westlaw China)时讯:按主题分类跨数据库查询在首页提供跨数据库查询功能步骤:1. 在查询框中输入关键词。
2. 通过点击“法律法规”、“法律专题”、“裁判文书”、“裁判要点”、“法学期刊”和“万律 (Westlaw China)时讯”旁的复选框,选择您需要进行查询的数据库。
3. 选择“标题”或“全文”进行查询。
如何高效使用Westlaw? 在网络上很多免费网站亦可找到某.
2.West钥匙码系统® (West Key Number System®)下的钥匙码系统把判例按法律点进行分类,因此可以找到涉及某点的其他判例。
West钥匙码系统(West Key Number System)Wset钥匙码系统将法律进行分类,可借助其找到讨论某一特定法律概念的判例。
可借助关键引用检索该判例、法律、行政裁决或联邦法规的引称参考,并利用关键引用警觉(Keycite Alert)自动跟踪该题目关键引用信息的变化。
What Makes Using Westlaw So Efficient?Westlaw editorial enhancements DO make a difference. When you are searching for documents, speed and efficiency count. And that's what the Westlaw editorial enhancements bring to your searches.When you search the Web for a document, you may find the document, e.g., case or statute, you are looking for. But it will not contain the editorial enhancements that allow you to quickly determine whether the document is useful to your search. Below are just some of the enhancements and features you will find on Westlaw.There are many editorial enhancements that aid your search.Enhancements for case law include∙headnotes crafted by West attorney-editors covering every specific point of law in a case∙key numbers classified under the West Key Number System® that classify every point of law so you can find other cases on point∙ a case synopsis, a one-paragraph summary to help you quickly decide if the case is on point∙added search terms, such as synonyms, acronyms, terms of art, generic names, and legal relationship terms, so your search terms don't have to match the judge's terms verbatim∙court corrections by West attorney-editors, who work closely with the courts to identify and correct errors ranging from incorrect citations ormisspellings to substantive factual and legal inaccuraciesEnhancements for statutes and regulations include∙an alphabetical index for state and federal statutes and the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)∙RegulationsPlus®, an annotated version of the CFR∙notes of decisions, brief summaries of the important cases that interpret your statute or regulation, and links to the full text of each case∙historical notes that show you how your statute or regulation evolved∙cross-references that link to more resources∙ a table of contents so you can quickly browse through sections and chapters without needing a citationWest Key Number SystemThe West Key Number System classifies the law so that you can find cases discussing a specific legal concept. West attorney-editors index cases under more than 400 topics and 100,000 key numbers. If you find an on-point key number, you can easily locate other cases discussing the same or similar legal concepts.KeyCiteKeyCite lets you know whether your case, statute, administrative decision, or federal regulation is good law. You can also use KeyCite to find citing references to your case, statute, administrative decision, or regulation. Then use KeyCite Alert to automatically monitor the status of your document when its KeyCite information changes.。
西法网Westlaw Case Notebook快捷参考指南-西法网说明书
Serial cable WESTLAW ® CASE NOTEBOOK ™ QUICK REFERENCE GUIDELiveNote ™Stream Manager ™: Setting O ptionsStream Manager and CAT Software on Same Computer: Using a Serial Connection and the Internet (Recommended)∙ Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on the same computer. ∙ One participant is connecting from the deposition using a serial cable. ∙One participant is connecting from a remote site using the Internet.You must access the CAT system and LiveNote Stream in the following order:1. Access the CAT system.2. Note the baud rate and COM port number that are used for thesession.3. Close the CAT system.4. Access LiveNote Stream.5. Set the options in the Realtime Options dialog box as shown below.6. Re-access the CAT system.For assistance using Westlaw Case Notebook call 1-800-290-9378 or e-mail westlaw. softwaresupport@ .For free reference materials, visit/ westlaw/guides .THOMSON REUTERS WESTLAWThomson Reuters Westlaw comprises industry leading online research, print products, software, tools, and services that help legal professionals perform their work faster and more efficiently, every day.A Click Local CAT System whenStream Manager and CAT software are installed on the same computer. B In the CAT Output list, click CaseView . C In the Baud Rate list, click the same rate that is set in the CAT system. D In the CAT sending on list, click the same COM port that is set in the CAT system. E Do not click the Use Virtual Port check box when a participant is using a serial cable.Court reporterParticipant a t d eposition L iveNote s oftware Participant at remote site using the Internet AB C D EGUIDEStream Manager and CAT Software on Same Computer: Using Internet Connections Only∙ Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on the same computer.∙ One participant is connecting from the deposition via the Internet using Westlaw Case Notebook orLiveNote software.∙One participant is connecting from a remote site using the Internet.Access LiveNote Stream before you access the CAT system. Set the options in the Realtime Options dialog box as shown below:A Click Local CAT System when Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on the same computer.B In the CAT Output list, click CaseView .C In the Baud Rate list, click the same rate that is set in the CAT system.D Stream Manager automatically chooses the COM port. Set your CAT software’s Output field to the same COM port displayed in the CAT sending on box.E Select the Use Virtual Port check box when all participants are using the Internet.Setting Options 2Court reporter with Stream Manager and CATsoftware Participant at deposition using softwareParticipant at remote site using the InternetAB C D EGUIDEInternetStream Manager and CAT Software on Separate Computers: Using a Serial Connection and the InternetIf you are using Stenocast or wireless equipment, Stream Manager and CAT software must be installed on separate computers, as described below. ∙ Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on separate c omputers. ∙ One participant is connecting from the deposition using a serial connection. ∙One participant is connecting from a remote site using the Internet.Set the options in the Realtime Options dialog box as shown below:A Click Serial when Stream Manager and CAT software are installed on separate computers.B In the CAT Output list, click CaseView .C In the Baud Rate list, click the same rate that is set in the CAT system.D In the Serial Port list, click the same COM port that is set in the Stream Manager computer receiving the real-time feed.Published 01/18. L-373961.© 2018 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. RM173115.The trademarks used herein are the trademarks of their respective owners. West trademarks are owned by West Publishing Corporation.CAT s oftware Stream M anager Participant a t d eposition using softwareParticipant at a remote site using the Internet AB C D。
西律 ate 二因子身份验证设置说明书
Two Factor Authentication (2FA) keeps your Thomson Reuters Westlaw™ profile secure by requiring acode in addition to your normal OnePass password. This acts as an extra layer of security to ensure no one else is able to access your profile. Setting up 2FA is simple:Select one of the following options to ensure easyaccess to Westlaw®:• Authenticator application• Text message• Phone callNOTE: It is recommended to set up authenticationoptions across at least two devices when securing youraccount to ensure seamless access even if one device isnot available. For example, using the Thomson Reutersauthenticator app for two factor authentication on aphone and a tablet. Even better, set up multipleoptions too, including text or voice code to multipledevices.Details on how to set up all three are on the followingpages.Go to , click Update OnePass profile ,and sign in.Click SECURITY at the top of the page, then,on the Two-step authentication page, click Addauthentication method .1.Setting up Authenticator ApplicationOnce you've set it up, the Thomson Reuters Authenticator App is the most secure and easy-to-use option. You can download Thomson Reuters Authenticator from both the Apple® and Google Play™ stores.If you want to use other authentication applications,make sure they provide 6-digit codes. We alsorecommend accessing your authenticator on adevice other than the one you use for Westlaw.Once you have downloaded Thomson ReutersAuthenticator, you can sync it easily to OnePass.Select Scan QR Code.Hold your phone’s camera up to the QR code,where the authenticator will recognize it and syncit to your OnePass.Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc., registeredin the U.S. and other countries.2.How to set up SMS Text MessagingSMS Text Messaging will send your cell phone a text when you request it. The code will be good for 15 minutes.To set up this option, enter the Phone number you’dlike to use to receive the code. Add a name in theCustom label box that will help you remember whichdevice you chose, then click Send .The device you entered will receive a text message withthe code. Enter that code into the Security code section,then click Verifyto complete the process.You will receive this confirmation message onyour phone. Click Got It and you will be ready toauthenticate into Westlaw.3.How to set up Phone Number for VoiceThe Phone Number for Voice option gives you the ability to have any phone called to receive a security code. When you choosethis option, you will receive a call from an automated female voice that will give you your OnePass security code.To set up this option, enter the Phone number you’dlike to use to receive the code. Add a name in theCustom label box that will help you remember whichphone you chose, then click Send.© 2018 Thomson Reuters S054546/7-18Thomson Reuters is not a consumer reporting agency and none of its services or the data contained therein constitute a ‘consumer report’ as such term is defined in the Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), 15 U.S.C. sec. 1681 et seq. The data provided to you may not be used as a factor in consumer debt collection decisioning, establishing aconsumer’s eligibility for credit, insurance, employment, government benefits, or housing, or for any other purpose authorized under the FCRA. By accessing one of our services, you agree not to use the service or data for any purpose authorized under the FCRA or in relation to taking an adverse action relating to a consumer application.Visit For more information, contact yourrepresentative at 1-844-247-0397.The phone number you entered will receive a call withthe code. Enter that code into the Security code section,then click Verify to complete the process.Security SettingsYou can choose to use one, two, or all threerecommended security options for 2FA. It isrecommended to enable at least two. If you chooseto use all three, your Security Settings page will looksimilar to this.Note – By default, Westlaw users will only need to gothrough two factor authentication after a public recordssearch is run. Two factor authentication is not required toaccess any other area of Westlaw, unless users enable“two-step authentication” on the OnePass security page. Ifthis is enabled, then users will be required to go throughtwo factor authentication when signing on to Westlaw.However, this setting can always be disabled so that twofactor authentication is only required after a public recordssearch.Thank you for using Thomson Reuters Westlaw.。
接待........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
接待........................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第一节宾客列表............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
第二节散客接待............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
综合排房............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
逐个排房............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
预订转记录............................................. 错误!未定义书签。
直接上门............................................... 错误!未定义书签。
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适用情况 浏览法律专题
搜索及浏览 示例
浏览万律时讯 浏览万律时讯,万 1. 选择“万律时讯”。 律时讯的内容是对 2. 在左侧有一个栏目类型列表,点击欲查看的栏目,右侧主屏幕列出相关的条目内容。 法律以及与法律相 3. 点击相应标题即可查看万律时讯内容。 关 的 资 讯 进 行 挑 4. 输入关键词,点击“在选中栏目中查询”,查询结果显示在下面,按相关度排序。 选、 整 理 后 由 资 深 编 辑 进 行 的 概 括, 以方便法律工作者 能够在第一时间快 速掌握法律行业以 及相关行业的最新 动态
万律时讯邮件 每 日 定 时 邮 件 发 1. 尚未申请万律时讯邮件订阅服务,按钮显示为“订阅”。
送,提供中文、英 2. 点击“订阅”,选择您要订阅万律时讯邮件服务类型,输入您的邮件地址。
文、中英双语版本, 3. 如果您已经申请了万律时讯邮件服务,则显示为两个按钮,“修改订阅”和“取消
可选择订阅,修改, 订阅”。
示例 简单查询
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或裁判文书 分 类 的 法 律 法 规、 2. 在左侧有一个树状列表,点击加号“+”展开节点浏览下一级内容,点击减号“-”。
或按照审理法院分 折叠当前节点。右侧主屏幕列出了搜索提示。
Westlaw的编辑将文献资料分成不同的部分(Fields),可 以限定检索文章的不同部分; 常用和常见的包括:引称,标题,作者、来源等
Fields使用 使用Tips 使用
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检索原理: Directory 主目录收录所有数据库 按照法域、类别、领域层级排列 Directory主目录提供了数据库查找的线索和路径 适用范围和对象: Westlaw中所有的文献和资料,包括制定法、案例、期刊文章、百 科全书等
布莱克法律词典,第八版, 布莱克法律词典,第八版, 2004年6月发行。 年 月发行 月发行。
43,000多个法律定义, 3000多个来自过去五个世纪以来的权威著作的引文, 5,300多个相类似的法律术语以及大篇幅的法律缩写词。 1,000多个与法律有关的缩写词和首字母缩写词; 价格: RMB 698.00 电子版或者纸质版 在westlaw中数据库的名称 BLACKS
WESTLAW CASE NOTEBOOK 快速参考指南 与 LiveNote Stream Man
WESTLAW® CASE NOTEBOOK™QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE LiveNote™ Stream Manager™Installation GuideThis guide provides information on installing LiveNote™ Stream Manager™. For information on using Stream Manager, download the free LiveNote Stream Manager Quick Reference Guide at /law-products/c/LiveNote-Stream-Manager-Quick-Reference-Guide/p/990001263.IntroductionOVERVIEW OF LIVENOTE STREAM MANAGERStream Manager enables you to transmit deposition transcripts live over the Internet, over a local network, or to users who are connected physically to the CAT system. Transmitting a live transcript is referred to as streaming. Stream Manager streams transcripts to LiveNote versions 9 and 10; West Case Notebook, West LiveNote, Westlaw Case Notebook, and Westlaw Case Notebook (Transcripts); and LiveNote Central. West Case Notebook, West LiveNote, Westlaw Case Notebook, and Westlaw Case Notebook (Transcripts) are all referred to in this guide as Case Notebook.LiveNote or Case Notebook can be installed on a computer at the deposition, or off site, or both. Some participants can view the streamed transcript via LiveNote or Case Notebook, and other participants can be off site viewing the streamed testimony via the Internet.Note: You can install Stream Manager on the same computer as the CAT system, but you must start and configure Stream Manager before you start the CAT system.Stream Manager accommodates Local and Global Stream Sessions. A Global session streams over the Internet. A Local session is one that only people on the local network can access, which you can use for privacy or if you are concerned about confidential or proprietary information. You can set up Local Stream Sessions on the fly. Refer to online Help for details. PREREQUISITES FOR CREATING GLOBAL SESSIONS (INTERNET STREAMING)Before installing Stream Manager, you must:∙Have a LiveNote Central account; if you do not have an account, you can send an email to ********************to request one.∙Schedule a session for Stream Manager.For information on scheduling a Stream Manager session, refer to online Help. HARDWARE REQUIREMENTSThe following hardware is recommended for Stream Manager:∙PC with at least an 800 MHz Pentium processor (1 GHz or faster recommended)∙64 MB of RAM minimum (1 GB or more recommended)∙250 MB of available hard disk space (60 GB recommended)∙Screen resolution: 800 x 600 (1024 x 768 recommended)∙Screen colors: 256 (16-bit recommended) For assistance using LiveNote Stream Manager call1-800-290-9378 or email westlaw. softwaresupport@. For free reference materials, visit/westlaw/guides.THOMSONREUTERSWESTLAWThomson Reuters Westlaw comprises industry leading online research, print products, software, tools, and services that help legal professionals perform their work faster and more efficiently, every day.WESTLAW® CASE NOTEBOOK™QUICK REFERENCE GUIDEInstalling LiveNote Stream ManagerIf you are upgrading a previous installation of Stream Manager, your existing license code should beprovided to the installer automatically. If you install Stream Manager on a different computer, you needto type your license code manually. To obtain your license code, complete these steps:1.On the computer where Stream Manager was installed previously, open Stream Manager andlog on to an existing session.2.Click Help, and then click About LiveNote Stream Manager. The About LiveNote StreamManager dialog box is displayed.3.Write down the license code for future reference.4.When you are installing the new version of Stream Manager on the other computer, type thelicense code in the User Information dialog box (step 8 below).To obtain a license code, you can send an email to ****************************************** orcall Customer Technical Support at 1-800-290-9378.To install Stream Manager, complete these steps:Note: If you are upgrading Stream Manager version 1.6.0 or earlier, you must uninstall theapplication manually and restart your computer before installing the current version ofStream Manager.1.From the computer where you want to install Stream Manager, go to/software/stream-manager/default.aspx. TheLiveNote Stream Manager download page is displayed.2.Click the PROCEED WITH DOWNLOAD button. Follow the on-screen instructions to completethe download and installation.3.Once the download finishes, locate the installer and double-click to launch it. The Welcome tothe LiveNote Stream Manager Installation Wizard dialog box is displayed.4.Click Next. The License Agreement dialog box is displayed.5.Click I accept the license agreement, and then click Next. The Readme Information dialog box isdisplayed.6.After reviewing the Readme information, click Next. The User Information dialog box isdisplayed.7.Type your name, organization, and license code in the appropriate boxes, and then select theappropriate installation option (Anyone who uses this computer or Only for m e).Note: If you are upgrading a previous installation of Stream Manager, your license code should beentered automatically. If you are installing Stream Manager on a different computer, typeyour existing license code in the boxes provided.8.Click Nex t. The Destination Folder dialog box is displayed.9.Click Nex t. The Ready to Install the Application dialog box is displayed.10.Click Next to begin the installation. If you are prompted to install additional serial port drivers, clickInstall to proceed. When the installation is complete, a dialog box is displayed indicating thatStream Manager was installed successfully.11.Click Finish.To access Stream Manager, double-click the LiveNote Stream Manager icon ( ) that was created onyour desktop.Published 01/18. L-375732.© 2018 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. RM173165.The trademarks used herein are the trademarks of their respective owners.West trademarks are owned by West Publishing Corporation.。
WESTLAW 部分功能●怎样进行跨库检索?答:新版WLN本身的搜索设计就是基于跨数据库的,你可以输入相关的关键词点击search后在左侧的view框内选择相关的数据库即可。
CI指的是citation,即文件引称,它是文件独一无二的名称,就像我们每个人有自己的姓名一样,使用文件引称能快速定位找到相关文件;KW指key words,是描述案件内争端的关键词,通过关键词能明白你所搜寻的材料是否为你需要的;CP是catch phrase,它相比KW来说,对案件内争端的描述更简洁,一目了然;SU和SY是summary和synopsis的缩写,都表示对案件事实和争端的简单叙述;RC是reference cited,可以再引用时进行参考;PA是panel的缩写,指审理该案的法官名单,很多著名的法官意见值得参考。
比如:关键引用(KeyCite)提醒可以帮助您自动监测案例、法令、行政资料,一旦其KeyCite 信息变化,就会自动发邮件告知您。
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我是知识产权方向研究生, 本学期需要撰写毕业论文, 不知道目前知识产权领域 有哪些研究热点?
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2009年1月29日奥巴马在美国最高院首席大法 官John Roberts的面前第二次宣誓就职
Seated left to right: Justice Clarence Thomas, Justice Antonin Scalia, Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Standing left to right: Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Justice Stephen G. Breyer, Justice Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Justice Elena Kagan.
Note of Decision提供了法庭对法案条款适用的准确解释以及 快速定位您需要关注的该条款涉及的最重要判例
直接在检索框输入描述性语言或字词,系 统根据相关度原则,给出100份文件. Qing legal history American Journal of Legal History October, 1995 39 AMJLH 514 THE GREAT QING CODE
标题 Title/ti (“stare decisis”) 著者 Author/au(“Steven R. Shapiro” 引称 Citation/ci(“121 HVLR 543”) 资源 Source/so(“harvard law review”) and year(2007) 正文 Text/te(“common law”) 序文 Prelim/pr(“intellectual property”)
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步骤1. 单击“法律法规”数据库。
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3. 页面顶端的查找路径会显示您进入当前页面的完整路径。
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6. 可以将查询功能与浏览功能相结合。
7. 在查询结果页的左侧单击特定的法律层级,可以相应缩小查询结果的范围。
8. 在“法律法规帮助”中,您可以获得更多的查询方法。
9. 在“连接符列表”中,可以看到帮助您更便捷、更准确进行查询的连接符。
10. 对于每个查询结果列表,您可以选择“隐藏摘要”和按时间或相关度进行排序。
21346710589查询及浏览法律专题查询及浏览法律专题中的法律要点步骤1. 单击“法律专题”数据库。
2. 在“浏览”下显示法律专题层级,您可以单击特定层级链接进入到下一级层级。
3. 页面顶端的查找路径会显示您进入当前页面的完整路径。
4. 键入关键词,单击“查询”按钮。
5. 在“高级查询”中,可以键入更全面的查询条件以获得更准确的查询结果。
6. 可以将查询功能与浏览功能相结合。
7. 在“查询结果”页的左侧单击特定专题层级,可以相应缩小查询结果的范围。
8. 在“法律专题帮助”中,您可以获得更多的查询方法。
9. 在“连接符列表”中,可以看到帮助您更便捷、更准确进行查询的连接符。
10. 对于每个查询结果列表,您可以选择“隐藏摘要”。
1345897610(Westlaw China)用户使用指南214查询及浏览裁判文书查询及浏览裁判文书步骤1. 单击“裁判文书”数据库。
2. 在“浏览”下显示法院层级,您可以单击特定层级链接进入下一级层级。
3. 页面顶端的查找路径会显示您进入当前页面的完整路径。
4. 键入关键字,单击“查询”按钮。
5. 在“高级查询”中,可以键入更全面的查询关键词以获得更准确的查询结果。
6. 可以将查询功能与浏览功能相结合。
7. 在”查询结果“页的左侧单击特定案件类型,可以相应缩小查询结果的范围。
8. 在“裁判文书帮助”中,您可以找到更多的查询方法。
9. 在“连接符列表”中,可以看到帮助您更便捷、更准确进行查询的连接符。
10. 对于每个查询结果列表,您可以选择“隐藏摘要”和按时间或相关度进行结果排序。
3610589查询及浏览裁判要点查询及浏览裁判要点内容步骤1. 单击“裁判要点”数据库。
2. 在“浏览”下显示裁判要点层级,您可以单击特定层级链接进入下一级。
3. 页面顶端的查找路径会显示您进入当前页面的完整路径。
4. 键入关键词,单击“查询”按钮。
5. 在“高级查询”中,可以键入更全面的查询关键词以获得更准确的查询结果。
6. 可以将查询功能与浏览功能相结合。
7. 在“查询结果”页的左侧单击特定裁判要点层级,可以相应缩小查询结果的范围。
8. 在“裁判要点帮助”中,您可以获得更多的查询方法。
9. 在“连接符列表”中,可以看到帮助您更便捷、更准确进行查询的连接符。
10. 对于每个查询结果列表,您可以选择“隐藏摘要”和按时间或相关度进行结果排序。
4589176103(Westlaw China)用户使用指南查询及浏览法学期刊查询及浏览法学文章步骤1. 单击“法学期刊”数据库。
2. 在“浏览”下显示法学期刊层级,您可以单击特定层级链接进入下一级。
3. 页面顶端的查找路径会显示您进入当前页面的完整路径。
4. 键入关键词,单击“查询”按钮。
5. 在“高级查询”中,可以键入更全面的查询关键词以获得更准确的查询结果。
6. 可以将查询功能与浏览功能相结合。
7. 在“查询结果”页的左侧单击特定期刊类型,可以相应缩小查询结果的范围。
8. 在“法学期刊帮助”中,您可以获得更多的查询方法。
9. 在“连接符列表”中,可以看到帮助您更便捷、更准确进行查询的连接符。
10. 对于每个查询结果列表,您可以选择“隐藏摘要”和按时间或相关度进行结果排序。
2136105894查询及浏览万律 (Westlaw China)时讯查询及浏览万律 (Westlaw China)时讯内容步骤1. 单击“万律时讯”数据库。
2. 在“浏览”下显示万律时讯层级,您可以单击特定层级链接进入下一级层级。
单击最后一层,系统将为您显示该层下面的万律 (Westlaw China)时讯列表。
3. 页面顶端的查找路径会显示您进入当前页面的完整路径。
4. 键入关键字,然后单击“查询”按钮。
5. 在“高级查询”中,可以键入更全面的查询条件以获得更准确的查询结果。
6. 可以将查询功能与浏览功能相结合。
7. 在“查询结果”的左侧单击特定主题,可以相应缩小查询结果的范围。
8. 在“万律 (Westlaw China)时讯帮助”中,您可获得更多的查询方法。
9. 在“连接符列表”中,可以看到帮助您更便捷、更准确进行查询的连接符。
10. 对于每个查询结果列表,您可以选择“隐藏摘要”和按时间或相关度进行结果排序。
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