

怀文中学 2012 — 2013 学年度初三英语第一轮复习备课稿

课题牛津七 (A) Unit 4 项目时间2013年 2月28日主备人宋顺具体复习内容时间

词汇词组( hungrily hunger full)

(healthy, healthier healthily)


(care carefully careless carelessly)




(lucky luckily unluckily)


pieces of bread

lot of energy (energetic)

fruit and vegetables

than(more than over)


lot of fish

to do sth

much sugar

to do sth

careful with

front of(in the front of)

13.many women

teachers kilos of meat

luck with your new

diet fit(stay healthy)

the list

doing sth

doing sth

enough time to do sth



1. Let’ s have a hamburger我们.吃个汉堡包。

let's=let us, let 后面用动词原形即Let ’ s do sth让.我们“干吧。”let ’s开头的祈使句,其反意疑问句在句末加shall we ?表示包括听话人在内的一种建议。

如果不表示建议,而是提出一种请求,表示允许,不包括听话人在内时,则 let us 不缩写成 let ’s,其反意疑问句为 will you?

Let ’ s play basketball, shall we?我们踢篮球,好吗?(表示建议)

Let us see your picture, will you? 让我们看看你的图画,可以吗?(表示请求允许)

2. I want to be a dancer.我想当一名舞蹈演员。

want to be 想“成为”, want 动词, want=would like 接名词或动词不定式作宾语,也可宾语接动词不定式,

想,“想要”其后可即 want sth=would

like sth 想某物,want to do sth=would like to do sth. 想做某事; want sb to do sth=would like sb to do sth 想让某人“做某事”。

例如:I want some tea.我想要些茶。What do you want me to do? 你想要我做什么?be 动词原形,“做,成为”。

例如 I want to be a doctor. 我想成为一名医生。

3.It ’ s important for a dancer to be healthy对.一个舞蹈演员来说健康是


常见的句型是: .It's + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. 是“对某人来说做某事怎么

重点句子样”之意。 It 是代词作形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式(或短


10m It's easy for him to learn English well.学好英语对他来说很容易

It is dangerous for children to swim in the river.孩子在这条河里游泳很


4. I eat a lot of sweet snacks between meals.在两餐之间我吃了许多甜食。

between 介词,“在(两者之间)”,后面可以跟名词或代词,跟代词时要

用宾格。若后接表示两个同类的人或物之间时,between 后的名词要用


Eg There is a football between the boys. 在那两个男孩之间有一个足球。

Put the desk between us.把课桌放在我们俩中间。

between and “在和之间”它限于两者之间;如果是三者之间或三者

以上 ,要用介词 among。

Mary is sitting among the children.玛丽坐在孩子们之中。

between 和 and 之间可以是两个人,也可以是两个不同的物或两个点(时

间、数字、场所)。例如: Peter sat between Mary and Jane.彼得坐在


The shop opens between 9 . and 5 . 商店在上午九点和下午五点间开


much TV do you watch every day?

don’teat mangoes any more.(any longer)

likes vegetables?

are no calories in water, so you can drink it without getting fat.

He goes to school without having breakfast.

There is no life without water.

I can’tfinish the work without your help.

;s time for me to change now.

do you have for breakfast every day?


never 0% 从不

seldom 20% 很少

sometimes 40% 有时

often 60% 经常

usually 80% 通常

always 100% 总是

①表示频率的副词在句子中放在实义动词之前, be 动词 ,情态动词,助动词之


例如: I always play basketball with my classmates after school.

Mike is always happy.

②表示频率的副词提问,用how often 。频率的副词用于一般现在时中

例如: How often do you watch TV? 你多长时间看一次电视? Twice a month.







①一般情况是在单数可数名词后加“-s”,如a pen →pens, a sister sisters→.

②以 s, sh, ch, x 等结尾的单词,变复数形式需加“-es”,如: a bus →buses,

a dish → dishes,

a watch → watches, a box → boxes.

③以 f,fe 结尾的名词,变复数形式需将f,fe 变为 ves,如: a knife →knives,

a leaf → leaves.

④以 o 结尾的词有生命的名词都加-es,如:

a hero → heroes, a potato → potatoes, an echo → echoes, a tomato 无生命的名词加 -s,如: a zoo→zoos, a radio →radios, a photo →photos, a piano → pianos, a kilo → kilos, a studio → studios.

⑤辅音字母 +y 结尾的名词,变复数形式需先将y 变为 i,然后再加“-es”,如:

a story → stories, a factory → factories, a family → families.

⑥复数同形的名词,如:sheep→sheep, deer →deer, Chinese→Chinese. People-people


a man → men, a woman → women, a child→ children,

a foot → feet,an ox → oxen, a mouse→ mice, a tooth→ teeth, a goose → geese.



There be 句型的用法

一、构成: There be ... 句型表示的是“某处有(存在)某人或某物”,其结

构为 There be(is , are, was, were )+名词 +地点状语。例如:


否定句: There be 句型否定句式的构成和含有be 动词的其它句型一样,

在 be 后加上“ not”。也可用“ no”来表示。即:no + n(.名词) = not a\an\any + n. (名词)。注意: no + n. (可数名词单数)= not a\an + n. (可数名词单数); no + n.(可数名词复数) = not any + n. (可数名词复数);no + n. (不可数名词) = not any + n. (不可数名词)。

be 动词移到句首,一般疑问句: There be 结构的一般疑问句变化只需


There be 句型的特殊疑问句有以下三种形式:

①对主语提问:当主语是人时,用“Who’s +介词短语?”;当主语是物

时,用“What’s +介词短语?”。其中there在口语中常常省略。注意:无

论原句的主语是单数还是复数,对其提问时一般都用be 的单数形式 (回


There is a bird in the tree.→ What’ s in the tree?

There are some bikes over there. → What’ s over there?

There is a little girl in the room.→ Who is in the room?

“Whereis \ are + 主语 ?”表示(注意其答语变

② 对地点状语提问:用


There is a computer in my office.

→Where is the computer? ---- It ’s in my office.

There are four children in the classroom.

→Where are the four children? —They’ re in the classroom.

③ 对数量提问:一般有两种提问方式:

如果主语是可数名词,无论是单数还是复数,都用“How many + 可数名词复数+ are there + 介词短语?”表示:

如果主语是不可数名词,则用“ How much +不可数名词+ is there + 介


There is some money in my purse. How much money is there

in your purse?

反意疑问句: There be 或 There 加其它动词,其反意疑问句一律用there? There is a beautiful girl in the garden, isn

’ t there?

There used to be no school here, used there \did there?


1.There be 句型中 be 动词的形式要和其后的主语在人称和数上保持一

致。如果句子的主语是单数的可数名词,或是不可数名词, be 动词用“ is”“ was”。

如果句子的主语是复数名词,be 动词就用“ are” “were。”例如:

如果有两个或两个以上的名词作主语,be 动词要和最靠近它的那个主语

在数上保持一致,也就是我们常说的“就近原则” 。例如:

There is an orange and some bananas in the basket.

There are some bananas and an orange in the basket.

2.There 与 be 中间可插入一些表推测的情态动词、表时态的短语和一

些动词短语(如和将来时be going to\ will 、现在完成时have\has + pp. 、

used to 结构等连用,注意其构成形式,这一内容在我们日常练习中经常出

现错误 ,是一难点 ,也是历年中考试题中的一个考点.)。例如:

There must be a pen in the box.

There happened to be some money in my pocket.

There is going to be a meeting tonight.

There has been a big tree on the top of the hill.

There used to be a church across from the bank.

3. There be 句型和 have\has 的区别:

There be 句型表示“存在有” , have\has表示“拥有” 所“有”,两者不能同时

使用 .例如:

桌子上有三本书. There are three books on the desk.

我有三本书 . I have three books.

4. There be + 主语+ doing + 介词短语 . 例如:

There is a truck collecting rubish outside.

There is a wallet lying on the ground.

练习导学案10m 家庭作业预习牛津七(A) Unit 5

听力口语背诵话题 4



人教版五年级英语下册Unit4 知识点整理 △话题:询问某一节日的具体日期以及某人的生日是哪天,并进行回答 △重点词汇: 基数词【表数量】序数词【表顺序】【缩写形式】one 一first 1st 第一 two 二second 2nd 第二 three 三third 3rd 第三 four 四fourth 4th 第四 five 五fifth 5th 第五 six 六sixth 6th 第六 eleven 十一eleventh 11th 第十一 twelve 十二twelfth 12th 第十二 twenty 二十twentieth 20th 第二十 thirty 三十thirtieth 30th 第三十 twenty-one 二十一twenty-first 21th 第二十一 twenty-three 二十三twenty-third 23th 第二十三 △一般词汇: April Fool’s Day, special, love, Miss, Mr., birthday 愚人节特别的喜爱小姐先生生日 cook noodles, delicious, both of, kitten, diary, still 煮面条美味的两者【都】小猫日记仍然 noise, fur, open, walk, pink, blue, white, hungry 噪音软毛开着的行走粉色的蓝色的白色的饥饿的 △句型: ①询问某一节日/活动的具体日期 When is April Fool’s Day?愚人节是哪天? ——It’s on April 1st. 它在4月1日。 【句型结构】 问句:When is+节日/活动? 答语:It’s on+具体日期【几月几日】。 ②表达某人的生日是哪天 When is your birthday?你的生日是哪天?


初一英语个性化辅导 Review of Unit4 【主要语法】 一、知识点 1、定义:祈使句是用来表示请求、命令、叮嘱、邀请、劝告或祝愿等的句子。 2、祈使句的结构:通常省略主语you,以动词原形开头,末尾可用句号或感叹号。 2、特点:祈使句没有疑问句的形式,一般只有肯定和否定两种形式。 Go and wash your hands. (表命令) Be quite, please.(Please be quiet.)(表请求) Be kind to your sister.(表劝告) Watch your steps.(表警告) No parking. (表禁止) 二、重点:祈使句的不同形式 (1)V型:即以实义动词开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构为: 动词原形(v)+宾语(+其他) Eg: 把门关上。______ the door. 起立!______ up! (2)B型:即以系动词be开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构: be+形容词/ 名词 Eg: 做个好学生。_____ a good student. 安静!______ ______! (3)L型:即let型(Let+宾语+动词原形+其他) Eg: 让我来读吧_____ _____ read it. 咱们去爬山吧______ go to the mountains. (4)D型:即祈使句的否定形式(一般在动词上否定,也可以用否定副词(never)来表示) A.Don’t be +其他成分(形容词、名词或介词短语)) Eg: 别生气!______ _____angry. 不要迟到。______ _____ late.


Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? Section A 1. Why don't you do sth. ?= Why not do sth.? 为什么不......呢? 提建议的句型 (1) What about doing sth. ?=How about doing sth.? ….怎么样? (2) Why don’t you do sth.?= Why not do sth.? 为什么不呢? (3) Let’s do sth. 让我们一起做某事吧。 (4) Shall we/I do sth.? 我们做…好吗? (5) had better do/not do sth. 最好做/不做某事 (6) Will/Would you please do sth. 请你做…好吗? (7) Would you like to do sth.? 你想去做某事吗? (8) Would you mind doing sth.?你介意做某事吗? 【回答】 (1). 同意对方的建议时,一般用 Good idea. / That’s good idea. 好主意 OK/ All right. / Great. 好/ 行/太好了Yes, please. / I’d love to. 是的/ 我愿意 I agree with you. 我同意你的看法 No problem. 没问题 Sure./ Of course./ Certainly. 当然可以 Yes, I think so. 对,我也这样想 (2).对对方的帮助或要求表示委婉谢绝时,一般用: I don’t think so. 我认为不是这样 S orry, I can’t. 对不起,我不能 I’d love to, but…我愿意,但恐怕…… I’m afraid… 恐怕…… 2.(1)too many + 复数名词许多 too many people (2)too much +不可数名词许多 too much homework (3)much too +形容词太… much too cold 3. so conj. 因此 (表示因果关系,后面跟表示结果的句子,不与because同时使用) v. 允许;准许 (1) allow doing sth 允许做某事 We don’t allow smoking in our house. 我们不允许在家里抽烟。 (2)allow sb.(not)to do sth. (不)允许某人做某事 My parents don’t allow me to stay up late. 我父母不允许我熬夜。 Mr. Smith allowed Mike to drive there. 史密斯先生允许迈克开车去那里。 (3)be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事 (4)allow与let的辨析: allow指允许,表示默许,听任,不加阻止 let 指让,let sb. do sth.让某人做某事,语意较弱,多用于口语中,let不能用于被动语态。 5.What’s wrong( with sb../ sth.) (某人/物)怎么了? to sleep 去睡觉 (强调“入睡,睡着”这一动作) fall asleep睡觉 (强调“入睡,睡着”这一状态) 看起来(系动词,后跟形容词作宾语) 系动词:后跟adj.作表语 一是:(be) am /is /are be quiet=keep quiet 保持安静 二保持:stay/keep (表示持续状态) stay healthy=keep healthy 保持健康 三变化:become/get/turn (表示状态变化) 五起来:sound/look/smell/taste/feel (表示感觉) 8. call up (v + adv) call on 拜访;号召

人教版九年级Unit 4知识点总结

九年级 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 讲义一、词性转换 Section A 1. humorous → (n.) humor 2. silent → (n.) silence 3. helpful → (n./v.) help 4. private → (n.) privacy 5. require → (n.) requirement 6. European → (n.) Europe 7. African → (n.) Africa 8. British → (n.) Britain Section B 9. absent → (n.) absence 10. exactly→ (adj.) exact 11. pride→ (adj.) proud 12. general → (adv.) generally 13. introduction→(v.) introduce 二、短语归纳 https://www.360docs.net/doc/622784467.html,ed to 过去常常 2. be afraid of害怕 3. from time to time 时常;有时 4. turn red 变红 5. take up 开始做 6. deal with 对付;应付 7. not…anymore/ no longer不再 8. tons of attention很多关注 9. worry about 为…担忧 10. be careful当心 11. hang out闲逛 12. give up放弃 13. think about考虑 14. a very small number of…极少数的… 15. be alone独处16. give a speech作演讲 17. in public当众 18. all the time一直;总是 19. on the soccer team在足球队 20. be proud of/ take pride in为…骄傲 21. be interested in 对…感兴趣 22. make a decision做决定 23. in person亲自 24. to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 25. change one’s life改变某人的生活 26. even though尽管 27. take care of/ look after照顾 28. think of关心;想着 29. pay attention to对…注意;留心 30. in the last few years在过去的几年里 1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事 2. be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事 3. have to do sth. 必须做某事 4. make sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 5. give up doing sth. 放弃做某事 6. try to do sth. 尽力做某事 7. adj. + enough to do sth. 足够…而能够做某事 8. be prepared to do sth. 准备做某事 9. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事10. take up doing sth. 开始做某事 11. begin to do sth. 开始做某事 12. require sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 13. decide to do sth. 决定做某事 14. make a decision to do sth.决定做某事 15. It’s hard to believe that…很难相信… 16. It has been + 一段时间+ since + 从句 自从…以来已经有很长时间了 17. dare to do sth. 敢于做某事


Unit4 What’s the best movie theater? 19.sing the most beautifully 唱得最美妙 20.be up to 是……的职责;由……决定21.play a role 发挥作用;有影响 22.make up 编造(故事流言等) 23.for example例如 24.take ...seriously认真对待 用法集萃 1. laugh v. & n. 笑 We all laughed loudly when she made a joke. 她说了个笑话,我们都大声笑起来。 We all laughed at his joke. 听了他的笑话我们都笑起来。 He laughs best who laughs last. 谁笑在最后,谁笑得最好。/不要高兴得太早。 (与at连用)嘲笑 Don’t lau gh at him. 别嘲笑他。 People have often laughed at stories told by seamen. 人们常常嘲笑海员所讲的故事。Everyone laughed at his foolish antics. 大家都笑他那种愚蠢的滑稽动作。笑;笑声 We had a good laugh at his joke. 我们被他的笑话逗得哈哈大笑。 2. though conj. 虽然;纵然;即使;尽管 = although Though it was raining,he went there. 虽然当时正下着雨,他还是到那里去了。 Though he was poor he was happy. 虽然他很穷却很快乐。


Unit4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 【重点短语】 1. be more interested in 对…更感兴趣 2. on the swim team 游泳队的队员 3. be terrified of 害怕 4. gym class 体操课 5. worry about 担心 6. all the time 一直,总是 7. chat with 与…闲聊 8. hardly ever 几乎从不 9. walk to school = go to school on foot 步行去上学 take the bus to school = go to school by bus 乘车去上学 10. as well as 不仅…而且... 【考点详解】 1. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事(这个知识点考的很多,大家要注意这个短语的意思,还要记着used后面用的是不定式to do) 如:He used to play football after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。 2. play the piano 弹钢琴(play后面如果跟西洋乐器,大家记住,中间要加the,如果是中国乐器,不加the,如:play erhu)

3. ①be interested in sth. 对…感兴趣 ②be interested in doing sth. 对做…感兴趣(对于这两个用法大家一定要掌握,切记切记) 如:He is interested in math, but he isn't interested in speaking English. 他对数学感兴趣,但是他对说英语不感兴趣。 4. interested adj. 感兴趣的,指人对某事物感兴趣,往往主语是人interesting adj.有趣的,指某事物/某人具有趣味,主语往往是物(对于interested 和interesting要区分清楚,一个主语往往是人,一个主语往往是物) 5. be terrified of sth. 害怕……如:I am terrified of the dog. be terrified of doing sth. 害怕做……如:I am terrified of speaking. 6. spend 动词,表示“花费金钱、时间”(spend和pay for它们的主语都是人,这一点大家要清楚) ①spend…on sth. 在某事上花费(金钱、时间)(重要考点) ②spend…(in)doing sth. 花费(金钱、时间)去做某事(重要考点,尤其要注意动名词,也就是动词的ing形式) 如:He spends too much time on clothes. 他花费太多的时间在衣着上。 He spend 3 months (in) building the bridge. 他花费了三个月去建这座桥。 7. take : 动词,有“花费时间”的意思,常用的结构有: It takes sb to do sth. 做某事花费某人多长时间(在这个用法中,主语经常是it,这一点要清楚,大家仔细看一下下面的例子)。 如:It takes me a day to read the book. 8. chat with sb. 与某人闲聊


5A Unit 4单词 family家庭;家庭成员 need需要 pig猪 with 和 Halloween 万圣节前夕(10月31 日) vase花瓶 Ian ter n 灯笼 else别的,其他的 chicken小鸡,鸡;鸡肉 Saturday星期六 cook烹调,做饭 词组 I. his family他的家庭 3. some chocolate 一些巧克力 5. your cha nge你的找头 7. work on Saturdays在星期六工作9. i n the eve ning 在晚上 II. Sun day morning 星期天上午13. a big horse 一匹大马 15. in the sitting-room 在起居室里17. help me帮助我 聚会 19. a tiger mask 一个老虎面具21. What else …其他什么?23. like doi ng 喜欢做..... 句子1. What do you like ? I like .... Do you like 2. buy things 买东西 4. a good idea 一个好主意 6. a bus driver 一位公共车司机 8. play table tennis 打乒乓10. listen to music 听音乐 12. three vases 三个花瓶 14. n eed some flowers 需要一些花 16. pumpkin lanterns 南瓜灯18. a Halloween party 一个万圣节 20. buy …for 给...... 买22. How much…?多少钱? thing东西;物品horse 马 work工作;劳动evening傍晚;晚上tomorrow 明天mask 面具pumpkin 南瓜cha nge找头;零钱duck鸭子;鸭肉Sun day星期日animal动物


Unit 4 1.短语归纳: on the sofa 在沙发上in the schoolbag 在书包里under the bed 在床底下come on 快点 be tidy 整洁的tape player 录音机model plane 飞机模型have a clock 有一个时钟 2.必背典句: 1. Where is my pencil box? 我的铅笔盒在哪? 2. Where are my books? 我的书在哪? 3. It’s under your bed. 它在你的床底下。 4. Come on, Jack. 快点儿,杰克。 5. I think it’s in your grandparents’room. 我认为它在你(外)祖父母的房间里。 6. I don’t know. 我不知道 7. I’m tidy. 我是爱整洁的人。 3.介词短语 介词短语的构成:介词+the / 物主代词/名词所有格+名词等。 (1)在介词短语中,定冠词the常常不翻译成中文,但the不能省略,是表示特指的。例:behind the door 在门后面 (2)若介词短语中名词前用了物主代词或名词所有格时,不能再用定冠词the,但名词所有格前可以用the。例:on his desk 在他的书桌上;in the teacher’s room 在老师的房

间里 (3)专有名词前不能用the。 (4)表示方位的介词:on, in, behind, between, under等。 on在……上面(紧贴着某物,有面的接触)in 在……里面;behind在……后面;between 在……之间,常于and连用;under在……的下面。 4.Where引导的特殊疑问句 由where引导的特殊疑问句意在询问人或者物品所在的位置,句式“where +be+名词”,注意where后的be动词用is还是用are,取决于be动词后面的名词时单数还是复数。答语句式:It is +介词短语(对应的问句为where is);They are+介词短语(对应的问句为where are)或者直接用介词短语回答,省略it is或they are。 例:1.—Where is my eraser? —It’s on the desk. / On the desk. 2.—Where are the keys? —They are under the bed. / Under the bed. 5. I think it’s in your grandparents’room. 我认为它在你(外)祖父母的房间里。变否定句:I don’t think it’s in your grandparents’room.. 当主语是第一人称,think表示“看法”,其后接宾语从句时,若宾语从句表示否定意义,在形式上应该否定前面的主句,这种现象叫否定转移。 (误)I think he is not a teacher. (正) I don’t think he is a teacher. 我认为他不是一位老师。


Unit4 1.过去常常做。used to do sth 其否定和疑问借助助动词did) 习惯做某事be/get used to doing sth 2.It’s / has been +时间段+since+一般过去时态句子“自从。。。已经有多长时间了。” It’s / It has been three years since we last saw her. 3.from time to time 时不时地;有时(=sometimes) 4.not…+形/副+enough+ to do sth 不够。。。不能做。。。 She was never brave enough to ask questions. 5.get good grades in .. 在。。。(方面)取得好成绩 6.(be) on a swim team 加入游泳队 7.be (more) interested in…. 对。。。(更)感兴趣 8.I used to be afraid of the dark.我过去害怕黑暗。 9. be alone 独处;alone (副词)单独;独自 ?feel lonely 感到孤独lonely(形容词)孤独的 10. give a speech in public 在公共场所演讲 11. on 关于 12.at least +数词至少 13.worry about…= be worried about …担心 14. all the time一直;始终 15.be/feel nervous about “对……感到紧张” 16.such+(a/an)+形容词+名词(一个)如此。。。的。。 such a beautiful girl 一个如此漂亮的女孩 so+形/副 so many flowers, so much water. 17.see sb. doing sth 看见某人正在做某事 18.Score 可数名词:得分,进球get good scores in / on… 动词:得分,进球 19. turn red / yellow 20. an ant / an insect / a European country 21.19岁的19-year-old 数词-单数名词“。。。的” 19 岁19 years old 22.开始做;学着做take up doing sth 23.处理;应付;应对deal with (deal---dealt---dealt) 24. 敢于做某事dare to do sth 25.不再not….anymore 26.在人群前in front of crwods 27. 许多;大量tons of = lots of= a large number of 28.太多too much+ 不可数名词 太多too many+不可数名词 太much too + 形容词、副词原形 29.对。。。很小心、认真be careful about 30.可能的possible-----不可能的impossible 31.通往成功的道路the road to success 32.考虑做某事think up doing sth (think---thought---thought) 33.取得成功make it = succeed 34.为。。。做准备prepare for = make preparations 35….的数量the number of … (做主语时谓语动词用单数) 许多,大量 a number of = a lot of (谓语动词由of后的名词决定) a small /large number of 少量的/ 大量的。。。 36.在。。方面做的好;擅长be good at= do well in 37.很少,不常seldom (否定副词,同never用法) 38.制造麻烦、惹事cause problems 39搬到城市找工作move to the city to look for jobs 40.照顾;照看take care of = look after 41.错过;想念;不在miss 42. 不开心的unhappy -----不开心unhappiness 43.(v.)影响。。。influence sb. / sth (n.)对。。有影响have an influence on sb. 对。。有很大的影响have a great influence on sb. 44.缺席;不在be absent from 缺课be absent from classes= miss classes 45.失败;不及格fail the exam 考试不及格 未能(做成某事)fail to do sth 46.决定做某事decide to do sth = make a decision to do sth 47.建议某人做某事advise sb. to do sth 48.亲身;亲自in person do sth in person (亲身做某事) 14.即使;虽然even though= even if 15.为。。而自豪;为。。感到骄傲the pride of…. ….的骄傲 take pride in (pride 名词骄傲;自豪)= be proud of (proud 形容词骄傲的;自豪的)16.It’s important for parents to be there for their children.父母亲陪在孩子身边是很重要的。


选修8 Unit 4 Pygmalion ●重点单词 1.adaptation n.适应(性);改编本→adapt vt.改编,(使)适应2.whistle vi.吹口哨;发出汽笛声n.口哨声;汽笛声 3.hesitate vi.犹豫;踌躇→hesitation n.犹豫;踌躇 4.outcome n.结果;效果 5.brilliant adj.光辉灿烂的;杰出的;才华横溢的 6.classify vt.编排;分类;归类→classification n.分类;归类7.remark n.谈论;言论;评述vt. & vi.谈论;评论;说起8.condemn vt.谴责;使......注定 9.acquaintance n.相识,了解,熟人 10.fortune n.机会;运气;大笔的钱 11.status n.身份;地位;职位 12.superior adj.优秀的;较高的,上级的n.上级;长官 13.rob vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺→robbery n.抢劫(行为) 14.antique adj.古时的;(因古老、稀少而)珍贵的n.文物;古董;古玩15.shabby adj.破旧的;寒酸的 16.compromise n. & vi.妥协;折衷 17.horrible adj.可怕的;恐怖的→horror n.恐怖 18.disgusting adj.使人反感的;令人厌恶的→disgust vt.厌恶,反感19.overlook vt.俯视;忽视;不理会 20.fade vi. & vt.(使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失 ●重点短语 1.pass...off as... (把某人)改变或冒充成...... 2.make one's acquaintance 结识;与......相见 3.in amazement 震惊,惊讶 4.generally speaking 一般说来 5.in terms of... 就......来就,从......角度 6.rob sb. of sth. 抢劫某人某物 7.show...in 带/领......进来 8.once more 再一次 9.in need of 需要 10.fade out (声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡 ●重点句型 1.While watching, he makes notes.他边看边做笔记。 2.Will that be of any use to you?这些对你有用吗? 3.It's raining heavily now, isn't it? 现在雨下得很大,不是吗?


人教版九年级英语Unit4 《I used to be afraid of the dark.》知 识点 1. be more interested in 对…更感兴趣. be interested in =take an interest in a place of interest 名胜 2. on the swim team 游泳队的队员. 3. be terrified/afraid of 害怕. 4. gym class 体操课. P.E.= physical education 5. worry about 担心. 6. all the time 一直, 总是always 7. chat with 与…闲聊chatted 8. hardly ever 几乎从不never/seldom 9. walk to school = go to school on foot 步行去上学 take the bus to school = go to school by bus 乘车去上学 第 1 页共12 页

10. as well as 不仅…而且as well 同too 11. I used to be afraid of the dark. 我过去常常前害怕黑暗. 12.I go to sleep with my bedroom light on.我开着卧室的灯睡觉. 13. I used to spend a lot of time playing games with my friends. 以 前我常常花很多时间和我的朋友们玩游戏. 14. I hardly ever have time for concerts. 我几乎没有时间去听音乐会. 15. My life has changed a lot in the last/past few years. 16. It will make you stressed out. 那会使你紧张的. 17. It seems that Yu Mei has changed a lot. 玉梅似乎变化很大. 18. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事(这个知识点考的很多,大家要注意这个短语的意思,还要记着used后面用的是不定式to do) 如:He used to play football after school. 放学后他过去常常踢足球。 2. 反意疑问句(反义疑问句遵循这样一个原则,前肯定后否定,前否定后肯定)①肯定陈述句+否定提问如:Lily is a student, isn't she? ②否定陈述句+肯定提问如:She doesn't come from China, does she? 第 2 页共12 页


2020年春人教新目标英语七年级下册 知识点归纳总结 unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A 1. arrive late for 迟到,侧重到达的时间晚 be late for 迟到侧重于状态 arrive late for class/school. = be late for class/school. 上课/上学迟到 2.on time准时按规定时间或指定时间做某事不早不晚 in time及时不迟到或在规定时间之前或接近所规定时间做某事没有迟到,时间还充裕He always go to school on time.他总是按时上学。 Fireman reached the house on fire in time.消防员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。 3.祈使句表示请求,命令或建议祈使句无主语,主语you常省去,动词原形谓语当, 句首加don’t否定变朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。 肯定的祈使句 (1)实义动词原形+其他Have a seat here. 请这边坐。 (2)be动词原形+形容词+其他Be a good boy! (3)Let sb do sth. Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 (4)有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。This way, please. = Go this way, please. 请这边走否定的祈使句 (1)Don’t+实义动词+原形Don’t forget me!不要忘记我! (2) Don’t be+形容词+其他Don’t be late for school!上学不要迟到! (3) Don’t l et sb do sth Let +宾语+ not + 动词原形+其它成分 Don’t let him go. / Let him not go.别让他走。 (4) No+Ving. No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No fishing! 禁止钓鱼 4. hear listen sound 听 hear听说侧重于听的内容 I'm sorry to hear that you are ill. 听说你生病了我很难过。 I never heard such an interesting story. 我从来没听过这么有趣的一个故事。 listen 听侧重于听的动作 Listen to me carefully. 认真听我说。 sound听起来它是系动词后面接形容词等 That sounds great. 那听起来真不错。 5. fight v打架、打仗过去式fought. (1)fight for为…而斗争,后面常接抽象名词,表示为事业、自由等而斗争目的 They are fighting for freedom.他们正为自由而战。 (2) fight against为反对…而战斗,后接事物名词、人和国家名词。 They fought against the enemy.他们和敌人作战。 (3)fight with 和…打架,同…(并肩)战斗,对抗,后只接表示人或国家的名词。 Don’t fight with him.不要和他打架。 (4)fight about 为...争吵吵架的原因 6.take, bring take 带走,拿走指把东西从说话地带到别的地方 Can you help me to take the books to the classroom?你能帮我把这些书带到教室里去吗? bring带来指把东西从别处带到说话地 7. 情态动词have to的用法 (1)侧重于客观上的必要,必须不得不做某事和其他情态动词的区别在于其有人称的变化。


Unit 4 Wildlife protection语言点 mercy 【原句回放】Farmers hunted us without mercy. 农民们毫不留情的猎杀我们 【点拨】1. mercy ( cn ./un.) 仁慈;宽容;怜悯 They showed mercy to their enemies. The ship was at the mercy of the storm. 2. Adj. merciful 仁慈的,宽容的。 She was merciful to the prisoners. 【拓展】 at the mercy of sb. /sth. 任……处置;对……无能为力;任由摆布 throw oneself on sb’s mercy 指望某人能宽容 without mercy 残忍地 show mercy to sb have mercy on sb 同情可怜某人 affect 【原句回放】It contains a powerful drug which affects mosquitoes. 它含有一种影响蚊子的强效药物 【点拨】affect (Vt.) 影响;使感动。 The change in climate may affect your health. 【拓展】 Have/produce an effect on 对……有影响 come into effect 生效;实施 be of no effect 无效的;无用的 decrease 【原句回放】If their habitat is threatened or they cannot find enough food,their numbers may decrease.如果它们的栖息地受到威胁或它们不能找到足够的食物,它们的数量就会减少。【点拨】decrease v. & n. (1)vi. & vt. 降低,减少,使(变小) [搭配] decrease in 在……方面减少from 在……基础上减少to 减少到……by 减少了…… [特别提示] decrease v. 减少 [近]reduce v. 减少 [反]increase v. 增加 ①All people desire an ________ in well-being (福利). The workmen want to ___________ the working hours and to pay loss 【原句回放】loss of bamboo growing areas 竹子生长地的丧失 【点拨】loss n. (1)[U]损失;遗失;丧失 Did you report the loss of your jewellery to the police?

unit 4 知识点归纳

? ? ?? ?assist sb.with sth. assist sb.to do sth. assist sb.in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事 Unit 4 知识点归纳 1.delighted adj.快乐的,高兴 2.assist vt.帮助,协助;援助 3.eager adj.渴望的,热切的 归纳拓展 be eager to do sth. 渴望做某事 be eager for sth. 急需某物 1be/feel delighted at/by/with...因……而高兴be delighted to do...因干……而高兴be delighted that...由于……而高兴2delight n .高兴;乐趣v .使高兴with delight 高兴地 to one ’s delight 令某人高兴的是

(1)concentrate on/upon (doing ) sth.专心(干)某事concentrate one ’s attention/mind/thoughts on...集中注意力于……;专心于…… concentrate one ’s efforts on sth.全力以赴(做)某事 (2)focus one ’s attention on 集中精力于fix one ’s attention/thoughts on 全神贯注于be absorbed in 全神贯注于 put one ’s heart into 集中精力于 (1)inform sb. of/about sth.告知某人某事inform sb.that/wh-从句告知某人…… keep https://www.360docs.net/doc/622784467.html,rmed 随时告知某人 (2)information n .[U]通知;消息;情报;信息 meanwhile =in the meanwhile =in the meantime 在此期间,与此同时 4.concentrate 集中;聚集。vt.concentrate on 集中;全神贯注于 https://www.360docs.net/doc/622784467.html,rm 意为告知;通知 inform sb. of/about sth.通知/告知某人某事 6.meanwhile adv.期间;与此同时; n .在此期间,与此同时 7.depend on 意为依靠;依赖


unit 4 Don’t eat in class. Section A 1. arrive late for 迟到,侧重到达的时间晚 be late for 迟到侧重于状态 arrive late for class/school. = be late for class/school. 上课/上学迟到 2.on time准时按规定时间或指定时间做某事不早不晚 in time及时不迟到或在规定时间之前或接近所规定时间做某事没有迟到,时间还充裕He always go to school on time.他总是按时上学。 Fireman reached the house on fire in time.消防员及时赶到那幢失火的房子。 3.祈使句表示请求,命令或建议祈使句无主语,主语you常省去,动词原形谓语当, 句首加don’t否定变朗读应当用降调,句末常标感叹号。 肯定的祈使句 (1)实义动词原形+其他Have a seat here. 请这边坐。 (2)be动词原形+形容词+其他Be a good boy! (3)Let sb do sth. Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 (4)有的祈使句在意思明确的情况下,动词可省略。This way, please. = Go this way, please. 请这边走否定的祈使句 (1)Don’t+实义动词+原形Don’t forget me!不要忘记我! (2) Don’t be+形容词+其他Don’t be late for school!上学不要迟到! (3) Don’t l et sb do sth Let +宾语+ not + 动词原形+其它成分 Don’t let him go. / Let him not go.别让他走。 (4) No+Ving. No smoking! 禁止吸烟! No fishing! 禁止钓鱼 4. hear listen sound 听 hear听说 侧重于听的内容 I'm sorry to hear that you are ill. 听说你生病了 我很难过。 I never heard such an interesting story. 我从来没听过这么有趣的一个故事。 listen 听侧重于听的动作 Listen to me carefully. 认真听我说。 sound听起来 它是系动词 后面接形容词等 That sounds great. 那听起来真不错。 5. fight v打架、打仗过去式fought. (1)fight for为…而斗争,后面常接抽象名词,表示为事业、自由等而斗争目的 They are fighting for freedom.他们正为自由而战。 (2) fight against为反对…而战斗,后接事物名词、人和国家名词。 They fought against the enemy.他们和敌人作战。 (3)fight with 和…打架,同…(并肩)战斗,对抗,后只接表示人或国家的名词。 Don’t fight with him.不要和他打架。 (4)fight about 为...争吵吵架的原因 6.take, bring take 带走,拿走指把东西从说话地带到别的地方 Can you help me to take the books to the classroom?你能帮我把这些书带到教室里去吗? bring带来指把东西从别处带到说话地 7. 情态动词have to的用法 (1)侧重于客观上的必要,必须不得不做某事和其他情态动词的区别在于其有人称的变化。 (2)肯定句:sb +have/has to+动词原形。 主语为第三人称单数时用has to,其他人称用have to.
