美国文学概括Chapter 3
美国文学Chapter 3

Chapter 4
• Background • native factors: It is a period following American independence. (Political independence, economic development and territorial expansion contributed much to literature.) • foreign influence: Romanticism emerged from England and it added impetus to the growth of Romanticism in America.
Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)
• In 1833 Poe lived in Baltimore with his father's sister Mrs. Maria Clemm. After winning a prize of $50 for a short story, he started career as a staff member of various magazines, among which Southern Literary Messenger he had to leave partly due to his alcoholism. During these years he wrote some of his best-known stories. • In 1836 Poe married his 13-year-old cousin Virginia Clemm. She bust a blood vessel in 1842, and remained a virtual invalid until her death from tuberculosis five years later.

Transcendentalism refers to a kind of attitude that believes in the recognition in man of the capacity of knowing truth intuitively(直觉地)or of attaining knowledge transcending the reach of the senses. In a literal sense, it means the belief that knowledge and principles of reality can be obtained by studying thought, not necessarily by practical experiences.Realism It is, in literature, an approach that attempts to describe life without idealization or romantic subjectivity. In part. Realism was a reaction against the Romantic emphasis on the strange, idealistic, and long-ago and far-away.Local Colorism the writings of local colorists are concerned with the life of a small, well-defined region or province. The characteristic setting is the isolated small town. Local colorists were consciously nostalgic historians of a vanishing way of life, recorders of a present that faded before their eyes.1) The Lost Generationthey had cut themselves off from their past in America in order to create new types of writ ing which had never been tried before. Among these writers, the most famous are Ernest Hemingway, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Dos Passos. Chapter ThreeAmerican Romanticism * Irving * CooperII. W ashington Irving (1783-1859)1 Writing StyleIrving’s style can only be described as beautiful though imitative.A. Irving avoids moralizing as much as possible: he wrote to amuse and entertain.B. He was good at enveloping his stories in a rich atmosphere, which is often more than compensation forthe slimness of plot.C. His characters are vivid and true so that they tend to linger in the mind of the reader.D. He was such a humorous writer that it is difficult not to smile and occasionally even chuckle.E. His language was finished and musical.2. Literary StatusFather of American literatureThe first professional American writerThe first American Romantic writerThe first American short story writerThe first American imaginative writerto be recognized by the Europeans3. His W orks:A History of New Y ork (1809)The Sketch Book (1819-20)The short story as a genre in American literature probably began with Irving’s The Sketch Book, a collection of essays, sketches, and tales, of which the most famous and frequently anthologized are “Rip V an Winkle” and “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”Rip V an Winkle《瑞普*凡*温尔克》It is a fantasy tale about a man who somehow stepped outside the main stream of life. Rip V an Winkle is a simple, good-natured, and hen-pecked man. An amiable man whose home and farm suffer from his lazy neglect, he is loved by all but his wife. One autumn day he escapes his nagging wife ,after drinking some of ghosts of Henry Hudson’s crew’s liquor, he falls asleep. He wakes up twenty years later and returns to his village. He finds out that everything changes.The Legend of Sleepy HollowThe History of the Life and Voyages of ChristopherColumbus (1828)The Alhambra《阿尔罕伯拉》(1832)Life of Goldsmith, Life of WashingtonTales of a TravelerIII. James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851)1. Literary Status:The first American Frontier novelThe first American Sea novelThe first American Spy NovelThe first American Historical NovelHis Leatherstocking Tales as the American National Epic3. His major works:Precaution (1820)The Spy (1821)“The Leatherstocking Tales” includesThe Pioneers (1823)The Last of the Mohicans (1826)The Prairie (1827)The Pathfinder (1840)The Deerslayer (1841)The Leatherstocking Tales is a series of novels by American writer James Fenimore Cooper, each featuring the main hero Natty Bumppo, known by European settlers as "Leatherstocking," 'The Pathfinder", and "the trapper" and by the Native Americans as "Deerslayer," "La Longue Carabine" and "Hawkeye". He becomes a type, a representation of a nation struggling to be born, progressing from old age to rebirth and youth.5. Writing Features:A. Plot construction:Cooper was good at inventing plots. His plots are sometimes quite incredible, buthis stories are immensely intriguing.B. Landscape description: His landscape descriptions are majestic and suggestive of sir Walter Scott,the legendary spirit of whose border tales might have been a source of inspiration for him.C. A rich imagination: He had never been to the frontier and among the Indians and yet could write fivehuge epic books about them with his rich imagination. Free from injustice, he treated the American Indians as noble savages.D.Clumsy style: his style is dreadful; his characterization seems wooden and lacking in probability.6. His Contributiona. Cooper hit upon the native subject of frontier and wilderness.b.He contributed to American literature different subgenres of novels: spy novel, sea novel, frontiernovel, and historical romance.c. He created the first legendary frontier hero Natty Bumppo as the typical Pioneering figure.d. He introduced the West and the frontier as a usable past into American literature, thus ushering in theWestern tradition into American world of letters.Chapter4New England Transcendentalism * Emerson * ThoreauPrinciples of Emerson’s transcendentalismThe over-soulPrimacy of IndividualPrimacy of NatureII. Ralph W aldo Emerson (1803-1882)1. Literary Status:“Father of American Essay”,The Concord SageLeader and spokesman of New England TranscendentalismEssayist, poet, philosopher, orator, critic.His major works:A. CollectionsPoems (1847); Representative Men (1850); English Traits (1856)The Conduct of Life (1860); May Day and Other Poems (1867)Society and Solitude (1870); Letters and Social Aims (1876)Essays"Self-Reliance" "Compensation" "The Over-Soul""The Poet" "Experience""Nature" (the Bible and manifesto of the New England Transcendentalism)Emerson’s Nature has been called the “Manifesto of American Transcendentalism”"The American Scholar" (Intellectual Declaration of Independence)His The American Scholar has been rightly regarded as America’s “Declaration of Intellectual Independence”.C. Poems"Concord Hymn""The RhodoraNature(1836): “The Universe is composed of Nature and the Soul, Spirit is present everywhere”The book presents a theory of the universe, its origin, present condition, and final destiny. Nature’s voice pushed American Romanticism into a new phase, the phase of New England Transcendentalism, the summit of American Romanticism/ American Renaissance.The American Scholar(1837): In this essay, Emerson calls for a distinctive American style, dealing with American subjects. Thus, regarded as “America’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence”Self-Reliance(1841): This essay focuses on his discussion on the individual’s relation’s with his culture—culture in the broadest definition, thus exploring the implications of the fierce individualism at the heart of his Transcendental faith: the dignity, the ultimate sanctity[holiness] of each human beingThe Over-Soul(1841): It is a philosophic work, in which Emerson gives an explicit discussion on his idea of the over-soul, with a most comprehensive and sensitive analysis of the varieties of religious experienceEvaluation to him:1. He was the first American to call for an independent culture in both Nature and The American Scholar.(America’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence).He called on American writers to write about America in a way peculiarly American.2.Emerson’s aesthetics places emphasis on ideas, symbol, and imaginative words, which brought about arevolution in American literature in general and in American poetry in particular.3.He embodied a new nation’s desire and struggle to assert its own identity in its formative period.4.In modern times he is sometimes dismissed as having no sense of evil, and his optimistic philosophy as somuch Transcendentalist folly.Henry Davis Thoreau(1817---1862)His major works:★Walden★Civil DisobedienceChapter 6Walt Whitman (1819-1892)Evaluation•One of the great innovators in American literature.•An author during the transition between Transcendentalism and Realism.•His masterpiece is Leaves of Grass (1855), which he spent his entire life writing.Major works1. Leaves of Grass the most influential volume of poems in the history of American literatureSong of Myself An epic poem published in Leaves of Grass using an all-powerful first person narration Emily Dickinson 1830-1886Style•As part of Dickinson seeking essence or the heart of things, she eliminated inessential language and punctuation from her poems. She leaves out helping verbs and connecting words; she drops endings from verbs and nouns.•It is not always clear what Dickinson’s pronouns refer to; sometimes a pronoun refers to a word which does not appear in the poem. At her best, she achieves breathtaking effects by compressing language •Dickinson’s disregard for the rules of grammar and sentence structure is one reason twentieth century critics found her so appealing; her use of language anticipates the way modern poets used language.•The downside of her language is that the compression may be so drastic that the poem is incomprehensible; it becomes a riddle or intellectual puzzle.•Readers are still saying "What?" in response to some of her poems.Chapter 7Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849)1. Literary Position⏹ 1. father of modern short story⏹ 2. father of detective story⏹ 3. father of psychoanalytic criticism3. W orks⏹Tales of the Grotesque and the Arabesque《奇异怪诞故事集》⏹MS. Found in a Bottle《瓶子里发现的手稿》⏹The Murders in the Rue Morgue《毛格街杀人案》⏹The Fall of the House of Usher《厄舍古屋的倒塌》⏹The Masque of the Red Death《红色死亡的化妆舞会》⏹The Cask of Amontillado《一桶酒的故事》⏹The Raven《乌鸦》⏹Israfel《伊斯拉菲尔》⏹Annabel Lee《安娜贝尔•李》⏹To Helen《致海伦》⏹The Poetic Principle《诗歌原理》⏹The Philosophy of Composition《创作哲学》5. His Reputation:French imagists: Baudelaire (1821-1867), Mallarme (1822-1898), and Valery (1871-1945) used Poe as the model for their symbolist school.He is admired for his poetic vocabulary (pure poetry), his themes and his view that underneath human nature is cruel and irrational (ahead of his time)As a tragic young aristocrat who had been betrayed by American societyMajor European writers such as Swinburne (1837-1909), Bernard Shaw (1856-1926) and Dostoevsky (1821-1881) all appreciated Poe’s achievements.It was not until the 20th century when Americans started to learn from the French that Poe became popular in Europe.Chapter 8American Realism1.William Dean HowellsHis W orks:☐The Rise of Silas Lapham☐ A Chance Acquaintance☐ A Modern Instance2.Henry JamesHis W orks:Literary Career : Three Stages1. 1865~1882: international theme☐The American (1877)☐The Europeans (1878)☐Daisy Miller (1878)☐The Portrait of a Lady (1881)The Portrait of a Lady is a novel by Henry James, first published as a serial in The Atlantic Monthly and Macmillan's Magazine in 1880–1881 and then as a book in 1881. It is one of James' most popular long novels, and is regarded by critics as one of his finest.☐Washington Square (1881)2.1882~1895: Novels in the naturalistic mode:The Bostonians, 1886 波士顿人Turning to three dominant subjects:☐The Figure in the Carpet, 1896 地毯上的图案☐What Mazie Knew, 1897 梅瑟所知道的☐The Turn of the Screw, 1898 螺丝在拧紧☐The Beast in the Jungle, 1903 丛林猛兽3.1895~1900: Returning to international themesNovels complex and profound☐The Wings of the Dove, 1902 鸽翼☐The Ambassadors, 1903 奉使记☐The Golden Bowl, 1904 镀金碗Stylist: Henry Jamesnguage: highly-refined, polished, insightful, accurate.2.V ocabulary: large.3.Construction: complicated, intricateJames’ place in American Literature☐Bridging the 19th and 20th c.☐Connecting America and Europe.☐ A pioneer in psychological realism☐ A “master craftsman”☐Criticized by some because of his focus on the elite (James deals largely with the moral and social problems of middle- and upper-class society. )☐Along with the increasing complexity of his style, his hypersensitive narrators, or protagonists, having alienated James from the common reader, as James himself realized.Chapter 9 Mark Twain (1835-1910)Major works1.“Personalized fiction”1.The Gilded Age: A Tale of To-day (1873)This novel is about the post-Civil War boom years in the southcalled Reconstruction. It satirizes the greed and selfishness in the speculative exploitation of public resources during the administration of Grant.☐The Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson (1894) a novel set in the South before the Civil War that criticizes racism and the disastrous effects of slavery on the victimizer and the victim alike. It reveals to us a Mark Twain whose conscience as a white southerner was tormented by fear and remorse.☐The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876)A classic book written for boys about their particular horrors and joys☐The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884)2. Travel fiction:☐The Innocents Abroad (or The New Pilgrim’s Progress)(1869) 《傻子国外旅行记》This is the fictionalized account of Mark Twain’s steamboat tour to Europe and Israel. The pilgrims are real people that Mark Twain knew.☐Roughing It (1873) 《艰难生涯》recounts his early adventures as a miner and journalist in a jocular, often scoffin g way/ a “nonfiction novel,”: a novel that employs the conventions of fiction to tell a true story / New journalism新新闻体:以报导者主观的反应为特点的新闻学,常含有虚构成分2. Travel fiction:☐Life on the Mississippi (1883) (密西西比河上的生活)combines an autobiographical account of his experiences as a river pilot with a visit to the Mississippi nearly two decades after he left it;3. Historical RomanceThe Prince and the Pauper (1882)(王子与贫儿), a children's book, focuses on switched identities in Tudor England(1485-1603). It is a carefully structured historical romance with many humorous situations☐ A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur‘s Court(在亚瑟王朝廷中的康涅狄格州美国人)(1889) satirizes oppression, cruelty, aristocracy and feudalism in Arthurian England(6th century). It is a parable of colonialization. A representative of modern technology and ideas came to a historically backward feudal society and offered to develop the Arthurian world and rid it of superstition, however, he destroyed rather than modernized it.4. Tall tales⏹The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1865) 《卡拉维拉斯县驰名的跳蛙》a tale filledwith the kind of exaggeration and comedy that characterize the frontier life. Twain's first book in 1867 /collects 27 stories that were previously published in magazines and newspapers.⏹The title story first appeared in print in 1865 / "The Notorious Jumping Frog of Calaveras County" / "JimSmiley and His Jumping Frog."⏹The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg (1900) 《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》is an ingeniously plottedparable of a town proud of its reputation for honesty with the motto “Lead Us Not Into Temptation.”However, the citizens surrender to a stranger’s temptation of gold, and in the end Hadleyburg changes toa new name and revises its motto to “Lead Us Into Temptation.” In the novel, his obsessive vision ofhumanity as greedy, oafish, hypocritical, cruel and predatory was wholly apparent.5. Anti-imperialist:The essay “To the Person Sitting in Darkness” (1901)is a response to the Boxer rebellion in China. It is a scathing political attack against imperialismFeatures / Contributions☐As a literary artist:⏹He made colloquial speech an accepted, respectable literary medium in the literary history of the country.His success in creating this plain but evocative language precipitated the end of American reverence for British and European culture.⏹He is justly renowned as a humorist of his time but successive generations of writers, however, recognizedthe role that Twain played in creating a truly American literature.⏹Twain's work was inspired by the unconventional West and the popularity of his work marked the end ofthe domination of American Literature by New England writers.⏹His adherence to American themes, settings, and language set him apart from many other novelists of theday and had a powerful effect on such later American writers as Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner, both of whom pointed to Twain as an inspiration for their own writing.。

Chapter 1. The literature of colonial America (1590-1750)(1) Cultural background:<1> Early in 17th cen., most of the settlers in North America were the puritans who wanted to avoid the religious persecution of the Church of England and seek religious freedom in the new land.☆Puritans -- a ―would-be purifier‖, a radical sect of the Protestant reformers who wanted to purify the religious beliefs and practices of the Church of England, that is, restore simplicity to church services and restore the authority of the Bible to theology净化宗教观念,简化仪式Thus they suffered fierce persecution and attack from the Church of England. In orderto avoid such persecution, they fled to the American Continente.g. the Mayflower 1620 in PlymouthThe founding myth 美国的建国神话They regarded themselves as the chosen people and were sent to the America by Godin order to create a New world (a new Garden of Eden) in the America. By doing so,they can get the chance of salvation. (optimism/ idealism)in the grim struggle for survival that followed immediately after their arrival in America, they became more and more practical.They were noted for a spirit of moral and religious earnestness that determinate their whole way of life. The Puritans in New England practiced theocracy神权政治Their way of life were based on their somber religion and stressed hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety(节制)They opposed arts and pleasure. They suspect joy and laughter as symptoms of sin. In people’s daily life, religious activities were a matter of first importance and all others should serve the religion.<4>Their practices and beliefs (American Puritanism)greatly influenced the literature of this period (e.g. practical matter-of-fact accounts of life in the new world; highly theoretical discussions of religious questions)(2) Major works and writers:<1> The first writings in American literature were the narratives and journals of the early colonial settlements, which helped to lure more Europeans, especially the Puritans to seek fortune or religious freedom in the new continent<2> John Smith wrote about the exploration in A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened in Virginia Since the First Planting of That Colony《关于弗吉尼亚的真实描述》and became the first American Writer.<3> Poetry:Anne Bradstreet ’s The Tenth Muse Recently Sprung Up in America----the first poetess in AmericaChapter 2. The literature of Reason and Revolution (1750-1810)While theology dominated the writings of the colonial times, politics政治论辩permeated the writing of the Revolution period.<1>Background:{1} political backgroundIndustrial Revolution: spurred the economy in American colonies.Independence War: Around the war, many political writings were written to support and defendAmerican independence and democracy.{2} Cultural backgroundThe Enlightenment启蒙运动a literary movement which flourished in France & swept through the whole Western Europe in 18th century. Its purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modem philosophical & artistic ideas. The enlighteners celebrated reason or rationality, equality & science &human beings’ability to perfect themselves and their society. What’s more, they believed that man is basically good and free by nature, endowed by God with certain inalienable rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.While in America the humanistic ideas of the movement dealt a heavy blow to Puritanism in advocating science, knowledge and the power and ability of man. It brought to life secular education and literature. The Enlightenment had also influenced the literature of that period(1) form a style of clarity and precision.(2) its secular ideals (the possibilities of human progress, man has the rights to pursue equality, liberty, and the happiness) are reflected in the writingsE.g. Franklin. (P16 )<2> Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)(1) Life achievement:He was born into a poor candle-maker’s family. He had very little education. He learned in school only for two years, but by self-improvement and self-reliance, he made a great fortune and did lots of contribution to the society.The secular ideals of the American Enlightenment were exemplified in his life and career. (2)Important works:Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书:An annual collection of proverbs. Franklin’s pragmatism (实用主义, how to make fortune by efforts & sense of humor are fully demonstrated in this work.E.g. God help them that help themselves. No man was glorious, who was not laborious.The Autobiography自传:(1) It not only narr ates Franklin’s early life, but his life principles and philosophy.(2) sets autobiography as a literary genre in American literature.(3) Through telling a success story of self-reliance, the book celebrates, in fact, the fulfillment ofthe American dream which inspired generations of Americans.Recording his story form rags to riches by self-reliance and self-improvement (for example, Franklin’s 13 virtues), the book demonstrated F’s belief that the new world of America was a land of opportunities where people can gain success through hard work and wise management (American Dream--- one important theme in American literature)He was the first positive representation of the values of the American Dream.<3> Philip FreneauHe anticipated the American literary independence, so he is widely acclaimed as“Father of American Poetry”美国诗歌之父(P44)(2)Writing style:Subject: treat the indigenous本土的wild life and other native American subjects(e.g. The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地The Wild Honeysuckle 野忍冬花) Diction: natural, simple and concrete(3) The Wild Honey Suckle 野忍冬花[1]By celebrating the beauty of the frail forest flower{1}the poet expresses his keen awareness of the liveliness and transience of nature, thus showing his deep love for natural beauty, which was the characteristic of romantic poets.{2} And also his own understanding about mortality/ death ( life and death are inevitable law of nature. )[2]The tone of the poem is both sentimental and optimistic. First, he showed his pity and sorrow, for extending the fate of the flower to the fate of all the creatures in the nature, including our human beings. However, at the end of the poem, F was sensible enough to realize the truth underlying the nature, ie. Death and life are inevitable law, therefore, we need accept the death peacefully and bravely.Chapter 3 American Romanticism (1810-1860 civil war)<1> Time Range: (the 1st half of 19th century)From the end of the 18th century (after the War for Independence) through the outbreak of the Civil War.<2> Literary characteristics of this period : (p 57)American literature in this period was not a servant of religious and politics. Novels,short stories, and poems replaced the sermons and manifestos as American’s principalliterary forms. In a word, the literature at this age flourished and developed its ownnative features & gained literary independence in the real sense.II. Pre-Romanticism1. Washington Irving 欧文(1783--1859)<1> the first American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame.<2> The Sketch Book《见闻札记》became the first work by an American writer to win financial and critical success on both sides of the Atlantic。

Chapter1 The Renaissance period(14世纪至十七世纪中叶)文艺复兴1. 1.Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance.人文主义是文艺复兴的核心。
2. 2.the Greek and Roman civilization was based on such a conception that man is the measure of all things.人文主义作为文艺复兴的起源是因为古希腊罗马文明的基础是以“人”为中心,人是万物之灵。
3. 3.Renaissance humanists found in then classics a justification to exalt human nature and came to see thathuman beings were glorious creatures capable of individual development in the direction of perfection, and that the world they inhabited was theirs not to despise but to question, explore, and enjoy.人文主义者们却从古代文化遗产中找到充足的论据,来赞美人性,并开始注意到人类是崇高的生命,人可以不断发展完善自己,而且世界是属于他们的,供他们怀疑,探索以及享受。
4. 4.Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the Englishhumanists.托马斯.摩尔,克利斯朵夫.马洛和威廉.莎士比亚是英国人文主义的代表。
5. 5.Wyatt introduced the Petrarchan sonnet into England.怀亚特将彼特拉克的十四行诗引进英国。

【美国】Chapter 3 The Modern Period现代时期1.The idea of “seize the day” or “enjoy the present ” was pervasive, as opposed to placing all hope in the future.“及时行乐”的思想十分横行,他们不把希望寄托在将来。
2.The most recognizable literary movement that gave rise to the twentieth century American literature, or we may say, the second American Renaissance, is the expatriate movement.美国20世纪的文学运动,也可说是美国第二次文艺复兴,就是移居国外的运动。
3.These writers were later named by an American writer, Gertrude Stein, also an expatriate, “The Lost Generation”. (why)---Disillusioned and disgusted by the frivolous greedy, and heedless way of life in America, they began to write and they wrote from their own experiences in the war.这些作家后来被美国作家斯坦恩称为“迷惘的一代”(原因)--由于他们已厌倦美国那种轻浮,贪婪的生活,于是开始动手写下他们的战争经历。
4.Ezra Pound’s role as a leading spokesman of famous Imagist Movement in the history of American literature.庞德在美国文学史上意象派运动中是个重要的人物。

美国文学(第三部分)(专八英美文学整理)20世纪初至今现代主义时期American Modernism1.二战前诗歌艾兹拉·庞德美国现代诗歌创始人the father of modern American poetry, 意象派诗歌之父Ezra Pound the father of Imagist Peotry1885-1972 Cathay华夏(英译中国诗)In a station of the Metro在地铁站Pisam Cantos比萨诗章The Cantos of Ezra Pound庞德诗章(109首及8首未完成稿)罗伯特·弗罗斯特New Hampshire新罕布什尔The Road Not taken没有选择的道路Robert Frost A Boy’s Wish少年心愿After Apple-picking摘苹果之后1874-1963 North of Boston波士顿之北Mending Wall修墙华莱士·史蒂文斯spokesman for the rationalist humanist traditionWallace Stevens Harmonium风琴1879-1955 The Man With the Blue Guitar弹蓝吉它的人Collected Poems诗集The Auroras of Autumn秋天的晨曦Sunday Morning礼拜天早晨2.二战前小说弗朗西斯·司各特·菲茨杰拉德The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比F Scott Fitzgerald The Beautiful and the Damned美丽的和该死的1896-1940 The Side of Paradise人间天堂(his first novel)Tender in the Night夜色温柔(迷惘的一代) Tales of the Jazz爵士时代的故事The Last Tycoon最后的巨头Flappers and Philosophers姑娘们和哲学家们辛克莱·刘易斯美国第一个获诺贝尔奖Sinclair Lewis Babbitt巴比特1885-1951 Main Street大街Arrowsmith艾罗史密斯Elmer Gantry艾尔默·甘特里Dodsworth多兹沃斯欧内斯特·海明威“迷惘的一代”的代表人物Lost generation 1954诺贝尔奖Ernest Hemingway Farewell to Arms永别了,武器1899-1961 The Old Man and the Sea老人与海The Sun Also Rises太阳照样升起For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣Death in the Afternoon午后之死In Our Time在我们的年代里;The Torrents of Spring春潮;威廉·福克纳1950诺贝尔奖William Faulkner The Sound and the Fury喧嚣与骚动(lost innocence, stream of consciousness)1897-1962 Absalom,Absolam押沙龙,押沙龙(historical novel)As I lay dying当我弥留之际约翰·斯坦贝克1962诺贝尔奖,美国经济大萧条时期作家John Steinbeck The Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄1902-1966 Of Mice and Men鼠和人The Pearl珍珠Tortilla Flat煎饼房舍伍德·安德森Winesburg,Ohio俄亥俄州的温斯堡Sherwood Anderson The Triumph of the Egg鸡蛋的胜利1876-1941 Death in the Woods林中之死3.二战前戏剧尤金·奥尼尔1936诺贝尔奖,标志美国民族戏剧的成熟,悲剧Eugene Oneil Beyond the Horizon天边外1888-1953 The Long Days Journey Into Night长夜漫漫路迢迢4.当代作家威廉·卡罗斯·威廉斯William Carlos Williams 诗人1883-1963 Red Wheelbarrow红色手推车杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格Jerome David Salinger 1919- The Catcher in the Rye麦田守望者(长篇小说) 杰克·克鲁亚克Jack Kerouac 小说家1922-1969 On the Road在路上阿瑟·米勒Arthur Miller 剧作家1915- The Death of a Salesman推销员之死拉尔夫·埃里森Ralph Ellison 小说家1914-1994 Invisible Man看不见的人(长篇小说)。

Chapter 3 The Modern PeriodI. BackgroundIn the early 20th century, nothing had more important and long-lasting effect on America than the two great world wars. America entered the era of big industry and big technology, a mechanized age that deprived individuals of their sense of identity. The war affected young writers' attitude toward life, society, and writing. Also during the interval between the two wars, some significant events exerted great influence on American literature.II. Modern period charactersFirst, many young American writers and artists lived abroad for months and years.Second, Marxism and Freudianism were widely studied. They changed people's view of society and themselves. Third, up to this point, the typical American writer had been native-born, white, more or less rich, Protestant and Anglo-Saxon. After the war, the voices of new groups of Americans were heard. They were poor, or immigrants, or Jews, or blacks. There was the new literature coming out of the South and the literature written by women with awakened self-consciousness.Fourth, during this period there occurred in America an intense reexamination of the structure of literature and of the nature of the critical activity itself.During the first decades of the 20th century, modernism became an international tendency against positivism and representational an in art and literature.a. compared with earlier writings, especially those of the 19th century, modern American writings are notable for what they omit---the explanations, interpretations, connections, and summaries. A typical modern work will seem to begin arbitrarily, to advance without explanation, and to end without resolution.b. Modernistic techniques and manifestos were initiated by poets first and later entered and transformed fiction in this period as well like the poets, prose writers strove for directness,compression, and vividness and were sparing of words.III. Main writers:I. Robert Lee Frost(1874-1963)In 1912, Robert Frost took his family to England. There he met Ezra Pound who had a very good opinion about his poems and helped him to find British publishers.A Boy's Will(1913) and North of Boston(1914) were published and highly acclaimed in England.Most of his major poetry was written before 1930, although he continued writing all the way through the 1950s and into the early 1960s. His major books include Mountain interval (1916), New Hampshire(1923), West-Running Brook (1928), A Further Range (1936), A Witness Tree (1942), A Mosque of Reason (1945), A Masque of Mercy(1947), A Steeple Bush(1947), Complete Poems(1949), and In the Clearing(1962). Although recognition came late to him at the age of forty, Robert Frost was the most popular American poet from 1914 to his death.a. During the course of his career, he changed from a national critic to a national hero.b. His verse at first was terrifying, showing a dark side of human life, human society, and the problems which confronted his own life.c. By the end of his life, his poems were filled with more sunshine. He was more pleasant. This is an important change because America needed such a poet that it could admire, especially because the other modernist poets during this time were obscure. They were intellectuals. They could not be understood by the average person. Robert Frost could be understood by the average person and his poetry is full of life, truth, and wisdom.Frost's achievement was fantastic. He won the Pulitzer Prize four times, received honorary degrees fromforty-four colleges and universities, and became the nation's unofficial Poet Laureate when he was invited to read "The Gift Outright" at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy in 1961.d. he used simple spoken language and conversational rhythms, and achieved an effortless grace in his style. He combined traditional verse forms—the sonnet, rhyming couplets, blank verse—with a clear American local speech rhythm, the speech of New England farmers with its idiosyncratic diction and syntax.II: F. Scott Fitzgerald(1896-1940): he was a most representative figure of 1920s. who was mirror of the exciting age in almost every way.Main works:This Side of ParadiseThe Beautiful and Damned.The Great GatsbyTender is the NightThe Last TycoonFlappers and PhilosophersTales of the Jazz AgeAll the Sad Young MenTaps at ReveilleBabylon Revisited(short stories)His works characters:a.He was thought of in his day a short-story writer, too.b.most critics have agreed that he is both an insider and an outsider of the Jazz Age with double vision.c. his fictional world is the best embodiment of the spirit of the Jazz age, in which he shows a particular interest in upper-class society, especially the upper-class young people.d. he never spared an intimate touch in his fiction to deal with the bankruptcy of the American Dream, which is highlighted by the disillusionment of the protagonists personal dreams due to the clashes between their romantic vision of life and the sordid reality.e.he is still a great stylist in American literature. His style closely related to his themes, is explicit and chilly. his accurate dialogues, his careful observation of mannerism, styles, models and attitudes provide the reader with a vivid sense of realityIII: Ernest Hemingway(1899-1961): a Nobel Prize winner for literature.Main works: In Our TimeThe Sun Also RisesA Farewell to ArmsFor Whom the Bell TollsThe Old Man and the SeaMen without Women(The Undefeated, The Killers, Fifty Grand)Death in the AfternoonThe Green Hills of AfricaThe Snow of KilimanjaroTo Have and Have NotHis works characters:a. His world is limited. He deals with a limited range of characters in quite similar circumstances and measures then against an unvarying code, known as …grace under pressure‟, which is actually an attitude towards life that Hemingway had been trying to demonstrate in his works.b. Typical of the …iceberg‟analogy is Hemingway‟style, which he had been trying hard to get.c. His style is actually polished and tightly controlled, but highly suggestive and connotative.d. Render vividly the outward physical events and sensations Hemingway expresses the meaning of the story and conveys the complex emotions of his characters with a considerable range and astonishing intensity of feeling.e. He develops the style of colloquialism initiated by Mark Twainf. The accents and mannerisms of human speech are so well presented that the characters are full of flesh and blood and the use of short, simple and conventional words and sentences has an effect of clearness, terseness and great care.IV. William Faulkner(1897-1962): is regarded as one the leading American writers in the literary history of the United States.Main works:The Marble FaunSoldiers‟ paySartorisThe Sound and the FuryAs I Lay DyingLight in AugustAbsalom, AbsalomWild PalmsThe HamletThe UnvanquishedGo Down, MosesThe Portable FaulknerIntruder in the DustRequiem for a NunThe FableThe TownThe MansionThough in decline in the 20th century, the family retained some of the old customs and it was from his own family history, the southern region's characteristic of white social status, racial violence, honor codes, and traditional moral values that Faulkner drew the material for most of his fiction.With his friend Phil Stone's money he published The Marble Faun, a book of poems, in 1924. Since then his primary occupation was writing fiction.In 1925 he went to New Orleans where some of his early poems, articles, and sketches were published, and where he came into contact with the new intellectual current of his day, notably Freud's psychology and James Joyce's vanguard fiction.His works characters:a. he has always been regarded as a man with great might of invention and experimentation. He added to the theory of the novel as an art form and evolvedhis own literary strategies.b. his works were to explore and represent the infinite possibilities inherent in human life.c. he was a master of his own particular style of writing. His prose, marked by long and embedded sentences, co mplex syntax and vague reference pronouns on the one hand and a variety of “registers” of the English language on the other, is very difficult to read.d. he captured the dialects of the Mississippi characters, including Negroes and the red neck, as well as more refined and educated narrators like Quentin.IV. Terms definition:1. The Lost Generation: the disillusioned intellectuals and artists of the years following the First World War,who rebelled against former ideals and values but could replace them only by despair or a synical hedonism;/ you are all a lost generation, addressed to Hemingway by Gertrude Stein, which was used as a Preface to The Sun Also Rises, which brilliantly describes those expatriates who had cut themselves off from their past in America in order to create new types of writing.2. The Imagist Movement: Led by the American poet Ezra Pound;/a poetic movement that flourished in the U.S. and England between 1909-1917;/three main principles endorsed by Pound as guidelines for Imagism: direct treatment of poetic subjects, elimination of merely ornamental or superfluous words, and rhythmical composition should be composed with the phrasing of music, not a metronome.3. Stream-of-Consciousness: a term coined by Willam James in his The Principles of Psychology to describe the flow of thoughts of the waking mind, now widely used in a literary context to describe the unspoken thoughts and feelings of the characters, without resorting to objective description or conventional dialogue;/ adapte d and developed by Joyce, V. Woolf, and others;/ the ability to represent the flux of a character‟s thought, impressions, emotions, or reminiscences, often without logical sequence of syntax, marked a revolution in the form of novel at that time.V. Questions and Answers1. Comment on Robert Lee Frost’s poetic stylea. well known as a lyrical poet, difficult to be classified with the old or the new: learned from the tradition and made the colloquial New England speech into a poetic expression;b. images and metaphors in his poems taken from simple rural life and pastoral landscape, profound ideas revealed under the disguise of plain language and simple form.c. combines traditional verse forms with a clear American local speech rhythm, writes in both the metrical forms and the free verse, and sometimes writes in a form that might be called semi-free conventional.2. Why is The Great Gatsby a successful novel?a. evoking a haunting mood of a glamorous, wild time that seemingly will never come again.b. sense of loss and disillusionment that comes with the failure embodied fully in the personal tragedy of a young man whose “incorruptible dream””smashed into pieces by the relentless reality”;c. Gatsby, a mythical figure whose personal experience approximates a sense of mind of the American; the last of the romantic heroes, whose energy and sense of commitment take him in search of his personal grail, Gatsby‟s failure predicts to a great extent the end of the American dream.3. Briefly introduce William Faulkner’s narrative techniques.a. would never step between the characters and the reader to explainb. purposely broke up the chronology of his narrative by juxtaposing the past with the present.c. the modern stream-of-consciousness technique also exploited to emphasize the reactions and inner musings of the narrator; the inner monologue helps achieve the most desirable effect of exploring the nature of human consciousness;d. good at presenting multiple points of view, which gave the story a circular form;e. the other narrative techniques include symbolism and mythological and biblical allusions.VI: Topic Discussion:1. Summarize the artistic features of imagist poems.a. Imagist poems tend to be short, composed of short lines of musical cadence rather than metrical regularity, to avoid abstraction, and to treat the image with a hard, clear precision rather than with overt symbolic intent/ the influence of Japanese forms, tanka and haiku, obvious in many.b. most of the imagist poets wrote in free verse and they like to employ common speech.they stresses the freedom in the choice of subject matter and form.2. Comment on Robert Frost’s nature poemsa. Robert Frost(1874-1963), American poet, known for his verse concerning New England life/ learned the familiar conventions of nature poetry from his predecessors, made the colloquial New England speech into a poetic expression; A poem so conceived thus becomes a symbol or metaphor, a careful, loving exploration of reality;b. Images and metaphors in his poems are drawn from the simple country life. However, profound ideas are delivered under the disguise of the plain language and the simple form;c. the thematic concern include the terror and tragedy in nature, as well as its beauty, and the loneliness and poverty of the isolated human being. In short, the nature poems demonstrate Frost‟s love of life and his belief ina serenity that comes from the common experience.3. Comment on the stylistic features of Hemingway’s novelsa. Hemingway once s aid,”The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one-eighth of it being above water”.typical of this “iceberg”analogy is Hemingway‟s style: Hemingway‟s economical writing style often seems simple, but his method is calculated. In his writing, Hemingway provided detached descriptions of action, using simple nouns and verbs to capture scenes precisely to avoid describing his characters‟ emotions and thoughts directly. Hemingway was deeply concerned with authenticity in writing. Besides, Hemingway develops the style of colloquialism initiated by Mark Twain. The accents and mannerisms of human speech are well presented, and the use of short, simple words and sentences has an effect of clearness, terseness and great care.4. Summarize the feature of the main character in W. Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily.The story focuses on Emily, and eccentric spinster who refused to accept the passage of time, or the inevitable change and loss that accompanies it. As a descendent of the Southern aristocracy, Emily is typical of those in Faulkner‟s Yoknapatwapha stories that are the symbols of the Old South but the prisoners of the past. The deformed personality and abnormity of Emily demonstrates Faulkner‟s point of view that by alienating oneself from reality, a person is bound to be a tragedy. Emily is regarded as the symbol of tradition and the old way of life. Thus her death parallels with the decline of the Old South.。

3.the closing of American frontier
II. Characteristics
1.truthful description of life
2.typical character under typical circumstance
3.objective rather than idealized, close observation and investigation of life
j.Truth is the highest beauty, but it includes the view that morality penetrates all things.
k. With regard to literary criticism, Howells felt that the literary critic should not try to impose arbitrary or subjective evaluations on books but should follow the detached scientist in accurate description, interpretation, and classification.
a. The aim of novel: represent life
b. Common, even ugly side of life
c. Social function of art
d. Avoiding omniscient point of view
(4)al analysis, forefather of stream of consciousness
英美文学选读第三章笔记Romantic period

第三章I.Multiple choice1.In the history of literature, Romanticism is generally regarded as the thoughtthat designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to seethe individual as the very center of all life and all experience在文學歷史上,浪漫主義認為個人應是生命及實踐的中心。
我們還可以說浪漫主義是將人們的注意力從外部世界---社會文明移到內部世界---人類自已的精神文明的實質2.The Romantic Period is an age of poetry. Blake ,wordsworth,coleridge,Byron, Shelley and Keats are the marjor poets. Theystarted a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regardas the peotic revolution浪漫主義是詩歌的時代,代表詩人有布萊克,華茲華斯,科勒律治,拜倫,雪萊及濟慈. 他們發起了對新古典主義的反判,這便是後世所稱“詩人革命”3.In the romantic period, Poetry is the most prosperous 繁榮literary form浪漫主義時代也是詩歌的時代4.in the following writings by William Blake, which marks his entry intomaturity?Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂與地獄的結合一詩標志著威廉布萊克創作上的成熟, 該詩創作於法國大革命高潮期間,並擔負諷喻與革命預言的兩重角色,在這首詩中,布萊克探索了對立事物之間的關系,吸引與排拆,理智與精力,愛與恨等對立事物都對人類生存有著舉足輕重的作用,布萊克認為生活就是不斷的對立沖突,如給與和索取,善與惡,天真純樸與經驗世故,肉體與精神等,他認為沒有對立的矛盾,就不會有社會與個人的進步,婚姻對布萊克意味著矛盾的調和,並非一方從屬另一方5.The declaration that “ I know that This World is a World ofImagination&Vision” and that “ the Nature of my work is visionary orimaginative” belong to which of the following writingWilliam Blake生活在革命啟示光輝中的布萊克熱切的宣布:“我認為人世凡塵是一個充滿想象與幻想的世界,我的作品也如人世凡塵一樣充滿想象與幻象6.In William Blake’s peotry, the father (and any other in whose he saw theimage of the father such as God&his Priest, &King) was usually a figure oftyranny 專治7.the Lone of literature in “Songs of Experience” by William Blake is doleful經驗之歌描寫了一個充滿苦難,貧窮,疾病與戰爭的世界而天真之歌描寫了一個愉快而純潔的世界,盡管著這世界偶有苦難與罪惡8.William Wordsworth is reagrades as a “worshipper of nature”華爾華茲從少年時代,他就對大自然充滿愛戀, 被稱為“大自然的膜拜者”,我如行雲獨自遊“一詩是英國詩中的奇葩,把我們帶入華茲華斯詩歌宗旨的核心9.Which of the following writings is not created by William Wordsworth?A.I wandered lonely as a cloud 我如行雲獨自遊posed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3,1802 威斯敏斯特橋上有感C.The Solitary Reaper 孤獨的收割者D.The Chimney Sweeper 掃煙窗的孩子william black10.Wordsworth’s short poems can be classified into two groups: poems aboutnature and poems about human life按照主題,華的短詩可以分為兩大類,關於自然的關於人類生活的11.Which of the following poems is a landmark in English Poetry?Iyrical Ballads(抒情歌謠集) by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and WilliamWordsworth科勒律治合作的抒情歌謠集, 革命與獨立則成為抒情歌謠集中成功的結論,這在英國詩歌歷史上也是第一次12.Coleridge’s peoms”the rime of the ancient mariner, christabel and kublakhan are known as Demonic group包括他的三部代表作古航海家之歌,克麗斯特貝爾以及忽必烈汗這些詩歌的顯著特點,便是神秘與想象,詩歌的背景都設在詩人的記憶與夢幻之中,故事的發生,發展與絲毫不受理性的羈絆,這類詩歌的他作目的是將詩人自覺的意識與神的寬恕相調和13.Place me on Sumium’s marbled steep 讓我登上蘇尼姆大理石般的懸崖Where nothingSave the waves and I 那裡隻有海浪與我May hear our mutual murmurs sweep 能聽彼此的喃喃低語掠過There,swan like, let me sing and die 在那裡,象天鵝一樣,讓我歌唱後死亡A land of slaves shall ne’er be mine 一個奴棣的國家永遠不是我的國家Dash down you cup of Samian wine 把那杯薩莫斯的酒摔下These lines are taken fromThe Isles of Greece Byron拜爾的西臘島, 節選自唐璜14.“Don Juan” is Byron’s masterpiece, a great comic epic of the early 19thcentury唐璜是19世紀初斯的著名諷刺史詩15.In his lyrics 抒情詩such as “Ode 頌to Liberty”” Ode to Naples”, PercyBysshe Shelley expressed his love for freedom and his hatred towardtyranny 專治,暴政雪萊對自由的渴望及對暴政的憎惡都體現在詩作中,如自由頌,那不勒斯頌16.Wild Spirit, which art moving everywhere 狂野的精靈,你吹遍四方Destroyer and preserver 毀滅者和保存者,Hear, O hear! 聽啊聽Two lines are found inOde to the west wind by shelley 西風頌,雪萊17.In Shelley’s “ To a Skylark”致雲雀the bird , suspended between realityand poetic image, pours forth an exultant song which suggests to the Poet Both celestial rapture and human limitation18.Shelley’s greatest achievement is his four-act poetic dramaPrometheus Unbound雪萊最有造詣的作品是他的四幕詩劇—解放了的普羅米修斯, 詩劇源於希臘神話及古希臘悲劇家埃斯庫羅斯的劇作“被縛的普羅米修斯”,普羅米修斯為人類的生存盜取天火,被刀神之王宙斯拴縛在高加索山上,飽受折磨,雪萊在序言中指出,他雖然沿用埃斯庫羅斯的情節,卻改變了普羅米修斯與宙斯和解的結局,而是將暴君趕下寶座,換來新生的宇宙天地,詩中普羅修斯與天帝的鬥爭表現了法國大革命失敗後,英國與歐洲資產階級革命家對封建反動勢力的不滿與反抗情緒。
英美文学Chapter 3

6. Main representatives:
• ①Main representatives—poets: • Pre-Romanticism: (Blake and Burns) • The first generation: (Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey) • The younger generation: (Byron, Shelley and Keats)
3. The definition, duration and characteristics of the Romanticism:
• ①The definition: • The Romantic Movement, which associated with vitality, powerful emotion and dreamlike ideas, is simply the expression of life as seen by the imagination rather than by prosaic common sense. • The contrast between Romanticism and Neoclassicism: • Romanticism: associated with vitality, powerful emotion and dreamlike ideas • Neoclassicism: associated with order, common sense and controlled reason
Chapter 3: The Romantic Period
• Internationally, • ①The French Revolutions: --the great event, arouse great sympathy and enthusiasm in the English liberals and Conservatives, they all declared Liberty, Equality and Fraternity • ②Rousseau--the great French Philosopher. Influence by Rousseau, the writers began to explore the new ideas about Nature, Society and Education • These paved the way for the development of Romanticism in the literature internationally
英美文学简史 Chapters 3-4

Philip Sidney English Drama: A Sketchy Ace phases of drama First English comedy and tragedy
English Literature Chapters 3—4
Key Points in Chapter 3
The Elizabethan Age: A Brief Introduction
• • • • • •
Queen Elizabeth I Three sub-periods
Edmund Spenser
English Drama: A Sketchy Account
Five phases of drama
The mysteries The miracles The morality The interlude The true drama
English Drama: A Sketchy Account
Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)
Spenserian Stanza
It is a nine-line stanza of 8 lines in iambic pentameter plus an iambic hexameter. The rhyme scheme is abab bcbc c. Spenserian stanza ha continued to be a popular stanzaic form for dreamy and meditative works.
Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593)

Some Important Ideas about this period
1. Social and political changes: Andrew Jackson‘s unsuccessful bid for presidency in 1824, when he won the plurality of votes but lost to John Quincy Adams when the election was decided in the House of Representatives. Jackson, a man of common beginnings, was the first candidate of the new states. In 1828 election, Jackson convincingly defeated Adams bringing to an end the domination of the eastern establishment. 2. The beginning of industrial and technological developments: key markers were the introduction of steamboats, spinning mills, Eli Whitney‘s cotton gin, the clipper ships, railroad and telegraph. 3. ―The success of northern industry made slavery appear anomalous, and to the free labor of the North slavery became…repugnant.‖
American LiteratureChapter 3

3. Washington Irving: (1783—1859)
the first native American author to win worldwide fame. Style: His graceful, humorous, stylistically careful writing is in the tradition of Addison, Steele, and Goldsmith. colorful legends of the Hudson River Valley
4.3 Cooper’s Defects
a. b.
d. e.
Mark Twain in the essay entitled “Fenimore Cooper’s Literary Offences”: improbabilities, Dialogue is often awkward, Characters lack depth. little sensuous immediacy; scene and characters are imagined rather than visualized.
6. Transcendentalism
A philosophic and literary movement that flourished in New England, particularly at Concord (c.1836—60), as a reaction against 18th-century rationalism, the skeptical philosophy of Locke, and the confining religious orthodoxy of New England Calvinism. This romantic, idealistic, mystical, and individualistic belief was more a cast of thought than a systematic philosophy. It was eclectic in nature and had many sources.

• Significance: • This work, a realistic adventure novel, contains a series of meditations on the human condition. Whaling, throughout the book, is a grand metaphor for the pursuit of knowledge. Realistic catalogues and descriptions of whales and the whaling industry punctuate the book, but these carry symbolic connotations.
In Moby-Dick, Melville challenges Emerson's optimistic idea that humans can understand nature. Moby-Dick, the great white whale, is an inscrutable, cosmic existence that dominates the novel, just as he obsesses Ahab. Facts about the whale and whaling cannot explain MobyDick; on the contrary, the facts themselves tend to become symbols, and every fact is obscurely related in a cosmic web to every other fact.
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它是由美国作家约瑟夫·海勒于 1961 年出版的一部长篇小说,是“黑色幽默”派的代表作之一。
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Philip Sidney English Drama: A Sketchy Account
Five phases of drama dy
The Elizabethan Age (1558-1625)
Three sub-periods 1557-1579: beginning with the printing of Tottel’s Miscellany and concluding with the publication of Edmund Spencer’s The Shepheardes Calendar 1580-1599, the year of Spencer’s death: Spencer, Sidney, “University Wits”, Shakespeare, Bacon 1599-1625: Shakespeare
Edmund Spenser (1552-1599)
Introduction Educated at Cambridge and served under some men of prominence Buried near Chaucer in the Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey Major works: The Shepheardes Calendar, The Faerie Queen, Colin Clouts Come Home Againe, Epithalamium (祝婚诗), Amoretti (爱情小唱) The greatest non-dramatic poet of the period
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II. Literary Characteristics
1. Two Stages of American Romanticism (1) pre-romanticism: refers to the beginning stage from 1770s to 1830s (2) post-romanticism: includes thirty years flowering time before American Civil War (1830-1860), and ten years’ declining time after the Civil War (1865-1875)
(2) What is Transcendentalism? Emerson defined it as “idealism” simply. In reality it was far more complex collection of beliefs: that the spark of divinity lies within man; that everything in the world is a microcosm of existence; that the individual soul is identical to the world soul, or Over-Soul. By meditation, by communing with nature, through work and art, man could transcend his senses and attain an understanding of beauty and goodness and truth.
◆ The Poets ① Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - In his poems, the themes like love of nature, love for the past, his poems is famous for spiritual aspiration, simple piety, homely affection, love of beauty, refined of thought and manners. - Main works: A Psalm of Life, The Slave’s Dream, My Lost Youth, The Song of Hiawatha ② Walt Whitman ③ Emily Dickinson
(3) Representatives: ◆ The Essayists ① Ralph Waldo Emerson - The leading New England Transcendentalist - The first American to call for an independent culture - Masterpiece: Nature, The American Scholar (America’s Declaration of Intellectual Independence) ② Henry David Thoreau - Transcendentalist, Emerson’s friend - Masterpiece: Walden
(3) it’s expression in literature The literary works of romanticism mostly reflected the fantastic and thrilling stories taking place long ago and far away, rich in mystic color. The romantic showed a profound admiration and love for nature. In poetical form, it would use blank verse or Spenserian stanza rather than heroic couplet. At the end of the 19th century, poets began using free verse.
◆ The Novelists ① Nathaniel Hawthorne ② Herman Melville - Masterpiece: Moby Dick It is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc. The main theme of it is about alienation between man and man, man and society, and man and nature. Symbolism and ambiguity is the major characteristics of writing techniques. ③ Edgar Allen Poe
3. American Literature of Post-Romanticism: New England Transcendentalism --- the first renaissance in the American literary history (1) Rise of Transcendentalism: the product of combination of foreign influence and American native Puritan tradition
I. Historical Introduction
Historically, America expanded its frontier during that period. Economically, it began the industrialization and urbanization. Politically, people enjoyed more freedom. Culturally, cultural business prospered.
2. American Literature of Pre-Romanticism (1) the reasons on the rise of American Romanticism ① internal causes: stability, prosperity, freedom ② external causes: foreign influences
(2) The major features of Transcendentalism Spirit or Oversoul Individualism Nature Community living and dignity of manual labor Relying on Intuition and Conscience
the first American author of imaginative literature to achieve international distinction, so he was regarded as father of American literature. Main Works: The Sketch Book, Tales of a Traveler, The Life of George Washington, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip Van Winkle ② James Fenimore Cooper ③ William Cullen Bryant
The Abolitionists ① Harriet Beecher Stowe - Masterpiece: Uncle Tom's Cabin ② Harriet Jacobs ③ Harriet Wilson ④ Frederick Dougless
characteristics: Moral enthusiasm: passion, emotion, fancy and imagination. Faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception. Nature was a source of goodness and man’s societies a source of corruption.
(4) Representatives: ① Washington Irving --- Father of American Short Stories the first American author to make a living by his pen, the first great prose stylist of American romanticism. the author of the first American short stories and familiar essays. It was him who introduced the familiar essay from Europe to America.
f Romanticism
Historical Introduction Literary Characteristics Literary Figures James Fenimore Cooper Edgar Allan Poe Nathaniel Hawthorne Walt Whitman Emily Dickinson