



POWER-Z FL001中文使用说明书

POWER-Z FL001中文使用说明书

POWER-Z FL001使用说明书一、外观显示介绍 (2)1、按键接口 (2)2、主屏显示 (3)二、电压电流测量 (8)1、USB PD协议测量 (8)2、VOOC、DASH测量 (9)3、其他快充测量 (10)三、容量能量测量 (13)四、协议诱骗 (15)1、高通QC2.0诱骗 (15)2、高通QC3.0诱骗 (17)3、华为FCP诱骗 (17)4、华为SCP诱骗 (18)5、三星AFC诱骗 (19)五、充电线线阻测量 (21)六、设置 (26)1、测试设置 (26)2、校准设置 (29)3、显示设置 (34)4、系统设置 (37)一、外观主显示介绍1、按键接口2、主屏显示界面主界面①主界面②主界面③主界面④主界面⑤主界面⑦二、电压电流测量1、USB PD测量POWER-Z FL001下方USB-C接口接左侧PD电源适配器或移动电源,上方USB-C 接口接右侧移动电源或其他负载。

注意:①如果上方USB-C接口接电源适配器或移动电源,下方接负载,电流一项会显示红色,表示电流此时是反向的;②如若按上图正确接线后POWER-Z FL001无反应,将接入POWER-Z FL001的两条数据线,选择其中任意一条的USB-C接口旋转180°后重新插入即可。

2、DASH、VOOC测量2.1 DASH闪充采用USB-C数据线,将数据线USB-A端连接适配器,USB-C端链接连接FL001底部的USB-C接口。


2.2 VOOC闪充采用MicroUSB数据线,只需将连接电源适配器的数据线MicroUSB 端插入FL001底部的MicroUSB口,其它的参照上图即可。


电信光猫ZXHN F610GV9说明书

电信光猫ZXHN F610GV9说明书

电信光猫ZXHN F610GV9说明书









金笛软件 | | 2019年6月6日金笛短信实用手册1.0版目录一、短信历史 (4)1、短信的前世今生 (4)2、通讯与通信 (5)3、短信的优势 (5)(1)简单可靠 (5)(2)及时性 (6)(3)广泛支持 (6)(4)干净 (6)(5)优雅 (6)二、短信基础 (6)1.短信的种类 (6)2.短信AT指令 (7)3.常用 AT 指令 (8)4.短信实用工具软件 (9)检测工具 (9)发送工具 (11)发送途径 (12)5.短信编码 (13)5.1.TEXT模式 (13)5.2.PDU模式 (13)5.3.接收短信的PDU格式 SMS-DELIVER-PDU (Mobile Terminated) (15)5.4.发送短信PDU格式SMS-SUBMIT-PDU (Mobile Originated) (16)5.5.SCA 短消息服务中心地址格式 (16)5.6.PDU Type(第一个八位位组) (18)5.7.MR 信息参考 (Message Reference) (21)5.8.DA/OA 接收方地址与发送方地址 (21)5.9.PID 协议标识 (Protocol-Identifier) (22)5.10.DCS 数据编码方案 (DataCoding-Scheme) (22)5.11.VP 信息有效期(Validity Period) (23)5.12.SCTS 服务中心时间戳(Service Center TimeStamp) (24)5.13.UDL 用户数据长度 (User-Data-Length (Amount of Characters)) (24)5.14.英文编码 (24)5.15.超长短信 (24)6.短信发送速度 (26)7.4G短信与2G短信的区别 (26)8.短信服务中间件与短信控件 (27)9.linux下发送短信 (27)10.高可用短信方案 (28)三、短信硬件 (28)B口短信设备 (28)2.串口短信设备 (30)3.网口短信设备 (30)四、短信软件 (31)1.数据库+短信 (32)(1)JDBC与短信 (32)(2)ODBC与短信 (33)2.HTTP+短信 (35)3.命令行+短信 (35)4.邮件+短信 (35)五、短信架构 (35)1.单服务器 (35)2.双服务器 (36)3.局域网AP Server +DB Server分离 (37)4.云平台+短信一体机 (37)5.多端口并发方案 (38)六、短信开发 (38)1.JAVA+短信开发 (39)2.VC+短信开发 (39)3.PHP+短信开发 (39)4.Python+短信开发 (39)七、短信选型 (40)1.硬件选型 (40)2.软件选型 (41)八、短信常见问题 (41)1.我还能继续使用2G短信猫吗? (41)2.什么是短信中间件? (41)3.利用短信中间件发送短信有什么好处? (41)4.短信中间件web版和VC版我怎么选择? (42)5.2G短信猫升级为4G短信猫该怎么做? (42)6.短信设备可以使用阿里云上的数据库吗? (42)7.VMWare虚拟主机怎么配置短信? (42)8.网管软件怎么使用短信告警? (42)9.短信的常见错误有哪些? (42)九、短信的未来 (43)1.Lora (43)2.nb-iot (43)十、商务问题 (43)1.试用版限制 (43)2.购买途径 (43)一、短信历史1、短信的前世今生“大漠孤烟直,长河落日圆。




进行连接之前 请确认!根据光纤插座的类型不同,打开连接端口的方法也不同。

光纤插座的插口不窥视!家庭型光配线方式公寓型光配线方式公寓型VDSL配线方式光纤线电源适配器申请最大通信速度为 10Gbps服务的用户小型ONU光纤线电源适配器多功能路由器多功能路由器(带有ONU 功能)多功能路由器ONU 向作为任选申请多功能路由器的用户,另外发送机器。

2无线网卡情况A P.05-P.06(上方)仅申请因特网的用户情况B 申请电话和因特网的 用户情况C 申请小型ONU的用户电源适配器电话线 VDSL 调制解调器情况D 仅申请因特网的用户连接情况的确认根据NTT西日本提供的机器及申请的内容请确认用户的连接情况,进入相应的页面。

连接情况及下页以后的配置图 连接顺序是使用NTT机器时的代表性 示例。

详情(包括指示灯状态等确认连接完成的方法),请确认使用的机器 所附带的使用说明书。

P.05-P.06(下方)P.05-P.06P.07-P.08电源适配器电源适配器电话线网线多功能路由器 VDSL 调制解调器情况E 申请电话和因特网的用户P.09-P.10(下方)P.09-P.10(上方)0304S T E P 2连 接连接光纤线连接到电脑接通电源光纤插座电源插座光纤线网线电脑ONU关于光纤插座,请参阅P03-04。


在达到 的指示灯状态之前,请勿拔掉电源线、网线。

5243如要连接作为任选的多功能路由器,请在 之间连接!3一定在 之后!24个指示灯点亮指示灯状态「 (认证)」「 」「 (光回线)」「 (电源)」(绿色)点亮(绿色)点亮(绿色)点亮(绿色)点亮确认连接5查看ONU的指示灯,确保正确连接。



关于ONU的操作套子请在施工当天的8点 22点之间连接机器。



机器猫产品说明1 实验目的通过制作机器猫完成从仿真到安装实践的全程训练过程。


2 实验原理2.1 基本框图2.23 实验步骤3.1 实验板焊接:按焊接板所标注的位置,将元器件全部卧式焊接(参见下图)。




3.2 整机装配与调试:注意:装线时应拆开机壳,避免烫伤自己及机壳。













目录安全注意事项 (2)• 使用时的注意事项 (3)使用之前相机的注意事项 (7)标准附件 (8)元件的名称及功能 (9)拍摄前的准备 (11)• 安装镜头遮光罩 (11)• 安装镜头盖 (11)• 安装肩带 (12)• 监视器 (12)• [LVF]按钮(切换监视器/取景器) (13)• 给电池充电 (13)• 插入及取出记忆卡(可选件)/电池 (14)• 格式化记忆卡(初始化) (15)• 设置日期/时间(时钟设置) (15)基本操作设置菜单 (16)• 立即调出常用的菜单(快速菜单) (17)拍摄优质图像的技巧 (17)选择拍摄模式 (18)拍摄静态影像 (19)录制动态影像 (19)切换拍摄画面上显示的信息 (21)回放图像/动态影像 (22)• 回放图像 (22)• 回放动态影像 (23)删除图像.....................................24拍摄模式使用自动功能拍摄(智能自动模式) (25)• 拍摄夜景([智能手持夜景拍摄]) (27)• 将多张图像合成1张层次丰富的图像([智能HDR]) (27)• 拍摄背景模糊的图像(失焦控制) (27)使用喜欢的设置拍摄(程序AE模式) (28)通过指定光圈/快门速度进行拍摄 (29)• 光圈优先AE模式 (29)• 快门优先AE模式 (29)• 手动曝光模式 (30)• 确认光圈效果和快门速度效果(预览模式) (30)用手动设置的光圈值/快门速度录制动态影像(创意视频模式) (31)• 录制4K的动态影像 (31)配合拍摄场景拍摄(场景指南模式) (32)用不同的影像效果拍摄(创意控制模式) (33)登录您喜欢的设置(自定义模式) (33)• 登录个人菜单设置(登录自定义设置) (33)调整白平衡 (34)设置画质和尺寸 (35)• 设置图像的高宽比 (35)• 设置像素数 (35)• 设置图像的压缩率([质量]) (36)用自动聚焦拍摄 (37)• 关于聚焦模式(AFS/AFF/AFC) (38)用手动聚焦拍摄 (38)拍摄特写图像 (40)固定焦点和曝光(AF/AE锁) (40)补偿曝光 (41)设置感光度 (41)选择测定亮度的方式([测光模式]) (42)设置快门类型 (42)选择驱动模式 (43)使用连拍模式拍摄 (44)使用自动括弧式曝光拍摄 (45)用自拍定时器拍摄 (46)以设置的间隔自动拍摄([定时拍摄]) (46)创建定格动态影像([定格动画]) (48)针对不同被摄物体和目的的自定义功能 (49)• 一下使操作音和光的输出无效([静音模式]) (49)• 显示画面的中心([中心标记]) (49)• 确认可能会白色饱和的区域([斑纹样式]) (50)光学影像稳定器 (50)使用变焦拍摄 (51)使用闪光灯拍摄 (52)• 改变闪光灯模式...................52使用Wi-Fi功能Wi-Fi R功能/NFC功能 (53)用智能手机/平板电脑控制 (54)• 安装智能手机/平板电脑应用程序“Image App” (54)• 连接到智能手机/平板电脑 (54)• 通过智能手机/平板电脑拍摄(远程拍摄) (58)• 回放相机中的影像 (58)• 保存存储在相机中的影像 (58)• 将相机中的影像发送至SNS (59)通过无线接入点设置与PC连接 (60)其他在电视屏幕上回放图像 (62)将静态影像和动态影像保存到PC中 (63)• 关于提供的软件 (63)监视器显示/取景器显示 (66)信息显示 (69)菜单列表 (70)• [拍摄] (70)• [动态影像] (72)• [自定义] (73)• [设置] (75)• [回放] (76)故障排除 (77)规格 (81)数码相机附件系统 (84)阅读使用说明书(PDF格式) (85)使用之前使用之前使用之前∫关于动态影像录制和速度等级根据动态影像的[录像格式]和[录制质量]不同,所需要的记忆卡也会有所不同。

卓岚ZLAN9500 03系列ZigBee无线数传设备用户手册说明书

卓岚ZLAN9500 03系列ZigBee无线数传设备用户手册说明书

ZLAN9500/03系列ZigBee无线数传设备用户手册RS232/485/422/以太网转ZigBee版权©2008上海卓岚信息科技有限公司保留所有权力ZL DUI20141016.1.0版权©2008上海卓岚信息科技有限公司保留所有权力版本信息对该文档有如下的修改:修改记录日期版本号文档编号修改内容2014-10-16Rev.1ZL DUI20141016.1.0发布版本2016-02-19Rev.2ZL DUI20141016.2.0更新文档2017-5-18Rev.3ZL DUI20141016.3.0增加Zigbee配置2018-5-13Rev.4ZL DUI20141016.3.0修改图片所有权信息未经版权所有者同意,不得将本文档的全部或者部分以纸面或者电子文档的形式重新发布。




目录1.概述 (4)2.功能特点 (7)3.技术参数 (7)4.硬件说明 (8)5.Z IG B EE配置 (12)5.1.配置步骤 (12)5.2.参数含义 (13)5.3.注意事项 (15)6.TCP/IP配置 (15)6.1.参数含义 (15)6.2.修改参数方法 (20)6.3.设备搜索 (21)6.4.参数设置 (22)6.5.透传通信 (23)6.6.虚拟串口 (25)6.7.不同工作模式和参数 (28)7.售后服务和技术支持 (32)上海卓岚信息科技有限公司Tel:(021)643251891.概述上海卓岚的ZigBee产品目前分为两大类,一类是串口转ZigBee,型号ZLAN9500,它包含有3种串口形式,即RS232/485/422;另外一类是以太网(TCP/IP)转ZigBee,型号为ZLAN9503,可将ZigBee和互联网进行联通。



FA-150中文操作说明书拓洋无线电设备市番禺区市桥镇富华东路82号番安综合市场32-34号:8 传真:81.1 按键控制的描述盘①显示屏幕②光标键③菜单键④确认键⑥调节亮度⑤显示键⑦导航状况键⑧开关键1.2 开机/关机①按[POWER]键开机/关机按[POWER]键开机/关机。

当开机时, 设备会哔哔几秒钟,然后显示如下:设备确认屏幕开始屏幕图表显示1.3 调节面板的对比度和亮度面板的对比度和亮度调节如下:①按DIM]键就会出现以下对话框②使用▼或▲键调节面板亮度; ▼或▲键调节对比度③按[ENT]键,关闭对话框1.4 菜单概述你可以从设备中选择功能菜单,如果你不会操作,按[MENU]键,直到你进入主菜单为止,所有的菜单都在菜单列表中1、按下[MENU]键打开主菜单2、使用[CURSORPAD]键选择你想要菜单,然后按[ENT]键3、使用[CURSORPAD]键选择附属菜单,再按[ENT]键,这里有两种类型可供选择,选项和数据登记。

下面的例子就是其中一种选择的类型4、使用▼或▲键,选择你想要的加工项目,按[ENT]键确认5、利用附属菜单选择选项或文字数字的数据选择选项下面的例子就是如何从使用者设置菜单中选择选项A、使用▼或▲键选择想要的项目菜单,按[ENT]键确认就会出现以下窗口选择窗口B、按▼或▲键选择你想要的选择按[ENT]键确认输入文字数字的数据A)选择[DRAUGHT]项,按[ENT]键确认游标B)使用▼或▲键选择适当的数字C)使用键将光标移移到附近的地方,同时按▼或▲键选择数字D)重复C)这一步完成数据输入E)按[ENT]键记录数据6、按[DISP]键关闭菜单1.5 设置航程1、按下[NAV STATUS]键打开航行状态菜单2、如果你照旧航行就会展示以下步骤,如果展示相同就可以直接跳到第3步A、按下[ENT]键B、按▼或▲键选择适当的情况并按[ENT]键,涉及的数据可以根据下面选择适当的导航情况3、按键就会显示NAV状态菜单的第2页NAV状态菜单第2页4、 [NEW]项已选择;[按[ENT]键5、按下[ENT]键,使用[CURSORPAD]键输入目的地并按[ENT]键,你可以输入20个字母、数字、符号,和你可以输入20个目的地目的地处理如果您已经登记一些目的地, NAV状态菜单第2页下面如下。

Antari Lighting and Effects F-5D Fazer 用户手册说明书

Antari Lighting and Effects F-5D Fazer 用户手册说明书

F-5D FazerUser ManualEnglish© 2014 Antari Lighting and Effects Ltd.User Manual - EnglishPlease read the following safety information carefully before operating themachine. This information includes important safeguards about installation,usage, and maintenance. Pay attention to all warning labels and instructions inthis manual and printed on the machine.If you have questions about how to operate the machine safely, please contact your local Antari dealer for help.․Keep this device dry.․Always connect to a grounded circuit to avoid risk of electrocution.․Before connecting machine to power, always check voltage indicate on machine match to your local AC voltage. Do not use the machine if AC power voltage doesnot match.․Disconnect the machine from AC power before servicing and when not in use.․This product is for indoor use only! Do not expose to rain or moisture. If fluid is spilled, disconnect AC power and clean with a damp cloth. If fluid is spilled ontoelectronic parts, immediately unplug the machine and contact your local Antaridealer for advice.․No user serviceable and modifiable parts inside. Never try to repair this product, an unauthorized technician may cause damage or malfunction to the machine.․For adult use only. Never leave the machine running unattended.․Installed the machine in a well-ventilated area. Provide at least 50 cm space around the machine.․Never add flammable liquid of any kind to the machine.․Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the machine while operating.․Only use Antari fluid. Other fluid may lead to heater clog and malfunction.․If the machine fails to work, unplug the machine and stop operation immediately.Contact your local Antari dealer for advise.․Before transporting the machine, make sure the fluid tank is completely drained.․Fog fluid may present health risks if swallowed. Do not drink fog fluid. Store it securely. In case of eye contact or if fluid is swallowed, immediately look formedical advice.Immediately upon receiving the machine, carefully unpack the carton, check the content to ensure that all parts are present and have been received in good condition. If any parts appear damaged or mishandled from shipping, notify the shipper immediately and retrain the packing material for inspection.What is included: 1 x F-5D Fazer1 x Power Cord1 x Fluid Tank1 x User Manual225mm465mm535mmStep 1: Place the machine on a flat surface and in a suitable large area with at least 50 cm open space around the machine.Step 2: Fill the fluid tank with Antari approved fluid.Step 3:Connect the machine to suitable rated power supply.To determine the power requirement for the machine refer to the label on the back of the machine.Always connect the machine to a protected circuit and ensure it is properlygrounded to avoid risk of electrocution.Step 4: Turn on the machine and allow it to heat up. Heat up takes approximatly 4 mintues. Once the machine has reached operating temperature, the display will show Ready to Faze. Now the machine is ready for operation.Step 5: To start making haze, press the Volume button on the control panel.Step 6: To turn off the machine, hold the STOP button for 3 seconds; the machine will automatically run a self-cleaning process and shut off after the process is done.Fog Output NozzleXLR 5-Pin DMX ConnectorBlue LCD screen, Timermode, Volume modeNeutrikPowerCon BreakerXLR 3-Pin DMX Connector WDMX Wireless SolutionTo switch the language used for the control interface, press the [Menu] button BEFORE turning on the machine and HOLD it until the LCD screen flashes twice. After the two flashes, press [Menu] to choose the language: English and 中文 (Chinese).Control Panel OperationControl MenuSet interval from 1 to 300 secondsTimerInterval XXX SecSet duration from 1 to 120 secondsSet output volument from 1 to 100 %Set output volume from 1 to 100 %Set fan speed from 20 to 100%Set DMX/W-DMX address from 1 to 511Turn On/Off W-DMXUnlink from a W-DMX transmitterTurn On/Off air pump sensorTurn On/Off run last setting functionDMX Connector Pin AssignmentThe machine provides a 3- or 5-pin XLR connector for DMX connection. The diagram belowTimerDuration XXX Sec TimerOutput XXX % VolumeOutput XXX % Fan SpeedXXX %DMX-512Address: XXX Air Pump SensorXXRun Last SettingXXW-DMX PowerXXW-DMX ResetXXW-DMXAddress: XXXindicates pin assignment information.DMX OperationMaking the DMX Connection– Connect the machine to a DMX controller or to one of the machines in the DMX chain. The machine uses a 3-pin or 5-pin XLR connector for DMX connection, the connector is located on the front of the machine.Address Setup – Use control menu to set DMX address. The machine occupies 2 control channels. The starting address is defined as the first channel from which the machine will respond to the controller. Always double check to make sure there are no overlapping channles in order to control the machine correctly.DMX Channel FunctionOnly use Antari FLG water-based liquid for the F-5D Fazer. The machine is tested and calibrated with this liquid to get the best output performance. Warranty will be void if any other type of liquid is used, improper use of liquid may lead to machine failure and malfunction.․Do not allow the machine to become contaminated.․Remove dust from air vents with air compressor, vacuum or a soft brush.․Only use a damp cloth to clean the casing.․Before storing run distilled water through the system to help avoid condensing thepump or heater.․It is recommended to run the machine on a monthly basis in order to achieve best performance and output condition.․Excessive dust, liquid and dirt built up will degrade performance and cause overheating.Replacing the FuseDisconnect AC power before replacing fuse. Only replace fuse with same typeand rating.Step 1: Disconnect power cord from supply.Step 2: Use a flat-head screwdriver to release fuse holder.Step 3: Replace fuse with exact same type and rating as indicated below.Step 4: Reinsert fuse holder.Breaker100V = T6.3A 250V110 – 120V = T7A 250V220 – 240V = T4A 250VWarming UpMachine heating upMachine ready for operation Machine has detected overheat on heater unit and will not operate, please contact local distributor/dealer for service and support.Machine can not heat up and will not operate. Please contact local distributor/dealer for service and support. Fluid backflow into airpump detected, machine will not operate. Please contact local distributor/dealer for service and support.Input voltage110-120V 60Hz or 220-240V 50Hz Breaker 100V = T6.3A 250V110 – 120V = T7A 250V220 – 240V = T4A 250VPower Consumption850W Warm-up time4 minute (approx.) Fluid tank capacity2.8 L Fluid consumption3 ml per minute Recommended Fluid Antari FLG water-based fog fluid for the best effect Control optionsLCD Menu, DMX 512, Wireless DMX Adjustable output volume and fan speed DMX channels2 channels Power connectionNeutrik PowerCON DMX data connection3-pin and 5-pin XLR DimensionL 535 x W 465 x H 225 m Dry weight 22.9 kg Antari F-5Ready To FazeWarning! Heater OverheatWarning! Temp ErrorWarning!Fluid BackflowC08F5D000。








网络电话摄像机使用手册目录目录 (2)第一章产品介绍 (3)1.1 产品概述 (3)1.2 产品主要功能 (3)第二章开箱检查和线缆连接 (4)2.1 开箱检查 (4)2.2有关前面板及后面板 (4)2.3 正面及前面板按键功能 (4)2.4 后面板 (6)第三章基本操作 (7)3.1 开机 (7)3.2 关机 (7)3.3 待机状态 (8)第四章主菜单 (9)4.1 主菜单导航 (9)4.2 通用设置 (10)4.3 系统设置 (10)4.4 播放 (11)4.5 网络设置 (13)4.6报警设置 (14)4.7 录像设置 (16)第五章远程访问及视频通话 (18)5.1远程访问 (18)5.2 视频通话 (19)第六章无线学习对码 (20)6.1 无线探测器与设备学习对码................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

6.2 遥控与设备学习对码............................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。

第七章常见问题解答及使用维护. (20)7.1 常见问题解答 (22)7.2 使用维护 (24)第一章产品介绍1.1 产品概述本设备是专为数码领域设计的一款优秀的智能家居产品。

buchiF-100 F-105 F-108 F-114 操作手册说明书

buchiF-100 F-105  F-108  F-114 操作手册说明书

Recirculating ChillerF-100 / F-105 / F-108 / F-114操作说明操作手册 () Recirculating Chiller F-100 / F-105 / F-108 / F-11411593574 zh06.2015, CBÜCHI Labortechnik AGMeierseggstrasse 40PostfachCH-9230 Flawil 1电子邮件:*****************BUCHI 保留按照今后所取得的经验对本手册按需进行更改的权利。





目录1 关于本说明书52 安全62.1 用户资质 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.2 正确使用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.3 不正确使用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62.4 本说明书使用的安全警告和安全标志 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72.5 产品安全性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.5.1 一般性危险 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92.5.2 个人防护装备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.5.3 内置安全部件和保护措施 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.6 总体安全规定 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 技术参数 123.1 技术参数 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123.2 使用材料 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 功能说明 144.1 功能原理 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 投入使用 165.1 安装位置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165.2 冷却水路径 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185.3 电器连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 操作206.1 控制按键和外罩的操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206.2 准备使用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226.2.1 安装软管 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236.2.2 填充冷却介质仓. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236.3 开始运行 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246.4 系统不得连接非BUCHI真空控制器 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246.5 和 BUCHI 真空控制器一起应用. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257 维护和维修 267.1 客户服务 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267.2 常规检查和清洁指南 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 故障排查 288.1 错误信息显示 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288.2 故障及其应对方法. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289 关闭、存放、运输和处理 309.1 存放与运输 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309.2 处理. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3110 配件3310.1 交付物件 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3310.2 仪器配置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3410.3 配件,选配附件. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3411 声明和要求 3711.1 FCC 要求 (适用于美国和加拿大) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3711.2 一致性声明 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 关于本说明书1 关于本说明书本说明书对制冷机进行说明,并包含安全操作和有序维护本设备所需的所有信息。

Rigol DS1054Z Oscilloscope 说明书

Rigol DS1054Z Oscilloscope 说明书

Fonte di alimentazione AC/ DC programmabile Serie ASR-2000Guida Rapida2I STRUZIONI DI SICUREZZAIn questo capitolo si riportano importanti norme di sicurezza che devono essere seguite durante il funzionamento e la conservazione. Leggere attentamente quanto segue prima di effettuare qualsiasi operazione, in modo da lavorare in piena sicurezza e mantenere lo strumento in condizioni ottimali.Simboli di sicurezzaQuesti simboli di sicurezza possono essere presenti in questo manuale o sullo strumento. Warning Avvertenza: identifica le condizioni o le pratiche chepossono provocare lesioni o perdita della vita.Caution Attenzione: identifica le condizioni o le pratiche chepossono causare danni allo strumento o ad altre proprietà.PERICOLO di alta tensioneAttenzione, fare riferimento al manualeNon smaltire le apparecchiature elettroniche come rifiutimunicipali non classificati. Utilizzare un impianto di raccoltadedicato o contattare il fornitore presso il quale è statoacquistato lo strumento.Cavo di alimentazione per il Regno UnitoQuando si usa l'oscilloscopio nel Regno Unito, accertarsi che il cavo di alimentazione soddisfi i seguenti requisiti di sicurezza.NOTA: questa apparecchiatura deve essere cablata solo da personale espertoAVVERTENZA: QUESTA APPARECCHIATURA DEVE ESSERE COLLEGATA A TERRA IMPORTANTE: i cavi di questo connettore sono colorati, in conformità al seguente codice:Verde/giallo TerraBlu: NeutrolMarrone:Poiché i colori dei fili nei cavi principali potrebbero non corrispondere ai colori identificati nel connettore/apparecchio, procedere come indicato di seguito:Il cavo di colore verde e giallo deve essere collegato al terminale di messa a terra contrassegnato con la lettera E, con il simbolo di messa a terra oppure di colore verde/verde e gialloCollegare il cavo di colore blu al terminale contrassegnato con la lettera N o di colore blu o nero.Collegare il cavo di colore marrone al terminale contrassegnato con la lettera L o P o di colore marrone o rosso.In caso di dubbi, consultare le istruzioni fornite con l'apparecchiatura o contattare il fornitore.Questo cavo/apparecchio deve essere protetto da un fusibile di rete adeguatamente classificato e approvato HBC: fare riferimento alle informazioni di tensionesull'apparecchiatura e/o alle istruzioni utente per dettagli. Di norma, un cavo di 0,75 mm2 deve essere protetto con un fusibile da 3 A o 5 A. I conduttori di maggiori dimensioni, in genere richiedono i tipi di cavo da 13 A, in base al tipo di collegamento utilizzato.Qualsiasi filo di cavo esposto, connettore o collegamento inserito in una presa in tensione è estremamente pericoloso. Se un cavo o un connettore vengono ritenuti pericolosi, disattivare l'alimentazione principale e rimuovere il cavo, eventuali fusibili e gruppi di fusibili. Tutti i cavi pericolosi devono essere immediatamente sostituiti e distrutti in base alle norme indicate in precedenza.3O PERAZIONI PRELIMINARICaratteristiche principaliPrestazioni •La tensione di uscita massima è di 350 Veff.•La massima tensione di uscita CC è di 500 V CC.•La frequenza di uscita massima in modalità CA è 999,9Hz.•Applicazione di forme d'onda CA + CC supportata•Potenza di uscita CC a piena capacità.•La distorsione armonica totale della tensione di uscitaè inferiore allo 0,5% a tutte le frequenze.•Il fattore di cresta ha raggiunto 4 volte. Caratteristiche •Includi forme d'onda sinusoidali, quadrate, triangolari,arbitrarie e CC•Limitatore di tensione, frequenza e corrente variabile•Capacità di analizzare tensioni e correnti armoniche•Capacità di misurazione eccellente e ricca difunzionalità•Sequenza e simulazione della funzione•Guadagno di input esterno•Uscita sincrona CA.•Funzione di memoria preimpostata•Supporto per archiviazione USB•Telerilevamento•Funzione di protezione OCP, OPP e OTP4Interfaccia •Interfaccia LAN, host USB e dispositivo USBincorporata•I / O di controllo esterno•Ingresso segnale esterno•Opzione di fabbrica RS232 e interfaccia GPIB5AspettoPanoramica del pannello anteriore6Panoramica del pannello posteriore7AccensioneL'alimentazione richiede circa 15 secondi per accendersi e NotaNon accendere e spegnere rapidamente.1. Ruotare la rotella di scorrimento per selezionarearancione. La rotella di scorrimento viene anche83. Premere il tasto Invio per modificare il parametro o peraccedere al menu selezionato. Ripetere i passaggiprecedenti per tutte le cifre pertinenti.4. Premere il tasto Invio per modificare ilNota Per impostazione predefinita, il cursore inizia sulla cifra più bassa del valore.S PECIFICHELe specifiche si applicano quando si accende l’ASR-2000 per almeno 30 minuti.Gamma di tensione di ingresso Da 90 Vac a 264 VacFase Monofase, a due filiFrequenza di ingresso nominale Da 50 Hz a 60 HzGamma di frequenza di ingresso Da 47 Hz a 63 HzMax. consumo di energia 800 VA o menoFattore di potenza*1100Vac 0,95 (tipico)200Vac 0,90 (tipico)Max. corrente di ingresso 100Vac 8 A200Vac 4 A*1 Per una tensione di uscita di 100 V / 200 V (intervallo 100 V / 200 V),Voltaggio impostazione*1Impostazione dellarisoluzione0,1 VPrecisione *2±(0,5% dell'impostazione + 0,6 V/ 1,2 V)Output phase Monofase, a due filiCorrente massima*3100 V 5 A 200 V 2,5 AMassima corrente di picco *4100 V 20 A 200 V 10 AFattore di potenza del carico 0 a 1 (fase iniziale o fase in ritardo) Capacità di potenza 500 VA10Frequenza Gamma diimpostazione Modalità AC: da 40,00 Hz a 999,9 Hz, modalità AC + CC: da 1,00 Hz a 999,9 HzImpostazione della risoluzione 0,01 Hz (da 1,00 a 99,99 Hz), 0,1 Hz (da 100,0 a 999,9 Hz)Precisione Per 45 Hz a 65 Hz: 0,01% di impostazionePer 40 Hz a 999,9 Hz: 0,02% di impostazione Stability*5± 0.005%Fase on /off dell'uscita Variabile da 0,0° a 359,9° (risoluzionedell'impostazione 0,1°)Compensare CC*6Entro ± 20 mV (tipico)*1Gamma 100 V / 200 V.*2Per una tensione di uscita da 17,5 V a 175 V / 35 V a 350 V, onda sinusoidale, una frequenza di uscita da 45 Hz a 65 Hz, senza carico, regolazione della tensione CC 0 V (modalità CA + CC) e 23 ° C ± 5 ° C. *3Per una tensione di uscita da 1 V a 100 V / 2 V a 200 V. Limitato dalla capacità di alimentazione con una tensione di uscita da 100 V a 175 V / da 200 V a 350 V.*4Per quanto riguarda il carico del raddrizzatore all'ingresso del condensatore. Limitato dalla massima corrente.*5Per 45 Hz a 65 Hz, la tensione di uscita nominale, il vuoto e il carico resistivo per la corrente massima e la temperatura operativa.*6Impostare su 0 V per la modalità CA e la tensione di uscita.Per ulteriori specifiche dettagliate sulla l’ASR-2000, consultare il manuale dell'utente di ASR-2000.11Dichiarazione di conformità CENoi dichiara che il seguente prodottoASR-2050, ASR-2100, ASR-2050R, ASR-2100RSi attesta la conformità ai requisiti sanciti nella Direttiva del Consiglio concernente il ravvicinamento delle legislazioni degli Stati membri relative alla direttiva sulla compatibilità elettromagnetica (2014/30/EU) e sulle apparecchiature a bassa tensione (2014/35/EU).Per la valutazione relativa alla Direttiva sulla compatibilità elettromagnetica e sulle apparecchiature a abssa tensione sono stati applicati i seguenti standard:12。

Z H CN 使用说明书 音机 收 DMR108 EN Job Site Radio Instruc

Z H CN 使用说明书 音机 收 DMR108 EN Job Site Radio Instruc

书明说用使机音收ENJob Site RadioInstruction manual1 23325476498105简体中文(原厂指导手册)符号下列所示为用于设备的符号。























电池套管特别安全规则1.使用电池套管前,请阅读 (1) 电池充电器、(2) 电池和 (3) 使用电池之产品上的所有指导说明和警戒标记。









Petz Dogz 产品说明书

Petz Dogz 产品说明书

Now Y our Dogz Can Have Multiple Puppyz!®into adult Dogz!Check out Dogz have a keen sense of smell.Alert, expressive eyes.Dogz love to be petted.Dogz have fuzzy padded paws for running, digging, and scratching.Tail for balance.Dogz need love and, food, and regularbrushing. When your Dogz get sick,add Medicine to their food or water .behaviors with a squirt from the Squirt Bottle. Y oucan hold Treatz above, below,or to the sides of your Dogz and give your hand cursor a little wiggle. Y give a little whistle and a hand gesture ifyou did it right and your Dogz will try to do a trick. Repeated Beefy TreatzSquirt BottleWaterMedicineour Supply Case comes with anoyz, and Pillows to relax on. And there are all the collectibles your Dogz or the mice and want to remove it,CarScarecrow Magic BoxSoapyou need to have a female , follow each otherthe mood and help Dogz fall in love with special items such as the Heart Pillow, the Perfume, the Love Potion, the Music Box, and the Heart Candy.MusicBox PerfumeBacon Treatz CarouselUnicorn Plush ToySpider Cookie Treatzphone number to the address below.If the product was damaged through misuse or accident (cracks,scratch-es),or if you do not have a dated sales receipt,then this 90-day warranty is rendered void and you will need to follow the instructions for returns after the 90-day war-ranty period.After the 90-Day Warranty Period:Please return the product (media only) along with a check or money order for the amount corresponding to your product (see replacement fees below) made payable to Ubi Soft,a brief description of the difficulty you are experiencing,including your name,address (no PO boxes),RMA number,and phone number to the address below.Replacement Fees:Our most recent replacement fee schedule is available online.Please visit for an updated price list.Warranty Address and Contact Information Phone:919-460-9778Hours:9am–9pm (EST),M–F Address:Ubi Soft Support3200 Gateway Centre Blvd.,Suite 100Morrisville,NC 27560Please use a traceable delivery method when sending products to Ubi Soft.Ubi Soft warrants to the original purchaser of its prod-ucts that the products will be free from defects in mate-rials and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase.Ubi Soft products are sold “as is,”without any expressed or implied warranties of any kind,and Ubi Soft is not liable for any losses or damages of any kind resulting from use of its products.Ubi Soft agrees for a period of ninety (90) days to either replace defective product free of charge provided you return the defective item with dated proof of purchase to the store from which the product was originally pur-chased or repair or replace the defective product at its option free of charge,when accompanied with a proof of purchase and sent to our offices postage prepaid.This warranty is not applicable to normal wear and tear,and shall be void if the defect in the product is found to be as a result of abuse,unreasonable use,mistreatment,or neglect of the product.Limitations:This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties and no other representations or claims of any nature shall be binding on,or obligate Ubi Soft.Any implied warranties applicable to Ubi Soft products,including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose,are limited to the ninety (90) day period described above.In no event will Ubi Soft be liable for any special,inciden-tal,or consequential damages resulting from possession,use,or malfunction of Ubi Soft products.Some states do not allow limitations as to how long an implied warranty lasts and/or exclusions or limitations of incidental or consequential damages.So the above limitations and/or exclusions of liability may not apply to you.This warrantygives you specific rights,and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state.Notice:Ubi Soft reserves the right to make improvements in its products at any time and without notice.Refunds:Ubi Soft cannot provide refunds or otherwise process returns for credit of any kind other than an identical product replacement.Any product refund request must occur at the place of purchase,as the individual retail outlets set their own refund policy.This policy covers identical product replacements only.Product / Documentation Replacements:Please contact a Ubi Soft Technical Support representa-tive directly before sending your product to us.In many cases,a replacement is not the best solution.Our sup-port representatives will help you determine if a replace-ment is necessary or available.You will need to first acquire an RMA (Return Materials Authorization) number to process your return or replacement.Without an RMA number from a support representative,your replacement request will not be processed.If we determine a return or replacement is necessary:Within the 90-Day Warranty Period:Please return the product (media only) along with a copy of the original sales receipt,showing the date of pur-chase,a brief description of the difficulty you are experi-encing including your name,address (no PO boxes) andTo order Ubi Soft products in the United States,please call toll free 877-604-6523.©2002 Ubi Soft Entertainment.Ubi Soft and the Ubi Soft Entertainment logo are registered trademarks,and Catz and Dogz are trademarks of Ubi SoftEntertainment,Inc.Developed by Studio Mythos.All rights reserved.Made in USA.08888650911Y our DogzCan PlayWith Catz!©2002 Ubi Soft Entertainment. Ubi Soft and the Ubi Soft Entertainment logo are registered trademarks. Petz is a trademark, and Catz and Dogz are registered trademarks of Ubi Soft Entertainment, Inc. Developed by Studio Mythos. All rights reserved. Made in USA.650911-MNL。









名称对应:Tamiya --田宫 Hasegawa --长谷川Fujimi --富士美Academy -爱德美 Eduard --牛魔王HB --HobbyBossMonogram --摩根 Amodel --Amodel意大利--伊达雷利Dragon --港龙号手--号手Alpha 1:72环球A-1H/J 1:72 Hasegawa ,1:48 Tamiya(带电动马达)A-3 1:72目前只有Hasegawa A-41:72Fujimi(Fujimi的最好,有款盒封是科威特涂装得里面有以色列、美军贴纸)1:48 Hasegawa(超赞)A-6E1:72(意大利和Fujimi的比较好,这两个各有千秋,Fujimi的刻线好一些,意大利做出了一些小结构。

)1:48 Mono 1:32号手(不知道能不能等的到。

)A-7E1:72 Hasegawa /Fujimi/HB(Hasegawa的比较老,Fujimi的也够老,细节一般,HB的分单双座,价格合适,环球的那个就不说了)1:48 Hasegawa(虽然是老版件,可是真的一流,加深刻线去除毛边,非常好)1:32号手(不错)AV8B,PLUS,鹞,GR MK5,MK71:72 Hasegawa /意大利(个人觉得Hasegawa 72和48的都是很不错的,细节一流,只是开模过于细琐,零件较多刻线也比较浅,但好好做还是很不错的)1:48 Hasegawa (没说的) 1:32 (据说号手要出,不知道什么时候)A-101:72意大利/爱德美/Hasegawa 1:48 Tamiya/Monogram/HB/Revell(目前最容易买到也还不错的就是HB的了。

F8X14 系列使用说明书

F8X14 系列使用说明书

F8X14系列使用说明书产品版本密级V1.1产品名称:共45页F8X14使用说明书此说明书适用于下列型号产品:型号产品类别F8114ZigBee+GPRS IP MODEMF8214ZigBee+CDMA IP MODEMF8314ZigBee+EDGE IP MODEMF8414ZigBee+WCDMA IP MODEMF8514ZigBee+TD-SCDMA IP MODEMF8614ZigBee+EVDO IP MODEM厦门四信通信科技有限公司Add:中国厦门市软件园观日路44号3楼客户热线:400-8838-199电话:+86-592-6300320传真:+86-592-5912735网址文档修订记录日期版本说明作者2011.04.19V0.5初稿Zpp 2011.06.28V0.6修正Zpp 2011.07.14V0.7修正Zpp 2012.07.24V0.8修正ZL 2013.03.20V1.0修正ZL 2016.02.01V1.1修改zigbee相关参数,去除不常用参zxz数配置,修改zigbee传输方向设置厦门四信通信科技有限公司著作权声明本文档所载的所有材料或内容受版权法的保护,所有版权由厦门四信通信科技有限公司拥有,但注明引用其他方的内容除外。



厦门四信通信科技有限公司厦门四信通信科技有限公司目录第一章产品简介 (6)1.1产品概述 (6)1.2产品特点 (6)1.3工作原理框图 (7)1.4产品规格 (8)第二章安装 (11)2.1概述 (11)2.2开箱 (11)2.3安装与电缆连接 (11)2.4电源说明 (14)2.5指示灯说明 (14)第三章参数配置 (15)3.1配置连接 (15)3.2参数配置方式介绍 (15)3.3运行参数配置软件:IP Modem Configure.exe (15)3.4设备重新上电 (16)3.5参数配置(以F8114为例) (16)3.5.1中心服务器参数 (16)3.5.2IP MODEM工作参数 (19)3.5.3IP MODEM其他参数 (24)3.5.4时间设置 (27)3.5.5ZigBee参数设置 (27)3.5.6ModBus设置说明 (30)3.5.7端口设置说明 (30)3.5.8短信设置说明 (31)3.6短信配置参数 (33)3.7功能操作项 (33)3.8工作状态切换 (34)第四章数据传输试验环境测试 (35)4.1试验环境网络结构 (35)4.2测试步骤 (36)附录 (41)附件一协议模式格式说明 (44)厦门四信通信科技有限公司第一章产品简介1.1产品概述F8X14IP MODEM是一种物联网无线数据终端,利用公用蜂窝网络和ZigBee网络为用户提供无线数据传输功能。



(PTN-OP-4Eth(M15)/1 及 PTN-OP-4Eth(M15A)/2)
1~2 需上机柜时选配
SFP 百兆光模块
220V 电源线 48V 电源线 RJ45 水晶头 串口线 说明书
指示灯 ...................................11 拨码开关 .................................14 五、台式后面板示意图 .........................15 电源输入 .................................16 Ethernet 口 ..............................16 光纤接口 .................................17 壁挂功能 (选配) .......................... 17 六、功能简介 .................................17 七、做线方式 .................................18 安装步骤 .........................................19 常用组网方案 .....................................20 故障诊断及排除 ...................................21 附页 .............................................22

爱窓光 EIZO XB2760HS 显屏使用说明书

爱窓光 EIZO XB2760HS 显屏使用说明书

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使 用 须 知
非常感谢您购买动画光栅效果激光表演器,为了您的人身安全和更好的使用该产品,烦请您在使用前仔细阅读本手册,并按规程操作,以免误用而致人身安全和灯具损坏 ● 简介:


● 使用说明:





在使用之前先检查电源电压是否正常,如果电源电压波动大的地区,建议使用110V/230V 稳压电压或调压器供电。



● 技术参数:
额定电压:AC100~240V ,50Hz ~60Hz 激光功率:50nw/532nm, 100nw/650nm 激光光源:半导体激光发生器 激光颜色:绿色、 红色
控制方式:自走模式、声音控制模式、DMX-512控制 冷却系统:风机强制冷却系统 工作环境:室内 ● 模式设置:

