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A story of Archimedes

(旁白):The king asked a goldsmith to make a crown of pure gold. After the goldsmith finished the crown, the king doubt that the crown is not pure, but he didn't know how to prove his guess. So he asked Archimedes to do this thing.

(国王)The king: Archimedes, I have heard of that you are a clever man.

(阿基米德)Archimedes: Your majesty, thanks for your admiration.

The king: You come to close me. Now I will give you a chance to prove your wisdom. If you success, I will reward you a lot of money. But if you fail, you will have to die.

Archimedes( be afraid of and sweat): (he sweat his face and say) Your majesty, I will try my best to do everything you ordered. The king: I will give you a week to check out wether this new crown is pure gold or not.

Archimedes: Yes.

(旁白)After Archimedes went home. Archimedes thought for six days. But he still had no ideas about that. One day, Archimedes went to bathhouse to take a bath. When he stepped into the bathtub, some water overflow from the basin edge. He

stared at the water flow over the edge, Suddenly he shout. Archimedes: Haha, I got it, I got it. (阿基米德手舞足蹈的样子)I know how to do with the new crown.

(旁白)Then Archimedes rush out the bathhouse in naked. The common people one: Wow, this man is crazy. He is mad. The common people two: Oh, my god. He doesn't wear anything. There is must something wrong with his head.

(旁白)The seventh day, Archimedes come to the palace to meet the king.

The king: Archimedes, today is the last day. Now, I think you have got your way to solve the problem.

Archimedes: Yes, Your majesty, I have already know how to deal with this matter.

The king: OK, let's just start you test.

Then Archimedes did his test and told the king his result. Archimedes: Your majesty, after my test, I have know that the new crown is not made of pure gold, but made of both gold and sliver.

The goldsmith: this can not be true. I have thought there is no one will discovery this thing.

The king: 国王脸色变了,很愤怒的样子

然后金匠跪在地上求国王饶他不死,说道:Your majesty,

please do not kill me、、、、、、、、

The king(对士兵说道): drageed out and kill him.

The king: 然后对阿基米德说道:Oh, my dear Archimedes, you are so clever. Congratulations. I will compliance with commitment to reward you lots of money.

Archimedes: Your majesty, many thanks.

