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1.It’s going to get worse before it gets better.


2.You deserve at least that much.


3.——Spare my friends, kill my enemies. pretty clear on that ,

——nikita:if you know who your friends and your enemies are , yes,

——what do you mean ? you think I’m gonna make friends inside division ?

_nikita:going through the program changes you ,it changed me,the other recruits you’ll meet they‘re not there by choice ,they’re been abandoned and abused like you … and me ,it’s hard not to sympathize

——so ,I make friends, I’ll make getting intelligence even easier ,what ?

——nikita:making friends isn’t hard ,losing them will be, trust me! when you’re in a group, I want you to take a look at the recruit on either side of you ,odds are before you graduate ,one of them will die .


4.——just tell me one thing ,was there anything real about her ,or was I just ,like ,part of her

cover ,

——nikita: oliver,you were the only thing that was real to her,;look ,we all wear masks ,every one ,every day ,and something we wear them so much ,we forget who we are ,and sometimes ,if we‘re lucky ,someone comes along and shows us who we really wanna be ,who we should be.you were that for her ,


5.listen to me,there’ll never be another woman for me.


6.——nikita:no, I’ll talk ,but only to you ,

——欧文:nikita, don’t do this ,we can’t trust him

——nikita : we are 30.000 feet in the air.with nothing to look forward to on the ground,I have to trust someone ,


7.——Alex: thom ,what’s it like ? to pull the trigger ?

——Thom:well ,I can tell you what it’s not like, it’s not like the person’s there one minute and gone the next ,they stay,,it’s been over a month ,and the girl I killed ,the spy, I still see her face every day,


8.No risk ,no reward,


9.——nikita: takes away a part of you you can never get back ,


10.Can I get your eyes ?I want to ,uh ,show you something ,


11.I’ll be right here.


12.——life is struggle ,the truth is no matter what comfort surrounds you ,it will always be an

illusion ,it can be taken away any time ,you’re not like other girls ,Alexandra , you never will be , remember that , your destiny lies along a different path , the only person you will ever ,ever be able to depend on ,is you,

——and you ,papa

——you will not always have me ,

生活就是需要奋斗,无路你过上多么安逸的生活,它总归是虚无缥缈的,随时都会被夺走,你和其他的女孩子不同,亚历山德拉(男人的保护者),你永远是与众不同的,记住这点,你命归殊途,你能永远信赖的人,只有你自己还有你爸爸,我不会永远在你身边,13.——people in love don’t try to kill each other .


14.——Look , I want to tell you that leela and I .it’s not what you think ,we fell in love before I

married Kristina ,

——nikita:I’m not here to judge ,

——I know it sounds like a cliché?the affair with the assistant ,but we’ve done nothing improper , I will keep my vows ,but this is why I must leave Kristina ,why did you marry her in the
