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Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8.( D )

support one of the candidates.

remind people to vote.

write a newspaper article.

hear more about the speakers’ideas.

9.( D )

is too busy to go to the debate.

is not interested in debating at all.

doesn’t have transportation.

feels it doesn’t make a difference.

10.( A )

way the government supports businesses.

election process for representatives.

amount of money used for campaigns.

news coverage of debates.

11.( B )

a restaurant.

the upcoming debate.

a speech in the debate.

a political candidate.

Conversation Two

12.( D )

light bounces off things.

heavy light is.

people get frightened.

people can see things.

13.( B )

is not scary at all.

can’t see things without light.

can imagine light in the darkness.

’s eyes can get used to darkness.

14.( C )

light bounces off things.

light moves very fast.

light shines on things, and lights them up. light moves from one thing to another. 15.( D )

woman convinced the man.

man convinced the woman.

man confused the woman.

of them convinced the other.


8.( A )

up for voluntary work.


a trip.

a warehouse.

9.( C )



out food.


10.( B )





11.( D )

they are very inefficient in their work.

the food bank is quite understaffed.

the clients usually arrive earlier.

he wants to make sure that things run smoothly.

12.( D )

’s poor performance in her mid-term exams.

courses that Mary is currently taking.

’s difficulties in writing essays.

’s problems with pre-registering for classes online and possible solutions.

13.( C )

something went wrong with her computer.

her Internet connection was not stable.

there were too many people trying to do the same thing.

the school’s server crashed after a hacking incident.

14.( B )

should wait until later to pre-register.

should get the professor’s approval to take the course she wanted.

should get advice from her tutor.

should take a course with less reading requirements.

15.( A )

is not worried about it.

thinks it is difficult to do it.

will enroll in a couple of weeks.

thinks it is impossible to get all his courses registered.

: What can we learn from it (10个填空)


In life, there’s a lot of pressure to be successful in school, on the playing field, at work, and in our personal relationships. And yet, at some point, we will all lose a game, fail an exam, or be turned down for a job or a date. Failure is hard to deal with, but there are some important lessons it can teach us.

Lesson 1: Learn from your mistakes. Think about what you did wrong and how you can do things differently in the future. “I learned how not to climb Mount Qomolangma the first four

times I tried,”says mountain climber Pete Athans. After studying his mistakes and making changes to his plan, Athans finally reached the top of Qomolangma on the fifth try.

Lesson 2: Be careful. Very often, when everything’s going right, it can be easy to be careless and make mistakes. Maybe you did poorly on a test because you thought you knew everything and didn’t study enough. Failures like this remind us that things can go wrong and that we need to be careful.

No one likes failure, but it’s important not to give up. Failure is an opportunity to learn and grow. “There’s no magic


1.Where does JR come from( b )
