
AT的英文全称是automatictransmission 中文意思:自动变速箱自动变速箱是由液力变扭器、行星齿轮和液压操纵系统组成,通过液力传递和齿轮组合的方式来达到变速变矩。

齿轮油技术规范(GL-5 & SAE J2360)
SAE J2360
API ASTM D130 铜片腐蚀
ASTM D5662 密封相容性
L-60-1 抗氧化 /沉积物试验
ASTM D892 泡沫倾向
L-60 抗氧化试验 L-42 高速 / 冲击载荷试验 L-37 低速/ 高扭矩试验 L-33-1 耐腐蚀试验
独立评估, 认可和监控SAE J2360标准中规定的产品
苛刻的油封相容性 和热稳定性要求
齿轮油的基本 性能要求
= 基本试验+ 试验变化
J2360主要提升性能: 热氧化稳定性能提高
五 车用齿轮油常见问题处理
案例1 :大众桑塔纳轿车,更换齿轮油之后,冬季早晨启动后出现挂挡有阻滞感,挂挡不流畅,怀疑齿 轮油有产品质量问题,要求修理厂解决?
四 豪沃重卡,更换齿轮油85w-140,使用3个月之后,放出油来出现油品粘度发稀,有发白的现 象,怀疑油品有质量问题?
两种互不混溶的液体,一种以微粒(液滴或液晶)分散 于另一种中形成的体系称为乳状液。
关于乳化的原因, 不关齿轮油的事, 如果没有“水或水气”进入齿轮箱, 是不可能有乳化的。
五 关于减速器齿轮的不正常磨损? 1 使用非原厂配件 2 安装不到位 3 齿轮油选用不当 4 换油周期过长 5 操作不当 6 油品受到污染
达到最大允许启动 粘度150000厘泊时 的温度
1000C时的最小粘度,厘 斯
1000C时的最小粘度, 厘斯

MANUAL GEARBOXESMANUAL GEARBOX CLASSIFICATIONGearboxes are normally classified according to the number of toothed wheel couples (stages) involved in the transmission of motion at a given speed; in the case of manual vehicle transmissions, the number to be taken into account isthat of the forward speeds only, without consideration of the final gear, even if included in the gearbox.Therefore there are:• Single stage gearboxes• Dual stage or countershaft gearboxes• Multi stage gearboxesFigure shows the three configurations for a four speed gearbox.It is useful to comment on the generally adopted rules of these schemes.Each wheel is represented by a segment whose length is proportional to the pitch diameter of the gear; the segment is ended by horizontal strokes, representing the tooth width. If the segment is interrupted where crossing the shaft, the gear wheel is idle; the opposite occurs if the segment crosses the line of theshaft without interruption. Then the wheel rotates with the shaft. Hubs arerepresented according to the same rules, while sleeves are represented with apair of horizontal strokes. Arrows show the input and output shafts.Single stage gearboxes are primarily applied to front wheel driven vehicles,because in these it is useful that the input and the output shaft are offset; inG. Genta and L. Morello, The Automotive Chassis, Volume 1: Components Design, 425 Mechanical Engineering Series,c Springer Science+Business Media . 2009426 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESFIGURE . Schemes for a four speed gearbox shown in three different configurations:a: single stage, b: double stage and c: triple stage.conventional vehicles, on the other hand, it is better that input and output shaftsare aligned.This is why rear wheel driven vehicles usually adopt a double stage gearbox.The multi-stage configuration is sometime adopted on front wheel drivenvehicles with transversal engine, because the transversal length of the gearboxcan be shortened; it is used when the number of speeds or the width of the gearsdo not allow a single stage transmission to be used.It should be noted that on a front wheel driven vehicle with transversalengine, having decided on the value of the front track and the size of the tire,the length of the gearbox has a direct impact on the maximum steering angle ofthe wheel and therefore on the minimum turning radius.The positive result on the transversal dimension of multi-stage gearboxes isoffset by higher mechanical losses, due to the increased number of engaged gearwheels.It should be noted that in triple stage gearboxes, shown in the picture, theaxes of the three shafts do not lie in the same plane, as the scheme seems toshow. In a lateral view, the outline of the three shafts should be represented asthe vertices of a triangle; this lay-out reduces the transversal dimension of thegearbox. In this case and others, as we will show later, the drawing is representedby turning the plane of the input shaft and of the counter shaft on the plane ofthe counter shaft and of the output shaft.Gear trains used in reverse speed are classified separately. The inversion ofspeed is achieved by using an additional gear. As a matter of fact, in a train ofthree gears, the output speed has the same direction as the input speed, whilethe other trains of two gears only have an output speed in the opposite direction;the added gear is usually called idler.The main configurations are reported in Fig. .In scheme a, an added countershaft shows a sliding idler, which can matchtwo close gears that are not in contact, as, for example, the input gear of thefirst speed and the output gear of the second speed. It should be noted that, inthis scheme, the drawing does not preserve the actual dimension of the Manual gearbox classification 427FIGURE . Schemes used for reverse speed; such schemes fit every type of gearboxlay-out.Scheme b shows instead two sliding idlers, rotating together; this arrange-ment offers additional freedom in obtaining a given transmission ratio. The coun-tershaft is offset from the drawing plane; arrows show the gear wheels that matchwhen the reverse speed is engaged.Scheme c is similar to a in relation to the idler; it pairs an added specificwheel on the output shaft with a gear wheel cut on the shifting sleeve of the firstand second speed, when it is in idle position.Configuration d shows a dedicated pair of gears, with a fixed idler and ashifting sleeve.The following are the advantages and disadvantages of the configurationsshown in the figure.•Schemes a, b and c are simpler, but preclude the application of synchro-nizers (because couples are not always engaged), nor do they allow the useof helical gears (because wheels must be shifted by sliding).•Scheme d is more complex but can include a synchronizer and can adopthelical gears.•Schemes a, b and c do not increase gearbox 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESMECHANICAL EFFICIENCYThe mechanical efficiency of an automotive gear wheel transmission is high com-pared to other mechanisms performing the same function; indeed, the value ofthis efficiency should not be neglected when calculating dynamic performanceand fuel consumption. The continuous effort of to limit fuel consumption justi-fies the care of transmission designers in reducing mechanical losses.Total transmission losses are conveyed up by terms that are both dependentand independent of the processed power; the primary terms are:•Gearing losses; these are generated by friction between engaging teeth(power dependent) and by the friction of wheels rotating in air and oil(power independent).•Bearing losses; these are generated by the extension of the contact area ofrolling bodies and by their deformation (partly dependent on and partlyindependent of power) and by their rotation in the air and oil (powerindependent).•Sealing losses; they are generated by friction between seals and rotatingshafts and are power independent.•Lubrication losses; these are generated by the lubrication pump, if present,and are power independent.All these losses depend on the rotational speed of parts in contact and,therefore, on engine speed and selected transmission ratio.Table reports the values of mechanical efficiency to be adopted in calcu-lations considering wide open throttle conditions; these values consider a pair ofgearing wheels or a complete transmission with splash lubrication; in the sametable we can see also the efficiency of a complete powershift epicycloidal auto-matic transmission and a steel belt continuously variable transmission. For thetwo last transmissions, the torque converter must be considered as locked-up.TABLE . Mechanical efficiency of different transmission mechanisms.Mechanism type Efficiency (%)Complete manual gearboxwith splash lubrication 92–97Complete automatic transmission(ep. gears) 90–95Complete automatic gearbox(steel belt; without press. contr.) 70–80Complete automatic gearbox(steel belt; with press. contr.) 80–86Pair of cyl. gears –Pair of bevel gears 90– Mechanical efficiency 429FIGURE . Contributions to total friction loss of a single stage gearbox designed for300 Nm as function of input speed.It is more correct to reference power loss measurement as a function ofrotational input speed rather than efficiency. Figure shows the example ofa double stage transmission, in fourth speed, at maximum power; the differentcontributions to the total are shown.This kind of measurement is made by disassembling the gearbox step bystep, thus eliminating the related loss.In the first step all synchronizer rings are removed, leaving the synchronizerhubs only; mechanical losses of non-engaged synchronizers are, therefore, mea-surable. The loss is due to the relative speed of non-engaged lubricated conicalsurfaces; the value of this loss depends, obviously, on speed and the selectedtransmission ratio.In the second step all rotating seals are removed.In the third step the lubrication oil is removed, and therefore, the bulk ofthe lubrication losses is eliminated; some oil must remain in order to leave thecontact between teeth unaffected.By removing those gear wheels not involved in power transmission, theirmechanical losses are now measurable.The rest of the loss is due to bearings; the previous removal of parts canaffect this value.A more exhaustive approach consists in measuring the complete efficiencymap; the efficiency can be represented as the third coordinate of a surface, wherethe other two coordinates are input speed and engine torque. Efficiency calcu-lations can be made by comparing input and output torque of a working trans-mission.Such map can show how efficiency reaches an almost constant value at amodest value of the input torque; it must not be forgotten that standard fuelconsumption evaluation cycles involve quite modest values of torque and there-fore imply values of transmission efficiency that are changing with torque.Figure shows a qualitative cross section of the aforesaid map, cut atconstant engine speed. It should be noted that efficiency is also zero at input430 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESFIGURE . Mechanical efficiency map, as a function of input torque at constantengine speed; the dotted line represents a reasonable approximation of this curve, to beused on mathematical models for the prediction of performance and fuel consumption.torque values slightly greater than zero; as a matter of fact, friction implies acertain minimum value of input torque, below which motion is impossible.A good approximation to represent mechanical efficiency can be made usingthe dotted broken line as an interpolation of the real curve.MANUAL AUTOMOBILE GEARBOXES9.3.1 Adopted schemesIn manual gearboxes, changing speed and engaging and disengaging the clutchare performed by driver force only.This kind of gearbox is made with helical gears and each speed has a syn-chronizer; some gearboxes do not use show the synchronizer for reverse speed,particularly those in economy minicars.We previously discussed a first classification; additional information is thespeed number, usually between four and six.Single stage gearboxes are used in trans-axles; they are applied, with someexceptions, to front wheel driven cars with front engine and rear driven cars withrear engine; this is true with longitudinal and transversal engines.In all these situations the final drive is included in the gearbox, which istherefore also called transmission.Countershaft double stage gearboxes are used in conventionally driven cars,where the engine is mounted longitudinally in the front and the driving axle isthe rear axle. If the gearbox is mounted on the rear axle, in order to improve theweight distribution, the final drive could be included in the Manual automobile gearboxes 431 By multi-stage transmissions, some gear wheels could be used for differentspeeds. The number of gearing wheels could increase at some speeds; this nor-mally occurs at low speeds, because the less frequent use of these speeds reducesthe penalty of lower mechanical efficiency on fuel consumption.Cost and weight increases are justified by transmission length reduction,sometimes necessary on transversal engines with large displacement and morethan four cylinders.In all these gearboxes synchronizers are coupled to adjacent speeds .:first with second, third with fourth, etc.) in order to reduce overall length andto shift the two gears with the same selector rod.We define as the selection plane of a shift stick (almost parallel to the xzcoordinate body reference system plane for shift lever on vehicle floor) the planeon which the lever knob must move in order to select two close speed pairs. Forinstance, for a manual gearbox following many existing schemes, first, second,third, fourth and fifth speed are organized on three different selection planes; thereverse speed can have a dedicated plane or share its plane with the fifth speed.Figure shows a typica l example of a five speed single stage gearbox. Thefirst speed wheels are close to a bearing, in order to limit shaft deflection.In this gearbox the total number of tooth wheels pairs is the same as forthe double stage transmission shown in Fig. .While in the first gearbox there are only two gearing wheels for each speed,in the second there are three gearing wheels for the first four speeds and noneFIGURE . Scheme for a five speed single stage transmission, suitable for front wheeldrive with transversal 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESFIGURE . Scheme of an on-line double stage gearbox for a conventional lay-out.for the fifth. This property is produced by the presence of the so called constantgear wheels (the first gear pair at the left) that move the input wheels of t hefirst four speeds; the fifth speed is a direct drive because the two parts of theupper shaft are joined together.The single stage gearbox in Fig. shows the fifth speed wheel pair posi-tioned beyond the bearing, witness to the upgrading of an existing four speed transmission; in this case the fifth speed has a dedicated selection plane.The double stage gearbox in Fig. is organized in a completely differentway but also shows the first speed pair of wheels close to the bearing. The directdrive is dedicat ed to the highest speed; the fifth speed shows a dedicated selectionplane.Six speed double stage gearboxes do not show conceptual changes in com-parison with the previous examples; synchronizers are organized to leave firstand second, third and fourth, fifth and sixth speeds on the same selection plane.As already seen, the multistage configuration shown in Fig. allows areasonable reduction of the length of the gearbox. In this scheme, only first andsecond speeds benefit from the second countershaft; power enters the counter-shaft through a constant gear pair of wheels and flows to the output shaft at areduced speed. Third, fourth and fifth speed have a single stage arrangement.Reverse speed is obtained with a conventional idling wheel.9.3.2 Practical examplesFour speed gearboxes represented the most widely distributed solution in Europeuntil the 1970s, with some economy cars having only three Manual automobile gearboxes 433 FIGURE . Scheme of a triple stage five speed gearbox, suitable for front wheel drivencar with transversal engine.With the increase in installed power, the improvement in aerodynamic per-formance and increasing attention to fuel consumption, it became necessary toincrease the transmission ratio of the last speed, having the first s peed remain atthe same values; as a matter of fact car weight continued to increase and engineminimum speed did not change significantly.To achieve satisfactory performance all manufacturers developed five speedgearboxes; this solution is now standard, but many examples of six speed gear-boxes are available on the market, not limited to sports cars.Figure shows an example of a six speed double stage transmission withthe fifth in direct drive; here the first and second pair of wheels are close to thebearing.This rule is not generally accepted; on one hand having the most stressedpairs of wheels close to the bearing allows a shaft weight containment. On theother hand, having the most frequently used pairs of wheels close to the bearingreduces the n oise due to shaft deflection.Synchronizers of fourth and third speed are mounted on the countershaft;this lay-out reduces the work of synchronization, improving shifting quality by anamount proportional to the dimension of the synchronizing rings. Synchronizersof first and second gear on the output shaft are, because of their diameter, larger434 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESFIGURE . Double stage six speed gearbox (GETRAG).than those of the corresponding gear; the penalty of the synchronization work ispaid by the adoption of a double ring synchronizer.Synchronizers on the countershaft offer a further advantage: In idle positionthe gears are stopped and produce no rattle; this subject will be studied later Manual automobile gearboxes 435Figure introduces the example of a single stage gearbox for a frontlongitudinal engine. The input upper shaft must jump over the differential, whichis set between the engine and the wheels. The increased length of the shaftssuggested adopting a hollow section. Because of this length the box is dividedinto two sections; on the joint between the two sections of the box additionalbearings are provided to reduce the shaft deflection.The input shaft features a ball bearing close to the engine and three otherneedle bearings that manage solely the radial loads. The output shaft has twotapered roller bearings on the differential side and a roller bearing on the oppositeside. This choice is justified by the relevant axial thrust emerging from the bevelgears.The first and second speed synchronizers are on the output shaft and featurea double ring.The reverse speed gears are placed immediately after the joint (the idlergear is not visible) and have a synchronized shift. Remaining synchronizers areset in the second section of the box on the input shaft. The output shaft endswith the bevel pinion, a part of the final ratio.It should be noted that the gears of the first, second and reverse speeds aredirectly cut on the input shaft, in order to reduce overall dimensions.Most contemporary cars use a front wheel drive with transversal engine; thenumber of gearboxes with integral helical final ratio is, therefore, dominant.In these gearboxes geared pairs are mounted from the first to the last speed,starting from the engine side. An example of this architecture is given in Fig. .Like many other transmissions created with only four speeds, it shows thefifth speed segregated outside of the aluminium box and enclosed by a thin steelsheet cover; this placement is to limit the transverse dimension of the powertrain, in the area where there is potential interference with the left wheel in thecompletely steered position.This solution is questionable as far as the total length is concerned but showssome advantage in the reduction of the span between the bearings. Each bearingis of the ball type; on the side opposite to the engine the external ring of thebearing can move axially, to compensate for thermal differential displacements.One of the toothed wheels of the reverse speed is cut on the fir st and secondshifting sleeve.The casing is open on both sides; one of these is the rest of one of thebearings of the final drive. A large cover closes the casing on the engine side and,in the meantime, provides installation for the second bearing of the final driveand the space for the clutch mechanism; it is also used to join the gearbox tothe engine.In this gearbox synchronizers are placed partly on the input shaft and partlyon the output shaft.Figure shows a drawing of a more modern six speed gearbox, in whichit was possible to install all the gears in a conventional single stage arrangement,thanks to the moderate value of the rated 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESFIGURE . Single stage six speed gearbox for longitudinal front engine (Audi). Manual gearboxes for industrial vehicles 437FIGURE . Five speed transmission for a transversal front engine (FIAT).Gears are arranged from the first to the sixth, starting from the engineside; as we have already said this arrangement is demanded by the objectiveof minimizing shaft deflection. Only the synchronizers of first and second speedfound no place on the input shaft; they are of the double ring type, as for thefirst speed.The reverse speed is synchronized and benefits of a countershaft not shownin this drawing.MANUAL GEARBOXES FOR INDUSTRIALVEHICLES9.4.1 Lay-out schemesThe gearboxes we are going to examine in this section are suitable for vehicles ofmore than about 4 t of total weight; lighter vehicles, usually called commercialvehicles, adopt gearboxes that are derived from automobile production, as notedin the previous 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESFIGURE . Six speed transmission for a transversal front engine (FIAT).Gearboxes used in industrial vehicles also feature synchronizers; they can beshifted directly, as in a conventional manual transmission, or indirectly with theassistance of servomechanisms. Non-synchronized gearboxes are sometimes usedon long haul trucks, because of their robustness. Assisted shifting mechanismsare widespread because of the easy availability of power media. Automatic orsemi-automatic transmissions are also used, the first type especially in buses.For gearboxes with four up to six speeds, the double stage countershaftarchitecture represents a standard; the scheme is the same as seen before.The constant gear couple is used for all speeds but the highest. Also notableis that the lowest speed wheels are close to the bearings.As shown in the drawings of Fig. , the highest speed can be obtainedeither in direct drive (scheme b) or with a pair of gears (scheme a); in this lastcase the direct drive is used for the speed before the last: these architectures arecalled direct drive and overdrive.In the figure, only the last and the first before the last speed are represented.The cho ice between the two alternatives can be justified by the differentvehicle mission; virtually the same gearbox can be used on different vehicleswith different frequently used speeds (a truck and a bus for example). Manual gearboxes for industrial vehicles 439FIGURE . Alternative constant gear schemes with last or first before the last speedin direct drive.Sometime the constant gear is set on the output shaft, after the differentspeed gears; this configuration offers the following advantages:•Reduction of the work of synchronization, because of the smaller gear di-mension at the same torque and total transmission ratio•Less stress on the input shaft and countershaftOn the other hand, the following disadvantages emerge:•Bearings rotate faster.•Constant gear wheels are more highly stressed.This applies for single range transmissions.Multiple range transmissions feature, in addition to the main gearbox, othergearboxes that multiply the number of speeds of the main gearbox by the numberof their speeds. With this architecture the total number of gear pairs might bereduced, for a given number of speeds, and, sometime the use of the gearshiftlever can be simpler.This arrangement is used when more than six speeds are necessary. A multi-ple range transmission is therefore made out of a combination of different coun-tershaft gearboxes, single range gearboxes or epicycloidal gearboxes.Each added element is called a range changer if it is conceived as beingcapable of using the main gearbox speeds in sequence, in two completely non-overlapping series of vehicle speeds; for example, if the main gearbox has fourspeeds, the first speed in the high range is faster than the fourth speed in thelow range.The element is called a splitter if it is intended to create speeds that areintermediate to those of the main gearbox; in this case, for example the third440 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESFIGURE . Scheme of a 16 speed gearbox for industrial vehicles; it is made with afour gear main gearbox, a double speed splitter and a double speed range changer withdirect drive.speed in the high range is faster than the third speed in the low range, but slowerthan the fourth speed in the low range.We call the gearbox with the highest number of speeds the main gearbox;the splitter and the range changer will be set in series before and after the maingearbox.Figure shows the scheme of a gearbox featuring a splitter and a rangechanger. The splitter is made out of a pair of wheels that work as two differentconstant gears for the main gearbox. The countershaft can therefore be movedat two different speeds, according to the position of the splitter unit. Becausethe main gearbox has four speeds, this splitter unit can create a total of eightspeeds, one of them being in direct drive.At the output shaft of this assembly, there is a range changer unit madeas a two speed double stage gearbox with direct drive; this unit multiplies by two the total number of obtainable speeds. The range changer is qualified by the significant difference between the two obtainable speeds.The range changer can be made with a countershaft gearbox or an epicy- cloidal gearbox with direct drive; the advantage in the latter case is the possi- bility of an easier automatic actuation, by braking some of the elements of the epicycloidal Manual gearboxes for industrial vehicles 441FIGURE . Transmission ratios obtained with the scheme of transmission shown in Fig. ; speed identification shows the main gearbox speed with the number, the splitter position with the first letter, the range changer position with the second; L stands for low, H stands for high.It is also possible to place the range changer before the main gearbox andthe splitter unit after the main gearbox.A different way of defining the functions of r ange change units is to say thatthe splitter is a gearbox that compresses the gear sequence, because it reduces the gap between speeds, while the range changer is a gearbox that expands the gear sequence, because it increases the total range of the transmission.Figure explains the concept of compression; the bars represent the ratios obtained in all shifting lever positions. Ratios obtained with the splitter unit in the L position (the first letter in the speed identification, L stands for lower ratio) are interspersed with the ratios obtained with the splitter unit in the H position (H stands for higher ratio, in this case 1:1) and reduce the amplitude of the gear steps of the main gearbox.The same figure also explains the concept of expansion, showing on thesame graph the ratio obtained with the range changer in the H position (second identification letter) and the L position; the gear step between the first in low gear and the first in high gear is as big as the range of the main gearbox, andthe total transmission range is widened.The range changer is therefore seldom used, when driving conditions change suddenly, as, for example, when leaving a normal road for a country road that must be driven more slowly, or when encountering a strong slope with a fully loaded vehicle. The splitter allows the dynamic performance of the vehicle to be improved, making the optimum transmission ratio available to obtain the desired power. The splitter is therefore used frequently. In a fully loaded vehicle, for example, all split ratios can be used in sequence during full throttle acceleration from a 9. MANUAL GEARBOXESThe range changer and splitter are usually made as modular units that canbe mounted at both ends of the main gearbox, or changed with simple covers,in order to satisfy all application needs with limited total production costs. Generalizing these concepts could suggest building transmissions using ad- ditional range changing units arranged in series. These could be conceived as being made only of splitter units with direct drive.In such a case, with n pairs of tooth wheels it is possible to obtain a totalof z transmission ratios, given by the formula:z =2n−1.The formula expresses the number of possible states that can be obtainedfrom n − 1 pairs of gears; one unit is subtracted because one pair must be a constant gear to move the countershaft.With four pairs of gears, for example, four speeds can be obtained in adouble stage gearbox; while using a cascade of splitters eight different speeds could be obtained. The goal of good shift manoeuvrability and the implications for mechanical losses must not be forgotten, while defining the best architecture. Figure shows the scheme of the 16 speed transmission with splitter and。

Manual transmissionManual transmission is the most basic of transmission of a type, its effect is changing, and provide the transmission reverse and neutral. Usually, the pilot on the clutch pedal through manipulation and in any HuanDangGan can choose between gear. There are a few manual transmission, such as motorcycles, cars, some transmission shift transmission allows only sequence, the transmission is called sequence shift transmission. In recent years, along with the electronic control components durability, computerized automatic switching clutch automatic shift of transmission in Europe since the start line are more and more popular, car V olkswagen and ford are sold in the city on the double clutch provide updated generation, transmission from the start with two clutches, every shift automatically switch to another group of clutch engagement, need not as quick as traditional in manual have only one group separated again clutch engagement, shifting speed is faster, more small change gear vibration.Internal structure: shaftDecorate a form of transmission shaft type usually have two and three shaft type two kinds. Usually a rear wheel drive car will adopt three axis type, i.e. input shaft transmission, the output shaft and oart. Input shaft front associated with engine, borrow clutch output shaft back-end through the flange and universal transmission device connected.Input shaft and the output shaft in the same horizontal line, with their oart parallel arrangement. From the input shaft power through the gears to preach to the output shaft oart again. In many input and output shaft transmission shaft could engage in together, so to power, then the gear oart called directly. Direct files through uniaxial transmission, the ratio of 1:1, the highest transmission efficiency. Even in the transmission directly, cannot offer the input shaft, and the output shaft is decorated in a straight line to reduce work needed to inherit the torque transmission.Reversing deviceGenerally speaking, the reverse gear reducer than can alsosynchronizerIn synchronized meshing gears have type synchronizer Settings, can make two gear engagement in the first, before the speed reached synchronizer in all of this manual geartransmission of the car has been usedClutch,The clutch is can make two gear with a separate with mechanical parts, two gear transmission power can be combined, but when to speed, so will depend on the first two gear clutch, change gear ratio, the two gear transmission power, continue again Control:GearIn simple terms, the high speed, low speed ShengDang when the time cameEvery car high speedCompared with automatic transmissionThis refers to the automatic transmission of traditional hydraulic transmission, namely through hydraulic torque converter and planetary gear transmission power automatic transmission.Advantages:transmission efficiency than automatic gearboxes for high, of course, theoretically can compare economical.maintenance will be cheaper than transmission.If you want to higher cost, can begin from both the row of convenience and high power手动变速器手动变速器是汽车变速器中最基本的一种类型,其作用是改变传动比,并提供倒档和空档。
自动五速手动变速箱- EASYTRONIC 3.0外文文献翻译、中英文翻译

附录1:外文翻译自动五速手动变速箱- EASYTRONIC 3.0。
The new Opel/Vauxhall公司在2014年秋季推出了自动化五速手动变速箱(MTA) Easytronic 3.0。
这个新的变速器新增了停止/启动功能,而他的控制系统是根据安全标准ISO 26262设计的。
THOMAS ZEMMRICH是德国Adam Opel公司变速器自动化MT系统组长和技术专家。
持续战略2014年秋季,欧宝/沃克斯豪尔公司引进了新一代自动化手动变速器MTA(手动变速器) Easytronic 3.0。
这篇文章介绍了欧宝新推出的MTA 的设计和性能特点。

附录外文文献Manual transmission is the most basic of transmission of a type, its effect is changing, and provide the transmission reverse and neutral. Usually, the pilot on the clutch pedal through manipulation and in any HuanDangGan can choose between gear. There are a few manual transmission, such as motorcycles, cars, some transmission shift transmission allows only sequence, the transmission is called sequence shift transmission. In recent years, along with the electronic control components durability, computerized automatic switching clutch automatic shift of transmission in Europe since the start line are more and more popular, car Volkswagen and ford are sold in the city on the double clutch provide updated generation, transmission from the start with two clutches, every shift automatically switch to another group of clutch engagement, need not as quick as traditional in manual have only one group separated again clutch engagement, shifting speed is faster, more small change gear vibration.Internal structure: shaftDecorate a form of transmission shaft type usually have two and three shaft type two kinds. Usually a rear wheel drive car will adopt three axis type, i.e. input shaft transmission, the output shaft and oart. Input shaft front associated with engine, borrow clutch output shaft back-end through the flange and universal transmission device connected.Input shaft and the output shaft in the same horizontal line, with their oart parallel arrangement. From the input shaft power through the gears to preach to the output shaft oart again. In many input and output shaft transmission shaft could engage in together, so to power, then the gear oart called directly. Direct files through uniaxial transmission, the ratio of 1:1, the highest transmission efficiency. Even in the transmission directly, cannot offer the input shaft, and the output shaft is decorated in a straight line to reduce work needed to inherit the torque transmission.Reversing deviceGenerally speaking, the reverse gear reducer than can alsosynchronizerIn synchronized meshing gears have type synchronizer Settings, can make two gear engagement in the first, before the speed reached synchronizer in all of this manual gear transmission of the car has been usedClutch,The clutch is can make two gear with a separate with mechanical parts, two gear transmission power can be combined, but when to speed, so will depend on the first two gear clutch, change gear ratio, the two gear transmission power, continue againControl:GearIn simple terms, the high speed, low speed ShengDang when the time came Every car high speedCompared with automatic transmissionThis refers to the automatic transmission of traditional hydraulic transmission, namely through hydraulic torque converter and planetary gear transmission power automatic transmission.Advantages: transmission efficiency than automatic gearboxes for high, of course, theoretically can compare economical.maintenance will be cheaper than transmission.If you want to higher cost, can begin from both the row of convenience and high power附录外文文献的中文翻译手动变速器是汽车变速器中最基本的一种类型,其作用是改变传动比,并提供倒档和空档。

How Manual Transmissions WorkIf you drive a stick-shift car, then you may have several questions floating in your head.How does the funny "H" pattern that I am moving this shift knob through have any relation to the gears inside the transmission? What is moving inside the transmission when I move the shifter?When I mess up and hear that horrible grinding sound, what is actually grinding? What would happen if I were to accidentally shift into reverse while I am speeding down the freeway? Would the entire transmission explode?In this article, we'll answer all of these questions and more as we explore the interior of a manual transmission.Cars need transmissions because of the physics of the gasoline engine. First, any engine has a redline --a maximum rpm value above which the engine cannot go without exploding. Second, if you have read How Horsepower Works, then you know that engines have narrow rpm ranges where horsepower and torque are at their maximum. For example, an engine might produce its maximum horsepower at 5,500 rpm. The transmission allows the gear ratio between the engine and the drive wheels to change as the car speeds up and slows down. You shift gears so the engine can stay below the redline and near the rpm band of its best performance.Ideally, the transmission would be so flexible in its ratios that the engine could always run at its single, best-performance rpm value. That is the idea behind the continuously variable transmission (CVT).A CVT has a nearly infinite range of gear ratios. In the past, CVTs could not compete with four-speed and five-speed transmissions in terms of cost, size and reliability, so you didn't see them in production automobiles. These days, improvements in design have made CVTs more common. The Toyota Prius is a hybrid car that uses a CVT.The transmission is connected to the engine through the clutch. The input shaft of the transmission therefore turns at the same rpm as the engine.A five-speed transmission applies one of five different gear ratios to the input shaft to produce a different rpm value at the output shaft.A Very Simple TransmissionTo understand the basic idea behind a standard transmission, the diagram below showsa very simple two-speed transmission in neutral:Let's look at each of the parts in this diagram to understand how they fit together:The green shaft comes from the engine through the clutch. The green shaft and green gear are connected as a single unit. (The clutch is a device that lets you connect and disconnect the engine and the transmission. When you push in the clutch pedal, the engine and the transmission are disconnected so the engine can run even if the car is standing still. When you release the clutch pedal, the engine and the green shaft are directly connected to one another. The green shaft and gear turn at the same rpm as the engine.)The red shaft and gears are called the layshaft. These are also connected as a single piece, so all of the gears on the layshaft and the layshaft itself spin as one unit. The green shaft and the red shaft are directly connected through their meshed gears so that if the green shaft is spinning, so is the red shaft. In this way, the layshaft receives its power directly from the engine whenever the clutch is engaged.The yellow shaft is a splined shaft that connects directly to the drive shaft through the differential to the drive wheels of the car. If the wheels are spinning, the yellow shaft is spinning.The blue gears ride on bearings, so they spin on the yellow shaft. If the engine is off but the car is coasting, the yellow shaft can turn inside the blue gears while the blue gears and the layshaft are motionless.Now, let's see what happens when you shift into first gear.First GearIn this picture, the green shaft from the engine turns the layshaft, which turns the blue gear on the right. This gear transmits its energy through the collar to drive the yellow drive shaft. Meanwhile, the blue gear on the left is turning, but it is freewheeling on its bearing so it has no effect on the yellow shaft.When the collar is between the two gears (as shown in the first figure), the transmission is in neutral. Both of the blue gears freewheel on the yellow shaft at the different rates controlled by their ratios to the layshaft.From this discussion, you can answer several questions:When you make a mistake while shifting and hear a horrible grinding sound, you are not hearing the sound of gear teeth mis-meshing. As you can see in these diagrams, all gear teeth are all fully meshed at all times. The grinding is the sound of the dog teeth trying unsuccessfully to engage the holes in the side of a blue gear.The transmission shown here does not have "synchros" (discussed later in the article), so if you were using this transmission you would have to double-clutch it. Double-clutching was common in older cars and is still common in some modern race cars. In double-clutching, you first push the clutch pedal in once to disengage the engine from the transmission. This takes the pressure off the dog teeth so you can move the collar into neutral. Then you release the clutch pedal and rev the engine to the "right speed." The right speed is the rpm value at which the engine should be running in the next gear. The idea is to get the blue gear of the next gear and the collar rotating at the same speed so that the dog teeth can engage. Then you push the clutch pedal in again and lock the collar into the new gear. At every gear change you have to press and release the clutch twice, hence the name "double-clutching."You can also see how a small linear motion in the gear shift knob allows you to change gears. The gear shift knob moves a rod connected to the fork. The fork slides the collar on the yellow shaft to engage one of two gears.In the next section, we'll take a look at a real transmission.A Real TransmissionThere are three forks controlled by three rods that are engaged by the shift lever. Looking at the shift rods from the top, they look like this in reverse, first and second gear: Keep in mind that the shift lever has a rotation point in the middle. When you push the knob forward to engage first gear, you are actually pulling the rod and fork for first gear back.You can see that as you move the shifter left and right you are engaging different forks (and therefore different collars). Moving the knob forward and backward moves the collar to engage one of the gears。

一、作用Function: 使接合套与待啮合的齿圈迅速同步,缩短换档时间;防止在同步前啮合而产 生接合齿之间的冲击。 二、组成composition: 同步器都由同步装臵(包括 推动件、摩擦件)、锁止装臵 和接合装臵三部分组成。 三、类型types: 1.锁环式惯性同步器 Synchronizer with sprung synchronizing ring: 2.锁销式惯性同步器: Synchronizer with sprung synchronizing ring:
第13章 手动变速器与分动器
Chapter 13 Manual Transmission and Transfer Case
概述 Overview 齿轮变速器的变速传动机构 Transmission mechanism 同步器 Synchronizer 变速器操纵机构 Operating mechanism 分动器Transfer case 重点Key points:变速器传动机构;变速器操纵机 构;同步器的结构及工作原理。Construction and principle of Synchronizer 难点Difficulties:变速器的传动机构;同步器。
主变速器 main transmission 副变速器 auxiliary transmission 结构图;配档方式。
结构图Construction sketch
§13.3 同步器Synchromesh / Synchronizer
一、移动齿轮换档Shift by sliding gears: 优点Advantages: 结构简单,制造容易,重量轻,成本低。 缺点Disadvantages: 换档冲击大,影响齿轮寿命;多用直齿齿轮工作响声大, 如用斜齿移动的齿轮时,则第二轴必须制成螺旋花键轴,制 造成本高;要求驾驶员操作技术水平高。 二、接合套换档 Shift by sleeve: 优点Advantages: 接合齿短,换档时拨叉移动量小,操作较轻便;换档元件 承受的冲击工作面增加,使换档元件的寿命延长;维修方便。 缺点Disadvantage:零件数目增多,轴向尺寸增大。 三、同步器换档 Shift by synchronizer:

附录附录A.Manual TransmissionIt’s no secret that cars with manual transmissions are usually more fun to drive than the automatic-equipped counterparts. If you have even a passing interest in the act of driving, then chances are you also appreciate a fine-shifting manual gearbox. But how does a manual transmission actually work?A history hows that manual transmissions preceded automatics by several decades. In fact,up until General Motors offered an automatic in 1938, all cars were of the shift-it-yourself variety. While it’s logical for many types of today’s vehicles to be equipped with an automatic――such as a full-size sedan, SUV or pickup――the fact remains that nothing is more of a thrill to drive than a tautly suspended sport sedan, snort coupe or two-sealer equipped with a precise-shifting five-or six-speed gearbox.We know whicn types or cars have manual trannies. Now let’s take a loo k at how they work. From the most basic four-speed manual in a car from the’60s to the most high-tech six-speed one in a car of today, the principles of a manual gearbox are the same. The driver must shift from gear to gear. Normally, a manual transmission bolts to a clutch housing (or bell housing), in turn, bolts to the back of the engine. If the vehicle has front-wheel drive, the transmission still attaches to the engine in a similar fashion but is usually referred to as a transaxle. This is because the transmission, differential and drive axles are one complete unit. In a front-wheel-drive car, the transmission also serves as part of the front axle for the front wheels. In the remaining text, a transmission and a transaxle will both be referred to using the term transmission.The function of any transmission is transferring engine power to the driveshaft and rear wheels (or axle halfshafts and front wheels in a front-wheel-drive vehicle). Gears inside the transmission change the vehicle’s drive-wheel speed and torque in relation to engine speed and torque.Lower(numerically higher) gear ratios serve as torque multipliers and help the engine to develop enough power to accelerate from a standstill.Initially, power and torque from the engine comes into the front of the transmissions and rotates the main drive gear (or input shaft), which meshes with the cluster or countersha ft gear――a series of gears forged into one piece that resembles a cluster of gears. The cluster-gear assembly rotates any time the clutch is engaged to a running engine,whether or not the transmission is in gear or in neutral.There are two basic types of manual transmissions. The sliding-gear type and the constant-mesh design. With the basic――and now obsolete――sliding-gear type,nothing is turning inside the transmission case except the main drive gear and cluster gear when the trans is in neutral. In order to mesh the gears and apply engine power to move the vehicle, the driver presses the clutch pedal and moves the shifter handle, which in turn moves the shift linkage and forks to slide a gear along the mainshaft, which is mounted directly above the clust er. Once the gears are meshed, the clutch pedal is released and the engine’s power is sent to the drive wheels. There can be several gears on the mainshaft of different diameters and tooth counts, and the transmission shift linkage is designed so the driver has to unmesh one gear before being able to mesh another. With these older transmissions, gear clash is a problem because the gears are all rotating at different speeds.All modern transmissions are of the constant-mesh type, which still uses a similar gear arrangement as the sliding-gear type. However,all the mainshaft gears are in constant mesh with the cluster gears. This is possible because the gears on the mainshaft are not splined to the shaft, but are free to rotate on it. With a constant-mesh gearbox, the main drive gear, cluster gear and all the mainshaft gears are always turning, even when the transmission is in neutral.Alongside each gear on the mainshaft is a dog clutch, with a hub that’s positively splined to the shaft and an outer ring that can slide over against each gear. Both the mainshaft gear and the ring of the dog clutch have a row of teeth. Moving shift linkage moves the dog clutch against the adjacent mainshaft gear, causing the teeth to interlock and solidly lock the gear to the mainshaft.To prevent gears from grinding or clashing during engagement, a constant-mesh, fully "synchronized" manual transmission is equipped with synchronizers. A synchronizer typically consists of an inner-splined hub, an outer sleeve, shifter plates,lock rings(or springs)and blocking rings. The hub is splined onto the mainshaft between a pair of main drive gears. Held in place by the lock rings,the shifter plates position the sleeve over the hub while also holding the floating blocking rings in proper alignment.A synchro’s inner hub and sleeve are made of steel, but the blocking ring――the partof the synchro that rubs on the gear to change its speed――is usually made of a softer material, such as brass. The blocking ring has teeth that match the teeth on the dog clutch. Most synchros perform double duty――they push the synchro in one direction and lock one gear to the mainshaft. Push the synchro the other way and it disengages from the first gear, passes through a neutral position, and engages a gear on the other side.That’s the basics on the inner workings of a manual transmission. As for advances, they have been extensive over the years, mainly in the area of additional gears. Back in the 60’s, four-speeds were common in American and European performance cars.Most of these transmissions had 1:1 final-drive ratios with no overdrives. Today, overdriven five-speeds are standard on practically all passenger cars available with a manual gearbox.Overdrive is an arrangement of gearing that provides more revolutions of the driven shaft(the driveshaft going to the wheels)than the driving shaft(crankshaft of the engine). For example, a transmission with a fourth-gear ratio of 1:1 and a fifth-gear ratio of 0.70:1 will reduce engine rpm by 30 percent, while the vehicle maintains the same road speed. Thus, fuel efficiency will improve and engine wear will be notably reduced. Today, six-speed transmissions are becoming more and more common. One of the first cars sold in America with a six-speed was the ’89 Corvette. D esigned by Chevrolet and Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen(ZF)and built by ZF in Germany, this tough-as-nails six-speed was available in the Corvette up to the conclusion of the ’96 model year. Today,the Corvette uses a Tremec T56 six-speed mounted at the back of the car.Many cars are available today with six-speeds, including the Mazda Miata, Porsche Boxster S and 911, Dodge Viper, Mercedes-Benz SLK320, Honda S2000, Toyota Celica GT-S and many others. Some of these gearboxes provide radical 50-percent (0.50:1) sixth-gear overdrives such as in the Viper and Corvette, while others provide tightly spaced gear ratios like in the S2000 and Celica for spirited backroad performance driving. While the bigger cars mentioned above such as the Viper and Vette often have two overdrive ratios(fifth and sixth)the smaller cars like the Celica and S2000 usually have one overdriven gear ratio(sixth) and fifth is 1:1.Clearly a slick-shifting manual transmission is one of the main components in a fun-to-drive car, along with a powerful engine,confidence-inspiring suspension and competent brakes.附录B.手动变速器相对于自动变速箱的车手动变速箱汽车开起来有更好的驾驶乐趣这是众所周知的。

吉林化工学院外文翻译手动变速箱MANUAL GEARBOXES性质: 毕业设计□毕业论文教学院:机电工程学院系别:机械设计制造及其自动化学生学号:09410235学生姓名:韩东君专业班级:机自0902指导教师:田爱华职称:教授起止日期:2013.3.4~2013.3.20吉林化工学院Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology手动变速箱1.手动变速箱分类变速箱的分类通常根据参与传输运动齿轮的数目。
Lesson 9 Manual transmission 手动变速器

The input shaft is connected to the 9__f_l_y_w_e_e_l___ via a clutch so that it Input shaft can be 10___en__g_a_g_ed__ or disengaged through the mechanism of the clutch.
come in two types: 3____m__a_n_u_a_l____ and 4_____a_u_to_m__a_t_ic____.
In a manual transmission, the driver must 5____m__a_n_u_a_l_ly_____ selects Manual gears by operating a gear shift lever and a 6____c_l_u_tc_h_______ when transmission changing gears. The major parts of a manual transmission are an
( T ) 4. The counter shaft is driven by the input shaft through a pinion gear. ( T ) 5. The output sபைடு நூலகம்aft carries the power on to the wheels.
2 Fill in the blanks with the missing words.
In a manual transmission, the driver must manually selects gears by operating a gear shift(selector) lever and a clutch when changing gears. Proper gear selection improves the driveability but it also requires the driver to accept some training. When driving slowly, the driver can stay in a lower gear and avoid damaging the engine. When he must move more quickly, the driver can switch gears to a higher level.


5)snap ring:
In the card bad, the function of the slider pressure to engage set, make its raised ends exactly spherical embedded in the joints of central set groove, which has a gap positioning function
1、 Classification
constant pressure
inertial type
To increase strength type
Lock ring type synchronizer
Locking pin type inertia synchronizer
❖ For these reasons, cars need a device that makes better use of engine power and torque. The transmission is this device.
BMW,five-speed manual
定位销 固定于拨叉轴 1
限位块 由壳体定位,轴向固定
Oct. 11(th),2011
TAuhteomviorttuiveesEongf ianmeebriintigoEnnglish
Oct. 11(th),2011
Basic Knowledge of Synchronizer
Lock ring of the corner and engage set the same corner, lock ring has cone within, its spiral groove, so that two after the contact surface, destroy the oil film, increase the

手动变速器(Manual Transmission)是汽车的重要配件,它可以将发动机的输出功率调节到合适的车辆转速,从而满足不同路况和负载需求。

附录外文文献Manual transmission is the most basic of transmission of a type, its effect is changing, and provide the transmission reverse and neutral. Usually, the pilot on the clutch pedal through manipulation and in any HuanDangGan can choose between gear. There are a few manual transmission, such as motorcycles, cars, some transmission shift transmission allows only sequence, the transmission is called sequence shift transmission. In recent years, along with the electronic control components durability, computerized automatic switching clutch automatic shift of transmission in Europe since the start line are more and more popular, car Volkswagen and ford are sold in the city on the double clutch provide updated generation, transmission from the start with two clutches, every shift automatically switch to another group of clutch engagement, need not as quick as traditional in manual have only one group separated again clutch engagement, shifting speed is faster, more small change gear vibration.Internal structure: shaftDecorate a form of transmission shaft type usually have two and three shaft type two kinds. Usually a rear wheel drive car will adopt three axis type, i.e. input shaft transmission, the output shaft and oart. Input shaft front associated with engine, borrow clutch output shaft back-end through the flange and universal transmission device connected.Input shaft and the output shaft in the same horizontal line, with their oart parallel arrangement. From the input shaft power through the gears to preach to the output shaft oart again. In many input and output shaft transmission shaft could engage in together, so to power, then the gear oart called directly. Direct files through uniaxial transmission, the ratio of 1:1, the highest transmission efficiency. Even in the transmission directly, cannot offer the input shaft, and the output shaft is decorated in a straight line to reduce work needed to inherit the torque transmission.Reversing deviceGenerally speaking, the reverse gear reducer than can alsosynchronizerIn synchronized meshing gears have type synchronizer Settings, can make two gear engagement in the first, before the speed reached synchronizer in all of this manual gear transmission of the car has been usedClutch,The clutch is can make two gear with a separate with mechanical parts, two gear transmission power can be combined, but when to speed, so will depend on the first two gear clutch, change gear ratio, the two gear transmission power, continue again Control:GearIn simple terms, the high speed, low speed ShengDang when the time cameEvery car high speedCompared with automatic transmissionThis refers to the automatic transmission of traditional hydraulic transmission, namely through hydraulic torque converter and planetary gear transmission power automatic transmission.Advantages: transmission efficiency than automatic gearboxes for high, of course, theoretically can compare economical.maintenance will be cheaper than transmission.If you want to higher cost, can begin from both the row of convenience and high power附录外文文献的中文翻译手动变速器是汽车变速器中最基本的一种类型,其作用是改变传动比,并提供倒档和空档。
手动 自动 双离合变速器等介绍DCT DSG


Manual Transmission BasicsIt's no secret that cars with manual transmissions are usually more fun to drive than their automatic-equipped counterparts. If you have even a passing interest in the act of driving, then chances are you also appreciate a fine-shifting manual gearbox. But how does a manual trans actually work? With our primer on automatics(or slushboxes, as detractors call them) available for your perusal, we thought it would be a good idea to provide a companion overview on manual trannies, too.A brief history lesson shows that manual transmissions preceded automatics by several decades. In fact, up until General Motors offered an automatic in 1938, all cars were of the shift-it-yourself variety. While it's logical for many types of today's vehicles to be equipped with an automatic -- such as a full-size sedan, SUV or pickup -- the fact remains that nothing is more of a thrill to drive than a tautly suspended sport sedan, sport coupe or two-seater equipped with a precise-shifting five- or six-speed gearbox. It's what makes cars such as a Corvette, Mustang, Miata or any BMW sedan or coupe some of the most fun-to-drive cars available today.We know which types of cars have manual trannies. Now let's take a look at how they work. From the most basic four-speed manual in a car from the '60s to the most high-tech six-speed in a car of today, the principles of a manual gearbox are the same. The driver must shift from gear to gear. Normally, a manual transmission bolts to a clutch housing (or bell housing) that, in turn, bolts to the back of the engine. If the vehicle has front-wheel drive, the transmission still attaches to the engine in a similar fashion but is usually referred to as a transaxle. This is because the transmission, differential and drive axles are one complete unit. In a front-wheel-drive car, the transmission also serves as part of the front axle for the front wheels. In the remaining text, a transmission and transaxle will both be referred to using the term transmission.The function of any transmission is transferring engine power to the driveshaft and rear wheels (or axle halfshafts and front wheels in a front-wheel-drive vehicle). Gears inside the transmission change the vehicle's drive-wheel speed and torque in relation to engine speedand torque. Lower (numerically higher) gear ratios serve as torque multipliers and help the engine to develop enough power to accelerate from a standstill.Initially, power and torque from the engine comes into the front of the transmission and rotates the main drive gear (or input shaft), which meshes with the cluster or counter shaft gear -- a series of gears forged into one piece that resembles a cluster of gears. The cluster-gear assembly rotates any time the clutch is engaged to a running engine, whether or not the transmission is in gear or in neutral.There are two basic types of manual transmissions. The sliding-gear type and the constant-mesh design. With the basic -- and now obsolete -- sliding-gear type, nothing is turning inside the transmission case except the main drive gear and cluster gear when the trans is in neutral. In order to mesh the gears and apply engine power to move the vehicle, the driver presses the clutch pedal and moves the shifter handle, which in turn moves the shift linkage and forks to slide a gear along the mainshaft, which is mounted directly above the cluster. Once the gears are meshed, the clutch pedal is released and the engine's power is sent to the drive wheels. There can be several gears on the mainshaft of different diameters and tooth counts, and the transmission shift linkage is designed so the driver has to unmesh one gear before being able to mesh another. With these older transmissions, gear clash is a problem because the gears are all rotating at different speeds.All modern transmissions are of the constant-mesh type, which still uses a similar gear arrangement as the sliding-gear type. However, all the mainshaft gears are in constant mesh with the cluster gears. This is possible because the gears on the mainshaft are not splined to the shaft, but are free to rotate on it. With a constant-mesh gearbox, the main drive gear, cluster gear and all the mainshaft gears are always turning, even when the transmission is in neutral.Alongside each gear on the mainshaft is a dog clutch, with a hub that's positively splined to the shaft and an outer ring that can slide over against each gear. Both the mainshaft gear and the ring of the dog clutch have a row of teeth. Moving the shift linkage moves the dog clutch against the adjacent mainshaft gear, causing the teeth to interlock and solidly lock the gear to the mainshaft.To prevent gears from grinding or clashing during engagement, a constant-mesh, fully "synchronized" manual transmission is equipped with synchronizers. A synchronizertypically consists of an inner-splined hub, an outer sleeve, shifter plates, lock rings (or springs) and blocking rings. The hub is splined onto the mainshaft between a pair of main drive gears. Held in place by the lock rings, the shifter plates position the sleeve over the hub while also holding the floating blocking rings in proper alignment.That's the basics on the inner workings of a manual transmission. As for advances, they have been extensive over the years, mainly in the area of additional gears. Back in the '60s, four-speeds were common in American and European performance cars. Most of these transmissions had 1:1 final-drive ratios with no overdrives. Today, overdriven five-speeds are standard on practically all passenger cars available with a manual gearbox.Overdrive is an arrangement of gearing that provides more revolutions of the driven shaft (the driveshaft going to the wheels) than the driving shaft (crankshaft of the engine). For example, a transmission with a fourth-gear ratio of 1:1 and a fifth-gear ratio of 0.70:1 will reduce engine rpm by 30 percent, while the vehicle maintains the same road speed. Thus, fuel efficiency will improve and engine wear will be notably reduced. Today, six-speed transmissions are becoming more and more common. One of the first cars sold in America with a six-speed was the '89 Corvette. Designed by Chevrolet and Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen (ZF) and built by ZF in Germany, this tough-as-nails six-speed was available in the Corvette up to the conclusion of the '96 model year. Today, the Corvette uses a Tremec T56 six-speed mounted at the back of the car.Many cars are available today with six-speeds, including the Mazda Miata, Porsche Boxster S and 911, Dodge Viper, Mercedes-Benz SLK350, Honda S2000, BMW 3-Series and many others. Some of these gearboxes provide radical 50-percent (0.50:1) sixth-gear overdrives such as in the Viper and Corvette, while others provide tightly spaced gear ratios like in the S2000 and Miata for spirited backroad performance driving. While the bigger cars mentioned above such as the Viper and Vette often have two overdrive ratios (fifth and sixth) the smaller cars like the Celica and S2000 usually have one overdriven gear ratio (sixth) and fifth is 1:1.Clearly a slick-shifting manual transmission is one of the main components in a fun-to-drive car, along with a powerful engine, confidence-inspiring suspension and competent brakes. For more information on a manual transmission's primary partner component, check out our basic primer on clutches and clutch operation.附录B 文献翻译手动变速器基础汽车手动变速器相比于自动变速器的驾驶装备来说,在驾驶方面拥有更多的乐趣,这已不再是什么秘密了。
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附录附录A.Manual TransmissionIt’s no secret that cars with manual transmissions are usually more fun to drive than the automatic-equipped counterparts. If you have even a passing interest in the act of driving, then chances are you also appreciate a fine-shifting manual gearbox. But how does a manual transmission actually work?A history hows that manual transmissions preceded automatics by several decades. In fact,up until General Motors offered an automatic in 1938, all cars were of the shift-it-yourself variety. While it’s logical for many types of today’s vehicles to be equipped with an automatic――such as a full-size sedan, SUV or pickup――the fact remains that nothing is more of a thrill to drive than a tautly suspended sport sedan, snort coupe or two-sealer equipped with a precise-shifting five-or six-speed gearbox.We know whicn types or cars have manual trannies. Now let’s take a loo k at how they work. From the most basic four-speed manual in a car from the’60s to the most high-tech six-speed one in a car of today, the principles of a manual gearbox are the same. The driver must shift from gear to gear. Normally, a manual transmission bolts to a clutch housing (or bell housing), in turn, bolts to the back of the engine. If the vehicle has front-wheel drive, the transmission still attaches to the engine in a similar fashion but is usually referred to as a transaxle. This is because the transmission, differential and drive axles are one complete unit. In a front-wheel-drive car, the transmission also serves as part of the front axle for the front wheels. In the remaining text, a transmission and a transaxle will both be referred to using the term transmission.The function of any transmission is transferring engine power to the driveshaft and rear wheels (or axle halfshafts and front wheels in a front-wheel-drive vehicle). Gears inside the transmission change the vehicle’s drive-wheel speed and torque in relation to engine speed and torque.Lower(numerically higher) gear ratios serve as torque multipliers and help the engine to develop enough power to accelerate from a standstill.Initially, power and torque from the engine comes into the front of the transmissions and rotates the main drive gear (or input shaft), which meshes with the cluster or countersha ft gear――a series of gears forged into one piece that resembles a cluster of gears. The cluster-gear assembly rotates any time the clutch is engaged to a running engine,whether or not the transmission is in gear or in neutral.There are two basic types of manual transmissions. The sliding-gear type and the constant-mesh design. With the basic――and now obsolete――sliding-gear type,nothing is turning inside the transmission case except the main drive gear and cluster gear when the trans is in neutral. In order to mesh the gears and apply engine power to move the vehicle, the driver presses the clutch pedal and moves the shifter handle, which in turn moves the shift linkage and forks to slide a gear along the mainshaft, which is mounted directly above the clust er. Once the gears are meshed, the clutch pedal is released and the engine’s power is sent to the drive wheels. There can be several gears on the mainshaft of different diameters and tooth counts, and the transmission shift linkage is designed so the driver has to unmesh one gear before being able to mesh another. With these older transmissions, gear clash is a problem because the gears are all rotating at different speeds.All modern transmissions are of the constant-mesh type, which still uses a similar gear arrangement as the sliding-gear type. However,all the mainshaft gears are in constant mesh with the cluster gears. This is possible because the gears on the mainshaft are not splined to the shaft, but are free to rotate on it. With a constant-mesh gearbox, the main drive gear, cluster gear and all the mainshaft gears are always turning, even when the transmission is in neutral.Alongside each gear on the mainshaft is a dog clutch, with a hub that’s positively splined to the shaft and an outer ring that can slide over against each gear. Both the mainshaft gear and the ring of the dog clutch have a row of teeth. Moving shift linkage moves the dog clutch against the adjacent mainshaft gear, causing the teeth to interlock and solidly lock the gear to the mainshaft.To prevent gears from grinding or clashing during engagement, a constant-mesh, fully "synchronized" manual transmission is equipped with synchronizers. A synchronizer typically consists of an inner-splined hub, an outer sleeve, shifter plates,lock rings(or springs)and blocking rings. The hub is splined onto the mainshaft between a pair of main drive gears. Held in place by the lock rings,the shifter plates position the sleeve over the hub while also holding the floating blocking rings in proper alignment.A synchro’s inner hub and sleeve are made of steel, but the blocking ring――the partof the synchro that rubs on the gear to change its speed――is usually made of a softer material, such as brass. The blocking ring has teeth that match the teeth on the dog clutch. Most synchros perform double duty――they push the synchro in one direction and lock one gear to the mainshaft. Push the synchro the other way and it disengages from the first gear, passes through a neutral position, and engages a gear on the other side.That’s the basics on the inner workings of a manual transmission. As for advances, they have been extensive over the years, mainly in the area of additional gears. Back in the 60’s, four-speeds were common in American and European performance cars.Most of these transmissions had 1:1 final-drive ratios with no overdrives. Today, overdriven five-speeds are standard on practically all passenger cars available with a manual gearbox.Overdrive is an arrangement of gearing that provides more revolutions of the driven shaft(the driveshaft going to the wheels)than the driving shaft(crankshaft of the engine). For example, a transmission with a fourth-gear ratio of 1:1 and a fifth-gear ratio of 0.70:1 will reduce engine rpm by 30 percent, while the vehicle maintains the same road speed. Thus, fuel efficiency will improve and engine wear will be notably reduced. Today, six-speed transmissions are becoming more and more common. One of the first cars sold in America with a six-speed was the ’89 Corvette. Designed by Chevrolet and Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen(ZF)and built by ZF in Germany, this tough-as-nails six-speed was available in the Corvette up to the conclusion of the ’96 model year. Today,the Corvette uses a Tremec T56 six-speed mounted at the back of the car.Many cars are available today with six-speeds, including the Mazda Miata, Porsche Boxster S and 911, Dodge Viper, Mercedes-Benz SLK320, Honda S2000, Toyota Celica GT-S and many others. Some of these gearboxes provide radical 50-percent (0.50:1) sixth-gear overdrives such as in the Viper and Corvette, while others provide tightly spaced gear ratios like in the S2000 and Celica for spirited backroad performance driving. While the bigger cars mentioned above such as the Viper and Vette often have two overdrive ratios(fifth and sixth)the smaller cars like the Celica and S2000 usually have one overdriven gear ratio(sixth) and fifth is 1:1.Clearly a slick-shifting manual transmission is one of the main components in a fun-to-drive car, along with a powerful engine,confidence-inspiring suspension and competent brakes.附录B.手动变速器相对于自动变速箱的车手动变速箱汽车开起来有更好的驾驶乐趣这是众所周知的。