申请原因:文书的最开始当然是要交代自己的背景啦!要让admission看一眼就知道你递交申请的原因是啥,简单直接的表达会让你的application在多如牛毛的personal statement里成为一股清流,还省去大学招生办不少过滤废话的时间!短短的一段或两段里,小伙伴们应重点解决以下两个问题:为什么申请这个科系:何时开始对这个科目感兴趣?你是否有逐渐加深对这个科目的了解?你如何保持对这个科目的兴趣?你对这个科目的兴趣是否影响了你的未来甚至职业规划?你为什么想要在大学阶段选修这门科目?为什么选择来美国求学:过去有无接触英式教育?如有,何时开始、为什么、是否对你的大学申请选择有直接影响?如无,为什么选择美国大学本科?个人努力:然后,就是小伙伴们向大学证明自己真的辗转反侧、茶饭不思、悬梁刺股、炒鸡炒鸡想读这个系的好时候啦!我:报告大学,我才不是思想的巨人,行动的矮子呢!我可脚踏实地啦!大学:那就证明一波呗。
每年辣么多人申请,我干嘛非要招你?我:那当然是因为——学术篇:上学期间你是如何储备相关知识的=你选择的A-Level(alevel)科目对你理解这个科目有什么作用?课余你是如何储备相关知识的=读过的书、看过的电影、听过的讲座、follow过的节目?平常有没有多看书多读报?近期你申请科目的领域里有没有发生什么大事件?你是否读过相关的报道分析?这些事件如何启发了你?经历篇:(在你到目前的所有经历里找和报的科系关联度最高哒!)你是否参加过任何活动或竞赛?这些活动与你申请的学科有无直接关系?如有,你收获了什么?如无,这个活动对你有什么特殊意义/对你起到了怎样的帮助值得你写进文书?你是否有过任何工作或社会活动经验(包括班干部、学校图书管理员啥的)?是有偿或志愿?如有偿,你工作的目的与对这个科目的兴趣有关吗?如无偿,你认为自己从中获得最大的收获是什么?是否有任何个人兴趣爱好或特殊才能?这些特长对自己/未来对大学有什么帮助?国际生:你认为自己有足够的英语水平应对美国的大学课程吗?你过去有完成过任何纯英教学的课程吗?有无任何证据能显示你具备良好的适应与交流能力(在美国高中参加辩论队会是个炒鸡好的例子!)?附加信息:还有一些关于自己的额外信息,同学们千万记得提供哦!deferredentry:有gap year的计划吗?如有,打算利用这一年完成什么事情?(记得要证明自己并没有荒废青春哦)已经过了gapyear?过去一年都做了什么事情/为自己的大学生活做了什么准备?AS成绩不太理想是否有任何非人为不可控因素的干扰?是否有任何证据能说服大学你的A2预估成绩妥妥的?国际学生这一条真不是歧视。
自述,即Personal Statement,是所有出国文件中最重要的部分,它是申请者最主要的自我包装。
In my opinion, the Financial Engineering is a kind of creative technology to the Financial Instruments, Financial Means and system. It used to balance the benefits and venture as an interesting interdisciplinary subject. It covers many fields such as mathematics, computer science and finance, in which the mathematics and mathematical modeling are the two main aspects of the Financial Engineering. The Investment Portfolio Theory of Markowitz, the capital asset pricing model of the Sharp, Option Pricing Model of Black-Scholes and “Binomial” model of Cox can best reflect the critical position of the two subjects.我有幸选择了数学与应用数学这个专业,在三年和它的接触了解中,使我对数学,尤其对数学建模有了较深的理解和体会。
Ten years from now Tim Dickson won't even remember my name. The unknowing recipient of my undying love for two years,Tim had been everything a girl could ever ask for:smart,handsome, witty, and athletic, with a voice that could make angels weep. Everyone knew his name. To a shy little country mouse,nearly invisible in our student body,he was the epitome of manliness. I sat in my corner of room C-119 and gazed adoringly at his profile as he amazed the class of Modern World History with his dashing style. Carefully planning the routes to my classes to coincide with his, I was his silent shadow.After fourteen months,contrary to my hopes,Tim still was not aware of my existence. Determined to bring myself to his attention, I staged my entrance to his heart with all the flair I could muster. I would breach his defenses at the next history oral presentation in the guise of the dashing Cardinal Richelieu.It was now or never! Striding into the classroom, my head raised,eyes flashing,I stood proudly,the colors of my eighteenth-century costume catching the light and giving me courage. My opening line shook with tight emotion. "Gentlemen, I am disgusted!" My voice alternately lashed out in rage and purred in soft persuasion. I gloried in my elocution. Each word was power. My voice rose to a brilliant conclusion,and I stood with my arms outstretched and my head bowed in submission.Dead silence.My left knee trembled uncontrollably. Why did no one speak?My hands began to shake so I pulled them behind me-like one condemned. My eyes gauged the distance to the door.Then someone began to clap. More joined in. Tim looked into my eyes and smiled. He smiled!Joy, oh joy. My soul overflowed with rapture. I had done it!He noticed me!All the shame,all the worry,and all the castigation melted away in that moment. I knew how to make him love me. I simply had to speak better,sing better,act better, and write better than anyone else. Determined, I joined competitions, played in concerts, and wrote essays that were read in class. When Tim transferred to the A.P. class, so did I. I threw myself into class discussions, attempting to dazzle him with my intelligence and intrepidity. Making friends with his friends, I dogged his steps.The next summer Tim moved away. I never heard from him again. But the transformation in me had taken place. Now I was involved for the simple pleasure of being involved. Challenging people surrounded me. Biff taught me to love. Dave taught me to laugh. Ramez taught me to break my limits. Alit gave me confidence. Whenever I was in danger of reverting to a wallflower,one of my new friends would drag me into another club or activity.In every foray into the threatening world of "school activities,"I still feel an overpowering impulse to run. But although my feelings haven't changed, my actions have. My stomach still tightens when I enter a room of unfamiliar faces,but I walk in. I still want to run from risk and recrimination, but I keep my feet firmly planted.Tim Dickson was the single best thing that ever happened tome, all because he didn't know me from Adam.背景&经历:课业、学术、实习、志愿者、参赛、实验室、发明、发刊、参会、业余活动等等。
美国留学个人陈述如何写 书写注意事项有哪些.doc
![美国留学个人陈述如何写 书写注意事项有哪些.doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/37c60a9d3b3567ec112d8a4b.png)
申请原因:文书的最开始当然是要交代自己的背景啦!要让admission看一眼就知道你递交申请的原因是啥,简单直接的表达会让你的application在多如牛毛的personal statement里成为一股清流,还省去大学招生办不少过滤废话的时间!短短的一段或两段里,小伙伴们应重点解决以下两个问题:为什么申请这个科系:何时开始对这个科目感兴趣?你是否有逐渐加深对这个科目的了解?你如何保持对这个科目的兴趣?你对这个科目的兴趣是否影响了你的未来甚至职业规划?你为什么想要在大学阶段选修这门科目?为什么选择来美国求学:过去有无接触英式教育?如有,何时开始、为什么、是否对你的大学申请选择有直接影响?如无,为什么选择美国大学本科?个人努力:然后,就是小伙伴们向大学证明自己真的辗转反侧、茶饭不思、悬梁刺股、炒鸡炒鸡想读这个系的好时候啦!我:报告大学,我才不是思想的巨人,行动的矮子呢!我可脚踏实地啦!大学:那就证明一波呗。
每年辣么多人申请,我干嘛非要招你?我:那当然是因为——学术篇:上学期间你是如何储备相关知识的=你选择的A-Level(alevel)科目对你理解这个科目有什么作用?课余你是如何储备相关知识的=读过的书、看过的电影、听过的讲座、follow过的节目?平常有没有多看书多读报?近期你申请科目的领域里有没有发生什么大事件?你是否读过相关的报道分析?这些事件如何启发了你?经历篇:(在你到目前的所有经历里找和报的科系关联度最高哒!)你是否参加过任何活动或竞赛?这些活动与你申请的学科有无直接关系?如有,你收获了什么?如无,这个活动对你有什么特殊意义/对你起到了怎样的帮助值得你写进文书?你是否有过任何工作或社会活动经验(包括班干部、学校图书管理员啥的)?是有偿或志愿?如有偿,你工作的目的与对这个科目的兴趣有关吗?如无偿,你认为自己从中获得最大的收获是什么?是否有任何个人兴趣爱好或特殊才能?这些特长对自己/未来对大学有什么帮助?国际生:你认为自己有足够的英语水平应对美国的大学课程吗?你过去有完成过任何纯英教学的课程吗?有无任何证据能显示你具备良好的适应与交流能力(在美国高中参加辩论队会是个炒鸡好的例子!)?附加信息:还有一些关于自己的额外信息,同学们千万记得提供哦!deferredentry:有gap year的计划吗?如有,打算利用这一年完成什么事情?(记得要证明自己并没有荒废青春哦)已经过了gapyear?过去一年都做了什么事情/为自己的大学生活做了什么准备?AS成绩不太理想是否有任何非人为不可控因素的干扰?是否有任何证据能说服大学你的A2预估成绩妥妥的?国际学生这一条真不是歧视。
美国研究生留学个人陈述范文Statement of Purpose - Computer Science & Engineering (SOP)Purpose of Study & Professional PlansThe boundless possibility of trying out and the instant knowledge of the outcome that stimulates one for further analysis of a rationale in question, is what I find most appealing about Computer Science. Keeping up an inquisitive and explorative attitude, I believe, leads to a constant learning process. This approach adds to the already immense potential for innovation that exists in this field.As a student in the final year of undergraduate study for a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science & Engineering, I look to graduate study to refine my knowledge and skills in my areas of interest. I believe it will also serve to give direction to my goal of a career as a research professional at an academic or commercial, research-oriented organisation. I intend to pursue an MS degree in order to reach that goal.Academic Background & Research InterestsIn my undergraduate studies, I have benefited from the breadth of Shivaji University’s syllabi content that has given me a comprehensive exposure to the core areas of Computer Science and a strong conceptual understanding of the same. In these three and half years of study, I have strived to maintain an approach of expending independent effort in all my endeavors. Learning by myself and sharing my knowledge with others hasbeen most worthwhile, when comprehending a concept.Over the past two years, I have developed an interest in the areas of Compiler Construction and Information Retrieval. The Compiler Construction lab sessions last semester required the design of a compiler for C++ programs that were restricted to For loops, Switch case statements and simple input and output. The work involved in this, as well as the courses, Formal Systems and Automata and Compiler Construction, have lead me to appreciate the intricacies involved in this field. However, for my MS degree, I remain open to other topics as well.For my B.E project, I have decided to concentrate on my other area of interest viz. Information Retrieval. I’m attempting to evolve a technique that, when employed in a search engine, will maximize the comprehensiveness and precision of the query listings. The ongoing work has introduced me to a vast body of pertinent research, such as the University of Washington’s Dynamic Reference Sifting technique for l ocating an individual’s homepage, among others. This has served to sharpen my inclination to engage in active research within this area.(Please see attached Resume’ for the Academic and Co-curricular distinctions)One person’s life influences the lives of an unbelievable number of people, one of the most important lessons I learned, being the Head of the Apex Body at senior secondary level (11th and 12th standard). Hence the need of responsible actions. Becoming the youngest Head of the Apex Body ever and the only one to have served for a period of two years eventually turned out to be a confidence booster. It taught me that the basis for good work is self-reliance and very importantly, time management. Not all of my entire two years were devoid ofshortcomings. I learned to accept both criticism and praise with a positive frame of mind. My work involved organising various events, that brought with them the opportunity to work and interact with various kinds of people. This was a distinctively gratifying experience for me, which I feel would stand in good stead in the future, especially in lieu of any teaching experience.In conclusion, I would like to add that the essence of University education lies in the synergetic relationship between the student and his department. I feel that graduate study at your University will be the most logical extension of my academic pursuits and a major step towards achieving my objectives. I would be grateful to you if I’m accorded the opportunity to pursue my graduate studies with financial assistance at your institution and am able to justify your faith in me.(For a listing of all final year courses, i.e. courses not listed in transcripts please see attached Resume’).Statement of Purpose - Civil Engineering (SOP)In this essay I outline my academic and extra-curricular accomplishments. Also discussed are my career objectives and the motivation to pursue the graduate program in Civil Engineering at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst.The undergraduate curriculum in Chemical Engineering at IIT, Kharagpur, introduced me to a wide gamut of subjects, both in and outside the field. Various courses like Mass Transfer, Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena have provided me with a strong footing in the theoretical concepts of Chemical Engineering.It was the field of Environmental Technology which particularly captured my interest. The desire to delve deeper into this subject persuaded me to take elective courses in Industrial(Air) Pollution Control, Non-conventional Energy Engineering and Environmental Earth Sciences. While offering both depth and breadth across this field, these courses put into perspective the importance and relevance of Chemical Engineering and the application of its fundamentals to environment related problems.I came to realize that although traditionally Environmental Studies has been under the domain of Civil Engineering, the increasing complexity and magnitude of Environmental problems have resulted in a growing need for the services of disciplines other than Civil Engineering.During the eight week Summer Training at the Development Consultants Ltd.,I was assigned to the Cement Cell, where I received a detailed knowledge of the cement manufacturing processes. As an Industrial Intern, I was assigned a project on Cement Plant Design (1800 TPD), which encompassed Raw-Mix Design and Capacity Calculations for various equipment. Here, I got aquainted with the Pollution and Energy Conservation problems faced by the Cement Industry and devoted a significant portion of my project to the pollution abatement methods.My final year dissertation was on the Manufacture of Phosphoric acid from rock phosphate using Sulfuric acid (Design of 100 tpd Plant). This covered the design of Reactor, Extractor (for acid purification) and Evaporator (for acid concentration). As a natural outcome of my interest in Pollution control, adequate emphasis was provided to waste gases and waste water treatment which involved off-gas scrubbing (venturi design) and discharge method details, gypsum disposal methods, disposal of fluosilicic acid as waste material and the incorporation of all these in the Plant Layout/flow-sheet.At IIT, Kharagpur, I have received the best possibleundergraduate education in Chemical Engineering in India. Throughout, my scholastic records and achievements have been outstanding. I have consistently ranked in the top 2% of the students of my class, in school, and consider the high point of my achievements as being ranked in the top 1% of more than one lakh students who wrote the Joint Entrance Examination for admission to one of the six Indian Institutes of Technology.Throughout my school and undergraduate education, I have been a keen participant in extra-curricular activities. Getting elected as the School Pupil Leader ( Head Girl) helped me hone my organizational and interpersonal skills. At IIT, I have been involved in the Annual cultural Fest as Head of the Control Tent Team. I have also taken active part in dramatics and made my contribution to the Technology Dramatics Society (English chapter) at IIT, as its member and later as the Governor. I was also the member of the NSS at IIT where I had the opportunity to be involved in it's Literacy and Health & Nutrition Programs. I continue to be a member of the Helpage Society of India, which provides palliative care to the terminally ill cancer patients.The years of undergraduate education have been an enriching experience - both academically and otherwise, and I am determined to maintain the high levels of excellence throughout my career.My immediate degree objective is an M.S in environmental engineering – a rapidly evolving field with an immense potential for research. I wish to follow it up with a Ph.D, to pursue a career in research and experience the excitement and satisfaction of being at the forefront of this vast expanding field.An extremely distinguished faculty, a milieu replete with academic activity, and a graduate program which blends highquality course work and research facilities at the cutting edge of every sub-field are the factors which have motivated me to choose the University of Massachusetts, Amherst for graduate studies. I believe the program offered will help me acquire the versatility needed to reach my full potential as an engineer.It would, therefore, be a privilege to be able to secure admission to pursue graduate studies, with adequate financial assistance at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. I am confident that I will match the high standards set by your university.Statement of Purpose - PhD (Economics)When introduced to economics in high school I realized that it interestingly qualified as a subject of both Arts and Science. It was an area defined by precise rules, principles and axioms and yet there was tremendous scope for self-expression in the form of interpretation and analysis. This facet of economics intrigued me very much and I decided to pursue further studies in Economics.During my Master's program I equipped myself as best as I could, with various tools used in economic analysis. I obtained rigorous training in mathematics, econometrics and game theory. After completing the Master's program, I joined National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, as I was very eager to see how one might use economics to tackle real life problems, where simplified models, and assuming away of problems may offer no respite. I did some very interesting work here, which is described in my resume. I want to delve deeper into the subject to be able to carry out independent research and analysis, hence my decision to join the Ph.D. program at UCLA.International Economics is an area I would really like toexplore. I am fascinated by game theoretic modeling of issues pertaining to International Economics. I believe that game theoretic models can be effectively used in international economics as many policy issues such as negotiations over mutual reductions in tariffs, formation and preservation of customs union s, establishment of cartels in the case of internationally traded goods, all have some game theoretic character.The current "Regionalism versus Multilateralism" debate holds its own attraction. It should be interesting to analyze the trade diversion effects of Preferential Trading Agreements and also their impact on multilateral institutions like GATT. The strategic trading that takes place in foreign exchange markets and the variety of auction like mechanisms that have been used for foreign exchange trade, especially in developing countries, are intriguing.During my graduate studies I aim to equip myself with some advanced tools and develop my analytical and research capabilities. I want to get an excellent command over econometrics to be able to confront stochastic statistical data with exact models of economic theories and also for empirical verification of other models, which might otherwise be set in a partial equilibrium framework. I expect to emerge as an economic engineer and an expert in model building.Econometrics per se, also interests me as a subject of economics and I might like to research in econometric methodology. I want to be an academic economist. I have cleared the National Eligibility test conducted by the University Grants Commission of India, which makes me eligible to teach an undergraduate course in economics in any Indian university.I want to study at UCLA, as it emphasizes on the rigor and analytical tools that are necessary for academic research. I have well-developed analytical and mathematical skills and I want to exploit these skills to the greatest extent. I feel the help and guidance that can be provided to me by the distinguished faculty of your university will be invaluable. I am sure if I am given the opportunity to study at your university that attracts some of the best students from all over the world, it will provide an environment competitive enough to bring out the best in me.Statement of Purpose - PhD Management (SOP)I have completed my four year Bachelor of Technology program at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. I graduated in July 1998 with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Many of my courses and research activities in the final year were in the field of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research with a strong focus on production and operations management.I am presently working in Tata Technologies India Ltd., an information technology firm that is involved in the areas of enterprise integration and CAD/CAM. I am applying for admission and financial aid to the Ph.D. program in Operations Management at the Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University. Detailed information about my academic record and my research and other experience is attached to this statement.I was introduced to mathematics and the physical sciences while at school and it was in high school that I considered a career in this area. The desire to study the applied physical sciences and mathematics prompted me to take the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) for admission to the Indian Institutes of Technology. I was ranked in the top 0.25 % of the nearly1,00,000 students who took the examination.My undergraduate education at IIT Bombay has not only given me a certain set of skills but has also helped me understand my fields of interest and my academic strengths and weaknesses. This understanding has made me realize that though the applied physical sciences appeal to me, my strengths lie in applied mathematics and in abstractions of reality. In particular, I am interested in the managerial aspects of industrial and technological systems. This interest developed during my junior year seminar titled ‘Productivity Management’ in which I explored the relationship between manufacturing strategy and productivity improvement. I continued further research in this area through my senior year project titled ‘Decision Support System for Quality Control’ which sought to investigate various decision making mechanisms in the quality function and provide corresponding computer support. The project also enabled me to appreciate the interaction between manufacturing and the other functions of the firm especially information systems. The reading of certain outstanding books during the course of my research such as Skinner’s ‘Manufacturing in the Corporate Strategy’, Deming’s ‘Out of the Crisis’ and Goldratt’s ‘The Goal’ finally convinced me to pursue a Ph.D. in operations management and an academic career thereafter.My past work in the area of industrial engineering and operations research was characterised by a dichotomy of approaches. The courses that I took in this area dealt with various operational and tactical issues. The basic aim was to understand a specific problem, model the problem appropriately and find an optimal or reasonably optimal solution using the techniques of operations research. This has given me a good background inissues related to methodology, modelling, and heuristic solutions. On the other hand, my research has been oriented towards strategic issues. The basic thrust of my junior year seminar and senior year project has been ‘integrative’. Through my future research efforts I would like to understand this dichotomy better. Initially, I want to study rigorous model-based methods and do research on operational and tactical topics. After gaining a thorough grounding in these topics, I am interested in applying the same methodologies and techniques to strategic topics in operations management.I believe that I have the qualities to be a good researcher and teacher. I am a creative person and often think in a contemplative way about various issues of practical importance. Being able to identify patterns and relationships that are not obvious to others is perhaps my greatest strength. This will prove very valuable because an integral part of being a researcher and teacher is to perceive the balance between theory and practice, analytical rigor and intuition. My communication skills are good and I like expressing ideas and concepts both in oral and written form - an ideal platform for the dissemination of knowledge in my chosen field of specialization.The Krannert Graduate School of Management is one of the best schools of management in the world with a strong orientation towards research. The diversity of research interests in the operations management group is of particular interest to me. The eminent faculty and the individualized nature of the doctoral program will definitely bring out the best in me. I would like to reiterate that I possess the background, the ability and the motivation to make a significant contribution to Operations Management. I hope you will take a favorable decision regardingmy admission to the Ph.D. program and I look forward to joining the Krannert Graduate School of Management and Purdue University.。
美国留学个人陈述怎么写 美国留学个人陈述范文.doc
![美国留学个人陈述怎么写 美国留学个人陈述范文.doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/08e2568be45c3b3566ec8b4a.png)
留学 个人陈述范文尊敬的招生委员会:您好!我谨借此机会向您呈现我的个人陈述,向您展示一个真实的我,一个热爱知识、渴望进步、勇敢追求梦想的我。
美国留学个人陈述怎么写1. 专业你在你的个人陈述和RL里首先要写大量的专业性的东西,并且在写RL的时候尤其要以指导老师的口吻写很多你做实验的细节性的东西,并且说你如何解决了一些决定性的问题。
你可以在写作的时候出一点小错误(当然最好是没有),也许你的辞藻不是很华丽,但是,这些小纰漏都可以原谅,我相信美国大学的录取老师不会就这些表面的东西抓住不放,因为你的母语毕竟不是英语,但如果你对自己的专业一无所知的话,这就不可原谅了!2. 个性我相信申请出国的大多数人都不是牛人。
Currently,a student of chemistry at the Beijing Normal University, I am scheduled to graduate in June 1998 with a B. S. degree. The university has offered, on the basis of my outstanding academic record, to exempt me from the usually mandatory examinations for graduate studies, should I decide to join its M. S. program. After weighing all the pros and cons, I now prefer to pursue my graduate studies with your university, as I think it will put me on better footing for my career.Education at the Beijing Normal University emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience. In the summer of 1995, I joined Professor Tian's team to work o the synthesis of inorganic materials. In 1996, professor Guo made me a member of his research team, which gave me good exposure to unsymmetrical synthesis. I am now carrying out (sophisticated) experiment under the direction of Dr. Wang. Through these arrangements, I have gained good experiences in laboratory research and greatly improved my skills for scientific experimentation. Starting from the beginning of next semester, I will be writing my graduationpaper under the seasoned guidance of professor (zhong kexue), a research fellow from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.As the Beijing Normal University specializes in training teachers, I have also taken quite a number of general education courses, such as phycology, pedagogy and teaching methods. And earlier this year, I was awarded the Excellent Teaching Assistantship for my outstanding performance during theinternship at a high school.I would greatly appreciate it if you could give favorable consideration to my application for acceptance and financial aid.Upon graduation in 1990,I first took up the job of an assistant engineer in a biochemistry pharmaceutical manufacturer, where I was in charge of the development and analysis of several lines of products. I was given the responsibility for VD Calcium Tablet in the first two weeks, as I demonstrated that I was able to do independent research, particularly in terms ofquantitative analysis and microbiology inspection, from five raw materials to semi-made and finished products. As my talents showed up, I took charge of the production and inspection ofmore and more products. Towards the end of 1991, I was awardedthe honor of Excellent Employee in the factory of almost two thousand people in recognition of my contribution to its business.In these six years of working experience, I greatly improved myself in terms of technological expertise. I made chemical and microbiological examinations of different drugs skillfully and independently, successfully developed several new types of cosmetics, some of which merited the designation of Provincial Scientific Achievements. But more importantly, I learned to ask more sophisticated questions and then answer them.The years of being an engineer has taught me how to be a person. I learned to be both a team leader and a team player. Working in conjunction with others, I have always held onto the principle of being honest, modest and helpful to others, whether I was just a technician, an engineer or even the assistant tothe general manager. I enjoy working with other people. I have been well liked by my colleagues. At the farewell parties for me, some of my friends were so reluctant to say goodbye to me that they would burst into tears.While working for the Chinese factory, I was once "borrowed" by a college to teach there as an adjunct instructor for half a year. During those months, I often worked late to checkstudents' work and prepare for the next day's classes. I believe that this teaching experience will serve me well should you be able to offer me the position of a teaching assistant.Nevertheless, I am acutely aware that, in the researchfields I am interested in, there are still so many difficultsubjects and challenges awaiting for solution. In physical chemistry, China is relatively backward in the fields ofcatalyst development, catalyst inactivation, reaction dynamics, reaction mechanism, geochemical reaction mechanism,environmental-chemical reaction mechanism. In analytical chemistry, China lags relatively behind its Western counterparts in areas such as instrumental analysis and theoreticalanalytical chemistry. Basically, China relies on import forlarge-scale analytical instruments. By contrast, the United States has many world-leading academic specialists and encourages interdisciplinary programs. It will accord me a stimulating and liberal academic environment, apart from the sophisticated research facilities. Rice University is my top priority in applying for a Ph.D. program and I choose to specialize in physical chemistry or in analytical chemistry.At Rice University, I plan to learn broader-basedfoundational theories in my chosen fields. With my solid interdisciplinary knowledge and my ability for the quick assimilation of new knowledge, I intend to secure for myself aRA status to directly start my laboratory research under the guidance of my future advisor. I can also work as TA so that I can study while teaching and conducting my internship. I can apply, test and consolidate the theoretical knowledge that I acquire in the process of internship and degree program. Finally, through theoretical study and scientific research, I wouldendeavor to produce a well-written dissertation in which I hope to achieve some breakthroughs on both the theoretical and the research level.。
美国留学个人陈述书写内容一览申请原因:文书的最开始当然是要交代自己的背景啦!要让admission看一眼就知道你递交申请的原因是啥,简单直接的表达会让你的application在多如牛毛的personal statement里成为一股清流,还省去大学招生办不少过滤废话的时间!短短的一段或两段里,小伙伴们应重点解决以下两个问题:为什么申请这个科系:何时开始对这个科目感兴趣?你是否有逐渐加深对这个科目的了解?你如何保持对这个科目的兴趣?你对这个科目的兴趣是否影响了你的未来甚至职业规划?你为什么想要在大学阶段选修这门科目?为什么选择来美国求学:过去有无接触英式教育?如有,何时开始、为什么、是否对你的大学申请选择有直接影响?如无,为什么选择美国大学本科?个人努力:然后,就是小伙伴们向大学证明自己真的辗转反侧、茶饭不思、悬梁刺股、炒鸡炒鸡想读这个系的好时候啦!我:报告大学,我才不是思想的巨人,行动的矮子呢!我可脚踏实地啦!大学:那就证明一波呗。
每年辣么多人申请,我干嘛非要招你?我:那当然是因为——学术篇:上学期间你是如何储备相关知识的=你选择的A-Level(alevel)科目对你理解这个科目有什么作用?课余你是如何储备相关知识的=读过的书、看过的电影、听过的讲座、follow过的节目?平常有没有多看书多读报?近期你申请科目的领域里有没有发生什么大事件?你是否读过相关的报道分析?这些事件如何启发了你?经历篇:(在你到目前的所有经历里找和报的科系关联度最高哒!)你是否参加过任何活动或竞赛?这些活动与你申请的学科有无直接关系?如有,你收获了什么?如无,这个活动对你有什么特殊意义/对你起到了怎样的帮助值得你写进文书?你是否有过任何工作或社会活动经验(包括班干部、学校图书管理员啥的)?是有偿或志愿?如有偿,你工作的目的与对这个科目的兴趣有关吗?如无偿,你认为自己从中获得最大的收获是什么?是否有任何个人兴趣爱好或特殊才能?这些特长对自己/未来对大学有什么帮助?国际生:你认为自己有足够的英语水平应对美国的大学课程吗?你过去有完成过任何纯英教学的课程吗?有无任何证据能显示你具备良好的适应与交流能力(在美国高中参加辩论队会是个炒鸡好的例子!)?附加信息:还有一些关于自己的额外信息,同学们千万记得提供哦!deferredentry:有gap year的计划吗?如有,打算利用这一年完成什么事情?(记得要证明自己并没有荒废青春哦)已经过了gapyear?过去一年都做了什么事情/为自己的大学生活做了什么准备?AS成绩不太理想是否有任何非人为不可控因素的干扰?是否有任何证据能说服大学你的A2预估成绩妥妥的?国际学生这一条真不是歧视。
留学申请个人陈述范文四篇篇一:Personal StatementFor nearly one year, when all other colleagues had gone back home after work or to the bars for relaxation, I kept myself busy with the designing, programming, and refactoring work. When I got home every day after ten o’clock in the night, I would read papers of XXX and continue for seeking the universities and professors attractive to me until one o’clock in the morning. My sense of responsibility for the company made me obliged to finish all the projects in my hands before I leave for America. And my yearning for the free American environment which is easy to inspire researchers’potential made me willing to live such hard life under much greater pressure.Although over two years’ software development work in Beijing Grandsoft Technology Co., Ltd has already helped me accumulateconsiderable experience in software programming and designing and make some achievements admirable in others’ eyes, I, who will be promoted as a senior development engineer, know clearly that only the xxx program in your department can fully exert my strength and make my pursuit come true.I know that I belong to the kind of people who are able to better realize the life values and meaningfulness while doing certain interesting things, who enjoy challenges and thinking and who are always in pursuit of creative ideas. However, the work I was taking up now is almost always repetition of what has already existed. That’s why I gave up the achievement without hesitation. I know that I will be able to master the most advanced technology and thoughts in the xxx program. In such a bright and promising field, I believe I will be able to inspire all my ability in facing challenges, and finally become a top talent to make contributions to the development in the field.Moreover, my studying and working experiences make me very confident in myself to believe that I have got the ability and potential to realize my pursuit. I became interested in computer science in Chongqing Nankai Middle School, a school emphasizing cultivating personal interests. But my unusual performance in the National Entrance Examination failed me for entering the Department of Computer Science of Tsinghua University. Being clear of my interest and goal, I spent quite a lot of time in computer science besides the basic courses required by the university. Although I didn’t gain an extraordinary GPA, I succeeded in transferring to the School of Software. Afterwards, my GPA continued increasing and my foundation in the major was consolidated.I have a good habit in learning and working. No matter how great the pressure was, I would stick to my studies after work. And I finished reading books like Interconnection Networks - An Engineering Approach and reviewed (Introduction to Algorithms, Computer Networks, Database Systems Concepts) twice. Inaddition, I am very creative. I could solve the instability in file transmission by using FTP/HTTP method instead of the original Web Service/COM+ method to cope with different network situations after independent thinking; I could solve the problem of difficulties in managing the patch files by putting the client patch files on the server for Auto update, improving the clients’ satisfaction greatly. What’s more, I am very strict with myself and always keep a heart for excellence. I successfully became a formal employee in advance during the probation period. And I gained the Intermediate Engineer position in only one year which normally took three years by others. At the same time, my strong sense of responsibility helped me never disappoint my supervisors and colleagues even when it was necessary to work overtime continuously or all night.Besides, I can even get enlightened when facing failures. My experience in taking charge of the GCM—Grandsoft Cost Management project can be cited here as an example. In thisproject, we adopted C/S structure using COM+/Web Service as the communication method, and SQL Server 2000 as the database. Although the SQL was optimized and different DB engines and components were tried, the querying efficiency was not improved obviously when dealing with mass data and complex business logics. However, I learned in the course how to improve the efficiency of database query for huge amount of data, how to conduct efficiency test and experiment and how to use the simplest query to realize the huge business logics. In trial use of the Qlikview software of a professional data query company, although I was not able to solve the problem, I learned the BI thoughts to cache data into the memory to improve the application efficiency.However, though I have laid a solid foundation in my years of studies in Tsinghua University and my self-studies during the work, though I have improved my ability in practice and problem-solving, I still lack in theories which can be seen from the above examples. Only practice is not enough to solveproblems completely. The importance of theories can be also seen in my adjusting the tree traversing algorithm. I improved the GCM product’s tree building efficiency by dozens of times after I analyzed the general law of data distribution. Therefore, I am more determined to continue my further education abroad.Having gone through the thinking during thelearning-working-learning process, I believe that I’ve already found what I need. The xxx program will be the most meaningful place for me in my life. The next ten years of concentrative research coupled with my determination to accept new challenges will enable me to become a paving stone on the road of CS development.Master of Accounting篇二:Personal StatementIn 2009, when everyone in China was saving money for real estate investments, I was putting money away so that I could come to the United States and study. This was not a popular decision among my family and friends. Why would I give up a great job and life to travel half way across the earth and become a poor college student again? I don’t know how many times I tried to explain to them that I thought it would be a good investment and that in the end it would benefit my life and my career tremendously. The second reason (and maybe the most important) is that I truly enjoy learning and obtaining knowledge; it makes me feel I am growing as a person and gives me a great sense of self-satisfaction.My grandfather was a respected professor at a prestigious university prior to the Cultural Revolution and both my parents are senior engineers who graduated from the best university in China. Though we were never rich by any means, my parents always made it a priority to take me to museums, bookstores, and famous colleges in their spare time. I loved readingstories about famous scientists, especially those who persisted in their theories no matter how difficult the situation. The atmosphere in my house was one that allowed me to cultivate my mind and find my passion.My decision to major in accounting came from my three-year term as the treasurer of my high school class. There I was responsible for recording, archiving receipts, making the annual budget, and collecting and refunding money for programs. This job transformed me into a patient and organized person who wanted to learn more about financial management. In 2001, I enrolled as an accounting student at the (college name). (college name) is one of the most competitive universities in China and my time there taught me a lot about the spirit of hard work. Each of my last three years at the university I was awarded a level 3 scholarship as an outstanding student. Upon graduation my major GPA was a 3.6 which ranked me among the top 15 percent of my class.To prove my accounting sense and financial management capability I postponed my graduate education and accepted aposition as an auditor at (accounting firm name) Beijing Branch. During my 4-year employment there I had the opportunity to experience the full range of planning, auditing, and reporting. Among my duties there were: (1) the designing of suitable audit methods for clients, (2) using procedures to exam and analyze accounts, (3) evaluating the fairness of financial statements and reports, (4) and providing recommendations regarding improving operations and financial positions of clients.My largest client when I was with (accounting firm name) was (company name). I worked as an auditor of their IPO program and on the first annual audit after that. One of the things I am most proud of is the Revenue and Cost recognition model I created while I was there. It was based on thepercentage-of-completion method and could check for inconsistencies within the data, calculate the revenue of projects, and exam clients’ combination results when there are inter-subcontracts. This model was adopted as the major tool for the entire team of auditors (approximately 100) and to my knowledge is still used in (company name’s) audit teamtoday.My work there not only confirmed my competence in the accounting field, but also trained me into a diligent and persevering professional. More than 50% of my clients were new clients, meaning we had no records in our database to refer to. The challenge of starting from the very beginning is stressful and exciting at the same time. I found myself extremely motivated when I had the authority to design procedures and make decisions. The feeling of success and confidence I gained from serving new clients is the main reason why I stayed with the (company name) team for 20 months. My work there gave me a great sense of self-satisfaction and was recognized by my peers and supervisors. I was rewarded for my hard work by being one of the top paid employees at my level during my last three years of employment.When working as an auditor, the thing that interested me most is the conversion between different GAAPs. My experience of serving publicly listed companies in China, Hong Kong, and the US made me realize there are many theoretical differencesbetween PRC GAAP, IFRS, and US GAAP. The accounting principles adopted by different countries not only show their stages of development, but also express their culture and social preferences. So is it really possible that we eliminate the GAAP difference by implementing IFRS? I am not sure what the right answer is but it is my opinion that the current IFRS employed in Hong Kong is vague and can be the source of many discussable issues. US GAAP, on the other hand, provides a much more advanced and structured approach to accounting. Maybe the US will adopt the IFRS eventually, but I believe that the US GAAP will still provide helpful guidance in the future. Learning more about the US GAAP is one of the main reasons I want to pursue an Education in the United States and I hope to obtain the AICPA license prior to my graduation.I chose the accounting program at the (college name) not only because of its great reputation, but also because of the financial services option that I am especially interested in. Though my auditing experience proved my accounting skills, I also want to learn more about financial tools, such as bonds,forward contracts, and arbitrage. New businesses are relying more and more on the capital markets and having a solid knowledge of financing is a necessary commodity in the accounting field. With (college name’s) financial services option I would be able to take more than 20 credit hours of finance classes, which will help me become much more proficient in the area of financial analysis.After graduate school, I plan to go back to China and consider a career in a new developing industry. The ability to see my accounting and financial management knowledge evolve into a hopeful, healthy, developing business is my motivation for this choice.Although many of my family and friends may not think that coming to the US to study is the best decision, I believe it will broaden my knowledge of accounting to an extent that I could never find in my home country. Also it will allow me to follow my own passion and learn from another culture which will be an invaluable asset for the rest of my life篇三:Personal StatementFinance is the lifeline of modern economy and if there is no finance globalization, there is no economy globalization. Finance globalization promoted to enlarge international finance market; multinational trade species and the scale, to make finance innovative appeared, strengthen international capital function and to play an important role on the resource distribution in the world. With the communication among nations increase and the technology information development, the development of finance tends to globalization. Finance globalization is the motor of economy globalization, finance and economy was one of the important factors for holding for the whole world, information, technology and other industry were developed on the base of finance and economy.The economy strength of a nation decided its place in the world. In the future, the world finance market would present themselves with different styles; non-essential economy began to play an important role in the world, the development of information industry made finance market develop more quickly.Moreover, finance influenced largely on the daily life of common people and made common people more concern the development tendency of finance then before and made out the relevant reaction according to getting information from all aspects, for example, the change of inflation, stock and exchange rate etc. All that influenced common peoples (people’s) lives and economical programs.I began to realize that finance in fact was the different (difference) between microcosmic and microeconomic and macroeconomic knowledge through my learning in the university, and it owned strong practice and was not abstract knowledge. For instance, currency banking, investment and international finance etc. all offered many cases and made me realize the meaning of finance. Then I knew that finance covered a wider scope and researcher needed strong academic background and ability on macro-control by practices and analysis of cases. For example, I acted as a leader of group, each group represents an enterprise and discussed whether open new produces instead of old produces, I told every member to answer for a part andconsult materials, then we talked about them together and found some materials had superposition and didn’t have close logic, even each member had different emphasis and expressions which made me know cooperation was very important in a enterprise. So I held the second meeting to talk about these questions.I asked all members to look for materials relevant to this case respectively and then analyzed them together. During the process, we thought about them deeply and fully, finally we got a best scheme.Through this experiment, I became lover finance major than before, because it not only brought me model and data but also interest on (in) connecting knowledge with practices to make data and model vivid. Even each new idea produced different result. Finance is not a material concept but is social science, which contains a wider scope. I am very glad to involving discovering unknown things in this field. Just like discussion, many members’ thoughts inspired me and we got satisfied results. Finance is a social science which embodied human being is the essential. We could cultivate our academic taste duringthe learning symposia and academic discussion process. In the practices we could cultivate intuition added combination with academic background and mathematic theory; we could understand finance better.So I pay attention to connect theory and practices more than before, in my spare time I took part in social practices, for example I visited “international finance” of newspaper office and “Shanghai stock exchange”, besides I took part in planning for the “second finance year meeting” in Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. During the process, I met many finance people and got a chance for visiting Holland bank. Moreover I often consulted lots of finance journals and website materials etc. In order to connect theory with practices better, I carried on special researches on these problems.For example, I began to research “RMB Globalization problem”and its aim was to review substantial economy andnon-substantial economy how to influence currency international globalization from demonstration and theory angle to help us understand the experiences and lessonshappened on the process of each national currency globalization and offered some feasible references for RMB international globalization. I connected the fact of our national economy development, especially, the base fact of RMB used by some nations around China, through researching the general rule of currency internationalization globalization, to discuss the problem on RMB international globalization process.First, I reviewed the main countries’ currency globalization process in the world, and found that currency globalization must have two basic conditions. The first was rich economy strength; the second was to keep valuta long stabilization. Second, I pointed out RMB globalization was the necessity choice of our national economy persisting development and the benefit of currency globalization according to the impersonality requirement of economical globalization development, and RMB globalization would more enlarge the degree for opening to foreign.At the same time I thought that stable, quickly developmentalnational economy and larger economical scope made RMB of our country globalization strengthens and higher ability against risk, the last part emphasized the process of RMB globalization and the research on keeping away from risk. The process of RMB internationalization was: first implement RMB regional strategy on the basis of East Asia currency cooperation and East Asian free trade, then implement RMB globalization stratagem under many perfect factors influence.But during this process, it was very difficult for me to research non-substantiality economy in China. At present familiar to us, it was the stock market, while in China the stock market system did not very perfect and exist some problems on efficiency, security and fair. For example, I consulted many materials and knew several stages of Chinese stock issue, international paper department how to issue stock and the relative policy and system of stock market, then I asked my advisor how to comment on it and collected some comments of experts on the website. Besides I logged in MARKET WATCH and bought several stocks to do experiment to find out theconclusion that China it was more perfect, so Chinese stock market needed to be improved.Finance is very important in all fields and no other field can exist with breaking away from finance, so the requirements for financer should be improved in the future. Above all, in the future society, the requirement for financer was higher than before, the talent only mastered profession will unfit the future society. Because in China there are limit resources for me and I am impressed by your esteemed university, so I decided to go abroad for my future education篇四:Personal StatementMy interest in finance can be initially traced back to the bestseller entitled Rich Dad, Poor Dad written by Kiyosaki Robert T. and Lechter Sharon L.. Though a ten-year-old boy at that time, I was much fascinated with the economic knowledge conveyed in simple expressions of the book which I read for several times and shared the cases in it with my friends. My motivation to explore the financial world also benefits from my parents both of whom have achieved higher education in finance and engaged in the relevant fields. Having received a rigorous academic training for my past undergraduate study in Renmin University of China, I’m eager to educate myself on an international scale.Finance appeals to me by its extensive and profound nature. As far as I’m concerned, the relationship between finance and economy is akin to that between blood and body. Just as the physical conditions can be reflected from the circulation of blood according to the Chinese medicine, the economicoperation of a country can be judged from its financial status, funds flow, etc. My exposures to the professional courses of Money and Banking, Corporate Financing, Macro/Micro Economics, Econometrics, International Finance, and Insurance as well as the mathematical courses such as Mathematical Analysis, Advanced Algebra, Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics have enabled me to lay a solid academic foundation of finance. Meanwhile, bearing in mind sound interpersonal skills and hands-on ability are the basic personal qualities required of a successful financial person, I availed myself of various opportunities to undertake practices. I began to invest in the stock market in 2007. In face of the frustrations at the outset, I audited all the courses of security analysis and investment on campus, read a lot of financial magazines and newspapers and consulted some professors and my parents.I was uplifted during such a process, not only in money making, but also in grasping the principles and regulations behind the stock market. I value my experiences in conducting research programs which acted as bridges linking my theoreticalknowledge with the larger world where it would be applied. More importantly, I got much enlightenment and inspiration from making presentations, like my presentations regarding the comparison and analysis of appreciations of Yuan and Yen along with the cases of insurances. In these presentations, I tried to arrive at flexible and comprehensive command of complicated knowledge. Besides, I derived self-confidence and sense of joy in immersing myself in the fields where my interests genuinely lay.My other unique assets are attributed to my internships in different units where finance invariably plays an important role. When I worked in China Foreign Exchange and Trade Centre, I gained a full understanding of the trading systems of commercial banks and raised my own proposals which were soon adopted about their function setting. Meanwhile, I found a trader’s work busy but interesting, which allowed me to see my own strength and weakness gauged with the professionals.I had my professional skills and teamwork spirit honed during。
Personal StatementEnergy resources have pushed the human society to develop rapidly, but excessive and inappropriate exploitation of energy resources have on the other hand brought about pollution and energy crisis. This phenomenon upsets me. I have maintained a keen interest in new energy and energy conservation, and have been motivated to probe into them.The development of a solar inverter system is my first attempt to research into new energy and energy conservation, which happened to be the most important project that I have initiated during my undergraduate studies. In this research, I not only applied theory to practice but also figured out my research direction and interest. Considering that there were plenty of postgraduates doing the same research, I innovatively resorted to the Z-source inverter topology recently proposed by Professor Peng with Michigan State University, abandoning the widely used three-phase voltage inverter topology. However, this decision indeed posed quite a challenge for me, because little efforts had been made to study the Z-source inverter topology; I had little experience to draw on. After a thorough consideration, I proposed to design and test the modules separately. In addition, with reference to Professor Peng’s published papers, I preli minarily determined the parameters of capacitance and inductance in the circuit topology. During the project, I employed the simple boost and maximum boost control that were adopted by predecessors to analyze the third harmonic injection. To pursue less switching loss and harmonic output, I emulated an innovative control method with software, to wit, irregular sinusoidal PWM signal control, which had yielded a good result in practice. In addition, I managed to finish a thesis on this control method Non-sinusoidal Injection Control Strategy of Z-Source Inverter. The thesis is to be published in the 2012 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and Automation. Moreover, this project has significantly sharpened my communication and cooperative skills. Communication with the postgraduates was quite inspiring. In particular, in terms of the novel non-sinusoidal injection method, they helped me better understand the limitations of traditional control method, i.e. the more frequent the switching, the bigger the loss. In an effort to solve this problem, we superimposed the three voltages so as to offset bias voltage. After repeated trials and revisions, we managed to make each voltage be completely off switch in at least one third of the cycle and only one bridge arm need to be open during straight-through.The success of the project could be attributed to the theoretical knowledge and research capacities that I have acquired during the undergraduate studies. In those four years, apart from working hard on basic courses such as mathematics and physics, I spent plenty of time learning the specialized courses ahead of the school schedule, acquainting myself with the professional knowledge as early as possible. In addition, I took an active part in practice. For example, in my sophomore year, I built a smart racing team and participated in a competition on behalf of the college. This was a project about car tracking and contestants were required to build a system on our own, including machinery, vehicles, electronics, algorithms and modeling. Soon we discovered that it was almost impossible for smart cars to make the turns smoothly and eliminate jitters while maintaining a high speed. To resolve this problem, I, at first, attempted to determine the value of the steering angle output and differential outputs of two wheels by using the PID algorithm. However, this algorithm failed to differentiate between greater and lesser curvature. Later, I employed the fittedequation of higher degree to calculate more reliable output curve, which, however, burdened the processor with a huge amount of calculation. Ultimately, I conducted numerous tests for each input value interval and drew a table with the interpolation method. By referring to the table, the output value could be determined. In the meantime, I introduced the PID algorithm into each interval to avoid the jitter caused by the numerical jumps and the dead zone of output value being close to 0. From this project experience, I learned to organize and lead a team to fight for a common goal and to make full use of the search tools to collect information. These are skills beneficial to my research. It is also worthy of mentioning that our unremitting attempts to model and modify a nonlinear system have deepened my understanding of the classical control theory and equipped me with some modern control theories. Hence my graduation thesis was about control, named Vision-based Closed-loop Self-tuning PID-fuzzy Control Study.Having accumulated some research experience, I began to work with postgraduates at the college on their programs. For example, I once spent some time doing research with the underwater acoustic communications research group, in which I was in charge of microcontroller programming when the group was trying to build the underwater acoustic communication model. In this process, I gained an in-depth understanding of the principle of this underwater sensor model and read piles of related academic papers. And based on this experience, I composed my first English paper The Study on Robot Control Using Underwater Sensor Network, which was published in the 2nd International Conference on Mechatronics and Intelligent Materials 2012. This is, without doubt, a milestone in my academic research. Additionally, I have also been in the aircraft design team for some time, involved in modeling the nonlinear system and designing the closed-loop circuit of PWM motor-drive control. Thanks to such invaluable experiences, I have learned a great many research methods and enhanced my research capacities.As my learning and research experiences increase, I feel an even stronger desire to explore deeper into new energy and energy conservation. I dream to improve our lives and the environment by devoting myself to relevant research. And now my undergraduate study is coming to an end and my next step is to go further in the field of new energy. Therefore, I am determined to further my studies abroad and conduct research in this meaningful field that I intensely cherish under the guidance of excellent teachers in a better environment. The University of XXX is leading the research of new energy and energy conservation technologies. I firmly believe that studying in your university will bring me closer to my dream. In addition, your university enjoys a worldwide reputation, remarkable teaching staff, sophisticated scientific equipment and courses fit for me. Therefore, I wish to be admitted to the PHD program at your university. Your favorable consideration of my application will be highly appreciated.。
STATEMENT OF PURPOSE’For Knowledge Itself Is Power’. This is one of my favorite precepts and at this point in my life when I am about to complete my graduation and my future spreads in front of me like a dream,this adage has never influenced my life more than this before.Knowledge and proper training are essential to succeed in today's highly competitive world. The best place where I can achieve this is in the United States of America - the undisputed leader in developing new products and processes. Not only is America the birthplace of my chosen field of study, it has also nurtured it for it's full growth and continuous development. T o achieve my goals,I want to pursue a Master's program in Computer Science. It is the ideal way for me to gain the knowledge and skills to stand tall as a computer professional.During my undergraduate studies,I acquired a comprehensive knowledge of computer hardware in all its complexity. I also learnt of diverse software and their applications. The highly dedicated teaching staff of my college taught me the various concepts involved in the field of computer engineering. Some of the subjects I studied were computer graphics,computer methodology and algorithms,logic circuits,principles of communication engineering,C programming,object oriented programming as well as programming using different tools.I take a keen interest in Networking and Database Management Systems. As a part of my final year curriculum, I am working on a project with one of the India's finest web-site designing companies - MicroGiga Info. Sys. Ltd. The aim of the project is to create a web-site. The web-site, called "Jobs4All",aims to provide the user with a job depending upon his qualifications. Various database concepts',programming scripts and the maintenance of a server are some of the features included in our web-site. Some of the products and tools used are ASP scripts, Java scripts, Microsoft Access '97, Personal Web Server, etc. I am also interested in System Programming. For this very reason, I have selected Compiler Construction as the elective subject for my final year.There is truly no end to learning, as this has become a world where a constant addition to abilities is the key to growth in a dynamic world. I am fortunate to belong to a family that places a high value of education. I have been given all the encouragement and facility to develop my talents and interests.I have completed several courses in public speaking and leadership training. Sports, music and reading also fill my life. I was also one of the organizer's for the Open Software competition in TECHNOMANIA '98, which is an inter-college festival annually, organized annually by my college. I am also an active participant in various events held in other institutes.I seek to fulfill my goals in an environment that encourages creativity and motivation. I feel confident that the staff and facilities in your institute will provide me with such anenvironment. I am well aware of the demands of studying in the more competitive American environment. I am certain that I am mentally and physically competent to succeed at your school. I am basically a hard working and a sincere person. My enthusiasm and urge to excel will help me to make the best use of every learning opportunity.In conclusion I would like to say that the knowledge gained from 4 years of engineering has provided me with a solid foundation. This will certainly help me in my desire to specialize in my chosen field. My country India has a thriving software industry. I aim to study abroad and return with the skill and competence to find my mark and be a vital part of this booming,futuristic industry. I assure you of my sincerity, dedication and hard work.最后小编提醒大家,虽然文章已经很全面的解释了关于美国留学个人陈述参考范文的知识,但是每个人可能会碰到不一样的问题,大家还是需要根据自身的情况去合理的对待,避免陷入误区。
美国研究生个人陈述范文1. 美国讨论生申请材料之个人陈述如何写美国讨论生申请材料之个人陈述在美国讨论生申请材料中,个人陈述的作用很重要,对于许多方案申请美国讨论生的人来说,在预备美国讨论申请材料的时候,往往会对个人陈述的写作方法不是很清晰,不晓得如何下笔,下面就来看看在美国讨论生中如何写作个人陈述。
自述,即Personal Statement,是全部出国文件中最重要的部分,它是申请者最次要的自我包装。
1、名片中文名:个人陈述英文名:Personal Statement个人陈述(以下简称PS)是申请美国的大学/研究生录取时由申请人写的关于自我的一篇漫谈体文章。
当然有的学校要求的文章题目不一定叫Personal Statement,如有的学校会让你写动机(Motivation)、兴趣、经历等。
· 自我介绍许多个人陈述都是开始于一段类似邮件的开头,可以采用很多方式增加阅读者对你的关注,比如你从何处了解这个申请的,有何人推荐,有什么人曾经是成功申请成功给你这个信息的,你认识哪位审阅委员会成员等,你所处的地位,你的职位或者学位,你在寻找什么职位或者学位,都要在第一段一目了然的写清楚。
· 详细的支撑段落后续段落应该直接回答任何申请要求的具体问题,结合你自己的长处,你自己的资格/位置,你的团队精神和认证,你的长远目标和过去经验等。
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美国硕士留学个人陈述范文Purpose-PhDManagement(SOP)IhavecompletedmyfouryearBachelorofTechnologyprogramattheIndian Instituteof Technology, Bombay.I graduated inJuly1998withadegreeinMechanical Engineering. Manyofmy coursesand research activitiesinthefinalyearwereinthefieldof Industrial Engineering and Operations Research withastrong focuson production and operations management. Iampresently workinginTata Technologies India Ltd.,an information technology firmthatisinvolvedintheareasenterprise integration andCAD/CAM. Iam applying for admission and financial aidtothePh.D. programOperations Management atthe Krannert Graduate Schoolof Management, Purdue University. Detailed information aboutmy academicrecordandmy research andother experience is attachedtothis statement.Iwas introduced to mathematicsandthe physical sciences whileatschool anditwasinhigh school thatI considered acareerinthisarea.Thedesiretostudythe applied physical sciences and mathematics prompted metotheJoint Entrance Examination (JEE)for admission totheIndian Institutesof Technology. Iwas rankedthetop0.25%ofthenearly1,00,000 studentswhotookthe examination.My undergraduate educationIIT Bombay hasnot only given mea certain setof skills buthas also helpedunderstand myfieldsofinterestandmy academic strengths and weaknesses. This understanding hasmademerealizethat thoughthe applied physical sciences appealtome,my strengthslieinapplied mathematics andin abstractions ofreality.In particular,Iam interestedinthe managerial aspectsof industrial and technologicalsystems.Thisinterest developed duringmyjunioryear seminartitled‘Productivity Management’inwhichIexploredtherelationship between manufacturing strategyand productivity improvement. Icontinued further researchinthisareathroughmyseniorproject titled‘Decision Support Systemfor Quality Control’which soughtto investigate various decision making mechanismsthequality functionandprovide corresponding computer support.Theprojectalso enabledmeto appreciate theinteraction between manufacturing andtheother functionsofthefirm especially information systems.Thereadingofcertainoutstanding booksduringthecourseofmyresearchsuchasSkinner’s‘Manufacturing intheCorporate Strategy’, Deming’s‘Outofthe Crisis’and Goldratt’s ‘The Goal’finally convinced metopursueaPh.D.in operationsmanagement andan academic career thereafter.My pastworkintheareaof industrial engineering and operationsresearch was characterised bya dichotomy of approaches. The coursesthatItookinthisareadealtwith various operational and tactical issues. Thebasicaimwasto understand a specific problem, modeltheproblem appropriately andfindanoptimalor reasonably optimal solution usingthe techniques of operations research. Thisgivenmeagood background inissues relatedto methodology, modelling, and heuristic solutions. Onthehand, my research has been oriented towards strategic issues. The basic thrust ofmy junior yearseminarandsenioryearprojecthasbeen‘integrative’. Throughmyfuture research effortsIwouldliketounderstand this dichotomy better. Initially,Iwanttostudy rigorous model-based methods anddo researchon operationaltactical topics. After gaininga thorough grounding inthese topics,Iam interested in applying themethodologies and techniquestostrategic topicsin operations management.I believethatIhavethequalitiestobeagood researcher and teacher. Iama creative person and often thinkinacontemplative wayabout various issuesofpractical importance. Beingabletoidentify patternsand relationships thatareobvious to others is perhaps my greatest strength. This will prove very valuable because an integralofbeinga researcher and teacheristo perceive the balance between theory and practice, analyticaland intuition.My communication skillsaregoodandIlike expressing ideasand conceptsbothinandwrittenform-anideal platformforthe dissemination of knowledgeinmychosenfieldspecialization.The Krannert Graduate Schoolof Management isoneofthebest schoolsof management intheworldwithastrong orientation towards research. The diversityof research interestsinthe operations managementgroupisof particular interesttome.The eminent facultyandthe individualized natureofthedoctoralprogram will definitely bring outthebestinme.Iwould liketo reiterate thatI possessbackground, theabilityandthe motivationtomakea significant contribution to Operations Management. Ihopewilltakea favorable decision regarding my admission tothePh.D. program andIlook forwardjoiningthe Krannert Graduate Schoolof Management and Purdue University.。