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1.Knowledge is power.

2. Whats mine is yours, and what is yours is mine.

3. Who are you?-It is I.

4. Who is I?-Pinocchio.

5. He is a good eater and a good sleeper.

6. She is quite the best dancer, I know.

7. Bens a good runner; few seamen run better than Ben.

8. What kind of sailor are you? - Im not much of a sailor.

9. I knew I dont express myself properly: Im a bad hand at sentimentality.

10. Our conference has been highly successful.

11. The successful convocation of the national science conference is a matter of great joy for us.

[注1] 除了报刊标题和一些谚语格言省略系词外,一般情况下系词是不可随便省略的。汉语说东方红,英语一定要用系词,说成The east is red. 他很和气。英语要说,He is very kind.,你的表不对。英语不能说Your watch is not correct., 只能说Its not right time by your watch./ Your watch does not keep good time. 他是人民的死敌。英语说He is the deadly enemy of the people.

[注2] 英语中有些形容词只作表语用。常见的有:alive, alike, asleep, aware, fond, glad, faint, ill, well unwell, afraid等等。另一方面要注意,有些形容词不能作表语,只能作定语用。主要有以下几种情况:

1)固定性词组中的形容词。可说He is my old friend. ,不可说My friend is old (或new). 可说He is a complete fool. ,不可说,The fool is complete.

2)作强调语的形容词。可说It is the very man. ,不可说The man is very. 可说This is the only occasion. ,不可说The occasion is the only.

3)起命名作用的关系形容词。可说He is an atomic specialist. ,不可说The specialist is atomic. 可说This is a woolen dress. ,不可说The dress is woolen.


1.Science means honest, solid knowledge.

2. Difficulties and hardships meant nothing to them.

3. Environment means much to a child.

4. Your friendship means a great deal to me.

[注] 除be, mean系词外还有become, make, grow, remain, feel, sound, smell, taste, prove, look, get, go, come, keep等。He has become a communist. She will make a very good athlete. Nurtured by the Party, he has grown into a good cadre

句型[主语+call/name+宾语+宾语补足语][主语+be +called/named+主语补足语]

1.An Englishman calls himself young at fifty.

2. He called

his mother old girl, too.

3. We all call him Iron Ox.

4. We named him John.

5. He is called by the name of Paul.

6. This place is rightly called an earthly paradise.

7. He was named after his uncle.


1.I regard him as a noble man.

2. We regarded it as an honor.

3. Dont treat comrades as enemies.

4. We look on our job as an honor.

5. We look upon our youth as the future of our motherland.

6. He is honored as a model worker.

7. People respected him as a great poet.

8. This room serves as the office. 9. They disguised themselves as Marxists.
