第5章 词汇 翻译的基本技巧

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词义的引申 • 1)A personnel existed for years. deficit has
• 人员短缺的情况已经存在好 多年了。
The EEC’s Common Agricultural policy is a dinosaur which is adding $13.5 a week to the food bill of the average British
In my poor opinion, you’ve made a great mistake. 以鄙人之见,你已铸成大 错。
“Poor Mexico”, an old saying goes,” so distant from God, so close to the United States”.
民主党领导人昨天聚会华盛顿, 开始仔细剖析该党连续三次总 统竞选失利的原因。
1) Rich and poor , black and white, young and old ,Virginians by the thousands lined up last week at courthouses and police stations seeking permits for carrying concealed weapons. The common denominator was fear of crime.
• • • • • 开 灯 开汽车 开 饭 开 枪 开 花 to turn on the light to drive a car to serve a meal to fire a gun to blossom
• 开 恩 • 开 工 • 开玩笑 joke • 开夜车 • 开大收音机
上星期成千上万的弗吉尼亚人, 不分贫富、肤色和年龄,在法 院或警察局门口排起长队。申 请得到携带贴身武器的许可证。 他们这样做出于一个共同的原 因:对犯罪事件不断增加怀有 恐惧。
而他则坐在角落里用普通写 法一字一字写下来。 而他则坐在角落里(将我所 说的)一字不漏地记下来。
When the great filigree iron gates are once closed on her, she and her awful sister will never issue from there into this little world of history。
to show mercy to go into operation to make fun of, to crack a to work late into the night to turn up the radio
吃 药 吃败战 吃 苦 吃 亏 吃 香 吃 惊
to take medicine to suffer defeat to bear hardships to suffer losses to be very popular to be shocked
• 1) That library will stand into the next century. • 那座图书馆将一直用到下个世纪。 Stand这一动词用于人称主语之后,但并不 表示“站立”的姿势,例如:
1) He stands first in his class. 他 在班上名列第一。 2) They stand opposed to this act. 他们坚持反对这条法令。 3) She stood as the party’s candidate in the election.她 作为该党的候选人参加竞选。
那两扇镂花大铁门一关上,她 和那令人敬畏的姐姐就再也不 能象过去那样来到我们这个小 天地了。
The horse knew every one of the forty families that got milk on Prince Edward Street. 爱德华王子大街有40个订 奶户,这匹马知道每一家 住的地方。
Lee Kuan-yew contemplates retiring with a hand on the helm. 李光耀打算退位而依然听 政。
1) Democratic Party leaders met in Washington yesterday to begin the post-mortem on their three successive presidential election defeats.
古巴确实是一个穷国,但 它打算迎头赶上去。
水中缺氧。 The water is poor in oxygen.
The outlook for dé tente is poor over the short time.
He made a poor job of it.
这事他干 得很糟。
The British suburban garden, that most revered of national institutions, is increasingly facing destruction by land-hungry developers.
英国城郊花园是最受推崇的国 粹,现在却不断面临土地开发 商的破坏,这些人急欲搞到土 地。
• 原译:当我们对歹徒身材有 多高都不能取得一致意见时, 一 个警察说:“这很典型”。 • 改译:当我们对歹徒身材有 多高都不能取得一致意见时, 一 个警察说:“真扫兴!”
A spirited discussion springs up between a young girl who says that women have outgrown the jumping-on- the-chair- at-thesight-of-a-mouse era and a major who says that they haven’t.
With what seemed my last hope frustrated ,I slipped into a deep lethargy。
• 随着最后一线希望的破灭, 我不知不觉地掉进了一种懒 怠冷漠、意志消沉的状态。 • 随着最后一线希望的破灭, 我渐渐变得心灰意懒起来。
And he sat in the corner and wrote it down in long-hand.
Mary took me in her cabin and told me that she was a poor sailor and always went to bed immediately on getting on the 玛丽把我带到她的房舱里, boat. 对我说,她有晕船的毛病, 所以总是一上船就上床睡 觉。
所以环绕着它便引申人它相关 意义,“层面”可用floor(the second floor);务“舞池”叫 dance floor:桥面的“面”也 叫floor(the floor of a bridge“桥面”);还有海洋、山 洞等的底部也可用floor(on the ocean floor“海底”)。
• 吃老本 to live off one’s past gains • 吃一堑,长一智 a fall into the pit, a gain in your wit
下面我们通过事例分析来具体 谈一谈词义的选择与翻译: 下面我们通过事例分析来 具体谈一谈词义的选择与 翻译:
Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.
有一句老话说,“可怜的 墨西哥,离上帝那么远, 离 美国却这么近。”
This isn’t only a poor consolation.
汉语释义缩小了英语词义的概 念范围 英语中的一些词经汉语释义后,其 概念范围缩小,如floor,在英汉 词典中的汉语词是“地板”,这显 解压缩小了floor的概念,实际上 它的确切语义应是“房间等的底 面”。
又如stand一词,汉译为“站”、 “立”,好像只是说人的姿势, 其实这个动词除表示人的站立 姿势外,还表示许多无生命物 的存在,例如:
• 1) There stands a house on the hill. 山上有一座 房子。 • 2) The cups stand on the top shelf. 杯子放在顶 层。 • 3) The room stands idle.这房闲置着。 • 4) The house always has water standing in the backyard.这房子的后院里经常积水。
原译:在一位年轻妇女与 一少校之间突然出现了一 场热烈地 讨论。那位妇女说,现在 的妇女已不再是一见到老 鼠就要在椅上跳起来的那 时代了。
• 改译:一位年轻的夫人与一位少 校突然展开了一场激烈地争论。 这位夫人认为,妇女现在已经成 熟起来了,不再象过去那样见到 老鼠就吓得在椅子上跳起来。而 少校的看法则相反。
When Jone was talking about his love affairs, we smelled a rat.
“How old was I when you first took me in a boat?”“Five and you nearly were killed when I brought the fish in too green and nearly tore the boat to pieces. Can you remember?” The old Man and the sea.
1) Malaysia, which posted its highest growth rate in a decade, is the region’s new star performer, with Indonesia close on its heels.
十年中,马来西亚的发展速度 是最快的,它是该地区新出现 的最出色的经济发展国,紧随 其后的是印度尼西亚。
欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政 策早已不合时宜,它要使英国 家庭平均每周在食品开销上多 支出13.5美圆。
Hanoi romanced its Asian neighbors for siHale Waihona Puke Baidu years before winning its membership in ASEAN. 河内对其邻国进行了六年的亲 善努力后成为东盟的一员。
“你头一趟带我上船,那时我多 大岁数?”“五岁,当年我把 一条生龙活虎的鱼拖上船的时 候,那家伙险些儿把那只船撞 得粉碎,你也险些儿送了命。 还记得吗?”
“Typical”, said one cop when we couldn’t even agree on how tall the men were.
第五章 词汇 翻译的基本技巧 第五章 词汇 翻译的基本技巧
词义的选择、引申和褒贬 词义的选择、引申和褒贬
一词义的选择、引申和褒 贬、 词义的选择
现在我们来看poor这个比较普 通的词在不同例句中的含义:
例1、 Cuba is indeed a poor country, but it intends to catch up.
The Department of Justice was reluctant to bring poor cases into court.
司法部不愿意把没有把握 打赢的官司拿到法庭上去。
Other media closer to the scene dismissed Carter as a poor loser. 对此事比较了解的其他报 纸认为,卡特是一个输了 就 发脾气的人。