courseware PPT (Englis
• Introduction to Acquisition • Theory of Channel and Collectors • Techniques of Acquisition and Moxibustion • Indications and Holdings of Acquisition • Case Studies and Practical Applications
Qi and Blood Flow
Qi and blood flow through these channels under the control of acupuncture points, which act as gateways for the flow of energy.
Five Elements Theory
This theory posits that the body's organs are interconnected and influenced by the five elements—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Acupuncture and moxibustion treatments are based on this theory.
Acupuncture can help relieve stiffness or arthritis in the joints.
Digestive Disorders
Acupuncture can be used to treat digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, and stomach pain.
简介:Acupuncture has a long history. Our departments of acupuncture Is the National Key Specialty,the key clinical specialist。
There are stroke specialist, paralysis specialist, cervical and lumbar disease specialist, slimming specialist, clinic knife etc. Acupuncture is based on the theory of “jingluo” and there are countless successful cases of acupuncture treatment.Kinds: many traditional treatment methods: scalp acupuncture, ear acupuncture, micro needle, etc.), needle oxygen therapy, cuppin g, moxibustion, acupoint injection, 肠线catgut implantation at acupoint, acupuncture and pricking blood and 中药熏洗herbal fumigation, and combined with modern rehabilitation medicine of Pt, OT, st and other technical training and physical therapy.The effection:hearth care,warm biood,pain decreases,lose wieght。
The main advantages of treatment are painful diseases,paralysis and others。
Acupuncture 针灸 旅游英语(本)教学辅导课件
The practice of acupuncture (针灸) and moxibustion (艾灸)
is based on the theory of meridians (经络).
经络是人体内气血运行通路的 主干和分支。
经络是运行气血、联系脏腑和体 表及全身各部的通道,是人体功 能的调控系统。
The manipulator will simultaneously feel that the needle is tightened.
The needles are usually left in situ (在原位) for 15 ime, the
The choice of needle is usually determined by the location of the acupoint and the effects being sought.
If the point is correctly located and the required depth reached, the patient will usually experience a feeling of soreness (酸痛), heaviness, numbness (麻木) or tingling (刺 痛).
which manipulations are attained through varying frequencies (频率) and voltages (电压).
A professional practitioner (针灸 师) will always warn the patient
of the possibility of exacerbation (恶化) at the start
• Chinese Name: Jingming (BL 1 ) • Location: On the face, in the depression superior to the inner canthus.
Chinese Name: Cuanzhu (BL 2) Location: On the face, in the depression on the medial end of the eyebrow, on the supraorbital notch.
the 6th thoracic vertebra.
Chinese Name: Geshu (BL 17)
the 7th thoracic vertebra.
Chinese Name: Ganshu (BL 18)
the 9th thoracic vertebra.
Chinese Name: Danshu (BL 19)
《灵枢.经脉》:膀胱足太阳之脉, 起于目内眦,上额,交巅
The bladder meridian starts from the inner canthus, ascends to the forehead and joins the governor vessel at the vertex.
其支者:从腰中,下挟脊, • Your subtopics go here 贯臀,入腘中。
The second branch stems from the waist, descends through the gluteal region and ends in the popiteal fossa.
以下贯踹出外踝之后, 循京骨至小指外侧。
Governor Vessel
Physiological functions :
( 1 ) Regulates qi and blood of
yang meridians and be named as
sea of yang meridians ;
( 2 ) Reflects the function of
Resisting evil qi
In Ling Shu, Ben Zang (Spiritual Pivot, Chapter 47 ) it was recorded that “the meridians have the function of moving qi and blood, nourishing yin and yang, lubricating joints and tendons.” This sentence shows that the meridians and collaterals can ”transport blood and qi to adjust yin and yang”, and since the “nutritive qi flows inside the meridians and defensive qi runs outside the meridians”. The defensive qi is disperse to the skin thereby strengthening the function of defending the surface of the body.
Clinical application of meridian theories
❖ Conception Vessel
2 Chinese massage was developed over 2,000 years ago and was popular in the Tang, Ming, and Qing dynasties.
The Chinese call this therapeutic bodywork tui na(推拿), 3 which literally means "push" and "pull".
Thank you!
Acupuncture is the insertion of needles (针) into the skin at specific points in order to affect the flow of energy.
2 TCM is based on a belief in yin and yang, defined as opposing energies, such as earth and heaven, winter and summer, and happiness and sadness.
3 The ultimate goal of TCM treatment is to balance the yin and yang in our lives by promoting the natural flow of qi.
Small intestine
Urinary bladder
Lung meridian of Hand-Taiyin The three yin meridians of hand Pericardium meridian of Hand-Jueyin Heart meridian of Hand-Shaoyin The three yang meridians of hand
the eight extra meridians the twelve divergent meridians the twelve muscle regions
the twelve cutaneous Regions
Collaterals(luo mai)
• Collaterals(luo mai) means “something that connects” or “a net”. They are the branches of the meridians, thin and small. They run transversely and superficially, and crisscross and net the whole body.
direction of flow and the connecting places
Yin meridian Yang meridian
direction of flow and the connecting places
Selecting points along a meridian
Meridian tropism of Herbs
Yang meridians, which run relatively superficially, belong to Fu organs and connect to Zang organs.
Treatment based on meridian theory
Selecting points along a meridian Meridian tropism of herbs
Tip of small finger
Yin meridians and yang meridians connect in the hand or the foot.
Two yang meridians with the same name connect in the head or facial region.
Hand yin meridians and foot yin meridians connect in the chest.
Exterior-interior relationship
Yin meridians, which are considered relatively inner, belong to Zang organs and interact with Fu organs.
Hand yin meridians and foot yin meridians connect in the chest.
External canthus
Liver Gallbladder
Thanks !
3.足阳明胃经: Stomach Channel of FootYangming (ST)
4. 足太阴脾经: Spleen Channel of Foot-Taiyin (SP)
5. 手少阴心 经: Heart Channel of HandShaoyin (HT)
6. 手太阳小肠经: Small Intestine Channel of HandTaiyang (SI)
11. 足少阳胆 经: Gallbladder Channel of FootShaoyang (GB)
12. 足厥阴肝经: Liver Channel of Foot-Jueyin (LR)
(二)奇经八脉: Eight Extra Channel
1. 督脉: Governor Vessel (GV)
2. 任脉: Conception Vessel (CV)
3. 冲脉: The Penetrating Vessel 4. 带脉: The Belt Vessel
5. 阳跷脉: The Yang Heel Vessel 6. 阴跷脉: The Yin Heel Vessel
7.阳维脉: The Yang Link Vessel 8.阴维脉: The Yin Link Vessel
Hale Waihona Puke 7. 足太阳膀胱经: Bladder Channel of Foot-Taiyang (BL)
8. 足少阴肾经: Kidney Channel of Foot-Shaoyin (KI)
9. 手厥阴心包经: Pericardium Channel of HandJueyin (PC)
10. 手少阳三焦 经: Triple Energizer Channel of Hand-Shaoyang (TE)
New quintessence of chinese culture
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Acupuncture and moxibustion
introduction history kinds effection
. introduction
Acupuncture is the needle under the guidance of Chinese medicine theory according to certain angle pierce into the body of the patient, use of twisting and lifting and thrusting manipulation(操作 处理) of acupuncture to stimulate (刺激) a specific part of the body, so as to achieve the purpose of treating disease.
. history
Originated in t China and has a long history. Acupuncture originated in the period of Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns legend(三皇五 帝), legend has it that Fu Xi(伏羲) invented acupuncture ", he tasted the medicine and preparation nine(“尝百药而 制九针)
Composition of meridian system
• longitudinal trunk parts of the meridian system
• the branches of meridians
In this way meridians and collaterals form a network connecting all parts of the body, including the viscera, five sensory organs, mine orifices, four limbs and skeleton, into an organic whole.
Fu Large intestine
Hand/ foot
Heart Pericard ium Spleen
Small intestine
Sanjiao Stomach Bladder Gall bladder
Kidney Liver
Direction and Distribution of the twelve meridians
Definition and function of meridians
Qi Yang
The Meridians Doctrine
In the theory of TCM, the meridians , or channels carry and distribute Qi and blood to all parts of the body, connect the organs, limbs and joints.
acupuncture and moxibustionZHANGຫໍສະໝຸດ LI JUNquestion
◎ question 1: What is acupuncture and moxibustion ?
◎ question 2: How acupuncture and moxibustion treats disease?
• Moxibustion with moxa cone Direct moxibustion Indirect moxibustion
• Moxibustion with moxa roll • Moxibustion with warmed needles
Moxibustion with warmed needles
• Acupuncture :use the neddles to stimulat
some place (points)
on the body.
Answer1-- moxibustion
• Moxibustion is a therapy used to treat and prevent diseases by applying burning moxa to stimulate the human body surface.
Answer1-- Acupuncture
• It originated in the Stone Age, “bian shi” ,is a kind of stone ,is the earliest needle。
• The word "acupuncture" is derived from the Latin words "acus" (needle) and "punctura" (penetration).
acupunctureIII中医英语 34页PPT文档
Acupuncture Point
• 《千金方》 “有阿是之法,言人有病痛,即令 捏其上,若里当其处,不问孔穴,即得便快成 痛处,即云阿是,灸刺皆验,故曰阿是穴也”。
Ah Shi
Terms for Describing Body Position
• anterior • posterior
• Acupressure is applying finger force on a definite pressure point or area with the intent of clearing these obstructions.
• In applying pressure to the points the stagnation is forced to escape and circulation can set in again.
• acute sinusitis • acute rhinitis • common cold • acute tonsillitis • acute bronchitis • bronchial asthma
Gastrointestinal Disorders
• Hiccups • Gastritis • Gastric Hyperacidity • Ulcers • Colitis • Constipation • Diarrhea • Paralytic ileus
Neurological and Musculoskeletal Disorders
acupuncture and its related treatments? • What are acupuncture and its related
5. 三阴交(SANYINJIAO)足太阴脾经
【主治】下肢萎痹,脚气,腹胀, 腹泻,月经不调,带下, 阴挺不孕,遗精,阳痿, 遗尿,疝气,失眠。
【操作】直刺1 ~ 1.5寸,孕妇禁针 。
6. 神门(SHENMEN)手少阴心经
【定位】腕横纹,尺侧腕屈肌腱的桡侧凹 陷中。
平第四腰椎。 动态标志,如张口耳屏中点与下颌关节之间取听宫。
将人体不同部位的 长度或宽度,分别规 定为一定等分,每一 等分称为一寸,作为 量取腧穴的标准。
中指同身寸: 是以患者的中指中节屈曲时
内侧两端横纹头之间作为1寸, 一般用于四肢取穴的直寸和背部 取穴的横寸。
【主治】头痛,眩晕,目赤肿痛,鼻 衄,耳鸣,癫痫,中风,热
病等。 【操作】针尖微下,向鼻尖斜刺
0.8~ 1.2寸。或刺透风府穴。
14. 太冲(TAICHONG)足厥阴肝经
【操作】直刺0.5 ~ 0.8寸。
10. 太溪(TAIXI)足少阴肾经
【定位】内踝高点与跟腱之间凹陷中。 【主治】月经不调,遗精,阳痿,小便频数,便
秘,消渴,腰痛,耳聋,耳鸣,咽痛,齿 痛等。 【操作】直刺0.5 ~ 1寸。
11. 内关(NEIGUAN)手厥阴心包经
【定位】腕横纹上2寸,掌长肌腱与 桡侧腕屈肌腱之间。
【主治】胃痛,呕吐,心痛,心悸, 胸闷癫痫, 热病,失眠,眩晕,偏头痛,
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一般的说法是说由孙中山先生总结了最 具代表性的四大国粹:中国京剧、中国国画、 中国医学、中国烹饪。 说及四大国粹,其内容确实不一,并无 统一的标准。有中国京剧,中国国画,中国 医药,中国烹饪 。也有说其一是中国武术。
谢 谢 !
针 灸 的 核 心 理 论源自针灸学是中医学的重要组成部分,经络学说是中医基本理论 的重要内容,是针灸学的理论核心。经络不仅具有明确的生理和 病理意义,而且也具有明确的诊断、辨证和治疗意义。 针灸疗法不同于中药,它属于外治法,是以腧穴为作用点, 以经络为通路,通过补虚泻实的不同方法来调节脏腑经络气血以 平衡阴阳的,其应用与取得疗效的基础和关键是经络学说的相关 理论。虽然在针灸疗法的应用过程中也要遵循中医辨证论治的原 则,但辨证的侧重点与中医内科并不一样,中医内科的辨证体系 难以体现针灸理论和治疗的特色。对于针灸而言,指导临床的理 论核心是经络学说,辨证体系应当是经络辨证为主结合其他的辨 证方法。 中医理论认为经络内属脏腑、外络肢节,具有运行气血、协 调阴阳、抗御病邪、反映证候及传导感应等生理功能。梁繁荣认 为,构建针灸临床辨证施治体系首先要以经络辨证为主线。 经络辨证是针灸临床中以经络学说和脏腑理论为指导的一种 特有的辨证方法,是针灸临床辨证论治体系的核心和主体。由于 针灸疗法属于外治法,在辨证论治的过程中要十分重视辨别部位 ,应以部位辨证为重点,部位辨证就是直接按病变部位作为依据 ,来辨证是哪一条经脉的病症,为针灸选穴治疗提供依据。同时 ,构建针灸临床辨证施治体系还应以八纲辨证为指导,以脏腑辨 证为补充,并在临证时重视腧穴特异性的运用 。
acupoint acupuncture point
腧穴是人体脏腑经络之气输注于体表的 部位,是针灸治疗疾病的刺激点与反应点。 腧与“输’通,有转输、输注的含义;“穴” 即孔隙。所以,腧穴的本义即是指人体脏腑 经络之气转输或输注于体表的分肉腠理和骨 节交会的特定的孔隙。分为经穴、经外奇穴 和阿是穴、耳穴四类。功能输注脏腑经络气 血,沟通体表与体内脏腑的联系。
acupuncture and moxibustion
来可盲立灸后支系使位上现以医化文疾针 解用实临的恶持进用的尚代改学遗组病刺 释安验床效心针行者存未科善理产织的或针 。慰不关用的灸实并在发学经论代认方火灸 剂适系极效可践非,现从络,表定法灸是 效当,其用以。依且气组中通作的,人在 应的并微。缓当据部、织的过之人是体中 或结且弱有解代传分经学气刺一类联穴医 发果可不人疼科统当络和的激。非合位学 表,能足质痛学理代或生流穴根物国来中 偏亦是以疑与研论针者理向位据质教治采 倚或双建针术究体灸穴学。可中文科疗用